II THE OREGON DAli-Y JOURNAL PORTLAND, MONDAY ' EVENING, i SEPTEMBER 0. 1912. S THE WASHINGTON. 8 Nortbrup st. ntatiiit; e room unruroisnea apan meiit,' Ttli all modern conveniences, bsth.-stephon. gas ran ire. refrigerator, teamneat hot and cold water, gas. eJtric light, janitor service, eta Take "W car to Stat and Northrup. Phone Wain 4178. A-1133. lHls. VILU i. CLARA. Uth and Tayler. Mist . magnificently f uraished apart ments in the ctiy; location perfect; rent ala reasonable; avery modern conven ience banquet hail And roof garden; tilth "class aervice; references required. Hoio pwwes in all apartments. Main Pfinmsula Aoartments 1185 Alblna ave. 2, 3 and 4 roms, -thoroughly modern, steam lieatr not an.l cold water, gas and electric light. Near .Jefferson high school; 4-mlnute car service St. John or L cars. C-1170. Burch Apts. Beautifully furnished 2 room apts. Dressing room, bath, modern, new; rea sonable. W car from depot. 110 21st street North. The Morton 697 WASHINGTON ST., . 3 and 4 room furnltihed and unfur nished apts. Kent reasonable. Main 1082. j Cambrian Apartments 12th and Columbia. Largest 2 and 3 room thoroughly modern apartments in city. Prices rea sonable; walking distance. Marshall 2963. CLINTON APARTMENTS. Just opened. Corner E. lbth and Clin ton; one week's rent free to each new tenant; new. strictly , modern building; newly furnished; 3 room suites; private baths. Sell wood 1571 . . THE ORMANDI, modern 4 room apart ments. 65S .Flanders ' St. Nob Hill. Slain 8251. FOR REXT FLATS 13 TWO modern 4 room upper flats, 475H Falling 111, and a 6 room modern cottage, $15, Union ave. cars. Woodlawn 194 or Tabor 2896. TWO modern 4 room upper flats, neat, clean, Dutch kitchen, buffets, indi vidual baths, furnaces, basements, at tics; inquire 443 11th. UNFURNISHED ' 6 room lower flat. electrlo lights and gas, bath, fireplace and cement basement; 61 Ella St. Phone Main or A -4 804. MODERN 5 room lower corner flat; furnace, fireplace. 16th and E. Alder; reasonable rent; key upstairs. Main 1728. $2& New, modern 6 room upper fiat, west side. Walking distance. Main 831L NEW 7 ROOM FLAT ' Gas range, linoleum, 21st and Everett Tabor 3719, MODERN 6 room flat, fronting river. 290 Margin,. 2 blocks north of steel bridge, $22.60. NEW modern 4 room flats, space for garage, walking distance. 569 Market St. Main 4079. MODERN 5 room flat, wood and gas range, large basement. 207 Halsey, $20. $163 rooms, water, tubs, good view. 688 Market St., near Chapman. MODERN 6 room lower flat. 236 Stout at. Inquire phone Mln 2641, 6 ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale, cheap. 822 7th st. FOUR room, lower flat, modern, walk ing distance. 382 K. 1st N. $16.- CLEAN 4 room upper flat, no children. 672 Mississippi ave. East 2911. VERY attractive flats near Broadway bridge. 406 Vt Benton. Main 8695. $14 New 4 room, flat, overlooking park. io Ainsworm, cor. aortnwicK. MODERN five room flat. Heat and tele phone. East 6046. FOR RENT, 5 and 6 room flats. 425 6th FUKJftSHED FLATS 50 NEWLY furnished modern 4 room flat, gas, bath and phone, 1 block from Washington high school, walking dis tance, reasonable. 671 E. Morrison st. between 13th and Uth'. ' Phone East 4669. FOR RENT Beautifully, furnished five room flat; gas, electricity, furnace. 425 Graham ave. Phone E. 1868. MODERN 7 room flat, centrally located, electric lighted, furnished or unfur nished. Main 6424. 329 11th. NEW modern furnished 4 loom flat. also space in garage. 569 Market st. Main 4079. 5 ROOM flats, furnished or unfurnished low rent to permanent tenant. 450 4tti NICELY furnished flats. 226-227 Mar ket st. FOUR room flat, $10; hIso- 4 room flat $12, furnished; E. 3310. THREE and 4 room flat, iiomellke, 7th and Jefferson. Call at store. HOTELS 54 HOTEL REX, 64814 Washington St.. . after you have priced other houses, see us. All outside rooms, modern; also housekeeping rooms with kitchens, prices from $2 and up per week? best of ac commodations assured. Come-and - see for yourself, and give us a trial, as it will pay you to get modern rooms for cheap prices in the heart of the city. HOTEL CONGRESS, beautifully fur- msnen rooms, modem. 6th and Main. HOTEL PORTLAND European only $1.60 and up. plan BELVEDERE European. 4tli and Alder. STORES AND OFFICES 11 FOR RENT All of the third story of the brick garage on Haw thorne ave. md E. lut st. which Is 75 feet by 76 feet, is suitable for a nop and has a large elevator. Bur rell Investment company, 260 'i 8d. FOR KENT Desirable tslore room, 8SS Fast Bitrnelde, between Union and Grand aves.; suitable for shoe, Jewelry, bakery and delicuteisen. Inquire Mc Cnritar, P.atog & l.lvly, Yeon hlilg DESK room for rent reasonable, includ ing hardwood dusk, light, heat, phone and janitor services; biiBinrss and character of tenant important. 22 Railway Exchange nldg. Mar. MS". GROCERY store, living rooinuiid a pi if desired, long leate at low rate; good location for business. L-2;', Jour- nal. STORE with 2000 ftet floor space on good business streot down town; will lease 6 to 10 years; M. K. Lee, 311 Cor bett bldg. STORKS now occupied by Journal. Goodnough bids.., for rent after Sept. 1. 112. See Chester V. Dolph. 