The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 20, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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' If
Very Facts .Cited J)y Hostile
- Steamship Man Show Ori
i; ental Une Would Pay, Says
; Head of Chamber.
i' That K. P. Bohwerln, Is refuted by hie
' :ow wor4 ben lio says that a line
": from Portland to the orient will not
': pay. ' tho assertion of F. C. Knapp,
president- of the chamber of commerce.
, tn Jetter to O. M. Clark, chairman of
: the .oriental trade committee of the
t chamber, in which he comments on Mr.
.'Schwerin's letter against Portland.
Jf the charge of Mr. Schwerln that
tth collector of customs at Portland
"'illBertmfnatcd airalntst this port Is found
to ba based on fact after investigation,
Mr. Knapp further urges that it be
.brought to his attention, that he may
;". At once call a special meeting of" the
trustees of the chamber of commerce
? to recitfy the situation.
Jx. The letter follcws:
" "I-note copy of lotter written from
Washington, D. C, by R. V. Pchwerln.
vice president and general manager of
the, Pacific Mall line and the Portland
A Asiatic Steamship company.
"If I correctly Interpret . Mr. Schwe
rln's words, we are Informed thut he
took over the management of a certain
" Steamship line between Portland and
the orient and Immediately stopped
loss which had averaged somewhere Be-
tween 125,000 and J15Q,0p0 per al
lium. ; i:lf a man who by his own testimony
has but one mission in life, and that
' the helping of San Francisco to forever
;hold .supremacy as a seaport, can run a
line "of boats from Portland to the
- Jorlent without loss, it would seem that
line f boats operated by some cotn-
pany under the management of a man
. working strictly for the Interest ot
Portland and its people, should be able
' to sarry oh this ueifiess at profit.
"In another' part of Mr. Schwerin's
letter wa are told that certain rulings
"Put the collector of customs at the Port
Of Portland created a different business
custom at this port than at any other
port of entry in the United States, this
; difference being entirely against our
- ', "Your committer has no time to dis
cuss dead Issues, as you are engaged
: la the establishment of a strictly Port
: land line of steamers to the orient, but
in connection with this work U may be
well for you to investigate this state
. ment relative to the action of the col
lector of customs at the Port of Port
land, and should your investigation
, prove that there la a liability of this
city's being discriminated against to
the future I should be pleased to have
...youcail my attention to the matter in
order that a special meeting of the
trustees of the chamber of commerce
may be held with a view of taking steps
to rectify the discrimination, Vory
truly yours,
"P. C. KNAPP, President."
Marion P.: Maus Gives Stale
il ment Before tfie "Grand
' Jury.
General Marlon P. Mautf of the
United States army, stationed at Van
couver post, wan before the grand jury
this morning to enter a formal com,
plaint against the Dally News. Ills
testimony was to refute the statement
published in that paper recently fhat
he waa intoxicated on the field during
the recent maneuvers between the Bluu
and Red armies.
The genera also had with lilm Lieu
tenant Whitney and Colonel Young, both
from the barracks, end Dr. K. A. J.
Mackenzie, K. C. Mers and James
Wood, all from Portland. Besides the
general, Lieutenant Whitney and Col
onel Young went before the grand Jury,
testifying that the general was not In
toxicated. Upon leaving the jtiryroom. General
Maus said: "The statement that I was
Intoxicated is absolutely false, and 1
nothing more or less than a malicious
sttack upon me. No one was more sur
prised than myself to see such a state
ment in print. It is the first time I
have been so attacked."
When asked If he contemplated action
sgalnst any persons- supposed til have
inspired the article, tho general had
nothing to say,. The complaint is an
outgrowth of the trouble at Hate.
Wash., where the Oregon National
Guard was given orders to make an
other march, which onlers were given
to Colonel Scott, he and his subordinate,
officers failing to carry them out. The
Oregon men claim they did not disobey
orders from General Maus, and that a
misunderstanding between themselves
and the regular army officers existed.
It Is over this controversy that the regi
ment has been ordered disbanded, und
the officers to be given a hearing.
Citizens Suffering Loss of
" Many Thousands of Dollars
for Poor Business Policy
Toward Commerce.
h CCnltod Pr Leased Wire.)
Washington, Aug. 20. The state de-
fartment announced this afternoon that
4 American marines had been landed at
Blueflelds, Nicaragua, from the United
States crulsejr Taeoma, to protect Ameri
can lives and property from rebels, who
. lire reported to be prtpurlug to burn
the town.
