1..IDAV :iUO, OCTOBER 11, 1012. . ii l'OHTLAIID. Town Topic JOfraSAIi HEAD QTJAUTXKS The Balcm office of The Jour nal Is now with George Snyder, Dearborn . building, , State and Commercial streets,; upstclrs; phone Main 744. After 6 p. m. phone'complalnts to Postal Tc graph company, Main 401, and paper will be delivered by mes senger at once, , j x , TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS HEILIO "Ths Woman." v.; HAKKR-"The Bridge." '. BUNGALOW "In Old Kentucky." -LYIUC Armstrong Follies company in "Schults and Flannlgan." . . ORPHIiUM Orphuum circuit vaude vIUh. r ' Til 15 EMPRESS Vaudeville. , PA NTAOKH Vaudeville. Weather Conditions. - Portland-imtl-Ylclnlty : Kalr this af ternoon, tonight and -Saturday. Wortn. erly winds, , . '. A. ; Oregon . and "Wablilngtonr Fair this afternoon, tonight and Saturday. North erly winds." -.' Idaho-, , Fair tonight and Saturday. EDWARD A. BEADS, -f .' District ''Forecaster:-.' Tourists Bee polio BaldFour tour- ists - from Oklahoma ;wer t given an :. exhlbltlon-LWednesday night af-how tho Portland police raid a Chinese gambling game,' Thirteen gamblers were arrested, -a complete gambling outfit confiscated, and .enough money seized to board , one Chinaman 18 years.- The tourists are -stopping at the Oregon-lioiel Shortly after" 7, o'clock they telephoned Captain Riley for an escort through Chinatown. Patrolmen Taekabery and Martin were assigned to the sightseer j.. As the party passed M North Third street, the officers saw the game In progress. Be fore the gamblers could close the doors, I tha patrolmen gained an entrance, tak JC&g charge of the den. The tourists raid. The - money found on tables amounted to $625. The case will be Iieard Tuesday In municipal court. Bristol Will Speak-l-W. C.' Bristol, crown prince of theBoyamosarlartS, who has just returned from an auto mobile trip across the country, made his first appearance-with the Rosarlans yesterday at the meeting of the Pro ' gresslve Business Men's club. At a meeting of the"- Rosarlans, called - for Monday noon In the "Dutch room" ot the Commercial club, he Is to tell about , h's -experiences, Also the Rosarlans will make preparations for their excur sion to Eugene, Tuesday, where, In full uniform, they will aid in the cere- , monies over the completion of the Ore gon Electric to Eugene.' Mag-era Senear The Portland Press clubJ double-quartet- met - for refcea real Tuesday evening at the apartment of Fred A. Vowles In tho Wheeldon Annex. The members are Sidney Vincent, Clyde Keller, C. R Fisher. Harold A. Wllklna. Jt C Canine, G. Hubncr, K. Davis and R A,Hiekmn. The oWtte Is uiwte the direction of Fred A. Vowles. The boys hope to make their first public appearance at the ladies' night to be given by the Press club on the 17th. Oa World Soar. On a four months' trip around the world. W. P. Olds of the Olds, A Wortman & King company, ac oompanled by Mrs. Olds, and her sister, Miss Pearl Cook, left last night for New , Tork city. They will take passage on the steamer Cleveland out of New York -on October 19. The tourists expect to return to Portland jn a San Francisco next FebTuafy7 after vlsTtlag'Tiigypt," In- dta, China, Japan, Madeira Islands and the Philippine and Hawaiian islands. J). O. lively Appointed. Daniel O'Con- " Hell Lively, prominent member of the Portland Press club, and now an offl .clal of the Panama-Pacific International exposition, was yesterday appointed by riiayor Rushlight to represent the city at the seventh annual session of the In ternational Dry Farming congress, which Will be held at Lethbrldge, Alberta, Oc tober 21-26. Tor Constable of St. Johns A. W. Al len yesterday filed a petition for his Tiaine to Ue -plgeed"OTT'ttie ballot Bt 'thg roming election as Independent candi date for constable of St Johns. . ' Baby Bom Bed Pencil Day next Sat- t9 Tills Saturday ',, 3 ' BIG Your Choice of PORK VEAL All "Jones" Quality" Try This Dainty Breakfast Recipe for Cooking. jones' pure pig, pork . : sausage. : : Dip sausages in boiling water about