THE OREGON tMVY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST .13," 1912.'i 17 V FOR "SALE HOUSES 61 ' Will make, flret -paynirtit on biggest sna1)!!! Portland. -on a home. You can have six kduscs to choose from. Must sacrifice- one of tlicni to get this money et once. . -""- -r- . . The Harbolt-Wilson Co., Inc. 91S-017 Lewis bldfr, Fourth and oak.. ,Maln g400. A-J158. KINK S room house lr) Council Crest Park on Mt. Adams drive, beauttfullly finished, 2 loin, fine view, 3 blocks from car line. Phono -A-4938. , a .FOB SALE LOTS 10 IK you have-a, lot and would like- homo built, come and nee mu; t;nn build jou a home 'at a less rust than the ordinary builder and at thu b'atne time fliuuica it for you. A. D. DAR.LI NO, - 497 Yn Ulti4. . . Main lOSS. "A -4 7 7 8. S ROOM new, modern i-rnidcnce and full lot, beautifully situated In Laurel; huffet ; ;i!l improvements In rind paid for; hardwood floors, berimed celling, fireplace and ""nil conveniences. Must have money nml will sidl at big (sacri fice. Owner. H-45S. Journal. FINE, sightly 14 aero at Ryan station, on Oregon Electric Ry., 20 minutes from Poniard, do faro, for less than you can buy rify lot. .Lovely location for forhlly bonvi, pardon, fruit, "etc. Your own, leiniB. Box 336. IP. O., Port land. FOR KALE by owner- Full corner lot In IdeaLVb.w fit EiirM 44th and 40th! av'e., S. K.: beautiful view of city; dis-! triet of fine homos: W.-W. and W.-R. car linos; all improvements, including cement sidewalks. Price $700. Tel. Bel I wood 1061. SNAP $700. ) Good lot with street, nra.dcd. sidewalk ; In, 3 blocks .of Mt. Scott and 4 blocks from YV-VV ears. It Hocks from school. Good discount on 1-3 or more cash. "13" 11S, Journal.- MI'tST nacrificQ fine lot on Hassalo t., I.lUrclhurBt. Owe company $4S3. Mnko offer. Security Iicvolopment Co., 4th and Pine. V"Y b.'twVe'n iteM -fi.-t'e and Krrol Hct(fme, lot Bnxtoo. j:Of; 1,.vel, water, "tent house. Inquire wn tftiniim, P. O. Termp T"U'6 lote, Westiiioi -. land , b I r t ;. Ken'.on iliftrl'-t; 4 lots University Park, s V : 1 1 ell cheap for cash or Uuic... G-I32, Jour- liab - WK8T side lots, soxinii, fine viehv. Ideal for home; he I vilue in thf cliy. Price $.:;:'T.u, $ir. i . .-b, bulunce $! per month, rd K. U'o, :i 1 1 Corboit bldw- '$1166 -ehrmre bd, in Piedmont. -aldoviMlk. curb nml hard' surfaei-d street, .10 per cent cnsli. Interest fi per cent. Gape & Dorn, uP' l.umhermrnH bldjt. Wain K71. BKK he Noir e.- i o. for west sdle proi- erty, exclusive dealers In west realtv. S :i 7 Clmmbnr of Comerco. ld i?i fti.vji:J'K''lTit'''htS('itii T'ortlimd r.t a Imii'.ain for cash. K. kec, 311 1 Coi b'l'L l,,la - g KINK !o'-i "(in P. P5th7 caline. A barKali!. "f.()T oinli;1!, must li'iic HS2 K 71.-.1. north. near (lllsaii 1 Tabor '.S7) city. l ei iiiH. ACKEAGE 57 mmm mm iti Magnificent home site nrr, all ciiltlvnted ami In fnul. Will sacrifice for cash. Chas, Redmond Jennings I.nilmc IfiiFiSM We have two Tiieccs of the best river frontano n the W Ilia nu I te. W'e are p'tni? to sell it tills week. We deal In bargains. Redmond & McGovern .lennhi's l.oii-o. Or. $ ArnilS. i: it,iic f-nnth of St. Mary't only 3o lotn ites' car ride, wft.n 12c cotiucutt rs' f.-ire end a: $3'l per n-iv, o p-iyments. The Shaw-Fear Company I'ei.rJli M. Main 35. A-3500. 5 and 10 Acres Cheap $20 up to ).. pi r ai re, on cr.n.-!. Tracts of f acres or more: derf-, -red shot soil, well watered; easily, clean d; ideai fw vi,ra! larmlnK. fruit. "i -tables, dairviui. and elm-ken ra'shii;; lo cated on oi-i'i'y :'":id. close o 1 1 v town on R. H. and river near Portland. Own ers, 'TTXtiwTs TiTTt-.." 4Tn""nn1 Oa"kf .its. Main S07S. 1 Kvenlnge Kst 10 Acres for $300 $10 Cash, $5 Per Month- ' Running lUream, KOml soil, prosper ous farmers all aiound and good mar ket, near railroad, perfect title and warrant v deed. 212 RV. EXCIDVNGI7. !D FT.OOR CTTtcK'EN and fruit ranches near Port land. Best soil, good roads, spring water, free wood. . sr 1 1 led cuuntrv. 10 acres. $4 ie. $.700, !r(p' pr tract; 20 acres, Jmh.c .pi acres. $H'0; .0 acres, $2000: 40 acres tin, her. J24J0. Ranches all kinds for sale. Knsy terms. Frank .McFarland Realtv Co.. 309 Yeon bldg., Portland, nr. Cheap Easy Terms Good 10 a--, eft $; . ash. bi'.lnnci; at ; per cent, le to 4" lo res from $;pi to JK0 p'er acre, fine garden, fruit, hay and vege table laud close lo rn 1 1 ;-i 1,1 d and boat landing: Invcutisntc ' "I . 11. F,. 120,1 Ye..,, hide: 80x210, $450 tin down $u per mintli Oreiron Clt. ( :.r, in I n ii t s out. ib tired and levt-l n- a flcor, hl-.h and sightly, fine for I'urdens r.nd f'",::r. ;'o2 Wilcox bldg. 61 h ard Wcsli. ' : Sutidavs sk for Mr Marslei'3. Main :i517, A-734 0. ' 5 Acres for $250 $10 CASH, BALANCE $5 PER .MONTH. One mil" froiu Knoppa and R. R. sta tion, close to school an 1 work; good soil. Knlil pa Is a good markt t. 21' RY. EX''I! A'GE. 2D FLOOR. $10 Down $5 mc.pthly. 52x358. JI75. at station, Orecon City car; 30 minutes out; fine, cleared, garden land. H. Atwater 6:'S Henrv bblg. Miushiill 3117. ,; . 5 ACRES ONLY $375. AH nice und level, facing on good road; rood hind, clay soil, 1 14 miles from Bidgetlold, 4 boc.ts dally and 18 trains, 2o miles from PorJland. J. M Freed, C2 Stark. 10 aores on 4Ui-st. lice. 50 minutes out, fine location, along side of track, close to staMou and school: nil level, cleared and in clover; price $?00 per acre, part cash, balance time. Address 1171 Patton ............ ri ...!.....! 1 AliPII triii.1 u. f-'artf.r.l t-llll .l.lUn A Oregon Electric, all fenced, -fine gar den, 15 minutes out. A snap at $1100, $100 down, your own terms, on balance, K-470, Journal. Bargain for "Quick .Sale 20 acres .south mf Rcfdvllle. Address Mrs. W. B. Bolton, Beaverton. Or., R. V. J). 4: CHOICE 2 acre piece. 4 blocks from Tlgard Station, lOc fare; new 4 room "timnw-TWt- 4w- sne-pr - fttnntrr mriTn-1 0; Cambridge bldg., 8d and Morrison. Alain 4n. Terms, FTVE or 10 acre traat, very .rich garden soil, in cultivation, near electric line, 11150 acre, -easy payments, partteulai. at Mi, uoui'imi, ' - - r. '; '' A ; - .5l H'il.e .,; .-jy-t..-. ;-- ,j , '"r, V- l 57 7H ACRES, with good stream and mostly timbered, located 30 nun- -." utes west of Union""" depot and,, i : midway between two electric car lines, and y, mtle from each, com,- 0. ' .tntiters' fare $7.80 per month, family coupon book at HHe per t ride: good- soil and a' bargain at MS pr Scr, -on monthly pay ;': rtient plan. - '' , ' ,1.. . The Shaw-Fear Company 7 ;: ".' 102 fourth St. Malp 35. A-3S0O, -F-C.t,E at a bargain, 6 acres of land - 35 miles from Portlands t miles from Columbia river, on main county road, 5 acres undor-uultlvatlon, 4 acre- timber, all fenced with wire fence, new house, KlMr-tAf. Tttrr--nd half, 4 rooms; small barn Oiew. 100 yards from new $6000 school .house, large store 290 yards, also, state . roads land adjoining all sold for $200 per acre with no irn lirovements. Will selr for $1250, terms J6oO down, balance 8H years at 6 per emit interest; might consider 2 or 3 good lots up to iSoo on first payment. Call or write Froeeehle. Bros., Cape Horn, Wash, - IS. ACRES, nn sidewalk. inflO feet from station, only 40 minutes' ride from. 4t,i and Washington Hts.; nommuters' fare $7. SO per .month; the very richest of soli and only J BOO per acre, with monthly payments, proper dis count for cash. The Shaw-Fear'Company " 102 Fourth St. Main 35. A-8500. Hiifhtly' icreHpc 4 blocks to car, on the b"Ft eleelrlr line In state, and the nriee only JuOO with terms. This Is half value. -Hugh" McGovern 2 Mi AC11KS of deep red shot soil, ex cellent fruit and vegetable land, will be put in crop and taken care of for buyer, within 3 minutes' walk p,f new electric line a good buy for tbo work ing man; $u per, month will pay for It. K'fifi, Journal. FOR HALF FARMS 17 H1RIG ATED FiU'IT LANDS. AND DAIRY $150 Per Acre, Only Which Includes the best water right in California, and Is appurtenant to th laud. Our lands nt HERMAN, In the heart of tin- tan Joarpiin 'HlIey, are tiuly a paradise for the 'fruit grower, dairy man or gardener.. Here we have h d"ep, rich soil, the un ..always shines, and we turn th water on w.heii wo need It. We grow nnvtliinrr and evervt hing and We-Xure it-..Without Damage by Rain Alfalfa, figs, orange, peaches, apri cots, grapes, olives, sweet potatoes. I'l-AinHs. pears, prunes, etc., grow to perfection and aro cured by the sun. Water Almost Free It-4 Cents lw Acre.; 'all for literature and Information of nearest age at. W. H. RPOY, 1 Ry. Ex change Lld., Tortland. W J. RAKER ft CO., Hood River. F.LLI8 i WOOD, 466 Court St., Salem. K. W. THII'P, Rrownsvllle. C. P. t'HOSNO, Toledo. STROCD .v -;ON, Ptaverton. WILL I'lTIS, Raligh NEIL SMITH, Kern Park. S. C. t.'UOK, Ht. Johns. We Will Loan You $2000 This offer will give every man a chance to start right jn farming. ' To the man who has bin own slock and Im plements and wishes to make a home tor himself and family ami will make a first payment of $264 we Will sell 1 ft 0 acres of Alberta land. We are then In a position to bran him $2000. with which to niakn Improvements on this quarter Fectlon. You may have 10 years' time to pay for tins land and the loan. Wha ever heard of such liberality In a land deal? Absolute prptect'on. with the greatest possibilities of strcepps. We have an excursion leaving Satur day night, "August 10, and incite you to go with us. W. (i. IDE AGENT Canadian Pacific Railway Lands, 2 Luinbcrmens bldg.. Ground Fluar. 100 ACRES, V, mile off of West eldi" Southern PnolfTe, now be- .lBK.iiitrlXlcdi. only i0 minutes west of 4M and Washington sis,-; a dandv to cut into 1-acre tracts, find will sell readily at J5oo per acre, on payments. This may be had for S .'60 per acre. See us at ti". e. This Is an opportunity to pick up a fine properly. The -Shaw-Fear Company 102 Fourth St Main S5. A S600. MUST SELL REKORE SEPT. 1. M acre farm in Olackumas county. 25 niih'H from Portland. Finest kind of loam nnd buuverdam soil. 45 acres under cultivation balance easily cleared. House, barn and other out buildings, owner going to " Alaska. Price only $550'i or shout $S6 per acre Coed terms. Is ' worth double that price. Investigatethis. Write or call. NORTON REALTY CO.. Aurora, Or. A BARGAIN. Ifi. acres of . very good high shot soil, 4tf miles from town and railway sta tion, a good location, fine water, all foneed. buildings, a good bearing orchard of 1! across, all kinds of berries and fruit, tel.,,,. I 1 rr.llo ,.,ercl, l. mllu V.-Ia 1 liUIIll I OAflll oul. m.nal,,l a or.,! Wev, fdVUV laDll, irilinumri t.ii.a f, i e l low interest. 