$2 THE OKEGCN DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 23, 1912. ..'V ) 'v. NEW modern 3 room flat. walking dis tance, very private; bath,, elegant waejrohe, china closet. Urge plate win. . dowa, linoleum, gaa .-lanae, furnace .hot itrnr laundry, eto. 447 E," Couch, cor- ' Sn iHT modern, colonial, 6-room . upper flat In city, sleeping porch. Can be arranged to sublet ena housekeeping rnrna. kt k. wash nirton. neur ". Mul.fc.KN 6 room flW 2 .blot ., north oia steel nnaiiei poaiauui irontitif river, 120. SkiODEIiN 6 room flat, wood and ga rang, window shade,,: lre J8 roent. 207 Maleev lit, near steel bridge. MODERN four room upper -Jajl - vat furnai-iL Phone Main .4615. 434 SlODEIxN 6 room unfurnished lower flat, 920 per month, 4U isi " , quire at 289 lt at. MODERN 4 room flat. 179 iireen aye., near 2Sd and wnfintinnn. mam -3 KGGM..ilaL .823 ..Corbelt: key:t. grol eery, cor, Corbett and wnnuiter, NEW I room flat vary cheap, 706 Van- : nnimar v Wnnritawn 1953. FOR. RENT 4 room flat.. $8.60.'; li Alberta at. W. Woodlawfl 1411. MODERN5. room lower flat, east aide. 281 l.arrapee at. rnon; wm , U ROOM flat, all .outside room, tinted to please party. Main 8475. FTtOOM flat. 598 Salmon at,; key at 6no Salmon at - -.- - ., MODERN heated 3 and 6 room flats; telephone and water, Kn.t i046. FURNISHED FLATS vv- 150, '..i . - - - - , vnnR room furnished flat, water and phone free; ga and electricity. Tabor 3 ROOM flat,, completely furnished, hot - and -oc-td' water, phone, walking- dls- taii'e. A3 K. Ktn jv. i;ast ib&, I'I'RNISIIED and unfurnished flat o; Si & S room flat, water, view. 568 Mar Ket St., near f papman. , Fi;KNlHKD or unfurnished 7 room rial. l un .at. wain imz. HOTELS 04 ' THE ATHENS Northeast Cor. 13th and , Morrison. Beautiful and elegant all that could be desired In & hotel f The Athens, newly opened. Every modern conven ience and luxury la here for the comfort of gopsts. Now-reafly .Torocfupanryi- JiOTKL PORTLAND European Plan only. 11.50 and up. BKLVEDKRB. European. 4th and Alder. STOKES AND 07F1CES 11 ' The "Journal Building ; "PORTLAND'S LANDMARK' All outnlde officessuites in any slie evfy modern ronveaiewce-free uue-ftf i I'.MHfmbly hall to tenants; this 1 the bPHt auvertised building tn the city; ivrjtitl lates very reakonubU-- Apply to 1. C. Jackson, agent, Journnr office. Wareho'use 100x100 KoV rent, on railroad, adJoiirfng Gold-en-Hod Mill Co., Alblna, Columbia 215. STORE 279 Hawthorne, near bridge! large basement, side track In rear. Apply Hawthorne Pock Co, East 206.1. KAt ALL hall for rent. Howe-Davis Co.t 111 2d st. ANTEi)TO KENT ' - WANTED Furnished house, flat or housekeeping, room by married cnu Mdsv Write or phone' Japanese consulate, EH) Henry bldg, V t: UOKSES, VEHICLES, ETC. IS -' yOH BALE Owners must sell one team 1 dapple gray geldings, 6 and 7 years, weight about -8600 lbs.; well ..matched and mated; also one team dark bay and black teldtngs, 1 and t2 years, r weight about 3450 lbs.; all sound and true. Phone Uresham Farmer 757 at our x pense or write kelson & Johanaon, Orenham, Or. ' , A BARGAIN 1125 buys team, mare and a horse, weight 2200 pounds, sound and true to pulL harnesa and a . spring; wngon; also buy J0O pound good work horse. , Call at Woodstock lUHCKsmun shop. OiNE good horse, 8 years, 1300 lbs., go innle and double, good worker and traveler, and small town wagon for tale or trade on lot or houses, a first payment.. Ask Woodstock, 46th st. S. E. -40 head-iiore-and, -mares; lUKt-!5ived frm. Eabterh Oregon. Some well matched teams. If you are lu the mar Ket for any kind of a horse, come and rf-"!.'" consignment; all guaranteed. U. Stables, 24g Front. A GOOD opportunity to exchange old " horses for vnun. hnrm woll h,l rom 6montha toj jears. . WealsoJiavol iiorsrs ready to wore, tvih sell right Cor. Flanders and llth. IOUU good horses, weighing from 1000 tcOSOO lfcr.. all young, sound, guaran teed. Williamsons Sale Stable, loot of -Main at., west side. - 1' Oil .SALE A.i;: top, one horse Jlellk-ery wagon, very little used. Ad ' dress 74, Journal. GOJD team of mares, sound and true! - - - attaTBOIiPBlioalp ts., Monlavilla. . . -i liOhsjfcft and buggies for rent by day, ' : k or month; th and Hawiborn. rg"" 78.: THREE good work teams withTbr wlth- out wagons and harness; must be sold Wanted To buy Jiorse for tukmv waeon: about lufio lim Alhina Bakeiv, 105 Beech st. FOR SALE Good horse and huirsrv nr -wi" trade for lano or real estate. iX-93. Journal. XUri BAIjE cheap. 1 cht team and war. FOR SALE Team, harness and wagon. 1 clieap, mare. Call 484 E. Stark. LTVSSTOCK 36 MILK rout. 226 customers, 35 head of flrbt class, cows. 1 large bull, 3 horses and harness, 1 milk wagon, 1 farm , wagon, gasoline engine 'cost $200; all ? necessary equipment for a dalrv. The milk registers at 4.8 per cent ; $3000 will ' :'. T,l owner is changing his line of busincKB. Geo. R. Mokei Cow o. Phone Main 6120. 