THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST- MM lIKSffillL New Superintendent at Chem - awa Plans Changes in ; -Work and Foodr - - .- (Special to The journal. Chemawa, Or:. Aug. 27. Sweeping changes In tho dietary and an added feourss of amusement are among the plans Of the new superintendent. H. E. llVadsworth; at Chemawa, soma of which have gone Into effect and others to fol low -when - school opens October 1. To "ITiedarryTlierd: of!" 3o cows" ten more will be added, that toe pupils may have : butter and a sufficient quantity of good milk. Fruits and vegetables are raise 1 . nv tha hnmA ermines and with some ad ditions to the poultry yards it may ba -that the youngster! 4. W-LU Oil occasionally, as the flock last year is re- ported to have laid 600 eggs in one day, or an egg for each of the children. . Apples have been added to the regular dinner bill of fare, and the pupils are anticipating with pleasure tho opening of the 2400 gallons of. strawberries bottled at tho school last spring. . Amusements In, (he form of weekly Dances for the older pupils and moving picturesfor the. younger ones are among Mr. Wadsworth's plans, as many of thechildren hav jib money sent thcin 'by their parents and Are too young to earn It, and so have no amusement Whatever, except that provided at th fcohop). Among the more extensive Improve ments 'planned Is a $16,000 auditorium, while material Is on the ground for the erection of the new wing to the school from, although the contract has not boen officially awarded. The next ap propriation asked for will be for the Erection of an industrial building where the teaching of trades may be conducted. -There are 11- trades ow taught, in eluding tailoring, harness making, pairv Ing, printing, shoe making, carpenters Ing, engineering, etc. Negotiations arH kinder way also to secure ah ice plant, Dot only that the school may be sup plied but that the pupils may have an opportunity of learning this branch of Industry. The school magazine. "Chemawa American," published weekly for several rears, will hereafter be published Monthly, and will be a much more pre tentious affair. .The October number will contain several half-tones of the fcchooL NOT LEAD CARDINALS St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 17. Roger Bres hahan, manager of the St. Louis Na tionals, is slated for the discard, accord ing to information said to have been passed to a friend of Mrs. Helen Brltton, . owner of the club, here today, Mrs. Brltton thinks Bresnahan has railed to make good as a field manager after, the fine start the Cardinals got last year. Several other reasons also are specified. Mrs. Brltton's friends say he refused an offer of $600,000 from Bresnahan for the plant and she believes that since then he has lost Interest in the team. . It is believed Miller Huggtns will suc ceed Bresnahan in the event of the lat ter" a being removed aB manager. Herrick to Meet Weeks. - JVm4 Ptesi LmM .Wire.) Ban Francisco, Aug. 27. LocsTflgh"t fane will have a tempting card of four round bouts served up next Friday night, when Jack Herrick of Chicago faces Billy Weeks, a local middle Weight, in the feature event. Other at tractions announced for the same night aire: Ed Kennedy vs. Al Williams, heavy weights; Marty Kane vs. Manuel Vlerra, featherweights; Rufe Williams vs. Frank Logan, mlddlewelghts; BarneV Richter vs. Joe Herrick. Two othe bouts will be added later. Crack Swimmer to Germany. (I'nltMt'Preu !eitd Wirt.) San Francisco, Aug. 27. Frank Res leure, the crack Olympic club swimmer, 'Will no longer be seen In local compe tition, according to his announced in tention here today of leaving shortly for Germany, to take up his law studies at Leipieg university. -a Amateur Baseball 1 The Estacada tim rtnfooi.i ,k t.,. - i II-J x v - land Colored Giants In a double header Bunday by tho scores of 15 to 3 and 2 to .L - Tlie second game was a five In ning affair. Pitcher Bronson, who fanned 22 men in a grime earlier in the Season, pitched a preat game In the first contest. DouRba pitched the sec ond game for Estacada. The Sellwood team defeated the Mon tavllla Cubs yesterday by the score of 12 to 2. The pitching nf Pcott was the feature of the game. Ha fanned 17 of the Cubs and allowed two hits. Sell wooi made 12 hits off Pierce. Next Sun day at the Sellwood-Park the Vancouver team will be tho opponents of Sellwood. The Portland Ravens defeated the Lents team Sunday by the score of 5 to 3. Provost pitched excellent ball for the Ravens. Spirited Cop Breaks Up Sejinre. 'TrltI ep.-M I.P".) Wire I Fan Franclsio. Ar.u. 2T.- Po:icman Patrick Crowley has be-n dismissed be cause of the conirlalnt of Mrs. Wig gins, a clairvoyant, who alleged that Patrick while under the influence of "spirits" broke up a spiritual seance. HERE'S ONE PLACE WHERE WOMAN "COP" CERTAINLY IS NEEDED W (Ltiiica rrem leaked Wlre.l A Los Anodes, Aug. $7. Frus- 4 trnting l'olieeman Gilpin, who 4 carried a warrant for her arrest 4 Mrs. l!ay Dennett of Hollywood 4 discarded her ciothlng and climbed Into bed at the officer's 4 approach. The warrant was 4 sworn to by her father who 4 charged disturbance of the 4 peace, claiming Mrs. Dennett A 4 locked him from her home. 4 Remembering that Los An- 4 4 geles boaKts real police women, - 4 Gilpin saw a way out of the' A 4 dilemma tin 1 rishal to a tele- 4 4 phone. Two feminine cop re. a 4 fpondcl to ,!s appeal. -While A 4 they argued with .Mrs. Dennett. 