The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1912, Page 19, Image 19

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s cp nmn a
1H acre on Willamette river, 8
S all level, boat landing on place, V4 B
B cleared, very beat of aoll., Price 8
11200. 8
8 11 acre 1 mile from 6regon also- 8
S trie depot. 7 miles, to Balem on 8
B main county road land all level, ft 8
8 Improved. Price $1600. , 8
B 11 acre In tha.clty limit of S
8 Lebanon, all level, fine eoll. Price S
8 $1800. -, , - . ;- r: '8
8 10 8-100 acre in the city of Ib-! 8
8 anon. Linn county. Price $300. Will B
8 exchange part or all of th above 8
8 places for southern California prop- 8
8 erty. " . g
B-' "160 "acree 8 mile from good 8
B tdwn on CowliU river; m acres m a
'8 cultivation, 60 acree alder swale, 8
ISvery easily cleared, 60,0 cords .ce-B
B dar bolts; apring and creek: box 8
B house, 16x21; with 16x18 addition ; 8
' 8 barn 22x32; fine soil, good roads; 8
8 1 mile to sohool Price $20 per 8
48 acre, 1-1 cash, balance long time. 8
8 8
8 IS700 40 acres on Cowllt rlv- 8
: 8 er. 4H miles rem it. R. and "boats
8 landing; 18 acres in cultivation: 8
I 8 Und all level; Well creek and 8
8 ejrtring; fine soil; pood bearing or- 8
8 chard and small fruits; IV4 story 8
-B room house,-2 barns; 1 mile to B
8 school, good roads; team, wagon, 8
B hack, 2 cows, chickens, cream sep- 8
1 8 arator, all farm machinery and 8
8 crops, household roods. Would-on-8
8 elder about 12600 In exchange for 8
8 Portland property. This Is a snap. 8
18 ' 8
8 11400 40 acres on Cowllta river, 8
B I miles from R. R- and bolkt land; 8
8 lng: 17 acres in cultivation; good 8
, B orchard and small fruits; all land 8
I 0' tillable; small house, good large 8
1 B barn, team, cow, some hogs, several 8
B dozen chickens, machinery and 8
15 Crops; 1 mil XO liisii egnooi. urnn a
a m or less casn. oaiance long ume. a
8 Good soil. 8
10(.Xlerllngeriadg-xor..Jtd and 3
8 Alder.' Main 1430. 8
8 8
Listed with us for Exchange.
17000 Strlotly modern 7 room home on
highly Improved 100x100. In Rose
City Park; every modern con
venience; J fireplaces, Trench
windows, hardwood floors etc.,
etc.; no Incumbrance. Will ex
change for 1 to 6 acre country
home to same value. The above
house la actually worth $7000
WW0 The worst knocker will agree
that this 12 acre White Salmon
6-year-old orchard Is worth the
". price asked; fine set of build
ings; no Incumbrance. Will ex
change home In city or other
city property.
110,000 Very line pressed brick build
ing, with Income of $168 per
month. $10,000 5 per cent mort-
fage, long time. Will exchange
10,000 equity for good home.
IM.O09 eauitv In $60,000 Income prop
erty; mortgage $28,000 at 6 perl
cent long time; income 16460
..-t ..r,ina Qiio Aisr
rm m rr mi n m ni u m 01
have $13,000 cash. Want good 1 1 WANT some " good city Income prop
stock farm, farm of timber In erty for $50,000 worth of gilt edge
western Oregon.
?100,000 Highly Improved Kansas and
UKianoma rarms, iree oi uu-uui-
Branca ana 3U,uuu casn. ryani
large stock farm- In Oregon or
southern Washington.
High class exchanges will be sent you
if you will give full description, rrloe
and exact location of good property over
15000 la value that you might exchange,
fetate the kind of property and to what
amount would interest you. By taking
at least part in trade, one can often
make a quick sate and-to better -advan
tage, no attention pam to jun '"
inflAterl values. For the lanrest list of
gllt'-edg properties to select from, ad
dress Mr, Beck
272 Stark St.
Sale or Exchange
82 acres, all good rich lanu. about 20
acrea under cultivation, balance In pas
ture, enouifh timber for fuel purposes.
Never falling spring stream, good well,
modern 7 room house, large barn and
necessary outbuildings. Good family or
chard and all manner of small fruits.
Fine chicken houses and yards. mile
from country towrw R K D. mall, tele
phone and milk route advantages, and 9
miles from Vancouver on good auto road.
Includes all manner of personal proper
ty ana all crops at onlv-$6500. Will
consider small unincumbered residence
In Portland or Vancouver as part pay-
' ment and balance In mortgage on farm.
Vi acres good rich land. 32 acree fin
est kind of bottom land. 16 acres un
der cultivation. So acres burned and
seeded (fine pasture and easily cleared)
Place fenced with 4 Wires and good
1 Ttosts all manner of fruits. New 7
room house worth $1500 and all man
Tier of farm buildings, spring at house,
this place. Telephone in house, milk
route that pays $40 per month goos with
place and takes but lu hours' time a
week to handle it. R. F. t. mail. 1
miles from country tQWju,4 jriiLjiaJram
(rood R. It. town and 14 miles from
Vancouver. Includes 8 good milch cows,
good team, wagon and harness, cream
separator, plows, harrow, cultivator,
mower, hay rake nnd all small tools. 2
aores of the finest potatoes In the state
and all manner of.crons and 18 tons of
hav In barn. Price only $7600. $3500
cash, or that amount of A, class unin
cumbered property In Portland or Van
- couver. Nothing but first class prop
erty considered nt cash price.
6th and Main sts Vancouver, Wash.
Telephone 107.
1 Acres
All under cultivation. 1 mile from La
fayette, 35 miles south of Portland; 6
room house, barn and outbuildings;
young and old ornhard; $3500; exchango
equity of $2700 for 4 or 5 room house,
Mt. Scott carllne preferred.
80 ACRES of Kood soli, 4 miles
from Banks, Washington county; partlv
Improved; houve-anft-putbuildlngs: good
orchard, spring and well water; $4000;
exchange for house and lot in suburbs.
160 acres in Tillamook county; ex
cellent dairy ranch, fully stocked; good
house and outbuildings; $10,000; ex
change for city property, good rooming
house or restaurant up to $6000, balance
$1000 cash and tnortgits;.
