The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 20, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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' -. ;
Prompt u Loading and Unload
l ing by Shippers and Con
signees Would Prevent Con
siderable Trouble.
. -
, hortaRi thiB fall tr sliluinrs and con
! j .iigtieen will In- prompt, in loading nnd
( i juriloailinis',1' said l'rrsldeiit Howard
! UClHott of the Northern l'acttlc th's
' ' bnornlng.ln discussing tlie car situation.
"U'here are today lU'OO.oou freight cars
r , Un the United stales find 11 takes no
j iinathematiclmi to fipur,. out thnt If all
" U1 Vncse: are kept idle two or three days
; "contention Is likely to f .How.
' i Northern l'm-inc Oil year has added
,," llOOO frfipht csrs to its nuiipinent and
' fitho company is in iiuil l,uiic to haiullu
;-Jjall the freight that may lie expected,
'"ibut no amount of cars would fill the
j Sill If cars are allowed to stand around
JJdly on loading tra'cks. Therefore the
'SSituation ronlly lv.sts with Urn public
" J 11 ore than tho railroads,"
: ' J . Central Oregon Pralaed.
it. Jlr, Elliott arrived In fortlond yes
yterday afternoo'n from a tour of incpec
jjtion in central Oregon- and he expressed
, ' - himself more than pleased with condi-
' Jtlons and pronpects. lie a ai-eom-
panted on .the. trip ly Joseph ii. YuuriK.
- tpresident of the' Hid lines in unoti;
;j. F. Harria of Harris, Winlhrop & Co.,
J.New l'pfk hankers haviiiK large invest
fluent in Oregon niiiruiid. projects, E.
T.,ReId Of Tu. onia, assistant to Prrsi
'dent Elliott; A. L. fluirlton, assistant
sf genera) passenger agent, l'ortland; V.
y'JZlL Kogarty, assistant general freight
? agent, Tacoma, and A. E. Army, Indus-
' atrial and Immigration agent for Oregon.
-Mc.J,ofiarty.went on to Lakevlcw to t
, -tend the Central Oregon Development;
: , -;lague convention that opens August 22.
I fl "Tl demonstration farms established
Jn central Oregon, at Kedmond and
Mtolius, by toe stuto, the railroads and
JJand, are doing a wonderful amount ot
.igood," continued -Mr. Klllott. "Hun
.' tvdreda of farmers visit them and get In
ttructton that Will spell the future suc
tcess of this tremendous aectton."
State Representative! Wanted.
jj Mr. Kllioil advanced the ideu that U
T.'would bo a paying investment for the
'itate to have a ronple of representa
gtives on the road talking Oregon and Its
i natural resources as Is done hy Cunada.
..; "Tho railroads are spreading the good
"jeword as as po.Hhible hy havTn4
"""TJiJ-eprestTitatives get Into personal con
taot with prospective settleia and
tUirough lectuns and land shows, but I
fthink a great deal of good could he ae-
f"compliilheJ by two or more state repre
eentatlvcB," he said.
,JLTnls morning Presidents Elliott and
JjToung and Mr. Harris left on the Ore
jgon Electric on a tour of the Wlllamotte
i valley, most of which will be made in
MautO, They expect to go as far as Eu-
gene. Mr. Elliott and his travellno
. ' ;MComj)anloriS expect to remain In Oregon
Oaeits at Sinner.
Last, evening Mr. Elliott whs the
guest of honor at a dinner given at the
Arlington club by President Young of
the Hill lines here. Guests in addition
to.Jlr. Elliott were: Pi. s. Josselyn, A.
t. Kata, Charles H. Ten-y, JameB B.