(Salem Bureau of Tbe JminuL)
Salem, Or., Aug. SO, ChJef Justioe
fBaktrr today denied tfte application of
Henry K. Koberts. alias Jack Roberts,
for a writ of probable cause for a new
trial, Roberts Is sentenced to hang Frl
ay,for the murder of Donald "Stewart
. This means that unless Governor West
Intervenes Roberts will be executed at
the time appointed.
The ladles auxiliary of the Catholic
. church at Mllwaukle. Or., will give a
-pleule at Crystal Lake Park Saturday,
August 24. Games for young and old
will be the order of the afternoon's pro
gram. Supper will be served on the
grounds from until 9 o'clock at 36
cents a plate. In the evening a social
flanoe will be given In the pavilion.
Music will be furnlshcd'by Hoesly's or
chestra. A cordial welcome to all.
The First (Taylor Street) Methodist
church and the Grace Methodist Epis
copal church Wire formally consoli
dated last night at the quarterly ron
frence of the First church when a dec
laration of consolidation adopted at the
Grace church conference last week was
ratified. Only one negative vote
against merging the congregations was
cast, despite tho fact that the question
was'debated for more than two hours.
Although 'consolidation is welcomed
by the majority of members of tho two
churchea, many old members of the
First church in particular opposed the
step for sentimental reasons. Ever
since the development of the city left
the mother church In the business dis
trict, the question of consolidation has
been before the congreRatlons.
Although the two churches are now
legally one, they will continue as sepa
rate bodies until the merger la ratified
at the annual conference In Ashland,
September IS to 23.
At the close of the conferenre, Rlshop
Cooke will appoint a pastor for tho
new church which will be known as
'The First Methodist Episcopal church
of Portland."
It Is understood that Rev. .Benjamin
Young, for the last five years pastor of
the First church, will be appointed, and
Rev. J. H. Cudlipp, four years pastor
of the Grace church, will accept a call
tn the east which has been tendered
Both Rev. Cudlipp and Rev. Youn?:
believe that consolidation is the proper
course to pursue.
Under recommendations prepared by
a Joint committee of the ehurches, the
First church will be dismantled and
the site will be converted into Income
producing property. The present Grace
church will be torn down also and a
new church will be' built on the site at
an estimated cost of $150,000.
At present It is planned to mave the
Grace church congregation to the Tay
lor street church, pendln? the construc-
4t4-of-4h prped edifiev at Twelfth
and Taylor streets, where Grace church
Is located.
It Is also the Intention of the church
authorities to sU the Taylor street
parsonage, at Eleventh and Salmon
streets which Is valued at $40,006. The
remaining sum necessary to defray the
cost of a new church Is to be raised
by subscription.
The proposed new church will have a
seating capacity of 2000. At present
the seating capacity of tho Grace church
Is $00 and at the Taylor street church.
JO0 can be seated. The Grace congrega
tion numbers about TOO, and the Taylor
street 1200.
A quarterly conference of the new
ohurch will be called soon at which
church officers wjll be selected.
An arraignment of the people of
Portland and of the chamber of com
merce for their Indifference to the de-
velopment of wrater transportation both
by river und sou, was made by C. 8.
Jackson in an address before the Rotary
club meeting in the Commercial club
this afternoon.
An oriental, line, said ' Mr. Jackson,
would bring $60,000 In business daily to
this port, and, on the principle that one
active dollar in cash is worth $100,
would represent an almost Inestlmablo
"Tho question of maintaining the
oriental line involves evsry man above
a mole hill in this city," said tho speak
er. "But this question has been neg
lected.' The chamber of commerce has
never given the matter serious con
sideration. Mr. Sohwfrin, who has been
detailing the losses of the servtoe,
never tried tr build up an oriental line
out of Portland.
Business Kept Away.
"AVe are always disposed to let some
one else do tiiesn things for us and this
disposition bus brought Portland to her
present piekln.
"The lllll lines have served the Port
of Hcnttie and have served It so well
that they get nearly all our business.
The Hnnininii lines of which the Soutn
ern 1'arlflc is the dominant member, has
he n similarly serving Ban Francisco.