6 per cent. Write to F. E. Holtetnlilof. Ridgefleld. Wash. . Route. No, 2, box 135. -20 Acres, $600 Buys you a splendid piece of farm land 1 Mi miles of. town. $1 -fare from Port land. 1fe mile. Of school, close neighbors; springs and running water; $100 'cash, bulunce easy terms. CLAUDE COLE. PI 7 Boa rdo f T ri : d ic Bl dg SlX'CY acres near Forest Grove; $200 oapU.'ahalanco.Jlme at 6 per centalso 40 seres' 1 mile from station on road to Seattle, $800. $200 cash, balance 6 por cunt. Northern Trust Co., Railway Ex change. Call Mr. Houek. FOR SALE flood dairy land, improved, 320 acres or 160 acres; creek bottom and bench land. For full description and particulars address C. R. Dobbins, I.utgens Or N t NB acres river bottom land protected from overflow; $540 cash will handle this; easv terms on balance; will not trade. 1-363, Journal" ECTT"f )N of land""Tn southern 6regon, clieap. E-ll, Journal. . FOB BENT FARMS 14 IMPROVED farm for rent, term of Tears. 4 horses for sale sejiarate. In quire at Berkeley grocery. F. M. Mai eif. 8eliwMKl .ear FKUT LANDS 45 WHITE 8ALMON valley ' eectlon, red ehot fruit land, by owner, In part or all. Reply E. . Iven, Gilmer, Wash. ACREAGE laUVIUVUUVJWi'ii faVJ; HI HI Lin U - FOR BALE TIMBEB 23 A CHOICE TKACT .OF TIMBER FOR - SALE. - - Three million feet of choice sugar and wnlte pine, on 160 screw; both land and timber for -$3500; on Crookedrtver, 35 .miles above, PrlnevllteH can easily be "driven" d6p,ltQ market : a 30 de KreeJlqre front timber to stream, all clear. "Other choice lands -for sale In 'Willamette valley! both orchard 1 and farm -lands, at prices far below -what regular agents are -asking. ' Address M. C Russell, Carlton,-" Or. ' . TIMBER lANI8 BOtXJHT AND BOT.D; I-., R-NUCK. 2U COMMKRCIAL BPG, HOMESTEADS 4T FREK homesteads: level land, timber. - water; ready to farm; can see In one cwy, f-ovny, xoj uaK, room zi. , HOMESTEAD relinquishment- $ISiZJi laaon una yau ia oemna EXCHAXGE KEAL ESTATE-S.4 FOR SALE or exchange for good Port land propertv, 160 acres in eastern Oregon, all under fence; hoirSeT barn, abundance of .natcr for IrriKaiion; soil finest of black lonm; 30 acres ffTcult! vatlon. 80 acres cn be clesred and cul tivated, ?0 In (rood timber: close to Ta.Trramr"arid:- grmd towiL--Price $3000, from owner. Phono wnodlawn 1442, mornings -or address 1 404 Vulcan st. ORCHARD ANI) CHICKEN RANCH. 8 crea of land situated near t'; town of Ottley-, 80 acres of which.. Is cri.rv'.nliuH Irm.l hirl V.nlfllT tlat'Tv 10 nerea already planted to c.tug( com mercial apples; fine sprlnjf oh place; Ideal for -chicken or duck raising. .Will trade for unlncurshered ctfv property. Price only $125 per acr&. H:46S, Jour nal. " WILL trade bv $P0o interest In city property valued at $3500. for auto-mobile-tti good condition. Property con sists of nice cottage with d rooms a id bath, on tSTo full. lots, with garden, chicken liouse and runs, fruit.' berries and flowers jratoie. Shearer. 934 ( "ham her of. Coin inerce. MBin 625. No agents. 108 acres, near Yamhill, about 1-3 iindr , cultivation, water on every 4u. 3,500. 000 feet saw timber 40 r"ds to saw mill: p.I I kinds of livestock and tools and barn, fate house, clear title, fur IVirtland propertv. Northern Trust Co., 212 Rallwav Echsnge. Call Mr, llouck. A KIKE OPPORTUNITY For some1 one; 1 wTll " exchange 100 shares In the best coal proposition In the northwest, near Portland, no debt.-, worth $2000. 1 want a bouse or lots to build on. 270 Graham ave.. Portlaii.T. Or. NEW (.tore buildine. with 10 rooms above, in dnslrsble location In Port land, with good income, to sell, or ex- j change for a large body of farm land ! In wtstorn Oregon or Willamette vallev, j will pav or take rush difference. G A. Cobb, 1018 Yeon bblg. Phone Main V0n2 JP'ARtMKNT buibJIng, t rmi.'t or" fa nch. House and lot. trade fi r timber. Rooming house. trade for equities. Hotel, trade for Eastern Oregon much. Chicken ranch for house and lot. other tnid'-s what have ynu. i LEWIS REALT Y Co., 511 Covhett bl dj; FINE corner, yueen Anne hill, Keattle, I lot. Hume or apartment house site. I Hard surface district. Worth $SrnO j cash. Want to trade even for bungalow. Rose City or Piedmont preferred. Own ers only. K-643, Journal. lRYINGToN LOT AND STEARNS ACTO. Enhuige for modern home. Irvlngton prcfer-ed, will assume. Fred W. Ger man 436 Chumber of Commerce. Main 6145. IF von have a bt and .would like a home built, come and see me. I can build yon a home at less cost than th ordinary builder and at the same time finance' it for you. A. W. Darling, 4 '1 7 1 o-ii bldg. Main 103 A--177S. lilt; i argain. 5 room modf-ru bungalow. furnished, corner lot, 1 block from car. for sale cheap, or trade for small improved farm: will give or take dif ference. You deal with owner, K-710, Journal. 20 ACRES rich land, undi-r government Irrigation ditch. 2 miles from thriving town; will sell at bargain or trade for good automobile. Photic Main 625 or Marshall 25-' 1. 1 HAVE 2 lots. 4 room modern house. all kinds of fruit and berries, near Annbef station, to trade for grocery; no agents. E-5, Journal. I7-110 3 veil- old Hood River orchard, tiade for farm or city property; free or nearly freo from debt. K-668. Jour nal. ' W. OREGON farms and tuar -Portland acreage to exchange for Portland in come residence, unincumbered vacant. Neil nn & Parkh 111, !'