Kauffmann & Moore
325 Dumber Exchange
. iV. D ANDYTcliFCKBN Jl AN.C.1L. . .
Absolutely the best 10 acres in Clarke
county; 10 acres, close to car line, -on
Orchard-Slfton line; 6 room box house,
papered; good barn about 25x40; chicken
house and yards; good windmill with
water piped to house, barn and prune
dryer; good large orchard, 6 acres
r runes, 2 acres of apples, and cherries,
sore strawberries, balance is In pota
toes and vegetables; several hundred
grape vines; boII is a little gravelly, but
not a rock on the place. Pries I7flnn-
win taae a nouse up to tuu
16 acrta of land, fine red shot wait;
only 8V4 miles from-town. -of Hood Riv
er; nearly all good orchard land; 8 acres
under cultivation, a part of which Is
planted to trees; running stream and
fine spring on place; small house. Price
only $8600 and -will take some Portland
property as part payment H-819, Jour
nal. . .
GOOD 6 room house In exchange for
close In acreage, value $3000. G-922.
HOUSE an d lot near Union ave., to ex-
change for farm. Inquire 433 Cham-
and fine spring (rtream runs through , v0"00'"''" .v .v..i.i, i
. j A .CT .1.. Am inrlr nnn Tnn n m In man,,. W 1
places excellent power sue proposition. -: "t-Z i"I " Ji " ';r .
rTha st satrotm ri(i trout rra m ",,,v,".'" ; ' ,1 ."i" bs-k-b uiu
th sflkAs runs through 12 acres of 1 rnce ta-u. ui-z i.umoer Kxcnange.
HAVE property on east side to trade
for fnrrriM. 808 Mill ft.
TRADE good lot, puld $500 cash for It,
for motorcycle. (1-777., Journal.
ONE 2 passenger Oldsmoblle runabout
in good order with new tires, tools
and lamps; will trade for good upright
piano. ' Can be seen at Richmond garage,
E. 7th and Division sts.
BTUDEBAKER . Stanhope for cows,
horse on what have youT Phone Ta-
nor ea.
UNINCUMBERED lot. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Cost $400 In 1903, take Zd-hand auto,
or goon norse sna rig. Main 4su.
ONE or two lota In Spokane to exchange
j Yor launch or motorcycle. InauJtra land
lora, z3H za st,
FIVE pass, car. lust overhauled, to ex-
change for runabout or horse and
buggy; muHt be good. E-544, Journal.
TRAQE good lot, patd $500 cash for It,
lor motorcycle. , u-yyy, journal.
TROTTING horse for lot or equity;
piano or what have you,- East 1448. -
WANTED to buy, fine farm,
also 10, 20 and a 40 -acre
Baker & Dryer,
1 0 i. Rail way .Exchange.
To echange 40 .acres, all Improved,
10 acres In hops, at Champong, for flat
or other income broDerty.
Will assume
some. E-460, Journal.
ACREAGE wanted 1 want a homesite,
1 to 10 acres suitable for a country
home, within 15 miles of Portland;
something. with running water preferred
and within 1 mile of eleetrlo car; must
be wooded and prefer little or no Im
provements. I am not an agent. Please
give complete description and location.
11-603. Journal.
WANTED Medium priced house, 7 to
10 rooms, with furnace, fireplace and
other modern conveniences. Have $2000
contract well secured; also equity in
three extra large fine view lots hear
Reed Institute to apply In payment Can
lopp av IMtle-ewnhrbalance-tnonthlrr
payments. 645 K. mn st.
WANT Portland Heights or Irvlngton
residence under $7500, ror choice
acreage; can alno put in good auto, val
ue $1000; would assume mortgage up
to half of value; will deal with owners
only. H-611. Journal.
WANTED A 6 rrfom modern cottage.
not more than 4 blocks from Mt. Soot:
or Sellwood cars, must have china cup
board and fruit trees; will pay $2500,
$250 down and $36 per month. K-828,
WANTED About 6 acres with small
house, near carllne. within 10 miles of
Portland. Price and terms must be
right. Deal with owners only. Address
P-990, Journal.
WANTED 6 or 10 acres partly cleared
with fair house, for cash; must be
close to carllne and not over a 11 cent
fare. Give full description and location.
E-10, Journal.
For Portland property. Also some good
residences here for fnrrna and farm
land, from $2500 to $6000. R. F Feem
ster. 809 Ablngton bldg. Mam 4841.
Half cash for a lot between 16th and
27th sts.. and between Raleigh and Wll-
I J wnt the best price from any.
one who will answer. G-918, .journal.
acreage at lllllsboro.
R. F. feemater.
1 309 Ablngton bldg.
you want a cit
y home! 1 want a
small farm. Will you exchange? Ad-
dresa 937 East 6th north.
SIX room modern house; give full d
scrlption, location, price and terms
first letter. H-621. Journal.
WANTED owners to build apartment
houses and small hotels for desirable
tenants on long leases. 310 Henry bldg.
FOUND One black horse near Sell
wood. E. J. Russell. SL. F. C No. 8,
hox KiB. Milwaukee.
; . ,rrt-, ; r
. WANTED Improved
6 to 10 acre
rancrr for eiuertjr couple. Must be
reasonable for rash. E-312. Journal.
BEST bargain. A home, large lot, around
$1260. Easy terms. State price,
terms, location. H-S32, Journal.
WANTED A home about $2000 $100
down, $20 per month, south of Mor
rlson, east sfde 512 E, 21st st.
HAVE buyer for bungalow on easy
terms. Howard. 715 Swetland bldg.
we clear Land.
Jaokola Rrog.. 314 N. 17. Phone A-1898.
Beautiful Place
8 rooms, all new carpets and floss
mattresses. House all newly papered
and painted. Best location to rent
rooms and must be sold regardless of
cost, as owner has other business. Is
well worth $S00. If takon this week
Price $475: $100 Cash
ROOMING house, 23 rooms, In heart of
the city, clearing 5125 per month; long
A bargain: Rooming house, hand
somely furnished, at 14th and Washing
ton, over Malley's grocery. Owner leav-
FOR SALE at a big bargain, a 50 room
lodging house, centrally located; a
money maker. New Eagle House, 22H
N. 3d St., corner Burnslde.
20 ROOMS, center west side, good fur
nlturet good for $100 month profit,
$500 will put you In possession. 110
Henry bldg.
