THE OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 21, 1912, I "FT?' DIRECT USE OF MERRICK'S DEATH Cproner's Jury Finds " That . Portland Postmaster Was ' Not Victim of .Drowning; - - Wafer in Pool Very Warm. (Kpn-IiU 1o Th Jcnrail.t - Lskevlew, Or.. Auk. 21. A Jury before CorntH-WlU -VaUa brouplitln a verdlft that the death of Charles B. . . Merrick resulted from heart failure. Dr. "Csrl Orlfflfh of "llurns, Dr. I?. D. Ev rtt and Dr. Bernard Daly of LakeVTev, ' jave testimony concerning the death. In ths minds of the physicians noth ing else could have caused death, as " the short time ensuing between the finding of the body and immediate meaBUtes toward resustlcatlon could not bs accounted for otherwise. Dr. Everett is secretary of the Lake View Commercial club and his duties MK:liut hjm busy until nn early hour this , tnorniner"'-'..,, Merrick could not leP. he statsd to hfs''Wtti(ttal ,h " would wait ror mem unui mey nc through their labors, that he needed the baths as he had found them very bene ficial. Up to the time of the accident ' )ie had been in his usual ood spirits, Joking; and laughing with others in the. party. Auto Party at Bath. Several auto loads of visitors had pre ceded the party to the bat!s, hut thoy ' had left a few minutes before the dls-over.y--a Jtfa Judy- The patil where tha body lay is about 50 feet in length. 20 In width and about two feet deep at one end with gradually sloping cement floor, which at the deepest place is E feet 10 . Inches. Around the pool or tank on three Ides Is a board walk or platform and there Is no trouble for a person to get ;i out of the water. At the point where ' the body was discovered the depth is about four feet six inches and would no more than come to the breast of de ' ceased If he were' standing. It is be ." lleved bv members of the party that he tank without a word, unnoticed to those - nearest him. All had left the tank and were dressing on th-s platform a few feet awav when the absence of Merrick " was noticed, booking Ink) the pool, the body was discovered on tho bottorn. i Water vary Warm. L One theory of the case outside o heart trouble is that on the south side ' of the building are two pipes that sup ply the pool with a continuous stream - of fresh water. At this point th wa ,ter is warmer and it is possible that the effect of the extreme warm water, which leaves the springs at about 180 ' degrees temperature, had something to ' do with the sudden stopping of heart action. Bonnie Expresses Sympathy. (Wfth!nton nureim of The Journal.) Washington, D, ('., Aug. 21. "I am " Inexpressibly shocked at the telegraphic notice just received of the death of Charles B. Merrick. In my opinion, Oregon has lost a most loyal and con scientious citizen, as well as the nation and the community have lost a most . efficient public servant. His numerous friends, including myself, have lost a moat loyal, sincere and lovable friend. I xtnd to ills family, hj friends and the .community my sincerest sympathy in the bereavement." -Xhla -waa Uie .statement made today by Senator Jonathan Bourne when he was told of the death of Postmaster C. B. Merrick of Portland. FRIENDS UNITE IN PAYING TRIBUTE TO DEAD POSTMASTER The flag of the Portland postofflce was placed at hajf mast this morning on receipt, of the news of Postmaster Merrick's death and h general gloom , pervades the huildinp. From the high V tit officials of tlie fertPMl government i to the newest cleric in the postofflca i expressions of genuine regret are to bo , heard. r- 'Ills sudden death is a great shock." -i-sald Unit.! Status Dlstri. t .ludga Wol- verton. "I thought a preat deal of him i personally and as an official knew 1,1m to have hern deservedly popular with 8.11. He wts very efftjflgnt. js.. jQak . maaferT" "Postmaster Merrick wns as efficient 'a. postmaster as Portland ever had and prized his friendship greatly, " said . Jlldgrt B?an of the United FtatPg dM trlct court. "A popular, effl.-lent man nn1 most pleasant Jn business rdafloris, his death Is a loss to the government service," was the tribute of United States Dis trict Attorney John Mr-Court. "Pe.rrfnna'.'v T knew ?,fr. TTerrlck lit tle but In bisn--ss and off!, in) rela tions I f.i'ind 1 1 1: i vprv pl.