THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 11, '1011 mm fear TO GO ON BALLOT 'Secretary of State's List, In ? complete But County, Clerks Ltaay-FiirJirt -Those .Which Have Been Omitted. A' I Artmporkr fright u.ffewd yeter fflay by the friend of certain candldatpii, -who ,fwd thff jtiam would bo left ,toff xtia ballot, wu Stilled iaat evening; Iwhen It was learned that nomination f papers fltod with county clerk will be r--raroept(t""mrtoTertatnstati?B"offlf'fl, . and the names will be on the ballot, j after all. The candidate Whose friends were iPartloularly -alarmed were Robert Serv , Prnrraiilit randldate for railroad CotwnlBHlon Kr- P.- MaJiaf fe3V-4nd-4 ate te, i let, for the same office, and .0orga N. Davl (and W. A. I.eet, Progressive and Independent candidates tor - circuit Judge of department No. 4. The alarm resulted from the receipt of an official copy of the list of state and district nominations certified to the various county clerks by th sec retary of state. In which the names of the candidates mentioned wero omitted. Kamo to 3MUa In. ' It develops that because of a differ ence 1n the law as to nominations at the primaries or ''by convention or In dependent.: petitions, the list. : cettlf led by the secretary of state It not com plete for all offices, and the remaining names will be flUed In by the county clerks in the districts affected.. There Is aome ambiguity in the law Dn the eUDjeot, . ana me secretary ' or state has been governed by the con- structlno given by the attorney gen eral. Thinking that nominations for circuit judges should be filed with the secretary of state, the Progressive party committee, sent Davis' papers to Secretary OlCott, and they were re turned to be filed with the county clerk of Multnomah, as this Is the only coun ty comprised in that district. In the css of Service, Mahaffey and Gates, thtr papers are TequJretf to be filed with the county clerks of every county In ' the Second railroad commissioner district. The county clerks then place their names upon the list, in addition to the list furnished by the secretary of Mr. Let obtained ah opinion on the subject from Attorney General Craw ford before his papers were filed. Un der date of October 4 the attorney gen eral wrote: -v ' ' Attorney General Gives Ylew. "I am of opinion the certificate of nomination must be filed with the coun ty clerk , or Multnomah county. . T nomination Is not made under the di rect primary law, but is an independent homlnaUonby-voters of -the electoral district. , :,v ;...; vv The electoral dlstrlot comprises only one county, and section 1149 of Lord's Oregon laws governs the filing of the petition.' It provides: , "All . certificates . of . nomination of candidates for offices to be filled by the electors of an electoral ' district, other ; than a congressional district or county, or precinct, shall be filed with the clerk of the county, and if such electoral district, embraces mora than one county, then a duplicate thereof shall be filed with the county clerk of each county within such electoral dis trict.'" f The attorney general says an exam ination of the orglnal bill as it. passed the legislature shows there was no comma . after the word "district," and he thinks it clear that nominations made outside the primary law In all dis tricts except congressional - districts shall be filed with the county clerk. , omeiTWBis FULLY CORRECTED Scientific American' Publishes Letter of Major Mclndoe, Correcting Statements Pub lished Covering the Work. Safety rasor blades can be sharpened by immersion in a solution of one part, by-welghtr-ef -muriatlo-aoli-to 10 -of water and then polishing them. In Its Issue of October B, the Bclen tiflo American publishes letters from the Portland Chamoer of Commerce an1 Major J. F. Mclndoe, corps United States engineers, In 'Charge of the lower Columbiarl ver work, correctin g 1 erro neous statements relative to the gov ernment Improvement work written t William Hosea Ballou, Bo. D., and print ed In the issue of August 14, under the caption of -"The Harbors of the Pacific Coast.'' , '...