-THE-OREGON. SUNDAY - JOURNAL, PORTLAIfD, SUIjDAY - MOianKO.- AUGUST 13, 1:12. RING TRACK FIELD DIAMOND : BEAUTIFUL.GOLF LINKS FOR ANNUAL TOURNAMENTS AT GEARHART PARK r S tBig Dutchman Pitches Great ; Ball-and Beavers Take Ad- vantage of Seraphs' Errors i Kibble's Debut Great. . Spokane akes;TerrifTo Ral- j mum inning vi r ilQL Game but Fries and Coltrin ' Pull Neat Play. , 3 . i SPORTING T NEWS FROM SECTIONS mm has j Dutch Klawitter's curves proved to be 'tOt.much for the Los Angeles team, end ths visitors from the south suffered a 3 to 1 defeat yesterday. TbS big - itwlrler was in great form and "held the An eels to three hits, two of them a little bit scratchy. Klawitter started out like he was going to pitch a no-hit no-run game. During the first four innings not one Los Angeles player reached first base, - and Daley was the first runner to pass th keystone sack, this play occurring U the seventh Inning. Lob Angeles" defeat could be charged to poor fielding. Tozer's error allowed : KlbbTe tb take an extra base on a sacrl fes and Moore's wide throw allowed Chad bourne to advance another base. - Both these runners scored, giving the gam to the Beavers. Ztbble Strengthens Team. McCredie's team played excellent ball . (With Hap Kibble stationed at third and 'Butcher at first. Doane and Krueger jar Improving right along, but it will be near the end of next week before they are In .first-class shape. KJbble I played a great game at third and came . through with a single. He fielded his position neatly, catching two bard fouls - In easy style. - Doane singled In the first inning for the Beavers, but died on first when j Rodgers and Krueger grounded out In the second Inning Bancroft hit into a double play, ending a chance to score. Get Xaa In Third. The Beavers scored their first run In til third frame. Kibble opened the in ning with a neat poke over Metzger's bead, which the Angel third sacker was ' unable to field. He waa sacrificed to second by Klawitter, who was safe on - Tozer's wild heave to Moore. Chad . bourne followed with another bunt and ' beat Tozer's throw to first base, filling the bags. Doane 3 hit to iho right field v force scored Kibble. Doane rounded - eond and was caught out, Berger in--, .tercepting Core's throw and tossing the right fielder out at third base. Rodg- rs and Krueger were both easy outs. In the fifth Inning Chadbourne sln- - gled. after Klawitter had been retired - and went to third on Doane's scratch to Metzger. A moment later Chadbourne T crossed the plate on a liard run after Rodgers filed to 'Core. Krueger was , unable to keep up with the others and Whiffed. Squeeze Eaves Shutout The "squeeze play" gave the Angels " their lone tally. Daley opened the sev- enth inning with a poke to loft field : and Went to second on Core's out. He " advanced to third on Moore's scratch hit t'i Bancroft ami crossed the plate on iMe.tger's bunt. Howley made a pretty , catch of Lober's foul fly near the Los .1 Angeles bench and ended the rally. Portland-started things again in -the . seventh, but failed to score. - Klawitter . was safe on an error and Chad walked, " but Doane and Rodgers were easy outs. Los Angeles was retired with ease in the eighth and ninth. A" double-header win be "played this afternoon, Harkneas and Hlgglnbotham will be McCredie's twlrlers, while Dillon Will depend on Single and Leverens. The score: LOS ANGELES. AB.R. H. PO. A. E. Howard. 2b. Berger, ss. Daley cf. . Core, rf , . . Moore, lb. Metzger. Sb 2 Lober, If, Boles, e -Toser. p, ... Page Brooks, e. . . Heltmuller Total .... 