The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 16, 1912, Page 27, Image 27

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    Tin: oi,.
;;ii;g, octobi:;: u i:
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Brief Items of Tuesday's Late News
fchort Storl ot WorM ttajrfetdnffl Not Iteceived In Mm fo Veetor
dayssTO fth Journal. " .'Tr.
eita.Mi.iiit BonnhllofcnS ahd DtfflO'
; emi alike agree that the attempted
iBaslhatloh of Theodora Roosevelt has
' upset aU calculations regarding the out
' coma of the election. Oh all aide It
V WM reallted that the h6otlng well hav
-"i 'vital bearing upon tha campaign. At
tacks on Colonel Roosevelt by Repub
v Itcan and Democratic speakers will
. ' eaaa, temporarily at least Speeches
.xnio fnr .Tnhn M Harlan and J.
Adam Bede.itbe two. Taft orators who
have been following Roosevelt tnrougn
out the country, have been canceled.
One man who heretofore tuts been a
strong Taft supporter and now will
be with Colonel Roosevelt Is Julius D.
Uebllng, editor and publisher of the
Chicago Jewish Frees. Mr. Turning
announced Tuesday that Tils paper hence-
. forth would support Colonel Roosevelt.
Mr. T.iohlina- waa Influenced partly hV
th nomination ttf Oscar 'StraUe for
, Governor ot New York. The attempt
., upon Colonel Roosevelt's life caused
him to make uo hl mind finally.
In a speculative wfcy the ehooting of
Colonel Roosevelt has had its errpct on
" the booktnakes who are taklhg wagers
on the election. James O'Leary of Chi
cago, who piobably his the biggest
' - "book" In th eouhtry on the preeldon-
tial races, was on Monday quoting
RooaeVelt as a one to four shot. lie
believes that the accident has helped
; the eolftnel's cause and has no cut
the odds down to two to seven. He
made no change en "the fst of the can
Appftalihg t the people of Idaho to
.'.reelect him to the United States eenate
from Idaho not by virtue of his poll
- ilea or his party preference, but in view
. his achlevementa during the past
" six years. Senator William H. Borah
' addressed a packed hoiisn In Iiewlston
Tuesday night. He attacked the conv
blnatlons and big Interests of the coun
try and announced his faith In the
Republican party to eolva the great
. problems which confront It
tA Way an "Amerteanlted" Chinese of
the Hip Sing Tong, who returned from
Hlng Sing to New York's Chinatown
Tuesday morning, after serving a 10
year sentence for a Chinatown killing,
stepped out of a doorway on Pell street
and opened t Ira on a Chinese enemy.
- This started a tong war and within a
few minutes two Chinamen and two
white bystanders lay dead, three other
White men were dangerously woundsd
:" and half a doxefl cninameh received ln-
JUrles fhori ot less severe.
Charles Itrewn, a Roosevelt sunporter.
waa shot today by a fanatic- at Cleve
land, 0hlo( who Was apparently cele-
orating tne snooting or uoionei noose
Yelt Brown hftd purchased a paper
from a newsboy who cried out the news
f the ihootthg, when a man standing
a few Jeet ,fllaUntidr.ow a rcyolter, ana
hUutlnit: "Hurrahr fired two shots, onS
of winch atrucK Brown; Brown cot
lapsed end the shooter escaped.
Judaa Hand th tha United States din
trict court at New tWk, dismissed the
Scratched, Thfeh It Butted. Itched
80 Could Not Get Much Rest.
Used Cuticura Remedies. In One
Month Was Entirely Curd.
I, 1
KalllotuS, Wash. "My trouble -com-saenced
by Itching la the Joint of the elbOWi
caused by pimples. I scratched, then It
burned. When I got warm, it was worse.
. It was in spots all over my arms. It was la
lores, ftnd Itched so bad that I could not
get touch rest at alt. I Used everything I
could think of, but got no relief till 1 found
Cutlcura Soap and Cuticura Ointment
"I washed my arm with Cuticutt 8da
' . twice a day, and then applied the Cuticura
Ointment on a piece of cloth and tu$ it 00.
wy arms and that gate ma heller fight away
from that itching. 1 Used two bttte Of CUM-
cura Ointment, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura
Resolvent ahd la one mohtn I was entirely
feured. I have never been troubled since.
