THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER ' 27, 1912. 2 FOR 8ALl&-irOUSE8 - 01 i. B Room Houses-Snap New modern l-room house on i East 35th at.; double construction throughout, hardwood floors, with all built-in conveniences. Including , bookcases, ohlna closet and beamed celling; fireplace furnace. with hot water coll, beautiful flx i ' tures shades, cement basement, - laundry trays, '1nV,gH& ' cellar; fas and electrlo llghte. ,' sewer, hard surface street beau V tlful lawn with roses. This prop- erty cost the owner $8000. but will . sell for 15000 and give terms. For particulars sea , The Lawrence Co., 171 4th St. ' Between Morrison and Yamhill. Main 15. A-2816. THECKLA BRIGHT Sells Her Own Property and Will Build You a Home for $10 Down $10 Per Month - THECKLA BRIGHT CO,, Lents, Or, Phone Tabor 4249 .-. - 'look for the Sign" Sunnyside Home Modern 5 room cottage, been 1 Ikullt four or five years and Is In . good condition; S3 1-3x100 lot, cor , ner Kaat 7th at Price, including balance dua on bonded lndebted- ness for paving street, $3600. - Terma 11200 to $1600 down, bal- ance monthly. Uho Shaw-Fear Company, Xlaln 5. 10S Fourth St. A-SSOO . " " NICE HOMO. " Modern room house la Piedmont, large reception hall, living room, din Ing room, Dutch kitchen ana 1 bed room on first floor. J large bedrooms and storeroom on aecond floor; full cement basement, furnace; on corner 60 XI 00 ft. near ear, paved atreet Price $4600, which la less than cost; some 'Tit r. PALMEn-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bide. Phonea Main 899, A-i86S. Brand naw, t room bungalow, flx itures, ahadea, hard wood floora and modern in every respect. One block from llawthorne ave. Good location. $3x54. $360 cash, balance terms. Owner, S6 Tfy. ETch. bldg., Ml. 8674. FORCED, THAT'S ALL " . LAST CHANCE (WA titHli WOMB BROKEN. Now $2960 H. Strictly modern la detaiL year old and a beauty. Sightly 60x102 corner; house 10x43. axclualve of porches, etc. Terma considered. Owner, 671 Emerson st corner East 18th North. (Alberta car, yiorth 3 blocks). $50 Cash, $20 Per Month $3000 1 room modern bungalow, on W-W car llnt Has nice. bath. Dutch " ' kltohen, paneled dining ro6m, built In ' china closet, full cement basement, - atreeta graded, cement walks all paid I for. or will take a good lot as part pay I tnent F. A. BEARD A CO., . .' $1$ Oerllnger Bldg.. 3d and Alder. A Snap 1 For a few hundred down I will sell my modern 7 room home in Rose City. Has hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, etc, leeplng porch. Now $3800; dropped from $42i0. Fine view, nice lawn and trees, -call Tabor 6ZQ. A RAHGAIN AT 33150 - Brand new artistically well built 7 room bungalow, with built in convenl- ' ences, Dutoh kitchen, fireplace, stand ard plumbing, attic, cement floor In "basement; corner 161, i blocks from Sunnyside or Mt. Tabor carllne, a small payment down, balance $20, and Interest monthly. Paul Waidt, 1267 Belmont nt. Call. Sunday. SEVEN room house, all rooms large and light, cabinet kitchen, fireplace, lots of fruit and large walnut trees, lot 100 by 100. 4 blocks to car, 14 minutes to center of city, west side, fine view of Tualatin valley and Mount liood, 13100. 3600 cash, balance to suit 1 PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS, 2d Floor Belling Hlflg, - --- Hawthorne District New modern 6 room bungalow on raved streets, a beauty at $2,100; easy terms; modern in all particulars. Fine location. You must see this one to -appreciate 4t. - For full -particulars and appointment phono 'tabor til. SEVEN rooms and bath on Hawthorne ave.: lot 50x100. this is a fine home, ; nicely located with good surrounding; next to corner and on carllne; all street Improvements In and paid; price $6300; easy terms. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS, id Floor Belling Bldg. FOR SALE Modern 3 room house on Garfield ave., Highland, between Magley and Alberta eta., $4500. This Is $600 below value. $100 0 tlown, easy , terms, buy of owner, and you net the commission. Mrs. Le Ana Shafer, 4J!) Taylor n. Main 011S. $1S50 BV OWNER, S room eottaffe, both, pantry, basement, rear Minnesota ana Mcacn; lot :ixmmi 15 ft. alley throiiRh block. Will lake lot an first payment. Main 3354, after ( p. in, SACRIFICE to the little man. In fine . new modern hiinKalow, on paved street, with appealing features, Hawthorne dls Irict close to car, improvements paid, $150 canh and only $J5 monthly. Phone owner, Main 31. Room 311. BIX room bungalow in nic neighbor hood, well liiiill 1 iiloi-k lo enr; lint water heat; fine luwn nod loin of roses; must sell and will sacrifice' price $2x.M); pnmll cash payment. '.' 