tiii: onixon daily journal, tortland, Monday evening, October 7, 1312. WM M OF (ffiSE 15 PER COIT 1EI1IF0R1911 Chnrlcs v Bay, Well Known Maker, Says Tliat Favorable Season ta Re sponsible for Increase; South Is Best Bayer,; ' " 11 m e ALONG GG TRADE FRONT STREET Market Less Active for Fresh Stock Owing to High Price; Damaged Stock From South Expected Here, Likewise Big Sliipment From East. Portland Wholesale BUrketa,''. : Egg trade weaker. ? 'i . . I?iuiltru- market- suDDlled - y n eese - pit - t, Butter price unchanged , Concord grapes sasy. Dressed nogs steady. No, i onions low. Good demand for hops. .? Tears in better call. . ' - An Increase of .tully IS por cent Is shown in the make of cheese at Tllla ntook. The authority for this statement Is Charles Ray, tha well known maker lot the Tillamook country, who -was in the city on business today. "-"There flas been an increase of fully .lSjpeivcent nwtpt;tsst-amook. this season,' says Mr,. Kay. . "TJMs much more cheese has been made to date this season than' during the. same period a year ago. . " "The only reason for this increase, outside of the small aid given by the slight Increase In the herds. Is that we had favorable weather and with plenty of, feed and grass a greater make wan ,the outcome, ' V. . . , ' 'California Is getting to be the big cheess buyer In the Tillamook country; rmowt -of our product going to Los An geles and Ban Francisco this season, although Puget sound and Idaho have .been quite good buyers. ' "There Is no cheese to speak or on jhand at Tillamook at this time, there- far a a market Is concerned. At many times aunng me season ww "t unable to fill our orders and this has kept the trade culto bare most of the time." .' : ?E$E MARKET IS HIGHEB iMAt expected there was a general ad vance of Ho a pound in theprlce-jjf cheese In' the local rrfarket today. The trade has been very much disappointed at the small stocks here, the nonar rival of the steamer from Tillamook gddlng to the strength of the price. y' GRATE TBADE IS CLOGGED Trade In the grape market Is clogged with offerings. Concords are In very liberal Btjpply and sales are being made as low as lue a basket for the small size, although the general" price remains at CHICKEN MARKET SUPPLIED " Owing to the very heavy supplies of Chickens that came forward to Front treet during the last two weeks, Uii wants of the trade are well supplied. For this reason there I" not likely to -be-. much stuff wanted and shippers should .gbvsrn flie' movement ' accord ingly. ' ' ' " "' "' PEARS SLIGHTLY FIRMER '-' Slight Increase In strength Is shown In tha pear trade today. Receipts are Small and demand Is Increasing, with ales from $1.26 to $1.50 according to variety and quality ONION'S SELLING LOWER id Market Is oversunniled with No. " S onions and this Is hurting the sale of the best stock. Sales are being made Yiv commission men as low as 60c ner Cental, while they are forced to pay j6o for no. l stocK at country points. HEAVY SUPPLY OF TOMATOES - Very heavy supplies of tomatoes are coming forward from local places and the trade is nut any too good today at 10c for extreme duality. Some held ever stock was sold Saturday down to 15o a box. FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS - Weather bureau sends out' the fol lowing notice to shippers: Protect shipments as far north as Seattle agnlnt minimum temperatures of about 40 degrees, northeast to Spo kane. 39 degrees: southeast to Dolse. tt "degrees;- south in giklyoa. 3ft -degrees. . Minimum temperature at Port land tonight, about 4 degrees. ; PORTIjANP jobbing- prices These .prices are thoee at whlok wholesalers sell to retailers, except as tlberwlse stated! - Butter, Eggs sag realtor. -'"RUTTKK Nominal : extra, cresmar-t cubes and tubs. 33ftc; prints. S4fe0l5o; aairy, iiut. kcios Candled local extras. S&3tf ordinary, candled, 83c; spot buying price loss off 32c f. o. b. Portland; beat east ern, 2S(P3C. murage, too QOZ.; lee nniiH. 13 is i case. LIVE POULTRY Hens, lltfillUe lb.: nrlnes. llHViic; ceese. 