The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 19, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Town Topics
. j
iwt foreet wbeo going ..
Vacation or for lh umnier, tn
Journal esa follow yon t 5 coats a
the reeular aubacrlptlun rites, nd tB
jowl aeuts will suret out
Ur rte: ' , -. ' ''
Bar OreiOT., Bar 0tn hotA -
Canoa Springs .Wash., Mineral Bpnsxi
bConiM. Wth.. Fre A. Imn.
Gearbart. Or.. Mrs. 0. U
- lions beach. Waah. Uwmnea Dinners.
De"ery to sll joints c NortB, Beseb.)
. Newport. Or, Glen Howard
WllboU Spring. Or.. F. W MeUW. ,
Caacadla, Or.; 0. U. OeUendorfer.
HEILIQ Catherine Countiss In :,"W
ICNCU:" CBESTHlgb uelMf. attrac-
LYftlct-Armstronsr tollies company
'TheGlrt With the Pink Mask."
O PHEUMOrpheum circuit vaudeville.
THE EMPRESS Vaudeville,
u PANTAGES Vaudeville. .
THE OAKS Amusement park. .;
Weather Forecast.
Portland and vicinity: Fair tonight
Tuesday fair and warmer. , flortherly
WOrlgon and WashlngtoiHjrair ; Jo
night. Tuesday fair and warmer. North-
eHy winds. " " ''-Tr? .,,,, fair
Idaho: Fairtonlght, Tuwday fair
and warmer.- EDWARD A. BEALS,
ana wanner District Forecaster. -
Ouml Jars Safe-A short circuit of
eleetrle-w4i4 the office f thet Portj
land Pure Mllkcempany and Hazelwood
company at Third and Hoyt streets
caused the belief fo.- a time this morn
ing; that safe blowers had been trying
to crack the office safe. Detectives
Coleman and Snow soon learned the
real trouble. Tom Burns, a Socialist
speaker who repairs watches at Socialist
headquarters, 228 Second street, reported
to . the police this morning that loafers
a . i ttADi4niiaitrl hart RtOlfin his
BDOUl m n-i"' v. .
S0 outfit of tools and several watches.
valued at aboujt ou. ine on
Pkniincmnh romnanv. at 371
Washington street waa found open this
morning by a patrolman, dui inveui
tlqa showed nothing had been taken,
Xlsslng Proves CortlyA little show
of affection following a stormy scene
on an Alberta car early yesterday
nnnini mat Charles Palm S 10 and
Ada Clark a similar sum, when they
appeared in police court this morning
to answer to a charge of disorderly
niiiAt . Tha two boarded the owl car
yesterday morning, and in the presence
of Patrolman waaaeii, wno was on ine
- car. engaged in a light. on tne way
hoxir tn tnwn thv hiiddlpd 11 o In a scat
and were hugging and kissing until the
patrolman interfered. Tne rine in me
case of the Clark girl was suspended.
as sne naa spent un lime siacs iier ar
rest in Jail.
Prisoner Must Pay Attracted by the
dripping of water in a storeroom at 483
Washington street. Patrolman John
Reld, early yesterday morning, found
that Joe Bigom, who said he was from
Crown City, Kan., a roomer in the Com
merclal hotel, had torn the wash basin
from the wall In his room. .. Asked why
he had done it. he said he was trying to
make the water stop leaking. Damage
to the extent of more than 1100 was
done. In court this morning Btgam was
told that If he would pay the damage
he would be released from Jail, but he
will be held until he pays.
Alleged Yegg Kan. Sheriff Kelley of
Missoula, Mont, arrived in , Portland
last night to aeturn James Casey, an
alleged yegg" man "arrested here during
the Elks convention who Is believed to
be the murderer of J. w. Ballard, a
brakeman on the Northern Pacific rail
way who was beaten to death last June,
The identification came about- through
a row between two yegg men, theetbep
named Burns, who were arrested at the
' same time and who disagreed while at
the rock pile Burns will probably be
taken to Missoula as a witness.