607 Commercial Mock. . ILL have In carload of first class dairy cows which 1 will sell at mv Place. Saturday, Oct. 2fi, at 1 p. m Tak Woodstock car, Ret off at 69th ave. and walk 3 blocks west. J. I.. Mayherry 69tl eve,, not 59th st.. as In last ad. In caae of trouble In finding place call Hfllwood 1171 . . TWO younj kle st. fresh cow. 1445 Mllwau- TWO Jersey cows for sale, lumhia M5. I'hone Co. GOOD milch cow for gale.' 430 E. K11N lnf?sworlh ave. in9f a mW(' rurnTnnl anfl Guernsey, ONE fine Jersey. 1 largp Durham fresh. -iLLtJiJllly-fiJK- M-V car. " 1'OULTnV 37 FOR Immediate sale, 40 St. Andreas bevg and Hartx mountain elnginK ca nary birds; all tested aryl guaranteed; 3i.5Q up: 5 E. tth et. N. Tabor 2422, BARRED Rock Cockerels fforij eood ylnfti.train' 815 I:'i'cott St., cor 11th. Phone Woodlawii 960.,, Wl 1 ffE, Wyandotte hens and cocks for jKal". 1336 K. 10th st. Nortli. " . Fol SALE Incubator and. chicken; chftnp. 1308 Union ave. N,' 11 flioroughbred. buff Orpington eockt erela for sale, 1101 Michigan ave. DOGS AMI HOUSEHOLD i.TS 40 - TWO eejt-owa. for mmUfm9 (aetr-gnff jAUTosm 1 OR SALE 1 7 passenger Peerless and I n it sender radillac, a bargain In Mfh. 6 North :5th tst. h AUTOMOCILES-MOTOnCYCLES There's a Difference BelwetffWyrhgHr has been thoroughly overhauled by ex- nerlencod mechanics and on that haa been , merely polished on the outside. Er snell nleasure. tha latter "".- . r';.' -:i " ' ". Au uaea ear orrerea by u art aarttttiL Minnlnr nrriit Price range from ISOITup. Chapman and Alder St. Main .-.-,.,---- A MR-, DON'T BUT JUNK," The Panlfln Moti?ir Cur C.n' han 4nat received ft carload of 191J Oakland "40," HAVE A LOOK. Terms to reaoonslbla cartlea. 682 Washington Bt. Main 75. 1911 HAYNES I passenger, guaranteed fft """ wuaiuon, vy.. i x jxi ivun uii jruaasier.. ov n. d.. A'J condition. $8U0. f wis, Mitcneu unny six, a Bargain. . Paquet & Peck , E. 8th and Hawthorne. O... r r 4ft4A onaD r, V . F. I U "Five e passenger. '20 'h. p.. for .oulck sale. 6375. .1910 Maxwell, 2 passenger, $276. 1911 Hall, 2 passenger, 8800, and many other. : ; Oregon . Auto . Exchange 49J-495 Alder t. Maln 1161. A-4837. , A Used Car ' Cover 76 square feet of floor space. We need the room. Take advantage of our liberal reductions. See what we have to bffer today. 1 CHAPMAN AND ALDER STS; Phone Main 6969. A-2436. Should Examine Our Stock Before Pur. causing. The value W Offer ARE UNfJQUALED. NORTHWEST AUTO L'XCHANQB, 621 Alder htreet , UAnijAlhd IN il,iUHTL Y . USalU CAKo. m Vtifrft in Vy'.lJi !"?ntl? u,ed I. Ciii?ANi.cV!..,k.en )tlx,: change. All cara full guaranteed. Call wr writ at once. AllCillCjAN AUTO BUGGY CO. Hfla-i71 Hawthorns iv- Phones Ea-st 1421 -B-134I. t AUTOMOBILJli BARGAINST"" Why buy a new cheap car when rati can secure one of our hi ah a-rada imad cars at the same price? We guarantee iiieiu, tynereni maaea ana models, all traded in on new White ran. w ai.n offer several second hand truck. Write wnne--t.Br Agency, Kin at., at Madison. Pope-Hartford"" I am compelled to aacrlflr m k piHwenger - I'ope-Haetford autd. -The Irst reA8onQWe-trfl1er takes it: win give some term. Phone Mr. Jlunter, N. W. AUTO SCHOOL, 1130 Albina ave.1 open ov. ist, automobile, gas ftiglne construction, operation taught, compe. yi M-uL-ai ingtrui-iurB. wuin. 16U. GAivaGK built of either frame or con crete, cement floors and runways, all work guaranteed. E. J. Mllorch. 291 K. 39th. Phone Tabor 8962. AUTO repairing and storage work gur anteed, all experienced help. The Powell Garage, 87th and Hawthorne, Tabor 1147. , WANTED-No. 1 old auto tlrea, 7Vo -4b.-4e4tvered-NOr 3 auto tlrea, 6e lb. Inner tubes, 16 to 23c lb. J. Leva, 16 Columbia St.; Main 6198. . LOANS ON AUTOS. BAUER, 206 Alder st. LAUNCHES ATJD BOATS 04 BDATFtoTage 76(TperindhtTl Up. F"oot oi t.aiirorina si.. J'uiton car. LARUE 3d IL I', business launch at one tmrq vanie, iz ftiamber of Com. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 68 60fJ STGVTSrheaters, $1.25; cook stove, $5; rantte at half orice: furniture prices below cost. 333-835 1st st. FOK SA LE MlStliLLANEOl ' 19 IXR SALE New and second-hand Cir. vm and pocket billiard tables, and nowiine anevs ana accessories: hnr fir tures or all kinds; easy payments. The urunswicK-uaiue-coiienner Co., 46 - 48 oi n St.- rnones Main 7tt, A-1769 NATIONAL cash registers, credit regis ters, computing scale., electric coffee .w,..UVan "vnu., SKumj VUilVB Is and all store appliances, bought, (1 and repaired Sell for cash or pay nts. The Pacific Store Service Co.. mm sold men 227 Stark. Main 7711 OFFICE furniture, hleh elftsu flnt L-Jate ''OWy.ElVl.lwo . type w d ler .desks nu mire ruuni or rooms lor rent. At- uaiuve propogiiion. U7 Wilcox bldg. toil SALE Hobard portable. 2 Heck oven, win bold "H40 loaves, nearly new; cheap. Inquire at Gray, Mc- ui-un & rercys, 4th and Gllsan ts., Portland, Oregon. SAFES 1 10B 2d St.. Dhone Main 7876. at factory prices: reoalra. lockonta onenea, Dargains in second hand safes. Mosler Safe Co. NEW 10foot oak top counter railing, with swing gate and partition. Cost $92. Will sell at your own price. 18 iwnrn or 1 raae. i'uR SALE 18 tons of clover hay, and 6 tons of cheat hay. Call or write J. mn'iB' m-yam iarm, uswego,- ur. VA(r4lK llllvirtpti hurnA.u eHM I l?llfm"l.fl, ior K9 at right price. Call Q M ,jV II, tJSEU MACHINES, all makes, casu or wr8' Prlces rlKt't Singer Sewing Machine Store. 