THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 8, 1312. . noi ses Ton kext FUllMTUItK TOR SALE HUNT furnished or $10 month buys the -fumltura or -oitag, lovely yVJ Work from school, reaay.xor eei"" limine,. 4910 E. 2d St.; Ml. ricoii cn t-PECIAL bargain" n .iteming aepi- used furniture earpotn. etovea. etc. Call and be convtnceu. u a Vf ft at r .V I. 0,fc ft ill. PU FUiiSTsIfgn six room ho for rent or furniture for (bale. 686 E. ft in4wl nelehborhood reasonable rent, steam heat; will rem furnished. I'none win . . r?u" SAL"f:--At a sacrifice,- furniture 1 of oom Kou.e., nearly new; large p..n- rnt IU.- 646 K, Ah. W.SALE room mod."., ' Bid rooma. rented.. i.nan . ivm w . . - ' n r K-'n ux a a w ,.. fTTrNITUKE Of fl rooms cheap. 0 Un hMt location, ito ,- Ion ave. - -nu t,n.a for rent, rurn mil FURNITUKK FOR BALK 05 FURNITURE for sale cheap. Call 784 Alhinn ave. u ' F&R BALE Dresser, cook .toy. table 92 Front .FURNITURE of 7 room .house for sale ana pea, vei j - ' cheap, in r. wJ!-f.- -r ArARTMENTS 43 THE VILLA ST. CLARA. i 12tb and Ty'0,r-h- part .,, Bom pnone iu -k 2278 'j liTviNG ST, . rooma art Urge, verand.. to jachart Reference. r'eQuired. Phone A- 8l99. i, ,:- ,uU mirn -A nicely xurnm mu , . 1 1 . - t u EffirM . wir ifn'e. Tabor tFayi, large closets, on car line. '' J2&S, H-31M1. firpv Rabies alao single ruum, -" 10th at. rnone Rnrrh Anartments dreseln froom. 10 gist 4141 at N. "W" car. iWrtnn Anartments ilat and Overton; beautiful, new, mod I t and 4 room apts. $22.60 and up. am Phona Marahall 880- tuc nE'.KNDORK. r-rr " 08 Kth at, near Taylor. Handlomely furnlahed or unfurnlahed I rown aparunenta, pleaaant .urround- 'nlT rnnyanlentlr located to cara. nrlckston Aoartments 411 Jlth near College, I and 3 room -tHrtlv first clasa. Marshall 67. rutvw - I, - ST iwi 4 iir ww iH'i wewiv luiiuHueu ', 41 room apt. 'private bath. and phone, reasonable, 60& Jefferaon. Alain 6435. nartments on Killings worth ave.. near Piedmont car parns, i . month. Call Wdln. 1721. lloo Halght ave. SnnrL' nartmant. taa range. nxliSifii a wa a""- - M . A , ' .t r heiLter. .lftuntotftv andbath "room; clow In, 20 per monlh. HTred , B. William. 0tt 1st at. THE IDEAL APArTmkni. - Nawly and beautifully furnlBhed, ult.a. hot and cold water, fur " Theat B3S Couch cor. ith. . 1 THE ORMONDE. ' "... " On 4 room. 1 6 room apartment. 65 Noh Hill. Main 8251. FOR REKT-FLAVS 13 "BEAUTIFUL new ( room lower flat. 809 E. Lincoln at., between 24th and - J6th ata.. everything up to date, llno " Irani In kitchen and bath, hard wood ' floor, fireplace, furnace; rent very rea- : aonable. Phone Sellwood 2021. . TWO 6 room modern upper flata Fire place and furnace. Seperate attic and basement On Graham ave., neat Wil liams. Inquire 292 Graham; reasonable rht ; MODERN 6 room flat, wood and gas - range, window shades, large baae 'rnent 207 Halaey. near steel bridge. $20 MODERN 6 room flat, walking distance i- free phone, janitor, $22.60; furnished or unfurnished. Main 7167 or Columbia 868. BEAUTIFUL. 6 room flat, beautiful lawn, fireplace, reception hall, sleep ing porch, close In; rent reasonable. 328 Hen ton st. East 966. "FJ-kATS 14 rooms, housekeepingclean. pleasant,-buainess corner, -lbihi Kus--"sefl. East 6222. 'MODERN 6 room lower flat, between " tr and L car. Key 192 Knott. Phono East 4J3! MODERN 6 room flat. 1 blocks north ol steel bridge, beautiful location, fronting river, $20. BEAUTIFUL 3 and 4 room flats, fine view, low rent 668 Market st., near Chapman. MOIjERN 6 rooms, corner, over storo, $12.60. 811 Williams ave. Woodlawn 1507. -KOM-wMHienntppflatt- west aide, unexcelled view, walking distance. 4 41 13th st. Phone Marshall a 4 OK , On I y $ 1 X. "FOR RENT 6 room unfurnlahed' flat $20 per month. 403 1st st. Inquire -at 389 Mr 1st St. MODERN 4 room flat. 179 ',4 Green ave., near 23d and Wanhincton. Main 8!88. T11KEE modern 4 room flat, very de slralile. 431 College m, M a ln6 4 1 5. THREE ronm flat, cheap rent, aulta. 604 E. 2M st. S ear. W-R or W-W. 7 room flat, Corbet t st. 821 Corbett Bt. Key 489 W. PARK Large 3 room fiats, wa ter and garbage! $15 month. ZZ VJ VE ropni flat. latli h n d . f u rnace, Salmon. -fty b0 Kavier st. NEW,' modern flat. 'Jhh I'aruthprs. near 6th, Phone Marshall 1000. FOR RENT Modern N. 21st st. 6 room flat, 124 $15 i room fiat, view, water, tubs. Stig Market, near Chapman. FURXISIIED FLATS 50 6 VERY clean, desirable furnished rooms and sleeping porch, Includes 2 bedrooms, private bath, rhh, fine neigh borhood, 2 caiiines. or walking ilisiancc. Inquire 772 K. Tay lor. I'Morn, l-:ast 5 ti 0 . b li KNISHKi', modern ,r room upper llat. 646V4 Kerby. Key J'jJ Knott. Phone East 4138. NICELY furnished 4 room lower flat, rent cheap to responsible parties. 741 East Pine, corner 22nd st. 8 ROOM new furnished flat for renf 606 E. 22d St. W R or VY car. NK'ELV furnished 3 room flats 2T5 Market st. . "8 ROOM8 with piano, rent $20. 6 I nTUn ave. iFOR RENT 4 room furnished flat; i walking distance. 