'ACCOUNT of sickness will sell 17 room
boarding house, down town.- cheap
rent, rooms full, good transient trade.
Price $1250 cash. H-646, Journal.
MUST sacrifice this, elegant rooming
house, all rented, close In, cheap rent,
worth $2000, $800 takes It, with terms.
505 Henry bldg.
18 Rooms 18
On Washington st. Good furniture.
Clears $100 monthlv. Worth $1200. My
price If taken today $250. Peters, 607-B
Henry bldg
BUST rooming house in city, will trade
for acreage or- lots. This Is a money
maker; good location, easy to handle,
always full. 506 Henry bldg.
9 ROOM house, furnished for boarding
ami rooming,, desire to sell, terms;
might consider some trade. Marshall
WE have some very good bargains In
rooming b.OU8e!V to 20 rooms, on
easy terms. 505 Yeon bldg.
TH R uuickest way to sell out Is to
list it with wide awake hustlers at
BPS-Y-eon-'bldg.- --, - . .....-.,. ...
ROOMING house, 18 rooms, 14 rooms
furnished, for sale cheap. Apply 2'.
E 7th st. Phone East 2033.
10 room house, good location. See own
er, 149 Lownsdale at Phone Main
11 ROOM h.
k.. place clears $40 above
expenses. Must sell. Cost $1000,
Take $450; terms. 72 N. 14th st,
12- H. K. rooms, fine furlilture. 2 baths!
yard, low rent lease, terms; owner.
8sy aa st. ,
24 ROOMS. aptJ 3 year lease, nloely
furnished, rent $75: Income 1175.
rr,c $ 850. Easy termer- 606 Yeon bldg,
rOtOOlffS. best furnished in city, good
location, $Tff00; terms. Main 9693, afU
er 6 p. m.
-SQ ROOMS, west; side, good furniture.
rent jflo; clears iuu per monin, iivov.
$500 cash. 110. -Henry bldg..
11 ROOMS. new" furniture, rent $38, a
. snap, $350. 310 Henry bldg.
FOR SALE 19 room rooming house; a
snap for cash. 5flMt:N. 7th st., owner.
ROOMING house for sale of 7 rooms.
..,tbajfciy.fct locUfla-16i6-W Park,
510-511 Rotfcchild B!dg. -::.-fr
Main. 1 222
Hotel and Rooming 'House
Specialists .
The following ara a few extra good
places, for sale or axohange. .. ,
78 rooms, central location, corner
brick, modem and well furnished; $2000
ia cash or real estate and If a yours.
68 rooms, very central. Well known
hotel, cheap rent, long lease. A little
cash and a little real estate. This Is a
bargain for quick sale.
'"48 rooms, corner, extra well fur
nished, 6 year lease. Will accept small
payment down or exchange for any
good real aetata to value about $5000.
17 rooms,' housekeeping, good corner
location, long lease, well furnished.
Price $1100. Will consider real estate
or small cash payment and balance
from profits of the house.
16 rooms, good furniture and carpets,
WZIW l?pVonu. real estate. tvalue of
fl60ff will do.
14 rooms Quick sale only $700. about
t200-asa-i enough,- -Fine-close In loca
tion. - .
12 rooms and less, all 'locations and
prices and very easy terms. "
Come and look over our list
Hoteland Apartment
Wa-wlIJ- retire T-ermansntly from the
hotel and apartment house business
and devote our sole attention to our
new store at 6th and Alder sts. All
houses now operated by us will be sold
on the most advantageous terms to
persons who are able to make a small
cash payment We have hotels ranging
in...el .from-80 to - reoms;-apart
ment nouses (0 to ZZ6 rooms, all full
and making good returns on the In
vestment. Anyone having $2000, $3000
or $4000 In ready cash will find It
profitable to communicate with I. Ge
vurts & Sons, let and Yamhill.
120 ROOM apartment house, close In,
CLEAR, trade for Seattle property.
40 room brick, lease, 4 years, CLEAR,
Trade for house and lot or acreage.
22 room h. k., cheap rent, CLEAR,
trade for lot and some cah.
80 roome right In town CLEAR; trade
for acreage.
66 rooms, brick, CLEAR; trade for
farm or house and lot
These are all good, and can be traded
for or bought on terms.
til Corbett Bid.
For sale In house down town, rent from
rooms will pay all expenses of place and
give you plenty of room for a home,
j house is modern, full cement basement,
rurnace, nne large natn room, cement
wash trayS, gas and eleetrlo lights, large
rooms, plenty of closets. Furniture and
carpets all good. I am leaving city ao
will sell for $600. Phone A-4849.
Close In, all full, rent $50. clears $48
0 HUUMB, Ui-JtiB IN, S00.
B minutes' walk to P. O., some trade.
Fred W. German, 436 Chamber of Com
merce. Main 6445.
22 Rooms 22
Rent only $40. Nice neat clean place,
Always full. Clearing $95 monthly.
Worth $1000. My price for all $300.
Peters. 607-9 Henry bldg.
I have an acre near a good carllne,
all cleared; elegant view, water under
pressure, sidewalks. Will sell for $1600;
terms $150 cash. Second mortgage If
you wisn to nuiid. u-g3, Journal.
rent $125. 2 year lease.
fine close In west side location; run
ning water In all suites, fine .arrange
ment of rooms. You bargain hunters
; can't find the equal 6f this. Price $1700,
I $500 down. (Tall 249 4th st.
Best Bargain in Portland
14 rooms, close in, $450, and only
M cash. Must be sold. Clearing $75
month. Johnson & Johnson. 168 10th.
14 roonvroomtpg house for sale cheap,
If sold at once, good location, close In.
"'iHnSJy cause of sale. , 208 13th St.,
between Taylor and Salmon.
. 24 Rooms 24
Nice brick, corner location, furnace
heat, all on one floor, 2H years" lease.
Clears $110 monthly. Price for all, $soo.
$300 down, bal. $25 month. Peters. 607-9
Henrv hldf.