882 Morrison st. SEWING machines, 2nd hand, almost given away at the new East Side Sing- DERBY DESKS and office fnrnlinr." Haley Desk Co.. 210 7tbjBt. Main 687. UNCALLED. for tailor made suits. $Oo up. Taylor the tailof,t2 N. 6th. . ONE water heater, gas range, office , .. ,. .;. ' - !"!' V4i Tli, iM'hH. HHnirurv onttntt Phnn. IT- ill. 1JROPHEAD New- Home MWln, tna. chine, $20 162 Grand ave. - WELI rotted fertlliznr fnt ul Call k. an. t - BIC.YCi.ES $10 .and up., Bargain In motorcyclea. 181 Madison. - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 8 .P0,?118' AUCTION HOUSE. 36S-370 E. Morrisdn st. B. 1022. $1000 worth of good furniture at once. WE need the goods',' you need the mon ey, Rose City Auction House. 368-370 Hawthorne ave. East 683. . VV ?n more for yur second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co:, 211 1st. Main 1951. A-2445 WANTED Partner with soma capital. ...Vfaw9 yibtun wuaiiiBHi, Ald7. JOUr- aiuAl,KiHIi:ts PAI" for house: HOLD G0015S, GRAND ltAPlDS FURNITURE V. 869 R Mfin k VVMJ.L Py ' foi second hand fur- '1 '...'"JV'' 4M K. Morriion. WANTED Kudak. canieias, eto7"CaTn: era ExchanK, 215 Morrlaoiu 13 44 :WAXTKPlIlSCELtiAKlt0US 5 VVanted77Yi,15 Picluro .. mauiiiucoi ' M-94, Journal. " 1 "7 ' FURNITURE WANTED ' We want to buy all the saoondhan 1' if,, un.. S... .v, All wa ask la an opportunity to make in you an offer, and will pay all th cash .J. w"rth, Phone East 838. ' ' ' WANTED People ofl'ortlarid to knbw that I pay the hlnhest cash prloefor second-hand household goods, , N. M. Beater, 124-128 Grand ave, East 1562. COVKLL FURNITURE & .COMM1S-' SIGN CO. Fay the boat price for your second hand furniture, carpet and moves, 204 1st. Main 3022. Will still your furniture at auction! Wa nav hfahast nrloes. Make no mis take; address M. K. Seater, 248-50 Haw thorn ave. I'hone Rnst 8134. WaNTUI by the Kugle furniture house. your eecona-oana lurnnure. nigiiesi rasti prices paid. a. ivong proprieior. Phone Woedlawn Iftfi. 025 union ave. CASK for diamonds. Bauer Ho. SO 6 Al- der street, CASH PAID FOR 1UAMONDS. Martin. 820 Lu rhher Exchan ge. LOST AXI FOUND 21 LOST Tuesday evening, Oct. 22. ' bundle markt'd 235 Glbbti; rieward. Phone Tabor I JSSZ, W-3141 LUST white spita, name Nonie, license isas; i rewara. fiiona Taoor auntt. PEKSOItAL NO MATTER what ha failed when In need of a regular monthly remedy, get a bottle of Antiko Mixture no, , ana De cohvinced It is the. best affd ttidst harm lens remedy ever put on the market for painrui anu suppressea penous, aoq lutelv suarantnnd and for sale in Port a"d W Jfff!ron. DrugCo., 8d and LADIES $1000 reward. 1 positively ruatantej mv treat euccosstul "monthly" remedy: aaf nl v relieve some or in longest, most obstinate, aonormai oa sea in g to 5 daye; rto harm, - pakn- or interference with work: man ti,v. Double strength, 32. Dr. C. T. fcoulhing ton Remedy Co., Kansas City. Mo. MRS. STEVENS. 18 year Portland' leadlna- nalmlst and clairvoyant, haa her late book. "Palmistry Made Eay." on aale. 657V4 William ave.,- corner Knott. Office hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. niVHRPFQ A specialty i advice free; w ui ivuu rcnauie lawyer, reason able fee. Central Law Bureau, 61 Koth chlld bldg,. 287H Washington. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Disease of women and surgery. Bx. animations free. -203 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington. Main 4047. MATRIMONIAL paper, 10 cents. Many wealthy, many marriage. Read the ffiarTlageentmtmtatsr--i1 rar-itett, ISlij Magnolia ave., ios Angeies, MRS. W. R. Wrenn, spiritual adviser, 2u4 Jerrerson, cor. 6th st. circles Monday, Thursday and Wednesday, 2 p. m, Marshall 4239. A-4686. HEADACllijS, nervousness, rheumatism, etc.. quickly cured' by practical psy chology, free lnjulry 630 Worcester hlopk. ANYONE knowiux the whereabuuta of Mis Sophia Petersen, formerly of 90 lOtli st., Portland, or please noiuy v 61, Journal. LADIES Sanderson's Cotton Root Pllla Sure- cure forleyed-ierkia.. 82 8 boxes $6. Money returned li it tails. T. J. Pierce 246 Morrlaon street. - QpiATipAWlsh to Bee the case I Owlnl I un can't cure (no drugs). Dr. Douglas, D. C. 838 Union ave. N. SICK MEN visit Dr. Warren's private dispensary, treatment free, charge for remedies only. Cor. 2d and Alder sta. LORENZ Nerve 'Tonio Tablet restore lost vitality: 26c box: 6 boxes. 81.25. Stipt'-Taylor Drug Co., 289 Morrison t. MRS. MAE HOWARD MANICURING eleo. facial and scalp treatments. Mll ner bldg.. 850 Morrison, room 1 and 2. EASTERN trained operator give mas sage and electrical treatments. 350 H Morrison Bt., room 30. ELECTRIC and vibratory for rheumatism. Office bid. 850V Morrison. treatments 16 Milner SPIRITUAL Medium, Itev. M. A. Price, Readings, healing, dally. Circles, Tues., 2, Wed, and Sun.. 8.. 366 4th st. M. 7227. DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mala d.ea,x acute disease. Wash, bldg cor. 4th and Wash., room 41. Marshall 448. MISS STOCKS Mental scientist, treats rheureatisnv-lumbago. . . 