309 Cherry st. HOTELS HOTEL PORTLAND European plan only $1.60 and up: Kll Ki i.ui o,ch n 4 1 1 arul i? 8TORF8 AND OFFICES 11 FOR RENT New brirk store room, tin Salmon at Inquire next door or phone Main 1907, CORNER store room on 4th and Mont gdiney;' rent cheap; meat market pre ferred. Call Wdlri.1721 or 1166 Halghtav. HUN'i' ljirre wtpri i-'";tn,' tionj. lohg lease: rent reasonable. Ap ply on prmlaei, 631 Wajhlngton gt. S i'OltiE building. sultahK'for lKTkeK" or groceries. Livlnp rooms and -bdrn f desired, 'Tabor 60. Tio and til' moiilh, htore patent toilets. ..&33S Foster road. STOKES AND OFFICES V II FOR RENT Store room and warehouse located at Z6 Front' at., consisting or basement 24xS0, store room on first flour 24x50 and part or all of Becond floor 48x80. with electric elevator' serv ice. BuitHble for any wholeuals busi ness requiring office jnce and small wnre room. Iririulrw 24-28 Front ft. buit KKNI .l)irDI store room, its East Eurnshits btween-Union and Grand uven.: suitable for shoe. Jewelry, bakery and delicatessen. Jmiulr Mo- ('nrifnr. rUt l,lv-ly. Veon bid 10,000 square feet desirable storage space at 6th and Morrison for rent. long lpnfie, neat ann water. - tr, v JacK son. Journal J'un. t:o. WAKtHOUSE on railroad, adjoining Golden Rod Milling Co.. Albina, Co luniriln 215. -"" " , FOR KKMaUSCKLLAN KOUS S3 FOR RENT Shop building 46x100. sheda and yarn, at Kusseu at ana Vancouver JVAKTEUrrTO JB.EIJX. WE can rent -your place for you. Wat son At TnerKeisen co.. syt-3u tspaiu Ing bldg, M. 7692. ' ; " WANTED To rent modem 6 or 7 room house, wn klne d stance and reasoa- anio rent. Airs. K. T. Jones, ftex ave HOKSEH, VEHICLES, ETC, J8 I HAVE a S team outfit for grading or hauling wagoti.craper, piows, com )lte, and I want to get a contract or a ring day Job. force Beet. JE-31, Journal. $165 Uiys 2300 lb. team with harness and farm wagon and plow harness; take Kdlwood csr to'lnsley ave.. walk 6 blooks eBWt to )ioi)aa 7gl. 6i) Iiuvs 1200. Pound horse, sound and true spring wagon. shop. Call at Woodstock blacksmith NOTICE. Six horses and mart, weighing from 1100 Ibx. to 1300 Urn., well broke and gimrnntcpd. 3Q2 Front st. , " , CARLOAD of horsijB ana mulea. Goose neck farm and delivery wagons; har nesH and waddles, 881 Water, west side, HOH.SES and buggies for rent by day. wek or month. th and Hawthorne. Esst 72. 1400 lbs., from $26 to $100. Must be old at once. 14 Union ave. . STANDARD bred fancy driver and sad dlcrr jpcntle, - with outfit 1163 67th ave. S. E. HORSE for sale cheap; good for ped- fllcr. can after 6 x. mxn. LIVESTOCK 83 FINE, large milch cows, three fresh with calves; one giving tt cai, aay last year. 242 E. 59th. N. M. V. car. FOR SALE Large' Red Pole fresh cow, 5 gals. 3126 62d S. E. POULTRY 37 ORPINGTONS, whites and buffs, for people that know the difference. Bell wood 1230. FOR SALE Pure bred White Leghorns and R. I. Red pullets 4 to, 6 months. Box 647. R. F. D. 1, Portland, SACRIFICE sale of Orpington chickens. Phone G-3140. J084 Broaaway. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PtCTS 40 BEAUTIFUL Japanese spaniels, first nrize exhibition Portland and Spokane. Male and female 8 months old, at $26 each. 306 2d. ENGLISH Setter puppies, sire Captain Whtteatone. Best on coast. Hi. L. Ober. I'. O. Box 2002. AUTOJIOBILES-MOTOIICYCLES 44 ONE Chalmers 80, E pass, touring car, newly paintea, run equipment, electric lights, $600; tires all good. One E.-M.-F. 5 pass., A-l condition; tires good, $650. One 6 48 1910 Plerce-Arrow, A-l con dition, Pacific Motor Co, 682 Washington st UIEI CAR BUYERS Should Examine Our Stock Before Pur chasing. The Values We Offer AKB-C-NWUALBD. - NORTHWEST AUTO EXCHANGE, 631 Alder Street 1912 Chalmers, 36 H. P., self-starting; 5 pass., fully equipped, goiO as new; n' reasonjbld ..ffer rtfuFed, Big sac rifice for quick u!e. Oregon Auto Exchange 493-495 Alder t. Main 1161; A-4S37. Blfr--tNAP IN AUTOMOBILE. 13.12 WHITE OAS. 80 HORSEPOWER, 4 DOORS. FULLY EQUIPPED. RUN 600 MILES, JUST -SUFFICIENT MHEAOE TO PUT IT IN GOOD RUNNING OR DER. WILL HELL AT A SACRIFICE. V VOTT ARE r.OOKNd FOR A HIGH CLASS CAR, DO NOT FAIL TO SEE I THIS. CALL MARSHALL 4200. WANTED In good running condition. . JJARUALNS -ONLl. Northwest Auto Exchange 531 Alder Kt. BAitUAiNS) IN bLIijllil U&ED CARS. We have a few snaps In slightly used cars and MICHIGAN cars taken In ex change. All cars -full guaranteed Call or write at once. MICHIGAN AUTO BUGGY CO, 269-371 Hawthorne Ave. Phones "East 1421. B-1345 AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Why buy a new cheap car when you can secure one of our high grada used cat's at the same price? We guarantee lliein; different makes and models, all traded In on new White cars. We also oer evi'ai- ,hI htrml t rm-ka.