THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAi; PORTLAND WEDNESOAYlEVEN 0 . f Town Topics iraxi smokx wmctirnojn " Don't tbcgtt waea going away ea vacation or for the sftmmer. that Tn Journal emu follow jmt at 11 eeote ( tin ruUr ubcriptka rata, and tne fol lowing agents will supply Js at oar regu lar rate.: - . ,. Bty Ocaaa, -Or.," Bay Ocean note!. i Batch Center, Wash., W. C. Colllna. " Carson Sprint Wash., Mlaeral Sprtefl hotel ' s Colllna. Wia., Fred A; f mn. '. Oearbart. Or., lira, 0. h. Elliott. llaaeo. Wah.,H. B. Woodraft. -tSng Beach,. Waah., lawrence Dtaaaan. (DollTer? to alt folate no Nortb Beach.) Newport, Or., Glad Howard. Rorkaway Beach. Or.. Wllklns At Rice. Seaside; Or., Letter Proebstel. (DellTery to aU (Crta ot Seaside.) . Seatlfew, Wab.. F.-fc Srranhat - Tt I In moot. ht, J. g. Lamm. Wllbolt Springs. Or. P. W. McLeara, Cascadla, Or., Q. M. Geltendorfer. TONIGHT'S AMUSESflENTa , HEIUG-fcther4ne ' Girl With the Green Eves.W ..' T f COUNCIL CRESTHlgh cles attro tlon. . , v , LYRIC Armstrong Tollies company ?n "Fascinating Flo." J J ORPHEUM Orpheum circuit vaudevlll THE EMPRESS Vaudeville. . PANTAGES Vaudeville, THE OAKS Amuaament park. - Weather Conditions, ' Portland and vicinity: Showers to bight or Thursday. "VV'esterlv winds. Oregon and Waahlngton: Showera to night or Thursday. Cooler east por tion Tnursaay. westerly winas. Idaho: Showera tonight or Thurs- oay. cooler Thursday. night by Patrolman 8m,tb at Second mad Kiimttiia atMAta am Mnmnio I t t nr fat O'Leary, who charged that jrbyj had attempted to atioot him while the two were in "Murphy's Saloon" at- II North Third street At no assault charge waa made, the poltca officer charged Elrby with carrying concealed weapon Thla morntnr ho waa sentenced to 109 days on the rock pile and fined 1200. The police had been warned by Ala wife that Klrby had a revolver -ana was atartlng out to make trouble, and pa trolman jwere looking for him. -.--' , Green lea Boom Jtenn, T. K. 0. aC Wednesday evening, epeclal.SOo lunch eon, bouillon, chickens croquettes, creamed potatoes, cold slaw, tea bis cuits, choice of deasertsVcoffee, tea or chocolate. Cold veal or ham. peat, corn on-cobrfralt aalad, ahrlmn aalad, toma to salad, peach pleT"efa-..iello vrtth whipped cream. Ice cream and cake. Gentlemen welcome. ., ,' rile Bankruptcy Patltloniw C. W. Waterman, an Astoria merchant, pe titioned the -United - States district court to declare . him bankrunt Mon day, statingthat-Wi ttammtea- were 328,881.91 and" bis assets but I16.i78.95, Of tha latter fU.000 represented his stock. Martin 8. West, a Portland watchmaker, also filed a? bankruptcy pe tition stating that he had no assets and owned 11,583.76,- . IE Mm 1 BERE0RGAH1ZED - - ataaaaaawaaBaaaaaVjaMsaaaaMiMaasswHsSaaS Suggestion -of Graft Comes to Council In Affidavit Fiied by Former Employe; Foreman Is Accused. Distributing" Trout rry Two bnn drea caha of trout fry are being dis tributed In streams In the Hood River district by Chief Deputy Game War den Craigr and aaalatants. ... On Tri day Mr. Craig wiy take a carload of bass and trout fry to eastern Oregon. Twenty cans of baas will be distributed around La Grande, 10 about Union, 75 cans of trout at Baker and 75 at Pen dleton. , ' ' Bobbed ain of Bis Tobaooo, Altered On the charge of attempting; to hold up Thomas Howell for a 5 cent piece of -iorjaricorameiTttOTiTOeHdraiepn Brown entered pleas of not rullty be fore Judge,-McGlnn yesterday. The two men further assaulted Howll, after finding the tobacco waa all he had In his pockets. Their case will be tried early In September. A "speller" for physicians advertising to guarantee curea was arraigned for violating a law applying to each practice. He gave the name of 'Truthful" Travis. The ., Indictment was returned last week, and , he was arrested at Seattle. Judge Mc Glnn asked him why he had taken up i siiejv work, to which the man replied that he was a barber by trade, but was , unable to get work. He askcl the court t appoint an attorney for him, as he has no money. The Judge released him on his recognisance until Septemher. Anna Oalktns was released on ball. Bhe Is charged with contributing to the de linquency of a minor. George Troyer was released upon promlae to' pay a bad check he forged. , Oats Possession