666i .Morri 6on. - VV car. YOUNG maji wishes t correspond with young may. UDject, matrimony. E-97, Journal. NlsBLTri'S SANATORIUM, with all modern baths, bake oven, and massage; Swedish movements. 616 Ixvejoy si. MADAME- KfJTELLE,- Spiritual metMum. readlnga dally. 128 13th; nr. Wash. MRS. HAMOT, expert chiropody and electric light baths. 826 Stark st FREE aovice, divorce, claims, adjuat mont. 828 Cham, of Corn. Main 9269. MAKTliA ZL'CKKH write Milwaukee at once, Important. , Mother. ' BAIjM of Figs, remedy for disease of 506 D avis st. Main 9215. SAVE $2 to $10 by buying your trunk or suitcase at 532 Wash., cor. 17th st. NOTICES 26 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the district court of the United States for the district of Oregon. In the matter of Josef Georgesen, bank rupt. No. 2162 In bankruptcy. Notice Is hereby given that on the 22d day of October, 1912, Josef Georgesen of Port land, Or., the bankrupt above named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of hi creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned,- room-401-3-3v-Fenton building, Portland, Or., on the 6th day of Novem ber, 1912, at 1.0, a. nw at which tuno said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact Such other busi ness as may properly come before said meeting. Claims must be presented In form re quired by the bankruptcy act and sworn to. The schedule filed discloses no as set. CHESTER G. MURP1IV, Referee in Bankruptcy. Dated October 24, 1912. TO the Taxpayers of Multnomah Coun ty. Or. Notice Is hereby given that on Mondav. October 21. 1912, the board of equalization of Multnomah' county will attent at the officu of the county clerk of said county ,nd publicly ex. amine the assessment rolls for the year 1912. and correct all errors In valuation description or qualities o-' land, lots or other property, and it Is the duty of all persons interested to appear at the time and place appointed, and, if it shall appear to such board of equalization that there are any lands, lot or other property assessed twice or in the name of person or persona not the owner of same, or assessed under or beyond Its value, or any lands, lot or other property not assessed, said board of equalization shal" make the proper cor rections. B. D. SIGLER, A, , County Assessor. P6rtland. Or.. Sept. 28, 1912. SEALED bids will be received at the office of the undersigned. 402 Tilford building, until 12 noon Wednesday No vember 6, 1912, for vacuum cleaner aytem for new Failing school. Plana and specifications may be obtained at the office of Wliltehouse & Fouilhoux Wilcox building Certified check for 6 per cent of the amount of the bid, pay able, to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each nronosal. Hour of directors reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. .V - THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated October 23, 1912. FOR SALE: Sealed bids Will lie reretvA at h. office of the undersigned, 402 Tilford building, until 12 hOQA Wednesday. No vember 6. 1912, for a room portable at Mnntavllla school. BuiWlIn . mut Kin- 84 dav-ftertTfrttf4 oi awara. ceriiilea Check for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid, payable to x. ji,. I nuiiiHs, scnoci ciem, must cc.omPHn each rroiot,al. Finneri nt directors reserve the right to reject any. and alP bids, R. li.. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated October 28, 1912 . NOTICES NOTrcra Tn rnwriTTrinsi a In the diHtrlct court of the United Btatc for the district of Oregon. In 1,5--iV2f , E- Fulton, .bnkrirc't NO. 2165 Irt Tiankrnptcy. Notice I here by given that on the 23d day of October, A. V.mz, b. b. Fulton of Portland, Ot the bankrupt above named, waa duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that th first vneAtinir or Vil ...m v.. u.m m " ' lu'iul " win uo worn ni ":fe th undersigned, room 401-2-8, Fenton building, Portland, Or., on the 8th day of -November. 1912, at 11 a. m at. which time said creditor may attend, prove their claim, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact , such, other businea a may properly come before said -meeting. .. Claim must be nreeentml In fnrm n. quired by the bankruptcy act, and sworn to. Ihe achedule filed discloses doubt, ful assets. CHESTER O. MURPHY, . , I. Referee In Bankruptcy. Dated October 24, 1912. - , &AND take 'lot nitg' must be paid now. ; J. D, ' Morrlg.607 Yeon. Mnr. 186. LOANS WATKD 30 . WanterJ I nan of J1600. on well improved Portland vruperiy, mouern u room Bwis. bunga low and 8 lots; conservative value 34500, r ght at Kir land tatlor, Mt. Scott line. ir3V.,F0i?p T0ai. '-8Tve A Sons, 122 N. tl. .... Phone Main 4381, A-72C9. t IF you want, to loan your money oh firsclas real estate. Hat It at once With the-'- i-. ... . ' .' , ' MORTGAGE LOAN DEPT-' T' vm at., near ptn i OWNER Want loan of $10,000 for 3 to 6 . year, 8 per cent lntereet, on hlgnly Improved out of town real estate Worth 840.000. "bulldlnira " lnnr.J "Mr rnori than, amount of loan. R-47. Journal. jutTAix wantea; owner want loan of umiu ror z years, B per cent interest, un nuiei puuaing , worm i&ouo. U-llb, ..TED $600 for 2 year; will pay . (vuu iuvi innKO on m .room ornnn new oungaiOW. VI. 4673. . "r" Better Than Diamonds Need the money. Have atook payln tetter than 1 Der cent month. Pal 16 per tent last. year. Will sell at face. Paclflo CoaK Brokerage Co., 818 rTq or irane. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller eaultv In contract of sale on real estate tn Washington or Oregon. xi. kj. jNonie. i.nmhermens bldg. Jvoans, WANT $25,000 on real estate valued $120,000. Owner ' hlarhlv reanonslhla P-76. Journal. - CHATTELS, SALARIES .67 Need Money? To Tret are tor WinU . SEE US and SAVE MONEY. - r TOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Our NEW PLAN Give You a Definite Amount to Pay Each Month, Including om Krmr.inni ana interest, vnu KNOW JUST WHERE YOU STAND at an times and If you pay In full before -ine contract time expire. WE GIVE YOU A FULL REBATE. Loan Made Immediately On 8ALARY. FURNITURE.' STORAGE jtfcCElFTB, AUTOS or REAL ESTATE. --' we nay ana Beu Mortgage. .. Portland Loan Co.' 107 MACLEAY BLDG. A-2817. CO' . 4TH AND WASH. STS. OPEN MON. AND SAT. TILL t P. M. State Security Co, TinAiFr.iT, r. - SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES Being salary loan broker exclusively we are enabled to make the beat term ua siva uie quiuaesi possible service. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL State Security Co, 808 Falling Bldg. A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN i M if- On Watches, diamonds. Innralrv Irn.V. furnltur Btorage receipts, guns, piano! tioy uompany , , Collateral Bankers find Rrtlr )' SIP Lu mber Ex. bldg., 2d- and Starte IMMEDIATE loans on pianos, furniture, autos. storage receipt, etc., at lowest rates., (Confidential). Also second inurigBo loans on real estate; mort gages bought. Room 312 Hamilton bldg, SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS, --Tour -can-get $5-4 $190 tody-at tnctiijcoi .rates, oesi ana most private lamia, v. u. urase, 37 Bpaidina; bid MONEY IN ANY- AMOUNT Any kind of security. LAWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT CO. 1125 Yeon bldg. Tel. M. 876. MONEY FOR SALARIED PKftPf.fi! and others, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payment, confidential D. IL-Tolmajy-room 417 -Lumber- Ex, A desirable. plaCb for ladles and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry at eastern rates.- Diamond raiace. aj yvasn.. opp. uwt Drug Store, CHATTEL and real estate loans, no red tape; conditional; mortgages bought. ""'"" -n, i aoingion Diag. MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. j. iy. JV1CHOLS. 615 YEON BLDG. MONEY. On any security. BOID REALTY CO., 206 Alder t MONEY sold on Installment; confiden tial to salaried people. F. A. New ton, 514 Hfnry -bldg. - LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldv MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel ry; strictly confidential. 141 3d. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE; 27 MONEY TO LOAN On olty or farm property. THE HARBOLDT-WILSON CO,, INC. , 710-718 LEWIS BUILDING. 4th and Oak eta. Marshall 4200 A-71B8 HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK, x-iiaiiiuer ui commerce oiug. We have on hand funds for Invest ment In good first mortgages. If you wish to borrow on your real estate, con fer with our mortgage loan department. HAVE money for Immediate loan 'on real estatA A V. I, oulsen. 418 RalU way Exchange. Marshall 27 3 MONE E3Y TO LOAN ON RE4T, KSJTATin $250 AND UP. , . -J, E. NICHOLS, t 615 YEON BLDG. 4 MONEY to loan, improved Portland property; special facllitle for large Irian T!I J 'Pm.. n i . u . , $100,000 on mortsageb, city or farm rtrnnprtv. ftri, Iriunrann . a '"'' .v.u tiua. Till R f r, 1 i.air xi.., vn-.miKi ttx anq Aioer, TO loan, estate funds on real estate at current rates, inquire attorney, rooms 10-12 Mulkcy bids., 2d and Morriann MONH.Y to loan; largo loans a specialty; iw". tvwcoi. ure in-. u ranoe. W. Q. Beck, 315-816 Fallin g. $T2 0o t loan at 7 per cent for 3 years" on good real estate. F. W. Reola, 998" '; lams ave. . titlVA'iE money to loan In sums of $60 and up on jeal, personal or collateral security. 207 Oregonian bldg". $3000 or part to IoaiS Money can bi had at once.. Phone Tabor 771 MONEY to loan on improved real estaTa. 1, L. White, 701 Commercial Club hid. wiJUU loan iio,i)9Q or less real estate Farrlngton, 41.6 Commercial Club bide' MORTCAGtoah37BS,',,and,,T"per"cenr I .nnm nmin av r gqa t i. r , , ' v . " "'i tg citurn hl. M VN,E ?.(! LOAN ON REAL ESTATE-: n, ii. Minnuwf, n I o I nm!ier or Com. UDKI'UAUK loans, $2000, $5000. 7 per MONEY t loan, 8-t"o"8 percf nTTwTIE Belts AKJo.; 310 SpalUln bldt MOXKY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL, KtTATI'i BLAUSUN-CRAIO CO ... Mortgage Loan Dept., 804 Oak st near 6th. BUSINESS DIRECTORY '' AB8TKACTS ' :"'"-''' JOHN Ai' BERRY, Atty., Oollcctlon, ah - tracts examined, written opinion T)n ippai questions. 