THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 31, 1312. stojua and orricrs 11 nu RUNT Desirable store room, 3" lU-ft liarnside, between Union and Oi-iiu'l' aves.; suitable tor shoe, Jewelry, ,l.tuii..iHid dViiaitwsen. limui fnrmT, Bate Ltvly. Yeon blag lou KENT Cheap. kng-W,- "s corn, r store: fine business district; corner tth an! Foster ave.; particulars t26'4 Washington or phone Main ,8458 oO'annr 131 ? j ' MOD EKiToff Ices il Reasonable rates Tn heart of the cttVj For Jnf,""n8.t' and ratow apply room Mf ',..), tiagn northwest corner 6th ami Washington, STwElTwUh V living: rooms, wltlv. some V furniture, If desired.; 847 -Grand ave., near Main, rnone rasi m. . l)f:SirTi'6afC03 Board of Trade. I'm or dasK u aestrea. rnmw A-f07Q. v . . - , i iJti light ' desk room in fireproof building, free typewriter, pom piimico, (10. 708 Couch bldg. WANTEDDentirtb share office with doctor, first class location. Main rOR StENT Desk space in 1'Khl fron t office, $10; use or pnon. o v" lwr of Commerce, Main 1622. WAXTKIr-TO KKXT xr a Sontfmhur B. 3 fur nished liousekeeping rooms or flat, modern, by young married couple (no ihildren). rlosw in, reasonable, Mate - """" and rent. c--18- J"'"""111- I WANT to .rent or lease for term of years, dniryi ranch or general farm, will pay cash rent G. F. Harding. Clack amas, Or, " WANTED To rent 6 or 6 room, up-to-date bungalow; good L location. Give fulk particulars. ' A-15. JournaJ. l.KT us. rent your house. S. D. Vincent & Co., 816 Chamber of Commerce, 1 HORSKarVilCLES. TC. 13 "Auction! Auction! Auction! Monday, Sept. 2, 10 a. m. Horses, mules wagonb. harness dump wagons, dump carta, wneel scrapers, Kresno and slip scrapers; we sell on commission whatever you have to offers THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO. Vhone Kit's t 6316. 240 E. 8th Bt. SFAN horse and mare, weight 2400; harness and wagon, scraper plow, shovels, etc. Price $150. 727 E. 16th, Portland, Or. I WANT to hire 8 good horses. Take Casadero car to Berkley station walk . north to store, lnuulre for F. M. Maiden. AM In the market for good team of - horses. Will pay cash for the right kind 1960 Hodge si., 1 block Portsmouth boulevard. li'UR SALE Buckskin posy and saddle cheap, uenue. buuhuiu ior chuuisu. 142 felierrett ave.. Beliwood. FOR SALE Team. 2990 lba., 6 years old, harness and wagon: team work Inn 611 24 st. N. FOR SALE at once, sorrel mare, city broke, also to saddle, good traveler. Marshall 3az HORSES and buggies tor rent by day, week or month. 6 th and Hawthorne. - Mil . CAK1A1AU or norses mm inuioo, uuubb neck, farm and delivery wagons; liur nesaand g:.tdles. 381 Water, west aide. GOOD horse, harness, light express or - delivery wagon, all for 560. 142 Mil waukie st. BEAUTIFUL, fast driving horse and - buggy; very cheap, Phone afternoons. Main 1416. 10 HEAD or horses, 900 to 1400 lbs.. frota $25 up; also 1 cheap team of mines. 14 JTnion ave. .AUTOMOBILE to trade for horses. A-l shape. 14 Union ave. FEW odd horses for sale; horses sold. t-- exchanged. Rltter. 393 Water st ttOSE CITY STABLES, board and liv ery. Saddle horsea. 60S Alder. LIVESTOCK 35 16 HEAD extra fine dairy and family cows, some fresh and the rest will be fresh soon. Take Mt. Scott car to - Lents Junction, walk east mile. A. . Helman. FOR SALE Small dairy route and all ' equipment, part or all the cows, horses and wagons, 3 stands bees. I860 Dana Ft, Bt. Johns car. Phone Columbia 50, ONE young freah family cow and calf for pale. 794 Tacoma ave. FOR SALE 2 dandy cowsr 81)4 Francis ave. W-ttcar SoUte! 5 cows and equipment com- lete J500. U-2, Journal. UrI ,00D sows and registered Uuroc boar to trade for cows. M-14, Journal. COW for sale, $25 if taken this week. 933 E. 37th N. B car. SEVERAL frefh cows with calves for sale at 704 Ellis ave. Take Sell. car. POULTRY 37 THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock and White Leghorn laying hens 75c and 1. Geor-e Coolc. Wichita. Take G res It em car. ORPINGTONS, Buffs and Whites, all ages, quality, not junk. Murphy. Sell wood 1230. FOR SALE Plymouth Rock homers, 25c each. Phone Sellwnod 1227. THOROUGH HKE1 B. R. eggs and stock; pure Ringlet strain. Royce, Sell. t33a. Wanted uo Rhode Island Red pul lets or young hens. Phone East 1805. DOGS AXI) HOUSEHOLD PETS 10 DR. C. E. BROWN, V. S., 646 Wash. st. has just finished his kennels In t) i'. country and wants dogs to board. THOROUUUliiED Fox Terrier puppie. for sale. I'hone C-2290 or call 459 Rodney ave. AUTOMOBILES-aiOTOKCYCLES 44 ID Kl BUYEffiS Should Examine Our Stock Before Pur chasing. The Values We Offer ARE UN EQUALED. NORTHWEST AUTO EXCHANGE, 621 Aide: Street. BARGAINS' IN ..SLIGHTLY USED CARS. We "have a few snaps In slightly used cars and MICHIGAN ears taken in ex Change. All cars full guaranteed. Call Or write at once. MICHIGAN AUTO & BUGGY CO, 389-371 Hawthorne Ave. Phones Eat 1421, B-1346 A 0TOMOB1 LK Hahc-.ainh ' Whybuy a new cheap ear when you can ecure one of our high grade used cars at the same price. Wo guarantee them; different makes and models, all traded ' uii uew ninn cars, we also offer several :a hand trucKS. Write White var neney, nmn sireet, at Madison. ATT-T..