1 '1 Selling' bldg. .NICE home, good investment 4 lots, 25x100, pood hoiiM', a rooms, barn. chicken psrk. electricity, phone, nil fenced, will fell furniture, $;i:"i0. $U0 -down, $2t per month. Tahor "4t!0. $1750 Till price Includes hard suirT face street, cement wnlk, sewer it ml water. A 6 room house, connected with sewer. Tjot 50x102. Very easy terms. Pit tenser, 1 0 r r. Maryland ave. FOR SALE 7 room modern house iu one of the best restricted districts, on easy terms, or will exflmnnw for lots, or close In accrage. Owner, Main 4S41 or Tabor 3531. ' FOR BALISNew modern, nicely fnr- " nlehed 7. room house, large lot, east front Owner 296 E. 72d st. N. Call Vmnrtay or evenings, A snap. : FOR RENT Modern 8 room house on Oarfield ave., between Maglev and : Alberta sts., $i(5 per month. V. w Jones, $18 Helling bldg. Mb in 91 1 R WILL BUILD ON YOUlt LOT r Any sixe house to suit your purse and finance, on easy terms. A. C. Furlong, ' Chamber of Commerce, Main H'ij. $16RO-$100 down, terms, 6 rooTus, incTd ern, ear 860 ft., Mt. Scott car to Woodmer. 7611 81st ave. Owner. ROOMS, new modern bouse, lot 60x 100, t blocks to 4 and 8 minutes- car ' wervlee, $2260. terms. K-36. Journal. XrVINQTON Beautiful new house, on 21st st, $5600. Owner, East FrttNlPHED 8 room house cheap terms. 343 oth St.; Koing to farm No Vfmher 1. Marshall inn, 'tH "BALK $1 6T)o, new modern 6 room bungalow easy terms. By owner. J -8 K. Main. YrLL lot, fenced, two rotrtn ' house, North Overleok, 7$0. Installments, . .WoytfJawa . HAWTHORNE 01 First Payment Beautiful new 7-room bungalow, full cement basement, 60x100 lot, fine loca tion, new surrounding homes. 1 built this house lor a home and no expense Yian hin nuri1 tn make It Derfect III tvery detail; oak floors, fine fireplace, bookcases, handsome buffet, veneered paneling, Dutch kitchen, 4 large bed rooms. This house Is double constructed throughout The inside woodwork Is select grained fir; price only $3300. Beo Call Tabor 451 For Appointment, . Burs an all modern 6 room bungalow, with sleeping porch, cement basment fireplace, bathroom with best of fixtures installed, built In conveniences of al, kinds, Dutch kitchen. 1 block from cur line, choice restricted residence district, natural shade trees, cement walks. lde walks and curbs; lot 60x100 feet, Just enougli over street grade to look bent; house new and In O. K. shape; $3000 buys it .with $200 cash and balance $26 per month. - nr. ....... n ...... mfllO Ik TO Y KV Bti BUM1U AJVU Ssr.l'J IHIB nr-.- rOHB YOU BUY. WE KNOW IT WILL SUIT YOU. .... Chittenden & Neill 810 Oak at, $15 Per Month PRICE $1600 For a new modern 6 room house, strictly first class and up to date con veniences; 2 blocks from carllne. It's a good buy. You'll be satisfied that it la when you sea It, Iheckla Bright OWNER Lenta, 2 blocks east of P. O. Tabor 4249, iiome-ziu. ''Look for the Sign" Home. $2750 Your Own Terms 7 room: modern house: close to school and car, and in best part Of Montavlll district; must sell and will sacrifice for $27oo; whatever cash payment you can make, balance easy monthly payments. Tliia Is a snap for some one paying rent Lueddemann, Ruley & Co, 913 Chamber 6t Commerce. Heights Corner To Trade Beautiful 60x100 corner on the heights located on the eertine, has grand view, ail improvements in, best residence dis trict in the city, one weeK only i3bvv; good lot un to $1600 or 32000. balance any time at t-ptir cent Interest; also In side lot off carllne, $3260, same terms. u-iie. Journal. FOR SALE OR TRADE. ProtTerty cost $12,500. House is built strictly first-class and modern In all re spects. Has 3 large rooms and largo closets to all bedrooms; 2 large bath rooms, with all necessary convenience; corner lot 100x100; good restrloted dis trict. Will trade same for 6 or 6-rooin house to value of about 15000; balance on time. Or will trade for vacant lots. 413 McKay bldg.; phone Main 8973 $100 Cash, $10 Per Month $1600, 4 room bungalow, has paneled dining room, with beamed celling, built in bookcases, fine electrlo fixtures, hot and cold water, lot 40x120, with 20 foot alley, nice lawn; this is a bargain. F. A. BEARD A CO., Ill Gerllngcr Bldg. 2d and Alder. Phone Sunday, Tabor 694. Twe new, modern. 8 room houses ad joining Eastmoreland, which is improved like Laurelhurst. Paved streets all the way, 6o fare, 20 minute ride. Rent for $1 per month or sell for $1100; $26 down $10 per month. H. Atwater, 628 Henry mag. Marshall 8117 FOUR rooms, in excellent suburb, re strictions, built In conveniences, large rooms, fireplace, electrlo fixtureH, shades and tinting; can finish 2 rooms on second floor, new cement walks, shrubs, graded streets and water; east front: $260; small cash payment Own er, 2d floor SeUlng bldg. HEATEST SACRIFICE 1 must fell at once my 5 room cot tage, large, light, cheerful home, full lot east frontage. Phone Woodlawn 1561, C-3467. A Nice Little Home At Milwaukie, 4 rooms, nice garden, 60x100, all fenced. You should see this at once. $1000 on very easy terms. LUKDDKMANN. RULEY aXft, 918 Chamber of Commerce. This Is a Snap 60x128. 