of Bom Mrs. H. E. Ecofflns was given possession of her home at 348 Sacramento street yester day by Judge McGinn of the circuit - court, In anKrt1on brought against her sister, Mrs. Edward Long, who has been living In the place the past few months. The case was apraled from the Justice court, where Judse Bell held In favor of Mrt. Long. Judge McGinn, said he would not do anything that would de prive the plaintiff of her property, even though there was an agreement between her and the alater covering board and . lodfetng. From the story told by Mrs. Soofflns, Mrs. Long asked to use tem porarily one of the houaes owned by Mrs. Scofflna. This waa agreed, but tha Long family moved Into the Sacra mento street houae last May, doing, so upon nn alleged agreement to take care of Mia. hcoff Ins. , who' now declares there was no such agreement. Judge 4 McGinn asked Long and his wife how long It would take them to move out. They replied they would movo at once. Thla st-ttled the trouble. Botel Clyde, ,Tnth and Stark streets. Just opened. Nlnety-slx furnished rooms, 48 with prlvatebath. Hot and cold running water and phone In each room. Best and most central location In city. Quiet; homelike. " Finest $1 and $1.50 rooms or f 1.60' to $2 with private, bath to be had la the northwest roar Peaohes os a Branch A branch supporting four large and luaclous peaohes was left with The Journal yes terday by Mrs. S. E. Rlpperton, 410 Third street. The peaches were grown In tha yard at Mrs. Rlpperton's home. They are excellent samples of Oregon's flna fruit Bankrupt Ba,le at 190 Morrison stret of bakery and restaurant equipment and supplies, dishes, chairs, showcases, cash register gas plates, bakers, pans etc Everybody invited. Ken's Pants i Clean TJp Bale. Tha pants I sell for S2 and S3 would cost you 13.60 to $6 In the high rent stores on the street Jimmy Dunn, room 315 OnganiaA mda--Takd .aUvator. Special swimming exhibition, Profes sor Cavlll, Vivian Marshall and assist ants, Saturday evening, followed by a social hop at Qearbart, Or. Make hotel reservations, 100V4 Fourth street Aocnsed by iO-Ysar-Old Girl A war rant charging Charles E. McCarthy of 409 East Alder street with contrjbutlng to the delinquency of a minor was this morning secured for his arrest. he com plaint having been sworn .o hy the mother of 18-year-ofd Dorothy Ramsey of 10 Eat Ninth street, who declares that yesterday the man had called at her homfl and on a pretense of (folng out to collect a bill, had enticed the lit tie girl to his home and there attar-tccd her The llttlo girl Is salil to havo fled from the house and souKht the protec tion of an SKed couplfl who wan pnaslng the house. It Is claimed that MrCnri..y then followed the couple and the little girl until she waa about a half block from h.r home when h fled. IJ.ill has been fixed at 3S00. Tha Bowers hotel entrance. Eleventh street, corner Stark. Special rates for week or month. Special Wednesday din ner, 76 cents. Charles IL Rowley, man ager. Our famous large and Juicy Tamhtll crawfish are now at their very. best cur eiiieriuuinieiu oi me oignrm oraer. The Hofbrau-Quella Phone Main J19. If absolute safety and up to date service appeals to you do your banking with the Hartman-TJiompson bank, i'ourth and Stark streets. Following 'the recent graft inquiries Into tha conduct of (ha police and water departments and their consequent reorganisation by.order of Mayor Rush- Dght. JtlII mora:ensaIIohar aevelop- ments are promised in another depart ment hitherto unbrushed by tha wings Of suspicion. The department Is that olHetreet cleaning and information has Irt en-placed in tha hands of Councilman James Magulre, leading him to believe that thousands of dollars of tha public funds may have been through' the collusion of laborers with foremen of their gangs. Six laborers told Councilman Magulre that they- knew of - cases - where em ployes ywho had not worked for days and Weeks at a time had been kept on the pay rolls by foremen. Five of these men refused to file affidavits confirm. lng their statements for tear of losing their Jobs. The sixth, however, quit work and signed an affidavit yesterday declaring that J. E. Backenstos, an employe of the 1 department under Foreman-Chn of tha east side barn, had been off more than a week