1 '. ...I). ii;, IAZ. KSBSHSHHSHBSSSSSBHS! OIL ' 8. "' ., ; -.'.S , H '106 acres on the Nehslem river, S i B 30 miles from Astoria, 80 acres in H .. B cultivation, -good family, orchard, a tt land mostly ml river bottom; very 8 H best of dark sandy loum; on main H B county road: good 1 story. 6. room H B house, all furnished; fair barn; S 1 small creek , 30 feat from kitchen 8 S door; plant of salmon and moun- H B tain trout. Near school, church 8 B and atora and large hotel, R. F. D., tf , S fine gravel road to AHtoria! good 8 , B team, new wagon and harness; all B 8 farm machinery and cropsi- 4 acres i B fins apuda. This la a good buy, no a ' B better land. In Oregon, Price 124 8 B per acre including all personal 8 H property; ood terms, z. 8 B r il506--40 seres on Cowllts river, 3 8 6 hi I lea from H. It. atatlon and boht 8 ft Inndlnor. K (' In cultivation. 10 S ' 8 acres slashed and seeded. H mile 8 H line rir timber, amall orcnsra, isna a B all level,-spring and creek, email 8 B house and barn, vary beet of soil. 8 ' 8 Terms, $600 cash, balance long time. 8 ,,,'B A snap. . . ; -; ',..,- -; . ; a) "to acre on Cowllti river, I mile 8 8 from good town on main Una of N. 8 8KB. it. and boat landing. 10 acraa 8 8 In cultivation. JO cres bottom 8 S land easily cleared. Land all level. 8 8 . Well and apnng. "Old house and 8 : 8 barn. -On main county road, 1H 8 8 mile to high achool. Very beat of 8 8 soil Price only $20 per acre, 1-1 S 6 cash, balance long: time. 8 8 I B 130 acre on Cowllti river. SO 8 .). B acres In cultivation, good family 8 ,' 8 orchard and amall fruit; well and 8 8 aprlng. All tillable. 4 room house 8 8 and large barn. Very beat of soli. 8 B JPrloe 120 per acre. Terms, $600 8 8 cash, balance long time. 8 0 - 8 8 , J700 40 acre on Cowjltg "rt. 3 8 r, 4V miles from R. R. and boat 8 8 landing; IS acre In cultivation: S 8 land all level; -well creek and 8 8 spring; fin soli; good bearing or- 8 8 chard and small fruits; lft story 8 8 t room house, 2 barns; 1 mile to 8 8 school, good roads; team, wagon, 8 B hack, 1 cows, chlckena, cream Sep 8 8 arator, all farm . machinery and H 8 crops, household goods. Would con- 8 8 slder about $2500 ia exchange for 8 8 Portland property. This is a snap. 8 8 1 8 8 $2400 40 acres on Cowltts river, 8 8 t miles from R. R. and boat land- 8 8 ing; 17 acre In cultivation; good 8 8 orchard and small fruits; all land S 8 tillable; small house, good large 8 8 barn, team, cow, some hogs, several 8 8 dozen chickens, machinery and 8 8 crops; 1 mile to high school. Terma 8 8 H or less cash, balance long time. S 8 Good soil. 8 8 8 8 205 8 B Gerllni?er Alder. Rldg., Main and .S88B8SSSSRSS 8 8 S 8 S 8 S Fine Farm for Exchange 90 acres, 40 acres under culti vation; Rood houiw, new barn, spring and stream; fine list of stock, tools und farm machinery; located only 14 milt-s from Port land on Pacific Highway. What have you to offer? Price, includ ing stock, $160,000, on easy terms. 68 acres, 30 cleared and in crop; fflne'6 sere orchard, fair, buildings, spring- water; Only 3 mires from Newhers. Price $7500. 160 acres, 60 acres under culti vation; good buildings, spring and creek; 100 acres of fino piling timber; vory oloss to transporta tion; good roads; near small town," and Ik one of the best farms in th pst. ; owner going away, will sacrifice for $7500, very easy terms, or will consider city prop erty. 20 acres, 10 acres under culti vation; fine road; close to Port land; owner going away and will sell cheap. Price $3260; $500 . cash, balanc to suit. Baker & Dryer The Acreage Men 204 Railway Kxchanre Bldg. 1'hona Main 3264. Finest Ranch in Oregon, Sher v man County Exchange . 6320 acres, 4000 under the plow, balance can be cultivated; 40 miles fence (tho beat), 2 miles hogtight; $65U0 barn; $3500 home, hot and cold water, bath, etc.; fine bunk houses,' outbuildings; 61 head of Belgian horses, mares, Including Imported Belgian stallion, cost $4000: 20 head fine cattle and 60 head of hogs; the most complete farming machinery In the country, 8 gasoline engines, feed mills, . windmill, 4 seta Improvements; wheat threshed 35 bushels to acre this year; everything goes, house hold goods and furniture. Will take up to $40,000 trade, city property, balance long time.' Price $36 per acre. Our last chance to aell this property at the prloe. Warrenton Realty Co, Jlaln j4904 61 Jth jSt., Hehry Bldg, HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. , 2Q acres of fine orchard land, beauti fully situated on the east side, district, 'Hood River valley; Over half planted in commercial orchard. Dart In bearing: fine building site, easily worth $20,000 ' m less than 2 years time; plenty of wa ter fof strawberries: will take unlm cumbered Portland residence in good district as part payment. A-ia, journal. I WANT LAND. I will exchange my 8 room house on Hamilton; toilet, bath, everything dandy; would rent for $30 nionth; home l year 01a. Also 'my 8 room dwelling on Pendle ton, corner; rented for $25 month; long term; lot ssixiou. this is aanay plena of property. My equities In both propertlea are $5200, for which I will consider good land ,some cleared; improvements not rrrucn ODject. RAINIER REALTY CO., 206 Lumber Exchange. ORCHARD AND CHICKEN RANCH. 