THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 0. 1812. 13 43 ...Roosevelt Apartments 6SS Kearney 01. .,h -"Furnished and unf tjriiislied apts, wun air modern excellent locn . ,., - .Douhio nnt- newly - cieaneu throughout J ,-,- PORTLAND TRUST CO, 3d Rfltl V'R. pvn SElTthTa .crw sureA nicely furnished , i room apartment, $22.&o; an ""1"'' large, light, airy room., pr vte phone Lath, gas range,- water heater, l""" tra vs. large closets, on car line. Tabor 22HS. R-8041. ' FORREXT-FLViS 13 TWO 5 room modern tipper . rir: place and furnace. Operate attic and basement. On Graham eve, near WU-1,1m,-luqulre n Graham;, reasonable rent. ''' 1 -n MOUt.RN 6 room flat, w,"1! range, window hades, large base ment. 507 Halsey. near steel bridge. 120 APARTMENTS MODERN 5 room flat,' walking distance. -Mft phone; janitorr $22.60 ; ' - or unfurnished. Main 7157 or Columbia " ."MODERN S room flat. 2 blocks north old steel bridge, beautiful location. fronting river, BEAUTIFUL J and 4 room flats, rlne vlew7low rent 568 Market at. near Chapman M6DERN 6 rooms.:' corner, over store, t2U, 811 Williams avc, Woodlawn JbOV. 6 ROOM modern upper W wt 'W unexcelled view, walklnj distance. 441 J3th st. Phone Marshall 34 08. Only $18. THREE room flat - walking; distance. batll gaaatoves. low ent- S83 Cable. v j'hone mornings, n-ot. : FOR RENT 4 , room turn.l8h?$,,!rl trt rar month. $18. MODERN "6 room flat; gas. ejec. stoves. 9Htt E. Morrison, near 80th. Also 4 furnished. Tabor 1798. - MODERN 4 room flat 179 Green ave. near zm ano wnBniinw .. T11KEE modem 4 room flats very Uo . slrable, 434 CoUegejtJdaln 6416. Trnm flat 821 Corbett st Key 823 Corbett st. 981 UNION ave. N., 6 room I flat, 815. . ' 489 W. PARK Large 3 room flats, wa - Home pnone A-asae. ter and garnage. io monin FIVE room flat, bath and furnace, 698 salmon. Key .vu ohy.pi NKW. modern flat. 289 Caruthers. neat fith. Phone Marshall 1000. FURN1SIIKD FLATS 60 6 VERT clean, desirable furnished rooms and sleeping porch, J Includes 2 bedrooms, private bath, gas, fine neigh borhood. 1 carlines or walking distance. Inquire 778 E- Tayior. rnune on. i ROOMS with piano, rent $20. 6 Union -116 2 nice rooms, water, fine view. 668 - Market st, near Chapman, FOR RENT 4 Toom furnished flat; walking distance. 309 Cherry at HOTELS 54 . HOTEL PORTLAND European plan only 61. 6 na up, BELV -,Ll'.Kl-,- n.urntw-nn. 4 "d A.tler. STORTS AND OFFICES 11 FOR RENT Store room and warehouse : located at 26 Front St.. consisting of basement 24x80, atore room on first -'tloor 24x50 and part or'all of second ' .floor 48x80; with electric elevator serv- Ice. Suitable for any. .wholesale bus - ness requiring office space and small '. 1 .. i . j Oil Vvnr.t at vt. ware rwni. jihu.ip tv . TWO floors In South Portland brick .,. warehouse, one lease, low rent. &ooo square feet In each floor, railroad track- flKB. USUI I'.ttVW 4W1 Dlllll V tory. 0-67, Journal. ' EXCELLENT location. 2 story bulldine, llvlrtir rooms un and down stairs, very reasonable rent. Phone Marshall 880, or -A-2087. Mr, Slminwalil. 10,000 .square feet desirable storage space at 6th and Morrison for rent long lease, heat and water. F. C. Jack hot, Journal Pub. Co. WAKkHUUSE on railroad, adjoining . Golden Rod Milling Co.. Albina. Co Mnmbla 21B. ' CORNER store room on 4th and Mont gomery; rent cheap; meat market pre- .ferred. Call Wdln. 1721 or 1166 HalRht v. .$10 and 15 month, stores, plate glass, patent toilets. 6338 Foster road. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent modern 6 or 7 room house, walking distance and reason able rent Mrs. E. T. Jones, 498 Rex ave. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 TEAM wanted; weight about 1100 or ' 120trrgodd pullers and not too old. Price must be right for cash. Call 444 Sherlock bldg.. city. Phone Marshall 2&4, after p. m. 492 Columbia st. Main 13770. ' 1 HAVE a team outfit lor grading or ? haulihg wagons, scrapers, plows, com plete, and I want to get a contract or a long day Job. force sect. 1C-31. Journal. ' til liuya 1200 pound horee, sound and true to pull; liarnes nnd a spring ""wagon. Call at Woodxloclt blacksmith shop. NOTICE. horses and mares, weighing from 1100 lbs. to 1300 lbs., well broke and guaranteed. 302 Front St. A NTCE gentle black driving horse, sin gle buggy and harnews lor sale cheap, first class outfit. Inquire at Anderson Rros. barns. Phone Main 331. CARLOAD of horses and mules. Goose neck farm and delivery wagons; har ness and saJdL's. 381 Water, west side. ; HORSES and buggies for rent by day, week: or month. 6th and Ilawlhorne. EsHt 72. FOR SALE 2 gooseneck wagons. 2 and 3 ton, in good condition, cheap. 273 Tavlor. Marshall 2415. 20 HEAD chc&n, horses, from 900 to 1400 lbs., from $25 to $100. Must be rold at once. 14 Union ave - HtVR13"fr-nt rtieapr pnod for 'pwT-dlcr- Call-after 6 p. m. 292 ' N. 16th. LIVESTOCK 35 v FOR SALE Fresh cow. heavy milker, - wltll twin calves. 1383 E. Irving st. - . .vontavina car. FOR BALE Large. Red Pole fresh cow. b gals. 313 6Z1 H. K. POULTRY 37 . FOR PALE Pure bred White Leghorns and R. 1. Red pullets 4 to 6 months Box 5 47. It. K. P. 1. Portland. SACRIFICE ale of Orpington chickens, Phone C-2140. 