10 m m til ... .' i i ' .-. : ". , ( ' , Tramp Tsurugisan Maru Will Carry 177,000 Bushels Steamer Reaches Port After Rough Trip From Frisco. .Under charter to MUbuI & Co., to take c-'ut the first fyll cargo of wheat that J Hs been set afloat here for Japanese ort In ! a -' long tline, the Japanese jitetfirter Tsurugisan Maru, Captain Nak- - agaNr-Trwd at Montgomery dock No. 2 at 9 p'llcclfjast night from San Fran- Cisco. . . " , TUS ' Japanese, tramp brgan working her' cargo at o'clock .this afternoon, fch -will take put appupxlmately 177,--COO bushels of the cereat and Is ex pected to clear for Yokohama and Kohl. ; Captain Kakagawa ald this morn ing that the trip up thsN;oast from San Francisco was qult rougVwItlv strong southwesterly Winds and a fairly heavy westerljrjiwerr; whlctijossefl the steam- " er about a good deal, as shs wag lighTT On the voyage to San Frsnclscov from Otaru when she brought 4000 tons of oak ugs, the Tsurugisan Maru ftad particularly bad ." weather and on Sep tmber 15 while" In latitude 47 north and longitude 172 cast, shs lost 70 pieces of her deckload;ln' a terrific typhoon. -'ThsjieRTjrr,ttmt)irrs-"X!arrted-war' stanchions and bent the bulwarks out when they went overboard. The hurri cane broke on September 24 and lasted for five days, during which time the Steamer was hard put to it Captain Kakagawa said that he learned on their - arrival on .this coast that It. was the fame typhoon which had done a lot of damage on the Japanese Coast, ' During the stay of the steamer at Ban Francisco one of the sailors deserted, sine which time cloae watch lias been kept on the others to prevent their male- H Kl VBVAV Alum Mm -5 i v '' MtMMa-4sBMMMa , COOS ANXIOUS TO HELP MarshfleldTOr., Oct. 24. In an effort to have the government make a ,new survey of the bar and harbor entrance of Coos Bay with a view of making plans and estimates for, 'jetty Improve ment, the eommisaloners of the Port of Coos Bay have offered the government SEE THAT CURVfc. Select cian With as much-cars is your phy slotan, - for n his ability, hon , esty and reliability depend the -.SBtlre.fectlveneas of your -(lasses. We wish -that every one Who comes to us would first . indolre as to our responsibility and anility. . We hart the best equipped ex amination rooms and factory In tha city. ' Ws can furnish any kind, syle, ', make or ghapelens In the short est possible time with the great J , est skill and accuracy and, when necessary, can Teplace "H'WU'en lenses wfells yoti waif. tr Optical SOn Institute . 201MO-11 Corbet t Bldg. 5th and Morrison. Second Fir. MELLOW AS It . Fine, ripe gram made Into a genuine Tennessee Sour Mash dktiUed and re distilled purified for absolute purity's akC"!-ged by time bottled under the best conditions. That's why we ay of Cascade 'the life and vigor of the grain." , .. Oilftnit nhr,t ft.. M rq l.hl GEO, A. IMCKEL & CO., Distillerg Naahville, Tcnn. 10 ROTHCHILD BROS., Distributors, lot the . Sutd oL Oregon. ' li i:lc7 You Should Your.Opti Thomp IU.WIII.IB.il I, I iuMi.il iav fe and Jill Wk0 Oldest House in County, It Is Said irf 'v"r ' ' i$ ji'VV l'.1' 'tiki' i;,:,. ... . iM I4)1JI li ltalMSSSWSJSBSSSJSSa.SSSMS - i i i . . Structure built in 1852 Tby Henry Small at Cottage Grove (SpeoUl to Tbt JoOrnM Cottage Grove, Or., Oct, 24. The old est house in Lane county stands In Cot tage Grove, and is still In use, although no longer occupied as a place of abode. Thr1iousffasum;TrriS5Trb'3rHenry Email, one of the earliest of the pioneers of the Cottage Grove country, now gone to join his fathers. It still stands on 12000 to defray the expenses of the sur vey, it being stated by the engineers thatllUa .sum . would..- covsr .-the coat. Recently the port commission offered 150,000'4o help pay for reconstruction of the Jetty, but the war department sent a statement that the Improvement could not be done now. The department said that a survey would be impossi ble and Jetty work out of rtie question at least until the bar dredge had been tried out Now thex port commission wants to pay for the work of making the survey, provided that It Is done In time to present at the ntttt session of congress. The engineering office at Portland has been advised of the action of the commission and If the' survey is made it is likely that all possible pres sure would be brought to bear at Wash ington to secure the jetty work. TO PASS ( UNDER