Kerr, H. L. Pit took, A. h. Mills, t. H.
viicox, ijuy w . Talbot, Edward Cook
Ingham, -1rKm-h7 rrgrjuctsFn7 Jx
W. Cam libel 1. J. O linrinw W u a.'mi'
Zn. -n. . . , V "wvl'
iiowurmge, U. W. lillce, 11
JA. Henshuw, Ralph K. Moodv, John V
xjCarrolL J. c. Alnsworth, H. L Corbett
- 1. Fuller, Hugh Hume, Edgar U
Plper, A. l. Charlton, Zera Snow'
fCharlfS je. Wotvertnn, , TE H Miller
John 11. Harris John if. Burgard and
i Mayor Rushlight.
tf' -l '. ..TPf suffrage no etihg held a week
'j Zs tJu"'l".v ai H e Oaks will be repeat
ed at Council t 'rest park if fr-sent
JP111 fur next Sunday eft-moon are not
-aPOiled 'i' u-e weather. Ti,j denionstra
tion wil; b.KI:, nt 4 o'clock. All who
;ttcnd ai-e to he tagged with suffrage
- tag.
"'t r- H 'nan ai;d Miss Birdie
Wiie of Astoria wiH spe-.iK. Mfs?"1lse
i. recently .wuu ua oral ileal prize at the
Unjve.-sity of r- gf ti with an oration
"r Oil equal suff.-.-ig.'.
r r J .The Pi,i k w i.i be decorated with
u-"Votl-'B f"r Wv.MiTi" banners, pennants
. i and placard:-, f-s well as yellow bunt
Jlng. Thme v li! be speoml musical
1 1 1
osenmal s
4XX.oor s st vie Men's "HA 11 AH"
nd "BOYlfEN" oxolds are included
In this sn Miii-y of these same
mylt we wilt li'iy again next year
yrrWTnT tV'it. so We nave iliade
Ule prices Inttr. tliig for 'OU.
J. W. Bengongrt.
J. W". riengough, known as the hum
orist of the cause Of single lax. is mak
ing many friends and converts to his
principles by his street speaklag and
Illustrating work In l'ortland.
Mr. Jiengough, though probably best
known as one of Canada's most forceful
cartoonists, and a wU informed ex
ponent of single tax, Is the author of
j several well known literary works. His
"Cp-to-Dawt J'rimer, which is widely
read and which has been translated and
printed In Japanese, offers a fund of
valuable information. He is also the
author of The Queer Theory of George
Henry," "The Whole Hog Hook." "Go
To the Ant." and "The Fables of No
Man's Land,"
j Mr. Uengough Is the author of two
volumes 01 pooiry, ana was ine ioumier
of "Grip," a Canadian humorous Jour
nal of which lie was editor and car
toonist for 20 years. He is a clever en
tertainer aod Is known through the east
ern United .States because of his work
on (Tie Lyceum circuit.
Tho single lax propaganda will he
furthered in Portland and Oregon by Mr.
Bengougti until the November election.
Recent Rains Discolored Hay
but Did Good to the
Hop Crop.
(SpeHnl to The Jmirnil.t
HUlsbord, Or., Aug. 20. As reports
of damage by last week's storm are re
ceived it appears that it will he much
loss ttvan was anticipated,-the principal
loss , being ..In discolored grain and hay
left unprotected In fields by owners
who did not anticipate rain in August.
Home grain was also beaten down by
the heavy rain. With the hot sun of
Monday it became apparent that hop
losses will be merely the expense of
lifting the vines beaten down by the
high winds, and that tho rain Instead of
injuring has fea'lly benefited the crop.
Had tlie wet weather continued there
would have been danger of mold, espe
peclally in the vines that are down, but
the hot weather haa removed this ten
dency. Gaston to Vote on Saloons.
(Sperltl to Tie Journal.)
Hillfcboro, Or., Aug. 20. After having
been dry for four years Gaston pre
cinct, Washington county, will aain
vote upon the saloon question. A peti
tion bearing 37 signatures and asking
that the local option question bo placed
upon the ballot at the fall election was
filed with the county clerk Saturday.
fPpei'lal to The Journal )
Albany, or., Aug. 2o.-- Some time ago
th- city of Allfany votid an issue of
bonds to ttie amount of .n,0nii for the
extension of the sewer system. When
the bonds were submitted to the at
torneys of the bond busing companies
ti e issue was rejected on ac.-ouut of
a. leg-.i ii regularities, the election being
d-'iared v!d because tiie city chatter
was vugti" about sonu of the details.
