The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1912, Page 26, Image 26

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-'O.:: By Howard Valentine.
: Wherever international Athletics are
discussed, one of the most used topics
cf conversation Is the hard feeling that
' I supposed to exist between the ath
letes of England and America. So
forward has this reputed coldness be
tween the men who represent the two
- greatest athletic nations of the earth
become that the nn, In .charge of the
... Olymplo games at Stockholm last month
- look unofficial cognizance of It and laid
' plans that they hoped would ease off
any hard, feelings existing between the
Britons and' their American cousins.
While in Stockholm the writer took
particular pain to find out what was
the real cause of all the talk of liarJ
feeling between the Britons and Uncle
Sam's boys, and I must say that the
greater part of the trouble exists among
men of the newspaper profession. The
athletes of Great Britain, Canada, South
Africa, and Australia, who competed in
the Olympic games at Stockholm,
Showed themselves to be fine fellows
and good sportsmen.
Jackson Visits Finland.
They all visited the Finland for the
purpose of making the acquaintance of
; the American-"athletes'. r Jackson, the
'1809 meter winner, came aboard both
before and after his victory, and was
Well received by the Americans. He
poke in the highest terms of his Yan
kee opponents, and declared that second
to the actual winning of the world's
Championship, the greatest pleasure his
.frtctory gave him was the meeting on the
cinder path of fellows like Jones, Tabor,
Klviat and Madiera.
Now Just contrast Jackson's state of
mind with that of the English news
paper writers who have continually
stirred up bad feeling between the Brit
ish and American athletes. Almost to
a man the English writers declared that
Jackson had been pummelled all over
the track by the American runners, "who
fan in. pairs, two abreast" The London
FltJd declared that with a clear track
Jackson "could have given the best of
the Americans 25 or 20 yards and a very
Instructive beating."
Criticised 800 Meter Men.
The English papers also clubbed the
'American runners for their work In the
100 meter race, declaring that Braun ,
f Germany, was "boxed," and unable
td do himself Justice,
This champlon-
VtK of Braun proves conclusively that
4he British writers care not who they
boost, so long as it Is at the expense
ef the American athletes. Braun hlnj
, self declared after the race (800 meters)
that it wag the hardest race he had ever
run, and that he was beaten fairly and
. Squarely by flatter men. The race lt
elf was absolutely clean, and altogether
too fast for any teamwork. Sheppard
ran to the quarter mile post In 62
seconds with the field strung out be-
bind him. Braun was perhaps eight
yards back at this point and no other
runner was in a position to bother him
' In any way whatsoever. Rounding the
i ' last turn Braun made a great sprint. He
legged it as hard as he knew how to
within ten yards of the tape, whpre his
legs gave out completely and he fell to
the track.
- - - And yet hear what the Field has to
ay about Braun and the work of the
Americans In the 800 meter race:
. British Papers' Charges.
"In view of the corner cutting and
team tactics pelpnbly put into force at
very convenient opportunity, the Swed
ish officials took heed of the oft repeat
ed, demand that the 400 meters final
Should be run between strings, thus
guaranteeing a clear course for each
man. The American spectators, whatever
i . the team may have thought, wore not
j best pleased with the change from a free
track to a conrlned one. However, It
Is no exaggeration to say that the
trlnged passages afforded Braun bis
only chance of winning. Incidentally,
we were shown by ths result of the
race that he can (given a fair field) run
away from his 800 meters conqueror,
Meredith, at any distance. The two met
here, and Braun (who Is distinctly bet
ter at a half than a quarter mile, a re
mark which may probably or equally ap
ply to the other) beat him six or seven
'There is no comparing their racing
lines, and the racing German could, In
ny opinion, give the muscular, medium
height American a useful start in a
matci at any reasonable distance from
100 yards to a mile. Their finishing
positions the one second, beaten
bare half yard and tM.P..J.S&feL. .yt: here-h bee
last confirms the impression madenipon
me that neither the first nor the second
In the 800 meters could cope with Braun
In a properly run race."
McArthur Good Fallow.
Kenneth McArthur, who won ths
American essoclatlon. September 21.
American league, October 6.
Appalachian league, September 7.
Blue Grass league. September 4.
Canadian league, September 1.
Carolina association, September
Central nFsorintion. September 2.
Central International 1. ague, Septem
ber 2,
Central Kansas league, August 8
Connecticut league. .Si-.teinl.r 15.
Cotton States h-acue, .uuust 2.
j Illinois-Missouri Ir-ague, September 2.
j International lengue, September 22.
I Iron-Copper Country league S'ptcm-
ber 18.
Kitty league, September 2.
Michigan State league, September 17.
; M-I-N-K league, fVplnmbi-r 2.V
National league, October fi.
" Nebraska State league, Sepfembfr 3.
! New Brunswick-Maine Uugue, Sep
tember 7. ' '
Central lengue, September 2
New England leagui, September 7.
j New York State league, September 8.