17 .AllfKy no. Mil tain. ASYBXTUXWa ; FOSTERS KI-E1SKR, outdoor adver'tl. mg; painted bulletins, painted wans, ppstera. K. 7th and K. Everett at. East 1U1. B-2224, AOCOUWTAWTS PUBLIC COLLIS. BERRIDGH & THOMPSON, ; Worcester bldg. Mamwi SSATEX8 WVf T a a. nr ' MONTANA attbav of flea, lahnratoru. ore testing. Marshall 2728.-186 Moin-lson. ATTOSIf STS . KORNEGAY A THOMPSON, lawyer; . Bt'"-'iaj ;inv;ii.-r, uutieuiiunn, anwiracts exHimneu.. 4UZ normviuit u i r . nth nnn Washington streets.- . - v. ,.-U t , UlVOrrPiJf.UK,,.',lflt'Ji; a11: free; no J VUl VCODUblloltv. in trnn T.w lrintl. till" t it i. a " -r r-v ""'"i im""o ms. " a. hj, vuufKti,- Attorney at Law, Gen . '"al practice: abstract examined; i eon, OlQg. wain BTo. A-XUTl .nitLJii.n AjL.ii,A.A.iutiav general collections 4 17 rh am mVJ.- fer; .:.:: :-' 'V general practice. 416-417 Yeon hide BATHS RUSSIAN, - Turkish baths, swimming pool, open day and night, private rooms; ladles' and gentlemen' dents. FTCT! "Ut,hV MaBhl,U XMr i.If n treatment for rheumatism, lumbago, stomach trouble. 826 Stark BELT KEPAntlWG PORTLAND Belting & Repair Co.. 85 imi-, pen repy. Motorcycle belts isup, HOWE. DAvra rnupivv ma a t vti.ZL lyjsi0J"pANA' 2A 'l Imnroved ijnn t Jai i inn' im ih Lm ut0"-1'. .VSdS" ?. tb -it.- wain iBfl. BOOKBrgPIBS THE DITTMAR-PETERSON CO.. Macazlnn. mnnln anil law hnnlca bound, blank books and inns leaf avs. terns. 63 Stfl st. Phone Marshall 1235. BUSINESS CABS 3 g-eePW'.. n , W'gil'jii ' WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street pavinir. Sidewalks unit rr outlines 7th . floor Journal building. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. Fortlsnd office 605 Electrlo bldg; CABPEHTEB A2TS BUFAZXHTG As- E. W1KSTROM, house, office, store repairing, remodeling bldg. Win. 2029, carpet czvEAxrara JOYCE BROS. Electric Cleaning Work, carpet cleaned and laid, refitting our peclalty. E. 440, B-1863. 204 E. 1 9 1 h-N;- ,. .rfT. x- --rT-v-r-. wataiiii ibbi a iiimh wmjTUWFQ'n t rTn wnniro ..... r.m old camet. raa ruas. carnet cleanlna. 10a union avenue, near rj. worn son. PENINSULA Rug Works, rag carpet and rugs. 1518 ratton ave. Woodi n zb6. CBXBOFBACTXO rKTSZCXAJT HAVE given thousand of adjustment; $2,60 week. Bath office, 2d and Waah. jCTBCTJItAJl IiETTEBS. muuflUMAH iu ugrapning yo., xac- simnesigs. 6U9 Kiiers oiagarisy. COAL A2TD WOOD IT SPECIAL IS P PRICES ON GHEtsN SHORT WOOD. 3 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD. 32.60. INSIDE GREEN SHORT, $3.60. DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and laeddlnji The Portland Slabwood Co, Wain 8119. A-7001. D ol i ! CTo Ki- Art if naiiiicioiauuuu' yu, SUCCESSOR TO BUUin ruiuiiAnu bljibiywu w. jviaiin zina: A-atszv PAC. SLABWOOD CO, -me09 fJreftn slfibwood. b it and small inalda NEER & FARR Also sawed to order. Prdmpt PHAI , 2 ! Al delivery, Main 4596. A-4547. BEG HERS Wood Co. Dry fir. oak and slabwood, cull, tie sawea to order from country- mill Rock Springs coal. I Main 6369. A-2415 Vomotrt AnnH cinrl On Pn EAST 818, B-l 867. 'DELIVERED' f UUJUril.1 I oii. r. a. cimu o. c i. vui i ) bi, ECONOMY Fuel Co., 81 Grand ave. Coal that elves beat and satisfaction. East $14. B-2343.- Prom.pt service. Tl . T". r.. T tti lirrtfin vrT-. 1 luiiiuAiiu . j Fir, oak, slahwood and coal. Wrecks i Sty 9th Oik a T.A (lltuon M, n S-JK A.99S1 1 jl v . v. yjuiiDi, , .vv iv , ninu, w.w tvvuu n-nu I coal. Standard Wood Co., 847 East! I 1 V n1nMA. 1. 1 .Ink . . .1 Stark. East rsii. b-issb. ALBINA FUEL CO. All kinds of green and drv wood. Koclc borlnea and Men. aota coat. ; : COAL and all kinds of wood. Phone Holgate Fuel Co., Sellwood 485. PHOENIX Fuel Co. Dry wood $1.50 per ioaa. est cavier. main o. EDLEFSEN handles wood and coat COLLECTIOWS WE collect account on "collect er no pay ty basis' WrUe for testimonial a al proof. The Business Men' De- ve Bureau,- o Ablngton bldg. actu teetlve CONQHSSIOlf SDBBOHAJTTS HENRY EVERDING. " 45-47 Front at. Butter, eggs, poultry, veal, hogs, hides PROF. WAL WILSON'S Dancing School, Waltz, rtwo step," "three step," stage dancing. ' Lessons 25c. every morning, afternoon and evening. 85 5th, between Stark and Oak sts. Phone-Main 7637. HEATH'S school, lesson dally, walta. two-teDi three step, Baltimore or echottlsche "taught In first lesson, All. ky bldg., sa ana Morrison sts. HEATH S'chool. instruotion dally in fancy, stage and social dancing. Class Mon. ahd Fri. eves., 8 to 10. 109 2d, bet Wash, and Htark. Lesson 25c. DEBMATOLOGIST Moles, wrlnkJes, scalp specialist Mr. Courtrlght, 711 Dekum bldg. Main 6042. DOO, CAT AJTO HOBSB HOSPITAL J. G. Slee, D.V.S. Dogs and cat treat- d, boarded. Wood. $076. 1601 Alblna. BROWN BROS., 646 Wash. Main 4086! A-4086.-Re. 91 E. 12th. E. 6440. B-22sf BBESSMAEIHO SCHOOL Valentine' system ladles, tailoring, dressmakings taught - 162 Grand ave., between Morrison and Belmont ELECTRIC UOTOB3 WE -buy, aell, rent and exchange new buq secvnu - nanu motors, western Electrlo Works. 