28 1 I 24 13 PORTLAND. AB.R. II. PO. A. E. . Chadbourne, It 3 .Doane. rf. 4 2- 1 U 0 3 3 1 0 4 . .Radgers, 2b 3 Krueger. cf 4 Butcher, lb 4 .iiQwley. .. 4 'Bancroft, ss 4 .i.Glbble ib S . Kjjawitter. p. 2 0 12 0 0 0 14 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 7 112 1 0 0 14 Total 31 2 9 27 16 1 Kan for Boles In eighth. , Batted for Core In ninth. 6CORE BY INNINGS. Los Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Hits 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 03 ' Portland 00101000 2 Hits 1 1 3 1 2 0 0 1 9 SUMMARY. Struck out By Tozer. 3; by Klawitter 1 Bases on halls Off Tozer, 1; off Klawitter, 2. Double plays Tozer Ber , ger and Moore. Sacrifice hits Metz ger, Rodger, Klawitter. Tozer. Time $of game 1 hour 25 minutes. Umpires- Finney and Wheeler. ASTORIA PITCHER MAY . GET NORTHWEST TRIAL According to reports reaching Fort ; land from Astoria, Pitcher Knlllo of the Astoria team, will likely get a tryout Jin the Northwestern league next eea Json. The Victoria team has wired Kal- llo asking his lowest terms, but the , Astoria pitcher is not willing to sign . for the amount offered, t Kalllo has ben the mainstay of the Astoria team on the mound this seaaon .and. has pitched some great games. In very game he has pitched this season ' be has fanned over five batten and :has not allowed more than four walks to A, game on the average. j Thompson Allows Two Hlt Seattle, Wash.. Aug. 17. Cecil Thompson was the whole-show, white washing Vancouver and allowing but two swatch hits, both by Scharnweber. Vancouver did not ret beyond second .4 and tea struck out Two of Seattle's scores were home runs by Mann and "1 Whaling, while Wlllla, who otherwise pltch4 good game, wild pitched the ether two runs across; Seattle fielded lauiuessiy Bhaw'a marvelous stop being the feature. Score: ; r h jc ., Vancouver 9 2 2 beanie ........... 1 n Batteries Willis and Lewis: Thomp- .. Ilttl anil Whaltnv ' Western Trl-State Games. . - A. u. HI Pendleton t 7 1 poise 1 9 4 Batteries Berger' and Pembroke; Pops and Taylor. If 1 ; ..." t Scene photographed during the recent tournament under the auspices of mohte. In ayear or so It Is expected that the Oearhart tournament maintained near the links. Williams Turns First Base and Is Caught Out Corhan Scores Winning Run. San Francisco, ?al., Aug. IT. Rlnaldo Williams. Seal recruit from the wilds of Santa Cruz, came through with a bit of the "bush" In the eighth Inning this af ternoon that worked with reverse Eng lish. Rlny has been out of the tall grass only a few weeks and has not got all the Ivory out of his brain box by any means. In the eighth Inning, with the score standing t to I, he over ran first base, turned the wrong way and awoke to find himself In a trap, with O'Rourke and Miller chasing him. up and down the line. While this was In prog ress. Joe Gedeon sprinted around from second base and right down the line to the -plate, beating Miller's belated throw by several feet and putting across San Francisco's winning- run. -Tha-defeat ofths Senator's is realTy due to the wild pegging of Billy Orr. Two were out In the eighth when Wil liams hit a slow bounder to him, scor ing Corhan, who but a moment before had brought Howard in with a hit to left Lewis booted. Oedeon had walked. William had his bounder beat enougn, but Orr tried for a quick throw and the ball went by out of Miller's reach. It was then that Williams made his wrong turn and that Oedeon got away success fully with his fast traveling on the lines. Score:' SACRAMENTO. AH. R. H. PO. A. E Rhlnn. rf ... Madden, cf . O'Rourke, 2b Orr, es Lewis, if H. Miller, lb Irelan, 3b .. Krieti. c . . . t uzgeraia. p Van Buren I Totals 2 S ( 24 11 I SAN FRANCISCO. AB. R.H. PO. A.B. nmnaorrr, rr 4 1 wurni, 3h 4 0 Howard, lb 4 1 2 8 3 2 Corhan, ss 4 1 Gedeon, If 1 1 MrAvoy. 