I , Northwestern league, September 2!l
' - Ohio-Pennsylvania league, September
t I.
Ohio State league, September 8.
pacific Coast league, October 23.
. South Atlantic league, September .
Couth Central league. August 11.
Southeastern league, August 17.
Southern'' b:ague, September 15.
" Bouthern Michigan league, September
Texas league, September 2.
1 Texas-Oklahoma league, July 2!. '
Three-I league, September 15.
Trl-8tate league, September 4.
Union association. September 8.
... Upper Peninsula-Wisconsin league
, Bepterhber 18.
Vlrglnta league, September 7.
Western. Canada, league, September 7.
Western 'lewfuo, September 29
- Vlsconajn-Illlnols league, September
-! i 1 1 -i 1 1- .. .-
Marathon race, cam aboard the Fin
land two nUhts after his victory and
dined at ths same table with several
of the American newspaper men. The
writer asked McArthur what he thought
was tha cause of the trouble between
the aOiletfs of the United Kingdom and
the United States. "Why, man," an
j'ered McArthur, who Is redjlly an Irljh-
man, "I don t see any trouble, except
what you newspaper chaps make.
have met and admired all of the Ameri
can boys, and so have all the lads who
are on the South African team with
me. Here you are dining and wining us
like brothers. Where's the trouble?
don't see It meself."
The British reading public Is natural
ly much prejudiced against the Amer
ican athlete because of the attitude of
the English sporting writers. The ap
pearance of such silly stuff as quoted
above from the Field has turned the
minds of the English people, who be
lieve they are reading the honest opin
ions of honest writers. The American
athletes are painted In the British pa
pers as the worst kind of crooks, and
the wonder Is that Englishmen do not
think even worse of the Yankee Olym
pians than they do.
London papers Harrow.
An Interesting phase of the Olympic
situation was the manner in which the
London papers treated the receipt of
the news of the string of American vic
tories In Stockholm. At first the Lon
don papers deplored ' the miserable
showing of the British team, and In this
respect the London Dally Mall led with
a story that ran eight columns a per
fect hurricane of Invective against the
home system of making athletes and the.
spirit of snobbery among the English
college athletes. After a few days th
British press turned from deploring the
defeat of England's tenm and started In
'knocking" the Americans who won hon
ors in ths game. One sheet came out
brazenly and branded Craig, Llpplncott,
Reldpath, Meredith, Babcock, Wright,
Nelson, Berna and other American coU
lege athletes as "a band of touring pro
fessionals." Neither ths American athletes nor the
American rooters In the stands at Stock
holm can be accused of trying to fos
ter bad feeling between England and
America over athletics. Uncle Sam's
representatives In the games did their
utmost to get on good terms with not
only the Britishers, but the South Afri
cans, Canadians and Australians, while
the American cheering sectioii applaud
ed the United Kingdom's victories gen
erously and as McArthur was carried
Off the field arter the Marathon the Yan
kee aggregation stood up and gave a yell
for South Africa. The one and only ob
stacle that prevents the best of feeling
today between every one Identified with
English and American athletics is
the silly, lying, unjust, criticisms of
the American athletes that have ap
peared and are appearing In the British
London, Aug. 17. How to beat Amer
ica In the next Olympiad is a far more
perplexing problem for BrltlBh sports
men than why England cut such a sorry
figure at the last.
As the doctors have disagreed in their
diagnosis of the patient's ailment, so
they differ regarding the proper treat
ment. Scores of reasons have been as
signed for the failure at Stockholm. The
experts are still filling columns In the
newspapers explaining, excusing or be
rating. But thus far no definite, feasible
plan of, campaign for Berlin has been
agreed upon. There are even those who.
having in mind the general decadence
of the nation in the past five or six
years in various fields of sport, are say
ing helplessly, "Oh, what's the user
According to a good many experts
there won't be any use unless England's
colonies come to her rescue. Already a
pathetic sppeal has been made to Can
ada, Australia. South Africa, and the
lother outlying provinces to forego their
local pride, sacrifice their chances for
Individual tlctories and pool their In
terests with those of the mother country.
The suggestion first came from .Sir Ar
thur Conan Doyle. Showlnc how des
perate is the outlook In his estimation
he would even draft Cingalese or Mala
swimmers, Indian runners and Sikh
rtn rennnnw
from the colonies nor from the Cinga
lese, Malays, Indians or Sikhs.
There has been a great deal of dis
cussion among fight fans as to the
ability of Jim Flynn to put away John
Arthur Johnson. Flynn failed to put
It over recently Rt Las Vegas and after
the fight stated that if the police bad
not interfered he would have won.
