18 THE OREGON , DAILY - JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 7, .1912. 43 THE VILLA ST; CLARA. , . 1? and Taylor 7" Most magnificently- furnished apart t cuia In the city; location perfect, rent T.3-. n,ku. mnilorn conven -lence, banquet hall and roef Mrden. Msrh class service: . references require Roth phone In all apartments. Mam . Z2 its. Cincinnati Court . ... NImIw fnrniMfl"-a -room -APt.i 4 rooms unfurnished, conveniently lo rn ted to business district. Modem. benutfOil surroundings. Call today. ri'Lii tuviMi fii.:!J IRVING ST Four room un'furnfshed apartment; rooma are large, verandas to each apart- ment, also one furnished ; room . with . Imth. References required, piionf A- 8699. SEE this one sure A nicely furnished J room apartment, 422.60. all o"s'e' large, light airy rooms, private Pne. bath, gas range, water heater, laundry v iUrir nfuseta. an car line. Tabor fin, H-ao4i. Grey-Gabies it. New-I room apaftment.;IJO . and -my .in.u xnr.mii uAlkinor distance. alao single rooms, walking distance. Rurch ADartments New, modern, furnished 2 room acts., dressing room, fine location. Marshall 4141., 110 21t st. N. "W" car. rrrrOverton-,Apartments list and Overton; beautiful, new. mod Jern S and 4 room apts. 222.50 and up. Phone Maranau atw. THK WAVNKWOOD APTS. No. 109 North 18th, between, Flanders and Glisan, newly furnished throughout, - single room or ca suite, from lis to 30. T14K DEZENDORFr- r- 108 16th st. near Taylor. . - Handsomely furnished' or unfurnished I room apartments, pleasant surround lnas, conveniently located to cars. Drickston Apartments iit nth near College. 2 and 3 room r i mites, atrlctly first class. Marshall 57. ; iiiE DAVENPORT Newly furnished 2 and 3 room apts., private bath and ' phone, reasonable. 606 Jefferson. Main ,. Mutt. iriiRFT.K 4-rooin aDai tments on Killings " worth ave., near Piedmont car barns, ;13 a month.. Call Wdln. 1721. 1166 . Halght ave. THREE room apartment, gas range, water heater, laundry tray and bath room; close In. 20 per month, Fred B. Williams. 92 1st st. "" THE IDEAL APARTMENTS. ' Newly and beautifully furnished, In gle and suites, hot and cold water, fur nace heat. 636 Couch cor. 16th. . - THE ORMONDE. ' One 4 room, 1 6 room apartment. 668 Flanders at.. Nob Hill. Main 8251. FOR IlEKT FLAaSh 13 BEAUTIFUL new 6 room- lower flat. 809 E. Lincoln St.. bet ween. 24th and $6th sta., everything up to date, lino leum In kitchen and bath, hard wood floor, fireplace, furnace; rent very rea sonable. Phone Sell wood 2021. MODERN 6 room lower corner flat, - walking distance, 16 E. Alder; fur nace and fireplace, low rent. Main 1728 or Ligglin, care Scandinavian American batik, 248 wash, TWO i room modern upper Hats. Fire . place and furnace.. Seperate attic and basement On Graham ave., neat Wil liams. - Inqulra 292 Graham; reasonable rent. ; MODERN 4 room upper flat clean, with -" every convenience; 4(5 railing; n. 'Also a modem 6 room cottage, $16. ' Union ave. cars. Tabor 2896. Modern 6-ruOm flat, wood and 8 . range.'' window shades,' large baseEp . rnent. '307 Halsey, near atecl bridge? 20. BEAUTIFUL 6 room flat; beautiful -lawir, fireplace, reception hall, sleep ing porch, close in; rent reasonable. 328 Benton st. East 966. FLATS 14 rooms, housekeeping, clean, . pleasant, business corner. 162 Rus- 'pell. East 6222. MODERN 6 room lower flat between ' U and Ii car. Key 192 Knott Phono . East 4138 - MODfiRN S room flat 3 blocks north - old steel bridge, beautiful . location. : fronting river, yiv BEAUTIFUL a and 4 room flats, fine - view, low rent. 668 Market St., near ' Chapman. MODERN 6 rooms, corner, over store, 212.60. 211 Williams ave. Woodlawn 1607. MODERN I and 6 rooms, free telephone, hot and cold water, heat. East 6046. MODERN 4 room flat 179 Green ave., near 23d and Washington. Main 8988. THREE modern 4 room flats, very de- slrabie. 434 College st. Main 6415. "FOR RENT 6 room modern upper flat, large attic. 667 Belmont. Tabor 1608. :. THREE room flat, cheap rent, adults. w- 604 E. 23d st. S car. W-R or W-W. " it room flat, 821 Corbett st. Key 823 -i i'orbett st. 'FIVE room flat, bath and furnace, 698 Salmon. Key 600 Savier st. JnEVV, modern flat. 2N9 Caruthers. near 6th. Phone Marshall 1000. FOR RENT Modem 5 room flat, 124 N. 21st at. , r215-r3 room flat, view 668 Market, near Chapman. , . FURNISHED FLATS 50 C CLEAN, extra well .furnished flat of 5 . rooms, good neighborhood, with two carllnes: gas and wood range, woodllft. -etc East 6260, 772 E. Taylor. . 'i URN1SHED, modern 5 room upper - Hat. 646 Kerby. Key 192 Knott. Phone East 4188. v NICELY furnished 4 room lower flat, i rent cheap to responsible parties. 741 East Pine, corner 2nd st. .3 ROOM new furnished flat for tent , 606 E. 22d nt V R or W W car. '$152 rooms, furnished; view, water, tubs. 568 MaVket St.. near Chapman! j I ROOM flat with piano, ; Union ave. rent $21. 6 4 ROOM flat, furnished, modern, water and phone free, $15. Tabor 638. -MOEWf funtialied '8 room- flats. . Market st. "HI HOTELS 51 "HOTEL PORTLAND European plan only 21.60 and up. i.ea n 41 n nr.tl Aifler. . STORES AN;i OFFICES II FOR RENT Store room and warehouse i located at 26 front at., consisting of basement 24x80, Btore room on first floor 24x50 and part or all of second floor 48x80. with electric elevator serv ice. Suitable for any wholesale busi ness requiring office spare and small ware room, inquire Z4-i.ti Front fit L'VVO floors in South Portland brick ; warenouse, long lease, low rent, 5n00 -qua re fet in each floor, railroad track age. The right place for small fao yory. Q-57, Journal. 