between April 1 and July 11, and that he, J. F. Jorg, quit because Foreman Conn tried to make him do the work that Backenatos should have dona Following la Jorg's affidavit: "To the Honorable Mayor,, and Mem bers of the Executive Board? As en employe of the c'fty of Port land, I wish to call your attention to the condition that has existed" at the east side barn for sometime. : "The foreman, Mr. Cohn, does not treat his men In a fair and Impartial manner as he should do. He has In his employ certain pets that work and lay off when ever they, please. "One man In particular was absent from duty on the following nights slno April 1, 1912: " -v - "Nights absent, April 1, quit at 11 o'clock; 2d, 11 o'clock; 8d, 11 o'clock; 4th, absent all night; 13th, quit at 11 o'clock; 27th, 12:30 o'clock; 29th, 12 o'clock. May lltht absent; 28th, absent; June 15th, quit at 11 o'clock; 19th, U o'clock; 20th, absent; 27th. absent; July 2d, quit at 12:30 o'cloek; 3d, absent; 8th and 9th, absent; 10th, quit at 12 o'clock; llXhraberit;8thr qult"at 12 o'clock; August 10th, quit at 12 o'clock. "The man referrod to above as being absent Is J. E. Backenatos, on the 18th of July I refused to do his work, and waa discharged by Mr. Cohn.' There are others that are not attending to their duty aa they should. And I would respectfully request that your honor able body make a thorough Investigation of thla matter, as you will find plenty 6f evidence to corroborate the state ment that I have made. "J. F. JORO." sound aa from Portland. If this Is so, they are asking more than me otner lines sailing from tha sound, whosi tarirfa have been published as ner quoted. It ts only an additional and atrong argument Portland shippers squandcraJfl.say-ln emphasis of the Immediate and absolute necessity of a rortiana line to the orient at once, that will make im posalble such discriminatory chargea Without such a line Portland Is bound not only to lose her. big flour business, but other Industries as well. INFANTILE PARALYSIS TRACED TO HOUSE CAT tlon, however, whlcb Portland shippers! the measure, and Joy lined up with have had to contend with ainca tha Win tha "yeas.-, terhouse line took over tha oriental business from thla port P0ie4 to Aooepf Bate. . - Afte tha first boat bad sailed last September, whan freight rates from the sound wara then nlv t a7toiirthey were raised to 12.50 a ton, a differential In favor of tha sound of 60 cent a ton. Portland shippers. In order to reach the orient had no recourse but to accept This rats continued until about Janu ary V when rates on "tha aound began to range around 32.60 a ton. They at ones Jumped- to 33 a ton from Portland. This dlacrtmlfiatory rate could be en forced because Portland shippers. In or der to get to tha orient' had to take these rates or lose all tbelr business, Tet In the face of all thla discrimina tion, the ships sailing out of here have been filled, anqwlng the potential strength of this "oriental trade from this port Requests fo ejmtlonal space on tfta Hercules, soon to salt have had ta be aefilPdunless It happens that some of the shippers do not use an tne space at present engaged. The Hercules takes about eSOOl tons. ZTTir3ValWhoua-pe61pla.-aa.y asking the same rates from Fuget (Tfnttaa Preaa LainS Wlrei Springfield. Mas a. Aug. liv Aocord- lng to officials of the health depart ment here today, the source of pallo myelitis, popularly known aa Infantile paralysis, has been traead to common house cats. The department officials declare - they Aave discovered well de veloped cases in cats, and will send a number of them to Boston for observa tion by experts. CIT0YENNE ON BRONCHO GIVES STATE TO WILSON (United Prase Leased Wire.! - - Sea QirtrN. rur-11. Ridina; i broncho to the home of Governor Wood row Wilson here. Miss Albert Claire, a suffragette of Sheridan. Wyo.... assured the Democratic candidate today that the women of Wyomlnr favored htm for the preatdency. Miss CJalre .rained eon- pea a number cf stations with movable platforms - made of pieces of old air brake hose fastened scroa strips of ash wood. . . ..; '"7.. .