THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 7, 1011 Enthusiasm Spontaneous Generous Unstinted The Public's Response to Yesterday s Announcement! Share in the Great Linen Bargains $400.00 Banquet Cloths $237.50 Hand embroidered center, ..$212.50 ..$ 99.50 ..$ 85.00 ..$42.00 with deep border and insertions of real cluny lace. Inset panels of exquisite filet lace. In de signs representing scenes from $375 Banquet Cloths.. $175 Banquet Cloths. , $135 Banquet Cloths., 65 Banquet Cloths. . 7Q Banquet Cloths.... $ 45.00 6-in. Madeira Doilies.. .$ .70 8-in. Madeira Doilies. . .$ 1.33 11-in.Madeira Doilies, .$ 2.18 $27.50 Madeira Towels. $18.50 $25.00 Madeira Towels. $ 16.50 $175 Madeira Cloths. . ..$ 99.50 $110 Madeira Cloths... .$ 71.40 $ 85 Madeira Cloths. . ..$ 53.00 6-in. Cluny Doily $ .48 12-in. Cluny Doily...... $ 1.69 24-in. Cluny Doily $ 5.95 Table Cloths .with scalloped edges in grass bleached Irish linen. Round and square pat terns, in round and square shapes. Sires 2 by. 2 yards, 2 by 2l2 yards and 1 by 14 yards, Regular $2.00, Special. .. .$1.25 Regular $2.50, Special. , ,,$1.50 Regular $3.50, Special. .$2.00 Regular $4.00, Special. . . .$2.50 Regular $5.00, Special. . . .$3.00 Regular $8.00, Special. . . ,$3.50 TABLE DAMASK, YARD; Special, $1.25 . . Scotch and Irish finished -Linen, . double grass bleached. width. Entered in Custom House as over weight. Neat figures, - floral and scroll pat . ART LINENS Special, 60c Each -Eyelet embroidered Scarfs damask, full and centerpieces, with German 72 inches in lace edge, and the centers done in eyelet , embroidery. The scarfs are 18 by 50 Inches. The centerpieces are 30 by 30 in. Special,. 98c Each NAPKINS TO MATCH Special, $3.50 Dozen These Napkins are 22 inches square and match the above Regular $6.75, Special... 7ftwTtoiVwdity.hd Pattern, ara jomad with elaborate Bat curucis on iour siaes. tenoerg iace. . TOWELS The Centerpieces come, with Battenberg Lace Pieces, Scarfs and Centerpieces. The Scarfs are 18 by 50 in., with three-piece centers, which So on down through a list of many hundred Cluny, Filet and Madeira articles that we could not chronicle in this limited space. Description is but a very poor apology for these ex quisite articles. To see them is a treat, an education in the wonderful development of the finger craft of these for eign peasants who work these beautiful linens. TABLECLOTHS Of high-grade Irish Linen Damask in circular and square patterns, . Only a limited quan tity of these cloths at the fol- owing extraordinary prices: Cloths Vi by 2 yards and 2 yards by 2 yards, also lf$ by Y4 yards. Regular: $2.50, Special. .. . $1.50 Regular $4.00, Special . . .$2.50 , Regular $5.50, Special; . . .$3.25 Regular $6.50, Special. . . .$3.75 Grass bleached Linen Hem--stitched Cloths, size 2 by 2 yds. Regular $1.75, Special. . . .$1.00 Regular $2.00, Special. . . .$1.25 Regular $2.50, Special $1.50 Regular $3.00, Special. . . .$1.75 SEPARATE NAPKINS Of full grass bleached pure Irish linen. In neat, artistic patterns, with border on four sides. Sizes 22 by 24 inches. Regular $1.75 dozen $1.00 Regular $2.25 dozen $1.25 Regular $3.00 dozen $1.75 Regular $3.50 dozen. ..,,$2.00 Regular $4.00 dozen $2.50 Regular $5.00 dozen $3.00 Regular $6.00 dozen. . . . .$3.50 TABLE DAMASK, YARD, Special, 85c This Damask is made in Bel fast, Ireland. It is extra weight and full bleached. Comes in neat figures and floral effects, seventy inches wide. Every thread guaranteed pure linen. NAPKINS TO MATCH Special, $3.00 Dozen These Napkins ; match the above Damask in quality and 'patterns. Has a border on four sides. Size 22 inches. Regular $1.00 and $1.25 Special, 50c Each There is a limited quantity of these Towels, and they come with scalloped and hemstitched ends. Made of the finest quali ty of imported linen huck; also fine satin damask. Absolutely pure white, without spot or blemish. Some figured designs. TOWELS, SPECIAL, 25c Pure Linen Huck Towels, size Wa by 38J4 inches. Your choice of hemstitched or hem med ends. Extra firmly woven. TOWELS, SPECIAL, 39c Bleached hemstitched Huck Towels, absolutely pure linen. Extra fine count. In assorted patterns. Size 21 by 40 in. 35c Turkish Towels SPECIAL, 25c Bleached Turkish Bath Tow. els, made of long cotton fiber, two-ply twisted, hemmed ends, prominent Terry. Soft finish, size 45 by 23 inches. 