THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, POJxTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 27, 1S12. Ii i HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC. IS Jl'S'T arrived. 24 head o-horss. blockyi iiiiiCs and geldings, irum fai rorc-o -iron grays, 1 blue, balance black. 1'air'f sorrels and bays. Well matched leHm2We!ght from 1100 to l50.118-From- to i years old. -'Guaranteed as represented. 1640 Ma.-ailam Road. cur- i'honp: marenan Fu'K SALE at once, bay horse; city tivokf. .f.nd travelerTabr 121. FCB SALE JUSCELt-lXSOlS 13 LIVESTOCK 33 FOR good pasture for stock,' call on A.C. Kuby at farm on Base Una road. r office, z4Z mtniHBim OTounflrh family cow and calf fir (sale.- 74 lacomn ac FOR SALE Choice cucumber off the vines, fresh eggs, and spring ens. Reasonable- prices, rhcne Tabor 2345. FOR SALE Chicks and "chickens. 281 KusseU-sW Peninsula ave. even ings. FOR SAI.E Plvmouth Rock homers, each. Plione Sellwood 1227. . SiriuBUUGiiBKED B. R. eggs and stock; " pure Rrnglet strain. Royce. bell. 183a. rl)OGS AM) HOUSEHOLD 1'tCTS 46 FOB SALJS About 30' tons of Italian prunes,, all in fine condition, ' Phone Tabor 2012. Logging Errgi ne Snap : I have a 9'xlB" Munday engine, a V'xYl" Willamette and a 9b"xW Wil lamette Rader engine;- all have good sleds with them and are in first class condition. - These, are real snaps and will pay you to look them up if you are in tne market, journal. FURNISHINGS of 11 rooms for sale. house for rent. Some rooms can be rented. Owner. 170 N. 16th. WAOTED3IISCELLAXEOUS-- 5 "NOTICE TO MOVERS." Have you furniture to sell: reliable party wants to buy 11000 worth of sec ond hand furniture, fetoves and rues In "Small or' large quantities and pay all the cash It Is worth. Phone Kast t:;6. ' T-OR-SALE -Kox -terrier- puppies, W4H Journal. WANT donkey logging engine, in good condition, in trade for autpimnbil,. state size, condition, make, etc. G-15, marked. Thone C-2290. Call 459 Rod ney ave. r BiLL terrier,-female, good for watch. fSell for $2. BOH 2d. ' AL'TOMOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 44 A FEW OF OUR MANY BARGAINS FOR THE WEEK :. Hupn 2 pass... $375. '-Maxwell. 2 or 1 pass.. $J50. . Cadillac, 6 pass., $750. Olds, k pass., $475. - Over 40 others to select from. And look them over. - We fan save you money. Oregon Auto' Exchange 493-435 Alder ft. Main 1161 A-4837. Call WANTED People of Portland to know i that I pay the highest cash price for second-hand household goods. N. M. Seater, 124-126 Grand ave. East 15K3. WHY sell your furniture at auction-"? We pay highest pi-leas. Make no mis take in address. M. R. .Staler. 34S-0O Hawthorne ave. Phone Ka s t 31 .1 L COVEl.L FUR X IT U R K & CO M M I S- BION CO. Pays the best price for your second hand furniture, carpels and. stoves. 204 1st. Main 3022. NOTICES .6 SEALED proposals will bo received at the.-office - of -the -undersigned,-: 402 Tllford building, until 12 m Wednesday, September 4, 1912, for the glazing, plumbing and plastering of the new Alnsworth school; plans and'speclfica tlons may be obtained at the o'fice of F. ANaramore, superintendent of prop erties, 408 Tllford building, after 12 m., Tuesday, August' 27, 1912. -Certified cheek for 10 per crat-cf the ameTOit of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must aecomuanv each pro posal; board uif directors -reserves thel rient to reject any ana an proposals-a deposit of $20 la required for plana and specification. li. H. THOMAS, ' - School Clerk. Dated -Ah gust 2, 1912. - ' S, ENGINEER OFFICE, Portland, .Tf. Or., August 26. 1912. Scaled proposals for furnishing and delivering stone for jetty construction, mouth of Columbia river, Oregon and "Washington, will be received at this office until 11 a. m., September 25, 1912; and then publicly opewed; information Application. Jr InTNDOE, Major Engineers. ' LOANS WAXTED SO FARM LOAN WANTED. On Improved farm within 25 miles of Portland. Three, sots of buildings; on Jwilrotrdv Amount wanted is. not to ex ceed 1-3 tht real value of property. Want $ 4 r.Oti 3 years. 9 per cent. This money will be used in improvements on the property, making it an excep tionully fine swuirlety. Hartman & Thompson, hankers' Loan Department, Chamber of .Commerce; WANTED Loan of $1000 to $1600 on lionye worth J3500-. No brokers. V 7. journal. FIXANCIAIj 51 ' WILL TAKE MIT For ONE 1912 OAKLAND CAR, FULL EQUIPMENT. 45 H. P., 7 PASS. Pacific Motors, 682 Wash, St, MAIN 75. HAROERS' AUCTION HOUSE. SfiK-370 K Morrison St. v; 1022. $1000 HAM! PAH) FOR WORTGAGE8. worth of good furniture at once. Cr seller's-equity in contract of sale rrr; rr, , ' r. on rtai estate in Washlngten or Oregon. WE need the -rooiIs , you nenl the m; n- J" Lumtermeha hld. Loins. ev, Ro.v City Auction House. 3(.-.'i0 t!A-iz. ; Hawthorn ave. East 83. LOAN a o diamonds arid other secud- w.t; r T ties. S. V. K,iug, 45 SVas hington bldg. BE WISE; get more, for yuur second- Th'ne. Alain fill n . 1 a l.u .t r ITr.rn lllOne iMHlll "lull . Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main $351, A-2443. WANTED Kodaks, cameras, etc. era Exchange, 24Sty Morrison. Cam. MORTGAGES, contracts, equities bought pnono Main inai. M)4 l.ewis mag. i LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Child's gold necklace, heart shaped locket, set with chip diamonds, keepsake; return 452 K. Market st. Reward. Should Examine Our Stock Before Pur chasing. The Values We Offer ARE UN EQUALED. NORTHWEST ALIO EXCHANGE. 531 Alder Btreet. "BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY USED CARS. - We have a few snaps In slightly used cars and MICHIGAN cars taken in ex change. All cars full guaranteed. Call or write at once. MICHIGAN AUTO & BUGGY CO., 369-371 Hawthorne Ave. Phones East 1421. B-1346. AOTQMOHALE BARGAINS. Whybuy anew cheap car when you can ecu re one of our nign grade used cars at the same price. We guarantee tnem; different makes and models, all traded In on new Whit cars. We also offer several 2d hand trucks. Write Whlt-J "Car Agency. Sixth street, at Madison. WANT pjotOrcycle Will exchange splendid" talking machine outfit and pay cfish difference for A-l motorcy cle. Portland Phonograph Agency. 3aU Alder st. LOST Gold bracelet, inscribed "M. J. M." Valued as keepsake. Return to 939 East 15th North. Reward. LOST Gold bracelet, between Kenton and Tlllingworth. Reward. E-l. Jour nal. M) LOST Scotch Coolie (male), last Tues day in Sellwood district. Main 2JJU. Reward. LOANS on collateral security. : See Egan, 609 McKay bldg. Marshall 2500. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 CHATTEL LOANS LOANS BALART LOANS LOST Scotch Collie pup, 6 months old; reward. 6S4 wuter st., mar Arthur. misoriAL 1-TON auto truck, for sale. Just over hauled, in excellent condltlun. New tires, large top, a bargain. R; C. Barn ard. Woodlawn 2874. 109 Willamette boulevard. AUTO repairing and storage work guaranteed, all experienced help. The Powell Garage, 37th and Hawthorne. Tabor 1147. -WANTED Old auto tirea 7 Ho lb. ie. i livered; old inner tubes 18c to 23o lb.; solid ttreu 8o lb. delivered. J. Lave. 186 Columbia st. Main 6198. I WILL, trade my 1912. 4 cyl.. 30 h. d. roadster lor good vacant lot in good aistrlct. Bee my agent. Z70 stark st. RADICAL cure by trie latest natural -healing methods, including ladivm, all electrical currents, HkIUs, heal, -vr ra tion, radiation, baths, iniissafie, adjust ment and manipulations; most expensive, finest equipped private office in Ore gon; no medicine or operations; over 6000 treated patients asd not a death while under our care; we will be gittd to consult with you free of chargei Dr, V. E. Mallory, 312 Rothchlld bld(r. NO MATTER what has failed when In need of a regular monthly remedy! get a bottle of Antlko Mixture No. 8, and bo convinced it is the best and most harm less remedy ever put on the market for painful and suppressed periods. Abso lutely guaranteed and for sala in Port land by Jefferson lrug Co., 3d and Jefferson. Main 7542. A-7916. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, ANT . AMOUNT, 2 PER CENT AND UP. We Meet and Beat The rates of other loan companies re gardless of what they advertise. Our New Rates Rorrow $10, pay back $12.80 In 6 paym'ts Borrow $25, pay back $28.95 In 6 paym'ts riorrow s;iu, pay bacK stt.4a in t payui is CAN VOL' BEAT THEM 7 on LOANS UP TO $100? If the HEAD of the family dies before the account is paid in lull and the payments are mado as agreed, WE GIVE THE WIDOW A KECcdPT IN FULL OF ACCOUNT. YulJ CAN GET , IT TODAY. Rebate given if paid before due. Portland Loan Co, 206-7 Machay bldg. Both phones Bet. 4th and Mh sts., on Washington OP'n Monday and Saturday till 9 p. m. MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE 27 INVESTIGATE the Home Purchase Plan of th Equitable Ufa Assurance '"So- ky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. ClSiy. AMiiliJl UU lUiJiv.CT.. living Jiwu- erty. Monthly Installments at 6 per cent Applies only to restricted districts in Portland. Edgar W. Smith, Agency Mgr 806 Oregonian bldg. HEATH'S school, lessons flaTly, wait. . BUILT to order screen doors and wln- . two step, tnree step, liaiumore or uowa, painted and nung. complete, schottiSche taught in first lesson. Alls- Ameriran Screen Co. PhomvFast R2J). MORTGAGE loans on real estate secu rity in sums of" $250 and up; mort gages and sellers' equities in coptracta bought. ; F. A. Beard A Co., 612 - Ger 1 fnger bldg.. 2d and Alder.' , SMALI and LARGE amounts to LOAN ON' IMPROVED PORTLAND PROP ERTY. J. H. TIPTON CO.. 1108 Spald ing bldg. Ask Mr, EASTON. Mar. 2745. BUSINESS DIRECTORY FOR accurate and artistic mads to order plans at lowest rates, address Arcai lect, 118 9 "E. Oalc. ' Phone' "B-3T0. PICKERING & Co., assayers, smelters, refiners, buyere. hih grade and bul lion gold. 142 H 4th st. Phone Main-lu. WELLS & COLON, assayers. analytical chemists. 204 V4 Wash: Main "i 68. MONTANA assay ottice, laboratory, ore testing. Marshall itts aiorrison. ATTOaJJETS ALEXANDERS A fEX A NT) ER, general! DOG, CAT ASD E023E EbSFITAi 3.J1. Slee.""D.V.S. Dogs and cats treat ed, boarded. Wood. S076. 