-'Hcant and obliging ! 'l-nl i t h." .-iid 1 "nltfil States "VwmisKi.-n.T A -t ('antiim. . "Without wtrhing t disparage the work of any , r mnn who I, as hel l the position of iMma?tnr of tils .-it.' I can siiy trot he -w is tv.e most enpab!. and popul?T inan who In ever hell the office," said United Stat.s Marsha! Bcott. "Tbre lias never tnn a vrtfi master In 1 1 . s ;. 1 an I i'!s d it li emu s BS a MOW t-. t'.e g.ver':: v.i h-t v!.-e, to the state of Ofjcn and t'.,e en v of Portia:;.'. M ! ecrt s TV' ( . "It -I- ' i' with M:- -Me::., officially. i;. every lln 'if 'iiims'l of the loi'al , I ci rs ar" Mnlnr R. O. Scott, Captain ' h a Elated Uarrv K vnninms, Captain Walter I,. i ''t i p.-i.i .nally and , T,l0Z(, Jr p)rst Lieutenant Harrv ( ''V', 'rr"B, wnrkr ! RrmmVmgh, and First Lieutenant Rcli-i-ilv't.. said lUrrv anl IV,i(.n !';U' rflM"ff'"1 )n" Mans' Charges Hot Sustained. ( to be made f"' ! P'",ri governor WeFt and Captain ' i..',' ,.- employ! s ' ' "owland. Who represented C.enc-al ,.' 'r .', ' M';s, made special effort to bring nut IJurand, ! '., spector Arrnp-i-ieritfi flowers for 'ht f; the priftofflre ; plans can be n mp - Will F.ISO H .t officials w itli i f i bul.lding. d. !-'!onl ti,! Ki'Vi-rn t I '. T . i ? ' JT 1 1 i ). Johnson's Srhcilul,. Arnnod. (t'rlti'd pti f .im,,i j .j,'-- New York, Aug: '.1 Arraneements for the pro.1r.ctnd eastern triji of linv- ernor Hiram Johnson of .(,:il!f..rnl!, pro gressive nomfnc" f.r vice pivsldeiit. in 'V the interest of th new party. wr- f:u:i- pleted today at progressive r..ition:iI ! heaflquarters here. Tin- eh, dnie rnU for Governor Johnson to leave Sn Kran el(K August 27, speaking at the follow tng plsren: JSalt Lake August 20. Denver. August IT: "Topeka, Knn.. September 3, morn- 1 Ing: Lincoln. Neb H.-ptr ii in-r j Hve Hint: Cleveland, Ohio, September 6: iWatertOWn, N. Y., September 6. v ( , Governor Johnson also will sp.-:ik nt , the Ohio and New York stale, progres siva conventions. j."-'200 Humberts In I'imlon. Infilapolls, .Aug. U.-Tl.r, seventh Vk. aanuat rlf of -h-HtimKr( femtty, t jBrookside Park, brought forth more hen 80 delegates from six ntutes ln the union,, Wore ihan two thirds of tho counties of 'ltdlna are represented. Succeeds Hanford Judge Clinton W. Howard of Belllngham. (Special to 'iht lonnul.V Bellingham. Wash., Aug. 21. Clinton W. Howard, who was appointed federal Judge by President Taft Monday, was born In Lima, Ohio, July 25, 1884. He spent his summers working on a farm and attended school In the winter. In 1 885 Mr. Howard graduated from Grls wold college, Davenport, Iowa, He then took a tjvo years law. course at tne University of Michigan, graduating in 1S87. Mr. Howard's first law work was done as an assistant in the office of Woolson & Babb at Mount Pleasant, When He Gets Through He Ex pects to Know Whether Of ficers of Second Battalion Are Right or Wrong. (Salem Boreiio of The Jeurnn! ) Salem, Or., Aug. 21. Halting pro ceedings long enough to tell that he bad "hoofed It" n little In his day himself, (lovernor West, at the hearing in connection with the dismissal of five officers of the Second battalion of the Third Infantry, Oregon National Guard, yesterday afternoon, announced that he intended tp give the experiences of the militiamen a test by donning the full lequlpment carried by them and mnklng a forced march Just a little farther than they were ordered to march. Harry E. Williams, deposed captain of Company F, wns explaining the j fatigued condition of his men and de- fending his action In questioning the j Justification of the order from Oeneral Maus that the men retrace their steps j from Gate. Wash., to Oakvilla. "Jut wait a- mt," 4 MrHvte4 tJve-f governor. "To give you all a square j deal I've secured a complete equip- j nient like you carried and I Intend to I make a similar inarch, and I am going ! to invlt you, Captain imams, to go nlnnt with me to see that I don't shirk." "Yes, but will you work up some blisters on your feet first ," asked Cap tain Williams. Governor Tears Not the Blisters. "I'll tak you alotitr and let you see how n.nny Mlseters you can put on tvv fe,.." i.