The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 21, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Town Topics
. bon't forget wlien foln swy on your
Tirstlna or for tb summer,- tbet Th
Jourml pin follow roa it 15 cents week,
th regular lubiwrlptlon rutrt, and the fo.
-lowing scents will supply you at our rem
Jar ruteas ,.
'-Buy -Ocean, "Or."," flsy Oceiin Wei.
. Reach Center, Wah., W. C. Colllna.
. Orsoo Byrlugi, Waab., Mineral
botel , ' M..i-.'' "
r- Colllna. Wib.. Fred A. .Tonne. :7 "
- Oenrhart. Or., Mra. O. L. Elliott,'
'.'""llwseo." Wb.. n. B. Woodruff.
long Bench. Waab,. Law ranee Dlnnstn.
(Deliver; to all point on North Beach.).
Newport, Or.. Olen Howard. ' ' .
llofiawar Bench, Or.. Wllklni A Wee.
Benatde. Or., Uiter Proebatel. . (Dtllterr
to all-Hurts of Sculde.)
SeaTlew, Waab.. t. B. Stranbtl
Ttllnmook, Oi.. J. B. Lamar.
Wtlhott SprlDga. Or., F. W. McLesra,'
Caacadla, Or., 0. M. Gelnendorfer.
HEILIO Catherine CountTss In "Dl
vorrons." COUNCIL CKEST High class attrac
tions. LYRIC Armstrong Follies company In
- "The Girl With the Pink Mask."
O .I'HEljM Orpheum clroult vaudeville.
THK KMPRESS Vaiidervllle.
PA NT AGES Vaudeville
TWO OAKS Amusement park.
Weather Forecast.
Portland and vicinity Probably fair
tonjght and Thursday; cooler Thursday;
eanterly winds.
Oregon Probably fair tonight and
Thursday; cooler west portion Thurs
day; easterly winds. ,
WashiiiRton Fair tonight and Thurs
day; cooler extreme southwest portion
tonlHht; cooler Interior west portion
ThutKday; easterly winds.
Iilalio-i-'alr tonight and Thursday;
continued warm.
District Forecaster.
Darid Waller's Body round. The
bOdy of David lser, who was drowned
In the Willamette river at Deep Creek
rapids, August 12, was found this morn
ing by R. B. Leabo. a saw mill operator,
about half a mile below the rapids. The
body will be brought to Portland to
night. Weiser, with his sister, Rose
W'elser. and Miss Btella Burger, of 882
Clinton street, Portland, was coming
from KuRone to Portland in a canoe. At
Deep Creek rapids, about 17 miles south
of Albany, the canoe capsized. After a
struggle Miss Burger, who is a strong
swimmer, succeeded In getting Miss
Weiser to shore. The young man, how
ever, was presumably caught by the
swift undercurrent at the rapids, and
Judg-e Sldss With Bog. Patrolman
Griffith, a lover of dogs, last night met
a canine that did not reciprocate the
advances timde by the patrolman, for
when he attempted to pet a bulldog
In an automobile at Fifth and Stark
streets, the animal sank Us teeth Into
the patrolman's fingers. One finger
wus split from tlio second Joint and
the other whs split from Just below
the finger mill. (Jriffith nfrested C. J.
Walllngford. tlie owner of the ear, on
a chHrpe of keeping a virions dog with
out a muzzle. As (Jriffith had Inter
fered Willi the animal, which was In a
private unto, the rliarge against Wal
llngford wiis dismissed.
runearal of Krs. Milner Held. The fu
neral of Mrs. Ciace K. Hall Milner, i!9
years old, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.
P. Hall, who died at Raymond, Wash.,
Augu.n 16, was held last Monday froifi
the homo of her mother In Bucna Vista.
The body was burled In the I. O. O. F.
cemetery In that city. Mrs. Hall was
married to Moses E. Milner In Oregon
City, December 16, 1903. She is sur
vived by her two children and her
widower, her mother, and a Sister and
brother. Tjie sister and brother are
Nettle Hull and Rupert C. Hall. Mrs.