1084 Broadway. DOGS AAD HOUSEHOLD I'riTS 40 BEAUTIFUL Japanese upanlels, flrRt prize exhibition Portland and Spokane. Male and female 8 months old, at $25 each. 306 2d. WELL trained doe for uDlund birds: will keep for ue or. buy if dog suits W. C. Mtimncrg. Vancouver. v anh. - ALTOMOBILES-MOTOKCyCLES 44 1 8 PASS 4-door Chalmers, Just out of the hop; this car is a bargain for snpt one, N - Northwest Auto Exchange r- 681 Alder. ' FOR SALE Brush automobile, nearly 'r good as new; light delivery or runa-vbout.- $150. 147 N. 6th St. IT 1 1 4 PASS. Huumobile. fullv miinned' 476. Phone E. 1872. ' ONE ton auto truck cheap for cash. 3 08 R. 6th st. " ' W R have In stock 1 1911 Stevens-Duryca nsws. ewr; it TnrttwiniTiiaifwm "ClmrtKer for equity -4n property of equal aitie: now m your ot.ance. j -southweht auto exchange, 531 Alder t. LOAN'S ON" AUTOS7 AfJiKR KT. ""IUDeR, 2p6 LlH'OMoBILE ie elty. T. II. Drake. 126 N. 17th. A UTOMOU ILES-MOTORCTCLES 44 JtTOKAORDDIiiABY On High 'Grade Automobiles -Ala Sacrifice - Price; SECOND HAND CARS We are offering unusual In- for another large stock of cars; you can not afford to miss see ing the line If you are Interested Jn the purchase of an automobila. Our cars are guaranteed and will givs demonstration. Northwest Auto : Exchange 631 Alder Bt- Packard Used Cars We have the following cars left with us to sell "for our customers. Are in best of condition and guaranteed. , Tackard 80, 1912, 7 pass, $3100 Packard 80, 1912. 7 pass., $2600. , .Packard 80, 7 pass. $-300. Packard 30. roadster, $1400. Chalmers 40, 6 pass. $650. Frank C. Riggs , Cornell-23d and Washington all. ONE Chalmers 80, 5 pass; touring car, newly painted, . full equipment, ejectric lights, $B00; tires all good." One E.-M.-F. 6 pas., A-l condition; tires good, $650. On 6 48 1810 rierce-Arrow, A-l con dition. Pacific Motor Co. 682 Washington st 'USED GAR - BUYERS - . ,' Should Examine Our Stock Before Pur chasing. The Values We Offer ARE U N EO U ALED. NORTHWEST AUTO E'XCHANQB, (31 Alder Street 1912 Chalmers. 86 H. P.. eelf-startlng; 5 pass., fully equipped, good as new; n- rensunjol . tier ifupl. itig sac rifice for quick sule. Oregon Auto Exchange 493-495 Alder st. Main 1161; A-4837. BIO KNAP IN AUTOMOBILE. T&T5 WHITE GAS, 30 HORSEPOWER, 4 DOORS, FULLY EQUIPPED, RUN 6011 MILES, JUST SUFFICIENT MILEAGE TO PUT IT N GOOD RUNNING OR DER. WILL SELL AT A SACRIFICE. F YOU ARE LOOKNO FOB A HIGH CLASS CAR, DO NOT FAIL TO SEE THIS. CALL MARSHALL 4200. WANTED in good running condition. BARGAINS ONLY. Northwest Auto Exchange 631 Alder St.. CADILLACS. We hatyjj f Cadillacs;-all are goo-Lbuya and want ' you tu see them; the pric is right. Northwest Auto Exchange 631 Alder. HAHGAINa IN N LIGHTLY USED CARS. We have a few snaps in slightly used cars and MICHIGAN cars taken la ex change. All- cars full guaranteed. Call or write at once. MICHIGAN AUTO ft BUGGY CO. 869-271 Hawthorne Ave. Phones East 1421. B-1345. ' AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Why buy a new cheap car when you can secure one of our high grade used cars at the same price? We guarantee them; different makes and models, all traded in on new White cars. We also offer several second hsfnd trucks. Write White Car Agency, 6th st. at Madison. BARGAIN. 1 4-door, 5 pasd. Marlon, run less than 3000 miles. Northwest Auto Exchange 031 Alder. WILL trade my beautiful new f room home in Rose City Park, value $5000, cost $6800 cash; will take In auto up to $2500 and give best of terms on bal ance. fim-mP agent, 618 Board of Trade. AUTO repairing and storage work gur- ameea, an expenenceu neip. The Powell Garage, 37th and Hawthorne. Tabor 1147. WANTED No. 1 old auto tires, 7o id. aenverea; io. z auto tires. 5c lb. Inner tubes, 16 to 23c lb. J. Leve, Hi Columbia st.; Main 6198. FIVE passenger, CO 11. P.. 4 cylinder, fully equipprd, price $700, to trade for lots. Main 4028, A-7136. LA UN CHICS ASP BOATS 64 BARGAIN. 4 room houseboat, 22'4 foot launch, new. Inquire Wm. Signet, foot Cramp ton St., Portland. NEWLY equipped commercial launch at sacrifice; large capacity. 1026 Cham ber of Commerce. BOAT storage 75c per month up. Foot of California Ft.. Fulton car. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 SEE the new "Colby" player piano for only $450. The biggest player Value on the market. Easy terms. Sherman C4a.y -f,-i Mtrrlt and- Sixth, -opposite postorriee, Portland WANTED l.'se of piano for Its care and storage, best of care; young couple; no children, M-77. Journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 FOR SALE. One large Cretor popcorn wagon with lunch equipment; good as new; doing good business; horse and light wagon got-H with outfit. Good reasons for selling. Address G, 256 N. Mill St.. Eu gene. Or. FOR SALE Nvi and second-hand Cr om and pocket billiard tables, and bowling alleys and accessorise; bur fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The BrunswicU-Balke-Collender Co., 46 - 4$ nin si. months Main A-IYS3. N A T ION: A 1 . .uoh