13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, -WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1912. I; t i ..LT- i J 1 UTOMOniLLS-SIOIORCTCXES 44, '-i..STUDE BAKER i , CORPORATION - DF AMFRIOA v " SECOND HAND ?7" DEPARTMENT . We are going to start this month Ith pome startling bargains, . The un equally heavy tale of E. M. F. and Flan i. rt new cars have stocked as up with a - viuiBtanUy changing . so .. don't hesitate in come In, even though you were iu )Lt eek,, REMEMBER '. All second hand cars are -traded In ou new ones. . t Our desir is to clean up. Every "iine goes at cost. A lew of our many baJiiaiua: r Several E. M. F. 1910 and 1911 mod el, overhauled and repainted where - - snfded. - ... Krlt Roadster, 1311 model, A-l con fiiilon. - Butck. 1911 model. 5-passenger. 1600. Prices on these cars are right, You rant afford to buy without looking -- ihem over. Vr STUDEBAKER CORPORATION CO. , , OK AMERICA, C. A. LINSLEY. SALES MGR. Nh and Alder Sts. Main 6969 , Selling at ;; ' Give-Away ' Prices V We are cleaning out our used cars to . get ready .for the big fall business, 'lake action immediately, as we.are not going to hold them at such lovT prices. -WB OAI SAVE YOU-MONEY ! Tcwr,cholce of a mighty good selection'. , One 4 passenger GaTford. fine 7 passenger Garford. One ! passenger Buick. One 5 passenger Thomas. One 6 passenger E. M. F. One 4 passenger 4 door Premier. One 5 passenger 4 door Marion. One electric runabout. And many more, Y Special ' FOR QUICK "SALE - - I Two 3 Ton Trucks. Korthwest Auto Exchange 631 Alder St. A Few Bargains in Used Cars for the Week l!'ll Ford, five pass. ivll Cadillac, five pass. 1.H2 Chalmers, five pass. , i !11 Knox, five or seven pass. I HO Mazwell, two pass. 1 O.-er 40 cars to select from. Call and . took them over. We can save you money. Oregon Auto Exchange 493-495 Alder St. Main 1161 A-4H37. Should Examine Our Stock Before Pur chasing. The Values We Offer ARE UNEQUALED. NORTHWEST AUTO EXCHANGE, 631 Alder Street. Pierce-Arrow 1912 DEMONSTRATOR FOR SALE CHEAP In view of the fact that we no loiiKer sell the Plerce-Arrow, we are of firing our last 1912 enr, a 6-48, 5 passenger at 20 per cent discount. Run nboat 1000 miles; can't tell from new, except for slight wear on tires. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. irAKGAl - IN -mAHU'tUC-USED CARS. - We have a few snaps In slightly used -raw and MICHIGAN cars taken in ex change. All cars full guaranteed. Call or write at once. MICHIGAN AUTO & BUGGY CO., 369-371 Hawthorne Ave. Phones Eat 1421, B-1345. " AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Whyhuy a new cheap car when you can secure one of our high grade used cars at the same price. We guarantee trmnv dillerent makes and models, all traded 1 In on new-Whtte-cara We slsn -nfrr several 2d hand trucks. Write Wbit-j Agency. Sixth street, at Madison. -A i'"IVE passenger Reo automobile In .'.rst class condition, complete with trp, windshield, speedometer, horn and ger.'-rator; almost new tires; only $50 for a good automobile. We took It in on a larger automobile and are offering it ery cheap. C. L. Bobs & Co., 615 Washington st. YAXTED To buy used curs; bring In your old autos; we can sell them or wi'l trade for cars overhauled and guar anteed, r , iRTHW8T AUTO EXCHANGE, cat hitler m. tort SALE One 7 passenger Packard louring car, one Oaitland runabout,' ona 4 passenger Pierce Arrow; chtau. : Ankeny sts. i Ai TO repairing ana stnraee work guaranteed, all experienced nelp. The Powell Garage, i'nh and Hawthorne. 'J'l.bnr 1147. "WANTED "Old auto tires, "Vic lb. de ni Co7r?bl ? .t Vafr fiii?- 188 Columbia st. A.ain619j. 0 AC Kb lit ACT run AUTO. 1 No Incumbrance. Fred W. German, , 436 Chamber of Commcne. Main 6445. ONE 6 h. p. twin cylinder motorcycle, fully equipped, in first class rondi tlon, $100 if taken toduv. 166 E. 16th st GO to Auto raintlng A; Exchange Co 61-63 Union ave. N.. for used autot tos, urn class repair and machine work MtSHJAI. INSTRUMENTS 34 FOR SALE Fine Decker Bros, piano. Will satrlfiee for uo. 4'.'6 Rex ave., WILL Sell or trade JtiOO contract en ; !ilat-r p.iino. Ktuol. cabinet and rolls, ! $40o due. U-17. J'.iirnal. ; LAUNCHES AND IIOATS Oi ! a P. GRAHAM Boat building and lepjiiir.g. ways. Fool Aheriiathy t,t. Marine CANOE A.M. BOAT h I ORAGE." Bos; Shops, foot of California St. IvMTCHE FOU KALE 03 FURNITURE. household poods and chickens for sale. Hl..l.inj ave Voodlawn. No 2J hand deali-is. y A N T E I --i'.I o v in gp ! : ct iTTTLTi t fVts, fold ing chairs, electric pianos. M-31, Jour nal. lL wl--M ls( 1:1 LA l:ot s 10 AT Kinney's yard, hnppiekers wantd Catch the next Oietjon electric car, ftop at Waconda, and there you aie! Ella M. Finney, Gervais. Or., R. 2. I'OR SALE Oat restaurant rangefam ily range. Q. C. double deak, buffet. picycie sni waier i, eater. Call 234 UJWMFl, Wanted-- Miorismen i,i i',k"J',, .- -in fine duck shooting reserve p.ii ' Journel " ' ' I kiM.EKOARl'EN. chairs and tables, at:"! JournT'6 "UmUlii nt U I'-23. x : l ' . , j ; r $110 OAK d-sk, $45: small desks. $12 to $20: $38 sit nitarv tv Dewriter ileul tl u Y-18. Journsi. ' L'SED MACHINES, ail manes, cash or terms. Prices right. Singer Sewing Machine Store, 382 Morrison st, GRADlNo outfit and wood yard for sale or trade for eastern farm. Mir. hsll SIM. O. B. Croyle. 