The local fans will have an oppor
tunity to see Just what did take place
at the ring when the moving pictures of
the lute fight are exhibited at ;;joii
theatre for one week, starting tic.-.t Sun
day. The pictures are excellent and besides
showing the entire fight, depict the
training quarters of both contestants!
and scenes at the ringside before., during
ai:l after the fight. A great ninnv peo
ple attended the fight and at Seattle and
Tacom.'i where the pictures have been
shown to capacity busli.cKK. a large
iiurnlx r of women arc enjoying the en
terlulnment The fight was free from
any brutality and there is nothing In
the pictures to offend.
National League.
Won. Ixst.
.ew yorK 74
Chlcngo . . 70
I'lttsburg 65
Philadelphia 52
Cincinnati r2
St. Louis fift
Brooklyn 31
Boston 29
American League.
Won. Lost.
Boston . . 77 '35
Wanhlngton 69 "44
Phllndelphla 67 44
Chicago KS B6
I'etroit flS 60
Cleveland r.l 61
New York 38 72
St. Louis 36 76
688 '
Pacific Coat league.
Won. Iost.
Vernon 77 r.2
1jO Angeles 73 R3
Onkland .72 S7
Portland.. SO fiH
San Jrancisco 55 74
Sacramento 49 74
'pneumatic body guards. There was no
The trackless trolUy system Is being 'occasion to do that when Miller volun
uttltzed for coal, wood and general reiuht I teered for duty. The harder he was hit
J traffic In" Ccrma'ny. '
Here's Greatest Backstop in Naiid0 Pastime
. Br W. J. Macbeth.
. Naw Tork, N. Aug. 17 We have
with us today, gentle readers, one of
ths real novelties of the nation' delight.
Kindly step forward, Mr. James Archer
of the Chicago Cubs tljl tils populace
Rather a handsome young gentleman.
Isn't he, with hie raven locks, swarthy
complexion and Roman profile? Well,
take It from all the balln avers in the
National league, he's far better than he'
looks, even If he la a handsome kind of
a chap.
There may be better catchers in the
profession today than Jimmy Archer of
Chicago. 'But there are no such backstops.-
There'e a Blight distinction' be
tween the two classes. Catcher Involves
the broader sense of that special type
of athlete that wears mask, wind pad
and mitt. A Catcher's value is reckoned
relative to his team worth, taking in
his offensive as well as his defensive
ability. Backstop only Implies the de
fensive issue the work of handling
pitchers, crossing batsmen and keeping
runners glued .to the sacks.
Superior In One Way to Meyers,
Wherefore at lenst tlisf nnrtlon of
enthusiasts who reside around the me-
tropolis general fnndom will tell you
perhaps that Chief Meyers of the Giants
Is the best catcher In the National
league. The statement Is made keeping
In mind Meyers' all round utility
principally his deadly hitting eye, for no
major lengue mask man pummels the
pill as does the mission aborigine. But
purely as a backstop, there Js no man
before the public who can hold a candle
to the Cub Btatwart. From n ffefpi"
standpoint, he is as superior to Meyers
as Meyers Is superior to Jimmy offen
sively. You have- often heard a catcher's
highest form of flattery toward his pet
battery mate. "Say, Bo," says he, "I
could catch that guy sitting In a rock
ing chair." Archer has never been
known to make such a boast. But every
game he works he handles his pitcher
to the height of perfection from a far
more difficult position. He doesn't sit
In a rocking chair. But he sits on his
heels.- And while crouched on the rear
view of his pedals he can throw Just
about twice as accurately and twice as
speedily as any other man set firmly
on his feet for a peg.
Personification of Orace.
Jimmy Archer behind the bat Is the
personification of athletic grace. It
Is worth the price of admission ahx io
see him work. Fully three quarters of
the time he squats on his heels, firm
ass deep seated rock. He Is a well knit
fellow, muscled like a Greek runner,
but far front giant proportions. Yet
while balanced on the bucks of bin shoes
he can take the speediest shoots of Ed
By W. W. Naughton.
6an Francisco, Cel., Aug. 17. "One by
one they wander from us," is the refrain
of an old song that treats of the deser
tion of the old homestead by successive
members of the family. With a few sim
pie changes the ditty would adapt itself
to the white hope situation.
First Carl Morris, and now Luther
McCarthy, whom Billy Mcfarpey, with
flashing eyes and swelling breast, de
clared would erne day grow so famous
that his name would become a household
The New York critics let Luther down
easy. When Jim Stewart oui-iuubui. i
big novice at every stage of a 10-round
bout, they said McCarthy held out prom
ise of Improvement.
Avaunt, and avast with such insincere
twaddle. The white hope who has tailed
under trial, but who Is "going to do bet
ter, when he has a fight or two under
his belt," is In a class with the :aueu
champion who is "going to the mount
ains to recuperate," Ha Is a mighty
unsafe proposition.
Boxing- Is Trade.