r.riV.APa I wA.. ters, computing scales. ' elect, coffee mills and all store appliances, bought Knlrl n rwl rnnn i ru.i , C, l ) fn r o u V, rt r ,xu- ments. The Pacific Store Service Co., 2 27 Stark. Main 7,711. FOR SALE Ja ttstaurani range, fam ily range, y. u. douuit aesx, ourrei, bicycle and water heater. Call 284 RmkfpU Ht. SAFES 108 2d St., phone Main 7676i at factory prices; repairs, lockouts opened, burgnlfis in second hand, aafea Mosler Safe Co, HOUSEBOAT' for sale cheap, 2 large rooms. See .Mr. C. B. Canuto, foot of uiiiunna hi., r uuon car. GASOLINE wood saw for sale; an A-l machine, cheap for Cash, Call at 429 Hawthorne ave - CSKD HAi:iilNiiS, all maxes. cash or terms. Prices right. Singer Sewing Macnlne Store, ss-.' Morrison st BICYCLES ilO and up. Bargains In imitorwot, HV-Mnr1He.Tr Dl.r..V i. r.oivS and off tee turniture f'Pl.'V o. i- i 'n I it ?ti .i cu- I1IONOGRAPH and ucoids, cheap7l024 Hoithwick. t WELL rotted fertilizer manure. East 49J6. UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $6 50 up. Taylor the tuilo:, 62 "A N. 6lh. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 SNAP In grocery fixtures, delivery team, wagon and harness, $100. . ISO gal. Rowen oil tank, cost $86, now $25. , $150 Moaler safe. : nearly new, $76: show cases, counters, shftivlng. gasoline lighting plant, etc., verjrtheap. E. R. Sully, 309 8. Jersey st, St. Johns. Or. CHOICE grapes. 916 Ellsworth st. near . E. 80th.. Phone Sellwood 76S.v WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 FURNITURE WANTED. We want in buv n thli secondhanC ?.X?-tu,.U.h2? get furniture, stoves, rugs that we can get mi we asic is an oppofi you an offer, and will pi we ask is ah opportunity" to ay all tne casn It Is worth; pnone Must 6llft VVANTh,U by the Eagle furniture house. , your eecond-hand furniture. 1 highest cash prices paid. G. Long proprietor. Phone Woodlawn 16. 06 Union ave. Wanted uopie of pu?tiai.a tu kuow that I pay, the highest cash price tat eecond-hand household goods. N. M. 8ei?'.r.-124-H8 Grand ave. East 1861. CoTETII FuHNi'iUKE Z CUUM18 SIGN CO. Pays the best price for your second hand furniture, carpets and stoves. Z04 1st Main 30ZZ WtlX sell your turniture at auction? Wo pay highest prices. Make no mis take, address JI. K. Seater, 34S-60 Haw thorne ave. Ptione East 3184. BAKGERS' AUCTION HOUSE. $68-370 E. Morrison st. 1022. $1900 worth of good furniture at once. W E need the tioods,. you need tne .mon ey. Rose City Auction House, 368-370 Mawmorne nve. iDast tfn3. LET us make you an offer- on your home or orrice rurniture; we pay more. Phone Main S344. bE WISE; get more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Fora Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main 8961. A-244B. WANTED 2d hand pool tables, 960 t'orhett. Phone A-3712. ?'ust be cheap. CASH paid for diamonds. Phone Main 4617. Martin. WILL pay cash for second hand fur niture ana moves. 414 E. Morrison, WANTED Kodaks, cameras, etc. " Cam. ri Exchange. 2454 jHorrlson. L03T AND FOUND 21 LOST Near E. Salmon and Union ave., on Tuesday night, one brindle female bulldog, license No. 27; liberal reward for return of same to Pete Beard, en gineer, Columbia Contract Co. NOTICES 26 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the district court of the United States for the district of Oregon. in the matter of Ames Mercantile Aguicy. involuntary bankrupt. No. 2106 in bankruptcy. Notice is hereby given, that on the 26th day of September, A. D. 1912, Ames Mercantile Agency of Portland, Oregon, the bankrupt above named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the flrot meeting of its creditors will be held at tha offices of the undersigned, rooms 401-2-3, Fenton building, Portland, Oregon, on the 2'2d day of October. 1912. at lb ft. m., at which time said creditors mav attend, prove their claims, appoint a tiustee, examine, the bankrupt, and I transact such other business as may I pronerly come before said meeting, j Ciaims must be presented In form re ! quired by thu bankruptcy act, and sworn ; to. The schedule filed discloses doubtful i assets. CHESTER O. M' HPHY, Referee 'In Bankruptcy. Dated October 8, 1912. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the district court of the United States for the district of Oregon.' In the matter of Henry Rebe, bank runt. No. 2147 In bankruptcy. Notice is hereby given that on the 7th day of October, A. D. 1912. Henry Robe of Portland. Oregon, the bankrupt above named, was duly adjudicated his crcMeia . will be held at the olti.;lei-ri- tf- vow iv in tmr before of the undersigned, rooms 401-2-3. Fen- ,a UmPehs n-?a,E Lnv" MWM ton building, Portland, Oregon, on the 2Zd day of October. 1912. at 11 a. m.. j at which jlme said creditors may attend, nrov thtir rluima nnnnlnt a trustee. examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Claims must be presented in form re quired by thu bankruptcy act, and sworn to. The schedule filed discloses estimated assets amounting to $6815.00. CHESTER G. MURPHY, Referee In Bankruptcy. Dated October 8. 