FOR SALE Rooming house; 11 rooms
in first class condition and beautiful
location; terms very reasonable; some
trade will be considered. Owner, 170
16th st N. :
12 ROOM rooming house, good furniture,
steam heat, fine location for sale or
trade. Owner leaving city. E-648, Jour
nal. 8 ROOMS, on carllne, close to new west
irtder htgh. school. Sell cheap or trade
Main 1837. 345 .11th. '
2000 .. Alaska.,EeU Coai.. , ,.,ep. 1
400 Alameda Con bid
60 Am. Drug. Synd cheap
100 Am. Aut. (Nelson) Fender.,. bid
650 Automatic Call special
3000 Cascadla cheap
100 ChlcagoN. Y. Air Line.", .bargain
1 Coin Machine Mfg. .great sacrifice
10 Commercial Bank, Oakland bargain
4000 Fidelity Copper bid
100 Keepfresh Co special
5000 Metaline Con cheap
250 Multitype Machine (old stk.) snap
2000 National Copper snap
600 Necarney Cit" Oil very cheap
1000 Peerless Air Motor cheap
100 Portland , (Oon..-Pile snap
1300 Realty Associate bonds ...bargain
3000 Riverside M. & M bargain
8000 Swastika M. & D i special
1000 United Placer Mines bargain
100 U. S. Cashier , bid
100 Universal Wrench special
All other stocks and bonds. See me
before buying. May be able to do bet
ter. I WANT
Alameda Con. Necarney City Oil
Baker-Theatre bonds Pac. States Fire
Clipper Mining Portland Con. Pile
Highland Gold Poulsen Wireless
Metaline Con. (Free or pooled)
National Copper 8wastlka
Washougal G. & C.
Bought and sold for CASH. DON'T
INDUSTRIAL STOCK until you have
aeen us. We can save you money. Ask
us about your stocks. The service, is
FREE. Correspondence solioited. W.
E. DAVIDSON & CO., 216-17 Lewis bldg.
CONFECTIONERY, cigar, ,lce oream
parlor; This Is a very nice place,
all good fixtures and a small amount
of money buys this store. As to par
ticulars Inquire of owner, 61S Williams
ave. near Russell st t v-w&
Restaurant, well furnished, to rent
with privilege of buying. This la a snap
for someone. See U today, Call 88
lath (near StarkV
ELECTRIC aupply house on west aide.
' all good, new stock, clearings over all
expenses $200 per month. Price $1600
cash., Jordan, suite 619, -Lumbermana
U8T seTl Income property., actually
worth $30.01)0. for 320.000: it will tak
$6000 to handle the deal. Owner, no com-
mission to pay. Journal
A-UTO delivery and laundry route, can
be made pay $60 per week; mv other
bualas nelsattentioii' Hi 867
iioo.Mixa noL'sr.4
- OoDortunitv
Look It up at once. Prevloua experi
ence not necessary. Widow lady who
owns half Interest In baggage trans
fer and truck business must sell at
once. Located In one of the beat towns
In the Willamette valley. Fully
equipped. Trucks,- harness, wagon, best
of horses, etc A permanent business
thoroughly established. Mora work
than can be handled. This is paying
good returns but for best of reasons
must make big sacrifice for quick .sale.
An opportunity to get started In a good
business In a rapidly growing town.
Will stand 1 thorough Investigation.
Prlca only $1100.
A, K, Hill, '
410 Henry bldg.
The Oregon Locators
510-511 Rothchild Bldg,
Main 1222;
Business Chance Headquarters
Country stores, grocery stores, cigars,
confectionery,, restaurants, lunch coun
ters, hardware, furniture, or any kind
of a business you may be looking for;
all alzee, all locations and all prlcea.
You will, save time and money talking
with us.
Hotel and "Apartment " '
House Investments.
Wa wjll retire permanently from the
hotel and apartment house business and
devote our sol"attention to our new
store at Fifth and Alder sts. All houaea
now operated by, us will be sold on the
most advantageous terms to persons who
ara able to make a small cash payment.
Wa have hotels ranging in size from 90
to 200 rooms, apartment houses 60 to
126 rooms, all full and making good re
turns on the Investment Anyone having
$2000, $3000 or $4000 in ready cash will
find It profitable to communicate-with
I. Gevurts & Sons, First and Yamhill.
DELICATESSEN, light grecerlcs. cigars,
tobacco. Ice cream, bakery goods,
lunches, etc., doing a fine business; best
apartment house district and clearing
$160 net per month; rent $36; dandy
place for man and wife; no help needed;
If you are looking for something espe
cially good, call and see me and I will
show, you-the best place In Portland for
the money; 872 Vs 11th st, oorner Mont
GfinRral MfirnhanHko Stnm
In good valley town, doing a yearly
cash business of about $20,000 stock
and fixtures at Invoice about $7500, and
property $3500; this is a good proposi
tion and will stand investigation.
612 Gerl'lnger bldg., 2d and' Alder
This la the best place on east aide, do
ing over $1000 a month; finest of fix
tures, lots of stock, cheap rent long
lease, modern building; see this at once;
will give terms"On part H-646, Journal.
CoJifectionery, Cigars, Etc,
Splendid location, rent only $86 with
3 modern living rooms; fine soda foun
tain and fixtures, clean saleable stock.
For -quick sale only $400. Inquire 610
Rothchild bldg.
Fine business on 8d st, west side,
Independent license; owner has poor
health; price $5200. Paclflo Coast Bro
kerage Co., 270 Stark.
WELL established fuel business, do
ing $50,000 annually, making money,
carries good position, a splendid open
ing for a hustler, $2000 cash will han
dle, terms on balance, or will exchange
for horses, cattle or clear Portland real
estate. Call 510 Rothchild bldg.
PICTURE show for sale. We will sell
you the best located and money get
ting picture show In Portland at less
than it is worth. Call on us and see
why we do It McCurdy Muslo Co., 8$
North 3d st.
SAFETY match vending business Tor
sale, earning net profit of about $100
monthly; can be handled on the side In
connection with one's regular work or
buUiea, iUiii, Journal,
I will sacrifice for one third Its value
one of the best paying realty offices In
the city, or sell half Interest and give
terms, can zu mar st
A HOME bakery, confectionery and
lunch room near Portland, doing a
fine business; cheap rent; a good oppor
tunity for a baker or man and wife.
FOR" SALE Must raise $2000 or lose
my nome; will sacririce my Interest
In well paying fuel company, with a po
sition $100 per month; thorough lnvesti
gation invited. 1-336, Journal.
