Till: .OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 13, '1312. IE i loin nSTOIHG AT1IE-T1PLE Former Local Pastor Packs Auditorium; Must:BeLike Child to Enter Kingdom of J Heaven, Text' of Sermon. Standing room only was available at the Whlta Temple at both servloes yea tarda when Dr. J, Whlteomb Brougher, formerly pastor Of the church and pres. an pastor of tha Temple Baptlat church of Loa Angeles preached. Both large auditoriums were packed and many left rathaf than stand throughout the serv. , leas. Dr. Brougher took as Ms evening sub Ject, "The Child Spirit, or How to Keep Young and Happy." In part-ha' said: "My text Is found In 'the eighteenth chapter of Matthew, where Jeatia 'called to him a little child and set hjm In the midst of them ahd aald, 'Verily I say unto you, except ye turn and become aa little children, ye shall In no wis enter into the Kingdom of Heaveti. Whosoever, therefore, ahall humble him. self as thla, little child, Is the greatest la the Kingdom of Heaven.' . Oreat teaming Vnaeoeigary. "Jesus Chlrst announces a startling fact In theae texts. If a man would enter the kingdom of heaven he must ' become ae a little child. The greatest In the kingdom of heaven la the one .who humbles himself aa a little child. 'The child spirit Is the fundamental spirit of the kingdom of Ood. Jesus Christ never lost-the ehild spirit. If we would enter the kingdom of heaven, it is not necessary for ua to be learned, nor gifted, nor great, nor rich, nor fa moua. AH these things may be good enough in their places, but the secret of a bright, happy, glad, wholesome life Is the child spirit. What are the chief characteristics of this spirit? "The little child Is absolutely de pendent upon father and mothej. When we say the baby is the governor of the home, we are not joking. It la a aerl , ous faot. A little child cannot help i himself nor aid hla parents in making a living. He is only an occasion of care and anxiety. But he haa at his dls. posal the love of father and mother, who devote body, mind and soul to his consideration. The hand that rules God Is the hand of weakness. Conscious weakness with dependence upon God calls forth all the omnipotence of love to help it. "A child trusts absolutely until It is taught to doubt. Jesus Christ had this simplicity of faith. No scoffing hard ened him. No disappointments soured him. No betrayal dulled the keen edge of his faith In Cod. He believed in his father's love In spite of disappointments and betrifyHra-'When the spirit of child hood rocs out, then tha aplrlt of faith flickers and falls. We "grow worldly minded and worldly wise only to be faithless. To trust God absolutely means hope and happiness. O, preacher, of such is the kingdom of heaven! O, merchant, of such Is the kingdom of heaven! 0 woman In society, in tha school room. In the home, la the offloe, fetich la the klhdgom of heaven! Child spirit ts Spirit of Receptivity. "How wide-open-eyed in all it wonder and readiness to take In, Is the child. He Is not only a mlltlon question marks, he Is a sponge, ready to absorb every--thtng -ttrat conies-trr- touch witti" hrm; The child is not afraid of new Ideas. Ha la. & wl(lficmiui.towjv to receive every, thing that cornea along. How important It la that the child should be kept in touch with that which ia good and true and beautiful, "How important that wa all should keep young In this respect. The dead line has been passed for the one who closes hla mind or heart, or soul, to the new truths and new Ideas that God MAYOR RUSHLIGHT CAN NAME THE INSTITUTION $1000 Cash to Charity if the Reed-French Piano Co-'s ' Closing-Out Sale IsNot a Genuine, Legitimate, Quitting Business Proposition. Last Week Was a Record-BreakerThis Week We'll Surely Sell Twice as Many Prices That Have Caused a Sensation in the Piano TradeNew Uprights $96. Latest 88-Note Player Pianos, $297 The Regular $350, $450 and $500 Value,, at Virtually a Half Off Pay Cash or by the Month;' Anybody can make claims. There have been a great many "so-called Closing-Out Sales" foisted upon the public in the past for whlch-great claims have been made. To show you that we mrnn .business to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this opportunity Is all wc claim for it to' demonstrate that this C16s-lng-Out Salo is the greatest plano-buy-Ing opportunity ever presented to mu sic lovers anywhere that It's a bona fide, straight-forward, Uulttlng-Busl-nrss Pale, we will pay $1030 to any charltRbla organization that Mayor Rushlight names If the Reed-French Piano Company does not positively and absolutely quit the piano business just as quickly as we can dispose, of our present stock. Our lease expires on August 31st -only twclvfr days more. That's why our. entire stock ,pf , pianos, and elegant player piuno,, and splendid Knabe. and Llndeman, andi Bchubert, and Howard, and Starck, and Haines Bros., and others-tr-baby grand!!, and all,, have