'IK: ORIXOII DAILY JOUIltlAL, rORTLAl.'D. TUESDAY r.VKI.'ItIG, OCTOBER 8, nroT rnnn i r. I! ADVANCE IN THIS CITY Big Interests: riftying Peep Game to Get Rid of Cfieap. Quality Eastern Stock at Good PrlcMj Tlaj Do'th Sides to Win. ' ' ; . Portlana" WhoIssaU Harttstsv Eggs in roljted position... Cheese firm at advance. ' pressed .veal -aower.vti-;...? 'jl Dressed hogs steady. ! " r peach trad drags. rT-m??t Chickens remain sloxr, ; y Best iiopt In demand. - 4 1 '. ... t . vA. -ti- wit of tho wrists of trade that the general P"B cannot understand is shown in the egg trade at this tlms. and It Is hard to say Just what ths Intent ot perform- efs Is. - , -..---;....v,.- .- , Whll quoting the price of eggs to the country at a weaker stage with tns prospects - indicated, of lower, prloes to come for the fresh stock as the result f the competition of eastern stock, soms of the big Interests- .here are said , to have advanced their wholesale price rrom 2 tO SO a quaen. ii - "vy.:Z that one Interest t .asking 40c a dozen lor local pkk . r- - , doien between the purchase and the sell- ',n!hisCls manipulation pure and simple. Fresh ckks can be purchased In, plenty along FFo nt street at 35 to 36c ; a bun: in fact one of the leading handlra said this morning that -he was not asking auovs the lower f tae. Howeverrswne dealers report sales ln limited waat tha higher figure, and sven up to 7o 4eiivsrTea fr. h.t rnere is.jio nun"' "" Backers are manipulating the egg mar Kt?,o that W will 6a.h a to-s.ll :' their eastern sioc m nnu" vi - Quite a number of cars are now en route from the east, and won we win be " 'in competition with the local stock. A " Urge per cent of the Importations from the eait are said to be of extremely poor ' quality, and while this stock cannot be old 'to the better trade. It has its effect 4 Jpon thS market neverOieless. . i '- These eastern Importations, together ' - with the reported purchase of damaged aLos Angelas, are sure to weaken t thl'general sltimtkm here, althoug J by . manipulative methods the big Interests may try to hoodwink the general trad. . until the former have unloaded their '. cheap quality. '" VEAL MARKET IiOWETt AGAIN , j .j Lower prices are being named In the " dressed veal market along Jront street Kecelpls recently have bepn veTy liberal and prices have dropped to 13lJ4c as - a rule, although in a limited way a Jrac-l- tlon more may be obtainable. COUNTRY HOGS ARE STEADY For country killed hogs steady values are ruling In the Front street trade, and no change 18 announced for the day. While receipts along the Street have been vry umalt recently; srinonncement ,J Is made of an Increase within tha Irani L' dlftte future. -- TEACH MARKET 19 DRAGGING i '.' ' . Marlf''t r p"''1'PH ' flraaglna af- fair While some cllnas are moving In a limltea way as nign o w, feneral market does not afford above 0c- Tha bulk of the sales recently have been made at the lower figure, and still receivers nay they are unable to : clean up promptly, SHORT SELLERS ONLY ' ONES AFTER HOPS iri WILLAMETTE VALLEY Market Is Qtilct, Steady to I'lrni at "Previous Range; California Trade , Indicates a Bad Break In Vulncs There Soon.. COii(EIII()LDI!iG VERY FIRM TONE PORTLAND YARDS Market in Excellent Shape for She ; Stuff, ut Average Saleg of Cattle Compare Well With Other Places : Ubgs Hold Steady, , , 1 RAILROADS REFUSE TO IN HAY AND A BRING LOCAL FAMINE EXISTS Short sellers continue to ba tha chief operators In the hop market here, and for selected stock It is quite 'probable that Via a pound would still b avail able. The Jatest -salflijpf B0odr atogki reported was'lbe purchaae at uaiem oy Lachmunjl of carload pf tha( Oong hops at ISHca.pound.."".' W;-i-Vv s Local interests who endeavored to Interest the Unglish trado In hops were unable to get an answer to the- cables." - Weakness has developed In California, and growers who were holdfcig there for J9"ii0o a couplu ui weeks ugo afO now said td b offering at i 16 fte. The purchase of about 600 bales was re? ported, from there this morning at 166, The .situation in the hop trade is mixed, Reports of sales from 'Marlon county have- been misleading recently, in that they indicated fresh' purchases when in fact many of tha lots .were taken in on contract with perhaps a few bales mors than tha contract vailed fOr. - ,-, f r : No business is reported at Yakima. .