The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 11, 1912, Page 15, Image 15

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Brief Items of Tuesday's Late News
Short Stories of World llaprnlngi Not Received In Time for Yester
day's Issue of The Journal.
.. . -Eastern. '
Total contributions to the Roosevelt
(and Johnson campaign fund from July
'1 to September 7 aggregate $72,052, of
which $53,372 was received at New York
and $18,725 at the Chicago headquarters,
' according to a statement Issued by El en
H. Hooker, treasurer pf the Progressive
i committee. The leading contributors
were George W. Perkins and Frank A.
' Munsey, who gave $16,000 each.
Advices received In New York indicate
that the last season in the pearl flsh
j erles has been almost completely unsuc
cessful. The result will probably be an
I advance of 20 to 25 per cent In the
prices of pearls.
Socialists may fly the red flag with
, out police Interference in New Jersey,
, according to a decision by Supreme
I Court Justice Francis Js Swayzo in the
case of two men of North Bergen, N.
! J. "This Is a free country," said Judge
Swayze. "The Socialist party is a legal
ly authorized party in the state of New
Jersey, The rd flag la the emblem of
that party." .7,
Plans for Chicago's proposed subway
ay&tem were completed and presented by
a subcommittee to the city council on
subways Tuesday. The plans provide
for four main lines traveling the city.
The estimate for constrctlon is $96,
857,000 and for equipment 34,84.09.
A new anestlielio w,tth which the pa
tlest Is lulled quietly to sleep by the
odor of oranges Instead of with a
struggle that attends the use of ether,
has been discovered. It has been used
In five operations at tho Brooklyn naval
hospital and with such startling suc
cess that J. O. Byrnes predicts its adop
tion for both the navy and army. The
new anesthetic is based on the odor of
essence of oranges, which Is ten times
tronger than tho odor of ether.
The day of the scientific safe burglar
Is about over. A kind of steel that can
not bo drilled, exploded or cut by the
oij hydrogen flume has been discovered
by German chemists, according to Pro
fessor DMieberg, one of the chief for
eign deleates to the International
Chemists congress in New York. Dr.
DuiVberg exhibited a specimen of the
new alloy which had withstood the heat
of both the oxyhydrogen and oxyacety
lene flames for one and bne half hours.
J. Bruce lsmtty, who figured in the
news a few months ago by being among
the Titanic survivors, is to resign as
president of the International Mercan
tile 'Marino company, and probably will
bo succeeded as executive head of the
company by P. A. 8. Franklin, now vice
president and head of the business in
this country. J. P. Morgan controls
the Mock of tho company, which has a
capital of $120,000,000.
General Daniel K. Sickles will not be
obliged to part with his relics of the
Civil war, which were to have been sold
at auction Friday to satisfy a Judgment
of $2800 held by the Lincoln Trust com--paity:
TWnTeT V. 'TTay es," l'o ""geherai's"
lawyer, -announces that money to satisfy
Sweetens your stomach, clears your head anid thoroughly
cleanses your liver and 30 feet of bowels of sour
bile, four gases and clogged-up waste.
All those days when you feel miser
able, headachy, bilious and dull are due
to tropld liver and sluggish bowels.
The days when our stomach is sour and
full of gas, when you have Indigestion;
the nights when your nerves twitch and
you are restless and can't sleep Could
be avoided with a teaspoonful of deli
cious Syrup of Figs. Isn't It foolish to
be distressed when there is such a pleas
ant way to overcome it?
Give your inactive liver and ten yards
of waste-clogged bowels a thorough
cleansing this time. Put an end to con
stipation. Take a teaspoonful of Syrup of Figs
tonight, sure, and Just see for yourself
by morning, hdv? "gently but thoroughly
all thf sour bile, undigested ferment
If your stomach is sick, sour,
surely get relief
Sour, sick, upset stomach, indigestion. '
heartburn, dyspepsia; when the. food
jrou eat ferments Into gases and stub
born lumps; your head aches and you
feel sick and- miserable, that's when
you realise the magic in Pape's Dia
pepsln. It makes stomach distress go
in five minutes.