- . .r 'Vvv,., ' I , ' ' ' i ,l - - , r - ' v' - Ruptured? Whv suffer or taae enances on Strang' nlatlnn whun I can rive vou absolute protection and a posnlble cure? Th WILSON TRUSS IS GUARANTEED TO slderabl fame recently bvKllna f rom ' wilbon. tkubb ib ju a i ajtuy. Sherldan to New York and Uftr across NiA regardlees of occupation, age or tho contlnant . .. "No aorlna. No elastla Indorsed For serving Ice oream without wast ing It by melting an Illinois man has patented a can the bottom of which is lifted as a handle la turned, forcing some of the contents out Into a meas ure. . To protect baggage as It ts unloaded from bars an eastern railroad has equlp- hv all nhvalclana who have used It Don't wait; delays are always unwise and frequently fatal. Try tne wnson way; so aays tree.. - J AT W. WIX.BOBT. HERNtA' SPECIALIST 68 Sixth St, Between Oak and Pine its Upstairs. Bota yaonet. Ask or writ for booklet. "A Sens! ble Talk on Rupture and Its Cure." It' free. BILL CHIEF BUST $78,000 for Oriental Fund Thought Sure, However. The Important question aa to whether President Joaeprr H. Youngr-of theHW lines In the northwest In behalf of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle railroad, will duplicate the 375,000 subscription made yesterday by the O.-W. R. & N, company to the 3225,000 guaranty fund for a steamship line from Portland to the Orient, is still unsettled today. President Young has been so busy over the East "Side franchise negotla tlona with the 5irrlman-4lna and the city-council that he has been unable to receive the comralttea which Is raising the fund. He Jlas promisea, nowever, to give the committee a hearing at the ear liest possible moment Members of the .committee reel or- tain that he will duplicate the O.-W. R. & N. subscription. With the great Interests whloh the Hill lloea'now have In Portland and the frandhlaea and privileges they are seeking to aoqulre, it 1s believed Pres ident Younr would hardly do otherwise than. meet the Harrlman. subscription. with one of equal amount One of the conditions of the O.-W. R. & N. subscription Is that the Spokane, Portland & Seattle give alike amount SCHOOLS Aim COLLEGES UNIVERSITY OF Mount BooA Auto Stage Una leaving dntly 7;30 a. m.; returns 4:30 p. m. Haw thorne Garage. 446 Hawthorne avenue, l'hone East 152. Steamer Jesss Harklne for Cam a, Washougal and way landings, dally ex tent Sunday. Leaves Washington atreaf dock at 2 p. m. Eyes Tasted. Glasses Pitted, broken lenses duplicated. Dr. Geo. Hubensteln expert optic! LOCAL SHIPPERS ASKED TO PAY $2 OVERWOUND RATE (Continued From Page One. JURORS SAY LEGETTE TALKED WITH THEM Kept Fruit Uncovered Thf first ar rest under th new ordinance that pro- -ride rhrr-rrtf fmttK rnt rotables aTiouH he covered hy screens and protected from files and vermin, van m.nle thla morning by Addltlunn) Market Inject or J. F. 8inger, and resulted In the con viction of Chin Kay of the Via Kin Lura Grill at 334 North Fourth street. The .r.ttim waa arrested Xiir.iiut-pro vmiB 4 require.! covera, and was flwd $5 in municipal couc thla morning. hi Dr. Ylncent Much Batter Pr 6. R. Vincent of Sherwood, Or , who was pain fully Injured some time sgo at Tlgard when an Oregon Electric train ran Into his auto, has so far recovered from his Injuries that he was sent Some yester day. At first he was believed to be fatally Injured. How Wilbur LeOette Jr., charged with Jury tampering, Is alleged to have at tempted to talk to the Jurors In the breach of promise case of Helen M Qoodev against It II. Thompson Jr. Is being told before Presiding Judge McGinn today, LeGette Is charged with contempt of court" Six Jurors tea tlfied that LeGette talked to thfcm dur ing the trial, suoh conversations being general, but considered having con elderable slRnlf lcuiice In the contempt cuarg. EuKeue Palmer, foreman of the jury that gave the wpnyin 360,000, told Judge McGinn In testimony this morn ing that IyeGette attempted soveral times to talk about the cane. crimination assm&t them our of"F6rt-r--'Tpen""ono occasion, "- said Palmer, S3 Id nt. npir Tavlnr avuu in lavor ui in I'Ufrei nuunu juciio Kiel nun un unci, unoiing ' j mlllmen, they ata facing, a fearful dl- : to trade a piece of real estate, aaklng ll PT. 1 . .1 ,i .1 . . ... L. I . . . k n W A Wlaai anil rvta r- n.uti., ' 'ora'- iney muai ge ineir cinuu faimer lo go iu ma uui i mo dentista Third and Washington i Pro(,uct to th 'fnt ln 0TieT 10 BUr nothing was said of the real estate ' vlvs