It 1h possible n"w that the Hill lines
will do ns much for Portland, but so far
the business that should have been
brought to this port has been kept
"The chamber of commerce should be
the heart of this city. It should heat
for thn good of its people. A little
liuiiinn heart the size of your fist In an
avenige man's body lifts $4,000 pounds
of dnnd weight in 24 hours. The cham
ber of commerce is a good heart, but it
bus had thei wrong food and medicine. It
isn't constructed to go after business
and ofitablrBh boat service in the upper
river, to Alaska or to the orient. As
long as If is In this condition It will ba
retrogressive and reactionary in influ
Says Line Would Be Supported,
Mr. Jackson paid his n-speets to the
collector of customs und the customs
house, saying that despite denials by of
ficials, he believed Mr. Schwerin's com
plaint that he had met trouble there was
probably well founded, this due to the
fact that the customs house had been
run like any other customs office, with
great amounts of red tape and little
lie said that tho chamber of com
merce ought to be composed of the 264
citizens of Portland who represent $35,
000 on the tax books, but claim to be,
a large' number of them, millionaires
when reporting to Bradstreets and
Dun's. These would have to have a
change of heart and attitude first, said
the speaker.
That the oriental line could ba sup
ported and would be j that tho open river
line, though supported by CO citizens at
a loss s'ince organization of $150,000 has
been saving $1,000,000 to shippers In re.
duced freight rates; that tho chamber
of commerce, supported by Other organi
zations, should take charge of the whole
situation, were further assertions. J. S.
Bradley served as chairman of the day.
President Frank C. Iliggs announced
the Itotary club would meet the Acl club
at baseball Saturday. A report of tho
National Rotary meeting was submit
ted ty Louis A. Colton.
(Continued From Page One.)
the Chinese would sell in Jhe way of re
freshments. They bad no difficulty get
ting both whiskey and beer, bringing
evidence of their purchases to tbe of
ficer when they finltihea their meal ;
Ho was arrested at once, - ;
During building of. tho two railroad!
up Deschutes river and while construction-
work hM been prosecuted on Th
Dalles-Celllo canal, tho temptation tr
sell liquor along tho, Deschutes and at
Colilo was very great, and number of
courageous bootleggers opened blind
pigs at numercrua placet in the county.
But a very large per cent of these has
come to-grief through the efforts of
Sheriff Chrlsman, and within the past
four years the bootleggers have contrlb
uted abnutt4Jt00 through fines to the
treasury of Wasco oounty. The officers
and court have worked well In unison
In the effort to suppress the Illicit traf
fic, and the courts have made the pen
alty sufficiently heavy to absorb' all tbe
(Sneclnl to The JourniL)
Albany, Or.. Aug. 20. Although many
people here say the activity of the police
in raiding alleged blind pigs has been
a bluff for effect alone, there Is, never
theless, a marked Improvement noticed
in conditions here since Governor West's
crusade, begai)v Mat)y. of the places that
have been running wide open heretofore
are now closed so. that not even the
regular patrons of the past can secure
liquor. It is freely claimed that the re
form will be-only temporary, that soon
the blind pigs will be going full blast
again, and -that the present drought If
merely a blind to prevent a bona fide
raid and cleanup bj Governor West
But at any rate, the conditions at pres
ent arc certainly of a higher tone than
they were a few weeks ago.
The establishment of Al Peacock was
raided six times yesterday. On five of
the, occasions, beer waa found In the
place and destroyed. At the sixth trip
no beer was found. It has been sug
gested by a number of citizens ' that
Peacock's place be declared a public
nuisance by the council and closed uf
officially, but no definite action has yei
been taken.
(Src1nl to Tli Jotirnnl.l
!alem. Or., Aug. 20. The town of
Kumpter Is giving heed to Oovernor
West's warnings that the citizens must
obey the laws, Is indicated by a tele
gram received today from Mayor L. C.
Edwards, saying the saloons observed
the Sunday closing law yesterday. Sev
eral days ago the governor notified the
district attorney and sheriff of Baker
county that he expected them to See
that the laws were enforced.
Copper Box Dug Out of Old
'Fire -Station j Placed-There
in 1874,
7,70,fl60 Famllle in Omit Kritain.
London, Aug. 20. Complete census re
turns Just Issued here show that 14
ecclesiastical and civil parishes In
Qreat Britain have no residents. The
number of private families is given at
7,970,0(10, with an average number of!oi,.,.,
H I. t- M It A 1 MO
Have you been looking for a wholesome food.
One that's healthful and nutritious?
A suggestion, perhaps, will do some good,
try Post Toasties, they're delicious.
Written by E. P. PAN'?,,
etre Hart A Murphy, 6t. Paul, Minn.
One of the BO Jingles for which the Postum Co..
Battle Crek. Mich,, paid $1000.00 in June.
Intimation of the governor's plan has
been received there as yet.