303 Mo hawk bid., after August 1. CORNER btore, good t-Hst side district, fine location for grocer or butcher Low rent. Tel. C-3208 DESIRAHLE offices. The Goodnough bldg.. Fifth and Yamhill street. FOK RENT MISCELLANEOUS 33 FOR RENT Warehouse or factory in Alblna. Trackage. Phone Sellwood 1 35t. BARN. 30 stalls, near Broadway bridge, , for particulars phone Sellwood 1351, WANTED TO RENT WANTED S or 4 nicely furnished APARTMENTS liousekeeplng rooms for winter, famlli lly .7 Q O double desk buffet 4, not toe .far out, must be good locu-fblcs'cle ana water teeater? Call 2S r tlon with refined people; rent must be Russell st. van ioi reasonable; rtate price. P-26, Journal HAVE 2d hand furniture of 45 rooms, housekeeping; want to rent or leae w o v room apartment nouse lor same. Phone East 171. SWEDISH woman wants room In nice family, close in. Main 86K. HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 FIVE head of cheap horses, from $20 up; wlfcQ small pair or mules. 14 union A VERY fancy driver and all around er, ii63 7ln ave. b. K. ROSE CITY' STABLE8, board and llv ery. Saddle horses. 605 Alder1." X DIAMOND1 stud anaTrlns to excli'ange (or nor, na uuggy. i union Ave, 18 Auction! r Auction! Auction! Monday, September 9, 10 a. m.: Horses., mules, vehicles and harness. We sell all classes of horses and vehicles on commission. - We guarantee everything to be as represented. ' The Murphy Horse & Mule. Co. Phone East 63"15. 240 E. 8th st. HORSES FOR SALE. 15 head of mares and geldings weigh ing from 1250 to 1650 pounds, age from 3 to a years old. Elocky and well mated. Also have, some cheap ones taken in exchange. Phillip Suetter. 1640 Macadam st. Fulton car. Phones Mar- shall 1412, Marshall 1895, $100 buy nico horse with buggy and narness. weighs izoo ids. t sea to farm work- 781 Insley ave. Take Sell wood car, walk 6 blocks cast, A 3000-Lli team, wagon and harness, team right out of hard work, will take good driving rig or team in ex change. Joe Martin. 14 Union Ave. A FINE team of ponies cheap, or will exchange for lluO or 1200 lb. horse, i neso are-not plugs. 14 union Aye. FOR SALE cheap for cash, team, wt. 2400 lbs.; will trade for good driving team. 19S7 Stark st Take M-V car. HORSES and buggies tor rent by day; wee or montn. etn ana Hawthorne. East 72. CakLOAD of borst-s ana mines. Goose- neck, farm and delivery wagons: liu.-- ntes and saddles. l Water, west side. FOR SALE Camp wagon, team, har- ! ness. will Kelt ror mortgage against itfit. 1H40 Macadam st. Ful.ton car. LIVESTOCK 35 ONE young Jersey cow, rich milker, for sale cheap. 470 E. 80th N., corner Tillamook. ' THOROUGHBRED Jersey bull, a beau ty. 16 months old, qhcap. V. Jcffcott. Oswego. ; FOR SALE Fresn milch cows, deliv ered in Portland. Sam Case, Fark place, Or. Phone 2923. TWO good milch cows. 430 E. Kil Ungsworth ave. POULTRY 87 BUFF Orpington as good as the best. 1 rooster, 14 months old. 8 hens. 15 months old. 5 pullets, 6 months old. Also some R. I. Reds. 5035 70th St. 8. E. Phone Tabor 1403. FOR SALE Orpington pullets, also nnnlrAHAl a Tim nnm rr Anna) la vl n0 vvacicib, eiuov vuiiuiiciiLvu injiiiQi Sellwood 108L BELGIAN hares, breeding stock for sale reasonable. 443 Farragut. woodiawn 301 . 8. C. BROWN Leghorn throughbrel cockerels for sale. Frank R. Deuell, 1840 Peninsula ave., Portland, Or. VOR SALE h Buff Ornington chickens verv fine. 674 E. 7th St. S. I THOROUGHBRED B. R. eggs and stock; pure Ringlet stralr. Royce. Sell. 1335. RHODE Island Red chickens for sale. 704 E. 26th st. S. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 10 IMPORTED Japanese spaniel, female, for-sale. 306 2d t, IMPORTED Japanese spaniels, male and female, $20 and up. 308 2d. ' AUTOSIOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 44 1912 CHALMERS 1912. Chalmers 5 pass. 36 H. P. self start ing, fully equipped, Just like new; must bu sold this week at big sacrifice. Oregon Auto Exchange 493-195 Alder st. Pierce-Arrow 1912 DEMONSTRATOR FOR SALE CHEAP In view of the fact that we no longer sell the Plerce-Arrow, we are offering our last 1912 car, a 6-48, 6 passenger at 20 per cint discount. Run about 1000 miles; can't tell from new, except for slight wear on tires. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. Should Examine Our Stock Before Pur chasing. The Values We Offer ARE UN EQUALED. NORTHWEST AUTO EXCHANGE, 631 Alder Street. BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY USED CARS. We have a few snaps in slightly used cars and MICHIGAN cars taken in ex change. All cars full guaranteed. Call or write at once. MICHIGAN AUTO & BUGGY CO.. 369-371 Hawthorne Ave. Phones Ea.st 1421. B-1315 For Exchange 7 pass. Bulck. fullv cuultmed. A-l con. dllion; want smaller car and cash or terms. Oregon Auto Exchange -493-495-Alder st. - AuTOMOBILfi BARGAINS, Whybuy a new cheap car wben vou: can secure one of our high grade used cats at the same price. We guarantee them; different maKeg and models, all traded In on new White cars. We also offer several 2d hand trucits. Write Whit Kf Agency. Sixth street, at Madison. AUTO repairing ana store wnrfc guaranteed ail xufMnr'if4 h,in t..- Powall Garage, 37tii and Hawthorne. Tabor 1147. WANTED Good l'A-ton truck; mubt be in good condition; will exchange part in real estate and part cash. Phone WANTED No. 1 old auto tires. 