THE1 OREGON DAILY; JOURNAL, PORTLAND; MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1912. 13 roomix a houses i w JIOUll 'COURT Portland' Most Elegant Apartment House. NOW OFFERED FOR SALE. Located within the most favored high mass reeiasnoe district. Pays 25 Per Cent ON THE INVESTMENT. Moat elegantly finished apart ment house in i'ortland and lull of tenants all the year ' around. Long lease, on build in. Owner of f urnlulilnsrn and business must sell. Cash or terms. APPLY MRS. EATON, ON PREMISES Highland Court 22ND AND OLISAN STREETS. Marshall 3182. LEASE AND FURNI8HINCIS OF THE ,, FOR SALE At Half Price " FOR CASH OR ON EASY TERMS. Tha '"Garland Hotel" la of etrlotlv mod. ern conntruetlon; hot and cold ruiinlnj i'n-iinoiie in an rooms, which are elegantly furnished with up to date lurunurc, carpets, ruga, etc, LOCATION" Corner Washington and Trinity Place. omweeu itn ana iVlti Streets. Within Walking Distance of the center of the city. APPLY ON THE PREMISES. IJUSIXESS CHANCES 20 LEASE AND FURNISHINGS OF THE (EARLANO MITEL FOR SALE At Half Price FOR CASH OR ON EASY TERMS. The "Clarlanrt Hotel" Is of strir-tlv mod ern constructhen; hot and cold running water and t' lcphuiitk In .-ill rooms, which are elegantly furnished with up to date furniture, carpeta, rugs, etc. LOCATION: Corner Washington and Trinity Place. Between 19th and 20th Streets. Within Walking Distance of the center of the city. AfPLY ON THE PREMISES. WANTED Partner with $250 to buy i Int. in est. business. Will pay $ 20u month. No experience necessary, must be sober and honest. Ask for Mr. Fleetwood. 631 Alder at.. 9 to 11 A M $550 CASH will buy at once delicates sen and lunch room, netting monthly $100 to $125; will sacrifice on account of health; worth double asked. H M Kemper. 44 N. 23d. W. W. JORDAN THE SALE AND LXCHANGE OF REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS INVESTMENTS. SUITE. 6 Is, KUMHEKMENS BLDG. BIG lunch eountV and restaurant, feed Ing 200 people tlaily; west side, neat place. Price $550. 303 Lumber Ex change. LIVERY business for sale or trade. Am doing good business. Private reasons for selling. For particulars write Box 217 Wl I lamina. Or. A PORTLAND manufacturer wants a responsible representative. Little money rwiulred; you handle It. Good ray. R01 Swetlaml bids. WANTED Cook for partner in restaur ant, good town, good price j too much for one man; would sell all. Address box 213, Heppner, Or. FOR quick -pale, up to date grocery, fine location, good- trade.; a bargain In every way; will sacrifice for $1800. No agents. .1-4K. Journal. BAKER city business corner 100x100 feet for rale or trade at a bargain Inquire East 10S8 of C-1088, or 692 Williams Ave. THEATRE, clearing $25 to $50 weekly. This will stand strictest investiga tion; trial given. Attorney. 1014 Cham ' ber,of Commerce. WANTED to buy a good saloon for cash ,or rent a good location for sa loon In or nut city. N-47, Journal. FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing works; goud business, fiiio location 372 1 1th st. ' ESTABLISHED cleaning and pressing shop, owner must leave city. 222 Taylor st. A GOOD buttermilk, butter and egg route for sale. Call 13 Graud ave., N., after 6 p. m. evenings. FOR CASH My half Interest In good paying Turk Is h bath . R-R32, Journal. $125 FOR good'clgar s:UmL 148 First st! And Now Mutt Ft.OtM rX&AtCRail Sj-wiVif - IT KlN' Y W Wlu- POSlTNSUY COW. 'MFORcAYtOM ABU? rr.HN 'M' iNFCrvAT(ON I, 5 8 tVfIL. -uk.,5s "Te. school o PltCNIiVu- rife 1 irk- rJ : " 1 r.' (Sflgr 71 7T BUSINESS CI! ANXEST" 20 PorlUnd'i Moat-Hlegajit Apartment t -f!oue. NOW OFFERED VOH SALE. Located within the most favored hlgrh cius rwjiuenoe district. Pays 25 Per Cent ON THE INVESTMENT. Most elORHntly finished apart-' ment house In Portland and full of tenants all the year around. Long lease on build ing. Owner of furnishings and , business must sell. Cuxh or terms. APrLY MRS. EATON ON PREMISES. Highland .Court I2ND AND OLISAN STREETS. Marshall 2162. DANDY Itttlo delicatessen, fundi room and home bakery. Can't handle It. Must "either soli, take in partner or get someone, to run It. Riiwiness has paid for Itself In 8 months. Will In voice price asked, ('heap rent and Kood lease. Come and Investigate. Phone Main 2672. , . Restaurant Located on tllli St., one, uf the best little places on the street, cheap rent. doing 20 dally, owner sick and irniM sacrifice; yours today for $65. Peters 6,(17-8 Henry bldg. , A SPLENDID opportunity for one wTTH llm ted capital to invest in n motion picture enterprise now being operated on a paying basis. Quick returns. Full est investigation courted. Address rooms 331-333 Woodward Dldf,'., Wash ington, D. C 500 Business Cards, $1 Rose City Prlntery. 