111 m im try Mr. Samuel Schepps Is Shown Every NICARAGUA!. CAPITAL AND TROOPS IM THE UPRISING Courtesy By His Several Associates Much Wanted Figure in'' RosenThal Murder Case Visits' Niag- - . . ara Falls on His Trip to New York -" , - - From Hot Springs; . ' ; 1 niii OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST II REBELS EuM FiHfflUi Lieutenant Will Set forth That Gray Motorcar Was to Have .Been Used Only 15 Kidnap ; Rosenthal. . (Ont14 rVwa Wire. KeW Tork. Auk. 17. Cornered and ' flghtlnf for bin Iffe as a representative cf the system which is alleged' to con trol the uderwirld of New York, Po lice Mm tenant Wker will try to fasten the crime of murder on one of tho fttete'f witnesses when the police" offi cial t brought to trial for the killing " of HeMhan Rosenthal. The man selected by the defense an thljone who fired the two bullets into Gambler Rosenthal' brain Is Harry '. Vallon. Vallon has been before the grand Jury as a witness for the district ttorney. Thle , fact will insure hifn immunity fora prosecution for the crime. , ' - WU1 Show Kidnaping Hot. Lieutenant Becker will act forth that the so-called gray murder car was in front Of the Motel Metropole on the l)1ght of Rosenthal's murder, but it was there, not with intent to kill, but to kldtaf Rosenthal. -Vallon was one of the gang ot kidnapers. But when Ko ' enthal appeared, according to the Beck--tf defehse. an old grildge came to the mind Of Vallon, who admits he was very : - drunk, and he shot the' gambler dead. ' The four gunmen, two In custody and the two still fugitive, bad nothing to do With the shooting, according to tho - defense, beyond being witnesses to it. Backer will disclaim all connection J WltH U.0 kidnaping, alleging that a cer " tain clique of gamblers who were ore" at Rosenthal made up the plot te kidnap him and witnesses will be .' brought forward to swear to these ' abatements. The claim that one man killed Rosenthal la substantiated by the testimony of Coroner Physician . Bchultx before the grand Jury. He wort (hat Rosenthal was shot only twice, that both shots entered the head I . and that both were of the same callDer, If Hot from tho Kama revolver, i; Whitman la Ulatnrbed. '"These stories of EecW's defense, Coupled, with persistent reports that ; Bam Schepps, new lti Buffalo, will not tell what he knows In aid of the prose - CUtion have disturbed District Attorney "Whitman.- He believes the stories of t Hose, Vallon and Webber of the murder plot, but ha is taking no. chances that tone representative of the system shall :,etoSclieppa. tin frame up a story for Jilra to tell. - Mayor Claynor was accused today ot putting obstacles In the way of the in vestigators of graft conditions here by Chairman H-enrr H. Curran of the alder manic Investigating commUtee.. "The preeont mayor is a disgrace to : the city," said Mr. Curran. "and Police Commissioner Waldo's efforts at dolin? something are rather belated. But the I mayor. 1 the man who is putting th. real obstacles In the path of the inves " tl fat Ion end what makes It much worse 1 - 1b the way in which he wears a sem blance of assisting us in every way poeHlble." - - The federal government, throuah the department of Justice, today took a hand In the investigation of the "Vi?n Trust's" string of disorderly house 1 and tile Whit slave traffic in Now Tork. As a result of this Invostlga- Tra(T KpTCHuT-5tOTl IT through the police department and through the tenderloin.' ATTORNEY, HIRED BY BROTHER OF SCHEPPS, MEETS THE PRISONER f Bolted I'pni lni Wlre. Buffalo. N. Y.. Aua. 17. T'nannouneed, Bernard Sandler, New York lawyer, slipped into town late -tonight and held a lengthy conference with Sam Schepps, alleged paj-manter of the Rosenthal murderers, who is to appear before .the grand Jury In New York on Monday. - Schepps at first denied acquaintance with; Sandler, but when the latter drew a valise a parer which showed , (hat he has been retained by Robert Schepps, a brother cf Satn, to act as counsel to the man who Is to be the dls ' trlct attorney's star witness, the whole situation changed. Assistant District .Attorney Rubin consented to handler r Je4ntn tb party an4 eenompanyinn it to New York. Hanriler explained that i Robert Schepps had determinud that ...