80 acres "of land situated near the town of Ortley, 30 acre of which is rood' orchard land, there being nearly 10 acres already planted to choice com mercial apples; fine spring on place; . ideal for chicken or duck raising; will trsda unincumbered city proporty. Price only $125 per acre. A-20, Journal. ' " $3170 EQUITY , In my 6 room dandy residence on E. 8th t. N., near Bumstde 2 block car line, full basement, bath, toilet, nice lswn, large back yard, for bungalow In suburban district; brine in your trade. RAINIER REALTY CO., ' ' Lumber Excly nge. tsEST 60 room rooming house, .fine location, reasonable rent. Lease, 'good tenants, $5000, H cash. Would consider food valley land. W-2, Jourrfal. WANTED -Rosd show complete; no junk; must be bargain; trade clear real estate. Full particulars. H-212, Journal. VACANT LOTS in good district, not far from car, for my $2800, equity: 1 mod ern ..Irvlngtori hOme. Call East 408 or owner, J-10. Journal. ' W-ANTED-t-A lot In Walnut Park of Piedmont; must be a bargain, Phone East 4878. INCOME bearing property for $8000 In vestment: must be rood. 8-14, Jour- nat. WE cLear LAND. ..Jaekola Bros,. 514 "N. 17. Phone A.1S9J. cor. 2d (430. want; ; ::.l j;;taa WANTED - M"rtirn buni'ow ' for 40 aritiK, Ypmiilll couiiiy, clear; will aa. Rijiiik iiiortgugs. 3 4 u vjg Washington St., rmini d. - W A N T ED-A tut In' Ladd'a ami i II c . n ; rniiMt be a bnrsaln. Phone. East 4873. mm- rrr n T.rr.rrr- ', -r.rr, t- - .-(ir;n n ROOMING HO-J5K8 S3 How Much Rent Do You Pay $25 month; why not save that 120? We have II rooms at 403 7th at., all outside rooms, aa neat as a pin, wo can aell you for li'ta, and glva some terms; now this plaoo can't be equaled for the money; com and figure with us, Mar shall $088. rv ' -' 22--Roomsr22' ' Long lease, good furniture. place whr rooms are always rented, clears $115 monthly, rent only $58. This in a chance of a lifetime; $3oo gives you possession, Peters,- (107-9 Henry bldg. 82 R60Iiai3i)T Am forced to aull my rooming house, whioh is on of the best in the city for transient trade, close in. This plaos should pay for itself (a 0 Uya - If you are looking for a money maker, call quick. Owner, 413 Cham, of Com. ' A ailBAI BARGAIN, ; ' I rooms, nicely furnished, Just ( blks. from P. U., on th; furnace, hot water, fras and alee, yighta: rent only $46; go ng eat and want to aell Immediately. Prle 157 808 Hoard of Trade. Wain . i'. 32Rooms32- Srlok building, long lease; cheap rent, always full, dandy location; all goes for $400 f hi cash. Peters, 607-9 Henry bldg. . . TO LEASE ' r It rooms, modern, corner brick, west side, rent $5 per room, Particulars .10 Hen rf bldg, " t'Ca SALli By owner, small modern 'i rooming house, colse ha, wctf side, rooms always full, cash or terns;- bur gain. 8-4, Journal. , , . iF .taken "by Bept. 1, will sell my fl room houte for $1175, clone In, (told house; Investigate this. M-13, Journal, F5r 8ALE 10 room, weirfurnlshedi all H. K., for $225 cash if taken now. Marshall 4917. - t ROOM house, good condition, chonp cant Amnnt InnuHnri' f.li1i.lrAni mtiA lilir. eons; Viargaln; no agents. 185 N. 12th. It rooms, close In, good furniture, clears $90 a month; $300 will handle. 810 Henry bldg. : lO RbOM house (central, near city hall), cheap for cash or trade. Must be sold this week; hurry, snap. 605 Yeon bldg. ROOMING hous on South 7th St., of 8 rooms, cheap rent, about 6 blocks from postofflce. Marshall 3978, 1$ BOOMS cheap, 864 ft Morrison B- 1395. Bl'SIXESS CTIAXCES 20 One 15 room two. story frame hotel bulldlnar fullv nninncil fur lodKings and serving meals and plat of ground In heart of business district In Salem. Oregon. Bust be sold by executor of an estate. Inventory value of property, $8000. Address Carey F. Martin, at- torney-at-law. Salem, Oregon. uhul'eki ana nxiure k"" V? 1 . l ... ,,n,., 91V&I with uitcup J Ulll, llieuDaiu ivujii - - - v " basement. If you want to see the bust location for store See G, E, Weller 403 E. 50th st. Tabor 2642. $750 TAKES IT. The best paying r-Btaurant and con fectionery on the eabt side. Average business $25 a day. Phones C-175'J, t MUST MAI'RIFICK Mv fully euuiuped butcher whop, good dltitrlrt. aood li.afcti. rnt liO, no do- livery, worth $1000, if taken by August 31st, $425. Rainier Realty Co., 208 Lum ber Exchange. . ffiSWE is yOUr Chance to get a good furniture business in a thriving cen tral Oregon town, $400 cash or lot, same value, a first payment, balance easy; don't writ unless you mean buamuss. Address M-92, Journal. DELICATESSEN and lunch room, pay ing net every monOi $125 to $160. You can not buy for three times the frlce any such business in the city, not ing the above amount, at the price I wt lTs el K H . M. Kemper, 44 N. 23d st. GROCERY, must be sold by tomorrow night; owner called to California on account of death in family; no fixtures to buy; rent paid in advance; all pre ferred stoek. JORDKN, Suite 619 Lum bermen bldjr Saloon at Cost Will either sell or trade, owner leav ing citv, vory little cash necessary, ele gant location. Owner, Q-4, Journal. FOR SALE A good first class confec tionery, largo Ice cream parlor, near school; 6 large living rooms, long lease, rent cheap. This is well worth inves tigating. Phone Sellwood 365. UP TO DATE grocery and delicatessen; good busy corner, dolnr cash business; better than $40 per day; no delivery, ferred stock. JORDAN. Suite 619 Lum 619 Lumbsrmens bldg. rent, established tra lc; good location. Death In family reason for selling. A 'the Meier Frank store to learn inspec snap. 1029 Union ave. N. tiwi nnd wrapping of mcrchandiso. Good ROOMING house unrurmsnect, with about 10 rooms, 26th Bnd Upshur, terms reasonable. Inquire at Heniy Welnhard's Brewery. 