10c: Pekln ducks, nV42c; Indian runners, i0g; (turkeys, UW'iOci dressed, 27V4c; pigeons rVBUTTKK KAT Frouucers price, for Ljrtlanil delivery, per lb, 3Hc, mh.h.p.. ii(niiiM. can vregon fancy, full cream, twins and triplets, 18c; daisies. 18'ic; Young America, ' BKRRIKi BiacKbernes. $1.60; straw berries. 3. 60. ' POTATOKd Belling nrtce: Rt choice, 76o; choice, 6o; oreinary, see per conul; buying price, carloads. 60c, country sweets, jU.5tfii.6e per cenui. bananar, 4Vi6o lb.; lemons, Sgli0; limes. II per hundred; grapefruit. $6.00; pineapples. 6o lb.; peaches, 40(75c box; ca.ntaloUDes. tl.iiWl.6t) per crata: ara. termeluns. 0o per hunditd lbs,; pears. 11.251.59 per box; grapes, baskets. 1020c; crates, 60c$l.oo; cranberries, , ONIONS $1 1.10; association sell tng price, 75o cental, f. o. b. stiippioa points; garlic. 7 Vk sc. " , VKOETABLE8 New turnlDS, eoa7itn. new beets, $1.00; earme.flo 76c per bbck-,. jttiBimiBi tuii.t9 vhi-k; caDnage, $1.001.26; tomatoes, boxes, 4060o; string beans, l 2c lb.; gren anions. lOo J.C.WILS0N&C0. MEMBEB8 : '::' NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE .NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANQB) ' ' CHICAQO BOARD OF TRADE THE STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE - - SAN FRANCISCO , PORTLAND OFFICE Boom 8, Lnmbermena Bank Bldg. i PbonoIarshall 4120, Aj4187j Btocks. Donde. Cotton. Ore In, Eto. B16-81T Board : of Traits Bnlldlnff. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Chicago Boartl of Trade " Correspondents of Lop an ft Uryaa ' , Chicago, t'ew Xork.. . There Is a weaker feellne In the ess trade locally and most recelvore. are quite willing to sell their' best product at 25a a dozen,1 Stocks of fresh eggs are accumulating along, the street and in-generat -the- -eituatlon-ts weaKer-all around.-. j While soma sales are resorted st 36c and. even 87o a dozen In a very limited way, uie amount or stocK that is go ing out at tnese figures Is so small thai It can scarcely bo considered as a market factor, 1 i There was a rerjort thls mornlne- that a well known local broker who reoently went soutn,- oaa purensaea a -targe sup ply of - -"sal vage' - eggs that were dam aged In a .fire. Mr this purchase was made, the stock will likely be placed upon' the local market In competition with the fresh stock, thereby weaken ing the general situation. The report Of the purchase could 4iot be confirmed. .-Heavy supplies of cheap quality east ern eses' have been started In this di rection, and It is -understood that an- otner attempt will tie made to place-an krtlflcaliy JilgB PVlca' On the local prod uct to stop the sale and give the handlers of the Imported stock a chance to clean up at the expense of the local Industry-. CHICAGO TRIES IT ALONE Wheat Market Acta Independent of -s- Rest of the World Today.- - Chicago, Oct 7. Chicago tried to make us own prloea On the wheat mar ket today and failed miserably. There was an opening loss of c a bushel In both December and July, and an advance of. He In the May. Closing was un changed for, the December, hc higher for the May and He lower for the July. 1 With foreign markets Weaker and lower and high World's shipments, there was a disposition to sell short at the opening, and liquidation among the long interests louowea. Range of Chicago prices furnished by uvernecK & cooxe Co.: : . WHEAT, Open. High. . 90 81V i 95 H -95 . 93H 93V4 CORN. 6314 6214 , 62& Deo. May July Low. 92 Close. 81 'A B H5 41 B 93 B Dec May July Dec. May 32 Oct ...,1690 Jan 1935 May ....1895 Oct. Jan. May Oct Jan. Mav ...1160 ...1047 ,..1072 ...1020 ...1000 .