-8anl should have legal advice of his .;. own, and therefore, hud engaged him to gret to Sam as soon as possible. Asked what be knew of the Inter- " eepted letter that Rose is said to have ;"Wrltten to Hehepps, whtrh Is now In the ' - district attorney s hands. Sandler said: j "Nothing. Schepps seems unable to " throw any light on it.'' "Have yon any fear that violence may - be done Bchepps on his arrival In New ; , York?" was asked. .-, . "I have no fear," he replied. During his May in this oity 'Schepps tu been accosted by a number of i Strangers in an effort to iearn some ; thing regarding the metropolis case but I .. each time he has been prevented from speaking by the men who have him in - custody. DOCTOR RECEIVES ' $1000 A DAY TO ATTEND JOHN JACOB AST0R VI e New Yi.rk. Aug. 17. John Jac- Ob Astor VI l ,ihe most e fonKlvo bo by o'er brought i'lto ' o the wor'd. Dr. Iidv.ii) 1!. -Ciagtn who nt- tended Mr. .Wil"ll;ie Kuie ::: tor, tnnther of 'the S .".h'hi.Oim) i-Ak-l,;.l,y ': is reportt d to be receivlnz .- a. tiny for each and every daj 4 1 in attendnnei m the widow 1 and posthumous son of John I e Jacob AStor, At M:i rate h IK fee for the nix ; cMv o. eon stunt 4 ..attendance on mother mid hnby s win amount to 42,ooo. Dr. Crag 4 In has dosed hiw town residence and turiit-tjl all his patients to an , other doctor while hV devotes all his lime to the Astor heir. f RESISTING ARREST7HE KILLS WIFE AND SELFi ' jit's I Leased Vre. raducab, Ky., Aug. 17. -Resisting ar rrt. Joseoli fioitxer. iti Years old thn " and jsedously wounded Officer Anderson, " who attempted' to take Jilm Into, eus- tody, KllK'J Ms young 'wife find IhAi committed aulclda at ht'a hpr.ie 20 miles aoutn or r;auc:aii toaay. Buffalo, If. T., Aug. 17. ' Samuel Schepps of New, Tork, who Is well known In church-circle of Hot Springs. Ark., Is spending the week end here the guest of Mr. Rubto, also Of New.York; who la , a member of Mr. Whitman's staff of district attorneys. Mr. Schepps was domiciled at the most expensive of Buffalo's bostelrtes and, began his day by languidly submitting to the minis'-' t rations of o valet, barber and mani curist. Because no taSlcab would con tarn Mr. Schepps and hia entourage, which In cluded besides his host, several New York detectives in the Service of Mr. Whitman, a trolley car was brought Into 'service to convey Mr. Schepps and his. associates to Niagara Palls where Mr. Schepps viewed the wonders of na ture and took a cruise on the Maid of Uw Mint. Mr. Schepps' vacation is ex pected to terminate In New York after WATERFALL 530 FEI HIGH SAID 10 LIE -IN DEPTHS OF WALLOWA COUNTY MOUNTAINS (Special Correspondence.) Ecnterprlse, Or., Aug. IT. How many person In Wallowa county know there is a waterfall 600 feet high a few miles back In the creat Wallowa range? How ninny have Seen this Wonderful cascade? askod a recent Issue of tho county of ficial paper here. You can count on the fingers of your two hands all those persons who ever have seen thle fall. Probably not 60 ever have heard of Its existence. Residents of the county do not guess the ccnlo resources of their homo. Too few get up into the towering Wallowa range that marks the oouthern boundary of the county. And the mountains are bo varied, the canyon so different from another, nnd there Is such diversity on every slope, that one never can be auro he has seen it all. It is generally known that there aro from 20 to 40 mountain lakes In the tops of the range. Also, It Is a matter of common knowledge that these high land bikes discharge their waters down unnumbered falls. But few men ever wander. In the abort seasons when the mountains are open for exploration, aside from the courses of the chief streams, or the trails leading to the summits. In the last wk or so a number at Enterprise mountain climbers have been 50.H90 HOMELESS Aid Sought for Thousands of Sufferers