-1 - ! ' mvikj icpuii-ing ana storairi. nm,-!. guaranteed, all experienced help. The "r T ,i f ' a Hawthorne. ' Q I 1111. WILL exchange furnished liouse of luuiiin, cenirauy located, on went lor automobile, runabout preferred, none A or Marshall 19ii9. yiju.u sacruice one or the finest i evi. inder 30 h. p. 1912 roadsters In the City for $650 Been run not over 800 iHng. i.aii .m atara. , J8-H. P RUNABOUT, fust grade, top" .. ,.kih.-,, jw tires . tra tire; runiiuig' order; snap for cash! - pna w, jf,. oaimon. li-HC3 imw ion irue-K. eoou i-oiniii tun v. . p. Buick, good for butcher or BronerV o Tm'i-rJara"tecd' A" Btreufl. route WANTED-Old auto tires. 7c lb de rlvered; old Inner tubes ISc to 23o IB solid tirei, 8c lb. delivered. J. Leva! '" fc Co'"'"Qia st. Main518-. WILL trade lot in sm; town, rcntrai" Oregon, or rculty in Portland lot for good motorcycle. W. C. Straub. Lents. Or. Rome 1. ' t H- P. Indian, motorcycle, run 1000 4 miles, tandem and euulDment. VV M, McCoy, 265 Morrison st, room , . ni- . . -. ., ' t fi, i i i r .- r.tMt .,tia,rHar44H--wt9Br mere for ' your second son motorcycle for sale, $150. 4Uitusslpp ave. 936 AUmUOIJILLS-MOTOItCYCLES 41 studebaker corporation of-America second hand department wa am iroino- with soma Bturfline barcains.' The un usually heavy sale of E. M. V. and Han dera new cars hav stocked us up with, a few. second hand cara., Our, stock is constantly - changing ho don't hesitate to come- in. aven though you were in last week. . - REMEMBER ' - . All second hand cars are traded Jin on new ones. Our desire Is to clean up. Every thing goes at cost A lrew of our many bargains: Several E. M. F. 1910 and 1911 mod- els, overhauled-andi-TeialU4 - whtiellost-Auguauia. on Graiul or .UoiOB avea. Krlt Roadster," 1911 model, A-l con dition. t. Prices on these cars are right ou can't afford to buy without looking them over. ' t . - STUDEBAKER CORPORATION CO. , OF AMERICA, ' C. A. LIN'SLEV, HALES MGR. 19th and Alder Sts, Main 5969 Selling at Give-Away Prices We ire cleaning out our used cars to get ready for the big fall business. T-ike action Immediately, as we are not going to hold them at such low prices. WE CAN SAVE TOU MONEY. Your choice of a mighty good selection. One 4 passenger Garford. One 7 passenger "Garford. Ono 2 passenger Bulck. One 5 passenger Thomas. One 5 passenger K. M. V. One 7 passenger, 4 door Chalmers, One electric runabout. And many more. Special FOR QUICK SAI.F3 Two 3 Ton Trucks. Northwest Auto Exchange 531 Alder St. WILL TAKE eiST S" For ONTC 1912 OAKLAND CAR, FULL EQUIPMENT. 45 H. P., 7 PASS. Pacific Motors, 682 Wash, St, MAIN lit A Few Bargains in Used Cars For the Week 1911 Ford, five pass. 1911 Cadillac, five pass. 1912 Chalmers, five pass. 1S11 Knox, 5 or 7 pass. l'.ilO Hup, two puss. 19)0 Maxwell, two pass. Over 40 cars to select from. Call and look them over. We can save you money. Oregon Auto Exchange 493-495 AldiT St. Main 1161 A-4K37. Bargain 1912 Model 12-A. Pathfinder Touring Car. The official ca of the A. A. A. and U. S. Government now making three official trials to the Pacific coast. Five passenger, 40 h. p. with mohair top and top boot, windshield, speedome ter, horn, tire Irons, tools, electric lighted ami self-starter, etc. Complete, listing at $2150. Cash price $1725. Gerlinger Motor Car Co, 69il Washington st. GO to Auto Painting fc Exchange Co., 61-bi Union ave. .V, ror used autos. first class repair and machine work. OH SALE 1912 foredoor 4 piissenger Bulck. run 3000 miles; a snap If taken at once. Phone Woodlawn l'3L'r. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 01 O. P. GRAHAM Boat building and repairing. Marine i ways. Foot Abernathy st FOR SALE Fine Decker Bros, piano. Will sacrifice for $200. 490 Rex ave.. Sellwood car. CANOE AND BOAT STORAGE. Boat Shops, foot of California st. IF you are looking for a snap, 25 ft. launch (newly equipped!. Main 298. MUSICAL INSTKUMENTS 34 FOR SALE Now model Vlrtrola. In cluding largo cabinet. 25 records, at great sacrifice. Elby company, 3Z0 Lumber Exchange. . FOH SALE MISCELLANEOUS lit FOR SALE New and second-hand Car om and pocket billiard tables, and bowling alleys and accessor!; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments, 'i na , Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 46 - 48 j 6th st. Phones Main 769, A-7it9. , , SAFES Special bargain second hand rire and burglar proof; safes opened and repaired. Purcell Sife Co. ana Portland Safe Co.. 85 6th st Phono ! Main 6309. : VIS. typew riter, Columbia phonograph, ' Strubler Comp. scale, B. i L. micro scope, electric vacuum ciearier for saie or exchange. L. A. Ainick, ;;10 Common- , wealth bldg. SPECIAL eale of Biightly used Singers, "W. & W.." White and Standard sew ing machines; easy payments. Call 383 E. Morrison, near Grand. SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit registers, computing scales, etc., bought and sold. The Pacific Store Service Co.. 227 Stark st. Main 7711. A NEW player piano, used two months. cost $ti&0; will sell for $360, $100 cash, balance easy monthly payments. I'hone C-1758, East 2202. FOR SALE Gas restaurant range, fam ily range, J. O. double desk, buffet, bicycle and water healer. Call 21,4 Russell st. WANTED 2 sportsmen to take interest In fine duck shooting reserve. P-14, Journal. USED MACHINES, all makes, cafih or terms. Prices right Singer Sawing Machine Store, 382 Morrison st. GRADINo outfit and wood yard for sale os trade for eastern farm. Mar ghall 21M. O. B. Croyie. 