! Spa blip g bldg. FOR SALE or (exchange, modern If-room residence for smaller place, or would consider 5-nassengcr car ns part pny- m' Journal. NTlTlTlNG to sell. Coon RyT-.Mirrh- ftelrt, Randon, Inforir.nt Ion buifan free, values and location given, 1014 Cb a 11 1 b or of Cot 1 iner c e. ' CFfOfCE acrSace nt Tignrd blutlon, Salem Electric, for sale and some exchange for vaunt property. Ro - nclds. Main 4 07. WE exchange" what you -tvave for what you warn- I'eper fi. Haker, 4M Sher lock bldg., 3 1 and lak. Mwr. 2654. WlTir "trade "one bt" for good iipriaht piano or 2 lots for good piayer piano. Main 3 1 K 0. SEVEN room bouse and e ere" in city for sinalf farm of .jual value. Owner, 214 Lumhermens td.dg. WAifT tooining hmiije. gr'c.'iy or -restaurant; give lots or acreiige. Main 4 3SS. IMPHoCfD ?0 acre farm for bouse t Sellwoo.l. City View Pork preferred Phone H-23H. WTO rTrade 'equity l'i 'a"(ier:i 6 room residence. R. C Park, for small acre age. Reynolds. Main M07. Wi:sl11 and exchange farms, houses and autos. Wagoner if Hurt. 435 CI 1 iliib!l 0 Ooiuim Miwln tSOaT." WILL land trade 27 acres Will.iiuele .a.ley for 5 passenger car. . Sap Mr, Dorr, Cornelius hot" I be I le Sat. niuio. 6 ROOM cottage, Long Hps"!:: trade for one acre land on Mt. Hood or O. W. P. lliic. Phon.. P.-1736. IF-' YOP WANT To SELL, iYl'Y OK TRADE. SEE SHOEMAKER INV. CO.. r-24 Henry rldg. main 1105. SIX room modem house and furniture. ! in Portland, to exchange for property ' In California. .1211 Lumber Exchnnge bid. j "EXCHANGE Pori hind" for: Sent He or Ta- j coma propertv, no equity, good prop- erty, 1-279. Jo.n-ial. I WILL bnv. sel; or trnde anything,! H F. Lee. 1015 Board of Trade bldg. ' A Putting It Off UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE .Causes many disappointments to those wishing to place want ads in The Big Sunday Journa vMake it a point to get your want ads in enrly. If not fc convenient to call at the office, use the phone call Main 7 1 73 or A-605 1 Ads charged only to those whose names are listed in' eittier of the telephone directories. Office tlose Saturday Night at 9:30 o'CIock Sharp. r ; V SWAP COLOLN . 2 TROTTING horse for lot or equity; - piano ot what baveyoti. Fast 4jl.-- ,VAXTEU KEAL, ESTA1 5 HI WANTED 5 or ,10 aerea ,partly cleared with fair . house, "for cash! muetbe cioEeo car!Ine ahanot over a 12 cent fare. Give full description and location. jvrlO, -JourpBl. : - I VVANT to buy from owner modern i to 6 room residence, puice must be right; give full'.descriptlon and prioe-i fJrstletteT. iJournal. - -r - -? WANTED From owner, eajst f rontr lot in RosstntTe;- must be a Bnap fbr all cash, Enders & Hartshorno, Szl-itark. LOT in UoKNniei e: -nrefer an east froi not ovcjv3blot-ks from Sandy rad. H-l'Ji, .louriiHl. WANTED Finn home wef srue, W)t go01 jm.oinp nroportW I-KTj Journal, want a a citv non I want a mall farm, will yoii-H-xchange? Ad- Hirers H7 Kast tith nu W E wain good close in acreage, have buyers waitinsfv1 P&jiVeon Jddg. WANT to Vb'uy xinall "farm" 'near-PorT land.' Joekollfv, Hillsdale, Or. XiK CLEAR LAND. lk Pros . 31 1 N. 17. Phoi Jackc Phone A-1S8. BOOMING HOUSES 53 Beautiful Place B rooms, all nw carpets and floss mattrrsscM. Ho'im U newly papered and painted. Heat location to rent rooms and must .be sold regardless of cost, as owner tins other business. Is well worth Sxan. If token this week Price $475; $100 Cash SEE OW.Nillf.. sv MTU. NEAP. J4TARK. Here Is a Dandy -92. room luoisi. dandy loeiitlnq, rent only $10; nil full, just newly painted and papered; 'worth' $I0"0; lnv prlco to dav. Vlnn for all. Pct-s Realtv Co., 6.' lleni y l.'dp cor. 1th arnj )rk. ilorsE OP i' i-ti'O'dS, KI KNL-'HMD FOR Hnl'.-'EKEEPING. 4 YEARS' LEASE. 1,'Pli'E $lf.!i. TI-ll.SJNCLt:i)ES TWO MONTHS' It EN T. TffIS 18 A It A It' 1A I V.' 1 V4 SHERMAN MT. 24 Rooms 24- Brick building, corner . location, - long lease; furnace heat; all on one floor: always full; rent $75; worth $1600; my price HSOii, 2e0 down. l'eters Realty Co., 6"7 Henry bldg. MFSf TTl'h'F'iiSE 6'i- this. 23 rooms. pe in. cheap rent, good furniture, money uialif'-, worth $?000; f''0 takes it. with terms. 7.05 llonrv bldg. Notice I Peters Realty Co.. formerly lore-tod,! at 15 .'. rith st.. has moved fo tht'lT rm1 in I office re. tn, C0'i-:i 1 lr. ry bldg, tor. 4th and 0;iU. FOR SI.E at a big bargain, w. 50 room lodging Iodise, centrally located; a lnomy maker New Eagle House, Z2 X 3d St., crner llurnslde. Rooming House Owners I have, s.c trade for re J-,'1H. Jon.-ii cah and city property to i;lng house, big or miiaH. NINE lions- I. e. i ing rooms, beautifully . locfiteil. ('M i i i i 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 v clean, well fur nlshel, furnace hi-ut. all full; rent $40. 27 4 14 i h . "18 Rooms -18 Central local Ian. cheap rent, clearing- at present "'iii monthly; price today J'lT.0. Cn: Ih-nrv bldt. 10. room I; on. food b n Hon See owrt- T, 7Sr.7. rr, 14? I...Wiu;dnle ft,. Phone Main , BUSINESS ( HA( ES 20 nn iri,nl tmi $250 will buy till r. 1 1 week In el -ir s mii-.g and pressing ahuir; r.o roinpi -ri:b. 11 , town on account 'neallh. Address K-5 Foil h.,I,i; M'isl 1 11 1 we $2iino or losn ' lnv homo: wbl sHcrlfiie my Interest; in we-1 nnvbif- fuel company, with a po- ; sillon $100 ,ier inontn; thoiough inveett- 1 rn ion lulied l-::;ii. .ioiirni.l. J iii-:LIc.fE.S:-:EX a-d lur-.