-torleil 1l;e (onornor. "I'm- .Ion,, a little walking with a load on tin la k nivsflf am 1 know what It is. 1 niil.t tell you I've covered T.2 tn'KrS from sun tip to sun down, but that win In Alaska where the dav? nre lone. I've nlso covered IS and 1G miles a day with a heavy pack." Aft. r taking testimony at mornlnc afternoon and nlL'lit sessions, Gover nor West t.iok tie caFea of the dis ndsseil officers under advisement un'il he ran make a test of the men's hard ships and review the mass of testi mony submitted. The dismissed offl anv f.irts that would substantiate un- nff:i-i;il statements that (ieneral Mnus i ' ' .' ' ' , .-, . . ' m . , 1 niiiri-bing order. lut not one of the j wan. .-i.-s testifl'-d that he knew the Kin. ri was under the Influence of llijiKir. HOUSE REPASSES BUDGET BILL OVER TAFFS 2ND VETO (Continued From Page One.) the .ii.olinliinent of the commerce court as expressed in his former veto mes- 811 pe. The I'.epubllcans who voted with the I imnni i :'ts in tbe house to override tho ve'n ir,i-hMrd La Folletto of Washing ton, llawley and Lafl'erty of Oregon. I'lein li of Idaho, Kent of California and Curry of New Mexb'O. li 'l'orc n roll call was ordered, Con gressman FWzerald of New York bU lerly deiioutu-ed President Taft. declar ing it was necessary to educate the pres ident Teprflrfllfig" ' legislation. ' PoiHvress man nill-tto of Mwtfachusetts ded'ended President Taft and chai'Hetl tine Perno crsts with attempting to blogjj adjourn mrut of congress. ' " WITH KIT ON EAi'K GOVERNOR TO GO ON PU IE on Federal Bench Iowa. Two years after graduation he determined to come west, and located in Kalrbaven, now a part of llelllnghajn. From the time of Ms arrival at Bcllinf- ham until January, 1893, Mr. Howard was associated with Albert Sherman in law practice. Since 1893 he has been associated with Thomas (1. Newman under the firm name of Newma & Howard. Judge Howard Is a member of the Episcopal church, a charter member of the Falrhaven Masonic lodge and a charter member of the Elks' lodge of Belllngham. BATTERED CORPSE OF What may develop Into a murder mys tery came to light at noort yesterday, when George Thompson, while hunting for fish worms, stumbled across "the body of a man in tho brush on the Island north of the old fair grounds, near Guild's lake. The body was found in a spot unfrequented by persons liv ing on the Island. From all indications the .man had been dead for about five day. On the arms and about the face and head of the corpse were several scratch es and bruises. The right eye was puffed and discolored, showing that the man either was struck by a blunt weapon or fell on a stone. A careful examination by J. C. Steier deputy cor oner, showed that a struggle had taken place. The grass and weeds near the body had been trampled and in several places heel marks were found. There Is nothing on the clothes to disclose the UUmtUy of the dead -man. He was about 5S years old, and had four fingers missing from his left hand. MAN POUND BY FISHER bayocean; BAYOCEAN HILLS this resort superior to looking nftwv Vliirn 1 and Rates very feet, WEEK-EITD, I Bound Trip $3.00 fat.-Mon, BE A SON $4.00 ! Leave Portland 8:43 a. m. Saturday 1 p.m. Looking the other way, beautiful Tilla mook Day affords a scenic delight that never fails in its attractiveness. T. B. POTTER REALTY COMPANY Kiln 7270 720 COMETT B1DO. A-6291 IT SERVES YOU RIGT THE OWL BY NIGHT TO TACOMA AND SEATTLE VIA ELECTRIC LIGHTED TRAINS FOUR FAST TRAINS DAILY Arrive ' Arrive Leave Portland. Tacoma. Seattle. 8 :.'!() A. M. l ast Mail 1:40 P. M. 3:15 P. M. 1:1.") P. M. Pugct Sound Ex... 7:05 P. M. ' 8:30 P. M. 3:00 P. y. Shasta Limited. .. .7 :40 P. M. 9;00 P. M. 11:00 P. M. Tlie Owl 4:45 A. M. 6:15 A. M. Passengers cm "The Owl" may occupy their berths until 8 a. m. " ;v ciYy'tket'office Third and Washington. ' Phone Marshall 4500 Federal Judges FHI Vacancy Caused by Resignation of MVScott; Appointment Is Accepted. Leslie M. Scott has been reappointed United States marshal for thla district by United State District Judrea Wol verton and Bean and will qualify this afternoon. The appointment was made under a statute whloh authorizes the temporary appointment of a marshal i but a considerable quantity is said to In vacancies of this nature. Mr. Bcott i have been smashed by tha