The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1912, Page 1, Image 1

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Fair and
warmer today,
with ' north
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Tins tsstra car
The Sunday Journal
72 Pages
VOL. IX. NO. 19.
fill ' ' t""' VVj r,'vh j - w
"You Will Be as Indispensable
as You Are Delightful,"
Democratic Nominee Tells
,. . Gathering of Fair, Sex.
Refers to Third Party Move
ment as Example of
People's Awakening. .
(Rt tli TnritrniMnniil Km (Urvto
Se Girt, N. J., Aug. 27. Governor
Wilson delivered two speeches at the
ew Jersey flay celebration here this
afternoon. The first was to the men
and concerned the polltfca of the state
of New Jersey with a surprising refer
ence to the Roosevelt Progressive move
Tha second, delivered to the Women'
Wilson and Marshall league, was aB
mucn or a surprise. Governor Wilson
Has never expressed himself on the sub
lect of woman's franchise, but iff this
speech, though he did not commit him
elf one way or the otfier, he certain
ly gave the women a hearty welcome
to the field of politics, where he said
they would be as Indispensable as they
ara- aeiightful. v,
8900 Women Sear Address.
Tha governor's speech to the women
was made from the porch of the little
ftffice at the south end of the grounds.
It was received by perhaps 2000 of
tna most prominent women In New
i Jersey,
1 know how all-powerful the ladles
re In any movement thoy ear to put
their "strength and charm "in," said the
governor. "Politics Is really the life
of us from the standpoint of what can
be done by legislation. When the wom
en, who are in so many respects part
of that life, begin to take an active In
terest in politics, then you know that
sympathy and Intellect are going to be
Interlaced so your politics will be the
same pattern as your Uvea. Nobody is
more in contact with the cost of liv
ing. The men do 'not, for example,
have to determine their own fashions.
Women Art Purchasers.
"We are dressed by our tailors, willy
rillllV andlsomotlmes vary grotesquely.
The ladles have to exercise their own
taato and among them they sometimes
exercise a great deal " When It comes
to the Immediate contact of tho pocket-book-
with Jife tha women know where
the purchasing and careful planning
which. la necessary la these (.days of
tremendous cost. '
"Ihe fundamental thing In Ufa Is
the way we are going to live. It Is
not only a matter of satisfying our
(Continued on Page Five.)
-; U arrangecl follows:
Main News Section.
Want Ads, Real Es
tate 'News, Markets.
Dramatics, Automo
biles and Sports. '
Editorial, Society,
Clubs, Educational.
Magazine and Wom-
an's Section.
Progressive Nominee Will Visit Port
land September 12 on
His Way South.
. (United r-ren Leaarnl Win.)
New Torn. Aug. 17. Progressive
headquarters tonight announced the
Itinerary of .a trip to be made by Qol-
onel Roosevelt to the Pacific coast.
starting from New York September 2.
He will be on the stump throughout
September, but the Itinerary so far pre
pared carries him only to Denver, on
the return -trip on September 19.. He
will speak at score of cities along his
rout and will make the following stops:
St. Louis, September I; Dee Moines,
September 4; St Paul, September 6:
Spokane, September - S Seattle: and Ta
coma, September 10 and 11; Portland,
September 12; Oakland and San Fran
cisco, September 14; Log Angeles, Sep
tember 16; Albuquerque, N. M., Septem
ber 18, and thence to Denver. ;
c .
Democratic Chairman Very Sick; Is
Advised to Take An
Ocean Voyage.
Without Missing Lfne of Type,
Entire Equipment From Top
to Bottom, Whisked to New
Location. ?
Structure Erected at Cost of
$350,0003 Floors to
Be Used by Journal.
raiiaaeipnia. Pa., Aug. IT.
C. S. Jackson, Publisher of
Tha Journal, Portland, Or. Tha
North American congratulates
Tha Journal on Its new home.
We take a peculiar and a per
sonal satisfaction in tha phen
omenal growth of Tha Journal
to. power and commercial suc
cess. It richly deservea tha con
fidence and support of the peo
ple of Oregon. It Is another ex
ample of the truth that a newspaper-devoted
sincerely and per
sistently to the advancement of
the race of men and government
of, by and for the people la
. bound tp .jrecelYe tha. .rawax(l-lt-9- 4
aeserves. Honest newspaper 4
policies liae those or Tha Jour
nal flourish better than any oth
ers In ail places and ollmatea la
this great nation.