a j. minute; then range" on trivet in broiling pan and place in bottom of very, .hot .broiling overk-vHava- gas full power until browned on all sides, llten reduce one-half. Cut potatoes as rfor French fried, parboil ten minutes, drain and put in pan under the sau--IJgrlnlSft'lookTnrnfirTatnhaf ' drips from meatf After removing the rack of pausages return potatoes to broiler till golden brown. SOUNDS GOODEATS GOOD. sr lis for the bi'iicfit of Ilia Fahy Home. Vomri mij Kirla ara enrnetilly re quested to !iid tholr efforts to this cuufie for Junt ona dny. .Those who make application at onca will have the on portunlty of selecting their own loca tions. Kindly apply, cither by telephone or in person, at Baby Home headquar ters today, without fall. Telephones. 'Marshall 3937 or A-3338. Headquarters (143 Klxth street, ground floor of Selling DUUdlng, First BIT Snow Storm Mount Hood has had Its first bis snow storm of the. season, Wednesday morning the moun tain poked Useif out from the mlsi that obscured It for three days from the view of Portland residents and It was seen to be covered with snow from the peak far down the base as one could see. During the summer months, close ob servers of the mountain say that the snow line crept back to-an-imusually high point. The snow evidently fell oi Monday and Tuesday. .';, t Bpeoder Fined 523. A fine of $26 was given F. Q, Smith thlr morning In the municipal court for auto speeding on Macadam street; Speed Officer Coulter made tho arrest Bmlth said his auto mobile could not make 31 mlleB an hour, A' test Is to be mado of the machine this afternoon. 8. S, Gilbert was given the- samerrJ'lnafQrpeedlngr4W.-lt. Scott Vas arrested for a similar offense. Ul trial will be held Monday. - . Cnpld Cheats Xaw-By getting mar ried yesterday afternoon, Al . Yolget and Gertrude Russell satisfied the law In municipal court this morning, when they were to -be arraigned on. a statutory charge. ; They wefe arrested Wednesday night in a rooming house.' The couple stated In court yesterday morning they proposed -being-married-yesterdays re gardless of the arrest the previous even Ing. . So Saloon la Burlington For .tho present at least tho town of Burling. ton-wlH-nofc-havr a- saloon. "A-ptltton for the establishment of a drinking place was denied by tha county court on recommendation of County Clerk Fields.. Mr.- Fields reported that Invcstl gation showed that many of tha signer of the petition had moved from the pre cinct and there were not enough names left to permit consideration. Charge Dlamlsssd The charge of contributing to the delinquency of . a minor . girl made against M. Linden, rooming at the Oak hotel, was dismissed this morning in the municipal court. Linden was arrested by Juvenile COOTt Officer Jeff reyar who saw the man take a 17-year-old girl to the city park. The girl baa been placed In the custody of the Good Shepherd. At the Hew Grand theatre. 105 Sixth street,-betwen-Washington and "Stark, ror Friday ana Saturday, 'The Maid of the Rocks," sensational smuggling pic ture. "A Western Kpisode," thrilling "101" Bison feature. "H Had But Fifty Cents," a sidesplitting comedy on the same reel an educational picture, "A Day at an Orphan Asylum." A 10c show- for 6c, Mayor Signs Ordinance The ordl-nartce-granttny afranchtse to the Port land Railway, Light Tower company for the construction of an extension to the Mount Tabor car line was signed yesterday by the mayor to the great satisfaction of thousands of residents of the East 'Mount Tnbor lstrlCt."who have Waged a hard fight for the fran chise. Too Many Garnishments City Audi tor A, L. Barbur has made complaint to Mayor Rushlight on "account of the large number of salary carnlshments being made every month at the city hall. "This thing of receiving garnish ment notices is becoming a positive nuisance," Is the way the city auditor expresses his views on the subject. . .Many Applicants for Plac. Slno an nouncement was made that two new matrons for the city Jail would be ap pointed, Mayor