Following Earth quake ShocYsTn NorTheasf em Turkey. (United Frm Imea W!re. London. Aug. 17. English clergymen will appeal to their congregations to morrow for subscriptions In aid of the victims of the earthquake in "north etistern Turkey. Help has bewn asktfl of tha Archbishop of Canterbury h'y the Greek patriarch of Constantinople, who se.ys that 50,000 Inhabitants of the shores of the 6ea of Marmora are shol terlesH and starving to death. Of the victims a large proportion are Greeks. The Turkish government Is trying to relieve them but lacks tha means tu do much. UNCHARTED ROCK STRUCK BY STEAMSHIP MARIPOSA KncHul to The Journal.) Seattle, WasnAUg 17. instfuetloni issued today by the Alaska Steamship company order all vessels of that fleet to avolit a new shoal discovered off Point Baker, Sumner atraits, Alaska. Thia Is the result of the experience of the steamship Mariposa, which has Just returned after striking what was first thought to be submerged wreckage. Cap tain Thomas Moore is now convinced it was uncharted rocks and officers of the survey service have asked htm for de tailed information. They will probably order a resurvey of Sumner straits. Tho point In question has been on the reg ular course for years and navigators never before realized the danger. The Mariposa was not badly damaged. When she struck, the vessel shook from stem to stern. Ai VW ON 1H0MHS Map of District Stricken by Earthquake EASTERN nuntu J BLACK i TURKEY C ; y x2 t-- MEU ITERft ANEAN - SEA j Region of southeastern, Europe and a month's trip that Included the Cats- kills and Hot Springe. Ho la In doubt a to whether he Will put up at tne Tombs or the West Ride prison when he returns to the motropo- lis and ho admit that the lextgenoloa of life might necessitate a further, va cation at Gauming or at Auburn orjat Danamora, but he hopes to stay In town. During his. trip Mr. Sohopps has been the" guest of Mr. Whitman's men and has nonchalantly accepted their hospitality, which throughout has In cluded staterooms In Pullman cars, the bridal suites of hotels, the bast restaur ants and all "Ide trips, offered. - r. Rubin's orders were to humor every whim of Mr. Schepps unloaa ha should develop a whtrh to wander off by him self. The Schepps party stopped oi In Buffalo over Sunday because Mr. Whit man did not desire to Beo Mr. Nchoppe until Monday, when he hopes to have with him a long conversation. rambling in the heights above the Cop per King mine. Near the mln there are several considerable falls. on with n fr.ll of about 70 feet without a break. The climbers went on above this cas cades to another very beautiful fall. Mounting to tho too of the fall the men found themselves In a small basin or flat Into which the stream came tumbling from fullr f00 feet above. The stream is tha outlet ot lee lake. It estates from the lake under a great snowbank and rushes to the brink cf V.q mountain. There It breaks over a precipice and plunges on until It reaches the basin below. The fall Is not a sheer drop f-om top to bottom. The stream strikes edges now and then, bounds off, nnd again da.ihes against the rock wall. Timber rovers tho mountains of the district, cutting off the view. As the fall comes down the side of a moun tain, tt more than difficult to photo j.'rnph It. V. I. Vergere tried to last week, but had to get so far below or so far above that tha best ho could get was a distant view, showing a streak of foamy white water splashed down the side of the precipice. But the remarkable thing la not that this waterfall Is right at the .door of residents of the county, but that so few of thorn know of It, or of the countless other beauties hidden In the snow-crested Wallowa mountains. 