182 Third street. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED First class salesman ac- aualnted with the retail grocery traele to handle line of brooms made by an eastern manufacturer. A good position to the right party. Applicants should give full particulars regarding them selves as to experience, etc. EX-32, Journal. INSURANCE AGENTS, wo have open ings for two or three experienced health and accident writers, old com pany, full line, full commissions, re newal arid contracts that get the busi ness. Abbott iC- Co., Wilcox hlrtir. DENTIST licensed In Washington. Se attle office, man of education, re- flnnient and A-l operator. Good salary, easy hours. Apply 3H Abingtuti bldK. 108 3d St., I'orllai ,nV (ir. MEN wanted to work in brickyard on Canyon roud. btanduid Hrnk and Tile Co. Main 1103. laid pnone. Main 9541. WANTED Good t Inner, lime ex neri- enced In furnace work, general scor ing, etc. Tabor JL5!. between ti and a m. SALESMAN to sell r.ih fili.-rs ami purifiers, In city: good propositus!. Martyn A- Hilton. ti'H Veori bhiy. WANTED I'riixtieul ioal niin.-rs to work In well veutllatee io,tl mine. Contract basis. V'-3". Journal. CHEF heaoguarter.i and helpers. Cali fornia wine uepor reiniilll. next to Journal. WANTED at once- 1 experienced so licitors by East Side Cleaners arid Dyers East 10th and Lincoln. WANTED DtVCG ' SAI.EsSlA N. For evenings und Si.ndm ; anidy Su perintendent, Woodard-i .arke t Co. WANTED At once, 2 mm to learn to drive and rePHlr automobiles. Call at Hawthorne Oarage, 415 Hawthorne. HOYS over 16 with wheel, wages $50 to $100 per month. City Messenger l Delivery Co., 3 7 4 Washlnglon st WANTED Hoy with wheel. OreaTTn Engraving Co., 2d floor new Journal bldg. SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD h. wanted factory work. 804 Front st. lor BOY about 16, with wheel, to deliver and help in store. 214 Third. SMALL boy to woik in a paint snop. 32 East Washlnglon st. WANTED A bubhcim.iu at The Hand Clothes Shop. 1 iM5fr ri st GOOD bath rubber. Kind's baths, imperial hotel. Turk;.-! WANTED imhelman. 2S7 Stark st. HELP WANTED 3USC. 49 ANY one can learr. to measure, cut and fit ladle?' tailored suits. We teach every detail and place you In a position to earn from $20 to $10 per week. SOU Central tilrtpr.. 10th and Abler. MEN and women for government posi tions; $80 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. S39S. Rochester, N. Y. MAIL carriers, post office clerks wanted Portland examinations Nov. !.;. Free coaching. Franklin liifctltule. Dept. 34i Rochester. N. Y. iCrtl-UN LO upejaie' ino rn pie lure s. ,Se cure positions. 4ul Rutlichilu bldg. 4th and Wash. STUDY law; enroll now for opening Sept. 17-18. Portland Law School, tiai Worcester block Marshall 275 1 . MODERN SCHOOL SHORT TTTnd Typewriting. 269 Hth st. Main 8898. Expert Instruction. MEN take notice. Learn auto driving and repairing. Positions secured fur first-class nu n. 105 J th st. EVENING lessons in stenography; busi ness training; $5 month. Main 1' 5 5 s. I-43S, .Journal. INTERNA T I ONAL Correependence Schools headquarters 409 Mclfav bldg. Open Wed, and Sat, nights. Main 1026. UNCALLED for tailor maelc suitTTtTnO up. Taylor the T.illor, 285 Bumside st EAST Side Telegraph school. 753Va co St.; day and evening sessions. UNCALLED for tailor made suits flu up. Harvard TRllors, 32 3d st. Knows How to Pitch a No-Hit Game n wi X I ' I r3 eAeXN Of I ez X 11 w a x HELP WANTEll-MISC. , ' 49 ' i SALESMEN V We need two mure Orel clani men to take up a special real estate prop, oaltlon with a commlsion larger than the averagn. This la no wild cat schema and only good men need apply. Ask for Co., 272 Stark St. Call between 10 and 13 . m. 4 ORICOON LAW SCHOOL. A thorough nrartle-l cauru In law No time lost from regular occupation. Recitation evenings. Term commences October 1. 