The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 07, 1912, Page 15, Image 15

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Stock or Dairy Farm
180 acres, 110 In cultivation.,
balance fnlr timber end pasture.
fair buildings; bind Is level and
runs from Southern Pacific P.. R.
at Dundee to the Willamette t1'
' ' er. School, etc., adjoining this
bind, Mortgage 16500, v6 years.
- Price? $27.1100. "VVlll mido for
" Portland property or sell on' easy
, terms, j, .
Kupper & Humphrey
i 212-213 Chamber of Commerce.
"' i?,'"''..., .... i - - , :-.,ir..i:.j-.'':., i-i- " .:. if . ' 1 ' i' i i ' '.j .
A BARGAIN, 440 acres proven fruit and
grain land. 80 acres undr oultlva
Hon, house, barnr well, all "fenced, on
main county road, "'Must, be sold' at
once; price $6 per ,aorev worth 140.
No trades. Owner EX-67, Journal.
FREE homesfeaffnttrvareenaTgrve
timber,- thTeeotcnrmitHonr also-4evel
rich Boll near It. It: can see thla in one
' day. uovey x:n., hi vrk, ron .
. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for Bale.
Good and cheap, y-bk. journal.
-T' Beanng Prune" Orchard?-
$250 Per Acre -
" Will -sell 2H or 6 acre traot,
located near Vancouver. Wash., on
fine county road; orchard! in
good condition and right in the
best seetlon -f - the prune beitf -
' Will RlVe u (tractive terms.- .'
-; H, F, Kalvelage
A-1743. 267 & Oak Bt. Main 1T48.
FOK sale timber
Timber lands bought and bold,
l. r. nuck. 814 commercial bd3.
Mr, Farmer
ftVe hav numerous clients for A-l
arms In various amounts and districts.
If your farm la at the right price and
you desire quick; action, call or write ua
at once.
I 710-717 Lewis bldg,
L... 4th and Oak sts. k . .
Marshall 4200. A-7158.
100 acre dairy and poultry ranch for
- rent, full equipment, all thoroughbred
tock, HolHteln cows, White Pekln ducks.
White Leghorn chickens. Crystal White
Srplngton chicken. . Toulouse geese,
amouth Black turkeys; Just the place
to start In to make mOney; must furnish
' references or bond to cure for this fine
Stock. Address H-81. Journal.
- to ACRES 30 miles from Portland, 25
acres cleared, house, barn, bearing or
chard, etc; rent on shares or rent may
be pabj In work. Splendid opportunity
for a good man. II. C. - Stephens, 301
Wijcox oidg,
WOULD like work In hotel or rooming
house. Lady JiiHt from California. St.
Helens rooming house, 229 2d St.,
room 8.
120 acre dairy und stock ranch for reni
and stock and equipment for sale;
thoroughbred stock. Address C-76, Jour
nal. - -
FOR BALK A newly established hog
ranch near city; good swill route a
sound proposition. R. Boetikafer, 265
Salmon .
f OR LEASE; fine dairy ranch close In;
stock for sale; terms reasonable. TX
.64, Journal. ,
"v 160 Acres
" Timbered fruit and grain land, 65
Ttcres""ttrlHbte, 8 - acres -cleared except
some stump, 500,000 feet pine timber,
running stream, water trpeu to noust
ll miles of Dufur, Or., $3500; $600 mort
age; want Portland home, equal price,
ast 45. 441 nwwtnorne ave.
..AN excellent piece of farm land. In high
state of cultivation, near Orchard,
Wash., and electric line. t sell at a
bargain, or will exchange for stock of
merchandise, or ity property. See or
write the owner. G. A. Cobb, attorney
at law. Veon Mdg.
WILL trade my beautiful new 7 room
home in Rose City Park,' value' $5u00,
cost $5800 cash; will take In auto up
to $2500 and give best of terms on bal
ance. See my agent, 618 Board of Trade.
40 ACRES level bottom land, cleared;
--been plowed for alfalfa, grain or fruit;
near school and P. O.; also farms;
homes and lots; easy terms or trade.
Covbv & Co., 267 Oak, room 21.
WOULD accept 6 pass! auto as first
payment on modern 8 room residence,
or exchange for smaller place, L-65,
TO exchange. 10 acres of rich level
, land near Portland for house and lot
In upper Alblna district. Owner A, E.
Scruggs, 742 'Vaughan at
WE exchange what you have for what
you want. Peper & Baker, 444 Sher
lock lldg., 3d and uaK. war. 664.
.OlAYli $1000 cash and some land to
trade for 8 loom house. M. Aorams
Sons, 214 1st. Main 42i0.
lOJL'lTlf in lino Beaumont lot as first
payment on small home; no paving
assessment on lot. K-72, Journal.
V'E sell and exenange farms, houses
and autoa. Wagoner it Hunt, Mi
Cham ber of Comme rce. Main 6 957.
"".ALL things come to us In the-running
waters." Trude your property with
Griffin & Small, 403 Rothchlld bldg.