- Write White Car Agency, (ith ht., at Madison. WILL trade my luautifui new 7 rooin home in Rose City Purls, value J&00U, cost $5S00 cash; will take In auto up to $2500 and give best of terms on bal-iin'-e. Kce my agent, 51 N Hoard of Trade. aL'TO leyairlng and morayo work gur antecd, u 1 1 experienced help. The Powell Garage, 37th and Hawthorne. Taior 1147. WANTED-No. 1 old auto tires, 7ic lh. delivered; No. 2 auto tiros, 6c lb. Inner tubec, 15 to 23c lb. J. Leve. ini i. nltimliia hi.; Main 519. FOR SA l.i; - lirush automobile, nearly ireod us ihw; light delivery or luna- lmnt;. $Jf0. !JJN.J)th st. FIVE p.'isterici r Thomas Flyer for sale or trade cheap; Albina Garage, 277 r argo sr.. near V llllama ave 191 f 4 1'AKSrriupmoblle, fully equipped, 1475. "Phone E. 1872. ONE ton ai:to truck cheap for cash", uU5 i;. )IU HI. uf'M( ii;n,E. 5 pas.s. lietit buy io city. T. II. I)rak-. 15 N. 1 7 tlx. la ln chics .r.: ;hajs 04 PA11 i A IN". 4 room hoiisehotit, 22 foot launch, new. hi-iuiie Win. Mlgnct, foot Cramp Ion M j I 'ni t l a pel. - . NEWLY eipiipped commercial launch at sacrifice; lurgu capacity. 1026 Cham ber of 'oniiiiercc. FOR 'SALE--1 8 foiriaunT.hr4 li. . p,. 9 miles. $:oo. Call at 1574 Macadam t. KSL. Black Cord. - UO.A'l trii: per month up. Fultnn car. Foot of CHlifoi--ia st. MtHICAL IN;4THtr.EXTS :$-r SEE the new '('olliv" n!avip tilnnn foi l4liljy iLnw innmt- ft a y er- vlx '"" i-,ai,v tprma. (snern)ai Clay A; Co.. Morrhson and fc'ixth, opposit. poatoffirt-, Ptu-iiand. FOR HLI5 :.IIS(ELLANEOlS Jf pHONii.HAl')i anj records. thcaii."I02 north wick, " , . .., i FOR 8ALI& MISCELLANEOUS 19 FOR BALE. . One large Crotor popcorn wagon witn lunch uquipmont: good a new; doing good business; horse and light wagon goes with outfit. Good reasons for selling:, Address G, 266 N. Mill Bt Lu- 1,'i ih ka I irM... .im .unnn.hitnit Car- om and pocket billiard tables, and bowling alleys and aceeortn fcer fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The UrUnswlck-Baike-CoIlender Co., ' 4$ 4$ 6th at. Phones Main 769, A-1VO. ' NATIONAL cash registers, credit regis ters, computing scales, elect coffee mills and all store appliances, bought sold and repaired. Sill for cash or pay ments. The Pacific Store Bervlce Co., 237 fiturk. Main 7711. FOR BALE Ga reaiauranl range, fam ily range. Q. O. doubU desk, buffet, bicycle and water beater, Vtll 234 RunneM St. . '" i : A BARGAIN. Cdmnleta biLbv outfit1 for sale fcneap. Never teen used. Baby died at birth. For particulars phone Marshall 2640. SAFJiS 108-Jd. at,phonaJkalJi JtMI uc raciory prices; repairs, lucmiuw opened, bargains In second hand safes. ftiosier isate t o. FOR ijALK Bi owner.. O. &.SL. donkey ehalne. K'i bv 8: blocks . and lines. complete, $650,-' call or address K. W. narvey, Kockwooa, ur., rso. 4 8, i. 1 CONCORD grapes at Maddock Place; extra choice. 3 blocks west of Mann station, Woodstock car, HOUSBOAffor sale cheap. 2 largo rooms, tiee Mr. a u, canuio. root 01 California at,, Fulton car. USk'D MACiilNEtl, all makes, caah or terms. Prices right Blnaer bewlns Machine Store, 382 Morrison st BICYCLES $10 and up. Bargains in 181 Madison. motorcycles, Dt-rtny i.n.8Kt5 and olfice furniture. Main 687. Haley Dhk fo., 210 7th st. WELL rotted fertilizer manure. East 4926. FOR SALE CHEAP 66-loaf oven and . x pans. Call after 6 p. m. 487V4 Davis. FOK SALE Houseboat, 3 rooms, $20 , J A V i.-po, juuritHi. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 FURNIXURB WANTED. , , furniture, stoves, rugs that we can get. All we ask la an opportunity to make von an offer, and will nav all the cash It is worth. Phone East 636. WANTED .by the liaglo furniture house. your second-hand xurnlture. highest caul! prices paid. G. Long proprietor. i'none woouiawn ibu, at union ave. WANTLD People of Portland to know that 1 pay the highest eaah price for second-hand household goods. N, M'. Seater, 124-126 Grand ave. East 1661. CuvtLt. r oitil t urtii 4k COMMIS SION CO. Pays the best price for your second hand furniture, carpets and stoves. 204 1st. Main 1022. WiU sail your furniture at auction? We pay highest prices. Make no mis take; addreaa M. R. Seater, 34tt-6u Haw thorne ave. Phone East 3134. BARGEKS' AUCTION HOUSE. 868-870 E. Morrison at. ys, 1022, $1001 worth of aood furniture at once. V E need the coodu, you need the mon ey, Rose City Auction House. 868-370 Hawthorne ave. East 883. LET us make you an offer on your home or office furniture; we pay more. Phone Main 2344. BE WISE, get more lor your second hand furniture by selling it to For a Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main 8951, A-2448. WANTED 2d nand pool tables. 960 Corbett. Phone A-3712. .'lust he cheap. CASH paid for diamonds. Phone Main 4617: Martin. WILL pay cash for second hand fur niture and stoves. 414 E. Morrison. WANTED Kodaks, cameras, etc era Exchange. 245 j Morrison. Cam- L03T AND FOUND 21 LOST Handbag, black and gold beads. Leave at Journal office. NOTICES 20 TO the Taxpayers of Multnomah Coun ty. Or. Notice la hereby given that on Monday. October 21, 1812, the boaid of equalization of Multnomah county will attenu at the office of the county clerk of eaid county nd publicly ex amine the assessment rolls for the year 1912, and correct all errors in valuation, description or qualities 0. laud, lots or other property, and u is the duty of all persons interested to appear at the lime and place appointed, and if it BhaU appear to such, ooard of equalization that there are any lands, lots or other propeny assessed twice or in the name of .. person or persona not the owner of same, or assessed under or beyond Its value, or any lands, lots or .otner property not assessed, said board of equalization shall make the proper cor rections. H. D. SiGLEK, County Assessor. Portland. Or.. Sept. 2. 