7An li i c vprt.,1' Mi. ) onin it-..., , w 'r. nner tubes, lj to 2:!c lb. J I..vm u 6 i oiumoia bi. ; main bl VS. 5 ACHE THACT FOR AUTO"! No Incumbrance. Fml vv i:i.m,. 436 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445 GO to Auto Painting & Exchange Co7. ti-o.s l tiion ave. N.. for used autos first clafrs repair and machine work. FOR SALE A Mitchell autoinnhlL cheap, at K4H Marshall st - uill iirivJ It out to suit buyer. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 USED upright piano and pianola In good condition for only $265, on pay meats of $20 down and $lo monthly Many other splendid piano values this week in our exchange department from $125 up on terms as low as $10 down and $t monthly. Mir .K.MAN, clay ft CO Opp. P. O.. Morrison at Sixth, i Portland. Victrolas nnri all the records. Fine Pianos and P'ayrr l'lanos. Gul.iKN oak, high grade piano to trade ioi n ioi. .Main ouj:. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 04 O. P. GRAHAM Joat building and repairing, ways. Koot Ahernathy st. Marine CANOE AND BOAT STORAGE." Boat Shops, foot of California st. FOK SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 Ji'rm it r.- n..- . - - KOOT or power lathe, 12 In., swing screw and gi-ar cutttng. power or hand feed. V. Jeffcott. Oswego. CAHINEI . V. sewing machine, vl bratjr and black fux furs, reasonable. 2S4 1 ninn a e. N. O'SED MACHINES, all maKes, canh or mm'8- ,.pr,ce!Dr,nt- Sin Sewing Machine Store, 3S2 Morrison sL iiKAi.UNo outfit and wood yard for v.KMle,0.r. tra,le for astern farm. Mar shall 21 til. O. B. Crovle. 251 U risv. ii..iY rJ:J''SK? an1 of"ce furniture. SET of double harness to trade for fuel. Phone Wood,jawi)..2413. K ....... Vr, 1'dCLi;5r lndlan 6- Twin Mag., 1150; Thor. 2i", $o. 1J1 Madison. HORSES, VEHICLES, FOR SALES MISCELLANEOUS 19 FOR SALE New and second-hand, Car-1 on and pocket' billiard tables, and i bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures or ail Kinds; easy payments, ih Brunswick-Baike-Collender Co., 4 - 41 6th st. Phones Main 769, A-ls. NATIONAL cash registers, credit regis ters, computing scales, elect, coffee mills and all store appliances, bought, sold and repaired. Sell -for cash or pay ments. The Pacific Store Service Co., 227 Stark. Main 7711, . FOR SALE cheap, fine range. linoleum, I gas plate, dining table, cialrs, side board, sanitary cotichdoKcase, bed-1 steads, dressers, bapjNnniggy and baby I bed. Phone Woodlawn 270O. 1079 Albinn ave. . ' SPECIAL sale ot sugiuly used Singers, W. A W .." Whit and Standard sow ing machines; easy payments. Call S83ri K. Morrison, near urana. . WANTED -MISCELLANEOUS 5 Levin Hardware & Furniture Company Tays the highest cash price for fur niture, stoves, ranges, carpets and all kinds of hardware. Farmers', mechan ics' and loggers' tools, etc, 221-225 Front st. i'ltqne Main euiz "NOTICE TO MOVERS." Have you furniture to sell; rellab'.e party wants to buy $1000 worth of sec ond hand furniture, stoves and tuks in small, or large quantitlea end pay all the cash It is worth. Phone East 636. WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay the highest cash price for second-hand nousehold goods. N. M. Seater, 124-126 Grand ave. East 1562. WHK sell your furniture., at auction? We pay highest prices Make no mis take; addrei-s M. R.Beater, 348-60 Haw I horne ave, .Phone East 3134. COVELL I'UitNfl'CRE & COMMIS SION CO. Pay's 'the best price for your second hand furniture, carpets and stoves. 2114 1st., Main 3022. BARGKRS' AUCTION HOUSE. 368-370 E. Morrison, st. n. 1022. $1000. worth of good furniture at once. WANTED Moving picture outfits; fold ing chairs, electric pianos. M-31, Jour nal. WE need the goods, you need the mon ey, Rose City Auction House. 368-370 Hawthorne ave. Fast 683. BE WISE: get more for your second hand furniture by selling It to Fora Auction t:o.. I'll 1st. Main sffftl. A-24 4 8. WANTED Grocery store Or light busi ness. Write particulars to R-825, Journal. uv Must bo cheap. 915 Williams ave. WANTED Kodaks, cameras, etc. era Exchange. 24RH Morrison. Cam- LOST AND FOUND 21 PARTY taking suitcase with name "Ronde" on top and "K'. E. R." on end. from car at 6th and GUsan at 7:30 s. in., August 31, please express same to K. Ronde, Clatskanie, Ot. LOST One black Horse 6 years old, weight 1300 lbs., with one white hind leg; will pay reward. Howltt's stable, soth and Burntiide, Montavilla. Tabor 623. LOST No. 16 open face Elgin watch with initials H. L. II. Finder call it t 134 Killngswurth ave. and receive re ward. PERSONAL 23 NO MATTER what has failed when In need of a regular monthly remedy, get a bottle of Antlko Mixture No. 8, and be convinced it is the bctt and most harm less remedy ever ut on the market for mmiui ana suppressed periods, adso utely Guaranteed and for sala In Port land by Jefferson Drug Co., 3d and Jefferson. Main 7542. A-7915. LADIES $1VU0 reward: I positively guarantee my great successful "monthly" remedy: safely relieves som of the longest, most obstinate, abnor mal cases fn 3 to 5 days; no harm, pain, or Interference with work; mail $1.60. uouoie strength, VI. or, C. 1 , Southing ton Remedy Co., Kansas City, Mo. DR. ALICE A GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, ha removed to LaFayette bldg., 31$ Washington st MRS. STEVENS, years Portlands leading palmist and clairvoyant, has hmr In I hnnlf " Pa I m f r.i A r. .i 1.' n u . " on sale. 667 ',4 Williams ave., corner Knott. Office hours 10 a. m. to 9 p.m. PERSONAL Service Bureau Reliable se cret service for attorneys, corporations am'. Individuals; reasonable rates. 