10.000 square feet de8iraerslorage ' space at 6th and Morrison for rent, .-long lease, heat and water. F. C. Jack- 'iw, jvurnai x uu. o. WAREHOUSE" ot! railroad, adjoining Uoiden Rod Milling Co., Alblria. Co- lumbla 216. FOR RENT New brick store room 448 Salmon st. Inquire next door or phone Main 1907. CORNER store room on 4th and Mont- gomery; rent cheap; meat market pre .., ffrrred. CallVYdln. 1721 or 1165 Haight a v. f BEkT Large' store, good loca- tioni long lease; rent reasonable, in. ply on' premises, 631 Washington st. 0, uuituuiKi euiuiuie iur tiHKery or groceries. Living rooms and barn r owmrea. laoor oou. awn j. i more ana window, gas and , electric, in. J28 .WMtUngtott ui. I OK RENT Store 4yvn town on 1st" 'low rent. M. E. Leo. 311 Corbett bldg) FOR KENTJUSCELLANEOI S 33 FOR RENT ffhop bnlldlrtg 46x100. sheds iiun, m jiuifffii v, unu Vancouver AFAKTMEXTS HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 I HAVE a 8 team outfit for grading or hauling wagons, scrapers, plows, cum- filete, and I want to get a contract pr a on day Job. force aoiit. E-31,' Journal. WANTED Shetland pony to take to Se attle for little girl to ride; must oe cheap for cash, Phone East 2697. N. Jensen. Eden, Wash. Slei buys 2300 lb. team with harness and farm wagon and plow harness; take b'ellwood car to Jnnley ave., walk 6 Mocks east to house: 7i. :;v.,,.., . notice." Blx horses and mares, weighing from lioo lbs. to .1300 ,!., well , broke afid gmwrnteeuv 302 Front St.- CARLOAD of horses and mules. Goose- neck farm- ana delivery wagons; our ness and saddles, v 381 Water,; West side. HOUSES and bucfiles -tor rent by dny. week or month. 6th and Hawthorne. Ewnt 72. , '. " - ' 20 HEAD cheap horses, from 900 to 1400 lbs., from S25 to flOO. Must be sold at once. 14 Union ave. STANDARD bred fancy driver and sad 'dler. rentle. with outfit, 1153 67th ave. S. E. , . HORft E-I'nr m te-Ttreaprpod for pedy "ftler: : Cjqra f i e r 5 p.' ni; 7 92 ' N. T6 th; " SNAP Horse, liarneas and wason, 225. Call 143 H. 72d st N. LIVESTOCTC- 33 FRE8II cow, on Van Patten ranch, 3 mlln east of Garrison on Mill Plain. Owrter,7flS -Commercial str- FINE, large milch cpws.. three fresh with calves; one giving: 6 gal. day last yean 242 E. 69th. N. M. V, car. FOR BALK 1 fresh cow, 1 fresh No vember 15th. 894 Francis. ave. LARGE fresh Durtiam cow, big milker. 9S E. 30th St., S-S car. , POULTRY 8t ORPINGTONS, whites and buffs, for people that know the. difference. Ken wood 1230, FOR SALE Pure bred White Leghorns and R. I. Red pullets 4 to 6 niontna. Box 647, R. F. D, 1, Portland. SACRIFICE sale of, Orpington chickens. rnone c-214". HM Hroauway. HOGS AM) UOUalCHOLD PiCTS 40 ENGLISH Setter puppies, sire Captain Whltestone. Rest on coast E. L. Ober, P. O, Box 2002. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Fox terrier m pups. Yi'0JlltWT!..1''5!i' AUTOMOBlLES-MOTOKCirtJLES 44 fiTERLINO RACER Tou are respectfully requested to call and Ace this around the country car on exhibition at 631 Alder st. 38 H. P. 85 MILES AN HOUR. This racing car cost 81760 and Is In good condition. Special price thla week 2700. Northwest Auto txchange 531 Alder St. ONE Chalmers 30, 5 pass, touring ,car, newly painted, full equipment, electric lights, t00 ; tires all good. One k.-m.-j-'. b pass., a-i conaiuon; tires good, 2650. On 6 48 1910 Pierce-Arrow, A-l con dition. Pacific Motor Co. 682 Washington st. Should Examine Our Stock Before Pur- chasing. The Values We Offer ARE UNEQUALED, NORTHWEST AUTO EXCHANGa. 631 Alder Straet 1912 Chalmers. 86 II. P., eelf-atartings 5 pass., fully equipped, Ood n new; n-' reasonjDle ..I'fer ifucd. lig sac rifice for quick sale. Oregon Auto Exchange 493-495 Alder Mt. Main 1161; A-4837. . WANTED mm mmmm In good running condition. BARGAINS ONLY. Northwest Auto Exchange 631 Alder St. DAKUAlNS IN bIJGHTLV USED CARS. We have a few snaps in slightly used cars and MICHIGAN cars taken in ex change. All ears full guaranteed Call or write at once. MIUHIOAN AUTO BUGGY CO., 36-371 Hawthorne Ave. Phones East 14 21. H-134S. A fore door 5 passenger Cadillac, Just thoroughly overhauled; a beauty; runs as smooth as velvet. It can't be beat in the city tor the price asked. Come ana see it anyway. luu will go uwuj feeling better. Northwest Auto Exchange 531 Alder St. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Why buy a new cheap ctir when vou can secure one of our high grade used cars at the same price? We guarantee them; durerent niaKes end models, all traded in on new While cars. Wo also offer several second hicnd trucks. Write White Car Agency, fitli nl., at Madison. ONE Grabowsky 3 tori truck, cost now $3Sbl; used less than G months. Will sell for less than , price or will ex change for clear real estate. For salo or runt. Northwest Auto Exchange 631 Alder St. WILL trade my beautiful new 7 room home In Rose City l'ark. value $5000. cost $5800 cash; will take, in auto up to $!