The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 16, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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Dine in Our 7 th Floor Tea RoomBreakfast 8to 11:30 A.M.; Luncheon 1 1 :30to2:30 P. M.;ftern6onTea 2:30 to 5:30 Music at Noon
HH..IMIIII iihili i.. ijiu i '. . imi.i ii ii. li j.i ml ..i. ... , .11 i i r i i.i- -i j i i ' 1 " ""L ' " '"" '' ' """" "A i'MnJ i-1. d a. - , ......u, , - ,i , - .a. j -. r . . . it r -
Scelnteresting Demonstration From Wiss Factory of Scissors Razors, Manicure Articles, EtcM Fiit Floor Drujg Section
Join our Typewriter. Club guarantee
"American" Typewriters at $31.75 on the
Club Plan of Payments $2 on purchase
and $1 a week. Full instructions.
Fair Tonight and Tuesday; South
easterly Winds.
Use our free Rental Bureau when
looking for, apartments We will
help you to get comfortably settled.
Read "Conjuror's House," dramatized
under the name of ''The Call of tho
North," now being played at the Baker
Theatre. Book priced at 50c.
Second Day oir Tfeid
s9 .Sale
THOUSANDS came to The Big Store today, the first day of our Third Great Harvest and Manufacturers'
Sale. .What enthusiasm what interest was felt among the throngs who came to share in the matchless
savings offered for this great evehTT " 7 - v-- "
A sale made all the more important, and all the more phenomenal through the fact that thousands of
manufacturers, throughout the land have cooperated with us to such an extent that never before have Harvest
Sale offerings meant so great an economic factor to Portland and western people. . ' ' .
Come tomorrowThe Big Store is aglQW with the spirit of our harvest time prosperity-new, dependable
fall and winter merchandise is everywhere at prices that spell savings fdr vou I . .
Kitchen Cabinets.
White Mountain Refrigerators.
Wilton Rugs and Carpets.
Gotham Shirts and Underwear.
Knox Shoes for Men.
Cousins' Shoes for Women.
Ajax Guaranteed Hosiery. -
Invincible Suits for Men.
La Camille Front-Lace Corsets.
Enpo Petticoats.
Perrin's Gloves.
John S. Brown Linens.
Guaranteed Silk Petticoats in the
Harvest Sale, 4.85 gBX""8
SaaaM tU. haariaf kaaa mmk
ha Ula al ttmn a put
HMMk ym aaalar. Ha will npkn
H witk a aaw aaa. UiliHil laa aa.
at kaaa wn4 a; Maria ahmaWa. ar a?
ran la.
THROUGH the cooperation of the manufac
turerThe S. H. & M. company we
were enabled to secure a second special lot of
these famous guaranteed Silk Petticoats. And
here they are some 300 of them just in time
for the second day of our Harvest ana Manu
facturers' Sale. Hundreds of Portland women will have no other than this famous
make, guaranteed for three months by the maker and by us. Every Petticoat bears
the staunch guarantee, such as shown above and read as follows:
If Petticoats bearing the S. H. & M. trade mark
should crack or split within three months of date
of purchase, a new Skirt will be given free.
They are beautiful quality chiffon taffeia Petticoats sure to give satisfac
tory wear. All cut on the straight, medium-narrow lines, with flounces fin
ished in pleats, tucks, tailored bands and Van Dyke points. Black, white and
all shades to choose from to match the new fall suit. Both plain and
changeable colorings.
All regular sizes included, with extra sizes in black. Choose
the Silk Petticoat tomorrow from among this splendid group of
the high-grade guaranteed S. H. & M. Silk Petticoats. Special at
Harvest and Manuiacturers' Sale of the 184?
oTt spoons nutKS. itc.
Roger Bros. Silverware
KNOWN from coast to coast is the famous
Roger Bros.' Silverware, that for over
half a century has stood for quality supreme in
the world of silver.
We're conservative in saying that here in our first floor section at Meier &
Frank's is the largest and most complete assortment of pieces and patterns to
be found on the Pacific coast.
The well known Vintage, Charter Oak, Old Colony, Priscilla, satin and shell
satin patterns are shown. A reading of the prices below is evidence enough that
nowhere are prices lower! Choose tomorrow at the prices listed here!
