,(i ( i I - ' . ! . j '!..'. 'j' . ! :r. ' I ' I i i i ' 'i ' i ' m ' , " ' iirvvr Tnr rrnlflnrfTIOXI. Don't forget whn going away en "OT fiction of" far the uiutDtr, that The Journal em follow rou t IS canta weak, tb regular eulnrrllitlun ratM, end tbu fol lowing agenta will topplr t out rg u- Ur rules) V .. - . .', x B? Ocean, 'Or., Bar &'. i Bern Center,'. Waab., W. 0. Colllne, ' Carioa ttprlDge, Yah., " Mineral spring . bold , ' : Collins, Wee., Fred I. Twins. . 0trbirt. Or., 11 n. Q.i h. GHMt i , . llWMa.Wnb.iU. B. Woodruff. I)ng Bcacb." - wak., 1 Lawnnet Dtneee, (Dtllrar? to all twluta on forth Baadb.) Nowport, Or., Olaa'flowarrt. RooHway Beach, Or.. W 11 Una Me. Eemlde. Or.. L.(fr ProobateL (Daarjr to all parts of genalda.) . .j, ' ".HtTlaw. WiiliL F, ft. BtranniVtAl Tillamook:. Or,, J. I. Lamar. ' ATflbolf Berlnga, Or.. K. W. Meteer. v Cuotdly Or.. U. M. Qalaendortef. TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS HEILIO Catherine Counttei In The Girl With the Oreen Eye." COUNCIL CRJE8T High ClaU attrac tions. LTKIC Armstrong Follies, eompeny in "Fascinating Flo." . ORPHEUM--Orpheum circuit vaudeville. THE EMPREK8 Vaudeville. PANTAOES Vaudeville. THB OAKS Amusemenrpark. Weather Conditions. Portland and Vicinity Fair tontgM: Wednesday fair, probably cooler; west erly winds. ' . Oregon Fair tonight) Wednesday fair, warmer east portion, cooler Inte rior northwest portion; westerlywlnds. Washington Fair tonight; Wednee. Jay fafrT warmer east portlonj winds hlftlnsr to westerly. Idaho Fair tonight) Wednesday fair nd warmer. . . i i p ; T. M.-C."JL. Baa Bin BOoWa Port land's great -city university," as It Is galled in th alWpunsament.- wall rep resented In tha annual hooklot Just pub. llshed by the Young Men's Christian Association. The booklet 1 one of the finest that the Y. M. C. A. has printed, containing 80 pages, handsomely ar ranged and illustrated with a great -manv pictures. In designing the book let the Y. M. C. A. secretaries evidently har had in mind the exploitation of Portland, as well as of the association. The double page In the center of the book Is taken up wtthja striking double page panorama of the business district, showing the Y. M. C. A. In the fore ground, Other pictures show typical views of classes In the physical, educa tional, religious and boys departments. Tighter Tlned A fight between Frank Mclntyre and his wife. In which the man struck the woman several blows In the face near their home at Tenth and Hoyt streets Sunday night, resulted In the arrest of both parties by Patrolman Hlrsch on a disorderly conduct charge, and while the two were being brought, to police headquarters the man attacked the woman In the patrol wagon. The man was fined $20. The fine was suspended. The womnn, an old offender, was fined 20, which was not suspended. Frank Purdy, ar rested on Bouth Second street for slap ping a woman in the face, was fined UQ. . : Wilson BUI postponed Senator Jon athan Bourn Jr., In a letter to the Portland Chamber of Commerce, states that action on the Wilson bill has been postponed In response to requests from the chambers of commerce on the Pa Clflo coast find that It will probably bo taken up at the next session of con gress. The Wilson bill provides for an act permitting any person or a collec tor of customs to cause a muster of a crew of an American vessel on short notice, and it Is feared by the chambers and, shipping Interests It could be used lth harmful results If anybody fo personal reasons would delay the sail ing of a vessel. , To Beport Aerial Mail Service A full report ''of .the aeroplane mall, servlca which Aviator Walker Edwards main tained for two days, Saturday and yes terday, between Portland and Vancou ver, Wash'., will be sent to the postof flce department by Postmaster Mer rick at once as requested. Detailed ac counts of the two trips will be recorded showing tha time of the flights, delays and amount of mall carrjotl. Postmas ter Merrlok Is very enthuslastlo over the manner In which Edwards carried out his part of the contract. The number of the route carried by Edwards was offi cially 73,OOL Passengers Express Appreciation President J. D. Farrell of the O.-W. R. ft N. company yesterday received a let ter signed by a large number of passen gers on the O.