1801 Albina. BROWN BROS., 646 Wash. Main 408b. A-40S6. Res. 91 E. l2tt. K 6440. B-2287. TOukoKT AITD MACHTNE SHOP. Phoenix Iron works, E. 3d-Hawthorne. General machine and foundry work. QHSQZJSSt ESG1ME3 STXTIONAKY and - marine, electric. equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; .engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. ' GEHE&A& gEgAiaiMO. GENERAL machine and electric, work. motots and dyna-4 rnos a specialty, u. nippeiy. ZZ4 oaK. OLD lawn mowers made like new by Improved new- Invention; "low price; expert locksmith. Pete Polier. 224 Main. BAXB 3EESIHG HIGHEST price paid for combings; hair uyemfi a specialty. mil aim HAI& 0051)3 FEBVET & HANEBUT Lead Inge wig and toupee makers; practice, abstracts examined, claims ' Imest stock ot numan nair goods; hair collections. 417 Cham, of Com. Alain oressing, menicuring. lace ana scaip 8820. KORNEGAY. HHEELEY & HILLIL'S General Dractlce. Abstracts examined. Collections. 522 Cham. Com. Mam 7375. A. E. COOPEH, AUurnvy at law, Uen- erl practice; ahstracts examined. H24-1428 bldg. Main 87.1 ; A-207t. JOHN A. BERRY, Any. cQllH-Uims. ab stracts exanuiM'o, wrKtcn opinions on legal questions. "W Aliyky tj. M'll :iS2ii. CHHlSTOl'llKUSON A AiATTllEWdL general practice. 4 I "j-I 1 7 Yei.n bldft DTVORCEh guaiiititeeJ. Orugun Law In- stlaite. o28 Lumbcruien.-i PU. Mar. 4641 treaiTneuts, 147 7th, nssr Mor. M. 64. SWITCHES, purls ana transformstlort made from combings; dyeing, Mrs. Grimes. ITS 17th st. N. Phone Main 6174. s ' 1 . HAT TACTOBX LADIES' and tJauiemen's. hats cleaned and blocked. tUyal Hat Works, 223 tat.. M. ,o4i.. ACCOUNT ANTS PUBLIC. :OLLIS, BERRIDGE & THOMPSON, 324 Worcester bldg. Main- 657. - THE PACIFIC AUDIT CO., 1003 fefpalding building. Main 7J89, ADVEETIalNG. FOSTER & KLEISER. outdoor advertis ing; painted bulletins, painted walls, posters. E. 7th and E. Everett sts. East 1111, B-2224. IITSUBAirCE JOHN KEH Insurance, surety bonds. mtge loans. l32-2 Veon .bldg. M- 8285. Mc"OAKCTiR, Bates & Lively," 301 Yeon bldg. Every form of insurance, bunds. BH0WCA3E3 AITD IIXTVJLES THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO, new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M.27J3. SHOWCASES Oi very description, buntf, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg Co. R. H, UIRDSALL, HAMILTON BLDG, ,WTwla.Tl,mSi.df iiv ALLEN & LEWIS GROCER Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. SX3SS AKD BHiT7CAB.DC OFFICE, door and window lettering: name plates for desks and doors; also commercial printing. Ideal Office Sign Co. Phone Marshall 43S3. 312 Dekum bldg. ' - - - AMERICAN 81GN CO.. 349 Oak st. Suc- cessors to Commercial dept. of Foster & Ktelser signs. Marshall 496, A-4318. TAIEOAXSa LADIES' - and- gents suits altered, re fitted by experienced tailors. 425 Mor rison. Baker theatre, bldg. 353 Yamhill, tiiu Aiherta, urots liro, M. 115S. LADIES' tailor-made bUits, waists and fancy gowns, SltVj Maegly st., corner Rodney. Phone Woodlawn 3.321. Man tailor employed. , ' DE BLANCIUJ, now 4ooated in the Globs bldg.. 408 Washington at, near 11th. ALFRED OGILBEE, 310 Labbe bldg., 2d and, Washington. Suits, to order. TACUTJII CX.EASEa3 Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaners, 216 Com monwealth bldg, L.A.Amlck,MKr.M.403 WKOIESAEE J0EEEB3 M. A. GUNST & CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS, PORTLAND, OR. EVERDING A FARRELL, produce ami commission merchants. 140 Front st, Portland, Or. Phone Main 179. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 239 ii su between salmon and Main.- ilES. AMS: ABSM'CL 9? 20 Years" of Practice in Port Ian d and Thousands of - Cured Patients Are Suffi cient Recommendation. t,!V - ye- " TATLOKHTG SCHOOL. KIESTER'S Ladies' Tailoring College learn .dressmaking, tailoring. 143 1th TOWEL BTJPPLT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap ToweL Supply Co., 9th. and Couch sts. $1 per month. PiirtlahoT Laundry Co. Phooes Main 410. A-4410. PAOll'lO STAGES ! iithi INSUKAJSClsi CO. Only Oregon fire Insurance com. KODAK DEVELOPING ROLLS developed free; prints, So up; mail orders solicited. i;06 Merchants Trust bide. BATHS RUSSIAN, Turkish batlw, swlmmlnK pool, open day and night, private rooms; ladies' and gentlemen's depts. 696 Front. S car south. Alarshall llyi. BAKE oven tnatment for rheumatism, lumbago, stomach trouble. iJ. S't.irk SStAJSH BOOK riKS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d st. Blank Book m'l'g. : ucents for Jones' Improved Leone-Leaf Ledgers; see the ew Eureka leal. A-.U.;, .Main us. KODAK finishing and commercial pno. tography. McNab. 351 Washington, TBAlTSrEB AWD &TOBAOB C. oTl'ICK Transfer & Storage Co.. of fices and commodious . 