1912. TO the Taxpayers of Multnomah Coun ty. Or. Netlce is hereby given that on Mondav. October 21, 1912, the boatd !of equalization of Multnomah county ! ! uuai u , will the office of the county clerk of said county pnd publicly ex amine the assessment rolls for the year ; 1912. and correct all errors in valuation, j description or qualities o-' land, lots or I other property, and it is the duty of all persons interested to appear at the time and place appointed, and if it shaU I appear to such board of equalization ! that there are any lands, lots or other property assessed twice or in the name of person or persons not the owner of same, or assessed under or beyond its value, or any lands, lots or other , p rope r t y, not anse.sed. sa id board of : equalization shall make the proper cor- rections. B. D. SIGLER, County Assessor. I j-omanq. or., Kept. 2, 1U1Z. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned, 402 Til ford building, until li m., Wednesday, October 16. 1912, for vacuum cleaner for the new Ainsworth school. Specifications may be obtained at the office of F. A. Naramore, s'uperlntedent of properties, 408 Tilford building. Certified check for $100 payable to R. n Thomas, school clerk, must ac company each proposal. Board of di rectors reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. Dated October 8. 1912 R. 11. THOMAS. School Clerk. MULTNOMAH COUNTY LIBRARY?" Sealed proposals for furnishing and erecting metal book stacks in the new a duairabie place lor ladies ana gentle Central Library building, Portland, Ore-, men to borrow money on diamonds gon, will be opened bv the countv court at 10 a. m. Monday, October 28, 1912. Dans and speclllcations may be ob tained from Doyle, Patterson & Beach, architects, Portland, Oregon, The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, or- to waive any informalities In .bids... Signed, .,. T. 3. CleeTon, County Judge. W. L. LIGHTNER, County Commissioner. PERSONAL 22 MATRIMONIAL paper, many wealthy, i rum an becuoiiH, many marriages; paper 10 cents. Mrs. Bell, 1816 Mag nolia ave., Los Angeles. A bArE home treatment for catarrh of the head and throat. 10c for sample. Satisfaction guiiranteed or money re-funtlr.-d. W. It. Wilson, Hebo, Or. RT OR P F AspeeiaWra"dwrc'ilreeT 171 V VIIVLO reliable lawyer, reason able fee. Central Law Bureau, 516 Roth child iddR., 287 Washington. Iukil.n, iNervo, 'ionic iuulets restore lost vitality; 26c box; 6 boxes $1..5. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co.. m Morrison st clclj kiu and vibratory- treatments! jui iinuuiniinui. UillCO 19 MlMer bldg. 350 Morrison. Mita. 14 A MOT, expert chiropodist, coins KiinlmiH n nrl rn llnnai., -ct,-,,..,.x. . ... ' less method. The Alamo. Sl'BV, stark sVl . . . n l- 1 MADAME ESTELLE Spiritual medl- inn. Readings dally. 1.8 Si 13th. near i Washington. WOMEN Use femoids unea utiitra fan Sold end rum ran teed by the AuspluuJ Drugstore. Mo N. 6ih st. Main gf it 6. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. M. A. Price" reao-uigs, neuiing, oally clrculee, Tues. Wed. and sun.. Jftb 4th st. M. 7227. GIRL. Learn our business; Sanitary Beautv Pm-lors. 4.10-412 Ij'kum bldg. DR GT V. "iTCliW-Women's mThT- fi.e?, u.fteuae. wasn. i . . g- 1. Mh I'd in 1 1 ill 4 tri and wasn., room 4 . -r 1 ... j UALM ot figs, rfUedv- lL,r diseased Xln n oil.. : AO"! UllI A DR. LjLGLAS. U. C.. nO) I llVin Union , ye y H.irt'aid Mi ; or suitcase Vt 5 U! iuUl ,, : - i vii -tu cer Hi.vite, unoice. claims art in.i. nmnt. Sin Cham, of Com. Ml 4S1 EASTERN trained operator gives mas SUKe. 125 Cth St., room 2. 23 NO MATTER what has failed When la need of a regular monthly remedy., get a bottle of Antlko Mixture No. 8, and be convinced It is the best end most harm less remedy ever ut on the market for fialnful and suppressed periods. Abso utely guaranteed and for sale In Port land by Jefferson Drug Co., Id and Jeffemon. Main 7642. A-7l6. LADIES $1000 reward. - 1 positively guarantee my - great,;, successful "monthly" remedy ; afely relieves some or the longest, most obstinate, abnormal cases in a to 5 days; no harm, pain or 'nterrerence- with work; mail $1.60. double strength. $2. Dr. C. T. Southing- nemeoy to.. Kansas tity. mo. : who. bituvvna, l year fortianaa leading palmist and clairvoyanta her late I'ook. "Palmistry Made Eeasy," ! on saie, tt.7Vi Williams ave., corner Knott. Office hour to n. m, 'o I p m. MILLINERY cheap. , , orders or utm mings, colorings, remaking, Just any Old material. j!37V4 .Waahlngton, near 2d. Suite 217. 'iS6ls.CLO'' sure ueatu lu Dugs and' roaches, $1.60 gallon, 6 gallons $6.60; Crescent Chemical Co., bit Wash ington: Mam IgM 4.A-4 48a. DR. A. A. Abel'LUXoiA . Diseases of women and surgery. Ex aml nations tree. Mercliacis Trust bldg.. "rh and Washington. -Ala.n' 4047. ANYONE knowing the wnereabouts of . blCIOOII, V A ww 10th strf Portland, Or., please notify VX- NlgSEfli's SANATORIUM, with ail modern baths, bake oven, and masiiage, Swedish movements. .16 Lovejoy st MRS. MALLORY HAY, ordained spir itualist teacher. 