got to be sold, mocz-BOTToaz r&xcxs. Just think of it, $129 and;$l$ will secure choice of several beautiful brand new $200 styles -of new pianos of well known New York makes, UBh as have never been sold, east or west, for less than $280. Others will go for still less money. All are good, reliable, warranted pianos, Have several Strictly highest-grade, seven ' and one-third octave pianos, carved or plain panels, full Swinging duet music desk, revolving lock board, .pedals, for $230. This is less than half prltHu A fancy jnottledJZjrcasslttn wal shall shed forth from his word and world In days to come. "We have been looking for some great and notable character to fulfill the Per mon on the Mount. The little chill laughing and playing at your feet In your home la fulfilling that sermon lnt spirit, now. He Is not anxious for the ' morrow, as to what he shall eat, drink or wear. He does not permit the bumps of yesterday to keep him from enjoying the bumps of today. He can take the ' common, everyday things about him and be happy. The dirt on the street and,. the sand on the shore are equally potent i for run. 'lie scatters sunshine wher ever he goes. Ha carries the muslo of the world In hla heart. He makes today glow with the Joy of life. "John Bunyaa had this child spirit Bunyan was In Jail 13 years, but he Ignored the Iron-bars 'and damp, HI smelling cell, With his spiritual ; im agination he lived In a, country where It .was il beautiful ami glprous. He dwelt in the Palaoo Beautiful, climbed the HU1 of Beulah, sew the city of glau and gems, bathed In the glorious sun light Of Clod's presence, and. transformed his Old cell into a paradise regained, f Out of this Imagination came the book most read in the world, next to the Bible, "The Pilgrim's Progress." "How pure, how sincere, how ab solutely true Is a child's love for his parents and his friends. He is not sus picious. Ths great struggle of the pres ent hour is to sanctify love and make It pure. The devil has poisoned the fountain of love, and we have become so suspicious of ons another that we hardly dare give expression to the sin cerest and truest love of our hearts. - Compliments the astor. "But Ood so loved the world that he gave his son. Christ so loved that he gave his lifs, and he who would make life bright and happy must learn how to love this old world In sin wltti the divine, pure love of a little child, which is the love of the master." - Just before opening his evening ser mon Dr. B rougher took occasion to ex tend congratulations to Dr. Wal ter Benwell Hlnson, preaent pas tor of ths White Temple on on the splendid progross the church has made during the two and a half years of Dr. Hlnson's pastorate. He said that he expected to have Dr. Hln son supply the pulpit of Temple church in Loa Angeles during his vaoatlon next summer. He characterised "'fer. Htnaon as probably the greatest Baptist min ister on the Pacific coaat. Dr. Brougher Will apend the next two weeks at Gearhart before" returning to his California home. He may give hla new lecture, "Lop-Sided People," In this city before returning but no definite plans regarding the lecture have been completed yet. MORAL CONDITIONS IN PORTLAND MONSTROUS, DECLARES PASTOR In his current topic's talk which pre ceded the regular sermon at Centenary M. 1C. church last night, Rev. Del mar II. 4'rlmble, paitor, touched upon the moral conditions of the city and Governor West. He spoke In part as.followa-- "Moral conditions In the city of Port land and Its Immediate environs are doubtless the worst they have ever been. They are certainly bad enough to com mand the attention of every cltlsen who loves our city. The social evil and the" saloon power are rampant and outrage ous. The city administration la either unable or unwilling' to cope with the rising tide of evil. It Is claimed on the part of the mayor and the chief of police that their powers are limited because of lark of Cooperation In the .jnunlnlpal court, ths district attorney's office and the civil service commission. Police, privates and officers are haled before the commission exonerated and often when suspended replaced upon the force, thus, It is said, the corrupt police department is continued with a graft, system Which, if the facts were known, mtgmr -put - Pmtanrr"ffi-The"e"Iass with Now J'erk. Then it is claimed the mayor iurn-to tha- district -UdreyJB ef f lee, finds that worse than useless, enters into a collusion to expose the so charged bribe taking of that offloe, only to con vince the public that the district attor ney Is ready enough to prosecute when It suits his purposes. If that official were half as anxious to enforce law in the district over.whlch he presides as he is to "get" his personal and poll- nut or a most brilliant figured Bra zilian mahogany ease costs $24 extra. Borne little plainer, yet very "beauti ful Instruments, are only $224. and others $107 this Is at least $200 be low the lowest retail price of these or other same-grade Instruments in this or any other city. $600 OWES HOW $334. The finest cabinet grand size, thor oughly reliable, highest-grade .upright pianos, in mahogany or oak. standing four feet nine inches high, with all lat est Improvements, Instruments that wo guarantee cannot be bought at the New York factory for less than $800, go dur ing this sale for $334, and the ebonlzed oases for $22 still less. Another well known make, recog nized everywhere In the trade as the most durable and dependable make, the most perfec.tly-finlshecr piano, but In a plain-case design mahogany, oak or walnut cases, retail price $325 and $360 are now only $172, $177 and $188. fbicxs nr FiaiN nouxis. You can wait on yourself If you choose. All prices .are marked In plain figures. We ought to get all cash at these bare-cost prices, but. In order to sell out everything' quickly, we will give everyone an equal opportunity. Payments of $13, $20 or $25 down,, and at the rate of $6, $S or $10 a month' can be arranged. "Store end office fixtures, typewriters, desks, safes, rugs, carpets, shelving, oases, oil paintings everything is for sale, and delivery light after sale closes. Make us a bid. Open day and night until everything is disposed. Rd-l-enh Plana -Mfg. Jr eatab llshed sine 1908. Sixth and Purnslde streets (Commonwealth building.) - "GRANDMA" HUBBARD PIONEER OF '47, BURIED ?fr: if T i .A , i If i , ' III I'M Ul Ik V4. , - ill r; U:0 rf.i) WtjS AV ill wis Jr.. J v I Hi, i i ft tvV' Mrs. Mary Hubbard, oi.e of Oregon's first white residents, ' ' Stcial ts The Journal.) Dallas, Or., Aug. 19. Mrs. Mary Hub bard, known as . "Grandma" Hubbard, age 87 years, one of the original set tlers of Oregon, died at the home of her son, John Hubbard of this city. Mrs. Hubbard was born in Tennessee on Aug ust J3, 1125, where she lived for sev eral years, then moving to Frank coun ty, 111., where in January of 1847, she married Charles Hubbard. The couple came to Oregon In the spring of the same year, taking up a homestead and set tling In Yamhill county, where they lived until 1854, when they moved to Polk county, settling near Dallas. Mr. Hubbard died in 1887 at the age Of 64 years, since which time Mrs. Hubbard haa lived with her children lit Dallas. Mrs. Hubbard Is aurvlved by four sons, M. D.. C. L., John and S. D, Hub bard, IT grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. She waa a member of the First Bapttst church of Dallas, at which church the funeral was held yes terday. tlcal enemies, morals would be vastly improved In Multnomah county. It is claimed on the other hand by many that the mayor haa no sincere purpose" of enforcing law, and that all his seeming efforts in that direction and promises of what he will do are inspired by mo tives political. The general public of Portland knows little and so far as prac tical purposes are concerned cares less about the merits ( the contentions of either Side In Hi.. municipal melee. What It does know Is that the condi tions are monstrous, and that we have law and Institutions which are so em powered and articulated as to adequate ly, cope with condltiona as they exist here. The law Is clear, the responsi bility is upon the mayor, the police department, the civil service commis sion, the municipal court, the circuit oourt, and the district attorney's office. This city constitutea one third of the population of Oregon. The governor has been doing some signal work In Huntington and Redmond. We have the same conditions here, expanded 'ad In finitum.' Governor West will write his name large in Oregon annals it he con tinues in the course that he haa mapped out for himself. Here where we have the spectacle of disagreement and even war between these related bodies which our federal and state law and cltj Ord inance rrrate and empower-and tombtne for our protection, why not have this militant and virile governor step In and in the prerogative of his office locate tha blame and oust the party or parties from office who sre responsible for our present deplorable condition. 'The time Is ripe for your appearance, Governor West." Over 1000 Delegates Are Attendance Upon Roches ter Assembly. in (United Prraa raad Wlra.k Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 18. The an nual convention of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, opened In this city today to continue three flays. Over 1000 delegates, representing lodges In all parts of the state, were In attend ance at the business session held this morning. Encampments, cantons, subor dinate lodges and the Rebekahs here ant working together in the entertainment of the visitors. The .business sessions of the Grand Iodge will continue this afternoon and tomorrow morning. Tueeday afternoon will be given over to sightseeing and entertainment. The annual parade will be held early Tuesday evening and will be participated