53. IS ARRESTED AS HIST WHILE He Laughs at Complaint and Says He Was IM ""Only Once, But Twice Di vorced. (United Press Leased Wire. New York, Aug. 17. Held on $2500 bond to answer a charge of bigamy In Connecticut, where he married Miss Clarlsxa 1'rescott, a music teacher of Fairfield, after a midnight automobile ride. Jera Johnson Warren, eald to be a millionaire sugar planter of Key West and Havana, tonight laughed at the com plaint. He declared that he was twice divorced from Mrs. Alice M. Bolonlz Warren, of Key West. It was the act of this woman, claiming to be the legal wife of the planter, which led to his arrest at the breakfast table In a Central Park West apartment where he was to day taken from his bride by Sheriff Elwood, of Fairfield. Warren, who Is 53 years old and of distinguished appearance derlares that he w-as twice divorced' from tho com plainant, once in Cuba and again In Flor ida, Both women were In the Tombs police court when Warren was arraigned pending application for extradition pa pers. FEDERAL AID IS GIVEN WIZARD LUTHER BURBANK (t'nlfed Preni Wire.! Washington, D. C, Aug. 17. Federal aid was extended Luther Burbank, the California plant wizard, by a bill passed by the senate this afternoon. The meas ure which now goes to the president, grants Burbank use of certain desert lands for propagation cf spineless cat tu3 In stock feodlng experiments. Asia Minor, nffccteT by'ear(hiualfei. IK IH BRIDE l II h Sim. W""' A'K1L" ''':; ' , ':.tr; r':y:- 1 , h v'ii - ' W . f ! ' ' hi ,' -.. j r :- :: : : ' J T V! M 'WiVxAu "lim -fV 'Wk'i :J 4ikt' till tx 1 HilK I sl "Top Deiachment ot Nicaragua!! federal troops with moiern ga.tling gun" Center Typelhelsnaeilapllfig to overthrow Nlcaraguan government. Bottom General view of Managua, capital of Venezuela be sieged by rebels. IDS Ml U C. H. King and German Miss Are Married at Boston Hotel. (Special to The Jnnrnab) Boston, Mass., Aug. 17. C. H. King, who is connected with the claim depart ment of the Portland Railway, Light A Power company, of Portland, Or., was united In marriage at the Hotel Purl tan In this city today to Frauleln Re nata Eva Hermes, daughter of Frau Antonie and the late Herr Ottomar Hemes of Berlin, Germany. The young bride la a member of one of the most prominent and wealthiest families In Berlin. Her father, who was prominent in the court circles of the Emperor Wll helm I, was decorated with the star of the Red Eagle, first class, by that monarch. Frau Hermes has been engaged In phllanthroplt work In Berlin for years, and the present emperor has made her a Lady of the Ordor of Queen Louise. The couple met in Berlin four year's ago when Mr. King was completing his education at Berlin university and was a correspondent for the Associated Press. They will leave Boston Monday night to occupy their new home on Portland Holghts. DETROIT HAS ANOTHER ELECTION SCANDAL MJnlted Presa Leased Wlm ) Detroit. Mich., Aug. 17. Just getting their breath after the recent expose of graft in the city council, Detroit mU nlclpal affairs were Again thrown Into a turmoil when It was announced toddy that sensational evidence had been un earthed of wholesale -fraudulent enroll' ment for the primary election Augfust 27. Burns operatives working Inde pendent of the graft cases secured the evidence which was presented to Prswe cutor Shepherd, JThe prosecutor stated today that while' no arrests would be made before Monday, startling develop ments could be looked for then. BRITISH PUBLIC SEE NEW GERMAN WAR SCARE (United rredi Leised Wire.) London, Aug. 17. -News which leaked Kiut tonight ttnt the war office has con fidentially circularised all retired offi cers of the royal engineers corps to notify their Superiors promptly of changes in address, If eyen for the holi days, caused a sensation In military cir cles, Tfie"R'r office says the circular has no especial significance, . but of course, the publla scents prospective trQuWeUh. .Qejm.qny.,, ,, ,, ..,,, DUTCH lu PROVES REGULAR DUTCH TREAT The Dutch company Is, according to the old song, the best company that "ever cwre over from old Gennanee." And the whole company from Herr Captain McCord down to Corporal Wal lln and nigh Private Metcalf laid seige to tbe l'rsns club last night. Throw ing out a skirmish line in the kinks room at o'clock, the redoubtable squadron ably maneuvered by minions from Rotterdam, Amsterdam et al, ad vanced by steady marches until