4 Gilpin waited en the front 4 4 porch. An hour later the skirt 4 4 clad officers emerged with their 4 4 prisoner, also skirt clad. " I 44444 ROGER BRESNAHAN MAY KIOS NOT CfSE REVOLT Former Commander of British Squadron at. Hongkong " Sees- Further Trouble. ' (United Press Leased Wire.) . Vanpouver, B. C, Aogil :2l "I look for another upheaval In China, said Commodore C. J. Eyres, R. N., now on his way from Hongkong to England. He was formerly commander of the British ! squadron at Hongkong. 2"The recentjevolutlon," he continued, "there was apparently successful, but the new regime will not last lorn There will be trouble there before long, and I believe there will be a renewed out break soon. "The idea seems to prevail over here that everything- is now lovely m China. but the reverse Is the case. I believe there will be another outbreak there before long, and the present government will hmqyerthrown. Ragtime la Barred. (totted ITtu LfRbMl W1r. Los Angeles. 'Cal.. Aug. 27. There is to be no more ragtime in the big tourist hotels of Los Angeles. The campaign of the women's clubs has had Its first result and the hotel managers have in structed their orchestra leaders to ban ish the' broken-tempo Jigs. Seeing Alaska. To-seeAlaska right, the steamers of the Canadian Paclflo line should be used. Apply for folder setting forth advantages of this line. Ticket office Third and Pine. (Multnomah Hotel building). NEW TODAY CLOSE-IN WAREHOUSE SITES ON TRACKAGE In new East Side Terminal District, Corner E. 3d and Madison Sts. 100x100 feet East 1st and Madison Sts., Quarter Block Prices and terms on application. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 404 Wrtcox.Bldg:. ALVOY Lots In this beautiful addition at right prices and easy terms. East 49th and Both sts., between Salmon and Tay lor. Also 6 new houses in the latest and up-to-date design, Just finished, on the same easy terms. If you are on the market for a home be sure and see these. IV. L WASH, Owner 199 East Fiftieth St. FOR FIRE INSURANCE BEE WAKD b YOTmOEB, Suite 420 Teon Bldg. Main 7525. A-4274. Used Car Buyers Should Examine Our Stock Before Pur chasing. The Values We Offer Are Unequaled. KOBTBTWEST AUTO EXCHAJTOE, 631 Alder St. TO LOAN $500, IfiitOr $1000, $1500 on city im proved property. JT. X.. WELLS CO., 824 Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS CARDS CERTIFICATES of title made. Title & i rust Co.. Lewis bldg., 4th andOak. W. R. HAJZLlPblnc AblfractoTsT 605 Gerlinger bldg.. :d end Aldur srn. MEETING NOTICES 41 R. N. A. Ore. Rose Camp, meets Frl. eve.. Alisky hall. 3d and Morrison. UAUKIAGE LICKNSES Daniel Vlken, 1554 Wlllard avenue. 25, Mall Kvande, 27. W,G,SmithCoi8 cards id x Cards. I M(KS Milts tor lent, uil sixes. Unique Tailoring Co . 309 Stark St. CLARKE Bitot., florisis, fine flowers arwl floral desiens. 2S Morrison st DEATHS AM) FUNERALS Li. Ih' At lier late residence, 751 Wil j liams avenue, August 27, Jennie M. Lew Is. beloved wife of H. H. Lewl.s, aged 54 y.-ai R, 1 month, 23 days. Beloved i mother of Elizabeth Woods and lslah Doren. Funeral services will he held (tomorrow, Wednesday, Auguat 28, at 2 p. ni.. from Pearson's parlors, Ji G y -7 1 Russell st. Friends respectfully ln- 1 vltr.j, Iu-rjTif-nt Rose City cemetur?'. TrAlTTit h fsL I ty, ATig U!T2 7a t "Th75 p.imily residence, H Thli-rT-; second street, ''Kristlna Tait, daughter of Mr. and My. John Tait, aged 18 (years. 7 months, and IN days. ' LI'TKI" M nrgii ret Lutke, (joii'd Sa j ni.uitan hospital, August 22, aged 51; j abscess. MVX M. hMlTH, fh.rTTtTlTl '4 6th et. I In Selling bldg. Main 7215. frjMMlISTH ARTISTIC floral designs, popular nrlces. freo del. 'dig. acc'ts. solielated. Lubllner F2orltR,4 Vash,J .f t . 11 th and 12 1 h. MOX 1 M E XTS .OTTO SCHUMANN, granite and marble wrks. East 3d and Pine. East 748. FUNERAL DIKECTOKS nTFinleyirSc Third and MadlBon. Lady attendant. Main 8, Vt-1699. Dunning & Mctntee iffis?; every aetan. vin and fine. Main 430. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leading funeral director and undertaker 2J0 3d s'. cor. Halmon: lady assistant. I CDpLI Undertaker, Lady HssiMtuiU. IUIUil IMv.h K-"1. R'h-AHer. An 7n i r n rr ui . ., , . f R. ZELLER CO, iJ'g - ERicsoN ;'rt -'o. Mat.i i.fttlv ass' EAST SIDE funeral directors, succ-esh-or to K H .1 'unnlntr. Inr. K. 52. H -i K 5 . HEM STOCK. 1CS7 C, ISO. Sell 71 iT. 1122: and Cniverp park. Pol 394-395. poo r enn -Vn JTiauia. -4uasra,TI2 rcaisun aj 3vi rusii st.. E,rioj. PORTLAND REALTY DEALERS ERONO-MANARY COMPANY. Ground Door Lewis Bid. M. and A-174S. . BUUBAKr-H 502 McKay Bide &.B.ICT.,.. Main 649. CHAPIN & HERLOW, -$32 Chamber of Commerce. MalnHtaZ. KNAPP & MACKKV. ?12-1S Soard of Trade. M. and A-2010. OREGON REAL- ESTATE CO.. THH Grand, ave and -Mult. E. 67. C-1708. 205 Gerllnrer Bld. Main US). fQ LEASE TWO years' lease, 5 acres, Tongein, Or., .4 raom-hQuseLchlcken houses, 1 acre gardon, ( minutes'. walk to station. C. E. Valpev, Sherwood. Or.. R. F. P. No. 6. FOR SALE HOUSES 01 LADD'S ADDITION1 RESIDENCES. 