Cigarette Bailers rined Fined $20
and then scored by Judge Tnzwell, who
said that he had seen ttie defendant
oommit several offenses, was the- ex
perlence of W. R. Cunningham, a cigar
dealer, of First and Morrison streets.
Patrolman Stewart for selling clgar
ettes to 18-year-old Robert Ray,
Charles Schnell, clerk In a cigar store at
i Sixth and Washington streets, was
4ilned 110 for selling cigarette to Rus
sell Alewein, aged 19 years.
Wife After Unpaid Alimony. Unable
an order to servo him with notice of a
suit was allowed this morning by Judee
McGinn of the. fclrcult ..court. The suit
is by his former wife, Sarah L. Asher,
over a contract he made with her when
j they separated, in which he agreed to
!pay her $40 a month alimony: The
payments have not been made. Asher
Is In the Jcwlcry business with his
father, but cannot be located by the
'sheriff's office.
Doberty Will Piled. The will of Mich
ale Doherty, who died August 13, was
filed today In the county court for pro
bate. The estate Is valued at 40,000,
.and Is left to a niece.' Mary Rowena
Clark. John R. Clark Is named admin
istrator. The will of Lyman F. Hodges
of Milwaukee, Wis., was also filed for
probate Robert E. Hitch is named ad
ministrator of the property left In Mult-
jnomah county, which consists of some
minor lots.
Bankruptcy Proceedings The Inde
pendent Coal & Ice company has pe
titioned the United States district court
Hto declare the Olympic Bottling com
pany bankrupt. The Independent corn-
' pany claims that the Olympic owes
over $1000 debts of which $600 is to
trfe Independent company" for rent. 11.
Hays' of Salem filed a petition in volun
tary bankruptcy giving his liabilities as
$1326.61 and assets at $56S.
Liquor Use Denied. Mrs. C. A.
Hutchinson, mother of a! L. Hutchin
son, who last week was sentenced to
' six months on the rockplle, and whoso
sentence was later suspended, takes ex
ception to the statement that her son
used liquor. When the Case was re-
Oregon Humane Society
PXOmB KAXtr 698; A-7589 -
Refer ail cruelty calls - to this office.
acoxsa akbuijtoii makshali, ooo
Foster & Klelser
Outdoor Advertisers
opened Saturday morning, Judge Taz-
eu suspended the prisoners sentence
Hauor alone and he hnma hv 10 o'clock
every night Mrsr HutchinBon-denies
that her son usee liquor or vu ad
dicted to bad-habits.- -
Elevator Crushes Poot -M. -Schmeer,
aged 14 years, elev,ntor,boy In the Jones
market at Fourth andiMorriaon streets.
sustained- serious injuries to his toot
and leg this morning when he " was
caugnt m me. shafLThe elevator was
stopped as uickly-a possible-andthe
boy was rushed to St Vincent's hos
pital in the Red Cross ambulance. ' He
lives at 833 East Seventh street north.
Doctors to Est Cnatre The Ad club
tomorrow will surrender, its luncheon
program to the doctors. Dr. John, E.
Beaumont is to serve as chairman of
the day. Dr. J.-Chris'0'Day Is. te apeak
on "Medical Advertising Genuine and
will discuss, the "Status of the Medical
Profession." There is to be a vocal solo
by M. k Bowman. .
Takes Poison by uistake Miss I
Howell of 989 Alberta street yesterday
morning took a small -doss of poison,
mistaking the polsoiufor headache pills.
The girt immediately took an antidote
and was then rushed to St. Vlneent's
hospital, where hurried treatment' re
stored her. The affair Is claimed to be
accidental. ' '
Deckhand Xa Arrested Roy Dixon,
deckhand .on the steamer Hassalo, was
arrested this morning by Deputy Sheriff
Hunter on a charge . of larceny. The
complaint recites that he took articles
from suit cases left on the boat. Dixon
has been arrested before on larceny
lumber' Pile Zs Platform. LaRelne
Helen Baker, Mrs. J. W. Polnce and
Miss McMillan, equal suffrage speak
ers, addressed the employes of the Port
land Lumber company from a pile of
lumber in the company's yard In South
Portland, at noon todays,.