officers, accepted his reappointment at once, as Comment about the streets of Al bs feels that it is attribute to his work ru"s from absolute approval of during the past year, and that It is ab- the actions of the police authorities to solutelv without political strings. th opposite extreme where the. police 'lie'. r,i,i ,e aro accused of duplicity and. pulling off Marshal Scott was appointed to the ,,rakg,t & Qovernohf position about a year ago by President Wes, u u t.,a,m ROmft that tne Taft during a recess of congress. The I reaJ,y b)(f bmA pB ?re gtm runnlng senate never took any action later con-;wUnout lnterference and that the raids firming the appointment, and whenars bt,lng mftjft on tne man ne ana President Tiftt withdrew his name fromjafter rienty of notice has been given so the senate August 10 Mr. Sqott at once,tnat resuits will be more spectacular telegraphed his resignation, as he felt ' than damaging. that his apolntment had been due en- I , . tlrely to political reasons. The resigns. ttfiK'wse- accepted at once, end a tele- :pLea ai once, Buu a gram sent to Mr. 1tVfet,as .J was s0 flne W0(Jld haye nmpU powfr ,n car away from the city on a vacation.Tlttlw..- fee regcu, work when 6he waa not receive the telegram until he re- ( out8ide of the "Hlty-tif-ttond, turned to Portland yesterday. . . ' ' Meantime J,he business of the office iTrn PftMCCPCrP. was carrledofi "hi? deputies In hts; WAH tK UUIMrtObtb; "V rceVrnceT'lgrtir'hal $10,000 IN LOOT FOUND come to them. The discovery of the .w. o-oc moHa at the result of a tele- (Doited Preaa Ianert Wire. fact was made as the result or a re e gan Mat Ca Au 21. Mysterious gram sent to the department of justice ( robberl(,8 ,hat haye 0(.currvl ln thl vl. in the name of Marshal Scott. The re-;(,ln,ty are clearf.d up today by th(J con. Ply brought the news that there was no fe8glon of Frank MftP8ei formerly a ho marshal in this district, and that all ( tel waUer nerl!i wno broken down when transactions made ln his name were 'woted" and led tha police to a cW without authority. erly concealed cache, where more than Fortunately vacation time made the $10,000 worth of Jewelry and plate were business of the office light, and but : uncovered. 168.70 was paid out and a few papers ; Leai Ll ! i i served during the 10 days between the acceptance of the resignation and its dis covery. A telegram was sent immedi ately upon receipt of the information to the department, with the result that the court was Instructed to appoint a tem porary jiiarshal. GOVERNOR GEIS READY (Snl'in Bureao of The Journal. Salem, Or., Aug. 21. Governor West's first public move ln connection with his announced intention of attacking vice in Portland, which city will be his next object!" point in his law enforcement campaign, will be, to confer with Mayor Hushlight and Chief of Police Slover ana officials of Multnomah county. He made a statement to this effect today, but said he did not know how soon this conference could be held. However, it will be within the next few days. The governor declines to discuss his plans, but Intimates that he expects a big f ight and Is making adequate. prepar, ations for It. Since the city and county officials there ostensibly will be with him ln his efforts, the lines of campaign will neces sarily be differently drawn than ln smaller places where officials wer openly rebellious. That the governor has agents at work In Portland gathering evidence cannot be doubted, and from the governor's confidence it teems apparent he is se curing facts that will cause some big surprises. His appointment yesterday afternoon of Mrs. Lola O. Baldwin as special agent of the state had nothing to do .- 1 . 1 . - 11 ". ..-8 provide a charm that makes all others. From their tops. west, at your IBHI CITY is the surf. BATES 1 nerson. day . ...fa.50 2 persons, day $4.50 I 1 person. week ..$14.00 2 persons, week . 