17250 7 room modern house, stone foundation; facing east, near Hawthorne ave.; terms. $10,000 8' rooms, stone first story, hardwood floors, every convenience: on Ladd ave. 117,500 Large residence, mission style, on corner; jnore than ft quarter block; thoroughly modern,' with beauti ful outlook. . $18,500 li room stone house, new, and handsomely finished on corner; all street Improvements in - and, paid; 11 vv ...... jo 111 ; 1.(1 1 , H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., U4 vvucox oiag. Phone Main 8699, A-2658. A MODERN HOME. Consisting of 7 rooms, besides ft fin ished attic; double construction through out; full cement basement; very best furnace, to ba had; two large porches; 3 large bedrooms; heat' piped to all parts of the house, gas and electricity; cement sidewalks 'and hard surface sts. This home is especially well built of se lected material ; has a garage Tra The lot larffe enough for 2 machines; the owner of this property is arranging to move on to a large ranch and has au thorized me to sell It at a positive sac rifice. J. E. Smith, 414 Chamber of Commerce. . -, FOR SALE .. BY OWNER. $3350, easy terms, new 5 room modern bungalow, 2 blocks south of Hawthorne, on E. 42d St., with full cement base ment, cement walks; dining room has plate rails with batten strips under with plaster panels and built-in side board; fireplace In living room, with bookcase at each end with art glass doors; tiled bathroom, with first class pl u mbi ng ; W net kitchen- floor la ft t tlc, oin be made Into 4 nice large rooms if desired; rooms to be tinted to suit purchaser. Phone Woodlawn 60 and I will call and take you out. FORCED TO SACRIFICE HOME. WILL BE IN CITY A FEW DATS ONLY TO SELL FINE. STRICTLY MODERN fi-KOOM HOME IN ROSE 1TY PARK. ONE OR TWO LOTS. FINK VIEW OF CITY AND MOUN TAIN'S; MUST LEAVE TOWN NEXT WEEK: No REASONABLE PRICE OR TEKMS WILL BE REFUSED. SEE THIS TODAY. MR. PRICE. TABOR 2X3S. HOLLADAY HOME. Beautiful 12 room house Just com pleted on one of Holladay's choicest quarter blocks. Finished in mahogany and oak, hardwood floors, tile porch, hot water heat, Ruud heater, vacuum clean er, In fact everything that could be thought of. Terms can be arranged. IL P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. ; $2600 Modern 6 room house, lot BOxlOB, 1 block to car; central east side dis trict; $100 cash and small monthly pay ment; no mortgage. This Is a $3000 value and you can not afford to pay rent at the above price and terms. NEILAN & PARKHILL, , 609 Spalding bldg. $2500 $100 Cash New 2 story house, piped for furnace, full cement basement, lot 40x104, three blocks from car; on 46th st. J. 11. HENDERSON & CO., 507 Spalding bldg. NEW bungalow, Holladay addition. Owner. Phone B-1366, S54 Wasco st. East Ankeny car, 2Sth and Wasco. Shades, fixtures, dome in dining room, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, wash trays, improvements paid, nothing bonded. Price $3200 payment down and monthly installments. Open Sunduy. M-7, Jour nnl. DUTCH COLONIAL. 9 rooms, finished In white enamel and mahogany; hot water heat; lot 70x 100 feet; 1 block from Irvlngton club. This house was built a year ago by the owner, who is not asking any builder's profit. Terms can he arranged. H. IV PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. Phone Main 86t. At a big sacrifice, 6 rooms, strictly modern, in, near Union ave. : owner must and will sell at a price far be low lis real value. You can positively find nothing ln-tter; let us show you this place before you buv. J. E. NICHOLS CO., 615 Teon bldg. OLD Davenport home for sale. 6 lots witn x room modern house, also 32 , unimproved city lots; also 3 acres on .nilisido and north line of these prop erties within third block from Ooolldge & McClaln's bank, Torren's system title. Inquire of Adda Davenport-Martin. Sllvert on, Or. BUY NOW. LAl'KELH 1'RST. $50 CAJH. ( rooms, built-in buffet, bookcase, solid oak floors, fireplace, furnace. $50 monthly, including interest, price $4400. .National -Realty it Trust Co., ?23 Cham ber of Commerce. Phone Main 6129. $50 DOWN. ROSE CITY PARK ON CARLINE, E. 4CTH ST. 6 rooms, fireplace, basement, etc.; cauh 550, balance $36 per month, includ ing interest. National Realty & Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5129. Yes Your Home It's only $2750, cash or terms: mod ern in every detull; fine condition. For details call up Ownsr, Sellwood 87 $20 monthly includinir interest, small payment down, for 5 room new bunga low, large floored attic, electric lights, gas. near car line price $2850; owner. 6:h W orcester blo k. Marshall 2751 $2o0 -Hawthorn district, $350 down; 321 Marguerite ave., 4 room house and garage, lot 45x1 IS, with fruit and roses; $350 cash, balance $20. Including inter- est. it. .-1. ouk ft.- rn,, Lorhett bldg. FINE 8 room house In Council Crest Park on Mt. Adams drive, beautlfullly finished, 2 lots, fine view, 3 blocks from car line. Phone A-4939. NEW 6 room house, Hawthorne dis trict, regular price $3500; my price $2950. For particulars phone owner. Main 7.175. HON Ma'he, in modern 5 room bunga low, clear of Incumbrance, close to car. $30u down, balance easy. Griffin & Small. .40.1 RothchIM bldg. "A ROLLING stone gathers no moss.' Anchor your stone by buying a home on easy terms from Griffin & Small. 