-b inTn, clear- 1 Ing $L".a per iimni!!. .List 'ell at once, accoiiit ill health. Lo-dt It over. Give lndH. M Kru:-er. 44 N. 2"d. 1 .01 'KINO io 1 1" A f OC ATI ON? I See corner of F. ?3th and Yamhill, j opi.nsite j.(t .:c Sunnvsido school, for gro- 1 cones, scoooi mp.pip.s y jul coiitcrtlonery. pop ":EN'T Laig store romn, fine f-lr saloon: will lve 5 or 10 voir !nst; reasonable l ent. M. K. Lee. i! I 1 Coi bitt' bh-.L. LIilHT n;fg. and installation business, article In great demand; orders on "and, irofits large; i pvest Igat e; full particulars. (HiR Henry libtir. Al Woolfer, l-'OR s"a'L)-. Rest puvi:,g s'nTonn In Van. i."iVcr, Wash.; itclopendcnt II-e-en-r., (-br" rent P. J. fie-!. Jnurnsl mvi-r. Wn?h. R00M I. NO, .1 . s about 10 roiuiis " ru; iiishe,!. wuh 6th and llpshrr. teres reiisopable. Inquir Wenbnrd' Rr..w.ry, I '.'li : at Hen id Morns-hie. HAhlillK .-'.''P. rti-iv. modern, up-to-date, best location in Portland; 5 year 1ea Leas: mai'le rent, terms. I - 2 13. ANTED-- A partri-r iri a bu.-ines.s that has anlsb'iiid pay $50.i a in irCi to rlgj'.f man. Can Fc "iri f" $'-T.O cash Cell !93 'a Stntk. r-..rti Sfi. A CHEAT 1UG HM'.GAIN Country store, e ie,ui rent; no fixtures to buy; good (lane: $2'Ui(i, .soma t raxla. 5i'5 Ib nry bjdg. 1 for linking company; PARTNER want to'isi nave ic""1; i lisiiiesH is increns ing and must hr.v - extra capital. E- 1 1 11 11 1 RARUi:i't shop I'.'! sal-, Tld'e'siabllsbed. good biislm ss, ..wn- r h aving city l:i Sepli tub." . : '14 Moirismi si. $3". I'uvj. my f i: t.-ost ill well pav ir.g house 1110, ing outfit. R-62 Jour nal KO il" S A "LE"" 1 " i f s 7cT I sTTTl . : Til-- a rid pressiJig business, rinse In, doing A-l trade. 4 'hone Main 6:.'J or -734. 500" B u s in ess "Ca rds, $ 1 Rose city Pririt'-ry. 1H2'- ! bin! treet. CASH grocery, rooms, cheap Jtu alee ab. lit t go d Inrritioi,. ;! living I'; lit: l-ood cl,.yt, st,,,-!;. '" I ' 7ii. .Tourtinr. $3 il stock general int-rchaiidise mane us an oner; good mason lor CallSJ E2 7thM. ON account ot snknce-i stnntial miicMne , i d fou" nesa less than !(.:,,.. M-'.'i sell mih. fry busl J o ; : l ia 1 . KINL biislrc as v.a'itu i.artiii-r' "with S2,i00 tn ooen hrnach. K-H10. Journal. er.r.. 5- : Of 20 PARTNER, wanted In small rnanufactiir Ing business, ion- account of one of the present owTiers being too old to attend to the Increasing demand jt the busi ness; J750 la; jeaulred,-.' other capital is required to develop the business to where It will pay $300 to $400 per month profit. - A good hustler with references required. .8eepur agent at 914 Cuam ber of . Commerce bldg tout do not bother us unless you have the money and mean business as we aro very-huiy. . ;0ne 15 room two story frame hotel milldlng,- fully equipped for .lodgings ana Berving meats and plat or grouna In heart of bUFtness district lr Salem, Oregon, Bust be sold by executor at an estate T Inventory "value, of property, 3S0OO Address Carey - F. " Martin, at-tnrney-at-lH w, Salem, Ore gon nnify QfAe0 UrUg OlOreS . We have several aood atoree In and out of tbo city. Som- h!g snaps n owners have. otrn!t''-t)Ua!r.es8 and must sell- PK,1I1J - HtKKll 207 Lumber Ex. Mdif . 2d and Ptark. $750"' TAKES T. The best paying restaurant jand con fectionery on the east side. Average business $25 a day. Phones C-1758, East 2252. HAIKOUE.Stfl.NG PARLOR. Rp4rella corset agency, 1u a good town; well equipped ; doing a splendid business; will stand strictest investg.i" Corset orders pending. Ill health makes sale Imperative; price right. Box 77. Kelso. Wash, llllliE Is your chance to get a good furniture buslnoss in a thriving cen-1 ra! .ir.'Kou town. $400 cash or Tbt, same value, as first painent. Iialance easv : ' don't write -Unless you mean business. , Address M -f'2, JoiirnaP.- j "RA K E It S.-Tii" iNOTM I S S T! I IS. ftal-ei.,- and confeclionerj- In subc.rh ! of Portland, clearing J3a0 a month, for $16ii0 on terms. Will stand yTVhr closest investigation. F. Kucha, 420 Cham.uer of ('ouimeri'.' i-f S T A i I J sTT i-TT tnin sfer mmTrieBS net ting from $300 lo $500 per month. This wjil stand Investigation. In an swering ad give phone and address. A 463,1 Journal. PARTNER WANTED. I will sacrifice for one third Its value one of th best paying realty offices In the city, or sell half-Interest and give I fi.r.nw Cull "in Stnrtr lit I GROCERY and market, sales $S0 to $ 85 I per day; no solicit), ,e: st(),.k Hnr! f ;x. , ' ,, .. .. i ...... t ,.,-, , ...i.. ...... ! tines about $20ii0; no trades consldei-ed. j ""P'a J)i" M ,4j r.r- . : :.. . i ; j HE LP WANTED MA LE WANTED PALEMMAN. A M AN OF" C.i OD ADDRESS, 3T. TO 50 YEARS OF AGE. WHO 1R.A FORCKFl'L TALKER AND CLOSER.. IS WANTED RY A NEW CORPORATION WHO HAVE NOW KNOCGH SIGNED CONTRACTS TO G I " AR A NT EE INVESTORS A RIG DIVIDEND. SOMETHING OPT OF THE OR. DINAR V, AND EASY TO SELL. WUIT1 OR CALL 1:30 To 2;30 P. M f.OS ROYAL RLDG.. SEVENTH AND MORRISON. WE want h few wide awake renresenta II yes to handle our out-of-town orders for established, first class tailoring 1 ; '" V....; ' a YtL wV.-ii, j Washington, between 4th and Mb. 1 DOCTOR to travel for a company who I Is registered In Montana, V sshlngton or Oregon, State age. experience find ! 