13th and Rurn.slda. FOR SALE All or half lnteresflu a first class cleaning and pressing es. tabllshment doing A-l business. N-14, Journal. FOR. BALE Rest navlnff saloon In Vancouver. Wash.; independent h 4r,M.nHnt . K- cense, cheap rent Vancouver. Wash. P. J! 504",' Journal, A NICE, clean business that will net vnll libit Der .muriin, uo your own boss; $26 will handle It 601 Swctland bids. LIVERY business for 'sale , or trade. Am doing good business. Private reasons for selllnB. F0"" particulars write llox 287 Wlllamlna. Or 500 Business Cards, $1 Rose Citv Prlntery, 192 Third street. MUST sacrifice my $30,000 . business proof rty for -$20,000. I am forced tc make the sacrifice, ti-a, journal. FOR SALE One nalr interest In fac tory, 12P3 E. Morrison. Mt. Tabor car. ' , SMALL restaurant for sale; just right for man an wire or two women. 273 Salmon street. FOR SALE Grocery store. 401 Mason, corner Grand ave. SCHOOL store and lighLgroqery ; cheap rent east sme; piwm taoor joo. BARBER wanted to buy my shop; Lee Canfleln, 3 4 i y, Morrison, DANDY paying restaurant for sale or trade ior lot, uau aa a. Morrison st. FOR SALE 'One-chair barber shop. 1666 K. Ollsan st. HELP WANTEDMALE 1 WANTED Experienced help In a crack er factory. Apply F. F. Haradon & Son, K. 6th and Davis. WAN i ED Neat appearing man to taka orders. APDly 4 to 7 D. m .T T Rich, Hotel hc oyt, 6th and Hoyt sts. ' Experienced solicitor onagon for cleaning; worka; good opportunity. 421 Broadway. -YQUN- man, who understands setting up toys; answer stating experience. Li-i, journal. WANTFit) Station mn, rock and mixed elasalf 'cation; good. work, good rie Wagg ft Standlfer Co., 703 Wr)lco hide-. HOY 8 wanted over the ege of 16. for wrappinig soap, staaay work. Mt. Hood oap Co., 108 N. , 4th. ANTED At one, t men to Jearn to drive and repair automobiles. Call at Hawthorne Oarage. 445 Hawthorne; lEVERAL good boys wanted to ioaTn trad Apply 14 Page st., Lower Al- pina. BOY wanted. Apply, room SI, HXiS Morrison st.; steady Job. ! BOYS wanted, (2) with wheels, waves lfl-tfl-l I Ljt.aaBtl.ili .j'a.mhili. J!iJ.i' V.'ANII.i)-MAI.Ii SAT.rf MFN, WIO IIAVK A Er'T.flNfTD KlJil'l VISION. JIKINil r.NAIif.l'J TO HANOI, K OVn I'IKiHI'Kf'TH. W 11 WANT A li'lW GOOD, LlK MKN. IH JOU AUK A WOKKlift LOOKING VOil AN Ol'i'(HTI.!Nl'ry. CALL A K'J'JSB 10 A. M. AT 608 I,KWI3 JJUG. . ASK FOR MR. HOUSTON. y VANTLD HUudy" family! man "witTi aoniA rash to maka navmulit on a home, to' taka position on aJJolnIng opening to own your own Incomt pro duolng horn In country, Huhool and store on premises, ''- A - ii, J '' u r n al WA iSJ TliMol d iniiTter, strong" activS . young man with from 1 to I year experience - at plaster -moia making. Good Chance, for advancement Apply 243 yf: th, .,. tUKV heeOquarters and helpers. Call fornla Win Droot. 285 Yamhill, next to Journal. ' ' WAlrtil2r--Xeamstef to take charge of four-horse team and pay part of wages on a home n a young orchard. Must have $600 to pay down on home place. Wages $2,60 per day to start. Steady work all year.-A"24, Journal.--; BLACifSMITlianTeTrTlTo only ahop, In good location, for rent on reason able terms to good horaeshoer and. all round workman. Address Lorens JaekeL Olpnwnod, Wash. - WANTen-lMen to clear land 6 mliea worft of city, two miles northeast of Beaverton. Apply New York .Grocery, 420 Morrison st. ' $60 weekly made bt sllc;ltoi'; bfit proposition on coast. 226 Henry bldg. HELP WASTED MISC. 4,0 WANTED First class drug more sales man to sell widely advertised and fast soiling drug store prepnrutlon; good sal ary and large commission to a man who can carry, thl aa a side line, or make a specialty of It In and around Port land. Kvcry Jobber in America has our goods, and ther Is a wide demand and wa need at once a salesman to sell Job bing and -retail trade in this district. Address, giving necessary information, Cunningham Bales Co.. Urecht bldg., Den- ver, 'Colo. YOUNG men and ladles' wanted toinrn telegraphy. New wireless law taking mftont n,.t,,i,r 1 ronuirina a host or now telegraphers; great demand for R. R. and commercial wlrs workers. Re duced rates this month. Positions guar anteed all graduates. Call or adores the National Tel. Institute, 605 Com- monwealth bldg, MEN STOP READ LEARN. THE OREGON AUTO SCHOOL gives practical instruction in repairing ana driving automobiles; TUITION REA SONABLE; part cash when you enroll, bau-nce at time of graduation. ORE. AUTO SCHOOL, 266-268 lJth St.. cor. Jeffersom SHOW card writers wanted. Those who wish to advance should take up this profitable art. John McDcrmott, ror merly of R. H. Macey & Co., New York City, Is teaching this work In Prtianf Fall term begins September 9. bend for prospectus. Uffj Wilcox bjjg. ii KN and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks. Special Inducement, per centage earned while learning, foola free, xprt Instructors. 17 yars in busl ness, 37 schools. Life tlm scholarship to every student. Moler Barber College, 35 N. 4th st Portland. Or. any N" one can learn to measure, cut and fit ladies' tailored suits. We teach every detail and place you In a position to earn from $20 to $40 per week. 209 Central bldg.. 10th and Alder. Safety Razor Blades Sharpened. 