-:.. S' :J '"'JUL I 1 t - : , --'" " CHICAGO HOGS STRONG Trade Unable to Get Iti, Purchases j: to Market Although Having ton. alderbl Stock Bought; General ' Situation Is Firmer. ' Top Sell at I0.32H Today j Cat ae - Trafe Weak. Chicago, Oct. 8 Hogs Receipts 1, 000; year ago, 23.000; left over, S500. Market steady, Mixed, 8.B59.32; good and heavy, $8.70ig9.5; rough, 8.4a Hi 8.60; llKht,-i8.56ti,80. Cattle-Recelpts 6000. Market weak. Sheep Receipts ,45,00V; t market steady. """"" " 1 CELERY MARKET LOWER With much more liberal offerings -. t rom-locai -placca..t.h..markel;..f or cdery is aenwally quoted a fraction off along the street today, Best stock Is quoted enerallv at 70c a doien, although a few dealers are asking as high as 76c. Ordinary stock sells down to 40c. EGGPLANT IS PLENTIFUL Increasing supplies of eggplant are coming from Columbia river sections, end the market la not so strong. Prloe is generally quoted at J128 a crate .long the street today. Outward move . ment not brisk. - CHEESE FIRM AT ADVANCE Market for cheese is firm at the ad vance of Ho a pound quoted yesterday. The steamer from Tillamook has been delayed, and-thera la practically nothing available In the hands of the pig hand lers today. . FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS - -Weatner Mresu sends cut ths follow ing notloa to shippers: . - Protect shipments as far north as Seattle against minimum temperatures f about 14 degrees; northeast to Spo kane, 40 degrees: southeast to Boise, 40 degrees; sooth to Siskiyou, 40 de- f rees. Minimum temperature at Port end tonight, about 48 degrees. PORTLAND JOBBING PRICES These ' prices ara lapse , at whla wholesalers sell, to retailers, eicept as tberwle stated: Batter, Sggs an Ponltrr. BTJTtKH-Nomlnalj eatra crernrv, cubes and tubs, 88Hc; prints, JH37c dairy EOisSandlefl'-rdc! extrac"S5 S ScT ordinary, candled. 83o; spot buying price loas vft 88c f, o. b. Portland; best east, ero, 282Scr Itorage, 85o doa.; ec nnds 18114 esse. IAW POULTRT Hens, 1 1 A 11 ue lb. ; springs, Pii?l.,W "o; Kkln ducks, HHi2c; Indian runners, 910C; turkeys. 18?0c; dressed, 270. pjgeons' old, lliypung, I202.SO per dosen. RUTTHm FAT Producers' price, for Portland delivery, per lb., 86c 'v, CHEBf- -isommal: rresh . Oregea fancv. full isream, twins and triplet 18c; daisies. 18; young America, Traits aa TsfstaMea. BERRIES BlacKDerries. fl.60; strawt berries. 83.60. FBESli FRUITSOranges, 3t.7BO; bananar, 4Bo lb.; lemons', 88JiO limes. 81 per hundred; grapefruit. $S.00( pineapples, 6o lb.; peaches, 4076c box; J.C.WILS0N&G0, . MEMBERS : NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGB NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGB CHICAGO BOARD Off TRADB1' -niB STOCK AND BOND EXCtiANGfl SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND OFFICE Room 5, Lumbermens Rank Bldg, -, ' Phones Marshall 4120, A4187 V 0YCRBECK&C00KEC0 Ptocks. Bonds.. Cotton. Grain. .Etou-, aiu-aiT soara ox xraae nutiaisg. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Member Chicago Board of Trad ' " Correspondents of Logan & Brian Chicago. Nsw VflrJu Albany Apple Show. : ' 'iBpcclef tw Tb JourhnlT Albany, Or., Oct. flans for Al bany's 1912 apple show are , being laid along much broader lines thaa. for any previous show of the kind by trie exten sion of the premium list to lnolude vege table products'of almost every kind. The show Is to be held November 18 and 14 and tha Armory will be used for the exhibits al the Alco cK'b, which haa been used ln the past, was crowded"" to Its capacity last year when practically nothing but apples was shown; Tha. apple show committee Is busily Working out the details of the premium list and tha program and the matter will be taken up more1 actively after tho Ore gon Electric celebration at Eugene, Heavy Frosts Reported. . (Special to The Journal.) Brooks, Or.. Oct. 8. Heavy frosts vlHlted this section last liluht. killing potatoes, tomatu, beans and corn. The period between frosts, however, has been of "such - length that all vegetation merely awaited this fall In temperatuie to prepare It for garnering. No killing frost has occurred since January and us a result two crops of many things has resulted,, the most unusual being tho second growth of Bartlctt ' pears, now almost fully grown, that came from blossoms appearing on He trees in lata summer after the other pears were quite large. San" Fraftelsed Produce "Market. San Francisco. Cal.. Oct. 8, Egflm Extras 8S Ac..L .select pullets. 3Qc - ButterExtras. H4' firsts, 82q. Cheese Oregon fancy, 16c; do Young America, 17c; new California flats, 13$ yi4c; do Young America, 16l7c. t'otatoes rgr-pgntaT, oreoir"Btlir banks. 