50c Turkish Towels ' SPECIAL, 39c Bleached Turkish Towels, made of heavy twisted yarns. Corded, hemmed ends, full Ter ry. Size 47 by 24 inches. linen drawn-work centers and bordered with deep Battenberg lace. CLUNY CENTERPIECES Special, 50c Each t These are round in shape, 18 inches in diameter, with linen centers, bordered with genuine wide French cluny. Very elab orately made. CLUNY DOILIES Lace-edged Doilies and Cen terpieces to match. They are round in shape, with linen cen ters and hand-made cluny edges. Size 9 inches, Special 15c Size 12 inches, Special 25c Size 24 inches, Special. ... ,65c Size 30 inches, Special 89c BED LINENS ' Witby Sheets Size 54x 90 inches, each. . 50c Size 63x 9& inches, each... 55c Size 72x 90 inches, each... 58c Size 72x108 inches, each... 70c Size 81x 90 inches, each... 68c Size 90x 99 inches, each... 85c Size 90x108 inches, each... 95c .Witby Pillow Cases Size 42x 36 inches, each... 15c Size 45x 36 inches, each. . 16c Lower Main Floor . - '..p ' ' r . Hats on Sale as Illustrated $3,951Jntrimmed Black. Velvet Hats $1.95 Here is a sale of fashionable hats that 'will be sure to interest every woman in search of the novel and practical in Winter millinery fashions. - - 1 ' It is a sale of the smartest styles, the most fashionable materials used in the construction of a 1912 Fall chapeau, - " '::.. Every one of these hats is of a rich black Velvet, bound on the edges with white grosgrain ribbon,, with' l band of the grosgrain ribbon around the crown. - . -'-.-.-.----'- r r Vrj -We Show Just Ten Different Styles, Each Qne Expressing Individuality - . ' 'r - ; Second Floor Rounding Up Some $5.00 Silk Petticoats for This , Sale to Be Disposed of at the Special Price, $2.25 Of soft-finished chiffon taffeta silk in numerous colors, such as' navy, black, brown, Copenhagen, emerald, hunter's green, tan, taupe, gray, light blue, lavender, nile green and white, and many pretty and attractive stripe effects. Made with a deep flounce and four-inch knife-pleated ruffle at tached. They are trimmed with bias bands and plain tailor stitch ing. ' You will also find a wide choice of changeable effects. Third Floor This Fifth Avenue Shoe Store Guards Its Styles Zealously Not until September Fifteenth could you in duce this3 exclusive Shoe Store to show new Fall hs. fashions in footwear., Its footwear is as eagerly watched for by its clientele as the new styles in millinery. Live stores awake to the necessity of showing authentic Fifth avenue styles await this opening with interest. Tomorrow We Shall Exhibit Shoes identical in styles, workmanship, quality and prices as those now on view on Fifth avenue. To place our Shoe Department on a higher plane than hereto fore attempted in Portland, it is our purpose to meet every de mand in good shoes. We want the woman in Portland to know that shoe experts pass upon qvery shoe, to see that they embody absolutely every thing that is essential to perfect satisfaction. These new Fifth-avenue boots carry with them a lasting satis faction to every woman who wears them. Now for the Story , Custom models in hand-sewed boots. Lace style boots in black castor, with tips of same, and medium Cuban heels. Buttonboots in imported patent colt and black buckskin,! with snappy medium short vamp