ln bualness, and yet the cost to matter, testified the witness, but the n. n 71 v.. mnv.A ! them of getting the "cutoff' to market conversation was' switched to th Th. inl,m.i km i .1111 ,.i it i ' Is such Hint they are put at a trenien- breaoh of promise -case. Palmer told .B- V...I ' J, A I " -.1 L-. II. . I. fl-L. . uuu uiDuuioiimf; in Luniiiruuiiii niieii ( ievjaiio nut ivj idik ui iv iiuik i nm they do get It there. ! case was mentioned a moment later, The only solution for -them la a dl-jwheo he was again stopped. As they rect, permanent and Independent steam- left the office, LeUatte again attempted Union Transfer Company, furniture' nP l'ne from Portland to the Orient i to bring up the case. Palmer at- movlng and atoraga Main 241, A-2241-. iand that at the earliest possible mo- i tempted to report the matter to Judge roent tvery month of delay now places j McGinn, but the Judge was busy at the the flour men that much closer to ruin, I timo. Palmer calling him on the tele or In the cases of those geographically ; phone later, telllug what had bap- fltuatea to flo eo, cioeer t tne aeiewn i penerl. tcateo lan dies" is the form ln which they use their flour. Only One Solution. The necessity, then, that the flour man. have a market In the orient Is apparent. But with the freight dls- Department ot MEDICINE TwentT-lxth ftnnni) aiiion oddaim AatnKs f 1Q14 OTTBBICT7LTT1C A course of four yeara- auration, or elarht , months saeh, leading to the degree of Doctor of Medi cine. . - , BBQTJXBZ1SZIBT8 OP ABiaSBZOV A successfully completed four-year high school course-; and, ln addition, one year or coiiege wont, emnracmg Dioiogy, chemistry, physios and a modern, for eign language (preferably German). JUAKU KATOHT TACIUTIEU Ample facilities for practical, technical train ing ln the departments pf anatomy, Physiology, pathology and bacteriology, chemistry and pharmacology under spe cial instructors. CLIKYOAX. ADTABrTAOBS The large city, hospitals, Including Good Samari tan, St Vlncent'e and the Multnomah Ifnspttatr Offer excellent facllltiee for clinical teaching; and the Portland free dispensary la conducted under the aus- the People's Institute, and the Visiting Nufse Assoolatlonr The classes are divided Into small groups, with a view to more Individual instruction, ODDor- tunlty for Internships are offered in the various hospitals at tne time or graaua. uon. Tot catalogue and vartlenlara address Dr. Kenneth A. J. Maekeaale, Bean. Med ical Department university or Oregon, B3fl ana iovajoy its., rortiana, or. Oregon Agricultural College .This graat-Institution opens Its doors for the fall, semester on September 10 Courses of Instruction Include: General agriculture, agronomy, animal husband- ry, dairy husbandry, bacteriology, bot any and plant pathology, poultry hue bandry, horticulture, entomology, veter lneraly science, olvll engineering," elec trtcal engineering, mechanical' engineer ing, mining engineering, highway engin eering, domestlo science, domestto art commerce, forestry, pharmacy, soology, nhitnliilrv. nhvalcs mat hamat teat IT nr. llsh languageanil literature, publlt llteaklng, moMtn anguageerhlatorr. art, arcmtecturelnduetrlal pedagogy, physl- cai education, military science and tac tics and music ' . Catalogue and Illustrated literature mailed free on application. Address Registrar, Oregon Agricultural college. Corvallls, Oregon. School Year Opens September 20 PotateHd, Idaho, has de cided to use bi tulithic pave ment, after in vests gating aU other known kinds. Call at Room 7 00 Journal Bldg. for "Bitu Uthic Whys." McKINtEY; SAID t -"The Httle sariiigs bark in the horns means more for the future of , . . the children of a fara . fly than all the advjice in the world. -It gives them the right start. We have a " neat metal s a v i ban k. beautkzi JuJhdsherrttlecords the money deposited in " it Call, .today and get one of these banks. ' Give it to your boy or girl and let them acquire the sav-' . " " lnga habit. It is the strongest form of busi' ness insurance.- . ' MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Under Government In spection. 