'ar' expected. Address llox 1 , 7, Wis. I PARTNER in business; reliable lady, not I less than 3a years of age, with some lenpi'nl to put in reliable bilBlness with , mechanic, single. E 100, ; Journal. j WANTED. "'Middle aged lady 'to assist with housework on f arm ; 4 adults: I irnod pome; small wages. Phone i.'u tpimbln 6c.i. A CAI'ARLK saleswoman for pe; lnanent p isttlon In Portland. Work pleasant. References required. Provident Savings ft Lorn Association. 266 Stark St. " MKNVANtKI ."" Learn automobile driving, repairing. 1 Positions nocured first class nun. S09 1,'alln a v Exclyint'O. MAKhlliD man. familiar with clearing land, bouse, barn ami tools for nisl'tnl, to clear 7 acres. Inquire G. Patttraon, 369 N T0tli st. T11K "i.'l.D RELIABLE" General Acr:-ri'-nt anil Health Ins. Co., wants an ex perienced man. C. J. Rosewell, gen. agt , 1 026 Ch.itnber of Commerce. Alain 2!S. HoidCITiJciH and eal-s anents for Mfs;. Co.; nn money required. 925 Cham ber of I 'on!' ror bldtf. nN'E woman nanl a mortgage on b homi; selling Sinca Paste. Want salc I we-tii' "1.". 'regnn'.'in btd. W A N'T El -Good all round caudv mak er's helper. Modern Confectionery Co., Portia n d, FIRST class all round holler maker wanted. I 'all 222 Onrjnnerelnl club bblg. , WANTED- Neat .appearing man to take orders. Apply, 4 to 7 p. ir,., J . Rich. Hotel lloyt, 6th and Hoyt sts. WANTEli Men to work In btickyard oil cany up road Standrnd HinUand Tile Co. Phones Main I bl!), Main li.Vtl. j WANTED-- At once. 2 men to leirn to" drive and iPpalr aiitoniohllrs Call et - Hawthorne Garage. 415 Hawthorna. CHEF ho.-ioquarters and helpers. Cali fornia "Wine Depot. 2S6 Yamhill, nexi to Journal. I EXPKIUKNCKD ill i' work solicitor for wagon route. Apply at once. 7 Grutid ave. .Nor th. BARBER wanted at ll'3 Adams st.. near! Hiiladay. Aliist Im: sl.ydy. ; I i ' V about 16 for llg.,t ""work ..about j store. Apply 4,10 Sabnon st. PAINtTTr and tilner anted lo'thlFO ! rooms Call 1 31 6 F. Clav HELP WANTEDrMISt . -10 M E N - ST O P B E A D I. E A R N THE OREGON ALTO SCHOOL gives practical instruction Jn repairing and driv4)f automobiles;- TPITION REA SONABLE; Tiart cash when you enroll, balance after graduating and obtaining r.iiliirn-d position. ORE. A FTO PCHOOL, 266-26" 11th St.. cor. Jefferson. M N' and wajium to learu barber tra.lo In S weeks. Special Hid icemen ts, per rentage earned while learning. Tools free, xprt 1 list i ucturs; 17 yars in busi ness, 37 schools. Life tlmo scholaratiip to every student. Mob-r ihirber College Sr. N. 4th st.. Portland. Or. FIRST-CLASS. A-l scicior , np, IZ: incut wllLfnd our proposition a money- niaK'-r. it u unomore asner JO Chamber of Commerce. 925 MEN and Women .wanted for Kovern nietit positions, $X0 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Instl t ate D, p't 339 R. Roclies'er. N. Y. INT E R N A T I ONAI, CorrespenTcnco Sr'hools headquarters 409 McKay bldg. Open Wed. und Sat. nights. Main 1026. FNCAI.l.t'l' for tailor made suits up Harvard Tollore, 32 3d st. no l .NOAl LED for tailor made suit.s J'J.dO up. Taylor the Tailor, 285 Burnside st HELI WANTED FEMAI E 2: WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TEL EPHONE OPERATING. WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE; PAID WHILE. LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY (EAST OFFICE), I Con: " 6TII'anj2"eXst''ankeny sts., ORiMAIN OFFICE), WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 250. BUSINESS qtAXCES , HELP W'A NED-FlMAEa j C I BOOMS AS LbABP 11 WANTED WomCn and girls to work ROOM and board $5 per wek .rn"; With fruit,-starttnff oabeHns-Awguitl excellent musical home with trii S7 Steady""-employment. -food wages, i eomrAoriations. 554 E. Madison." Apply Oregon .Packing Co., E. S(h m4 j E'sracMnTorw PgP"1 ... : -: V-i'trypa r OutT7feruom," board Week, yt. want a tew origni women io iomni tickets 84 Main. -mif A ,tSlHv0rmF!i? I KOI Louis ington, b'etwen-4tlv-)trt4vtb,tts. CAHH1ER, young lady, temporury work. aieves jefeiairn iil jii iyhwiiiubc1 GIRL for .general houseworn. Apply 345 E. 37tU St. HELP WANTEIv r.IALE AND FEMALE . 29 1500 HOP pickers,- wanted to pick 400 inS'nd nTe3 Or' Will ciiv fi'.l cents par box. or $1 per 100' pounds; about 41 weeks' -Dickltur: ..-t .f accommodations, t Otir spa-iaT train leaves Saturday, ' An-' ..n, si office now onen for roglstertog ' at 520 Lnmbermcnn Exchange hldg. Ind:CU)SK-lX 2 roiiin ant: Pink. rane. A I and Ktaik tf. Portland, or. Phone Mar-1 I shall I'll.. WIgrlch Ranch. . . !wAVTl. - irTH".r; ."oTkr-fsTalTard of Wm. 11.. Mil i..l..o-o n rkllll to ,i'7',.'. i,u!, i ,.i,i t- 'ar.i of I'd ai res ati'l ecelleiit rtccoinirid.i tions or i-ampt-.e'; r twister at" once by letter. Win. 'Hagley. IMIIsl .ifo. 'r ;0 Hop-PICKEKS -Coinmeiicfi tdcking Kept, 1. Families '.inferred. Outing as well as financial Inducement. Write Walter F. Wtiugeniotl,. U. K. 1. No. 1, Wondhiirn, Or., for particulars. i-10P''PICKKR8"; W'( ing pickers tor our Ttoi.iTvill,, and Witch II grounds low fare.- A.' J Pay Son, '3;i4 Sh erlock bb y.. Ply "le Mn I n 4 2. S'lF"! It'll 'I-iCl-wKltK w.-uileiTr'gooii ramp around, water, convenient, nn n pops; ,.,-k,., iVmst bring tents begin About the 2Hth ' ''nrtlir particular". Sidney . r,,i,., ,,, "V.-roi or r-r ; '-vrr. rsT. r:-'v:nn7777 i too nop picKtirn .i w its ti, o i :. - biindrcd pounds. C.ood camp., wood j and uil'T. For fnrthe.