Milner was a member of the Methodist
Episcopal church of Btiena Vista.
Practical PnbUo Bp raking. "Practi
cal .'til. In' speaking" is to be the sub
ject of :t free lecture by Grenvillft
Kleer 'if NVw York, in the auditorium
of ITip Port land Young Men's Christian
Association tonight at 8 o'clock. Mr.
Kleiser Is nt the head of the public
speaking clubs of America and Great
Biit.iln, a chain of organizations that
grew up from a cub that Mr. Kelser
founded in New York city and which he
still conducts. It Is expected that many
who attend tonight's meeting will be
come Interested in a public speaking
club that is to be formed by the Y. ji.
C. A.
Sold liquor to minor Selling liquor
to Robert r.lumberg, a minor, was the
rhargo against Tessle Cravens and
James Malloy who pleaded guilty ye
terdity afternoon- before Judge Morrow.
A fine of $50 was Imposed, but later
suspended. Against Blumberg was a
charge of assault with a dangerous
weapon, wherein he was accused of
shooting a son of James Malloy. The
shooting took place at a summer camp
on the i.lnnton road July 4, when the
Woman and Mallov attempted to mint
Blumberg from the camp. The juvenile
court was asked to investigate the case.
Bogus Policeman Caught William C.
Parker, who is an Insurance agent, was
arrested early this morning by Patrol
man flee at tho Wyoming rooming
house, 212 Madison street, on a charge
of Impersonating an officer, following
The following lines are
going at our big
Removal Sale
Autocrat Linen Stationery,
Playing Cards,
Fountain Fens,
Drinking Cups,
Leatbar Wallets,
Card Cases,
Euit Cases,
Traveling Bags,
Talcum Powder,
Pace Powder,
Cold Cream,
Toilet Waters,
Hat Fins, 6
Bar Pins,
Imported Novelties In Jewelry,
Opera Glasses,
Photography Supplies,
Framed Pictures,
Oil Paintings,
Imported Pottery,
Cut Glass,
Brass Objects,
Parisian Ivory Novelties, ,
Brushes of All Descriptions,
Combs, Mirrors,
Rubber Goods,
Water Bottles,
Bath Caps, eto.,
Bath Towels,
Sporting Goods,
Bathroom Fixtures,
Patent Medioines,
. Drugs,
aeedioinai stimulants,
Summer Liquids,
Seoond-Hand Wall FJjttures
Bhelving, eto. j
his efforta to compel Gertrude Hastings
to pay him $25 for ball. Parker Is sakj
to have arrested the woman for conduct
lng a disorderly house, and declared
that she could avoid going to police
headquarters,, by paying him $25 ball
money. Ths woman could not raise that
amount, but finally agreed to pay -him
$6, which ha was about to, accept, It
la said, when patrolman Gee entered the
place. Parker displayed his star and
told the patrolman he was sent there
to malts the arrest, but he was: taken to
polios .headquarters - for Investigation.
He admitted buying the star to use in
Impersonating an, officer.
Injured Woman Improving"--Mrs.
James Wrtlparits, " ths woman Darner
who was shot by her husband Monday
night,' following a dispute because the
husband had gone to a restaurant for
his -meals, Is reported to be improving
at 8t Vincent hospital, where she was
taKen roiiowing the affair. The woman
is under the are of City Physician Zieg-
ter. me life of the woman was prob
ably saved by a corset stay that di
verted the course of one bullet fired at
her. The other bullet entered her abdo
men Just below the heart but did not
strike any vital organs.
Mayor Orants Boys' Bequest Lyle
Nichols, aged 12, Johnny Herts and
Mobray Tate, also 12 years old, formed
a delegation which called on Mayor
Rushlight yesterday to request that
swings and hammocks be Installed In
Mount Tabor park without delay. The
boys said they want some play facilities
so they won't have to take a chance
going swimming in dangerous holes.