1913. Samuel T. Richardson, deun. Address M. Moruhead. secretary. .116. 217 Commonwealth bldg.. Portland. etfOIi T WENT Y young man and ludiea wanted to complete, das forming to com mence study of telegraphy. Graduate In January. A good position guaran teed each graduate. Ileducea raiea mis .week. Cull or address, Morso Telegraph Co., 605 Commonwealth bldg. WEN and women to leurn barber trade In 8 weeks. Special inducements, per centage earned while learning. Tools free, xprt Instructors, 17 yara In busi ness, 37 schools. Ufa time acholaranlp to every student. Molar Barber College. if. N. 4th St., Portland. OV. NIGH' i-chool now uiien for all sub Joe In. K. 11. U. business. College, 630 Woicci.l.r block. Marshall 2761. 11KLI WANTED FEMALE 3 WANTED-rYOUNQ LADIES FOR TEL EPHONE OPEKATINO. WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE; PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY- (EAST OFFICE), COR, TH AND EAST ANIENT 8T8.. OR (MAIN OFFICE). WEST PARK ALDER, TELEPHONE EAST 2S0. (DHLS wanted for general house work, cooks, hecond girls, and nurilng. 1 i.t-su portions are all In good nomes Aim applicants must be competent ana reliable. Tula is not an employment agency but a medium being established by some of the leading people or Port land, to elcvatn domestic servloe. THE. DOMESTIC SERVICE BUREAU. 307 Central bldg. W ANTED Girl for general liouaework; an rusv place, with small family, in country residence on west side of Wil lamette river, -'u minutes out or rort land. (looel truln service, every hour. ail ul 4i;4)'eoii bldg. CAI'AHI.E woman for general house work, modern conveniences; must be good cook, good wages. 3M3 14th St., corner llurrhion. GENERAL housework and care of chll elien. Middle uged lady that wants a good home and fair wuges apply at I 'll' Exeter St., close to Portsmouth. WANTED 4 experienced lady pressers on f.'ini'y work, by East Side Cleaners ariel I 'ye-is, 10th and Lincoln stB. GIRL lor general housework. bZ6 20th Ht. Portland Heights. Flat C. Main 9 V.NTEIi Evperienced waitress. Call tod:i Swe tlmi'l's, 2'J9 Morrison. .SALES Klrls Immediately; experience un neci Inquire 2 Wash, st. .S.:ams : reSsKS wuftted. Inquire G. P. H i , 1 1 1 1 1 e I ; n iV Son. 1-4 2d st . WANTKD A girl tor general house work Apply 53 Stark. WANTED AGENTS SA LESM EN One of our salesmen made $HV 'Oiumission last week; others earned from 5'25 weekly up. if this In come, looks good to you, write us today. Sot trul excellent fields open If taken inirne'ellately Washington Nursery Co., Tuppenish. Wash. AGENTS ii ml silestnon for the best sell er in Portland, 175 per cent. 501 Swet- land EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 60 C. R. Hansen & Co. General Employment Agencies ESTABLISHED 1876. 26 and 2s North 2d SL, Portland, Or. Women's Depv. 7th sou Wash. Sts. Upstairs. Help Furnished Free 6an Frcuclsco office fc05 Howard St. S r o kai.e "f flee 218 Ber nard St. V. M. C. A. INDUSTRIAL' EMPLOY MENT AGENCY. SECOND AND ASH STREETS. HEADWUAHTKHS. for competent loggers, millmen, R. R. construe! ion men, fttrrn bands, and all tla.-s.-s of skilled and unskilled labor. Write, wire, phone or call at our ex pense. Marshall 2271. A-7746. A square deal in employer and employe. No charge to employer. Sill ATIONS MALE POSITION wanted by young man as bookkeeper und assistant In office. Have hail five years' experience in the retail lumber business, V-38, Journal. VoI'MlTs irony, sober, industrious man . .wiUi..ituuUv wants position, with op pnrtunity to earn advances. Wlkstrom, :: nil. st STEADY, reliable. . uung man. wants posiflbn us salesman, chauffeur (5 years' experience) or any employment, r.-t'e retie-. J-;,6, Journal. Yol'NG man, 20 years of age. wishes change of position; high school edu eiilem and some business experience. 