Rushlight has received 39 applications for the Jobs. Fat wo-g4zdftftga.:- -gradnat nmnns, school teachers and housekeepers have been numbered among the applicants who hav visited the mayor's office. Widow Sells Orchard A petition by Mrs. Mary Merrick, widow of Post master Charles B. Merrick, to be al lowed to dispose of the equity held in a Hood Klver orchard which Mr. Merrick was paying for at the time of his death has been allowed by Probate Judce Clceton. Mayor Wants Delegates Maynr Rush light Is looking for 10 respectable clt isens whom he wishes to appoint as delegates to represent the city at the Na tlonal Rivers and Harbors congress which convenes at Washington, D. C, December 4. Delegates will be permit ted to pay their own expenses. Brldg Workman Hurt Charles Wltt sel, a laborer employed In tearing down the old .Steel. , brjdg.. fell from .a scaf. folding yesterday and was severely In jured. Wlttsel suffered a bad scalp wound, a broken arm and a fractured elbow. Ha was taken to Oood Samari tan hospital. I Oustafson Loses Bolt A jury In Cir cuit Judge McGinn's court yesterday refused John Gustafson damages on ac count of alleged injuries received when he was struck by an Oregon City car at the Oaks. Gustafson sued the Port land Railway. Light & Power company for 9500. commissioners yesterday notified Mayor Rushlight that the county will not re quire any more of th Llnuton quarry output for three or four months and that the city is at liberty to take all the rock ft needs during that t(me. Olsarlnir Hons Notice Satnnlv October 12, Columbus day, is a public holiday, havina been made bo hv th last legislature. The Portland Clearing House Danas win do closed au day. J. Ib Hartman, Manager. .' " does Into Bankruptcy George M. rietchall, a teamster of Wlllamlna, Yamhill county, has filed a petition in bankruptcy with th federal cleric Hla assets are listed at $290 and liabilities at f 1611. ' ... .. . . , Bstat Oats Cash. Joseph Bimon, ad ministrator of the estate of Elijah Smith, filed a report yesterday showing that $17,948 was received during the year and that $581 was disbursed. Boyd Taxi Co, Xoved-The Boy Taxlcab Co. have moved their office and stand to tha Majestic' Theatre building, corner ; Park and . Washington streets. Phones Maln-460, A-221S. Btudsnts ot Dsntistry and Pharmacy, Tafie Hotlo The annual session of North Paoifl college ha begun. Reg' istration for regular degree students will close October 11. . Would Bttl Estate The flnaj- ae-fl-4ii-4hj-stt-f--8iehard-Cllnt(ni was filed yesterday and wllle-brought up In probate court November 11 for ap proval. Treak Egg Patrolman Jr. a Lony, 411 Mechanlo street, has an egg equal to the fabled golden ejrg. It is one hard shelled egg within another. Th Inside crT Is rK'ular sIzp, liavlng the yolk and white parts naturally formed. Around this egg Is another yolk and white, a second hard shell covering aU. The egg Is 7V4 Inohos In circumference, and 9V4 inches longitudinally. . . . Greater Portland Committee A joint meeting of all Greater Portland com mittees Is to be held at noon tomor row In the commercial club. The pur poseTf the meeting Is to discuss a plan for reorganizing the work of the as sociation upon a more active and ef fective basis.' , Xenyon'a Congli Xemedy relieves coughs and colds and saves doctor bills. Try It when others fall. You can get It of Albert , Bernl, the druggist, 229 Washington, near Second. , tAmer. Jsssl Harkua .for Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leavea Washington strael dock at I p. m. , Coos Bay : Coal mined In Oregon, cheaper than wood. Portland and Sub urban Coal Co. W. R. 8tearns Main 858, A-8368. ,t " . , ' i-v-i, A " 1 -i'",! '?! i-'':4'' ''''''' Bearly Torgot Xt Didn't yoa, s But step to the phone at onca and order a case of Hop Gold beer. . - ., -',; ; Will Bemoael Bnildlnf to suit tenants, Third and Madison streets. Blaeslng Granite company, -v : , . , Join Private Class la Sewlnr Class beginning October 21, Call - Marshall 2474. ' Superior Coal