THE OREGON DAIjVY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 21, 1S1 12 VEHICLES, ETC. 18 Horses, Harness & Wagons . r or bale -iUcar of 10 head horses arrived Au-g-tt-t IS. among which are soma good farm-and delivery horses, ranging Jn weight trora 1050 to 1400 lbs. These an; now on sale-under our positive aicn hni't several farm m sons and 10 delivery wagons, t dou- k f t harness. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 4'j'l HawtnorneBve. .houses. ir.arrs.and geldings, irom ron . 2 iron grays, i blue, balance black. Pair of eorrels and bays. Well w'f hM learns. Weight from 1100 to 15o0 lbs. From I to S years old. .Guaranteed as remoseotei. "1640 Macadam . Koao. w car. Phono Marshall 1412. Horses, rirules, vehlrtes.wieBs. r Monday,. Aug. -Sfi. 10 a. in. we sell on (omniitsioft wnatever you have tcroffer We guarantee everything we seyrto be ' ninKPHV horse & um.f Co Phone Fast ::i!. r 243 K. 8th st. :''C0UD farm team, weighs 2600 lbs. Gentle; with good harness; $13a. Also covered farm wagon, really new; MS- 11 luslcyaveSllwppdcar. Phona elUowI ;f.4f. - - . ' . 'SUIUJ'8 years old. weight 800, has con 3 months, old. Cheap It sold a t one ir tradg for large horse. 138 E. 20th. -. HORSE'S and buggies tor rent by 'day. " week or month. 6th, and Hawthorne. - -Fast -7S. CAKLOAD of horses and mules. Goose neck, farm and delivery wagons; liar rtess find sid)es. 381 Water, west side. LIVESTOCK 35 TOVt SALr-Wrv of about 20 head. In 4 V,,,oin(.vH u cans: a smlll place with good buildings and running water,''! hours' drive from city, electr o station almost on place, may be for sale or rent with me nairv. yyn....... HI KALE-i: head of fresh dairy ana lly cows. Uuriiams ana jerseys, uu ter ujiJay. Aug z i ajv-irf-nis, .ur v lv... jeajaju. FOR KANL.K A snap. 2 cows, a milk " route, lip per month Income, fur niture for ta!.and house for rent. Close In- ISFO. 1-IW7. Journal. FOR good pa a r. Ruhv at re lor stoca, cuu uu rm on Base une roaa, or office, 242 Washington st WANI-En-A' milclrNjeat. P. Kin vine. , . - - . . - - - - - TiV T.hAr 1 Kll 1 v.ini rc. rammii. riv TWO fresh cows, 1 4-yar-oia. jersey. 619 K. jonn st-. c- ONE good, gentle milch co. Call 23d and r remoiupg2-!' rOULTKT 37 w.t oir.v rvinifA cucumbers off xlio r.h a-trst and soring chic ens. Reasonable prices. Fhone Tabor 2845. ; WHITE Orpingtons. 8 nice nenj ana pullets, $10; cockerels. T6o to $2; fri- or Phone C-2316. FOR' SALE" or trade. Incubator and brooder for light spring wagon. J H. FOR" SALE Q'hlckR and chickens. 281 HnVsell st Call evenings, Near ppnlnsular ave. ' WHITE ORPINGTON pullets. Compltte stOcK. Having u ni"vo. .(,u..u N. Hayes st. St. Johns. ' txR SALE Two months old Leghorn chicks 20c7 Also Incubator. 266 16th. THOROUGHBRED B. R. eggs and stock; pure RlngletsmiiyLRoyce. Sell. 133o. DOGS AXD HOCBEHOLD PgTS 40 FOR SALE Fox terrier puppies. Well marked. Phone C-2290. Call 45 Rod- neyave. FOR SALE Thoroughbred fox terriers. . t I A i U 1 1 If.nn ' rrm- cneap. inquno i3a,vitii cery store. Lenta. AUTOaiOBILES-MOTORCYCiiES 44 WE have several used ""cars, left with us to be sold by purchasers of 1912 machines, If you are in the market for a used car it would be to your advantage to see these before STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA, 19th and Alder, Main 5969 mm car Should Examine Our Stock Before Pur- chabliiK. The Values We Offer ARK LNtfyUALED. NORTHWKST AUTO KXCHANGE, 531 Aide? Street. BARGAINS' IN' SLIGHTLY USED'' CARS. We Tiave n few snaps in slightly used cats and MICHIGAN cars taken in ex Change. All cars full guaranteed. Call or write i:t once. MICHIGAN A I. 'TO & BUGGY CO., 3611-371 Hawthorne Ave. Phones Kat 1 4 J 1 , B-1345. AtfTOMOIJILK BARGAINS. Why buy a new cheap car when you cart secure one of our hlh graile used cats j i it. c biii.? ('i ii , , u KMHriiiuee mem; different manes and models, all traded in on new White cars We also offer several Jd hand trucks. Write Whit Car Agency. wiih street, at Madison. GOOD Immain in White. Steamer. Fully - euuipp.d "nil guar,'tnt,-od to ho In first elat-s i mining coTnliticm; will sell or trade for city property. 37(1 4th St., or Mitln 9 'JO I. 1-TON auto truck, for sale, lust over hauled, in excellent condition. New tires, lurpe top. a bargain. R. c Barn ard, Woodlawn :S74. 109 Willamette honlevn Td AUTO repairing an(, Mora" -c wi irK uv.Qii vjaiafcu, dim ana Hawthorne. iBDOr 114 'Wanted- old ouio tires, t'$c n. do". llvfered; old iimr lubes 1 he to 23c lb S2yk,11.' J:7 , .8o. , 1S ,'" v-'-ed. J- Level ... i v, 1 1 1 1) t tx r-t. .ii.ijii ui:i. WILL trade for auto or Portland' prop- Cl'tV. 1 liens near l(iv-ru(Hu t.'i OwrnT 4iii) Uhi ir.M,.i.'ni i .i. i.'. ' -Tfi,7ui;r, . , - . i X. . . 1 ." " ., ..u,Br,,,, u., ji.;,. i.ant y. Alt 1 i-i i .v r uri v O. 1 Hnor 4ti. MOTORCYCLE, 4 h. n.. 1912 model, for Cull mm 1190, cost I2h0 complete. rOllsan. "gEVKN past-engcr White Steamer Tn -..1 Jihapt tu chjun; for horses- 14 Union ave. WILL txtlianf.e automulule for $100 uan.i hum k.. . n.T-n n ui ica layer stone muson. G-10, Journal. and WILL trade lot in small town Oregon, for good motorcycle Ptrant. Ilits. Or. Rotite l central W. C. vINDlAN motorcycle, 19i:"model. 