4 story brick .warehouse, with separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W; cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping. Special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestic and foreign points. Main 596. A-1996. LAKfTEE.lI SLIDES 8TEREOPTICONS. advertising slides. show cards and banners. Urant Carder. Peoples Theatre hldtf., Park and Alder. STEKEOPTICUNS, slides), oanners, cards, etc. ' Enterprise An Co.. 73H 6th. LAUNDRY LACE HOUSE LAUNDRY PORTLAND Van and Storage Co., Inc., 13th and Everett; most modern storage Warehouse In city; low file Insurance rate proof of this. Free trackage; mov ing, packing, shipping; reduced freight rates on household goods in through cars to and frm east.' Main 564Q. A-1520. OREGON TRANSFER CO, Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agsnts Storage free truckage. Offices and storage, 474 Glisan street, 13th and Oilman, Main 69, A-llia, Main 1784, BAGGAGE Omnibus Transfer Co. Baggage checked at your home, fur A-1784. Hich grade baud' work. Lace; nlture moved, stored or packed for shlp- riirtains a snt eialtv. ' I mulit. Park and Davis sis. PlionjS LADIES $1UUU rewaru: I positively guarantee my great successful "monthly" remedy; saiely relieves some of the longest, most obstinate, abnor mal cases In 3 to 5 days; no harm, pain, or interference with work; mall $1.5u. Double strength, $2. Dr. C. T. Sotltblng ton Remedy CO,, Kansas City, Mo. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, has removed to LuFayette bldg., '31H Washington st tSPi klT'UALltiM KKV. MAY A. PRICE, MEDIUM, HEADING,"1 HEALING, DAILY. CIRCLES TUE.S., 2; WED. AND SUN. 8 P. M. 821 CORBKTT, COR. WH1TAKER. MAIN 722 i. F. OH S. i:Ak i idKS. STEVEN'S, IS years Portland s leading palmist and cluirvoyar.t, has SEVEN passenger White Steamer in her late i ook paliiiistry .Made Eeasy, ' .j-1 shane to exchange for horses. 14 on sale. 557 Williams ave.. comer VACATION LOANS - $10, $20, i30 $50, $70 $100. WHEN YOU ARE iN NEED OF READY CASH GIVE US THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW loU THE WAY OF DOING BUSINESS, if WILL PLEASE YOU, BECAUSE OUR RATIOS ARE THE LOWEST. OUR SERVICE IS SUPRIOR. EACH TRANSACTION STRICTLY PRIVATE NO CONFIDENTIAL. STATE SECURITY CO, 80S FAILING BLDG. A PRIVATR Place to obtain money on watches dia monds, jewelry, kouaKs, guns, pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts or any cooj security. ELRY COMPANY. S30 T .vim her Ex., bid:.-., 2nd and Stark. vOii-LIlj;iia. LEATREH AND riEItlXQtS tHAS. L. MAST1CK & CO.t 74 Front. Leet.her of every description; tap nanul urturr3. findings. 1IACEINZKY ! Main 6980, A-3322. CITY Hull Transfer & Storage Co.,-Ex-pert furniture and piano moving. 1 trunk 50c additional 25c. M. 7089. A-4724 W. JOHNSON, express", baggage. 333 Morris st. C-31fiS. Stand 6th and Couch. TTPE1VBITE3S THE DITTMAR-PETEKSON CO. I bounu, blank books and loose leaf sys- , B- TRENKMAN & CO., hydraulic and ' rr v,,lr w t-t iTirT 1777 TTT " "r" terns. 63 bth st. Phone Marshall 1235.! ope-ial pipe, smoke stacks .oil tanks. 1 VJJ .R?'ii 8 iAlr . . - - mining niacnmery, repairs, ntf in. tn. BUdlNEsa CAlil'S MANUrACTTJBING JEWELERS WAR KEN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street pa i Beck Smiths and all dtlier makes at re i duced prices and easy terms. L. C. !l-!mllh and Bros. Typewriter Co., 280 KiaK vl pavinx; oide'vtaiks and crossings. SJ7 ' MY,E,KS,& '?i,HCiUl,' Wa!1.i,ng v,"f' e ' TVPLWl:lTEK & Supplies Co. Rebuilt. ck nhlu ' dlumond betteis, pay highest, .,j i,nni 149U l t M-ir 4 1 ?.K-J'Jt- .. - . -, , I prices for old gold. Seliing-Hirsch bldg. - "a " st'-, AUr liK BAKBEK ASPHALT PAVING CO.. m 2:;7' ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Gun- Portland office, eo5 Electric bliig. CARPET CLEAOTHO JOYCE BROS., Electric-Cleaning Works, carpets cleaned arid laid, refitting our specialty E. 440. R-19i.;. 204 E. 19th N. UESSZKGESS. Ingham Co, 231 Stark. Main 1407. CABPET WEAVZMU HASTY MESSENG'CU CO., open night and day. Main 63. A-2153. MUSIC SCEUOLS AMD TEACHES .3 UPHOLSTEEEB3 CARTWRIGIIT & CO.. 188 Madison, up hoistcrins. furniture repairiug mm mattresses: work guaranteed. Main C335. WILLIAM R. BOONE, piano and organ I l,-ii,itr,r VtaJMiV 1.1.1, TMw..,.. ' NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from j10fi". . , old carpets, ibk tukh, carpet cleaning. 152 Union aveii'ie, near ;. Morrison. PENINSULA Rug Works, lag carpel ana rugs. Ibis Pation ave. Wood'ln 26!5. E. TU1ELHORN, violin teacher; pupil Sevcik 900 Maiouam. A-4J60. Mar. 1S29 KOTOBCYCLS KEPAIJtlltO REPAIRS of all kinds; also bicycle sup plies and repairing. 1 S L Burnslde, OSTEOPATHIC PETBICIAHS Union ave. INDIAN motorcycle, 1912 model, 7 h. p., almost new; full equipment, cheap. Must sell. Mar. 165!;. SEVEN pask'enger auto for sale or will '. trarie tor real estate. 255 6th nt. 7 PASS. Packard louring car for sale, Lang & Co. 1 OAKLAND runabout for sale, cheap. Call Lang & Co Knott. Office hours lo a. m. to 9 p. in. SEXOID Marvelous euro fur weakness in men, by mail $1 per box; money re turned if it fails. Dr. Pierce Re.nedy Co., M.T.. Moirison. DR. A. A. AL&PLIND. Diseases ol women unrl surgery. Ex aminations fi(i!. Ju2 Merchants bldg , Mh and Washington. Mai:i 4 04 J. DP.. WALKER, soeciuiist diseases of men. i..ood and bKln d!s- SEE FRANK LjVNE for n loan on pianos, household goods, autos, livestock, storage receipts, mort gages, any tiling of value; it will cost you less. Cull and get our prices. 