1912. MULTNOMAH COUNTY LIBRARY. Sealed proposalB for furnishing and erecting hietal book stacks in thu new Central Library bulldliiK. Portland. Ore- goHr will im openeti by tne county court' at iu a. m. Monuay, uctouer 28, 1912. Plans and specifications may be ob tained from Doyle, Patterson & Beach, architects, Portland. Oregon. The rlfc-ht is reserved to reject any or all bids, or to waive any Informalities iu bids. Signed, T. J. CLEETON, County Judge. W. L. L1GHTNER. County Commissioner. NOTICE I have- sold hiy grocery Store at 102 Corbitt st. to J. M. Luther. I am responsible only for bills con tracted prior to date of sale. September 24, 1912. II. ,S. BALDWIN. PERSONAL '2 "INSECTO" sure death to bugs and roaches, '$ 1. 5u a gallon, 6 gallon $6.iu; Crescent Chemical Co., 526 Wash ington; Main 1264. A-l4S:i DR. A. A. Alfbt'LUNU. Diseases of women and surgery. Ex aminations tree. jC2 Merchai la Trust bldg., 'h and WaKhinijlon .Main 4U47. ANYONE kiioving.',(Ue whereabouts of Misa Sophia Pfttwen. ioraierlji-of 8U 10th st., Portland, Or., please notify 'X 61, Journal. MATRIMONIAL paper, muny Wealthy from all sections; many marriages1 paper 10 cents. Mrs. BUI, 1816 Mag nolia ave, Los Angeles. NISBETH'S ii A N A TO It I U M with all modern baths, bako oven, and massage ents. tiHII.ove.ioy si Swedish moveme .i t iiuinu ireaiineiil ror catarrh of the head and throat. 10c for sample Satisfaction guaranteed or money re" furded. V. II. Wilson, ilebo Or niUHRPFQ A s cc i t ;' advice free; iawver ui v uiiulu relirtbl able f t eniral Bureau, 616 Roth 28 7 U. Wnahi nx Ion. li H.I l.olif.N Jet -'o Ionic lioleis restoia lost vitality; 2f.c box, boxes 1125 CTlpe-'Inylor Drug Co.. Morrison r' r.i.r.cinlt, ami vu.iaioiy treatments lor rlKUinalimn. OlUce 15 Milne hhhr. :i50V! .Morrison. uine. into. ilA.viOI . expel i clmopodisT' i n. .,.' I ii ii M 1 1 in nun . 1 1 1 IUJ.IH removed The u. ita.VK," ,rvTT"PT i"T- J r- - .s,ri-.LLE-!j,rtllal me,,. less mttuoti. MADAME I urn. Readings daily. Washington. 12SU l"th, near hOMKN Ue femolds wnen others ta Learn our bus business; Sanitary Beauty 412 Dekum bid. ' Pa riots. 4 00 Dlt. G. V. KCTCliUM "vSomXirL-? dies, acut disease. 'Wash, bide nr Hh and Wash roonrTt I . Marshall 448. BALM of women. ASTHMA l .'jUs, u, c., v. '.-..-ti, 334 I n ion TtMsr77oTinui-y Wurj l'"-' '' "'l! N'.. A.bertn car. (i"fiirt. now a V If. ti to lo n (iaTvin'ir . .if ..uiunr,- rt i "7 n'- "OT. ' I 7th tttiK flflvit'C. (ll urcfe. cUi !,nu ' ,i V;V . . irent. 2'ct,Wm. of (,. Wain a a si. I ,?i,AVHS iT:' Sl'?1' Plr- ouiu B"" uy tne Allvnl,,, .1 Orue, store. Ilu N. filh at. Main xTii Huburnan, mie e Si:lRltlIAL medium. JteTTrA ""TrTTT !!2LBw i cudingK, hcalilig. dally circtiles T ueM ' ! l'Hl M1'! mo,M?ir j 2, Wed, and Sun., 8., 3B8 4th st. M. 727' I T ,craK- 4 22 NO MATTER what has failed whan. In need of a regular monthly reirrey, get a bottle of Anilko Mixture No. 8, and be convinced It Is the beat and most harm less remedy ever ut on the market for fialnfuf and suppressed periods. Abso utely guaranteed and for sale tit Port land by Jerftmon Drug Co.. 8d : and Jeffernon. Main 754a. A-7916. LADIES $luou 1 reward. - I - - positively guarantee my great successful "monthly" remedy; safelv relieves some of the longest, most obstinate, abnormal cuues in to days; no harm, pain or Interference .with work: mall 41.60V Double strength, $2. Dr. O. T. Bouthing- ion Kcmeuy co.. na n was city, mo. FRi'JK, New Thought , reading room, scientific, advanced primary reading for all classes at 616 Eilers bldg. ; New Thought meetings every Sunday night In Eilers bldg. rPhone Main 9117. MHO. bin. VKNcj, 18 years, Portland s leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her late Took, "Palmistry Made Eeasy," on sale. 667 Vs Williams eve., cower Knott, Office nours 10 a. m. to p. m, PARLOR MILLINERY Old ha r overSlal etrlnime6r Hand " lnade rosea. Oruer work. Mrs. L. C. Newniau, 711 East Main st. East, 4293 MIlLiinEIii' . cheap. UrUi tor trim mings, colorings, remaking, just any old materlaL 237 Ss Waahiugton, near 2d. Suite 217. - LOANS WANTED ao IF you want to loan your money on nrat class real estate, Jtst it at once with tne MO RTGAGB LOAN f)BPT? HLAUSON-CRAIG CO 804 Oak at. near 6th. $600 TO $6000 wanted by close corpo ration for one year at 8 per cent on collateral security; funds to be used for improvements to place. Personnel of company .-.strictly Jurat class. T-49, Journal. ' - - . WANTED From private party, loan ef xiu.ouo for term or years on gut edge real estate security. F-70. Journal. WANTED Financial help on Invention. Apply Ney Angood, Rockport, Wash. WANT $6000 for years on $16,000 in come property. 