models. Custom trimmed edges, light wheel, stays and tops, bands reinforced. ; At $7.50 the Pair Now for New Slippers We invite your inspection of the new models in dainty slippers for afternoon wear, parties arid receptions. Here are the satin opera slippers in shades to match your gown, made over the new custom receding model, with the Louis heel, trimmed with little ornaments or rosettes of ribbon and chiffon. Satin Colonial pumps, with irridescent beads on the vamps, are extremely attractive. These are made over a medium custom last with the Louis heel. The new imported bronze slippers are proving exceptionally popular. Two styles are shown, a plain opera slipper and a Colo nial pump with a bow and beaded vamp. Another pretty opera slipper is in dull kid, with dull beading on the vamp, lined with white kid. This has a feather edge turned sole and the Louis heel. Lower Main Floor The White Waist Is coming into its own again as a . fashionable garment The reason for , its immense popularity Ilea not alone in the fact that it has been the most fashionable waist in Paris this yeafJ Dut also in tne tact tnat styles are simpler and more elegant Hand Made Waist at $5.00 e have just received an Immense lot of the new hand-made lingerio waists. Of dainty sheer lawn, with pretty yokes of hand-embroidery two-thread Valenciennes lace and tucking. Waist at $6.50 Another new model is made of Persian lawn in a most charming style, with hand embroidery, hand run tucks and two-thread lace insert tion. - Waist at $8.50 This model is also hand-made, and composed of a fine, soft mull, with cluny lace, sprays of eyelet embroid ery in the front and back. Has the new long sleeves trimmed to match. Victor-Victrola Talking Machines 50c Down 50c feek Lower Main Floor Conjure Up in Your Mind The Greatest of Corset Sales Within Your Recollection It pales into insignificance compared with this unheard of, unprecedented opportunity. A sale made possible through the generosity of the manu facturers of .-For years we have been the sole representatives of La Vida corsets in Portland. ... t For years the manufacturers of this truly remarkable corset have enjoyed an uninterrupted patronage from our firm. " In consideration of past business, and in commemoration of .v. the opening of the new store, the makers of La Vida corsets . permit us to offer ; La Vida Corsets at HALF PRICE - Think for a moment what this means. It's a concession with out a precedent. La Vida corsets are always sold AT A . STANDARD PRICE. In spite of this, for one week we offer ; $ 5.50 La Vida Corsets, Special $2.75 , , $ 6.00 La Vida Corsets. Special $3.00 $ 8.00 La Vida Corsets, Special $4.00 , $12.00 La Vida Corsets, Special $6.00 - The above models are, EVERY ONE OF THEM, new Fall ityles, just out. Our ability to induce the manufacturers to sacrifice not only the profit, but the major part of the cost of these corsets, is most gratifying to us. -WE FEEL CERTAIN THAT THE PUBLIC WILL WOAPPRECIATE THESE REMARKABLE CORSET Special Prices on Tooth Brushes and Denial Preparations 15c Tooth Brushes 10 25c Dr. Fenner's Tooth Brush, phophy- Uctic style 18 35c Rubberset Tooth Brush 25 25c Peroxide Tooth Paste I9j 25c Euthymol Tooth Paste 15 50c Pebecco Tooth Paste 33 25c Sanitol Preparations tQj -25c Lyons' Tooth Powdejs,,,, ,..... 