- - 63 63 E34 62 Vi 62 M. 61 62 62 62 OATS. 3 2 '.4 31 82 34 84 34 PORK. 1700 -1690 1700 1970 1927 1967 A 1920 1892 1912 LARD. 117 1160 1187 1116 1095 U12B 1062 1045 1060 RIBS. 1092 1073 1092 B 1037 1020 ,1086 1015 1000 1016 CHICAGO CATTLE LOWER Market Off Dime; Some Cut Is Made in Sheep, Too. . . Chicago. Oct. 7. Hogs, 25,000; year ago. 24,000; left over, 2700. Market steady. Mixed. $8.65 W 9.80; good. $8.70 g.25; rough. $8.468.60; light $$.56 Cattle 20,000, Sheep 60.000. Market 10c lower. Market 10c lower. KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK Cattle Down 10 to 25 Cents Today; Another Cut in Sheep. lZansas City. Oct. 7. Hogs, 6000. Mar ket steady. Tops. $9.25. Cattle 27,000. Market lOo to 26c lower. Sheep 6,000. Market lOo to 15c lower. STEADYTRADETODAY . Il LIVESTOCK MARKET ... IN H. PORTLAND.YARD APPLE TRADE IS NOT CT0RYTjlG General ' Conditions Are Practically , Not Only la Domestic Demand for the Same as Ruled Last Week; at Closing; Another Good Itun of Hogs in Yards. , - . ZVooal Wveitoek Situation., 4 Hogs Trade still filled up, but general-market- Is-steady;- -Cattle She stuff sells well up Western Apples Confined Almost Exclusively to Better Quality bnt European xrgae la Blow.; t to top. e Calves Receipts light; de 4 mand good. ' ' bheep Ewes sell 1 at advance , of lOo for qusilty. S Lambs Market firm for best 'PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. :-.k. ' Conditions In the apple trade through out the United Htates are today the most unsatisfactory for many years st this perlpd. The crop of-apples at e4st ern points' Is so heavy that4 the-trade nera is normucn interested m western e- apples this- season, wltbr1 the possible 4 exception - of extra fancy quality. In -v no district will there; be a heavy crop 7 of the beat stock this season, therefore X for this one stock quite good prices are , expected, although the marktt will be w Mon, , , sat...... Frl. Thurs. .. VV BU, Hogs,; Cattle. Calves. Sheep. 767 286 '614 ' 38$ -252 467 108 240 75 Tues, ,Vr-'-60-T--'-92a-' Week ago,-, 868 : 922 year ago. 470 , -3 t yrs. ago. 268 847 1441 163 1748 799 -i96 " 2966 991 1223 FRACTIONAL DECLINES IN STOCK dosen bunches; peppers, bell. 4o per lb.; head lettuce, 2tc do.; hothouse, ,bc tx$l box; radisiiea, 10c aoccn bunches; telery, 6066o dos.; egg plant, $1.26 1.60 crate; peas, 7o lb.; cauuftiwer, bbcy i 2S" Jgsats. rish ana vxoTunons, OUi.tooa.l-' WJiATb Cojiay Itlllea. Hogs, fancy, lie; .ordinary, 10c; rouga ana neavy, iiut; veaiT 14c; ordinary. 13 c; lici lanma, ip lancy .poor. Mil , ( auais. i J 4c; beet, 7 10c HAMS UACUN. KiC IltfmS, l&Kif 19c: breakfast bacon. 16 it 27c; boiled MliATb icauig liuuav oit Mu. t aioca, Mc; cows. No. stock. 110; ewes, ii wethers, OftCj Uaius, iie; pork loins, "Vi OBTlitt ouoolwater bay. per gal Ion t ); PS' 1WJ ib- c t ); Olym pla, per gallon.. $3,251. J)er 100 lb. sack. inM. canned eastern, 6io can; $6.60 doi.; astern in aneil. HK.Utf .mii- uy. 14. tor ciaiua, a.uoeZ.2a box. FISH Nominal Rock'cod, lOo lb.; dressed flounders. 7c; halibut, SQplOc; striped bass. 20c; catfish. 12c; saunou, 8M10C lh.; soles, 10 per lb.: shrinipa, lifoc; lb.; perch. 6c; tomcod, 6c; lob sters. 20c; herrings ( ; black bass, Buc; sturgeon. 12c; silver smelt. 7c lb.; btek cod. 7c; eastern oysura, full measure, solid pack, $3 per gallon. lKU Tierces, 140 10. ; compound, tierces, 10c Bops. Wool sad Xlaea, HOPB f roducers' price iij, nomt nal, 15(if 19c WOOL. Willamette volley, eoarse hire. ici tihowe -ucy iou; no pr ikT Vetera Otegoa. l(Wc' ovrauli'X: 'ORSCARA BAIUC isiz nominal, cariots 6 He. less carlots. 60 lb.i 18" l,wrK aH, e; U lata 614.0 IbV HIDK8 JUry bodes, 02io, reen. ViSlci salted hides 10 H W Uo; buuT ireiu sail, T W c: kids. 1 Wciive ory" 24Vso; calftaine, salted w arein. Ual W reu hkatm. lio inon salted; Shtep pelts, salieu. i; ary. "U Oioosr.. '1UCK Japan style, no, 1. eiiOSkCi creOla, 6140. ... . eUOAU Cube, I S.tS; powdered. $6.86; fruit or berry, $6.86; best. 86.66; dry iranulate-l. M6; U yellow. kiu6j HeX uiuiu pientatiun cane grauuiaua. eu iwa. lAbove quotations are v days net co.i SALT Coa.se, hut grounds lvua is.60 per ton, 60s, $.00; table oatry, u$. ioos, $17; bales, $.2;. extra ttue u?r'u. is. hs and ls. 4.we.vv; lump iu.6o per ton. . VfeKASfl Bmall . white 6 Ho; large white. 