Mayor Itushllght says that so far as
he knows the governor will have noth
ing to do in the way of "cleaning" after
he gets here.
"Hever Conferred With Me."
"I have no knowledge of any condi
tions In Portland that require cleaning
up by the governor," said Mayor Rush
light. "Governor West has never con
faired with me relative to such condi
tions, If they exist, and I do not know
to what extent he may be informed
upon the question.
"My orders ' to the Chief of police,
relative to disorderly houses, gambling,
Illicit selling of liquor and the general
vice against which Governor West seems
to direct his efforts, have always been
explicit. The police department has
been Instructed to permit nothing of the
sort. I have never given anything but
strict Instructions iig.tinst It, and so far
as I know the luws are being enforced."
"Let him come," said Chief of Po
lice Slover. "I had not been advised
of the governor's intention," said Chief
r, "but he will he made welcome
and we will do what we can to help the
cause along."
Will Assist Oovernor.
"The district attorney'sofflce will as
sist Governor West In every way If he
comes to Portland to 'clean up' " said
Instrict Attorney Cameron, wheu told
of the governor's expressed intention of
Conference Report Approved
by a Vote of 151
Against 50.
, . -jr.-
(United fresi Leaseri Wtre.1
Washington, Aug 20 The naval ap
propriation bill, providing for one battle
ship, was passed this afternoon by the
hotts-ef representati ves, the -conferenre
report being approved by a voto of 151
to' 50. Nine Democrats and one Repub
lican voted against concurring in the
repiiu't. The measure now goes to the
president for his approval.
The Democrats who voted against the
bill were those who oppose making any
appropriation for the construction of
battleships. In the debate which pre
ceded the vote. Congressman J. L. Slay,
den of Texas charged that an organized
attempt was being made to "browbeat
the house Democrats into favoring the
construction of two battleships."
Congressman J. L. Burnett of Ala
bama accused Congressman William
Sulzer of New York, who had made a
strong fight for two battleships, of at
tempting to pose aa "the man who pos
sessed all the concentrated wisdom of
the house."
A Httlo copper box, discolored nd
worn by time, was tho object' that at
tracted Chief Dowell and all the battal
ion chief of the city fire department at
the city hall today to the chief's officio,
the box having been dug out of tha
ruins of the old fire station at Second
and Oak streets this morning. The
bqx was burled in the corner (tone of
the station September 5. 1874, is
crammed f till of historic relics;
The first of tbesa relics to he un
covered to view when tho box was chis
eled open was a olty directory of 1174,
presented by L. Samuel, the pioneer in
surance man. Mr. Samuel was then a
newspaper advertising agent, according
to an announcement that appears In the
Portland Had Boosters Then.
According to an announcement mado
In the directory, the city had a popula
tion of about 13.000 In 1874. Henry Fall
ing was mayor at that time and pre
sided at the corner stone exercises at
tendant on the construction of the fire
station which was built to house Mult
nomah engine company No. 2.
Portland had Its boosters then as now
and, Judging from one of the documents
in the old box, A. B. Hallack was the
chief of these?. His little history, en
titled "Oregon as It Is" Is a quaint
literary gem replete with information
Intended to draw the homeseek-cr to the
land of opportunity.
One of the features of the history Is a
paragraph headed "Danger of Indians.
"A man is in more danger of being
robbed and murdered by whites in New
Yorki than h is of being killed by In
dians In Oregon," says the historian, "I
found many people on my recent tour of
the east, continues the paragraph, "who
has been led to believe that the Oregon
farmer followed his plough with a
shotgun In one hand and a rifle strapped
to his back, ever on the alert to keep
his scalp from adorning the festive
wigwam of a wily aborigine.
Impression Is Kldloulsd.
"Many people still, believe Oregon Is
a trackless wilderness Infested by sav
ages hungry for blood and ever anxious
to add a long string of Anglo-Saxon
scalps to the flaps of their tepees."
The writer then goes on to ridicule
such an Impression, the article being
Intended to lure the Investor to the
Beaver state.
One of the Items of Information con
tained In the report of the fire depart
ment for 1874 was that it cost $8204
to run the department that year. Quite
a contrast then and now. It cost more
than $600,000 to operate the fire de
partment last year.
Victims of their pet dog "Bustcrl
who bit them while it was suffering
from hydrophobia. Howard and (Jeorg
Plnnock, 7 and 9 years old, respectively
today began the Pasteur treatment to
ward off the disease, under the...dlrec
tlon of Dr. Calvin S. White of the state
health board.