If your stomach is In a' continuous
irevolt;. If you can't get It regulated,
-'please, foe your saka, trjL.XUapc.PBla..
It's so needless to have a bad stomach
make your next meal a favorite fooa
'- - i - '.. i . - "
the Judgment -had. been raised and that J
the case has been settled.
Pacific Coast. ,
The Oregon-Washington riallway &
Navigation company has begun condem
nation -proceedings -for the acquisition
of 60,482 square feet of land In Ballard,
a north end manufacturing district of
Seattle for use with other property for
terminals In connection with an exten
sion of the line to Everett.
L. O. Belland's seventh annual sale
of Alaska furs was held at Astoria
Tuesday. The furs were secured by
Otto Larson, a trader at Nushagak
river, Alaska, and were brought down
on the ship St Nicholas, of the local
cannery fleet. The shipment was larger
than the one sent from there last sea
son and Included various kinds of skins
as follows: Eleven cross fox, 1270
mink, 7 lynx, S70 red fox, 60 marten,
112 land otter and 3000 inuskrat. The
total sales amounted to $8000.
Mrs. Mary Jane Gray, Oregon set
tler, aged 88 years, died at Wenatchee,
Wash., Monday following a paralytic
stroke. Mrs. Gray, known as "Auntie"
Gray, came to Oregon from Kansas In
1870, and lived In and near Portland
until 1885, when with her husband she
removed to Wenatchee.
A safe In the store of Meyers & Kelly
at Carson, Skamania county, was blown
open Sunday night by one or more men,
who made their escape with from $50 to
$100 in cash and a number of valuable
The Odd Fellows of Forest Grove have
begun the construction of a two story
brick building, 50 by 100 feet, with
basement, on their lot at Main street
and First avenue, one of the best busi
ness corners in the city. The structure
will cost about $12,000.
After being on the beach of Cape
San Lozaro, Lower California, since Au
gust 15, the freighter Pleiades, floated
late Sunday, started for San Francisco
Tuesday under its own power and with
out a eonvoy. The freighter left Grays
Harbor August 8, for Balboa, Panama,
Newspapers In London announce the
death of Madame Marie LaSalle-Rabln-off,
the American prima donna. The
rise to fame of Mme. La Salle-Rabtnoff
began four years ago when Mrs. Will
lam K. Vanderblit and Mrs. Otto Kahn
heard her sing and sent her to Europe
that she might cultivate her wonderful
The revolution In NJcaragua is on
the wane, according to 'advices from
Rear-Admiral Southerlarul. The ad
miral reported that the American land
ing forces now control the railway sit
uation and that the uprising has dwin
dled to the proportions of "the usual
Central American revolution."
The Servian cabinet has resigned, os
tensibly because' of the "ill-health of
the premier. Dr. Mllovanovitch. The
ing food and clogged up waste matter Is
moved on and out of your system no
nausea ho griping no weakness.
You simply can't have your liver In
active and your thirty feet of bowels
constipated with sour, decaying waste
matter and feel well. The need of a
laxative is a natural need, but with'
delicious Syrup of Figs you are not
drugging yourself. Being composed en
tirely of luscious figs, senna and aro
matics it cannot injure.
Ask your druggist for the full name,
"Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna."
Refuse, with scorn, any of the so-called
Fig Syrup Imitations, They are meant
to deceive you. Look on the label. The
genuine, old reliable, bears the name,
California Fig Syrup Company.
gassy and upset now you can
in five minutes.
meal, then take a little Plapepsln.
There will not be any distress eat
Without fear. It's because Pape's Pla
pepsln "really does" regulate . weak,
out-of-order stomachs that gives It Its
millions of sales annually.