6c; pink, 6c; bayou, 4fco; lttnaa, 6c; reds, 6c UoMvx New. $2.76 per case. 2ints. Coal OU. Xie, LINSEED OILRaw. bbls., 73o gaL; kettle boiled, bbl., 76c gal.; raw, cases 78c; boiled, cases, 60c gal.; lots oi 26V gallons. i ls, t.11 oks uteeu. 4 per ton. - . WH1TB LEAD Ton lots. 8a per lb.i 600 lb. lots, to per io.; lej.s lots. PeTUKjPlNTINB-Ift ease. ?tc; wood barrels, 70e; iron barrels. (o per gai Umt 10 cose lots. 72a. NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT vortland sanks. TfFhi week. Tear ago; Monday ..... $2,636,000.39 2,32,466.16 , , Toooma Banks. : Clearings, $808,324; balances, $61,430. . Besttle Banks. Clearings, $2,449,818; balances. $152,. There was another liberal marketlns- of livestock at: North Portland for the day. The big run In the hog pens con tinues and tbe situation Is still acute so far as local killers are concernod. With all of their want well taken care of by recent weeks liberal supplies they are not In a position to participate in the uuyinv at time except as minor rac tors. . - This Is Perhana tha worst feature of the present Situation In the awlne tradn and if no diminishing of the run is snown in tne immeaiate future It would be an easy matter to guess where prices wm go no matter wnat prices are paid east of the Rockies. The present situation in the hog trade at North Portland is not the mat ter of prices so much with local packers as It is to get rid of the stuff. At the best there Is not very much doing in the provision trade at this time and higher, instead of lower values for hog products are . the rule notwithstanding the decline In hogs on foot, Xorket Is Clogged. In other words, the market Is clogged. Higher prices for packing house prod ucts have simply cut the demand in half and there Is an accumulation on every sjde. At best, the market for lo cal provisions Is limited, owing to the keen competition with eastern packers. The latter are on an equal footing witn the local packer so far as being able to sell at these prices; In fact, he Is In a better position, b ecu-use he Is able to get rid of all his oroducts, while, the heavier class of stuff finds but lit tle call In the more sparsely settled sections of the Paciflo coast. Run of hogs at North Portland to day was 767 head, compared with 857 last week, 470 a year ago and 262 head for this game day two years ago. At Chicago there was a steady tone generally in the hog trade, although a fractional decline In top figttree is noted. Run there over rJumlay was 2a,Qu0-hu, compared. With 24,000 a year ago. Tops sold in the Chicago yards this morning at $9.30. compared with $9.82 Satur day for similar quality. Kansas City hog market was steady, with tops unchanged at $9.25. Run there over Sunday was but 6000 head, much smaller than had been expected by the trade. Hog shippers today: P. J. Clough, Condon, one load; Robert Gover, RobTn ette, one load; J. H. Phlrman, The Dalles, one load; Dufur Warehouse Co., The Danes, one "load ; jr w. Chandler. Lostine, one load; Enterprise, one load; L. H. Martin, Moro, one load hogs and sheep. General hog range: Select light $ 8.60 Select heavy $8.608.55 Medium light 8.60)8.55 Medium heavy 8.00 Poor light 6.25S6.60 Rough heavy 6.256.50 Feeders 7.00 Cattle Offerings Quite Tuix. There were quite fair offerings In the cattle pens at North Portland for the day. Totals were 467 head com pared with 922 last Monday, two head a year hco and 847 head this same day two years ago. General conditions In the cattle trade In the local yards were practically the same as indicated by the market both Friday and Saturday. Prices generally were unchanged and buyers took hold with much the same eagerness as last week whenever quality was presented. At Chicago there was a weaker tone in the cattle -trade for tne uay.witii prices off a dime from Saturday. Run there over Sunday was heavy,-totaling 20,000 head. 1 Kansas City had another heavy run of cattle In the yards this morning, and general weakness was again forced In the trade. Prices lost 10 to 26c dur ing the morning's trade, Cattle shippers today:.. C. H. Faack, Lyle. Wash., 1 load; w. W. Helm. Mo- Mlnnvlllp. 