1. -44. Journal. STRONG boy wants position to work for room and board while attending hleli school. Phone East 3160. CHAUFFEUR, young man. wishes posi tion private or truck; sober. Thone Eaet IS. C.MtPENTER foreman wants situation el.i' or louttiii'i. Address Box 67, WipoiNlock. Oregon. , STUM'., brick and cement work wanted. l'' l!ll III Hocks for sale. Tabor 4052. FIRST-CLASS all around cabinet maker wants position. Phone Main 8008. SlTl ATIONS FEMALH 4 LACE curtains hand laundered, special prices in hotels. Phcm Main 1 4 HO. I CA,e4. geeJ I'll th tlO(MD&ft. ot thG I t 2 5 000 -Jlv-L BE tlrM0eN0 - auie-.THlNfr A, c4 0-'T CVeMS j J If. m m k b n. n 1 SITUATIONSFEMALE Y4 CHILDREN given good home and moth er care, no to III. 1 bioca zrom achool. infanta cared for. Phone Ta bor I73. MIDDLE agej iady"ln" good euburban home would give mother's oar to one or two ciuiareo. ts Jjiaweii ave.. tutu wood. COLORED woman wants work as maid or. general housework for couple of snuus; hom nights. Experienced; ref erences z.-ii.u. LACli curtain,- uperUa, blankets laundered by ' expert, 2Bo aind up. Tahor 217. WANTED to take charge of rooming nouae. Aaaresa wis. A. J. uenneu, ot i J'.vereit t. GOuD past middle Ag woman wishes nouaegeeping, small ramlly. Call per sonally 720 Mlsslsslnnl ave. RE LIABLE 1 ad y""w I s heV'work by day; washing and ironing nreferred. Main 8B. WANTED Hy an experienced woman, pluce as housekeeper In apartment or rooming house. C-4H, Jenirn al. WANTED Chlhl to care for, 6 to 10 years; near school. Tabor 4052. DKKSSMAK1NG 40 DRESMAKING and remodeling by re liable party, at your home If pre ferred, Woodlawn 28X. DltESSMAKER, experienced, wishes to work with dressmaker or family. 21.50 a day Phone East 4423. FASHIONABLE droaamaking reaaona- ble. son uuchanan bielg. Marwhall 2480. NEW YORK artistic gowns, $t upward. airs, a. l.. yciiwane, warget, NLKSES 60 EXPERIENCED practical nurse wishes care of chronic case, will take ma ternity cases. Cull Tabor 1000. WANTED D,v practical nurse, case, maternity prelerred. titlSta tillean st. Marshall 4'J14 . EXPERIENCED nurse wants situation nursing: will assist with housework. Tabor 2343. FL'HMSHED HOOM9 WEST SIDE Hotel Garland Corner ..Washington ami Trinity Place. Uetueen luth and ZUth sts. Thoroughly modern hotel. Rooms day or week. Moet reasonable rates. Under new management. FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRIVATE FAMILY. Two very desirable, sunny room, oor- in;r nouae, evciy uiuuiiii neo v eiiiein:o, reHSOnnieU- oe-Nll new Mullnnmlh opposite club 680 Salmon st.; references. LARGE front room suite, suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen or ladles, to man and wife, privilege of kitchen, fur. mice heat, bath anil phone. 173 IRtli. Price reasonable; good rates to perma nent -ewnams. VERY nice rooms furnished for light housekeeping single or en suite, $10 for single, IIS for double rooms, ell conveniences 10 minutes' walk from P. O. Main 2752 or 614 4th. OCKLEY HOTEL 890 V4 Morrison st.. corner 10th. $3 and 13.50 ud per week: neat, airy rooms, including bath and phones. No extra charge for two In a room. THE REX HOTEL. Corner Washington and 17th sts. Strict ly modern, ail outside rooms; well fur nished and clean; $2 per week and up. The best rooms for t he price in the city . Hotel Glenwood Newly furnished rooms, modern, $3.60 per week and up. 248 Salmon st. Hotel San Marco llth and Washington. Well kept, rea sonwble. parlors fe r gu ests. Look It over. UNE large ruom witn closet, one smaller, $2 per week, one cement base ment room In exchangee for sweeping the nans, lM in iftn st. LARGE clean newly furnished room, hot water, bath, steam heat, phone, rear 17th, on Couch. Phone Marshall lOlii; references. A FEW tastily furnished rooms, clean, steam heat, hot water, rates reason able. Under new management. Max well Hall. 14th St., near Taylor. Free pnone and bHth. Main 7 7 b4. THREE nicely furnished rooms, walk lng distance. 4tlii Main. Phone Main sr.i). SAVE SEARCHING Come to 829 Sal mon for a good, clean room In heart of city. Good neighborhood. NICE room, new modern flat, walking distance, ladles or gentlemen; good location. 094U Kverettj. Marshall 2143. ONE large front room, suitable for two, west side, close in, private family; light, heat, bath, phone. 631 Everett. BhlAUTIFUL front room, modern con veniences, laoft 17th et. Phone A- r.n7. GOOD rooms. 2 blocks of P. O., nice home, $2. 60, $3 week. 314 Salmon; men only. DESIRABLE room, wtWrrt Treaty Modern apartment. 