4 HENRY Hl.niJ. MAIN 44(16.
LL sell or trade lot or acreage, 5
passenger l'Jiv Auimrn automobile;
Marquard's, .188 13tli; phone Main 6441.
iVilik m'liapga t lots. i sa, hQusa ot lo t
close in; main alio.
iiQUITY ltl sinftil house for acreage.
Griffin & Small. 403 Rothchlld bldg,
I WILL buy, sell or trade anything,
H. F, Lee. 1015 Board of Trade bldg.
Considering the Evidence It Looks
r.rrTir , , : WSrBS . :
i' i .
F0f A Swfctu DANP.' Kmc aw
5 He's 5EEN m mu& i tMSfHPlt
59 CFfi Wit 5H? (p
TO P.P IIKinen V.o n.. .... .
turn UT UKS A
8miM8htMlJ8llJllJLJllll llll II II lllllMllllli Illlilllllllllllll tllll lllll li'lIM ll III Ml 8llili'illliet llil Hell Mil Mlle1liigiMllM8t ilTnil lileiiliili llilliitll' Tr"T '- 'tiJrftfMlik frtLi rTrrtnirif ttfV'-y TBinlgV-rMiaihlll! ' iilJ8j' l-rnii flrfn J.siielsTiaMt! 1 ifriw 'sf 8i,-'1 r'-'-M'tif 'lrf'"''?' ' - f.'',
For exchange for business property,
central Oregon farm lands, located in
bent wheat and grain counties, where
railroadu are now building; principals
only. Frank' Tteoden, 2B8 Stars stC .
TO KXCHANOPJ hand printing press for
: a bicycle, Phone Wood lawn 1915.
Want Farms
Not for trtytie.lf but for tjiy list,
i I have buy era everyduy In my of
: f ice for farms from 10 to 40 acres.
Bend me a description of your
" place and 1 will show you .results.
; C. DeYoung, E14 Chamber of Com
. mere bldg. . .
'I ltavf'fc'brand" liew 7 room" TlOme on
50x100 lot, near Hawthorne ave.i will
take a lot free from incumbrance as
part payment i the house Is doubly con
structed; living room and dining are
paneled, fireplace, . bookcases, beautiful
buffet, beam ceilings, oak. floors, two
bath rooms, Dutch kitchen, 8 foot base
ment, furnace, laundry trays, east front
age. If interested call 1405 Hawthorns
ave. of address u-70, Journal,
FOR quick-results list your property
J , u ...
WAUL WO . . v- .
tlt-21 Chamber of Commerce.
$80,000 worth of Income property In Be-
attle to trade for acreage near Port
land. Main 3032. '
WET HAVB - a syatem for removing
stumps that will open yteir eyes. Grif
fin ft small, 40s Komcnuq Diag,
WANTED Real estate, cash or trade.
Miller ft Conkltn, 619 Henry bldg.
JaeVola Bros.. 814 N, 17. Phone A-lBtl.
24 Rooms. $600
Two And 3 room apartments, 6 baths,
sleeninif oorohea. ront $70 month, long
lease, very nicely furnished; income $144
month; price uo, terms; you snouia
double your money by selling besides
having a good home and make $50
month clear; I can't look after it and
attend to my business too) hurry ulf you
want a genuine bargain.
Bargain Hunters
Here is something will make you take
notlee: Cigar, confectionery, bakery and
Mght grocery and notions; also one liv
ing room; rent only $25. This place
will Invoice $1200 and clears $7 daily,
nas a soda fountain that cost $350. Now
the first one comes with $100 takes
the whole business. Call room 607-9
Henry bldg.
FOR RKKT Hotel of about 80 rooms,
large office: situated at the southwest
corner of N. 23d and Bavier sts.; excel
lent location for a hotel for working
men. Reasonable rent: long lease. In
quire Louis Salomon & Co., 229 Btark
St.. near 2d. '
20 Rooms 20
Right on Washington St.: cheap rent;
A .i4t.o' lanaa ' a Iuhv. full' fleum flt
. . . flic , 1. 1 ., . 11 cm nax'Ltf a n i
for less than $1500. My price if taken
at once, $100 for all. Call 607-9 Henry
16 ROOMS, well furnished, modern, on
one floor, busy corner; Inoomo $110
and over above all expenses; other bus
iness and will Bell at .a big. bargain.
East 4D4J,
Ma" KE offer on 28 room rooming house,
inniiH in nnrtinf hHck Imildine. bus-
in nir nn nno floor. Onlv tran
sient rooming house In lively railroad
and logging town, u.x-bd, journal.
Tremendous Sacrifice
$875 $875
a - kitnl 1 R tvt1niitA' wnllr tmm
OV UlUill nufct, w ii.'i. .in... ....... -
5th and Wash, sts., located on East Mor
rison, modern brick building, 4 yearB'
lease, rent $5 per month per room, well
patronised; owner in trouble, must 4et
v-n lf7n in all vou need: It reoulrea
quick action. K)
I. MIWIjM " "I o ft.
37 Rooms 37
In heart of west side; nice brick; well
furnished; steam heat Included in rent;
4 year lease; clears $200 monthly; this
place Is worth $3500; on account of cir
cumstances I will sell all for $1000. Call
607-9 Henry bldg.
house, lease, cheap rent, fine tran
sient location; bargain. Owner, $22V
Htark st.
