The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 09, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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Town Topics
v SAtEM. . ,
, The Balem office of The Jour-
rial is' now with George Snyder. 4)
Dearborn building, , 8tata and 4
Commercial streets, upatalra; 4
phona Main 744. ' After B p. m. 4
- phone-eomplalnta to Postal Tele- -
graph company,- Main 401, and
paper will be delivered by xnea- 4
lengef- at onca. ' ,
- ' .'V
IEILTO"The Women." .
BAKER-"The Bridge."
I LYRIC Armstrong Follies eompany in
t "Schults and. Flannlgan."
ORPHEUM Orpheum circuit yauda-
: ville. :(
.'TUB EMPRESS Vaudeville. . Avr
PA KTAO H8 -Vaudeville. :
- Weather Condition.
" Portland and Vicinity Fair tonight
with - light frost -- Thursday probably
. iair east to louinrnni wmu.
Oregon Fair tonight and Thuraday:
neavy rrost tonigni in gouinwgm uu
eat portions; northeasterly wind.
"Washtngtony-ralr tonight with light
' ThurHay fair except showers north
Vest portton; east to southeaet winds.
ldahW-Falr tonight with f reeling
temperatures r cooler aoutheaat portion;
Thursday fair: ,
i Acting District Forecaster.
f Tandarf oot Loaaa Coin A "con game"
caused W. t. Bowers, of Deal, Or., to
jlose 60-Sunday night, when lie en
1 gaged in matching coins with two
"strangers on the ateps of the School of
Trades, Eleventh- and Davit streets.
! Bowers returned to his home, a sadder
but wiser man. Sunday evening Bow
. tea was walking near the Custom House
14I111H ia wam DiwnntH hv a tit rut rrpr
ITItey were Joined by another stranger,
Who waa let inlo the friendship, wnen
the throe reached the; school building
; thoy sat down on the steps to rest
1TI1S two men. who up to a few minutes
; before had been strangers to Bowers,
.engaged In matching coins. Bowers was"!
allowed to enter tho game. Bowers
.won small bets at first, but when one
; of, the strangers offered to place $100
1 as a bet. Bowers covered it with $180.
The riioney disappeared with the strang-
Myers Estate Battled. An order for
the final distribution of the estate of
George T. Myers has been made .and
the cash on hand has been distributed.
( A bill for $15,000 was ordered paid to
Eolph, Mallory, Himon &. uearin, wno
represented the administrator, George
T. Myers Jr., in the attempt of Mrs.
-Owrgtg F1Ti)inlwr-yt'TCTS to break -tte
3 will. This uttempt resulted in Mrs.
Stevens' favor in tho probate and clr-
: cuit courts, but was lost when appealed
to the supreme court. A legacy of $20,
000 left Mrs. Ptevens waa placed with
the county clerk at her disposal. Mr.
Myers, as administrator, received $4600
fox his .Kervlces. Mr. Myers also re
ceived the remainder of the estate. The
estate Is valued at about $700,000.
' Estate Trouble Battled. -Trouble over
tha distribution of tho estate of 1. L.
Kelly, the wealthy tlmberaiau, ended
Monday when Probate Judge Cleeton
Signed an order allowing Mrs! Mabel
Kelly, the widow, $30,000 cash in lieu
UIJier one,-eighth, interest in the es
tate. Tb settlement was oppoaed by
' T. P. Kelly, a brother of the deceased.
"?Judge Cleeton also gave the administfa
, tors JO days in which to sell certain
; property of tho estate In order that all
creditors wliote claims were pressing
.might he paid and Mrs. Kelly might re
ceive her portion. Should no bona flda
" purchaser be found for the property at
a reasonable figure the property will
be sold publicly.
Declares. He Wag BobbstfL -Louis
Dallas te, Ml East Twenty-seventh
"' street, according to the atory he told
the police, was held up and robbed of
,1300 by "strong arm" men, last Wednes
day. Ho tsaid hat he bad not reported
the affair before, because an unknown
countryman of his ordered him not to
do so. Dallasta states that he went
.'- to the foot at the htlls on the west side
to get a job in a mine. Then the strang
ers who were with him put a revolver
'to his1 face and took his wallet con
taining the $300. The police are trying
to connect this robbery up with sev-
; eral others which have occurred In the
last few weeks, where the victims haVe
been "strong armed."
