Till: OllEGQII DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 22, 1912. Merger of Taylor Street, and Grace Methodist Episcopal Churches Decided Upon; Handsome New Church to Seat 2000 Persons to Be Built at Cost of $150,000 to her mother's room. A fir ' i -union followed. That i everything v forgiven was evident from 1!.:N--:-.t t a stat anient Mrs, Cora M. Terklns, the emnpa'i'1 of Mrs. McNamara,. and Frederick l.it tlson, chauffeur, still face the po-nl-biyty of trial on Indictments charging them With the theft of McNamara's 14500 automobile. They are out ea bail..... " Structure for Kent for Commercial Purposes to Be Erected on Site of Taylor Street Church; Tart of Money for New phurch to Be Raised by Subscriptions; Her. Mr. Young of Pioneer Church to Be Named Pastor of New Church; Iter. J. 1L Cudlipp of Grace tcAccfpt One of Number Children's Exhibits Will Be 1 Shown Next Week; Many!: Prizes Offered. of Call Sent Prom East; At Left In Picture Are Shown Old Taylor Street Church, and Iter. Benjamin Young, Pastor; At Right Appear Grace. Edifice and Pastor. Key. J. If. Cudllnp. . . . . - v Daughter Brings San Mateo "Banker and JVife together; 'Servants Face Trial. mm m IIIMSME' AGAIH BEWCI1 IMALFI (Special to The Journal. I ' Corvallls, Or., Aug. 22. An industrial School fair will be hold In Corvallls Wed. nesday August 2t.V'TwelV hundred dollars has 'boon subscribed, of whlpb cbput $600 will bs given In prizes for exhibits of vegetables, fruit, canned fruit, canned vegetables, bread, Jellied, needlework, pigs, chickens and manual training, a prize Is offered for the beat labor navlng device for use on the ?aIS!iMd. .0.P0illL.r.rlzo 18 o'frd toT thu best blrdhouse. 'ExFfbTlsbfBenT5n "county merchants, the floral depart mont of the Oregon Agricultural college and tlio Hi undo I training department of the Corvallls high school will be made. The exhibits of the successful conteat- . ants will 4o taken to the state fair for the industrial exhibit content. . JLn view of the fact that Benton coun ty will place on exhibit-of farm prod ucts In the state fair pnvllionln compe tition for the "Blue Ribbon"pnxe, the local fstrrornrhittes, has issued a all for exhibits of farm products, for which ribbon awards will be given. The beat pf f thews exhibits will be displayed in the Benton county booth at the state r The fair committee plans to make the school fair an annual event, adding to It each year until it becomes a county fair in which the Industrial or children's part will be a feature. Railway Gets Franchise. (Rptrlil to Tho Journal.) Corvallls, Or., Aug. 22. The Portland, Eugene & Eastern railway officials went before the county court today and asked for a franchise through the streets of Monroe. After considerable delay caused by a search through rec ords for the correct names for the coun ty roads across which the right of way will pass, the franchise was granted. LAKE COUNTY APPEALS iu Livcoiuorv ivir.it (Special to The Journal.) Lakcvlew, Or., Aug. 22. Lake county Is destined to receive a large number of etockmin from other sections of the west the coining year, due to the flnfi range conditions and the shortage of livestock, especially rattle and horses, to consume tlio abundant forage. On the cattle and horse sections of the Fremont national forest, graxlng condi tions have not been as good for many years, and grass for thousands of head of livestock Is going' to waste. One feature that this area presents over thu general run of western ranges U the possibility of growing an abundance of winter ford, either on land that can bt taken under the ' homestead and other acts, r that la iield In the national forest. r Jy. fJl: y A -, ; U y fpri i fr . V ; ; f 'A : 'H ; ' f A:AAr- 1 t "1 AV I I II tv:"1 B I t I ft . f I Id T KZ t Vill i Ifffhsi rC. 1 .LJ.9 .-J it 9 r H - , llf Tal San Mateo. Cal.. Aug. 21. Thrmirh efforts of their daughter, Gladys, Nlch olas J. McNamara,. retired banker, and hia wife are reconciled hers today.'