Mayor Rushlight ordered Park Superin
tendent Mischa to see that the request
of the delegation Is granted at once.
Dog licenses Due September 1 Dog
licenses are due September 1. City
Treasurer William Adams wishes to an
nounce that dog owners who wish to re
serve the license numbers they have
used during the past year should notify
him without delay either by calling In
person or telephoning. Unless such no
tification is received this week the num
bers will be issued to those who first
oome to pa.y the fees duo the city. The
license for male dogs Is $3 a year, and
for female dogs $5 a year.
Blanohard Bound Ovar M. A. Blan
chard, a building contractor, was bound
over to the grand pury yesterday to
answer to a charge of obtaining money
under false pretenses, preferred against
him by C. D. Edwards. The arrest grew
out of a sale of a home to Edwards on
the east side which Blanchard Is said
to have represented as free from Incum
brances, but which wrs found later to
have a Hen of $1200 against it. It Is
Policeman Bstrays Poodle A small
white poodle dog that was wandering
about the streets this morning selected
very unappreciatlvo company when it
made friends with Patrolman Cordes.
The poodle tried to Ingratiate Itself wlt!i
Cordes while the patrolman was walking
his beat, hut the officer unsympathetic
ally took the dog to the pound. The little
dog will be asphyxiated If Its owner
does not appear at the pound.
$650 oss In Two Fires Fire broke out
shortly after 4 o'clock this morning In
a grocery store conducted by C. H. Palr
an, at 851 Williams avenue. It was
caused by a box of matches falling off
the top shelf. About $."0 damage was
done. A fire which broke out at 15
North Ninth street, shortly after 1
tt'clnek this morning, did about $100
damage to the rear of the building.
At the New Grand Theatre, 105 Plxtli
street, between Washington and Stark,
beginning Thursday, August 22, for
three days, "Robin Hood." Your first
opportunity to nee this sensational and
thrilling drama. A 10c show for 5c.
Best and most elegantly furnished
rooms In Portland at Hotel Clyde,
Tenth and Stark sts.; $1.00 to $1.50 per
day. 36 rooms, 48 witlx private baths.
$1.50 to J)2.60 per day.
Onr famous large r.a3 Jnlcy Yamhill
crawfish are now- at their very best,
Our entertainment of the highest order.
Tho Hofbrau-Quelle. Phone Main 919.
. .A Heal Bargain Must sell my five
room, modern cottage in Alberta dis
trict. Make offer. C.ill Weaver, Main
Steamer Jesss Harttnw for Camis,
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. I.eaveo Washington streM
dock at 2 p. m.
Mount Hood Auto Stage leaves Bel
lamy's store. Second and Alder. 8 a. m.,
dally. Main 3074, res. phone Sell. 146S.
Eyes Tested, Glasses Fitted, broken
lenses duplicated. Dr. Geo. Rubensteln
expert optician, 189 3d at npr Tayior.
Brs. Qnstave E. Bruere and Frank B.
Klstner removed from Electric building
to tenth floor Journal building.
Have Edlefsen book your order, for
coal and wood now. East 303 and East
Union Transfer Company, furniture
moving and storage. Main 241, .A-2241,
Br. C. T Chamberlain lias moved to
The Journal bftig. A-1371, Main 623.
Wedding In Open Alr Rev. Ttenja
min Young officiated at the wedding of
Miss Natalie Williams, daughter of Mr.
Our Removal Sale $$
In most cases the full value of a dol
lar is nearly doubled at this unusual
Removal Sale. Here's the reason, we
must sell the goods before we move.
Art Goods Fourth Floor going at half price. Pho
tographers' Supplies for amateurs and professionals going
at a big saving Third Floor. Still some Wall Fixtures,
Shelving and Safes going at very reasonable prices.
Woodard, Clark & Co.