In older to nfetke the bonds valid a
new charter is being prepared . and in
drafting the sections covering the issu-iin.-e
i f bonds, the advice of the recog
niied hoiiil experts of the country Is to
le utilized so that there will be no dif
ficulty !n the future.
The ity i dumil.last evening author
ized tl.e ( barter . ' to submit
lo certain .V.w ork bond altoniexs
trie sc Hons pertaitiiug to b.uid issui's
It is '!." lntentio:, of tl.e ,-... ;i to
lone the new ei, alter teaoy l'i..r u,.
Ill!.".i 01 to thtl VotelS of tlie'elly fl t ,).,.
next i. g-.iiar election. whii, vv i , bp the
i'nht Monday in I fiiilj. i . lf'it jh
"'i'M'ted the sewer 1'Ot.dn will be Issued
.il ".ice aim tne sewer constructed
the spring.
Concrete 1'uvcmnt at Albany.
(SlH'.la) tu 'Die Journal, i
Albany, i ir.. Alii?. L'O. -The city coun
cil lust evening ue. eptert .tne hid of
VV. i, uKh (lf Hnlem for the Improve
me'it of Third street with concrete
piiveii.ent. This Is the first concrete
puv meiit contract to be let In Albany,
nil the previous paving having teen of
the bltnlitble type. There was con
siderable antagonism between the advo
eates of the different types of pave
merit and n was finally decided that a
small Piece of concrete pavement would
be a Buod thing to iiave In tha city, even
IT for no other purpose than a "horrible
example." This pavement will extend
from linker street to Mallroad strent
two blocks, and the contract price is
I47CO.C2. The Improvement Is to be
completed by November 1.
Adlni K. Stevenson of Illinois, former
t prwiMfrnfof TtteT-nlted States; will
take the stump fur the Democratic na
tional ticket. .
F '' " j " '
fir j 1
High Class Attractions Please
. Audience; Grace Cameron
Makes Hit.
This week's bill at the Orpheum,
opening yesterday, offer particularly a
medley of melody and mirth, which Is
altogether acceptable.
Turn number one, musical, is, offered
by the Taklness, under the title, the
"Stammering Tutor." Why such a tltie.
Ajp evlleHtXi:J(jft for the audience to
conjecture. TJie peculiar voice vibra
tion of the main member of the Takl
ness duo Is a feature of the act.
Then conies Bob and May Kemp In
"Matrimonial Bliss," this title also be
ing but an excuse under whleh the
Kemps put over some tuneful, song
stuff and breezy comedy.
Hlehnrd N.jjsmlth and Vorno Sheridan,
In ".Squaring Accounts," have a 20 min
ute sketch In which they run the gamut
of emotions In working out the-tale of
a newsboy w teaches an attenuated
landlord how to shoot craps, and takes
him into camp. I
Carl MeCullough, hilled as the "Dy
nam I to Comedian," offers a good, clean
vaudellle act, featirrlng sorno clever
travesties on well known actors, as well
as a laughable takeoff on the breakfast
food demonstrator "in the basement."
"Tho Piano Movers," put on by Ed
mond Hayes. Kobert Archer and Miss
Marie Jensen, assisted' by a Mock and
ta. kle, a piano frame and a "duck," Is
Kimply a conglomeration of nonsense
that gets the laughs because It is so
outrageously silly. "The Piano Movers"
was evidently Intended for nothing but
fun, and that's nil there is to it.