261 4 Clay. i.HkiX t.SICS and office furniture. iet-K i n,, tin 'in-St. Mr.tn 687. I IrtOTORCYCLKS, Indian 6, Twin Mag, TTixTJeRaTaKTEN tables and niaferial for sale, cbeap.. Woodlawn 1937. FCR SALE MISCfciXAXEOCS 13 FOR SALE-wNen and second-hand Car om and pocket billiard tables, 4 and bow linn alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender 1 Co., At - 41 ettvet Phorrea Main ?9. A-tn. - NATIONAL, cash registers, credit regis . ters, computing -scales, elect, coffee mnis ana ail store appliances, Dougnt, sold and repaired. Sell for cash or pay- mentis. Toe .Pacific store Service co, t 227 Sturk. Main 7711.. SPECIAL Kale ot silently used Singers. "W. ft W" Whit and Standard sew ing machines; easy payments. Call 14 E. Morrison, near Grand. LAWYER'S office outfit, desk, chairs, bookcases, and rugs. -26, Journal. WANTED JHSCEIXAJiEOCS 5 "NOTieB-TO-ItlOVERg-"1 Have you -f arnKure - t-sellellab!e party wants to buy $1000 worth vt nee ond hand furniture, stoves and ruga In small or large quantities and pay U the cash it Is worth. Phone East 63C. WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay the highest cash price for second-hand household goods. N. M. Seater. 124-12 Grand ive. East 1S6Z. WHY sell your furniture at auction? 1 We pay highest prices. Make no mis take address JI, R. Sealer, 31S-5U Haw thorne a ve. Phone East 3134. COVELL n'liSSiTl'HE & COMMIS SION CO. Pays the best price for your second hand furniture, carpels aud stoves. 204 1st. Main 3022. BARGERSS AUCTION HOUSE. 368-370 E. Morrison Bt. 1 1022, $1000 worth of good furniture at once. WE need the goods, you need the mon- ey. Rose City Auction House. 368-370 Hawthorheave. East 683. BE WISE;' get , more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Foro Auction Co ill 1st Maiiv 5951, A-2448. WANTEu Kooaks, cameras, etc Cam ern Exchange. 2 4 S V, Mo r rison. WANTED--To buy or rnV-- wheoW Hurry Smith. 261 1st st. LOST AND FOUND SI PARTY taking suitcase with name "Ronde" on top and "K. E. R." on end, from car at 6th and. Gllsan at 7:30 a, in., Aug. 31, please express same to iv. ru'mip, v. iaigKaniei jr. LOST One black horse 6 year9 iold, weight 1300 lbs., with one white hind leg; will pay reward. Howitt's stable, 80th and Burnsidc, Montavilla. Tabor 623. ELUCATED woman desires position as companion to an old lady: refined home more of an object than salary. W 16. Journal. LOST Pearl drop earring Monday at Woodcraft hall or W. Park and 2d on Morrison. Phone Tabor 4272, Reward LOST A silver gray t?at, bus-hy tail, green eves. 1079 E. 32d st N. Phone Woodlawn 2275. PERSONAL 22 NO MATTER what has failed when In need of a regular monthly remedy, get a bottle of Antiko Mixture No. 8, and. be convinced it Is the best and most harm less remedy ever put on the market for fialnful and suppressed periods. Abso utely guaranteed and for sale In Port land by Jefferson Orug Co., 3d and Jefferson. Main 7642. A-7916. LADIES JiUOU tewaro: I positively guarantee my great successful "monthly" remedy; safely relieves some of the longest, most obstinate, abnor mal cases In 3 to 6 days; no harm, pain, or Interference with work; mail $1.60. Double strength, $2. Dr. C. T. Southlng ton Remedy Co., Kansas City, Mo. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF, Diseases of women and children, has removed to LaFayeita bldg., 311 H Washington st "SPIRITUALISM REV. MAY A. PRICE. MEDIUM, READING.. HEALING, DAILY. CIRCLES TUES.. 2; WED. AND SUN. 8 P. M. 366 4TH. MRS. STEVENS, 18 years Portlands leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her late I Hk, "Palmlbtry Made Eeasy," on sale. iroiH Williams ave., corner Knctt. Oft Ice hou.rOft.ij.J!n,..)ot..l..Jia,. PERSONAL ervice Bureau Reliable secret service for attorneys, corpora tions and individuals; reasonable rates. 415 Merchants Trust bldg. main 2005, A-3034 SEXOID Murvelous cure for weakness in men, by mail $1 per box; money re turned If It tails. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co., IteVt Morrison. fit! A A AIISI'1 .lIMIi Diseases of women and surgery. Ex aminations free. i2 .Merchants Trust DR. WALKER, specialist; ouiualy cures diseases of men, i'ood and Bkln dis eases, sure, ulcers, swollen KlLtida, kid ney, liliid ler and lilies. 181 First st. SANDEKSON CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills sure remedy for delayed periods, $2 box or 3 boxes for $5. by mail. T J. I'lrce. 245 Morrison. DR. G. V. KETCH I'M Women's mala dies, acute diseases; moved to Wash ington bldp.. cor. 4th and Washington, roiini 41. Marshall 4 48. YOUNG man going east would like to communicate wlih recent arrival not wishing to rrrnrn. Call Marsnall 2248 between ft and 6, ! tu l'J, 'J nursdny. HIVOR! 'I- A specialty; reliable lhw UIVUnULOvrr. Central Law Bureau 616 Rr.th-htbl bldg., -M7,i Washington! LOR;z Ntrvu 'Ionic Tablets restore lost vitality; 25c box; 6 boxes $1.25. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co.. 281) Morrison l. GIRLiT " Learn our business Sanitary Beauty r-l,.r ifinJ1 l)plrnm ' ''llniuns a,ld removed, paln- , mtl,od. The Alamo, 32 StHrk st. J. (' M. IRONSIDE. M. A.. D. M. T.. has I 1 openid offices 302-3U3 Oiegnnlan bldg. i Scientific niasan givnn in all branolies. i WOMEN Lse feinolds wiien others fa.l"! I I Sold and guaranteed by the Aueplur.j ' i Prim More. 110 N. 6lh si. Main 8106. I ' BALM of Figs, rtiedy for disease of I women. 