(u and give bent of terms on bal ance. He" my agent, 51 3 Hoard of Trade. MARION 30, 4 door, 5 pahsTTurriess than 3"0o miles. Tires in good condi tion; . wiil . SiiJL.Jof . eiuili . or k trada . clear l'orll;:nd real .slate. Northwest Auto Exchange 531 Alder St. 5 PASS, auto, extra ,'Obd shape, fully equipped. For sale or will trade for lots or cheap acreage. See Mr. Johnson, i go i "mi si. WE want some stnftli cars, 2 and 4 pas senger; also roadsters. Bring in ypiir cars. We have several persons caill! tor them every day; or I will exchange ior larger ears we nave In stOCK. Northwest Auto Exchange LV31 Aider St. AUTO repairing and storage work gur aliteed, all experienced help. The roweil oarage, 37tlj and Hawthorne. Tabor 1147. WANTED No. 1 old auto tires, 7o lb. delivered; No. 2 anto tires, 5o lb. Inner tubes, 15 to 22c lb. J. Leve. 1H6 Columbia sr.; Main 5138. $100 buyw a single cylinder runabout, or what have you to trade for it. Room 10 Washington bldg. T5 TAKES a dandy 1911 motorcycle. Look it over. II. GUNTHER, 919 y eon rnug. FOR SALE Brush aulomoUile, nearly good as new; light delivery or runa- DOUt, lbU. 147 im. eth st. $75 TAKES .-. dandy litli - motorcycle. Look It over. II. GUNTHER. 919 i"n oiuir. FIVE paKBenger Thomas Flyer for sale or trade cheap; Albina Garage, 277 rniRn m., near Williams ave. LOCOMOBILE 5 pass. Best buy io city, l. n. urage. izo in. l itn. LAUNCKICS AMI BOATS 1 " Tn TV- " 4 room housebout, 22 foot launch. new. jmiuire w in. signal, loot cramp (.oil pl., roniann. NEWLV equipped coiiuriercial launch sacrifice; large capacity. 1026 Cha ber of 'onimerce.' BOAT storage Too per month up. Foot of California St., Fulton car. 'MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Si SEE the new "Colby" player -piano foi onlv 1450 Th a hlrrt nlaver valui on the market. Easy terms. Sherman Clay Co., Morrison and Sixth, opposite FOR SALE--MlSCELLANEOC'S 19 4 'v 1 - FOR SALE. One larr Cretor nnneorn wtfeon With III .. n t. n . . . . 1 1aii u,,uii cyuiliJiieiii., uuu iicnt "villi, good bublnessj Horse and light wagon I . i . . . : ........ sellinsr. Addieaa O. 256 N. Mill St. Eu FOR SALE New and aecond-hund Cr. ' era and pocket billiard tables, and bowllnir alleys and accessortaii bet fix tures of all kinds; easy payments.. The urunawicK-aaike-coiienoer co., - j 6th st Phones Main 769. A.l6. NATIONAL cash registers, credit registers,- computing scales, elect coffee mills and all store appliances, bought sold and repaired. Sell for cash or pay. ments. The Pacific Store Servic Co., 227 Sturk. Main 7711. - FOR; ALE TJLtrE WHITE PIA- MU H1JSO Zl JUIWlSL WAMIJjTOiN 16 SIZE WATCH. 2130 BUYS RING AND WATCH. 320 LUMBER EX CHANGE." FOR BALE Gas restaurant ranee, fam ily range. Q. O. double desk, buffet, bicycle and 'water beaur. Call 234 Hussell st, - A BARGAIN; Comnlete babv outfit for sale cheap. Never , been used. Baby died at birth. fxr particulars pnone Marshall 2t4. FOR SALE By owner, O. 4i S. donkey engine. 6U by 8: blocks and lines, complete, $650; call or address K. W. Harvey, Rockyood.- Or., No. 48, Rt. 1. CONCUR! J .-(rupt( at . Madduuk Plaoe; extra choice, s diocks west oi Mann station, Woodstock car. ' HOUSEBOAT for sale cheap, S largo rooms. Seo Nr. C, B. 'Canulo, foot of California St., Fulton car. IshLi MACHINES, all uiaKes, ea-ih or terms. Prices right. Singer Sewing Machine Store. 382 Morrison ut BICYCLES 210 and up. Bargains 4n motorcycles. 181 Madison. DbtiBl' iESliS . and - olflce -furniture. Halv I'esk Co.. 210 7th Ft. Mnln 687. WELL rotted fertilizer manure. East 4928. FOR SALE CHEAP 56-loaf oven and pans. Call after 6 p. m, 487 Mi Davis. FOR SALE Houseboat, S rooma, $20. 1..-6H, journal, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 -NOTICE TO MOVERS." Hare you furniture to sell; reliable party wants to buy 21000 worth of sec ond band furniture, stoves and ruga in small or large quantities ana pay all the cash It Is worth. Phone Kafct 636. WANTED. Second hand steam roller, one con crete mixer and two buckets; must be in good serviceable condition. A. -VEMTEK, 326 Railway Exchange bldg. WANTED by the Eagle furniture house. your second-hand lurniturc, iiignest cash prices paid. G. Long proprietor. Phonfe Woodlawn 16.6, 925 Union ave. WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay the highest cash price for second-hand nousehold goods. N. . Hearer. K'4-1-26 Grand--ave. East 161. CoVEI.u. noRNiiUiiE t -COMMIS SION CO. Pays the best price for your second hand furniture, carpets and stoves. 2i4 1st. Main 3022. WHY sull your furniture at auction? We nay hiubest prices. Make no mis take; address M. R. Seater, 34i-to Haw thorne ave. Phone East 3134. HARCrERS' AUCTION HOUSE. . 868-370 E. Morrison st. y 1022. 21000 worth of flood furniture at once. WE need the goods, you need the mon- iV. Rose Cltv Auction House. 368-S70 Hawthorne ave. East 683. - LET us make you an offer on your home or office furniture; we pay more. Phone Main 1.144. tik WISE, get more for your second hand furniture by selling It to Fora Auction Co., 211 1st. Main 8951. A-2443. WANTED 2d iwnd pool tables. 960 Corbett. Phone . A-37J2, - lust be cheap. CASH paid for diamonds. Martin. Phone Main 4617. YJCj A EU Kodaks, cameras, etc Cam- era Exchange. 245 H Morrison. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Reward $5 will be paid for the return or a bract-lot case, gray vel vet," containing two rings and an am ber piece to bo worn as a neck ornament. Dr. J. E. Lavulley, 403 Buchanan bldg. l'URSONAL 22 LADIES $1000 leward: I positively guarantee my great successiui ruontbly" remedy; saiely relieves some of the longest, most obstl.iale, abnor mal cast' in 3 to & days; no harm. pain. or Interference with work; mail $l.ou. Uoublm strength, li. Dr. C. T. boutnlug ion Remedy Co.. Kansas City, Mo. FREE, New Thought leading room, scientific, advanced primary readinw for ail classes a.t 516 Eiiers bldg. New Thought meetings every Sunday night in Eimrs blda. Phone Main 9117. ulKa. MliviiWS, 16 years Portlands leading ualmls; and clairvoyant, has her lale t ook, ' i'almistry Maue Eeasy," on saie. o'tVt Williams ave., corner Knott. Oliite noura iu a. m. to 9 p. m. PARLOR MILLINER 1 Old hats mads over and retrimmcd. Hand made rostti. (Jruer work. Mra. L. C. Newman, ill l.asl iilain t. Kust l.'JS. MILLI.nLRY cheap, orders for trim- miiiKs, colurttigti, rtMnaliing, just any old material. iizVVi Washington, near 2a. Suite 217. iibjj.nu' buie deaui to bugs and t-ouohes, $1.5u a gullou, o gallona $ti.bu; Crescent Chemical Co., bAti Wash ington: Main 1264, A-14X3. DR. A. A. AUoPLUND. Diseabea ut women anil surgery. Ex aminations tree. HjH Merchants Trust bldg, fcth and VVafehingtun. Mam 4U47. ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of Miss bopnia. Petersen, lorinerly of UU 10th st., Purllaiid, Or., please notify VX- 61, Jourtiat. ' "" ''' ' ' '"" " MATRIMONIAL paper, many wealthy. ifum uii Ecciiooa, iiiftiijr inuiriuges; paper 10 cents, airs, lien, llo Mag- loliti hvh., lion Angeles. NISBETH'S SANATORIUM, equipped with all moth tn baths, bake oven hiiU massage; Swedish movements. 1! I.ovejoy st. A S. E home treatment for catarrh of the head and throat. 10c for sample, alisfactlon guaranteed or money re- funded. W. ii. Wilson, "Hebo, Or. niVn'RPFi A Kl'cciaTty; advice free; Ul vVJIiC'LO reliable lawyer, reason- ulilc fee. Central Law Bureau, 616 Roth child bids., 287'. Wasnlny.on. Loit.ii.iN. ixtr-'u ionic 'luoieis rentuia lost vitality: 2b t: box; 6 boxes 21.2b. Mipe-iayir orug to., ixa Alorrison st ELECTRIC ami vibratory treatments for rheumatism. Office, 16 Milner bldg. 360 ('4 Morripon. AiitH. HA.VIOT, expert chiropodist, corns, bunions and cttlimises -removed; pain less method. The Alamo, ilt)1 'Start: st. MADAME ESTELLE Spiritual medi um. Readings daily. lJS1 13th, near Washington.. WOMEN Use femoiils uueu otiiers la.. bold slid guaranteed by the Auspluud Drwa store. 1 1(1 N. 6th i. Main sluij. Si'litlTUAl. medium, Hey.M. A; Price reuUiiisf, nMlllig, daily elioulew. Turn . 2, Wed. and .Sun., till si. tzl GlRi-b. Learn our business. Sanitary Beauty Parlors.. J a 1 'knm bldg. Bai.M 01 i ifeb, rfc'Ueuy" iur Jitae'a'"''t women. Jiai st. Main 25 AS I H Di;. I'mr is it.ul.Aii.. u. C, ii v jn.. rortiand, 'r. P, H. MiU, spiiioiij.itii. torineily Aisr XUMiit. uum. AuitH.-.y.l..l bAVn, Ji to iu b ouying your truna or suitcnsn at 53; Wash., cor. 1 7th hl tUlK aovi.e divorce, claims, adjustment.-32. Cham, of Com Mai,. 4 jTm. MAfeSAOh, httsain rhteumatlam. 40 Jxonhweist bldg ' MRS. MALLtjRY HAYTrdulnoji dljlF. UualiBt teacher, 240 'i 6th aC - 2 NO MATTER what has failed when In need of a regular monthly remedy, get a bottle of Antlko Mixture No. t, and be convinced it is tbo bent and most harm lens remedy ever put on the market for fainrui ana suppressed periods, also utely guaranteed and for sale In Port land by Jefferson Drug Co., Id and I l.ff.M.a If I 111, . Fl.it . WT.iri ,.un, jimiu lilld, A'lVlt, DR. G. V. KETCHUM vVomen'si mala dies, acute clseaae. Wash, bldg.. 4th and Wash., room 41. Marshall eor. 448. 'NOTICES 20 TO the Taxpayers of Multnomah Coun ty. Or.- Notice ia hereby given that on Mondav. October 21. 1912, the board of equalization of Multnomah county will atcenc at the office of the county clerk -of said county fnd publicly ex amine the assessment rolltvtor the' year 1912. and correct all errors in valuation. description or qualities o. land, dots or PERSONAL aescripnon or qualities o. .anu, nuia wrc-i:--fTv; -. i,,,, , . other property, and it la the duty of allb'Bj08'" ntniiiii Interested to n.Mr at th i tUranoe. ,.W. Q. Beck. 815-31 falling. persona interested to appear at the i time and place appointed, and if it shau appear .to, such board of equalization that there are any lands, lota or other propcrj jr assessed twice or In the, name ol i pefauh- or pcrou not tti owner of came,' or assessed under or beyond its value, or any lands, lota or other property not assessed. Taid board of equalization snail trwu:e the proper cor rections. ' ' B. D. SIGLER, County Assessor, Portland. Or, Sept SEALED PROl'OSALS. Seal ed proposals i will be received at the olflce of the undersigned, 402 Til ford biiilding, until 12 m., Wednesday. October 16tn, .1912, for alteration of boilers, piping aad auxiliary apparatus of the Hawthorne school. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at the office of F. A. Naramore. superintendent of properties, 408 Tllford 1 . 1 1 1 1. 1 1 ri ir o I lii" ... ... M nn jl ii ir (i.maM 1 Certitied check for ten ner cent of tho' amount oi tne proposal, payaoie to n. n. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each nrobosal.. Board or directom re serves flie right to reject any and all proposals. A deposit of 25.00 is required for plans ahd specifications. R. H. THOMAS, HGllOOl ClerK. Dated Oct. 4, 1912. SEALED PROPOSALS. Sealed uroposals will be received at the office of. the undersigned, 402 Til lord building, until 12 m Wednesday, October 1 6th, 1912, for the general work of boiler house for Hawthorne. school. - Plans aiid specifications may be ob tained at the office of F. A. Naramore, superintendent of properties, 408 Til ford building, after 12 m., Monday, Oo tober 7th, Certified check for ten per cent of th amount of the proposal, payable to R, H. Thomas, school clerk, must aocom pany each proposal. Hoard of directors reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. A deposit of 25.00 is re quired for plans end specifications. K. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated Oct. 4. 1912. ' , MULTNOMAH COUNTY LIBRARY. Scaled proposals for furnishing and erecting metal book stacks in the new Central Library building, Portland, Ore gon, wiU be opened by the county court at 10 a. m. Monday, October 28. 1912. Plans and specifications may be ob tained from Doyle, Patterson & Beach, architects. Portland, Oregon. The right is reserved to reject any or ?.il bids, or to wafve any informalities n bids. Signed. T. J. CLEETON, County Judge. W. L. L1GHTNER. County Commissioner. NOTICE I have sold my grocery store at 1062 Corbett fit. to J. M. Luther. I am responsible only for bills con tracted prior to date of sale. September 24. 1912. II. S. BALDWIN. LOANS WANTED SO IF you want tQ loan your money on first class real estate, list it at once with the MORTGAGE LOAN DEPT. SLAUSON-CRAIG CO., . 304 Oak St., near 6th. $500 TO $5000 wanted by close corpo ratlon for one year at 8 per cent on collateral security; funds to be used for improvements to place. Personnel of company strictly furst class. T-49, Journal. WANT to borrow $500 on 40 rooms of furniture, in good paying rooming house. Box 832, Portland. WANT 35000 for 3 years on (1800 ln come property. 639 Hamilton bldg. FINANCIAL 61 Better Than Diamonds Need tho money. Have stock paying better than 1 per cent month. Paia 16 per. cent last year. Will sell at face. Pacific Coast Brokerage Co., 618 Board of Trade. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contract of sale on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. Loans. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. S-lLA?iIES 67 Need Money? To Prepare for W'lntir, SEE US and SAVE MONEY. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY, iOur NEW PLAN Gives You a Definite 'Amount to Pay Each Month, Including Both Principal and Interest. You IKNOW JUST WHERE YOU STAND at all times and if you pay in full before The Contract time expires,- WE GIVE YOU A FULL REBATE. Loans Made Immediately On SALARY, FURNITURE, STORAGE RECEIPTS. AUTOS or REAL ESTATE. We Buy and Sell Mortgages. Portland Loan Co. 207 MACLEAY BLDG. A-2897. CO' . 4TH AND WASH. STS. OPEN MON. AND SAT. TILL 9 P. M. State Security Co, BROKERS SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES $5 to $100 Being salary loan brokers exclusively we are enabled to make the best terms and give the quickest possible service. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL State Security Co, ' - -oy-raimg--BTay"'"'',J"'-"' A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN ill IT rin wnfhci. Hlnmnmlfl 1nalri linrii,. s. diamonds Jewel i torage receipts, gu Elby Company ral Bankers and B furniture storage receipts, guns, pianos. Collate rokers. 820 Lumber Ex. bldg. 2d ami Stark. IMMEDIATE loans on pianos, furniture. autos, storage receipts, etc., at lowest rates. (.Confidential). Also second mortgage loans on real estate: mort- gages bought. Room 312 Hamilton bldg. 3AUK1' EOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. vrt,. n. n tit , tinn Au otii " w ,v-uv .uuaj si rheapeat rates, best and most private i 11 Tt nifllCM MOT Rnalrllm, kl.l.. MONEY IN ANY AMflllKT. Av... t4ni1 nf monw r 1 , v LAWSON-UROWN INVESTMENT CO., 1125 Yeon bldg. Tel. M. K75. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own tnames; Cheap rates, easy payments, conflacntlaL D. H. iT'ilman. room S17, Lumner Ex A desirable place for ladies anu gentle men to "borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry at eastern rates. Diamoad falnce. n.t wbh:i.. owi urug -store. ywA'1'ifc.t, and real estate loans, no red tape; condltlotial; .mortgages bdueht. Adolphus Lane. 414 AblnRion bldg " MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. " J. E. NICHOLS, 116 YEON BLDG. -.'-' MONEY sold en Installment ; confiden tial to salaried people, T, A. ntw. ton 614 Henry bldg. LOAN tor th asKing, aalary or chat i tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldi MONEY luanad on dlamaads-aud-watl-: ry; ic ih-t yji'iiuriinai, m ffj MONEY TO IX)AX r REAL ESTATE 27 baths for lumbago.lllOOO MORTGAGE, 7 per cent district. l-rl UufA. lv i ,i T e. li.i.' "am .iiii...-tu.. vv only title. Atty., 21.0 Alisky bldg. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Salts & Co- 310 Sualdine blda. 7 I HAVE for Immediate loans on 1m- proved real estate ay suras froa 2800 to $5000 to lend A. E. Poulsen. 