1 v It cured me and It will cure others. I also
1 , m Cuticura Ointment on my baby's beefl
for th naif, and recommend It for tore
hands.'' (Signed) idfi. Ltllle CobleX, 1)66.
. I8.10H.
- If you wish a skin clear of pimplea, black
' leads and other adndylhg eruptions", hands
oft and whit, hair live and glossy; and
tckip free from dandruff and Itching, betta
I )-dy the regular use or uuueura eoap ler.
L Vie toilet, bath and shampoo, assisted , by
11 : occasional iigns appiicsirju ui wuwwu
Dmtmeni. ino otner ractnoa is ho BRnrauio,
ecoBoSt'afld so bftfiH 'elfSctrv8'.Cutfi 1
ura Soap 26c.) and Cuticura Ointment
t!Brje.J are sold by druggists and dealer!
' ' Inrftughoufc the world, tlljeral sample of
' acB aum free, with 32-p. Skin Oook. Ad-
dress postcard "Cuticura. Drpt.T, Bostofl."
Jty-Tettdor-facod teen should use Cutlcuri
,,, I OAS fthavll't Bth'k; St (Bnniyle fie.
J i
suit brought by tihi Journal of Com
nieree against Postmaster General
Hitchcock and Attorney Oehefarl Wlck
ershant td test the constitutionality of
the newspaper publicity law. In so
doing he Sustained demmrrert lntqr
posed by the government.
. jpaclflc Coast.
An uniaehtlfled robbef weiflnt a
false mustache and wig, was shot and
Instantly killed at Oakland. Cal., Tues
day night by Motorman H. J. Hegwer
after he had attempted to rob the con
ductor af ft Grant avenue car. V. 1i
Meeker, the conductor, battled with th
highwayman and suffered the loss of
the middle finger of hla right- hand,
which was shot off.
J,. W. Graham, aged $4 years, em
ployed by the Sfttnsent timber" company
at Raymond, Wash., as a timekeeper,
mysteriously disappeared from that city
last Thursday and a careful search has
faHed te reveal any cause for his sud
den disappearance of any word Of his
present whereabouts.
To make the Korthwfst Livestock
show exclusively a Northwest Stook
men'8 Show Is the plan of the executive
board Of the association, which was in
session at Lewiaton, Idaho, Thead&y for
the purpose of considering thd details
for the construction of the buildings oh
the newly acquired site in East Lewis
ton. It Is expected that there Wllj he
about 100 cars of pure" bred stock
shipped Into Lewlston to mopet for the
$9000 offered in prizes.
Sam Mteh has bought the half 1ft.
tereflt of C F. Graves in the Graves
Bros.' sheep business at Enterprise, Oh
W. II. Graves and Mr. Lltch Will con
tinue the business, The Graves Bros.'
property, now owned by Mr, IJtch and
H. W. draveB consists of i000 acres of
pssture and farm land and 8000 sheep
With a total value of nearly $60,080.
According to a ruling made Tuesday
by Judge William Smith, of the cir
cuit court, the Baker voters wilt bo
given the oppottuhlty to vote on amend
hiehls to the present charter at the
coming city election. A temporary In
junction had been issued restralftlhg
the city commissioners from putting the
amendments on the ballot.
Capslaed in a collisldtt with the tanker
Argyll Tuesday morning, the" Steam lum
ber schooner GualSla turned bottom
side up and was abandoned by her clow,
2& miles south of Point Arena. TWO 6?
her crew were Injured but all were res
cued. The GualaJa is believed to have
cleared from westptrt, but it is hot
known whlthef she wis bound.
Twelve hundred and fifty dollars In
coin was sent Tuesday by Special train
front Pearsrh, Mexico, td Sari Pedfo,
hear where John T. Cameron Is held
for ransom by Ihcs iBalabar, the rebel
i eiieral. The rebels cama down frorn
- their-erlginal -demand far 16,fl. -B.
G. Polly, his business associate, is a
prisoner with Cameron. Nothing has
befell flfeafd ffom Arthur McCormlck,
foreman of the Palomas ranch, also held
captive. Friends have sent money for
his ranion overland by way of Hachlta,
N. M.
A great Montenegrin victory over the
Turkish troops Wrs announced Tues
day by Prince Peter of Mefilenegro.
The spoils Included eight machine guns
and 7000 Mauser rifles. Tie cap
tured gartlsbh numbered S000 regulars.