-W. R; & N. train delayed several days ago by a cloudburst and elide In the,? Burnt River canyon, ex pressing their appreciation of the kind ness and willingness of Conductor James Conner --to 'do1 ' everythtnif ' pos sible for the comfort of the passengers during the long wait of li hours In the canyon. They also congratulate the company on the manner In which the damaged track waa repaired. Male Typewriter Examination The United States civil service commission announces that a male typewriter ex amination will be held at Portland, Au gust 27, to fill several vacancies in the position of male typewriter, entrance aalarr 1850 rer annum, at tha Pticrat aound navy yard. Uremartaiv .Waarv a OFF-TP Noontime and Afternoon Luncheons Business and profes sional men can lunch In comfort at The Portland Grill it's delightfully cool and pleasant here at noontime. A pleasing variety of seasonable foods, and prompt, courteous service. A great many shop pars drop in after noons for a light luncheon and a cup of tea or chocolate, t h u avoiding fa tigue. There's always something tempting on o u r , a fternoon menu. MUslo each evening both before and after theatre; you are ai rways welcome. , TBJQ FOBTLAHO HOTEL, G. jr. xaof mann, Mgr. iTHE knowledge f stenography Js not r qulred for tha typewriter anamination. As considerable dlffloulty has bean ex perienced in securing sufficient llgt bles all qualified wen Are urged to take this examination. .' Application blanks inoVfuU information can be obtained from f the gaoretary . of tha Elaventh elrll srvio distrlot, Poatoffloa bulld nlf, Beattla, "Wasli.. . ivr, " , 'Vaa Barloasly Btumad Mistaking a can of distillate tor water which he tbraw on an open t Ira in a llttla .varnlah plant on tha LJnntoa road resulted In Carl Johnson,' in ; charge of tha plant, being seriously And painfully burned last. night. Johnson, who la In charge of the plant, was boiling, Tarnish ink for tha night ha intended to throw enough watar on tha open flra over which tha varnlah was boiling to extin guish tha blaze, but by mistake, picked up the can ot distillate. Tha blaze flared up, caught' In the kettle of var nlah, burned Johnaon about the hands and face and partially destroyed the little shack where the fire ocourred, The police patrol waa rushed to the scene and the Injured man waa brought to the oity and taken to hla home at lit Ledd avenue. Knife Wlelder Sentenced An unwar ranted attack made last night by Her man Lepleto, of tit North Seventeenth street, on Charles Hurre, Felix Hakanf n and Fred Yance In a saloon at Blxteenth and Savior streets,, in which the three men were cut with a stiletto wielded by Leplsto, resulted In the, arrest at . an early hour this morning of Leplsto on a chargo of assault with a deadly weap on and he waa this morning sentenced to ftO days on the rockplle and fined fSOO. The men were standing at the bar when Leplsto rushed In and, with out .warning, started slashing and cut ting.'' Each of the three man sustained slight wounds. Leplsto escaped from the salbdn, but was arrested, at 4 o'clock thla morning by Patrolman' N. M. Jones at Seventeenth and Overton. The In jured men all lived at Hi North Seven teenth street Bold Unwholesome rood. M". P. Neer, a irwt dtffC at First and Alder street, waa yesterday fined 120 by Judge Taz well on a charge of selling spoiled cantaloupes, his arrest having been brought about through a complaint by Market Inspector Mrs. Sarah Evans. J. A. Henry, a merchant at 208 Front street, was arrested on complaint of J. H. Free, a customer of the place, on a charge of offering unwholesome food for sale, but In court thlB morning Free declared he Intended only to have the man comply with the ordinance and sentence was suspended. Ray Fair chtlds, a meat dealer In the Publlo mar ket, was arrested' on complalnt of IL O. Turkler, on a charge of selling meat unfit for use. His case will be heard tomorrow. Bennlless Girl Given Aid Ruth Ry lander, a recent arrival here from the cast, who has been living at the Nordlca apartments ot Grand avenue and East Morrison street, appealed to Patrolman J, II. Young at 1 o'clock this morning for advice as to where to secure medi cal attention, as her hand was terribly swollen, evidently from poisoning. She was In intense pain. Having no funds, Iho girl was unable to secure the services- of a physician, so the patrolman Befrt-th--ywmg woman te polro-ar head'-t quarters