DRAW Work of getting the Shsver Transpor tation company's . ..steamer Shaver-, is shape so that she can pass under the new steel bridge and the Broadway bridge without requiring the .draws to open was completed yesterday and she was launched from' the ways at the South Portland shipyards In the after noon. Her main post was cut down and two new ones were put in as stlffeners. She was then towed to the company's yards at the foot of East Davis, and she will be there about a week white the engines are being lined up. This is the first case of a towboat company here lowering the hogposts 1n order to facili tate the steamer passing through the higher draws without their being re quired to open. It is understood that other steamer belonging to the company will be fixed in the same manner. BRIDAL PAIR SAILS Rice, old shoes and other signs of wedding festivities were In evidence on the steamer George W. Elder, Captain Thomsen, when she sailed last bight for California ports, and on the door of the bridal chamber on tho steamer was a placard announcing that there were newly weds there. The occasion was Hie wedding-trip of GeoTgo ArBateson, a publisher of law books here, and his bride, who was formerly Laura Collins of -Astoria.- They were married yester day and will spend their honeymoon In San Francisco and other California cities. ALONG THE WATERFRONT To load a cargo of lumber for south em Valifijrnia ports, the whooner Irene came up to St. Helcnia In- low of tiie Port of Portland towboat (.U'klaltama this morning. The st'liooni;r ia in from San Dlfgo. ? The steamer Sue II. Elmore. Captain Anderson, la scheduled to sail tonight for Tillamook with passengers and freight: ' " There arrived on the steamer Alliance, when she got in from Eureka and Coos Bay at 6:30 last . night, three Indian Kirl and - atx -Indtanboys,- who have come from Eureka to attend the gov ernment school at Chemawa, The Alli ance brought 64 passengers aa well asl a large amount of freight The British steamer Ockley shifted from the Albina to tho Portland Flour ing Mills dock at 11:30 this morning. The steamer Claremont is to sail from San Francisco tomorrow, and the steam er Jim Butler Saturday with cement, awphult and general freight from Couch street. Captains Edwards and Fuller, United Status inspectors, of hulls and boilers, will prefer no charge against Captain J. L. Wilson, master of the steamer Daisy Freeman, damaged while going out of the river on tho evening of Oeto ber 11. The Investigation into the acci dent was terminated yesterday morning. Water in the Lewis river having reached a sufficient stage, the steamer Charm will go back on her run to Toledo Saturday. Ehe has been laid up since August. While southeast storm warnings were ordered up by .the weather bureau at 7 this morning. District Forecaster Beals says that lie dos not expect the gala to assume very largo proportions. It will cause general rains In this district, however. ; ,. MARINE NOTES Astoria. Oct 24. Sailed at ":55 a, in steamer Ueo. W. Elder, for 8an Diego and way ports; sailed at 9:15 a. ni, steamer Nortniana, ror san redro; steamer W. 8. rorter, ror Monterey; arrived at 9:60 a, m., barge No. 91, In tow of tug Hercules, from Han Francis co; sailed at 10 a. m.. steamer Bear, for Man i'rancisco ana ean fearo; sauea at 10:25 a. m.. schooner Alvcna, for San Francisco- at 10:45 a. -m., French barm uaouara ueiauie, ror wueensiown or Falmouth, for orders; at 11:16 a. m. British steamer At. H. Dollar, tor Tsing tau: Japanese steamer Koju Maru, for Sydney ..vlaJPuget Sound; stsamer Kla math, for San Pedro, towing Multnomah, lor San Francisco. " San Francisco, Oct. 24. Arrived, ijtcamed Koanoko, from San Diego; sailed at t a. m., British steamer Strath- ijon, ror roruana. Coos Bay, Or., Oct. 24. Sailed, gaso line schooner Tillamook, for Portland. Coronel, Or.. Oct. 2S. Hailed, British Bieamer r.ngnsn, Montrcn. rrom for land for St. Vincent for orders. - San Francisco, Oct. 23. Sailed at 11 a, m steamier Willamette, for Portland; uiirKcniuio ijanaina,-ror i;oiumDia river; at 10 p. m., steamer J. B. Stetson, for Portland. Astoria, Oct. k24. Condition at the mouth of the rlvr at 8 a. m., moderate; wind southeast 26 miles; weather, light - ' t Astf.rU Friday4iigh water, 0:0i am.. 7.7 feet; 0:05 p. m.. . ft Low watr. :0i a. m., 1,9 feet; 6:40 p. , THE . OREGON ; DAILY JOURNAL. the spot upon which