81.00 1,10; sweets. 81.25 1.50. Onions Per sack, California stiver skins. 40 &0c- Seattle Iroduce Market. Seattle- WaKli., Oct. 8. Bggs Local ranch, iidviic; eastern fresh, S235c; eastern storage, 27Q 80c. Butter Washington creamery firsts, 34fa6c; eastern, Sl33o. Cheese Tillamook, 18a18c Onions Per aaeki I t.OOMt.BB. Potatoes Local ranch, $14 17; Yakl mas, 81818c. cantaloupes, 1.!S1.60 per crate; wa- terinelviis. 90c per liunaiud lbs.; peara, X 1.25 1.50 per box; grapos, baskets. 10(iaoc; crates, 6UcS1.00; cranberries, $9.5010 per bbl. U'l'ATOfcid -r Boiling prloe; Exir choice, 76e; choice, 66c; ordinary.' so per contal; buying prjee. carloads, 60o, country sweets, a.25a.Bu per cental. ONIONS -81 1.10; association sell ing price,. 16c cental, t, o. W shipping points; garlic, 7Vk8c, VEGETABLES -New turnipa, 60gi75c; new beat8. lM'; Cttr.ots. WJ75c per sack; parsnips, Jl Sj) 1.25- sack; cabbage, 81.0001.25; tomatpss, toxes, 4650c; String beans, l2e lb.; green anions, 10c dosen bunches; peppers, bell, ly per head- lUuer iie 4aMiot(jouse, 76c 81 box; radis.iss, ie doxen bunches celery, 6085c dos.; egg plant, 81.25 crate; peas,-To lb.; cauliflower, g5cJl. Msats. iw aaa tuxiuae DRE0ba4 WA'l'! country ktlietl. Hogsi faney, - Uei .rtliuary,. 10 veal, 13Ho; ordinary, 13c; lie; lamus, 10 to lac, mutton, coats, 2ttc beer, 710c. HAMS, BACQN. EiC-r-Hams, IDc; preaiiiasi uauvu. ivw-ic; I ' Mvnnxxn orrssmos pbesb w-'. r ) ' Idverpool, Oct 8 Heavy offerings of Za the Stockyards. : a Basslaa wheat for Immediate shlpmen 4 . North Portland Hogs and 4 are pressing foe sals on this market. -caulfl ateady-ahoep -Ilrm,, ,:, Kamsas , City Hogs strong; cattle (o lower; sheep steady. South Omaha i. . Hogs higher; cattle lower; sheep higher, ,0 . Jhlca go Hogs strong; cattbn-4 weak; Bheeiteady;; : " ; "r' " PORTLAND ilVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. . Cattle, Calves. Sheep. WHEAT CARGOES FIRM..; I "Xondon, Oct 8. Wheat cargoes firm tlUt (IUlet,-'T-rV..-, English country markets quiet, . . ;r J'rencli country jnarketa firm. r -v - r-'- PORTJjAND GRAIN RrXEIPTS V' Caxa- Tues. Mon. Bat. Fridav Thurs. ;.-,-' Wed. ..... Week ago.: Year ago 3 yrs. ago.' 834 Wheat Barley. Flr.Oats.Hey. 177 18 U . 1 11 . ' IB . H 8 7 3 . 8 637 B83 428 B22 186 ,787 366 762 Monday Tuesday.,,. 125 Year ago '4..,; lo Reason to date, 6,064 Year ago ,.,.3,769 BUTTER IS BOOSTED 2 CENTS PER POUND 111 . . LOCAL MARKET TODAY Frloo Is Artificially Advanced Here to Aid Eastern Packers Who Want to Sell Oleomargarine at Expense of Dairy Industry. ; 817 678 ' 2 2006 767 467 3 144t 2S 108 ... 163 614 ---" 1-,-r .,-' iiv 89 . 240 t , 1T48 8B3 - -76 ... 1 79 860 498 . ... 682 S8-"" 233" - " ZB -1165 141 ... 60 Montana cattle ara coming forward tc the local market even though quotations at the Missouri river market are ma terially higher than North Portland. Five loads came forward from Mlnlda since yesterday's report, all of them be ing cows. The strength of the trade here for the stuff Is perhaps, the best In the country so far -as tha regular ruo of offerlngals concerned. While It is true that better values are obtained elsewhere for extra good qual-ity.-the lwal market Is still offering the best figures for the bulk of the stock, - This fact Is Indicated by the continued shipments- from competing sections, arid even In places where the freight charge to the Missouri river market is slightly under those to North Portland. - r Very few of the cattle that have come forward to North Portland recently were of-best quality, Thiw fully accounts for tha luck of sales at extreme prices quoted. There has been practically no oil an b In the situation in the local yards during the last few days. The wonderful showing of she stuff Is the only attraction, j This Is perhaps due to the fact that the average offering in the cow market is of better quality than In the steer division. However, a sale was made in the bull division at 85 during tije last 4 hours. Cattle Weak la the Hast. There was another period of weak ness In the cattle trade east of the Rockies today. The trade there Is feeling- the effects of lucres awed supplies and as a rule lower prices are being auoted. jnieao was weaK in me cattle mar- tlniothv 31S 600 16 00- mM ihiV IT4 iln ket this mnrnlnr. hut nrlren ahnw rlnlnl?rn. "Wj?;Oy. mixea tiay .813.00 - , , v . " un.uv, tnJver, liu.vu: There was no change in the grain situation, prides In wheat, oats