7 h n" el most .nenT-fuli eoulDment. p ,.,; . MHt t-lt. Mar. 1655. WANTED 5 pass, auto In exchange for ' . .bulldinic lot. No Junk. Y-ljhjoiirnai. SEVEN passenger .auto for snle orwi;i trade for real estate. 256 6th ht. Flying merkel motnrcycie7'n d Fully equipped, $175. 208 Madison' wV' 17 'PAhS. Packard touring car for safe1 I.ang p Co. 1 OAKLAND runabout for sale, cheap 'nll ling & Co, ...... . -$ ilawet). -wa . lnrirtre 165 ' UU Kainoua Clothing Co. rem ... xn.-. Hi AlTOMOniLES-JlOTOKCYCXES 44 40 Automobiles? . Bargains ; ' J ' Ave are exclusive dealers of used cars. .Here are a Xewjtor your consideration. Maxwell. I pass., $325. . ' . . Oldsmobile, 5 pass., $415." ' Cadillac, 6 pass., $675, j?Pjc$jBM31S-..,-'; v .r-w, an ana see our large stoc.. yo Oregon? Auto Exchange l 493-495 Alder t , 'Main 11(1. A-48S7. Launches axd boats 64 -MQTORBOAT- Motorboat wanted. XO to SO feet, must be In good condition and a bargain. A. E. Poulsen, 418 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE cheap, new houseboat and launch and canoe, $2J5. A bargain. Will sell separately. Call Mar. 1666. O. P. GRAHAM Boat building and repairing, ways. Foot A perns thy efc Marine SAIL boat hull, 30 ft by 10 ft., spars, new jib and mainsail. Will sell cheap. Woodlawn 3148. . . . CANOE, AND BOAT STORAGE. Boat Shops, foot of California St. NEW sail boat 24x7. good condition. (24 Livingston ave Sellwood car. PCR SALE M1SCEIXAKEOCS 19 HOTEL RANGES. We have the following hotel ranges which we are desirous of closing out at manufacturer's cost: 6 4-ft. single oven ranges, $39.50 ea. 2 6-ft. double oven ranges, $59 ea. 3 6-ft. double oven ranges, $75 ea. 1 7-ft. double oven range, $90. Also complete line of b"r)ek-set ranges and boilers. May Hardware. Co.. 124 ront st. FOR SALE New and second-hand Car om and pocket billiard tables, and bowling alleys and accessories; bar flx turer ef all HWdsT'eaSy paymentsrThe BrunswlckBalke-Collender Co., 4( - 43 6th st Phones Main 769, A-U69. BAKES Special bar gain u seconU hand fire and burglar proof; safe opened and repaired. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co., 85 6th st Pnonv Main 6S09. FOR SALE See Johnson &. Kelley about that machine. We rent, repair, ex change. E. Z. payments and deliver, any part of the city. New east side Singer store, 336 Kussell, near Koaney. SPECIAL sale of slightly used Singers, "W. & W.," White and Standard sew ing machines; easy payments. Call 383 E. Morrison, near Grand. SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit registers, computing' scales, . etc., bought and sold. The Pacific ' Store irvice Co., zz7 starK st. Main ,7 m. FOR SAM0 Gas restaurant range, fam- ny, range, w. u. aoutiie aesK. Duirti, bicycle, and water heater. Call 284 RussellNst ?OR SALE Sugar prunes lHc lb., ii yoi D CKVtnem voursen. aia ijoium- )la Blvd.. Woodlawn 1762. A. J. Gar- nett' USED MACHINES. all makes, cash or ht Singer Sewing terms. Prices right Machine" Store, 882 Idol orrlson st. FURNISHINGS of fk rooms for sale, house for rent. Some rooms can be rented. Owner. 170 N. 16th. IF you are looking for a snap in a 3$ H. P. launch (newly equipped), phone Main 298. FOR SALE Cheap, restaurant, good condition, lease. 408 Hawthorne ave., city. ' MOTORCVCLES $40 up; bicycles. $10 up. 181 Madison, near bridge. tEKBY l-ifiSKS and office furniture. Haley Def.k Co., 210 7th st. Main 687. LFOR SALE 100 colonies of bees. H. E. Harrington, acolt. Wash. HOP growers attention Hop stoves at very low prices. call at 167 front st WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 "NOTICE TO MOVERS." Have you furniture to sell; reliable party wants to buy $1000 worth of sec on4 hand furniture, stoves and ruga in small or large quantities and pay all the cash It is worth. Phone East 636. WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay the highest cash price for second-hand household goods. N. to. Beater, 124-126 Grand ave. East 1562. WHY sell your furniture at auction? Wespay highest prices. Make no mis take In address. M. R. Seater. 348-50 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 3134. COVELiv FURNITURE & COMM1S- . SIGN CO. Paya tbe beat price for your second hand furniture, carpets and stoves. 204 1st. Main 3022. EQUITIES In city homes and farm prop erty to trade one for the other up to jiu. main izna. i' s. aiuqge 310 Oak. HIGHEST price paid for ladies' and gents' second hand clothes. L. Rosei blum 690 m st. Phone Marshall 374. BE WISE; get more for your second hand furniture by selling It to Fora Auction Co.f 211 1st. Main 8951, A-2443 WANTED Kodaks, cameras, etc era Exchange, 245 hi Morrison. Cam. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST At 7th and Washington, bull terrier, female, yellow ear, yellow snot on back. 4 months old. Main 97 I 330 Hall. LOST Thursday p. m., purse contain ing money. All a poor widow had. Leave at Journal office. Reward. LOST Oak. 3656. lturicli of keys nehr Finder please call 6th and Marshall LOST A Canary Reward. singer. ' 184 E. 36th LOST On Peninsula, a Jersey cow. Call woooiawn ziuo. . PERSONAL MRS. STEVENS, 18 years Portlands leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her late 1-ook palmistry Made Eeasy, on sale, oo.'i wiinams ave., corner Knott. Office hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. SEXOID Marvelous cure for weakness in men. by mall SI per box: moncv re turned If it fails. Dr. Pierce Remedy o.. iin'rt Morrison DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Ex aminationa free. 302 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington. Main 4047 MILLINERS, are you satisfied with your business? Call at the Millinery School this week, fan place you into something natter. 3b uoonnougli bldg, . . A iH.t.rc, specie I isi ; uuickiv cures diseases of men, b.ood and skin d!s eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glunds. kld- i:ey, bladder and piles. 181 Urst st. JjA NDLRSON CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills sure remedy for delayed periods, $2 box or 3 boxes for $5, by man. t. j. rn-rce. navi Morrison. ! DU. G. V. KETCH UM Women's mala dies. acute diseases; moved to Wash - jlngton bldg.. cor . 4th and Washington, room 41. ftiursnaii 148. i iri MENTAL end spiritual scientist form erly of 343 Vi Morrison St., now located at The Alamo, ab BiarK St. LORENZ Nerve ionic Tablets restore lorit v taiity; -isns box; 6 boxes 1 25 Stipe-Taylor Drug Co., 289 Morrison st Ytil'NG gentleman would meet ladv good habits, strictly confidential; mat nmony. v-j, journal. STEAM and mu&suge for rheuma tlsm, lumbago and nervousness. 406 Northwest bldg., 6th and Wash, eta. girls! Learn our business; Sanitary Beauty , I . A 11.1 T 1 I . . . L. 1 J "J rnriuin. tv-,xa ignuiu umg; WOMEN Use femolds when others fall Bold and guaranteed by the Aiisplund Drug store, iiu i. am st. aiam 106 MADAME ESTELLE, Spiritual medium reaaings uany. i-OMi lath, near Wash. oi i' iga, reuieay xor diseases o women, bub navis st. Main 9215. AQTUMADR. DOUGLAS, D. C. nO I II IVI Ufilon ave. N.. Portlani 338 Or. SAVE $2 to $10 by buying ydffrTfimt ur sin i case at D3Z wasn.. cor. 17th Ht f!A&'SnLllW. oidiued spirit- PEltSOXAL RADICAL cure by the'. latest natural healing methods. Including radivm, all electrical currents, lights, heat, virra tlon,' radiation, baths, massage, adjust ment and manipulations; most expensive, finest equipped private office 1ft Ore- ron; no medicine or operations; over 000 treated patients aid not a death while under our care; we will be glad to consult with you free of charge. Dr. W. E. Mallorv. 312 Rothrhlld -bldg. NO MATTER, what has failed when in need of a regular monthly remedy, get J. 1 i l . : 1. i.i... xta O ..Jit. convtn4teen4-wert4tarnI7'E less remedy ever put on the market fori k'- vrrrinT n " painful and suppressed periods. Abso-j l ? m vimm mivl lutely guaranteed and for sale In Port- j . 618 YLON BLDQ. , land by Jefferson Drug Cov Sd' and ; TO loan, estate funca on real estate at Jefferson. Main 7542. A-7915. I. current rates. Inquire attorney, rooms uuu reward: .1- positively my great successful rri. .,r.i i..iiavi mnm guarantee "monthly" remedy of -Iheongest.-oststinate. .abnoruranee W, G. Heck, 815-aiFaHlng. mat cases in 6 to 6 days; no narm, pain, r or Interference with work: mall $1.60. Double strength, $3. Dr. C T. Southing ton Remedy Co.. Kansas City. Mo. . YOUNO lady vintTer iO. hlghly respect " able, stranger, Norwegian descent, wants to communicate witb,-aingle rancher, that can help mamma and papa to u. homestead this tall; whiskey drink ers don't answer. Address Blue Eyes, V-6. Journal, - - I AM 25 years old. height 6- ft, weight 200 lbs., do not use tobacco in any form, nor drink intoxicating liquors; have good steady position, would like to become acquainted with, industrious young lady with a view to matrimony. Journal. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, hst removed to LaFayette bldg., 11$ H Washington at4 SPIRITUALISM ItEV. MAY A. PRICE, MEDIUM. READING.. HEALING, DAILY. CIRCLES TUES., 2; WED. AND SUN. 8 P. M. 821 c6rBETT, COR. WHITAKER. MAIN 7227. F. OR 8. OAh. NOTICES 26 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received for the nrrrjenter -work aTtdthe" xoncreteWorlc separate, In the construction ot a fruit handling ana cannery building ror tne Forest urove truit urowers associa tion, up to 4 p. m.. Sept 9, 1912. Each bid to be accompanied by a certified check for $100; the directors will re quire a surety bond to amount of 60 per cent of contract, end a guaranty to have the building completed In 60 working, days from date of contract; plans and specifications may be seen at Forest Grove National bank. Bids should be deposited there. Any further information may be naa by addressing H. C. Atwell, Forest Grove, Or. The board of directors reserve the right to reject any and all bids. v H. C. ATWELL, Pres. - K. A. HART, Sec. NOTICE. Stockholder's , of the Swastika M. & D. Co. can learn what is being done at the mine by calling at the company's of fice. 321 Henry bldg., 4th and Oak sts. C. J. DONDERO. Secy. FINANCIAL SI CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity in contract of sale on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E.' Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loans. LOANS on diamonds and other securi ties. S. W. King. 45 Washington bldg. Phone Main 6100 MORTGAOKS, contracts, equities bought. Phone Minn 7t!U. t)4 Lewis Plug. LOANS on collateral security. See Egan. 609 McKay b!dg. Marshall 2800. LOANS WANTED 30 WANTED Loan of $200. Will pay 20 per cent; good chattel security; value $1200. Insured. 1-553. Journal. $4000, 3 years, 7 per cent, quarter block, improved, in Sunnyslde, value $10,000. F-7, Journal. GUARANTEED mortgages for sale $2000, $1600 and z:o.. can bos wii- cox bldg $1500 wanted on Sunnyslde residence, 3 years. rT, journal. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALAIJES 67 LOANS CHATTEL LOANS SALARY LOANS LOANS ON DIAMONDS, ANY AMOUNT, 2 PER CENT AND UP. We Meet and Beat The rates of other loan companies re gardless of what they advertise. - Our New Rates. Borrow $10, pay back $1 2 80 in 6 paym'ts Borrow $25, pay back $28.95 in 6 paym'ts Borrow $50, pay back $56.45 in 6 paym'ts CAN YOu BEAT THEM? on LOANS UP TO $100? If the HEAD of the family dies before the account is paid in run and the pavments are raaae as agreed, WE GIVE THE WIDOW A RECEIPT IN FULL OK ACCOUNT. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate given if paid before due, Portland Loan Co,' 206-7 Macleav bide. Roth nhones uei. tin ana &tn sts.. on w asnington Open Monday and .Saturday till 9 p. m. VACATION LOANS' - $10, $.'0, $30 $50, $70 $100. WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED OF READY CASH GIVE US THE OPPORTUNITY TO 8110 W 10U THE WAY OF DOING BUSINESS. . if WILL PLEASE YOU BECAUSE OUR RATES ARE' THE LOWEST. . OUR SERVICE IS SUPRIOR. EACH TRANSACTION STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL, STATE SECURITY CO, 30 FAILING BLDfL A PRIVATE Place to obtain money on watches, dla- monas, jewelry. Kodaks. Kuns. nlanos rurniturc. warehouse receipts or n good security. EL BY COMPANY. 320 Lumber Ex.. bids.. 2nd and Stark. SEE FRANK LANK for a loan on pianos, household roods. eutos, livestock, storage receipts, mort gages, nnyming or value; It will cost you less Call and get our prices. 609 Pwetland bldg.. Eth and Washington. MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. Contracts, mortgages, eaultles. chMt. tele, and real security. LI'ECIA L SERVICE RENDEREIi. LAWPON-F.ROWN INVESTMENT CO.. lua xen n'OK. j ei. M. 7o. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You can get $5 to $100 todav at cheapest rates, best and most private terms, li. u Drake, 307 Spalding bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE- and others, upon their own names: cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. p, H. Tolmnn. room 317. Lumber Ex. A desirable place for ladlta arid gentle men to borrow money on dlamondu and Jewelry nt eastern rates. Diamond palace. 334 wash., oup. owl Drug Store. MONEY sold on Installment; confiden tial to salaried peode, F. A. New. ton, SQ5 ifenry bid g.. MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. J. K. NICHOLS. 615 YEON BLDG. CHATTEL loans, no red tape; confi dential. Adolphus Lane. 414 Ablngton bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel- ry: strictly confidential. 1 41 V4Jd LOAN for the asking, salary "or chat tel. The Loan Co.. 414 De.kum bldf 8IOXEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE 27 MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. I. L. White, 701 Snlllng bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or less feal estate. Farrlngfon, 416 Commercial Club bldg. MOK1GAGE loans, 6 and 7 tier cent. Louis Salomon & Co., 229 Stark St. ' $10,000 or any part for Immediate loan MON'fiYrTO iJOAN ON REAL ESTATE; A.1L HARDING, SIS Chamber of Com, MONEY It) W. ' 27 HEAL ESTATE INVESTIGATE the Home Purchase Plan of the Equitable Life Assurance So ciety. Loans on improved home prop erty. Monthly installments at 6 per ceut Applies only to restricted districts in Purtl adlgar -Wv-Smlth.-Agency Mgr., 306 Oregonian bldg. 1 CASH paid ior--Biortgaes or sellers' equity In real estate contracts and real estate mortgages in any amounts. F. J. STEINMETZ. 603 fieri lftfr"trtgT.-M--nti- A Mer-at Mulkfy IMONL1 to-Joan;j8rge la buildlntr loans: lowest f, I U - dJUl I l.l'llt loans a specialty. building loans; lowest rates; fire in- $100,009 on mortgages. . city or farm property, fire insurance. McKenxie 4k Co.. Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. : MONEY loaned, small or large amounts, I easy terms. United Realty. 