261 Clay. DERBY iESKS and office furniture, Haley Desk Co., 210 7th St. Main 68 j FOR SALE Sowing machine; oheup. A-4.159. 4 20 Jefferson. MOTORCYCLES, Indian 5, Twin Mag., $150; Thor, 2. $90. 181 Madison.' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 COVELL FURNITURE & COMMIS SION CO. Pays tho best price for your second hand furniture, carpets and stoves. 204 1st. Main 3022, BARGERS' .'AUCTION HOUSE. . 868-370 E. Morison st. rj. 1022, $1000 worm or gooq rurniture at once. WE need the goods, you need tho mon ey, Rose City Auction House. 368-370 I 1n"'ll'.ilir BYH. caei OQ.I. hand furniture bv selllnsr It to Foro Auction Co., 211 1st. Mala 961, A-2413. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 "NOTICE TO MOVERS." Have you furniture to sell; reliable party wants to buy $1000 worth of aec end hand furniture,' stoves and rugs in itniall or large quantities and -pay all the cash It Is worth. Phone East 638., TWO all gfnjjs show caat-s wanted, iip- ' rignt, aooui a menus wiuo, on iiitiiin high. 15 inches deep. Address, giving price and where can be seen. Box 322, poHiomce, WANTED People of Portland to know that 1 pay the highest cash price for second-hand household goods, N. M. Beater; 124-1ZB Grand ave. a-aaii iso. WHY sill yor furniture at auction? We pay hlgtust prices-,- Make no mis take; address M. R. Beater, 34S-6U Haw thorno avo. Phone East 8134. WANTED Kodaks, -cameras, ate, eri Exchange, 2454 Morrlson. Cam. LOST AND FOUND . 21 LIBERAL reward paid for Information or reiurn or ux hoiiu ruooer ure. or Vaiu'ouvtr road. 'lei. East 24. Mult- iiomuli Trunk : nag Co.. 80 E. Water. EoSt on Kussell between Albina and Willlauis ave., u handbag containing 3 keys, 10 in gold and $2 in silver. R lurti to ii 4 Alulna ave. Reward. LOST A package of photographs and nudalliona of a girl; valuaole only to the mother. Howard. Phone Woodlawn 3148. " LOST Aug. 2 4. itar Capitol Kill, bay horse ubuut 11 ycara oid, .weight 1100 or 1:00. F. Flonang, Hillsdale, Or., R. V. V. No2. . UKWAkIT for return of Reading 'fumiard bicycle, No. 2M. Marshall 4 ' " Q- i.. C, be livery Co. r LOST Lady's gold watch and fob about & p. in. Thursday., Leavo at Journal office. Reward. ' $76 REWARD lor diamond ring lost on Liiuium road; no questions asked. Dougherty. Multnomah hotel. ItjlsMi Aioiiey on Blr. Harvest Queen. Own er ii 1 1 1 v 802 Michigan ave. LOST Kills In a Templar sworcl pin, full valuo for recovery. 188 E. 12th st. S. LOSr--ticou;lT son.e black. t..'ollie dog, tan, while, Main 2330. Reward. -PERSONAL NO MATTER what has failed when in need of a regular monthly repedy, get a bottle of Anuko MixturetNo. , and oe convinced It ia Uio best and most tiarm lehs remedy ever put on me inurket tor painful and suppreascu periods. Abso lutely guaranteed uiid for sale in Port land by JeUerson iJiug Co., 3d and Jefferson. Main 7542, A-791t. LAOiiio iuuo mwardl 1 11 positively feuaraiiteo my great successful "iiiOiitiiiy" remeilj; saieiy relieves aome of the icn:;wi, l.iost obstinate, abnor mal casi-s in o to b days, no harm, pain, or Inici'Uience with work, mail 1.6U. Double siix-ngth, .'. Dr. C. T. tooutblng- loii Remedy Co., Kansas City, Mo. U il.lhu ".are ot mco cmlil,, glri pre icrrcd. Mum be of rtfiiied parentage; fihi; suburoan home, mountain air, playroom outside and In. Ref erence. Inquire Dr. 'Iheo. Fissler, Medi cal lildg. ; hoJis 11 loiaa. in., J to 5 p. m. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases ot women ana children, has retuoveu to .LuFayeuu utdg., 311! ft aiiahgtoi, st GL.Nl LEiilAN of au, waii is to meet maid or wiuow, lia to 25 years at age, or sensible working girl, fond of ainuse inctit, Kood luoaing; object matrimony; gi phoiii'; no t riners. H-12B, Journal. SPiHl'l UA LIS M Tt i, V Til A iTVit" UJ MEDIUM, READING.". . HEALING, n,n v imwH ii: titi. - wi;1, AMI, SUN.' 8 P. At. 81 Ltllliit'l"!,' COlfn WH1TAKER. MAIN 7227. F. OR S. CAR. iUKS. hTEAHNS, 18 years Portland's leading palmiM and clairvoyant, has he.- lato l ook, "raliuibtry MaUe Eeasy," on sale. 55i'i Williams avo., corner Knolt, Offico hours 10 a. in. lo 9 p. m. bL.-N.OlD Marveiuus cure tor weakness in men, by mall SI ter box; money re turned it it fulls. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co.. J t r Morrison. Dlt A. A. AUSPLUND. r Diseases of women and surgery. Ex aminations free. 302 Merchants Trust bldg., uih and Washington. Main 4047. lip.. WALKER, specialist; ouickly cures diseases of men. blood and skin dls- i eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid- i,i.,v, hladder and plies. 181 First Bt. ! SANDthSuN CO. Savin and Cotton I Root Pills BUie remedy for delayed periods, $2 box or 2 boxes for $5, by 1 1. T. J. PITce. 2 4 5 M: Morrison. bit (j. V. KETCH UM Women's mala dios, acute diseases; moved to Wash ' ington bids., cor. 4th and Washington, : room 41. Marshall 448. riliADPL'VA sueciaity reliable law- ; Ul VUnOLOyei'. Central Law Bureau. 