In by the Grand Lodge officers and the uniformed cantons and encampments. Floats will be a feature. Scarlet degree Odd Fellows, who hav 'patiseJ through tha chairs," but have never taken the Grand Lodge degree, will Joe, given an opportunity to do so tonight. A spectacular evnt will b the conferring of the Degree of Chiv alry by the cantons on Wodnesday eve ning. All delegates will be admitted to witness thlft reremony on presenta tion of tickets obtained In the different lodges. HIRE HOME MEN FIRST ON KLAMATH COURT HOUSE 4 .V- I Special to The Journal. i Klamath Talis, Or., Aug. 13. Wbrlc Is still In progress on the new courthouse. ? Excavations for the basement is cons isted and material is now being col lected for the stone work for the base ment and foundation1. The county court haa so far let no contract. All the work Is being dohe by the day.. This Is done to give the local laboring men with fam ilies the first chance to get employment; It Is likely worlCwUl be - continued throughout the entire winter. The court Still has close to $60,000 on hand to spend on the courthouse. Next spring more money will be available from taxes and It is also probable the old -courthouse site will be converted Into money by then. , ,To fasten two pieces of wood together, ene-te-i'itr 4 m-ee- f new nail with . a point, oh each end that comes frotn EuroTe. ODD FELLOWS HOLD unii :nmRflrxTii mu ntW MM Mb RUSSIA DISCOVERS - SMaMsSMMMSMSlSMSSBJSSSBSJSBBJ Town- With Church, Schools . ....... IS, " ' Is Found by the Czar's Government. . (United Press Lud -Wire.) ' St. Petersburg, Aug. 19. Russia hss Just discovered that it has one more vil lage than it thought It had. Recently the Inhabitant of Osslpovskl, a pros perous little town eight miles - f rOrn Xabarofsk, sent a petition to the minis ter of the interior. In connection with s dispute over the roads, and the min ister, on inquiry, learned that there was no such place on the map. The Osslpovsklans, however, quickly persuaded him that they had a real village, with schools and church, and, more Important, that they had been paying taxes for the past 20 years. Now the minister wants to know who has been collecting the taxes, as the government, not being aware of the ex istence of the village, has never re clved or mlesed them. .An official in quiry la expected to produce sensational revelations. Journal Want Ads bring results. Phone Your Want Ads If your name appears In either phone book you can telephone your add to Main 7173 A 6051 and have It charged. Bills will be mailed to you the following day for payment. NEW TODAY FOR FIRE INSURANCE SEE 1 WAjts b Tounor. Suite 430 Teon Bldg. Main 7585. A -427 4. The Oregon Law on Advertising Any peraon, who In a nifwprr or other fieri -mini, or la public dTertfiemi'nt, or J ettrr at elrrulur, knowingly mke or ilia aemlnittei any rtorenient or aam'rtlon concern ing the quantity or quality, tbe t1u. tha Diriehindltu. or tha motlTt or nurnoa of nny price, th aielEnd of prnfliiolhi or nunufnc fore of hla merchandlna or profeaalonal work, or th BiRnner or aource of purchase of mch tlc which ! nnffii or cT(-vfliiTp(I To m!li.i, Khali b deemed (rullty of a ralsdcmpanor. and on coDTlctlon thereof ahall b punched by a flna of not leaa than 810 nor mor than .V), or hy Imprisonment Id the cimnty jail not cerdlnn 20 day, or by twth auch fine and Im prisonment. (L. 1300, r. 104, p. l(M). Th attention of dertler. who na "Tbe Journal." well as that of lh public, la di rected to the aliorc section from th Oregon Code cowlns adTfrtlslng. "Thf JournBl" itmkea the Mine rifei o dls plsr sdrertlslng to all adreitlsara. In propor tion to tha apuce used, and does not maka 'fish of one" advertiser and "flrjh of an other," hollering one clnss, or profession, In dltldual. or corporation hss "equal rlfhls" to adrertlst as In other things, imd should do so en th same terms and condltiona. Tha Journal ' believes (bat It II DO crime advBttiM. Heidpri of "The Journal," anwrlns adrer. tlaenwntu appealing in this piper, are re. qaeiteit to repnrt In wrltluR inr full tire no the part nf the adverttaer to do ho HdrertlRes, nd If the eomplalnt l wpll fonndeil. that ad verser will be denied aecena to theae eolutana. aa nil been done In the mt. and If tha ad vertlner'a acta ara In violation ef the law be wtU ha anhjit te peeieeutlea:- - Thero ara no adrertlaera unlnj theae eolumna aalnat whom romplalntu liie brna roada hy our rvadera, and when complaint are made prompt attention will he siren to them. C. S. JACKSON. PnblUhar. OLAMSIFIEO AD RATIO) - In effect April 1, 1912. ALL PREVIOUS RATES CA.NCELI.ED. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS. Dally or Sunday. 1 time 9e per line. 2 .'consecutive times. 8o per line "er n acrtlon. 