and bar ley being the sama ss yesterday, The ear shortage is the only serious problem at this time. . White the ratl roads'are haullag n to market with all poasibla dispalf - ,ey neglecting hay shipments and a famine is now existing in the local trade. While local buyers have qutta a few purchases to come forward from the country, they are unable to get supplies becausa the railroads will not furnish cars. Tho hay market la strong at the mo ment but most of tha strength Is due to the inability of shippers to reach the market- -Tbera-ls plenty of hay offer ing in the country but stocks cannot be shipped because the railroads have other fish to fry. - Complaints-have been made to ths state railroad commission and there is some talk f invoking the law In regard to a demurrage that the roads must pay for failure to deliver cars after so many days. "We ara forced to pay the rail roads demurrage every month," says a well known shipper, 'and I see no rea son why the railroads should not be held to-thftr side of the law." Nominal grain values today: ' WHEAT--New crop, producers prices track basis: Club. 76iy77c; bluestem 80c; red Russian, 7476o; fortyfold. 78c; Turkey red. 7To; Willamette val ley, 77c, - - BARLEY Producers' prices, track basisi Feed. No. 1. 134; brewing, 828 30; No. 2, 338; rolled, 380. OATS Producers' prices, track basis: No. 1 milling, 28; white, 126.60021. 60 ton. FLOUR Selling price: Patent, $4.10 430: Willamette valley, $4.20; local "tralght, $3.708.00; eaport, $3.60 8.70; bakers, $4.104.30 barrel HAY Producers Drlce. Wlllmtn valley timothy, fancy. $14.60lB.0e; or dinary, $14; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy . 4 Batter Along; tns Oossi 4 Per Pound. -Jortland. . . . ..,.8687cx- Seattle . . .,..34 35c 4 flan Francisco ...,....84o -Tacoma , , ,?6o 4. . ' '"The big provision interests of the eaat are still imcTTroTrTarc1ngtne prrce of Gutter to a Tilghef basis, hotr withstanding the extremely heavy stocks held In storage. "V . A further aovnnrn Iiuk Vieon mult In tha price of butter at eastern points and a risa of 2e a pound became effec- iive nere rouay. xue aavanca locally was no more Justified than the one in the east, because the make, while not so heavy, is greater than during pre vious years at this period. ,: :.. ; The butter market has been manipu lated SO much fiurinir tha' nreaent luaon by. the big people in tha east that U is throwing much morn trarin into tha cheaper product and into oleomaraarlne. inis is said to be the. special purpose of tho packers. In ad vanning prices at this time, because thev ara In nonitrol of t he. oleomargarine business, and there fore pront only when the butter market is man. While It la trua that tha tnnk of butter In the city has not kept pace with that shown at country noints. the market recently showed softness Instead or firengui, as the artificial advance oi tooay would indicate. STEEL LllDlN E New York, Oct. 3. Stocks were rather dull today, with trading not so brisk as yesterday. Trend of .the trade was mixed, fractional advances and losses being shown in tha general list. Tho report that war had been deolared against Turkey by Montenegro-caused some selling pressure. flteel stocks were under pressure. It looked as If the big Interests Were un loading Steel . under cover of ha strength In the specialties. American stocks wera generally eas ier in London today. nominal ohanges, Kansas City cattle market was weak, with a loss of 6o for the day. South Omaha cattle trado was quoted steady to lower. Top steers today reached no higher .than $10, and only a nominal amount of business has passed recently at even this figure. " Ckitle' shippers:""' James TH6M, Mln- tda, Mont.. 5. loads; Kldwell & Caswell, Nampa, Idaho, B loads; E. E. Wlllard, Nnrnpn, 1 load. - North Portland cattle range: Heavy feed steers $6.85tjJ8.98 Choice steers 6.80 Brain 11(1 (in 1 , Art. ,' . T v . - 1J.I'", HLL.1UH, 1 l.OUiU 1J.UU. MILLSTUFFS-r-Selling price: Brari $21.60; middlings, $29.00 (JSl.OO; shorts $23.60 ton. . - ' CHICAGO WHEAT FIRM Market Open- and Closes With Rise; Foreigners Ias5. Chicago. Oct. 8. Wheat market opened and closed strong and higher ,wnn a rainy aouve wane, tiuylna or- Coinm'an -stoors mniTrrrfr t.W Dea ,.May. Dec. May July Deo, May July fancy poor, 74fSc; 18 K H oeued bam, liSei picnics, UVc; cottage. i7o. MBATS -PacKina iuu toitJur Nu I stock. 