689 Hamilton bldg. FINANCIAL SI Better Than Diamonds Need the money. Have stock paying better - than 1 per cent month. Paid 18 per cent last year. Will sell at face. Pacific Coast Brokerage Co., 618 Board of Trade. FIRST and second mortgages and con tracts bought and sold. . THE HARBOLT-WILSON CO., INC. 710-717 LEWIS bldg. Fourth and Oak sts. Mar-hall 4200. A-7151. CA&H PAID FOR MORVOAUEtt. Or seller's equity in contract of sale on real estate in-Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. Loans. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 67 Need Money? To Prepare for Winu- SEE US and HAVE MONEY. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Our NEW PLAN Gives You- a Definite Amount to Pay Each Month, Including uotn principal and interest, you KNOW JUST WHERE YOU STAND at all times and if you pay in full before The Contract time expires, WE GIVE YOU A FULL REBATE. Loans Made Immediately On HALARY, FURNITURE, STORAGE RECEIPTS. AtJTOS of REAL ESTATE. we uuy and Beit Mortgages. -Portland Loan Co. 207 MACLEAY BLDG. A-2897. CO' . 4TH AND WASH. HTS. OPEN MON. AND SAT. TILL 9 P. M. - State Security Co, SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES $5 to $100 Being salary loan brokers, exclusively we are enabled to make the best terms and give the quickest possible service. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL State Security Co, 808 Failing Bldg. A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN IE V On WRtchea. Hlnmondn IivaIi-v lrn. Jewelr; ts, gut furniture storage receipts, guns, pianos. Elby Company ml Bankers and Br Collateral Bankers and Brokers. 320 Lumber Ex. bldg.. 2,1 and Stark. IMMEDIATE loans on pianos, furniture, autos, storage receipts, ete., at lowest rates. (Conlldential). Also second mortgage loans on real estate; mort gages bought. Room 312 Hamilton bldg. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You can get $5 to $100 today at cheapest rates, best and most private terms. D. D. Drake, 307 Bpaldlng bldg. MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. Any kind of security. LAWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT CO.. 1126 Yeon hldg. 'foi. M. 875. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLB and others, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments. conflaentlaL D. II. T"lman. room S17. Lumber Ex A utsnable plac for ladies ana gen tin men to borrow money on diamonds snd jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond palHcert4- Wrnrt- opp, Pwt Drug store. CHATTEL and real estate loans, no red tape; conditional; mortgages bought. j a o ipnos ijHne. in rtoiriKion pi o g, MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. J. ta. iNiCiios, 616 YEON BLDG. MONEY sold on Installment confiden A. New- tlal to salaried people. ton. 614 Henry lilCg. LOAN tor the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Co.. .414 Dekum bldf MONEY loaned un diamonds and Jewwl. ry; etrlctly confidential. 141 H 3d. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 I HAVE for Immediate loans on Im proved real estate any sums from $8oo to $5000 to lend-. A. E. Poulsen, 4is Railway Exchange bldg. Marshall 2753. liAKTMAN-THOMPSON BANK, Chamber of Commerce bldg. We have on hand funds for Invest ment in god first mortgages. If you wish to borrow on your real estate, con fer with our mortgage loan department. "MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ECTATE. SL.U.SON-CRA1G CO.. Jlortage Loan Dept., 304 Oak st., near fith. Money 'io LuaN on ke.iu Ea ta it. 81'60 AND UP. J. E. NICHOLS. 616 YEON BLDG. . , MOXnEY to loun; large joans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire In- W. HecK. nit-an Falling. MONEY to, loaiu improved Portland property; special facilities for large loans TiUe & Trust Co., 4th and Oak. , ,.r PRIVATE money to loan in um ot toe I and up on rem, perisuuai or collateral security. 2"7 '.TTeitonian hlrlp. a 00 Amounts to suit Houses, Inside, xpenne. Attorney, 210 to loan, real estate: 00 Oregonian bldg. $100,00J od mortgages, city or farm property, lire insurance. ilcKenzie ft Co.. Gerhngei- bldg.. 2d and Alder. 'US man, estate funds on real tat at current rates. Inquire attorney, rooma 10-12 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison MONEY to loan on improved reataatataJ 1. L. White. 701 Welling bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate. Farrlngtt.n. 4i t.ommerciat Club bide. MOR I GAGE loans, 6 and 7 Dar cent; it. l.oiil Salomon .V Co..- 229 Stark . $10,ooo Or any part for Immediate loaa on real estate. Phore Tabor 771. ImNEY TO LdAN ON REAL ESTATE All HARDING. 813 Chamber of Com MONEY 'to "loan. to 8 pee cent, W7H: l'EKSOXAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY WELLS & chemists. CO.. eHsayers," analytical 204 U WaMh, Main 7608. fTSNTANA say olfice, laboratory, ure tasting. Marshall 'J72H, 1 S3 Morrison. ATTOUKSTS KORNEOAY THOMPSON, " lawyers; general practice, collections, abstract examined, 402 Northwest bldg., 6th and Washington Ms. nitiArflcGuur"ted! lvice free; no ui rvi oto publicity, uregonjaw tute, 628Lumbermens bldg. Instl. A. E. COOPER, Attorney at Law, Uan erl practice; abstracts examined. j424-J428.,Yeon bldg.: Main 878: Ai207X John a. KV. Any. collections, ab stracts examined, written opinions on legal nueftlons. 