and from there she was taken t? St Vincent's hospital In the Red Cross ambulanoe. Chinese Lawyer In Court Seld Oain, better known as Seld Back Jr., son of Portland's pioneer Chinese merchant, who several years ago was admitted to practice In the Oregon courts, appeared for the first time yesterday in active court practice and secured an acquittal of Jlng Wa, a Chinese doctor, 'who was charged with contributing to the delin quency of a minor. The charges against the man were that he .was attempting to force his attentions on a 16-year-old girl and- had offered her boy companion (50 to enlist his aid. Judge Taxwell dismissed the case. Boom Prowler Arrested John Augus tine who has been employed as a helper about . the Virginia Hill apartments at Fourteenth and Jefferson streets, Who for some time has been under sus picion of being a room prowler In the building, was trapped yesterday by De tectives Heppner and Maloney, and found later with marked money In hla posses sion which ha had taken from a room. Ho was sentenced to 860 days in the county Jail for 'the offense, by Judge Ttuwell this morning. - War Veterans to Hold Banquet Mem ber of Scout Young Camp, Spanish War Veterans, will hold a reunion ban quet tonight in memory of the Four teenth anniversary of the surrender of Manila. The banquet will consist of Spanish dishes and will be served at the cafe of Sergeant Harry Hayes, Fourth and Alder atreeta. Each vet eran who attends the reunion is ex pected to relate &n anecdote of the war, epeeaer nnea a rme or 150 was yesterday assessed against Oscar Clos sett,,nxrested for speeding his auto mobile at a dangerous rate within the fire UmUe,. tie wa-a airettad by Patret man Evans at Twenty-fourth and Keajr ney streets. Evans also arrested A. H. Larson, a chauffeur, for speeding at the rate cf 40 miles an hour on East EJghty-second street between Powell Valley road and Division street "Bh Tooled Him," Be Write "She fooled me all along- and went back on her word at the last minute," wrote Frank J. Kae, 894 East Caruthers street, to the county clerk yesterday In returning a marriage license recently Is sued. The girl was Rhoda Sapp, 836 East Caruthers. The license was taken out Friday. Kane did not ask for the refund of his $3 paid for the license. BeUo Destroyed An old stag coach, which has stood for some time a a rello outside the Hallway Exchange sa loon on Adams street and Holladay ave nue, was last night pulled away from the place, and run over the banks into the railroad yards which completely de molished the coach. The-work was that of hoodlums. It was regarded as a valuable relic. Postal Department Satisfied with au tomatlo telephones In Portland post office and sub-stations. Postmaster Merrick has been advised from the of fice of the postmaster general at Wash ington that the proposal of the Home Telephone & Telegraph Co. of Portland, Or., to continue service In the post office and sub-stations, has been ac cepted. ' '' To Work for Buff raje Mr. Frank Cotter 111, suffrage organizer and work er, leaves today for Astoria, to spend 10 days in the interests of equal suf frage there: " "On her return she will probably go M once to The Dalle to aid In - the work there. Property Owner to Meet A,, meeting of. Morrison street property owiiera will be held tonight at 8:15 in tha nnrlnra -df the' Portland hotel. Business of Im portance will come before the meeting. A full attendance Is desired,-. . To Ship Exhibit The Portland oham ber of commerce will ship thla after noon by the 0.W. R," & N. Co. an ex hibit of horticultural product to the Iowa and Minnesota state fair to be held la the-ntar future. The juhlbU pREGON DAILY JOURNAL will consist of 11 hermetically sealed Ws of tha finest' samples of Oregon fruit, that , for some time have been on display in the chamber's permanent exhibit room, v The railroad company will carrythe shipment trie of charge. Bold Clrarettes to Klnor Frank Poa letti, who" conducts a eigar stand at Seoond and Main streets, waa arrested last night by Sergeant Kay and Patrol man Stewart for selling cigarettes to Joe Andrews, aged 17 years, of 238 Sixth stret.