FOR SALE OR TRADR 10 furnished
rooms, all filled; restaurant and gro
cery connected; no competition; rent
reasonable. P-4!, Journal
Rooming House Owners
I have some city property and cash
to -trade for one big or small. Call Main
63T77 or A-7720.
1 HAVE a modern 17 room hue right
in business section; will sell cneap or
take close In aereg kast 4JbX.
A BNAP House of 1 rooms, all house
keeplng and full, MV years' lease, cen-
tral location, uwnrr, A-iyn.
IF you want a good boarding house, ln
vestigate this. Main 7055.
$300 BUYS best cash tStislhess in city;
will clear $125 month; open for In
vestigation; sickness cause for selling,
H-19, Journal.
WIS buy, soil or trade hotels, rooming
houses, business chances. Arnold A
Co., hotel brokers, room 15 Washington
bldg. Phone Alarslmll lS3fi
20 ROOMS .and kitchen, sell cheap, part
time; monov maker for some lady.
Particulars, Main 1 264; A-1483.
GOOD valley general store and living
rooms cheap. Also moving picture
outfit, half price. Box 14, Jefferson, Or.
WILL sell my grocery store at invoice.
Must have the cash. 518 Board of
FFUR SALli Confectionery arid-.cigar
store. 181 3d, cur, amlini.
FOR KKXT Store down town on 1st;
low rent. M. TO. Lee. 311 Corbett bldg.
CASH grocery, ood location, near
school. Will invoice. East 157.
You Can't Beat It.
Confectionery, . clgarH and ' tobacco,
bakery goods, fruit, stationery, sohooi
Hupplies, notions, novels, post cards, etc.
Rent $35; -living room furnlhheU; lease,
lively location, "good business; this
place will wtand the strictest investiga
tion; stock ' and fixtures will invoice
$800; whole price. $400; why ' worry
about making a living when $400 will
Iut you . into a good b'lHiness?.., . -
FOR KAIil-J Popular meat market, ceii.
a trally located In the city of Bugene,
doing an average monthly business of
$JOo; lease on bufldlng to run until
May l, 1914; reasonable rent; anplendid
opportunityor soma live man. Address
u. w. Bean, Cockerllne.Weatherbea bldg.,
liugene, Or." -; --.!.
-$2600 ONLY -:
living rooms, with furniture and Btore.
large lotjblg barn; chlckon housa and
chickens; will trada for city income
property or lot. ..... .: .. '-J..
J." k' NICHOLS CO., 1 8 Toon bldg.
yyi'L pay to Investigate; must ba sold
by November 1, iiVi. A dandy small
hoteL . butoher - and feed barn, small,
growing town, two R. It. crossing, hotel
doing nice- business. Also ongood
small general merchandise store, a rood
proposition and best location. Owner.
YX-50. Journal.
WANTEDLady partner for hotel in
-CentraiiH43)0 required-for-all in
terest necessary to b good cook; pres.
ent owner alone ana wants a working
partner; references exchanged. .Address
care, 210 ft N. Tower ave., Centralis,
Wash. . .
FOR RENT Hotel of about 80 rooms,
large office; situated at the southwest
cornee N. 23d and Wavier sts.' excel
lent location for a hotel for worklngmen.
Reasonable .rent: long lenBe. Inquire
Louis Salomon & Co.. 229 Stark St.. near
2d, . ' '
V ILL sell or trade staple stock of Gen.
Mdse. Invoicing about $6000; good
town, doing good businoss; excellent
COlintrv unrrniinrlln f'ann nauh hoi.
ante in Improved unincumbered land, or
Will Biv term T!tl Mnl quo oi,
City '
LIG1U grocery, confectionery, cigars.
tobacco, bakery, stutlonery, notions. 3
living rooms furnished, rent $20; will In
voice $60; all yours for $300; this Is
your chance; It's mine; and I am deter
mined to sell It at once, as I can't
" artnr n. Pirn Ye-on bldg.
FOR SALtl First class lioma haliuro
confectionery and light lunch. Owner
must sell on account of other business
A good proposition for the right party.
Cheap if taken at once. 44 E. i!8th st. N.
A DANDY" little poolroom of 8 tables,
good line cigars, ooofeotlonery; long
lease and cheap rent; the owner ha
tiv! PL1;?08 and muBt- Btll one. Call up
Main 7288.
WOLLD you build up a business of
your own in your home town at little
cost. If so. call on or write to K. A
Sessions. u9 Aulngton bldg., Portland
Possession of the best location In
the city for retail wood and coal yard,
yrap im rami, n-1 b journal.
GROCERY store corner of Hood and
Baker its.; $30 per month. Long
lear.e and good location. F. C. Jackson
FOR SALK or trade; livery and feed
Cl.ll. 1..- ...nil - . ...
stable-; mall and state, route, dolnir
(rood huHlnepx
. Address P. O. box 166,
Willaml nn. Or.