600 l.iais st. Main 9215. AOTLiy A DR. DOUGLAS, D. C, 33$ t0 I niVIn Knion K,yp n.. Portland. Or. SAVE (2 to $10 b) buying your' trunk or suitcase nt 532 Wash., cor. 17th st MKt-. M.LL.RY HAY. ordained spiril- unliM. 240 '.; 5th st. . MAI'AME ESTELLE. spiritual medium, reading daily. 128' 13th, nr. Wash. NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ! in the district court of the United . Stiles, for the district of Oregon. In 'tne rnvtter of II. Westernvin, bankrupt; j No. 2112 in bankruptcy. Notice is here by f: i n that (nr the 31st day of Au , huh. A. D , 1912, H. Westerman of Poitl'ii.cl, Or., the bankrupt above naineil, was duly adjudicated bankrupt; 'and that the first meeting of his credit ors will be held ut the offices of the .undersigned, rooms 401-2-3-4-5 Kenton buil.l r.K. Portland. Or., on the 18th day of Seplt-mber, U'12. ut la a. m., at wlihii time Mil ill creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, xatiiliK- the bankrupt, and transact such other biifiiiess us may properly come before said meeting: Claims must.be .presented in form required by the bank ruptcy act, and cwoin to. The schedule filed discloKi s doubtful assets. Ci I ESTER G. MURPHY, Referee in Bankruptcy. inuen r.epi. inner s, 1912. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. in the rji..tnct court of the I'nlte! States for tne district of Oregon In J.?' v i'f A He.ioid, bankrupt; s" tn Bankruptcy Sld" of ntZtl 'isfA Herold of Portland. Oregon, the Uankl "-" -.u, uuiy aojuuicnien bankrupt; and that the first meeting of nia iieuiium wi.i neia at the orrices 4?f the undersigned, rooms 401-2-3-4-5 Kenton building Portland, Oregon, on the 18th day of September, 1912, at 11 a. m.. at which time said creditors ma" attend, prove taelr claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Claims must be presented in form re quired by the Bankruptcy Act, and b w o rn to, CHESTER O. MURPHY, .,, , ., . R.'f'iree In Bankruptcy. Dated September 3, 1912, 23 CHATTEI, MORTOAOFl sale. .The undersigned will on Monday, the Sth oay ot oepieinber, 191?. at me hour of o'clock, a. m., at the office of Beach. Simon & Nelson. 710 Board of Trade buiMing, -Portland, Oregon; offer tor sale mat certain merchandise, con sisting of carpets, furniture, .curtains, utensils, furnishings and other like mer chandise, particularly described In a cer tain enattei mortgage executed by Pewtherer and J. Bechtell. as mortga gors, to I. Gevurts & Sons, as mortga gee, said mortgage being recorded In Book 16. on page 68 of the Records of Chattel Mortgages of Multnomah coun ty, Oregon, the said property now being In the three (J story brick buttJinc located on tne northeast corner of First and Clay streets tn. Portland. .Oregon. Reference Is hereby made to said mort gage for a description of said property. Terma of sale, caslu fiald sale wilL be had at public-auetion and said mortgage is uy means oi said sale, ana tins no tice, being foreclosed ln. accordance with the terms and provisions of said mort gage. The amount unpaid on account of said mortgage Is the sum of 1236.13, together with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from' this date, together with a reasonable attor ney'.! fee, to-wlt. the sum of twenty-five (326.00) dollars and, the coBts and ex penses of foreclosing said mortgage, being the costs ami expenses of adver tising said property and of removing said property from - the premises in which they now are. I. GEVURTZ-& SONS. Mortgagee, BEACH. SIMON & NELSON. .Attorneys for Mortgagee. AUCTFt B is yflz. CHATZKL MORTGAGE SALE, The unersisned nrlll nn Momlnv the $th day6f Seutember. 1912. at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m., at the office of Beach Simon & Nelson, 710 Board ot Tradfe building, Portland. Oregon, offer for male that certain- merchandise, con sisting of carpets, furniture, curtains, utensiJj fiirriishincs and other like mer chandise, particularly described In a cer tain chattel mortgage executed by L. Ptwtherer.-a -mortgagor 1-4 Govurtz & Sons. n.T- tgagee. said mortgage being rccoraea in h-ok 2B. on puge 263 or the Records of Chattel Mortgages of Mult nomah County. Oregon, the said prop erty now being in the three (3) story brick building located on the northeast corner of First and Cla- streets in Port land. Ore-on. Reference is hereby made to said mortgage for a description of said property. Terms of sale. cash. Said sale will be had at? public auction and said mortgage is uv means of said sale, and this notice being foreclosed in accordance with the terms and pro visions of said mortgage. The amount unpaid on account oi said mortgage la the sum of $236.13. together with inter est thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from this dnte. together with a reasonable attorney's fee, to-wlt the sum of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars an,d the costs and expenses of foreclosing said mortgage, being the costs and ex penses of advertising said progeny and of removing said property irom the premises in which they now are. I. GEVITRTJS & SONS. Mortgagee. BEACH. SIMON & .NELSON, Attorneys for Mortgagee. August 31. 