delivered, 16. Phones Main 154, A-J5il. Offlcs 10 6th at. W. A." Wis and associate, palnlas dentists. Third and Washington. - ;. Prof. Begga Dancing Class JC of V, hall, Saturday, 2 p., m, Bnmmag sale, Friday and Saturday, 307 Burnslde street Dr. B. C. Brown. By. Ear, Marquani Dr. BraltUng, Splnologtst Royal bldg. COEDS RELENT AND - PURCHASE TICKETS University of Oregon, Eugene, Or., Oct Il.Th University of Oregon co-eds. seem to have felt the sting of reproach for th?lr general refusal to purchase season tickets to the athletic contests, and had It not been for second thought and faculty .Intervention, the university wovild have been startled tonight by a co-ed. football rally. The girls first planned to hold this enthusing celebra tion in on of the-sorority houses, but the faculty, upon learning of the -plan, required that any such plans be carried out in the girls' gymnasium. And, when the leader of the men's' rooting forces Informed the co-eds, that special fea tures for the benefit of the sorority houses had been planned by the men's serpentine parade tonight the entire plan was given up. However, the wom en students have shown their. loyalty. to the student activities by the' purchase, within the past two days, of large num bers of the tickets. IF RING UP MAIN 9432 "The Store of Quality" L. MAYER & CO. Portland's Oldest and Best Grocers. 148 Third Street. A4432; Main 9432. The Dainty Appetizing Character mmKL i t t i a w , rTn west o WEEK-END SAVINGS ON. REGULAR 5T0CK GRO- - CERIES: Pimentos, regular 15c can, only 10J Ghirardelli Chocolate, 3-pound cans, regular 85c; now 75 "-CrystaHDominoSugarrO-lbrWCkageSf regular 65crnow(0 Hawaiian Pineapple, regular 30c, 3-lb. tins for .25 Seven-year-old Rye or Bourbon in bond, quart at $1.75 QUALITY GOODS THAT ARRIVED THIS WEEK: ' Megler's Salmon Bellies, the pound. 30 Fresh Smoked Finnan Haddocks, the pound 25 German Erbswurst "Pea Sausage." L-Moxell'i BacorvW estphalian. Hams, . - Lindt Chocolate, the pound $1.00 Pascal's Mint Balls, the jar 35 Kieller's Black Currant Jam, the jar 40J We SoUcit New Accounts. Special Messenger Service. Made Clean Sold Clean Delivered Clean . FRANZ Butter-Nut BREAD mm ii in n Chamber of Commerce , and Commercial Club Members ; to Visit St. Helens. Large delegations of the Portland chamber., of commerce and the Portland Commercial club will attend the launch ing of the hull of the steamer Multno mah at St Helens tomorrow afternoon. Portland business men are eager, to show, their appreciation of the progres slveness demonstrated by thSt Hal ens Shipbuilding company lit locating and developing a shipbuilding plant on the Columbia river..'-, vhiif i-rr: Td acquaint members of the organisa tion with the fact that an Invitation has been Issued to attend the launching the chamber of commerce has sent out the following letter to all of Its mem ber: .. . ..' .'.'.. .:ZF:-7. "The "St Helens Shipbuilding com pany will launch the steamship Multno mah at St. Helens at 2:30 p. m, Octo ber 12, ' ''' - ' "The members of th chamber t of oommerce are Invited to go to the launching. Th steamer T. J. Potter will leava Ash street dock for St Hel ens at 12:30 p. M. sharp and cards of admission, may b had on application at theofflce of the chamber, 60 Fifth street Members who do not hav tlm to call at. th office may secur card atthe boat ' "This Is th largest ocean going ves sel ever built In th state and this in dustry, should recelv the greatest en couragement What Portland needs to do mor than anything else Is to take an Interest in matters ot this) nature, and it is to b .hoped! that, ther will TQMG1T REV. GEO: D. WATSON, D. D. .. Will speak at the EAST SIDE GOSPEL TABERNACLE Corner of East Ninth and Clay Sts., ' , ,at 7:30 SUNDAY, OCT. 13 Rev. F. H. Senft of Philadelphia will preach at 11 a. m. Dr. Watson at 2:30 p. ra. Subject- "COMING OF THE PERSONAL ANTI-CHRIST Dr. Watson will give his farewell address at ; Pravcr rrinferenr nf ihf (lirftian and" Mission Alliance In session Octo ber 1J to inclusive, services