Then comes Grace Cameron, "direct
from her London trlunVphs." Miss Cam
eron was happily received and sang sev
eral songs very acceptably. Miss Cam
eron's "kid" ditties were especially
The "Bounding Pattersons" close, next
to the pictures. They do some sonier
uultiig extraordinary, and furnish a
few thrills with their horizontal bar
A western comedy drama photo play
is worth waiting for, to the average
vaudeville "fan," and, together with the
orchestra, completes the bill.
The program runs throughout the
week, with afternoon and evening per
formances. II
Answering the complaint of the North
Portland residents who have voiced an
objection to the extension of the water
mains to Llnnton, before North Portland
and other districts In the city are fur
nished, Llnnton "boosters" call attention
to the fact that Llnnton people them
selves are going to pay for all they, get,
and that Portland is in reality making
no concessions to Llnnton,
The water board has agreed to ex
tend the 18 inch main on the Llnnton
road to the city limits and from there
tho officials of Llnnton will make an
extension to their town of a 12 Inch
main, which will carry water enough to
supply the needs of the town satisfac
torily. Llnnton Is to pay the city 6 per cent
Interest on the cost of extending the
Uualiis Jo the, city ijcits, the regular rne-
er rates on water, and a small amount
to be applied to the bonded Indebtedness
Interest fund of the city.
With tills understanding, the Llnnton
people bold, It goes without sayings that
Llnnton is goln? to get no more than
It pays for, and they feel that under
the circumstances they are trending on
no one's toes, but are only reaping the
benefits of progressive hustling and en
deavor. Strange you never see a sale
ture. No, it isn t. Our furniture is always worth
the same. We don't have to force sales.
389 Alder Street, Opposite
Li.:! '? .
Your Bundle Always Comes
Back on Time
W hen the Troy laundry wagon calls for your
work, you can see it go away secure in the knowl
edge that your bundle will be returned when it is
More than thatjVou'll know that the work will
suit you that starched goods will have the
spick and span look "that only well-laundered
garments can have that delicate, -filmy pieces
will he carefully handled.
So thorough is our system so complete is our
equipment that we take pride in our record for
Yet, in spite of, the many points in our service
that excel the ordinary laundry, our prices are,
no higher.
'You Can Depend
"Phones: East 33 or BSl 18
' '.".. .;
"The 0 Irl With the Pink Mask." which
opened for a week's run at the Lyrla
theatre yesterday afternoon, 1st clean,
cut, wholesome muslcl oomedjr' of tho
Hi,)-tickling variety. vJMany surprises
are sprung during the ' evtWhg'a per
formance, the first being tha moving
picture, "The Honeybugs' " first quar
rel wherein is seen Miss LUllari Brant)
come as Mrs. Honeybugs, who . a few
years ago was one oftha biggest fa
vorites with tho Lyrlo audiences and
theatre-goers of this city.. The second
surprise Is the porformahca of George
Murdoek, better known as FYanklyn
Murray, who was the character mau
with tho Athon .Stock company at the
Lyric three years ago. Mr. Murray
(George Murdoek) portrays tho part of
Jim Jeff, the Rajah of the Land of No
where, In a very acceptable manner. Ous
Leonard as the "Kadi" Is a man of his
word and in endeavoring to prevent the
prince (Ralph He Van) from marrying
"Atnpoora." a very ugly person, he sen
tenced her to wear a rnsoiJj of pink for
the rest of her life yn tuWlsland. Miss
Ethel liavls as "H Ipplpoora," and Clam
Howard as "Trcol i rooral" hay very little
to do, but make up for their scanty parts
by singing some very good and catchy
smigs. Miss Davis sings "A Beautiful
Night With a Beautiful Girl" and Miss
Howard "I'm Hypnotized.' "The Girl
With the Pink Mask" will he at the
Lyric all week, wtth daily matinees, two
performances nightly and the, chorus
girls' contest on Friday night after each
Representatlng a plan for building a
macadam road on the Washington side
of the Columbia from Grand Dalles to
Vancouver, A. E. Woodruff, city en
gineer of White Salmon, oame to Port
land yesterday and conferred with Sam
uel Hill, Plill 8. Bates, and other good
roads authorities as to the best plan
of procedure.