609 Kwetlund bldg., 6th and Washington. MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. Contractu, mortgages, equities, chat tels, and real security. SPECIAL SERVICE RENDERED. LA VVKi l.N-P.KOWN INVESTMENT CO. 111 Veon bldg. Tel. M. b76. SALARY LOAMS. CHATTEL LOANS. MOTORCYCLE, 1912 Flying Merkel, 1 cases, sores, ulcers, swollen kul cheap for cash. 1021 Union ave. N. mey, bladder nnd plies. J 8 1 ! ;rgt st. "WANT to buy an Edison storage bat tery. E. Hyatt, 350 Alder at. CASH register, self adding, with tape, 122 IGth or Main 7029. FIVE passenger auto for bale or trade. 522 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Twin cylinder Indian mo torcycle. 919 Tlbbrtt. SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton Hoot Pills sure r.-meily for delayed periods, $2 box or " boxes lor $5. by mall. T, J. Pierce. 24 5V,. Morrison. You can get $5 to $ 1 CD today at chiaptst rate, best and most Drivar uuicKly I lei'ins. I . I). Drake. 3u7 Spalding bidir .MONEY LOR SALARIED PKOPLE nnd oti.cis, upon their own names cheap rnfVs, eni.y payments, confidential.' IV H. T'obmin.room3j7;LUrriher Ex. A desirable plaea for ladles aim xeutle- nien to ounow money on diamonds DR. G.'"V. KETCHl'I Wo-m en ' V ' in ril rt dloa, acute disease; nvveil to Wash ington bldg., cor. 4111 laid 'ashinjilon, room 41. Marslmll 4 4S. LORENZ Nerve 'Ioiik- Tatifet.i restore lost vitality; 2ic box; ti buxo.s ji.j. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co.. aio:ri;-on st. I STEAM' bath and inii8s:igrt for rheuiiia- tisni. luuibiito and Jn-i v ouni .-y. 4u0 ' 1 Vnpi h u-mt lihie lit'i nrul :ish .s; .,,TW-.t, -w (,.(,- -.- humhMt inA ' vv ' ' " 1-2 --f, .: lannrh o.irl u,w, S " Z A hi.nln GIRLS, Will selj separately.' Cn.ll Mar. 1656. O. P. GRAHAM Boat building and repairing, ways! Foot Abernathy st. giij jewelry ul eastern rates. Diamond l'a:;n c. .. vnm-i., MAXWELL runabout to trade for lot. Phone Woodlawn 1117. forenoon. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 04 ! opp: Owl Drug store. MoNEY sold on Installment;! confiden tial to balnrled People.- F. A. New ton, io5 Ilunry bldg. CKLUOFODISTS CHIRDPUI'Y, combings made up, scalp treatment, facial inanage, hair dress ing, shampooing and manicuring. Merlnf ilo Tr.atm.nt, (.13 Rothchild bin. I DR. L'LLEUKLLE PATTERSON, spe- DR. C. ASUU1TH. New York expert loot J ,,c'r-1,?r 'VJL xLX? specialist Miss Asqulth, electrical fa- ! disosMB, jQH K-nton blag. Main 89ol. Clai, scal insriagc. (.11 Swetltnd bldg. DR. AGNES M. BROWNE, K0J Journal bldg . ,-.1.7,7,:.;rrV . I Main S6U!.Hes.'J abor 29it HAVE given thousands of adjustmentsf J2.50 week, liath olfice 2d and Wash. COAL AND WOOD n; SPECIAL PRILLS' U.N GRLJ-.N SHORT Wuou, .tu. GLEEN 4 FOOT WOOD, $3.60. INSIDE GREEN SHORT. J3.5U. DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. . Tie PcriMa Siabweol Co. Mam S119. A-7C01. PAINT, uui AJTD GjAS3 J. O'BRIEN, 60S Wash. Main 8719, c stimal i s I'urnls 1 1 e d; ail kinds of Wor k . PHlNiCKK PAt.Nl' CO., 186 First i'C Mam 1 334. A-7043. RASM CSS E N & CO., "H'gh Standard"' paint, ne. cor. 3d & Tayior. M., A -17 71. THE HEA VER VARND 11 WKsT inakes OOOD product Ask your dealer. PAC, SLABW00D CO, 'T'.T PAIKTIKO j. WD FAPESIBO FOR best work, pricc3 rlfiht, call P. A. l'"nf i Wnsk E. 109R. TINllNLi $2 room up; pulnln.g. paper hanclng. C. A. Barnes. Main 1334. CONSULT IE in- 'x 1 rtJtt 1 1 1 1 Im, i!,.,n'i The Chinese Herbalist , ' In the herbs that are administered by C. Gee Wo, sickness in all its forms finds A combatanU Gradually the aya-J tern, by a process or elimination, tnrows off the disease and the functions arai restored to their normal condition. These, nature remedies which C Gea Wo ad-! ministers build up the system and for tify it to withstand the ravages of disease. Then step by step 'the poison ous material la crowded out and health is once more restored. For centuries, the curative properties of these roots, herbs and barks have been known to thai orientals and carefully guarded. Nearly every boat from Asia brings C. Gee Wo' -quantities of these herbs that hava been gathered at great expense. If you are sick and ailing do not fall to con sult this man. CONSULTATION IB FKEH If you live out of town send 4 cent. In stamps for consultation blank and lit- v erature. Then after your case has "been diagnosed, remedies may be had. Open Evenings and Sundays. 6. H f I rallESE MEDICINE M. 62J2 First St., Cor Morrison Portland, Oregon. urecn siauwoou. uig aim sman msiue WALKER, 22G' Taylor, inside work a Hock wood, planer irim'i;s. cordwoou. . pi.eclalty. Lowest prices. Main 7981. SPECIAL lo district north of Alberta j LtOCU work, my motto. A. Osoouin, street, nice dry box wood, large loada P.Sij K. Wash. h. 217. E. 4314. J. Marmara y oou lo r,. -jid, n-iovo, viCk-ACI) ii..lnts. no oer nn.l . mi s . nr. - Wood I a w n 1 99. MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. J. E. NICHOLS, 615 YEON BLDG. CANOE AND BOAT STORAGE. Boat Shops, foot of California st. FOR SALE --Nearly new la-loot launch. 