each afternoon and evening. TO ARRIVE TONIGHT and be delivered to you the first thing Saturday morn- ing. Just in time for Sun day morning's breakfast. Packed in one-pound pack ages, both links and meat. Please phone us your or der Joday, so you will be sure fcT&e taken cafe of. j uut iirsx Bnipmcnt is ow pounds the largest indi "vidual shipment ever sent rthe-Rockies. Wetr introduced this article in this market, hence our im mense output. The most nutritious element of the wheat is in every slice of this wholesome healthful viy Ab.i.vwaujr- Also in 10c Loaves PEONES E 6044, B 242 be a lares and enthuslastio attend- nce." The Bt. llflen Commercial club is active In making preparations for the launching Attention is called to the fact that the vessel Is made of Oregon timber, eawed In Oregon mills and hence is wholly an Oregon product as far as the hull la concerned. The Mult nomah will have capaclty.for carrying. 1,000,800 feet of lumber and accommo dations for 60 passengers. She .will be engaged In the lumber trade between the Columbia river and California, Tier, sister ship, the Merced, is now ' being built and will be launched later In the year. . Thousands of satisfied customers have learned :-, that "Rosenthal's" Styles are "Different" from those produced by ordinary designer s, and the name "Rosenthal's'' stands for ex clusive creations in footwear Tlie Name 'RosenthalV5 stamped on a shoe stands for the highest in quality, style, fit, wear and com fort. We fit the feet we do not rnakejthe feetjit the shoe. The Inside Is isT good as the outside in , Rosenthal's Shoes "Rosenthal's" shoes have nice shapes and keep them. "Rosenthal's" stamped on a shoe means standard of merit We - guarantee to fit you it's easy. We have all sires and widths. COMPLETE FALL STOCK NOW HERE RncorifliSil'c U A1UOVI1U1U1 Portland Best Shoe Store GIYE NO THOUGHT TO SUNDAY'S DINNER Leave It to our c h e f then come and partake of tha good things h knows so well how to prepare. Linger as long as you like you'll njoy It, ON WEEK DAYS, TOO You'll find our 50c noon luncheon both appetizing and sat isfying. Served In the main dining room, noon to 1 tfctock. THEATRE SUPPERS If you come ' be fore, you'll enjoy the - play all the more if you come after, It will round out a' pleasant evening. Oood music, good com pany and good cheer. THB FOSTXJLJTD HOTXL II, X Xanfxaana. Kg. AsslsV aat Kaaag. WHY DRINK WATER WHEN YOU CAN GET SALEM BEER Phone to HENRY FLECKENSTEIN CO, Distributors Main Hi! A-2115 Prompt delivery in case and barrel lots. Visiting Friends When your out-of-town friends come to Oregon you would take increased pride in showing them around if you could say, "We hav one of the most perfect sewer sys tems in the world; it is con structed with P o r 1 1 a n d Glazed Cement Sewer tipe.w Unprejudiced engineer and contractors invariably .prcjerJt. " v niatksmKh Dies in CJudr. (Special to The Journal! Jefferson, Or., Oct. ,11. Oranvllle Eadcs, aged 65, was found dead In his chair at hi residence yesterday, heart failure being the cause. He was an ex pert blacksmith and had lived here SO years. He leaves, two daughters and a son. Guy Eades, who lives In . Port I'll ; "."i : . i.- ' ''' 't',:$::y.yV;i Z&wV ''V '"it:'K:i:::''iiS? 'f '- "- : . ' :' , ""V ( ''; ,:.;:' ' l':Ji ;: "'H fi '"'f-Vf-1rf'-firr'iiii-t r I'inf' ' 'i'-ii,YliianiliJ MADAM ABBOTT A Singer of Fame, Who Now Is Filling an Engagement at the " . ' ' THE HOF-BRAU A.MUSE5tTS Phones Main 1 and A-112J. TOHIOHT. 8 IIS TOKOBKOW VZaST Bpeclal Price Matinee Tomorrow David Belasco Presents The Great American Drama, "TH33 WOHAX" Eve, It.6a t 25e. Hat. Mat. (1 to 25e SEAT SAXS OFEJTS TODAY HEIiaO TBfiATBB 7 Sntfl Next Sunday Spectal Price Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Wm,.A. Brady-Presents "Bought andPaidFor" The play everybody la looking for. PHICKS Kvenlngs-jower floor," I)f; T row. 11. 