6 room house ,4 block from Union ave., for $26t)0; come and see It; you'll say it's a bargain; 407 Monroe st: owner. $50.00 CASH. 4 -room, double-constructed, modern home, near Sandy Road. Price, $140n; terniH like rent. K-D3, .journal. FOR BALE HOUSES miiiE" OW MM Ml Jill I MUST hell ( heap for I want to leave i to 2 carllnes; everything f the stato; 6 room S storv house on ' Price, $-8J0. (Nothing In Portland can car line; modem; lot 50x101), improved ! touch It at Ilia price. You will say bu Btroct; price $26uO, $800 cash, balance j yourself when you see it.) Pay 325 a to suit. Wee 3. Hofstrand, 1378 Oreo-1 month; no other first payment Icy su SL Johns. j aary. A, M, fparios, E. 7th and E, fJH i'ttvn rum i,n,. i.W HftinK ' I ""J1 (M-v car). Office open Sundays. Mt. Scott line, price $4iJW, $140 cash, balance at $5 a month, 6 per cent. He (J. HofMraud, 137 (Ireeley st., Kt. Johns line. FOR SALE Modern house and i ncre of ground; all to bearing fruit, $5500; will buy: small cash payment, balance time. This is a snap. Un Division st. 437 Chamber Commerce. $2800 West side 6 room house; Just built; double carllne; all improvements In and paid for. 16 minutes' ride. Kor Immediate sale at $30 per month. 7:i Hoard of Trade bldg. $160 DOWN. $15 a month. Well built new modem bungalow, 4 rooms, attic' basement, large lot. price $1500. Uwn- e r r3 o I 3 7J I ia v e . , Anabel sta 1 1 o n .' NEW 5 room modern house, lot JoiTTo" SU foot avenue, 20 foot ulley l block from Mt. Scott carllne, $NoO; 00 ciisli. Call owner. Tabor 3571, 7 ROOM modern horse In Irvlngton Park. Lot 60x100, lk ft. alley. Re stricted district. Will srn chvap. Terms, l'hone Woodlawn 9!i0. S-92. Journal. BEAUTIFUL new bungalow at a sacri fice and on very easy terms. Hee R. A. Taylor, corner 4ilth and Haw thorns Hve., $1760 will buy modern 7 room houi, good location, on Improved street, $25o cash, balance time, by owner. D una iurnum ave. ; HAWTHORNE district; modern 6 room bungalow, $2600, $300 down; must go to Ca). A snap. Be quick. O. E. Wal ler, Tabor 2642. FOR SALE or trade My nice 6 room cottage near 31st on Division st Phone H-23UU. SACRIFICE new nioatru.. bungaluw. walking distance; Tine p-iaee.d location must .sell at once. U-99, Journal. FACTORY SITE, 1 and 2-acre tract lust outaide city: rail and wnter. Terms easy. F-90L Journal. I FURNISH plans and build the little. artistic bungalow from $1200 to $1600. East 35, Res, 114 E. 3Qth st. N. . 4ROOM house. Lents, $375 and $150 -ash, l nonthly. OH7, Journal. fll Brand new 6 room bungalow, close to Hawthorne avenue on hard surface t-. i ha. miiAm v.rn,i rceDtion 1 FOR SALE HOUSES hall built-in bnokcasos on each side of Uiont walk and curb in and paid. Busl pressed brick fireplace, buffet, voneered ties reasons necessitate the Immediate paneled dining room nicely tinted walls, sale of this fine property which at the completely equipped bathroom; two large price 'juoted the buyer will find to ba lii'driiotiiH! IJuLch kitchen, full attic and full concrete basement with cement floor and laundry trays. "Will take $600 down, balance easy monthly payments. No mortgage to assume. For particulars call at 1084 Hawthorne ave. or phone Tabor 2017. T, A, Sutherland OWNER.' Easy Terms New -room modern bungalow. Close to Hawthorne ave. , Artistic In design. Large rooms throughout Oak floors, fireplace. Built-in bookcaseH and buffet, with bevel plate glass doors. Veneered panels In dining room. Model Dutch kltchon. Full length mirror door. LarRa floored attic, t'emetit basement Am offering this home $300 below value for a quick sale. See Owner, C, B, Holt 140$ Hawthorne Ave. Corner 60th St Phone Tabor 626. jSpeclal-Offer $4000 Will buy one of the choicest 8 room modern residences on Ver non avenue. It lias a full cement basement, gas and electric lights and sleeping porch. Can be nan died with $260Tash payment, bal ance monthly Installments. Otto &Harkson Realty Co. 133 H First Street $1400 Small Cash Balance $10 per month andt Interest. 100x100 comer with 4 room house, barn, etc. Sidewalks ' and curbs Included in above price. Well located on, east side, not far from car. A real bargain for someonel Kxluslve agente. Dorr E, Keasey & Co,, 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. Mr, Wage Earner ' New 4 room lious.e, water piped in house; lot 42M)Xl024, in a oomlng locality, lot fenced, close to two good carllnes. Stop pay ing rent. See me nt once. Price f 770; $26 down, $10 per month. Call for C, , Reagan. Chapin-Herlow Mtg, & Trust Co, 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. Piedmont House $5600 A fine modern home in the best part of Piedmont 7 rooms, built for a home; lot 60x106"; near the best rur service. Small payment down. Might take lot as part payment. Easy pay ment on tie balance. Phone Main 3712, A-7718. THE WESTLYN TRUST COMPANY 01 Fifth Street. Next Door to Lumbermen Nat"! Bank. No Cash Required. Owner will sell Irvli.gton home of $ rooms, choice location. Trice $8600, including street improve ments. Terms to suit, or will ex change $2500 equity for any good Portland property, C-100, Jour nal $3700 Will buy a choice plere of prop erty on I'nlon ave.; nothWio bet ter for the money. One-half cash will handle it. Otto Harkson Realty Co, 133 H First Street. Snap, $15 per nionth, Including Interest at (I per cent buys this 5 room house ami two lots, clone to two car lines, close in and in aood locality; price only $1600. b, H. Klemsorgo Co, I 41 Honro or trflno Ask for Spooner, M. itOfi, bldg. A-1068. $2S00. $25 A MONTH. SKR TMIH TODAY" ( (SUNDAY) Strictly modern, brand new 7-room houue, in restricted diwtrict; ronveniejil Go at Once 8 Room House, $2600 I'nlon av. car to Shaver, walk east to J-43 East Slli St.; newly painted and papered, full basement complete plumb ing, hard surface street; $500 down, $18 month, or $1100 down and take deed. 1 . a thnip, 515 Ablnqton bid g; $2700 Easy Terms Hawthorne district. 