The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 26, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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    im: o:;;;co;; daily journal', foutlaiid, iio::day evening, august
Town Topics
iHJu't Uvgct wtien foliisr wy oa yoor
Taratlun or for tlie fuiurner. tlt 1'h
Journal ea follow jrnu t 15 cunt 1 meek,
tbe rcfuljir aubwrlijtlon rite. ud h foU
lowing a geot 1 will upviy lou at our rtgiu.
lar rutet! ,
Leack Cnter, W"liW. CTTolUiJ.
Crou Hprlngs, Wh., UUMral ttprlogl
Collin. Wash., Fred A. Tonnsj.
frhrt. Or., Mr. 0. h. Elliott. .'"
, II waco, Wab.,lt. B. Woodruff. '
" Lonf Bench, Wssh., tawrne Dlnmca.
(I)i-llery to all point on North Beach.)
Newport, Or., Olen Howard. "
Ro-kawjr bearb, Or.i Wilkin A- Wee.
Senalde. Or.. Letter rroolwtel. iDutery
to til tmrts of 8eald. .
fVaTitw. Waah.. F, E, BtrnbL ' "
Ttllamook, Or.. J. I. Lamar.
Wlllwlt-Bitega. Or., tV VW McUaf,
. CKdl. Or., Q. 11. OelMndorfor,
HEILIG Catherine Countiss "In "Her
L Own Way." ......
COUNCIL CREST High class attrac
tions. 1
.LYRIC Armstrong Follies company In
"The-Hlgher Ups." . 7
ORl-HEUM Orpheum dlrcuit vaudeville.
THE KMPHE8S Vaudeville.
rANTAOES Vaudeville.
iTHE OAKH 'Amusement park. "".
Weather Conditions.
Portland and vicinity Fair tonight
and Tuesday. Westerly winds.
Oregon and Washington Generally
fair tonight and Tuesday. Westerly
Idaho Fair tonight and Tuesday.
District -Forecaster ....
To Test Telephone Poles Tests of
telephone poles are to begin in Seattle
at the laboratory maintained by the of -.fice
of products of the federal forest
service about September 16. according
to present plans. Supplies are already
Ion hand and the ringing of the machin
ery Is in progress. The test was ar
ranged by J. P- Knapp, head of the bf
iflce of products of the forest service of
this district, with the Idaho Cedarmen's
association during a recent trip through
northern Idaho. The tests are to be
made on the Idaho red cedar and the
northern white cedar which is grown in
the lake states. The former is the stan
dard for telephone, poles In the west
and the latter in the pastern states. A
testing machine capable of exerting a
pressure of 200,000 pounds will be em
ployed In the tests.
Police Answer Burglar Alarm A telo
phone call was received by the police
early this morning from ajrfr. Sawyer
of Sixteenth -and Elizabeth streets to
the effect that he believed there was
a burglar in the home of M. H. Sehmecr
of 676 Elizabeth street. Captain Kifler,
Patrolmen Shaffer, Hutchinson and Kel
leher were rushed to the house. The
only indication of any invasion of the
house was a broken window in the base
ment, but an investigation did not dis
close anything to Indicate that a burg
lar had been at the house. The broken
window was nailed up after the house
had been searched. Schmeer and his
family are at the beach. ,.. .
Gamblers Fined. Gamblers arrested
since last Saturday night came to grief
this morning when arraigned before
Judge Tazwell on the charges of gamb
ling. Five were fined for the offenses.
C. G. Dossenback, a cigar man at Third
and Washington streets, arrested by
Sergeant Kay and Tatrolman Stewart
for running a "26" game, In which dice
are used, was fined $20. John Hero,
Ollle Mahowet, Onadce Omar and John
Mahomet, who were arrested in a Jap
anese rooming house at Front and Mor
rison street, were all found guilty, with
the exception of John Mahomet, and
fines of 110 assessed against each.
Forest Fire Force Organized State
Forester J. K. Welty of Washington has
organized a force of 36 men to putrol
the watershed forests throughout the
tate. This patrol is maintained under
the week's act by which the federal gov
ernment allows Washington $10,000 for
this purpose on condition that the state
spend a like amount. . The purpose of
the patrol is to avert danger of a ser
ious forest fire in the sources of the
streams of the state. Mr. Welty Is at
" present touring eastern Washington.