206 Ger- linger bldg. WHY pay rent? We furnish money, build your house, easy terms. Sell wood 1930. - PKiVATb. monuy to loan in. sums of $60 . and up on real, personal or collateral security. 2(7 Uregoninn bldg. . - MONEY on hand for mtg. loans. Main 106. Friendly. 705 Spaldliis. hi for. $250 to $1000 on houses, small title ex- , .. ... a. a . i : i 1.1 j- MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. o : t i a niii 1.1 SHORT time loans on real estate Phont Main 1691. 804 Lewis bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY A&CHXTECTS FOR accurate and artistlo made to order plana at lowest rates, address Archi tect. 1189 E. Oak. Phone B-3109. ASSATZXS PICKERING ft Co., assayers, smelters. Tof iTwrs,-btryers;Wgh"grrds-'and -bur lion gold. 142H 4th st. Phone Main 6109. WELLS & COLON, assayers, analytical chemists. 204 tt Wash. Main 7508. MONTANA assay offlee, laboratory, ore testing. Marshall !726. 186 Morrison. ATTOKJTETB ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER, law- yers; gen'l practice, abstracts exam ined, contracts drawn, collections. 417 Chamhei of 4'ommercn. M. 8820. KORNEGAY, SHEE;LEY & HILLIU3 General practice. Abstracts examined. Collections. 622 Cham. Com. Main 7375. A. E. COOPER, Attorney at Law, Gen erhl practice; abstracts examined 1424-1428 Yeon bldg. Main 87$; A-2071. JOHN A. BERRY, Atiy. collections, ab stracts examined, written opinions on legai questions. 317 Allsky hd. M'll 3826. CHRISTOPHEHSON & MATTHEWS, general practice. 416-417 Yeon b'dg. DIVORCES guaranteed. Oregon Law Tn stitute. 528 Lumbermen big. Mar. 4641 ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC. X)LLIS, BEKRIDGE & THOMPSON. 824 Worcester bldg. Main 6567. TKK PACIFIC AUDIT CO., 1003 Spalding building. Main 7289. ADVERTISING. FOSTER & KLEISER, outdoor udvertis- lng; painted bulletins, painted walls. posters. E. 7th and E. Everett sts. East 111, ti-iZZi. 8ATKB RUSSIAN, Turkish baths, swimming pool, open .day and night, private rooms; ladies . and gentlemen's depts. 595 Front. S rar south. Marshall 1193. BAKE oven treatment for rheumatism. runiDago anu stomacn trouble. 326 'm Stark st. BltANK BOOK BLflLXBS HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d St, II Inn 1 . 1 1 1 1 ! - m T rr ' oirant. frt. I Improved Iouse-Lear- ledgers ; see the pew uureKa leal. A-3133. Main 113. sooionsEu. THE D1TTMAR-PETERSON Ca Magazine, music and law books bound, blank books and loose leaf sys tems. 63 bin st. i-none Aiarsnau lZ3t. USIHXSSCAXDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks ana crossings. $17 Beck bldg. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO, Portland office, 605 KHectrlo bldg. CAB TXT CXEABTnro JOYCE BROS.. Electrlo Cleaning Works. carpets cieanea ana iaia, reruiing our specialty. K. 440. H-18B3. 204 E. ith N, CAXPEX WEAVISO NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 163 union avenue, near K. Morrison. PENINSULA Rug Works, rag carpel and rugs, lblg Patton ave. wood'ln 2688 CHia OTODISTS CHIROPODY, combings made up, scalp treatment, xaciai massage, nair dress ing, shampooing and manicuring. Marinello Treatment 613 Rothchild bid. DR. C. ASQUITH. New York exbert luoi specialist. Miss Asqulth, electrical fa- clal, scai massage, biz swetland bldg, CXTXBOPBACTZO PHYBICIAJT HAVE given thousands of adjustments; 12.60 weeg. liath oirice za and wash. COAi AWD WOOD HOTIIBE pSa GREEN SHORT WOOD, $2.60, GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, $2.60. INSIDE GREEN SHORT, $3.50, DRY SHORT WOOD. 8AWDUST. for fuel and bedding. The Portland SlatewoM Co. " Main 3119. A-7001 PAC. SLABW00D CO, .Vi" Green clabwood, big and small inside OiocK wood, planer trim gs. cordwood. SPECIAL to district north of Alberta street, nice dry box wood, large loads VS. istaiuiard wood L.O.. ii. Z315, B-1605, a snort time we HrJCI U6 lull will sell No. 1 4-foot cordwood at $5 per cord. No. 1 4-foot cak at $7.25 per cord. M-4596. A-4547, BORING WOOD & COAL CO Last 3138. Country slab. Tabor 1742. B-2533. Block and Cordwood. B-2629. Yamato Wood and Coal Co. EAST 818,- B-186L ML delivered: PROMPTLY EVERTS. Ft. Curry st. Main 8767. F. J. SEGHER'S WOOD CO., F. Hill, prop. Cord, oak, ash, slabwood. Get prices. 3Stti and Vaughn. Main 6369. A-2416. PORTLAND WOOD YARD. Fir, oak, slabwood and Coal. Wreck age, tifli and Ollsan. Main 3363, A-2283. ALBINA FUEL CO All kinds of green ana ary woo a. mock (springs and Men lota coal. " - " COAL and ail kinds of wood. Phone Holgate Fuel Co.. Sellwood 485. PHOENIX Fuel Co., Dry wood $1.60 psr load. zi Kavler. Main 8544. BURNS I DE Fuel Co., 125 E. 7 th Cord wood and coal.. KaBt 724. B-2777. EDLEFSEN handles wood and" coaL CSXBESS BOCTOBS DR. J. I. LONG MEDICAL CO.. phy- slclan for men, women. 263 Alder. C0KTXACT0E3 ASTD BtTILDEEB E. GEORGEFF, carpenter, builder, store ironc anu store ructures especially, tlszlns. 