The Turkish town of Tushl aurfehd-'
erPd to the Montenegrins Tuesday aft
ernoda. this opens the way tb.Sr-utarl
where Turkish forces are said to bs
concentrating and on which the Monte
negrin troops are advancing. Crown
frinco Daifilo was In command of the
Oficial confirmation that Ottoman
troops have Crossed tlje Servian fron
tier readied Paris Tuesday evening from
thd French minister at Belgrade. The
Invading forces numbered about 8000.
They advanced to the neighborhood of
R)8tovata and had a brief engagement
with the Servians, in which H Serbs
were killed.
Two hUhdred fheri coming to work
at Steptoe smelter at. MCGIU, Nevada,
were mot Tuesday morning by 60 Greek
and Austrian strikers, and With re
volvers and clubs wef driven away.
The Ciltslile of the enclosure was pick
eted by the strlkfeM, who stopped all
fcbmers. thffee hundred and fifty men
within the stockade are keeping the
furnaces going. Sheriff Cr&h with (9
deputies la .Seeking to restore order.
The body of Howard Carpenter, Col
onel Roosevelt's guide to the! Gunnison
douhtty a tew years ago, was feborted
ouna at tn Headwaters ot Elk creek,
d miles west bf Gunnlaon, Colo., after
a Search for him of twe weeks. The
flesh virtually waa stripped from the
bones. It 11 believed h had been at
tacked by a 6uhafl beur and dragged
Into the thicket lin which his body
ftae found.
'President Taft, en boafd tha yacht
Mayflower on Tuesday signed an exe
cutive order putting 35,000 fourth class
pofcttnaster In th classified aervlce. .
""Tt"'atte?Tipt to pas9"iTeffoltnwngfte''!
mandlng a change ef administration
at the state penitentiary and condemn
ing Governor Carey . failed Tuesday
night at a mass meeting of citizens a:
Rawlins, Wyoj The meeting was the
fcSult of difference! of opinlbn be
tween the governor and" a large number
(of tewniesopl as e the ceases of the
escape last Saturday and Sunday Of 28
convlctt. Tha governor defended the re
form system, which was the subject
ot censure, but admitted there were de
fects and asked cooperation In solving
thetfv -
(Special, to Tb Journal.)
PralVle City, Or.; Oot. t6. William
Henry Harrison Meader was found dead
In his bed Sunday morning by his aged
sister, Martha Meador, Who kept house
for him on his ranch four miles from
her In the upper John bay valley.
"Bill" Meador, as he Was familiarly
known to his friends and neighbors, Was
one of the oldest residents of, the val
ley. Ho was bdrh In Campbell county,
Tennessee, September 24, 1840. As a
young man he removed to Missouri,
Where h enlisted for service In the
Civil war In company D, Sixth regiment
of Missouri volunteers In 1861. After
three Jrs of active Service he was
honorably discharged. Me came to Ore
gon in 1874 ahd settled In the John
Day valley where he has resided ever
since. He Is Survived by a sister and
an older brother, who Is also an old
pioneer and prominent rancher of the
upper valley.
(Special to The Sotirnal.1
Prairie City, Oh, Oct. 16. John Blihh
of the united states forestry service
here, came in Monday from a two Weeks'
absence to learn that his 10-year-old
bay, a pupil In the schools, had been
thrashed severely by his teacher, J. V,
Croft. Mr. Bllnn met the teRcher in
front of the postofflce and called him
aside to mhke Inquiries regarding the
difficulty in Rchool and to learn the
cause of the beating. Mr. Croft in Jus
tifying his punishment made remarks
Bllnn resented. "Take that" remarked
Mr. BHrth, handing Mr. Croft ft rlcht
hand Jolt In the mouth. Immediate
invention of bystanders prevented fur
ther hostilities. A warrant charging
aSsadlt apalnst Croft has been sworn
out by Mr. Blinn.
t (Bwell f Tt Jonrn.l.l
Butte frails. Or., Oct. 16. The eitihB
of Butte Falls and vicinity are very
Indignant ever a notification received
by the postmasters of Butte Falls, Der
by, Dudley ahd Prospect that after Oc
tober 16; there will be mail tmiy three
times A week Instead of nally. This
will effect about 600 people In this vi
cinity who have had dally Service for
B to 10 years.
Best Way to Conquer MosH
Common AilnienM Ti irt
Line of Prevention.