604 Dezendorf apts., 208 16th st. NEATLY furnished light rooms, close to business center, $1.75 week up. 327 3il st. BEATTIFVL front room, modern con veniences. lUOij 17th st. Phone A- 5907. TWO nicely Furnished housekeeping rooms In private family. 331 7th et. NICE front room. 2 gentlemen, private family. 430 Vj 28 st. ROOMS, all conveniences, rates to per manent roomers. 2S3 13th. M. 6375. FURNISHED riOO.US EAST SIDE 52 THE Montgomery, cor. E. Morrison and K. Sth. Nicely furnished rooms. Rea sonable. NU'KLV ta cur furnished rooms near Alher line; call H02 K. 1 Tth N. ONE newly furnished sleeping room, $2 p er week. 3 9 2 V) E. Burnslde. LARGE, cozily furnished front room for gentleman. 590 Belmont, near 14th. H(-.JiV. TOR. PITCHER. . rAV cAOG IN ALL THG fPG 62 EAST SIDE VERY desirable light and sunny double and slnglo room, corner house, every modern convenience, one block from Morrison street cur line, strictly pri vate family; references, 120 East 16th, corner Alder. East 6148. TWO nicely furnished front room, ground floor, suitable for two gentle men; private home: no children; use "f piano and bath; call at 6 p. in., rent IS a, week. 800 E. th N. LARGE furnished room In private fum ily. Use of phone, hath and piano, electric lights, furnitee heat, large cleset. three large windows. 787 East l Ankeny, East 6811, ' ' ' J Nr" PT7I VTf WFXMUr- Good location, near good car line, close In, easy walk to dental college. 208 V Hslsey. "L" oar. W ANTED Someone to room, with or without hoard, who appreciate home enmrorts. B67 j-;. W'ashliiKton st. 227 Vs Larrabue st., rooms 12 and up homelike and every convenience, walking distance. East 49, C-278X NICE large "sleeping room "for 1 or people: rent reasonable. 481 E. Couch st. UNI'TltXISIIED ROOMS 10 ONE or 2 unfurnished rooms prlvato family, pleasant location walking ols tance, ruruuee beet, reasonable; refer ences. Phoim Ndlwood mu. SUITES of 2 unf'U nlsiied housekeeping rooms. II week per room; gus plate rurnishea. 4Kay. lieimont st. TWO unfurnished rooms, 17, free ltght and water. 20&18th st. N. near Kear ney, 3 AND i room flats. 112 and 112; single rooms, 13.50. 12 Market st. 2 NltTE prominent roouis, fine for dress- mnker. East 6048. Ft'l'R unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent. 4V7 Columbia St., Main L'.ioj 3 I.aIkTe rooms 89 per month; iciose to school. 430 Htephens St. ROOMS AND HOARD 15 PRIVATE boarding 787 Gllsan. Table board H.;0 per week. Nicely furnished large front parlor. Also sin gle room. All modern. Near 23d. Mar shall 764. BEST room and board for 25 a week and up. In muslcul home, nteali heated ana every convenience. 664 L. Madison, corner 13th at. JflCE'Turge front room: euttahtft for i ' gentlemen, board If deslreel. freo bath tiuu pnuiiv. iiiuiii uiiei uuuiu 'j per niuAi 1 lie Alamo, J n Vz Mark st HOME cooking, outside rooms, bath. In room, J5 week up; single. 13. oO wk. up. Meal UcKetH J4.S0. KM Main st. RGUM and board, man and wife or two person, best accommodations, not a boarding house, ( all Tabor 2871. i . v-1 w 1 1 i.m ......... .....i v..... 1 m .... ' 1 ""nuli" "mil mm ueia. u, ivi sell- tleman, Scandinavian preferred. 11 1 0 1 h st. N., I ie t S t a r k an d I! u r n I d NICI5 rooms, with or without board. 530 I rnvis, near ititn. Phone a-3371. NICKLY' furnisiied room, suitable for $10 per mouth. Room and board ii per week. 16B F. IBth st ROOM and board for 2 school or work ing girls, $12 to $14 each per month; modern conveniences. Tabor 2178. ROOM and bourd for several young mun, home cooking, $5 per week. 15o5, One onta St., Woeidlawrr ROOM and board suitable for men or young ladies. Casa Rosa, 300 Jeffer son. ROOMS and board. 341 llth st. Reasonable rates. HOUSEKEEPING R0O5IS WEST SIDE TWO large housekeeping rooms, fur nished; ground floor, two nicely fur nished single rooms. 404 Park. NEATLY furnished H. K. rooms, also sleeping rooms, reasonable. 428 Sal mon st. ; TTiRKK unfurnished H. K. rooms In pri vate family; ull modern conveniences. 565 Everett st. ... - FRONT housekeeping rooms, single and en suite, gas, bath, phone, pleasant Biirrejuiidijigs. $3 and$4.Ji.lJM!llst. $15773 ROOSEVELT, near 23d, two large rooms, pantry, sink, gas, bnth, phone, front, buck porch. Mar. 41J6. FURNISHED housekeeping room. The JO lino re. 1 ' 9 Park st. TWO large 1L K. rooms. Running water. reasonable. Will rent separately. 