Tea aSpoons, set of 6, at f 1.75 Butter Knives, special, ea. 65
Dessert Spoons, set of 6, $ 3.25
Soup Spoons, set of 6 at f 3.50
Table Spoons, set of 6, at $3.50
Dessert Forks, set of 6 $3.25
Medium Forks, set of 6 $3.50
Knives and Forks, set 6 $4.00
Knives and Forks, set 6 $4.50
Knives and Forks, 6 $10.50
Sugar Shells, special, ea. 60
Cream Ladles, special at 80
Gravy Ladles, special at $1.25
Soup Ladles, special at $3.25
Cold Meat Forks, special 95
Jelly Spoons, special, ea. $1.15
Pickle Forks, special each 60
Olive Forks, special each at 75
Berry Spoons, special, ea. $1.50
Pie Knives, special, each $2.00
Bread Knives, special at $1.75
Cake Forks, special at $1.00
Tomato Server, special $1.75
Sugar Tongs, special at $1.15
Mustard Spoons, special 30
Cheese Servers, special $1.00
Oyster Forks, set of 6, at $2.50
Salad Forks, set of 6 at $3.75
Butter Spreaders, set 6 $3.25
Bouillon Spoons, set of 6 $3.50
flrtt Zloor XUln Building MH Ordtrs TUlod.
The Madame Irene Means the Ultra-
Fashionable Figure for You!
NO NEED for women to pay the high price of French
Corsets when the same degree of figure-building is
attained in these superb Madame Irene models. And there's
no greater authority on matters of style and fashionability
j&z'of line than Madame Irene the New York designer who's
constantly in toucn witn tasnion creators or tnat city ana
of Pans.
And the unequaled Wahlon bones every pair of the high
grade "Irenes." The model 1589, as illustrated, at $6.50,
js but one of the many new fall styles that' promise for
madame the fashionable, flexible lines in demand for
i present styles.
And for the special benefit of many of our patrons who
U invariably ask for The Irene and' yet who have wished for
r xi - i i l i
a ironi-iace iorsei we imroauce a new jviaaame irene
model a beautiful Corset with the front lace feature. ,Jt's
a superb model, designed for the average figure.
Prices, including all styles of Madame Irene Corsets,
range from $6.50 to $25.
hi i j
Purchase and Sale
Ejyria Val. Laces
HAT woman doesn't know cf the ex-
' cellent quality of famous Elyria Valenciennes American made laces?
The round mesh, double thread weave popular for its practicability and pretty, exclu
sive patterns. Only place in Portland where Elyria Val. Laces can be secured is here.
Thousands of yards sent by the manufacturer for the Harvest Sale tomorrow. Edges
and insertions needed for the trimming of fall apparel, at prices never so low as now!
for 8c
Edges and
V4 inches
12c to 18c Edges and Insertions, 1
to 2y2 inches wide. Sale price
Exquisite Creations From
Paris & New York Modistes
BEFORE. choQsingihe fall and .winter
Millinery women should visit our sec
ond floor Millinery Parlors and view the interest
ing display of exqtfisite creations of Paris and
New York modistes.
Models here to please the fancy of every wom
an. Smart, jaunty tailored styles aplenty. Hosts
of the lovely little close-fitting models. Beautiful
variety of the medium wide, broad, sweeping
brims of the more daring type.
Each day sees new arrivals in distinctive, fash
ionable Millinery. Creations from such genius
inspired modistes as
Mme. . Georgette Caroline Rebeaux Kurz
man Knox Lichtenstein Hyland Bur
gesser Phipps Atchison.
Sale of French Plumes
Of beautiful soft, fluffy quality all of hardy
male stock, with flues long and perfect. Send from
W. C. Ayre & Co. In black and white. Choose
tomorrow at these Harvest Sale prices :
$ 8.50 French Plumes at low price $4.95
$10.50 French Plumes at low price $5.95
$12.50 French Plumes at low price $6.95
$2joJ4 Lovely Fichus, $ 1.98
WOMEN will wonder at the beauty and fineness of these
lovely Fichus at $1.98. Beautiful for the finishing of
fall Frocks and Coats. Of net, princess and shadow laces
also rich Plauen lace Collars and Fichus. Never before have
they been sold at less than 3 to $4. Only a few QO
of them, so come early for choice tomorrow at J) 1 yO
25c to 40c Collars, 17c
Women's prettily embroidered
linen Collars. Sizes 12 to 15, V3
to; 2 inches high. Smart for wear
with tailored waists. 25c to 40c
grades. Special for the
Harvest Sale tomorrow
35c to 50c Ribbons at 25c
Thousands of yards of all-silk
Ribbons, 5 to 7 inches wide.