403 Rothrhlblbldg. IF YOU are honest and can pay $7.50 per month I can show you how to own your own home. Houston, 608 lwls building. NEW buntalow on good car line onlv 20 minutes from center of city; will be sold for $900 on easy terms. Call nt 414 Spaldln gbhl gf o r particulars. FOR SALE 6 room modern house for small puvment down or will-take lots in Ol instead Park. Ford. 309 Railway Exchange.. $ 1 400 J 1 00 cash, $ 1 2 per month, ' 6 iouw uuh in ru mn, on carl ne J; . Hlerson . r0 507 Spalding'! weii -KU111 iiouse. on 4!d near Fre mont. Reid owner, on premises. East 6189. : MODEKN 9 room house, lot 58x100' ' block from Sellwood car, Westmoreland I district. Price S55QI). M-3, JoujyajJ . frok KALK Now 5 room modern home, i rauvAuU ttu ms, - iaJy- f ir botiee 'south Division on 47th at. FOR SALE HOUSES Beautiful ItJKMJ Hawthorne istrict LotSOx 00 Beauty of design and excellence - of construction are the predominating fea tures of this attractive 7 room bungalow. It is located west of S6th street,: has an ast front With wide veranda, a wide concrete walk leads to the front porch. una-living room is large ana well light ed,' has a beautiful pressed brick fire place on each side of which are located builtln bookcases with bevel plate glass doors. The dlnin room is , same size as living room with wide veneer panels and beautiful buffet. , These two rooms are finished in golden oak. The recep tion hall, living and dining room have polished hardwood floors. All rooms will be tinted ft delicate shade to har monise with the" woodwork. The " bed rooms are finished In white , enamel, have double windows, thus affording cross ventilation.' and plenty of light. One bedroom is 14x16. In fact, all. the bedrooms- are large. The bathroom is light and airy With best plumbing and fixtures. Just oft th bathroom is a deep., linen closets ..The Kitchen, is a, model of convenience with Us cupboards, builtln drawers, bins, etc. The base ment is full concrete with cement floor and laundry trays. The price for this beautiful bungalow is only $3500. $500 cash ' will handle. Balance can be ar ranged to suit. Phone Tabor 2017 for particulars, or call at 1084 Hawthorne. THREE rooms and bath, comer lot, 100 by 100. west side, fine vtew of Tuala tin valley, 2 blocks to car, 14 minutes to postofflce, walks graded streets and water, new, in fine neighborhood; $230j), terms can be arranged. 4 rooms. In excellent euburb, restric tions, built in conveniences, large rooms, fireplace, electric fixtures, shades and tinting, can finish 2 rooms on 2d floor; new, cement walks, . curbs, graded sts. and water; east front, $2250, small cash payment. '""'. 7 room house, all rooms large and light, cabinet kitchen, fireplace, lot of fruit and large walnut trees, lot 100 by 100, 4 blocks to car, 14 minutes to center of city, west side, fine view of Tualatin valley and Mt. Hood; $3100, $500 cash, balance to eult. 4 rooms and bath, double constructed, lot 60x100, 1 block to car, $1700; $150 cash, $20 per month Including Interest. 6 room cottage, lot 60x120, close to carllne, $1700x $400 cash, $20 per month and Interest. 6 rooms and bath, double constructed, all built in modern conveniences, flre- fdace, furnace, full cement basement, aundry trays, Dutch kitchen, oak floors, first floor street improvements in and paid: Irvlngton, $4800, $1500 cash will handle it. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, full two story, can finish one room In attic, all built in effects, cabinet kitchen, oak floors, fireplace, fornace, full cement Basement, restricted district, 4 blocks to Beaumont car; $4750, $500 cash, bal ance to suit. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. 209-212 Selling bldg. Terms Terms Owner compelled to sell at once her splendid bungalow, doubly constructed throughout, all built-in conveniences, in cluding fireplace; largo lot, beautiful lawn, plenty of berries and fruit, close to car and only 15 minutes from post- ornce. nee tnis at once. Tabor 3089 Hawthorne Avenue -District New modern 6 room bungalow, with hardwood floors fireplace, built-in book cases and buffet; beam celling, panel walls, cloakroom, with full length mir ror door, cement floor, laundry trays, apple trees on this property; hard sur face street. Price $3050. Geo, A. Ross, Owner 801 Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder. Phone for appointment. Main' 2970. New, modern 8 room bungalow, Haw thorne district, near 39th; cement walks, curbs, sewer, gas, electricity, concrete basement, concrete floor, stationary tubs, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, buffet, bookcases, fireplace, concealed stairway, full mirror door, double con struction throughout. An absolutely modern home at the extreme low price of $3200; terms. Call Main 7491 or A 3242 between 10 and 12 a. m. Sunday cr' call 611 Corbett bldg., week days. East 45th, south of Hawthorne ave.; new, modern 6 room bungalow, with fireplace, bookeafe, buffet, panel walls, cloakroom, gas and electricity, furnace, complete' with fixtures, shades, lawn. Only $3 100 SEE GEO.