1I", Rf.thehlld bldg., 287 H AVashlngton. LORENZ Ne-rvo 'ionic Taolets restore lost vitality. 25c box; 6 boxes $1.25. S 1 1 p e -T a y I o r Dri i g Co. , 289 Morrison st HAtTiiEUiJtl worth $7000, wants lady with $1000 to buy nearby farm, mar ry if agreeable. V-15, Journal. GIRLS. Learn our business; Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 4U0-412 Dekum bldg. MRS, HAMOT, expert chiropodist, corns, ..unions nd cailouscB removed, pain- s method. The Alamo. 3261, Mark st. 1' WOMEN Use femoids when others fail. Sold and guaranteed by the Auspl,und Drug store, 110 N. 6th St. Main 8108. : bTrPKRFl.t.:tUS hair removed without I t.ain. New pru'.eb8. 250 Alder st R.:n 17. MADAME ESTELLE, spiritual medium,' renlinc daily. 128 H 13th. nr. Wash.! BALM of rigs, rotieuy tor diseases of! wumen. f.Q'i Davis st. Main 9215. ASTHMA un 1R. DOUGLAS, D. i:., 338 ; Ion eve. N Portland. Or. 1 buyini 2 Wash., or suitcase at 53 cor. 17th st GooD pricis paid for zd-liand clothes, Phcs, etc. Phone Main 6253. MRS. MALLARY HAY. uallst. 24!iVi 5th st. ordained splril- NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In th district court of the United States, for the district of Oregon. In the matter of W. S. Pierce, bankrupt; No. L'lu'j in bankruptcy. .N'olico is here by yiven tiiht ,m the 29th day of Aug ust. A. P., 1'JiJ. W. S. Pierce of Port lr.nd. Oregon, the bankrupt abovo named, wad duiv adjudicated bankrupt; an. that the llnAV meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of tho undersigned, rooms 4J1-2-2-1-5 Fenton building, l'ort- l.nnrt Or fin thf 1'',h Hnv nf .Mi.miha. 1912. at 2 p. m.. at which time said ! creditors rhav attend. rov their eif.iinu ' appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, ni,d transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Claims must be presented In form re quired by tha bankruptcy net. and sworn .to. Tho schedule filed discloses no as sets. CHESTER O. MURPHY. Referee in Bankruptcy. Dated August SO. 1912. UL 1' H r, a.snursing quartermaster t'o j lunibia building." Portland. -Or., July , 16, 1912. SeaU?d proposals, In triplicate, I will be received here until 11 a. in., Pa cific time, Sopt 2, 1912, for 10,000 tons I hay and 8000 tons oats for delivery at Portland. Or., Seattle, Wash., Tacoma, Wash., or other prominent railroad points, lnrormatlon and blanks fur nished on application. The government reserves right to accept or reject any or all bids, or any part thereof. En velopes containing proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for Hay and Oats" and addressed to Disbursing Ouarter master. NOTICE. Sealed bids will be received by tho county clerk for recording indexes. Spe cifications nu-iy be- seen at the county clerk's office. Said bids will bo opened by the county court at 10:00 o'clock a. ni. on the 12th of September, 1912 F. S. FIELDS. County Clerk. NOTICE. Stockholders ot the Bwastlka M. & D Co. can learn what is being dpne at the mine by calling at the company's of fice, 321 Henry bldg, 4th and Oak sts. C. J. DONDERO. Recv NOTICE- I will not bo responsible for Wa!V d?i!8..t'oriu'acte4 - toy-wife TTrnciliro LfimTerson, after this date August 29, 1912. , Udle' . EDWARD, LAMBERSON. 0 ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. I the district court of the United States, for the district of Oregon, in tha matter of J. II. 'Krai!. Individual, K-rall & Gardner, partners, -and It. J. Gardner, bankrupt; , No. 2092 In bank ruptcy. Notice is hereby given that on the 28th day of August, A. D.. 1912, J. H. Krall, Individual. Krall & Gardner, partners, and R. J. Gardner of Port land, Oregon, the bankrupt above named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of their creditors will bo fjold nt the office of tho undersigned, rooms 401-2r.3-4-5 Fenton building, Port land, Or,, on the 12th day of beptember, 1912 at 10 a. m at which time said creditors may atteiid, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Claims must be preseuted in form re quired by the bankruptcy act; and sworn to. The schedule, JJled . discloses esti mated assets amounting to $5800. ' ' CHESTER G. MURPHY. ; ' Referee in Uankruptey. ; Dated August SO. 1912. LOAA'S WANTED 30 $2000 LOAN WANTED ON MY HOME ON 2 1ST ST.; WILL PAY 8 PER GENT TO .PiaVATJS..PARXYv... K-14, $2000 for 3 years at 7 jier cent, on farm property, clone in. Value $16,000, No brokers. 0-2, Journal, FINANCIAL 01 CASH paid for mortgage or sellers' equity in real estaj-e contracts and real estate mortgages in any amounts. F, 'J. oTlfilNMETZt 603 Gerllnger , bldg., 2d ami Alder sis. CAS-H PAID FOR MOKTOAUEjj. Or seller's equity in contract of sale on real estate in Washington or Oregon. T H. E. NOble. Lumberinena Dldg. Loans LOA.NS on diamonds and other secun ties. S. W. King, ii Washington bldg. Phono Main 6100. MORTGAGES, contracts, equities bought pnone Ma in Tain. M4 Lewis blag. LOANS on collateral security. See Egan, 609 McKay bldg. Marshall 2600. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SAiAIJES 07 LOANS' CHATTEL LOANS SALARY LOANS LOANS ON DIAMONDS, ANY AMOUNT, a PER CENT AND UP. We Meet and Beat The rates of other loan companies re gardless ot what they aUvcltuu, Our New Rates Borrow $lo, pay back $li.!a in 6 paym'ts Borrow $2, pay back Jis.aa in 6 puym'ta Borrow $jn. pay back $i6.45 in 6 paym'ta CAN VOU BEAT THEM'.' on LOANS UP TO lu0? If tne HEAD of the family dies before the aceouns la paid in full and the payments are made as agreed, WE GIVE THE WIDOW A RECcII'T IN FULL OK ACCOUNT. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate given if paid before uue. Portland Loan Co, 208-7 Machay bldg. Colli phones Bet. 4th and 6Ui ms., on Washington Open Monday and Saturday till 9 p. m. VACATION LOANS $10, $:i), oc. $50. $ii JiuO. WHEN iuU ARE .N NEED OF HEAD Y CASH GIVE US THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW lOU ThB WAY OF DOING l:USINESS. jT WILL PLEASE-fOU BECAUSR OUR RATES ARE THE LOWEST. OUR SER ICE IS 8UPR10R. EACH TRANSACTION STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFII 'E.VTIAL. STATE SECURITY CO, 80S FAllJ.Ni HDDO. A PRIVATE Place to obtain money on watches dia monds, jewelry, kodaks, guns, pianos, turniture, warehouse receipts or auy good security. F.i.P.Y COMPANY. 320 Lumber Ex.. bldg., 2nd and Stark, SEE FRANK LANE for a loan on pianos, household rood.i autos, livestock, storage receipts, inert- I gages, anything of value; It will cost ' you less. Call and get our prices. tu9 i bwetland bldg., 5th and Washington. ! MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT ' Contracts, mortgages, equities, chat- ; tela, and real security. LI'ECIAL SERVICE RENDERED- LAWSON-BROWN INVfcsiMKM' CO 1125 Yeon bids. Tel. M. t75. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. 'You can get $5 to $100 todaT'at cheapest rates, best and most private terms. P. D. Drake, SJi Spai.Ung U dg. MONEY l'OR S ALA R 1 iLi ) i-EoPLE aird others, upon their ow,i names' cheap rates, easy payments, confidential.' 1. H. Toiinan. room 317. Lumber Ex. A desirable place for ladies and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds and jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond . O 4 fr.t ...... I". . .... fttiuiB, opt mn. w v i urug otore. MONiY b0ld on mstailmenT i,,al . SHHr,P(. n,,ni i, confiden A. Jjew- tlal to salaried people. ton. 614 Henry bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. J. E. NICHOLS, 615 YEON BLDG. CLiATTEL loiiiis. :.o led vaoe; con 1 dential. Adolphus Lain, ill Abingtun bldg - MONEY loaned on diamonds and lewel- ry; strictly confidential. 141 3d. ' LOAN for the TsJting," salary or' chnT- tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg MONElf TO LOAN 27 HEAL ESTATE SMALL and LARGE amounts to LOAN ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PROP ERTY. J. II. TIPTON CO.. 1108 Spald ir.g bldg. Ask Mr. EASTON. Mar, 2 .' 4a. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESXATtu, $250 AND UP. J. E. NICHOLS, 615 YEON BLDG. TO loan, estate funds on real estate at current rates. Inquire attorney, rooms 10-12 Mulkey biog., zd and Aiorrisou. MONEY to loan; large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire in surance. W. G. Beck, 315-olS Falling, PUIVAl e, money to loan in sums of l0 and up on real, personal or collateral security. 2n7 Oregonian bldi;. l".o09 od mortgages, city or farm . property, fire insurance. Mckenzie & Co., Gui unger bldg., 2d and Alder. MONEY to louu on Improved rei;l estate. 1. L. White, 701 Selling bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or less leal estate. Farrlngton, 416 Commercial Club bldg. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent Louis SaiomonTsi; Co., 229 Stark st. $10,000 or any part for Immediate loan on rea estate. Phore Tabor 771. HONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING, 313 Cha inberof Com. $1000 TO $1500 on real estate. Moore, Wilcox bldg. W. S. IF YOU WANT MONEY at C per cent see Fried or Mcrritt, 226 B t it rk st. MONEY on band for mtg. loans. Main 106. Friendly, 705 Spaldlny bidr $250 to $1000 on houses, small title ex pense only. Attorney, 210 Alisky bldg. MONEY to luuu A to 8-per cent. Vp., 3iOl?Spalding bldg, W. it Keitz & SHORT time loans on real estate. Phone Main 7591. 804 Lewis bldg. ON REAL -ESTATE north of Holladay Ave. Woodlawn 202. ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY AaOHZTECTS FOR accurate and artistic made to order plans at lowest rates, address Arcni-tect.- 1189 R. Oak. 'Phone B-3109. AS3AYHD P-ICKERINO & to.", ttsaavern. umpltera. refiners, buyers, Mgh grade and bwt- noil ruia. H2S tr st. Phone Main 10. LWE'LLS IL CULUN afcayra,- aualytiaai uii.-niiBts. ina vvusli. Main 7uQ8. MONTANA assay otliee, laboratory, ore testing. Marshall 2726. .18$ Morrison. KOTICED ATToaaaTa ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER, general .practice, abstracts examined, claims colh-ctioHH. 417 Cham. .ofConi.j-M.j!12u. OltNkUAY. tiUU.uLb.1i it HiLLlUS Genei aL practice. Aoatracts examined. Collections. i,22 Cham. Cm. Main 7876. A. E. COOPER, Altoriioy at Law, Uen- erl practice: abstracts examined. 344-1428 Yeon bldg. Main 873; A-2071. JOHN A. BERRY, Any. collections, ab stracts examined, writtei opinions on IgaMjueUons. 817 Alisky bd. JVPI1 882tf. CMUiaYOPHliKSON .&, .M?rA''i'HKVvn, tai'ral pructlce. 416-417 Y eon biug. Di'v OKCcBu uaranleed. Oregon Law In slitute. 