Stripes, jacquards, checks, plaids
and warp prints. Lovely array
of colorings. 35c to 50c A
Ribbons for Harvest Sale iDC
15c to 20c Kerchiefs. 12c
Women's Handerchiefs cor
ners and initials embroidered.
Also pretty colored novelties.
Narrow-" ttrj4"ineh hemsrlSc
to 20c 'Kerchiefs, tomor- 1 o
row, doz, $1.40; each at JUtC"
$2.50 to $3.50 Umbrellas, $1.98
Men's ?nd women's. Umbrellas of black silk and
linen tape-edged taffeta-rib frames with bulb run
ners. All styles of handles, plain and with gold or
silver mountings. Every Umbrella guaranteed.
$2.50 to $3.50 grades. Special at thisd fQ
great Harvest and Manufacturers' Sale 3)1, .7 O
flrrt Floor Mala Bunding XU Ordri JPiUfd.
both in
New Moquet Couch
Covers $10.?5
LOVERS of oriental art shouldn't
fail tn see these . hMiitifiil Mnnnpf
Covers. Of the rich, lustrous velour weave, in exact copies of Oriental Rugs
colorings and designs. Blues, browns, cream, rose and green the" predominating
All full size 60 inches wide and 3 yards long.
ing so rich and handsome for the winter Couch as these handsome (f1 A
Moquet Covers, special for the Harvest and Manufacturers Sale at ti) lU f O
September Sale of Drugs
EVEN a full page in Sunday's papers couldn't
tell of all the remarkable offerings here in our
popular Drug Section. Our regular "monthly sale is now in
progress and hundreds and hundreds of cut "prices, on daily
wanted Particles are in force. ' . i '
50c El Perfecto Veda Rouge,
onJy 29
50c Sempre Giovine, sp'l 35
$1 boxes Vaucaire Galega
Tablets 794
,.75c Colorine. for hair 59
50c Dr. Charles' Flesh Food,
for 29.
50c Pompeiian Massage Cream
for 29
25c Dapget & - Ramsdell't
50c Porzoni's Rice Powder,
: 25c Uair Brushes, special 19
50c La Blache Face Powder
at 29
50c Carmen Face Powder, box
at 25
25c Rubifoam, for teeth 13
25c Euthyrnol Tooth Paste
at 10
25c Graves' Tooth Powder, 2
for 25
25c Cuticura Soap, bar at 13
25c Packer's Tar Soap 13
, cake 14 "
35c Canthrox, fee- br?tr. I I
ing xv 9 ,, r i-
Sale of Sample French Jewelry Continues
What a furore it created this sale of high-grade Jewelry. Thousands of. pieces from a cele
brated importer of French conceits and every new and staple style is here for your choice. Hat
Pins, Bar Pins, Brooches, Hair Bandeaux, Earrings, Slipper Buckles, La Vallieres, Coin Holders, Gun
metal .Novelties, Jet Combs, Barrettes and Bandeaux. The immense purchase grouped into 4 lots.
Regular 25c to 50c
Grades at
Reg. 75c to $1.25
Grades, at
Reg. $1 to $2.50
Grades at
Reg. $1.50 to $5
Grades, at
Eastern Sugar
ONLY 1754 c for Eastern Sugar-Cured Hanis,
smoked over a slow hickory fire and 1 7lr
of delicious taste and flavor, r Per .pound 4y
Kingsford's Corn Starch, 3 Wheat Eats, package, at 10
pkga. for 25. Wadco Bak'g Powder, lb. IT
Kingsford's dloss Starch, 3 Vry Apples, 3 pounds for 25
nkrs for 25. - Dfy 3 pound 25
t P Kl' i x -1 DT Pe, 2 pounds for 25
Import-Mawronir Ag.lO., -fJiilnrXoiitrttiMtot'fin
Fancy Head Rice, 3a lbs. 25 june Peat newly packed 0
Mexican Beans, 5 lbs. for 25 cans for 80.
Spices all 10c ' cans at 7 Shredded Cocoanut,"lbl-16
tr-rw.-'r ;. fea ftV-vf 'r