Still in Old Building, Fourth and Washington
Soon in New "Wood-Lark"
By Bert M. Moses, President Association of
One of the greatest advertisers this
country ever knew considered every
form of advertising worth something to
No matter who cam along,"' arid "no
matter' what kind of advertising he had
to. sell, this man would size the thing
up mentally and nam a price at which
he would buy. , . ...
lie claimed thaF lha real valua of
advertising was based upon what he
called the "compound cumulative effect,"
mat is to say, the ortener ma name
of his article appeared, and the greater
the variety of ways . ha adopted In
his 'advertising, the more firmly would
that name be imbedded In the memory
of the people.
His argument was that the public
needs to be reminded as much as It
needs to be Informed.
The amount of money he spent for
y-lnkets, novelties and' knick-knacks
ran Into big figures, but'e, of course.
and Mrs. Herbert Williams, of White
Salmon, and Edwin P. Gardner, formerly
of Minneapolis, but now of Port Dis
covery, Wash last night. About SO
guests were present. The ceremony was
solemnized out of doors.
Br. 7. D. Sternberg" has moved to
The Journal bldg. A-1371, Mala 628.
B. Chambers It Ion, optometrists, now
at 167 Seventh, near Morrison St.
Br. Hicks C. Penton has resumed his
practice. Eye, ear, nose and throat.
W. A. Wise and associates, painless
dentists. Third and Washington.
Go to Bhlpherd's Spring. EL I Ship,
herd, manager.
Br. Thomas J. Pox, Medical building.
Main 6819.
Br. Hicks 0. Pentoa has resumed his
Vew Kratx Buffet, Sd and Alder sts.
In a letter received by J. B. Laber of
tho Wells & Laber Lumber company Is
the Information that Dr. Roland D.
Grant, former pastor of the WThlte
Temple In Portland, Is seriously ill at
the Kellogg sanitarium In Battle Creek,
Dr. Grant, whose home Is now at
Waterloo, N. H., was stricken while on
a trip to New York, where he was to
speak at a Chautauqua. He was not
well when he left his home, but grew
worse on the Journey. Dr. Grant was
rushed to Battle Creek In a special car
with physicians and nurses In attend
ance. It was found necessary to
operato upon him at once, and his Ill
ness and the effects of the operation,
the letter states left him in a precari
ous condition.
Men's Suits
MEN! Buy your fall suit from Jim
my Dunn and save $10. Room S15, Ore
gonlan building. Take elevator.
Delightful Trip to Mt. 'Rood Assorts.
Auto stage dally, 7 a. m. 462 Haw
thorne ave. Donahue & Bell. E. 1373.
We conduct a special banking depart
ment for women. Your account Is so
licited. Hartman - Thompson Bank,
Fourth and Stark streets.
The Ladies' Tailor
will open the Fall season by
making; $35 and $40 Suits,
WORK and FIT guaranteed
326 Washington1 Street
Corner Park Upstairs
Special, $33
60-inch Flat Top, Full
Quartered Oak
Bet. Taylor and Salmon. Main 687.
Bldg., Alder at West Park
Pent a great deal more, money In the
newspapers than anywhere elee.i
It would be difficult to eay whether
J?"v rlght or.' wrong .in. hia. notions.
with many of the thlnga be did few
advertisers would agfee.
But not so very long ago he got over
a mlttlon dollars for his business, which
consisted of little irore than name
and good will.
The point I want to make Is "that
men succeed In advertising because thev
believe in a thing and follow their own
inclinations-In spite of what others do
or say.
Advertising ta more a matter of men
than of methods.
It Is the advertiser who does 'the
thing according to his own notions who
usually succeeds in big degree.
The advertiser who Imitates, copies,
and gets his knowledge out of text books
Is not so spt to win out as the ad
vertiser who doesn't
This evening the popular Portland
Park band will play at South Parkway,
Jefferson and Park streets. Director
W. E. McBSroy will present the follow
ing program:
March, "Kaiser Frederlch". . . .Friedman
Overture "Light Cavalry" Suppe
Waltz, "Moonlight on the Hudson"..