For the next three days, Yakima's
finest EI berta peaches, large, yellow
fruit, sound, ripe and sweet, per box
only 60c. It Is the last week for El
berta peaches, so order now. Largest
size pineapples, ripe and sweet and
ound. The most delicious of all fruits
when canned. Each 10c or $1.10 per
dozen. Order now. Frt-e -deliveries.
Mission Tea Co., Williams and Russell
treets. Phones East 2106, C-1818. Or
Thirty-fifth and Hawthorne avenue.
Phones Tabor 3027, B-2728.
Women's Boosevelt Club The Wo
men's Roosevelt club, organized last
week, -will -meet at the east side branch
library tonight and be entertained by
an address on the Panama canal. Tills
will be given by L. M. Lepper, state
secretary of the Progressives, formerly
employed in the canal work. Roosevelt's
service in connection with the canal will
furnish the political theme. The lecture
will be illustrated with view from the
canal. Mrs. Lora C. Little is president
of the club and Mary E. Hill is secre
Uoyd-Oeorge Lecture Subject Rev.
D. -E. Richards, M. D., of Scranton,
Penn., will deliver a lecture on "The
Greatest Statesman of the Times, the
Right Honorable D. Lloyd-George, Chan
cellor of the Exchequeor of Great Brit
ain," In the Hassalo Street Congrega
tional Tchurch, Tuesday night, at 8
o'clock. Admission will be free and
everybody is welcomed
Two Plres Yesterday. Fire broke out
through the burning of old papers In
a chimney at 600 Jefferson street yes
terday afternoon did slight damage to
ft i
Kt '
is- $ TA
I Give
Special attention to he proper fitting
of children's eyes. Many children
have good vision If properly fitted
with glasses. X Just fit glasses, and
X know how. I do my own grinding.
Any broken lens replaced. ...
nits 427 Marg,um Bldg, 4th rioor.
' i wmmmmmmmmkmmmmm
the house, which In loitB'-d by Mrs,
Alios lirnnctt. The Ions Is less than
150. Fire which broke out from an un
known source yesterday evening &e-
stroyed th homo at A. 'E. Btorm, on
Fifty-ninth street, bPtween Blxty-fouitb
fourth-and Sixty-fifth avenues. Tm
owner of the home was at the theatre
when the fire broke out The loss Is
about 11000. The man's family Is now
In the east and Storm bad been away all
day.' - -.; ,;.";..
Ll Thontrht Room Vu on Plre. At'twO
o ciocK-yesteraay morning .j'airoinittn
Crane found John Grund, S83 Davis
street, barefooted and scantily, clad,
, hopping about In ' front of his home.
' When asked by Crane . what- his trou
bles were, Grand stated that tils room
i was am : fire. Crane rushed up to his
room and found a kerosene lamp splut
tering, the flame having shot up through
the chimney. Crane threw a bed quilt
p verth eIa mp , a n djru shed to th e street
with the bundle. The lamp exploded
but no injury resulted. The fire In the
room was quickly extinguished. '
Seeking Ineulter of Women- Several
complaints have been made to Patrol
man Kelleher to the effect that there is
a man loitering about the parks In the
city, especially Holladay and Hawthorne
parks who is Insulting jvomen and mak
lng himself very obnoxious. The women
who have complained about the man
have been unable to give a good descrip
tlon of him as In the cases reported, the
women fled as soon as the man was en
countered. Plain clothes police officers
are searching for him.
Two Inquest Planned Inquests will
be held this afternoon over the remains
0 W. A, Scott who died last Saturday
from Injuries sustained at the Union
Meat company and ovr the remains of
Joe Beseda, who died .from injuries sub
talned while working at the Portland
Brick Tile company at Llnnton. Be
seda was crushed When a bank caved In
on him. Scott leaves a widow and one
child at 834 Edison street, and Beseda
leaves a widow and two children living
at 360 Isabella street.