Attorney Bumped in Court. Judge
Taawcll has declined to allow M. O.
Wllkins, an. attorney, to represent A.
i M, Rice, a bookkeeper who was arrested
8aturday afternoon by Detectives Cole
man and Snow, on a charge of passing
a forged check, When Judge Tarwell
heard that t'ilklns was to represent
, Rice he sent word to Attorney McCue,
:' to be on hand and represent Rice. He
If Your Eyes Are
Diseased or Injured
Call and let me advise you what
to do. as I am specialising on the
eye only. X have no side lines.
Remember, 1 do not use any drugs,
saving you time, money, and eyes.
Don't wait until the eye la past re
demption. Take your case up with
me immediately, . I. have lattirs and
testimonials of past work that I
have done and will be glad to show
you. I have personally dona the
work of fitting and adjusting and
looking after over 16,000 cases of
eye . trouble in the city, and undr.
Stand that, and that work only. All
my work carries my personal guar
antee. When you call don't, fail to see my
grinding department. It Is open for
your inspection, and you will oe able
to see wtiy glasses mtea ty me are
usi aiirerent. besides. 1 nave posi-
Ivelv the larsresti' mnA most comnletn
sifortmeirt of eyeglass material in
the city.
Zl-sdly ent oat this ansonocement
tn imnff-it-witiryour" " "
J. Duback
": : ETE SIGHT STXClAtllT, . '
5th riooc Belling Bid., 6th ft Alder.
stated that tha reason he refused Wllk-
Iris the nrlvlleee of defending the prls.
oner was because Wllkins Is in the hoblt
of looking at the police docket and In
this manner getting the cases. Wllkins
asserts that lie came about the case In
a perfectly legitimate manner.'-
1 Cattle Tneft Suspected. The uncov
ering of an organized band of cattle
rustlers, operating in the eastern part
of the state, with headquarters In Port
land, will probably follow the arrest
of "J. B. Jingle," charged with dispos
ing of 32 head of cattle valued at $1900.
J.. T. Johnson, a farmer of Grant coun
ty, signed the complaint. The hides of
the cattle were found at Kenton. Re
cently Johnson, who. has a large ranch
in Grant county,, shipped a number of
finished" cattle to Pendleton, leaving
a nana or Zi cows end yearlings to be
turned on the range. The night they
were turned out they were driven away.
jonnson traced tnem to Portland.
Wives Ask'J)lTOrceCharglng her
spouse with halItal drunkenness and
threats to kill her and do away with
himself, Lou Ralna Ray. is suing R. L.
Ray, a street contractor, for divorce.
She asks for $30 a month alimony and
the custody of two children, 20 and 6
years old. The couple were married
in-Burden; Xa.; Marchr IS, ,1889., Mln
nle Marie Schmidt has started suit for
divorce from .Carl August Schmidt, a
bartender, on grounds of cruel and Inhuman-treatment
Three children, 9, 7
and 8 years old, are desired by the
mother and $60 a month alimony. They
were married November 10, 1801, in
San Francisco. -
Want rather to Fay. Because he
failed to care for his daughter, Maggie
Rasmussen, Kllas Rasmussen, a wealthy
rancher of Wasco, Sherman county, has
been cited to appear In county court,
October 18, to show why he should not
pay $30 a month toward the girl's ex
penses. Miss Rasmussen is H years
old, and according to a petition f il-?d
by Milton Damon, husband of her aunt,
she has been suffering from tuber
culosis for 1 8 months and has under
gone an operation for appendicitis. Dur
ing the time of her illness her father
has paid but $60 toward her car though
he la reputed to. be worth $20,000.
"Portland Vice Conditions What's
the Came?" will be the subject of an
address by W. O. McLaren before the
Aggressive Brotherhood of the First
United Brethren church, Wednesday
evening at 8 o'clock. The meeting is
for men only and for the purpose of
general discussion on the vice condi
tions in Portland. Plans will be set
on foot to aid in the crusade against
vice. All men who are interested m
this cause are invited. No admission
charged or collection taken.