The children were bitten last Wed
nesday while playing with the dog in
the yard of their home near the Jewish
cemetery. When Dr. White was noti
fied he ordered the animal confined lr
a chicken house. There it rapidly de
veloped the rabies and died yesterday
morning. A bacteriological examination
of the brain and teeth found them teem
ing with negri bodies, unmistakable evl-
j routing out the vice of the city, If he I dence that the animal had been afflicted
i findH any. j with hydrophobia.
"Governor West probably has con- Howard was attacked first. Without
jslderable inside information as to what warning, the animal sank its teeth In
1b going on," said Mr. Cumeron. "He t,le hid's left arm, then bit him In the
Is on the outside looking in, and prob- I B'de. The dog next attacked the ram
ably has had opportunity of seeing tho i "y cat, and In an effort to protect the
j weaknesses in tho city's morals. The 1 cat George thrust his foot between the
uipniHi attorney s orrice nnfl rorce is
at the disposal of the governor."
The open doors and windows in the summertime are
an invitation to burglars. You won't fear them, how
ever, if you have your jewels and silver in a safe deposit
Your vacation and week-end trips will be more enjoy
able if you krtow your valuables are safe. A safe deposit
box will insure this peace of mind.
Boxes $3.00 per annum and upwards.
The Dalles, Or., Aug. 20. Rootleggers
may have thrived in other counties of
the state, but selling liquor without a
license has not proven profitable In
Wasco county In recent years, for the
fines that have been collected by the
courts have consumed the gfeater part
of the profits. The latest victim of
endeavoring to me,ka a profit out of il
licit traffic in whiskey is lnnooent look
ing Wah Ho, proprietor of a restaurant
on First street, who yesterday was
fined $200 In the Justice court for seal
ing liquor without a license, and on pay
lng the "fine promised hereafter to con
fine his business strictly to selling food.
Sundays the officers-have been notic
ing ao unusual number of drunks haunt
ing the vicinity of Ho's restaurant
I Last Sunday Sheriff Chrflman.ndhlef
oi j-uik'o tjjioovns rwemen inio ho i
place to get aymeal and whatever else
two animals and was bitten on the foot.
I he cat was killed.
"Counting the cases of the two Pln
nock boys, we have hail five patients
within the last two months who have
been bitten by mad dogs,'' said Dr.
White today. "We have Investigated
other rases, and know for an absolute
fuut that numbers of doga have died in
Portland of rabies that have not been
called to our attention. As long as dogs
are allowed to run at large without
muzzles, people will do well to be careful."
(Bpeelnl to The Journal
Lewlston, Idaho, Aug. 20. Oovernor
Hawley. Secretary of State Oxford, tho
League of Southern Idaho Commercial
clubs, and tho Idaho-Washington De
velopment league, of this city, hare is
sued a orill for a meeting of all com
mercial clubs, chambers of commerce,
boards oftrads and boards of county
commissioners to assemble at Boise on
September 1 tor tho purpose of taWnf
action relative to the Panama exhibi
tion to be given t San Franctsoo.
New Pianos $96
Largo, full size, new uprights, now
1123, 1117 and as low as 9. Abso
lutely lowest prices ever known. We're
positively quitting, business. Reed
French Piano Co., Sixth and Burnslde.
Open evenings. v
I --iX-J LJ. ! L mmm
If the present rate of track construo
tlon. work Is maintained the Portland
Railway, .tight ft oj$!p-wnapany wilt
bo operating; street car over tho now
0-W, B. &- Nr steel bridge probably
within two weeks. ' .
In addition to two-Urge traosf lay
ing and grading gangs that sr working
a,t each brldg.o approach, electrician are
stretching trolley wires f oross the struc
ture, They have put wire In position
on tha west bridge approach and today
are engaged In 'placing the trolley wires
on the lift span.
On the east side, the switches In
Kolladay avenue have been put In, and
One of the double line of tracks has
been finished from Holladay avenue to
the bridge where it connects with tracks
already laid on tho structure.
Practically all the grading for tracks
on the east side has been done. At the
west slae bridge approach workmen
have made good progress also.
Journal Want Ads bring result.
(golem Bateau of The Jonrn!tt.
, Salem, 0'., Aug. ,2Q.rTho ptats anglj
deer has approved the permit; of tha,
yale, Or,, Irrigation company to appro
prlato 800 second feet of the waters
of BuTljrcrealc o ba stored In reservolrs
for the Irrigation of 24,435 acres, Thl
land ller'In th-yl01nlty ofrTalsr be
tween Bully creek arvd Wllloy crwkV
Qeorge E. Dovl of Vale, la president of
the company.