Health Officer HL City Health Of
ficer C. it Wheeler was unable to at
tend to his official duties today, being
confined to his home by an attack of
ptomaine poisoning. rr. Wheeler ate
some ham last night and shortly after
was seized with violent pains in the
stomach. He took prompt measures to
counteract-the poison nd will probably
be on the JR again tomorrow morning.
Vandals Break Into Church Vandals
last night broke Into the Church of
the Nazarene at Fifteenth and Leo
streets, destroyed a number of Christ
mas decorations that were stored there.
Song books were scattered about tha
church. The work was done, apparent
ly with a vicious spirit. It is stated
that several persons have recently left
the church In a huff.
XTew York Society Excursion The
New York State society will have a
moonlight excursion Tuesday evening
at 7:30 on the steamer Kellogg, Wash
ington street dock. Ail New Yorkers
and their friends are invited. For in
formation call at the office of the presi
dent, 406 Commercial block. Marshall
1753. 1,
Bond Bids Opened. Bids for the
$220,000 Issue of public improvement
bonds recently ordered sold by the
council were opened by the ways and
means committee of the city council
today. The bids ranged from 2ft per
cent premium to 2.
Mayor on Tour of Inspection. Mayor
Rushlight made a trip of inspection yes
terday over the new Bull Run pipe line.
He says work on the road being con
structed by the water department
through the reserve is progressing rap
idly. W.- C. T. U. Picnic A lbina W. C. T.
U. will picnic at Peninsula Park Tues
day. A matron silver medal contest
will be held and some other amusing
features promised. All friends of tem-
iperauce work cordially Invited.
Steamer Jess: RavklnN for Canna,
Washougal and way landings, dally ac
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington strait
dock at 2 p. m.
Card Party tQMgM-.a.SidUncJairflcii
hall. Tenth and Washington streets,
by Rose City caimp M, W. A. Admission
15c. Prizes.
Eyes Tested, Glasses Fitted, broken
lenses duplicated. Dr. Geo. Rubensteln
expert optician. 189 3d st. near Taylor.
Mount Hood Auto Stage leaves Lel
lamy's store. Second and Aider, 8 a. m.;
dally. Main 3074, res. phone Soli. 1466.
Drs. Onstave Ei Bruere and Frank B.
Kistner removed from Electric building
to tenth floor Journal building. "
If you want Glasses Fitted to give
.perfsjt satisfaction, go to vr. Freeze,
the eye specialist.
' Sr. O. T Chamberlain has moved to
The Journal bldg. A-1371. Main 623.
Sr. J. S. Sternberg has moved to
The Journal bldg. A-1371, Main 623.
S. Chambers fc Son, optometrists, now
at lb7 Seventh, near Morrison St.
W. A. Wise and associates, painless
dentists. Third and Washington.
Go to Shlpherd's Sprlnrs. E. L. Ship,
herd, manager.
New Xrati Buffet, 3d and Alder sts.
BOY BORN AUG. 11, 1911;
When a well known physician of this
city carried a birth notice in his pocket
for one whole year, he unwittingly
caused Mr. and Mrs. Chnrlen nnnlrt tn
decline many congratulations.
This was the item that appeared In
the vital statistics columns last Thurs
day, under "Births:"
"Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gauld, 654
Evftrett strent. Avis-nut 12. a Y,nv '
The boy was born on August 12, but
It was on August 12, 1911, and today he
Is a bouncing youngster more than a
year old. The 1911 date was not no
ticed 'In copying the notice, as doctors
are required by a very stringent health
board (regulation to enter all birth
statistics within. 80 days of the date
of birth.
Stolen Auto Found.
An automobile stolen some time after
last midnight from the home of W. A.
Avery, 864 Mellnda avenue, was found
abandoned near Oregon City this morn
ing. The persons taking the machine
have not been found. Avery left the
auto in front of his residence yester
day evening, not having his. garage
completed. Sheriff Maas of Clackamas
county was Informed early this morn
ing of the abandoned car, and took
charge of it, notifying Sheriff Stevens
of the find.
Delightful Trip to M. Hood Xesorts.