September Jury Drawn The Jury for
the September term of court was drawn
this morning before Judge Morrow, who
will be presiding Judge after Wednes
day. The list consists of 130 names.
Kiss K. A. Paffrath, Kllllner, 409H
Morrison st, unexpectedly called away,
suspends business until further notice.
Information, 207 Globe bldg. . .
Steamer Jesse Kar kins for Cam,s,
Washougal and way landings, dally ac
cept Hunflayv Lsavea- Washington -street
dock at 2 p. nt.-
Mount Hood Anto Stare leaves Bel
lamy's store. Second and Alder, 8 a. m.,
dally. Main 3074, res. phone Sell. 1466. f
Dyes Tested, Glasses Pitted, broken
lenses duplicated. Dr. Geo. Rubensteln
expert optician, 189 3d st near Taylor.
Drs. Onstave E. Brnere and Frank B.
Kistner removed from Electric building
to tenth floor Journal building.
Have Edlefsen book your order for
coal and wood now. East 803 and East
Dr. O. T Chamberlain has moved to
The Journal bldg. A-1371, Main 623.
Sr. Hicks O. Penton has resumed his
practice. Eye, ear, nose and throat.
Dr. J. D. Sternberg has moved to
The Journal bldg. A-1371, Main E2S.
S. Chambers ai Son, optometrists, now
at loi aevemn, near Morrison oi.
W. A. Wise and associates, painless
dentists, Third and Washington,
Go to Bhiphard'a Springs. E. I Ship-
herd, manager.
Dr. Thomas J. Pox, Medical building.
Main B819.
Dr. Hicks C. Penton has resumed his
Hew Hrati Buffet, 3d and Alder sts.
(Rpecllil to The Journal.)
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 19. Madge Tark,
10-year-old daughter of Dr. O. A. Park
of Seattle, was delighted last night
when she received word that her Hom
ing pigeon was in good hands at the
Multnomah county poor farm at Trout
dale, near Portland.
Speck Is the name of Madge's pei and
he was released from a Southern Pacific
passenger train 30 miles south of Port
j.anl. whll the girl and her parentsjwere
returning to Seattle last ' week. Speck
xarrled ttls message:
"Whoever finds Speck please give hlra
a good home. When you find him write
to Madge Park, 3348 Edmunds street
Speck was released Friday afternoon
and the same day ho alighted at the
poor farm. Last night Information was
received by a, local newspaper from
Aaron Fox, a Troutdale merchant, who
sent the message to the newspaper be
muse the street address was obliterated.
Through the newspaper Speck's owner
was found.
(Vnltod Press T.eiwd Wire.
"Washington, Aug. 19. With a thousand
dead lying unburled In the streets of the
city, the Managua battle is considered
the bloodiest In the history of Central
America, according to reports received
here today from United States Minister
Weltzel at the capital of Nicaragua.
The city is threatened with pestilence.
The revolutionists' strength is said to
be Increasing.
London, Aug. The British foreign
office today notified the American em
bassy that England accepts "In prlnclT
pie" the Invitation to participate In th.e
Panama Pacific exposition to be held
at" San Francisco In 1916. Formal ac
ceptance Is delayed until the exposition
commission is consulted concerning the
space available.
Investigation Ordered.
Washington, Aug. 19 The senate
adopted today the resolution of Senator
Works of California providing fop an
Investigation of conditions at the Na
tional Soldiers' home at Sawtelle, CaL,
near Los Angeles. Works charged
that the veterans were mistreated and
Improperly .fed.
sltgMfml-mp-te"Wt Hood -SftrfrtC
Aute atage-ally,7a. mrttt Haw.
thorns avs. Donahue A BelL H 13$.