-T-. Major Mclndoe's letter giving the facta was addressed to the chamber and by it forwarded to the Scientific Amer ican. It followst ' Major HoXndoe's letter. "Referring to your letter of Septem ber 12, 1812. inclosing a clipping from the Sclentlflo American relative' to .the Jetties at the mouth of the Columbia river, I wish to say that I read the ar ticle about a week ago and made note of it with' the Intention of writing to the editor, calling his attention to the erroneous statements published' In h paper prepared by William Hosea Bal lou, SC. D. ' '";,' .' :.'..-' "Instead of only about H.0O0 feet of the south Jetty being completed on the first of June, hle Jettx was trac ttcally seven miles long and nearly com pleted. the only work remaining to be done at that date being the completion of the groins, extension of Jetty apron, and the filling up of some low places, which work . should be entirely com pleted In about six working months. Instead of '12 years to complete the present south jetty,' It la confidently expected that it will be completed in the early spring of 1913, and that Its main tenance will not require the dumping of more than- email amount of rook in the, next few"years, while the trestle remains serviceable. . "The proposed north Jetty, Instead of being two. thirds as long as to south Jettyls-only- a lltUa over, jone third as long, and should not cost more than one half the amount expended on the latter. Instead of 18 years to complete the north jetty, as stated by Mr, Bullou, a most liberal estimate would be six years, so that Portland can hope for tAe full depth" which the jetties will give across the bar in about seven years Instead of 3S years.' , Preliminary work for the north Jetty, Including construc tion of receiving wharf, storage yards, etc., Is now well tinder way and it Is hoped that dumping of rock in the north jetty can be commenced during the sum mer of 1913. Within one year after the construction of the north Jetty is begun it Is expected that Its effect on the bar will be noticeable by Increased depths, and that . thU Inorease of depth will continue with the advance of the jetty work until the desired -40 foot channel results, .;:.......'.,:'-'? ''-';,',: 'i "During the fiscal year ending June SO, 1S12, the best channel remained fixed In position, the survey completed In June, 1012 showing It to be almost ex actly in the same position u lit June 1011.. ' 1 1 "J. V. MoINDOB, '": "Major, Corps of Bngineera" Bon of former Senator Dead. rr (TJnlUa" PrexrXMMd Pre. V SfTT ") IiOi Angelee, Cal Oct H. WlUougb by Cole, son of former United Siftei Senator Cornelius Cole, Is dead here to day after a lingering illness. Cole was prorolnanl4o-Jaw circles herella wae bora In Sacramento. cimicbiteib j .':' -' '..