It goes to show that after all fighting
a a trade. The fighter who is born, and
not made, Is a scarce specimen of hu
Jn the light of what Is happening the
Mayings of Philadelphia Jack O'Brien
and Jack Johnson 8oem epigrammatic,
iA "T mn Hck anv man who nas not
h Tfiad two years experience in the profes
slonal ring." remarked Philadelphia John
prior to hlsHSan-Franeseo-go - with -Ai
"Palzer Is not ripe yet," said Cham
pion Johnson, when asked at Las Vegas
whether he regarded Palzer In the light
of a posElble opponent. There was that
In tha tone which suggested that John
son considered Talzer an easy mark,: but
felt that the big Iowan would have, to
be coddled along a bit furthtr to stim
ulate public Interest and Increase the
prospects nf a large attendance. The
trouble with white hopes is that they are
exploited mainly on their dimensions,
and before they have accomplished any
thing to speak of. Size and strength
and the power to smite, are merely fun
damental qualities for a cub heavy
weight. They are next to useless until
he has acquired a ring education, which,
during almost any generation of pugil
ists, is a hard thing to acquire.
Plenty of ralr Boxers.
The woods are full of men. who, while
they lack real championship require
ments, are plenty gooJ enough to shat
ter the dreams Of the hopes. A doien
years ago. Joe Choynskl, Kid McCoy and
a few others were the waech-dogs and
trial horses of the heavyweight division.
Today we have Jim Flynn and Jim Stew
art. They are heard fellows to get by. A
heating by ono of them has a double ef
fect Inasmuch as It sets a novice back,
and at the fame time discourages him.
This Is madu apparent In the case of
p.C. ! Carl Morris. Before h6 tackled Jim
.fori Flynn, there was no such word as fall
I in the bright lexicon , of the stalwart
J" I'Oklahoman. Since then, he has been a
'J-Jlmark for every man he boxed.
2 4 Ti 5 1 Hn Francisco Just now Is Interested
!arr, 'in the fortunes of White Hope Charlie
Miller, whom C"ffroth "haslgned for a
20 round bout with Jim Flynn at Daly
City on Labor Pay. Miller has had an
(entirely different experience from his
brother hopes. There was no booming
of brass bands and propheclr of future
greatness when Charlie butted Into the
game. No story of bis life was pub-
.llshed. Illustrated with photographs of
him at the ages of four, 17 and 23. He
WHn ei.ioiy ictiiueu ua u uuu uitiuruu
loon who frequented every training
quarter of the great In pugilism, because
he seemed to like being thumped.
Hard on Sparing Partners,
Some fighters who are anxious to test
their full hitting power while under
'preparation cause their partners to wear
I the 'better he appeared to' relish ft, a fact
Reulbach without rocking anJnchr and
Iteulbach, when pushing them over, is
renowned for t'errtflo speed.
Few pitchers that, work with Archer
nave many wild flings during a season.
For hie peculiar specialty Blvet Jimmy
a marked 'hdvantage In receiving. From,
hit regular working -attitude he is so
low to the ground that a low ball can
scarcely get past him. He can smother
It in the dirt with his big mitt or shift
mote quickly from his crouching atti
tude to intercept it if it takes a mean
hep.' He is a nimble, agjle fellow, quick
as a cat' on his feet and with his hands.
Wherefore, if the ball ehoote high he
has simply to spring upVand spear it.
t is a w?ll known fact that it le"far
easier to go up for high ones than to
dig down for crazy chucks.' The same
natural advantage that protecta a pitch
er from wild flThga also keeps Archer's
passed, balls to a minimum. -
Adapted to Good Fgging.
Bfacketopplng literally means the re
ceiving of the pitcher's .delivery. In
this special line, as pointed out. Archer
has no equal. But his resources do not
Stop there. His peculiar catching atti
tude steins to be admirably adapted to
PerfPt throwing. Archer is a del
marksman. Either standing or sqi
ting, he can peg the bullseye at any
cushion 59 times In 100. His throws
snap out with riflelike velocity, but his
greatest adjunct is the faculty of get
tins . that throw away at once. He
wastes no time in starting the ball on
Its course. The minute the ball hits
his glove It's away again. He never
draws back his arm; he shoots the ball
he saves stolen bases by making the
foe hug the sacks. Let a man stray
two feet beyond safe ground at any
base arvl he's dead as a door nail, if
anyone is on the Job at the other end.
Ills squatting position behind the bat
ter seems to give Archer a distinct ad
vantage over a base . runner. He can
watch his man like a hawk without
tipping hie hand.
Hal Chase revolutionised play around
first baso. Archer has not revolutlon
Ired cntchlng, simply because there are
none to follow his lead. There is Just
one Archer, as there Is Just one Chase.
But the;- cannot mimic Archer as they
try to Chase, for he as mentioned In
the Introduction sentence Is the real
big novelty of. the national pastime.
Until there comes a generation of acro
batr reared on their heels Instead of
high chairs. Jimmy Archer is very like
ly to get the' big hand as one of the
pasulng side shows.
Squatting Doesn't Slow Elm.