they I bad captured the commissary. A for aging party headed by Curt Merrick, commandeered a redolent llnvtturger cheese of mammoth proportions and a barrel of wienies and established a bi vouac. Sorties made at various hours by spe cially detailed cops gathered in every stray member of the club that could .e found wandering about At an early hour this morning the battle of urn burger was still raging, with the Dutch men, however, masters of the situation. The Irish for once took a back seat. It Was the Press club's first annual "Dutch",, night. Volleys of Holland melodies fired by H. C. Canine, Jimmy Dunn, Sid Vin cent, Dean Collins, Danlio' Oconeelo Lively and a dozen, other Dutchmen and near Dutchmen kept the bivouackers protected from the ravages caused by the odorous enemy. "Dutch" night was voted one of the most pleasant inno vations ye. put on by the entertainment committee of the 'club. ALLEN OUTLAW TAKES JA1L TERM OF 15 YEARS " it." (By the Intoruutlunul Ntw Serrtce.)' Bristol. Va Aug. 17. Sldna Edwards, charged with aiding his uncles, the Al iens, In shooting up the Hlllsvllle court, this afternoon compromised bis case by accepting a 16 year sentence rather than stand trial for five Indictments, one charging murder In the first degree. He i t bo pardoned in five years. Friel Allen accepted an 18 year term rather than stand trial. Judge; Staples late this afternoon ad journed court until September 4, when the trial of Victor Allen will be begun, VANDERBILT CUP ROAD COURSE FOUND SPEEDY (flnlted Preii leaned Wire.! Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 17. After In specting tho 8.2 mile road course over whicfr the' Vanderbllt cup races Will be run here It-September, Hughey Huges. driver of Mercer cars, tonight predicted some new world's records would be hung up during the coming events. "The courts will be the fastest in the country," said Hughes. The application of a special oil con taining 70 per cent asphaltum to , the roadbed will begin the cotnjnrweofc. The subsurface of macadam and finely' rrusbBd fnclt im ilmmt mmrltil i HE PUIS MARRIAGE NEXT TO HEAVEN Presbyterian Clerqyman De clares Matrimony Is Not a Failure. Cleveland Ohio. Auk 17 "Ne.t to settling the question of the salvation o( your immortal souls Is the question of choosing a companion with whom you are to live In this world," declared Rev. R. R. Bigger, pastor of the Westmln ster Presbyterian church. In a sermon on Is Marriage a Failure?" "Marriage Is always for weal or for woe, he said, "for better or worse. The trouble Is that people enter Into the marriage relationship without serious Ithought. They do not take time to get acquainted. "Too often outward show of physical beauty decides the question Instead of the beauty of character. "Instead of taking the Bible as their marriage guide, young people too often get their Ideals from cheap novels, rag' time songs which make light of the sacredness of marriage, and from mov Ing picture shows which portray domes tic Infidelity for tho amusement of young people. "Marriage Is not a failure, but there are some people who are failures be cause they do fiot obey the voice of God on this question as on any other question. -fy.. CARLOAD RATE ON HONEY TOO HIGH, SAYS BEE MAN (BkIi-id Rurna of Tbe Journal.! Salem, Or., Aug. 17. W. H. Penning ton "Of Ontario has made Informal com plaint to the state railroad commission that the freight rate on honey In carload lots from Ontario to Portland Is too high. He eays the rate Is 75 cents per hundred and that it ought not to be more than 36 cents. He alleges the rates from California, a longer distance, ure cheaper. He ,ays when he takes the matter up with the Oregon Short Line officials- they lay the blame on the O.-W. R. & Nt and when he writes to the latter company It lays tbe blame on the O, 8. L, Explorer's Death la Uncertain, Bombay, Aug. 17. (Joi.firmatf0n Is yet lacking of the report today that W. Hunter Workman, the. explorer, from Worcestor, Mass., has been 'killed in the Himalayas. It Is only known that his party was caught by an avalanche and that lives Were lost. Whether Workman was one of them Is uncer tain. The world's largest oil well,' which Is in the Mexican state of Vera Crus,, has been proved. to have a dally capacity of 0 H-bamlsy, ,.,., ,.y ,,-t -, Nicarag u an Revolutionists Mobilize at Masaya Pres ence of U.. S.