Excellent fctehtach fcemefly.
Mt. Vertjpn, YVashi
The C. M. O. Stewart Sulphur Co.,
. Tl Columbia St., Seattle:
Gentlemen I have used Slilphurro
fofvicute stomach trouble With the
greatest benefit to niynelf 1 can
now a good meal ahd enjoy Jt
thorpufihly. . Before I learned ol
SuJplnltrp I Buffered greatly fro:
this stofliach disorder, and wouj
have tb Conlne ifiyself t5 Beef te
ror days at a tinio. , , ... .
If this in of any benefit to iny
one you are , at liberty to" use It irt
&h? way that you thtft BeSt.
. (Signed) JENNIE THftfit).
The common ' cold Is thd most fifH
aient of ail ailments, and usually is
the mast difficult te dislodge. The way
to flifht colds la to prevelitthem. S'uf
phtitro, etrengthen fh system, makes
It fresh ahd vlKor.ous, and gives nature
a chancy to battle flffairiKt lie! ene
mies with her own "Weapons, Keep the
blood and system toned up to the proper
elate of efficiency .Old Purity and you
will TBH be addicted to colds.
n'he-ratter printed above Indicates how
vaitiableNStilphurro Is . as. a etomsch
remedy, stomacn,- Dioon ana sum dls
y. sioma-cn,- onion na sum ais
have'Sniall chance to exist Sft
Iphurro ektends lis purifying, and
ve influence te all parts of the
eases h
er 811 lph
liid Biilbhurrtf, htl W the great en
enmy of Kheumatisiyk-'1 no cas of
Rheumatism has Salpliurio been knew
to f alt In effecting a cure when the
simple directions Mn the ftulphnrro
booklet wer4 carefully followed. ' Book
let accompanies earh,,. bottle- of'ul
pharro .(50 cents snd $1 siseS) at tha
drugf stores, 6r booklet wlll be pent
free upon request t'4h-fvM, C Stew
art Bulphur Co., 7i CoWmbla. St, 8e-
aiue, wasn. .- , -
Sold by s
Woadard, Ckfke & Cd,
I Orflerf by Idall Promptly iihiL
State Measures on Battot-Ar tide No. 17
EirtployerV Association Bllla Troliiblt Speaking on Street or In forks
Without iermlt, Picketing, etc., lit Cities of ftOOO or More.
Through' the efforts ef the Employers'
Association of Oregon, Initiative bills
are to b voted on next montn pro
hibiting boycotting, picketing of any
place of, business, persuading of em
ployes to oult work, or the holding of
publlo meetings in streets, pafks 6r
public gtdunda In Cities ot b000 pophla
tlon or dver, without written permit
from the mayor. ....
These measures hate ptdVoked the bit
ter opposition of tha Central Labor
Council of Portland. It Is asserted that
these bills are an infringement of the
right of tree speech and of rights of
labor generally recognlaed by the courts.
The first measure, relating to boycott
and picketing, Is here given In full, ex
cept as to the section fixing the penalty:
Provisions of the 13111.
"All persons, associations, or combina
tions of associations, or societies, and
others, are hereby prohibited from com
bining or conspiring together for the
purpose 6t a boycott of any industry,
workshop, store, or other place of busi
ness, Bf the business of any person,
flt-m, or corporation engaged in any
lawful enterprise, and that It shall be
uhiawful and Illegal for any person, or
pefsons, associations, or combinations
of associations, or societies, or others,
to picket, or attempt to boycott any
industry, workshop, store, place of busi
ness, or factory, or any lawful business,
or enterprise engaged lft by any person,
firms, or corporations, and it ihall be
Illegal and unlawful for ahy person, or
pfetsbns, association, or combination of
assortatlbns. or Societies, or others, to
picket or attempt to picket any place of
business, industry, factory, store, or
WdrkShop, or any place where a lawful
business, vt enterprise Is carried ort by
any person, firm, or . comporation, or
to attempt to persuade or ' entice any
workman or person working therein
rrnm ti t inn In Br In the eriiploV 6f any
operator or "owner of such place of busi
ness, factory. Bio", or wnerevcr bi.j
lawful business Is batrled on oy any
person, firm, or corporation, and It shall
be Illegal and unlawful for any person,
or persons, associations, or combination
Of associations, or societies, or others
to combine or eonepire together to In
jurs the business of any operator or
owner of any business, factory, store,
workshop, industry, or any lawful busi
ness carried op by any person, firm,
or corporation, by means of ahy boycott,
or picketing; or inducing, or attempting
to induce the employes of such owner
or operator, person firm, or corporation
of any business, factory, etore, work
shop, or enterprise, to cease working
for such employer."