1.1c per dox, iuitt farKj Dot. st. Washington nnd Stark MEN and Women wanted for govern ment positions. $80 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Insti tute. Dep't. 339 R, Rochester. N. Y. GOVERNMENT positions are easy to gre.t. My free trooktet, Y-388, tells how. Writo today. Now. Earl Hopkins, j Washington. I). C. EVENINO lessons in stenography; busl - nesi training; $5 month. Main 206b, 1.43 V Journal. - rNTnrNA"TIONAL Correspondence Schools headquarters 409 McKay bid?. Open Wed, and Sat, nights. Main 1026. UNCALLED for tailor made suits $10 up. Harva rd Tailors, 33 3d St. UNCALLED for tailor made suits $6.60 up. Taylor th Tailor, 885 Burnsido at HELP WANTED .:ALE WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TEL EPHONE OPERATING WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE; PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY (EAST OFFICE). COR. 6TH AND EAST ANKENY STS.. OR (MAIN OFFICE), WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 250. FIFTEEN YOUNG WOMEN Hetwecn tho ages of 16 and 19 years hv opportunity ror advancement for ambi tious girls. Apply at superintendent's office, '6th floor, before 9:80 a. m. WANTED Experienced mangle fold ers, also collar girl and girls to learn, U. S. Laundry Co., E. Yamhill and Grand ave SALESLADY for silks, permanent posi tion for thoroughly experienced wom an; correspondence will be treated con fidential. M-2, Journal. WANTED 100 women and girla to work In fruit season, lasting till Dec. Good waees. Apply Oregon Packing Co., I'.. in aim ueimonr. WANTED Housekeeper by young wid ower to keep house and care for child 6 years old. K-13, Journal. WANTED Girls to work in candy fac tory. Apply Aldon Candy Co., 12th Bndtlisan sts. AT MIDDLE aged woman-for-general housework and nursing; washing sent 011 P'l'i!!0 Tabor 2612. HAVE good home for school jrlrl FrTTe turn for services after hours. Mrs. F. C. Melllsh, 395 V), Halsey t. WANTED An experienced waitress. full of energy. Apply morning City HalIcllcate88en, 273 5th st. ' YOUNG girl wanted for general housc- work, no cooking. Apply 353 Stark. 7h!LP WANTED- MALE AND FEMALE 20 Want Hoppickers A-l HOPS Lape Sing yard , Choy John yard East Independence yard Phone Main 382, A-3650. 808 1st st. Sid Rack. WANTED Hop pickers. I will be at St. Charles hotel Aug. 27, 28, 29 to sell round trip tickets to Chemeketa, on Orepon Electric, for $1.25. Will ship Friday, Aug. HO. 66 acres fine hops. Furnished free shacks, potatoes, apples and prunes. Romeo Gouley, grower. HOP PICKERS wanted, 200 acres, go.. ..hops, are picking now. free shacks; potatoes. auolcs, good water. Call at once. 60S Worcester Md'., or phone Mar- shall J31B. John Krebs. HOP pickers wanted -160 sores on Ore. kuii iuini.t im iwi tut Hie, mi ormation call at Carlson a Fruit Store. 805 E. Mor rison st Phone K. 237. Baskets fur nished. George I- Ros. HOPPICKERS for Lop Sing yard; fine " river bottom hops: rood cimn rm,,i 6 do box: weeks work, at Chemeketa! Apply 409 E. Grant or call E. 6821 NTED-i-100 hOD, nickers at fii keta on O. E. See grower, J. B. Penny, i at the St. Charles hotel, August 28, 9rJo Shacks, wood and straw free. H6P "pickers wanted. 863 Corbett st , cor. Peunoyer; call after 1$ o'clock a, ahaaks furnish-. 1 Jrr ItLnmppr- Ui.lv li'ANTi:!)--run and NOT1CIX Hopplckers fur J'l.. Inrlnpendenra yard. Lope tilnK'e yard, (.'hoy John's var1. Must loave Thursday (20th) forenoon at in o ciock via special train irom jei filTHOii Ht.. Orotron Klnctrlo d(OOt. Haga-Hga innat be. at i the above depot wedneaduy (28th) at .:30 a m. Hg gag tags can b had by calling at my 0fire, flir.Tn BACK, 108 1ST AT. - ' E3IPLOYMENT AGENCIES 85 V - C. R. Hansen & Co. General Employment Agencies ESTABLISHED 1876. 16' and 28 Norttt 2d St. Portland, Or. Women'! Dpw 7th and Wash. Bt. . 1 Upstair, , " Help Furnished Free flan Francisco office 605 Howard t Spoksne office 116 Bernard Bt. V..W.C.A. rNbtJriTRtAL' EMPLOY. '-- MENT AGENCY. : - SECOND AND ASH 8TREET8, ' HEADQUARTERS, for competent loggers, niillmen, B. R. constructlorr men. farm hands, and all classes of skilled and unskilled labor. Writ, wire, phone or call at our x pens. Marshall 2271. A-7741. A square deal to employer and employe, No charge to employer. WANTED AGENTS AGENTS Ambitious, reliable, "I mean business" kind of men wanted In Ore gon. Washington. Idaho and other sec tions. We are well known, do a large business and can make you some money If you are of the right kind of ma terial. Ask for particulars. Salem Nursery Co., Balem, Or. WIS need a salesman in each of sev 'eral excellent field to sell our splen did nursery stock. A permanent place: cash weekly and a square firm back of yuu. write ror particulars, wasmngiun Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. AGENTS wanted either sex,' for best selling specialty; start at once; something everybody wants; easy sales, Particulars free. The F. Nvlns Co, I'X u P. w" 8 h: WANTED A salesman who Is a man to represent us. Cash weekly. Ad dies Capital City Nursery company, 414-417 U. B. National Bank building, Salem, Or. SITUATIONS MALE S MARRIED man, 28 years, wishes po sition In any store, have 9 years' ex- fierlence as salesman In gents furnish ngs. 11. G- Struguu, 829 Minnesota ave., city. FIRST class engineer would like place as engineer and Janitor In apartment house; can do all repair work. I. Hen- derson. Z70H Alder st.. citv. EXPERIENCED house man wishes per manent position In private residence; understand floor polishing and outside work. F-l, Journsl. FIRST class carpenter would like posi tion as Janitor in stone apartment house; will do all repairing. Address 8 East 53d at., city. WANTED A chance to live. If you have a man's job to offer one who would do anything legitimate for a liv ing. addteHs o-13. Journal. SITUATION by first cIhhh colored man eook. has bent of references, city or oou n I r y . G 1 . 