291 '4 Ankcny. Marshall 2851, WANTED To build bungalows by day or contract, ino cnarges xor plans, Phone 3369. Res. 114 K, 20th St. N. CO&&SCTXCW1 PHYSICIANS' & Dentists' acct.. general coneciiops. tv i jueaicat mag. m. (117, S3Y CXEA3rXS3 Getting the . Dust Out - One of the hardest problems the dry Cleaning Industry bas ever had to solve was getting the dust out of garments that had been dry cleaned. Gasoline re moves all grease, germs and a good part of the dust, but heavy garments retain a certain per cent of the dust that can only be removed by beating and brush ing. We have Installed a dry room tumbleiT This machine takes out every particle of dust, lint and odor, raises the jutp andrnakes thergDDdr look 'freslr'and full 4t life. The quality of the work lS'60,per cent better than It was before. Our plant Is open for. Inspection any afternoon. You get good work here at reasonable rates. ' U. S. LAUNDRY COMPANY Drr Cleaning Dent. lones Home, B-1193; East 268. DAJTCX50 HEATH'frachool . 109 2d. bet Wash, and Stark: private lessons dally: waltz and 2 - step guaranteed In 4 lessons: class Mon. eve.. 8 to 10. Lensons 26 cents. HEATH'S school, lessons daily, waltz, - two-step, three step, Baltimore or schottlsche taught in first lesson. Alls ky bldg., 3d and Morrison its. g POO, CAT Aim HOSHE HOgPlTAX. J. Q. Slee, D.V.S. Dogs and cats treat ed. boardedWod 3076601Albina. BROWN BROS., 646 Wash. Main 4086. A-4086. Res. 91 E. 12th. E. 6440. B-2287. rOXTSDBT AVD UAOKTSTB SHOP. Phoenix Iron works, E. Sd-Hawthorne, General machine, and foundry work. GAS01IWH EKGUtEa STATIONARY and marine, electrlo, equipments; launches, accessories. wholesale and retail; -engine repairing, Keierson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. QEKEBAt, BEPAIimrO. GENERAL machine and electrlo work. repair or electric motors and dyna- mos a specialty. E. Hlppely. 224 Oag. OLD -lawn, -mowers- mdellk-w . by improved new invention; low price; expert locksmith. Pete Poller. 224 Main. BAXB DBESSIira PORTLAND BAZAAR-Hlgbest price paid lor com Dings; hair ayeing a ape clalty. 11th and Washington sts. O099S FEBVET & HANEBUT Leadlnc win and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods: hair dressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 14T 7tn, near Mor. m. SWITCHES, puffs and transformation made from combings; dyeing. Mrs. Grimes. 175 17th st. N. Phone Main 6174, XAT FACTOmT LADIES' and geailemen's hats cleaned and blocked, uoyai list worKs. ziz 1st. M. i442. xrouBAXca JOHN KER Insurance, surety bonds. rntge loans. 132.Z Yeon Dldg. M. gzss, McCARGAR, Bates & Lively, 301 Yeon bldg. Every form of insurance, bonds PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Only Oregon fire insurance oom. KODAK SEVXX.OFXXGI ROLLS developed free; prints, So up mall orders solicited. zu& Merchants Trust bldg. KODAK finishing and commercial pfio. tography. i&b. 351 Vk Washington. LAarTEKBT SXJSES STEREOPTICONS. advertising slides, show cards and banners. Grant Carder. Peoples Theatre bldg., Park and Alder. STEREOPTICONS. slides, banners, cards. etc. Enterprise An uo.. 13 hi ein.. Z.AUNDSY t i pw unnei? T iTTvnDT lr.u iiibi . A.1784. High grade hand work. Lace curtains a specialty. LEATHER AJP PITOOroa C3IAS. L. MASTICK ft CO., 74 Front Leather of every description; tap nanutacturers. findings. MACHZVXST a TRENKMAN & CO., hydraulic and special pipe, smoke stacks,'- oil tanks. mining machinery, repairs. 104 N. 4th. MAJTUPACTT7KING JSWXXJBB9 MYERS & SINCLAIR. Manfng Jewel ers, diamond setters: ' pay nienest prices for old gold. beUlng-Hlrsch bldg, M. 2379. ....... MESSEWGEBS. HASTY MESSENGER CO., open night and day. Main . a-iibs UUSIO BCHOOIiS ASS TEACEEBS WILLIAM R. BOONE, piano and organ instructor, Stearn s bldg. Phone Mar. 1062. E. THIELHORN, violin teacher; pupil BevciK. oo Marquara. a-4jou. mar. izs MOTOBCYCIiE BXPAZXISO REPAIRS of all kinds; also bicycle sup. plies and repairing, ma nurnstde. 0ITEOFATB30 PHYBIOXAtfS DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, sm claliet on nerves, acute and chronio diseases. 208 Fenton bldg. Main 8961 DK. AGNES M.BROWN'E,809 Journal bldg Hrs.lO:30-4:30.Maln 60.Kes. Tabor Z21 PAIB1-, OLu JTD OI.A83 PIONEER PAINT CO., Main 1334, A-7043. 186 First it RA8MUS8EN ft CO., "H'gh Standard" paint, ne. cor. 3d & Tayior. M.; A-1771. THE BEAVER VARNIeH WKS.. makes GOOD products. Ask your dealer, PAUfTlHQ AITS PAPEB1HG FOR best work, prices right, call rvmne K? 1 Wasl'. E. 1095. P. A TINUNG $2 room up; palntir.g. paper- hanging, u. a. names. Main 1334 WALKER. 226 H Taylor, Inside wofic specialty. Lowest prices. Main 7981 GOOD work, my motto. A. Osbourn, 886 E. Wash. B. 2167, E. 4214. PlCKARD paints, papers amTtlnts. euar anteed work. For price phone E. 1366 PATEJTT ATTOBHEY rAiciMo ootainea; trademarks, eppy rlehts registered in all countries: book. lets free; consultation without charge. reter Harocrnn, azs Worcester oidg. PATENTS Procured or J. K. Mock. A,. ciorney-at-L,Bw-iaie ot v. a. v atent or Ice; book free. 719 Boa d of Trade bldg. PAWITBBOXEB UNCLE MEYERS COLLATERAL BANK 40 years In Portland, 71 6th, Main 910. PIAKO TUHIKG FRED JACOBSEN, piano tuning, $2,00; 18 yrs. experience. 