418 Railway Exchange bldg. Marshall t I uo. ilAKTiVlAN-XHOMPsON BANK, Chamber or commerce Diag. W have on hand funds for invest ment In god first mortgages. If yod wish to borrow on your real estate, con fer with our mortgage loan department. MONEY -TO LOAN ON REAL ECTATE. . SLAUSON-CRA1G CO,, Mortgage Loan Dept., 804 Oak at, near 6th. MONEY TO LOAN ON tuZXU ii.oTAfJo .1260 AND UP. , , 'J. E. NICHOLS' - ' , , -: , . - i b YKON BLDG. MONEY to loan; large loans a specialty, MONEY to loan property; special facilities for large loans. Title & Trust Co.. 4th ahd Oak. yRiV-ATtoofteyT4-4Mm-tn sutna-of-o6 and up on real," personal or collateral security. 27 Oregoman bldg. PRIVATE money to loan, real estate; no DroKerage, Mftlri 3248, 400 Oregonian - bldg. 1000.0,0"a,6oC,lt? rn nrooerty. fire insurance. McKenzia Co..' Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder.. 21600 to loan-oft improved lty property; B. 20 Washington bldg. Phone Mar shall 192." TO loan, estate funds on real estate at Current rates. Inquire attorney, rooms 10-12 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. 1. U White, 701 Selling' bldg. - WILL loa"n$20,000 or less real estate, Farrlngton, 416. Cbmmerctal Club bldg. MORTGAGE loans, and 7 per cent. Louift Salomon & Co., 226 Stark st. $10,000 or any part for immediate loaa on real estate. Phore Tabor 771. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. II. HARDING, 813 Chamber of Com, BUSINESS DIRECTORY ASSATX33 WELLS St assayers, analytical chemists. wash. Main 76(s MONTANA assay office, laboratory, ore Usting. Marshall 2726, 183 Morrisoa KORNEOAY A THOMPSON, lawyers; general practice, collections, abstracts examined. 403 Northwest bldg., 6th and Washington sta. n.)r.rrNOC Guaranteed; advice free; no UIVUl UCOpublicity. Oregon Law Insti tute. B?8 Lumbermens bldg. A. E. COOPER. Attorney at Law, Gen eral practice; abstracts examined, 1424-1428 Yeon bldg. Main 873; A-2071. JOHN A. BERRY, Atiy, collections, ab stracts examined, .written opinions on legal questions. 817pAllsky bd. M'll 3826. h ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER, general practice, aotsracts examined, claims collections, 417 Cham; of Com. M. 8820, CHR1STOPHERSON & MATTHEW general practice. 416-417 Yeon bldg ACCOUNTANTS PXJBllO. MOLLIS, BERRIDGE ft THOMPSON. 224 Worcester bldg. Main 6567 ADVEBT1SIIJO. FOSTER ft KLTISER. outdoor advertis ing; painted bulletins, painted walls, posters. E. 7th and E. Everett sts. East 1111. B-2224. BATHS RUSSIAN. Tnrfetoh baths, swlmmlns pool, open day and night, private rooms; ladles' and gentlemen's dspts. 695 Front. S car south. Marshall 1193. BAKE oven treatment for rheumatism, lumbago, stomaeh trouble. 826 Vi. Stark nuutx. hook vuls HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 109 Zd st Blank Book ra'f'g - agents for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf Ledgers: see the ! sw Eureka leaf. A-S133. Main 122. bOOXBXSDE&B. Magazine, musia and - law books bound, blank books and loose leaf sye tems. 82 Kth St. l'hone Marshall 1226. BT7SXHES3 CABS2I WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crossings. 7tn floor .lonrna) biilWlri g. THE UARUER ASPHALT PAV1NC1 CO, Portland office. 606 Keetrle llg. CARPENTEB AND BE?AXSING WHEN you want, a carpenter for repalr lng. building, phone Willn. 2029, CA&PET CZ.EA2mia JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Works. carpets cleaned and hUd. reflttlnar our Ing our lth N. pwinnv is. 4o, H-,9i' ;il4 K CAJB1PSX WEAViaa NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, ruga from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 168 Union avenue, near E. .Morrlxon. PENINSULA Rug Works, rag carpet an-i rugs. 161 Puttnn nve Wood' In 26SS. CHUtOFEACTIC PHTSICIAM RAVE given thousands of adjustments 22.60 week. Bath office 2d and WanD, CrBCULAB iETTEIC. MULTNOMAH Multlgraphlng Co..- fac slmile slgs. 509 Ellers bids. Mar. 2392 COAX. AN I. WOOD pSoNSLliSM GREEN SHORT WOOD. 12.60. GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, 22.60. INSIDE GREEN SHORT. 23.60. DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Portland Slabwood Co. Main 2119. A-7C01. Rainier Slabwood Co, SUCCESSOR TO SOUTH PORT LA N" DVS L A B WOOD CO. --- M A'f N-at93T-AllJrS-" ' ' - DA' SLABWOOD CO, jia.ii a i ua A-73 ft 6 flrAAn clnhwnnfi hiir nnrl small K.oi.l. - - i c .... -. I uioiuo block wood, planer irlm'its. eordwooi I NEER & FAR'R for Al dry l it. lir ami oak coniwnci Also eawed to order. Prompt rn A I delivery. Main 4S!. A-4IH7. SEGI1ERS Wood Co. Dry fir, oak and slabwood, cull, ties sawed to order from country mill. Rock -Springs coal Main 6S59, A-2415. Yamato Wood and Coal Co, EAST 81H. B-1X67. DELIVEKEU 5 PROMPT!. V Main b7t7. F. J. EVERTS. Kl Curry st. ECONOMY Fuel Co.. 31 Grand ave. Coal that gtves heat and satisfaction. East 214. B-2343. Prompt service, ""PORTLAND WOODYARi. Fir, oak, slabwood arid coai. Wreck. Re- 9th and 'illsHn. Main 3363, A-22X3, BOX, planer, block. Blub, cord wood and coal. Standard Wood Co., 347 East Stark. Erst 2315; B-16S5, 4.LU1NA FUEL CO. All Kinds ot greu and dry wood. RocS aprtnga and Men lota coal. - COAL and all kinds or wood, f nut, Hoiga I e Fti'l Cp.. Slhvnnd 486, PhoknTx. uei Co., ury vvoott ti.u rier losd. 521 Savier Main 3644 KPLEKKmN iinniliti wood and co(. COX.ia.O'1'IOKS WE collect accounts on "collect or no i, ,iv hnnts." Write for Ipuilmnini. eetoni yiwi,.