Get a large fifty-cent case of Pnpe's
Diapepsln from ny drug store. It Is
the quickest, surest stomach relief and
cure known. It acts almost like magic. JclentlXlc. harmloaa and, deligiitp
nil preparation which .truly belongs in
every bom '
real reason la believed to be the serious
Balkan situation.
The recently negotiated Franco-Rus
sian naval convention and the older
Anglo-French convention relating to the
Mediterranean seaboard, will bo brought
Into practical operation within a few
days, when the French fleet, which
heretofore- has had its Jieadiiuarters at
Brest, will be permanently transferred
to Toulon,
Lbndon society is stirred by-the sui
cide of Miss Ghlta Stanhope, age 31,
daughter of Commander the Honorable
Heary. A, S. Stanhope, uncle . of Lord
Stanhope, when a guest. of Mr. and Mrs.
Moreton Frewen, at Brede Place, in
Sussex. Miss Stanhope was found in
her bedroom with the top of her head
blown off, while the gun, from which
a cartridge had been discharged, lay be
side her. . The trigger of the gun was
tied to a bedpost with a shoe lace.
Another double aviation fatality, the
second of the week, occurred at Oxford,
England, Tuesdaytar members-f t he
army flying corps when Lieutenant C
A. Bettington and Lieutenant E. Hotch-
klss, both of whom had just been given
commissions on probation, were killed
when flying past Wolvercote. The mo
tor stopped and the machine fell from
a height of 600 feet.
The discovery of a httherto unknown
goddess, whose head is described as that
of second Venus de Mllo, is reported
from Athens. The discovery was made
on the site of the ancient city of Paga
sal, the cemetery of which was discov
ered some time ago.
Twenty persons were killed and 80
hurt In a bonib explosion Tuesday In
the marke place at Dolran, 40 miles
southwest of Salonika, European Tur
key. Feeling is running high in Italy re
garding the ultimate disposition of the
Aegean Islands, which have been oc
cupied by Italian troops In the war with
Turkey. The agitation was initiated by
delegates from the islands and by Greek
emissaries and Is receiving the support
of the Socialists and other extremists,
who declare the Islands "shall not be
returned to Turkish brutality and re
venge." Archduchess Ella of Austria, whose
betrothal to a cavalry officer ras an
nounced some time ago, has formally
renounced her royal rights in the pres
ence of the emperor, Count Berchtold,
minister of foreign affairs; Cardinal
Nagel and the members of the Imperial
With the enlisted force of the navy
nearly 6000 men below Its normal
strength, the department has begun an
active campaign to get recruits. The
total enlisted force now Is 46,768, or
6634 less than required by law.
Advances proposed on freight rates
on wholo barley between California, Ne
vada, Utah and Minneapolis and other
western cities have been suspended un
til January 7 to permit hearings before
the Interstate commerce commission.
Tho estimate of the Saskatchewan de-
partmen t-of agriculture -of the -crop of
1912, based on reports received from
1800 correspondents, indicates a yield
of nil grains of 22S.166.154 bushels.
which is an Increase of 15. 760, 000. bush
els over the crop of last year.
With the. retirement, of Major Daniel
W. Arnold, only one officejwho saw
service in the Civil War Is now left
on the active list of the United States
army. This officer Is Colonel John L.
Clem, of the quartermaster's depart
ment, now serving as chief quarter
master of Central division, with head
quarters at Chicago.
Robert Q. Valentine, commissioner of
Indian affairs, has sent his resignation
to the interior department, to become
effective at the discretion of Secretary
Fisher, now in Hawaii. Mr. Valentine
will Join the Roosevelt Progressive
(Salem Buret of The JonrnnL)
Salem, Or., Sept 11. Ministers of
Salem, at a meeting of their Ministe
rial associatiqn, went on record in
support of Governor West in his
statewide cleanup campaign. In addi
tion to passing resolutions, many min
isters spokn strongly In approval of
the governor's course. Dr. A. N. Avl
son, pastor of the First Methodist
church, asked why nothing had been
heard from the "White, liibboners," in
support of Governor West.