Effect Would Be Sweeping.
It will be nbted that the first clause
of the a5t fthd the last clause relate to
comblhatliins ana conspiralfea, tho first
to the boycott and the second to picket
ing and persuasion of employes. The
Intervening: clause are more sweeping,
and do hot require the conspiracy ele
ment td fix fcullt on any person who
"pickets or attempts to boycott," or any
"attempt to persuade or entice ftny
workmah or person Working therein
from cbhtinulhg ih the employ of any
operator or owner."
, The effect of the bill makes it a
misdemeanor for any person to agree
With other persons not to patronize a
particular place of business, or to urge
others" nnt -to-ntrtrmitse any shop, store
or factory. It declares any one Who
pickets or attempts to filcKet a plaoe bf
business guilty of ft misdemeanor, and
anyone is subject to fine or Imprison
ment who "attempts to persuade or en
tice any workman" to discontinue- his
or her employment.
In this connection it Is Important t6
Bote that ho felemfht of threat, force
or lntlmtdflttbh is introduced. It would
become unlawful for any person to asa
another to quit work in a union shop,
bf td waeavof to influence mm By
argument, peaceful or otherwise.
ThOse who favor tnts act oerena.tnis
nrnvtslrtti hv thd declaration that it Is
practically impossible to distinguish be
tween "peaceful persuasion" and tfiA uSe
of threats and intimidation, because
picketing or persuasion tHany eort car
ries with it an element of intimidation,
and there Is only a shadowy line -be
tween asking- a man to quit work' hd
threatening him. With Some sort of
Tha OBRifciJ treatment for the Drink
Habit ean be used with abaoluta confi
dence. It destroyi ail desire tot whls"
key, beer or other alcoholto stimulants.
Thousands hav successfully Used It and
Ua- Utt.retof et ta.iivea. J)f eotriflj
and usefulness. Can be given Secretly.
Costs ohiy $1.00 fer box. If you fail, to
frit results- from O RHINE aner a trmi,
your meney will be refunded. Isk for
fre booklet telling all about ORRINE.
Woodardi Claike As Co Alder and West
Ptfrk street. SWdraof Druf Co.j 151
Ihlid lireet '
YEAR Professor . Spccknccd
reprisal if he fall to Observe the re
quest. The argument ftlsd proceeds on the
theory that ahy corporation or man In
business has a right to embloy labor a
he pleasSs, and to be protected from the
interference of those hot irt his employ.
In this view, picketing and persuasion
constitute unwarranted interference,
leading to possible disorder and public
Argument on the other side is directed
to the reverse proposition, that any law
restricting a man'S right to talk with
and advise another Is Contrary to the
personal liberty 6f the individual and
further contrary to good morals. It Is
contended that In the Mitchell and
Gompers cases the courts have Upheld
the right to boycott and to strike, and
a boycott or strike necessarily Includes
the right of Combination with fellow
workmen in the same general object.
Bar td Remonstrance. -
Particular empbaais is placed Upon
that part of the proposed law that
would do away with peaceful picketing,
without respect to the use of violence
or Intimidation. It would prevent the
carrying of "unfair" signs, the holding
of meeting In furtherance of a strike or
boyedtt, or the requesting of one petSoft
by another to quit pattonlxlhg any place
of bUslhess.
The Central Labor council declares
that to balance the conditions of1 this
act, If laboring men are to be dealt with
fairly, there should be a law against
blacklisting employes and boycotting of
men who are discharged or go on strike.
The second measure prbposed by the
Employers' association provides that rtd
public meetings shall be held In e(tlta
of 6000 population or over oh the publlo.
streets, parKS or public ground except
upon written permit froin- the mayor.
At all eoasons of the year Portland
haa street meetings, some of religious
and some of political character. These
City Measures on BatlotArticle No. 7
Proposed Charter Amendment Provide for Increasing Salary of the
ty Attorney; Present Salary I $200 Yearly.
One of the proposed charter amend
ments to be voted on at the coming
special city election provides for In
Creasing the salary of the city attorney.