661 Everett. THREE connecting rooms furnished for housekeeping. Very desirable. Piano, ga s ba th . pbon e. 35 llth. ELEGANTLY furnished 1 and 2 room apartments; all modern conveniences, walking distance. 820 Montgomery ESPECIALLY desirable' connected suite. newly fitted rooms, large, airy, light. 52 4 Morrison. TWO housekeeping rooms on the third floor; phone, bath, gas range, $2.25 up. 208 13th st. YOUNG lady In new apartment wants desirable room mate; beat references exc hanged. J-50, Journal. 410 Salmon st. 2 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, central, reasonable. TWO largo housekeeping rooms, pantry, running water, gas, phone, $18. 4.2 4 fli st. -" -' - H. K. rooms, front suite, bnth and light, both phones. The Morrison, 38(1 H Morrison. 2, AND 3. strictly modern 11. K. rooms, $12 and $16 month. 580 Sec ond st. TWu room, complete for housekeep- ing. All convenience. Main 4d44. 361 Taylor st . newly furnished front suite, free gas, bnth, phone, laundry. TWO H. K. rooms, iitat, clean, opposite Falling school. 7iM Uirs t st. H. K. rooms, gas bath, phone-, steam heat, $3.50 up. :17ft Yamhill. Hi M'SKK KEP1NG 725 Main. rooms. $2 nnd up. 2 FRoNT H K. rooms, clean, pleasant, bath, $15. 215 N. 18th st. phone, gas FURNISHED housekeeping rooms 181 6th. across iroiu Portland hotei. ONE or two furnished front housekeep ing rooms, alcove, heated, 47;e Clay. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; electric lights and gas ranges; JJ.50 up. 3N3 Davis. EaRGK llghfTront room for housekeep ing, rent reasonable. 434 7th st. e e th(, rTec,,JeFF? apter. I -?S IT 5 CONTGciT I'LL 66 TH& Pitch ii woNDeR- op we ag&. Thi) LETret tv.l kowTo ptch a ho Her GG vt tNTtwt k HtLL MOUJ R.'vO IT. FUHXISIIKlV ROOMS : j ' THnwuI """.'"' --i.VssSy- . - - VKitrHi rt.Q, m 4 - -- - j-'- HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS T- 8 WEST ' 189 13TII Four rooms, completely fur nished, entire first floor; gas ,ane! woijd ranges, V&th, lawn, phone; also two upstairs rooms, walking distance to btielness center, t'ull 3Utl Yton bldg., Frank McFarlsind Ituulty Co., Marshall, CLOSE lii72nlco f rVmnimsekeeplnii rooms, ground floor; porch, prlvulu entrance, yard; (pilet, refined surruund ing; best luumlry privileges. 2(11 lttli St., near Jefterson. ILiinu sets back from street. Til REE large oulslele rootim, well fur nished for housekeeping, steam heat, private! bath, both pheuie-N, ID minutes' walk to podtof Nee, 4 4 H Cluy St. NEAT, ejun furnisiied II. K. rooms onej ami two rooms, 12.50, 13.60 weeK, hot mid cold water. Tel. urnl lights true. 52 N. 23d si. ! t LR.NifilirJD il. kv. room, mouern, $1.60 up. B car to 207 Sherman. Marshall 1103. WELL f nrnished front 3 room null. gas range, sink, sepnrnte entrance Call mornings. 700 Flanders. 1 VS i II. K. looms in modern apartmeiit IsVelNo for hiislilexs W'eiuiau, $1... Lath nnd phone. IVi', S'. i'.ul, near Johnson. CAAfBRlTiGEfuTiTuTiiTii Iind unTur nislied housekeeping rooms. Central, cheap. Room ;in, 3e and MorrlHon. 4s 5 CLAY Lnige, eouveribnt, 1 and 2 room Cbeup. furnished housekeeping suites. HOLSEKKEPINn i;OOM8 EAST SIDE 48 FOR RENT In private home, house keeping rooms, Hrst floor, yard, base ment, piano, fireplace, bath, luYirln(itesi walk to 1'. 0,; veiy reasonable. 26 lv llth. Phone East 3tl&. Call aftel' 4 o'clock school nights. ' $1.5u TO $2.75 Week; clean, furnished H. K. rooms, suit.ildn for 3 eir 4 . free heat. ..laundry, bullm, yard, huh. l'hone Eiisl ' 405C.' 4H6 Vancouver v., or 203 Stantein. H car. T W.o'weli fui ulsheei housekeeping rooms modern, including electric lights, uas for cooking, liirnnce heat', but water, bath, laumlry, phone, no ear fare, 2 peo- plc, 12b. 441 E.t:ojuch. East 1316. $T'J- -j'uTrfu'rnisiicei housek.:e'lng rooms, 743 E. Stark, corner 22el, $10, two un furnished housekeeping rooms, 71Vi E. 22d, near Stark. Apply 127 E. 16th, nenr Morrison. 3 RoOM apartments, modern, private hatha, new furniture, brick building, $23.6o jeer month. 371 Russell st., cor ner Union ave. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, all pleasant outside rooms, $2 up; phone, hath, laundry, single and en suite. 164 is Union S. NlV:Econveri!ent rooms for light house keeping or sleeping. Easy walking dis tinct. 362 'j E. Morrison. TWO sunny rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; private family, $15 a month. 12!) East 20th, near Morrison. TWO sunny, furnished rooms for houso keeplng. " Free phono. 267 Ross. East ONE neatly furnished housekeeping room. Close in. 4 1 E. 7th, near Oak. Rent $X. NICELY' furnished front suite, gas, bath. Phone 404 hi East Burnslde, corner 8th. Two rooms, -deasant, good location; no children. Last 6J-b. HOUSES FOR RENT 12 FINE PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. S rooms and sleeping porch, JyoxHiO, corner Jetn ami I'-llxaoeru sis.; line lawn, b s of roses, sumo fruit and goou cons-Tvatory: price per moinu. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Majn 35 102 Furthst. A-.1500. LARGE modern 7 room bungalow and garage 24 E. 63el St., mar Belmont at $3(j; also 6 room modern bungalow, 1144 Stenheiie St.. near .ctn. at 2U. A. E. Poulsen, 418 Railway Exchange. Mar sha 127 53. folt RENT fc room house-, elee'lriej lights, nice yarel and barn, half block freim cur; refit $11. Inquire; ut Ross Real Estate, Laurelwood station, Mount Scott line. E. eOth and Salmon. Modern 7 room house, garage, 2 fireplaces, furnace, nice yard with shrubbery,, fruit trees. $35. ROOM house feir rent, suitable for 2 families, will furnish for responsible parties. Staub &. Sautell, E. 32d and Belmont sts FOR RENT or lease, a rooming house on West Park be tweeji lamhlil and Morrison; owner. 334 Market st. Mar- P2L! 1 34 16. FOR RENT -Furnished fluts, ceittages and single rooms. 364 North 26th st. Under new management. RouM cottage hiuI two iaree siry basement rooms, yard, fruit anil barn. ch. ap. 1361 Gay and -Portland Blv d. FOR RENT 7 room house.', southeast corner 4Dth and East Main st $16. Phone Tabor 1406. FOR RENT 10 room house, freshly tinted and papered. Walking distance- Very reasonable, i5 2'l lith st. FOR RENT Modern 7 room bungalow, Mt. Scott car. .Vlvrtle Park. North on 60th st. and 37th live. Tabor 2071. CLEAN 4 room cottage., f)ne for young couple. Phone East 2s. 425 East 8ta St., south. KmoM c-oi-iug ami one 7 room house, e" lose in on We-st Side1. M. E. Lee, 311 Ceei-belt tilde;. FOR RENT ii reeeeni cottage, with atitee garage, hard surface siiecl, rent $25 per month. M. 1-;. Lee, ."11 Corbett hid ir. FOR RENT X roeem house witn sleep ing porch, E. Rusk, II st.. near Unieen ave. Apply J'.'J Micrumetito st. FOR RENT Modern 7 room house, 72 E. 10th St., north, cor. Everett. In quire at 73 East loth, north. PORTLAND HEIGHT-. 7 ruom house. bath, gas, line si neighborhood. Main 4S44. 6 ROOMS, inoete' furnace. East in every respect, elii, icar Alberta. Phone' W eeoeihe All I'.e . . $F-lol iEUN I loom t . niigalow. Wood" lawn. 1 l'ieeckto ear. plume East 307H. EIGHT roeein lieeiisi-, suiiablc for 2 fam ilies. $ls. pbieiie 4 2n7. FOR RENT 6 r line. j ; Margtn-rl I'otUtgy near car n ve. $1 50 Six rooms, modern ami clean. full bit. 'bloe-k Hawthorne. 292 43d. MYYoifRN r. room cottage." 24th "und -Oregon. Take Rose City car "TO PITCH -A NO Her GWAG, GlVie ALL ON M.,. kP-P DOIWf, THl. TILL UIAPld.5. dLL. i ON rVCCOOer op " , ; HOUSES FOR JtEXT ii KlCE'hoaetraomiv tol'leandbth1; yard and garden. $14 rnotitj.. Ill ('..' 74th north. M.-V. ear. Tel. MarshaVi 87SS. i FURN 1HHKD. HOUSES gq . THREE very lar room, eompletely furnished, west side, with ptami, fire place, Dutch kitchen, furnace heat, 10 minutes' walk from P. O. ; price. 120. 1'hone Main 2752 or 814 4th st. MODERN 5 room bungalow, new, up t Hate, furnlHlied, piano. food laying: chickens, big yard, 1 block from W, .' car. 5113 E. 42d st. Sellwood 1483, Or Sellw 0 D(l 5?K. " 1 ' TTIREiel clean well funuKhd room, see. hall, pantry, batli. baaetnent, lawn and flowns. $1( to adults. 153 East tb s t north, corner Fremont. F 1 1 RNISHED 5 room hou, modern, geeod condition, gas, electricity, ref- erenees exchanged. Tabor Height, near nr line. Phone R-2320. SIX room house, ulcely furnished, Jfood location, $35 per month. 334 Tilla mook St., injur Rodney ave, riioneEast 05 5. ' MODERN fiifnUlnid cotuge, t rooms, bath, also large sunny flat, 3 rooms, bath, gas, telephone. 