7 room modern house, hardwood floors, wash trays and built In conveniences. G, H, Kleinsorge Co, 418 lioard of Trade. Main 901. A-10C6. FIVE room home on corner lot 100x100, on west side; commands fine view of Tualatin valley: fruit troes, good lawn; roses, walks, graded streets and water: fine neighborhood, 1 block to car, 15 minutes to city; $2500; easy terms; PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS, 2d Floor8alllng Bldg; GREAT BARilATNi 8-room, modern house, corner lot near Union ave.; best car service In city; lm. provements all made; 6 blocks from pub lic school six from Catholic; also lot on car line near Peninsula park; will sell chesp for CHsh. X-90. Journal. Think of It Am compelled to sell my fine I room house, corner lot at ridiculous price, $3700, as I must have cash; lmprove mnti in and paid. 1330 E. Taylor st 1 Must Sell A magnificent modern home, Irvlngton. r nTih Tnri an see this. E. Kirsi class oaKanoJjr. ration: rriemts come 278, W. If, Herd man Portland Heights B room bungalow, modern, a fine buy. $4000. . . CI. 1L KLF4NS0RB CO.. 418 Board of Trade. A-10; Main $08. $2800 Rose Clfy Park bungalow, mod- mm FOR SALE HOI SXg 01 AN IDEAL. HOMffl " ' IDEAL NEIGHBORHOOD. Price, including nearly-new full set solid ouk f urnitura, carpets, ruga, range, curtains, et. .... ... ONLY $4350, or without furniture $3360. 'Will make reasonable term if wanted. New 7 room strictly modern home represent ing Individuality In design and arrange ment, containing all the Improvements ii ml conveniences found Jn the best of homes. Located on improved very fine corner, east rront. graded atreet. ce- a positive bargain. See owner between v a, m. ana 4 p. m. at 273 STARK BT. Main 937. A-2893. 60x100 lot and small house all for $600. On terms easier titan the cheap est rent. We will show this tomorrow. Take Hose City Park car to 7 id St., Gregory Heights office. Gregory Investment Co, 41 Corbet t Bldg. $3600; $600 CASH. No. 80. A strictly modern bungalow on IOnott St.: has 6 rooms and an enclosed sleep ing pofrn, fireplace, buffet oak floors. Dutch kitchen., fixtures and shades. This is In a restricted district with paved streets and 3 blocks to good car service. If you want a rood home all ready to move Into tt will pay you to see this. On Sunday phone Mr. Nor man Tabor 3131. After Sunday call our efflce. - - - COLUMBIA TRt'ST COMPANY. Main 8900. A-1163. 83 Fourth st Board of Trade. Six rooms and sleeping porch, full lot, space for garage, "aved street, all modern conveniences and comforts; in abort, if you want a real home place com plete with shades, fixtures, lln olAum and gas stove at a price that builders ask for houses not half what this Is If you want an Irvlngton bungalow at $6660 on terms, ask for listing num ber 106. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board, of Trade Jlld-. Main 8900. A-1168. Beautiful Mt, Tabor, 6 room bungalow, fine view, lot 60x100; large rooms, large attic, built in buffet, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, wash trays; cement side walks, water, gas, electricity, fine home and cheap. Price $3000. Very easy terma. Ask for Mr. Patterson. 6, H, Kleinsorge Co, 41$ Board of Trade Bldg. New room bungalow " on appointment Phone Tabor 651, 14TH and Montirmery, corner. At tractive 7 room modern home. Open to reasonable offer for quick sale. LE NOIR & CO., $87 Chamber of Commerce, $8200 EAST TERMS. No. 2S. No. 2 9. A 5 and a 6 room bungalow with nrepiace and buffet 4 rooms on first floor ono room and sleeping porch and : " rooms respectively oil second floor. ! Taka Iieaumoiit car to Stanton Street; and wall; 3 blocks west. See them today 2 to 5 p. m. or call Mr. Plveright Monday. Main 8300. A-1163. . CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE. $500 below market room, strictly modern home in E. 7th st. Beautiful viow of city, rlvei und mountains. Kue.i and furniture in cluded. Free from Tncuiuherance. Own er going Houth and does not wish to rent his home, i'rlco $6730, on your own terms. H. F. BOTH FUR, 732-34 Hoard of Trade bld. Main 3833. A-2878. TOFOnT Mt Tabor, 8 room house and corner lot. 85x100; $1100; $600 cash, balance like rent. You positively will buv this if you will take the time to look at it, as it sure is one tmrgain. Ask ror Mr. Eastman. G, S, Smith k Company 432 Chamber of Commerce bldg. LESS THAN COST. " For a flno large bungalow in Alameda Park, street improvements all In. I will not try to describe this place as you will hnve to see it to appreciate it anyway. Hut if you want a fine home cheap, this is it. Take Broadway car to Alameda Park. $$00 to $1000 cash. FRANK C. ALGAR, Owner. 