240 6th st LOANS WANTED SO IF you want to loan your money on first class real estate. l)st It at opce with the MORTGAGE LOAN DEPT., SLAUSON-CRAIG CO.. 304 Oak st.. near 6th. $u0 TO $50uo wanted by close corpo ration for one year at 8" per cent on collateral security; funds to be used for improvements to place. Personnel of company strictly furst class. T-49, Journal. WANTED $40uo for 3 years on im proved country property worth $16, 00O, buildings insured for more than amount needed; pay 8 per cent; no agents. Q-69, Journal. WANTED From private party, loan of $10,000 for term of years on gilt edge real eatate security, F-7Q, Journal WANTED Financial help on invention. Apply Ney An good, RocKport, Wash. WANT $5000 for 3 years on $18,000 in come property. 639 Hamilton bldg. FINANCIAL 51 Better Than Diamonds Need the money. Have stock paying better than 1 per cent month. Paid 16 per cent last year. Will sell at face. Pacific Coast Brokerage Co., 618 Board or Trade. FIRST and second mortgages and con tracts bought and sold. THE HARtfOLT-WILSON CO., INC. 710-717 LEWIS bldg. Fourth and Oak sts. Marshall 4200. A-7158. CASH PAID FOR MORVOAUEtt. Or seller's equity in contract of sale en real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. Loans. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. S.LA-'ilES 07 "Need Money? To rrerare for Wintf. SEE US and 8AVE MONEY. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Our NEW PLAN Gives You a Definite Amount to Pav Fuch .Month Aml' princhmlr!d Interest' Including ou WE GIVE YOU A FULL REBATE. Loans Made Immediately Wf.. OAT , 1 r n i 'in-,,,, i ii M .i'i'AT, . mr rftVaa .V.if. A1Cfc f " 4uu.r Iw7's -Bue Portland Loan Co, 207 MACLEAY BLDG. A-2397. CO' . 4TH AND WASH. STS. OPEN MON. AND SAT. TILL P. M. State Security Co, BROKERS SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES $6 to $100 Being salary loan brokers exclusively . i . . . . r . " . Ai,7nfP1a l, ,mk the ; best terms and give the quickest possible service. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL State Security Co, 308 Failing Bldg. A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN I DUET On watches, diamonds Jewelry, kodak, furniture storage receipts, guns, planoa. tlby (JO Collateral Bankers arid Brokers. 820 Lumber Ex, bldg.. 2d and Stark. IMMEDIATE loans on pianos, furniture, autos, storage receipts, etc., at lowest rates. (Confidential). Also second mortgage loans on real estate: mort- gages bought. Room 312 Hamilton bldg, halakx loans, chattel Loans. You can get $5 to $100 today at cheapest rates, best and most private terms. D. D. Drake, 307 Spalding bldg MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT, Any kind of security. LAWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT CO 1125 Yeon bldg. Tel. M, 875. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. D. H. Tolman. room S17. Lumber Ex. and Jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond raiace, m wasn.. opp. uwi urug Store. CHATTEL and real estate loans, no red tape; conditional; mortgages bought .UMM..n jjhp, x .ftU.llHlun Plug, MON L if TO LOAN UN DIAMONDS. J. E. NICHOLS. 616 YEON BTLpfr." MONEY sold on installment; confiden tial to salaried people. F. A. Mew- ton. 614 Henry bldg. LOAN tor tiw nuking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg MONEY ON ANY SECURITY. BOID REALTY CO., 06 ALDER ST. MONEY loaned un diamonds and Jewel ry ; strictly confidential. 141H Id. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ECTATE. SLAUSON-CRAIG CO.. Mortgage Loan Dept., 304 Uak st. hear 6th. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAX. ESTAfJu 1.60 AND UP. J. E. NICHOLS, 616 YEuN BLDG. JUONEY to loan; large'ioena a specialty. Duuaing loans; lowest rates; fire in- eurance. W. Q. Beck. 316.H Falling. PKlVATJsi money to loan in luuu ot oV nA nr. rn real narenna I .n . , security, ilo" Dregonian bldg.' o 00 Amounts to suit. Houses,' Inside, suburban; title expense. Attorney, iio A 1 Isky bldg. Fk1Vae money to loan. reaF estate; no brokerage. 400 Oregonian bldg Main 3248. - U1UB' $iuo,ooj od mortgages, city or farm property, fire Insurance. McKenz.e ft Co.. oerlinger bldg.. itd and Alder. To loan, estate funds un real estate at current raus. Inquire attorney, rooms 1U-J. ftiii.Kpy in ann Morrlsoti. TERSOXAL cor-iMONY to loan uii Improved real estim." " , T. u. tu.. mi o . In L i j " , jt HUB, IVA OglJlll. UlUg. tiu ...... ...i Lwi...i..77u .T' Farrlngton; 4J6 Commercial Club biqg. jaoKTUAUs, loans, and 7 per ceuu Louis owHirnun k u.. surn st i - P ?Ute . on rem Miaifl. Phofe Tabor 771. I unvi'v Tn I n.w om uirir . .- ninmSfl Ytl tfti MONi-Y to wan. 6 to s per cent W. H. SeiU A Co, 310 Spalding bidg.-. . . .. '- : I. . t... . -. 27; WE offor for our clients the following amounts on first clasa Improved real .estate ., 4 , - $600 ; - ' W0 ' $K0ff' - -$2000 ' ' - .. - $3000 - $3500 . These sums cannot be broken, but we have others. , f . 'Mortgage Loan - Department," 304 Oak st, near 6th. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. , , Chamber of Commerce bldg. We have on ' hand funds for Invest ment- In god first mortgages. - If you wish to borrow on your real estate, con. fer with our mortgage loan department. MONEY to loan, improved Portland property; special facilities for large loans. Title & Trust Co., 4th and Oak. BUSINESS DIRECTORY A8SA.TZX3 WELLS & CO.. assay ers. analytical chemists.- 204 - Wash, Main 7Mi. jtONTANA asaay-ottice, lMUorHiury, ore Ustlnn. Marshall 2726 1 K9 Morrison, TZOJUUEXB W w. w, M, w H fc-w-w In I w. IW W Ml KORNEOAY & THOMPSON' lawyers; general practice, collections, abstracts examined. 402 Northwest bldg., 6th and Washington sts. rVrvmrratjOuaraneedT advice- free, no v 14 w i publicity. Oregon Law insti tute, 6-s Lumoermens Diag, A. E., Attorney at Law, Gen eral practice; abstracts examined. 14.4-H2S Yeon bldg. Main 873; A-2071. JOFTN A. BKURY, Any. collections, ab stracts examined, written opinions on lecaf questions. S17 Allskv bd. M il a2. ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER., general practice, abtsracts examined, claims collections. 417 Cham, of Com. M. 8820. CHRIS'l OPHEKSON i MATTHEW, general practice. 116-417 Yeon bldg. ACCOPKTAWT3 PUBLIC ;OLLIS, BERRIDGE & THOMPSON. $24 Worcester bldg. -Main 8567 ASTEBTUXSO. FOSTER ft KLEISER. outdoor advertis ing; painted bulletins, painted walls, posters. E. 7th and E. Everett sts. East 1111. B-2224. BATES RUSSIAN. Turkish baths, swimming pool, open tlay and -night, private rooms; ladles' and gentlemen's depts. 696 Front. S cer south. Marshall 1193. BAKE oven treatment for rheumatism, lumbago, stomach trouble, 826H. Stark -MULMJC. ROUS aUUEEJwg . HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 109 2d st, Blank Book mTg.: agents tor Jones1 Improved Loose-Leaf Ledgers; see the Bew Eureka leaf. A-S133. Main lit. kuOKSUosgi, THU! niTTMlW.Pk'TVBnw rn Magazine, music and law books bound, blank books and loose leaf ays tems. 43 Mh St. phone MHrshsll 123S. JBUSIdSSS CAi-33 WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crossinga 7tn floor Journal building. 'IHfc. UAIiiltK AsrdAi.l WVt.vl, cv, Portland offlcw. ns Flectrlr Mdg. CABPEMTEIl AJTD aEPATEING TIEN you want a carpenter for repalr Ing. building, phone Wdln. 2029. CA&FSX CiEAiflMO JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Works. i-urueie Cleaned BPftclaltv K. 40. carpets cleaned and lyld, refitting our .K-muK. zo4 re. 19th n. ORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpels, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. lo3 Union avenue, near E. Morrison. PENINSULA Rug Wuras. rag CMipt aua rugs. 1618 letton eve. Wood In 8. CBXBOPBACTXO FHYSICXAH HAVE given thousands of adjustments; .z.ov weeic. aih orrice Zd and Wash. CIB.CUI.AB UTTEB.. MULTNOMAPI Multlgraphing Co.. fac simile sigs. 609 Filers bldg. Mar. 2392 COAX. AVE, WOOD PRAONiilBWiiII short wood, $ 4 FOOT WOOD, $ 2.60V GREEN SHOUT. 11.60. GREEN GREEN INSIDE DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Pcrtland Slabwood Co. Mam 3119. A-7001. Rainier Slabwood Co, SUCCESSOR TO SOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO. - - MAIN-.2152; A-3829. " PAC, SLABWOOD CO. Green slabwood. big and small inside tlock Wood, planer trlm'gs. cord wood. NEER k PARR .XAr Also sawed to order. Jkrompt OflAI del; very. Main 4596. A-4S4T. LUAL SEGHERS Wood Co. Dry fir, oak and slabwood, cull, ties sawed to order from country mill. Rock Springs coaL Main 6359. A-2415. Yamato Wood and Coal Co. EAST 818, B-1867. DELI VEKED " ' PROMPTLY EVERTS. Ft. Ourfv st. Main sbi. F. 4, ECONOMY Fuel Co.. 31 Grand ave Coal that t gives heat and satisfaction. East B-.343. Prompt service. 214. PORTLAND WOOD YARD Fir, oak, slabwood and coai. Wreck ge. th and Gllsan. Main 3S63. A-.2S3 BOX JX. planer, block, slab, cord wood and coal. Standard Wood Co., 347 EaLt ark. Ert 2316: B-1695. Sta -. . 1., rrrrr-; rrr-! JL.431XIA U,L, vo. au Kinus of KrBa , ,nd dry . wmk itwt-prlnge .anel. jwn loia coal. COAL and all kinds of woud. ftiuui Hotgate Fuel Co.. Sellwood 485. Phoenix Fuel Co, per load, 521 Savier. Main 854 EDLEKSKN hundi e wood and coaL COUEOXZOIT8 WE collect accounts on "collect or no pay uaa.a. . i in: iui LCblimonlalS 81 actual proof. The Business Men's De tective Bureau. '209 ingtonbldB. DAHcrrro WALTZ, tiache. iwo-sup, ttiree-step, schot-i lessons 25c, evcrv dav ami evening. Social dance every Thursday night; union music. "Go Were tl.e Crowd Goes." Prof. Wal. Willson s hall 85 V. 6th St., between Stark and Oak st rnone wain nai, HEATH'S school, lessons daily, waltz two step, three step, Baltimore or schottlsche taught in first lesson. Alls- ky bldg-., -3d and Morrison sts. HEATHS BChDOI. InstfUiftlon ' dally in fancy, stage ahd social dancing. Clasa Mon. and Frl. eves., 8 to 10. 109 2d bet' Wash, and StarK. Lessoris 26c. ' 4 DEBMATOIOGIST Mples, wrinkles and scalp, specialist Mrs. Courtright, 111 Dekuirt bldg. Main 3473. DOG, CAT ASP KOBSE HOSPITAL J. G. Slee. D.V.S. Dogs and cats treat d. boarded. Wood. 307. 