3 or more consecutive times, 7c ptr Una per Insertion, or 7 lnsertiona for price of 6. No ad counted for less than 2 llf.es. The above rates apply to "New To day" and all other classifications, ex cept Situations Wanted. To Rent and Wated to Rent ads. Situations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent ads (Apartments and Hotels excepted), the rates are: flc per line first Insertion. 4c per Una each subsequent Insertion. No ad taken for less than 16c. CHARGE ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 time. 10c per line. 3 consecutive times, So per line per Insertion. 7 or more consecutive times, So per line per Insertion. The above rates apply to "New Today" and all other classification!, except "Situations Wanted. To Rent and Wanted to Rent" ads. fertuations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent ads (Apartments and Hotels excepted) the rate is 7c per line per insertion. No ad charged for less than two lines or loc. Contract rates upon application. A pho n o cal lw i 1 1 bring a solicitor. UNCAi7LEI) "FOR" ANS WERS ANSWERS to classified advertisements which appeared in The Journal await those possessing certificates for the following mimbertf: A 934. 139, 48, 877. A F 26 8. A V 518. F 539, 878, 63, 49, 216, 18. H 303. 18, 238. 89, 42. 23. 304. 6L 2. 92 ! j 9C4. 642. 38S, 442. 142, 753, 174. 118. K ZB. 231, 792, '48. 323, 164. 815. P 7S1. U 995, 639, X 779. 35. 123. 132. 841. T. C. Rilluse. Bx. 500. BUSINESS CARDS CERTIFICATES of title tnsde. Title & Trust Co.. Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak. W, R. HALZL1P.CO.-. intf! Abstractors. 605 Qerllnger bldg., 2d and Aide, r sM. MEETING' NOTICES 41 R. N. A. Ore. Rose Camp, meets Frl. eve.. Allsky hall, 3d and Morrison. MARRIAGE UCEXSE3 Charles Dee, Clackamas, Or., 21. and Anna Sherry, 18. Thomas Taylor, ItJ Fourth street, 81, and Elisabeth Qoode, 85. O.-M.-Bwamrlisf-Wilbur-street.-il, and Alice Cowles, 18. Lloyd Simmons, 121 Delaware street, 16, and Myms Ryerne, 18. " J. Rsy Mason. 126 East Forty-third street, 25, and Josephine Ryerse, 18. v. n. lanp, 'lis fcasi eveniy-mira W, G,;Smith & C6.TO.7c.sa! Washington bldg., cor, 4th, on Wash'toa DRKfcb suits for rent, ail sites. Unique miioring up, guy mars St. " - CLARK H BKOS.. . florists, fins flowers snd floral designs. t8 Morrison st BIRTHS WALLI8 To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wal lis, 216 3d ave.. Aug. li, a boy. BENJAMIN To Mr. and Mrs. Matirtce Benjamin, 635 2d St.. Aug. 10, a girl. MILLER To Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Miller, Bt, Vincent s hospital, Aug. 4, a boy. ADDIS To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Addis, Montavllla. Or.. Aug. 11, a girl. NICK SON To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nickson,. cor. Fllat and Russell sts., Aug. 17, a girl. SINClXiR To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sinclair, 459 Grand ave., Aug. 15, a boy. MARCO To Mr. and Mrs. George Mar co, 6S3 Patton road, Aug. 17, a boy. WA LLACE To Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wallace. 8307 624 St.. Aug, 17, ft boy. JARV1H To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jar vls, 3824 6th St., H. E., Aug. 16, ft girl. DEATHS AND FUNERALS COSTELLO The funeral of the late Sadie Costcllo. who passed away Aujf. 16, will tako place from the establish ment of J. P. Flnley & Son tomorrow (Tuesday), at 8:30 a. m thence to the Cathedral. 16th and Davia streets, where muss will be said at 9 a. m. Friends are reapeollully invited to attend, inter rnent at Klver view cemetery, ARNOLD At the Open Air sanltorium near Portland, Aug. 18, William tfanou Arnold, aged 83 years, 6 montha, and 11 davs. Funeral services will be held at Flnlev's cheDot at 2:3J n. m.. Tues- day, Aug. 20, '.lifter which the remains will be taken to the Portland crema torium. Friends Invited, BOWEN In this city, Aug. 18. at the famllv residence. 31'8 Lerrabee street, Margaret Ellen Bowen, axed 60 years, 2 months, and 8 days. Funeral notice in a later lxsue PLaYLER Christian Playler. HTS Seventy-sixth street, August It, aged B vears. KURTS George Kurts, Commercial and Alberta streets, August 1ft, agea ou years: carboiic acid poisoning. Hl'ITT Elvira Hultt, 172 Porter street, August 16, ager 78; cancer. WAMHLEY Cecelia Wamsley, 627 Flrjst street, August 16, aged 2s MAX M. fiMITH, florist, 141 H 6th St., in Helling Mdg. Main 7216. MONUMENTS OTTO SCHUMANN, graniie and marble works. Kat 3d and fine. East ;( FUNERAL DIRECTORS Third and Madison. Lady attendant. Main 8, A-1BB9. Dunning & McEntee every detail. Hi ana rine. siain tou. A-46BR. Lady assistant. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the leading funeral director and undertaker 22U Id n'. cor. saimon; mny asusiBni. OTZELLER CO, Both phoi ma. phones. ERICS0N irT Co. MaE B. i.sdy ass't EAST SIDE funeral directors, success- or to K. R pun n I n g, Inc. K. IS2, B-2B26. I C D P U Undertaker, Lady assistant. LLnL-n h-ihs-s, e-im. e. th-Aidr. HEM STOCK. 1887 E. iDth. Bell. 71. B llftr and Untvers, tHrk. fo1r St4-3b DooVfAn Funeral directors. 