The amendment AbeS not specify what
shall be the salary or fix ah? limit to
the salary. It places the power tb de
termine the stipend of the official In the
hahUs" of the city council.
The city attorney at present draws a
salary of $2100 a year, the charter 11m
itiffgr him to that amount. '
Arguments for increasing the city at
torney's yearly compensation are ti fol
lows: - -
tie haS chsrg of both civil Arid crim
inal cases, and though the work of the
office has increased many fold since the
present charter was adopted, th Salary
remains the same. Last yea? 10 cases
Were prepared and disposed of In the
supreme Court of the state, and 11,579
cases wfere tried In the municipal court.
Of these 102 were appealed to the elr
cuit court. Civil cases to the humbeii;
of 66 were prepared and dlspbs&d Of Id
the state and federal courts. One of
tfieSe was the famous Broadway bridge
case, which was argued In the supreme
court of the United States.
Twenty Oral Opinions' ally.
It Is pointed out that the principal
responsibility for ihls litigation was"
placed on the shoulders of the city at
torney, ahd In addition ho persbnally
prepared 367 written legal opinions, an
swered 1097 official communications
and gave an average of 29 Ofai GpihltmS
each day to the various departments of
the city, tct the salary of the city at
torney Is still what It Was- when Port
land was not half as large a City and
w!heh hot one tfnth of the present vol
ume of business wai handled by the
city attorney.
All contracts, deeds and other" impor
tant doBhmentS are drawn Up for the
city by its legal adviser. lie Is re
quired to attend personally council and
exfCUtivS Ward meetings, amj the meet
ings of various committees of these
Some of the litigation that Is pending
and In charge of the city attorney In
volves hundreds of thousands of dollars
of the taxpayers' money, one case alone
being a suit for $485,000. In many eases
the attorneys' opposing tns counsel for
the city receive for one caSe a fee larg
er than a whole year's salary of the city
official. , .
Salaries ta 6ther Cities.
In most eaBes in which 'the City IS In
volved in litigation the opposing attor
neys' are men of a high order of tnteiii
geacl, and Ire highly paid to defend the
Interests of their clients. The city legal
department must possess like ability to
protect the inferest of taxpayers.
-wmf tfrTTtrtTnif ea- sta rer m st
fif fffnland frays such a low salary.
Spokane pflys $4100 a year to its. city
attorney.- Seattle pays tst)0, Taeoma
lanoo. Ban Francisco Il6d0. Th dis
trict attorney of MultnomftH cotinty re
ceives M0Q9 a year, ana he haa little
ft in? civil WSTK. Pertland In en cf
!3s ; Special Correspondence Course fcr Lady I!:::.
rod moc ------
are particularly abundant In campaign
times. Socialist, single tax, woman suf
frage and candidate's meetings are par
ticularly frequent, besides tha Salvation
Army and other religious propaganda.
WoUld Prevent Xadieal faUL
The bill Is partly the outgrowth of
the I. W. W. meetings In Portland and
ether cities, when language both In
cendiary end Indecent is alleged to have
been used by street speakers. It has
been found difficult t prevent speech,
making of this sort by prosecution in
te coUrts, and advocates of the bill Say
that no legitimate cause need fear that
It will be hurt by being required to se
cure ft permit.
It Is argued that in thle way a city
can protect Itself from wandering
speakers who abuse the privileges of
free speech. Those refused a permit
are not prohibited from hiring a halL
Thus, While Emma Goldman might be
refufced a permit to talk on the street,
It Is pointed out, those Interested la her
talk could go to a hall to hear net.
End of free Speech.
Ort the other side It is argued that
ahy system requiring a permit fromjin
official Is .hot free speech, as the of
ficial has authority to refuse permls
sidn and might abuse this discretion,
it IS argued that when streets are not
needed for traffic they should be open
to any speaker who chooses to address
his feilowmen, as the streets belong to
tha public, ahd Suppression of free dis
cussion would only add to discontent.
In opposition it la cohtended that if
the bbjeot IS to prohibit Street Speaking
generally, Including the religious, It Is
based on wrong principles, and that If
the Object be to favor certain speakers
over others it Is unjust Power of thla
Sort dver public expression, It -Is de
clared, should hot rst with the mayor
of a city. Great movement it Is ar
gued, have always grown from men
Who Were denounced and bitterly op
posed as agitators by those irt power.