Speaking of a restricted district for
vice, Dr. Avlson said he would favor
It only on condition that men who pa
tronized scarlet women should be seg
regated in a district with them.
'Tr. Fletcher Homan, president of
Willamette university, said he indorsed
thoroughly the acts of the governor In
his campaign against vice and ex
pressed faith In the governor's sin
cerity. Rev. Mr. Tapscott of the Baptist
church reported that his congregation
had passed resolutions Sunday indors
ing the governor and pledging support
to his campaign.
The ministers are arranging to bring
Rev. Charles M. Sheldon, lecturer and
author of "In His Steps," to Salem for
a lecture October 24. They expect him
to have a large influence in stirring up
the inoral elementj to activity in the
fight against vice. ' They are making
plans to get a large registration of the
moral element for city and state elec
tions. A Jewelry novelty for women is a
?h.Qn tft hftlfl ft snmlj hftusjueti mtmltg
from a bracelet to a ring on its wear
er's little finger.
111 BE
With 40 Days' Water Supply
Impounded City Will Be
Dry No More.
(Special to Tb Journti.)
Astoria, Or., Sept. 11. The Immense
dam at the headworks of the city water
system on Bear creek, which has been
under construction since April, will cost
approximately J90.000 and will be fin
ished by the etui o the year, according
to the estimate of Kngineer Lars Bergs
vlk. Excavation was finished the mid
dle of last month and since then con
struction of the immense concrete wall
Uiat will impound OO,UOO,0u0 gallons
of water has been under way.
While the reservoir Is under way, a
fluuiu about 40W feet lung conducts the
water from Bear creek into tiio IS Inri
main that supplies the city. The flume
diverts the stream around the scene of
operations. The contractors thus have
dry ground on which to work.
Tiio new reservoir was authorized by
a special bond Issue. The object Is to
provide water for Astoria during the,
dry summer months when the flow of
Bear" creek is no sufficient. The water
surface when the reservoir Is filled will
cover 22 acres, in a natural Uepreaslun
at the Intake. This hn been cleared and
reenforced with artificial walls, andj
excavated near the dam location. Tho
elevation of the intake is 600 feet.
rifty-roux Feet Thick at Base.
The main wall of concrete which im
pounds the water Is a solid wall of ma
sonry, 74 feet high and l'JO feet wide.
It has a thickness of 5 4 feet at its base
and of 11 feet at its top. Mr. Bergs
vik says it in the tallest dam in the
state. To build it fcOUO cubic yards of
concrete will be required. The rock
for use In mixing tho concrete Is ob
tained near by. The. quurry Is in the
mountain side, 300 feet below the dam,
whence it is conveyed to the required
place. At present 50D cubic yards of
concrete have been filled In.
The contractors uro building the dam
at a price wf $S.8S per cubic yard for
the cdncrtte. The excavation was done
at J2 for the rock, 60 cents for the soft
earth, per cubic yard. Four thousand
cubic yards of rock and 2000 eulitc yards
of earth have been excavated In prepa
ration of the site.
The completion of the dam will solve
the problem that water users of Astnia
have had to contend with during the dry
months in the past, when a low run
ning stream iias made water a scarcity
to such an extent that sometimes It was
not to be had at all. A growing popu
lation has served to accentuate this
condition each year. This year a heavy
rainfall obviated it.
The water In the reservoir will easily
carry the city through dryest spells. If
there were no water at all running in
the reservoir, it would take 40 days at
the present rats of consumption to
empty ft.
(Special to The Journal.)
Oregon City, Or., Sept. 11. Tho
Clackamas county fair, which will be
held on September 2.1, 20, 27 and 2S,
will be tho inecra of livestock breeders.