"There lsn t a worse reeded road In
United States than this one," said Mr.
WToodruff. "The state should lead in
the plan of construction and the coun
ties through which the road is to be
constructed should come forward and
bear their due proportion of cost. That
would give us on the Washington sido
of the Columbia a tourist road from
Spokane to Vancouver and then over to
Portland. This city should be Inter
ested in the road because it would act
as an important feeder to Its trade.
"The road now, such as it is. Is un
equal to traffic and ls dangerous. I
believe there will be general support of
the plan for improvement."
Aunt Sally's Advice
to Beauty-Seekers
W. C. r. says: "My elbows are so
thick-skinned, gooseplmply and muddy,
1 can't wear short sleeves. How can
this condition be overcome?" Don't use
elbows as props. The treatment recom
mended to Minnie L. will make your
elbows quite presentable.
Ellen Tt. asks: "What should I do for
dop lines under my eyes and across my
forehead?" Much lines, and all wrinkles,
are best obliterated by bathing affectej
portions In a good astringent and tonic
lotion, which strengthens and draws In
the relaxed tissue. Here's a reliable
formula: 1 ounce powdered saxollte, H
pint witfh hae; tnix n4 use daily un
til entirely relieved.
Minnie L. : The undue redness, as
well as the pimples, rimy easily be re
moved by using ordinary mercolized
wax. Apply nightly like coia cream anu j
erase mornings wilm waim tvaiti. dudii
you'll have a beautifully white, clear,
soft Rnd velvety complexion. Mercol
Ized wax, sold by all druggists. Is better
than cosmetics for any complexion trou
ble. One ounce suffices for moat condi
tions. Woman's Realm.
of Peters Mission Furni
Olds, Wortman & King.
JMT.'1MJ-? ? Slu'l.i- HEPS
mum aa sseMi
on the Troy" ,
- U.S., I
:,J.. a
Th People's, Star and Arcade tha
atres are playing to big crowd and
the programs offered are well bal
anced -and. entertaining. At the Peo
pie's, Nat C. Goodwin's production of
tn famoua Dickens novel, "Oliver
Twist," was the f eature Bundani.The
ohange in bill was meda yesterday, with
"The Wrecked Auto Taxle" and "West
ern Chivalry' as the two picture fea
tures, together with the "Prodigal's Re
turn" and a local airship oarrylng U,
S. Mall. Tha musical offering .will be
That Trio and the Cervo Duo, who come
With a big reputation, as accordionists;
The bill at the Starja a pleasftig one,
featuring "Their Lives for Gold." a
thllllng and picturesque story of a
chase for a fortune, There are three,
other good pictures and two excellent
musical acts, the Carson Trio and ,Ethel
Leslie offering popular songs of the
Jingling variety. "A Man Among Men"
heads 4h bill at th AMRlt vWileft In.
chides three other films of merit. Lee
anu v-nanuier orrer a pleasing musical
specialty and Arthur Elwell gives his
latest song offering.
Kufala roHtoffiee Discontinued.
Centralla. Wash.. Aua 20 ,Th nnt.
office at Eufaula, 10 miles west of
Kelso, has been discontinued hy the
postofflce department through lack of
patronage, matrons or the office will
hereafter get their mall at Stella.
Opening Display
Knox Hats
For Fall
Wednesday, August 21st
Knox Hats lead in .Quality and Style the Correctly Styled
Hat for the Gentleman.
Knox Extra Quality
Soft and Stiff Hats
By Night
Lighted . Trains
FAST MAIL 8:30 A.M. 1:40 P.M. 3:15 P. M.
Puget Sound Express ... 1:45 P. M. 7:05 P. M. 8:30 P. M.
SHASTA LIMITED ... 3:00 P. M. 7:40 P. M. 9:00 P. M.