Aviator Sails Under Bridges
-and soars 1 0QQ Feet?
7- Above the City. .
Directing his machine under the Haw.
thorne,. Morrison and Burnslde ' street
bridges,' circling 1000 feet above 'the
city, skimming over the business section
of the town and , rising and alighting
in tne Willamette river. Bllaa Chrlstof
ferson yesterday gave one of the most
spectacular aeroplane . exhibitions ever
witnessed in Portland or the northwest
The flights under the bridges were most
daring and novel and had never been at
tempted in the west, before.
Christofferson drove a Curtlss hydro
aeroplane,- the property ot Brice Wilson
and Robert F-Coa, - two local timber
men, which was-built recently in Ban
Francisco. It Is said to be one of the
best fliers of its- type in the United
States. .
Tour Plight Made.
The flights were made from the asst.
side at a point opposite the north end
of Ross Island. During the forenoon
four successful flights wers made and
In the afternoon three.
On one of his aerial Journeys Chris
tofferson was accompanied by Everett
Cox, the 13-year-old son of Robert Cox.
The youngster thoroughly enjoyed the
experience and says he wants to go
During the forenoon Christofferson
confined himself to flights up and down
the river for the purpose of thoroughly
testing out pontoons attached to the
machine. They worked perfectly and no
trouble was experienced In alighting or
arising from the stream.
inp arternoon trips were sensational.
After circling above the Oaks he darted
down river, swinging along at a 60 mile
clip Just above the river. With perfect
accuracy he Judged his distance and
swept under the three bridges, then shot
into the air and circled the towers of
the new O.-W. R. & N. steel bridge.
"Pans" Witness Plight
Successful thus far, the aviator shot
away over the- eity. took- a spin- around
the baseball park at Twenty-fourth and
Vaughrr BtTeetsrwhers the Poraand-ahdj
Los Angeles teams were playing, then
returned to his starting pomt. When
the aeroplane was sighted by the crowd
at the baseball park, the game was vir
tually forgotten, while thousands rushed
to points of vantage to view the filer,
who was at that time fully 1000 feet
In the air.
Christofferson used an eight cylinder,
Jkown I
u tolas j
"Sclilltz in Brown Bottles' Itas a
full, fine flavor wnicn brings to you
tne taste of tne barley and tne hos.
Ilrlras tne startle and lifr due to
a perfect yeast.
Tke freedom from germs shows
careful sterilization.
It does not cause biliousness or fer
ment in your stomach, as it is roerly
aged before leaving the brewery.
The Brown Bottle v insures
absolute protection against the
damaging efifects of light.
75 horsepower machine, weighing 1200
pounds and having a lifting capacity
of 1500 pounds. During - the - present
week several more trial flights will be
held.' after which the machine will "be
prepared for shipment east the ultimate
goal being Chicago, where jChristofferson
will compete In the aeroplane meet that
will be held there poon. .
' (Continued From Page Cna) - '
one of the character witnesses who tes
tified In favor of Judge Hanford In the
recent impeachment hearing by the con
gressional committee in Seattle. How
ard was also president of the State Bar
association year ago. -- In his work
fbrtfie coiTJorairohs, iHowaroTTias nof
only been their legal counsel in .courts,
but also has been their chief lobbyist
before the legislature and the city coun
cil of Belllngham. . u
William J. Biggar of Belllngham, can
didate for congress on the Progressive
party ticket this morning wired to 8en
aior f ouiaexiejui mis siais to uie.ex
fect that Howard's appointment is an
"outrageous insult" to the people, and
that- it ought not to be confirmed by
the senate under any circumstances.
--."Hqward. haja to
of the people. He has always sought
special, privileges," atd-Biggarr'
Seattle Progressives are equally
aroused. Plans are now being dis
cussed to arrange for a monster pro-
test meeting egalnst the confirmation
of Howard's appointment by the senate.