it was originally built, and except for some repairs to the roof, it has not had any alterations since erected 60 years ago. It Is of hewn-flr log construction and bids fair to outUva- another generation if nol-re. moved to make way for a more preten tious structure. It, was bought by O. P. Adams In 1862 as a home for his bride and Is still his property. OF TARIFF PLAIN Party Not Free Traders, He Explains, but Does Believe In U. S. Wares as Cheap at v Home as Abroad. . '.. (Staff Correspondence.) Albany, Or., Oct. 24. Despite a driz sUng.raltf that fell here today and the inconvenience of the hour, the Albany theatre was crowded to capacity this morning by ah audience to listen to a 46 minute address by Governor Thomas R: Marshall of Indiana, and coupling his advocacy of the olection of Dr. Uar- ry Lane ' to the United ' States senate from Oregon with a discussion of na tional issues-, especially the tariff ques tion, he held the close attention of his audience. "I want to talk about some Questions in which ws are all Interested Gov ernor Marshall began. "I want to speak about the importance of electing a Democratic United States senator from Oregon.' As an advocate of state's rights, It would be presumptuous of me to come to Oregon and give you advice. Governor Johnson came to Indiana not long ago and gave us a lot of superflu ous advice about how to run our state, bue we have laws in Indiana that will enable every man to vote for whomso ever he pleases. "I advocate th election of Dr. Harry I Ane to the United States senate be cause if we are to have . independence in this ..country we must maintain a competent party organization. least Kara Men Back of Him. "If Woodrow Wilson, as president is to accomplish what, the Baltimore platform promises, he must have back of him legislators who will help him In carrying out his policies. "If Abraham Lincoln was alive today he would ha on the stump for Woodr,ow Wilson. He was America's second greatest Democrat a Democrat not be cause he ever Voted the Democratic ticket but because his 'heart beat in jommon with his fellow man." Touching upon. the immigration prob lem. Governor Marshall said, 'I stand for any immigrant who wants to come Gain 30 Pounds in 30 Days Prottme, the Bemarkable Hew Pleslv BaOder, Builds Up Fleth Fast and Makes You Flump and Strong;. 50-Gesii Packcflo Froo Before After Proton Will Make Ton Kibe and Plain. Thin people suffer a good deal of embarrassment and ridicule. Aa peo ple poke fun at a bony horse, so are bony people the target for many hum iliating "flings." The plump, well-formed man or worn an is a magnet: Protons makes you nlnmn. stronir. well-formed, normal. Duta color In your cheeks, a happy twinkle in your eye, and a fine poise to your whole body. It keeps you that way. It Is the most scientific and effective flesh and strength builder so far known, barring none. The regular 11.00 size of Protons is for sale by all druggists, or will be mailed direct. upon receipt or pneet. by The Proton Co.. 8001 Protons bldg., bv Tha Protoi Detroit; Mich. Free Protone Coupon. It will cost you nothing to prove the remarkable effects of this treat ment The Protone Company will send to any one a free 50c pack age of Protone, if they will fill out this coupon and enclose ' -10o In stamps or sliver to help cover post age. They will also send with It full Instructions and their book on "Whv You Are Thin." - TED ntOTOITB COWAJTY. .001,rotwi.Wg..JBtlV0kv Kama Street City ......... .Stat The regular. 11.00 six of Proton) Is for sal in Portland by the Owl Jrug CcU J3,5.WssJlngton street -- too fie pagiiages from .druggists. - PORTLAND,' THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 24, 1912. here and become' a gqod""cH!zen. .. But I sm against bringing in men who won't want to be American cltiacns and wo can't ' become good American citizens. "Wi W Wot rre Traders,"', .i,. . "You are told that a Democratic vic tory will mean hard J times. This is sver the last resort of the Republicans, and a gross falsehood. You are told that we-sre-free traders.. , That Is not so, But we, do believe In a tariff .reduction that ;wlll compel "Ar orlcan - manufac turers of tariff. protected goods to sell their wares , as - cheaply at home as abroad. T1' "Manufacturers themselves are begin ning to realise that this high protective system Is vicious. A maker of wire fence in Indiana told me recently that If he could buy his raw material at the mills in Gary as cheaply as In Liverpool, he could earn more money for .is com pany and dlrtrlbute thousands of dollars among his employes. 