13c; cow, No. 1 stock, Uc; .ewes, ftuc: wethers, uc; . iambs, lun- pork loins, 170. OfSTKKB tiiioalwa'.er bay. par rai, pia, per gallon. $3.26; per 100 lb. sack, $9,60; canned eustern, Bfag can; $6.50 doa eastern in shell, l.V4(aZ.0(f ,ier uo; r. tor riniiia, f.uvwi. uu dreBH ttrlnc rT0o Th;r BOiea. Trr.per ib.; shrimpiT, 13Hc; lb,i perch, 8c; tomcod, nc: lob sters., 80c; herrings (-); black bass, 80c sturgeon, nc; silver smelt, 7c lb.; black cod. 7c; eastern oysters, full measure, solid pack, $3 per gallon, LARD-Tlercea, 14o lb.; compound, tierces. lOo. Bops. Wool ana Kids, HOPS Producers' price li2, nomi. nal, lS319c uriAitt-1911. SJifco lb. WOOL Willamette valley, coaraa Cotswold. lWOc lb.; medium Sb?oS! ire.llei noie icy lots 2:0 per lh eaiwrn Orsgon. 14 20c. according1 DCHm'at OR CASCARA Baric 1813 aoniiwat'carlots BVio. less carloU. lots, JVC W. wVf'B1:T.?i v,;:? ,V.y,s,.1' green. Fancy cows Ordinary cows Fancy light calves Heavy calves .... i.00 Bent bulls 4.00 Ordinary bulls 4.00 Hog Market Is Stationary. Stationary prices are showing In the swine trade at North Portland for the day. Sales of best offerings are still being made at $8.60 in a limited way, although there has been a disposition in-aotm? quarters- to "tmdB"tMg a' TUckeTrT juTy" There was a small run of hogs In tne local yards today, Dut mis nad no effect upon the trade. Chicago was steady to strong In the hoc market with tops at $9.32. Kansas City hog market was strong, wit, 1 tops at $9.25. South Omaha hogs were Be higher for the day,- with tops at $8.76l this morning. Hog shippers: A. J, Logsdom, Tur ner.' Wash., 3 loads; Hugh Cummtngs, Halsey, 1 load hogs. and sheep; Patton it Overton, Halsey. 1 load hogs, sheep, cattle and calves. General hog range: Select light ,,...$ S.60 Select heavy 8.60(8)8.65 Medium light a.608.64 Medium heavy 8.00 Poor light 6.26 6.50 Rough heavy 6.25 $6.60 Feeders ................... . 7.00 Sheep Trade Zs Firm. Firmness is shown i tho market for mutton at North Portland today, Thero was a liberal run but quite a lot of the stuff came direct q killers, therefore :aidL---:Sdl'--aler'hgenefftfadfc:- Prtceg remain practically the same as yester day. At Chicago' there was a steady to weak tone in the sheep trade this morn ing. Kansas City sheep market was weak with prices unchanged. South Omaha sheep trade showed a ETtdden change and an advance of a dime -was forced.- Top lambs are selling at $6,611 mill best yearlings at $6 today. Sheep shippers: M. C. Marshal), 1 load: William Shepard, Lyle. Wash., 6 ipiids; suroe party drove in 143 head. uenerai million mantel ; vciiii nj i,caiu, 1 DlTi itttfaTrIy weJ dlstrreuted, while offerlngrT ."i,,.?-" Tfif.JlT?!!???.. M?!! 84H were rather meager until December touched 91 Vic The volume of business was pretty large. . There was a weaker tons abroad and pi4ueo were lower, Close. 1K 6-A 93 Range of Chicago prices furnished by wcrpeca at imKe oompany WHEAT. Open. High, . 91 91 ......is ae.iL . 93tt 93 CORN. . E3K 68 . 62$ 62 OATS. .. 3 3 '4, 83 Mi . 84V 84 . 34 Low. 1H m 63 63U 62 62H 62 H 62 tl 84 82HB 84 B Oct. Jan. May Oct. Jan. May Oct Jan. May PORK, ...1700 1710 1700 1960 1970 194S ....1903 1910 1895 LARD. ....1167 1175 1166 .....1110 1J20 not .,.,1062 1067 1065 RIBS. 1090 1096 1090 1033 1040 1030 1010 1017 1010 1710 1967 1910 1177 1117 1065 1098 1040 1017 B NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT Fortlsjad Banks. Clearings, This week Year aao. Tuesday; ,.i ,,, ,tj.87.86.94 $3,436,427.08 uonaay -,d.,uuu-3i -,H6-,45.16 Week to date. $4,902,867.33 $4,798,892.24 New York Cotton Market. Best east mountain lambs . .$6.65 6.00 CiiihI (nut mountain iamhM... K Rfl FISH Nominal Rock cod, 10o lb : Best WlllameUa valley lambs 8.60 essed flounders. 7c; halibut. 8 lOc: Oood Willamette valley lambs 6.40 rd bass.-30oLeaJ yfaiiiiipe Ordinary wethers 4.004.25 Fancy ewes 4.00 Good ordinary ewes 3.3S3.40 Monday Afternoon (Sales. s VilOc; saltad bides 10 U ue; bZi IZTn aalt, little; kids. I.o Vi..'r In. 44 94 Ho: calf skins, salted or green. lf20o: green hides. lOio isas fill salted: sheep pelts, salted, i; ry "V , Orocsrissw RICK-Japsn style. No. l.'dKOIc (jreole, 6 '. . ' . BUQAR Cuba. $6.85; powdered, $6 95 fruit or tMrri.lM: bt. Ils5f granulated, 6.8S; D yallow. H.Wj'jioi ? 