- Auto stage dally, 7 am. 462 Haw
.frwve.Ponah Journal Want Ads bring rosults.
stsV"- .''V' "'Yj'"'-
; II 1 ny.ii,.
Miss Cathrine Countiss Draws
- -Own way.
In "Her Own Way," to which ahe
opened a week'a engagement at the
Helllg last night, Miss Cathrine Count
iss, has probably the best adapted pro
duction she has. Undertaken during her
seven week'a summer season of "stock"
weli week at the Helllg.
"Her Own Way," with lt social and
financial intrigues and Its touch of war
paint, offere Miss Countiss an-oppor.
tunlty for emotionalism that she does
not have In the straightaway aociety
comedy, and it Is In this emotionalism
that the popular actress displays ber
greatest artistle charm. Vlvaolous,
hippy, sad, troubled, Carefree, hysteri
cal. Miss Counties aa Georgian Carley,
runs the gamut of emotions and is
charming And real In each of her vary
ing moods.
Actrese Has Strong Support.
In support of Miss Countiss In "Her
Own Way," a goodly part of the action
falls upon Robert Lawler as Steven,
Oeorglana's speculating brother, whose
financial difficulties seriously involve
the family and its friends. In the
brother and sister scenes Miss Countiss
and Mr. Lawler are effective. Mr. Law
ler's characterization la well sustained
Miss Claire Sinclair in the part of
the "lady hairdresser," gives one of the
happiest of her versatile roles. Miss
Sinclair furnishes not a little of the
comedy running through;' "Her Own
Way," and makes it so spontaneous that
It is very effective.
Henry Hall as Sam Coast Is called
upen for difficult character acting, and
handles himself with refreshing origi
nality. Mr. Hall shows splendid voice
control in a role of trying enactments.
Miss Laura Adams, tho stepmother in
the case, in her make-up and acting, was
voted splendid by last night's audience.
Miss- Adamst to all intents and purposes,
is the real society position loving step
mother. k
Miss Mary Edgett is petite and final-
SabsrlM f OakksJ. CaUtrsU.
Tbe onlr Womao'i Collef c on
the Pacific Coin. Chartered
1J85. Ideal climate. Entrancs
and fraduation requirement!
equhalent to tboie of ttinford
Unirenirrand Univenltrof Cil-I
uornla. nearby. Laboratories for
dence with modern equipment.
Excellent opportunities for borne
rconotnica, library tudy. music,
art. Modern gymnasium. Epecial
care for health of undent! 1 out
door life. Christian influence!;
President Luella Clay Carson.
A. M., LI. D. For catalogue
t '":VC address Rcr'ttrar.
1 neLampanll Mills coiicre p. o.. Cain.
Corner of Montgomery and 13th. Of
fice hours 9 a. m. to 12 m. Fits bovs
and girls for college. Graduates enter
on examination Harvard, Princeton,
Yale, Bryn Mawr. Massachusetts In
stitute of Technology: on certificate
Amherst, Cornell, Williams, Smith, Vas-
sar. weliesley, uoucher, Keed and other
colleges and universities of the Pacific
Well equipped laboratories in chem
istry and physics. Field practice in
surveying. Departments in charge of
college men and women. Classical, sci
entific, modern language, and commer
cial courses. Gymnasium under skilled
director. Track and field athletics. The
school Includes a thorough primary and
grammar school. Easy of access from
all parts of the city. Catalogue on ap
Boarding and Say School
Based on provisions made by legis
lature 1911 for Standard Normals,
accredited -by the state.
Opens September 9, 1912. An effi
cient corps of trained teachers.
Large and complete Practice School.
Domestic Science and Agriculture
Departments. - Musie and Art.
, Kor particulars address the secre
Villa Muria. Oswego, Ur.
Th4 School that Placet You in a Good Position
Courses. ' Grammar grades taught to
ooys over io years.
Columbia University, Portland, Or.
Rev. Joseph Gallagher, C. S. C.
Write for catalogue.