-'A. ROSS, OWNER. ' - - Main 2970. Sacrifice House Sale 7 room plastered house, bath toilet, basement, 60x100 lot, fruit trees In bear ing. Auto garage. On 10th St., near Ainsworth. Highland Park addition. Small amount down, balance 3 yenrs, 7 per cent. Price $2500. Peper & Baker, 444 Sherlock bldg., cor. 3d and Oak. BARGAIN. HOME, BROADWAY. Six rooms, little over is price; also 4 lots. EAST 273. W. H. HERDMAN. FOR SALE 5 room modern houses, close In. for cash and trade. Ford, 809 Hallway Exchange. $100 DOWN, balance easy payments, new G room bungalow, close to Haw thorne ave. car line; owner. Tabor 1902. A SPLENDID BUY IN SUNN YS1DE. fi room house. 31850. easv terms- ("below cost. Owner, Tabor 3686. BARGAIN in a beautiful new Irvlng ton residence on 21st st. Phone own er, Marshall 2627. Residence East 2838 FOR SALE 7 room furnished house and piano. 188 14th st. FOB, SALE LOTS 16 FINE, sightly acre at Ryan etatlon, on Oregon Electric Ry., 20 minutes from Portland, 5c fare, for less than you can uy city lot. Lovely location for family honvj, garden, fruit, etc. Your own terms. Box 336, P. O., Port land. $350 buys .lino '4 acre of ground, fine soil fine view, good water piped to front.' This Is a, bargain and you have no excuse for paying rent; 20 minutes' car ride: $15 cash, $5 per month. M. E. Lee, 311 Corbett bldg. 25 MINUTES Out, one block from car line, $20 down, $7.50 per month. You can put up a tent or tent house and be your own landlord. D-12, Journal. FIVE LOTS FOR $1100. 25x120 each, Montavllla; $25 down, $15 monthly. Fred W. German. 436 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. $S00 buys 4 big 40x150 lots, water piped to front, fine soil, fine view, 20 min utes' ride, if you want -a home close in see this; $25 rash, $10 per month. M E. Lee. 311 Corbett bid g. SEE Le Noir Co. lor west side prop, erty. exclusive dealers In west side realty, m I -emmner or t.omerce. $325 buys ft beautiful 60x100 foot lot, 20 minuies car riue, ciose to carllnes This is a bargain with a big future $15 'cash. $5 per month. M. El Lee. 311 Corbett bldg. For- ALKnt!(tr-tn tot.-tTooTii house; easy term. - U-3, Journal. IliwIiE ALL STREET ' HWSIEITS PAID 10 MONEY paid for rent Is gone forever. Buy a lot in Southinorelund, close to Sellwood car line; this addition ltes alone Milwaukie st. and extends east ward; every lot offered is an ideal build ing site, fine view, and the cheapest close-in property on the Portland mar ket. Lots 50x100 from $400 to $800; terms $10 to $20 cash, balance $5 per month, S per cent interest. LEE-STEVEN3 CO.. Phone Main 1213. 190 First St. njools sts.; sightly, restricted residence ?hm in a. msirict or nice ovmeB; pn rom $1100 td $2200. ' . v -.. .nn . w r. nf 404 "Wilcox bldg. Phone Main 8699. $10 Down, $5 Per Month" Buy 50x100 lots on carline, 20 minutes' out. level and cleared, good oll only $475. Call 203" Wilcox bldg, 6th and Wash. at. Ask for Mr. Akerson. Main $517, A-7340. , FOR 6 ALE-Cheap, equity In 2 lots In Pineland Terrace, 1-621. Journal. ACREAGE .! , . ... . i, all iiuice acre ( year oia iruii .J Wndi 6'f berries and room Tiouss wrtn basement, four blocks to car, wW at onco $2500: $1000 cash, balancer easy tflrm, tfin. o .nnm hnms hasement. ots of fruit, one block to car,- 12800; Vkvvv vaau, HUUH H1IU ,vfc ' . - 7, ...I. - . ; M V. 1 CIV PrPC four blocks to car, $600 per acre, cash. Half acre tracts closeto car, $400 una up, easy terms.- TftKe ureisvu -w car. Office at station, Jennings lodge. Kedmond & Mcbovern 10 acre frafcts, all good, rich, level land, fine water at depth of 12 to 20 ft., only 2,4 miles from" Vancouver on good auto road. This land is quite easily cleared. Improved lana adjoining this tract valued at $500 per acre. . Price from $150 to $230 per acre. No cash payment required for two yeart if Improvements are made on tho land. Otherwise $300 cash required on each tract. See us at once. Thompson & Swan 6th and Main streets. Vancouver. Wash. I ACRES, on corner, 600 feet from electric line. 40 minutes from 4th and Washington sts.. tt acre cleared, new one story bungalow of 4 rooms, plastered, good well, water In house, sidewalk to sta tion, 13 cents commuters' fare, very rich soli and a bargain at $2300. See us. The Shaw-Fear Go, Main 35 102 4th St. A-3500 Close in Acreage mile from the Willamette, on the west side, 10 miles south from center of the city, right at proposed new S. P. electric extension Portland-Eugene. 44 acres, nearly all in cultivation, excel lent view and soli. "Well and running water from springs. Fair buildings and improvements. This is the best bar gain in close In acreage offered today. $250 per acre takes place, crop and stock. Easy terms. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 609 Spalding bldg. 5 and 10 Acres Cheap $20 up to $45 per acre, on terms. Tracts of 6 acres or more; deep, red shot soil, well, watered; easily cleared; Ideal for general farming, fruit, vege tables, dairying and chicken raising; lo cated on county road, close to live town on R. R. and river near Portland. Own ers, 708 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. Main 8078. Evenings Eastj94. HOOD RIVER SACRIFICE $650 cash. balance Portland property, buys my fine 25 acre orchard, togother with mod- . . . C .