Tha Journal today occupies Its new
home, a 12 story structure of steel and
concrete, on Yamhill and Seventh
Erected at a cost or approximately
8350,000; covering a ground area of 100
by 100 feet; fitted with every modern
appliance that would go to make tha
building as complete as the science of
construction would permit. It Is the
finest, best appointed and equipped
newspaper building on the Paclflo coast.
Although first building operations be
gan eight months ago, something less
than five months was actually con
sumed In completing the structure.
The three lower floors and the base
ment are given over to the exclusive use
of Tha Journal. Above tha third floor
tha building narrows down to a AO by 80
SHUT 001
Women, Children and " the
Aged Are Slain as They Try
to Gain Montenegro, ,
New York, Aug. 17. There was a vig
orous denial tonight that William F.
McCombs, tha stricken Democratlo na
tional chairman, would resign. .While
Chairman McCombs la very sick and
haas been advised to take an ocean
trip for his health, physicians say that
a brief rest would restore McCombs.
Vice Chairman McAdoo Is now In
and the tower.
There are 128 offices. Each story
from tha third to the ninth. Inclusive,
contains 18 offices, all with: qutalde
light The tenth and eleventh' floors
contain eight offices each, while In the
tower are the mechanism that operate
the great clock, the chimes and the ellP
The change from The Journal's old
quarters to Its permanent home waa
made without hampering the operations
of the big plant In any particular. Sev
eral weeks ago, workmen began Instal
ling the new 100 ton octuple press. As
soon as the costly and intricate machine
waa assembled The Journal was printed
on It, while the newspaper's remain-
- 'i -.. l irm
-rm it
jt mm
peh4 .., , :"
1? "
(Continued on Page Five.)
yt);' TV Pit. 5-
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85 rirnrV wp-l2
If I
- . " n S. ! . -fi-Vv K -tiff , -J" , ' "ill
mm m&tii4; JJ) congress may
v yTO.' , 7 y wsmN tor
ibbm i II II III II i
Without a Roll Call House
Agrees to Conference Re
port on Canal Measure No"
Amendment Is Made.
Two Hours of Partisan Debate
Precedes Passage Moore ,
Leads opposition.
(United frets tue4 Wire.)
Washington, Aug. 17. President .
Taft's signature Is all that is lackini
tonight to make tha Panama bill a law,
Without a roll call tonight tha house ,
agreed to the conference report N"
amendment was made. Upon a Viva
voce vote, only a few scattering "noes'
protested against tha compromise meat- .
ure, passed yesterday by the senate J
As seat to the president tha bllli
contains all of tha compromise provlfc- .
Ions, giving free tolls to American
coastwise shipping, barring tha' canst"
to trust owned or railroad owned ves
sels and fixing minimum tolls at $l.t-V
par ton. It also places shipbuilding
material on the free., list.
Xoore Leads Opposition.-
Two hours' partisan debate., precede 1
tha formal approval of the house. .Rep
resentative Moore of Pennsylvania;"" leit'"
tha opposition to the free tolls and free
material aectlons.
"Those provisions propose to revler
tha tariff and override the navigation
laws," aald Moore. "Might shall be '
right. Is tha rule adopted to pass this
measure. Tha action of the eonfereer-
makea liable to serious Injury our Ship-'
building industry." . !
Chairman Alexander of tha house
merchant marine committee, retortett
that tha Payne-AIdrlch tariff bill now
provides for free entry of shipbuilding
materials, conditionally, and that tho
Panama canal bill merely lowers the :
bara further. - -;
This bill is favored by the lndenend-.
ant shipbuilding Interests," said Alex
ander, "while the gentleman from "
Pennsylvania Is speaking In favor of
the shipping trust." - .1
Hann Praises Oosthals.
Speaking In favor of the bill. Minor-:
lty Leader Mann praised Colonel Goeth
als, in charge of the canal.
This genius." said Mann, "should be
made a general in, tha army for his
great work on the cnal." (
Mann predicted that "ft would east1
nearer 850,000,000 than 130.000.000 .to
maintain the Canal after it Is" In ober
atlon. and declared it was ''foolish" '
to. suggest that this oountrV cannot .
fix tho tolls to foreign vessels, as wall '
as give our own vessels frea tolla
Passage of tha bill was expedited :
(Continued on Page Five.)
The Journal's now home, at Seventh and Yamhill streets; best equipped newspaper building on Pacific coast.
(United Ptmi Leued Wire.t
Cettlnje, Montenegro, via. Vienna, Aug.