62s Lumbeimens bldg, 'Jl '-' ACCOPlt TANTS gpLiq XLL13. BERRIDGE c THOMPSON, : 824 Worcester buig. Main 8MT. .'l'Hhl PACIFIC AUOl'iv CO.. " 77 100a bpaluing building. Main 7289. ADVEETldUa. FOSTER & KLEISEH, outdoor udyertls "Ing; paliiled buiUaius, painted wans, poblers. E. 'nh and E. liveien sis. Eus.t 1111. B-22a4. RUSSIAN, .Turktsh baths. ewfmmvng pool, open day and night, private rouuis; ladies' and gentlemen's depts. frte- Front.- B car south. Mamnall Ua. BAKE oven treatment for rheumatism, lumbago, stomach trouble. 82nVs, Mark - .- HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY, 10 2d st. tuank iooh mu.; agents tor Jones Improved Luuse-Leaf Ledgers; see the pew Euroha leaf. A-313J. Main HI. t!iet1arpetson' Magazine, - iuuaio and law .oookJ bouuu, oiuuk books and loose leaf sys tems. 63 6th st. i'hone Marshall liii. BUsxarssa OAssa WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, aldawalks aud crossings. 817 Beca biu jj.j TlE BARBER ASl'HAL'f PAVINU CO, Portland ofrice. 6u5 K"ectrlo bldg. CA3PST CLUASlua JOYCE BROS., Electric Cleaning Works, carpets cleaned and laid, refuting our e pecialty. E. 440. B-1963. 204 E. 19th N. CAEPET WJ3ATI90 x'ORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from UIU CAlltlia, I a. t Ufea, uaivvk VLl'ailJIls. b'i Union avenue, near K. Morrison. lb'i Union avenue, near E. Morrison. PENINSULA ilug WoiKa, rug carpet ana rugs. Ibis Pution ave. voou'ln iiisS. CSCSOPOS1STJI DR. C. ASQU1TH. New York expert foot bpecialtsi. Miss Aaqullh, electrical fa clai, saV masbaae. u!2 SwetUnd bldg. CHIilOi'IlACTIO PHYSICIAIf HAVE given thousanas of adjustments; jl.bO week. Hath oltice 2d and Wawn. COAL AND WOOD mmi pron! viiiii-.N SHORT Woou, .ta. GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, $2.50. INSIDE GREEN . SHORT, $8.60. DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, tor fuel and bedding. The Portland Slabwooa Co. Man, i!19. A-lovl. PAC. SLABW00D co.n'r Green slabwoud, big aim small inside Hock wood, planer iritn gs. cord wood. iii'EOlAL, to district norlh of Alberta street, nice dry box woud. large loads S3. Standard Wood Co.. E. 2ili, B-lii!j. Wuod'av. n 1'J9. N'or A'. Enrr 'or a short i.une we I l Gt?l Oi Idll will sell No. 1 4-foot 'cord woud at ii per cord. No. 1 4-foot cak at i7.2i per cord, U-4ai)ti. A-4a47. Yamato Wood and Coal Co, EAST 81S, B-itit7. mm jkiaui mi DELIVERED PROMPTLY EVERTS. Ft. Curry at. bEGHER'S WOOD CO., F. Hill, Prop. Cord, oak,, slabwood. Uet prices. JSth and Vaughn. Main 6359. A-Z416. POR'i LAND WOOD YARD. Fir, oak, siaowood and coal. VVreck- g e. jith and Glisan. Main 3363, A-283. ALBINA FUEL CO. Ail kinaa oi greea and dry wood. Rock bpringu and Men lota coal. COAL und all kinds of wood. Phoue itoigaie JTutKo,, bllwood486. PHoi-.'NIX Fuel Co.,Xiry wood $1.50 "" per load. 521 Savier. Main 3644. BURN.SiPK Fuel Co., 12; wood und coal. Eabt . E. 7th 724, B-: Cord 777. EDLEFSEN handles wood and coat CoMTiiACTOit3 BUXLDEK3 L. GEORGEFF, carpenter, builder, store front and store fixtures especially. rlaaing, C L 2'Jl',i Ankcny, Marshall iL. DAHCISa HEATH'S uciiooL 109 2, bet. Wash, and Stark; private lessons daily; waltz and 2-step guaranteed in 4 lessons; class Mon. eye., 8 to 10. Lessons 25 cents. HEATH'S school, lessons dally, waltx. two step, three step, Baltimore or pchottlsche taught in fust lesson, Ky bids., 3d and Morrison sts. A11S- DOG, OAT AND HOStJi! HOdPITAL J. G. Slee, D.V.S. Dogs and cats treat ed, boarded. Wood. 3076. 1601 Albina. BROWN BROS., 646 Wasn, Main 406, A-4086. Res. 91 E. 12tn. lv R440. B-2287. MI CLEANEB3 Getting the Dust Out One of the hardest problems the dry cleaning Industry has ever had to solve, was getting tho dust out of garments that had been dry cleaned. Gasoline re moves all grease, germs and a good part of the dust, but heavy garments retain a certain per cent or the dust that can oniy uevreinoveu oy ueaiiiig unu orusn- 'inc. 'ltf.-, I. ... I n.ln Dufl a A fT rm .m tumbler. This machine takes out every particle of dust, lint and odor, raises the nap and makes the gocris look fresh and I full of life. The quality or the wont Is 50 per cent better than It was before. Our plant la open for inspection any afternoon. You get good work here at reasonable rates. U. S. LAUNDRY COMPANY Drv Cleaning Dept. - Phones Home, B-1193; East 262. ELECTRIC ZQOTOBS WE buy, sell, rent and exchange new and second hand motors. Western Electric, Works, 213 Sixth st. I'OUKDBY AND MACHINE SHO?. Phoenix Iron (Works, B. 3d-Hawthorne. General machine and foundry work. GASOLINU EN&UTES STATIONARY and marine, electric, enulnments: launches. accessories. wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Reier8cn Machinery Co.. 186 MorrlBon. GEUEBAI. BEPAXKtHG. GENERAL machine and electric work, repair of electric motors and ,dyna moa a" specialty. E. Hippely, 224 Oak. 5ld lawn mowers made like new by Improved new Invention; low price; expert locksm I th. Pete Poller. 224 Main. HAXa D3ESEIJTO HAIR dressing, combings made up, - facial . massage scalp treatment a specialty, manicuring, shampooing and chiropody. 613 Rothchlld bldg. HIGHEST price paid for combings; hair dyeing a. specialty. 