1601 Albina. BROWN BROS.. 64 Wash. Main 401C A-4086. Bew. 91 E.'12tb. h. 644u, H-2287. ELECXaKTMOTOBB 1 WE, buy., sell.., raat.att&.axeUane-nw and seconu nana motors. Western KlectH'" Works,'- 213 SlKth st. ELECT. niCtor specialists, Walker Mc Kcniile Elec. Wka., 108 Union, jEast 117 ENOBAVEBS EMBOSSED1 statl9neryt engraved busi ness and visiting cards. Gordan Co.! 403 Mntichester bldg. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE EYE, SAB, ' gOgB I AKT) TSSOAT Treatment by npeclitlist, Glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Cusseday, 418 Dekum bldg. , . 1 Tboenlx Iron -works. E. ad-Hawthorne. General machine . and - foundry woric. REMODELING and nTw work.' F. B. Flnley. taxldermtHt, 249 Columbia-st. GAJSOI.IKB STATIONARY and marine, .electric. equipments; launches, aceessorlea, wholesale and retatW- engine repairing. Relerson Machinery co.mms Morriwn. , OEWEBA1. BEPftlBIBCK GENERAL machine And electrlp wort, repair ot electrio ntotora and mo, a specialty. E. lllppely. 224 Oa-v - . OEBMAS TEACHEEg PRIVATE (lessona by highly educated UCrmin;, . m nv. J6C1ZB GOODS I. w-n-TitTTTT . TJ 1 V1TTITT -i Leading 'Wiiw "WJtL'rZ'J: finest SIOCK OI numui r gvvu., ..... dressing, aienicurlng.-aeev endacalo 1.7 7th iir Mar. M. 646. l C.IMI'I II VP. . . ' -. LADIES' and gentlemen's heta cleaned and- blocked; ali work- guarantied or no charges. We mak a apecialtr . of ladles' beaver hats. Phone Main 8442,. The Royal Hat Works. 223 1st st McCARGAR. Bates ft. Lively, 801 Tepn bldg. Every form or inwniancw. PACIFIC .ViATES HttW .XNttOKAisCtli CO. Orilv Oregon fire insurance com. KODAK DEVTIfOPTHO niTU ii.u.inn,rf froer nrints. It VP mall ordera oiioiiea. vo m -- Trust hldg. ' INDIES' TAXLOBIHCJ THE National Ladles' Tailors, trT tee fit. work by expert designers. 131 10th st near Washington. Main 1780, T.EATBXB AP ?bla(ia- CTHAS. L, MASTICK & CO, 7 Front Leather of every deacriptlon; lap nsnHtsoturers:' findings. IIP BEADIHO v I'TixiPTtTMin B-TMd la,ih th hard-of- hearing. 308 CVntral biug. mar. itACBunsaT a TRENKMAN ft, CO.. hydraulle ana apeclal pipe, smoke stacks, oil tanks, lining machinery, repalra. 104 N. 4tn. aupssEirosBS. HASTY MESSENGER CO., epen nlgbl and dav. Main 63. A-tl83. JOHN KER. mortgage loans, lnaur nee. 803 Yeon bldg. Main 9285. MISS Rachel Paulson, piano and harm ony. 423 Fliedner bldg. Woodlawn 941. G E Jeliery violinist St musical direct or (lessons'). 12 Oh E. Taylor. Tahor 4277 Mci'i Instructor. Stearns g. Mar. 1062. E. 'iHitLHUKN, violin teacher; pupil Sevclk im Marquam. A-416Q. Mar. 1629 RAGTIME Kuarauteed in 10 to '20 les' eons. Popular prices! H-242. Journal. f.'E.'Lawson. i3t 14th.' Main 6197. Pl ano lessons. 60 cents. NORTH WESTERN SCHOOL OK MUS IC East 6193, lu V. urana ave. Caroline shin dlkr -ru land, voice, piano. 214 Fliedner. Main 2650. NAPKAPATHIC PKYSICXABS JNO. V. SPEARMAN, 809 Dekum bldg. Hours 10-12, 1-2 and bv appointment O'OPATU0 VBTS1UXAHI DR L1LLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and chronic diseases. 416 Columbia bldac. Main 8961. DK.AGNES M.BKOvVNe,09 Journal omg Hrs.lO:30-4:30.Main 3609.Res. Tabor 29. t VAinS, itlM MJTD GJUA&S PIONEER PAINT CO.. Main 1334. A-7048. 188 First t l4AouioooJj..x ec CO.. "H'gtt btandaru paint, ne. cor. 3d ft Tayior. M A-1771. TUE BEAVEK VAKNi' ti Whs., inaara GOO D prod ucts. Ask your dealer.' PAXSl..iJtU A3D PAPfiBUCa PICKARD, painter, decorator. Satisfac tory work, reasonable prices. E. 1356. tioou worn, my motto. A. usuuuiu, 286 E. Wash. K. 2167. E. 4214. - FOK uebt nui'ii, pneti ilMit call f. -ii-iVm up; pamuug, papefe, C7 A. Barnes. Main 1334. hanging. FAXXHT ATTOBHEYM PATENTS procured or J. K. Mock. At-torney-at-Law, late of U. 3. Patent Of Ice: book free. 719 boa d of Trade bldg. PAWHSBOJCEB STEIN'S pawnshop; liberal loans, rea sonable interest 26 N. 6th. Main 7895. UiNCLc COLLAicKAL iiAISt. 40 years in Portland. 71 6th. Main slu. 3?ira PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory and otflce. 24th and York. Main 348K. FI.ATEKS OS" AI.I. METAX.8. We replete Bilverware; sell you new. Port. Plat. & Mfg. Co.. .-d-Thui-man. M. 943. FLUIOE rACTOBT OSTRICH plumes dyed, cleuned. curled. Willows lied from old plumes; satis faction .guaranteed. 327 Washington. pnfTxa ANSLEY Printing Co.. 260 Oak. Main 4w-yMBMttO4leM4 FINE printing. Anderson Printing Co. 7 3 Vi 6th s'.. Tel. Main 4368. A-1046. BOOriMG. PAINTIHG, BEPAIBUTO TIN roofing, repairing, painting, jobbing. J. Losli, 21i Jefierson. Main 1434. 1SELE ft G1NTER, sheet metal worKs, tin shop. 648 -Savier. M. 3642, A-1396. Z.XIBBEB BTAMPk, 1SD 8EAX.8 STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham Co., 281 StarK. Main 140?. UAiJtiEe trade checks, orass s.tit.a, stHncils. KrwDh Hi oh., 114 2d. Mar. i.t bash, uoojfcs, wiuaows .". VT,.. , I UnJ,d. GJf" 1 I p g Glazing Co., sash, doors. ltn, unsan. Alain 44.1. SHOWCASES AND CTXTUBE3 ' SHOWCASES of every description, hank, I "ar anl store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Alfg. Co. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. i nevr a"d "Id showcetwsrcabinetSj store ;nd office fixtures.. 289 CoUch. M. 2703. SZOlirS AKTD SHOWCABDS OFFICE, door and window lettering; name plates for desks and doors; also commercial printing. Ideal Office Blgit Co. Phone Marshall 4383. 