817 Allskv bd. M il 8!, ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER,; general Inacuce, aotsracta examineu, ciuiinn lections. 417 Cham, of Com. M. 8820. CHKltilOPHKRaON 4k MATTHKWj general praclloe. 416-417 Yeon bldg ACCOUHTAWTB PUBI.I0. XILLTS. BERRIDGE 4V THOMPSON, 124 Worcester bldif.Mstn 8641 FOSTER ft KLT.I8ER, outdoor udvertls. ,Jng: painted bulletins, painted walls, posters. K. 7th and E. Everett sts. East 1111. B-2224. . , . BATHS RUSSIAN. Tilrkleh bathe, swimming pool, open day and night, prlvatt rooma; ladles and gentlemen's depta. 696 Front. 8 far south. Marshall 1191. BAKE oven, treatment for rheumatism, lumbago, stomach trouble. 826 Stark BJuAJiK SOU: SJai31ta HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY. 101 2d St, Blank Cook ra'f'g : agents for Jone improved Loose-Leaf Ledgers; see the lew Eureka leaf. A-S13.1. Main 1$. oounocit, - THE-CITTMAR-PETERHON CO. Magazine, music and law books bound, blank books and loose leaf eye tems. 83 5th st. Phone Marshall 1236. BHSU8ES3 CASOB WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crossings. 7th floor Journal building. THE liAKBEH AUtHALiT tM V I f CO Portland office. 80S fivtrie bldg. WHEN you want a carpenter for repair Ing. building, phone W'dln. 2029. OABPET CXSAJUXO JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Works, carpets rieanea ana ifJd, rentiing our apeclaltv R 440 B-ti!3. 3A4 R. 19th N. CASPST WfiAViaw lORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from Old camets. rae ruas. caroet elenlnir. 168 Union avenue, near k. Morrison. PENINSULA Hug Wuiaa. rag i.aipi sua rugs. 1618 Pstton ave. Wood In 16M6. ctttOPBACTio r hysiciam; I AVE given thousands of adjustments; 81.60 week. Hath nrrtoe 2d and Wash. C1BCU1AB lETXEB.. MULTNOMAH Multlgrapliing Co.. fac simile slgs. 509 Eilers bldg. Mar. 2392 COAX, AJVZ. WOOD PRSNgHITOM UKEEN bUOltT WOOD. 14. GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, $2.50. INSIDE GREEN SHORT, $3.60. DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Pcrtlaisl Slab wood- Co. Main 3119. A-7O01. Rainier Slabwood Co, .. SUCCESSOR TO SOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO. MAIN 2153; A-3829. PAC. SLABWOOD CO. a"19 Green slabwood, big and small Inside block wood, planer trlm'RS. cord wood. T" NEER & FARR and oak cordwood. Also sawed to order. Prompt pr A I delivery. Main 459, A-4647. uUnL SEGHERS Wood Co. Dry fir, oak and Blabwood, cull, ties sawed to order from country mill. Rock Springs coal. Main 6359. A-2415. Yamato Wood and Coal Co. EAST 818. B-1867. D t-i-i V ERED PROMPTt.y Main Sift?. F. J. EVERTS. Ft. Currv at ECONOMY Fuel Co.. 31 Grand ave. Coal that gives heat and satisfaction. East 4v B-8843. Prompt Sfryiee. - PORTLAND WOOD YARD. Fir, oak, slabwood and coai. Wreck age. 9th and Gllsan. Main 3363. A-22SS BOX, planer, bloclt, slab, cord wood and coal. Standard Wood Co, 847 East ptark. Ern 2316; B-1635. " 4vLBlNALFUEL CO. All kinds ot k-reiu and dry wood. Rock Springs and Men Iota coal. COAL and all kinds of wood. Paou. -Holgate Fuel Co.. Sellwood 4 86. PHOENIX Fuel Co., Dry- wood $l.j per hwu, tf, o vir. main 3 344, "EDLEKaEN handle wood and coaf COLLECTIONS WE collect accounts on "collect or no pay basis." Write for testimonials ns actual proof. Tho Business Men'a De tect lyeBuiwi: 209AldngUmlddg. bah euro WALTZ, two-sttp, three-step schot tische. lessons 26c, every day and evening. Social dance every Thursday night; union music. "Go Where the Crowd Goes." Prof. Wal. Willson's hall, 85 '6tft atr;-between stark and"'Oa2 sC Phone Main 7637. HEATH'S school, lessons dally, wait?:, two step, three step, . Baltimore or schottlsche taught in first lesson. Alis- K yJlg-. 8n'i Morrison ats. HEATH'S school. Instruction dally In fancy, stage and social dancing. Class Mon. and Fri. eves.. 8 to 10. 1092 2d, bet. Wash, and Stark. Lessons 26c. DOO, CAT AJSC SOK&E HOSPITAL J. 43. Slee. D.V.8. Dogs and cats treat- d. boarded. Wood. 3076. 1801 Albina. BROWN BROS.. 546 Wash. Main 40&b. A-4086. Res. 9t E. 12tb E 5440. B-22H7. ELECTSIC MOTOBS WE buy, sell, rent and exchange new and second hand motors. . Westera Electric Works. 213 Sixth sf. ELVvCT. motor" specialists. Walker, Mc Kenzie Llec. Wks., 108 Unipn. East 117 EMBOSSED stationery, ongraved busi ness and visiting cards. Gordan Co.; 403 Manchester bldg. FOUWDBY AND &LACHIK2 EHOP. Phoenix Iron works. E. 3d-Hawthorne. Genera! mnchlne and foundry work. OAKOLZUE EUaiBTiS STATIONARY and marine, electric, equipments; launches, . accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing, Reler"n Machinery Co.. 1 Morrison. QEgEBAL ttlPAXBUIO. GENERAL machine and electrio work, repair of electric motors and dyna mos a specialty, E. Hippely,, 224 Qa. GEBMAH TIACEEBg rarrATHriCT8rmryT'igtiiy "eaueatecTri German. E. Bcniee, 215 13th st. 3IAXB QOODS -FEB VET ft HANEBUT I Leading wig and toupee makers: finest stock Of human liatr. aooda: halrl dressing, tcenicurlng, lace and scalp BAT rXCTOS.1 LADIES' end gentlemen's hats cleaned and blocked; all work guaranteed or no charges. We make, a specialty of ladles' beaver hats. Phone Main 8442, The Royal Hat Worka. 