-. . , . lnflrn nan. V... 1. 11.11 lflT flrttn'. ! bullt-ln bookcases, etc., 40 cords wood all cut ror house use, is acre piantea to commercial apples, 4 acres cleared ready for planting, balance oleared for home and garden. A bargain at $20,000. Will sacrifice. Make offer. C-3, Jour nal. Two Acre Home 6 minutes' walk from clectrlo ear; good buildings, all kinds of berrlea, fruit and garden truck; good water: young Jersey cow, 70 Barred Rock chickens; 10 cords of wood In woodhouse; 3 tons hay In barn. For further Information phone Woodlawn 2964 or address box 14, Orcnards, Wash. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land. Best noil, good roads, spring water, free wood, settled country, 10 acres, $400, $500. $600 per tract; 20 acres,- $800; 40 acres, $1200; ?Q .acres, $2000; 40 acres timber, $2400. Ranches all kinds for sale. Easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co.. 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland, Or. Five' or 10 Acre Tracts Cleared, level, rich land: very suitable for fruit, garden or chickens; close to depot and will be near new electric line; close to big market; $100 per acre, easy terms. Owners. 419 Lumber Exchange Biag.- ' - 200 ACRES abutting on west aide Southern Pacific, electrifying Just now; this Is at a station, with 12 cent carfare, macadamized road across center and a snap for cut ting into acre tracts. Your oppor tunity. tee us at once. The Shaw-Fear Co, Main 35 102 4th st. A-3500 80x210, $450 $10 down, $5 per month. Oregon City car, 28 minutes out, cleared and level as a floor, high and sightly, fine for gardens and fruit. 202 Wilcox bldg. 6th and Wash. Open Sundays. Ask for Mr. Marsters. Main 3517. A-7340. $35 Per Acre Buys a fine 40 acre tract near Sllverton. adjoining R. R.; 15 acres nearly ready for plow; lies well. No. 1 soil; beautiful farms adjoining. $250 down, balance terms. Room 16, 232M.- Washington st. Loganberry Land Small and large tracts, all level and cleared, between two stations, on county road, near cannery. Prices low, terms to suite. Owner, 419 Lumber Exchange bldg., cor. Stark and 2d. A Choice Half Acre Tract On Estacada carline, mile from cltv iiiitiis, uti" juvhi o " 1 1 , e 1 1 y wa ter, easy terms. See flwnor. 912 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phono Marshall lfiss . . ..... l ' 11 1 .17., KesiuencG ncnwuuu iu, $10 Down $5 monthly, 62x358, $475, at station Oregon City car: 30 minutes out; fine' cleared, garden land. H. Atwater 6211 Henry bldg. Marshall 8117. BEAUTIFUL rich bottom land, lu miles from Beaverton, mile - south of carline easy clearing and a bargain at $250 per acre, with $25 per acre cash and $2.60 and Interest per month The Shaw-Fear Co, Main 35. 102 4th st, A-3500 Acreage Snap 9 acres on Oregon Electri ! den Home, partially Improved, 8c fare ; 1 acre or more at $600. C-13, Journal PARKROSE ACRES. , By owner. Choice location, fine soil, . shade trees, water piped, sidewalks in only two blocks from car. $1350. Easy i iriiiin. J-i.t uuiua.,' RICH beaverdum tracts of 10 acres, no pveriiuw, suuirngaiea; ou oosh, bal ance very easy terms. Z-605. Journal. $1200 BUYS ft fine acre of groundTs'o - " ' - ".. . i . i . 1 1.1 11)1 LU nit buyer. M, iX Lee, 311 Corbett bldg. FOIi SALE LOTS 57 IIIlOi'llKl'' mm 57 - READ Tins. Then call at office and inquire about it. 17 acres, the biggest snap between here and Salem. Right on electric line. 12 miles from Portland; about 13 acres has been cultivated and is very fine bot tom land; the balance-is very best of soil and lies fine, but $2.50 per acre un der adjoining land. This is not cleared. Fine stream runs across one corner. - I have until Thursday to take earnest money on it at $260 per acre. This is worth Investigating; will be pleased to show It. Inquire Mr. Eastman. O. 8. SMPTH & CO., -- 432 Chamber of Commerce, - - FOR SALE FARMS 17 30 Acresr Close- in $500 Down Here is the best opportunity for the man with small amount of cash to PTOtrttnj"onefr"thTbesr"pteceBof-"laml near the city. . There are 30 acres, 20 acres in high state of cultivation, bal ance very best of timber. This tract lies Absolutely perfect,, not a foot of waste land, not a rock or gravel, and there is no better soil to be found in the state. The growing crop will con vince you of that fact. "Will, sell you this elegant tract for $5000, $500 down, balance 6. per cent Interest, on 5 years' time, or longer If you want it. Lo cated in one of the very best farming sections adjacent to the city, and only 9 miles east from the city limits -of Portland; lty miles to carline. Owner is a nonresident; don't need the money, hence the terms. -. Hargrove & Sons 122 N. 6tb st., corner 6th and Gllsan. Matn 4381; A-7259. IF YOU'VE BEEN DISAPPOINTED In everything; you've seen, look at this; 10 or 20 aores 13 miles to Portland, 2H to ele, line and town, fine level land and rands; best1 of soil, fine view and the cheapest land on the market at $75 per acre. $200 cash, bal. $100 per yr. 9 per cent 80 acres, 15 in crop, about 10 slashed, 6 benverdam; 13 miles to Portland, 2H to Sherwood. Fine level roads, good creek. 40 acres fine timber, best of soil and level. Only $105 per acre, small payment and 10 years on bal., per cent 82 acres, 20 in crop 1$ miles to Port land y to town. Fine soil and view: lies ideal; fair bldgs., good orchard. 