43 Hood st. Learn our business, Sanitary Beauty Parlor. JjOO-412 Dekui.i bid)?. Marina 1 WOMEN Use remolds when others fail. DOlU ttou bututi.ii.' ivi i'J lilt .'IUIHUiiU Drug store. Ill) N. till Main Muii. sTpTTrFLUOUS hair Ultimo! pain. New pru't-ss. r5),4 Alder M. Room 17. IF you ai' ioukui' for a inup, 35 ft. launch (newly equipped). Main 298. MUSICAL INSTKl'MENTS 34 iw I'iriiiial Mill, i noil! 11!!., '. W:,. -in." MADAME ESTIOLLE, reading dally. 12H1 BALM of 1' igs, r,"ieuy lor disi-ast-w of women. o'J'i Lavis st. .vlinn 9 215. I. a I v c.r":l:i8 N.. I'ortianil. Or. SAVE $2 to Hi b onn:j your trunk ' i or suitcase at p.i- vv n.sli.. cur. FOK SALE -MISCELLAaEOL'U 10 i mk .s-m'ai 7iTaTTy "I lT V 7 7 fd all . Jd spirit". uallst. '4Q' iith st. i .haTT'EL to.uia, no n-d tape; con.l dential. Adoiphus Lane. 414 Abington bklst. - ....... iNeer & rair wui sen no. 1 4-fOJt cordwood at J5 per cord. No. 1 4-foot vak ut J7.25 per cord. ,M-4al)ii. A-4547. anteed work. For price phone E. 1356 PAXENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS obtained; trademarks, copy rights registered In all countries; book- If you are wo-rying about any ailment In cluded among thoso within which I spe cialize, I Invite you to call at my offics and I will give you FHEE a conscientious examination and di agnosis and advise you of ino proper j j Keefe course to pursue to i! n vt ' n ril' yourself forever ah. L.. At. d. of your worry and your ailment. My years bf experience and my qualifications have made me an expert in the treatment of the ail ments with which MEN are afflicted. Every man calling at my office is assured of my personal and individ ual treattr.ent until a cure is of lected. Come tc me If you have any of the following disorders: Enlarged Veins, pimtdes. Nervous Debility, Nerve, Blood and Skin Disorders, Bladder Tioubles, Blood Poison. Eruptions, Ulcers, Special Aliments. Piles or Fistula. 3 to 57 to 8 Dally; Sunday 10 to 1. Examination Advice Free. Rooms 11-15 Lafayette Bldg. 313 washington st.. cop 6th, Portland, or CCJNtSE 135 x npyrsT. ;Cfi..K.Cri ,nR8.DRCrlAri, The reliable Chinese Doctors 8. K. Chan with their harmless Chinese rem edies of herbs and roots as medicine can wonderfully euro, all Bickness. . They have cured manv sufferers, both men and women, of chronic diseases and all lnterpal and external sicknesses' when others failed. No operations. Examin ation free. Ladles treated by Mrs. Dr. Chan. Call or write to S. X. Chan Chinas Medicine Co., 13314 Elrst St.. Portland. Or. Opposlts - O. W. P. Station. H(m Nil WU ) I) (V (OA I () ',ets i,ee- consultation without charge. V- . v ,7 , r-T PetT llnrberlln. L. T. TEE A SONS. Ths old, eminent Chinese doctor spent lifetime in study of herbs, graduated from sev eral universities in China. Cures diseases of men and women successfully. No matter who has failed. I guarantee cure if curable, nil or write L.T. Yee & Sont Medicine Co., 230 hi Yamhill, S. E. Cor. 2d. Portland. Or. FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound Savin and Cotton Root Pills. The boat and only reliable , remedy for DELA YBD- PERt-T" ODS. Cure the most obstinate -cases in 3 to 10 days. Price $1' Ser box or three boxes $5.00. Sold by rugglsts everywhere. Addresa T. J. PIERCE, Room 1. 246 H Morrison st. Portland. Or. ,1 MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel ry: strictly confidential. 141 V4j 3d. LOAN Tor the asking, : alary or chaT- tel. The Loan Co.. 4 14 IDekurn bldf NEW phonograph; cost $C0; will Be for $32. 779, Savler St. n ASTHMA r?J FOR SALE New and second-hand Car- om and pocket billiard tables, and , bowling alieys and accessories, bar fix- j tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunsw ick-Halke-Collender Co., 46 - 48! 6th st- Phon t -81 a i n7tii) , A -". ii 9 . j feA r M S;jeeiai lidi yalni, second band fire anu burglar proof; Kafes opened nd repaired. Purccli Ssifo Co. and "Portland Safe- Co, 85 6th st. Phono Main 1.309. GOOD pilots paid for il-i;iii shoos, etc. Phoi: Main C J r, : d ciot ties, notic ;:s SALE of timber. Porti co 15, 1912. Sealed bi.lh n "Rid, Timber Slo Appli' 7, 1912, Oregon," ami .ulili District Foi ester. iilr-M N : m land, (Jr., will be r:, ive.i 1:1 MONEY TO LOAN 27 HEAL ESTATE CASH paid for niorl,ra"'s or sellers' equity in real eslate contracts and real esiutu mortgages in any amounts. i J. S l'ELN'MET., f03 Gerl Inner bliht-. 2d and Alder sts. MOinEY TO LOAN ON iiEAL ESTATu' ):;.i) AND UP. , J. E. NICHOLS, f, 1 5 Y EON BLmJ. , Jli.iV $250. $500, $750. Th.r-Pe ainor.iils to loan, short time, retii estate, l'nl W. German, 43G, Cham ber of CominercM. Main tlt la. East 313!. X.'ouiury Slab, 'labor 174 B-2.ti.33. Blpjik and., CorUvyQud,. , B-2629. Yamato Wood and Coal Co, LAST MS. C ISC". Main knn DELIVERED PROMPTLY J, EVERTS. Ft. Curry st. SEGHER'S W'OOu CO., F. Hill, Prop. Cord, oak, ash, slaowood. (let. prices. 