1 - - " rt Cents Out of fl.oa Ooas.-" "What ' of ths worker under the scheme of high protection? Under schedule K the cloth In this coat I wear represents a Jabor cost of 6 cents per yard, the labor cost plus the duty to Import this cloth, from England Is tlM per yard. Who gets the 97 cents per yard made possible by the high protec tive tariff? Surely not the worker. "You can have the kind of govern ment In America you want It you will go after It. Bud laws breed discontent and socialism like rabbits in a warren. "Let us not remain in the hands, of the few as under the Republican trust fostering doctrine; let us not fall into the '' bands of the many as the social ists , advocate, but let us have some sane sensible Individuality. in the Unl(ed 'States ait advocated. by Jeffer son and Lincoln." Xsaoh Portland at 6:30. P. It. Immediately, after his address Gover nor Marshall left for Salem to deliver his fourth address In Oregon. The party will arrive In Portland at 6:30 o'clock thla.aftarnoon. via the -Oregon, electric Governor and Mrs. Marshall will take dinner this evening with Captain and Mrs. A. M. Wilson In Portland prior to the address In the Gipsy Smith audi torium at 8 o'clock. Governor Marshall and party leave Portland for Seattle at 11 o'clock tonight Call Asqulth Pmmmptlous. (0ul ted rnws Leased Wire.) London, Oct. 24. Premier Asqulth is being made the target of raillery by the Tory press, because of his refer ence in a recent note to the French pre mier to "my government" instead of "his majesty's government" Hither to no officer of state hes presumed to make uss of the possessive case In such connection the expression "my gov ernment" being the exclusive preroga tive of the king. Dally Elver Raiding. ;? hj ?5 5 STATIONS & S g? a a Lewlston. 0 0. Hiparia . . Umatilla .. Harrisburg Albany . . .. Salem . . . . . Wllsonvlile Portland 0.1 0 .01 .27 ;J5 .06 2.6 1.7 3.0 0.4 Rising. ( ) Falling. Notice to Mariners. The following-affects the aids to navigation- In" the Seventeenth lighthouse district: Oregon Nehalem. river, approaoh, Ne halem river buoy, 2N, reported out of position, - Ootober 21,-1912? will bs ra- O. & G. S. Charts 6122, 6100, 6051. Buoy list, Pacific coast 1911, p. 3L By order of th bureau of lighthouses. HENRY L. BECK, Inspector. The production of rattan In the Phll- llpplnes Is being fostered by the govern ment. -Portland's largest 24 3.0 SO 3.6 26 ... 16 2.8 20 4.8 20 4.6 17 6.8 15 3.9 National Wine Company's Wine and Liquor Specials Fop Friday7 Mall orders post marked mday will bs filled at Bala Mess. Prices' on quality Wines and Liquors which can't be equaled in Portland only possible by reason of The .National s quality buying These specials for Friday jmng your .order . $4 Rye or Bourbon Whiskey, gal., S4.75 $1.50 Wines Port, Sherry, or Angelica, Friday, gal., 75c $4 Jamica Rum, gal., S52.T5 Our Au to Deliv ery Car ries ZTo Signs PJK) WES MAIS Millinery World 384 Morrison Street All Hats FmandSaturday GEN. DIAZ AND 200 WILL DIE AS Captured Defenders of Vera . Cruz to Meet Death Like Maxmiliian, Drawing Lots to Decide the Victims. . (United rrns teased Wire.) ' Mexico City, Oct 24. The announce ment that General' Fella , Dial, rebel leader,' and his staff, and one out of every 10 men of his command ars to be shot, cams as a great shock to the Mex ican capltartoday.r As Diss's force numbered 1000 men, this means that 200 soldiers will be ex ecuted. '. .... -,'.".'. ' ' , It is understood ths rebels will draw lots to determine who shall die. General Beltran, the federal comman der, who accomplished the fall of Vera Crus, will preside at the court-martial. New York, Oct 24- Ths following telegram wa rsceived today by . the United. Frees- from -F rand co- L- Madero, president of Mexico: "Tiie easy capture of Vera Cms by the federal troops insures a speedy pac ification , of the country. All -foreign residents sre' assured complete protec tion, both of life and property. It may be taken for granted that the period of tronblo- througft -wMcrr-th-tuntry" has passed Is practically ended." Douglas, Aria, Oct 24. Ths Mexican government in Sooora is making a de termined effort to securs the extradi tion of General