- Marines In ' Capital Is Reassuring. (By the In'trnatlmud News errtee.! Managua, Nicaragua, Aug, l?e All the j rebel jundcr command of (jenerais Zee- ledon and Men a have retreated to Ma yaya, capital of a province of the same name and located about 30 miles south of Managua. Rebel losses In the attack on this city are estimated at between 400 and &00 men. . Three companion of American marines arrived on -Thursday morning from Panama, and their presence turned the fears of the local foreign colpny Into rejoicing and footings of safety,- Manama. Aug. 17. Fresh supplies for the American marines and bluejacket In Nicaragua are being gathered to ntyjit and negotiations are In progress for a ship to take them toLManagua. Those which were to have been sent were lost by the sinking of the New port wnlch went down today with a collapsing dock at Bllboa. TORN BY DISSENSION (CnlUd Pre Lat1 Wire. I Vienna, Aug. 17. That Austria's aristocracy la on strikes against the at tempt of Archduke Frans Ferdinand Kaiser, Franz Joseph's heir, to place his morganatic wife upon an equality with royalty, Is eurrent gossip in court circles tonight. Following close upon the retirement of Field Marshals Archdukes Frans Falvalor and Josef Ferdinand from ac tive military service It is reported that Field Marshal Archduke Eugene Is also about to surrender hrs baton of com mand. Society believes the eptdemlo of re tirements due to pressure brought by the archduke's wives to annoy erdi mand, who as supreme military com mander, Is attempting Important re forms. Ever since Ferdinand morganatlcally married Countess Mophle C'hotek, the archduchess s social Inferior, he has sought to elevate her to royal ranks, to the haughty atvhduchess's Intense dls guat. w BANK OFFICIALS FEAR LARGE CAR SHORTAGE Chicago. Aug. 17. Despite statements by officials of a few leading western railroads ..that a car shortage probably will not occur this fall, there are many others, also In close touch with tho tuatioii) who believe' that such a con dition will exist. That it would be a disturbing factor of no small consequence in financial cir cles l conceded us a certafflty. ftevorsl Cfiicajco bankers, who have been watch ing developments closely, ara of tho opinion that this vital question should be given more serious consideration at present than has been accorded tt. Tf the railroads are unable to move tb crope- -with -any- de greo-ef --eeier.tt.yr-U-- polnted out, general business will be af fected In no small degree. THE DALLES SEWER PLANT IS SOON TO BE STARTED (Hiwelitl to Thn Journal. i The Dalles, Or., Aug. 17. The Jacobs- Bade company, to which has been award ed the contract for laying two units of the new sewer system for The Dalles, U getting Its plant In readiness to com mence operations and will begin excavat ing In a few days. EXTRADITION OF CASEY TO MISSOULA GRANTED Salem, Or., Aug. IT. Governor Weet .today honored the extradition of James Casey, wanted In Missoula, Mont., on the charge of murder In the first degree. He Is under arrest In Portland. A new electric process for coating iron or steel with lead has been brought out by an English scientist SHURi-ON If you can wear eyeglasses you can and should wear Shur on eyeglasses. If you cannot wear other kinds, you may be able to wear Shur-ons. If you cannot wear Shur-on eyeglasses, Shur-on spectacles will surely give you that opti cal comfort, and efficiency that experiments with imitations have led you to believe Impos sible. 'fc'iJV Perfect as the Shur-oiv 4a 'tn construction, it needs our abil ity to select and adjust the right size to insure the comfort that is yours by right of pur chase. - ' ., THOMPSON OPTICAL INSTITUTE 209-210-211 Corbett Building, utn and Morrison, Zd Floor. AUSTRIAN ROYALTY