Cornet solo, "Serennde" Schubert
B. F. Driscoll.
Selection, "The Wizard of the Nile"
Medley. "Remlck's Hits" Lamps
Dedication and Benediction from "Les
Huguenots" Meyerbeer
Musical comedy, "The Chocolate Sol
dier" Strauss
Porto Rlcan dance, "Roslta" Missud
March, "King Radium" Chambers
Tomorrow evening the band will play
at Peninsula park. Last night the band
played at Holladay park to an' audience
of several thousand people. As a spe
cial feature Mrs. B. F. Driscoll sang a
Boprano solo, "For All Eternity." and
for an encore gave "Oh, Promise Me,"
from Dekoven's "Robin Hood."
Safe Deposit Vaults
Private boxes $3.60 and upwards per
year. Fire and burglar proof vaults for
storage, packages, suit cases, etc. Cham
ber of Commerce building.
Principal Portland Agents Ladies' Home Journal Pat,
terns All styles, All Sizes, 10c and 15c Eacli Express
Paid on Purchases of $5 Within 100 Miles of Portland
The Most in Value The Beit in Quality
A Half Holiday for Our
"All work and no play
makes Jack a dull boy."
We shorten up our busi
ness hours on Thursdays
during August Because
we believe if helps our
employes to reach a high
er.plane of efficiency and
enables them to render a
better store service to
improve even where im
provement seems impos
sible. It means better
merchandise and lower
prices to you greater
earning power to our employes. Will you cooperate
by shopping early in the week, and especially on Thurs
days before 1 p. m. ? The help will benefit both of us.
Weatherly Ice Cream combines all the
food values of pure cream and suar.with
delicious fruit flavors. Best of all it's
cold. There's nothing so cooling and re
freshing these hot days as Weatherly Ice
Cream. Sold by over 500 dealers.
East 244
John P, Wilbur, formerly of Union,
Or., where he operated for a number
of years the Union Woolen Mills, haa
purchased the woolen mills at Btayton.
The plant is to be reorganised and opt
erated by Mr. Wilbur under the name
of the Santlam WooWn Mills.1 Mr. Wil
bur is In Portland today closing up the
deal. ...,
Condition of Dean Improved.
The condition of Dr. Anna Z. Crayne,
dean of women at the Oregon Agricul
tural college, CorvaUie, who underwent
a serious operation at the Good Samari
tan hospital Tuesday; Is much improved
today, according do the report from the
hospital. She rested quite easily last
night. Dr. Crayne formerly was dean
at Whitman college, previous to her
tatting up her position at Corvallls. She
is quite well known throughout the
state. !
Journal Want Ads bring results.
Why suffer or taice ensnces on strang
ulation when I can give you absolute
protection and a possible cureT The
NIA, regardless of occupation, age or
sex. No spring. No elastic. Indorsed
by all physicians who have used It.
Don't wait; delays are always unwise
nd frequently fatal. Try the Wilson
Way; 30 days free.
JAT w. wx&ioir.
66 Sixth St., Between Oak and Pine Sts
UpstAlrs. Both Phones.
Ask or write for booklet. "A Sensi
ble Talk on Rupture end Us Cure." It's
r v m i.
ii 4filM
-K y p ;
Here Is an opportunity to ret
REAL bargains In office
desks and chairs. We have a
splendid stock to pick from.
It will pay you to come In
end visit our office furnlture
flepartment at once. This
ipeclsl sale will be for' only
10 days. ,
Complete OffloeOntfltters
Booksellers Stationer
"T h e difference b e
tween the clerk who
spends all his salary and
the clerk who. saves
part of it is the differ
ence in ten years be
tween the owner of a
business and the man
out of a job."