154 25c RubifOam 15i BA THROOM FIXTURES 50c Tumbler Holder 35 75c Tumbler Holder 60 65c Combination Tumbler and Tooth Brush Holder 39 $1.00 Tumbler and Soap Holder ..75e $1.00 Tub Soap Dish 7&4 $1.00 Faucet Soap Dish 75 75c Wash Cloth Racks 65 35c Towel Rings 251 35c Tooth Brush Holder ......... .25 65c Towel Rod, nickel 39 75c Glass Shelf, nickel brackets . . . ,39 50c Tub Soap Dish 39 65c Toilet Paper Roller 39$ 10c Robe Hodks 8f $1.00 Enamel Bath Seats 75 La Noye Toilet Preparations pJ50c Face Powder 25c La Noye powder is. famous for its beautifying and protecting qualities. It removes he shine without producing that pasty took so 'common with most powders. It comes in four distinct shades which blend with the various complexions. First Floor r Models for slender, for average and for stout figures. Low and tnediam busv very straight lines,. great length over.the hips, abdomen and back. Models conforming with the natural line of the figure, making molds of supreme gown effects and erect carnage.; . Fourth Floor The New ButterkkFashionBook- Now on Sale For Fall and Winter Second Floor Mrs. Housewife, Read This: Domestic Sewing Machines at Cut Prices Never Sold Before in a Department Store In the Pacific Northwest New 1913 Model at $35.00 Sold Heretofore at $55.00 Two Machines in One , $1.00 Down, $1.00 a Week After two years of negotiation the manufacturers of the world famous "Domestic Sewing Machine" have consented to place their line in a de partment store, and have given us the exclusive distribution of "Domes tics" for Portland, Oregon.- "Domestic" Sewing Machines have enjoyed an unbroken popularity in thousands of homes for the last half century. If you have never known the luxury of having a sewing machine ready, wilKng to help when your Fall dresses and children's frocks and all the rest of your Fall sewing is waiting to be done in a hurry, this Is the right time to make the test. For Here Is the Domestic Sewing Machine Modern In every respect a new 1913 model two machines in one, and which no other sewing machine the world can offer the chain and lockstitch and you can change from one to the other without fuss or trouble. , A vibrating presser so useful in tewing sheer and gauxy stuffs for darning, braiding and embroidery work also an advantage of pressing thick seams and sewing thick goods. -A five-stitch rufffer which gives the plate an every fifth stitch, also gathering, puffing, niching, scalloo plating, crepe trimmfng, as well as plain ruffling. ' p itu machine i guaranteed for five years it ia the easiest thing in the world to put one int your home immediately. .We will deliver this Domestic Sewing Machine to you. Upon the First Payment 6t One Dollar . ' The remander 434.00 payable at the rate of $1.00 s week without interest or extras." 'tnake an allowance -for your used machine. c, r Fifth Floor Waist at $10.00 ; : A dainty style of good quality ' Persian lawn, which also shows a yoke of hand embroidery. Trimmed with panels of cluny lace insertion , combined with tucks. New long sleeves beautifully trimmed to match the waist. Third Floor - Travelers' Needs Quick Out Going Prices Trunks, Special $14.50 This is a large box canvas covered trunk, with five hard wood slats on the top and three on the body; fiber binding; two center panels and four hinges; has valance clamps; dowels, excelsior lock and heavy bolts; raised clamps. Cloth lined and fitted with two trays. Size 36 inches. . lf. Hartman Trunk o 11.. i cii nA -irfiiis -trunk is 40 Inches in ItI length. A veneer trunk, can Vas covered. Bound inside, on - lop and bottom with vulcanized- fiber bindings; has valance clamps and dowels, excelsior back. Rolled steel corners and trimmings. Cloth lined and has two trays. Gibralterized con struction throughout Suit Case Special $8.50 Extra large, heavy, cowhide suit case, with brass bolts and locks. Has stitched handles and heavy straps ajl around. Pitted with inside shirt fold and straps. Clothlined. Traveliig Bag Specially Priced $150 Heavy cowhije 18-inch bag, English handsfltehed with steel frame. Brass lks and catches. Leather lined, aide pbekets Innovation! nd has two in- Wardrobe Trunks fir $30.00 This make It trunk is the -lightestnd"tTnosrdufable wardrobe trunfc manufactured, especially constructed for for eign trjavel. " r Basement p NjMMNMM