1912. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the district court of the United States for the district of Oregon In the matter of C. E. Fuller, bankrupt; No. 2110 in Bankruptcy. Notice is hereby given that on the 30th day of August A. D. 1912, C. E. Fuller of Portland, Oregon, the bank rupt above named was dulv adjudi cated bankrupt; and that thu first meet ing of his creditors will be held at the offices of the undersigned, rooms 401-2-3-4-5 Kenton building, Portland, Ore gon, on the 17th day of September, 19.12, at 10 n. m. at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as mav properly come before said meeting. Claims must be presented In form re quired by the Bankruptcy Act, and sworn to. The schedule filed discloses estimated assets amounting to $1 1,875. CHESTER G. MURPHY, Referee In Bankruptcy. Dated September 3, 1912. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the district court of the United States, for the district of Oregon, in tho matter of G. H. Rogers, banKrupt. 2m. in bankruptcy. ,.Ntlce..ls. here by given that on the 30th day of Au- ust. A. D.. 1912. O. H. Roeers. of Port land, Or., the bankrupt above named, was luiy adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting" of his creditors will be held ut the offices of the under signed, roomn 401-2-3-4-5 Kenton build ing, Portland, Or., on the 17th day of September, 1912, ut 11 a. m., at which time said creditors may attend, prove their cluims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly com,, before Mild inuutins. Claims . xuu'ut presented In form required by the bankruptcy act, arid sworn to. The schedule filed dis closes tio assets. CHE.iTER G. MURPHY, Referee In Uankruptcy. Pf!tel September 3. 1912. notice! Sealed bids will be received by the county ckrk for recording in)e.es)Spe clficatloiis ir.ay be seen at the county clerk's office. Said bids will be openl by the county court at 10:liu o'clock a m. on the 1-th o( .September. I 1 L' F. S. FIELDS, County n.-rk. ?OTICE. Stockholders of the Swastika M. A D. Co. can learn what is being done at the mine by calling at the company's of fice. 221 Henry bldg.. 4th a,nd Oak sts. C. .1 DONDKRO. Peev. LOANS WANTED 30 $1000 Bonus . For a loan of $12,h0o for ope year and will pay a 7 per cent interest; this' will be secured by $3(1,000 worth of inside business property; must have this loan before September 8. II. GUNTHER. 919 Yenn Bldg.' $2 ('00 LOAN WANTED ON ' 7 ROOM HOUSE & FINE 60X100 LOT ON HARD S'URFACE STREET 8 PER CENT TO PRIVATE PARTY E.C.EASTON 1108 SPALDING BLDG $2000 for 3 years at V per cent, on farm property, close in. Value $15,000. No brokeis. Q-2, J ournal. WANTED Loan of $1500, $1750 and $2000 on houses and lots. Sellwood 87. WANTED to borrow $200; good secur ity. R-821, Journal. FINANCIAL CI CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contract of sale on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Nohlc, Lumhermens bldg, Loans. LOANS on diamonds and o ner secu ti tles. S. W. King, 45 Washington bldg. Phone Main 6100. MORTGAGES, contracts, equities bought. rnone Main iOHl. km Lewis bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 07 A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN i ffl H E On watches, diamonds, jewelry, kodaks, guns, pianos. Elby Company Collateral Bankers and Brokers. S20 Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark. MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. Contracts, mortgages, equities, chat tels, and real'security. SPECIAL SERVICE RENDERED. LAW SON -BROWN INVESTMENT CO.. 1125 Yeon bid. Tel. M. 876. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL, LOANS. You can get $6 to $1C0 today "at cheapest rates, best and most private terms. D. D. Drake, 307 Spalding bldg. A desirable place for ladles and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds and jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond palace. 34 Wash., opp. Owl Drug Store. ' MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. - J. E. NICHOLS. 15 YEON BLDG. Cl'ATTEL )ons. lio red tape; con I dentlal. Adolphus Lane, 414 Ablngton bldg: MON BY-loans -o 4taoMM4 -4- Jewel ry ; st rlctly confidentla I. 141 Vi2t LOAN for the asking, salary or chat teL The Loan Co., 414 Dekura bldi NOTICES 87 CHATTELS, SALAI-IES LOANS CHATTEL LOANS , SALART LOANS XOANSnDIT DIAMONTJS, ANT AMOUNT, X PER CENT AND UP. r : We Meet : and Beat.- . The rates of other loan companlea re gartiless of what they advertise. Our New Rates Borrow $10, pay back $12.80 in paym'ta Borrow $2o, pay back 128.95 In paym'ta Barrow $50, pay back $56.46 In 6 puyin't CAN YOI1 BKAT THEMf on LOANS UP TO $100?. If the HEAD of the family dies before the account la paid In full and the payments arrmade as agreed. WE GIVE TUB -WIDOW A RECEIPT IN FULL OF ACCOUNT. XOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate given if paid before due, Portland Loan Co, 206-7 Macleav hldir. TCnfh nhnnsa Bet. 4th and 6th sts.. on Washington Open Monday and Saturday till 9 p. in. WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN On salaries only, an amounts of from $a to $100, at the lowest possible rates. Business strictly confidential. All WA r.nillrA 4a 1 K f villi h. am. ployed on salary and you get the money quickly, without mortgage, lndorser or other security. STATE SECURITY CO. 308 Fallintr Bldir. Corner Third and Washington Streets. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon -their own names: cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. D. H. Toi man, rootri S 17. Lumber Ex. MONEY sold on Installment: ronliden. tlal to salaried people. F. A. New-I ton 614-Hwir-4lt. i MONEY TO LOAN 1 . MONEi' TO LOAN 27 iiEAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN. We have the following sncclal umounts to loan on good Hist moii guses; $1000 $1500 $2U0 $2500 J30O0 5aun $25,000 JIARTMAN-'I Ml IMPSON RANK. Mortgage Loun lepartment, 4tn and Stark sts. Chamber of Commerce bldg. $ouu.oo $1500.00 $2500.00 To loan on lmjfroved Portland real estate, also large amounts to loan on improved property. See Mr. Netly. WARD t YOUNGER, , Suite 426 Yeon bldg; MORTGAGE loans on real estate se curity in sums of $250 and up, $10,000 to loan at 7 per cent, or will divide into two amounts, mortgages and Hellers' equities in contiacts bought. F. A. Beard & Co., 612 Gerilnger bldg.. Id and Alder. MONEY TU LOAN ON KLAL ESTATJ $50 AND UP. J. E. NICHOLS. 615 YEON BLDG. $1500 to loan on first mortgage good real estate in city. For personal in terview call 730 Chamber of Commerce bldg. TU loan, ednle funds on real enuun at current rates. Inquire attorney, rooms 10-12 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. MONEY to loan; large loans a specialty, building loins; lowest rates: lire in Burai.ce. W. G. Beck, 315-S1S Falling. 1'KIV A l t money to loan in bums of )50 and up on real, personal or collateral security. Oregonian bldg. EQ'UiTllESTnonBageBrooiHriict'a bought. money loaned. United Realty, 206 Gerlinger bldg.. Alder Bt. $6000 TO LOAN ON IMPROVED FARM. 1108 SPALDING BLDG. $loo,ofj on mortgages, city or farm property, fire Insurance. McKenzie Co., Oerlinger bld., 2d and Alder. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. I. L. White, 701 Sailing bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate. Farrimrton, 416 ( '"inmerclal Club bldg. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7per cent Louis Salomon iV Co.. 229 Stark st. $10,uuu or uny part tor Immediate loan on real estate. Phore 'Tabor 771. HONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A.M. HARDING. 313 Chamber of Com. MONEY' on hand for mtg. louns. Main 106. Friendly, 7a: Spaldln,- hUUr. HONEY to loan, 6 to per cent. W. H. Seilz & Co., XI0 Spalding bldg. SliORT tune loans on reul estate. Phono M ain 7591. tui Lewlu bldg. $lut'0 TO $2500 to loan tin real eslkte W. S. Moore. V.'iioox bldg. MONEY on hand lor loans on residence property. Room 3. Washington bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ARCHITECTS FOR accurate and artistic made to order plans at lowest rates, oddrtss Arcnl teet 11S9 E, Oak, Phone B-3i09, ASSAY9SS PICKERING c Co., assayers. smelters. refiners, buyers, high grade and bul lion p!d. 142 , 4th st. PlHne Mafn tt. WELLS & COLON, nssayers. analytical chemists. 2Q4Hi Wash. Main 75o8. MONTANA assay otfice, laboratory, ore testing. Marshall 2726. T86 Morrison. ATTOltSEYS ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER, general practice, abstracts examined, claims collections. 417 Cham, of Com. M. 8820. A. E. COOPER, Attorney at Law, Gen eral practice; abstracts examined. 14Z4-1428 Yeon bldg. Main 873; A-2071. JOHN A. BEIIHyT At'y, collections, ab stracts examined, writte'i opinions on legal (lueytlons. Z 17 Ailsky bd. M'U 3X26. Kornegay & Hiillns, gen'l practice, ab stracts exam., c ollect ions. iiZ Ch. of C. CHItlSlOPilEUSON c MATTHEWS. general practice. -116-417 Yeon bldg. mVoltCES Kuaianteed. Oregon" Law In- slltute. 628 Lumbemena bldg. ACC0UMTAltl8 PUBLIC. ,'dLLIS, BERRIDGE & THOMPSON, 824 Worcester bldg. Main C567. THE PACIFIC -AUDIT CO.. 1003 Spalding building. Main 7289. ARCH L. TOURELf.OTTE, 614 Yeon bl.lg. Mars;ia.l 1!)6. AS VtBTiSIU G. FOSTER & KLEISER, outdoor -dvertls-ing; painted bulletins painted walls, posters. E. 7 th and E. Everett sts. Etiat 1111. B-2224. BATHS RUSSIAN. Turkish baths, swimming pool, open uay find night, private rouiiis; ladies' and gentlemen's depts. 696 Front. S car south. Marshall 1U3. BAKE uvii triatmetil for riieumatlsm, liimhago. stomach trouble. 326 V., Stark BLAJIX kOOE iIA-.ISJt HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d a:, Blank Book ra't'g. ; agents for Jones lmnroved Loose-Leaf Ledgers; see the BCW Eureka leaf. A-3133. Main 133. THE riTT MAR-PETERSON CO. Magazine, munlc and law books bound, blank bboks and loose leaf sys tems. (3 bth st. Phone Marshall 1235. BUSINESS OABDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street pavloif,-hliiwalk-asd-fMialaga,. tl) Beck hldg, , THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVINO CO.. Portland office, 605 Electric bldg. CABPET ciEAmsa JOYCE FCR finnn Kleotrfn rieanlns Works. carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty.. B. 440. H-1963. 