908 E. ;:oth N. Only $2250 for New 5 Room Bungajow, $200 cash, $25 per month Including Interest, bulltln dresser, buffet and bed; Dutch kitchen, modern plumbing, gas, electricity, cement basement, east front lot, paved street paid, cement walks, shade trees. Oeorge A. Rlggs. owner, 8 15 Spaia Ing bldg. Tremendous Snap 7-rooin modern house, full basement, corner lots 100x100, Westmoreland. Cement sidewalks, paved streets, sewer in, etc Worth $6000. Yours for $4000. Must be sold at once. Driven to wall. Hurry if you want to make $2000 at once. Terms, nee jonn o. uoddard. 605 YEON BLDG. Pretty 5 Rooms Only $1600 Tav $100 down, H month. Hard plas ter tinted, big porch, cellar, electric lights, city wttter, 2 blocks' to fine new school, pear Mt. Scott car. Key at 616 Ablngton bldg. SEVEN room bouse, nil rooms large and light, cabinet kitchen, fireplace, lots of fruit and large walnut trees, lot 100 xlOO, 4 blocks to car. 14 minutes to cen ter of city, west side, fine view of Tual atin valley and Mount Hood, $3100; $500 cash; balance to suit, ' PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS, Id Floor Selling Bldg. "TltOOeTTfOUSETlHToi: 28x32, lot 40x100, I blocks to Fir- ,Bnd' 1B0 t0 complete, worth J200(LJi 4 room cottage, Dutoh klfchen. lOOx 100 lot. fruit trees and berries. C205 4 2d st.. Woodstock, $2200. Owner, Main 7491 ; 811 Oorhett bldg. Mr. Lewis. rA Snap, $1200; $200 Cash. Formerly $1800; a 3 room house, barn and two lota, 100x100 corner, Montavll la car line. Owner going to California ! reason -fer thla nacrlfiea." J1Q Stark at Haynes, Marshall 308. '9m HIRE Mil LIT modern 6 r" . . i ' , ;, ' amrict; nrepiace. bath, Dutch i ..l7An v,. ,,.V . .:, wash travB- a11 rettdy t0 move into. IiSr.-- X0UWUT.,,,0,?..1 ,,n t(?icash. balance $20 per month aimi a 11. - a U4t Vi livuiam 411 VA I If f if ,.. vn j I VW Ul I I rl vn FOR SALE HOUSES CI $1000 Below Value Price $5000, Terms Superb view property. 8 room ... house, Ideal close-In location. Restrloted $3000. No lots under; $2000. This home Is practically new and really first class. Worth, ' $i)00. Exclusive Agents. Dorr E. Keasey & Co,," 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. $2400. No,. 19. A very attractive well built 5 room bungalow, which we can sell to a re sponsible party for $100 cash and $30 Fer month; strictly modern, new, haa irepluce. Dutch kitchen and built-in effucts; two blocks to good car serv ice. If you want to ace this Sunday phone woodlawn 3202. After Sunday call ouL-of flee. . COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, ' Malij8900, A-1163. 82 Fourth st. Board of Trade. $1$ PER MONTH 0. FK1CE $1660. Four-room bungalow, plastered kal somlned, cement basement furnace, both hot and cold water, electric light, large porches, beautiful lot, facing East, street improved, near Union ave. Kll ingsworth. PORTLAND HEIGHTS' ' BARGAIN. Strictly modern, large robmy house and lot on Portland Heights; beautiful unobstructed view overlooking city, beautiful fixtures, fireplace, sleeping porch and hardwood floors. Owner must raise some cash and this is your oppor tunity to get an elegant home at your own price, if you have the cash anJ aft mini cuiaiir. jv.-su, journal OPITM al'MFlAV LAURELHURST BUNUALOW. No 1902 E. Irvln-r and 33d.' 60x100 lot, 7 fine rooms, den. living room, din ing room, pkneled and ceilings beamed, rablnet kitchen; hall and 2 bedrooms, breakfast room, screened -porch and lare front porch, furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, elegant electrlo fix tures, lawn graded; J5600: $600 caslr would consider good lot or mortgage. Bmlth-Wa-oner Co.. 811-312 Lewis bldg 1 - $18 PER MONTH 69 phick tmo. Four rooms, up to date, one-half acre of ground, faces east onjroosl atrtcU Jn Mt. - Scott flmtrict. " LAURELHURST. Modern I room house and full lot, with all improvements in and paid for. Beamed ceilings, flreplaco, hardwood floora and ail conveniences. You can get this at your own price lf-you act at once L-87, Journal. NOTHING Dili $15 PER MONTH PRICE $850. Four rooms, up to date, nicer lot fitt? Inw st, on Improved street. Mt. Scott district. FOR" SALE Cheap, leaving city, 4 room house, 2 cor. lots. $30u t;ish handles these; bal. Urnu, to Miit. Mt. Scott car to 8th av., 1 block south. 1 block east Call Sunday. L. B., 184. Lenin. $tio Cash. M I'M monW1 4 room, 1 block car, 3o minute out. $10G0; 3 room St. Johns line. $750; 4 room, mod Lonts, $1350; 2 room Rose City Park, $900; all some terms. Hlgley & Bishop, 201 Hamilton bldg. $3400 FURNISHED 33400. B room modern bungalow, Hawthorne kitchen. $400 Phpna Marshall 916. Tabor 3S14. FORCED SALE. 7 room new modern house. Two lots. 100x100, Mt. Tubor aec- tlon. 200 ft. from car, $3600; worth $5500, $1000 cash, balance 7 per cent uwner, w-87, Journal. 33d, near Hawthorne is a 6-room home for sale, $500 cash and liberal month ly payments. Price a .tacrlflce at $2760. Jos. C. Ctlbaon... 