38th and Vaughn. Main 6359. A-2415. PORT'LAND WOOD YARD. Fir, ouk, t.laowood and coal. Wreck Sge. 9th and Main 333, A-2i83. Til loan, estate funds on leal estate at current rutea. Inquire attorney, rooms H-12 Muikey blog., 2d and .Morrison. MONEY to loan laige luans a upecialiy, building louns; lowest' rales; fire in- Biiriin.i-. W. O. Hi.i k. :-; 1 .r -;i 1 s Falling. w e ui BiiKmiy useu oingtrs, , nicluiling tht 2li.lh day ! Sej vv.-oc w., vviiue anu nianuuiu sew-;ii,i f,,,- au tho mil -liant ' d. a.l t:m lng machines; easy payments. Call 3S3 i i,r standing or down and ei tho livj K. Morrison, near Grand. timber designated for cuttiiu by a tor- 225 GALLONS pickles, dill and suit, i est officer, located on no nr. a t iibout Cheap to anyone who can handle en- j 800 acres to be definitely d. slgnat.-l by tire amount, J. L. UraJiain, 727 Bonn- ; a forest officer beioi c cutting oegins, in wick. 'parts of Sees. 13, 24, 25 and .Hi, I'. 2 N , i .r., , uc i:d r'a-d I'lit'-nJl- li"!.. AUg IS. "'I I." 1 .'i! i jiuii.ouj on murt;;agtH, city, or larm Pint- i.ruiiirlv file n.ti.-iini"1. AlcKenyaM & i "I Co., (.ei'iii.ger bldg'., 2d and Alder. el , 1 O ALBINA FULL CO. All kinds of greoii and dry wood, itock aorings and Meu lota coal. COAL und ail kinds of wood. Phone lioigate Fuel Co., SeJlwood 485. PlloEN iXFucTCo.7 Di y Tvood "$1.50 per load. 521 Savier Main 3544 B t. R N 1 1 E 1 u e 1 Co7TTTJ. E" 7 1 h - - Co rd - wood and coal. Eiist 721, B-27 7 7. EDLEKH1CN nindles vvgod and coaL CHINESE :OCroa3 32fi Worcester bldg. PATENTS procured or J. 1C Mock, Ai " foriteY-ht-Lft'w. la-' of 17. ." Patent of-" Ice: book free. 719 Boa d df Trade bldg. 'I PAWWBBOK.i.3 UNCLE MEYERS COLLATERAL BANK i 40 years In Portland. 71 fith. Main 910. PHOTO STUDIOS j THE ARVER STUDIO docs high class' work. Rates; reasonable. 2a 2 H Wash. I PIAHO TUNIifU FR".:i) JACOKSEN, piano tuning; is years experience. 19o :td. Main 9431, FREI)"TACUW"N71)la"ho""l'irii"lng, $2.00; 18 yrs. experience. 190 3d. Main 9431. PIPS PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory and office. 24th nnd York. Main 34hi. PLATEBS OX ALL METALS. WILLA M'ETTK Plating Works. 208 4th. Plnllhg ar.d polishing. M. 934S. A-7190. We replate t iherware; vll you new. Port. Plat. & Mfe Co., 22d-Tburman. M. 943. j PLUMS FACTORY bLlGHTLY used tas.'i registers, credit registers, computing scales, etc, bought and sold. Tim Pacinc Store Survlce Co., 227 Stark it. Mai n 7711. A NEW player piano, used two months. cost $t60; will sell tor $:l6u, $100 CSSli, balaiK'O eawy monthly pajiiienls. Phone C-K58, East 225 2 . FOR SALE Gas restaurant range, fam - lly range, Q. O. double desk, buffet, bicycle und waltr healer. Call 231 Riihsetl wt. Us'ED MACHINES, all makes, cash or terms. Prices right. Singer Sewing Machine Store, 3S2 Morrison Kt. GRADING outfit and woouyard for sale or trade for eastern farm. Mar shall2181.G. B. Croyle. 25fV, Clay. MOTORCYCLES ""fi'a up; bicycle. $10 up. 181 Madison, ner bridge. DEKAIY i r.SKS and office furniture. Haley Doit Co,, g i n 7th st. Main 6S7. 'STSp growers u i lent ion: Hop fovesat very-Ifw- yfAVwi 'nii a4 K7 i(m t -irt. CLEARING engine, suinip pullers. Tails! , dunip ars, cheap. J-l, Journal. V.'ll Y pay. lent'.' We furnish money, I - j 1 1 -. nui, easy terms. Sail wood 1 !.!''. 'iMmti hewas fur-tte; vt ry TfasonabTe -S, JouruaL R. 8 E., W. M, on the) wal-rshcds of Llndsey and the North I 'oik of (Leeii Point creeks, within tlic Oregon Nation al forest, estimated to be 4M.K) feet B. M. of Douglas 11 r. 12u M, feet B. M. of western hemlock, 17i.o M. feet It. M. of ainnbilis and noblo S-iv, k i M. feet II. M. of western red eouar and isD M. l'"i t B. M. of western white pine, live Haw-I timber, log scale, more or less. No bid S)f less than Jl r feet measure for nil prx-rirs, both live nnd dead, will be considered, utid a deposit of $1000 paynlilu c tiio ord( r of tho First National bank of Portland, Or., must be sent Jo that bank lor each bid submitted to the district forester. Tim ber upon valid claim Is exempt fro:i saie. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. For Uirtlier informa tion and regulations governing talcs ad dress KorePt Supervisor, Oregon Nation al Forest, or District Forest, r, port land, Or. ' GEO. L CECIL, . District Foi ester. Nijrt'ieR - . . -r. Stockholders of 11m Swastika M. it D. Co. can learn what- is being- done at the mine tv calling ai the oompanv's of- nce."3ri Henry wifyr4tTisM o'tiv sis. C. f. LONl ilillO, Secy. l'itl.TL nnoiey to loan in sums of 50 and up on reul, personal or collateral security. 2' i ' 'n'goman bldg. MONEY on hand for mtg loans" Main lofi. Friendly, 705 SpuTdii i-ic. J250 to JltHlu on houses, t-mall title ex-pi-nse nly. Jltoniev, 2 lOAlisky bldg. MONEY. '.o loan, (i lo h o;r cent. v. ii. SelU & J.o.,3 1 0 Sp.-tl.HlljT bid;,-. SHORT liniu loans oTi real estate, Phouo Main 7 ;V.' 1. MH Lewis bldg. liRVvm' to loan on Impioved real estate. 1. L. White, 701 Selling bldg. WILL loan 12". out) or less leal estate. Karrlngton, 4 1 : Commercial (Tub bldg. MORTGAGE loans, ti and 7 per cent. LouiM Salomon At Co.. 229 Stark St. 10,i)00 or any part for immediate loan on real estate. Phore Tabor 771. MiiNEY to loan for building purposes. O-lo, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A . H . J L' R D ! X C.JD 3 Cham her of Com. $lou T(J'$l"50o on real estate. W. S. Moore, . Wilcox bldg. n-WjTUANT M(iNj S-t?H' perant see f'ried or Merrltt, 21' 6 Stark St. JLO'O To LOAN on Portland real es ia. See attorney. 