614 E. 21st t- W. R. car. ; 8 Room well furnished house on nice corne r, near school, 'Rirod car eervloe. fidl Board of Trade. 5 l)i)M hou e with piano, $10. Take ' A Hutu cur to 6th st. Walk 1 block) north. 410 Webster St. NICELY furnished 7 room houae, fii und woyd run lie, 3 bedrooms, piano; WW I Jease. ORS E ijllsan, near let. 4 ROOM modern nouae, nicely furnished -large! lot, chicken park, i block to e i . J'honw Jghitr 2670. i ilia IMS, furbished houae. 132H Uel- moiit. Nq children. . 4 Kiiii.VIS .compltteiv ., furnished, clove; to school. Rent 2". 695 4th t. ' $20. . Fuiir r.Miui funilsHed cottage. In o.ulre moriiinj!S -at 173 Morris sL i , AlefviHs lent freeElegant furnished house, view, fruit, garden. 3K2 Olbb. $25 MODERN 5 room cottage, f ur- nlshed. Telephone ('-2175. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 83 A FIRST CLASS snap If taken at once, !) rooms furnished for housekeeping, clean and neat; a good money maker; i low rent, $35; no agents. 428 Hall! M r,- Tabor out. - i 8 ROOM house for rent, furniture for' sale; keep roomers and boarders; in' come $125 month; everything nice and clean; will go away. 324 E. 1st N. ; 4 20. K LA T for rent, furniture for aale, S j rooms, lower, steam heat, close to school, walking distance; will rent fur' nished to responsible parties. Pbone Main Zii. F'UR N 1 T U RE of s room house. Sent , reasonable. Close In. Cheap fort cash. Owner on place, 22 Salmon, bet.' 6th le'U R.N1TL RE of s rooms for sale; now,' only been useel one week; party leav Ing (eiwn on aecounfof work and wlU, sell at a bargain. Call 60 Ella St. - SPECIAL bargains in exchange dept.;1 used furniture, carpets, stoves, ranee,! etc. Cull and be convinced. M. OstroW i jCo., U 4N. 3d st. FURNITURE of 5 room cottage tor, sale; $50 takes It; rent $16; gas and. electricity. 770 Thurman tL A SNAP Furniture of 3 room modern. . light flat, cheap rent. 367 Cable st, near Cia p n i an a rid Mill. FURNITURE of 7 rooms at a bar-i v gain; good as new. Call at SS2 Mal-j den nvc. Take Sellwood car. FINE 8 room house for rent, furniture feer sale cheap; party leaving town. Ca 11 be foro 1 o'clock 644 Eth st. S-ROOM cottage for rent or furniture J for sale, 230 Lincoln. A-1002. ' FURNITURE FOR SALE 65 WILL sell at sacrifice furniture Of $ rooms, l'hone B-24!)l. ; AP ARTME NTS 43 , ' Grand Oak Apartments . s '" "68H Grand Ave. 2 and 2 room furnished apartment; private bath and phone; every modern convenience, $20 to $30. I Idaho Apartments Three furnished housekeeping- toorn. .. within 1 block of high school and graded school. Froe phone and bath; every, modern convenience. 3S9 6th. Lincoln ADartments 4th and Lincoln. All outside t room apartments, $22.60 to $30. Main 1271 A -3 4 7 2. Grey Gables New 2 roonlapartments, $20 and VlV also single rooms, walking distance, 28 loth st. Phone A-2629. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th st., near Taylor. Handsomely furnished or unfurnished 5 room apartments, pleueant surround-) ings, conveniently located to car. " LEEDS APTS., 210 MARKET ST. Newly furnished 2, 3, 4 rooms, $22.(9 to $40; single rooms. $3 up, free Light, . phones, heat, hot and cold water, elec-, trie el evator. Marshall 3il7. . a- Drickston Apartments 448 llth near College, 2 and 8 room suitps. strictly first class. Marshall I7.e : jErFFEKSoNIAN 1 lit h and Jefferson hts.; modern 2 and 3 rovin furnished housekeeping, summer rates $16 and up," best yeiu cve-r sr.w for the money. TTTlTDeYV EN PORT Newly furnisoed'st and 3 room apts., jerivate bath andi phone, reasonable. 60s Jefferson, Mala 1 5435. . PARK APTS.. 853 HARRISON BeautU ful 3 and 4 room furnished apte.( walwing distance. Marshall 3070, A-442X lit M"ELIKE furnished apartment, mod- ern, clioieo location. 260 E. 23d, Beat : H;w il.onie. l'hone East 2669. .- T I f E Eve lyn apartment 267 N. 21sUet-J W. car; 3 room furnished apartment, - a!! modern, low rent. Main 189. THE KM ANDI. modern 4 room apart ments. 656 Flanders at Nob HUL - Main S2'.l . '" 3Uirciay St., between 10th and W. Park, 2, 3 and 4 room apts. furnished or unfurnished. Main 40i0. By "Bud" Fisher 1 ', I.: .".fr -I. - V ".v-:;'-''.'(-