Far f;irl OnAn-rA l ik. (ICTCDC AC TUF unl U
OllitUu Curat. Music. Art. Elocution and Commer
cial Deota. nUmindDj iuaunti. Refined Moral tni
Intrlleenal Trml.lnr. Write forAnnouneemnt Address
tltTEK SUPBXIOK. t. Mon'i JtOmj. hnltnj
Hill Military Acadamy
Send for Uinstrated Catalogue)
While you're having
why not have the
Call or write . room 700
Journal Bldg., for "Bitu
llthlo Whys.' '
t " ntj 'WtW:).!! 1 1 i-ajll
I rv i
ly winsome aa Mrs. Carlny. John C.
Livingstone, as Lieutenant Coleman, the
soldier boy, offers a very satisfactory
performance. Mix Davenport end Mr.
Sohad fill the minor roles.
Being children and displaying the re
sult of careful training, Mayo Methot,
Eva' Kordntrom, Phoebe Beebe and Lu
clie Trogllo, are interesting aa sure
enough little "play actors." Act one of
"Her Own Way" was evidently written
for the Children, and they were a spon
taneous hit last evening,
"Her Own Way" is aplendldly pro
ducjirt and rowngfl nnrttr the personal
diFecIIo-n:-Iisrc ou'ntlss," with" Mr'.
Schad as Stage manager. The attraction
runs throughout the week with mati
nees Wednesday and Saturday.
Miss Countiss bide good-bye to Port
land next Saturday night.' - '.-
Under the auspices of the College
Equal Suffrage league, yesterday
speeches that were heard by several
hundred persons, were1 delivered on be
half of the suffrage movement in the
"orchard" at the Council Crest amuse
ment park. The principal address of
the day was made by Dr. C. H. . Chap
man. Others who spoke were Miss Birdie
Wise of Astoria, and C. M. ; Mulllns.
La Relne Helen 'Raker presided. The
park was appropriately decorated for
the occasion, and yellow, the official
suffragist color, predominated. Prac
tically everyone on the ground wore
yellow tags bearing the legend "Votes
for Women."
Miss Wise was the first speaker. Fhe
repeated her oration, "The Dawn Of To
morrow," which won . for her the first
award in the Falllng-Beekman orator
ical contest at the recent commence
ment) exercises at the University of
Oregon. Her argument wm that women
Should be given franchise because her
sphere- is the home and the- home of
toaay is not house but a condition. The
Just to Show What a
Little Carfare Will Do
Fine Talk Machines That Play
All Latest Records Almost
Given Away.
A Fine $25 Talk Machine, in
Library of 79 Brand New Records, Latest and Best, All
for $29.65 Sinlilar Offers on Many Other Machines,
but the Assortment Is Growing Smaller Sale Ends This
Week Let Your Carfare or Picture-Show Money Buy
Splendid Entertainment at Home.
Eilers Music House is gratified and
almost surprised to find that so far
for August the sales in the Phono
graph Department are 'more than 300
per cent greater than for the same
period last year. We were extremely
busy last year in our. new, splendid
Talking Machine Department, which
had then just been opened.
But our business this year is threej
times greater.
An increase in business of more,
than 300 per cent over the Baine days
in August -last year could not be due
to an ordinary growth in business.
Therernust besome other stronger
reason for ft.
This must mean that the splendid
facilities we have provided in those
plate-glass and mahogany "daylight"
record and talking machine selection
rooms are appreciated.
It means that the thorough knowl
edge possessed by our salespeople and
their courteousness is being appre
ciated; 'and it means that our aims,
wherever possible, to furnish inure
for the money than is obtainable else
where are becoming recognized.
It means that our present sale of
talking machines is being extensively
patronized and that every caller finds
here the machines and the prices ex
actly as stated, resulting in one sale
after another to delighted buyers.
"The rules of the several Talking
Machine manufacturers prohibit ad
vertising the names of machines at
cut prices, hence this general an
nouncement can only be made. But
come and see! The machines in this
sale are most of them latest types,
many-of them received in part pay
ment of our wonderful little bungalow
player pianos, the auto pianos and
player pianos de luxe, from homes
where two instruments were not
Others, again, have come to us in
part payment for the great $200 and
$250 machines. Still others have
been out on sale in dealers' hands who
have gone out of business.