Tree Legal Advice The Associated
Charities -has derided to furnish free
legal advice to the poor who cannot af
ford lawyers. This action was taken
at a meeting of the board of directors
held yesterday. Elliott Corbet, Julius
L. Meier, W. C. McMaster, Dr. George
S. Whiteside and Mrs. P. J. Fh nn wn
elected to' serve for three years as di
rectors of the organization.
Baffsty la Trouble. The alleged
stealing of $6.70 from the room of a
friend, r.t Fourteenth and Couch streets,
landed Butler Raffety In the police sta
tion Monday aftennjnn. Raffety said
he wanted the money to show a girl
friend a good time. He Said the money
was due htm from W, J. Gable, a boy
friend.. The. cas .was dismissed in
Biasing Curtains Cause Alarm. The
burning of a number of lace curtains
In a Japanese rooming house at 20KH
Salmon street yesterday morning
caused a great deal of excitement among
the sons of Nippon who reside in the
place. It is thought that the careless
tossing of a lighted cigarette was re
sponsible for the fire.
Xrasner Pined Sam Krasner, con
victed a week ago of allowing gambling
in his saloon, on appeal from Jhe muni
cipal court, whero he was sentenced to
pay $100 fine, was yesterday fined the
same amount by Circuit Judge Ganten
beln. He was allowed until Friday to
pay the fine.
Tire is Lumber MU1 A small blase
started from an unknown source broke
out early this morning at the Peninsula
Lumber company and resulted in a call
to the fire department being made. The
blaze waa soon extinguished, and, ac
cording to the manager, there was no
Parent Teachers Meet A meeting of
the Parent-Teachers' association of
Montavilla was held yesterday after
noon at the Montavilla school where a
musical and literary program was
given. Mrs. A. Bonham, the new presi
dent of the society, gave the principal
talk of the afternoon.
Chamber Gets Invitation The Port
land chamber of commerce received an
Invitation from the Eugene Commercial
club, asking the local organization to
send a delegation to Eugene to Join in
the celebration of the entrance of the
Oregon Electric railroad Into Eugene.
Boyd Taxi Co. Moved. The Boyd
Taxlcab Co, have moved their office and
stand to the Majestic Theatre building,
corner Park and Washington streets.
Phones Main S460, A-Z223.
Students of. Dentistry and Pharmacy,
Take notice The annual session of
North Paclflo college has begun. Reg-1straticirtoTv-retfllar-rdegTe'ifndSllt
will close October 11.
Steamer Jessie Bar kins for Camas,
Washougal amhway landings,-dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at S p. m.
Coos Bay Coal mined In Oregon,
cheaper than wood. Portland and Sub
urban Coar Co. W. R. Stearns,. Main
3o8, A-3368.
Milwaukee Has Wo Better Our Rose
City special family brew Is liked better
then any eastern beer by fastidious
Have Holiday Photos taken now.
Cloudy weather Just as good. A. B. Mc
Alpln, Central Bldg., Tenth and Alder.
Highland Baptist Cfcuroia br. Hlnson
preaches Wednesday night instead of
Tuesday. -
Superior Coal-delivered,- $. Phones
Main 14, A-1641. Office 80 6th si
Union Transfer Company, furniture
moving and storage. Main 841, A-824L
Coal Trom Canada aad Vtah has ne
equal Phone EX 803, C-2103, Kdlefsen.
IT. A. Wise and associates, palnlaas
sen ti:a,, Third and Washington,
Dr. B. a Biewa. Bye. Ear. Mareuam
Br. Breitllng, Spinologist. Royal bldg.
When you buy a high-grade, ready-to-wear
suit of me at $14.75 or $18.75
an experienced tailor makes the neces
sary alterations free of charge. You
walk away feeling good and your, ap
pearance In the suit makes the $40
made-to-erder tailors "sit up and take
notice. Jimmjr Dunn, room 811 Ore
gonlan building. Take elevator, " "
Marie Hylands.