305 . Gerlinger bldg, 2d and Alder. Main 4$43, Tabor n"4!i. Mr. Manning. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $2550 Modern 6 room bungalow, fire place, large attic, full cement base ment, cement walks, tuba, Dutch kitchen, nil double constructed: very easy terms. Owner, Woodlawn 1072. FOR SALE or trade for rood tot mv beautiful S room nuMiern bungalow: Ri built-in conveniences. sidowalk In, It 60x110: between i car lines. P-loS. Journal. MODERN 6 room house, Imrtlw.ooJ floors throughout, light fixtures, lawn graded, ready to move into; Wuverlelgh heights, anv terms you want. Jordan Miite 1H t.umbermens bldg. $100 CASH and $15 per month, 8 room mod. house. 3 blocks Al. V. car, 33 minutes out. Price $2350; bearing fruit trees find view Hlgley & Bishop. 201 Hamilton bldg. $127)0 A' modern bungalow on the west side, only 20 minutes from the court house, 6 cent carfare; slghtlv locality. Terms to suit Call for 'Information at 780 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $250 CASH, 6 room mod. bungalow, 60x 100 lot. all furnished: fine restricted neighborhood; 2V4 blocks Firland. Price szouu. i Hlgley A Bishop, 01 Hamilton bldg, MODERN 7 room home, Ladd's addi tion. A bargain. Mako your own terms. Thomas Vegars, owner. Phono East 2725. FOR -BALK 5 room bungalow Mt Ta bor district. Terms to suit. 309 Ry Ex.. Ford. FOR SAUK LOTS 10 DO iuu want to iuni7 Here Is an opportunity for those who desire to oo o on me west slue, a splendid proposition will be extended in the wuv of price and terma at this time to thoe contemplating- building. A rustic bun galow site with many fine trees can be nan tor iitiu, xne property la ravor ably situated for convenience to town, excellent car service and desirable neighborhood. Investigate. J-103, Journal. BUY It for $750. If the past Is any cri terion of the future it will be worth $2000 In the near future. Everything readv for building Immediately. Practi cally level, unobstructed flew lot, with in two blocks of carllne. Good neigh- hors. Terms. O-90, Journal. 4 LOTS. 40x100, on 81st st, near East Burnalde st.. $55Q each. $10 down, $6 per month. 8 lots on 81st st, near Thompson, for $225 each. $5 down, $5 per month. ROOM 801 WILCOX BLDG. phones Tabor 3814, Marshall tJL $200 FOR your choice of 8 lots, 40x100, Mt. Scott district 4 blocks to car; sightly and In cultivation; water In, 28 minutes' ride. $10 cash and $5 per month; no restrictions. Oeorge A. Rlggs bib rtpaming Diag. HAVE selling snap In Laurelhurst lots! One 65x160, one 53x121, $150 and $200 will handle an original contracts. These are bargains and sacrifice on price paid. Jos. C. Olbson, 805 Gerltngr bldg. Main 4843, Tanor 74. Mr. Manning. A LEVEL, view nomeslte, 60iT30 feet, cloae to good car service. In Green- way, roruano neignis, ror lauuo. Terms, A fine realdenoe. district and a nluo lot for those who want a gardes and flow ers. H-89, Journal. $2600 West side hill lot close in, best .w i, caw untflim. Ill lUUIUtQI walk from 7th and Washington sts,; Marehalljes. n7iie, aiv ciara st, i none RESIDENCE lot, comprising 14,000 sq. feet, in Greenway, Portland Hoifthts. Price $3250. Will take good securities in full or part payment K -9 1. Journal. SOME choice lots near Gearhart Park. $100 and up. Easy terms. Mr. McKln won, or Mr. Duffy. Main 670. . loitoTTN Falrport. a4ditlo,-$4 00 1 $6 cann. oaisnce m per monin, Kecur ity Development Co., 4th and Tina. 1(1 THE riding season being ended, will Blt the following; well-trained saddle and harness horses: One chestnut geld ing, 16 hands high, weight about 1200 lbs., will ride, drive and single-foot un. der the saddle, very gentle, . 875; one bay gelding, weighs about lOuO lbs., perfectly t broken to saddle, $75; one bay mare, weight about BOO lbs., 4-year-old, perfectly broken under the saddle, very pretty and in foal to imported Hackney stallion. Brilliant of Chanlque (10,606), $90; one 'Chestnut mare, 7 years old, rising eight, weight about 850 lbs., very pretty, both in saddle and harness, $60: one black mare 8 years old, weight about 800 lbs., broke to saddle and har ness. This la the prettiest mare in the state. Must be seen to be appreciated, $125. The above horses are guaranteed as represented or money promptly re-' funded and are subjeot to trial and vet erinary examination. KRAMER'S HIDING SCHOOL. 16th and Jefferson, Snap 100x105 ' Snap In Piedmont, close to Union ave., elegant quarter blook, hard surface, right at car, close to schbol and stores. I am Instruct ed to sell if I have to sell at . your price, come see me Immed iately. Price $3600, any Kind of reasonable terms given. Call for C. O. Reagan. '' ; Chapin-Herlow Mtg, & '; . Trust Co, : .. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. A: Beautiful Irvington Lot 100 feet from corner Siskiyou oh East 21st st., can be bought for $2000; one-third cash, balance 1. 2 and 8 years. 7 per cent Interest There is a small balance due on the street Improvement, bonded to be assumed by purcansor. The Shaw-Fear Company, Main 35., 102 '-"ourth St A-8500 Builders . A REAL BARGAIN. 