Almost as astonishing as the great
Cub catcher's backstopplng and throw
ing skill la his natural speed. Few
catchers are fast. But Archer Is an
that Stanley Ketchel and others were
often called to explain when spectators
remarked that Miller was being sub
jected to unnecessary punishment.
It Is something In a heavyweight's
favor to be Immune to stiff smashes, as
tl:la Miller certainly Is. No matter what
kind of a swing or drive Flynn may In
flict, Miller will have felt the counter
part of It at some tlmo In his career,
and. for that matter, ho will have sam
pled a few punches that Flynn Is not
master of.
This means that being struck solidly
and often will not divert Miller's atten
tion from the main Issue of the bout
to the extent It would If he were unac
customed to being under bombardment,
rlynn's Up and Bowns.
Flynn's signing with Miller is an ex
emplification of the ups and downs of
pugilism. A month ago Flynn was up
against the greatest fighter In the world
and how lie Is to box the least known
of the heavies. As Flynn thinks that
with Johnson out of It, he Is the one
best entitled to wear the championship
toga, he will have to defeat Miller Mg
nally, or else suffer an awful slump In
Miller, who Is anything but boastful.
Is looking forward to the September
match expectantly.
"I am not foolish enough to think that
I am a world beater at present, but I
suppose I cun claim that I am Improving
right along," said Miller. "I have seen
enough of fighting to be able to Judge
men, and I do not think that Flynn can
bat -mi He4-mt big enough -to beg-In
with, and I don't think he hits hard
enough, I hope for his own sake he la
not holding me too cheap.
Ed Walsh Stars Again.
(United Prrs Leased Wire.)
Philadelphia, Aug. 17. With but one
run to tie the score, three men on the
bags and none out, big Ed Walsh
fanned Home Run Baker and Fluffy
Mclinnls and forced Amos Strunk to
roll out a weak tap In succession, the
White Rox winning today's game from
the champions by a & to 4 score. The
score: R. H. E.
Chicago 5 g 2
Philadelphia 4 15 3
Batteries Walsh and Kuhn; Plank
and Lapp. Vmpires Sheridan and
Groom Iients Naps.
(I'nlted Prem Leaned Wire.)
Washington, Aug. 17. Groom was
given kIU edge support and with tlmely
hlts Washington this afternoon edged
niralri Into second place by downing.the
Nips. 4 to 1. Score: R. JI. 10.
Cleveland . ' i ,-, 3
Wnshington . . 4 4 n
Batteries Kahler. Mitchell and Car
iwch; Groom and Williams. Umpires
Hart and Connolly.
Mullin's Curves Easy.
I United Prew tnar- H"l. ,
Boston, Aug. 17 The Red Sox landed
oh Mullin, the Tiger veteran, snd scored
five runs In the lucky seventh, glvlny
Boston the game by a scorn of 6 to 4.
Joe Wood then relieved Collins In the
box for the Sox and held Detroit safe.
The score: R. H. E.
Detroit . 4 .7 1
Boston ,i 7
riatterles Mullin and Stanage: Col
lins, Wood and Carrlgan. Umpires
O'Brien and Dlneen.
Yankees Win Two Games.
New York, Aug. 17. The Yankees
edged a little farther away fcom the
cellar door today; defeating St. Louis
twice, the second being a shutout, In
which Coldwell had allowed but three
hits, when the game was -called on ac
count of darkness In the seventh. The
First game: R. H, E.
Pt. Louis .u 12 4
New York u j 2
Batteries Baumgnrtener. Hamilton,
Allison and Alexander, Krichell: Davis,
Fisher. Warhop and Sweeney. Umpires
O'Loughltn and Bvans:
Journal Want Ads bring results.
exception, ! He belles the theory that
constant squatting slows up the leg
mufties a receiver. . Arcner is xar
from a poor hitter. In fact, he ia above
the average, as catchers go. He's an
all round star, any way you wish to
take him," j -''"' ''''
Every . time Hughie Jennings ; aeea
Archer's nam In print he haa a con
vulsion. For the tow-headed leader of
the Tlgera "canned". . Archer for Juet
thesa virtues which have made him an
idol In the National league. Hughie
couldn't see Jimmy's specialty of squat
ting with a spy glass. It didn't appeal
to him as baseball ethics. He tried to
make Archer chanrns hie style. Th
catcher v refused to be coached.
Bo he was benched for a lone
tlmi and really with Detroit never had
a chance to prove his worth. He was
forred to sit day after day and watch
a lot of second raters that he knew were
inferior to him get all the limelight
Let Jewel Slip Away.
American league leaders did not re
alize at the time the Jewel they were
letting slip through their fingers when
they waived claim to Archer. He was
wae turned back to Buffalo Of the
Eastern league. The next year Frank
Chance sent a scout up to Buffalo to
look at a young pitcher. The scout-happened
to catch Archer at his best and
was spell bound. He got Chance by tel
ephone. "Say," said he, "it's not a pitcher
you want from this outfit. It's a
catcher. Archer. The best In the
world." Next year Archer was with the
Cubs. Ho made good right off the reel.