190 3d. Main 9431. PIPS PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory and office. 24th and York. Mailt S489. PtATEBS OV- AJUb METALS. WILLAMETTE Plating Works. 208 4th, Plating and pollBhlng, M. 9348, A-71e. We replate silverware; sell you new. Port Pint Mfg. Co.. 22d-Thurman. M. 948. PLTJMB PACTOBY PORTLAND OSTRICH FEATHER DYE WORKS for the best. 601 Merchants Trust bldg. MAKE new and do all kinds of plume repairing. Corner Morrison and 10th. PBrSTTIKO ANSLEY Printing Co., 250 Oak, 4671. Printing to please. Main BOOriBQ, PAIHTIBO, BEPAIBiyO TIN roofing, repairing, painting. lobbing. f JilpXtii,-- 1 -Jf rerftrM a In 4 it 4. ISELB & QINTER, sheet metal works, tin shop, 648 Savler. M. 3542, A-1396. '.''.' v,:; ,'.',' v;: r.UE32B ETAUI'3 AJT3 EEAX.3 STENCILS and office stationery. Cun 1407. nlngham Co.. 231 stnrK. nmin BADGES, trade checks, braes signs, stencils. Krebs Bros.. ll za. jaar. in BATZ81 THE MOSLER Safe Co., 108 Id st Safes at factory prices: repairs; jockouis opened; bargains in second hand safes. sash, boobs, wncows UBl.tedjPlass.jfc. G'astlnff Co.,'.sshnJloor8, plate glass, lltn, unsan. fliain t.u. CH00 0? SHOW CABD WBITIKO PORTLAND SHOW CARD SCHOOL, 611 WUcox building. Fall term begins Sept. 9th. 'For enrollment blanks write John McDermott. Phone Tabor 3699.; SCSEESS B UILT-W-ord er-scretn floors and -win dows, painted and hung, 'complete. American Screen Xo.PhoneEaaf 6229. WINDOW screens, 10c per foot, paint ed ana nunc. The best in tne city. Call C. Zelgler, .Woodlawn 2132. SHOWCASES ASD TIX TUBES THE JAMES L MARSHALL MFG., CO, new -and old showcased, cabinets, store and office fixtttres. 289 Couch. M.2703. SHOWCASES 01 every description, ban. bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg Co. R. H. BIRDS ALL, HAMILTON B1A)G, enow cases in stocit. prompt aeuvery. Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Ca SIQS3 AND BK0WCABD3 OFFICE, door and wlndo lettering; name plates for desks and doors; also commercial printing. Ideal Office Sign Co. Phone- Marshall 4383. 312 Dekum bldg; TAziiOBZzra LADIES' and gents' suits altered, re fitted by. experienced tailors. 425 Mor rlson. Baker theatre, bldg. 353 Yamhill, tz.u Aiucrta, uross tiros, m. libs. DE BLANCHE, now located in the Globe bldg.. 408 Washington at. near 11th. A I .FRED-OGILBii-310 Labb- bidg 3d ana Washington, suits to order. TAOBItfg SCHOOIi. KIESTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College learn dressmaking, tailoring. 143 1th towisji itrpptT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap, Towel buddiv co.. tn ana coucn sta $1 per month. Portland Laundry Co. I'nones Alain 410. A-441U. TBAHSPEB ASS BTOBAQB C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co.. of flees and commodious 4 story oricK warehouse. ' with separata Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d end Pine Bts. Pianos ana lurni- ture moved and packed for shipping. Special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestlo and foreign points. Main 896. A-1996. PORTLAND Van and Storage Co., InoM isth and Everett; most modern storage warehouse In city; low fire Insurance rate proof of this. Free trackage: mov ing, packing, shipping; reduced freight rates on household goods in through cars 10 ana irom east. Main 004. A-lozu. OREGON TRANSFER CO. Established 1870. , Transfer and forwarding agents Storage free trackage. Offices and storage, 474 Glisan street. isth and uusan. Main 6, A-UH9. BAGGAGE & Omnibus Transfer Co. Buggage checked at your home, fur niture moved, stored or packed for ship ment. Park and Davis sts. Phonjs Main 6980, A-3322. CITY Hall Transfer & Storage Co., Ex pert furniture and piano moving. 1 trunk 60c additional 25c. M. 7089, A-4724 W. JOHNSON, express, baggage. 383 atoms st. i:-3i68. stand fitn and uouon, CONSULT IE . If you ar worrying about any ailment in cluded among thoso within which I spe cialize. I Invite you to' call st my offics and I will give you FREE a conscientious examination and di agnosis and sdvlse you of tne proper J T Kepf cburse to pursue to r'h VT Vi n yourself forever 1 h. G , M. D. of " your wofry and your ailment My years of experience and my qualifications have made me an expert In the treatment of the ail ments with which MEN are afflicted. Every man calling at my office is assured of my personal and individ ual treatir.ent until a cure Is ef fected Come to me If you have any of the following dlsordors: Enlarged Veins, Plmnles, Nervous Debility, Nerve, Blcod and Skin Disorders. Bladder Troubles, Blood Poison, Eruptions, Ulcers. Special Ailments. Piles or Fistula, 9 to 67 to 8 Dally: Sunday 10 to L Examination Advice Free. DR. J. J. KEEFE Rooms 11-15 Lafayette Bldg. $13 U WASHINGTON ST.. COP 6TH. PORTLAND, OR lEIGffiill REHEDY FOR BLOOD fOISON . It is now two years since the Introduction of the NEW GERMAN REMEDY for BLOOD POISON, and during that time I have adminis tered this preparation in several hundred cases, often