2d M'tg. Privilege. A beautiful 60x106 east face lot re stricted district, sidewalks and curbs and water all paid; 'one block from cur and less than 20 minutes' ride. Price only $660, and easy terms, don't over look It Call 73, 6th at, nsar Oak. Heights Corner " To Trade '. Beautiful 60x100 corner on the heights located on the carllne. has grapd view, all Improvements in, best residence dis trict n the city, one week only $3500; good lot up to $1500 or $2000, balance any time at 6 per cent Interest; also In side lot off carllne, $3260, same terms. U-08, Journal. ...Comer lot -at- 6tHh- ami Hawthorne ave., with all street improvements paid for only $1900 cash. This Is positively the beat buy on uawthorna ave. Call ; 1405 Hawthorne ave., corner 50th st. or: Tabor 626 lUVINTON district, 4 lots left: must be old . to rloin nil estate. Tliev Bin beautiful lots, with natural trees and shrubbery. Price $750 and $S00 fai-h. Terms, 10 per cent cash,, balance $10 per month. Call on attorney. 730 Chamber or ( ommerce, ror full particulars. $1000 Piedmont Lot $1000 $100 cash, balance $16 a month, Inter est 6 per cent. This lot will not wait long. Secure It now. E. L. IJORN. 518 Lnmhermens bldg.. 6th and Stsrk, $2 Week NO INTEREST OR TAXES (0x100, cement walks, curb, etc., all In and raid. Just 20 minutes out. in nice bulldt-up district Must sell at once. W'rlte owner. V-84, Journal. Business Corner Woodstock, 100x1 00 This la a bar sell part if de- gain at .$.1600.... Will airod. Terms. 418 Board of Trade. 1-4 Acre for $5 Per month. Just 45 minutes from Wash ington street, on good carllne, Bull Run water, sidewalks, etc. Must sell. Write owner, W-S5 Journal. FINE, sightly" k acre at Ryan station, on Oregon Electric Ry., 3,J minutes from Portland, 60 fare, for lees than Vou csn buy city lot. Lovely location for family home, garden, fruit, etc Your own terms. Box S3 6, P. O., Port land. "$1 320 Fine Piedmont Lot Rodney ave., two tlocks from Pied mont If yon want a bargain sec this. EL, PORN, 61 Liimhermens hide;,, uth and Stark. Reed College Lot,. $475 50x100, at $7 per month, one block from new carllne. Sea Marstars, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517, A-740. Tabor 1770. SACRIFICE. 1100100 corner, B. St Johns, have paid in $460 on this $1750 corner. Will sell my equity for $160. Balance only $15 monthly, including Interest at 8 per cent. W-81, Journal. DID I undprstand you to say that you wore not (ruing to build on that vacant lot 7 Why not tut mo put It in as first payment on a nice acre tract or farm' For a quick trade see Dept. A, filauaon cruiff Co., 304 Oak Ht. JUST OPENED. ' Lots 42x137 fine shade trees, Dull Run water, a snap. Trcinont Realty Co. Tremont, Mt. Scott curs, Phone Tabor 30 2 1. PORTL A N I HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. "Two beautiful level lots, .1 blocks CRr. walking distance, worth $2500. No reasonable of far refufed; can arrange finance house. P-86. Journal. LOT uOxloo, 3 blockH cast of Laurel hurst. Jb7&; will hcU on easv nav- menls, small cash deposit, beautiful sur roundings. u-llH, journal. WELD located lot In EaBtmoreland, splendid view or campus und college. east front, small payments, owner, H 44. s Journal. ON ALBERTA CAR LINE. For sale. Alberta etret business cor ner, a sacrifice, 100x80, will dlvid-j; terms, owner, 452 E. Market at. SIX lots, 60x100, in Capitol illll, for $1000. Terms. See CLAUDIA HALE. 202 VncoxDldg. FOR SALK Fine 83x100 lot on 33d, near Knott st. Cost $1250. Take fHTOO, $700 cash. Address J. N. Rich ards, 684 E. Morrison St. BEAUTIFUL, Irvlngton lot next to ela- fant noma on luuxiuu corner, $400 ow cost: $950 rash. Carlock A Mull- haupt. 102 Cliamhef of Commerce. lSisS;OND mortgage privilege, lot, snap; fine lot on Hancock, near 88th. street paved, $1000. Beourlty Development Co., 4th and fine. 100x100, (lose to carllne; gooil so if, price $300, $6 per month, T-90, Jour nal. SEE Le Nolr A Co." for west side proo- erty. Exclusive dealer In west aide realtyr 837 -Chamber of Commerce. B 0S1NESS and realdeno 1 on- Pattern ave,, easy terms, A. F, McKay, 1381 Patton ave, Woodlawn 824. RdSB CITY PARKt Flne view lot Will grt-ymewt. Owner. yt,"vrmrnar take mortgage or goon contract in Journa SNAP If sold auick. beautiful' lot' oil K. 22nd, near Pine. Owner, Sellwood 1687, " .- ," - i- - " " V: &T)HE" CUy Park lot fi0i23. 12 ft. ai- ley, improvements in and paid.. $850, lp down. $10 month. Phone Tabor 408$. $10 MONTIILY, lots 4th and Eme'rl on., A car. Owner 1020 TC eon bldg. FOR SALE LOTS 10 Irvington Lots-"-; "; $1300601100 lot. cast fiu-lntf, an ideal lot for a home, Improvements all ' in. Terms can be had. fld00-80:u00 lot, vary ilghtly and-in ; a good noighbrhood; nice homes near; improvements all In; $300 cash will buy it, easy payments ' ' on the balance. $5600 Quarter block, southeast come . or uast 16th and Brazes ttts. Tin - - price includes improvements a : in and paid: $1000 under adjoli , ing property, one block fom car line. Terms. - , East Couch Street Lot 3 JpO 60x100 lot. corner, close in, walk In distance, two blocks- from . ? Rose City carllne a'nd two blocks .to East Oils- cnrllne; Improve ments all paid. Easy terms glv- '.. en.. . Owner. . :-, 4.