- pu iiciilars ad- j lies: M. Cr-ifitiee, 1 1 : 1 Ishio-o, or. W F A W ei Sellw. I-.RS V..eii,li.,l IV Sill til ilTl'l Multnomah Mohair Mlirs. I j -: WANTI-:i) AGENTS 0 WE need a kalesman In eich of sev- eral excelleht fie'ds to sell our apien- did nurscrv sIock. A nermanent place; cash weekly and a square firrri back of von. Write for particulars, Washington Nursrrv Co.. Toppcrish, Wash. WASI'hll-A salesman .win s ti . V-'ITiTJi (,'., ?i 7 1 i v'.-i, 414-417 I-. b. iN.l'ii enrh werklV. At ' K.. " .lUIM-l C V 1 1 l JiIIJf . ' ...oi n .iii hnii.iin!' I-i j rir' " ' tMl'Ilit l- ' i;OI T''s',.-! 1 ON A I. S A 'LrSMENPoFtln nd ' ! iiiciiur.-mturing rompa iy wants y-n; permanently to mnnaffr sub-slat ion : x 1 1 ii"i di'i.'.ry Indocetnents 5'U Swrt la iul. AG'k'N'I S wunT. d. fine -paying proposi tion, nu c,i.pltal required. Call 270 rt. . EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 53 P D Uanrnn X, P n 'Ji ID liailot.ll 04 tUi 1 Honorcil Fmnlowmont A rrpriripc. ! vjiviiui ui ii tiJiv yi iiKjui iihunuivu ESTABLISHED 1876, 26 and 2'S North 2d St., Portland. Or. Women's Dew. "tb-anu Wash. St. Upstairs. Help Furnished Free San Francisco office 805 Howard at S po ksne of f i ce 21 8 l'.ernard St. Y7M.C A. rNDCSTRIAT, EMPLOY MENT AGENCY. SECOND AND ASH STP.EETB. . HEADOPARTERS. for competent loggers, ndlltnen, R. R. , construction men, farm bands, and all 1 classes of skilled and unskilled- labor, j Write, vlie. phone or call at our ex-I pence, Marshall 2271. A-7748. A square (Dm i n employer and employe. 1 No ehnrce to employer. SITU AT IONS M H E -.(' ii lsh"-i posh Inn, 11 years' nee, in or Cut of town, 1-305 3 Cll cxper Jour- il SITI AT!o. uaated as watchman or porter )n Pv 1 -nn. Journal. A l.aV ia.i!i position on a delivery vii'on. I-?-!'". Journal. ' SI JT.'ATIONS- -FF.M A LE T.'.TI'iW warded as cooks- or to do g in nil ho is, ..v, ok hv competent Swedish vo:i-ig lndna. Address Rev. John Cher.. 1 1 a ,V; s residence, all fM 64S Mill st. I i ' 'W ladv vitli a (10 'd suburban home would bk,. the care of 1 or 2 chlldreu Mother's care. 5 S 3 Ridwell ac. cll'-VLiod, CI ' :'! A ! . 1 auudcreil, quick aervle.e", sal s'.!, inn 11 ;;a la 11 1 e(.:l. Culled for nml ib I i ei'cl T11 bo r 462. LACK rurtnins. ;irape:les, iiUiuk et s hfun derod by ,m P. 2 7c up. Tabor 317. WANT4UD- Wih: for a lid dell er. - it home, will 'hone, .Main 620. call oM N Fast C wants work hv hour or dav. no. WolUv bv the day, sciaK and ironing. Pii u.e SeilwCMi,! f.c.l. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 W A N'TEV) Place to" work in 'bcar.iihg" Incise for self end linOe'irnl, board and roicn. ,ext er!en"c'1. l-Sftl. Journal. I NUKSES PRACTICAL coilf lIK:l!C nurse; best ts preferred. r"feremes;' I r, ore East Fl'BNTSHF.D BOOMS WIST SIDE HOTEL HEILIX CNDER N E W MAN A 1 7 E M E N T. Y.' MHH L AND 2!) STS. M,o.'": ii building, European plan, hot iiic' odd running w iter, elrotrie lights, free n.. phoae Ii ev. rv room. R AT FS, ! AND l"P PER WEEK. Tourists' trade soli.-lfvd. I'nclfb' phone Main S7MS. M' I I l' i 'I ll I IV-I T II-. ' 1 (III! JuiL.'"'ilnn.i- son rooms f tc.m' $:: in pi $ 2 nniHl- kii par'or hedrooms first floor over- lot 'tin- iub Tid Mi'Tlson hot etl c'l-l i , j.. aliil $i; also good nuusukeeimu suite on I irst ; ioor. J.iii. CI if-', A P 1 nice furnisiied'" rol:n with kitchenette, sinsln sleeping rooms, $1 up. 1'se of phone, gas, bath and piano. 20 12th. v - M?iiTfll K?SdW'2'4'5th st., room's ifi J II LCL LutRQil'O! $1.50 up tvr week. Free phone and bath. Main 77h4. THE BARNLI I W"0"-cor- M-l'Ti1!. Furnished rooms. A-3S2.X. K EN I L WORTH HOTEL. 228 H Second st. Beet rooms In tlie city for the pr'ce- under new nianngement NICE, front room close In, "cheap, for nn men employed. 21 N. 11th St., cornrr Bu-rjnside. BO' iM si f fi kT" rat.-i $1 pf r week, ui uiiij, lfmnt ..Li i Jalem House. Phone I iORMER. , close in. 'reasonable Hummer 263 13th Main 69 75. NICK. cosy, and up home-like rooms for rent. $2 2'-:;t 6th. by city hall. Nli'l.LV furnished room, private fam- lh' per week. S$ Washington. I'F.SIRABI E located furnished rooms; reapniiMe. 211 i;th at. ' FOR RENT Desirable furnishetf room, close in. 4St-YnTnh1!l. FURNISHED HOOMS "EAST-StPE ra ONEjnowly furnished sleeping room, $3 per wifcrk. Sl24 ,.E. Burnside, ' ROOMS AND BOARD '-' 18 . . -- - - ELDERLY wonian wishealliecare of T children at her home. botwen the ages of 8 and up, Best of reference. Mr.-eonper East 2386. - ' .;-. GENTLEMAN can have first clase room and boarcf Trom Swedish lady. 310 E. $t;icnear Hawthorne eve. TWO (ine rooms wRFbath.' fin' loT- WANTEltUBOOM AND HOARD- 33 WANTEI Ry young man, -room i.or , room end board in private family, tn walking distance of llolmes Buslnese college; stato rrlcf. '- 4. Journal. ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 WEST SIDE . r N1"rVVLY furbished single hou,ekeepln JWa,W-msrat r w!K f rem .-.. :V 4a- cl'- loon-.s are largr and " J . per wwk. mc un ng iignta : "iL"1"- i-a'l bit W. 4th tit - pon h, yard; n, wly papered 1 .rooin.J--- Pt : 1 5 room, with sleeping porelte JJi ilhlll. u. NIi ELY furnished comforUible down- J:.'' stairs front mHisrk'vpins suite, ; con '' vetlences. water In, w n M ing dlstanc, , $L" jc r inm 1 1 tm Johoson st. ifc'A 361 Taylor, cor.- Park, ' )w u stakepl n g '" : rooms, singln and suite; Ire ga,:-: bath, pii oil i,' laundry. .'