PRIVATE class In commercial law for
business men or students. Oregon
law taught by attorneys In commercial
practice. N-69, Journal. .Marsh. 4288.
500 Business Cards, SI
JJJJLuchauKjiJbkl1 286H Wash, st
WANTED A few young men to learn
watchmaking und engraving, profitable
work, plenty of openings, for lnforma-
non write ziu uioue utag., Portland. Or.
WAKTKDbne first class ladies' tai
lor and one operator, piece work or
week work: highest wages paid. A. A.
Slmrison. The Dallrs. Or.
CARPENTER I have lot worth i0b"5
and $1000 In cash for man who will
build me a $2000 house. lOOOH Bel-
moiu. npeer at lq
MEN wanted to work in brickyard on
Hiiyuu ruau. esianaara Hrlcn and
Tile Co. Mftin 1109. Yard phone. Main
LF.ARN to bo a moving picture oper
ator. Full course taught. Secure po
sition. 404 Rothchlld bldg., 4th and
Washington sts.
WANT E 1 J ij tatlon men. heavy work,
good prices. Apply Flagg, Standlfer Co.
702 Wilcox bldg.
CHEF Headquarters and Helpers.
2S5 Yamhill Street.
WANTED Soda dispensers to take up
show card writing; special class 511
Wilcox Hklg. T
WANTED At once. 2 men to learn to
drive and repair automobiles. Call at
Hawthorne Garage. 445 Hawthorne.
WANTED Man with small launch to
'travel and caW on dairies and ranches;
42 per cent profit. S-67. Journal
WANTED Experienced man to watch
duck lake: must be soher and relia
ble. F-71, Journal.
FIRST clans painter wanted. Call at 65
R. 10th N.
A PoRTKlt wanted in barber shop;
steady job. 364 Morrison.
MEN wanted to learn a lucrative pro
fession. If you are dissatisfied with your
occupation fit yourself for good paying
business. 409 Commonwealth bldg.
E. B. I'. for thorough work; shorthand,
typewriting, bookkeeping, etc.; posi
tions guaranteed. 630 Worcester blk..
Marshall 2761.
MEN and women ror government posl
tlons; $80 inenth. Write for list of
positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept.
339S. Rochester, N. Y.
MAIL curriers, postoff ice"clerks wanted.
Pnrt I M nTiniillintnn A
coaching. Franklin Institute, Dept. 841S,
Roclicster. N. Y.
UNCA I.LEW for tailor made suits $t.i0
up. Taylor the Tailor. 26 Burnaide st
D-NCALLIvD .tox tauor -JimOit autLa.-jiu
up. Harvard Tailors. Si 3d st.
$50 COURSE for $15 this month at
Beauty Parlors, 613 Rothchlld bldg.
I TEACH show card writing In 30 days,
complete foundation. 611 Wilcox bldg
as if Mutt "Framed" Something on
'W-I8W ' ( 1 . 1::? Kwt4V4E6T H " ' ,
I tooAAu.AU T TWEET . I ' r" . I I 5,1 .7;
AlNfT I J i ; V ! I '
ONLY, room for five more young ladles
and tnn men In the day and night
classes In telegraphy now forming for
graduation In January; easy to larn; a
good position guaranteed each graduate;
main line wires in school, Apply J. C
Wright, resident manager- the Morsa
Telegraph Co., 505 Commonwealth bldg..
etn ami Ann eny.
- L C. Hi Fraternity a nd Btudent'e A!4
Department. Open. Wed. and Bat. nights.
606 McKay Bldg., 8d and Btark, -: -V
Ftione Main 1028
thorough praetlcal coursa m- la.
No time ktst from regular occupation.
Recitations evening Term commences
October 1. 1912. Samuel T. Richardson,
dean. 'Address M. Morehead, secretary.
$16-817 Commonwealth bldg., Port.. Ore,
MEW and women to learn barber trad
In weeks. Special inducements, per
eentage earned while learning. Tools
free, xprt Instructors. 17 yare in busi
ness. $7 schools,. Life time gcholarshlp
to evary student Moler Barber College,
o n. 4tn st., Portland. Or.
EAST Bids Practical Telegraph School,
759 Wasco st Day and evening ses
, , , ' " ' " v " " J ' ;
ETHNOGRAPHER and bookkeeper who
is able to tak responsible position
with big concern. Must be competent,
settled and over 25 years of age. Best
of references will be required. Must
Invest at least $1000 In stock of com
pany. Salary to begin with $75 per
month. Unless you can measure up to
the above standard, please do not an-
swer. ArD4, journal.
WANTED Resident corsetieres for Nu
iione corsets. Clean, high-class em
ployment, for neat, intelligent woman.
601-2 Northwest building
WANTED A governess to teach Eng
llsh and piano lessons to 3 children,
ages 16, 14 and 10; wages $20 per
month, room and board. Address J, Mc.
Intire, care Str. Iralda, Clty
WANTED A good smart woman for
general housework. Good pay and
good home. Call Peninsula Hotel, cor
ner McKenna ave. and Willamette
PIANIST Must sing; soubreite, sing
and dance; other good performers
New York Theatrical Agency, EHlers
bldg, suite HQ.