3i)- rearson uui 7i RuHen st., k, ipso, POUTLAM) REALTY DEALERS nnV'-l if lltl DV a"" ILf D A XT IT Ground Floor Iwlfi BM. M. and A-1748, j - 4iwAtvtt.4v at UL.iiAJiux. . . r-i w . .-.V. c n r,- v' I. K , . 6UZ MOtUV JIIOK. iimill CHA?IN & HERLOW. 1S5 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1J52. KNAPP A MACKEY. 21 t-i t Boerd of Trade. M. and A-fOlO. OREOON REAL ESTATE CO., THE Grand ave and Mult. E. 67. C-17n3, SHIELDS, J. a JOS Oerllna-er Rldg. Main 848 . TO LEASE 03 : 60x100, Front ft. 1 block from depot; j suitable for warehousea or shop. E-166, I i'i'I1 "I ' r GENERAL REAL ESTATE 03 .ffiAKI.EIIP.ennlfltu 200 Portland's prettiest residences, for eastern newspapers and macailnes; plc- ; ture from 2 to 4 feet long, on exhlbl ' tion In Portland store windows, before forwarding east." No expense. Tabor i 413Murrrfr Mwrrayrme 71st, 8. E, Ml'KT sell Income property, actually I - worth IHO.OiH), for 420,600; It will take ; $6poo to handle the deal, Owner, no -com mission to pay. F-. Journal . (M"l apartment sites, wwrt sids, from $4000 to :)b,omi; attractive terms. At. K. Lee. 311 (Virhett bTTg. FOR SALE HOTSrs 61 FOR SALE My equity In 5 room bun galow, 60x100 lot, close to Kenton car. Phone Woodlawn 2342 or call 120 Kllpatrick St., Kenton, or 140 Stafford after J lJIwM get sell, t MODERN room bungalow, floored at tic, cut glass electric globes, curtains, carpets, full basement, trees, full lot. Highland Park, $2300. Phone Woodlawn 2484. 6 ROOM house with sleeping porch, close to car, corner lot; house modern in every detail. Fine location. Will se.ll on easy terms. Phone-owner, Ta bor 680 MR. RENTER I will sell my new mod- ern bungalow, just completed, for $900 on your own toirns; only 20 minutes from the shopping district. Call 414 Spaldingbldg. THORi M'Glll.Y modern 5 room double constructed bungalow. Dutch kitchen, panel dining room and buffet. Price JzoOO. $2o0 down. Address owner. 1873 E. Sftlmon. SIX rooms, sumi bungalow, built In furniture, modern, will sell furnished. Cement basement, wash trays, nice vard; must be seen to be appreciated. Come today, 43fi E, 37th. Tabor 1719. FOR SALE-Small house, lot 50x100. on St. Johns car line; $1300. $300 cash, $15 -month. 1309 Ureeley st. Holman station. TWO new, modern, 6 and 6 room bunga lows, In North Alblna, close to oar and school. Will sell on terms or trade. Call at 1 242 Montana ave. Owner. FFNE 8 room house In Council Crest Park on Mt. Adams drive, beautlfullly finished, 2 lots, fine view, 3 blocks from er-ltne. Phone ltA-4930. BARGAIN. HOME, BROADWAY. Six rooms, little over H price, also lots. EAST Zi, W. K. HUKDMAW, t'OR SALE--Equity In house for lot or lots In Alameda Park or Olmsted Park. $09 Railway Exchange bldg., Ford MO'DERk, new. up-to-date 5 room bun galow. Three blocks cast Clinton Kel lyschool. Owner. 10$ E, Hth st, FOR SALE 2 room house, lot 40x100, on Mt. Scott line snap for. cash. t'none wponiawn nm. $7oO HUYS small 8-room house, fur niwhed; garden, fruit trees, close to Alberta car. Owner, 1130 E. 28th st. N. HOUSE and lot In Seaside with furni ture for sale cheap, or will rent for balance of season, $ 3000, K-606, J ou r n al . 6 ROOM modern house, furnished, large lot. fruit trees, $3600. 1330 Hancock. NKW modern 6 room bungalow, cheap; very easy terms. Owner. Tabor 1902. ron salehouses aii My New Bungalow I U ' 1 1 . " HIT a T. , , I I , , . . . wood floors, all built-in conveniences, full .jlie finished basement, furnace neat, oiocas irom cHr: lui awaiuuinaiu surfaced street, sidewalks and all mod ern conveniences; smau payment oown, balance like rent. , fhone owner. Main In a WILL eacrlfice my new 6 room bun galow, with all modern built In Con veniences, cupboards,. . drawers, work table, flour bins, sink and Ironing "board, large wardrobes, etc. Concrete bauia ment. electricity. Lot EJxlOO. l blocks from car. 12100: terms slven. Owner. Woodiawn LAURELHUR8T. t rqoms, built-in buffet, bookesse, solid oak flofers. Ireplace, furnace. 64 monthly, Inclndlng interest, price $4400. SLv room J story house lots 80x127, basement, paneled dining room, bath, toilet, norches front and rear, window AU.'I ' Jl 'La ' 1 n . OA shades, linoleum, porch swing go with place, large earn, zi iruu ireee, smau fruits, shrubbery: between 2 tarllnes, close in; $3000. Phone Tabor 4148. Owner. Why Pay Rent? When vow can set an ut te date double constructed room bungalow for that equity in your lot ana lib per month? Pric onlyJ28B0. F. U. 8TENMETZ, Owner. Qerllnger bldg, 2d and Alder sts. $60 DOWN. ROSE CITY PARK. ON CARLINE, E. 4CTH 8T. ft rooms. flreDlnce. basement, etc.; oah $50, balance $56 per month, includ ing interest. National Realty & Trust Co., 722 Chamber of Commerce. Main TO you who are raying for improve- ments on your landlord's property. Why not put that rent money into your own home and have something In a few years' time Instead of a bundle of rent receipts. I will put you in posseKslon of a modern home. You select the loca tion, plan iTie house and I win batld for you with your rent money. Call at 414 Ry. Exchange or Phone Main 278. " Yes Your Home It's only $27D0. cuh or terms; mod ern to every detail; fine condition. For details call up Owner, Sellwood 87 $20 CASH. New 4 room cottage, lot under trior? ough cultivation; fruit trees; $200 cash, balance in trade for 2 true young mares, wagon, harness, thoroughbred milch cow and liena. Owner, f7 E. 75fh and Siskiyou, Gregory Heights Tn00 FOR 14200. 