17. Refugees from the Turkish massa-i
era In northern Albania are pouring
across the frontier Into Montenegro to
The Turkish soldlerSwho swarm all
along the boundary are oiKthe look out
lor fugitives and snoot tnetn on signu
. Womenchildren and the agen are shown
no more mercy than the flghtiig men
Against the Turks in an eff est" to cover
the refugees' .--flight, dozens of Monte
negrin guerilla bands are on the alert.
Montenegrins and Turks are constantly
clashing. Indeed, a scattering skirmish
Is In progress the entire length of tha
Turko-Montenegrln frontier from the
coast to the Novl Bazaar Sandjak.
Of tha Albanian fugitives many are
wounded. All tell terrible stories of
the massacre. Hardly a town In the
vicinity of the frontier escaped, they
say. The Turks seemed maddened with
rage, it Is asserted, and killed as read
lly without as with provocation. Not
satisfied With mere killing they tor-
tared many of their victims horribly.
The treatment to which, many women
were subjected cannot be described.
Raymond Hitchcock's Wife Contem
plates Divorce Action
Against Him.
" New; Yffrk, Aug. 11. "Seven years is
long enough for any marriage of the
: stage and seven months would' be much
mora favorable," in the cape of Miss
Flora Zabelle, the actress, and that was
-tha main reason she gave today when
aha intimated that' she would sue her
(t husband, Raymond Hitchcock, tx.e com
edian, 'for divorce 7
'"Mr. Hitchock and' I do not agree,
.financially, theatrically, temperament-
-ally , or t Otherwise, so What's tha use
of being married?" she said. "We'wera
married too long. Seven, years Is the
limit v . ;
Miss Zabella turned, today from
Europe, accompanied by her father, sis
ter and "Cotisln Charley," whom Hitch"
' cock threatened to whip on 4 tha pier
when his wifejjayedJor.j;Hr.op asveral
. . weeks ago",-.;:,,. , .uy,',..- - ,u. -.
Such Is Roosevelt's Prompt Reply to Question "How About
' President Taft?" Declares Progressive Party's
Platform to Be Contract With the People.
- (By the International Kewi Servlr..)
Boston, Aug. 17. In a bristling In
vasion of Massachusetts, Colonel Roose
velt today Indicated that he regards
President Taft as out of the running In
the presidential race. During a speech
before 7600 howling Progressives at
Revere Beach, where the, eTpr8ldent
attacked Governor Wilson for hla criti
cism of tha third party platform, the
colonel was asked by one of tha crowd:
"How about President Taftr
Roosevelt looked Quizzically at hla In
terrogator and In a highly pitched voice
"I never discuss dead Issues."
The crowd let out a whoop of approv
al while Roosevelt stood grinning.
Throughout his speech ha did not men
tion President Taft once. Most of the
speech was devoted to a reply to Wil
son's assertion, In his talk before the
New Jersey farmers this week? that he
could not understand the progressive
platform. V
Says natform Is Simple.
Roosevelt pitched Into Wilson, cynic
ally . remarking that the governor had
confessed that he had not read his own
party platform. "He doesn't need to
read tne uemocratic piatrorm, ' ex
claimed the colonel. "It won't be adopt
ed anyhow, The people won't take It
and let' me say that If any man cannot
understand the progressiva party's plat
form, let him call in the first boy he
sees, from an elementary school. Tha
boy will tell him."
Roosevelt wound nn his flsy In Mas
sachusetts with a speech on the Boston
Common tonight before --an Immenso
throng, assailing as he did in Provi
dence last night the boss domination In
Tha ex-president came to Massachu
setts 1n an automobile from Providence
early In the day. As the -car whirled
through tha Massachusetts towns on the
way: Roosevelt :was cheered , by a fair
running into a steam roller on Ihe run
to Boston. The colonel waved hla hand
atata. a ton-was madauntu.xaa.ju
tomoblls reached ' Boston, .XUrect jprc
erentlal primaries. Colonel Roosevelt
declared In his Revere Beach speech, to
be the only method by which the people
could choose their own candidates with
out regard tojthe bosses.
Replying to Governor Wilson's criti
cism of the length of the Progressive
platform, the colonel said:
"As a matter of fact. It Is of almost
the exact length of his own platform.
The difference is that our platform
states explicitly and definitely what we
Intend to do on the vital questions of
th day, and that it Is entirely sincere
and entirely practical, whereas Mr. Wil
son's platform avoids the most impor
tant Issues before our people, and as
regards the other issues make such Im
possible and conflicting promises as to
rentier it out of the question to believe
that there was a sincere purpose to have
these promises taken seriously.