-1,--- See ir, Jones. - , Phones Main $72. A-tllS. ". , The Westlyn Trust Company "SlVlfth St -V Next Door to Lumbermen Nat'l Bank. Fine 100x100 Corner. Lot In Piedmont, 3 blocks from; the new $40,000 branch Horary, building and 4 blocks from Jef-. ferson High eclmol. $1000 push and balance to suit purchaser. . The Shaw-Fear Company, Main 35, 102 Fourth St A-3500 Ladd's Addition , 80x128, beautiful corner. $5800. See Mr. Fosselman. Chapin-Herlow Mtg..&. I rust - Co, Id Floor Chamber of Commefce. ACREAGE CALIFORNIA CLIMATf Is not only pleasant and healthful, but it pun dollars into your pocket. The Oregonian of 23ih, commenting editorially on a colony of Southern Cal ifornia whose people hnve but one acre each, very truthfully says: "Another element in the success of the Llttlelandem has been Uielr incom parable climate, which permits .crops to irrnv tlla vni t-AtmH TViIm Anuht.. than. I I J " J.T" .r v (.". H 1 tio live on iis.i in mi inn u vney could eise- I where. In Oregon It would require mree or iiiur acres 10 pruuure as muoa as Is obtained from one lit southern California." , v mam Offers ynu this kind of land oh easy; terms for $160 per acre, Including water The land is level and cultivated; Ti F. IV, telephone, cream route all at your . door. Neighbors, schools and churchea convenient to all purts of the tract. WE WANT SETTLERS If you have the money to make your improvements and buy Ntock and seed, we will make you terms that you can hardly refuse. Call or write for all particulars. W, H, Buoy, Gen'l Agent Room One, Railway Exchange bldf.,, Five Acres, Closo In We have an excellent 5 acre tract In the heart of the TUAL ATIN V ALT .El, only 13 - miles -from tho city of Portland, and in the Beaverton district This Is very rich, candy loam soil; all cleared and cultivated; good drainage; vi-ry best of noil for potatoes, onkins, horseradish, cel ery, anparagiiN, etc.; also lOgnn, mammoth and blackberries; chick ens also do tine on thcae lands;" only a few steps to a fine ciirht gracle school. 3 miles to a higlt bchool. churches and store ner' by. Surrounded by a thickly set tled American neighborhood. We will sell this beautiful tract of lai.d for $1100 and give- 0 years to pay for It. Alvord-Carr-Hiinter Go,, 2 18-2 IS Hoard or Trade. Do You Know Anything About raising ducks? We. have b acres, retnarkahly well adapt- ' ed for a profitable duck ranch; soil Is h" rich sandy loam: suit able for raising the kind of feed that will finish the fattening and FLAVORING of the meat THOSIJ WHO KNOW aro the ones making big money raising ducks. This tract of latid Is In the Beaverton district, only 'i tulles from the center of Port-. land, ncer school, church and stoic. Price $875; flvu years lo pn y. Alvord-Carr-Hunter Co, 2l-221 Hoard of Trade. SOMl: GOOD RllYS $3760 10 acres near Slfton, Clarke coimtv. Wash., well Improved, good buildings, horse, buggy, 2 cows, 1 now, 7 hhouta, 60 chickens, l1 tons bay, Some terms. $4500 15 V acres, ncfir Sycamore sta., buildings, 8 acres orchard, 601) cords wood standing. Will trode for oity prop erty or cheap farm. $450010 acres st RAcdvlMc, Good buildings and improvements. Near depot. ! uvt'U 7 acres - near tvuliliewirK, Wash., all in orchardj, bcrrjcH, alfiilf. and asnaraguH.' Some buildings. Will truda fortcity propeity. RAYMOW1C REALTY CO. Main 140 430 Worccwtcr bldg. 20 ACRES. Ideal chicken ranch, located In the Willamette-valley, 1 miles from Oak land, in Douglas county; excellent noil: 13 acres under cultivation, good orchard and berries, 4 room house with wtre scieoned porch, burn with loft and tool ..1 1 ul,.,l lr.l.V.. . FOR SALE LOTS s,st4ssNsasSjsiisw eniV tor and brooder house, six 8xl4-chtckcn - houses 2 incubators to egg), nroofl. crs (1000 chicks), 60 gallon steel oil tank, hand and power bone cutter, lawn mow er, ull tools and Implements, 60 to 80 ohickens; all furniture, including a $45.0 piano, sewing machine, stovw and range go with place; a sacrifice at $3500, $2000 cash. . . KAITFFMANN A MOORE, N 325 Dumber Exchange, l050 ii acres," all - tinder puitTvat loni small house, good well, near Orenco on Oregon Electric," 1H miles from Portland. - jOwner paid liooo. None can be jpuku.i ror less. ouu win nanaie. $4000 10-acre home at Tlgard, all i u aer cultivation, - orcnaro, buildings; worth much more. fi cldent and sickness compels sal ' d v " -.. .. -TkfTL FI'-t-OA ST-TmnTCTCR A CEnlt ITER AGE CO, All cleared. $10 down. !$io rer month, ( per' cent Interest. wUllbt' Btatlun agent on ground. ' R(XM 801 WILCOX I5LDt7. ' Phone Marshnll Olfi, Tnbor 8 i feiEVKN acres at St Louis sfalTon, Oi-ib- gon elcftrii. cleared, fenced;, wUL sell. .Bnc.riflcft If taken bofure Kovemher !., Cecurlty Development Co.. 4th andV A erni.on vcr assy awwir large -Ht. Plume Tabor ; 4065. "t , .' . :: J"'-, ; "4-:; u ; ' 1