7i.. m a t inn rana u 1011111. i Buyer. Union Meat Co... Barton & Co Union Meat Co.. . l"nlon JNIeat Co.. . Union Mept Co... M. .T. Qill Union Jleat Co. . , Union Meat Co... Union Meat Co.. . Fairchild Union Meat Co.,. Barton & Co Barton & Co.. Union Meat Co... Barton '& Co Woolen ft Son. . . . Woolen & Son. . . . Union Meat Co.. . Fairchild Barton & Co.. . . . Fairchild No. 25 26 14 13 28 27 26 .10 KLaTl? hale'i' i rfi. IS. IS na !. IM!MH UBn ana ivi, n..Hif.vi luma vacb tan 60 Der ton. BEAN s Small - wMta, BHc; isj-as HONis-'' N,w- Ter ease, iraoata. CoaL CU. Jilt. LINSEEB 01L-.Raw, bbis., Jj0 g-ai kettle boiled, bbl., TScgaU rawjirei ISO giV"t "! r-' WMU, (ft PeWHlTB AI-.T?n Hs, 80 psr lb.i 104 lb, lots, 8o par io.; ss lots, ss TURPENTINE In case 8c: wood barrels, 70o; iroa barrels, j.sr aai. Union Meat , , . Union Meat . . . Fairchild Union Meat . . . Barton 6 Co... F. M. Lacey .. Barton & Co. . , Barton ft Co,., Barton & Co.. . Union Meat . , . Barton & Co.;. Barton & Co... UnioiwMeat . Union Meat . Union Meat: . F. M. Lh co? 19 26 . 5 . 4 . 34 . 16 . 6 . 23 . 3 . 19 . 1 . 1 cows. . 1 .. 26 . 7 v 1? 9 9 1 R 8 .. 4 .. 2 BULLS. Av. lbs. 1103 1153 1205 1212 1130 1092 1070 1093 1056 1180 1116 1063 927 1035 1073 693 102S 1890 1180r 1890 890 950 1127 90S 1115 115? ,1111 119S 1180 1111 , 1020 897 1005 . 1450 1440 ; 1360 Price. $6.86 6.80 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.65 6.65 6.60 6.60 6.0 6.50 6.60 6.50 6.40 6.35 6.35 6.2S 6.09 6.00 5.00 Jan. . Feb. .. March May .. July . Aug. . Oot. ., Nov. . Dec. ., Open. High, Low. 1070 1077 1064 1043 1097 1097 1090 1100 1104 1078 1089 1097 1050 1057 104$ io78 1083 ion Close. 107476 1079 81 1088(3 .9 1098099 110405 11000! 1066(5 'Bit 1062&64 1081S2 Money and Exchange. London Oct. 8 pnsols, Jf;.. silver, 29; bank rata, 4 per cent. 1 New York, Oct. 8. Sterling exchange, long, 4.83; short, 4.88; silver bullion, ,VV Ban Francisco, Oct ' Ji -Sterling ex change, 60 days, 4.814; sight. 4.85?doc., 4.80; transfers, teleg.. 5 per cent premium; sight. 3 per cent premium, San Francisco Grain Calls. Ban Francisco, Oct. 8.-Grain calls; BARLEY. Open. Close. December 142 142H May 144 B 144 HA Liverpool Wheat Market. Liverpool, Oct, 8. Wheat: Open, Close. October . 7s 9d 7s 9d December 7s 6 d 7s 4d March 7s 4d 7s 6d Barton A Co. Butcher .... &Co. $6,25 J H? ; Barton 0.(0! uinon al ib. ; Barton & Co. 85 113 X 6.78 6.60 , B.50 6.50 6.00 60 . .220 EWES. ..184 95 LAMBS. .. 66 66 ..14 6$ Tuesday Morning1 (tales. HOQS Carstens Fk. Barton A Co. Union Meat Union Meat -Union Meat Union Meat 11EIFER3. Buyer: No. Av. Lbs, Vrv. Co 81 218 00 Frv & CO 84 306 00. Severe & Weed.. 74 176 Prva & CO 1 260 $5.00 Frye & Co 81 329 4.25 Severe & Weed... 1 20 8.25 1 EWES. $00 Co. 98 ...37 ... 3 81 1 1 . (It WETHERS. Barton & Co. .v...-2Sg . 13 204 50 328 370 859 13 $8.60 : 8.85 : 8.50 , 8.60 T.50 8.00 4.75 347 133 Frysr Co,. 7 Wm. Shepard.... 15 ',""....1 yad.rAffraos. gstes,- STEERS. Av. lbs. 480 - Buyer. Schlessler Bros... 1 Schlessler Bros. 2 1180 Schlessler Bros,. 1 . 920 . CALVES. , Schlessler -Bros.. X 150 4.73 4.76 $4.00 $5.75 5.75 Price. $8.60 8.60 8.45 8.00 . 8.00 7.60 160 $4.00 Price. . $6.50 15.00 3.00 V$3.50 ROGERS DEillES ' LAFOLLET Says Report That Senator De dared for Wilson Without -Foundation. v Madison Wis., Oct. $-Alfrea"Rogcrs, law partner of Senator La Follette, de clared her today that the report that La .Follette had declared himself that Woodiow Wilson for president, was false.: -'l.. , "Any statement that Senator La Fol. letts has declared for Wilson is without fotmdntton-aidwRogrersr'nirtriei,mor8; let It be understood once for all that La Folletta will mak all announce ments lie wishes to give ttut regarding current Issues and candidates through his magaaine, and hot. from tha public platform." : , DEMOCRATS TO HOLD RALLY THIS EVENING ir sv liiiSli... iivrn -T'i ,j liUILLIilLl. Prosecutor' Miller, Continuing " Opening Statement of Case, ..Severely Arraigns . Wiggins and Young. : Indianapolis.. Oct. 8.-When the trial . , L. ll V. ...... , V. Tn.,il.tl.,,Mjl Association of Uridge and Stm9lural Ironworkers, charged with' Illegally , , .. v . .1 LJ ..... t,1rt. A . . 