11th and Wash, - FEEVET & HANEBUT Leading wig and toupee makers; finest slock of human hair goods; hair dressing, rw.ntcuting, face and scalp W4miU,. 147 LgUwtaar, Mor M. .640. SWITCHES, purs and transformation i made from combings; dyeing. Mrs. Gxlmaa, 17S 17th St N. FbSUla Maia 113 4. HAT rACTOIiX' INDIES' and geiMiemen'e hnts cleaned and blocked. Royal Hat Works. 223 1st. M. 442 " ' SUBAgCB McCARGAR, Hates & Lively. 801 Yeon bldg. Every form or insurance, bonds. PACIFIC b'i'ATES KIRK iNbURANCti CO. uniy uregon nre insurance com. KODAK DBTEI.0PIK3 ROLLS developed free; prints, 8o up; mall orders solicited. u& Merchants Trust bldg. , 1 KODAK finishing and commercial plio tography. McNab. 351 Washington. LAKTESir BLIDEB STEREO PTICONS, dvertlsins; slides, - show cards and banners, tirant Carder, feopies i neaire pinn., rm ana Aiuer. bTERiOPTICONb, Slides, banners, carus, etc. Enterprise Art Co., p 6th. LACE HOUSE LAUNDRY. Main 1784, A-a784. High grade band work. Lac curtains a specialty, 1 riEATasa Aga Tijxxttsan CHAS. L. MASTICK CO., 74 Ffont Lecther of every description; up aanutaoturera,. findings.- --s xuLcmxszxir a TRENKMAN & CO., hydraulic and special pipe, smoke stacks, oil tanks, mining maonlnery,-repairs. 104 N. 4th. MAinjrACTUHrWQ JEWEUBg MYERS-& SINCLAIR, Manfng Jewel ers, diamond setters; pay highest prices for old gold. belllng-Ulrsch bldg. M.,2379. - jMZSBJciraxss. HASTY MESSENGER CO., opeu night ana day. Main 63. A-2163. MOBTOAQE XiOASTS JOHN KER, mortgage loans, Insurt ance. 803 Veon bldg. Main 92X5. ITfjBIC SCBOOI.3 AX TEACKXS3 WILLIAM It. BOONE, piano and organ instructor, stcarys bldg. Mar. 1062, E. TH1ELHORN, violin teacher; pupil Sevclk. 900 Marquam. A-4160. Mar. 1629 MOTOfcCYCLB BEPAXHISQ REPAIRS of all kinds; also bicycle sup plles and repairing. 189 , Burnslde. OSXJEOPATiUO FHYSlCIAira DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist un nerves, acute and chro'.io diseases. 208 Fenton bldg. Main 8941. D R.AGNES M.BROWN E.bUD Journal bldg Hrs.l0:30-4:30.Maln 3UU.Res.Tabor 29HI PAUTT, uxx. A4D QX.ASS J. Z. O'BRIEN, 508 Wash. Main 8719, estimates furnished; all kinds of work. PiUNEER PAINT CO.. 161, First st Main 1334, A-704S. KAaAlUaSEN Ac CO., 'H'gh biandard" paint, ne. cor. 3d & Tayior. 'M., A-l 771. THE BEAVER VARNDli WKS., makes GOOD products Ask your dealer. JPAIMTHgG -1P f AlPEaiWO FOR best work, prices right, call P. I'nn- 38? i Wan;,. E. 1095. Ti.N ilNU ti room up; painting,' paper hanging. C. A. Barnes. Main 1334. WALKER, 226 Taylor, inside work a specialty. Lowest prices. Main 79R1. Good work, my motto. A. Omoouiq. 28t E. Wash. 1. 167, E. 4214. 1JICKARD paints, papers and tints, guar anteed work. For price phono E. 1366 PATE14T ATTOBMBYS a rntuvirriri l I' i . j. '' rAir.iiio ouiuineo; irauemarKs, copy rights registered in all countries; booK lets tree; consultation without charge. Peter Harberlln, 326 Worcester bldg. PATENTS procured or J. K. Mock, Ai-torney-at-Law, late of U.S. Patent of lce; book free. 719 Boa.-d of Trade bldg. UNCLE MEYERS COLLATERAL BANK 40 years in Portland. 71 6th. Main 91U. PHOTO ETUDI03 THE AERNE STUDIO does high claB work. Rates reasonable. 252 Wash. FRED JACOBSEN, piano tuning; 18 years experience. 190 3d. Main 94S1. PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory and office. 24th and Y'ork. Main 8489. FLATEBS OW ALL METALS. ' WILLAMETTE Plating Works, 208 4th. Plating and polishing; M. 9348. A-7190. We repiate silverware; sell you new. Port Plat. & Mfg. Co.. 22d-Thurman. M. 948. PLUME FACTOBT PORTLAND Ostrich Feather Dye Works for best. 501 Merchants Trust bldg. MAKE new and do all kinds of plume repairing. Corner Morrison and 10th. psxsrrxsa ANSLEY Printing Co.. 250 Oak. Main 4571. PrlntlhK to please. aornTOjiwTinG, bepaibisq TIN roofing, repairing, painting, jobbing. j. L.OSH, zi2 Jefferson. Main 1424. T(iTl?i)cTf3itii NEW P FOR BL00B POISON It Is now two years filnce the Introduction of the NEW GERMAN REMEDY for BLOOD POISON, and during that time I have adminis tered this preparation in several hundred cases, often giving as many as five doses In a single day. I know my experience with it. is far greater than any other physician in Portland. I Have given this remedy- a sovcre test, having met in my experience some ex tremely bad cases, and I can say without fear of oontradlctlon that It Is tho greatest discovery of the age and the nearest absolute and permanent euro for Blood Poison, regard less of the stage of the disease or tho symp toms present, livery sympton of the disease, from the smallest eruption to the worst kind of running sore, are checked In their progress at once and completely healed within 10 days. There Is no longer any doubt about tho wonderful curative power of this remedv. anrt when given by an expert there Is no danger of any land from Its use. auce it imir-AJiXix iintu ihis jji.uou ?' : . : . . meEnod or auministering it. ana the ommended by Prof. Khrlich himself. ' Licensed In Oregon In the hands of an expert specialist there Is absolutely no danger of any kind from its use. I keep you in my office from ono to two hours no longer- You will be thankful to me as long as you live, as It will give you a new lease on life. . My equipment Is as fine as any In Oregon, and I glvs you the GENU INE