2b 8 0 Williams, cr 3 0 Perry, c n l Miller, p a 0 Totals 30 4 7 2T 11 0 Batted for Krletz In ninth. SCORE BY INNINGS. Sacramento 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 1 8 1 1-8 S 4 I 7 Hits 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 San Francisco 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 H1U 1 1 0 0 01 0 SUMMARY. Home run Mundorff. Br1flr hit. Madden. H. Miller, Lewis. Stolen bases hhlnn 2, O'Rourke, Gedeon. Bases on balls Fitzgerald 4, F. Miller 3 Struck out By Fitzgerald 6. bv F. Mil ler 9. Double rilavs Orr to D'Rnnrk. t H. Miller. Wild pitches F. Miller 2. Fitzgerald. Time of game 1.(0. Um pire Hlldebrand. NATIONAL LEAGTJH Cubs Beat GUnts. Chicago. Au. 17. JohnnvKver hank In the fame after flv. A. v.' ananM. slon. aided by Saler "and Archer, broke up me tuDs-uiants 11-lnnlng struggle day. Score, 6 to B, favor the Cuba. A crowd of 35,000 saw the game. Score: R.H.B. New York S II 1 Chicago 1 ij 1 Batteries Mathcwson and Meyers; r.irhie and Archer. l inpires Owen and Brennan. "Richie certainly deserves that hun dred," 'said Manager Chance tonight, referring tq President Murphy's gift to the victorious twlrler. "No man ever pitched a better game of ball. During the last four innings he pitched on his nerve and every movement hurt him. He Just outguessed them, and got away with It." , ' Archer Is being touted tonight as the gamest catcher In the business. With his wrist swollen to twice its normal size he pegged to second with unerring aim and throughout not a Giant pilfered a bag. rhlllles Win Game 1 a-o. nttsburg, Aug. 17. In a pitcher's battle, well fougBt. the Phillies this afternoon whitewashed the Pirates We. Score: R H K twhfiphi t TiTTTTrrnTrrrn. i" 4 "t Pittsburg 0 I 0 Batteries Moors and Dooin; CaranlU and Gibson, Umpires Eason and Johnston, BUSH PLAY ENDS IN SEAL VICTORY TRACEY MAY CRUSH INTO Portland Instructor Would Welcome Chance to Take on Frisco Welters. Don't be surprised If you happen to hear of .Tommy Tracey, ex-welterweight champion of the world and now a boxing Instructor, hooking up with some of the classy Ean Francisco welters while he is In the south with Mark O'Donnell, the Portland "hope" who meets Charlie Horn next Friday night Tom has an Idea that he Is still nearly as good as he used to be In the palmy days when he waa feint ing Joe Wolcott, Tommy Ryan. George Gren and Jack O'Brien Into, Insanity. "Why shouldn't I take a step into the ring at San Francisco," said Tracey before departing. "There are no clever boa era nowadays and I think I could feint my way through four rounds as easily as anybody In the ring. If I get njy. pries J'lL show, you Jiow I caa come back In this four round game. I can do it for this reason. I am one of the few old timers who have kept at the game as an Instructor. I always work hard with my pupils andfer that reason am al ways In condition. For four rounds I can step Around aa fast aa I ever 413U)f course, I would probably be trouble over the longer route. "I've not seen any of the Ban Fran cisco welters In aotlon but I have boxed with fellows who have In turn boxed with them and they tell me that nobody down there Is clever enough to give me much trouble. "The only thing that I think ean bother me will be my tendency to pull my punche. From doing this so long wun my pupns my hitting muscles may have been shortened some but I hardly think so. At any rate if I can land a match or two at the Friday night ahows I shall take a chance. Pitcher George McConnell of the Highlanders, Is now showing some of the fancy stuff that made him famous In Rochester last season. One Ontario Family Makes Up fni, ! mmkM$$wtn-n Jiff - a w ; rl U W: J''(U hint wr f,?