WANT a chambermaid to take charge
of rooming house, ('all at 253 corner
of Williams ave. and Russell st. Call
between 4 and b.
W A N T EDLa dy clerk tor drygoods
store In valley town op looo; perma
nent. State experience fully. NX-69,
Journnl. .
WANTED Girl to do light housework:
small family; a good home for good
girl. Phone R-3027
GIRLS learn to make delicious ealads
and pies at i . W, C, A.
OJRLS Learn to speak English; better
wages, i. w . ... a
APPRENTICE, hair dressing, $15 full
course comDinga pouglit. M. -mie.
GIRLS learn to make good lifead at Y.
W. C: A.
HELP wanted In ladies' tailor shop for
general sewing. Call 137 E. 60th.
WANTED 50 girls. Mt. Hood Bhirt &
Overall factory, 2d and Couch sts.
C. R. Hansen & Co.
General Employment Agencies
26 and 28 North 2d St., Portland, Or.
Women's Dept., 7th and Wash Sts.
Help Furnished Free
Ban Francisco office 505 Howard Bt.
Spokane office 218 Bernard Bt,
for competent loggers, ml 11 men, R. R.
construction men, farm hands, and all
classes ef skilled and unskilled labor.
Write, wire, phone or call at our ex
pense. Marshall 2271. A-7745.
A square deal to employer and employe.
No char ge to employer.
SALESMEN One of our salesmen made
$147 commission last week; others
earned from $25 weekly op. If this In
come looks good to you. write us today.
Several excellent fields open If taken
Immediately. Washington Nursery Co.,
Toppenlah, Wash.
WANTED Position taking charge of
farm, long experience In farm work
ana also in handling men; not afraid
of work myself; .can furnish first clat.s
reference. Alvin .'Thomas, Oregon City.
YEARS of experience in building or re
pairing houses; all work first class.
Phone Bollwood 1619.
FARM work desired by young man from
agricultural college. Poultry or fruit
ranch pnferred. P-66, Journal.
YOL'NG man of .25 with experience as
poultry man desires work on an Or
egon ranch. Q-64, Journal.
BOY 14 yenrs old. willing worker, do
' sires place to work for room and board
while going to school. 741 E. Pine et.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day
work, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Satur
days. Ii 2239; B-1229.
AN experienced, competent colored wo
man will do laundry work st home or
work out by the day, 378 Rose. East
MIDDLE-AGED lady, good " "suburban
home, would give mother's care to
one or two children, 683 Bidwell. sell-
YOUNG -lady" wishes position as houae
keeper for one or two gentlemen;
K . . .1 1 .. i. . .1 m f . i 1 ...i .nn 1
trriT:"OVTVr-r;,4. . " ,'rTi 1 . - ...i.i...
position.- t'ltv
oeiiwooci Iw'Jl.
tO UNO woman wants work by day or
nour. ynone Eas t .4 2 tin.
GOOD woman wants day work washing,
your nousQ or mine. niii jappr g
LACE .curtains, drapertes. blankets.laun
flered by experts, 25c up. Tabor 817.
EXPERIENCED lady- cashier wishes
position; references, Main 7299,
CHILDREN to cars for by lady foml
of children. Tabor 4052.
WANTED work., cam o or ranch, b
34 7 2d
and wife: wife good cook. - 86
St., a E. Tabor 4 220.
EMBROIDERY,: .Hvfantsllayettes,. bridal
sets, gowns, perfect work guaranteed;
leKsone. 1'none e.nsi .iri..
DRESSMAKING and ladles' tailoring.
satisfaction guaranteed. , 481 Vi- i
Morrison st. Phono East 5176. -
DRESSMAKING and alterations by the
day or at home. Phono Marshall 2459,
west; SIDH
$90',i Morrison St.. -corner 10th.
$3 and $3.50 up per week; neat, airy
rooms. Including bath and phones. No
extra charae for two In a room.
NICELY furnished rooms for rent, suit
able for one or two gentlemen; one
room with piano, with or without board.
t3U jiavis, near itn
BRIGHT furnished rooms for one or
two; heat, bath and telephone; $1.75
for one, $3 for two. 135 17th st. North.
Main 8202.
NEWLY furnished rooms, modern con
veniences, central, $8 week. 404 Clay
near uth.
NEWLY furnished rooms, modern, lower
flat, reasonable, close lh, bath and
neat. 54 N. 16in St., cor. coucn
THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished1
rooms, bath, phone, hot anq coia water,
$12 to $15. Main 6435. BOD Jeftersun
LARGE newly furnished room; hot
water, bath, steam neat, pnone. ot
Couch st., flat 2. Phone Marshall 1035.
fiSOTEL DkflASOOO Ytf ? fc "EE
Kree phone and hath. Main 7764.
MODERN rooms, nicely furnished, spe
cial prices to permanent renters. 741
Ollsan st, .
CHEAP, well furnished rooms, all con
veniences. 266 12th sU walking dis
NICELY' furnished rooms, steam heat.
phone, bath. J3.DU up. tli Washing
ton st.