415 Merchants Trust bldg. M. 2005, A -30:1-4. bPl RITUALISM REV .MA Y A. PRICE. MEDIUM, READING.". HEALING. DAILY. CIRCLES TUES.. 2; WED. AND SUN. H P. M. "36li 4TH. SEXOlD Marvelous cure for weakness in men by mail $1 per box; money re turned If it falls. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co., 245 V. Morrison. DR. NINA LVALINE WOOD guarantees painless plastk- phenomenal cures. 17 Selllng-Hirsch bldg. Main 9284 for ap pointment. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Ex aminations free. 3a Merchants Trust bldg., Bt.h and watlnngtun. Alain 4u7. SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills sure remedy for delayed periods, $2 box or 3 boxes for $5. by n.all. T. J. Pierce. 245 Vj Morrison. DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mala dies, acute diseases; moved to Wash ington bldg.. cor. 4th and Washington, room 41. Marshall 448. AN" eastern lady with soirio menns wtBhes' to- correspond with a gentle man betweon 60 and 60 years. Object mntrlmony K-22, Journal. ninRPf-VA specialty; reliable law Ul VUnV-Oyer. Centtal Law Bureau. 518 Rr.thhlld bldg.. 217. Washington. LORENZ Nervs Tonic 'iauiets restore lost vitality; 25c box: 6 boxes $1.25. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison st. MRS. HA.MOT, expert chiropodist, coins, bunions and callouses removed; pain less metlKiil. The Alamo, 3 -1 Stark st. GIRLS. Learn our business; Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldg. J. C. M. IRONSIDE, M. A.. D. M. T., has opened offices 3U2-3U3 Oregonian bldg. Scientific massuge given In all branches. WOMEN Use femoids when others fail Sold and guaranteed by the Ausplucd Drug store, HQ N. 6th St. Main 810. MADAME ESTELLE,-splrituul medium, reading dally. 128 13th, neaf Wash. BALM of Figs, rutiedy for diseases of women. 6uf Davis gt. Main 9215. AQTUMADR. DOUGLAS. 1. C, 33J no i i imr i'ni ion ave. N.. Portland. Or. P. H. MAY, splnologibt, formerly Mar quam, now 1013 E. 6th N., Aiberta car. SAVE $2 to $10 b buying your trunk or suitcase at 532 Wash., cor. 17th hL NOTICES i.0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the district court of the United States, for the district of Oregon. In the matter of Olympic Bottling com pany, involuntary bankrupt. No. 2101 In bankruptcy. Notice Is hereby given that on the 3d day of September, A. D., 1912, Olympic Bottling Co., of Portland, Or., the bankrupt above named,, wns duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the Mist meeting of Its creditors will be held at the offices of the undersigned, rooms 401-2-3-4-5 Fenton building, Port land, Or., on the 24th day of Septem ber, 1912, at 10 a. m., at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. oiaims must oe preeemea in form re quired by the bankruptcy act, and sworn to. The schedule filed discloses esti mated assets amounting to $3253.04 CHESTER G. MURPHY. Referee in Bankruptcy. Dated September 7, 1912. NOTICE is hereby Riven ' that Mrs. Sylvia Bruce has left home and ths undersigned, her husband, will not be responsible for any bills, debts or obli gations contracted by her- after this dato, September 7. 1912. J. W. Bruce. NOTICE. Stockholders of the Swastika M. ft D. Co. can learn what la being done at the nine toyalng f'he 1 company's of flee. 321 Henry bldg-., 4th and Oak sts. C. J. DONDERO. Becy. 26 8EALED bids will bo received at the of fice of the undersigned, 402 Tilford building, until 6 p. m. Tuesday. Sept. 10, 1912. ifor the Installation of draw curtains in the new Lincoln high school auditorium. Specifications may be ob tained at the office of Whltehouse & Fouilhoux, 809 Wilcox building. Cer tified check for 10 - per cent of the amount of the bid, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of directors re serves the right to reject any and all bids. R. H. THOMAS. Dated Sept. 7, 1912. School clerk. LOANS WAITED 30 LOANS "WANTED ON FINE IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY, iWO, $1800. $2000, $2500. WILL PAY $ PER CENT (NO AGENTS). J. H. TIPTON, 1108 SPALDING BLDO. ASK FOR MR. EASTON. MARSHALL 2745. WE can place your money for you In first mortgages on Improved real es tate at good rates of interest. See Mr, Neely. Ward & Younger, suite 426 Yeon bldg. WANTED Loan of $15ot. $1750 and $2000 on houses and lots. Sellwood 87. , CHATTEL mortgage $225, well se'eured; must sell best otter. E-20. Journal. FINANCIAL 51 CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contract of sale on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lumbermena bldg. Loans. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES C7 Quick Loans" MONEY To LOAN, lu AND UP WARDS. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. NEW COMPANY. NEW RATES. NEW METHODS. NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. ORGANIZED TO HELP WORK1NO PEOPLE AND OTHERS. RATES ABOUT ONE HALF WHAT REGULAR LOAN CO.'S CHARGE. LOANS MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS, HORSES, DIA MONDS, REAL ESTATE OR SAL ARIES. MORTGAGES BOUGHT. Portland Loan 'Co. 207 MACLF.AY BLDG. A-2897. COR. 4TH AND WASH. STS. OPEN MON. AND SAT. TILL 9 P. M. WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN On salaries only, in an.ounts of from $5 To $100, at the lowes. possible rates. Business strictly confidential. All we require Is that you be em ployed on salary and you get the money quickly, wiihout mortgage, indorser or otner security. STATE SECURITY CO. 808 Failing Bldg. Corner Third and Washington 8 treets. A PRIVATE PLACE To OBTAIN 11 1 N E V On watches, diamonds. Jewelry, kodaks. suns, pianos. Elby Company Collateral Hankers and Brokers. 3:n Lumber Ex. bids., 2d und Stark. MONE JN AiNi AMOUNT. Contracts, mortgagee, equities, chat tels, and real security. SPECIAL SERVICE RENDERED. LAWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT CO.. 1135 Yeon bldg. fel. M. 575. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You can get $5 to $100 today at cheapest rates, bvs(, and most private terms. D. D. Drake, 3U7 Spalding bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLeT" and others, upon tbelr own names; cheap rales, easy payments, confidential. Pjl It. Tolinan, nflim r, 17Lumber Ex. MONEY sold on iiisialltiieni: confiden tial to salaried people, b. A. New ton. 514 Henry bldg. A desirable place lor ladies ana gentle men to borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond palace, 334 Wash., opp. Owl Drug Store. MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS J. E. NICHOLS, 616 YEON BLDG. CHATTEL lons. no red tape; con. 1 dentlal, Adolphus Lane. 414 Ablngton bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel- ry; strictly- confidential. 141H 3d. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldf MONElr TO LOAN KEAL ESTATE 27 MORTGAGE loans In Hum of $250 and up; $10,000 to loan at 7 per cent flist and second mortgages, and sellers' equities in contracts bought. F. A. Beard and Co., 512 Gerlinger bldg., 2nd and Aider. MONEY on hand for good city real estate loans. $50uo at 7 per cent. ilo.uoo at 7 per cent. And smaller amounts at 8 per cent. F. J. STK1N.MET3, 503 Qeri-inger bldg. $6000 TO LOAN AT ONCE ON IMPROVED FARM. 1108 SPALDING BODG. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL, lidTAl'H, kibt) AND UP. J. E. NICHOLS, ... 16 YKOiVBLDG. Jlu.vti to loan in amounts to suit on city property. Crockett-Starker Co., 3 Washington bldg. TO loan, estate funds on real estate a( current rates. Inquire attorney, rooms 16-12 Mill key bldg,, Zri and Alomson. MONEY to loan; large loans u specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire In surance. W. G. Beck, 315-3H Failing. 50U, J'-iOO, $1UUU. dwelling house mort gages. Title expense only. Attorney, 21u Allsky blug. I FK1VATK money to loan in sums of $50 and up on real, personal or collateral security. QiKO"ian hldg. $10U,U0'J ou mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKenai & Co., ueriuiger bldg., 2d and Alder. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. 1. L. White, 701 Belling bldg. WILL loan $2u,luo or less real estate. Farrlngton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent L,oui9 Salomon c Co., 229 otark st, $10, uuu or any part for immediate loao on real estate. Phone Tabor 771. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE! 11 tiAri.ivr ui4 iM.an.i..un. si j. 11. & 1 j x v t- i.i "j , Hi, ..ua 111 utr 1 vi tuin. MONEY ftt hand lor mtg. loans, Main 106, , Friendly, iUd spa lain,- ilor MONEY to loan, 6 to per cent. W. ti. Seitz ft Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ARCHITECTS FOR accurate and artistic made to order plans at lowest rates, address Aronl tect. 1189 K. Oak. Phone B-$10. ASSAYxaa PICKERING & Co.. assayers, smelters, refiners, buyers, high grade and bl- lion soiq. m tin st. niun main "1U, WELLB & COLON, assayers, analytical h,.mlHtn 9ft4tl WnMh MuIm cneinisis. ui7i vthhii. main i dub. MONTANA assay office, laboratory, ore testing. Marshall 3726. 186 Morrison. ATTOUTSTS ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER, general practice, abstracts examined, claims collections. 417 Cham, of Com. M. 8820. A. E. COOPER, Attorney at Law, Gea. erul practice: abstracts examined. 1424-1428 Yeon bldg. Main 878; A-2071. T ."I Li M I II IT II tl V HlB ' ' TT" W'Jii.. n. uuu w, ni'i, t-uuei'liuns, SO- streets examined, written opinions on legal questions, 317 Allsky bd.MJl3Sjj. Kofliegay A HilTlus, gen'l practice, ab stracts exam., collections. 622 Oh. of C. CHRISTOPHERSON k. MATTURwl L general practice 118-417 Yeon lldai - D1VOKCB.N guaranteea. Oregon Law In. mute. 969 Xiumoettnens DIOg. 2COTTCE3 AccotJUTAxti nrxixd C. J. LAKE, accountant and auditor, $15 Chamber of Commerce. Main S68L ;OLLiS, BERR1DGE THOMPSON. 114 Worcester bldg. Main 6547. V Ti.? Pirn.'ii'' iirniii rr 1 1003 Spalding building. Main 7i$. ARCH L- TOURELLOTTE. (14 Yeon bldg. Marshall 1986. AQTXT1J5I0, FOSTER & KLT1SER, outdoor udvertls Ing; painted bulletins, painted walls, posters. E. 7 tn and & Everett sts. East 1111. B-2224. RUSSIAN, Turkish baths, swimming pool, open day and night, private rooms; ladies' and gentlemen's dents. rront, e car soutn, Marshall BAKE oven treatment for rheumatism, lumbago, stornach trouble. 