1 e a. 3 4 5 E ve relt M COMPETENT stenKrtiher and book keeper wants position uh instructor or other work. 70H E. Ankeny. B-304. SITUATIONS FEI ALE 4 WANTED by lady, 3a, companlabla home with family of adults, treated as one In fumily, home more limn wages, city, A-21S7. ,. WANTED A position as housekeeper, by fino appearing young womnn, re fined and good Housekeeper. F-S3, Jour nal. RELIABLE lady wishes work by day; washing and Ironing preferred. Main 6899. PLEASANT furnished cottage, Sunny side district; modern conveniences; reasonable. Phone Marshall 1 908. 1 WOMAN wuiita' chamber work, where j sue can have housekeeping rooms. aMrsLMny Glebiscti. E-2, Journal. EXPERIENCED muse wants situation. Mi ('avannugh, Tabor 3 1 3. WANTED Chamber work In small ho tel or rooming house. Tabor 322S. EX t-Elii EN7TED lady -want day "work. Phone Tabor 173. DRESSMAKING "10 DRESSMAKING by the dnv, $1.76 per day. Rowland Hotel, Room 212; both phones. DRESSMAKING and petent dressmaker, 7082. A-32.56. tailoring by com leasonable. Main EXPERT ..drfsiKiier of ludiea' gowns at your home. $44 a day. Phone C-1553. FURXISltED ROOMS WEST bIDE Foster Hotel 2D, 3D AND DAVIS ST 3. Call and look at. oyir f to mo. -rooms, All outwlde. Hot and cold water. Steam neat ana teiepncne in every room, Hotel Glenwood Newly furnished rooms, modern, per week and up. 24H Salmon st.' $3.50 " n i I'-u urnpi-i. liiuiu woman to share i M'i'T.'i , i...., .. i i . r 4 room cottage with widow lady $6 per month, with opikm ut M.ktii)f o--(aslonslly If wante'd. 624 Jefferson at. FOR gentleman, handsomely funilsTied i uiin, luuiinij wmer, every conven- mnee. jtliss is,, m union, li.iVi 14th Wash. , Phone Marshall 2361!. cor. THE KING, 3u9 Jefferson. NiceTy fur nished rooms; cheapest and best In city; close business center; $2 60 week up. Free phoneandbath Main 7?li4. NICELY furnished rooms, fine furnished loca-Mor- tlon, also one housekeeping. 471 risen street. NIGELY furnished rooms, electric light bath and phone, walking distance. 661 j ay ior, NEWLY furnished rooms, dose in sin gle or double. 403 V4 Park st. Main 6064. LARGE neatly furnished room, suitable for 1 or 2. i3 K'tli, near Stark. ROOMS $1 per week, up. 268 V4 Fl at. Salem House. Phone A-4710. BEAUTIFUL front room, all conveiT lences, 1 f 0 ', 17th. Phone A-5097. ROOMS All conveniences, reasonable summer rates. 2S3 13th. Main 6975. ' N E ATLY furnished, light room, eloetric lights, bath and phone. 230 V 10th. NlCELYfurnlahod. clean rooms, from $7 up; hi.0j.hqne. 635 Johnson. WELL furnished room with alcove" suitable for three. 12S 14th st. ' FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 52 SPECIAL low prices for homeliks rooms,. Walking distance, every con venience, clean and modern. 227 Larra beVst. Phone East 649. . THE MONT OOJTERY, corner E. ath and" m. roorrieon, mceiy lurnisned rooms. reasonahle. one newly furnished sleeping room, li iPr week. S92V4 E. Burnslde. " UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 TWO unfurnished rooms, private' en trance, use of water, electric light, phope and bath. 171 13th at., new Mor rison. " . . TWO large unfurnished rooms in modern cottage wun oain ana pantry, jio, (24 E8t Pavl. et StflfES of J"unf 'rnlsned housekeeping rooms, $1 ween per room; gaa plate furnished. 480 Relmont st TWO large unfurnished front rooms; I'M i i;ism:i icooms 10 THREE lariru rooms, $9 per month. In 7"'nni( WHler, 4;m Htej, liens St. KOO.M.S ANJ llOAKD 15 BEST room and board for $5 a week and up. In a musical home. Steam heated and every convenience. 564 E. Madison, cornerj 3 tht: WXN'ntib Young ooupl to tak room and board with another young couple, nowly furnished bungalow. Call Tabor 4191. , , . '- -- L6&U a hoiiia cooked meal appeal to youT outside room, boara i weea; meal tickets $4.50. 264 Main. WANTED A "" hfiv to board, axe 2 to 4 yeirs. Call or writ 421 WU- liimette st.; Oregon City. Or. ROOM nd board for two gentlemen. 64 N. 16th st.. corner Davis. FTTRNiSHED room "with board4. 11th st. - "167 WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 50 RESPECTABLE young man want room and board with nrlvat family; state price, u-4. journal WANTED Board and room, west lde, by young lady employed, private ianv lly. F-2, Journal. . HOUSEKEEPINQ ROOMS WEST HIDE 8 LARGE, sunny, nicely furnished house-koeDliia- room, evervthln handy, fret phope and baths. Two minutes from postofflce. A pleasant and quiet noma fur u working couple. 2V5 Salmon St., cor. 6 th, TWO rooms, completely furnished for II. K. ; gss range, sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace heat, $26 month 476 --iay st THE MELNER, 360141 Morrison st. FurhlHlied-and unfurnished housekeep- Llng apartments; all conveniences; best location. 'TWO room suite for 2 or S adults; sink gas range, phono, ewlng machine; 7 minutes' walk to P, 0 $1K month; nice place. 384 1'ark. New and cleai FRONT suite II. K. room; running wa ter; also single room. Gas, bath, phone. 171 N. 17th st FURNISHED H. K. reams, modern, $1.60 up. d cur to 207 Sherman, aiarsnau "I' ll 9.1. TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms with bath. Low rent. Apply at 686 Pettygrove. HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms, Gem hotel, 685 1st st.; fine view, new building, $1.25 weea up; rree pnone, TWO nice , furnished housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water, Hi. 48ft W. Park st. t CLEAN, pleasant housekeeping rooms. neatly furnished. Phone, gas, bath. $16. Call afternoon 6. 246 N. 18th st. Si.n'GLE housekeeping rooms. $1.50 per week $2.26 per unite. 291 2d St. LARGE H. K. rooms, 181 6th st., across from Portland hoteh TWO nice H. K. rooms, all modern Clay, near 8d. Main 6030. 