But that w8 in 4b days of Johnny
Kllng. Johnny was in his prime. Nat
orally Archer bad to take a side seat
for a while. Kllng held out In 1909, the
year Tlttsburg won the pennant. The
absence of Johnny., was vouchsafed as
an excuse. Unfortunately that year
Archer was Injured and was never him
self. With Kllng back In harness the
Cubs won out In 1910. But that year
Archer was the better of the two. He
caught "King" Cole In the only game of
the world's series that Chicago- won
from the Athletics.
They've rorgotten Kllng.
Kllng's name Is almost forgotten in
Chicago now. Archer, the windy city
bugs will tell you. Is far better than
the Kansas City athlete In h(s palmiest
days. Of course they do forget the fal
len stars. Maybe Archer Is no better
than Kllng once was. But It Is a cer
tainty that he Is a marvel. And If by
any strange accident the Cubs should
happen to win a, pennant this season to
Archer's name will redound much of the
credit. Certainly he has made a pitch
ing staff of a lot of youngsters. And
It's about the niftiest tossing corps in
th,.old major league at this minute.
Young San Franciscan Makes
Veteran Player Extend Him
self to Limit to Win Seattle
Tennis Singles.
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 17. Ella Fot
trell, San Francisco, playing In the
semi-finals against Mel Long, north
western champion, sprang the biggest
surprise of the Washington champion
ship tennis tournament by forcing his
opponent to play three close sets to
beat htm.
In TBcoma Long had easily defeated
the youngster and expected he would
havo another walkaway, but Instead Fot
trell gave him the battle of his career
and forced Long to the limit. The
match was the fastest and most excit
ing ever witnessed on local courts and
It was a fitting climax to a series of
splendid matches.
Inclement weather worked havoo with
the plans of the Seattle Tennis club,
and although the matches wero rushed
through, the tournament for the state
championship Is still unfinished.
Finals in all the events we're post
poned till Monday. The largest gal
Ifry of the week was present this af
ternoon and some of the best tennis
ever seen here rewarded them. The
Fottrell-Long battle was remarkable
and at several stages Fottrell looked
like tjie wSnuer, Had he. been a ....trifle.
steadier in pinches, he Instead of Long
would meet Johnston for the title. Al
though Lons won the match the num
ber of gumel taken by each was equal
and In actual points Fottrell won, DG
to 02.
rottzell'i Work Surprise.
Long started out like a winner by
taking the' first three games. Fottrell
cair.e back to the surprise of everyone
by taking the next three. They alter
nated from then oiv-untll the score was
flvo all, when Long put on a little
extra steam and won the set, 7-5.
In the next set after Long won the
first game ne never had a look In.
Fottrell won six out of the next seven
games and had Long badly, worried.
Fottrell kept up his clip at the' start
of tha third and won the first two
games. However, the paco told on Fot
trell and his opponent, who had been
saving himself for a final effort, made
a great brace and took five straight
games. .
It looked Ilka curtains for Fottrell
then, as the score was five games to
two against him, but to the surprise of
everyone he started an attack that
Long was unable to resist and won the
next three games, tying the score.
Finally Wears.
In winning the three games, Fottrell
scored 12 points to Ills opponent's- 2.
Lonjr. playing carefully and accurately
finally wore him down and won the !
two games necessary for the match, both
however going to deuce before being de
cided. The score by games was:
First set Long 4. 4. 5. 0, 1. 0. 4, J, 4
1, 4, 67 g..mes. Fotlrcll'2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4,
0, 4, 1. 4. 1, 3 games.
Second set Long 4, '2, 0, 2, 4, 4, 8, 0 ?
2 games. Fottrell 0, 4, 4, 4, 6, 1, 5, 4
Tnlrd set Long 0, 0, 4. 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 2,
0. 7. 67 games. Fottrell 4, 4, 2, 1, 2, 2,
0, 4, 4, 4, 6. 4 6 games.
In the other end of the semi-final,
William Johnston, San . Tranclseo, met
Word Dawson, of Los Angeles. Dawson
failed to show his real form and was
outplayed all the way by his younger op
ponent, .ohnston won In straight sets
6-2, 6-3.
Mill Bohaefer In Finals.
The ladles' doubles created much in
terest, owing to the splendid play of
Miss Baker and Miss Livingstone, a Seattle-Vancouver
. combination. They
bent Miss Fording and Miss Miller' only
after three close sets had been played,
so when thify met the great May Sutton
and Miss Bower In the semi-final round
no one gave them a chance. .They ran
throush.toorm-trrloslnirthefiTgt set.
but suddenly braced up and playing like
". BrW. J. Blacbeth.
(By th loternitloaul News Berrlee.