414 Spalding hldg. tft MONEY at C ' per cent see Frkd or Merrltt, 226 Stark st. DR. J. L. LONG MEDICAL CO.. phy slclan lor moi, women. .253 vj Aider. CONTaACI'OKS AI7D EOlLDEKJ E. OEORGEFF, carpenter, builder, store , PORTLAND OSTRICH FEATHER DYE front and store fixtures especial I v. I vywuivm lor too oest. oui aiercnants glazing. 291 H An'.tcny. Marshall 2851. COLLECXI03S PHYSICIANS' Dentists" acct.. general collection ?ol Medical bidg. M, 167. -S" CLEANESS Getting the Dust Out One nf the liaroest problems the dry r-haninK induslrv has ever had to solve was (,' tting' tho dust out of gurments that Iniii been dry cleaned. Gasoline re moves all grease, germs and a good part of tho dut, but heavy garments retain a certain per cent of tho dust that can only be removed by beating and brush ing. We have installed a dry room tumbler. This machine takes out every particle of dust, lint and odor, raises the nap and makes the gooda look fresh and full of life. The quality of the work is 50 per cent better than It was before. Our plant Is open for Inspection any afternoon. You get good work here at reasonable rates, U. S. LAUNDRY COMPANY Dry Cleaning Dept. Phones Home, B-1193; East 282. CT7 ' V ' " " 'i"Wr,'i . , ' a& H'SI'U' U '' ' DANCXUa HEATH'S school. 109 2d, het. Wash, and . . U.rk; pllvaU Aimui daily ; walla aanl 2-stcp guaranteed In 4 lessons; class Mon. eve.,. 8 to 10. Lessons 25 couts. Trust bide MAKE new and do nil kinds of plume repairing. Corner Morrison and loth. parNTino AN S LEY Prlntin? Co.. 250 Oak, 4371. Pilntlng to please. Main EOTIWGAIWTMmEPAI&IMO TIN roofing, repairing, painting, Jobbing. J. Losll, 212 Jefferson.. Main 1434. ISELE ti. GINTEH. sheet metal works, tin shop. 048 Savier. M 3542, A-1396. STENCILS nnd office stationery. Cun ningham Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. BADGES, trade checks, brass signs, stencils. Kreb Bros.. 114 2d. Mar. 1871 9 APES THE MOSLER Safe Co., 108 2d st Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts opened; bargains In second hand snfes. BASS, BOORS, WINDOWS United Glnsn & Glairing Co., sash, doors, plate glass. 11th, Gllsan. Main 4431. ecHoolu'or "buovT cahd"wbitinc PORTLAND SHOW CARD SCHOOL, 611 -WA44M-4Milding ia-14 irmKin Sept. 9th. For enrollment blanks write John McDermott. Phone Tabor 3699, iieTOffliKiH' FORliOOB POISON It Is now two years slnco the Introduction of the NEW GERMAN REMEDY for BLOOD POISON, nnd during that timo I have adminis tered this preparation in several hundred cases, often giving as many as five doses in a single day. I know my experience with it Is far greater than any other physician in Portland. I have given this remedy a severe test, having met in my experience gome ex tremely bad cases, and I. can say without tear of contradiction that It is the greatest discovery of the age and the nearest absolute and permanent cure for Blood Poison, regard less of the stage of the disease or the symp toms present. Every sympton of the disease, troin the smallest eruption to the worst kind of running sore, are checked in their progress at once and completely healed within 10 days. There is no longer any doubt about tho wonderful curative power of this remedy, and when given by an expert there Is absolutely no danger of ar.y kind from its use. I Intro duce it DIRECTLY INTO THE BLOOD by the i.MttAvt,oiiii BimitHJU, the only proner T U1 -t. I I! " ""- t l method of administering it, and the one rcC' ommeuaqd Dy pror. linrncn himself. C. K. HOLSMAN. M. tt Licensed in Oregon In the hands of an expert specialist there is absolutely no danger of any kind from its use. 1 keep you in my office from on to two hours no longer. You will be thankful to me as long as you live, as it will glvs you a new lease on life. . My equipment In as fine as any in Oregon, and I glvs you the GENU INE GERMAN REMEDY In the RIGHT WAY. I also treat SAFELY AND THOROUGHLY AND AT THE LOWEST COST VARICOSE VEINS, HYDROCELE, VITAL WEAKNESS, SKIN DIS EASES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DllORDKRS, ULCERS SORES PAIN FUL SWELLINGS. NERVOUSNESS. LOSS CV STflKNiTOuTm it a a nui TY AND ALL SPECIAL AND DELICATE DISORDERS OF MEN, I Offer Free -Consnliation mi 'Advice I invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you my treatment for enlarged veins, hydrocele, hernia, nervous debility, blood disorders otles. fistula, bladder, kidney and all men's disorders' and give you a FREE exam ination. If you cannot call, write me immediately, giving mi a destfriptlon of your ense In your own words. By return mall I will send you. absolutely free, a diagnosis of your case and my besUprofessIonal advice as to how to pro ceed in order to correct your trouble. -itniy.,c1" Se"-aU- 0a? fI0 J,'1"-1 J jfc..jnvna Sunday, from.lJ) tp n"M w m twr "CP Morrison Street mer ffIrt""Rfr" PORTLAND. OREGON. II