- V w- .Vj "Jfil .. fc"1111111111 "" "' 1 ri 1 1 win in in a. , The players, trom left' to right, are -- Xf a polo tournament Is held In this city next year,' the All-Chapman or Ontario, Or., team will Ukely be en tered. The All-Chapman team as It is generally referred to Is composed of H. C. Chapman, who played In the tour nament here with . the Boise cavalry team, and his three sons, whose ages are 21, 1 and 14 years. This is no doubt the only polo team Wins dHdrwMch is composed or mem bers of one .family. There ars several baseball teams throughout the country composed of members of one family but this la the only pola team known. the Waverly Golf club of Portland, which was the greatest ever held at will rank up with any western tournament For those who do not play E FOR SOLID WEEK Annual Invitational Tourna ment Extremely Popular and Players and Enthusi asts Go to Coast. Play in the fifth annual Invitation tennis tournament at Breakers, Wash., will commence tomorrow. The entry list of the tournament this year is larger than ever, and It la expected that the play will be much closer. Many of the, players that were en tered In the Oregon state tourney will play at Breakers. J. "W. Lewis won the men's singles last season and Miss Myr tle Schaefer won the ladles' singles. Miss Schaefer is entered In the tonr nament again this season, while Mr. Lewis' name la absent from "the list of entrants In the men's singles. Entertainments have been arranged f r each night during the tournament. Tomorrow hlght a clam bake will be held, and on the following night an oyster bake will be in order. There will be a fancy drees ball on Wednesday night and a crawflah party early Fri day evening and a dance Friday night. The tournament will come to a close Saturday night with a big banquet. In the Hotel Breakers. Last year between 80 and 90 people attended this function, and It Is expected that over 100 will be present Saturday night. The request for Invitations has been so great that It Is impossible to supply any more. Players Will C raise, A cruise on Bert Irwin's boat, the Wanderer, has been arranged. It is the plan to start after the banquet and cruise all day Sunday. Several parties of people are going to Breakers to watch the progress of the tournament. Among the players and visitors at the tournament are: Miss Ireno Campbell, Miss Mildred BREAKERS Id raw H. C. Chapman, Albert Chapman.ai; Edgar Chapman, 19, end Charle Chapmanv 14. The All-Chapman team has several victories to Its credit although It has been playing together but a part of this season. In round robin play at Boise early this seasohi the Chapman quartet defeated the Boise cavalry and Boise citizens team by a fair slsed margin., None of the boys had played a game before this spring and now they are exeenefinTayfs'-weir-asspt6nflld horsemen. U, C. Chapman, the father of the boys, has played polo for 10 years off and on and. la a remarkable player, Bis riding caused a great deal AGGIE TOSS 10 TAKE EASTERN TRIP Plan Journey of Five Weeks and Bill Themselves Champions. Plans are being made for a five weeks' eastern trip of the Oregon Agricultural College basketball team this winter the start being made a couple of weeks be fore Christmas. According to Dr. Stew-, art, athletlo director at Corvallla, the Aggies will go as far east as Chicago. Practically every night of the five weeks