204 E. 19th N. tv 1 caspet waa.viM&l NORTHWEST RCG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. JS3 union avenue, near K. Morrison. PENINSULA Rug Works, rag carput ami rugs. 1618 Patton ave. VNood'ln tiii. CHIXOPOOZSTfl DR. C. ASQUITH. New York expert i . specialist, .Jiss Asqulth, electrical fa cial, scal massage. 612 Swetlwnd bldg. CSZBOFIUCTZO PKTS1CIAH HAVE given thousands of adjustments; $2 60 week. Bath office id and Wash. CISCUIiAB MTTEB MULTNOMAH Multfgraphing Co- ad dressing, mailing; facsimile slgna tures; 60i Ellers bldg.; Marshall 2392. : Multlgraphing, mimeographing, public stenog rapners. HtU & Co.. ill Henry. COAX AKS WOOD E 8PECIAL fell ffl! PRICES ONQlLi! GREEN SHORT WOOU. i..v. 12.50. $3.60. GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, INSIDE GREEN SHORT, DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Portland SlabwcM Co. Main 3119. A-7001. PAC. SLABW00D CO, -rVr Green slabwood. big and small inside block wood, planer trlm'gs. cordwood. Sl'EClAL to district north of Alberta street, nice dry box wood, large loads $3.: Standard Wood Co.E. 231i.Bcl6a5.. Woodlawn 199. - . Moor A trrVbT snort uin w ieer ql rair wm sen no. i 4-fojt cord woti(riri5" per cord. "Nor"i 4 -f oot cak at $7.35 per cord. Z.I-4696. A-4647. Yamato Wood and Coal Co, EA ST 81 8. J3-1867. .ain Situ. F. J. EVERTS. Ft. Curry St. j KhUHKK B WOOD CO., F. Hill, Prop. Cord, oak, ash, slabwood. Get prices. I 8lh and Vaugnn, Main 6369. A-H4I.V PORTLAND WOOD YARD. 'Fir, oak, slabwood and coal. Wreck age. 9th and Gllsan. Main 3363. A-3283. HI U 1 K, .1 I.M 1.1 iVI il ll,l ,.r ....uun and dry wood. Rock cipiinirs and Men- lota coal. COAL and all kinds of wood. Pnon I iolgaierFuel Co.. Sellwood 485. PHOENIX Fuel Co!!! Dry wood $1.60 per load. 521 Savier Main 644. BUKNS1DE KUel Co., 125 E. 7th Cord- wood and coal. Kast 724, B-2777, EDLEFSEN handles wood and coaL COITXBACT03S ZTB B7IZ.0XS E. GEORGEFF, carpenter, builder, store front und siore fixtures especially, palming, papering and tinting; 291 Ankeny. Marshall 3220. DAHCIWO RINGLER'S dancing academy; fall term opens Sept. 9; most thorough school in northwest; classes Monday. Friday veiling, with bocial after; private in struction daily; minuet club dancu Wed nesday ami Saturday; 231ft Morrison; Marshall 313. 11LA1MS school, IU9 2d, bet. Wash, and Stark; private les.soiib daily; waltz and 2-step guaranteed In 4 lessons; class Mon. eve., 8 to 10. Lessons 26 cent. HEATH'S school, lessons dally, waits, two step, three step, Baltimore or echottlsche taught In first lesson. Alls ky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. UOQ, CAT AND HO&322 H08FXTAA J. O. Slee, D.V.S. Dogs and cats treat- ed, boarded. Wood. 3076. 16ul Alblna. BROWN BROS., b46 Wash. Main 4086. A-4086. Res. 91 E. 12th. lv 5440. B-2287. g the Dust Out One of the hardest problems the dry cleaning Industry has ever had to solve was getting the dust out of garments that bad been dry cleaned. Gasoline re moves all grease, germs and a good part of the dust, but heavy garments retain a certain per cent of the dust that can only be removed by beating and brush ing. We have Installed a dry room tumbler. This machine takes out every particle of dust, lint and Odor, raises the nap and makes the goods look fresh and full of life. The quality of the work is 50 per cent better than It was before. Our plant Is open for Inspection any afternoon. You get goou work hers at reasonable rates. U. S. LAUNDRY COMPANY Dry Cleaning Dept. Phones Home, B-1193: East 262. ELECTRIC MOTOBS WE buy, sell, rent and exchange new , and second hand motors. Western Electric Works, 213 Sixth st. POVKDBY ASDUAraiSESHOP Phoenix Iron works, E. 3d-Hawthorne. General machine and foundry work. OASOLIStE ENGINES STATIONARY and marine, electric, equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 1(46 Morrison. GENE&AX. BSFAIKa. GENERAL machine and electric work, repair of electric motors and uyna- m os a specialty. E. Hippely. 224 Oak. OLE lawn mowers mailt like new by Improved new invention; low price; expert locksmith. Pete Puller, 224 Main. HAIDBEISO HAIR dressing, combings made up, facial massage, scalp treutment a specialty, manicuring, shampooing and cniropody. 613 Rothchild bldg.-, HIGHEST price paid fur combings; hair dyeing a specialty. 11th and Wash. FEBVET & HANEBUT Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; hair dressing, rrenlcurlng, face and scalp treatments. 147 7th, near Mor. M. 546 W ITCH b,S, putfs and iraiHioruiaiu..i mude from combings; dyeing. Mrs. Grimes. 175 17th St. N. Phone Msln 6174. HAT PACTOAY LADIES' and gentlemen's hats cleaned and blocked; all work guaranteed or no charges. We make a specialty of ladles' beaver hats. Phone Main S442. The Royal Hat Works, 223 1st st. nrSDHAHCE McCARGAH. Bates & Lively. 301 Yeon bldg. Every form of Insurance, bonds. pa i it- ic s't ates i Ike insukaace CO. Only Oregon fire Insurance com. KODAK. DEVELOPING ROLLS developed free; prints, 8c up; mail orders solicited. 205 Merchants Trust bldg. KODAK finishing and commercial Pho tography. McN'ab. 351. Washington. LADIXS' TAILORING THE National Ladles' Tailors, guaran tee fit, work by expert designers. 