266 THREE furnished it. K. rooms; walk ing distance; $16; key at 329 Hall st. 105 2UTH, cor. Flttnders Neatly fur nished housekeeping rooms. 361 TAYLOR Housekeeping rooma, sln gle and suites. Free gus. bath, phones. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, all pleasant outside rooms, $2 up; phone, bath, laundry, single and en suite. 164 V4 Union . TWO and 3 furnished and unfurnished housekeeping room, new and modern, walking istance Dental College. 380 Fns- 1st st. North. THREE swell, modern, furnished houte keeping rooms; $20 month; lights, water, bath furnished. 985 ft Alblna ave. cnr. Rlandenla, L. cnr. $18 completely furnished 3 rooms, bath, Ka.i range, laundry, phone, large shady yard, flowers, walking distance. 341 Tillamook. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, close in. Large corner rooma, with bay windows); all outside rooms; very rea- (!fnnble. R E 12th.E.627. Fl RNIHHEffor unfurnished housekeep . ln rooms; walking distance, 344 East 2d st. N. Phono EaHt 132'i. THREE rooma, prlviito buth, newly fur nished, steam heat, very reasonable. IT car to door, 27214 Williams aye LARGE room with bay window, gas and electric lights, $2.f0 per week. -421ft East Morrison, cor. 1',. bin. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, 165 Monroe. Phone Vvoodlawu 30-15. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, phone and Has light, Ia. fa!4 K. Ash TWO II. K. rooms, hot and cold $11 month. fili.'iVi-E. Morrison. wal.r HOUSEKEEPING suite, iras for cooking. t'JJii) nionlh. t car. 2Xtf llalsey at. 3 GOOD II. K. rooms, block from car and school, cheap tent. 749 Miss, ave,. 2 WELL furnished housekeeping suites, J12 and $16 mouth. 314 E. Rurnslde. TW7T fjrnlshed housekeeping rooma; $17 month. J i 7 E. Pine. HOUSES FOR RENT 12 NOB HILL HOME FOR RENT. Modern 6 rooms, 4 bedroom, furnace, fireplace. 228 19th at, between Lovcjoy and Marshall sts. Price $5i per month. THE SMAW-KEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 102 4th st. A-3500 6 ROOM house, furnnce and all mpdorn fixtures, newly decorated, first class condition. 20th and Wygant. Phone .WaudUitf a.lI,.. ... n - -.. , NEW 6 room bungalow, fireplace, gas, electricity, china closet, lawn, walk Ing distance, west side. 148 Curry, 249 Hnncrort. 7 ROOM house, good location, newly tinted, electricity, gas. full plumbing. 5flr East Pino, corner 1 5th, $25. Phono Sellwood 69. 120 Modem 6 room house, walking Take I distance, 243 Tillamook st. car Key next door. NEW 6 room modern house, near Reed institute, $12. 778 Harold ave. Phono A-3146. MODERN 7 room' house, block to car, 31st and Ellsworth. Inquire 919 Ells worth. Sellwood 765. SIX room residence. 3 blocks from busi ness center of Sunnyslde, $16. 1-839, Journal. GOOD i room house, 427 Montgomery; reasonable rent to desirable tenant. Krd William?, ' 6 ROOM house, first class condition, on East 31st St.; fent $17. Inquire 925 F.ast Stark st FOR RENT Modern 6 room house, large yard and fruit trees. 1330 Han cock st.. Rose City Park. 5 ltOOM modern house, furnace, fixtures, etc.. complete, newly decorated, lt. 1026 E. lUlh N. Phone Woodlawn 107. Six room bouse, 720 E. Davis. No ob ject ions to children. Tabor 420. MODERN 6 roopi house, close in, $20. lit; E. 29th, near .Davis. TWO modern 7 room houses, 772 2d st Apply next house. 229 Urover st. g ROOM house, suitable for two fam ilies, east side. Phone East 4287. ROOM house, bath, $12. 236 East SDth st. N. Rose City car. FOR RENT 6 room cottage on Eugene st. inquire dhu cast eigne. $266 room modern house, near bridges, J3B r.asi iti tt,. iiuriu. MODERN 5 room cottage, 46 E. 18th st. Rent fit. Marshall 4317. NEW 5 rdorii bunaalowS i 200 East Lln- COin at. niutiB iviHin uit. 6 ROOM modern house, H block to car $ 1 8. 388 Falling st., near Unlonjtve. THREE room houae, partly furnished $10 a month. Woodlawn 50. A STYLISH 7 room house, 10 minutes' walk to postpTTice. bsb ttn st. FOR RENT Cottage, 16$ E. 13th st. S.. rent $16 4 ROOM house, 4 blocks from new steel bridge. 269 Wheeler st; - 1 HOUSES for rent. 6. D. Vincent & Co., tt Chamber-' eOmrrier?e; m roic iu:nt j THE MKIKU ft FRANK HTOKE H FREE ItKNTAL ANII INFORMA TION HUREAU Is 'for the convenience of both port land people and ystrangcrs In the cly wlio msy be looking for homes, apart ments and flats. W have an excellent private list, as well as the combined list of all real estate dealers.. We enn also give advice as to the new building in course of construction. . Home hunters, especially, will find relief in this special service, for w help you to get quickly, comfortably and desirably located. When you want to rent, visit - ... ., .vv TH MEIER & FRANK RENTAL BUREAU, 4th' Floor, Mtn- Bldg. , WEST PARK HT, Modern 8 room house, desirable and uulfc olsce: ran t only, $36. 615 Chamber of Commerce, Main 1 965. v . ; , FOR RENT room house with barn for horses or auto fres'llaht and water, )cloe to school and cars, $25 per iiiimum, m ncnuyicr sc. FURNISH ED "IIOL SErf 30 WILLAMETTE HEIGUTS 1. - OR. RENT.. rineiy furnished home of 7 room strictly modern; furnace, open flreplsc 10 aesiraoie tenants, adults, ror si months. Choice location and surround Ings, view of harbor, mountains and city Raleigh St., Just west of 29th at. owner, 908 I EON HLDG. Furnished Home One of nicest homes In city, fine car service, close to corner 7th and WeldUr everything complete end comfortable will rent to good tenant, $40 per month Marsnau 4904. warrenton lteauy Co, i tn st. fib urhlshed new, modern 7 room house, with furnace. New furniture, sliver and linens complete, at $03 Glenn ave., first block south Hawthorne car line. 5 ROOM house, nicely furnished. $1 Take W. W. car to 1130 Gladstun near 37th. PLEASANT furnished cottage. Sunny side district, modern convenience reasonable. Phone Marshall 1908. FURNISHED 6 room bunaalow. Includ lng piano; no children. Mlu 1082. A- 1024. AN 8 ROOM furnished house for own er a board and room. 117K Mississippi ELEGANT house, suitable for house seeping; month s rent tree. 262 oiona MODERN 6 room house, 3 lots, corner fruit and berries. Marshall. 459. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 GOOD furniture of 6 rooms. House for rent. This la a baraaln. Clean, new, modern house, desirable locality, nen good school, nice home for any one. I desired, rooms can always be rented to more than nay the rent. Am leaving th city and will almost give it away. Must ds soia in a days, vi ;. izin su jn, Phone B-3063. SPECIAL bargains in exchange dept. used furniture, carpeto. atoves. ranges etc. Call and be convinced. M. Ostrow & Co., 64 N. 3d st. ' $75 FURNITURE of 4 rooms, cottage ior rent. 4s ast mane, between 8tti ana tun. IF taken by Sept. 1. will seTi my room house for $275, close In, good house; Investigate this. M-13. Journal 7ROOMS, good furniture, 4 rooms pay all expenses, Very reasonable this week. 314 3d. FURNITURE FOR SALE 05 FOR SALE Heating stove and 'large reirigeraior; ooin in goou connmon, Also bedroom set. Phone East 4 873. NINE rooms, lurultura cheap, 16, 9ta eireei ArARTMENTS 4U THE VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most magnificently furnished apart ments In the ctty; location perfect; rent als reasonable, every modern conven lence, banquet hall and roof garden tilth class service: references reuuired, Both phones in all apartments. Main 2276. Burch Apts, Beautifully furnished 2 r6om apt Dressing room, buth, modern, soimble. W car from depot, street North. new; rea 110 218 Grand Oak Apartments bo M. uranu Ave. 2 and 3 room furnished apartments private bath and phone; every modern convenience, $JU to $30, Lincoln Apartments 4th and Lincoln. All outside 3 room apartments, $22.50 to $30. Main 1377 A-3472. Overton Apts, list and Overton: beautiful new. mod em 2, 3 and 4 room apts., $22.60 and up. Phone Marshall 3 8 0. 5 THE DEZENDORF.' 20S 16th St., near Taylor. Elearant unfurnished 6 room apart ments. pleasant surroundings coaven- lently located to cars Buena Vista 12th and Harrison; 2, 3, 6 rooms, fur nlshed or unfurnished; latest improve- ments, best service. Apply on premlsei LEEDS APTS.. 210 MARKET ST, Newly furnished 2. 3. 4 rooms, $22.50 to 140; single rooms, 3 up, free light phonos, heat, hot anil cold water, elec tric elevator, warsnan 3o:w Drickston Apartments 448 11th near College 2 and 3 room suites, strictly first class. Marshall 57, THE M'KINLEY APARTMENTS. a.. . ...Mi.ii,..ft....ii 3 and S room apartments, furnished complete, private baJ.h,from $20 to $32.60 LADY alone will rent 6 room steam heated corner apartment for board of self, Nob HUI district, 21st St., near Washington. F-l 4. Journal. JKFFERSON1AN 16th and Jefferson sts.; modern 2 and S room furnished housekeeping, summer rates $15 and up; best you ver saw ior t n em on ey . W EST side, warning uistance. i room flat. bath. Kits COOKcr. wood hentor low rent. 383 Cable st., near 10th and Mill. DURFEE APTS. .108 Stanton. 3 rooms, furnished, nrl vate bath, phone, steam heat. E. 1065, PARK APTS.. 353 HARRISON Beauti- ful a ana room mirmsnea apts.; walking distance. Marshall 3070, A-442. MAJESTIC A rio, i. a and 4 room furnished apts.. modern, reasonable walking distant. 3yo Clay st THE ORMANDI. modern 4 room apart ments. 656 Glanders St. Mob Hill. Main 8251. THE ON EO NT A Completely furnished and 3 room apartments onlv 115 to $20 per month, modern. 187 17th st. $22.60 Furnished 3 room apartment, with private, bath. Phone Main 8663. FOR RENTFLATS 13 VERY desirable 4 room flat, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, furnace, etc. $20 361 Larrabee, near Broadway. Main 4S68. NEW. modern from carllne. Market St. 4 room flats, block Walking distance. 569 FOUR room flut, bath and gas; $T5 1042 E. Sherman st. near 3tth W R. car. Phone Sellwood 757. NEW 4 room modara flat, linoleum in kitchen and bath, walking distance. 383 Ross st.. near Hroadway. $17. MODERN 6 room tlat, 290 Margin at,, fronting river. Near sreel bridge. $16 Three rooms and alcove, water, tubs, view. 568 Market st, ffKfE newly furnished 3 room flats for rent reasonable. 225 and 227 Market, MODERN 5 room 'flat, 209 Halsey, ntiaf steeU bridge. $20. " FIVE room upper flat, nowly painted ana papereo, sleeping porcn; 4 stn. MODERN 5 room flat. 161 E,. 17th st. Rent .$22.50, Marshall 4317. FOR RENT 3 room flat, cheap. 6 E. 6th st. N. ' NTf)W 7 room flat, 21st and Everett. rnt HOI f 4e,"-Twef iwii -" "i " i i j. ', . . . . . i . $14 NEW 4 room f; it, i.r.f f.iw'b,li,.,J $23. ii) Al:.i ' 1 l!orth Ick. - lit) ILLS X HOTEL REX, 6434 Washington st after you have priced other hous, see us. All. outside rooms, modern; - housekeeping rooma with kitchens, pn-'i-s from .$2 anil up per week; best of ac commodations assured. .Come and s for yourself,- and' rive, us a trial, It will pay you to gat modern rooms for HieajiHce b In the heart of the Uy. llO'i'EL I'Or'tLaND European iia only $1.60 and up. Rk'LVETi'lUtK Europes fl, 4tH sn Aiderj STORIu.. AND O-'FlCta 1 1 t ; V; ; Office Space We1- have ' best 1 office and wondow Space In city for rent. II Henry bldg., ground floor, cheap. Warrenton Realty Corrst--4th St.