326. Stark HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 109 3d st Blank ilook m'fg.; agents for Jones7 Improved Loose-Leuf Ledgers; see the sew Eureka leaf. A-S13J. Main US. THE D1TTMAR-PETERSON CO. Magazine, music and law oooki bound, blank books and loose leaf sys tems. 63 6th St. Phone Marshall 1235. B0SUTES8 CABSS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crossings. $17 Beck bldg. Xii Hi HAKBER ASPHALT PAYING CO, Portland office. 60S Kectrlo bldg. cAjtPET oiaimiQ JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Works, carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty K, 410. B-19H3, :'n4 K. 19th N. cabfst wmina s'ORTHWEST RUO WORKS, rugs, from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 15K Union avenue, nesr 1C. Morrison. PENINSULA Rug Woiks. rag carpet a iyl rugs. 1 bl g Pat ton ave. Wood' In 2K5. csixopooists DR. C. ASQUITH. New York expert foot specialist. .Ulss Asqulth, electrical fa clal, scal massage. 512 Swetlund bldg. CHXROPaACTIO PHY8ICIA2T HAVE given thousands "of adjustments; ii.bo week. P.atb office Zd and waen. CIRCUIAB Z.STTZB.. MULTNOMAH Multigraphlng Co.. fac simile gigs. 509 Filers bldg. Mar. 2392 Multigraphlng, mimeographing, public stenographers. Hill & Co . 2 22 Henry. COAL ASS WOOD SPECIAL PRICES ON OHiitN SHORT Wooi. GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD. $3.60. INSIDE GREEN SHORT, $3.60. DRY SHORT WOOD. 8AWDUST. for fuel and bedding. Tk Portland Slabwwi Co. Mam 3119. A-7VU1. PAC.-SLABWU0U COrt Green slabwood. biic and small iiisids Hock wood, planer irlm'gs. cordwood. Moor Ai l-crr il'or a "ort tune IXCCl Qi rail will sell No. 1 4-foot cordwood at $5 per cord. No. 1 4-toot mk at 7. -5 per cord. ;j-46i. A-4&4 . CORD, oak, ash, slabwood, Rock Spi'iiiya coal, ulaner trimmliiKs. rieuiicr s wooa Co., G. M. Farr. F. Hill, Props. 16th and Vauglin. Main 6359; A-2415. SPECIAL to district north of Alberta street, nice dry box wood, larue loads $3. Standard Wood Co.. E. 2315, B-lti'Ji. Wopdlawn 199. . Yamato Wood and Coal Co, S east mh. b-is67. CHANOIAI. lJt'i'1Vi'K1pVtoMPTi.Y Mam f. J. EVERTS. Ft. Curry st. PORTLAND WOOD YAKJJ. Fir. oaK. slabwood una coal. Wreck. age, ittli and Ullsan. Mam 3:ii3, A-2283. 4.LB1NA FUt-b CO. AH Kinds 01 green and dry wuod. i:ockvi3priugs and Man loin coat. COAL and all kinds 01 wood. Pnoou Holgate Fuel Co.. Sellwood 485. PH0EN1X Fuel Co., ury Wood $l.tf per load. 521 Savier. Main 3644. BURNS1DE Fuel Co., 125 E. 7th Cord wood and coal. East 724, B-2777. EDLEF'SEN nanuies Hood and coal. K. GEORGEFF', carpenter, builder, store Hunt and sioie fixtures especially, panning, papering and tinting, -''l'i Aimeny. .Marshall 3220. OAJtCUiO RINGLER S dancing academy; fall term upens Sept. 9; must thorough school In iioiUiwtst; classes Monday, l'Nday evening, with social after; private in struction uully; minuet club uance Wed. nesday and oaluiday; 2JlVi Anoirlbon; Marshall 313. iiilA ill S scuoul, lua 2d, be I. Wash, and Stark; private lessons daily; waltz and 2-step guaranteed in 4 lessons; class hi oil, eve.. to 1U. Lessons 25 cents. HEATHS school, lebsons dally, waits, two . step, three step, Baltimore or schottlscbe taught in lust lesaou. Alia ky Ping,. d anu Morrison sts. J0O, CAT AMP HOaaJB HOSf ITAI. i. G. Islee, D.V.S. Dogs and cats treat-ed.- boarded. Wood. 0l. 16U1 Alblna. bllOWlH-LUUia., u4b VVasu. Main 4Ukk, A-4008. Be. Ill E. lZta. K 64 40. B-2287. 39 Bl CIAHS8 Getting the Uust Out One of the haruest problems the dry cleaning Industry has ever had to solve vas getting tne dust out ot garments that bad been dry cleaned. Gasoline re moves all grease, germs and a good part of the dust, but heavy ymmerus retain a certain per cent of the dust that can only be removed by beating und brush ing. We haV'u installed a dry room tumbler. This machine lakes out every particle of dust, lint and ouor, raises the nap and makes the goods Iook fresh and full of lite. The quality of the work Is 50 per cent better than It was before. Our plant is open for inspection 'any afternoon. You get good work here at reasonable rates. U. S. LAUNDRY COMPANY Dry Cleaniug Dept. Phones Home, B-U93; East 28$. EIiEOTSXO U0T0S8 WE buy, sell, rent and exchange new and second hand motors. Western Electric Works, 213 Sixth st. FOUHBST AND MACHUTS SHOP. Phoenix Iron works, & 3d-Hawthorne. General machine and foundry work. GASOLINE ENSUES STATIONARY and marine, electric, equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. RelerBon Machinery Co.. 18$ Morrison. GENEBAX BEPAUUNQ. GENERAL machine and electric wore, repair of electrio motors and dyna- mop m nmmii;, tu. inyteiy, ay oaa. OLD lawn mowers made tike new by Improved new invention; low price; expeTt locksmith. Pete Poller. 224 Main. HAXJk 3JBESSINO HIGHEST price paid for combings: hair dyeing a specialty, 11th and Wash, XAI OOCSS FEBVET & HANEBUT Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; hair dressing, menlcurlng, face and scalp treatments. 147 7th, near Mor. M. 64U. SWITCHES, puffs and transiormation Ilinuv iiviii vuuiviiisBj ajrcing, jura. Grimes. 