1 load rattle calve, anri eoatu: J. W. Chandler ITnlnn .Tnni.inn ' N. Y. Central I loads; John Thompson. Baker, 2 loads; N- Y., Ont. & W.. Hy Blackwell, Ontnrio, 4 loads; EU N. American .-. .HMM , ..(11. 11.. j . . . . . , , xr 7 .... I -, . . & Henry, Eden. 1 load. North Portland cattle ranee: tieavy reea steers..., Choice steers .' Common steers ..... Fancy cows Ordinary oows Fancy light calves... Heavy calves Best bulls 4.00 4.75 South. Ry.. c Ordinary bulls 4 nnr.r, i 9K ; Texas & Pan Select Mutton In Demand. I ol- J- " c aftected to some extent by the over abundance of medium -grade stock, t Reports from the leading apple grow, lng sections' of Oregon and Washington Indicate that but a small per Cent of the crop this season will be of large size. The trees were so heavily laden even after beimr thinned that the fruit did not attain the usual proportion, Taken as a whole, the quality of the apple crop at Pacific-northwest points Jirie reason will be far better' than usual. Better care Is being given the fruit - by "growers, -and this, together wltn the universal Improvement In th packing, will give the market a far greater supply of medium grade stuff tnan ever before. vORLD S SHIPiViENTS OF WHEAT HEAVIER; Local Rlorket Rather r bull With No Keen bidding Among Either Ex- 'portmW::,itiil Grains e V Busslan' Shipments Beary . - - i Liverpool, Oct. 7, Russian' e-atrrpmcnts of wheat srs again f heavier. Thiwlum"now-'Corrhr--) , lng Xorward, Is greater than ex ' pected and Is exerting a bearish' lnflUQhce among the trade. e Shipments from the Danube were e also liberal. for-the week. The S movement was: Russian 8.944,- S.000. bushels,. Panblan 280,000 "bushels. ' Entire world's shlp-7 Tments for the week were 14,688: 4 4 000 bushels, compared with 13,- S 1 968,000 bushels the previous week and 11,024,000 bushels tor S e the same "week a year. ago. There Is no doubt' at this time that many of the leading districts will store a large per cent of their crop until later in the season, In the hope of ob taining better prices then. Not only Is. there a lack of suitable domestic demand for western apples, but Europe is filled with medium grade stuff, and extremely low prices nave been reported recently. Latest circu lars sent out by continental Interests Indicate that little Improvement may be anticipated for the Immediate future. , - Apple Picking Starts. (Special to The Journal. Freewater, Or., Oct. 7. Apple picking and packing began last week in the valley. The crop Is large and excellent quality. The weather has been ideal and the continuous sunshine, has made the coloring better, while the. spraying which has Deen so rigorously enforced has given a 90 per cent crop almost entirely free from worms and blemish. It Is estimated that 400 carloads will be shlDDed from the Union warehouses at Freewater and State Line, going to Canada and to the middle West. The entire crop, with the- exception of the Rom Beautv. Ben Davis, have' been disposed of, the prices received being almost equal to that received last year. A carload of peaches was shipped to day to the north and next week two additional cars of late peaches will be sent to the middle west. r- rOBXXCUT WKZAT KABBXTS. , XlverpooWWlust closed unchanged to Vid lower. Berlin Wheat closed Q higher, Antwerp Wfceat closed unchanged, Faxls Wheat closed Y 94 lwr Budapest Wneat closed unchanged. . WHEAT CARGOES QUIET. T . J l .. Wk..t ..npwrA Mill., and steady. English country markets quiet, trencn country mameis quiet. PORTLAND GRAIN RECEIPTS. Wheat Barly Kir. Outs Hay. Mondav . 177 18 22 16 11 Year afto 217 2 17 10 14 Season to date. 4. 941 633- 579 416 519 Year ago 3,666 183 760 863 744 The same applies as to feed barley, andji POLO CliiPiOiti i rtAirsr rr i i n f t i there Is nomine of IntereMt in brewing, IJV I I L A f 1 j IV I although the -latter KiuUe Is firm. Af I f ll , l I A The flour situation continues to re- UUiUL ILJlill liU'J lli- nect dullness for botn patent and ex port, but .values are generally un changed So far as lists are concerned. Former shading' of both prices contin ues oy some oi tne interior miners, ,; Nominal grain values toduy: ' WHEAT New crop, producers' prices, track basis: Club 7677c; bluestera, 80o; . red Russian, 74$76c; fortyfold, 78c; Turkey red, 77c; WillatnetU val ley, t7a.