100x100. with '3 modern houses, two S rooms, one 6 rooms, on 44th near Haw thorne, will rt-nt for $62 per month; $1500 cash. Think of It. O. E. Weller, Tabor 2642. IF you have a lot and would like a home built, come and see- me; I can build you a home at a lens cost than the ordinary builder and at the Rams time finance it for you. A. D. Darling, 407 Yeon Mdg. Main loan. A-4ir FOR KALEfi -.room modera bungalow for cash and trade. 309 Railway Ex- change bldp;., Ford. FOR SALE LOTS Id A Snap Have several nice lots which will nell on terms of $4 month ly without Interest or taxea. Only one block from car line. Im provements In and pRld for. Price $225 per lot. E-342, Journal. IF you have a lot and would like a home built, come and see mi; I can build you a home at a less cost than the ordinary builder, and at the asm time finance It for you. A. D. DARLING, 407 Yeon bldg. Main 1038. A-4771. FIXE, sightly '4 acre at Ryan station, on. Oregon Electriu Ry;, 20 minutes from Portland, 5c fare, for less than you can buy city lot. Lovely location for family., homu, garden, fruit, etc. Your own terms. Box S3!, TV O; Pott- land. fOMOfr'TTOT'TOt. .west side; fine "Tlewi water piped tdMhe property, only 20 minutes' car ride; price only $800; $2S rash, balance $10 per month. M. E. Lee. 311 corhett hldg. HALF CASH. ' ' " Half cash for a lot between lflth and 27th sts., and between Raleigh and Wll-1 son sts.; want the best price from any-j one who will answer. F-8. Journal. BUILDERS. I 60x100 lot on paved street, near Haw- Tabor 626. WILL sell my lot at Flrland, all lrn proved m garden and fenced, at right price. Terms, too. Call me this morn- $650, lot 60x102, AlnBworth ave., near Patton ave.; easy terms. Plttenger, ions ftiaryinna ave. ran Torenoons. SEE Le Noir t Co. ror weat side prop rtjfr exclusive dealers In west side reslty. 8S7 Chamber of Comerce. ABSTRACTS copied, mortgages, tieerls. legal conveyances made. Notary public. Room 206, Qerllnger bldg. - --iAxiisAttrv 16i Fine iiawthornrris trlct lot. Block from school. G-913, journal. FOR SALE. fi lots near Tlgard station, $40 per lot. Apply Wm. S. 8. Flemln g, Lents, Or, 3 FINE lots on E. 66th. near Glisan carllne'. A bargain. Call Tabor 2870. ACREAGE 57 l U W W W W W w W a w ' -w- a u V-e- tho beat electric line In Htate, and the price only JEOO with terms. This la htitf value. Hugh McGovern CHlCKliN and fruit ranches near Port land. Best soli, good roads, spring water, free wood, 'settled country. Id acres, $400, $500. $600 per tract; 20 acres, $800; 40 acres, $1200; ,1 acres, $2000; 40 acres timber. $2400. Ranches all kinds for sale. Easy terms. Frank McFariand Realty Co.. 309 Yeon bldg., Portland. Or. 20 Acres $600 Splendid farm land, springs and run ning water, $1 fare from Portland, V4 mile to school, IM miles to town; close neighbors. CLAUDE COLK 917 Board of Trade bldg. 80x210, $450 $10 down, $5 per month. Oregon City car, 28 minutes out. cleared and level as a floor, high and slKhtly, fine for gardens and frulf. 202 Wilcox hldg. 6th and Wash. Open Sundays. Ask for Mr. Marsters. Main. 8517, A-73i0, 6 Acres for $250 $10 CASH. BALANCE $5 PER MONTH. One mile from, Kftuppa and S. R. sta tion, close to achool and work; good soil. Knappa Is a good market. 212 RY. EXCHANGE, 2D FLOOR. "ACRE HOMESITE. L I have an acre near a good carllne. alt cieareo ; aiegam view, water unaer pressure, sidewalks. Will selt-for $1500; terms $160 cash. Second mortgage It you wish to puno, u-43, journal. $10 Down- $5 monthly, 62x358, $475, at station, Oregon City car; 30 minutes out; flne; cleared, garden land. H. Atwater, 28 Henry bldg. Marshall 3117, Bargain for Quick Sale 20 acres south of Reedvllle. Address Mrs. W. B. Bolton, Beaverton. Or., R. F. D. 4. FIVE or 10 acre tract, rich garden sotL in cultivation, near electrio-llne..$25( acre, easy payments. ' E-177, Journal. , IJ" ACHES'-alt ri "cuftlVatlohlPrlce $$700; easy terms; no agents. Owner. G-47. Journal, 'ac;.::a.;; .111 E erms - - On a railroad.' with If miles ef Portland. Plenty of creek and spring wa ter, . '......J . Deep black loam bottom land. Deep red shot soil uplands. We can show you Bcappoose -Acres any day. Join our colony of contented land owners. Write . or call for particulars and de- ',' eorlptive literature and maps. . Lueddemann, Bothfur fit Co- Main S7. iU-17 Chamber of Commerce a VtLLA Tr'aW car lAHHL An loVal home tor the country gentle-' man. Hard surface street all tht way. In; best soil In Oregon; beautiful view ' tract; an city conveniences provided' without assessments. This Is the fin-. , est tract of land within the Six mile ' limit and will make an ideal home for , a family with auto desiring a country home, and at the same time be right in the olty. Answer promptly If inter-;.... eeted and I will take you to see prop- ,'' erty. This beautiful tract is IH acres . snd the prettiest building Site la. Ore- ' gon. Q-757, Journal. , v Magnificent home site on corner, all cultivated and In fruit. Will sacrifice for cash. Chas, Jennings Lodge. 