The Dlniick stock firm of Hubbard will
have a fine exhibit of Poland China
hogs. Grant B. Dlmlck, owner of the
farm, has purchased chumplons at sev
eral fairs, including tho state fair held
at Salem last wVek. Mr. Dimick will
build a barn on the fair grounds, which
will be called tho Dlniick Stock Farm
Barn. Another exhibitor who will have
a large exhibit is John Colo of Molalla.
In his exhibit Is Included Jersey cattle,
a large flock of Cotswold sheep and an
exhibit of Poland China hogs.
The racetrack Is being rapidly placed
In good condition and the prospects for
racing now are good. A new arrange
ment of the grounds has been made,
whereby the concessions are In a circle
called the Joy circle. A bandstand, lias
been built in the center of this circle.
Other Improvements liava been made.
Sit Supremo Court Hearings Set.
(Stlem llur-m of The Joiiroil t
Palem, Or., Sept. 11. J. C. Moreland,
clerk of the supreme court, today fixed
the time of heading of six cases which
will come up for argument before the
supreme court upon Its reconvening at
the close of the summer vacation the
first of October. The cases are set as
October 1 State vs. Goodhue, appeal
from Multnomah county; State vs.
Weiss, appeal from Douglas.
October 2 Lntrirop vs. Modern Wood
men of America, appeal from Jose
phine; Roodman vs. Harding, appeal
from Douglas.
October 3 Rowley vs. Hager, appeal
from Multnomah; Wirth vs. Rlchter, ap
peal from Yamhill. '
Sold by
Wooclard, Clarke & Co.
America's Largest Drugstore.
Orders by KaU Promptly rUlsA,
Neglect of Old Government
Route Diverts Travel to
Umpqua Valley.
(Special tu The Journal )
Grants I'ass., Or., Sept. 11. Josephine
county is to proceed at once with the
Improvement of tiio old government
trail running down Hogue river. The
government originally built this trail
at a iKst or about Jlu.O'W. but of late
years It has not been kept up, and por
tions of it1 have become almost Impas
sable. Travel from the lower Rogue
has been forced because of this to cross
over the West Fork divide and find out
lot in the L"mpiua valley.
Tnu county court has appropriated
for use on this trail all funds derived
from the United States government per
cent allowed from pasturage and other
sources from the portion of the national
forest within the county. This fund
will amount to from $700 to (800 an
nually, enough to leiiair and keep tho
trail in good condition. Tho money Is
to be expended under the direction of
an agent of the forestry service.
There is also agitation to have a
wagon road completed down the Rogue
to the coast. A road Is already In use
to Gallce, and also up from tho mouth
of ..llui. r..b:r .t....Ane.fv the .stretch... be
tween being covered only with the gov
ernment trail.
Josephine Jury List Drawn.
(Mnccliil to The Journal.)
Grants Pass., or., Sept. 11. The Jury
list for the September term of the cir
cuit court has Just been drawn. From
this list the grand Jury will also be se
lected. Among the criminal cases to
come before tho court are those of John
Krusell, charged with committing a
murderous assault on his wife, and of
S. C. liaydeu, a homesteader, who
awaits trial for an alleged nttack upon
a neighbor's 6-ycar-old daughter. Hay
den Is now recovering from a gunshot
waund in the head, having attempted
suicide when confronted by the father
of the little girl and charged with the
MLsflt Room for Certain Pupils.
(Special to The Journti.') ,.,
Hood River, Or., Sept. 11. What
promises to be a new departure In nnh-
lic school work is up for consideration
with the school authorities in Hood
RUcr. It io proposed to institute a
"misfit" room, where punlls will he
placed who ar not ablo to kfep up with
ineir graoes anu are loo rar anvanced
to bo set back a grade. It has been
discovered that many of these need onlv
a little additional help in special lines.
which can best Do done by a special
teaebc-r. who will slva each. Individual
student special attention.