Emlllo Campa, former The Joy ol Get ting Uomc-TIZ A Ten Minute TIZ Foot Bath and Your Feet Are Like New. end for Tree Trial raesafs Today, These are not supposed to be your feet. You may be a mere man. But your feet or any one's else feet In a TIZ foot bath are care-free feet. Awav go the corns, bunions, calloaea, the chilblains, the palna. aches, soreness and all foot trouble. Follow the millions of happy TIZ feet and you will then realize that TIZ works on a new prin ciple, draws out all the poisons that cause foot troubles and TIZ Is the only remedy that does the work. Don't for get this fact, and don't underjny cir cumstances accept a substitute, Be good to your feet and demand TIZ. All drug stores, department or general stores have It at 25 cents a box, and for those who don't know what real foot comfort is write to Walter Luther Podge & Co.." 1228 - "Wabash Ave.. Chicago, 111., for a free trial package today. ramlly Uauot ttorz and big business. one day onlyl . Phone or j . $4 Holland Gin, gal., $4 California Muscat Grape Brandy, gak, $275 Special var Olren toKaU Orders 0419 0 A-4499 and Coats MEN rebel chief, held la the county Jail at Tucson. T7R.DONSRIDINGT AND EATS BIG MEAL Oyster Bay, N. Y., Oct. 24. Seven hours of dreamless sleep last night put Colonel Roosevelt In excellent condi tion for a dressing of his wound today by Dr. " Alexander Lambert. Ths for mer president dosed oft at 11:30 o'clock last night and did not move until 6:83 o'clock this morning. His general con dition Is reported as excellent : Clad in a khaki riding suit Roose-Telt-appeared.,at.Jlha.famlly..brakfast table and said, he felt "bully." . His wound Is healing fast?-v t, Ths colonel will receive reporters to morrow, but . probably win not -resume his speaking" campalgtttef 6rcOc tobor Marriage Joins rioneer Families. . j (Special le The Journal) : , ; . Albany, Or Oct 24. Two pioneer families were linked torether hers last evening, when Ethel R Ooutley vand .-. ovvl:A " t S ' I ..v ,jei (Lf 'Y The present season finds Mme. Gadski at the pinnacle of fame the acknowledged queen of lyric and dramatic song. - " It Is truly significant that Mme GsdsW, ma ture in her art, chooses tht STEINWAY PIANO as the ONE instrument capable of sup porting her magnificent voice. New Steinway grand and upright pianos are on display and for sale in Portland only at the parlors of Shefmanlay&Co. Steinway and Other Pianos, Apollo and Cecilian Player Pianos, Victor Talking Machines and all the Records. MORRISON AT. SIXTH, PORTLAND, OPP. POSTOFFICE WALDEMERE Has EXACTLY aa WIDE and FULLY as GOOD a VIEW as Portland Heights enjoys. You can see JUST AS MANY BOATS, plying up and down the river; JUST AS MANY TRAINS, puffing their ways in and out of the metropolis of the Northwest Empire; just as much MOUNTAIN, FOREST and HILL as you can from COUNCIL CREST. And you pay INFINITELY LESS for a place to BUILD YOUR HOME. Across the river. In St. Johns three ...or four blocks from the carline, you pay $800 FOR A PLACE TO BUILD, In WALDEMERE, right ON THE CARLINE or on the" FREE BUS line, meeting every car, you PAY FROM $400 UP, From every point of view ECONOMY, VIEW, PUR ITY OF AIR, FERTILITY OF SOIL, EXCELLENCE OF TRANSPORTATION, INVESTMENT OPPOR. TUNITY . and EVERY OTHER CONSIDERATION. .WALDEMERE is the BEST FOR YOU, BEST FOR HER, BEST FOR.THEM. Her, meaning the Mrs., and them, referring to the kids. See us about it before prices SOAR. Your own terms, no taxes, Vincent Jones Realty Company , 408 Spalding Building ' ""'"77 James G. Caldwell were married at ths home of the bride's mother, Mrs. 8. C Gourley. .The rln ceremony, : autumn leaves and chrysanthemums, ' the Im mediate relatives f-th coupls-and-a wedding supper epitomised the event The, newly married couple jwlU reside on a farm near Plrtle, a station on ths Oregon electric lln.J: : lsl l5l1 CURES ECZEMA BURNS, BOILS - All Inflammations of tha; Skin and Scahp It u mtnr mn (it Mil aot-eifMW I tun idxil pilRiriNA. AlthonRB I have tried many W. r. THUH8T0N.: M. I).. U Auasles. Oah . 1II1IUTTII1H, P.TV IVIIIIU MUMIIH, WW '"HI.' m -r- Sold-Olsrk - Wwdwir4 Dmg -Oo.T Sk W more Drag Co,. Arms Pbarmicy, Iu1ti . Drug Co.. Hickmaa Mfg. Co., 70 Oortlanat. Btr NeW Xork City. BlsM 10 end 26e. - - TherSTEINWAY Piano" , -' and MME. JbHANNE ' Prima! Donna Soprand HEIUG THEATRE 0a0BE30 Tickets on sale at the box office no interest. A 9 "