will be utilized for playing and all of the crack middle western teams will be met 011 the Journey. Some 10 players will be taken along so that It will not be necessary to can cel any games on account of the play ers being out of condition. The Agglea will be billed as the north western college champions, the honor being awarded by the cnllesre conference. Fuller, Mies Mabel Goes, Miss Marie Howell, Miss Amy Bosenhaupt, Miss Myrtle Schaefer, Miss Frances Brady, Miss Irene Hlgglns. Mrs. George Mc PUerson. Miss Irene Daly, Miss Edna Kllboume, Miss Luclle Parker, Miss Elizabeth - Parker,-. Alias Nancy- Stack. Mrs. Bert IrwlnMr. and Mrs. Stephen Brltton, Mr. end Mrs. James F. Ewlng, Mr. and Mrs. Norrls B. Gr'Cgg, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gearln, Mf.and Mrs. Guy Howell, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Judge, -Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lewis, Dr. and Mrs. W. J. North rup, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Millard Holbrook, Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Jeffery, Sam Archer, Dr. Joseph Bilderback, Walter Brewer, P. E. Brig ham. John Edgar, Mason Ehrraan, Ed gar Frank, David Jordan, G. R. Knight, Jack Latourette, Harry : Lytle, A. B. McAlptn, Irving Rohr, Leo Ilahn. Dr. A. A. Morrison, Dr. E. W. Morse, Walter Rosenfeld, Joseph Sblves, H. R. Wake man, T. Morria Dunne, Eugene Mer cereau, Egbert Mercereau, R. R. War riner, F. R. Godevln, Bam Holbrook, Eugene Main, Astoria; A. D. Wakeman and J. F. Eltoux. Polo Team of comment In the local tournament at the Waverly club field. Charles, who Is but it years old. Is considered a promising player by those who have seen him In action and If he continues to Improve he will be one of the - ranking players of the -northwest If a tournament Is held in Boise this season; it if the plan of Mr. Chapman tdhkV"Kls "learn eoftipet.Aeebrdlftg to. the present arrangements, the Wav erly club, First Cavajry, Boise; Boise cttliena, and probably a team from Bait Lake will be In the tournament, . any summer resort north of D golf excellent "tennis courts are E Hosp Starts Rally in Ninth But Brashear Can't . Deliver. - Les Anrsles, CaL, Aur. 17. Fear of the knee shaking genus possessed the soul and frame of Bud Sharpa today, yet the Oaks scurried out with a 7 to 4 win. They lead all the way and had a monstrous lead most of the time but this elongated leader of the trans-BSy cohorts felt about aa self contented aa a peaceful missionary sur rounded by a mob- of cannibals, with a boiling kettle simmering in suggestive glee not far away. Sharpa felt this way for about 10 minutes the last 10 minute of play. Up to the beginning of the last half of the ninth, the southern boosters ad mitted that Sharpe was a carefree per sonage and It was Justifiable. - His yeo men bold had pounded John Raleigh to suebr pulp In the second frame that it looked like a walk away. Gregory was an unmitigated mvstcrv. On hit In nine Innings had netted the Haps a ummai cipner, wnue the Oaks had the big total of seven. Hosp Starts Bally. "When Frani Hosp marched op to the rubber in the last of this eventful ninth things popped forthwith. Hosp rammed a grounder through Leards' legs. Lltschl grounded to Cook, wHo tossed the pill to Lfhr.d to head off Hosp, but th throw wis late and all hands were safe. McDonnell popped to Sharpe and Ag new fanned out but the end was not yet. Dolly Gray wSs stuck In to bat and he hit the center field fence with a two bagger, acorina; two. Carlisle fol lowed with a double to left, making ths Tiger total threa. Then Sharpe did get