- - r-- BARLEY Producers' prices, i track basis! .Feed, No. 1. $24; : brewing, $28if. 80; No. 2 $28: rolled. $30.. - OATS Producers' prices, .track basis: No. i milling. $28; white, 925.50(26: off grade, $24.60(125; No. 1 gray, $24.60 FLOUHBelllng prices Patent, $4.10 4.30: Wlllnmette valley, $4.20: local straight.' $3.703.90; export, $3.60 W 3.70 ; bakers, $4.1004.30 barrel. - HAY Producers, price Willamette valley timothy, fancy $16; ordinary $14; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy, $1616; mixed hay, $13 14; clover, $8; grain, iio; airatra, in ton M1WJSTCFFS Selling pric 121.60; mlddllnga.$29$U $23.50 ton. i.i. prltoJ- BranU snorts. San Francisco Grain Calls. San Francisco, Oct, 7-. Grain calls! V v " - BARLEY. Open. High. Low; Close. , ' Dec. .... 141 143 141ft 142 . Mny-i,,.1481iR.t... . M.AHV A 152 A 'Nyiieat. Dec. ....145 B ...... ' Liverpool Wheat Market, Liverpool, Oct. 7. Wheat: ' Open. October 7s 6 4d December ......... . .. 7 March 7 7s 6d 7s 4Kd Close, 7s 9 7s 6 7s 4 Will 8tore Apples. ' (Rpeelal to Tbi Journal.) Hood River, Or., Oct. 7. That the Hood River valley orchardists will store their apples for future market now seems certain, as the prices offered In the eastern market are not satisfac tory. There will only be a small pro portion of the valley's crop marketed as extra fanoy, and the growers and shlp ncra era certain that much better nrices will be obtained later In the season, The storage capacity of the Hood River coia Boise, Idaho, Oct. 7,The Boise team won ,the northwestern- polo champion ship this morning by defeating the port- land team by. the score, of four kohU to two. This gams was the fastest of the , tournament, both teams being In the best of form. . The gams was scheduled for yester-", day, but was postponed on account of Wet grounds. . ' - , . . v , r lluttering "I keel 'em" and brandish. 5 lng butcher knives and cleavers, Yick -Qulg was taken Into custody by Deputy ; Sheriff Hunter this morning and placed In the county Jail ss lnsan. Th actions 0t tne ceiestiai wno uvea nesr ivents frightened the residents of the vicinity storage plants is three times greater r than last year, and the bulk of the crop can be stored handily. From present" Indications fully 800,000 boxes of apples y w. t. u inn. ncwu wiib- 7van . '. Money and Exchange. ' '. i5( London, Oct, 7, Consols 7$ 16-16.' lUi ver 29 9-16; bank rate 4. - . New York, Oct.' 7. Sterling exchange; i g 4.83r-sTiort-:4.8evi sliver-bunion i San Francisco, Oct. T. Sterling .t Change, 60 days 4.819s ; sight. 4.85; boa. ? 4.80. Transfers, telegraphlo 6 pre; mliim. slrht. SV4 nremlum. : - New York Cotton Market, .Tnnuarr March 1 May -1103 July ...1111 October . . . .1000 December ..1098 Open. High. Low. ...1084 1084 1084 109S 107S 1104 1089 1111 1096 108O 1048 " 1095 1074 Close. 1066i644 107980 1090 91- 109897 1048 pit; iu(4ste ia. if? Big world's shipments of wheat had s "very quieting effect upon the local market for the day. As a rule the big exporters did not care to take hold, and were nominally quoting club on the track basis of 76c tidewater. Millers were nominally quoting 77c for the same stock, but were not keen bidders for the grain. The foreign situation was eo bearish today that the trade . here scarcely knows what to pay. The expected business In bluestem has not yet ma terialized, and it Is new a question whether the trade abroad will pay even the -small differential that Is now ex isting. The coarse grain market is dull and etngnont In sympathy with -wheat. Willie short sellers make an- occasional purchase to cover some of their Bales to California, the market for oats 4i not brisk and is nominally unchanged. LIST T AY New