PLEASANT, small front room, i 1 . A 0 per
week; also fine large room, IS. n
13th St. Main 9461.
NEWLY furnished steam heated room.
$11 a month. Phone Marshall 2449 or
663 Vi Ollsan at.
HOTEL HART has been newly reno
vated. rtioinw $2.6(up; free baths.
NICELY furnished rooms, all conven
iences. Phone A-5097. 190 1 7th.
$1.60 to $2 week, nicely furnished, bright
rooms. 245 6th st.
THE MONTGOMERY, cor. East Morrl-
son and East 8th Nicely furnished
rooms reasonable.
TWO nicely furnished rooms In private
family, close in. Phone, bath, heat.
678 Union ave.
ELECTRICITY, bath, gas, furnace: ref
erences; $2 and $2.26 week. 229 K
ROOMS Bath, fire grate private fam
ily, walking distance, cheap rent. 101
E. nth st., corner Wash.
THE Larrabee. 227 ft Larrabee. Rooms
$2 and up. Brick bldg., stearn heat, hot,
cold water, bath, phone, electricity.
FURNISHED rooms $5 to $10 per week.
housekeeping rooms $50 per mo. N.
852 Ross fct.
NICE FRONT room, newly furnished,
In pj-ivate flat, modern conveniences;
rent reasonable. 481 K. Couch st.
ONE nice largo front room, bath, phone:
nice for onu or two. reasonable. 847
Grand ave. N., near Broadway.
FURNISHED room In private family.
629 E. Madison. Phone East 664.
NICE furnished rooms, 213 Grand ave.
North corner ilolladay Phone East
TWO newly furnished rooms. 500 Haw
thorne ave., corner 10th.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms In
suite of two; gas plate furnished.' $1
per room per week. llelmont Apart
ment. 480 Belmont st.
TWO large unfurnished front rooms;
gns, water, phone. 5'J9 Yamhill st.
ONK large unfurnished room; electrlo
light and water. Main .9451. 171 13th.
HOME cooking, outside rooms, bath, 2
in room $u week up; single, $5.60
week up; meal t Irketa $4.5.0 ; 2S4 Main.
ROOM and board suitable for men or
young ladles; Cnsa Rosa, 300 Jeffer
son. WE'LL room and board two men In one
room, Jii week each; bath and phone.
393 Harrison st.
ROOMS with board, laundry privileges.
furnacM heat; women only. Phone
Marshall 2D7. 490 Taylor st.
NICELY' furnished front rooms with
hoard, reasoiiHlile price 167 11th st.
STltiiX. claba...batdr aud.-Wuni. vcri
thing modern. ' 5,"3 E. Couch.
ROOM and board, with hath, phone and
PH. MS Itoyt Bt. A-3420,
BOARD und room in private family;
bath and phone. 187 12th st.
e e
TWO fine large rooms, modem, home
cooking; good locstlon; 3 corlines, S.
16th and W 617 Kearney.
LARGE front housekeeping rooni, sink,
gas range, electric lights, $11 per
month; one large side room, 9 per wo.
J N. 1 4th, Bt. Main 8747. : , l. -l
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, connecting or
single, reasonable rent, suitable for
small family. 181 8th, across from Port-
Minu noiei. y : t
HO USEKEEPING " luitee, nicely rur
nlshed rooms, good house, running
water, furnace heat for 12 a Week and
tin. Poll HitC s .i . .. .
FlRST CLASS single, all outside rooms,
heat, light, hot water in bath, $2 to
$5 per Week. 23d st. or W car from
union depot 675 Couch, corner 18th. -
. - . . vuu ... .11 1-1 . r
8 NICE front unfurnished housekeep
lng rooms; also 8" furnished house
keeping rooms, hot and cold water,
wl. ri rt'x . . .nil "
- " " I. I I I I J. V ! Il I
iiuuim, 910 mil
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms,
steel range, modern, first floor, pri
vate entrance, walking distance. Phone
1 . 1. 11 . 1. . . .
LARUE, clean, well furnished single
housekeeping rooms, modern, reaaoa-
ao'e. at Montgomery st.
SINGLE housekeeping room; hot water,
- electric lights, $12 month; Mrs. John
son, its tuth st,
DANDY H. K. rooms, al conveniences,
W car. va.rd. 40K7. 694
NICELY, furnished housekeeping room;
running water, phone, bath, $3.'i5
week. 181 Uth. "
it URNiSHiD H- rooms, modern $1.60
ujv S car to 207 Sherman, Marshall
FOUR housekeeping rooms furnished,
?25 per month. 308 Columbia st.
Marsiiall 2195. '
HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms,
Ocm hotel, 665 1st st. ; steam heat,
new building. $1.25 week up; free phone.
feUl'i'E of housekeepuig rooms (front),
new furniture, hot and cold water, fur
nace heat, ihone; 60 Ella St.
361 TAYLOR, cor. Park., housekeeping
suites and single. Free gas, bath and
phone. . .