131 10th st. near Washington. Main 17S0. LAM-TEEN GLIDES 6TKREOPT ICONS, advertising slides! show cards and banners. Orant Carder, peoples Theatre blnr-. Park and Alder. STEREUP'TICONS, slides, banners, cards, etc. Enterprise An Co.. 73 th. LAU3TDBT LACE HOUSE LAUNDRY.' Main 1784, A-1784. High grade hand work. Lace curtains a specialty. MmMiaiiMMij a t CHAS. U MAST1CK & CO., 74 Front. Lcrther of every description; lap nauulacturers, findings. " MACaiIIE3T a TRENKMAN & CO., hydraulic and special pipe, smoke stacks, oil tanks, mining machinery, repairs. 104 N. 4ih. MTEES & SINCLAIR, Manfn Jewel ers, diumond setters; pay highest prices for old gold. Selling -lllrscn bldg. M. 2379. - asxssEiroESS. HASTY MESSENGER CO.. open night and oay. Main tn. A-2163. MOBTGAGIE X.OAJTS JOHN KER, mortgage loans, lnsuri ance. 803 Yeon bldg. Ma4n 9285. MTU SIC SCBOOXiS ASS XSACHSBS GEO. E." Jeff ery. Violinist Musical Dl 4rectiMlessons)r-Studio-129lt Si. -TajH lor. i aoor 4277. - SiG. LEONARDI, Italian voice place- ment; French and Ensllshi 613Ellrg bldg. WILLIAM R. BOONE, piano and organ Instructor. Stearns hldic. - Mar. 1062. - Caroline Shlndler Ruland, voice, piano". 214 Fleidner bldg. - Main 2660. E. THIELHORN, violin teacher; pupil Pevcik. 900 Marquam, A-4160. Mar. 1629 - kTSOVAT JKXO-VHTUCU KM DR. LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, ape ' clallst on nerves, acute and chro'.lo diseases. 208 Fen ton bldg. Main S9l. D R.AGNES M. BROWNE, 809 Journal bl.lg Hr.10:30-4:3O.Maln 3R09.Res.Tibor S9'il PAiai, 'VU AJTD QtUkMS 3, Z. O'BRIEN, BOS Wash. Main. 8719. I 'estimates furnished; all kinds of work, j PIONEER PAINT CO.. 18 First t. Main 1834. A-7043. : ; RASMUSSEN " it CO., "H'gh Standard ' I patnt. Tie, cor, atr it i ay tor; m.r a- i t ) r;- THE .BEAVER VAftNP H WKS... male "! iFwm irunuen. aph your aeaier, S-ALNIIJIO AKD FAPEKlliO WALKER. 226 Taylor, inside work a specialty. Lowest prices. Msln 7981. GOOD work, uiy motto. a. okOuuio, 286 E. Wash. B. 2167, E. 4214. FAINTING iSS FAfEAUia FOR best work, prices right, call P. A. t. d 1 Wflsh. E. 109R. TIN'HNU $2 room up; painting, paper hanging. C. A. Barnes. Main 1334. TIT,"! A U I i 1 . i ivvivnnw liaiiii., )Mli;iSttllu 111119, guar- anion worn, ror price pnone K. 1866 1 PATENT ATTOBWETi PATENTS obtained; trademarks, copy- ii tin is reisiereu in an countries; uook lets free; consultation without charge. Peter Harberlln. 826 Worcester bldg. PATENTS procured or J. K. Mock, Ai-torney-at-Law, late or U. S. Patent of Ice; book free. 7 19 Boa d of Trade bldg. PAWXBXOXEB UNCLE MEYERS COLLATERAL RANK 4.0 years in Portland. 71 6th. Main 910. PHOTO STUDIOS THE AERNE STUDIO does high class work. Rates reasonable. 352 Was h . PIAVO TTJNIjrQ FRED JACOBSEN, piano tuning; 18 years experience. 190 3d. Main 9431. PIPB PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory and office. 24th and York. Main $489. raATEB Oir AXIj METAJCB. WILLAMETTE Plating Works, 208 4th. Plating and polishing. M. 9848. A-7190. We replate Bilverware; sell younew. Port. Plat, ft Mfg. Co.. 22i-Thurman. M. 943. PLUMS PACTOXY ORTRTPfT n1iim. ,tvi4 nlsanAA .nrlAA Willows tied from old plumes; satis- raction guaranteea. an wasnington. PORTLAND Ostrich Feather Dye Works ror nest, but Mercnanta Trust bldg. MAKE new and do all kinds of plume repairing. Corner Morrison and 10th. j paramatta ANSLEY Printing Co.. 260 Oak. Main 4871. Printing to please. BOOFIWa. PAIMTIWO, BEPAntlira TIN roofing, repairing, painting, jobbing. J. losii, in jeneiaon. Main 1424. . ISELE & GINTER, shoet metal works. on snop. 015 fravier. m. ibii, A-1396. Z.UBBEB STAMPS AID SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun- ningnam co., 231 mark. Main 1407. BADGES, trade checks, brass signs, stencils. Krebs Bros., 114 ifd. Mar. 1871 ' 8APS THE MOSLER Safe Co., 108 2d st. Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts'. opened; bargains In seoond hand safes. BASH, DOOB3, WINDOWS United Glass & Glazing Co., sash, doors, plate glass. 11th, Gllsan. Main 4431. EEB8 BUILT to order screen doors and win dows, painted and hung, complete. American Screen Co. Phone East 5229. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES oT every description, bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg Co. B, H. BIRDSALL. HAMILTON BLDG, Show cases In stock. Prompt delivery. Bales agent M. Winter Lumbar Co. THE JAMES 1. MARSHALL, MFG. Co., new arid old showcases, cuDlnets. store and office fixtures. 289 Couch M.27U-3. SICmB AND 3H.OrCABDS OFFICE, door and window lettering; name plates for desks and doors; also commercial printing. Ideal Otfice Sign Co. Phone Marshall JS3. Hi Dekum bldg. AMERICAN SIGN CO.. 349 Oak St. Suc cessors to Commercial dept. of Poster & Kleiser signs. Marshall 496. A-4318. TAixoaixa LADIES' and gents' suits altered, re fitted by experienced tailors. 