Progressive Platform Is Contract
"Our. platform 1 our program; we
treat It as such and, what Is more, we
tiat It as a contract which we shall
scrupulously fulfill If the people give
us the power.
"At this moment I ask your attention
to tha proposals that we make to secure
social and Industrial Justice. In the
first place, we set forth definitely what
we mean to try to secure at the present
time in the way of social and industrial
JUstlca. For Instance, to secure by law
one. day's rest in seven for all wage
workers, an eight-hour day In contin
uous 24-hour industries, the prohibition
of child labor, the establishment of an-
eight-hour day for women arid young
persona, the erection of minimum wage
standards for working women, working
man's compensation acts, the Securing
of proper conditions of life and labor
fon, working men and women and the
prevention of occupational diseases and
the fixing of occupational health stand
ards. "Wa believe that all honest and far
sighted business man and professional
Failure of Continental Building
Loan Hastens Presi
dent's Death,
(By tne Interna tlonol News SerTtce.)
San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 17. Judge
Edward Sweeny, superintendent of the
United States mint and president of the
Continental Building and Loan associa
tlon whose doors were closed a week ago
by the state building and loan commis
sioner, died suddenly at 2 o'clock this
afternoon In his apartmenta at the Gran
ada hotel.
Heart disease was given as the pri
mary cause of death, by Dr. George
Rothganger the surgeon who attended
Judge Sweeny but days of worrying over
tne arrairs or the Continental hastened
the end, accordidng to the surgcoq.
juage s weeny's associates and offic
lals of the building and loan association
declared today that his conduct in the
administration of tha Continental's af
rairs was Ceyong criticism. Experts
fields ana Hassett or the commislon
both asserted that Judge Sweeny had
given tnera every, assistance In the In
vestigation of the association's buai
ness. . j
sprinkling. af, people. His car camejiear-f men, bin and little, men pf great Wealth
and men of small means alike, all hon
est and far-sighted farmers apd wage
wrkrswHl -attfipert-wswhaww ttrey
thoroughly understand our purpose,"
Lower House Holds Out Proposition
. to Senate for Consider
ation Monday. . ' .'
(Unlt4 Frew leased Wire.)
Washington, Aug. 17,- One new bat
tleship. This was the compromise offer
made this afternoon by tha house to
tha senate, to end the deadlock over
the naval appropriation but,-;.
The house Voted to renew tha confer
ence over the bill with the. senate by
offering to appropriate money for one
new dreadnaught It was predicted to
night that the senate wilt accept Jthe
compromise, to enable passage of the
naval supply bill Monday and remove
nother-iJbstsclr"frora -tht TaajauT nroen
Judge Heartily Congratulates Attorney After Verdict Is
Read; Defendant Fears No More Prosecutions but
Fredericks Intimates May Press Bain Case,
Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 17. "We. the
Jury, find the defendant not guilty."
Such was the verdict rendered today
In the famous Darrow case by a Jury of
12 men who, after deliberating for 21
minutes cast an official ballot, unani
mously acquitting Clarence 8. Darrow,
foremost labor attorney In the United
States, writer and philosopher, of the
charge of bribery of a talesman, George
N. Lookwood, for which he has been on
trial for the past three months in Judge
Hutton'St department of the superior
court.' '
The Jury retired to the Jury room at
9:18 o'clock after Judge Hutton hod fin
ished with his instructions, which he be
gan reading at 8:15. Judge Hutton's In
structions were favorable to Darrow.
They were In effect, that the evidence
presented did not Justify conviction Upon
the first count of tho Indictment; that
the testimony of Franklin should be
looked upon with suspicion and disre
garded and that unlesa the Jurors were
absolutely certain that Darrow gave the
alleged bribe money to Franklin for
bribery purposes tha verdict should be
not guilty.
evidence Zs Discussed.
Tha Jury, after retiring to their room.
discussed the evidence a little, reread i
on oJt .two of the Judge's Instructions
and then took two test ballots. Tlie first
of these stood 8 to A for acquittal; the
second resulted 10 to two. Then a for
mal official ballot was cast, and this
resulted In' tha entire 12 Jurors voting
for acaulttal. - -
At 8:39 the Jury filed back Into the
court room, .Foreman M. R. Williams
read tha. verdict and pandemonium broke
, e Trial Data Monday.