worried. Remembering his sad fate of a few days ago, he frantlcaUy motioned Cy Parkin to warm up. Martlnkl alngled to left, putting Car lisle across, and Bayless drew a walk. Roy Brashear was the next man up and this same husky Villager has broken UD SO manv hntl rnmu nlth Ul. k.itu axe that a home run did not seem out or in question and a homer would tie the score. "Brash" came near knock ing Leard down with a hot liner, but the speedy Bill made up for his former boot by retiring the Tiger captain by Inches for the final out. Soore: OAKLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. V .L jjmru, 20 ., g Patterson, If s 1 3 Zacher, cf 0 3 1 2 Coy, rf . . Hetling, Jb Cook, ss Sharpe, lb 4 Rohrer. o. 1 2 11 1 6 0 0 .Gregory, p 4 Totals 37 7 10 27 11 1 VERNON. Carlisle, If 2. 1 1 4, 0 0 Martlnke, rf ........ 1 0 1 3 0 0 Bayless, cf . . . .jl . . . 4 0 1 4 1 0 Brashear, 2b ........ 4 0 0 2 1 1 Hosp, lb , 4 1 0 s 1 1 Lltschl, ss .....3 1 0 1 4 0 Burrell, 3b .... 8 0 0 2 1 1 Agnew, c 3 0 0 3 1 0 Raleigh, p I 0 0 1 1 0 McDonnell, .8b t 0 0 1 1 0 Gray 1 1 1 0 0 0 Totals 32 4 4 27 11 3 Batted for Raleigh In ninth. SCORE BY INNINGS. Oakland .6 7 ro 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 Hits .0 7- l'-O a 0 2 0 010 Vernon 0 0 0 did 0 0 0 4 4 Hits .v..O 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 4 Three base hit Patterson. Two base hits Coy. Gray, Carlisle. Bases orf balls Off Raleigh 1, off Gregory 7. Struck out By Raleigh 2, by Gregory B. Double play Burrell, unassisted. Hit by pitched ball rMartinke, Cook. Umpires Townsend and Casey. Time 1:60. Legg Retains Title. fnlfml Pre.. Leased WtM.l Minneapolis, Aug. 17. Harry Legg of the Mlnnikahda club, of Minneapolis, this afternoon won ths Transmlsslsslppl championship, for ths fourth, consecu tive time by defeating W. H. Mlddleton of the Arsenal Golf club of Rock Isl and, 111., t up and 5 to play. F. S. Gaines of Omaha won the consolation event from- B. R. Morrison of Kansas City, 4 up and 8 to play. ' Tillamook Beats' Salem; 3-0. . Salem, Or Aug. 17.The Tillamook, Or., team defeated ths locals today bv Kh icoTs-Bf rtu tr-TrteherTuTc-ai In great form and allowed ths locals three scattered hits. , Tomorrow ', (Sun day) the Tllamook team Will play ths Albany Athletics. , , ( , , : ; HOOLIGANS TEAR NTO W Spokane, Waah., Aug.. 17. SpokariS and Portland divided the"double header thia afternoon, the Indians taking ths I first game C to 8, by stopping a sensa---tlonal ninth Inning rally, and the In dians gathering the second affair, 4 to 1. Moran rot In "baa wtfK'ijU for,. 1. . 1 decision at second base that plugged up a single oingie rally arter two were out. In the second game Dad Kraft en gaged In a nrettv tiltiheri. hm. iik' Steiger. and Doty, who' was back In the game after being hit with a batted ball) last Tuesday. Although Eastley was' touched up for 17 hits in the first game ' he managed to keep them from being converted Into runs until ths ninth inning when a whol shower fii nfi the .sticks of the redskins: ! Two men were out In the ninth ln- -ning In the first game and the Indians : were five runs in (h. ,r c,,ir.i- the Spokabs bunch solved Eastley andi six hits In a row wers poled off him.) Spokane had four runs nv,r an ,h. fana were clamoring for hit that would ', . at least tie ths score. Melchior wasJ turning second base on a hit to short I right field when h nn.nh. h.ir Fries made a quick throw to Coltrin and Melchioi1 was blocked off the bag wnue trying to regain It with a long Slide. Melchtor was ne.tlv KinnUoA h: Coltrin and Umpire Moran waved him i out There was a bl howl from th.' fans as there always is when BAniift- tlonal rally is stopped by a close play. Spokane s tour errors helped the Colts j in their scorins- althourh MrTViwu and' Speas gathered three base swats. My ers and Melchior had a fat day at bat, each grabbing four out of five, while1 Speaa got three In five times up. j fn the second game Portland was still further crippled In the field When Man ager Williams waa banished for kick ing. It was a rough day for first base man for Myers waa also canned. 