4 1 J'-- Founded in 1888. Washmgton and 4th Sts. AMUSEMENTS Foster & Klelser High Grn4e Commercial and Electric East Seventh and East Everett Sts. Bhones Zest 1111 1 B-Oaae. POPTJULB raiOBB HEIUGTWf lhoaeai SSaln X Allia I. TONIGHT 8:15 All This Veek, -Bargain Matinee Wednesdajr ' Bpeclal MaUnae Saturday Cathrine Countiss J3T STTBIgW-A1 n Clyde Fitch's Comedy. The Olrt With the Oreen Xyetv" Bvenlngs, 7Ba 10c, 35c. ISo. Bai Matinee Saturday, (0o, lie. tfext week the comedy, SivorooajT Seats Selllns; for 9agtwnX. Don't Despair Diseases of all mankind have been successfully treated by CONNS Oriental Hei Co. Our wondorful Chi nese medicines eure all diseases. Testi monials are on flla la our office. ' BOS- Vaaison. Cornet TlraV Phone A-4640. J- .a.'Cona Balsa OK Cons San Jose, Cel., Jan, 10. 1311, jCOu To Whom It May Concern: This Is to certify that I suffered from the worst form of female trouble and constipation, accompanied by lung trouble, for the oast five years. Have tried different doctors, but they said there waa no hone for me, but I determined to see Dr. Conn and Dr. Bang of the Oriental Herbarium. Now I can honestly say that I am entirely cured and hlghlv rec ommend their remedies to all aufferers. (Signed) Mrs. Raymond Fontaine, ft St Marys Street; San Jose, Cal. Ooasidrae aAevtSal Br. J. B. Sternberg; has moved to The Journal bldg. A-1371. Main 623. Oo to Sfclpterd's Springs. VL X Ship herd, manager. 100 fceys for Qua M an Jam en Klrby, blacksmith of Alblna, was arrested last '. v BICYCLE PLAYING CARDS " i 18c Limit Two Packs To a Customer TOMORROW ONLY COLUMBIA HARDWARE CO. -4lK-SL-nrVValiinglon- S- Whiteside moved Journal Dr. Balson, dentist, moved Journal I to send all their shipments vl fuget j y. a. TVallta Is the Juror that Re building. ! Bound. How these millers feeL tout Ralte Induced to go to the apartments It and wnat an Independent and r;u- of the Goodava woman. He related how lar steamship line out of 1'oriland , ha became excited over meeting the means to them, was graphically told in woman and blamed LeOette, who gave their own words In The Journal Sunday. ) hlm a gUtement that the Juror waa not One, remarkable feature of theae in-ito blame, for the meeting, terviews was the unanimity with which . ,Th womn testified LeOette et- riour men rrom ail parts oi tne iniana temnted to talk to her uoon numeroua Br. O. bunding. .Kr. Oran carries choice Up e of steam er rugs. Main 3653. Baw Xreta Bnffat, 3d and Alder sts. 3 BOYS PLOT AGAINST . LIFE OF LORD KITCHENER (Cnlted I'rws Lal Wlra.) , Cairo, Aug. 14. Convicted of com plicity In a plot to assassinate Viscount Kitchener, the British agent and consul general In Egypt, three boys today be gan serving sentences of 15 years' Im prisonment. One of,, the youths will spend his term at hard later . , ru-brU Threaten Columbna. T'oll'1-PrM '.VIrkJ I El Fasr Tex . Aug .414 Sit hundred Mexican rebels arrived at ralomaa, op posite Columbus, n m.. today, where they threaten to cross ine line and at tack Americana Troop D of the Third United States revelry arrived at Co lumbus to reinforce the border patrol. Reports received hero cay that 300 rebels were victorious over 200 federals yesterday near OJInaga. Empire from aa far from Portland as OCCMioni calling bar on the telephone Walla Walla and Waltehurg. M ash.. urilll ih, forbade him to do so. She where they have direct railroad connec- , denleJ havln anythlng to do with the tlone with the Sound-agreed that. Port j ,ha b on i M a I kat e m I ii ra I s r I n ritei ts nnes ItUU V RS llltli iita vws i i r.i. ' W 1 fj I. 1 1 AMT8ELMEXT8 and that they preferred to do business T. 1L Garner, another Juror, to'.d ho Missing an Opportunity Opportunity knorks more tlian once to the reader of the "wants." Every day exceptional Investments are offered under the many "-different clasnlflca- tlnns. Hare's one under "Ruslness Chances": "330 Ukea It The best paying restaurant and confectionery on the east alda Average business 338 a day. Phone C-1TS8. B. 1153." This proposition la evidently wwrthy of investigation. It's only one of the many orportunltles that knock every day at the lfor of tha want ad readers. . . . . .. , n V. - Bn,,n. l.u ' nere. out we ...... - r L,0etts had attempted to engage blm Portlands Indifference and deplorable ,n conv,rill,OIl Dout tha flnmUy ... .u . ,v i suspecting he meant to influence the t ,'f-J in rVhfufui. thit ,2 e"" teatlfled LeOette sought to many shipper, would Ilk. to see th. t0 bout th b,u lno steamship line Itself. owned by Portland wa,k'1 wftf' A- ' RilBIlne"' " "vhn,. ' H. II. Uansler, J. A. Schuralnger, V. W. "V? rat. eUarHmlnatlon nn ,' Walker. KTank Walker. W. V. Hall. the Ockley. while mors flagrant th.m ; Fra'llt Oantenbeln and F. Brhl.we were ever before. U not th only dlscrlmlna-. ,!