Both measures discussed In this artU
cle impose an Identical penalty for vio
lation, a fine of $100 to $1000) or a Jail
sehtence of 80 days to one year, or both.
The measure first treated, relating to
boycott and picketing, appears on the
ballot as Nti. S8 teS and No. 889 No.
The other, dealing with street speaking,
is No. 370 Yes and 371 No.
the few exceptions where a city attor
ney is obliged to handle both civil and
criminal cases.
The argument has been made against
tha raising of the city attorney's salary
that he is placed In a position where he
can attract the public eyS &hd use !the
office as a stepping stone io something
ttioiigesf ObJietlon fla&e.
But irt answer to thl advocates of
the amendment eoy the city attorney
should not regard the bfffce 'In that
light, but should be ambitious Co handle
it. In th Saine. manner ...M wadia - the.
business of a private client. In this
case, it is declared, the salary should be
Sufficient so that good thin will be In
duced to seek the office.
It has also been assumed as a theory
that the city attorney IS ultimately
compensated by the experience he re
ceives, this, say those who are urging
the Adoption of the amendment, is In a
Sense true, but they assert that never
the less a competent -man in- f f le
should be paid an adequate Salary for
the service rendered.
The principal objection to the pro
posed amendment seems to be on the
ground that It places in the hands of
the city council the power to designate
the salary that should be naid. Even
voters who concede that the present
salary Is too Jow are unwilling to em
power the council to say what It shall
be from time to time, these voters be
lieve that a maximum shonld have been
fixed by the amendment
Tim. itl Tv, fw ml mite nil utomnch rilstr will o' Wa . In MreStioni
heartburn, sourness or, belching of gas, acid or erUctationiLof undigested food,
no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. ' . . "
Pape's IJIapepsln Is noted for its' speed in regulat'inl Mpael;2t6machV It
Is the surest, quickest ahd most certain remedy in th whole world, and te
sides It is harmless.
Millions of men and women now
they know nw It Is needless to hav a
PAPE'S -V-;.
eBAlM.TRtAMUltf OT..
FEEfa rlna IN nvti wiwuitia.
''"ill i'T" -
,;ar&! Tt.csff cto2AHt--cao-8Toas:''
Animal, Unable to Throw Hfm,
Suddenly Lies Down and
Rolls Over.
(SpdU te the JoortnU '
John Day, Or., Oct. 18. In a bucking
contest at the fair here, John Spain. v
who won the Northwest championship
for riding at the 1911 Pendleton Round
up, had a narrow escape ffdra instant
death. The horse he Was fldinr falling
10 mrow us riaer arter repeated ana
bewildering stunts of bucking, suddenly
threw out Its head, dropped ta the
ground and rolled over, the horn 0 tha
saddle fortunately striking th rider far
enough to one side to miss a vital Spot "
As it was Spain waa seriously hurt
and lay on the ground unconscious for
some time. The aaddl horn crushed
and lacerated the upper portion of hla .
chest. Had it struck a few Inches' lower '
Spain' riding days would hav been
over. In the final Spain -was awarded
first place and "Smiley" Corbett see
ond. Tom Carey wa quickly thrown by '
"Hot Foot" of Pendleton fame, r , T
Marshfleld. Or., Oct. li.A -man
named Landyk employed on the Wat
son ranch, four mile from thla city,
was found dead on the place this morn
(ng with a bullet wound In his head,
It Is believed he committed suicide, but
the officials hive g6nj (o investigate.
Landyke formerly was employed In tha
Smith mill in this city. ,
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Bre-fltM Fererisri Give "Syrnp of .,
Figs" to Clean thrf BofteM. : ,
rlfable and peevish. Mother! Examine
the-tongue; if coated, tt meana, tha Ht
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inacuve mm ua v ut uvwcu .
clogged with foul, decaying waste.
fcvery mother realize after giving
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Its delightful fl tast ,-. "
for constipated bowels, Sluggish liver,
biliousness, er sour, disordered stomach,
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in a few houra. all, the Clogged up :
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Ask your druggist for th full name,
syrup 01 nss ina ciwr v tsenna,- .
prepared by the California Fig Syrup Co.
This is the delicious tastinjf, genuine old '
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-- ... :. .
eat their favbrit fffoa ftllhont fea.r
bftd stomach. . i . - . , - 1 ' '
i r v "rs e'-i