Sit down and think it out
right now. Every day
counts. Some day you'll
want a business of your
own. The money you need
has to be saved now. By
starting today you'll be
just one day nearer to
owning your own busi
ness. $1 opens a savings
account. At this bank
your money earns 4 in
terest. Merchants National
Under Government
Founded in 1886
Washington and Fourth
The man who
purchases a home
for his family is
thoroughly con
vinced of the
of the Real Estate
dealer who pro
tects him by a
guaranteed C e r
tificate of Title.
Investigate. Call
for booklet. Title
& Trust Company,
4th and Oak.
Let the taxpayer
have what he wants
and .every street in
Portland will in due
time be paved with
the best
Oregon Humane Society
Orate 174 MADI80X ST.
f n n n
populab raicss i
7 th and 'ley (or
Phones i Mala 1. A-Uaa
Special Price Matinee Istnrday
Cathrine Counties
-t; Supported t arTDIIXT ATEXS
la the Brilliant Comedy
rrsnlnrs, 75c, SOo, 390, 880. Sat
urday Matinee, 800,. aSe. -
Kent week, last wsek, the eomtdy,
"HEB OWN WAT." Seat sale opens
Mai:ae fry say.
Special Summer Prices
10c and 20c
Any Seat 10i
August 19 "is Petite Oosse," Voa
Hampton and Josselrn. "The X.eap, Teas
Girls." Lowe and Id wards, Joe Cook,
Jack AUman, Twilight Plotares, Or
chestra. " r
max e. A-ioao
ls-as-sofl u
WEII THEATRE 15 .23-50-75
1UU, 19
Grace Cameron. Edmond Hares and
oompsny, Carl McCollong-h. Xarrlsom
Armstrong's plsysrs, Bounding Patter
sons, The Taklness, The Bsmps.
Mstlnee Daily
WEZK AUG. 19 Special Engagement
Miss Lucia Lottie Collins, Premier Com
edienne; Matthews ft Duffy 1 Cantor's1
Merry Kids; Zenita; JTadie; Pour Plying".
Casters. Popular prioea. Mat. Dally, j
Boxes and first row balcony ressrred.'
Box office open from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m.
Lyric Theatre
Fourth ana Biarx Birseia,
First tlm -on anv stase. the greatest .
miixirul comedv of the ace "The Girl
With the Pink Mask." the biggest sen
sation of the east by trie Armstrong i
Follifs company. Two performances
nlgHtlv 15c and 25c. Matinee dally lbc
Chorus grrls' contest Friday night after
each show.
. . '
VntAnni Hill nf Tnl Attractions
The HawaUans Delightfully en
trancing Kanakas pleasing with
IUaI. nntlva ann.H ttnA i ?! t Til mpfl til.
Five more today. Every afternoon
ana nigni.
All sada Orlrntal wonder worker
In magical performance on the
band stand. Every afternoon and
"'punch an4 Jndy Still the chil
dren's deltght. All day.
The Blue Streak The sreatest
onri faRtfsr rld( In America.
Park Attractions The most
charming place In America to visit.
Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sta
auotjst ao, ai, aa, 33, 34, as.
Games begin week days 1p.m. Sum
days 2:30 p. m.
Boys under 12 free to bleachers Wednet
Up the
Daily Excursions to
Bailey Gatzert
Leaves Alder-street Dock it 7
A. M. Return 9:45 P. M.
$1.00 EACH WAY
Phone M. 914, A-5112
The Portland Glazed
Cement Sewer Pipe Co
Began and developed right
here in Portland. That's the ..
kind of factories,, (not the
ones from other cities)
which help a city to her
mSst substantial growth. A.
concerted, spirited move-, -ment
in favor of Glazed "
Cement Sewer Pipe, would
mean multiplication of the
dinner pails.
New Calcutta.
Ready ftt PORTLAND,
Immediate shipment upon .
receipt of order "
, iflKvr rnrc iMror.Ti r: .
Imperial Hotel, l'OHTLA.M
Write for Prl -ft
jmpress i
VolllTea ft Coetdl
W mtflasd YanAsvUM J
Refer all cruelty calls to. this office.
onm AJOULAjrca' mashaiIi wo
- i