813 6th at. It ELECT, motor speuiulisii. James, Mc- Kenzie Elec. -WHH.. IPS UnlontlEast 117,1 EWOBA 1TEBS. EMBOSSED stationery, engraved card, Gardam Oo 403 MancheBter bldg. ETCE, BAB, NOSE ABB THROAT - Treatment by specialist Glasses fit ted. Dr. i F. Caaseday, 418 Dekum bldg. 0 27 . roimssT A WD uachzsu shop Irhoonlx Iron Works, 12. Sd-llawthorne, ttenerai macnina and foundry worK. rxma Airs taxisesmxst REMODELING and new work F. JX i'lnlev taxldermlHt. 249 Columbia t, OAsozanrn xusaxixxa STATIONARY 1 and marine, electrlo eoulptnents; ' launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing, - j"''10''''"'1 "'"7 ?-i, Morrison orsnEBa.1, BEPAnmro GENERAL machine and. electrlo work. repair or electrlo motors and dyna mB ""V' K- TP"r', Oak, QZXMAK TEACHS&S PRIVATE lesson by highly Educated merman, m. Bcniee, 13tn ml vHAUl GOODS Leading wig and toupee maker, finest eiocs. or nunian nair gooas; nair aress- I " """un", i"--o iiiu Bump iiphv inn, manicuring, race ana scalp treat I ' - vivai LADIES' and gentlemen' hata cleaned and blocked; all work .guaranteed or no charges, , We -make a specialty of ladles' beaver hat. Phone Maln-8442, l . vyt nitt wornw, tyg jat si. i . j- . ( .. amannay I HILDEBRAND Millinery, 215-18 Swet- 1, loni, Kiio. . !,.,- k ' w.u4. a.cii9, tfituuu,n viueim vpi i snort notice. Kennirme nn remonennir IHStmANCB , mog. mvery rorm or insurance, Donas. PACIFIC 'STATES FIRE' INSURANCES W my Oregon fire Insurance com. ' KODAK SETXIiOPISG ROLLS developed free; prints, 8c up: Trust bldg. ..... T. . :. a man uruera eoiiciieu. iua juercnante X.ADEES' TAixosnra THE National Ladle.' Tailor, guaran. tee fit. work by eapert designers. 131 10th at. near Washington. Main 1780. I.AJTOS0API1, OABIESIKO PACIFIC LANDSCAPE , GARDENING . , . CO. iv o aesign ana a raw pian zor paras, cemeteries, residential traots and u- I ouroan nomes; iurnisn ine necessary I trees, shrubbery, etc.: our work 1 ab- I B0'utely guaranteed '"done right" by Practical. exDerlenced men. We alo - ni-nt mnA par - i-n- hehherr do general tip-keep" , work on private around. Experienced men furnished on I snort notice, y none Main io. UATHEB Aarp riNPIMOS CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front Leather of every description: tap -manufacturers,-finding. LIP KB AD ISO KATHERINE KING teaches the hard-of- hearing. 308 Central bldg. Mar. 291. alACKIBTSBT B. TRENKMAN & CO.. hydraulic and "Pedal pipe, smoke tacka, oil tank, mining machinery, repairs. 104 N. 4th. KESSEHOEBS HASTY MESSENGER -CO., open .night and day. Main 63. A-in3. , ;r-3v- ZSOKTQ AGE XiOAJHS..". . - JOHN KER, mortgage loan, lnurance. 1 03 yeon bldg. Main zt I wrnsTn senooui An' TElCHlBS P. F. - KISSNER, : vlollnUt, practical teachlnir. 1U lessons S15. 16 Breeden bldg., n. E. corner 3a ana wasningion I G. E. Jeffery, violinist fit musical-direct. , or (lessons). 1208 E. Taylor. Tabor 4277 T. E. Lawsun, 136 14th. Main 6197, Pl ano lessons, 6 cents. E. TH1ELHORN. violin teacher: pupl Hevclk. uou Marquam. A-4itu, Mar. I0i r ; ui vtunim. W.iu pV 01 7 ZAilZJ:"iZ o? ' yiuim, a 1 cu uri , ah nm atvwva PIANO, violin mandolin, guitar, banjo instructions, ouc. Mawtnorne ave. RAGTIME guaranteed in 10 to 20 lea sons rxmuiar prices. ' m-zz. journal, ! MRS. HAGGART, piano- teacher. .Tabor 868. Will instruct at pupil' home. NAfBAPATHlO PHYSICIAJrS JNi?our fI$e'frtS!L DH lillebellb Patterson. Pe- I lollat nn ntnal. , acuta mil rhrnnln diseases. 415 Columbia bldg. Main 11961 f.R AfiNKS M- RROWN. 80S Jonrnl hldir 10:3(,-4:80M' S609- Rabofl vmjmx9 vih-mu uwuo I TiTAiiT CPD T A TWH t Oat tM . M! RASMUbSEN & CO.. "Htah Standard paint, ne. cor. 3d & Taylor. M., A-1771 I THE BEAVER VARNISH WK8.. make 1 uuvu yuruuu., ucn,icr, PAIBTTTNG AKD PAPEBIITO. GOOD work my metto. ' A. psbourn, $86 FOR best work, "prices rleht, call P, A, 'T'lVTI VI' t'i ,w,, 11 in,, nutntino, nan,. hanir ni. C A Karnes, ftlaln PATEHT ATTOB9XTI PATTTKTS nroeured of J. K Mock At. .1 . . . v.- '. " . lorney-at-vaw. win ui u. o. mieni ui- ftce: book free. 719 Board of Trade bid. " 1 PIPE PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co, Factory I and office. 24th and York. Main 8489. FLUME 7ACT0XT OSTRICH plume dyed, cleaned, curled. Willows tied irom oia piurnes; satl faction guaranteed. , 827 Washington. PBIgTIITO. ANSLEY Printing Co.. 260 Oak... Main tail. jrrinjtiTig to pieane, BOOFISG, VAXimBO, BEPAXXIHO xiN roofing, repairing, painting, Jobbing, j. Ish. il2 Jefferson., Main 1424. jKLfc & (jlNTER, sheet metal works'; tin Bhop. 648 Savler. M. 8542, ,A-130. KUBBEB STAMPS AUTO SEALS BTENCIIlS and office stationery. : Cun plngham t'o., 231 Stark. Main 1407, stencils. Kjep tres,. in za. Mar. i7i S ABH. OBWTJrPO WB W United Glass & Glazing Co., sash, doors, plate glass, llth, tTiisan. Main 4431, SAWTTOBIUM ROSE CITY SANATORIUM, strictly ma. ternity hospital. -181 North 23rd t SHOWCASES -ABP lTKTUBEa SHOWCASES of every description, bank, bar and store fixture made to order. The Link Mrg. co. THE JAMES I. MAREHALTTMFO. CO new and old showcases, cabinets, store end office fixtures. 289 Couch. M. 2703. SIGJfS ABO SHOWCABD3 OFFICE, door Jtnd window lettering; name plate for desks and door; also commercial printing, Ideal Office Sign Co. Phone -iIarshall ; 4383, $1$ Dekuin Mdg: ' ' 4 -, . AMERICAN SIGN CO., 849 Oak st. Sue cessor to Commercial depf of Foster r Klelcer signs. Marshall 4, A-4318. WAHALANDER CO.. 618 Com'wlth bldg. snow earns, ciotn signs, winnow trims. TArXOBIgQ ALFRED OGILBEE. 