The recent installation of a BOO-llght
electric plant in the palace of the sultan
of Oman marked the Introduction of
electrical machinery into Arabia.
Instructive Little Publication
Should Be Read by All Who
Are Seeking Health.
r n
ror Broncmus ana uatarrn.
Seattle, Keb. 26, '13.
Mr. r. M C Stewart, 71 Columbia
St.. SeatMe:
My Dear Sir: I bellevo there is
nollilii" In the form of medicine that
Is superior to Sulphurro. I would
state most emphatically that every
family ought to have a bottle In the
home. I have used the medicine for
bronchitis and catarrh, also for sore
throat and burns. I find Sulphurro
!o be all thnt It Is claimed to be.
Very trulv yours,
1 71 3 i E. 5Cth St., Seattle.
The little, booklet telling you the
"how'1 and "why'' of Sulphurro'accom
panies each bottle "f the medicine as
you buy It at the drug store. Rottles
cost 50 cents and $1. If you wish, the
booklet will be sent free upon request
to the C. M. C. Stewart Sulphur Co., 71
Columbia tit., Seattle.
Though this booklet costs you noth
ing. It is valuable, as It contains in
formation of importance to every man,
woman and child. It should be- care
fully read by all, and then kept for fu
ture reference.
Tho booklet contains a common sense
explanation of facts hot heretofore ex
plained to tho public; of facts every In
dividual should know.
Every human being desire good
health. Read the booklet nnd learn how
you may improve your health, add years
to life, and enjoy every duy,
rTgtptmrre tmthyare-K-nefessfty in ttiff
cure. of disoase; a rest for the weary;
a luxury for alt
K v
11. 1912
Porters Bonused Tidelands.
(Special tn The Journal.
Florence, (Jr., Sept. 11. The people
of Florence are raising $7500 to be used
toward purchasing additional tidelands
for the Porter Bros.' mill at Florence.
The mill has been idle for more than a
year, partly on account of not having
Get Out Your Fishing Tackle
Chinooks and Silversides
The rains have ceased. It's reat at the beach
now ' the very cream of the season. Some
think the beach season ends with Summer
those who know say September is the month
of all months.
The same good service. The same low fares
all through September to the Tillamook county
WEEK.END SPECIAL leaves Union Station
1 p. m. every Saturday, via Fourth street. Re
turning, leaves Tillamook 4 p. m. Sunday. (
Tickets on sale City Ticket Office, Third and
Washington streets, Union Depot and Fourth
and Yamhill streets.
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent
Low Round Trip
To the East
September 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 30
CHICAGO and return f 72.50
ST. LOUIS and return 70.0O
NEW YORK and return 108.50
BOSTON and return $110.00
BUFFALO and return ? 91.50
St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Omaha, Sioux)
City, St. Joe, Kansas City, Winnipeg, Port )? 60.00
Arthur and return )
Tickets allow 15 days for Kolng passage. Good for re
turn to October 31. iood golnf one road, returning an
other. Stopovers allowed within limit in each direction.
Three daily, electrlc-llKhted trains The Oriental Limited
through to St. Paul, Minneapolis and Chicago the South
rnst Express to Knnsns City the Oregonlan to St. Paul,
Minneapolis and Duluth.
Plan to spend a few days or weeks in Glacier National Park
on your trip east. Hotel accommodations in tho Park at a
very reasonable expense. It is worth seeing you can freshen
up there in the heavily wooded valleys and up on the moun
tains surrounded by hundreds of living glaciers and deep
blue lakes. . -
Let us help you plan your vacation.
Write to any Great Northern Repre
sentative for information regarding
train service and trip over the Great
Northern Railway with stopover at
Glacier National Park.
122 Third St, Portland
enough room to operate to a success.
The purchase of this land means that
the mill will commence operation , at
once. The Porters have also assured
the people that many other Industries
would be located at Florence.
Jourpal Want Ads bring results.
- 7 A.
V y-