5 and 10 Acres Cheap $20 up tq $45 per acre, on terms.. Tracts of 6 seres or mors: deop, red ' shot soil, well watered: easily cleared; ideal for general fartning, fruit, vege tables, dairying and chicken raising r Jo cated on county road, close to live towa on R. R. and river near Portland. Own ers, 703 Lewie bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. Main 8078. Evenings East 384. We have two pieces of the best river frontage on the Willamette. We are going to sell it this week, Wa deal In bargains. Redmond & McGovern Jennings Lodge, Or. 10 Acres for $300 $10 Cash, $5 Per Month Running stream, good sott, -prosper ous farmers ail around and food mar ket, near railroad; perfect title and warranty deed. 212 RY. EXCHANGE; ID FLOOR Notice 10 or 20 acrea of finest level land, on level road. 13 miles to Portland, ts cr and electric line, 1 mile to auto roaQ. . Only $15 per acre; $200 cash, balance - $100 per year at 6 per cent. ----- - V. H. SEITZ CO., $10 Ppaldlng Bldg. Main 5g4. : A Choice Half Acre Tract-; On Eatacada carllne, mile from city limits, JVft car fare. Good oil. city water, eaay terms. See owner, $1 J Cham- . her of Commerce bldg. Phone Marshall 15S5. Residence Bellwood 47$. FOR -ALK FARMS -IT Cheap J5 Acres. Here Is one of the beat little farms TR - Washington county. There -are 23 acres, 20 Acres In high state of culti vation, balance timber and pasture with living spring. This Is a nice laying tract very best of soli, no rok gravel. Good f -room-- houser-kam-and -outbulldlngs. Good orchard and lots -of berries, eto. , PERSONAL PROP ERTY; 2 horses, 1 COW, 2 pigs. 50 chickens, wagon, buggy, mower, culti vator, Implements, ete. Thli splendid," 25 acre tract Is located Just II miles southwest of Portland and Just 9 rods, from station. Price for everything la only $5000; $2400 cash, balance per cent. Interest. HatmveJt Sons 122 N. TH hi'., COR. STH A GLISAN. Main 43S1, A-7259. RELlNltnSHMN. , ' ' 120 acres, 80 miles from POrlTaha,"S miles from postoffice. store, sawrnllt . and school, about H level, easy cleared, 40 acres green timber, plenty funning, water, good house, .household goods, s hole range beds, jste.; good spring wagon, new single harness, all tools, garden, etc.; will consider a trade for city property. Come at once; owner Is here. Peper Baker, 4144 Sherlock bldg., 3d and Oak. Reduced From $4500 to $3900. Floe new home, 8 rooms, modern In -every respect; paved street a real buy at reduced price. Located close to Rose City Park carllne. This is a hurry tip sale. Let us show you. . , W. A. BARNES. . 'I ' 440 Lewis bids., 4th and Oak it. - Mam $081. A Bargain ... 10 acres, 7 acres cleared and culti vated, balance easy to clear, S miles east of Vancouver. Wash., miles to car line, close to schools and churches, 5 acres In potatoes. in garden, young orchard and berries, new 5 room house, , small barn, good well, 2 cows, horse, buggy, harness, sow. 9 pigs 100 chick ens, 5 tons hay. Price $2300. halt cash. M-97. Journal. Beaverton District Fine 20 acres of good land, II acres in crop and 4 acrea pasture; dwelling, barn, well, some stock, tools and Im plements go with place; only JH miles from Beaverton and 10 mile front Portland. Price $4000. Real value here. W. A. BARNES, 408 Lewis bldg.. 4th end Oak.stav rMaln 2081.- y A BARGAIN. 40 acres of very good high shot aell, 4H miles from town and railway sta tion, a good location, fine water, aM f flcdcttttWj(tSi a good bearing ercnanl Of 3 aorSf ti kinds of berries and fruit, school & mile, church H. mile. Price $8400" $2000 cash, remainder terms ami low interest, per cent. Write) to F. E. Dollemlller. Ridgefleld. Wash. Route lW, J, POX .9 0. : 4 ACRES, room house, ' i team, cow, pony, erea potatoes, 14 acre gar den, 2 blocks from eleotrlo depot st Tigard, 10 farr, $4500, $2800 cssh, balance years, I Per cent ' R. Lar nerd, box It, Tlgsrd, Or. $9 ACRES, all Improved, ' $2060. e acres, all Unproved,- $16(1 sore. 44 acres, 44 in hops, $10 acre. 10 seres on 10c carfare, $$5o acre. WOLFSTB1N, $05 Allsky bid g. fQR BALE Good dairy land. Iimirove 1 120 acrs or HO acres: creek bottoui and bench land, For full description and particulars address C. R. VoUbu-,, Luts;ess Orf k , ' ' FOR SALE 60 a-TM ? i ' t,lr.iiea -i.rr-:' ;. acre. Snap if tskati 1 1 Hlllsboro. Rout" -mi $26Tp 8 JENiHGS' L0ffi . ACRE -