60; balcony. $1, 76c.' 60c; gallery, 85c, 25c. Both matinees-Lower floor, 11 rows, $1.50; 7 rows. $1; balcony, 76c, 60c; gallery, 16c, Z6c. BUNGALOW Konrlsoa aad Twelfth Stress. Tonight, all week, most popular Amerl can play ever written, "iw old zzsHTuon" Strongest cast ever seen. The famous Pickaninny Band -Greater than ever. Evenings 26c, 60c, 76c, 1. Matinees 35&6pc--Thurday: -Bargain- Mat, alt seats 290. utner matinees Bat and Hunaay. Last time next Sunday night, Min fi. A-S3BO -r - Ceo. In Baker, Mg.; Th Popular Baker Players. All week matinees Wednesday and Sat The powerful play of capital and labor, "THE BBZDQB." Or "The Man Between." Immens scenic Droductlon. thrlinn sensational and compelling. First time in mis cuy. trices zttc, ito, toe. Matl Next week "The Heirs to the Hoorah." SSaln A A-loao Matinee DaUy. Matlae, 15, 98, 60o ; BigHts, 18, 80, 60, 750 WEEK OOTOBEB 7. Joseph Jefferson, Is Ballet Classlqu. Great Asahi 3 Comedy Act. Matins Dally WEEK OCT. 7 Engagement ertraor dinary, th sensation of two oantlnents, Marvelous Mereedesf Gypsy Wilson, pio and Olll Walters. Copeland and Pay ton, Xiowell and Esther Drew, The Great Harrah ft Co., PanUgesoop. Box and j first row balcony reserved. Boa office i open front 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Phones 1 A-aa3Q. Main 4638. Curtain B:30. 7:1a. a. Uatine Dally at 3O0. BnUlvaa k Ooaatdra Pormarly Grand W Betined Vandsvlll SPECIAL gTTMKEB PBICE8. Matinees, any seat, 10c; Bights, loo, SO 6 BIG PEATTJBB ACTS THBATBB 4th and Stark Sts. Twentieth and Farewell Week The Armstrong Follies Co. ltr BCHUIiTI ABB PXJLBBZGAV A Riot of Laughter. Next Week The Keating A Flood Musical Comedy Co. New Faces I New Faces I New Faces! U S. Marine Band "THE FBESZSEBTS OWB." AT THE WXDBEBDAT gYf- 12 MAT. ABD BVB UCU 1 O Tickets Matinee, 60c, 76c, $1; even ing, 75c. $1. $1.50. At Koehler & Chase's music department. Rowe & Martin, 323 Washington st., and Graves Muslo Co. Bowers Hotel llth and Stark Sts. AMERICAN n Rates, per day, week or month, and special family rates.,.' . . ' Take Oregon Hotel Bus to THE BOWERS Wright it Dickinson Charles II. Rowley, Mgr. JOB ARMORY How Big 13 a Dollar to Ycuf -To some men it only loolcs large when it is coming toward them, - - . But , .when they are ready to spend rnoney a dollar looks small in- deed. Hiil'i.llz .ti Yet if you save just one dollar, every week for a year the interest on that amount will equal two weeks sav ings. , ; Two dollars that youi didn't have to work -for;- Think this over and .you'll soon have some money in this bank drawing ' .' :;.;4 Per Cent Portland "Trust Coopany of Oregon Third, and Oak Sts. '' "Tie Bank for Bavlngs" v- - a-.-'! 4-- x" I' ' ' " a j T' ..J?.- t.l.. 4 - - - SB. W. A, WZIB. ; ';-.,; Be sure you see him In person, as on- J scrupulous dentists ..ar..trylng.taznja'i-i lead the public by using our nam. .', riATZS-WTTK rUBXXBXB 8VOTXOV. 1 1 The Very Best and Xtst la Hodro k.. Dentistry. Bo Mor railing Flat. FXXrCCT BBXDOBS. with Interbhange- able facings, the most . perfect . and i practical bridge that has ever been vised. ,A triumph of modern dentistry. -' BEAD OTTB PBIOXSt . " Good Bnbber Plates, aeh '.fS.00 Th Bst Bed Bubbr Plat, Mh.f7.S0 93-karat Gold Oz Porcelain Crown. .$5.00 aa-kart Brldg Teeth, guaranteed, eaon r..,..XM Gold or Enamel Pilling, &.... $l.oo . SUver PUUnga, aon 60 ' W Olt a 18-Tar Onarante. Wise DentalCa: PAXLIBO BU30., TTTTRP ABB WASK. . , Southeast Corner. Phonss- ltaia- aoaA-ao cash iVailablftirl. large amounts Wc are prepared to make a limited -mnnberr-of F"i rrt Mortgage Loans im mediately - (in large amounts especially) J?nimprqyedJPprtt land real estate, or to those contemplating building. TITLE & TRUST COMPANY r Fourth and Oalc "No expense for repalrt ii the report of many cities after long and hart! usage of bitu- V bthic pavement That ihealii a thoroughfare' without thudc , ' holes an3 cracks, an3 aUd a minimum' street repair tax for . the property owner. 7fi TREE 8r SHRUBS, - t XI' A VINES . and PLANTS. ' rS Ask tat Chtakw. Oregon Humane Scci;ty orriCB 17 MAEISOS 17. ' r-roarr mai. bisj a i Refer ail cruelty mi's t t t ft r. a. 'i t ' 11