223 1st at XSTSTJAAVCB McCARGAR. Bates & Lively. SOrYepn DIOB. Kverv form or insiivaneg. nww 'VaC'i'i CO. 1C. BVAll'.o ji'lrtiti' iiNoUKANCaJ univ uregon Tire innurmi't KODAK DEVTLOPIKO ROLLS developed free; mall Orders solicited. . Trust hldg. - crints, 8o -up 206 Merchants THE National Ladles' Tailors, guaran tee fit, work by expert cosigners,, im 10th st. near Washington. Main 1780, UBATHEB AZtD W OXHQ8 CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO..' 74 Front Leather of every description; ie.p Be.inicttirM--ftndfnKS. .-4------ Lir BBAsnra KATIIERINTS KING teaches the hard-of . hearing. -808 Central bldg. Mar. 288, JlACHlSiaT a TRENKMAN ft CO.. hydraullo and postal pipe, smcke stacks oil tanks, mlnlnar machinery, renalrs. 104 N. 4tn. Kxssswosas. HASTY MESSENGER COM open night and day. Main 63. a-ziob. MOBTOACS rOASS JOHN KER, mortgage loans insur nc. 803 Yeon bld. Matn ;a. arcsio bchoois aitd tjachehs MISS Rachel Paulson,' piano and harm ony. 423 r ueoner bldg, wooaiawn m i Q. E. Jeilery. vlollulst sc musical dirnni or (lessons). liOs E. Taylor. Tahor 4277 WILLIAM R. BOONE, piano and organ Instructor, Stearns blflg. Alar. 102. tC. THIKLHUkN. Violin teacher: UUDl . Sevclk. 900 Marauam. A-4180. Mar. 162 RAGTIME guaranteed in 10 to 20 les soiis. Popular prices. H-842. Journal. T. E. Lawson, lit 14th. Main 6197. Pi- ano lessons, do rents. NoTtTH WESTERN SCHOOL OF MUSIC East 6198. B.38fl3, 129 Grand ave. HAPBJUPAT2XO PHYSICIAHS JNO. V. SPEARMAN. 809 Dekum bldg. Hours 10-12, 1-2 and by appointment OSTEOPATHIC raxsiciAai DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, scute and ehrolo diseases. 415 Columbia bldg. Main 8961. DKAGNEts M.BROvVNE,K0 Journal oicg Hrs.lO:30-4;30.Maln 3 o 8. Res. Tabor 23 1 PIONEER PAINT CO.. 1S First et Main 1334, A-7043. HABiutBocix ec .o.. "ti'gn btandaru" paint, ne. cor, 3d ft Tayior W.. A-1771. THE BEAVER VAKN', H Wxvt., niaku GOOD products. Ask your dealer. - FAIXfXI.Ha ASS PAPEXino PICKARD, painter, decorator. Satisfac tory work, reasonable prices. E. 1350. good worn, my motto. A. uuuui u. 286 K. Wash H yf,7 E 4214 Utt I W Ol Jw, 1 ib"ii E. 109S. 'X1M11NO )i room up; pultun., pupal-, hanging. C. A. Barnes. Main 1334. PATENT ATTOBKEYB PATENTS procured Or J. K. Mock, At-torney-at-Law, late of U. S. Patent of lce; book free. 719 Boa d of Trade bldg. PAWNBBOKEB STEIN'S pawnshop; liberal loans, rea sonable interest. 26 N. 6th. Main 78a5. UNCLE ME-YERi UtlLLAl'tKAl, MMi 40 years In Portland. 71 6th. Main Ho. PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory and olfice. 24th and York. Main 24M. PLATEBS 07 AZ.X, METALS. We replate silverware; sell you new. Port ....Plai.ftM.fgLCo.j M. 943. PLUMS rACTOBT OSTtflCH'plumes dyed, cleaned, curled. Willows lied from old plumes; satis factlon guaranteed. 827 Washington. PttSXTUlO ANSLEY Printing Co.. 260 Oak, Main 4671. Printing to please. FINE printing. Anderson Printing Co. 73,i lith nl. Tel. Main 4:;0S, A-1046. ROOrUTQ, PAIWTIKG, BEPA1BISO TIN roofing, repairing, painting, jobbing. J. Loali, 212 JelTerson. Main 1424. TSELa INTER. Bhiia ineTtaT'worKaT tin shop, his Savler. M. :542. A-li:ii. 3TJJHfk. AND SEALS STENCILS nliigham and Co., office stat.unery. 2;u Stark. Main Cun 1407. BADGES, trade checks, brass signs, stHnctls. Krebs Bros.. 114 2d. Mar. lil BASH, DO0&3, WUSOWS United Glass ft Glasng Co., sash, r doors, plate gia-s. 11th, Glisan. Main 4431. lEiOEMIH ....101LBL00ILE0IS0IJ. It Is now two years since the Introduction of tho NEW GERMAN REMEDY for BLOOD IJOISON. and during that time I. have adminis tered thle preparation In several hundred cases, often giving as many as five doses In a single day. I know my experlenqe with it Is far greater than any other physician in Portland. I have given this remedy a severe test,, having met in my experience some ex tremely bad cases, and I can say without fe,ar of contradiction that it ia the greatest discovery of the ag and the nearest absolute and permanent cure for. Blood Poison, retard less of the stage of the disease or the symp toms present. Every sympton of the disease, from the smallest eruption to the worst kind of running sore, are checked in their progress at once and completdiy healed within 10 duys. There is no longer any doubt about the wonderful curatlvo power of this remedy, and when given by an expert there Is absolutely no danger of any l:lnd from Its use. 1 Intro duce it DIRECTLY INTO THE BLOOL by th lNTRAVENCDsAlETHOD, the on:y proper method of administering it, and the on iac. o in mended by Prof. Ehrllch himself. In the hands of an expert specialist there Is absolutely no danger of any kind from its use. 1 keep you in my office from one to two hours no longer. You will be thankful to me u a long as you llvey-as It will give yu a new lease on life. My equipment Is as-flno as any Jn Oregon and INE GERMAN REMEDY In tne RIGHT WAY. I also treat SAFELY AND THOROUGHLY" TY AND ALL SPECIAL AND DELICATE DISORDERS pF MEN.. 1: Offer Ercc Consi I Invite vou to com in mo office. enlarged veins, hydrocele, herrla, nervous debility, blood disorders plJes.N, I fistula, bladder, kidney and all men's diaorduis and trivo vou 1,'Ri. i.