3 fine Jersey cows, 16 pigs, good team, 200 chickens, and all kinds of tools. Only $4600. Terms. W. H. 8E1TZ tt CO.. 810 Spalding bldg. Main 8584. 8 Acres One third mile from 2 stations on Salem electric. 9 miles from post office, on good macadam road, near good school, hotel, 4 stores, nice country village, 2 aores gen uine beaverdam, 1 acre now in on ions, nice young orchard. This Is a genuine bargain. Price $3500. Can arrange terms to suit. Smith Si Shefler 822 Chamber of Commero. Phone Main 5826. DAIRY BUSINESS PAYS BEST. We have for sale 120 acre dairy farm in Tillamook county, 8 miles from rail road and on a fine traveled road; rural mall and telephone; a fine stream of water and best of soil. The dairymen of Tillamook county are very prosper ous and we can sell this place for very little money down, with long time on balance. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO. Oregonian Bldg. 25 Acres Right at station. 11 miles from City limits; excellent soil, fine view, 8-year orchard, 10 acres in cultivation; good 6 room house with well at the door; barn and outbuildings; snap and liberal terms. NEILAN & PARKHILL. 609 Spalding bldg. 20 Acres--$600 Splendid farm land, springs and run ning water; $1 fare from Portland; mile of school, 1 miles frorh' town; $100 cash, balance easy terras. CLAUDE CODE, 117 Board of Trade Bldg. A BARGAIN. 200 acres, house, barn, 10 acres clear, running water. 5 miles to railroad and boat, $16 per acre. Terms. Call at Kunbeam Studio, 283 V4 First St.. Port land, Or. NEEDING money bad; will sacrifice my 90 acre farm, 20 in cultivation, new house with wacr piped to garden, fruit and chickens, all for $1400; part terms; P-.--.Oi- and- school in - . mile Address Ullrey, 8216 K. 63d St.. Portland. 80 ACRE farm, must be sold at once, 2 miles from town. 20 acres cleared, orchard, cattle, farm implements and one team of horses, for particulars, address Toney Johnson. Castle Rock, Wash. FOR SALE In Gilliam county. Btock ranch. 480 acres, 90 head of horses, plenty of water and range. Asher Moh- tague, owner, ftiontague, ur. 40 acres line soil in Washington Co. $800. Very easy terms. 1203 Yeon bldg 160 ACRES, $20 peFacre; terms. Hugh Magee, Scotts Mills. Or. HOMESTEADS 47 FREE homesteads, rich level land, tim ber, water, good homes. One day see land. Covey. 267 Ouk. room 21. FOR SALE TIMBER 28 TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD L. R. NUCK, 214 COMMERCIAL RDG. FOR KENT FARMS 14 FIVE acres, house, barn and outbuild ings. Cor. 77th and 60th ave. Take Mt. Scott car to Firland. EXCHANGEREAL ESTATE 24 WESTERN Oregon farms and near Port land acreage to exchange for Portland income, residence, vacant property. Neilan fc Parkhlll, 609 Spalding bldg. STOCK of groceries, grain and hay busi ness will exchange for valley farm or city lots. 1-490, Journal. WE exchange what you have for what you want. Peper & Baker. 4 44 Sher lock bldg., 3d and Oak. Mar. 2654. WE have a fine Laurelhurts home to trade for something In California. 615 Yeon bldg. FOR TRADE Property in city or acre age for timber. 309 Railway Exchange. f orn. iOK TRADE: 160 aores, nine miles .4 X.I nM Inmrltln -v n I ... . FOR TRADE 20 acres near Mosler. Or for city property. Ford. SOS Railway Exchange EXCHANGE Saloon in downtown loca tion, for farm land or acreage. B-ll Journal. ' IF YOU WANT TO SELL BUY OK TRADE, SEE SHOEMAKER" I NV. CO P24 HENRY BLDQ. MAIN 4465. WE sell and exchange , larms, houses' and autoB. Wagoner & Hunt, Chamber of Commerce. ' Main 6957, i WILL buy, sell or traae anythln. T W O swell aerer-tn Walla ""Watm.'Tor e. . 1 .. 1 nAn-fu 10AQ Vr lu WE make first class exchanges a spe cialty. Miller A Conklln. 619 Henry big. fitflTCRtS.-m tmabie.-runftlrl'wlTort for Portland property. 1208 Yeon bdg. ACr.EAGD mil ilxciiaxcc i:i:al r.sTATnsri in? stock $15,000, on easy termi. Fine Farm for Exchange 90 acres, 40 acres under culti- - , vatlon; good" house, new barn, spring and stream; fine list of stock, tools and farm machinery; located only 14 miles! from Port- - land on Paclflo Highway. What have you to offer? Price, lnclud- ; log stock, $150,000, on easy terms. C8 acres, 30 cleared and in crop; fine' t acre orchard, fair buildings, spring water; only 3 miles from Newberg. Price $7600. l, 160 acres, 60 acres under culti vation; good butldings, spring and creek; lOi-acres of fine- piling - . timber; very close to transporta i TTon; good, roads; near small town, . and is one of the best farayj in. ' . . the west; owner going away, will -sacrifice .for $7600, very easy terms, or, will consider city prop- -" erty. ; 20 acres, JO acres undep culti- vation; fine road; close -to Port- : land; owner-going away and will - sell - cheap, Price $3250: $600 - Baker & Diver a The Acreage Men 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Phone Main 3264. t For-Sale or Trade The 101 ranch of 70 acres,, within 25 m,if of Portland; 30 acres under culti vation. 