Marie Hylands, comedienne, who Is
appearing at the Empress with her girl
etageniate, Constance Farmer, makes up
so well as a boy that she fooled the
theatre manager at Tacoma. The man
ager was standing at the wings on the
stage and, soetng Miss Hylands in the
garb of an usher, he mistook her- for
a of i he -house-employes- nt ordered
her to tho front of the house. Not un
til Miss Hylands' smite broadened did
the manager realise that the "boy1" on
stage was not an usher, but one of the
pretty actresses on the bill'.
The annual 1 Jubilee end chicken - sup
per of the Church Aid society of the
First African Methodist Episcopal Zton
church will be held in the church build
ing at Thirteenth and Main streets
Thursday evening, October 10. A spring
chicken supper will be served from 6:30
to 8:30 o'clock, and a jubilee concert
wilt be given afterward. The program
will consist of the following numbers:
Plantation melody, by the Jubilee
quartet; recitation, Mrs. Mae Anderson;
solo, Mrs. Dollie Paries; recitation, Mrs.
P. M. MoGlll; singing, Jubilee quartet;
recitation, Mrs. W. B. Cowes; baritone,
I j. C. An-Jerson; piano duet, Vere Drew
and Oladvs Johnson; selection, Mrs. B.
Hammond; plantation song, Jubilee
quartet; selection, Mrs. Jessie Grayson;
bass 30I0, W. S. Drew; selection, O. S.
Thomas; closing number, Jubilee quar
tet. The public Is cordially invited.
Roosevelt vs. Wilson ,
Rather hard times until after elec
tion, hut don't let that worry you. Come
to the lleilix Hotel and Inspect our nice,
clean rooms. Private baths, telephone
In each room;4' Rates $3.00 per week and
up. A't tractive rates to permanent
guests. Second and Yamhill. Main 8726.
Safe Deposit Vaults
Private boxes at reasonable rates.
Fire and burglar proof vaults for
storage, packages, suit cases, etc. Cham
ber of Commerce building. '
of satisfied customers have
learned that "Rosenthal's"
styles are "Different" from
those produced by ordinary
designers, and the name
"Rosenthal's" stands for ex
clusive creations in footwear
The Name 'Rosenthal''
stamped on $ shoe stands
for the highest in quality,
style, fit, wear and com
fort. We fit the feet -we
do not make the feet fit
the shoe. The inside is as
good as the outside. in
Rosenthal's Shoes
"Rosenthal's" shoes have nice
shapes and keep them.
"Rosenthal's" itamped on a shoe
means standard of merit.
We guarantee to fit you it's
v easy.. We have all sires
4 'and widths.
Portland's Best Shoe Store
Foster & Kleloer
Outdoor Advertisers
. . Aiirrn uiu.BTuri .
rosxt&a -.- , . v. 'i,-. ..e1
Eert Sevtnta aaA Xast Xrerett tveeto
ist UU, : . 1 VS4
V ' - v '
George C. Howard, who is developing
an orchard near Lyle, , Wash., brought
to Portland yesterday several tons of
fresh prunes, first pick taken from the
tree.-. The orchard lies In the foothills,
ten miles from Lyle, and until this year
has not had good care, although the fruit
Is of excellent quality, ' For prunes to
reach the market so Jate in the season
Is an entirely new feature in fruit
culture in the . northwest. Peculiar
cllmatlo conditions are responsible for
the late ripening of the prune crop, Mr,
Howard says.;'! :1 :rr rv' 4 """
With the late prunes Mr. Howard
brought"" to Portland' several sacks of
potatoes which grew In a field that, was
not cultivated at e,U this year.- The land
was planted to potatoes last year and
this spring volunteer plants appeared
all over the patch. Other work pr
venie cultivation ana tne crop was
allowed to shift for Itself. The po
tatoes are of good size, are uniformly
smooth and show no sign of disease.
Rclxkalis at Riddle, Or.
(Speelitl to' Tlie Journal.)