New Tork, Aug. 17. Socalled Vluclc
of the game Is doubtless responsible
for the.superstltionii of th general run
of players. Few, indeed, of all the
treat army connected with the national
pastime, are those who reaspn after
ine rasmon or the unemotional Connie
Mack. -
"There la . no such thin as luck."
ays Connie, "or if there is, It cer
tainly equalises during a campaign. No
team Is favored by luck, I mean. You
will win JUBt as many, games through
Dreaks as you lose and no more dur
ing a long schedule. The championship
team sometimes looks luckier than its
rivals. That la because its players
make their luck good Just as a dis
couraged array always makes its luck
Connie Mack Is a pretty wlff general
and in all probability knows exactly
what he Is talking about. Auyhsw, he
can set away with it so far as r are
concerned. There may be no such for
tune as good luck from the playing and
managerial ends of the nation's sum
mer sport. Yet how about luck in
baseball promotion 7
Magnates Are Lucky.
. There you will find luck, and oodles
of It. Almost without exception every
major league magnate before the public
at the present time can thank his
lucky stars. He may let on that he Is
martyr, risking his money through
civic patriotism, but there are no finan
cial martyrs In this baseball age of
commercialism. Every big league club
president is out for the kale. He
wouldn't remain president long If lie
thought there was no chance to gather.
The fingers of the two hands wouldn't
be enough to tell the lucky magnates
of the National and American leagues.
Unfortunately there Is always the ex
ception that proves the rule. We will
consider for a moment one of the
tough luck' dlsctpleM of diamond dives.
John Montgomery Ward.
Mr. Ward has but recently severed
his connection with the Boston National
league club. He was president of the
luckless National league tailenders for
less than one year. Ward sold his hold
ings to Jim Oaffney, majority stock
holder, whom Ward had first Interest
ed In tha Hub proposition last Decem
ber. He Is through with baseball for
good. If Ward had had absolute con
trol of the Hubbttes It Is doubtful If
anything could have driven him to
cover. He would have hung on until
he built up a better club and that would
have meant the greatest Imaginable
financial success.
Not another man In 'the t'rrtted
States merits more from baseball than
John M. Ward, retired from the Bos
ton club. Here Is a man who has been I
a couple of champions won the next two
sets -2, 6-5.
In the last set Miss Sutton became
anxious and leaving her partner out-
lde tue court attempted to play the
whole game against the northwestern
combination. The latter were equal to
the occasion and on several occasions
Miss Livingstone came off victor at the
net in several rallies with the cham
pion, ine winning of this match puts
them in the finals against Miss Flor-
eni's Sutton and Miss Schaefer.
Men's singles Johnston beet Dawson
2, 6-3. Long beat Fottreel 7-5, 2-6,
Men's doubles Bacon and Young beat
Allen and Miller 6-1, 6-2. Bacon and
Young beat McCutcheon and VanKeuren
6-0, 6-1. Russell and Richardson beat
C. Shannon and Hart 6-1, 6-2. Johnston
and Fotterell beat Kelleher and Ilall
bron 6-3, 6-1. Russell and Richardson
bet Tyler end Kettenbach 6-3. C-2.
Ladies' singles Miss Mny Sutton
beat Miss Fording 6-0, 6-1. Miss Flor
ence RuttOn beat Mrs. NOrthrup 6-0, 6-1.
Ladles' doubles Florence Sutton and
Mrs. Srhaofer beat Mrs. Lnngtey and
Miss Waterhouse 6-1, 6-3. Miss Living
stone and Miss Baker best Miss Ford
ing and Miss Miller 5-7, fi-3, 6-4. Flor
ence Sutton and Miss Schaefer beat
Miss Campbell and Mrs. Judjre 1-?, 6-0.
Miss Livingstone and Miss Baker beat
Mav Sutton and Miss Bowcn 2-8, 6-2,
Mixed doubles Bacon and Florence
Sutton beat Miss Campbell and Palmer
6-0, 6-1. Bacon and Florence button
bea't C. Shannon and Mrs. Judge 6-1.
6-1. Miss Schaefer and Kotterell beat
Miss Fording and II. Iee 6-2, C-4.
Mohr Leads at Khoot.
The second day of the North Pacific
Sharpshooters' union tournament, whii:li
is being held on tho range at Clacka
mas, Or., brought out many good scores.
In the General Flnzer event, Anthony
Mohr Is leading with the score of 72
out of a possible 7f. Charles Acker
mann of Walla Walla leads In the man
target with the score of D9 out of a
possible 60.
The tournament will come to a close
tomorrow evening.
Journal Want Ads bring results.
CLASSES Drawing, Modeling, Life,
Portrait, Advanced Painting, Skstch
and Illustration, Composition, Design,
Craft Work and Art Lectures. Also
Evening and Children's Classes. Fourth
year begins October 7, JD12. Studios In
the Museum of Art. Fifth and Taylor
Pi-r.t. Circular upon application.