-r J"ror rall'1. ,0 te" rw Ler'Ue . llin trial by attempting to approach them ln conversation. The hearing waa resumed at 3 o'clock this afternoon. PORTLAND ACADEMY Corner of Montgomery and 13th. Of fice hours 9 a. m. to 11 m. Fits boys and girls for college. Graduates an tar on examination Harvard, Princeton, Tale, Bryn Mawr, Maasachusettts In stitute of Technology; on certificate Amherst. Cornell. Williams, Smith, Vas sar." "Welle.Iey, Ooucner, Reed and other collegia and universities of the Pacific coast Wall equipped laboratorlea In chem istry and physics. Field practice ln surveying, uepartmenis in cnarge or college men and women. Classical, scl ent If To, modern language, and commer cial coursea Qymnaalum under skilled director. Track and field athletics. The school includes a thorough primary and grammar acnoou t-aay or accaaa rrom all parte of the city. Catalogue on ap plication. SEATTLE SEMINARY AND COLLEGE A Protestant Bay and Boarding School of Blah Stan ling. A strong faculty of 14 up-to-date In structors. Makes a specialty of collece f reparatory work. Four modem bulld nga. well equipped, situated on a pic turesque campus of 3 acres, near street car linn. Social and moral Influences unexcelled. Special courses given ln foilatc and elocution. 2 1st year opens Sept. 11 For full particulars or cata logue write Alexander Beara, President Senttla. Wash. Coming of the Only Real Big Circus of the Season! Portland, Two Days Only! FrI. & SaU Aug. 16-17 OBOUSTBS UTK ABD BAIBIOH Artist Locates Here Another Celebrity Added to Local Hu sleel Circles. "OWL CAR" SERVICE ORDINANCE PASSED; N. W. CO. GETS BOOST fContlnued From Pare One ) Among the many siles of fine pianos ma'le yeeterday In th Hed - French Piano company's closing out a-ile. w ns nmon.lment bv Jennlnrs. rovrrtnv nr.c. a superb Knabe Paby Gran.l. in fam 1( t ; tlcully tha same ground as that Included In th. Joy amendment, but more con els, was adopted. An amendment by Paly, Intended to further safeguard the city agaJnst a monopoly on the lght and power sit uation, was adopted. Tble amendment provide not only that the Northwestern ahull not sell out to any other concern In the same Mnn of hualneaa, but also Last Few Days Of Jimmy Dunn's clean up sale on men's suits. Fall goods striving almost very day. Take elevator and save on the high rent proflta No hot air, no buncombe. Beat valnee ln the city. Room 313 Oregoulan Bldg. mahogany, which waa selected by Mmo. Inei Carual, the eminent harpist and pianist of New York city. Mme. Carnal, who le recognised aa one of the most prominent Instrumental teachers ln the United State, in addi tion to being a oompoeer of promln enoe, baa decided to make her home ln this city. Tha Red-French Tlano company's that the Northwestern comnanv shall closing out sale fr nign grade pianos, ,,, t,y purchase or otherw ise acuulra any other rnnr.rn In the same line of btihlins. TUis fisture bad been over lookel, Pally ald. In previous consider- Safe Deposit Vaults Private, boxes 11 SO and upwards per )rr. Fir. apd burster proof vaults for storage, parkaafs, suit cases, etc. Cham ber of Commerce hulldlng. Belicatf'al Trip to aft. Hood Besorta. Auto stage dally. 7 am. 433 Haw thorns are, Donahui A OalUBk 1373. Pabv Grands and player pianos la at trading discriminating buyers from far and near. This firm, who have bean In busi ness In this city for many years, la retiring from the piano business, and la oompelled to dispose of Its mammoth stock withlng three week, for the leaaa expires August 31. Belmont School POB BOTl BBLMOBT. CAT (28 mlla aoatb of Baa rraoelaco.) la trjliig, and a bailees suereaatully trying, rn do for tba moral, tha lotelleeraal and tha phrateat walfara of Its bora wbat tbooclitful parrata moat wtah to have ioaa IVr eatalocaa aadaar ijwtfla Inforaatloa addra. tha haad ma.'