- ,. . , FOR RENT Cheap,, long lease, large .corner store; fine business district; corner 66th and Foster ave.; particulars 626H Washington of phone Matn $451 or Tahor 1317, STORES now occupied by Journal. Goodnough bldg., for rent after Sept. 1, 1912. See Chester V. Dolph, 101 Mo- nawa Pia. arter August 1, MODERN offices at reasonable rate In heart of the city. For Information and rates apply room 614 N. W. bldg.,' northwest corner 6th and Washington. STORES with ( living rooms with some furniture, If desired. 247 Grand ave near Main. Phone East 859. - ' DESK room, phones, light, water heat.; tyi iewrlter, $16 per month. East 4435. STORE room for rent. 250 Star-. IU call 213 McKay. DESIRABLE offices, The Goodnough ' bldg.. Fifth and Yamhill street CHEAP, rent, modern store, fine loca tion, at Anabel, next to Jewelry store.- SUMMER RESORTS 5 COTTAGE for rent at Seaside. Phone Main 4191. J .. ' WANTEDTO RENT WANTED 8 room furnished or unfur nished house for about a year or more. Must be near carllne. State price, A- 1. Journal. WANT to rent or lease for term of years, dairy ranch or general farm, will pay cosh rent. C. F. Harding, Clack amas, Or. EeT us rent your house. S. D. Vincent & Co., 81 6 Chamber of 'Commerce. ' HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 Auctionl Auctionl Auction! Monday, Sept. 2, 10 a, m. "Horses, mules, wagons, harness, dump wagons. dump carts, wheel scrapers, Fresno and sup scrapers; we sell on commission whatever you have to offer, THE MURPHY HORSE MULE CO. Phone East 6316. 240 E. 8th at. 1 JUST arrived. 24 head of horses, hlocky, mares and geldings, from eastern Ore gon. 2 iron grays, 1 blue, oaianoe DiacK. Pair of sorrels and bays. Well matched teams. Weight from 1100 to I860 Ids. From 3 to 8 years Old. Guaranteed aa represented. 1640 Macadam Road, f car. Phono Marsnall 14 12. - - . - EASTERN OREGON HORSES for SALB 1 team brown mares, 6 years . old, weight 1800. 1 team buckskins, 5 and 8 years old, weight 1600, good drivers. - - . Can tie seen nt 444 Flanders st. FOR SALB or will trade for good de livery horse, a Studebaker surrey In good order. Mallony's Stables, $8$ Bum side st. -- , FOR SALE Fancy driving horse, rec ord 2:24, 8 years old, safe lor lady driver, with new top buggy; snap, $J0 adtjresa .1-12. Journal. Horses, All" Kinds - - Madison stahtas. 185 Madison St. at. west side bridge; all horses guaranteed. WANTED Second-hand (3ln.) f arm T wagon -Wide track, i'none evenings. Tnbor 113, . . FOR SALE Huckskln pony and saddle cheap. Gentle, suitable ror, cnuqren. . 642 Sherrett ave.. Sellwood. ; FOR SALE Team.- -2900 - lbs.,- years - old, harness ana wagon; team wora- Iiik. 611 24 y, ft. si. HORSES and buggiee lor rent by day,. week or montn. tin ana Hawmorne. East 71. r a it 1.0 AD of horses and mules. Goose neck, farm and delivery wagons; har ness and saddles. 381 Water, weat side. 15 horses, mares, weighing 1000 to 1100 lbs., young, souna, wen orogen, all guaranteed. 302 Front street . - BEAUTIFUL. fast driving horse and buggy; very cheap. Phone afternoons. Ma n 1415. FEW odd horses for sale; horses sold. exchanged. Kilter. aa water St. FOR SALE Team, weight 2800 lbs. Phone Mstn 6779. or A-sm ROSE CITY STAPLES, board "and Il- ery. Saddle horses, bos Aiaer. , IIVSSTOCK 83, .FIVE fresh cows, i full blood Jerseys. l not registered, mgn test, 1 rnam. Guernsey, 1 Jersey Durham: price rea-. sonabie. 95 E. 80th, cor.. Washington. S. S. car. ' , FOR good pasture fur-, stock, eall on A. C. Kuoy at rarm on ase Juine roaa. or office, 243 wasningion st. - 6NEyoung fresh family cow and calf for sale. 794 Tacoma ave. POULTRY 87 FOR SALE: Choice cucumbers, off ths , vines, rresn eggs, ana spring cnice- ens. iteasonaoie prices, -none - x auor 2345. '-' . ' ' FOR SALE Plymouth Rock homers, , 25o each. Phone Sellwood 1227. THOROUGHBRED B. R. eggs and stock; pure Ringlet strain. Koyce. eu. mt. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 ----W .''mtm V'-SWm rSSii. BULL terrier, female, good for Wfttch. Bell for ys. pus zn. WANTED Young cocker spaniel puppy, , Phone Main 1837, or 346 miw AUTOMOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 44 BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY ; USED CARS. We have a few snaps In slightly used - cars and MICHIGAN cars taken In sx-,: hangs. All cars lull guaranteed. Civil or write at once. . , - MICHIGAN AUTO A JBUQGT CO-369-371 Hawthorne Ave. -.Phones East 1421, B-1348. AOTOMOBIL1S BARGAIN.: , v Whvbuv a new cheap car when yea can " (.cure one of our high grade used ears " nv III, .wv. v Bua.MdW 111,111. L different makes and models, all traded f: ' In on new White cars. , We also offer ) ' several 2d hand trucks. Write Whits! Car Agency, Sixth street, at Madison. TON auto truck, for sale, lust orer New hauled, in excellent condition. tires, large top, a bargain. R, Q. Barn ard. Woodlawn 2874. 101 ' WUUnstf ' boulevard. WILL trads in my 4 cyl. roadster's! tiov ana pay casn ror gooa tot ub to 1400. Paciflo Coast Brokarag CO 170 Stark St.. '-. ' AUTO repairing ana storage work guaranteed, all experienced help. Ths Powell Gara S7ta sod Hawthorns. Tabor 11 47. '-'' vrl- '- , ' WANtEDr-Old ut-tfresl-7 lb. de- -llvered: old inner tubes ISo to t$ lb.: solid tires, 8o ,1b. delivered. J. Lavs, ' SR-Commoi st. Main ots. WILL trade my 1912, 4 cyl.. 10 h, i. roaHster fur rood vacant lot in roo.1 , district. See my agent, $70 Btark at, - 7 PASS. Packard touring car for eats.) ang i j. t" OAKLAND runaboul for sals, ehesp, . ": Csll ;Xsb Co. , - -CASH' register, self adding, Willi laps.!" 122 16th or Main- 703?. . FIVE passenger suto iot sale or irsue,' "J"?uChamber 4Jonmere ii