York. Oct. 7. With the excep tion of a few of the specialties, which were fractionally higher, the stock mar ket closed nominally lower for the day. There was a quiet tone most of the time and the absence of any definite news kept the trade In suspense. American stocks were irregular In the London market for the day. Range of New York prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co. nes notion Openl Hiehi Low f Bid Ahial. Cop. CO. . . Am. car & r, c Am. Can, c. . . . Am. Cot. Oil, c. Am. Loco., c. . . Am. Sugar, C Am. Hmelt, c Anac. Mln. Co.. Atchison, c .... Bait. & Ohio, c. Beet Sugar Bklyn. R. T Can. Pacific, c. Cen. Leather, c. Chi. & Gt. VVt., c Chi., M. & St. P.. Chi. & N. W., c. Ches. 6t Ohio... Col. F. & I Cot. Southern, c. Con. Gas Corn Products, c. Del & Hudson,. D. & R. G., C... Erie, c. Gen. Electric... G. N., pre lands. . tt. jno., pra 22 374. 183 69 140 Hr eentralr, T4130 -4 Int. Harvester Int. Met., c Lehigh Valley.. K. C. Southern, Louis. & Nash.. ., Mex. Nat'l, sec... M., K. & T., c... Missouri- Pac. .. National Lead... Nevada Con 124H 214. .177 29 163 80 46 66 V 117 36 in 129 Pacific Al. S. Co Pennsylvania U'y124 f. (j.. Lt. & U. CO. IK R sii Pressed B. Car. c. fUri ReadiriK. c 1175 6.22 Repub. I. & S., c. S3 ft 6.00 Rock Island, c... 28ft 8 Kn ' L. & 8. ! .. ia v 6.00 6.60 ; South. Pac, c. ;.113ft rfi . .$6.856.90 6.76 92 62 44 44 88 91 ? 45 44 88 47 1114,1111 109il09H 74 91 277 74 91 276 81 17 113 84 42 118 15 Thle-mefnlug-'s market at -Nwth Port-lLnl P.r again showed a very good demand i ,ur- b.- uuoer, Westh. Electric Wis. Central, 174 la 64 79 115 65 47 6 81 84 17 114 84 43 148 16 22 87 183 51 141 iao 124 H1H 178 zs 163 30 . 46 68 117 36 117 iioii i24 119 i76 34 28 43 83 42 147 16 22 38 183 60 140 180 123 21 176 Z9 162 '6 45 66 22 116 36 116 129 124 117 33 28 112 31 26 17 78 116 04 47 4 81 84 Total sales 457.100 shares. Money 6, 5, 4 and 6 per cent OMAHA HOGS HIGHER iana again snuweu a very gooa demand i - """ v.. for selected quality mutton. As a rule I U. S. Bteel Co., c arrivals continue of poor to ordinary do- pfd. . . . quality, and the trade Is getting about 'Utah Copper . all this class of stock it needs. Ewes ' Va- Chemical sold 10c higher today. j Wabash, o. . At Chicago there was another unell i West. U. Tele. of weakness in the sheep trade, with a run of 60,000 head over Sunday, Kansas City sheep trade was 10 to 15c lower, with a run of 25,000 head in the yards today. Bheep shippers: Beckell & Oxman, Haines, 2 loads; R. N. Btanfleld, Baker, 3 loads. ZKL:.,S,MN Unchanged at 8.70; Ball, 5 Good east mountain lambs... 6.50 t 0 Cents Lp. Best Willamette .va ley amba 6.60 .South Omaha. Oct. 7. Cattle Re Good Willamette valley lambs 6.40 ' ceipts 12,500; market steady to 10c low Poor lambs 4,004.60 er; steers. $8.2610.00; cows and heif- Best yearlings 4.63 ers. $5.06.60. Ordinary wethers 4.00 4.25 Hogs Receipts 1700; market 6 and aprye.-:::-:::::: &iUo-. Disposltlo of llveetock. steady to lower; yearlings $4.605.00; Following were the purchases of live-1 wethers. $3.7514.00; lambs, $6.256.50; stock by the various buyers at North ewes,- $3,253.60. Portland for the week ended Waturday, uctoDer o: r Union Meat Co Frank L. Smith. M. 3. Gill Co.. . . Adams Bros Ray Falrohild; , Sterett-Oberlee. Feeders, Or Misc. Portland.. Misc. Oregon. . . Carstens P'k. Co Frye & Co.... James Henry. . . Tacoina Meat Co J. D. Connoly.. . Misc. Wash.... Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep F. M. Lacey . . . . 19 163$ 151 22 33 "n n 234 j577 189. 1356 Barton & Co.. 179 '.. 187 taTrrrrrrTT75r26rsof5' Monday Xonting Bales. 19 5 HEIFERS J5 F, M. lACey .... 6 6 " EWES Is? Union Meat Co.. .100 , Union Meat Co.. .278 'Union Meat Co... 136 Union 231 1IOG3 ... Tlnton Meat-Co... 6 284 Union Meat Co... 5 . . . t Carstens Packing. 62 Monday Afternoon Bales, 104 1114 6.60 1H 6.00 1002 $6.00 97 $1.00 90 8.40 92 3.40 97 4.00 316 $8,60 '328 ' - 7.50 203 8.65 Buyer. Barton & Co.., ii Barton & Co.,., . 14 Barton & Co:.,,... 12 Barton & Co. .... 