. ?,: .sT lTES of a rooms,-' pantry," runnlnii " ' ' watrr, gas, i.ath, prlvHto entranoe, t jv: niooorn, t nn jd. jus h at, e now TeglMer- I i l P..LS! lEIi 11. k7roocis;"iu oderi $1.83 i .T." " ,LTWioYdCnmHpi,, 8 Cttr 10 207 Sherman. Mw.hall , V' 1, 2 ut :i desirable unfurntsKid house- ' keeping-rooms, walking distance, vest '!.V "S''i shlo. :::iL''.j 6th st. ' i'"';-" M' 'ELY. furnished front housekeeping ,-' ' roum, walking distance. Rath, gas, ,i :pbo:ie. 475 Main. ' ... fi i "houVlekeVt.lnir ronma. t-2G - n ' - , , " . rr ; week. Prlva e entrance. Bath -nd P'lonc. . 2J'i Lth. ... . 'IV.'u clean housekeeping rooms. large loset, modern, close In, $16 per mo, th st. l-'l'RNiSIIED housekeeping rooms, ciian. light rooms, jo 13th St.. be- I'twe.ii Tartar nna u:imiin iiESIRABLE front""sulte, "light, clean. gas range, bath, phone, $ 16. 535 John son. ll;F b. k. rooms, pnntry. sink, range,'- gas piate, ligiu and purine, near scnool. 4.". 16th st. N.. $1S. XiiREK.h. k, moms, small family, $14. month. Ijvi Blh. iieruiM iLrnm .EnntlnnA . . . - . moil tel. - . ; .1, i , l . o i) ice lv turn:.-, icd housekeenlna "i.ims Alsx single 194 N. 17th, . , 1 T V.'D nice clean hr,u.-;.;keeping rooms. i.eap lent. ;n I avis, , llol'SI-.KEEPJNO suit.s, SJ.r.O up. 48V4 Ninth st. North. Miushnll 5502. TWO or more large housekeeping rooms, good lOeHtlon. 471 Morrison. '' - HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS EAST SIDE 48 FI RNISHFD or unfurninhed house- Uccping roomsi S44 East Second St., N . between. Weidler . and . Broadway. iM-cnei East 1"26. K'liNTIiHiD hotisekeepitig rooms, all plousant outside rooms. $2 ud: Dhono. balh. laundry, single and en suite. 164 V4 , Union S. j FOR RENT Housekeeping TOOmB and' barn. 117 8 Maryland ve. Woodlawn j 377. ' IMOOKRN3 room apartment, brick build. '- Ing. newly furnished, private bath. 1 371 b. Russell st , corner T'nion are. N. SICKLY fumi-shed housekeeping rooms for rent ch.-.ap. 71 Grand five. N. HOUSES FOB BENT 13 Cheap Rent 3 room house, close in. 3 carllnea... K;yfit 7 2 5 JjrookL n. FOR RENT 6 room house .and 7 room. ' bouse, wi st, side, verv low rent. M. ' E. Lee, 111 1 Corbet t bldg $1. !---5 room bungalow, electric llghla!. toilet, full lot. 13M K. Glisan, on v-' M-V earline. Tabor 2574. 7 ! $2.1 6 room tnodein house, downstairs. newly tinted" In minutes from busi ness 1n0 K "d HAfi.1- Olin ROwM, lif-autifut location. 65 loth and E. Pine; full plumbing, electricity- and gas, itn. i-none spiiwom off. Ml ll ll-'W V Fl rililln ,.iiMl,u nlna. In ... . ...... ,.-....., v.u.c per month. 95 Morris st. Telephone 2ZJ Woodlawn H62. CuEAN. modern 4-rooni cottage; fine for youns coupf. 425 E. 8th et H. V. 2!V $ month, 5 large room house at Ful ton Park. Inquire at 150 Union ave- nor'n. $15 Modem bungalow; llghta, shades, bnth, garden. Woodstock. Sellwooil 1.2:: 5. T WO modern 6 room cottages on West . side; ear line. JHV C. H. Plggott - uinio. 11- ssrooilil room zi. FOR RENT Mod..'in 6 room bungalow! Mt. Scott car, -Myrtle Park, norttt OB -'-'"" ' st.. 3Tth ave. Tabor 2071. ilorSKS for rent. S. P. Vincent & Co" j SI 6 Chamber of Commerce. . ;., '6 ROOM house near Crystal taund-rvf. no objection to children. Tabor 420. r- MODERN, neat 6 room cottage, . 444... laikuu live. j i. . i i.iin b-i . , NEW LY papered S-mora cottage, 31 20th; rent. $16.50. .Key at 314 20th. Fl'KXISHED HOUSES ttd SIX room bungalow. Imriivvoiiil iInAa. bum i buffet, Dutch kitchen, fire' 1 Uss cooker, fut-nace, fireplace "and Jja j 1 log. garage, gas tank; completely f '"!;" nlshed: lartrs lot. on earline. Phona : ' Tabor 33S.S. i FREE rent to rnngenial couple, with-'. ' out children, for young woman' ' board and care of boy 5 years) dur - lug day, small modern bungalow fur- : nlshed. -Call evenings, 785 E. 34th. W. car. 5 ROOM cottage funil.shed with piano! 1 76u Cleveland ave., $20. Woodlawn S1 ' A . FOR RENT A new 5 room furnished" . bungalow, $22.50. Phone Woodlawn 705. E. 35th and Prescott. EC RNISH i'TLi 5 room itioderii bungalow," jj.Iano, gas or wood range, S5.-WQQd-i lawn 2'iii!t. ... ,!, COM I'LETELY furnished S room bunga- lllw- modern, piano, electricity end K" $-28. 1503 OneonU et. . WoodlMeii. l o I. It room runusiiied cottage. Call "..4 Montana ave. lake L car. HOUSES FOB BENT , " FURNITURE FOB SALE S3' $100 Cash Required s 9 rooms, close .in. west side, newTyt v renovated and furnished. This must b sold, and Is a bargain. Call 88 10th et. r2 7 M aTn ST. 8 room house for rentJ furniture for sale. $250 If taken at once. F 7R NIT I : RE of 8-room Flat, roam4 . rented, wal&Tnjj distance, modern: simp. ' Main ?7-7, . ,.- c-A NEW furniture of 7 room modern house. ' close in ami witn i rooirm reniea tractive tielfihborhood. Eet 97. close in and with 2Toome rented; et- FI RNITL RE of 7 rooms cheap on-Uth near Malnf Marshall 157, FURNITURE FpB ' SALE Oft v lcr!R"MITT?Tlin-EOH RiTlfS nifflP One elegant china closet, one fin solid oak sideboard, one oak hell" seat.' BS 9 Broadway, East 16th, East W, - FCR1N1TURE of 7 roome cheapiwner; 50 Hawthorne ave. ; -i FdR RENT FLATS. -i -', 44S llth near college; a end g, rio euitew;etrlctly ffrst elsss.-MarssR f J V th 'iirid -Morrlerth it,i -very wnttet. ' t - anil t room annrtment. fumM- 4 cmpIeler-pnYnTriiatTf.', Trow m tt) til? t 1 PARK. APT8, 853 HABBJOM--li.ii-'fttl'-l-nd foom furcthtd i j - walking dlstancer Marshall l';o, a- - THE'STOWiOPARf M EN 1 -' '";, ," . erett t,, between 2tu e - ?,.. era 2-room pmte, i:i m. i :.! i X, 2J -i