(Continued From Page One)
forthcoming at once this office will im
mediately take steps to see that you sre
removed." ,
Adjutant General Flnzer, on the gov
ernor's orders has detailed 12 privates
Of the Oregon National Guard, and a
nnta1n to nfnrr-.A martial law In rAi
nd. Or., if Mayor Jones and CUy Mar
shal Eby stay In office. Flnzer, who re
fused to give out the names of the mep
Selected for doty, said they were held lr
readiness and could be started for Red
mond within an hour after receipt of.
Journal Want Ads bring results.
20-22-24-26 N. First Street,
Portland, Oregon,
Pbonei, Main 153, A 4663.
Humorist Sees 'Great Changes
v Here in the Past Ten r
Thomas W. Jackson, author of ."On
a Blow Train Through Arkansas."
"Through Missouri on a Mule' and
many other humorous books. Is reg-
accompanied by his wfe, is on a tour
through the west They expect to re
main In Portland for several days. An
Interview, with Mr. Jackson today proved
that he is a humorous talker as well
as a humorous writer.
"And how about the scenery? It is
said to be very fine on the C. P. R."
- -"The scenery outhere is marvelous,"
said Mr. Jackson, "and X liked It all
right with one exception there was too
much of it; one can't absorb It all."
"Canada, which I passed through, real
ises she-has-s-big -country and a rich
oneand they are developing it, too,
The immigration to British Columbia
and Alberta is something phenomenal,
There is a town over there with a pop
ulation of 500,000. Just the other day I
town lots enough to accommodate a pop
ulatlon of 600,00. Just the other day I
read In a Calgary paper where a fellow
had been found way out on the plains,
His horse had died, his food gone, and
a very little water left he was looking
for his city lots. I was very much m
pressed with Vancouver, it Is a lively
place, with clean streets, many new
and substantial business blocks. It Is
very much American, and has all the
ear marks of becoming a real city.
"I want you to take me serious as to
what I have to say about Portland. Ten
years ago; Portland was my home, and
at that time I thought it was Just about
as near the country as It was possible
to get but on my arrival here yester
day, I met with the greatest surprise
of my life. Instead of finding Portland
as I hsd known It ten years ago.
found anventirely different city every
thing new no old land-marks left that
looked natural. You have a city here
that you should be proud of. Even
though I "am from Chicago, I am amazed
at your magnificent buildings many
real sky scrapers. Walking along Wash
lngton street reminds me of State street
in Chicago, so many people! I think
Portland, is destined to become a great
place, as she has many natural advant
ages over her rival cities, If Columbus
had only landed In the northwest there
wouldn't be any New York today.
1 h
See that crown
or cork is branded
Boy Slayer on Trial.'
Ean Francisco, Aug. 19. Having feom-
pleted the Impanelment of the Jury the
trial of Charles Bonner, 19-year-olr?
slayer of Bernlce Godalr, was begun
here today In Judge : Dunne's depart
ment of the superior court ,
if ii
of service; reasonable andl Just
charges to all, nothing misrepresent
edthe know how In my business
all this accounts for my success.' I
fit Kryptoks the Invisible blfocals--
ancl make a specialty of fitting large
tone lenses, i oo my own grinding.
Any lens you may break I can re
place almost while you wait
Dr.Haynes gJSiy
Suite 437 Kacqnam Bldg.. 4th Floor.
That "X" on a deed may bs
worth as much as' the most
legible signature, if It is
properly certified. In a real
state deal the little things
oertainlng to title are Im
portant but easily over
looked. Our guaranteed
Certificate of Title is com
piled by experts. Investi
gate. Call for booklet
ind Oak.
When you think of Newberg hereafter
classify It in your mind as a progres
sive city. It has adopted bltullthlo as
the best pavement with which to 1m
prove her streets. Call at room 700
Journal bldg. for "Bitullthllc WHYS."