6 F. M. Lacey.,.,. 8 COWS Barton & co. r. r;rii V STEERS No. Ave. lbs. PHCe. 1093 1005. 1213 1062 1038 663 833 trnlon Meat Co... 1)2 James Henry.... 101 Frye & Co 101 Frye & Co., 88 Union Meat CO. . 2 Cars tens pack, Co 3 $8.75 8.76 . 8.75 6.50 6.36 "13,73 HOGS, frit, ytv, Hm . Pr4oe. 217 197 206 178 876 313- $8.60 8.60 .60 1.60 7.26 Reoent tests have shown that otonlx ing air ir a room Increases the weight o perflonS"wna Ttf eatfts It regularly. r ' TBAWSPOBTATIOB Land of the Pharaohs, the Sphinx, the Pyramids. and Obelisks and the Nile. Direct connco tioni with the Com- i m m party s Imperial Mail Steameri at Genoa and Naples (or Alexandria. DYD Palatial skips all the way. Hat means tbe very best NEXT SAILING FOR LONDON-PARIS BREMEN . OB0S8BB BTTBirnBBST (Bremen Direct), Oct. 17. Por the Mediterranean Prlnxess Irene. Oct. 19. Travelers' Cheoks good all over the world. OEXiBICHB Si CO., Qen. Agts. 0 Broaaway, Hew Tor Robt. Capelle. G. A. P. C, 250 Powell st. opp. St. Francis hotel, Ban Francisco; A. D. Chariton. G. P. A., N, P.; C. W. Stinger, Ticket Agt., O. R. fr N. Co.; Tourist Agency and , Travel Bureau, 69 Fifth st BOND DEPARTMENT LUMBERMENS NATIONAL BANK HIGH GRADE BONDS BOUGHT AND ISOLD CAPITAL fl,OQO,000 CORNER FIFTH AND STARK t i : FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $1,500,000 SURPLUS - $900,000 OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS New YorK-Portland American-Hawaiian 5. 5. Co. TZBTJAKTEFXO BOUTB Freight Carried on Schedule Tlrce. UW BATB8. Frenuent Regular Sailings. C. U KENNEDY. Agent HB BoUway Baohange Bldg. kJLTtia.OO OlMMUU 1; oil Sah trancisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE. BS. Bear Sails 4 p. m., October 8. VSs SSa Tranciico fc Portland S. a. Co, Tloket Office 133 Third St. Phones Main 3605 and A-3659. HAK FKAJVClisDU, LOS ASUELk AND SAN DIEGO DIUECT aoBi'H fACtrio t. a. co. a. a. boaaojcs and a. a, i.jB smi Every Wednesday, s'tarnately, at 6 p. nx Ticket office 122-A Third Ht, near JJr Phone Main 1111, A-1JH. MAKT1N J. HlULa,v, pass. Parent W. H. BLUBMKa Srelght Agent ANCHOR LINE STEAMSfilPS Hew Tots, ondosdrry sad Olssgow. Bew Kork, Palermo ana tfaples. Attractive rates for tickets between New York and all Scotch, English, Irish, Con tinental and. Mediterranean Points. Su perlor Accommodation, Bxoellent Cuisine, Efficient Serrlce Apply -for Seaervs tlon to local ngept of Anchor Line or HENDERSON BK08., Generar Agents, Chicago. 111. COOSttAYCINE I STSAJMXB UAXWiig, - Balls irotn Atnsworth duck, Portland, at 6 a. m SepV , 7, 18, 17, i 37 Got. a, 9. 16, 83, 30. Freight received at Ains worth dock dally up to 6 p ni. Passen ger tare first class 1U, second class $7 liiuludlng bertb and meals. . Ticket of fice Alnsworth dock. Phones Main 66uo A-2S33. Portland & Coos eay .JiUaaU ship Line. It J. Mohr. agent,, . . , ' , I'' l. " UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION fA IBAHCISOO " FOUNDED 1864 T Capital Paid In .$8,500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profit. .. .. .$7,905,912.00 BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia City ,'i We bur and sell Foreign Exchange; Issue Drafts and Cable Transfers, Commercial Credits and Travelers' Letters of CreCIt, available In all parts of tha vorld; make collections on all point, and conduct a general .foreign and donaeetia ranking business. . M xirtES3r'-A- or"Tt PORTLAND BRANCH ' Chamber of Commerce Building BOBTBWXST OOBBSB OI TXXBB ABO BTABK BTBBITS. Wat. A. MAO BAB. Manager. 3. X. BUBTCXAXUt, Asst. Mgr. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL. BANK PORTLAND. OREGON LNiltD STATES DEPOSITORY Capital . . , .$1,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits ... ........... 1,000,000.00 : " OFFICERS t :i k ' L C. AINSWORTH;Pres. W SCIMEER, Cashier . . A R. LEA BARNES, Vice-President JLJLJ.YIlIGilT.Assistant Casiicc. W. A, HOLT. Assistant Cashlef - DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES. PAYMENTS MADE BY POST TO PARTIE3 ABROAD WITHOUT COST TO RECIPIENTS.