We now give one of the doable
disc records free to every caller who
has not previously received one.
Every machine in this great sale is
in perfect order and so guaranteed,
and reduced one-third, one-half, and
in some cases as much as 80 per cent.
For example, there are still several
$200 machines for $155, including 40
selections of latest records, payments
$10 cash, $6 a month.
1 , Chtrg e Accounts Solicited i .. '
Eastern Outfitting Co.
condition, she said. Involves everything
that la vital to her and her children's
wall being,
C, M. Mulllns who, it Is said, waa the
first man to introduce a legislative bill
providing for equal suffrage, followed
Miss Wise. He said he had Introduced
a votes for women bill in the Colorado
legislature 44 years ago.
"Give the women the ballot, he said,
"and there will ba no' such vice reports
as the one which just indicted the city
of JPortland.jCfivenan opportunity and
yotey"women winlean"".lne" WtyTWon
enough." ..!, V "
Dr. Chapman discussed all phases of
the suffrage question." He said In part:
"Woman with the ballot will prove to
be the politteal-autlsepUO thatis so
badly needed in our body politic."
He declared that things are getting
worse and the morar cleanliness of
women, expressed through the ballot,
was necessary to bring about better con
dition's. - ' " T
All Records Broken
In many respects the sales record of
the Recd-Frehch Piano company, at
Sixth and Burnslde streets has ex
ceeded all .previous figures. Probably
the greatest single day's business ever
done by any piano house In the"west
was recorded last Saturday. This firm,
after maintaining a large piano estab
lishment In this city for many years,
will retire from business. Their lease
expires on August 31, and In order to
dispose of their Immense stock of high
grade pianos baby grands and player
pianos they have reduced prices to
Just about cost.
It Is not known yet who will occupy
these large quarters when they are
Vacated by the piano firm.
Borden Receives Suffragettes.
(United Pm tJ-iWit Wlr..)
London, Aug. 26. Robert. L. Borden,
premier of Canada, who Is here, con
sented today to receive a delegation of
suffragettes. After hearing the argu
ments of the suffragists, the premier
said he would decide whether he thinks
kit best t,o lend his support to the move
ment in Canada,
Perfect Order, and a Complete
$200 machines, $130, including 40
new and latest selections, $10 cash
and $5 a month.
$150 machines and 40 new and lat
est selections, $90, $5 cash and $4 ft
$100 machines and 20 new and lat
est selections for $60, $5 cash and
$2.50 a month.
$85 machines and 20 new and latest
selections. $35. $5 cash and $1.50 a
$50 machines and 30 new and latest
selections for $32, $5 cash and $1.50 a
$45 machines and 60 new and latest
records for $24, $4 cash and $1 a
$25 machines and 24 new and lat
est records for $15, $2 cash and $1 a
$20 machines and 10 new and lat
est selections for $9, $1 cash and $1 a
$15 machines and 10 new and latest
selections for $7, $1 cash and $1 a
There are also several machines in
good .order which will be sold with 79
new and latest records, $29.65, $5.65
cash and $1.50 a month.
Remember that every machine is in
periect playable condition.
We wish to announce that the Vic
tor product is not included.
This is the greatest sale of modern
TALK MACHINES ever held; but in
addition to the greatly reduced prices
we arrange with every buyer the most
reasonable terms of payment, as
above or strictly confidential in any
other manner as best suits the con
venience of each purchaser.
Make a small depositto show good
faith then pay a little each week or
each month.
We'll send these machines and rec
ords anywhere subject to trial.
If any instrument, after delivery, is
not entirely satisfactory, it may be
returned, for Eilers Music House is a
Money-Back Store. No transaction
here is right that does not mean sat
isfaction to the buyer.
Ask also about our liberal exchange
privileges extended to 'every buyer
during this sale.
Eilers Bldg., Alder Street at Seventh
The Nation's Largest Dealers
we offer
for oale
p p. p p
b b t b
on improved
Portland property.
Fourth and Oak
7 th and Taylor
nones acaia i ud A-iiaa
TON I O HT ?2? wlix
Bargain Prloa Matinee Wednesday.