FOR SALE The best eleetrlo wiring
ana nxture Dusiness in the best city
In Oregon outside of Portland:-t)est of
reason for selling. Address P. O. Box1
Z8z, Eugene, Or.
GROCERY and market; sales $80 to $85 I
per day; no soliciting; stock and fix-!
tures about $2000; no trades considered i
lauur l?!
FOR SALE A-l grocery, doing good
business fine fixtures, splendid lo
cation; will sacrifice. K-103, E. 63th st
MONEY MAKING confectionery and cU
gar store, living room, cheap rent.
Pbsltlve snap. Will Invoice almost dou
ble price asked, $500. 605 Yeon bldg.
See corner of ' Ei 8Elh and Yamhill,
opposite large Sunnyslde school, for rro.
cedes, school supplies and confectionery. "t
FOR SALE Best paying saloon in
Vancouver, vvasn.
BARBER SHOP, new, modern, up-to-date,
best location In Portland; t year
lease. Reasonable rent; terms. 1-248;
Journal. ;
PARTNER wanted for baking company;
must have $1600; business is increas
ing and must have extra capital. E-
iu, journal
LEAVING city Will sell my merchant
HLA iillKfnMa t170A nv fnvn,nr..
See it Good proposition. Owner. E-
M9. journal.
ROOMING house uhf urnlshed, with
about 10 rooms, 26th and Upshur,
terms reasonable. Inquire at Henry
Welnhard's Brewery. 13th and Burnstde
ONE of the best little country stores,
cheap rent, no competition, good trade,
owner can't handle, some trade accepted.
606 Henry bldg.
$100 WEEKLY profit; start In business
for yourself. Don't worry about capi
tal. No experience. Boyd H. Brown,
Omaha, Neb.
BIG store In central location, west 'side.
Big apace, long1 lease. See this at
once if you want a good business loca
tlon. M. E. Lee. 311 Corbett bldg.
ON account of sickness will sell sub
stantial machine and foundry busi
ness less thanlnvolce. M-80, Journal.
FOR SALE Boarding and transfer bus
iness doing good business; will sell
cheap if taken soon, E-158, Journal.
FOR; - BALE First class cleaning and
pressing business, close In, doing A-l
trade. Phone Main 6382. or A-7834. .
IF YOU 'have any houses that you want
rented, or business chances handled.
see r reen or merrm, itv ptaric St,
OFFICE man as partner, clearing $40
week each, big business, $250 required.
IU3 uimoer r-xenange.
PARTNER for Saratoga Chip plant, big
routes, clearing big money, $200. SOS
i.umoer isxcnange.
LAND office mgr. with farm to super
intend. Will share xfflce arnLlncome
With epergetlo worker. H-733. Journal
500 Business Cards. $1
Rose City Prlntery, 193H Third street
FINE business . wants
artner with
$2500 to open branch.
10, Journal.
KIONFECTIONERY for sal with 4 H. K.
rooms in dsck. rnone u-H78.
A GOOD proposition for a candy maker
witn nine capital, obi umatuia ave.
NEA'f,: compact, cioee in- grocery, $4 7i
Call Sunday; terms. 413 E. Morrison.
CONFECTIONERY, light" grocery
ara-'by owner t zS4f"!f. "
Well Paying Laundry ;
Located In one of the best towns In Or
egon and be,ng the only laundry In saiJ
town, at la doing all of the business of
said town and also the business of 25
surrounding - towns.- Tha plant la the
very best in every respect and will bear
the strictest Investigation. It Is clear
tng.above all expenses more than $800
per month. For a man who wants a
laundry this cannot be duplicated. The
price is $20,000. Full Investigation in
vited. J. E. Smith, 414 Chamber of Com-
merce, Portland, or,
Easy Terms
-7 , '
Seven room strictly modern, house on
80x100 lot on east side, between Broad
way and new steel bridge. Apartment
houses all around thla property, price
$10,t00. Srrrall payment down, balance
6 per cent. For furl Information ad-
aress ri-yin, journal
Partner wanted In small manufactur
ing business, on account or on oi tne
present owners being too old to attend!
w tuo iui;i caning uemuiiu ui uia uumi-
ness; $760 Is required; no other capital
Is required to develop the business to
where It will pay $300 to $400 per month
profit A good hustler with references
required. See our agent at 914 Cham
ber of Commerce bldg.Tbut do not
bother us unless you have the money
and mean business as we are very busy.
One 16 rodm two story frame hotel
building, fully equipped for lodgings
and serving meals 'and plat of ground
In heart of business district In Balem.
Oregon. Bust be.J0id by executor of
an estate. Inventory value of property,
$8000. Address Carey F. Martin, at-torney-at-law,
Salem, Oregon.
Drug Stores r
. We have several good stores In and
out of the city. Some big snaps as
owners have other business and must
- Jf jjTJTV . JJTrWTVy
107 Lumbe"r""Ex! blde""2d 'and Stark.
PARTNER wanted to Join me In the
candy . nuinufacturlng business. I
have a cVwrfplete little factory, estab
lished trade; automobile for soliciting
and delivering orders. The manufactur
ing requires all my time. Want outside
man. Capital required $500.
4(1 E. 27th st. Phone Sellwood 41.
With fully equipped bakery In basement.
Fine fixtures; location best on the west
side In the 20's; very attractive build
ing, 2 years' lease; $1100 will buy it,
$700 cash for stock and fixtures. Man
and wife can make money here. Phone
Bennell, Marshall 264, or East 1348,
Confectionery and Light
. Desirable location, low rent and liv
ing rooms. A
$360 for Imme
little money maker. Only
dlate sale, account sick-;
ness. Call 610 Rothchild bldg.
FOR SALE Fine little restaurant do
ing a gooit-ijuslness; fully equipped;
the only one within a radius of one
mile; dandy little place for man and
wire. Price $450 cash, If taken in the
next few days. Wlllumbla Realty Co.,
1633 Portsmouth ave., Portland. Or.
Phone Ool. 600.
The best paying restaurant and con
fectionery on the east side. Average
business $26 a day. Phones C-1768,
East 2252. -
v, : - . . i j ii r -r
WEL?.AVE. for .aJ.w on,9,.,?f th bV
uuuiiuy Biuies in ins Hiimracin vvi-
iey. mis is a new store ana stocK; tne
parties are not business men; $4000
will handle this.