GERMAN REMEDY in the RIGHT WAY. . I also treat KAFELY AND THOROUGHLY AND AT THB- LOWBST TY AND ALL SPECIAL AND DELltATE DISORDERS OF MEN. I invito you., to come to my office. I will explain to you my treatment for enlarged veins, hydrocolc, hernia, nervous debility, biood disorders, pile, fistula, bladder, kidney and all men's disorders and give you a FREE oxam. Ination. , " , If you cannot call, write me Immediately, giving m a description of your ase in youi own words.. By return mall I will send you. absolutely frto. diagnosis of your case and my best professional advice as to how to pro- case a ceed In order to correct your trouble. - My fflcs Is open all day fraw 9 .1! only. - ' " . - - " ' - srH cconua, taint::::, ul; ISELH t GINTER, shoet metal works. un wmip. m r uvier. ivl . 8nvz, A-l LUHBEU STAMPS AKD EAL8 STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham co., Z3l KtarK. Main 140(. BADGES, trade checks, brass signs, stencils. Krebs Bros., 114 2d. Mar. 1871 TUG MOSLER Bnfe Co., JOS 2d st Safea at factory prices: - repairs: lockouts ! opened; bargains in second- hand safes. BASH, POOK8, WLwaowa United Olass & Glazing Co., sash, doors, piste glass, i un, unsan. wain mi. j SCHOOL Or EHOW CAKD WBITIKO PORTLAND SHOW'CARD SCHOOL, 1 1 wucox. Bunding. Fall term begina Sept 9th.- For enrollment blanks writ John MoDermott. - Phone Tabor 8699. BCBEIMS BUILT to order screen doors and win dows, painted" 'and! hung, "complete." American Screen Co. Phone East 6229. SHOWCASES AND SHOWCASES of every description, bank, ! bar and store fixtures md to ordsr. The Lutke Mfgr Co. it H. BIROSALL. HAMILTON BLDG- Show cases In stock. Promet delivery. baies agent m. winter Lumber Co. THE JAMES 1. MARSHALL MFU. CO, . new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Coucrt. M.3708. '; . jura Kcj-ycAnp jt 1 OFFICE, door and window lettering: name jlatea for desks and doors; also commercial printing, ideal Office Sign Co. Phone Mat-snail J83.. ill Dekum bldg. AMERICAN SIGN CO., 849 pak st Suo cessors to Commercial dept. of Foster . & Klelaer signs. Marshall 498, A-4318.' LADIES' and gents' suits altered, re-i fitted by experienced tailors. 428 Mor- t rlson. Baker theatre, bldg. 863 YamhlU, 1 620 Alberta, Gross Bros. M. 7168. DE BLANCHE, now located in the Ooble bldg., 408 Wash st, near 11th. ALFRED OG1LBEE, 810 Lab be bldg & ana wasnington. nuits to oraer. TAILOBIWO SCHOOL. KIESTER'S Ladles' Tailoring ColUg i learn dressmaking, tailoring. 143 ltty v TOWEL SCJPi-LT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap, lowei buppiy co., vtn ana ooucu sis. $1 per month. Portland Laundry Co. Phonos Main 410. A-4410. TBAKSrEB AND STOBAOB C O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co, of. fices and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, with separata Iron rooms I and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. I cor. 2d and Pine sis. pianos ana iurni-i lure moved and packed for shipping. Special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestio and foreign points. Main 696. A-1996. , I PORTLAND Van and Storage Co., Inc, 13tn and Everett; most modern storage ' warehouse in city; low fire insurance! rate proof of this. Free trackage; mov--lng. packing, shipping; reduced freight rates on household goods In' through cars to ana irom east. Main 6640. a-idzv. OREGON TRANSFER CO. 8 Established 1870. ' ' Transfer and forwarding agents btorage. free trackage. -Offices aud storage, 4V4 Glisan street, . lath, and Glisan, Main 63, A-lltD. , BAGGAGE & Omnibus Transfer Co. Baggage checked your home, fur ( niture moved, stored or packed for ship- , mcnt Park and Davis sts. Phones ' Main 6980, A-3322. ; " - " CITY Hall Transfer & Storage Co., Ex pert furniture and piano moving. 1 trunk 60c additional 25c. M. 7089.-.-4714 W. JOHNSON, express, baggage. 8311 Morris st. C-3168. Stand 6th and Coach. ' TYPEWBITEBD TYPEWRITERS, slightly used, L. a Smiths and all other makes at re ducell prices and easy terms. L. (X Smith and Bros. Typewriter Co., 180 , (Ink st. TYPEWRITER & Supplies Co. -Rebuilt, 2d hand. 142 2d st Mar. 418. ALL makes rented, repaired, sold, Cusx i Ingham Co., 281 Stark. Main 140T. r , i VACUUM CLEAITEKS Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaners, 218 Com monwealth bldg. L,.A.Amlck,Mgr.M.4Ult ROYAL and Golden Rod vacuum clean era. 151 E. 20th st. East 6660. - WHOLESA1B JOBBES8J M. A. GUNST St CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CKJAlWt PORTLAND, OH. EVERDING & FARRELL, produce and commission merchants. 14 J Front st, Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 230 id I st, between Salmon and Main. ALLEN & LEWIS GROCERIES. railCHESTEiTSFUlS1 T1IK U1AMOMD BKAND. 1IIm,I Ait fnrwrii 4'hl-ahaa.tar'a IMmmaM 1MI1 In Red tail tiald ntttluc1 eaiti with Blue klbUa. 1 sue ne at her. lyvr r iiXicpXTiirtl I llrnevtnt. cfotllll DIA lHAilu.ND 1IUANU PIIAA. to. Sal U ytm knomi u Best, Stft,AlvyiK.UbM absolutely & I intro-'VJ by the K-vor numnah mm on mo. n rr Tint km an u ii VlTAU. a. m. to i p. m. and Sunday front 10 to . . . .'- ?'.' T" IHV iMhzziy -aiorf:sotvtxect- u W Corner First St.. UU PORTLAND. OREGOlf. ERIMAN REMEDY f '. yV ?J '- V 'f V,"v',i,f'' ' 1 w 1