- i 'i ' ,'s,. ." ' '.t'':; i Bugaboo German Invasion 1 'Causes Big Shift in Eng lish Home Guard. . (United Prea teaied Wlre.l "'" . JLondon, Oct. 11. The oft-recurring bugaboo of a possible German Invasion Is believe .to be primarily , responsible for , orders now being gent' out by tne war Office looking to' a' wholesala re distribution of the British army. ;.;.. Almost the entire army is to-be con centrated 1ft the eastern ,countle,f the most likely points of. Invasion. : Colchester will be the heedquarters and the troops will be distributed over the districts in which the recent man euvers, were held. -', r::::.ytt-:?r- The dredging .fleet . lowned " by the TTnttai states rovernment for work on Its rivers' and harbora numbers 858 ves sels and , ta-meargestot him nw-jfc the world. V ";,Kor7Stordajr, 1000 pounds of The Hofe Store Fudee. soectal (or the day St arX' 6 to 9:30 aHoltz Corner,w Fifth and Washington Open Saturday Evenings Until 9:30 Buttcrick Patterns and Publicationt American- Ladror8eU-$ x-to-$7.SO "Holtz Corner," Fifth and Washington Sale of MslSuits ''Continuation' of the great special ialr of men'g $15 to $20 Clfl Kil Suits-t-spedat-price-of VJLVeM V- Specials 50c Neckw'r 29c 6 1. 9:30 -100 dozen men's Tiiglu irdt , silk Four-iu-llands, se- verilble and" open-end tyle. neat tripa.-nd figures, in great assortment. Best OQt 50c values, on sale, only eL Rogers Silver- ware Now 14c 6. to 9:30-1000 pieces -of Roe- ra'SUverWarey km ver forks, spoons, sugar shells, soup spoons, etc; marvelous " An values sale at only, each lrx 98c Scarfs 45c 6 to 9:30-A special lot of betd ed chiffon neck and head Scarfs of good quality chiffon, heavily beaded, 20x72 inches in AKn sire; 98c values, on sale "wv $1.98 Chiffons Priced at $1.25 6 to 9:30 42-inch extra quality bordered Chiffon, white grounds -printed-in -color,-beautiful pat terns,-. large variety; flj"! OC J18jakejiheyar(Ui?JL Men's Hose 17c 6 to 9:30100 dozen men's navy, smoke, etc.; reinforced heel and - toe; best 25c 1 fjp values, on sale at, pair All $le00 Women's wear 6 to 9:301500 pieces 'of wo men s neefcwear, ftieaict ana Robespierre collars, fancy stocks, chemisettes, coat ffl. ietir$l values, on sale J7i Underwear 23c 6 to 9:30 100 dozen women's Underwear, cotton ribbed vests and pants, all sizes, well made and finished; 40c values, OOp on sale at, per garment OV Felt Slippers 89c 6 to 9:301000 pairs of wom en's Felt Juliettes, with fur top; black and all standard colors, all sizes; great values, QQ specially priced at only OaL Women's Hose 6 to 9J0 100 dozen women's full seamless Hose, fast black and tan, double heel, sole and toe, all sizes; 25c val- "J 0f ties, on sale at, pair XAI2V Postcards 4c Dz. 8 to 9:30 50,000 souvenir Post Cards, scenes of Portland and vicinity; wonderful values. f Stationery Dept., dozen at Ivory Soap at 3c 6 to 9:30 In the Drug Dept., 5000 cakes of Ivory Soap at 3c. Limit of 2 cakes to a cus-tomer-no phone orders Olv "'sn.', RibbonRemnantsl5c ' Ribbon, plain-and moire taffetas and pluin satins, all colors, lengths 1 to 3 yards. Values up to 40c 6 to 9:30 p. m. On sale 1 Salitrtlay . at only, yard J-tlv rare Stock leady-to-Wear :AppareI : Reduced C(D)ato ess 9 Fmfo Wait9 Ei Wome ns Suits $27.50 to $32.50 Values at$lS.75 1,1 ll,..H..r.l., , I 1 I In addition to offering our en tire stock of Women's Fall and Winter Suit at greatly reduced pricci, we place on sale this extra tpecial lot 200 Women's Suitt, $27.50 to $32.50 values ' at $19.75 Strictly tailored garments in the season's handsomest fashions and materials- Plain colors and mannish mixtures All fancy trimmed garments for street and dress wear 200 suits in the lot All sizes Tailored Suits from New York's leading manufacturers and sold at other stores at $35.00 and $40.00 Your choice Friday and Saturday at 1 this remark able price 1 At All Suits Reduced All Our Regular $15.00 Suits on Sale at $12.45 All Our Regular $17.50 Suitt on Sale at $14.75 All Our Regular $20.00 SuiU on Sale at $16.95 All Our Regular $22.50 Suits on Sale at $18.75 All Our Regular $25.00 SuiU on Sale at $21.75 All Our Regular $27.50 SuiU on Sale at $24.85 All Our Regular $32.50 Suits on Sale at $28.75 All Our Regular $35,00 Suits on Sale