810 Labbe bldg., 2d anq wasninyton.- buiis to oroer. TILOBIBOSCHOOIi K TESTER'S Ladles' Tatlorlne' Collea-a Learn dressmaking, tailoring. 143 lt TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, oap, - Towel SuDnly Co.. 9lh and Couch tn 81 per month. 1 Portland Laundry . Co: I Phone Main 410, A-4410. . , ' TRANSFER ARB BTOSAQS C O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., of. flee and commodious 4 story brlcl warehouse, with separate Iron room and -fireproof vault- for - valuable. - Ni-Wl-cor. 2d and Pine at.-Planus and furnl. ture moved and packed for shipping, Special rate made oil good in out ; through car to a domestic and foreign " polntM. Main 696 A-1996. 7" 0REG0N TRANSFER CO, - Established Wd " . . . Transfer and forwarding agent. ' L.m. Storage, tree trackages Office and siorage, 474 Gllsan street 13h and Gllsan. Main 69. A-1169. PORTLAND Van and Storage Co., Ine 13th and Everett; moat modern stor are warehouse In city; low fire Insurance rata nrnnC tit tliia 1,'r.. traoUauai rnu. Ing, packing, shipping; reduced freight rates on household good In through car to and from east. Main 6640. A-1620. BAGGAGE & Omnlbu Transfer Co. Baggage'Checked at-your home, fur- mture moved, stored or packed for ship, ment.- Park, and Davis at. , Phonts: win yvov,- A-aaaa. W. JOHNSON, express, baggage. 333 worns st. u-3188. Stand 6th end Couch. TYPEWBJTEB3 TYPEWRITERS, sllehtlv : uad. ' T. C. fcmlth and all other make at reduced price and easy terms. L. C. Smith & Bros; Typewriter Co., 280 Oak st, - . TYPEWRITER & Supplies Uo. Rebuilt, u naiiu u st. mar.-1 iv. makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun- .iiniiaiii it i ptarit. Main- j iu 1. VACUUM CLEAKEBS Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaners, 216 Com. -monweaitn Diag.UA.AmicK,JMgr.M.4030 ' M. A. GUNST & CO.. DISTRIBUTORS OR FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OR. EVERDING & FARREL, produce and commlsion merchanlaX llo Front at.. Portland. Or. Phone Main 1. morgan Wall paper" cd:.'" W ii st.. between Salmon ana Main, i ALLEN-A .LEWISGJIOCEBIEST Should fee Considered When You Select a Physician to TreatYrcr C. K HOLS MAN, M. D. I am Just now completing my six teenth year as a specialist In men' diseases. During these year of close application to a single class of ail ments I have originated and perfect ed sclentlfio and certain methods by which these diseases are cured. If I accept your case for treatment a cure 1 but a matter of a reasonable time. '. My practice 1 limited to the disor ders of the male, and is further con fined to these special and chronic affection of th pelvio tract These Include Lost Vitality, Vanco Veins, Hydrocele. -J3iood. Disorder. Con-, tracted Ailment and Bladder and Kid. ney Diseases. I have taken up these ailments especially,' because thou sand of Uvea are ruined and thou sand of men are not what they should be, because they are held down' by chronic weakness, which th average practicing physician doe not-.- understand - and usually tries to make light of by telling th patient that nature will soon repair the waste, My method are tip to date, and are endorsed by the highest medical an thorltles of Europe and America, hence our success in. th treatment of men's disease. - CONSULTATION FREE. If you cannot call, write for Symp tom Blank. Many case can be treat, ed at homo, All correspondence con fldentlaU .--- - . i Hour I a. to I ft. m.' dally; 10 to 12 m. Sunday. - . C.1L H0LSMAN JIL K KIM MORRISON STREET, ' Corner First St, PORTLAND, OREGON. . 'KEEFI I SEE ME FREE. If -you are worrying about any ailment In cluded among " those within which I spe cialize, I Invite you to call at my office and I . will give you FREE a conscientious examination and dl agonsls - and ad via you y of the proper course to pursue to rid yourself forever of your worry and your ailment My years of experience and my qualification aav made ine an expert in the treatment of the ail ment with which MEN are afflicted. . Every .man calling at my office I assured f my personal and Individ ual treatment until, a cure I f. f6C t6d ' ' " ..'.V -'!':...'. NEOSALVARSAN Improved German Remedy for ; ; BLOOD HOISPN : I administer the remedy according to the very - latest method, Come to me if you have any of the following disorders; Enforced Veins, Pimple. Nervous 1 Debility, Nerve, Blood and Skin Disorders, Bladder Troubles. Blood Poison, Eruptions, Ulcers, Special Ailment, Pile or Fistula.- -j - 9 to 6 7 to 1 Dally, Sundays 10 to L Examination Advice Free, J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D. Rooms 11 -.18 Lafayette Bldg. 313 WASHINGTON ST., COR,TH. ,v.J-A 5 PORTLAND, OR. r !a Instantly Relievo and rapidly Cure' GOUT.RinSUMATISM.RHEUaiATIC -GOUTr-fiClATICAf-LCMBAGOr-and 4jl pains in the head, face and limb. ' At all Diuggta, f from Sola As" . E. FOUGERA & CO., Ine N. V. AMliSaid SMI i. . j f- iv-' Sm