. Returning home after a journey across 'the continent when he attempted to overtake his wife in New York, Mc Namara went at once to the family home hern. Mrs. McNamsra was al ready there, having arrived some time ago with-her two sons. ,She had re tired when father and daughter ar rived, but Gladys, who had not seen her mother for two years, went at once SUFFRAGISTS EAGER . -TO. HEAR EX-GOVERNOR Portland suffragists are enthuslastlo over ths. report mado "at eTtheetlnr of tha College Equal Suffrage leagu executive committee that Es-Oovernor Brady of Idaho will speak In this city on equal suffrage in Beptember, Ths fact that Idaho Is a suffrage state and that Mr. Brady was a leader In the suffrage campaign In that state 'adds to the Interest of hla visit. . i, " fi 1 1 ' A KEXTS TOHIO Horsford's Acid Vbospnata Recommended for relief of Insomnia. Impaired nerve force and fatigue. , -, One of the largest and richest churches in Oregon will grow out of the consolidation of the First (Taylor Street) and the Grace Methodist Epis copal churches, which took place Mon day night. Tho Grace church, which stands on the corner of Twelfth and Taylor streets, will be torn down to make way for a new edifice that will cost approx imately $160,000, and will have a seat ing capacity of 2000. The First church. at Taylor and Third Btreets, will be dis mantled also and tho site will be con verted Into Income producing property to carry on church extension work. The value of the corner and parson age of Grace church is placed at $105, 000. Tho site of the Taylor Street church Is worth more than $100,000, and the parsonage, at Elevctnh and Salmon, Is valued at $40,000. The new church will bo known as the First Methodist Episcopal church of Portland. BURNSIDE BRIDGE SAFE UNDER ADDED STRAIN A report to the effect that the Burn side bridge Is safe and able to stand the strain of double traffic was made yesterday to the county commissioners by Robert Wakefield and W. A. Gron- dahl. The two engineers were named to Inspect the bridge, when the old steel bridge wag closed and traffic di verted to the Burnslde. They further suggest that a few minor repairs be made to the draw span. Fisher Goes to Washington, Aug. 22. Hawaii. Personally investigate charges against Governor Frear, Secretary Fisher of the interior department will leave Washington next Sunday for Hawaii. Fisher will go to San Francisco, where he will embark for Honolulu. He will be absent from Washington until October 16. to1 Journal Want Ads bring results. rieladcs May Bo Saved. San Diego, Cal., Aug. 22. Wlreles dispatches from the vicinity of Magde lcna bay, where the large freighter Plei ades is ashore and In danger of being broken up, indicate that there is still some hope to save her. The wrecking steamer Greenwood is rushing to her aid from San Franclfcco. , Clearance Sale'tf Of Slightly Used mm Machines We have a few fine, slightly used Talking Machine Outfits left, at prices so very low that anyone can own a first-class Talking Ma chine. The following outfits at prices quoted willknot last krtig better Lurry if you want one. Easiest kind of payments accepted. $20.90 Outfit, including machine and 24 selections of music now1 8.75 $47.60 Outfit, including machine and 36 selections of music now . f 26.30 $51.80 Outfit, including machine and 48 selections of music now f 29.20 $58.00 Outfit, including machine and 40 selections of music now , f 29.50 $61.80 Outfit, including machine and 48 selections of music now f 36.80 $78.00 Outfit, including machine and 40 selections of rniiSi- "ow 845.00 $84.75 Outfit, including machine and 30 selections of music iiuw 845.00 $148.40 Outfit, including machine and 72 selections of musicnow rm. . a .rswn-wt 8 73.50 $216.80 Outfit, including machine and 48 serections of music now .8152.00 VIC-TOB PXODTJOTS SOT XVCX.UDES Graves Music Co. J 111 FOURTH ST. Ground Floor, Near Washington St. TWO-DAYS TWO DAYS ONLY TWO DAYS MORE OF TW T7 T?N GREAT k It -A mova: Staple and Seasonable Merchandise in Every Department Is Marked at Phenomenal Reductions For immediate e-0nparal3 Now "of" trie THmgs Tot Nelol Prices Will Never Be as Low Again TWO DAYS ONLY TWO DAYS MORE TWO DAYS No Groceries ... No Candy Store No Meat Market No Restaurant ' No Pots and Paris ' No Tea Room liHMn A Merchaiid&ei cf Herll Only;.--. No Soda Fountain No Crockery NoMens Clothing No Liquors No Groceries : No Bakery ; 1 V Y-A i v A A :t:fT