- ..w aj.iiiiicbo jvieii s Uv tective iiiireauv -eui uiiigrtmpieig. DAKCINd HEATH'S SCHOOL, pilvate Ueitonai 1 i 1 fknnif Hlai, o n.l ,.!.""" in, class Monday and Friday evenings 8 to 10; lesbons 25c. 109 2d st., betwean Wash, and Stark MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE HEATH S scoool. lcseoiu, daily - wa.lt! I - feasors to Commercial dept. of Foster two step, tbre step, Baltimora al'S Klelser signs. Marshall 496. A-4318. schottlscbe taugni in iirsi lesson. Alia. S.?W", "S?.fEIi(?.-.Bt?..-. WALTZ, ' two-sUp, three-step, echot- tisciie, lessons zuc, every uay anu evening. Social dance every Thursday I . n . . ,..l.,n imi ui fi 'I-! r V K I . ffift ,1 ' 1 rjn.. Pmf 'wol wiiison'B hail. g5,, 6th t betwten Stark and Oak st, , 'n , Main 7637. , - POO. CAT AjgB EPBSB HOSPITAl J. O. Blee, D.V.S. Dogs and cata treat ed, boarded, .Wood. ilt)76. 1601 Albiila., BROWN BROS... 646 Wash. Main 406. A-4086. Res. 81 E..12tb. K. R440. B-2287. ElECTBIO Moxoaa ELECTRIC motor specialists. Walker & Mackenzie. ElecWks., 108 Union ave. East 117. . ,,'., WE buy, ell, rent an ( exchanx new and second hand motors. Western Electric Works. 218 Sixth st: - rOTJITOKT ASS UaXHUrS BHOF. Phoenix Iron works, E. 3d-Hawthorne, - General machine and foundn work. QASOLX&TS ESarSE BTATlOKARt-anaxinesleotrle equipments; launches, - 'accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerst'iy Machinery Co., 1X6 Morrison. GENERAL tnachlns and slectrio work. 'repair or electric motors, and - vr&a,' pios a specialty. E. Hlppely. 224 Oak. - OEBMAV TEACHEBS PRIVATE lessens- by litifhly. educated German. E. 8chlee, 215 13th st. JLalB ooooa FEBVET St HANEBUT finest stock of human hair gooVls; hair dressing, manicuring, lace and , scalp treatments.- 1 47 7tn. near wor. , aa. e. HAT rACXOBT LADIES' and genadnen's hats cleaned and blocked; all work guaranteed or no charges. We make a specialty of ladies' beaver hats. Phone Main 6442. The Royal -Hat Works. 223 11 at. XKSUBASCa McCARGAR. Bates & Lively, J0I Yeon bldg. F.very form or insutsnce, oonqa. PACIFIC STATES EIRE INSURANCE CO. Only Oregon fire Insurance com. KODAK DEVELOPMU ROLLS developed free; prints, to up; mall ordera solicited, S05 Merchants Trust bldg. XiABIES' TAI&OXXXO THE National Ladles' Tailors, guaran tee" fit. work by expert designers. 131 10th st. near Washington. Main 1780. I.EATKEK AP riXUXUda CHAS. L. MA STICK & CO., 74 Front. Leather of every description; up canutneturers, findings. UP BE ASUS O KATHERINR KING teaches thshard-of-heartng. 308 Ontral bldg. Mar. 298. atACBIBEBT R TRENKMAN & CO., hydranlio and special pipe, smoke stacks, oil tanks, mining machinery, repairs. 104 N. 4th. UESSEITQXBS. HASTY MESSENGER CO., open night and day. Msln 63. A-I1S2. i IIOBTQAOE EOAB3 JOHN KER, mortgage loans. Insure ance. 803 Yeon bldg. Main 9285. MTJSIO SCHOOLS AND TEACHEBg -r! MISS Tlachel Paulson, piapo and harm ony. 423 Flledner bldg. woodlawn 4t. G. E. Jeft'ery. violinist He musical direct or (lessons). 12(ii E. Taylor. Tahor 4277 WILLIAM R. BOONfi, piano and organ instructor. Stearns bldg. Mar. 1062, E. THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Sevcik. 00 Marquam. A-4160. Mar. 12 RAGTIME guaranteed In 10 to in iea sonw. Popular prices. H-242. Journal. T. E. Lawson, U5 14th. Main 6107. Pi ano lessons. 50 cents. NO KTH -WESTERN SCHOOL OF MUSIC" East 6193, B-3363, 129H Grand ave. HAPBAP ATKIO PHTSICIAITS JNO.' V. SPEARMAN. 309 Dekum Wdg. Hours 10-12, 1-2 and bv appointment OBTOiATHJO VXXBlGUkH DR. L1LLEBELLE PATTERSON.1 spe cialist on nerves, acute and enrouic diseases. 415 Columbia bldg. Main 8961. DR.AGNES M.BUOvVNE.bUii Jouriml oicg Hrs.lO:30-4:20.Maln 36U9. Res. Tabor 2a2l FAXLil. Oin AOS Q.&AS3 PIONEER PAINT CO.. Main 1334, A-7043. ISt First st kAbjluaoiA c v.o., u gu oiauuaru paint, 'lie, cor. 3d A Tayior. M., A-l 771 THE BEAVER VAUiNi" 11 VVK&.. maK.a GOOD products. Ask your dealer. - aAAA'J.-LtQ ASO PAPEBISO PICKARD, painter, decorator. Satisfac tory work, reasonable prices, k. 1358. UOOO worn, my motto. A. unouum,' 280 E. Wash. t. 2lti7. E. 4214. Kot, best worK, prlut i nyii, eau f. A, 'iliN'liO H loom up, puiiiiii.K, paper banging. C. A. Uarnrs. Main 1334 PATENT ATTOBKEYS PATENTS procured ct J. K. Mock, At-lorney-ut-l.aw, late of U. a. falcutof lce; book free 719 Boa d of Trade bldg. XAWZlJiwjfcB STEIN'S pawnshop; liberal loans, rea sonable Interest. 2t N. til h. Mam 7SH5. UNCLli WlvlilllS tOLLA'tttAL tiAJNti 1 40 years in Portland. 71 6th. .vlaiq slu. 7I7E PORTLA-ND and otflc. Wood Pipe Co. Factory i!4Ui ami VorH. Mam 34Hi,. iLAXES AS2. PETALS. We n plate silverware; sell younew. Port Clbt. MiK Co.. j2o-'l nurnian. M. ai3. FJuUME i'AC'i'OBT OST1UCH plumes dyed, cleaned,, curled. ! Willows tied lioui old viumss; aalis- . faction guaranteed. ' Washington. J? JHWJJJLat ANSLEY i-rliuuu; Cu., Oak. 4(iil. Prmtiitg to please. Maiu FINE printing. Anueioii Printing Co. ( 3 bill '1'el, Alain 43tiS, A-1 04 ti. TIN roofing, repair.ug, palimug, j-ibbing. J. L.osIl. il'i Jelieison. Alain 144. 