.r. W. T. S.14 (UarranJ. Maatar. O, . BHnk (Pomoea), Aaatatant T1& Miitar, BCHOOI. OT TBB PORTLAND ART ASSOCIATION CLAFSES Drawing. Modeling. Life, Portrait, Advanced Painting. Sketch and Illustration, Composition, Design reft Work and Art Jherturas. Also Evening and Children's Classes. Fourth year begins October T. Kit. Studios In the Museum of Art Fifth and Taylor streets. Circular upon application. Special Summer Prices. ' Nights 10cancJ20c Matinees' Any Seat 10c : WBJBK AVOTJ8T II 'Tlavflle BTothare anal "The Baal." BulUvea and Bartllag, Onrry and B41ey, The Bombtaros, Xeona erney, Ten-Ufa notues. oxonaartra. PEOPLE'S THEATRE 4 AT OWXTi-3rTATnr-r r WBDirXBBAY, AVOVST 14 J t3i. rTtODTJCnON-7 : Nat C Goodwin in OLIVER TWIST s sussxa, sooo Playing to standing room only ta all big eastern theatres at opera houae prices, roorxxai Several a4mlaarloa.M....lOe PBJCBB Bo seate.. ........... .SM Mnr , A-iotf aUXHSl avBT BAT ' trlli.IT - ---- - ;'JO.,-fiwkri--.i w v -7- m. . -- ss i. . . r-Ar Egyptian Dim Oregon Humane Society OmCI 1T4 KADIBOB IT. Refer all cruelty calls to thle of flea, KOKSB AXBTXAJfCTB at ABBsTAT.Ta SO0 ' v- attona of the franchise matter, The council waa led little time In paaalng the "owl car" ordinance, which requires an all night car service over some 34 etraatcar routes to the olty and outskirts. The "owl" hours aa da fin ad by the ordinance are from 13:30 In the morning until I o'clock In the morhlng, and It ta provided that dur ing that lima at least one car shall be run on each line Included every hour. The ordinance Is to take effect rteptem hr 1 It la further stipulate.) that artTfirtlfs rww ttl n-ftaTrriur be altered becauae of the new ordinance. Burgard, Menefee and Wallace cast the three votes against tha pas sage of A SPLENDID SCHOOL FOR . YOUNG MtN AND BOYS College, High School end Commerclil Courses. Grammar grades taught to bos oer 10 year.. Columbia University, Bortlaad, Or. Hv. Joseph Uallaghar, C S. C. Write for catalogue MIMES 1 BUSINESS COLLECE ll II Washington anotswt era, II ll atoarrCANO. O.SOOM Li 1ml WHITE FOR CATALOO I lu ( ikmt fmr Tea) in(ho4 Pttitin irtcTacoLAJiy PRODUCTIOHN at ALL TIKI- Cleopatra? U0araaaa-40o Meraee SOO Daaaara aaaser Up eke aaaaaeei IUae sa4 le Ike A Bunlilal Static MAY VIRTH A'JtTTUUM RIDINO MARVtL W1RTH FAMILY OF RIDERS afi 1 Av w, IS ..v 1 Zlsa Baarrer, William Baymore, Tlol Xeeae k Co Pe Witt, Buras aa4 Tor- reaoe, xarry atari oo array aaa Tata ataadaraoaw oeeaxe raaol Billy Korea, usaeeirs jrioauxaa. BaatLtaa eja Ca-- -, the irjUf Wsareia. afatlaee Dally WX1I ATJCrTJBT la The Tout BarS Bro there, Blaoa si Co, Billy Broavd, rra parlal Baaetajf Tour, Wnta eaaoopej Si ira attraotlon, Tha Koratt OraoA Opaiai Oo, ta "ivasaxai wras B ran-, aropa lac prtoee.. Bones and llrst Saov Bal eoay tessivel.. Box offlde opea rresa 10 a. m. to 10 p. xa, Oaraaia lAo, TOS and . Bhoaaa, A-aaiaS, Mala 463a : A MCNAQCRIC OF 100 CAGES 40 ELEPHANTS 30 CAMELS FAMILY OF GIRAFFES 40O PERFORMERS FROM EUROPE it Miuum iikii it ICI0I3TS CHRIS BASEBALL KLIfHAHTS HilhMBifenrAcadaniyi rORTLAXD, OREOOX - i Send lot; Pnatrt4 CatalofTitJ Cspitsl nmtd $3,500,000 MIKADO'S ROYAL JAPANESE ATHLETES Qrwtut Clriii Iibh Ifii Itet tiiiU QPEIFOIIMCES PlIlTatiiilM eaaaa aaa ...a ta. QIC 60-CEHT TICKET I0MITS TO III Lyric Theatre Toeurtt aa4 Stark Streeta, E?thel Davis and the Armstrong fWleg Compsnv la "TABCDfATXirtt IXO" ZOCTRA P.r Basakos, Chajnpdoei Ugkiweight Wreetlar of the World, at every performance will forfeit 326 ta anyone that he can't throw In IS min utes, and ae an extra Inducement will forfeit 390 If Strangler Smith a Lays with him for the same length of time, - sxs rrrs xir rrxriT jababs, TaUUAT. A CO. le. 10 A- M. Sown So wa ticket einpaa, I Clay Ja Co.'s rtaae aiara, pa Was aa ahnr4 at the growmda. c OAICS: ' rOBTXAJTBI QBBAT AJCVBBIUBT VABJC bio BiLX ot rnxn ATT kiOTlOIl Oae-Biaf Clrcaa Funnlaat oaver aw, afternoons and ev.nlnga, .. . Oaks Bark Baad Xvery afteraoon and evealac Tit BDawaliaae Deflalitfnl tntist. elans and aingera. -Every a fur noon, and evening. ..... Bady JJvtaceaoaa, the ska tin g Vaar. Blag rnaraolL th educated horee. Alfred Za, Ckapmaa. the Custer scout in the auditorium. UKSBSATfo BABK tet TemfaUa aad TswatT-foartk tta Los Angeles Ta Portland : Atrotrrr is, u is, is. 17. is. . Qaiw sf w week ekryw p. tn."11 Pnnr- aays iw m. ' XABIxr BAY rBXDAT. Bora ftfidat ll ree ta ; " ' ar. , .....