The application of the Eastern Oregon
Realty company Tor a permit to appropriate-20
second foot of tho waters of
the Grand Ronde river for the irrigation
of ItiOO' acres lo tho Grand Honda valley
Iibb also been approved; together with
33 other applications- for- smaller -amounts
of .water in all part cf. tha
Trout Rent to Ilosoburg. .
A shipment of. trout numbering 100
cans will be taken to Rosehurg vthls
evening by Chief Deputy Game Warden ...
Craig, to be releused in the streams of .
that section. The trout were hatched at
the Bonneville hatchery.
Boys' and Girl's $100 Contest
because there - I
not an opportunity
overlooked, tn all
Its m a k 1 ti g. to
make It pure,
Cfaatillness U next
tp Godliness.
Cleanliness Is the
keynote to HAZ
Even the milk nana
Bre sterilised, be
fore UBing. Thor
oughly washed in
het water, they
ire then subjected
to an Injection of
steam, under high
pressure, leaving
them as clean end
sweat as science
can make them.
I p Ffl :
I xL Ifb
IL -iaWtv
M if
I f ;
i iLill
This h the fourteenth . we have
published. If you huv uiikm'iI miy,
now Is lh tii o Husk.- j'ir nut
rompluta. Tcli iil one us -;ind We will
forward the mN.sini: one.
en . alterations are
Men's clothes have never been sold for so little in Portland, that is
men's clothes of genuine quality, and furthermore,
they won't be much longer
Just think of it! Rogers-Peet Clothing at less
than hal the regular price. Men, this sale
means real eavings to you. There is but a
little time left to take advantage of it. Just
the minute the contractors tell us the store !s
ready for business again, every one of these
attractive prices will be withdrawn, r.ctter
take time by the forelock and buy now.
$35 Men'i Clothing of the Rogers-Peet, Brokaw Bros., Hornthal 1 "V QC
and Benjamin Rheim makes. Walk in and pick what you want & I t33
The same identical makes in a little less expensive materials. A i jk Q
All standard goods, however. These also less than half regular lb 1 4. Ot5
$27.50 makes of the same firms above mentioned. Really and tf j A r
truly the biggest values for the money ever known anywhere 2)1 JtpJ
$25 values. Getting into the iess costly clothes. Still, they are lf) QC
regarded as standards the world over. Think of these suits for cjl&.eJt)
$22.50 Suits and Overcoats in such makes as Naumberg, Smith, rt p
Gray and Stratford System. Never sold for less than above j) 1 1 . I J
$20 Suits and Overcoats of same makes as above. All you have A rip
to do is to walk in and pick out what your fancy suggests for OD
$18 Suits and Overcoats. Still in the same popular line of clothes. ft nr
Nobody should want for a first-class suit at this very low price tfrOeUD
$15 Suits and Overcoats. A splendid idea, if you do not need a rfr ejp
suit just now, would be to anticipate your wants for a few weeks u).t5j
$22.50 and $25 Young Men's Suits, including College Brand, (Xl
Garson, Meyer. Snappy models, strictly in style. Your choice $1 1.05
$18 and $20 Suits for young men, fancy hand-tailored. These are (f
cut way down to a price that admits of no profit. A great buy at &e7e4i)
$12.50 and $15 Suits that Steinbach always relied upon for contin- np
ued patronage. These are right up to the minute and will please JUeOt)
$25. We have an immense lot of odds and ends from which the A s nr
economical buyer will find exactly what will please. Reduced to Jj)4.ob
$27.50 Blue Serges. . Many dealers think they are reducing this 17 np
line tremendously when they give you $5 off. Our present price Jl .Ot)
$25 grades in Blue Serges suffer the same reduction. Take d 1 r
your pick now from this lot at the ridiculously low price of only 51 0. fob
$20 grades also take a big tumble. Might just as well not wear Ai n ft
clothes as to complain about these prices. Your choice for only 3 15. $ J
$15 Serges sacrificed at the remarkably low price we are now d!! Art
quoting, because we must move this, gigantic stock immediately 3)1 Ue Ull
$15 to $25 Norfolk Stilts reduced less than one half. Come in and tf j tr
take your choice $25 Suits $12.35, $20 Suits $9.85, $15 Suits for 5 1 XI
Sw. Till--. I