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms,
leu ii. bath, laundry, yard. 626 Thur-
maii st
301 TAYLOR, corner Park, housekeeping
suites, and single. Free gas, bath,
BASEMENT rooms, suitable for plain
working people; dry, warm, $1.60 to
$8 week, 675 Couch St., corner lKtn,
2 AND 3 strictly modern H. K. rooms,
$14 and $16 a month. 580 2nd st.
FURNISHED and unfurnished cottages
ll, wuuea, a up. aai nmm oi.n
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 814
bth st., phone A-1648.
SINGLE furnished housekeeping rooms,
$10 arid $12 a month. 391 Yamhill.
2 AND 3 nicely furnished housekeeping
ruoms, gas, bath, $3. 691 Front.
HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms.
$1.50 per week, $2.25 per suite. 291 2d.
FOUR partly furnished housekeeping
rooms. 497 Columbia st. Main 2302.
LIGHT housekeeping rooms, reasonable.
5 "5 4th St., corner Grant.
HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms,
breakfast If desired. 3j9 MarUct st.
11. K. rooms, gas, nam, phone, steam
heat, $3.6U-up. 876 yamnill.
FRONT housekeeping suite With run- watrr, heat, bath. 171 N. 17tn.
TWO housekeeping rooms; phone, gaa.
7'21 1st, opposite school.
FOR RENT 3 or 4 nicely furnished H.
K, rooms, private toilet gild bath;
front and back porches; $11 and $12
month. 1986 E. 74th st. N. M-V car.
Phone Marshall 3 733,
FOR good, clean houseKeeplng rooms,
beautiful view, overlooking the river,
modern conveniences: price $10 to $13
per suite. Call 682 E. 6th st. Brooklyn
Hntispkeflninp AnflrtmAnts
6 and $18 per month
WoodJawn 2997.
TWO partly furnished housekeeping
rooms for rent, gas, bath, phone, rea
sonable. 847 Grand ave. N.a near Broad
way. TWO and three H. IC rooms, cheap;
elec, bath; phone E. 5246. 696 Va E.
TWO and 8 room suite housekeeping
rooms; light, sunny, close In; rent
reasonable. 44 East 7th, near Oak.
$12 3 furnished housekeeping rooms,
with gas. 642 E. 27th St., 1 block
sooth of Richmond car.
Newly furnished H, K. suites; also
sleeping rooms. 443 Hassalo, cor. H. 7th.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms,
walking distance, bath, pnone, gas.
82 E. 10th st. Phone East 168.
NICE H. K. room. 698 Commercial St.,
$2.75 week; heat, bath, laundry and
TWO front partly furnished houaekeep-
lng rooms, $iu per mo. vdz Division
st. W.-R. car.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms.
20 I.. 11th st. N. East 2617.
RENT, furnished for housekeeping, also
single room. 289 Halsey, U car.
3 and 5 furnished housekeeping rooms.
4G4 Flint St., near Russell.
MODERN 6 room house East 13th and
I 1 vIslonntreet. On 2 car lines, $18.
SEVEN room modern house for rent.
.... . i- tii.. tt r . ,
4"4 r. Mil. lump r...
SMALL 3 room house, Albert. $500,
.Main 4102, or 1017 E. 18th N.
$22.509 room house, 1133 E. Main st.,
near .iStn. Main ivon; A-inn,
5 ROOM cottuge to responsible parties
only; mit $16. Inquire 925 E. Stark.
SMALL 3 room unturnlsiied cottage,
with yard, cheap. 670 Northrup.
FOR. JtE'X5om, B,
on car, $20. Sf-nwoooT Vto.
WAVEK1.Y Modern room house, fur
nace915 Ellaworth: Bellwood 768.
fTiR RENT Modern 5 room house.
Phone Tabor 138.
e e
iiousls ror; r.::.r t:
FINK 8 room house tn rnel '
and carline: new thorontlil v tno,nin
with fireplace, furnaoe, all built-in ni
venienceB,' hardwood, floors downstairs
sleeping porch, $45 per month to r
sponsible people, only. , A. U Leonard
receiver 82 4th st. , ,
MODERN 6 room house. 481 N. Ui su
corner York, $18.
. Neat t room cottage, N,-134 St, Beat
Nicolal st., $12.60, i
i room cofrtsge, 868 Btanton st.t Hear
union ave,, fi.
828 gtarfc Bt.. Near id. ,t
7 ROOM modern house, with or without
garage. 87 K, Everett st, Key st
till 10th. 1 hlnilr f mm ir1tni ilrulll.
jj improved, good neighborhood. v ,
FOUR '.'.rooniis ' complete, 8TfIoor, gas
range and sleeping porch. $18 per mo,
1042 IS. Sherman. Take Waverly-Rloh.
monq cy. mone Beuwooq 757.
IN beautiful, Irvlngton; 8 nice modern
houses. 7 and 8 rooms, $36 and 845.
Keys -Ml Clackamas. Phone East 801.
croaoway cars.
lOU.RE.vr A lye- room cottage new- .