-' .nrn inatlon. If you eatihof call, write trie Immediately, giving me a description of your case tn your own words. By return mall I will send vou. absnioiuiv ,m 1 Jt. d 'af "SsJsjoL y coee, gnd m y be f ceed In order to correct your trouble. My fflce is open all day from 9 a. only. , i .'.( 1! IfU DBS. rC- I CH0WCASS3 AKO TlXTX . 3 EHOWCAtsES of every description, bnnlt, bar snd store fixtures made to order. The I.utkw Mfg Co. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO, new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M.27. ,.;' : BIOMfl AMO BgO-vTCABPa ; OFFICE, door snd window lettering; nam plates for desks and doors; also commercial printing, ideal Office Sign Co. ' Phone Marshall 4363. 212 Dekuin . bldg. . , AMERICAN SIGN CO.. 849 Oak St. Buo cessors to Commercial dept of Foster ft KlelBer signs. Marshall 496. A-4316. Wa H A LAND"ER Co., 618 Com'wlth bldgj Show cards, cloth signs, window trims TAXXOiturq ALFRED OGILBEE. 110 Labbe bldg, 2d snd Washington. Suits to order. TA2XCS2TO BCKOOXa KIESTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College .Jearn dressmaking, tailoring. 148 H lttt. JftJBS AUD TAKIDEBM1ST. REMODELING and Hew- work. F." B. , Flnley, taxidermist,' 249 Columbia Bt- YOta BPPPIT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap, Towel Supply Co., Stt and Couch sts., $1 par month. Portland Laundry Cu Phones Main 410. A-4410. . ';' C O. PICK; Transfer ft Storage Co, of flcea and commodious 4 story brlcH warehouse, with separate iron rooms and fireptoof vault foe valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine Sts. Pianos and furnU ture moved and packed - for - sfclpptng. Special rates made on goods in our through car ;o ail domestic and foreign point, Main 696.- A-1996.- . - OREGON TRANSFER CO. Established 1870. .- , Transfer end forwarding agiaU Storage, free trackage. Offices and storage, 474 UUaa street, 18th and Gllaar.. Main 69, A-l 169. PORTLAND Van and btorage Co., Inc. i3tn and KYerettiwoat modern storage warehouse In city; low fire lusurauoe rat proof of this. Free trackage; mov ing, packing, shipping; reduced freight taies on nousenoia goods in uirougn cr to and from east. Main 6640. A-1620. U AUG AO hi A Omnibus Transfer .CuT Baggage checked at your home, fur nlturu moved, stored or packed for ship ment Prk and CavU sts. . Phouja Main 6980. A-3322. W. JOHNSON-, expresa, baggage. 833 Morris st. C-31 68. Stand 6th and Couon. rroswKXTzsa TYPEWRITERS, slightly used, L. C. Smiths and ail other makes, at reduced prices and easy terms. L. C Smith ft Bros. Typewriter Co.. 280 Oak at. TYPEWRITER ft Supplies Co. Rebuilt, za nana. .142ft i st. aiar.. n. ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cuu- Ingham Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. - VACUUM CX.AJI4iBS Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaners, 216 Com monwealth bldg. L.A.AmlcK.MRT.M.u WHOZJSSAX.S JOEBEBi M. A. GUNST ft CO.. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIQAR3. PORTLAND. OK- EVERD1NG ft FARRELL, produc ana commission merchants.. 14J rronx at. Portland. Or. Phone MHln179. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 2 JO m at., between Salmon and jinw. ALLEN & UWI8-GHtlU&KlfcS. F ! ME FREE. If ro worrying about any ailment in cluded among" Thosr withln wlilch I epe ciaHxe. il -Invito you, to call at my orficft and I will give you FREE a conscientious examination and 01 agonsls and advise you of the proper ..nllino to mll'SUU tO rid yourself forFoTyourrr1n"r ... , T..I .. ...... tit' ovnnripTir your summit, my an 1 ir.y qualifications have made ine an expert in the treatment of the ail ments with which MEN are-flffjicted. Every man calling at my ouil-q i assured of my personal and individ ual treutment until a cure is ef fected. NEOSALVARSAN Improved German Remedy for BLOOD POISON I administer the remedy according to the very latest method. " Come to me If you have-any of '"foTOwWg'TnsTdnrsvFM pimples. Nervous neimtty7Nenrer Blood and Skin Disorders, Bladder Troubles. Blood Poison, Eruptions. IHeri'M, SpeciaJ Ailments. Piles ot Fistula. " . , 8 to 67 to 8 Pally; Sundays 10 to 1. Examination Advice Free. j. J. KEEFE, Ph. G..M. D. Rooms 11-15 Lafayette -BM8T.----; 3134 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 6TH. EIEOV C K. HOLSMAN. M. IX Licensed tn Oregon I glve you thj GENU- AND AT THE LOWEST I, will rxnlaln tri vnn mv,t r. . m. to 8 p. m. and Sunday from 10 to 221. Mdrr:son Street Cdrner First Pt, . PORTLAND. ORISCfOK. . li HJJuud SKI .'nil rii'itmm t i-tori I'-'umil irm.wi' III treatments a4 no, near xnqr. . u. m