-Before he discharged the Jury Judge
Hutton, at tho request of Assistant Dis
trict Attorney Ford, set next Monday as
tha day ott Which tna 4&t Of tho trial of
tha second indictment against Darrow
that of bribing Juror Robert Bain will
be set ;
ImmeairteT Xondwlnf the reading of
tha verdict by Foreman Williams, ona!
l K"-V -
of the most remarkable scenes ever oc
curring In a court room In the west was
witnessed. As the last syllable absolv
ing the defendant of gulft passed tho
lips of Foreman Williams, Darrow
sprang to his feet and embraced his
wife. Scores of other women in the
court room rushed forward to narrow
and the Jurymen and hugged and kissed
thorn' '
As soon as be could make hi. nv
through the throng of people rushing to
his side to congratulate him, Darrow
went to the Jury box to thank the men
who had vindicated his good name. Here
he was received with open arms. Jurors
Dunbar, Golding and Dingman embraced
mm ana as Juror Dunbar grasped his
hand ho exclaimed:
"Oh, Mr, Darrow. This Is the happiest
moment of my life."
Jurors Pat Darrow oa Back
Other Jurors forced their way into the
circle and shook hands with Darrow and
patted him affectionately on the should
ers. .
Paramount In Interest was tha action
of Judge Hutton, - who ahouUteree) hi
way through the throng and reaching
Darrow's side, grasped his hand.
There are millions of people throua-h-
out tha land who are today crying Hal
lelujah" said the Judge.
"I congratulate you, Mr. Darrow,
uoa oiess you. - ,
"Somebody else besides Darrow fur
nished the bribe money,' said Foreman
of the Jury Williams. "Wa were all
convinced of that It Is now up to the
district attorney to bring that man to
the bar of Justice."
After it was all over, Darrow said:
"It has been a long, hard ordeal and
of course I have a great sense of relief
at Its tlose. ' Nona oJLhoa"-who know
me aver .believed that I . was Corrupt
and their encouragement and faith- has
bean my greatest help throughout the
trial. Tha indictment and prosecution
could not have happened except tinder
the tense excitement and strain of tne
aramati -closa-of- the- McNamar -case.
Underwood Says Adjournment
May Possibly Come by Sat
urdayPossibly Before, ' ' .
(Continued on Page Two.)
fTTntted Prear Ia4 Wlrf.
Washington, Aug. 17 "By next "Sat
urday, possibly." This was tha pro
diction tonight of House Majority Lead
er Underwood upon the adjournment of -congress.
Other house leaders said: -"Anywhere
between next Wednesday -and
Saturday." -
Take Doleful View.
Some other members took a mora
doleful view. They expressed fear that
adjournment is not yej even In sight
Progress of the house today toward ad
journment next week Included: ,
Passage of the new legislative, exaouV .
tlve and Judicial appropriation bllL ';
Passage of the Panama canal bill. -'
Sending tho naval appropriation bill."
to conference, with a probable, compro
mlse upon funds for one; new .battle r
ship. - ?.t--
Postponement of -the j ouster case
against Representative Bowman (Rep.,
Pa.). .
Sending to conference of tha bill ta
establish a lengthy "closed season" foff
aunung lur seui.
Possible vetoes by President Taft of .
tho ("budget" appropriation and tha Pan- j
araa canal bills are tha chief obstacle
to adjournment next weekv
Third Check Za Possible. '
A possible,- deadlock or .lengthy con
ference over tha budget bill Is a third'
check. - ' ( '
The senate la expected to pass the f
measure early next week "and it may .
get to " the" White H6usatuesday or : -Wednesday.
Because of provisions abol- ! -ishlng
the commerce court a presiden
tial veto 18 deemed certain, Then It la
predicted tha house and senate will j
both muster enough votes to pass H! -,
over Taft's head and adjourn Immedi
ately afterward. i
Legislative loaders also expressed '
concern over tha possibility of Taft
vetoing the Panama canal bill : Such 1
action would, delay adjournment Indefi
nitely. An agreement . for "temporary
administration of the canal and fixing
of toils by tho president might then r
result Chairman Adamson of thehousa '
Interstate commerca commutes Is tenta
tively suggeattng delay of canal legia
lation until next winter, becaus of ob
jections to frw tolls for -American vas
fala-v--"4yf- -
)ther Business Comes TJp. :
tther justness befora congr! ir.;
adjournment is agreement.
of tha army sundry nni ai
.(Continued on raga't'ivj-;