Iy papered and painted; porcelain
bath, gas and basement, $1. 888 Broad-
" J . - - - -
( ROOM house for rent, electricity and
eas. 366 Kteohena at. ht Fast lit
and Union ave.
8 ROOM modern house. No. 180 Nl8tt
St., corner of johnson. Rent $45. Phone,,
$84 room house and free wood, thor
otighly overhauled, at Flrland. Room '
iv wasningion Diag,
$25 monthly. Includlna interest modern
6 room bungalow, small - payment; ,';
near car. . uwner, tap woroeeier dik.
6 ROOM house for $8 a month. 418 -'
-Chamber of Commeree. Phone Main ;-
5 ROOM bungalow for sale or rent, fur- ,
niture for sale, terras. $780 E. 63d
, nr, cft. .... . rM.MA ' -
Dl., .VI L. Of'l i:ftl, VWilBI,
81 8 Modern 8 room house, near Brook- . '
lyn and- Bellwood car, I'hon gell-
5 ROOM modern house, 2 store lulld?
lngs. Inquire S. E. Hoenel, 411 Lorn
bard St., St. Johns car. '
FOR RENT 4 room house 'and 14 seres
ground. 4 blocks from earline, fruit
ami perries, izou n. sag St., n.
FOR RENT 6, 6, 7 and 8 "room houses.
very close in, west aiae; tow real. M.
k., ii uoroeu Diag.
MODERN 6 room house with sleeping
porch. Corner E. S3d and Salmon,
Main 1290. Mouse open nunaay.
CLOSE In, west side, corner 11th and
Harrison, walking distance. Main
FOR RENT, nicely situated modern 6
room house, on Grand aye., close in.
fnone beuwooa vol.
MONTH'S. RENT FREE Elegant fuw
nished house, reasonable, while' go
ing east. zta uidds.
bath, gas, electricity. Phone A-561I
or call 648 7th st. ,'""";'
MODERN 5 room cottage at 85 86th' st,
near ctark. $16. Call Tabor 854.
A 4 ROOM cottage, 188 N, 21st st. Main
1747. A-4B62.
MODERN 6 room residence, B. 15th
and Frederick. Gordon, Bellwood 1687,
$17 M odern 6 room cottage. 401 Ban
Rafael at., door open.
FURNISHED i room flat, with barn,
' chicken house, and yard, nice place for
garden. Adults. Use of piano; rent rea
sonable, 6681 42nd ave.. Myrtle Park
VERY desirable 8 room flat, large
front porch, Twenty-sixth street; 2
ear line; reasonable. Phone Bell wood
2. Reference.
HERE'S your chance, 8 room furnished
house, piano, everything clean, nice
corner, near car. Phone morning. Tabor-
36. - -
THREE clean, well furnished rooms,
gas, hall, pantry, bath, basement, nice
lawn and flowers, $1$. 762 E. Ith at.
N., corner Fremont.
FOR RENT room house completely
furnished for rooming or boarding,
near N. 16th and Everett Phone Mar
shall 3253; A-3068.
e TjAVf . wall iirnTeiKAA "ivniimA. wk ka'..
fully modern, fhone Bellwood 886,:
MODERN 5 room house, - newnloely -
furnished. 1138 Vernon Ave., East
Bide; no children. Inquire 225 8th. st. .:
FOR RENT 4 room modern cottage.
zurnisnea, monvn. uiernuona
at 169 E. 26th, near Belmont
FURNISHED cottage, piano. 248 Mon-
roe st, near Williams ave. U cer,
$86 New 7 room house, furnished com
plete; Turnace, ai see nawtnoras aye.'
FOUR room furnished cottage for renL
Call 834 Montana ave. L car.
BIX room modern house, furnished, 116.
Phone Woodlawn 1799.
NINE room house for rent, furniture fof '
sale; keep roomers and boarders; In- .
come $125 month; everything nice and
clean; will go away. 828 E. 1st N. Q-2428. .
fit) " month buys the furniture' of cot.
tage, lovely yard, 1 block from sohooi
ready for keeping house. 4910 E. 2d
St., Mt. Bcott car. Decided snap.'
SPECIAL bargains m exchange deptj,
used furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges,
etc. Call and be convinced. M, Ostrow
& Co.. 64 N. 8d St.
FURNISHED six room house for rent or
furniture for sale.
688 B. 8th it.
Phone E. 6087. ' ' ;
FIVE room flat, splendid neighborhood,
reasonable rent, steam heat; will rent
furnished. Phone Main 2325.
FOR SALE At a sacrifice, furniture
of 6 room house, nearly new; large
garden; rent 815. 845 E. Ash.
FOR SALE 6 room modern flat for
cash; rent $25. 401 1st st All 0t
aide rooms, rented.
FURNITURE of 8 rooms for sale cheep,
house for rent. 650 Taylor, Mar. 798.-
PIANO and furniture ( room house for
sale cheap. 8 Union ave.
FURNITURE for sale cheap. Call 784 '
Alblna ave. L car. X-
FOR SALE Dresser cook stove, table -v." .'
and bed, very reasonable. 892 Front. ,;
By "Bud" Fisher