$12 Henry bldg.
Gold leasing company starts mill Au
gust 24. Thousands of tons gold ore to
treat, stock nonassessable, sworn re
ports, pictures and big bonus free. Send
postal John Butler, 418 Jacobson blk.,
Denver, co l o
TION. Rent $20, with 2 living rooms; cash
trade, very little delivery; stock and
fixtures $500, for quick sale. This Is
less than Inventory. Inquire 610 Roth
chlld bldg.
Splrella corset agency, In a good
town; well equipped; doing a splendid
business; will Btand strictest lnvestga
Won. Corset orders pending. Ill health
makes sale Imperative; price right Box
Kelso, Wash.
OUR client traded for one of tho
nicest lltth stores on Washington st.
for which he has no use whatever, and
cannot run; it stands him in but little
money and we can sell It to you for
$500 or $600 Monday only. (16 Yeon
HERE is your chance to get a good
furniture business in a thriving cen
tral Oregon town, $400 cash or lot, same
value, as first payment, balance easy;
don't write unless you mean business.
Address M-92, Journal,
PARTNER wanted In good clean busl
ness paying from $200 to $300 per
month; $200 pays for H Interest in
cluding fixtures and good will, rent
reasonable and good location. Apply
at 914 Chamber of Commerce,
WANTED Parties with $1000 to $10,
000 to form stock company for the
bsl and safest proposition ever offered
In Oregon. We nave the inside. This Is
the "ground floor." We need $50,000.
K-802, Journal.
FOR SALE or exchange, established
qulok selling specialty in general use!!:.,
on1 damnn Dnln ml! In.,.c 'Hal,
ment required or will exchange for city
or country rea ir.y. u-s:u, .lourna l
RESTAURANT, fully equipped In down
town fiistrict, cneap" rent; will ex
change for lot or equity In house and
lot or might consider acreage. Jordan,
suite 619 Lumhermens bldg.
OUR client must sell his fine little
stor$, at once, no better location on
west Bide, rent very reasonable, half of
Invoice price will buy It Monday; about
II 1 00 required. 615 Yeon building.
RESTAURANT In business dlstrlrf malc-
lng money. Well equipped and cheap
rent. Must be sold. Parties going to
California. Price $400. 401-403 Lum-
ber Exchange.
WANTED to trade grocery store doing
good business for stock, farm- mach
inery and cash; stock and fixtures
rent $12. Box 273, Vancouver,
vestment I can show you $1000 profit
within 6 months; no speculation about
It; I give bank references. A. N.
Pearle. E. 76th and E. Gllsan. M-V car.
WANTED to buy a grocery store, any
location, under $2000. Will give love
ly bungalow In popular restricted dis
trict as payment. For details Wood
lawn 2077, or write H-692, Journal.
FIRST class mechanic for partner In
cabinet shop, $400 , for half Interest;
choice location, new stock and machi
nery; best opening in the city. Phone
East 880. , ,
YqUR opportunity to buy Washington
st: confectionery and grocery from
owner; attractive corner; place for good
delicatessen. Might consider exchange.
ti-DJi, journal.
LIGHT mfg. and Installation business,
article In great demand; orders on
handr profits large; inveatlgate;vfull
particulars, 608 Henry bldg Al Woelfer.
Stocky of groceries with building for
gooo rarm. vvoirr, $iz Henry bldg.
flOOD riavlnff vear around. chrnAt- lnn
tion, confections, stationery, eportinrtHj
gooas.etc; sdoui j&uu. would con
slder good real estate.- G-788, Journal.
FOR. SABE Meat market. My market
la for sale or rent, on account of my
sickness. A No,. 1. location. H-616, Jour
naL .
FINEST little restaurant only $l6o";
rent $60. good trade. Terms If desired.
B-846, Journal.
BASEMENT for rent for business pur
- pose, cheap.-" tU Main, cor." 6tn. " "
Grocery Store 1
We make a-apt:cialty of them ' and
can offer some guod paying stores in
good locations at inventory from $400
lo $3000; most of them having living
rooms In connection. We will be glad
to show them to you. Inquire 610 Roth-
enna piag.
In .a live valley town,, the only con
fectionery, olgar and pool room tn town;
long lease; rent only $15, Including liv
ing rooms With all modern conveniences.
Has always cleared $160 per month; A
bargain toa-caeh.- M-3. Journal,
WANTEBv-Man with from $3000, to
$6000 to take active Interest and act
as treasurer In a well known Incorpor
ated manufacturing business In Port
land. - Strictly legitimate and will bear
Investigation.- Present treasurer
retiring. Address B-4KI, journal
FOR? SALE Baker's -dough-mixer In
first class order. 10 E. 6th st, Van
couver, Wash.
BEAUTY parlors, owner must sell on
account of sickness; will teach entire
course; address 412 Morrison, B. Baxter.
Will sell cheap or take a partner. I
can't run business. Q-IU1, Journal.
FOR SALE M.t invoice, vulcanizing
business, with modern, up to date
plant. Ifrlcp $1500. 435 Stark st.
CASH grocery, good location, good, clean
stock, 8 living rooms, cheap rent. In
voice about $300. K-606 vournau
A GENERAL blacksmith and horse
shoeing business doing good busl
neeS, cheap. 640 Front t. - - . -
1IAL6' Interest large rooming house,
795 First; cheap. Phone Tabor 8187.
j BARBER shop, Newport, Dr., Snap If
tan en at once, m- ds, xourn a i .
$200 CASH terms buys 65 room room
Ing house. First ancPtJibbs st.
WRITE OR CALL "1:80 TO 2;30
P. M.
WANTED An experienced Clothing
.salesman for the states of Idaho,
Washlns-ton and Oregon, to sell our pop
ular priced line of men's and . boys'
clothing; men with an established trade
only need apply; we can also furnish
some trade; all applications must be ac
companied by first class references,
Felix Rothschild & Co, 205 W. Monroe
St., Chicago.
Bv the Meier & Frank Store. Only those
having had first class experience -need
apply at Superintendent's office, th
WANTED Young man with knowledge
of the electrical business to manage
electrical fixture store on a percentage
basis. Will be required to bond self for
a certain length of time such as may be
agreed upon. Knowledge of the manu
facturing of fixtures not required. Ex
cellent opportunity for a good live man.