Th SeJurolthat 1'lacet You a Good I'otition
University of Oregon
Fall term opens September 17, 1912. Cdursc of three years,
leading to degree of LL. B. and embracing 20 branches of
the law, including moot court and debate work. Candidates '
prepared especially for admission to bar. Faculty of 17 in
structor. Located in heart of city. Adjacent to courts. For
catalogue giving entrance requirements and full information
acfflress T. Walter Gillard, Scc'y, 214 Central IMdg., Irtlarid.,
a treat credit to the game. - One ef the
most formidable pitchers and Inflelder
of the old days, he served Ma appren
ticeship also as manager. - Tet -he re
tired voluntarily . at the height of Ms
prime to study law. He became a very
fine lawyer and built up a wonderful
practice in New York, where lawyers
ere aald to flndthe toughest sledding
In the wfcolo country. John M. Ward
has wcrrked at his practice. He de
served a Test and some of the good
things of baseball That he is again
on- the- .outside, looking in, simply
prove beyond question that there Is
tuck and all kinds of It in baseball pro
motion. Take Charles W. Murphy of the Cubs
in direct opposition to Ward. Murphy
is a millionaire today. He owns sev
eral theatres in Chicago as well as rich
real estate property. All this has been ,
accumulated within the past seven
years without the outlay of a penny.
Murphy was Just lucky enough to get
the tip that the Chicago club was for
sale. He got the backing from Charles
P. Taft and bought for J105.000 a club
that at that time "wi worth fully haif
a million. Murphy tumbled right Into
a pennant Ms first year. Frank Chance
has made history with- th club Sele
built up. Yet Murphy was the lucky
fellow to fall Into such a capable
manager for such a capable club. Mur
phy doesn't begin to have the business
Intelligence or baseball acumen-of John
M. Ward. Luck made Murphy a howl
ing success; John M. Ward to put It
as mildly as possible a disappoint
ment. Old Tox Another Example.
Clark Griffith Is another example.
The old fox is Just now for the first
time beginning to appreciate the de
lights of real fortune. Griffith's man
agerial experiences with the New York
Highlanders and Cincinnati Beds
proved one disappointment after an
other. Twice lie missed American
league pennants for New York by the
senntest of margins. He never had a
bad team, nor yet a capable one.
Cincinnati newspapers have driven
many a good manaser out of Garry
Herrmann's town. They rode Griffith
to death a year ago made bis life so
miserable that he raced to the first port
Of refuge. This happened to be Wash
ington. Washington had always been
the Joke of big league baseball, an hab
itual tailcnder. Griffith raised every
cent ho possibly could command and
bought heavily of- the club stock. He
Is tho largest Individual stockholder of
the Senators. He gambled his earnings
for the privilege of freedom of control
In manat'erinl affairs. Griffith's work
this year has vindicated him. Wash
ington Is right up there wtli a chance
to lr the pennant. Griffith Is fixed
for life with a fino paying propostlon.
Florence Alexander, Age 17,
Fled With Salem Man, Is
Caught at Drain, Or.
(R-cUl to ra Journal
Drain, Or.. Aug. 17. Florence Alex
ander, age 17. was arrested at Drain
today. She has been missing from As
toria since May 13. W. V. McLaren,
of the Rescue and Protective eocloty, is
taking her to (he, Louise Home in Port
land. Astoria, Or., Aug. 17. Florence Alex
ander eloped with Charles Tyburn, of
Salem, on May 13, leaving for Marsh
field on the steamer Breakwater. The
girl Is the adopted daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Alexander, who 'conduct a
boarding house at the Hammond mills.
At the time they swore out a warrant
for the arrest of the young man and
Sheriff Burns attempted to loeate the
couple at Maruhfleld but was unable to
do so. Pyburn arrived here on the
same day the couple made their es
cape. The two were at one lime school
mates at Lebanon when both families
li ved - there - ;l'-hey were devoted- lovers
but their marriage was opposed by their
parents owing to the extreme youth
of the girl, who Is 17 years of ajre.
Oregon Agricultural College
This great Institution opens its doors
for the fall semester on September 20.
Courses of Instruction Include: General
agriculture, agronomy, animal husband
ry, dairy husbandry, bacteriology, bot
any and plant pathology, poultry hus
bandry, horticulture, entomology, veter
lnerary science, civil engineering, eleo
trlcal engineering, mechanical engineer
ingmining engineering, highway engin
eering, domestic sclencer domestio art,
commerce, forestry, pharmacy, zoology,
chemistry, physics mathematics, Eng
lish language and literature, puhllt
speaking, modern language, history, art,
architecture. Industrial pedjigogy, physi
cal educutlon, military scienco and tac
tics and music.
Catalogue and Illustrated literature
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Registrar, Oregon Agricultural college,
Corvallls, Oregon.
School Year Opens September 20
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Send for IL'uMrutrd Catalogue
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