1 Two rames will clo th. ri Run. day. the last appearance of Portland in the local lot this season. Spokane will use Toner, the new pitcher secured froinl San Francisco, In trie first game, and either Gadrean or Strand in- the" second.' Portland will use Blbomfleld or Girot. The scores: First game SPOKANE AR R. H. PO. A. E Mrers. lb 5 2 4 13 1 1 Cooney, es. ....... 4 1 1 Powell. If Melcholr. rf R S 6 3 3 1 DeVogt, c Zimmerman, If..... Cartwrlght, 2b. ... Altman, Sb Noves n Johnson, Totals .3 6 17 27 16 4 Batted for Noyes In ninth. PORTLAND AB. R. H. Pa A. E. Hansman 2I. Fries, rf. Speas, If McDowell, 2b. . Williams, lb. . . 2 0 1 2 12.21 Burch. c. Mahoney. cf. 4 1 Coltrin. ss 3 1 Eastley, ji..h . . . . ; . 1 Totals ...86 6 9 27 10 0' 4f SCORE BT INNINGS. Spoksns 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 45 Portland 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 SUMMARY. Three base lilts McDowell Speas Two base lt Powell. Sacrifice hits Hauaman, Coltrin, Eastley. Cooney. Stol en bases Myers 3. McDowell. Baes on balls Off Eastley 1. off Noyes 1. Struck : out By Eastley 5. by Noves 3. Hit by pitched hgll-j-Hausman. Iwiuble plays McDowllM Coltrin to Williams Burch to McDowell, Time of game 1:45. UnW plre Moran. Second game SPOKANE, ARR.H.PO. A JB. Myers, lb Coonev sa 3 1 Powell, rf 8 Johnson, If, lb 8 Ostdlek. c 3 Zimmerman, cf 3 Cartwrlght, 2b 3 Altman, 3b 3 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Kraft. P -..it. 3 ir. rf 3 Melcho Totals 28 4 I 27 IS 8 PORTLAND. AB. R.H.PO.A.E.; Hausman, 8b 4 0 1 0 1 0' Fries, rf 4 1 0 1 0 0i Speas, If 3 0 1 2 0 0 McDowell, 2b 4 0 -3 4 4 i Williams, lb 1 0 0 1 0 1; Harris, a '2 0 0 8 l! Burch, c, lb 2 0 0 ( 2 1 Mahoney, cf 4 0 1 0 0 0 Coltrin. ss 4 0 0 1 1 0 fitelger, p 1 0 0 0 1 n Doty, p 3 0 0 0 8 2 Totals 32 1 1 24 14 "I SCORE BY INNINGS. Spokane 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 9 4 Portland 10000000 01 SlfMMARY. Three base hits Mahoney: two base hits Altman, Johnson; sacrifice hits ,1 Johnson, Ostdlek, Altman, Harris; sto len bases Cartwrlght, Speas; bases on balls off Stelger 1, off Doty 4, of f Kraft 2; struck out by Stelger 1, by Doty 4, by Kraft 6; double plays Cooney to Cartwrlght to Johnson; lilt by pitched ball Cooney 4y Doty; wild pitch Dotyi' rassed ball Ostdlek; time of gams' :60; umpire Moran. Ninth Inning Rally Wins. United Pre., Leewit Wtn.l Cincinnati, Aug. 17. A rally In the last three Innings gave Cincinnati's 4: to 3 victory over the Brooklyn Nationals today. Each team got eight hits. Score: Brooklyn 8 8 1 Cincinnati .........4 8 0 Batteries Ragon and Miller; 'Frill and McLean. Umpires Rlgler and Flnneran, i St Louts, Score: Aug. 17 First game. R H B . ...I T 0 1 11 0 u si uuuia Batteries Perdus and Kllng; Steals, Grlner and Wlngo. Umpires Klem and Orth. Second game Score: Boston ., St. Louis R.H.B. 3 5 1 3 9 4 Batteries Woodburn, Pallee, Burks ano Bliss Hess and Rnrlden. Umpires Klem and Orth. Carlson to Wrestle. f-Csrlwmr-ths- rHblsBwsdeTwf trs lumbtfi club,, will wrestle Buxukos at! tns Lyno theatre tonight , - - . -. v . v.:.....v 5 Journal Want Ada bring rettrtts, r V' 2 :5A i