524.00 (With meals at . hotel.) Hotel rates $2. Ml up. STEEL COACHES E BURNING ENGINES FOR RAID ON PORTLAND SHERIFF GELLATLY RAIDS BOAT HOUSE Benton County i Official Puts Selling Dive Out of Business! '(Special to The Journal.) Albany, Or., Aug. 21. Diversity wae added to tho liquor smashing activities ofvthe police hare laat night when a raid was mad by Sheriff Oellatly and deputies of Benton county on a house boat which has been tied on the Benton county side of tha rlvsr for several days and wrrrrch-ls- -ah- to have been the scene of considerable hilarity. When the party on the houseboat discovered the officers approuchlng they dumped about t$ barrel of bottled beer overboard, wlth the Portland campaign, he said to- dny. Ha said he gave her annolntment N0WS THE TIME TO BUY THAT PIANO OR PLAYER PIANO REED-FRENCH PIANO CO. Mill k Vii-ls -iMWW t. .-i i Hill 6 ' t w " i i; v . : l w I II IS I I ir -iwssss. j.hwUv. ' n ,i -i-i'1 . ... ' I I II VI m -slJ- ; wb h LEASE That's why our entire stock of Pianos and elegant Player Pianos, and splendid Knabe and Lindeman and Schubert and Howard and Starck and Haines Bros., and others Baby Grands and all must be sold at once, regardless of the sacrifice. $200 Pianos $250 Pianos $300 Pianos $350 Pianos $450 Pianos Etc., Etc. Open Every Evening AT SIXTH REED r; - ; (8p?la t The Jeofail Dallas, Of,, Aug1. It What wi prob ably premeditated uiciJe oocurred yes terday afternoon, Whan. Robert Ewlng, aged 69 years, died suddenly at the home of Jiiu hephews, tha Swing brotharp, owners of the Iulnl orchards, five miles northeast of thla city. 'Mr. Ewing yea terday hinted at suicide. Nothing was thought of tha remark at the time.' In the afternoon on hearing1 a queer noise, kie housekeeper called to Mr. Ewlng to find out what tha trouble was. Rushing upstairs, the woman found the old man dying on the floor. Mr. Ewlng had been In poor health for some time, and for he last few weeks h4-bee- vfcr y -despondent-.-- 1I came to this state a year ego from the middle west, and has resided with his nephews at Polk station. He was a widower. ' Hla Mission for Peace., . (t'nlted Prosr Wlre.l Paris, Aug. 21. The, trip Boon to bo made to Switzerland by Youssouf-Izze-Ofci, heir presumptive to the Turkish throne, is considered ,ln diplomatic cir cles here today to be connected with peace negotiations with Italy. YOU GET RELIEF IN FIVE MINUTES FROM HAY FEVER AND ROSE COLD Simply Use Ely' Cream Balm " Mdmmrn4 Nkht During Hay Fever Season. Do you suffer for weeks every sum mer with Hay Fever or Rose Cold? If you do, just get a fifty-cent bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist and see how quickly you will get relief In five Ihlnutes after applied that stuffed-up feeling ln the head will be gone, the pain and soreness In the back of the throat relieved, and the sneezing EXPIRES Closing-Out Cost. $96 ,.$129 $168 $207 $283 ' $500 Player $525 Player $565 Player $600 Player $800 Player PAY CASH OR BY THE MONTH -FRENCH PIANO CO. Established Since 1906 AND BURNSIDE STREETS ENDEAVORTO JEAVE NEW RATES HELD UP Westbound Freight Tariff s Are Said to Be Too High; Re-. ;. , . lief Is Asked. (Salem Bnreao of The Jnnroal.) , Balem, Or. Aug,J 21. Thet(State rail road oommlssion today sent a tolegram to the interstate commerce commission calling attention to numerous advances ln freight rates under the new trans continental westbound tariff, and ask lng that the rates be suspended until investigation is made. 'This is a matter of great public In terest, and we believe you would be fully Justified in exercising your discre tion by suspending advances ln tariffs and instituting Inquiry in wheh carriers will have opportunity to Justify the In creases attempted' says tlie oommls sion ln its telegram. The proposed advanced rates affect a list of. articles covering, threo pages in the tariff book. and running at the nose stopped. Moreover, this remedy does not sim ply live you temporary relief, but lieals and strengthens the weakened, Inflamed -ffimbHMe-01ftlrjK of the nose and throat, making it less sensitive 4ujt.,Jamp neBB and certain odors, which generaTlT"' bring on the fits of sneezing and weep ing, Don't suffer any longer, and don't ex periment with strong snuffs, powders and sprays which only aggravate the trouble, but try this simple, sensible treatment. If you are not satisfied after fair trial, your druggist will give back your money. AUG. 3 1 . Closing-Out Cost. Pianos. $297 Piarfos $317 Pianos $335 Pianos $362 Pianos $477 Etc., Etc. Open Every Evening ST- .1 1 ; jr..,.. :-..f.s . V 1 I