The Owl 11:00 P.M. 4:45 A.M. 6:15 A.M.
Passengers Using "The Owl" May Occupy Their Berths Until 8 A. M.
Phone Marshall 4500
.il.-...1.. - - . ... . '.'
V. IE, ')
Insist on IBBOXiBlTB la th original packages
(CALIFORNIA) rranolsoo
Master Fish Warden Clanton has re
ceived : wordr from United states Fish
Commission Bower that authority has
b86"n given the superintendent ; of. tha
federal flab, hatchery at Yes Bay, Alas
ka, to turn over to the fish and game
commtstfionof Oregon- 2,000,000 " tilue
back salmon eggs. Warden Clanton will
send a man In October to bring the
eggs to Bonneville to be, hatched.
The arrangement was made with the
government two years ago to secure
.,000,000 bluebaek eggs each year for
four years, and 000,000 have alroady
been - hatched. The fish have " been
turned loose in th Columbia river for
the purpose of restocking the Columbia.
Formerly bltiebacks were numerous
In tho Columbia, but overfishing has
practically exterminated them. The
chief spawning ground were Wallowa
lake. Efforts have been mad by the
Washington fish commission to secure
spawn from fish taken In the river and
raise the salmon In small lake near
McGowan's cannery, across the river
from Bonneville. The experiment failed
owing to lack of mean of Introducing
fresh water Into the lakes.
Tuberculosis Meeting August 21.
Salem, Or., . Aug. 20. A meeting of
the commission for the treatment of
tuberculosis will be held at the gov
ernor's office tomorrow morning, at 11
Beacon Hats
Made by Knox
Silks and Operas.
By Day
Steel Coaches,
Third and Washington Streets
best auto oil
in the
dandiest can.
Governor Wet will travel over -th
Mount-' Hood road tomorrow as ' th
guest of B. Henry Wcmme, who has
promised to giv $250,000 for the Im
provement of the scenic highway if the
stat Will appropriate a like amount.
.. A. number of photographs will . ba.
taken for exhibition before th legisla
ture at It next meeting, a a mean of
proving the merit. of making the appro
priation. Th governor will acquaint
himself with the facts of th plan in
order that he may make It, If necessary,
subject of special message to the leg.
1 si at u re. Governor West, Mr. Wemme
and others will leave Portland for the
trip over the road at 1 o'clock tomorrow
Pendleton, Or., Aug. 10. "We "have
not had a serious forest fire this
year," said F. A. Elliott, stat forestor,
who passed through Pendleton on a tour
of inspection. ''Ther are no fire in
progress at the prcsnt time, although
this is the height of the season for
them. - The rains have helped keep down
the fires, but I feel that our organisa
tion haa done much to prevent losses."
While here the state forester' consulted
with Dan P. Smyth, local representa
tive on the state forestry board.
Save Before
You're Married ;
The young man
who starts married
life with a reason
able amount in the
savings bank is
starting out in the
' right manner.
When he is ready to fur
nish his home he pays
cash for his furniture and
saves from 10 to 25 pet
cent on what it would
cost if bought on credit.
Besides, the habjt of sav
ing, once learned, is never
forgotten and he stands
a much better chance of
making a success he
hasn't any overdue bills to
pay up nothing to worry
about his whole mind
can be-given to his work.
Start your savings account
now in this bank every
dollar you bring here will
4 Per Cent
Portland Trust Co.
Of Oregon
Third and Oak Sts.
Geary Street, above Union Square
European Plan $1.60 a day up
American Plan $3.00 a day up
New steel and brick structure. Evcrr
Bsodern cnnUnc. Modmat rates.
Canter of theatre and retail dLtrlet Oa
ar Unas trantferrtn all ovsr fit?. Els
trie omnibui meets trains ao steamers.
Oregon Humane Society
orrum m mabibow it.
PHONE MAIM 698 i A-7889
Refer all traelty calls to this offjo.