E-513, Journal.
We want a few wide awake representa
tives to handle our out-of-town orners
for established, first class tailoring
firm; good commission. Apply Elr- 'en
i,ouis, second rioor, Macieay ug.,
I Washington, between 4th and Bth.
j . t s-
SALESMAN We have a fine opening
for one more salesman, but he must
be a real salesman. References re
26 6 Stark st.
WANTED Team s t e r t6 take ch arge of
four horse team and pay part of
wages on a home or a young orchard;
must have $500 to pay down on home
place; wages $2.50 per day to start;
steady work all year. H-826, Journal.
WILL let labor contract-for Installing
electric wires throughout our plant.
Blue prints and specifications furnished.
Llnnton, Oregon.
Phone Main 9481.
AN intelligent person may earn $100
monthly corresponding for newspa
pers. No canvassing, bend ror partic
ulars. Press Syndicate, 707. Lockport,
N. Y.
FIRST class salesman wanted! none
other but experienced truck salesmen
wanted. Call Sunday or Monday morn
ing. Stoddard-Dayton Auto Co. Ask
for Mr. Gilbert, 690 Washington st.
WANTED First class all around ma
chlnlst as foreman of shop, one un
derstanding donkey engine worK; muBt
Invest some cashr- G-723, Journal.
DOCTOR to travel for a company who
Is registered In Montana, Washington
or Oregon. State age, experience and
salary expected. Address Box 177,'
rhetek. Wis
WANTEEi High class men to sell trees,
shrubs, roses, vines, berry bushes,
bulbs, etc. Good wages. Permanent.
Exclusive territory. Brown Brothers
Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y.
YOUNG lawyer or law student with
knowledge of stenography, to man
age collection department of Old estab
lished law Office. G-745, Journal.
WANTED At one p!ter.4. brlofcv
mason with $560 cash for a fine open
ln In small town. 76 miles from Port
land. H-824. Journal.
WANTED Planer foreman, good p4ace
for competant man. Must furnish ref
'etimccr'tir awiicatlott
MARRIED man, familiar with clearing
land, house, barn and tools furnished,
to clear 7 acres. Inquire G. Patterson,
369 N. 20th st.
WANTED Man with a family who
has a good team to move into new
house and haul wood. Mr. Chance,
Main 5478 or East 6171.
CAPABLE deputy to assist government
representative; must speak German
and share office expense and Income. H
732. Journal.
dent and Health Ins. Co., wants an ex-
rerlncfd man. C. J. Rosewell, gt-n. agt.,
0J26 Chamber of Commerce.! Main 298.
WANTED A man with team to log
land. House and barn furnished;
steady position to right party. Call
Mar. 2430.
MARRIED man to work on small fnrm.
near Portland, $10 week, and farm
produce for use.' No children. P-973,
Journal. -
WANTED 200 hopplekers. We pay $1
for 100 lbs., or 50c per box. Call to
day at Room 8 167H First st.
WANTED Neat appearing man to take
orders. Apply, 4 to 7 p. m., J. L.
Rich. Hotel Iloyt. 6th and Hoyt sts.
A COMPETENT salesman thoroughly
experienced in men's underwear. Rob
ert S' BrbsL 3d and Morrison.
MAKE $36weekly learning the real es
tate business. 202 Wilcox brdg. . 830
wonnay a. m. itx
$2 60 PER DAY for rough carpenter;
must; apply 11 aaiiy on gooa lot. , Ap
ply 204 Wilcox bldg.. today.
STUMP PULLERS, the Best made, for
sale. Call 104 4th St., Columbia Hard
ware COj .-
WANTED Plumbing of" one house done
in exchange for lumber. Inquire 149
E. 2d St., cor.. E. Irving. '
WANTED A-l salesmen, the best prop.
osltlon on the coast, easy money; call
at room 228 Henry bldg.
WANTED At onus, I men to learn to
drive and repair automobiles.
Call at
laarthnrne -Garage, 445 Hawthorne.
WA NTED Brickmakers at Portland
Brick & Tile Co., St. Helena road.
Work all winter. 427 Lumbermens,bldr.
CHEF heaoquartera and helpers, Call
fornla Wins Depot. S8S Yamhill, nasi
to-Journal. -Jv'---
EXPERIENCED dya works solicitor for
wagon route. Apply at once, f Grand
ave. North. . ' "
WANTED Agent to sell photo coupon.
"Cair Monday amttidlo."'l49-nraC'
ULi.r waxii:d- :iai.
WANTED Steady family ihrii ;i i
some cash to mnke mvniciit
home, to take poujllon on djoiuii-f
large orchard at good wage. Fine open
ing to own your own Income produ li
home In country. School and atoie vj
premise H-htB. Journal. ' '
WE HAVE ait exceptional opportunity
for young man who desires permanent
and remunerative position In the real .
estate business. A thorough training
and advancement offered the right man.
tan between 10 and 13 a, m. The Span
ton Co., 608 Lew,l bldg.
" 1IELP " 1V AXTED-M1SC. 40,
MAN wanted The .undersigned wanta
an. honest, ambitious man In each city
and town wherenot already sufficient
ly represented. Previous experience un.
necessary. We will teach. you the busi
ness thoroughly by mall and annlst you!
trr start in business" for "yourself aa our
local representative. Splendid opportu
nity for a man without capital to get
into big paying business for himself and
become Independent for life. The Na
tional Co-Operative Realty -Company,''
C!)Q9 Marden bldg., Washington, p. C -
Easy Inside work; short hours. '
Moving Picture Operators, i
MAKE $25. TO $35 PER-WEEK r ,
Operators In demand. Positions secured.
62 Washington, near 17th. j
WANTED Salesman to work part of'.' ,'
Oregon, headquarters Portland, selling
grocery trade. Line well and favorably . v..
known to all grocers. - Handled
by all Jobbers. Extensively ad- ' '
verttsed. Permanent salaried positions.'
Give age, number of years selling ex- ,
perlence, lines sold and salary expected
to receive reply. Communications con
fidential. Address b"X 13U, 12 Bo, Michl- - . rr
gan ave., Chicago, 111.