425 Mor rison. Baker theatre, bldg. 353 Yamhill, iin AlOerta, Gross Bros M "i 163 DE BLANCHE, now located in the i'Miie ooi., ii iusn si., near inn. i ALFRED OGILMEE, 31U Labi.e biug., d and Washington. Suits to order. TAILORING; SCHOOL. KI ESTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College learn dressmaking, ta iloi-inyfl43 ifo JUh CLEAN towels daily, comb, brush, soap Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch st. $1 per month. Portland Laundry Co. Phones Main 410. A-441 0 TBAHSPEB AND STOBAOB C. O. PICK Transfer Storage Co,, of- 1 rices and commodious 41 story bricK warehouse, with separate iron rooms and fireproof vault tor valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed lor snipping. Special rates made on goods In our through cars to all domestic and foreign points Main 696. A-1MU6. OREGON TRANSFER CO, Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding ajmts Storage, free trackage. Offices and storage, 4i4 Gllsan street, 13th and Gllsan Main 69, A-1169. PORTLAND Van and Storage Co., Inc., 13th and Everett; most mcdern storage warehouse In city; low fire Insurance rate proof of this. Free trackage; mov ing, packing, shipping; reduced freight rates on household goods In through cars , to and from ea.it. Main 5640. A-U.20. 1 BAGGAGE & Omnibus Transfer Co. Baggage checked at yoilr home, fur- ; iinure uioveu, ioreu or pacKtu lor snip mnt. Park- and Davis sts. Phoiui Main 6!)mi, A-3B2U. , CITY Hall Transfer ft Storage Co., Ex- rrm-riarnttrirff"Biia-ti!ano movlng.r trunk 60c additional 2fio. M. 7089, 1 -4724 W. JOHNSON, express, baggage, ti 12 Morris st. C-3168. stand 6th and Couch. TYPSWIOTESS TYPEWRITERS, slightly used. L. C, Smiths and all other make at re duced prices and easy terms. L. C Smith and Bros, Typewriter Co.,: 280 Oak st. ' - " TYl'E WRITER & Supplies Co. Rebut, MjiM, 1 st. Mar. 419. ALL makes rented, repaired, sold, cuu Ingham Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. TACPTJM CIAITEB Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaners, tit Com tnonwealth bldg. L.A.Amlck.Mgr M.4Q30 ROYAL and Golden Rod vacuum clean ers. 151 E. 20th st. East 6660. WH0I,E8AI,E J0BBES3 -M. A. OUNST A CO.. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIOARS. PORTLAND. OR. EVERDING & FA RRELLr produce and commission merchants. 14J Front at. Portland, ur. ynone Main 178. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d' et. between Salmon and Main. ' ALLEN, & LEWIS GROCERIES. In) Should be Considered When You Select a Physician to Treat You C. K. HOLSMAN. M. D. I am Just now completing my lx teerith year as a specialist In men's diseases. During these years of close application to a single class of ali ments I have originated and perfect ed scientific and. certain methods by which these diseases are cured. If I -accept your case for treatment, a cure Is but a matter of a reasonable time. My practice Is limited to the disor ders of the male, and is further con fined to these special and chronic affections of the pelvic tract These Include Lost Vitality, Varicose Veins, Hydrocele, Blood Disorders, Con tracted Ailments and Bladder and Kid ney Diseases. I have taken up these ailments especially, because thou sands of lives are ruined and thou sands of men are not what thoy should be. because they are held down by chronic weakness, which the average practicing physician does not understand and usually tries to make light of hy telling the patient that nature will "soon repair the waste. My methods are tip to date, and are endorsed by the highest medical au thorities of Europe and America, hence our success In the treatment of men's diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. If you cannot call, write for 'Symp tom Bl.ii.nk, . Many cases can be treat ed at home. All correspondence con fidential. Hours 9 a. m. to $ p. m. dally; 10 to 12 m. Sundays. C I. HOLSMAN M. D. 221 ',4 MORRISON STREET. Corner First St., PORTLAND. OREGON. KALfARSAN IMPROVED REMEDY POISON NEOSALVARSAN la the name given to a newer and b e 1 1 r preparation of SAL VARSAN. This prep aration - is being used extensively by the specialists of tne east with even better results than the old er preparation. I have a mirinlv of NEO- J. 3. Keefe, SALVAR8AN on hand Ph, G., M. D-and-1 administer It In my office, according to the vary latest method. This method re quires no hospital detention, and Is done in my office by "me without practically any pain and require no detention from work. Many of tha thousands that have taken the older treatments and have not received the results they desired, now have an opportunity to avail themselves of the newer and better treatment My fee for the administration of this New improved Remedy Is extremely low and within the reach of all that are affected with Blood. Poison In any ot Its forms. My years of experience and my qualifications have made me an ex pert in the treatment of AIL MENTS with which MEN are af flicted. ; Every man -calling at my office la ussuced of my personnl and Individ ual tiealinent until a ciire Is ef fected. Come to me If you have any of the following disorders: Enlarged- Veins, Pimples, Nervous Debility, Nerve, Blood and Bkln Disorders, Bladder Troubles, Blood Poison, Eruptions. Ulcers, Special Ailments, Piles or Fistula. $ to 5 7 to 8 Daily; Sunday, 10 to 1. Examination Advice Free. DR. J. J. KEEFE Rooms 11-15 Lnfayrtte Bldg. 313 Vi WASHINGTON ST., COR. BTH PORTLAND. OR. BRO-U- Glret Prompt id Effectual Belief without inconvenience, in the MOST OBSTINATE CASES No other treatment required. SOLO SY ALL DRUGGISTS. il CHICHESTER'S PILLS Xdtjr. ."THE VIANOND .MBAXU, A mum i Ats yen I'rvcH ( kthee-tar's Plum. !l 0) j'liu la jtee uj uoi4 biVIc bnm, tetled l(k BIm KlbSoe. 1 HAUOND HRANU PILLS. am nut knows De. Safest. Alwirt ReHeMa illl Ability and 'Skill i FOR Ml