178 17th st. N. Phone Main 4174. " BAT PAOTOST LADIES and gentlemen's hats cleaned and blocked: all work guaranteed or ftfl cfiargesr-we-Tnake-a. Bpecialty"bf ladles' beaver hots. Phone Main 8442. The Royal Hat Works, $23. ,1st it xxrsim&zrcx McCARGAR, Bate ft Lively, 101 Teon oiog. t.very rorm or insurance, oonaa. Clf'lO STATES F1KU INriLIRANCU CO. Only Oregon fire Insursnce com. XODAK jpTEI.OfTJrO BOLLS developed free; prints, to up; mall order solicited. ,305 Merchants Trust bldg, KODAK finishing and commercial pno. tography.t McNab, 351 Washington. , lAPrxs' Tuxoaoro THE National Ladles' Tailors, guaran , tee fit, work by expert deslgnera-131 10th st. near Washington. Main r780. BE BLANCHE, now located In the Gobie bldg., 408 Wash, at. near 11th. 6TEREOPTICON8. advertising alldea, show card and banners. Grant Carder, Peoples Theatre bias:., Park and Alder. LACE HOUSE LAUNDRY, Main 1714, A-l 7 8 4. .High grade hand work. La.ce curtains a specialty. ' tEATHEB AJTD TVSCIiaa CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front Leether of every description; up namilacturejs findings. . v XSSY a TRENKMAN A CO.7shydraull0 and special pipe, smoke . stack,, oil Unka, mining macninery, repairs. 114 is. etn. , MAJUrACTPKIMQ JTEWiaEBS MYERS & SINCLAIR, Manfng Jewel ers, diamond.. setters; pay highest prices for old gold. Selling; -Hi rsca bldg. m, 2379. ICESSEMOZBtt. HASTY MESSENGER CO., open night ana aay. Main 63. A-ziei. MP 810 BCHQOIia ACT TEACHEBS PROF. T. K. LAWSON, 135 14th' st Main 5197. Piano lessons SO cents. Q. E. Jeffery, violinist & musical direct- or vieBon.-nw8 c. tayior. iaoofc4a SIG. LEONARD!, Italian voice place ment; French. English, 513 Eilerg bldg. WILLIAM R. BOONE, piano and organ Instructor, Stearns blag. Mar. 1062. Caroline Shlndler Ruland, voice, piano. zi4 rieinner Diqg. Main zbdu. E. THIELHORN, violin teacher; pupil Sevclk. 900 Marquam. A-4180. Mar. 1628 MORTOAOB X.OAN8 JOHN KER, mortgage loans, lnsurt ance. 803 Yeon bldg. Main 9285. OITSOfATXIO rBTCXOlaHa DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and ehronlo aiseases. zus .f enton bldg. Main 8911, DR.AGNES M. BROWN E.809 Journal bldg Hrs.lO:3Q-4:30.Maln 36u.Res.Tabor 2Sl PAUfl', vim AJT9 OXulSS J. Z. O'BRIEN, 608 Wash. Main 8719, estimates furnished; all kinds of work. riOiNtr,K r"AlNT CO., It f irst u main 1334, A-V043, RAS.MUSoh.jN - CO, "ti'gh Standard ' paint, ne. cor. 3d ft Tayior. M, A-1771. THE BEAVER VAHNkl WKS, maae GOOD products. Ask your dealer. tAlM Xl&Q AND FAPEAniO PICKARD, painter, decorator. Satisfac tory work, reasonable prices. E. 1356. WALKER, iizo'j, Taylor, Inside work a specialty. Lowest prices. Main 7981. wuu worK, my mulio. A. usoouiu, 880 E. Wash. B. 2107. E. 4214. Fuii. iiSbt worn, pnetj riMit, call . A. 'n H'' 1 Was;.. E. 1095. Tl.VllfcU Vi room up; puiniu.g, paper- hanging. C. A. Barnes. Main 1334. PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS" obtained; trademarks,eopjr rights registered in all countries; book lets free; consultation without charge. reter rtarperiin, 32B Worcester bldg. PATENTS procured or J. K. Mock, a-tomey-at-Law, late Of U. S. Patent 01 Ice; book free. 719 Boa.d of Trade bldg. FAWNIEOKEA STEIN'S PAWNSHOP Liberal loans, reasonable Interest. 2i N. $th si Main 7K95. UNCLE MEYERS COLLATERAL JUANK 40 years in Portland. 71 6th. Main le. PHOTO STUDIOS THE AERNE STUDIO does high class work. Rates reasonable. 352 4 Wash. PIPE PORTLAND "Wood Pipe Co. Factory and office. 24th ana York. Main 4489. PLATE&S Oir AX I. METALS.' WILLAMETTE Plating Works, 208 4th. i-iaung ana polishing. M. 34. A-719U. We replale silverware; sell younew. Port. PlaiAMfg. Co.. 22a-Thurman. M. 141. FLUME TACTOST OSTRICH plumes dyed, cleaned, curled. vtiiiuwH neu ironi 01a piumes; satis, faction guaranteed. 827 Washington. PORTLAND Ostrich F'eather Dye "Works for best. 601 Merchants Trust bldg. MAKE new and do all klnda of plums repairing. Corner Morrison and 10th. ANSLEY Printing Co., 250 Oak. Main 4871. Printing to please. KOOrilf Gt, PAINTING, BEPAIBIirO TIN roofing, repairing, painting, Jobbing, J. Loali, 21 Jefierson. Main 1424. iSELE & GINTER, sheet metal works, tin shop. 548 Savier. M. 3542, A-1396. MJEBEa STAMPS ANO SEAJL BTENCILS and office stationery. Cun- niiignam hi atars,. main 14(17. BADGES, trade checks, brass - signs, stencils. Krebs Bros., L4 2d, Mar. 1871 SATES THE MOSLER Safe Co., 108 Id at. Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts opened; bargains in second hand sutea. SASH, BOOKS, WINDOWS United Glass 4 Glaslng Co., sash, doors, plate glass. 11th, Gilsan. Main 44ai. SHOWCASES AND riXTVSJBS SHOWCASES 01 every description, bank, bar aud store fixtures maue to order. The Lutke Mfg Co. ' R. H. B1RDSA1.L, HAMILTON BUuJZ Show cases 111 slock. Prompt delivery. Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. THE JAMES 1. MARSHAL.! AlFU. CO, new and old showcases, c&oiiiets, store find oftlce fixtures. 289 Couch. M.X703. -SIgrg8- 5a. B,;i!a7r,CAf P. OFFICE, door and window lettering; name plates for desks and doors; also commercial printing. Ideal Office Sign Co. Phone Marshall ai. 312 Dekum bldg AMERICAN SIGN CO.. 349 Oak si Sue cessors to Commercial dept. Of Foster A Klelser signs. Marshall 498, A-4318. TAIIiOKOICf T-Ahnra an1 o.nl.' -1 1 1 1 1 ,4 w ' v, . a u . v n pnviru. ir fitted by experienced tailors. 