Up the
Daily Excursions to
The Dalles
Bailey Gatzert
Leaves Alder-street Dock at 7
A. M. Return 9:45 P.!.
$1.00 EACH WAY
Phone M. 914,' A-5H2.
Have You Ever
Done Anything
To Help Port
land? Here's your chance
boost for Portland
factories In general'
"nd - thVr-lT..r tl and
Slazed Cement Sewer
Pipe In particular
not slmpry because It
Is made in Portland,
9ut because It will
stand the test of the
claim made for It Of
being the BEST In
every way, at no In
crease In cost.
-New Calcutta -
Ready at PORTLAND,
Immediate shipment;, upon tJt
receipt ot order , '
Impertal-IIotel, : rOUXLANU,-ORv-
Write for Prices
, - Vi .4..
il 1 "
i tit - mi
DM. a &. KATXE9
The Best
Specs a
Sere-la an opportunity to ret
BE AX- bargains la of flea
desks and chairs. We have ft .
splendid stock to pick from.
It will pay yon to eome In
and viaif our of floe furniture
department at onoe. This
special sale will he for only
30 days. 4.
Complete Office Outflttera
Booksellers Stationen
7 th and Taylor
Phones i Mala 1. A-liaa
Bargain Price Matinee Wedneadap..
Special Price Matinee Saturday
Cathrine Countiss
Bnpported by SIDflXIt ATBS
in the Brilliant Comedy
The Kit of the Engagement
Evenings, 75e, 80o, 35o, 85c, Bargain
Wednesday Matinee, any seat, 2Sa.
Saturday Matinee 60c, SSo.
Special Summer Prices
10c and 20c
Matinee -AnylSeatlpci.
August 19 "lie Petit qosse," Ton
Hampton and Joss.lys, "The Xieep Teat
Girls." tows and Edwards, Jo Cook.,
Jack Allman, Twilight Pictures, . Or-'
chestra, - : -
WEBr U THEATRE 1 5.23-50-'5.
AUW. 1
Grace Cameron, Xdmond Xayea 'aad'
company, Carl McOollongh, Earrlsoa
Armstrong's players, Bounding Patter
sons, The Taklnsss, The Kemps,
Matinee Ban? ? '
WEEK ATJO. 19 Special Engagement
Miss Iucla Lottie Collins, Premier Com-
edlsnne: Matthew. Jt Bnffyl Cantor's
Marry ICids; Zaclta; JTadls; Tour Plying .,
Casters, ropmar pnc.s. asav seuy.
Boxes and first row balcony reserved.
Box office open from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m.
Ljnric Theatre
Pouxth and Stark Streets,
First time on any stagerth great set"
musical comedy of the age "Tne Qlxl
With the Pink Mask." the biggest aen
satlon of the east by the Armstrong
Follies company. Two performances
nightly 16o and 2 Sc. Matinee dally lto.
Chorus girls' contest Friday night after
each ehow.
Big Outdoor Bill of Pre Attreotloaa
The Kawallans Delightfully en
trancing Kanakas pleasing with
their native songs arid instruments.
Five more today. Kvery afternoon
and night.
All Bada Oriental wonder worker
In magical performance on the
band stand. Every afternoon and
Punch and Judy Still the ehil
dren'B delight. All day.
The Bine Streak The greatest
and fastest ride in Amerfoa.
Park Attractions Tbe most
charming place In America to visit.
Comet Taughn and Twenty-fourth sta
AUGUST 80, 81. 22, 83, 24, 2V
Games begin week daya I p. ra, fua
days 2:30 p. m, .. ,
Boys under 1J free to bleachers Wednea. -day.
, Prlntlnisnnd
- linlnrjrlnc
343VS was:::
Mataea vsry py. ,
nnivan Oemeldmi :
p Banned Tandevllag str,
v eai !.!; t ..... ei-ssssb .
., r,-., -tV-Hv-TT7T;:,i
v iff' '. f-i