Roseburg, Or., Oct. 9.--The district
convention of the Rebekahs was hold at
Riddle on Monday. About 100 members
were In attendance from Roseburg nnd
there was' also a large attendance from
Myrtle Creek end Canyonyllle. 'The lls
trlcfci officers chosen for the coming
year are: charlman, Mrs. -Minnie Cor
nutt, of Cunyonvlfte; vice chairman,
Mrs. Mlnola Htrong, Myrtle Creek; sec
retary, Mrs. Vera Ball, Riddle; marshal,
Miss Helena -Riddle, Riddle; conductor,
Miss Helen Cornutt, Riddle; ' inside
guard, Mrs. Blanche O'Neel, Canyon
vllle; outside guard, Mrs. Alice Fate,
Myrtle Creek; chaplain, Mrs. A. Cornutt,
Riddle; program .committee, Mrs. Co
Wlmberly, Roseburg, Mrs. Alice Fate,
Free This Week
Trading Stamps with every
purchase of $1.00. Present this
The Needlecraft Shop
388 Yamhill St, Between West
J. Park and 10th Sts.
A man's full
duty to his fam
ily is
Not Done
when he pro
vides a home, if
he has failed to
that home by
making sure
that the title is
perfect. Insist
on out guaran
teed Cerificate
of Title. Inves
tigate. Call for
booklet. Title
& Trust Com
pany, Fourth
and Oak.
any v
..4 aw i .jrt
Looking up the main aisle from the 13th street entrance. Pulley stock's range,
from three to seventy-two-inch diameter. ' Both crown and straight face in
stock. - ' . '
All bearings are reamed after , babbit ingtosavepiLJlQ
"Hem. "DorTt overroolfit. ' ,J-
: Podge Mgniif act uring
Main 8696 - ... k " ' k. ' . . .1 .
Myrtle Creek; Mrsi Clara,Willls, Canyon.
vine. j- , J . . . '.;. ;
In the evening the detrree work of
by the degree staff ofRoseburg Rebek-
Ye Oregon Grille ; V ;
IJnusuaJ entertainment, : Both instrumental-and
vocal. Mrs. Shields ,ols,
soprano, and Miss Helen Howe, con
tralto, assisted. by Slgnor-Kussell's or
chestra every evening for dinner, 6:15
to ,3:15,- and theatre,.' 10:15' to 12:16.
Merchants' Table d'Hote luncheon every
week-day from 12 until 2, 60 cents per
plate. ,.'',;,' ," ; -;; :-'-;.'
: r m
Journal Want Ada brlnjr results. , -
Since you are
trea sure and
Also in
Phones E.
JfrJf X
r.-vjr' Also in iwc loaves x
"Red Pencil Day"
the Twelfth
on behalf of the
1000 women and girls wanted imme'diately to
patrol every corner, every "buildih; and every
public place next Saturday, to sell "Red Pencils" '
for the Baby Home. Apply at once to head
quarters. First 'comers, may choose their own
Phones Marshall 3937, A-3338.
The United States Marine Band
From Washington, C.
Only One Day Wednesday, October 16
Afternoon and Evening.
Management Eugene Kuester
Tickets Matinee, 5oc, 75c, $1. . Eve., 75c, $1.50
Kohler & Chase, Music Dept.
W. Parle & Wash. Sts.
Zfilf '31- V
tl7DHi i tr t - , t
"1- ur
North Yakima. Wnsh. Oct.. . The
Wapato postofflce. 12 miles southeast
Of here, was entered Monday night by
burglars, the safe blown, open with nitro
glycerine and 8400 worth of stamps and
833- in cash taken. Beverst registered
letters and stamp books were .not dis
turbed. The Yale lock on the back door
of the building was broken. The burg
lars took a rig from tha barn; of W.