1SELE 6c UlNTEK, sheit inelal woi'ka. ; tin hop. 64 Savier. A. 3i4j, A-13ati. I BTENC1LS and office sUt.nery. Cun nwignatn ' Co.i 231 Stark. Mam iiui. BADGES, traua ci,euai, btuoa tidus, Stunvlis. KieUtt brut... 114 2d. Aiar. l(i,l THE MOSLER Safe Co.; 108 2d at Safes at tactury prices; repaint; lockout opened bargains in second hand aufea. SASH. bOOfiS, WSO0v7S . ' i United Glass & Glazing Co., ash, doers, plate glnra. lltn, Oilsan. .Main 4431. SSOw CA3D8'' ASS riXXCBES SHOWCASES oi every description, bank. - bar aud store fixtures mauealo wi'dar. The Lutke Mlg Co; I TiiE J A MUjS. 1. "MARSHALL MFU. Con mil old Khowcaaes. etalnetH. amra and ofpoe fixtures. 289 Couch. M.H7u3 SliiHS A210 .8ii9-.-VCABja TfFTItTr"a3ornff-wTriiTo name plates for desks and doors; also . ..rlntlncr llt.ul riffle. Coi Fbons Marshall 3a, 312 Dekuia .! o'dg- ; : - AMERICAN. SIGN CO 849 Oak st. Sue- WAHALANDER CO., CIS Com'wlth bldg. i..BUow card3.jCloUi sigftat -wiadow trima TAiicatia-a ! ' ALFRED OGILBEE, 810 Labbe bldg, 21 ana waRnington. Muita to order. TATXCUZZSTa SSEOOZb KIESTER'S Ladles'- Tailoring College learn dressmaking, tailoring. 142 ltq TAXIDEEBUST REMODELING and (Tew work. F. B. Flnley, taxidermist. 249 Columbia st. CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap, r Towel Supply Co., 8t and Couch sts. II 1 pflr -month. Portland Lauudry . Co. Phones Main 410. A-4410. TBAKSrEa AITD STOaAGB CO. PICK Transfer ft Storage Co., of fices and .commodious 4 story brick we rehouse, .with - separate Iron room and fireptoolk vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pins sis. Pmnos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping. Special-! rates made on. goods in our through car.-. Co all domestic and foreign polnta. Main 69. A-1996. , , T Oregon Transfer co.,.- Established 1870. Transfer and ror warding agents - -storags. 'free trackage. Offices and storage, 4,4 Glisan street. PORTLAND Vao aud Storage Co.. lno. 13th and Everett; most : modern storage warehouse In city; low firs Insurance rata proof of this, Fres trackage; mov , ing, packing, shipping; reduced freight rnus on household goods in through cars to and from east. Main 64o. - A-UaO. BAGGAGE 4k Omn.Dus Transfer Co. . Baggage checked, at your home, fur niture moved, stored or packed for ship PJ'P",. Firk and Davis sts.. Phones M a 1 1 8 fto, A-8 S 98 v-t- fwMWni Wi JOHNSON, express, paggage, 144 ... Morris St. 0-3 1 6 8. Stand 6th and Couoh. XXFEWRITERS. slightly used. IV a Smiths and another makes, at reduced prices and easy terms. L. C. .Smith typewriter Co., Z8U Oak st. T YPEWRITER & Supplies U.-Rebuilt, 2d hand. . 148H 2d st. Mar. 418. ALL makes rented repaired, sold. Cuo Ingham Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. - monwealth bide. U A. Amlrk Mirr.M 40sl 1 gQlESAXa JOBBSBB M. A OUNST & CO.. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS, rOKl L,ANU. OK. EVERDING & FARRELL. produce and commission merchants. 140 Front st, Portland. Or. Phone Main 172. ALLEN & LEWIS GROCERIES. ' 11 J SM Sbonldbe Considered Wheii You Select a Physician to Treat Yoj C. Kt HOLSMAN, M. D. X am Just now completing my si, teenth year as a specialist in men's diseases. During these years of clost application to a single class of ail ments I-jhave originated and perfect ed scientific and certain methods by which these diseases are cured. If I accept your' case for treatment, a cure is but a matter of a reasonable time. My practice is limited to the disor ders of the male, and is further con fined to those special and chronic affections of the pelvic tract. These Include Iost Vitality, Varicose Veins, Hydrocele, Blood Disorders. Con tracted Ailments and BIndder and Kid ney Diseases. 1 have '.alaen up these ailments especially, because thou sands of lives are ruined-and thou, sands of men are not what they should be. because they are held down by- chronic weakness, which the -average practicing physician does not understand and usually tries to make light of by telling the patient that nature will soon repair the waste. My methods are up to date, and ars endorsed by the highest . medical au thorities of Europe and America, hence our success In the treatment of men's diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. If you cannot call, write for Svmo- Ability wi , ' . - '. ' n i, J tom Blank. Many cases can be treat- I J ed at home. All correspondents con-11 fldentlal.. , Jn 4 Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p, m. dally; I I 10 to 13 m. Sui ltS. am m .iiv. 221 MORRISON STREET. -Cbrner First St.. PORTLAND, OREGON. KEEFE SEE ME FREH. If you are worrying about any ailment In cluded among those within "which I spe cialize, I Invite- you to Vail at my office and I will give you FREE a conscientious examination and di agonals and advise you of the ' proper course to pursue to rid yourself forever of your worry and your ailment. My years of experience and my qualifications have made mo an expert' in the treatment of the ail ments with which MEN are afflicted. Every man calling at my office Is assured of my personal and individ ual treatment until a cure is ef fected. NEOSAL'VARSAN Improved German Remedy for r BLOOD POISON I administer the remedy according to the very latest method. v vuiiiB w uiB ii yuu nave any of the following disorders: Enlarged Valna. Pimples, Nervous Debility. Nerval Blood andSkin.piBoraeralLBlat Ulcers, Special ' Ailments. Plies or FUtula. 9 to 6--7 to 8 Daily; Sundays 10 t 1. Examination AdviceFree. J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M, a Rooms 11-16 Lafayette Bid SUV4 WASHINGTON St" COR? Bldg.' . . 6TZL PIjud