at $31.75 All Our Regular $39.75 Suits on Sale at $34.95 Waists Reduced Sillts, Chiffon 9, Lingerie, JLinens These Are the Latest Fashions and of all Grades All Our Regular $L50 Waists Offered at $U9 All Our Regular $2.50 Waists Offered at $1.98 All Our Regular $3.98 Waists Offered at $3.29 All Our Regular $4.48 Waists Offered at $3,98 All Our Regular $6.50 Waists Offered at $5.48 All Our Regular $7.50 Waists Offered at $6.98 All Our Regular $10.00 Waists Offered at $8.98 All Our Regular $12.50 Waists Offered at $10.98 Women's Coats $ 1 6.5Q to $ 1 8.50 Values at $9,951 Entire stock of Women's Coats at greatly reduced prices for Friday and Saturday ri : c This extra special lot of 100 Coats will help attract an en thusiastic throng of buyers In heavy tweeds and mannish mixtures in the season's best models A great variety of patterns and materials in all sizes Coats that would find ready sale at $16.50 and $18 $9.95 All Coats Reduced All Our Regular $20.00 Coati Offered at $17.95 All Our Regular $28.75 Coats Offered at $24.95 All Our Regular $39.75 Coats Offered at $34.95 All Our Regular $49.75 Coats Offered at $44.95 All Our. Reg. $15 Maddnaws Offered at $ 9.75 All Our. Reg. $20 Caracul Coats Now at $14.95 All Regular $28.75 Broadtail Caracul Coats $24.95 Caracul Coato for $9,95 Special lot of B0 Caracul Goth Coats. The Aq r season's best models; $18.60 values, only 07e) Our entire stock of Erenlng Coats are greatly reduced now. All of our Fur Coats are now offered at great reductions. Women's Bath Robes, reduced Women's Tea Gowns reduced. Children's Furs reduced All women's Furs are marked low. $5 Children's Coats Now $2.98 An attractive lot of Children's Heavy Cloth Coats for Friday and Saturday selling $5 values at $2.98 Brown mixtures, trimmed with russet broadcloth and red piping, large patch pockets, trimmed cuffs and fancy buttbns; ages PQ QQ from 6 to 14 years; all new models; wonderful values tD0 All Children's Coats Are Reduced All regular $6.50 Children's Coats are offered for sale at $4.95 AM regular$7.50 Children's Coats are offered for sale at 86.45 All regular $8:50 Children's Coats are offered for' sale at S7.SS All 1 11 A A A rtLMJ et J . w a v Sveiiig m esses Regular $25 Values at $14.9: Our entire stock of Evening and Afternoon Dresses greatly reduced Friday and Saturday This extra special value will find favor with many 100 handsome Evening Gowns built oil foundations of char mcuae - and messalino satin covered with chiffon, mar quisette and crepe de chine Beautiful color combinations and novelty trimming Dane Ing frocks and party gowns worth $25 on sale Friday and Saturday at this low price Entire Stock of , Dresses Greatly Reduced All Our Regular $10.00 Dresses Offered at $ 7.95 All Our Regular $12.75 Dresses Offered at $ 9.95 All Our Regular $20.00 Dresses Offered at $14.95 All Our Regular $27.50 Dresses Offered at $24.95 All Our Regular $39.50 Dresses Offered at $34.95 All Our Regular $45.00 Dresses Offered at $39.75 Included are charmeuse, crepe de chine, wool dresses Party Dresses at a Big Saving $ 1 S.OO Dresses at $8.95 Special lot of 150. fine Dresses to be sold at a ridiculously low-price r Frenrh-sergesr Hadcfiettrffdanry"MfiiT messalines; new, smart styles for street and Aft A afternoon wear; values up to $15.00, for J Kimonos Greatly Reduced All Our Reg. $2.00 Flannel Kimonos Now $1.49 All Our Reg. $2.50 Flannel Kimonos Now $1.98 All Our Reg. $3.50 Flannel Kimonos Now $2.98 All Our Reg. $4.50 Flannel Kimonos Now $3.98 Alt regular $10.00 Children's Coats are offered for Bate at ST.95 All regular $12.50 Children's Coats are offered for sale at S9.95 AH regular $15.00 Children's Coats offered for sale at S12.45 All