giving as many as five doses in a single day. 1 know my experience with it Is far greater than any other physician in Portland. I have given this remedy a severe teat, having met in my experience some ex tremely bad cases, and I can say without fear of contradiction, that It Is the greatest discovery ot the age and the nearest absolute and permanent cure for Blood Poison, regard less of the stage of the disease or the symp toms present. Every sympton of the disease, from the smallest eruption to the worst kind of running sore, are checked In their progress at once and completely healed within 10 days. There is no longer any doubt about the wondorful curative power of this remedy, and when given by an expert there Is no uanger "i duce it DIRE anger of any kind from Its use. I it DIRECTLY INTO THE BLOOD RAVENOUS -METHOD,- the only INTRAVENOUS method of . administering it, and the one rec ommended by Prof, Ehrllch himself. In the hands of an expert specialist there Is absolutely no danger if any kind from its use. I keep you In my office from one to tw hours rto longer. You will be thankful to me as long as you live, all It will give yu a new lease on life. v My equipment Is as fine as anyjn Oregon, and I givt you the GENU INE GERMAN REMEDY In the RIGHT WAY. - I also treot SAFj:LYAND THOROUGHLY AND AT THE LOWEST COST VARICOSE VEINS. HYDROCELE. VITAL WEAKNESS, SKIN DIS EASES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISORDERS, ULCERS: BORES, PAIN FUL SWELLINGS, NERVOUSNESS, LOSS OF STRENGTH AND VITALI TY AND ALL SPECIAL AND DELICATE DISORDERS OF MEN. I invito you to corns to my office. I will explain to you my treatment for enlarged veins, hydrocele, hernia, nervous debility, blood disorders, plies, fistula, bladder, kidney and all men's disorders and give you a FREE exam ination. V . If you cannot call, write me immediately, glvng,me a description of your caso in your own words. By return mall I will send you, absolutely fres. a-diagnosls of your case snd my. best professional advice as to how to pro! ceed In order to correct your trouble. . My fflcs Is open all day from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. and Sunday from 10 t 12 only. M ID TYP2Wi.rrrr3 TYPEWRITERS, slightly used, U i Smiths and all other makes at re duced prices and easy terms. L, C. Smith and Bros. Typewriter Co, ISO Oak st.- ' - TYPEWRITER & Supplies . Co. Rebuilt, Zd hand. 14ZH 2d st. Mar. 41a.. ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun Ingham Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. XTPHOLSTESEBS CARTWRIGHT & CO., 188, Madison, upholstering,- furniture repairing and mattresses; work gua ra ntid.- Mai a. 6 3 3 5.., r&GvvM exs AyiBs Golden R04 Vacuum Cleaners, 216 Com. monweaitn mag. UA.AinlcK, "WHOLI8ALS JOBBEBS M. A. GUNST & CO., - DISTR1B U TOtt S OF FINE CIGARS,. -': . . PORTLAND. OR. - EVERDING & FARRELL, produce an3 commission merchants, 140 Front st, Portland, Or. Phone Main 179- MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 3d St.. between Salmon and Main. ALLEN & LEWIS GROCERIES. Prominent People All Over .the Northwest Come to Me.. r mi, i The Chinese Doctor If a natlent comes to ma with a long standing trouble that has failed to yield I to the medicines of other doctors and I think that his case Is hopeless I tell him so. Unlike many other doctors, I' do not urge an operation as a last resort. I nerform no ooeratlons. but effect my cures with the aid of Chinese root and herb medicines, which act quicKiy anai painlessly. These I have used for many I years with marked- suocess, and my: forefathers, who were eminent physi cians In their time, employed the same means for curing the sick. I have hun dreds of cases on record where peopla have been restored to neaitn ana nappi-, uess by their, use. A course of treat ment Is not expensive, so why be a suf forer when the means Is so near at hand for relief? , People out of town, write for consulta tion blank and circular. Inclose four cents In stamps. C E WI C First St., Cor Morrison Portland, Oregon. Dr. Bing Chwnz WoaderfulCfeinese Pure Roots, Herbs Will car all diseases of men and women. Con sultation free. Room IS, Realty Trust Bldg.. The Chines 2$2 Wash. St., cor. 2nd! Doctor Portland, Oregon. Ii- T.-" YEB ft SONS. Th old, eminent Chinese doctor, spent lifetime In study of herbs, graduated from sev eral universities in China. Cures diseases of men and women successfully. No matter who . has failed. I guarantee cure If curable. ;nll or write, L.T.Yee&Son Medicine Co., 230 Vi Yamhill, 8. E. Cor. 2d. Portland, Or. nillCH ESTER'S FILLS jryK 11 AArwDrmmrtUMrxX OhlhM.tar'a UliiMiU Hrmad fill. In KA ud 14 DifUlUc TLin bnxn. tmiS with Blue Rlbboa. blAllOND 11 BAND PILLS, for Sj tin known Btt, Satatt, AlwMt RdltMe absolutely Intro-4 i U by thsK , $ proper WJs C, K. HOLS MAN, M. IX Licensed In Oregon -22154 Morrison Street er-Flrst St. PORTLAND, OREGfOHi - OliES----1--Mi 111E , 11 1 ". ... P f-;h k: Si r':r; lint 11 11 i t 1 ML i4lJ - ' T'