425 Mor rison. Baker theatre, bldg. 353 Yamhill. IS20 Alberta, Gross Bros. M, 7163. ALFRED OGILBEE. 810 LabDa bldg., id i anu wasningwn. puns 10 oroer. TAzxiCBura school. KIESTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College learn dressmaking? tailoring. 143 H 1th TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couoh sts. II per month. Portland Laundry Cu Phones Main 410. A-4410. TSANSFES AND 6T0RAQE BAGGAGE & Omnibus Transfer Co. Baggage checked at your home, fur niture moved, stored or packed for ship, ment. Park and Davis sts. Fhonji XV. JOHNSON, expreas, baggage. 323 Morns 11 c-io. btana tin ana couch. tsinm axs gToxAas C O. PICK Transfer A Storage Ce., of- , : flee - and "commodious 4 story bricl warehouse, with separate ' iron rooms and fireproof vault tor valuaadeav.N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furnl- . ture moved and packed lor shipping. . Special rates made on goods In our through cars to iUl domestic and foreign . polnm. Main 69e. A-1998. ' OREGON TRANSFER CO,., Established 1870. - ., Transfer and forwarding" agents 1 - t Storage, free trackage. -Offices and storage, 474 GUsan street. 13th and Glisan. Main . A-1159. PORTLAND Van and Storage. Co., lno, , . 12th and Everett; most modern storage i warehouse In city; low fire Insurance ! rata proof of this. Free trackage; mov ing, packing. shlDDlntr: reduced' freight rates On household goods in through cars loBnairom easi. Main A-1&-W. CITY Hall Transfer A Storage Co., Ex- pert furniture and piano moving. 1 ' trunk too additional I60. M. 7089. A-47J4 ' T S PI! W TYPEWRITERS, slightly used. I C Smiths and all other makes at re duced prices and easy terms. L. C Smith and Bros. Typewriter Co, 180 Oak st. TYP1L WRITER Ac Supplies Co. Kebulli, 2d hand. 142-fr so st Mar. 419. ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cuo Ingham Co, $81 Stark. Main 1407. TACUTTK CXslamsM iolden Rod vacuum Cleaners, 211 Corn-i monwealth bldg. L.A-Amlck.Mgr.M.48 j WX0LE8AXB OUm ' M. A. OUNST A CO.t DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS, , FOKTLiAND. OK. EVERDING A FARRBLL, produce an4 1 commission merchants. 140 Front st-. foroana, or. r none main lis. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 230 id St.. Between fraimon ana Main. ALLEN ft LEWIS-JROCERIES. DR. GfliLSIIl Should te Considered When You Select a Physician to Treat You C. K. HOLSMAN, M. D. I am Just now completing my six teenth year as a specialist In men's diseases. During these years of close eppHeatlen-4 a single class of ali ments I have originated and perfect ed scientific and certain methods by which these diseases are cured. If I accept your case for treatment, a cure la but a mater of a reasonable time. My practice Is limited to the disor ders of the male, and Is further con fined to these special and chronic affections of the pelvic tract. These Include Lost Vitality, Varicose Veins, Hydrocele, Blood Disorders, Con tracted Ailments and Bladder and Kid ney Diseases. I have taken up these ailments especially, because thou sands of lives are ruined and thou sands of men are not what thoy should be, because they are held down by chronic weakness, which the average practicing physician does not understand and usually tries to make light of by telling the patient that nature will soon repair the waste. ' My methods are up to date, and are endorsed by the highest medical au thorities of Europe and America, hence our success In the treatment of men's diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. If you cannot call, write for Symp tom Blank. Many cases can be treat ed at home. Ail correspondence con fidential. Hours I a. m. to $ p. m. dally; 10 to 12 m. Sundays. 221 MORRISON STREET, Corner First 8t., PORTLAND, OREGON. IMPROVED REMEDY NEOSALVARSAN U the name given to a newer and better preparation of 6AL VARSAN. This prep aration is being used extensively by the s p e c 1 a 1 1 s t a of the east- with even better results than the old er preparation. I have a supply of NEO SALVARSAN on band J. J. Keefe, Ph. Q.. M. D-and I administer It In my office, according to the very latest method. This method re quires no hospital detention, and Is done in my office by me without practically any pain and requires no detention from work. Many of the thousands that have taken the older treatments and have not received the results they desired, now have an opportunity to avail themselves of the newer and better treatment My fee for the administration of this New Improved Remedy Is extremely low and within the reach of all that are affected with Blood Poison In any of Its forms. My years of experience and my qualifications liave made tne an ex pert in the treatment of AIL MENTS with which MEN are af flicted. . Every man calling ar my office Is assured of my personal and Individ ual treatment until a cure Is ef fected: Come to me if you have any of the following disorders: Enlarged Veins, Pimples, Nervous Debility, Nerve, Blood and ' Skin Disorders, Bladder Troubles, Blood Poison, Eruptions. Ulcers, Special Aliments, -Piles 01 Fistula. . ( 9 to 67 to S Dally'; Bunday. 10 to L Examination Advlce.Free. DR. J. J. KEEFE nooma 11-1 S 'Lafavetta Rllr ' rns ww shtitotoit BTrcoiu ith rUKlLiAMJ, OR,- . p Ability I