40 acres of first growth timber! frood'for saw, or cordwood. the timber will almost pay for the farm; 20 acres m Potatoes; fine soil, watered by i good wells; 8 acres young orchard, all kinds: of small fruit for family use; room house; barn 30x30, not very good gran ary, roothouse and other.buildings; ft , mile to school, 3 'hilles to R. R, station, 5 -mlles to Oregon Clty. on r a-good l road; will trade for house and lot; soma livestock and crop goes with place; will , make very low price for cash. If you want a bargain see Crockett-Starker Co., o oiog. I WANT LAND I will exchange my 8 room house ort; Hamilton; toilet, bath, everything! dandy; would rent for $30 month; home 1 year old.., Also my 8 room dwelling on Pendle ton, corner; rented for $25 month; long term; lot 62x100. This is a dandy piece of property. My equities in both properties are $5200, for which I will consider good, land .some cleared; Improvements aoti much object. JRAIND3R REALTY CO, 206 Lumber Exchange. What Do You Want We have the following to trade: One 6-ton auto truck; one 5-pass. auto, 1 restaurant, 1 grocery store, 5 rooming houses, 1 wood and feed yard. 320 acres of land. 1 blacksmith shop, 1 general store in Tacoma, 1 dairy farm, 160 acres; 2 clear lots in city; 7 houses here, 1' Jewelry store, 1 barber shop, 1 hotel, I hog ranch. Tell us what you have. BROADSTREET EXCHANGE. 293 H Stark, Rooms 300, 801, 802. FOR EXCHANGE. 10 acres of heavy black loam soil, all' level; 2 acres under cultivation and in: crop, balance in light brush. This -Is all fanced with new wire; on main coun ty road, just 3 miles north of Van couver: new house that cost $700; new barn that cost $160; good well and all outbuildings. Price $2750; will ex change for house and lot. THOMPSON & SWAN, Vancouver. Wash; Hood River Snap 20 seres finest fruit land, half under cultivation, 3 acres 2 year old trees. When all Is planted place will conserv atively be worth $10,000. Will trade subject to mortgage, $1000 at 6 per cent, for $5500 Portland residence. C 14. Journal. 30 ACRE FARM. $3000. Under irrigation, good alfalfa land, to exchange for good paying rooming house or grocery store In city. Dove& Day, 422 Board of Trade. ROOMING house, 75 rooms, long lease, elegantly furnished making good money. Exchange for land or city props erty. "Answer, Berger, 88 l)th st. WANTED To trade city lot for Hupp runabout. Y-3, Journal. WANTED ITEAL ESTA'i. 1 SI Wantedl A country home with small piece of ground, near the car and station; will give equity in a new' modern residence in restricted district as payment. B-l, Journal. WANTED Modern bungalow for 40 acre?, Yamhill county, clear; will as sume mortgage. 845 ft Washington St., room b. WANTED Lots in Olmstead Park to build a residence. Will give trade. 809 Ry Etc. Foed. INCOME bearing property for $6000 in vestment; must be good. B-14. Jour nal WANTED Lot for small home near town on carline. East 4423. WE CLEAR LAND. JackoTa Bros.. 314 N. 17. Phone A-1888. ROOMING HOUSES 53 HOTiSTCKETCPixo business must be sold quick; owner leaving city.. Con sists one 12 room, one 20 room and one 2 room cottnge, air on large lot, with nice yard, close In on west side; fine neighborhood. Houses divided into 1, 2 and 3 room housekeeping suites, well furnished and fully equipped and most ly rented. Invoice value of furniture and equipment over $2500; will be, sold for $0 down and $60 in & months, or $1000 cash. Rental $125 per month. In quire 419 Commercial Club bli'g. 22 Rooms 22 Long lease, good furniture, place where rooms are alwayB rented, clears $119 monthly, rent only $55. This is a chance of a lifetime; $300 will put you In possession. I'eters, 60 7-0 Henry bldg. $425 Cuts Out the Expense Some people howl about It, .while oth ers laugh and let tho howlers pay it Bo the laughing guy. Get this 9 rooms of nice, clean furniture. Wish or terms, $425. 403 7th st. or Marshall 3088. 32 ROOMS $300. Am forced to sell my rooming1 house, which Is one of tho best In the city fur transient trade, close In. This place should pay for Itself In 0 days. If you are looking for a money maker, call quick. Owner, 412 Chain, of Com. 32 Rooms 32 Brick building, long lease, cheap rent, always full, dandy location; all goes for $400; ft cash. Peters, 607-9 Henry bldg. FOR" SALE By owner, smnll' modern rooming house, crtse In, went side, rooms always full, cash or tertns; bar gain. 8-4, Journn'. TWELVE rooms, beautifully ftlrnished; all rented to gentlemen. ,. Best loca tion In city. Clears $65 monthly. 264 12th. ROOMING house for sale: beautifully furnished, 8 rooms. $loo down, balance on easy terms Main 4157. 18 ROOMS cheup, 36414 Morrison. B 1395. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 FOR SALE One half Interest In fac tory. 1293 E. Morrison. Mt. Tabor vat, - SMALL restaurant for sale; just right' for man and wlfe or two women. 27$ Salmon street. STORE down town, will lease for tenn of years. Will financially assist ten ent M. E. Lee, 311 Corbett bldg! B'OR SALE Grocery- store. 40J Mason! car. SCHOOL store and light wocery"; cheao rent, east side; phone Tabor 360. ' BARBER wanted to buy my shoo: L7 i-nnflel.1 S4714 Unrrl.n. "" JiXiK'7yALElroiiperlti)(--bitkery. or wM- .all U Intoro.l R'll T II w WORKING Interest or small atrsJs-nl business. H-301, Journal. "ml1t H"M' '..'.. I"""" ' " I Ml I paying" restaurant for ssle'oS" or lot. i Call 288 K Morrison tl Irado for