Special Price liatinee Saturday.
Cathrine Countiss
And Her Excellent Company in Max
lne Elliott's Comedy Hit
Xvenings, 75 o, SOo, 35o, gSe,
Wednesday Matinee, 85, Saturday
Uatlaee 60c, asc
Beginning1 Today
Heilig Theatre B
Blanche Duffleld, Eugene Cowles,
George MacFarlane, Arthur Aldrtdge,
Kate Condon, Viola Gillette, Arthur
Cunningham, Alice Brady, L. Barthel.
Sunday and Monday Jvtghts, Satur
day Matinee, "The MXKASO
Tuesday. Friday, "TM PIBATBS
Wed. Mat. and Night. "TOTArOU"
Thursday Night, "PATIrCE,,
Evenings and Sat. Mat., $3. ll.BO.
II, 75c, 60c. Special Wed. Mat., $1.60.
$1. 75c, 60c.
Address letters and checks to W.'
T. Pangle.
Special Summer Prices
10c and 20c
Any Seat 10c
WEEK AUGUST 96 "The Houseboat
Party," Mauley and Walsh. Qraato and
nana, xeien ramrose. "onaip," z,ee
xnng roo, recourse. orcnesTra.
HAnr e. A-:oto
WEEK THEATRE 15.23-50-75
m T1 ft a am
William H. Thompson.
Billy Gould and Belle Aahlya,
Howard's ICoveltyi.
Minnie Allen,
IS. (Horga Simondet.
Xa Tier.
atatlaee Sally
WEEK AUGUST 36 The Summertime
Girls, the Calts Bros.( Paris Green, Boss
and Ellis. Irwin aua Kersog, Henry Kar
grave at Co., Pantagesoope. Popular
prices. Boxes ana xirst row Dsioony re
served. Box offce open from 10 a. m,
to 10 p. m. Phones i A-2238; ICaia 4636.
Curtain 8:30, 7:i ana 9.
Lyric Theatre
rourth and Star Streets. -
The Armstrong Follies Co. Presents
A Political Sensation dealing with the
local political situation, two perform'
ances nightly. Matinees dally. Prices
15c and zoc. rriuay nigtit vjnorus girls
Portland' Great Amusement Park.
Sir BUI Tree Attractions,
Every Afternoon and Srenlnf.
Krs. PUllp Pels Songbird from
The Hawallans Delightful band
and singers from the Island.
Philip Pela la cornet soloa
Ala Zada Wonderful Oriental
All usual Park Attractions.
Corns Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts.
AUGUST 27, 88, 89, 80, 31. Saft. 1.
Games begin week days I p. m.. Bun
days 2:30 p. m.
Boys under 12 free to bleachers Wednes.
Printing and
Enlarging .
- fiaH-WAumrcrTOH - mm-
--if ,
4 Uatlaee Sally at 8i30.
TfllulllTan ft Oontidlms
W Seflaed YaudevllM
H.a As
a Vf
7 (aW
a Brownie
Let the little folks take pictures
of each other.
You can take pictures of them,
too. Then bring your film to us
to be developed and printed.
Brownies $1 to $12
Come in and let us show you
how easy they are to use. -
Floyd F. Brower, Manager
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comes only to the man
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A savings account in this
bank means money always
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While it is waiting for an
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est on livings. $1 opens
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Start today.
Merchants National -"
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'' Founded in 1886
Washington and Fourth
Streets. . ,
Great Thing
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Glazed Cement Sewer
Pipe to your friends, be
cause every time you ia
dulge in such talk you
are boosting a meritori
ous product that is made
in Portland a product
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develop. Therefore boost
and talk for Portland
Glazed Cement Sewer
New Calcutta J
Ready at PORTLAND. '
Immediate shipment upon
receipt ol order
Agent for Importer
Imperial Hotel. PORTLAND, OR.
Write tor Prices
Oregon Humane Society
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Refer all cruelty calls to this Office,
Foster & Klclscr ,
Outdoor Advertiser!
PAnmn BUiXTTrsrs
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: Bast Ull, ;.. . . I' :