McOrew to make their get-away. ,
t, ,,
In every state 1n Australia as well as
in the commonwealth, there are now two
parties onjy. Liberal and Labor. In the
commonwealth and In the states of New
eating bread
get tHe Best.
and there is
only one best
Made Clean
Sold Clean
10c loaves
6044, B-2428
Rowe & Martin,
323 Washington St.
sS- - V
'14lh and Lcvr-sy, TcAlirZ
South Wales and Went AunlrolU ' 1
borltes are In power while lit tti ci ;
states tlie Liberals have at pies! i;t
controlling majority,
I l ., . -
: .V
n VMT I. 'Nfc--
' I . . -.- -, k
Be sure you see him In person, as un ,
scrupulous dentists are trying to mis-
lead the public by using our name.,
The Very Best and Latest In Modem. ?
Dentistry. Ko More ralllnf nates. i -
PEBTECT BXZOaxS. with Interchange
able facings, the .most perfect and ,
practical brtrtge that bss ever been de-t
vised. A triumph of modern dentistry.
bead otm mczst '
Good Bobber Plates, esen. .4.00 .
The Best Bed BubUer Plates, esob.f7.60 1
OS-karat Gold or Poreelala Crowa. ,$8.00 -
2a-karat Bridge Teetlt, guaranteed,
each .flBO ;
Gold or Enamel FllUags, each..... tl.00
SUrer ruilags, eaea . 800 -
We Glre a 15-Tear Guarantee. " -
Wise Dental Co.-
Southeast Corner. . i
Phones Main 8039. A-80fll. 1 '- 1
Special Price Matinee Saturday.
The Great American Play
Evenings, $1.50. $1 76c. 80e, 15c, 25a
Sat. Mat., (1.00, T5c, 50c, J 5c, 2 So.
Morrison and l
Tonlght, all weelc, most popular Amerl-1
can play ever written, ...
f?rT5ni?esrTB?reVer Keen. ThenTambuiT1
Pickaninny Band Greater than ever(lf '
Evenings 2Bc, 60e, 75c. 1. Matinees .
25c. 60c. Thursday Bargain - Mat. all
neats J5c. Other metinees Sat. and
Sunday. J.ast time, next Sunday night.
RAKER M?5A8Ta6380
t iv a-. av Baker, Mgr.
The Popular Baker Players. All '
week matinees "Wednesday and Bat. '
The powerful play of capital and labor,,.! '
Or "The Man Between."
Immense scenlo production, thrilling, .
sensational and compelling.. First tima1
in this city. Prices 25c, 3be, 60c. Mati-J
Next week "The Heirs te the Hoorah.'
Mla A-iPao Mattaee Saliy
Matinee, IS, 98, 80ei VI git te, JO, 88, 80, T5o .
Joseph Jefferson. .
Ze Ballet Classlque. - i
MelriUe and Elgglns. .
Great Asahl 3 Comedy Acts. y
WEEK OCT. 7. Bngagemeat extra or-' 4
dinary, the sensation of two eantlneats, ,i .
Marrelous Mercedes f Gyp7 WUson, Tl '
and Ollle Walters. Copeland and Pay-r.-:
ton, towell and Esther Brew, The Great
Harrah k Co., Pantagesoope. Boxes and '
first row baloony reserved. Bon of floe t
open from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Phone ,
A-8936, Mala 4636. Curtain 8i3Q, 7ll8, t.'
tt Matinee Sally at S30.
CensldlM '
.irAfuiif- Bf ineA vaudevlija if-
Matinees, any seatJ10o i Bights,. lOo, 0o, ,
SJ B Bulllvaa
4th and Stark Sta. i ..
Twentieth and Farewell Week: ' t
The Armstrong Follies Co. In '
A Klot of Laughter. . '
Next Week The Keating A Flood '
Musical Comedy Co. New Faces! New
Faces! New Faces 1 . - .
City Bunding
Building wp a city
used to be consid
ered solely as the
work of men. Times
have changed. Now
adays, women
mothers, wives and
sistersrealize the
importance of stimu
lating home indus- v
tries and the neces
sity for the proper
construction of pub
lic works.- There-
fore, among other
-meritorioua h o m
products they , favor ;
Fortland Glazed Ce
ment Sewer Pipe, ,
PW?UrVv: . : ; ; Cet mye Book
J' T5Vi Anw thin rap"
...... -f-'T ' '
Orcff on JlonicnC' t
1 ' !
. t
e ;