1 . , son, moro than 60 hotel Clerk" and hotel . attaches were on hand ready to testify. The government, Itras learned, through, hoteT employes plans to trace ma of the deft-mints during , have bean 11 R COVER r Range of New York prices furnished by Overbed; & Cooke company; - Uescriri'ioti (.pen l"h (,ow '('lot Amal. Copper Co Am. Car & F c. Am." Can., c. Am. Cotton Oil, c. Am. Loco., c Am. Sugar, o. . . Am. Sinel't., c. . . Anaeotida- M. Cor. : Atchison, c B. 4: O., o. Beet Sugar . . , , Brooklyn R. T,. . Can. Pacific, c, . uentrai i.eatb. I ' M. Jl W n Ches. & Ohio. Col. F. & I., Con. Gas. . . . P. A R. a. e. D. & R. O., p. Erie, c General Electric. G. N. ore lands G, North., p.... Illinois Central.. Int. Harvester. . Tntr Met. c...;; Int. Met., p Lehigh Valley . . K. C. South.... Louis. Jk Nash.. M. St. P. S. S. M. M. K. : T., C. . Missouri Pacific National Lead. Nevada Cons. , . . N. Y. Central N. Y. O. & West. Norf. & West., c North American. North, Pacific, c racirio m, a. uo -Penn. Ry. . P. O. Ll & C. Co. Pressed S. Car, 0. . . Readintr. c do 2d pfd. . . Rep,-1. & S.. c. Rock Island, c S. L. & S. F., 3 p. ao 1st pro. . . South. Pac, 0... South. Ry., c. Texas & Pac. . . T:S,:L,.4W;e union - fee., e. do pfd U. 8. Rubber, c. u. h. eti. uo., c 4 Utah Copper va. Chemical , Wabash, o West. U. Tele. Wis. Cent!., c. Money Total sales 394,600. 91 63 44 10 1 147$ "ii" 1HS 60 141 129 183 20?$ 04 VI 76vJ 39U 163 45U am 86 UVi 84 12914 S4W, 1 118 t74Vi (53 113 8114 173H 'ii" 01 63 44 141 84 42 147 S7vt 183V& 1311 mi 65 M in 39 16314 30U 46V4 67 22 117 3ft 116 84 180 K 34V4 125 1204 17 34' '63 HSU 81H iH1 64V4 78 65 90 61 43 1 0OT4 61 ill 44 124 -46 - llOHIHOii 10ST4 275 10S74 275 81 141 V4 83 43 147 ..... 36 183 49 141 129 M4i 176V 162 4 174 '83 V4 it '63" 113 81 25 ila '53 78 64 "4 1 4 Til 4--4 84 40 147 41 36 fl83 4!) 141 129 srr 64 176 29 162 147 30 45 67 22 117 36 116 184 3 4 'A 124 175 97 83 38 ' 86 63 113 31 2511 13 173 89 64 78 64 47 4 81 67 4 OMAHA SHEEP inGHEIl A Democratic rally will be held to night at Warren .hall, Seventy-ninth street and Base Llns , road, MonlaVUla. The speakers will- be John H. .Steven son; M. G. Munly, candidate for con gress; Frank Schlegel and J. Woods Kmlth, candidates for state senator; Tom M. Word, for sheriff; Ogleaby Young, for circuit Judge, and Frank S. Myers. .. Bamuel White, Will G. Munly and John A, Jeffrey were the chief apeakew at a well attended meeting In tho city hall at St. Johns last night. Tom M. Word, candidate for sheriff, presided. Word made a short talk, In which he said that if ho Is elected It will not be r.eccssary for Governor ..West to come to Portland to clean up the town; prom ised to enforced the law -as he finds It, and to put disorderly roadhouses out of business. Jeffrey, who Is a candidate for dis trict attorney, said too many cases are taken into the circuit .court, and many of these should be weeded out In the district attorney's office. White dis cussed -the tariff and gave high prlase to Woodrow Wilson as the kind of man who is needed at this time to deal with the problems of the nation, putting ths public well are in first place. Other speakers included F. 8. Myers, Oglesby Young, Benjamin Brick, Jack M. Yates, Richard W. Montague and J. Woods Smith. . NO AGENT AT PARKDALE; COMPLAJNT IS FILED Pslem, Or., Oct. I. A formal com plaint was filed today with the state railroad commission by O. M. Bailey against ths Mount Hood Railroad 00m. pany. alleging that ths company's train servTci" ToPilasl7"m'iHmns11"lsT minus of the road, was Inadequate, and that the company does not maintain an agent at Parkdale. The movements the time they are alleged involved In dvnamitinas. District Attorney Charles W JWler continued his opening statement to ths Jury today. It Is probable that ha will not finish until tomorrow. Miller dftcussed McManlgal's cam nalvn In Ht FRn grUinri. Hn churned that compahled McManlgal to Springfield, ' dynamited April 16, 1911. Hs asserted that Hlgglns boasted that tha explosion , oost the Boston local 300. -Then, ha . . ... , . . . i, i ford and wrote John J. McNamara that , Via.. V,nAn ttia,. a tirali luvtna tha ! AiinHftMAn for an allnl.V r : in reviewing tne anegea nisroix ot the McNamaras and their relations with V irt it ma n ivao nva i r n v vmmwr'Ti rm Miller declared that tha McNamaras had l .1 . . xna.l in Oannn. ' for the purposa of dynamiting- tha-caflaV-Locks and at tha same time steal dyna- ... mite to carry on the alleged dynamiting operations or ths ironworkers ia various parts of the United States. Miller said they discussed ths propo previous to tha arrest of tha Los An geles dynamiters. They had ordered McManlgal to go down to PanamaTand do the Job, but be refused to go at tha time, and soon afterward was arrested. COLONEL WOOD WILL -ADDRESS WILSON CLUB Colonel C & 8. Wood will talk on "Woodrow Wilson" tonight at a meet ing of the Woodrow Wilson Jeagua at the Lincoln high achool. Park; and Mar ket street. y The league will emphasize US non partisan rharacter by staging a dlsaus ; slon of single tax, In which 11. p..Vag-. riorf,' Democratic-Progressive . nominee for-s ssessnr. will- uphold -the affhwa- tlvs and Charles V, Galloway, a, mom--ber of the state tax commission, will support-:tr---measwe8nrrtBE(t -fej-'tha"" body of which he Is a member. . Ladd fe-TiltOnBank ESTABLISHED 1859 Capital Stock - - - $1,000,000.00 SiirpiuiandUnaivi.ie COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS i . -- - -rr"XZ Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks Issued, available In all parts of the world Corner Third and Washington Streati FIRST NATIONAL BANK SURPLUS - $900,000 OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS Market lTp Dime With ImproYempftt In Demand. South Omaha, Oct. t. Cattle Re .clpU i.t,00fti' Jiirkt 8tady te lowrr steers, J8.25 10.00; cows and heifers 5.50(3i6.50. Hogs Receipts 4400; market 5c hisrh er at 8.?0g,75t4. Sheep-Becelpts 4S.60O; market 10c higher; yearlniBS, 4.bOHI.0( wethers 3.754.00; lambs; $6.25.50; ewes. J3.25 ' 8.50. KANSAS CITY LIrESTOCK - mauBPOBTATioa. TABP0TAT10 Kansas City, Oct. 8. Ho.crs Receipts 1000; market steady; tops, J9.25. Cattle Receipts 20,000; market Ec lower. Sheep Receipts 15,000; market) steady. j Baseball Notes j S --. - "I -.-.. w 8 "If the Cubs had Knetser of -the Brooklyns' said Jimmy Archer recent ly, "we would win tha pennant hands down." Lejeune, the Grand Rapids outfielder drafted by the Cleveland Naps, had a trial with the Brooklyn team two-years agti. S Rumors are traveling thick and fast that Robert Brown, of Louisville, has been picked to succeed Thomas J, Lynch as president of the National league. "Germany" Schaefer, the Washington cut up, hopes the scribes will not forget to compare him with Eddla Foy when onnsun sua rfya,, uua - . . , it was Third , Baseman Baker who put the ktbosh on the Giants last year, and ths New Yorkers Will surely keep an aye on Larry Gardner, who plays third for. the Red Box, in tlje coming championship , series. . CTA MA IDA "BS. PRINCE BUPEKT '8S. rEIWCB GEOBQI" I.v. Seattle, Wash., Wed. and Sua. IS o'Olook, Midnight. For Victoria. Vancouver, Prince RUpert. Htewart, Granby Bay and Queen Charlotte Island Points. "SS. PBIHCE A1BEBT" Tri-monthly from Victoria and Vancouver to Prlnca Rupert, Vancouver Island and Way ports. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Passenger trains leave Prince Rupert Wed., and fciat, at 10 a. m. for aotith, Hnzeiton Tt. c. fiss miles). Returning leave South Hazelton Sun. and Thurs. at 10 a. m.. arriving Prince Rupert at 5 p; m. i Free Publications regarding Canadian homestead lands, business condi tions, also business openings. -t.. t : DOBSET B. SUITSt, O, P. A. X E. BTTBGIS, Gen. Agent, Psss. Sspt. Phone Marshall 1979. CTTT OPFICB 69 5TH ST.. POBTI.A8D, OM. 5an t rancisco and Los Angelea WITHOUT CHANGE. S. S. Boss City Sails 4 p. M., Oct. 13. ha Ban fisucace k Porilaua 8. a. Ce Ticket Office 13a laird Bt. Phones Kaia 3605 and A-3359. bAN UtAA U&CO, LOS ANUivLJU USD SAN 1)1 EG O DIKECT K y i B P AOlTig 8, 8. 00. 8 8. BWAAUJB Od 8. 8. !U) 8U Ever Wednesday, s'tdjrnately, at p. rs. Ticket office lii-A Third St., near Alder Phonsa Mala 1111, A-Ull, MARTIN J. HlUUtlf. Pasa Agent ' W. H. BLU88KR, Freight Ag.nt Steamer- HassaIo: for-Astoria Leaves Portland Ash-street dock at 10-30 P- M. (daily except Sunday), ar riving Astoria 6:00 A, M. and Megler at 7:80 A. M. Returning leaves Wegler dally (except Sunday and Monday) at H-30 A. M-i arriving Portland :0. M. tin Sundays will leave Megler P. W., arriving Portland at 6:30 A. M. . ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS New Voxk, LonoBdrry and Glasgow. Hw Vork, Palermo sad grsples, Attractive rates for tickets between New.. York and all Scotch, English. iriMi, Con tinental and Mediterranean Points. 8a periot AaounuuodatlOB, Xacellsat uulsiue, Xfflcieat Service. Apply for Beset vs. tlon to-Jocal agent of Anchor Line r HENDERSON BROS., Ueiterai Anonts, Chicago, ill. , ' i CUOS tiAY LINE : BTBAMHB SBSABWAi-EB. -Calls front Ainawoatt douu, 1'mnand, st V, IB, ! WV. 4rV'il JWl, 4 m 41 worth dock daily uy to I p, m, Ps llr'i. ger tars first class $10, second clams )fa including oei in sua inia. j ioki or flee Alaswortii dock, Phones Main S S n A-333S. Portland A Coon liay tiimiu ship Lin. H J- Mohr. st, T Steam ciAnvil r v Ciails from- C'oucr-tr?et Dook ? ''- Wednosdayf October S. Pot sTewpot-t, yioranvs ssd H.taflo. 'V t'reigbi Snd tttn4mn Frank BolUm. City Tl-n . IS ? ? phona:-"4al ,! A- t,. I ft, HI. Prowii, . Vri. mi.l t . j , r BU Lock. Jrnones Aiaia vl. A-ti ...