THE OREGON AUTO SCHWLftvea -prsctlcftl'
IiiBtructlon in repairing "and
driving automobiles; TUITION REA
SONABLE: part cash when you enroll,
balance after graduating and obtaining
salaried position.
266-268 11th Ht.. cor. Jefferson.
O K :o Jiol ' I V E" "' t re m en and brakemen
for nearby railroad. $80, $100 month
ly. Experience unnecessary, no strike,?
Promotion, engineer, conductor. $150,
$200. Age 18 to 35, good sight, weight
over 136. Many positions for competent
men, hundreds employed monthly. State
age, se n ds t amp. M-"0 Journal.
FREE illustrated hook tells about over
800,000 protected positions in U. B.
service. More than 40,000 vacancies
every year. There Is a 1 chance here
for you, taure and generouit pay, lifetime
employment. Easy to get. Just ask for
booklet C-368. No obligation. -Earl
I fopklns, Wa sh 1 n gton, D. C,
GOV Ett N MENT-WANTS Mall clerks,
carriers, clerks In treasury, agricul
ture and other departments in Wash
ington; excellent salaries. Portland ex
amination coming. Write for list of po
sitions open. Franklin Institute, Dept
841 R., Rochester. N. Y.
MEN and women to learn barber trade
. in 8 weeks. Special Inducements, per
centage earned while learning. Tools
free, xprt Instructors, 17 yars in busi
ness, 87 schools. Life time scholarship
to every student. .Moler Barber College,
85 N. 4th St., Portland. Or. -
USE your spare time to build up a
mall order business of your own. We
help you start for a share In profits.
27 opportunities. Particulars free. Mu
tual Opportunities Exchange. Buffalo,
N. Y.
I WILL start you earning $4 dally at
home in spare time silvering mirrors;
no capital, free instructive booklet giv
ing plans of operation, ii. F. Redmond,
Dept. 2i'l, Boston, Mass. "- ,
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon
with staple line. High commissions,
$100 monthly advance and permanent
position to right man. Jesa 1L Smith
Co.. Detroit, Mich.
SALESMAN for general merchandise
trade on Pacific coast, to sell a new.
proposition of merit. Vacancy Sept 1.
Attractive commission contract With lib
eral weekly advances. Miles F. Blxler,
Co., wholesale Jewelers, Cleveland, Ohio.
f57)(Tf rmy7sl'orT-hours. Qualify by
mall for a,, lifelong government posi
tion. Mdnyfexamtnatlons now. Wrlta
for free booklet. 207 Capital Civil Srv
ANY LADY can earn $10 weekly, copy
ing, addressing, at your noma even-.
Inge. Book 10 cents in sllvtr. Telia
how. Hell Manufacturing company,
Washington, D. C.
LIVE man wan ted 'In each locality t
cooperate with me Th new business
immense profits; whole. or spare ttme at.
home; free particulars. H. E. Rogers,. ,
Dept. D M. Boston. Mass.
JAPANESE meerscnaum pipes; great-
est advertising novelty ever Invented;
.liberal commission; write for. sample
and order book. Andrew Faysen, Clln-
t on. -Iowa.
BE an optician: make $T5 weekly.
qTrtcklv learned. Diploma. Every
thing furnished. Jonea Optical Co
Desk P, Omaha, Nelb '
$100 MONTHLYand expenses to travel
and distribute samples for big manu-'"",.
facturer; steady work. B. Scheffer, 751
Sherman, Chicago.
WANTED Ambltioua young men t ...
become traveling salesmen and earn :"
while they learn. Write for particular.
Bradstreet System, Rochester, N. T.
BEadeteetlve. Earn $150 to $300 per 4
month, travel over tne wona. write -Supt.
Ludwlg, 1513 Scarrltt bldg., Kan-i
sas City, Mo. -
MEN and Women wanted for govern- "
ment positions, $80 month. Write for
list of rostttone open. Franklin- Irrsti"1 -
tute. Dep't. 33 9 R. Rochester. N. Y. ,
I N T E R N A T I ONAL Correspondence
Schools headquarters 409 McKay bldg. j .
Open Wed, and Sat nights. Main 1026. 'T '
MOUIMQ.pietuje-Apttc-tlBg-tattahttHie"' " - -
cure position. 4U4 Kotncnild bldg., 4tH
and Washington. ' r
UNCALLED for tailor made suits $19 . "
up. Harvard Tailors, 32 8d st
UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $6.60 1
up. Taylor the Tailor. $85 Burnslde at
at once at The Meier & Frank Stora'i
7th floor restaurant. Pleasant surround
ing good pay to those understanding
good service. Apply at restaurant desk.
AN Intelligent ' person may earn $106
monthly corresponding for newspa- -pers.
No canvassing. Send for partic- -
ulars. Press Syndicate. 70S Lockport,
Ji. I .
WE want a few bright women to take
orders lor ladles tallormade auits;
food cum. paid. Apply Elmcren 4k
.outs. 2d floor Macleay bldg., Wash
ington, between 4th and 5th sts.
WANTEDMVIIddle aged lady to assist '
with housework on farm; 4 adults;
good- home; small wages. Phona Co- j
nimrla fiijo.
NEAT, attractive young lady or widow
to act as housekeeper; one who wants1
a nice home in city; references. G-849,
Journal. -. :
COMPETENT salespeople, thoroughly
experienced in dress trimmings, laces.
trimmings or domestics., - Roberta Bros., ;
3d ana Morrison.
JUVENILE, soubrette, 4' for the
ntrlcat company. New York Theatri-
cal agency. Etlerg Png. BUlte
YOUNG housekeeper wanted, no pblec
tlon to widow; state price and -par
tlculars. E-179, journal,, ';.-,-..
ONE woman paid a mortgage oa her
home selling Silica Paste. Want sales
women. - 216 Oregonlan bldg. "
Want 3 alrla exnerlenced on mansle
and -shirt ironer. Apply 39S Russell st '
WANTED Elderly woman t do house
work. In small, family. small wages,
eut good nome. 1339 k, waimon st.
FOUR solicitor and demonstrators; bl
' money malier. - Phone Tabor 4147.
VAN'TED Experienced bindery ;i 1 1,
Portland Ptinting House Co.
CTADY barber wsnTe-l.C0 Jj ; ,
"NO appteutlca, .