Evening Coats Reduced to the Lowest Level All Evening Coats Reduced Furniture Dept., Fifth Floor Complete lines, standard makes and prices far below what you arc asked to pay elsewhere. Let us show you our line of furniture, on fifth flopr Solid oak pedestal Dining Tables, wax finish, large variety; prices range from f 12 UP , Clean-up sale on Iran Beds. Best models, all gradi-. Prices run from 92 UP Saturday Glove Sale Women's 2-clasp glace Kid Glovns, embroid ered backs; black, white and colors; QQ all sizes; $1-25 values, special at only 05C Women's heavy quality lambskin Gloves, one clasp; black, white and tans 1n all J"1 " Q sizes; every pair ls guaranteed at vXtXi Regular $1 Veils at 39c 50c Handkerchiefs 25c New-Shetland-mesrr-VetllngfpMactfBf white; assorted patterns,. 14 and lj-yard QQ lengths; values up to $1, on sale, each OiL 100 dor en women's Handkerchiefs with em broidered corners; pure linen, hem- QK, stitched borders, beautiful designs, at mUC Saturday Bargains in Underwe ar and Hosiery Women's Natural Wool Vests and-Pants, non-shrinkable garments; French seams throughout; perfect fitting; vests silk finished;. HQ our best regular $1 values, on special sale at the price of only I vv Women's Fleeced, Vests ajid Pants, bleached garments, medium K(n weight; soft, fleecy finish; sizes 4 to 6; 65c values, at only OUC BoyV Heavy Fleeced Union Suits, natural gray, made with full QtfA p f remtjutton teatr tgetf tH6 yearsr t taltlesTirCSSTtcT OuL Girls Fleeced Union Suits; pure white, medium weight, high fZ(n fitch, long sleeves; ages 4 to 16 years; 65c values, at 35c to UUL Women's 65c Cashmere Iose, on special sate at, the pair, only" 48 Women's Ribbed Top Fleece Lined Hose, specially priced st, pair 10f Grat Saturday values in Infants and Children'a Hose, all styles. Our Saturday Lunch Menu Served 11 a. m. to Z:30 p. m. Both on 3d floor and in base ment. Soup, Vegetable Francalse Baked Chinook Salmon ...lOf Filet f Halibut - 10 Ragout of Lamb, Jardiniere tQj Spaghetti and Ham Creole 10$ Baked Pork and Beans 10 Boiled Knockwurst and Hot Slaw lOf Sirloin of Beef -.10 Ast'd Cold Meats and Salad 15f Saturday Dinner 25c Served 4 to 8 p. m., in Basement Cafe only Radishes Soup Julienne Choice of Stuffed Young Salmon Spaghetti and Ham Creole Lamb Chops Farcie a la Holtz or Roast Loin of Pork, Apple Sauce Browned Potatoes ' String Besns . " One' Dessert One Salad Coffee, Tea or Milk . Delicatessen Specials Boiled Ham, the pound at 29 Roquefort Cheese, special 414 San Juan Kipp'd Salmon Imported Swiss Cheese, lb. 31 Imported , Sardcllcn," only " fi5 Queen Olives, quart only 33, Imp't'd Cervalat Sausage 33 Diir Pickles, dozen at only tlf Milwaukee Sausage, pound 23 Potato Salad, 2 pounds at ttjjt Holland Herring, new Milehers, sp'l, each 8f lb. at only 2&4 Heinz Chow Chow, quart 26 Outing Flannel Nightgowns Women's Outing Flannel Night Gowns, high or low neck, trim d with fancy braid; Qrt $1.50 values, on sale at Of t. Women's outing flannel Skirts, made with deep flounce. AH 75c values, special, only tc I V Women's cambric and nainsook Gowns, Val. lace and embroid ery- trimmed, square and , y necks, also slipovers; ?!. $1.25 values, on sale at vliy $1.25 Combination at only 69 75c Corset Covers at only 59 Great bargains in Knit Goods of all kinds on the third floor, V $!Handbags48c 20O women's Handbags, in black and colored velvet, with fancy gilt or silver frames, mofre linV mgs and cord good values at $1. Saturday on our AQn our main floor, at onlylOC 1000 Sample Belts Worth-to SOc-at-Bc -f Black and colored elastic, pat ent leather, fancy suede belts,' Also a large lot of children's Belts: xes-ular values un to 5Uc, on sale Saturday at ea. 8c -A i