312 Dekuui bldg. ' , ' XMERICAN SIGN CO., 349 Oak st Suc cessors to Commercial dept. of Foster ft Kleiser signs. Marshall 4 96, A-4318. WAHALANDER CO.. 518 Com'wlth bldg. Show cards, cloth signs, window trims. TAxxoKina ALFRED OGILBEE. 310 Lahbe bldg., 2d anq w asninguui, . ouus jo pxqer,- TAILOailTO SCHOOL KI ESTER'S Ladies' Tailoring Collego. Learn dressniaking. tailoring. 148H let TOWZX. STJTf I.T CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap, Towel Supply Co.. 8th and COuoh et. tl por month. . Portland,Laundry,.Cov Phonea Main 415. A-4410. , THAKSrra AI7D ETCSA3 C. O. PICK Transfer ft Storage Co.. of fices and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, with separate iron rooms an 1 fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furni ture moved and. packed for hipping.' Special rates made on goods in our, through ears to all domestic and foreign points. Mnln 696. A-1996. ... I OREGON TRANSFER CO, Established 1870. .. :. . Transfer and forwarding agenta. oiorage, iree tracKage. Pice,.,nd atorage, 474 Glisaa atreet 13th and Glisan. ' Maig 68, A-1118. PORTLAND Van and Storage Co, Inc.; ,13th and Everett; most modern stor age warehouse in city; low fire insuranee rate proof of this. Free trackage, mov ing, packing, shipping: reduced freight rates on household goods in through cara to and from east. Mam 6640. A-1620. BAGGAGE & Omnibus Transfer Co. Baggage checked at your home, fur niture moved, stored or packed tor ahlp Pjetit Park ; nnd - Davis - a ta. ; Phonesi Main Ittn . 'Ml. umv A'aja., - -- t W. JOHNSON. exDress. baggage, ttl Morrla at C- stana tn ana Conoh, TZPEWB1TJUBS TTPEAVRITERS allghtly ueed. L Q Bmltha and all other makes at reduced Prices and easy terms. L. C. Smith Bros. Typewriter Co., 280 Oak at '" TYPEWRITER & Supplies Co. Rebuilt !il I,.... 1 i .) 1 'l . -t.,..q.nt. - t7t n.- mar, in, ALL-jnakes rented repaired, sold. Oun Ingham Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. ! --v. VACITPK CIJMLKZBS Golden Rod Vacuum Cleanera, 811 Oanv , monwealth bldg.L.A.AmloltiMgr.M.40a WHOLE SAT. II JOBBXM M. A. GUNST A CO, DISTRIBUTORS OR FINE OTGARfl. Jf OKTLAND, OR. EVERDING & FARReL. produce ' ani commlsion merchants. 140 Front at. jrmimna. or. ynone Mam 17.- MORGANf WALL PAPER CO, 130 11 -at, -between-Salmon-and Main. ALLEN ft LEWIS GROCERIES 4 'M AMlity aiiSMH Should be Considered When You Select a Physician to Treat You C. IC HOLS MAN, M. D. I am Just now completing my alx (eenth year as a specialist In men'a diseases. During these years of close application to a single class of ail ments I have originated and perfect ed sclentlflo. and certain methods by which these diseases are cured. . If I accept your case for treatment, a cure is but a matter of a reasonable time. My practice is limited to the disor ders of the male, and Is further con fined to these special and chronto affections of the pelvic tract Theae Include Lost Vitality, Varicose Veins, Hydrocele, Blood Disorders, 'Con tracted Ailments and Bladder and Kid ney Diseases. I have taken up these ailments especially, because thou sands of lives are ruined and thou sands of men are not what thoy should be. because they are held down by chronic weakness, which the average practicing physician does not understand and . .usually tries to make light of by telling the patient that nature will soon repair tfle..;wjwte My methods are tip to date, and lire endorsed by the highest medical au thorities of Europe and America, hence our success in the treatment of men's diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. , . If you cannot call, write for Symp tom Blank. Many casea'can be treat ed at home. All correspondence con fidential .Hours a. m. to $ p. m. dally; 10 to 12 m, Sundays. C. L 10LSMAH SL D. $21 MORRISON STREET, Corner First St, PORTLAND. OREGON. SEE ME FREE. If SOU ara,...worr3rlnB about any ailmont In cluded among those within which I ape clal lze, I Invite you to call at my offioe and I will give you FREE a conscientious examination and di agonals and advise you of the proper course to pursue to rid yourself forever of your worry and your ailment. My years of experience and my qualifications have made me an expert in the treatment of the ail ments with which MEN are afflicted. Every man calling at my office is assured of my personal ahd individ ual treatment until a cure is ef- f 60 ted N EOS A LVA RS A N ; 'i Improved German Remedy for BLOOD POISON I administer the remedy according to the very latest method, Come to me if, you have any of the following disorders: . Enlarged Veins, Pimples. Nervous Debility. Nerve, Blood and J?kin Disorders, Bladder Troubles. Blood Poison, Eruptions, Ulcers, Special Ailments, Piles or Flitula, , 8- to 67 to 8 Dally; SurTdays 10 to L Examination Advice Free, J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D. Rooms 11-15 Lafayette Bldg. 313 V WASHINGTON ST.. COR, 6TH. PORTLAND. OR. 4 J v ABBOTT Civet Prompt end Effactutt Relief ' without inctmvenience, In the MOST OBSTINATE CASES ' No ether treatment required. SOLO BV au druggists; . nt7 i it