-Th man waa arraigned In pollcefcourt thla morning and fined 120, but Ventence was suspended with the understanding that a second offense would result In another fine, and the revoking of the order suspending this sentence. wlinmlnf Instructor AoOusad Com plalnts have been made to Park Com missioner Carl Stoll that L. B. Beach, swimming Instructor at the peninsula playgrounds, has been guilty of acting Improperly toward young girls who use the swimming pools, Rev. George C Karl and othera have brought the mat ter to the attention of the park: com missioner. The oomplalnta will be in vestigated. Took Peanut Itaohln Alfred and Conrad Peterson, while enjoying an early morning walk, saw a peanut vend ing machine on a building near First and Madison streets and helped them selves to It by tearing It off the wall. Later they ran afoul of Sergeant Bunn, who arrested them on an after hour charge, and this morning both were fined 1100 by Judge Taxwell. Bentence waa suspended, however. The Bowers hotel entrance, Eleventh street, corner Stark. Special rates for week or month. Special Wednesday din ner, 75 cents. Charles H, Rowley, man ager. Moonlight excursion, given by W. O. W. degree team, No, 77, Steamer Mon arch, Salmon street dock. Wedneeday evening. August 14 I p. m. Tickets 60 cent. . ' Steamer Jest 3 Barking for Canvve, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington strett dock at 2 p. m. BatUfUa tha Thirst Rrl-Portek- In case lota By all means take some on your summer outing. Its real rasp berry Juice. 4 Mt. Bood and Bandy Antq Stag foT all resorts. East 1178. Donahue A Bell, East Eighth and Hawthorne, Bave Bdlefsea book your order for ooal and wood now. East tot and East 2S0I. W. A, Wise and associate, painless dentist. Third and Washington. Br. William P. Fleblg, Dentist, Bwetland building, ha returned. 80S Dr. C. T Chamberlain has moved to The Journal bldg. A-H71, Main 62S. Dr. OT. 9. Steraberf hae moved to The Journal bldg. A-H71. Main 633. ra. Craa carries ohoioe Main '8655. line of earner ruga o to Bhlpherd's Springa, a l. ship- manager. NT r. tB. C. Brews, Eye, Ear, Marquam Bew Brats Buffet, Jd and Alder irta Hotel Gearhart By-the-Sea Room for all. Make reservations with A. C. Mitchell, manager, Gearhart, or at 100 V4 Fourth treet , MARSHALL FIELD said: "If you want to succeed, SAVE ! This is true, not so much because of the value of the money which the young man accumu lates, but because of the infinitely greater value of the system and organiza tion which the practice of saving introduces into his life." That's the( thing in a nut shell. Saving money does not only mean "Laying Up" money. It's the sys tem and regularity which the - saving habit fosters that makes for the suc cess of any young man or woman. Start today. Merchants National Bank Under Government Supervision Founded in 1886 Washington and Fourth Streets Tillamook I imnrovlnr hpa. atrftnra thla year with bltuliUilo pavement. Call at Room 700, Journal building, for "Bltullthlo Whys." DON'T FORGET BiTEFSWAY t thoK.IL, Cbnvolw Tblrd uS Tsjlor rt-VTftUy 13 tH M Ja4i4i-, PORTLAND; TUESDAY ENJOY SUNDAY PICNIC Membera of the Portland' court of tha Fpretera of America, their faml Uea and, Jtrlanda, to tha number of ,1000, enjoyed a most successful plonlo at Estacada Sunday. ( The crowd was rv ord breaking for that greunda for this I season,. i ne picnm waa the annual re union of Court Mount Hood No. 1, "Court Oermanla No. B, Court 8candla No. 7, and Court Beaver No. 4. Dancing was enjoyed throughout the afternoon and evening, and at Jl o'clook In the afternoon the following program of athletio events wa held: Tug -of war, won by Mount .Hood court; the ladles' 60 yard race, Edna Johnson first, Mr. Render second; fat men' raoe, 60 yarda, G. Schwab first Fartlg second; ladles eff and spoon race, 60 yards, Edna Johnson first, Mrs. Bushman second; men's sack raoe, 21 yards, D. Slmmona first, Harry Fisher second; boys' three legged race, . 26 yard, won by Chernls and Hebert; girls' peanut and toothpick race, won by Matgarette Farschman; men'a three logged? race, first Rochet and Bingham, seoond, Chernls and Hebert; ladles' raoe for Foresters' wives only.i 60 yards, won by Mrs. Coleman, se0nd, Mrs. Bander; past chief rangers' raoe, 75 yards, Ben pGood Laundry Work Means -Neatness and Comfort Wheri your laundry Work it done by the Troy, you are assured of more than neatness and spotless cleanliness. . t v - - For we're specialists on work that is pleasing to particular people r - w " "Get-Rich-Qdck WafHngford" says thit " clean collar only-costs 2yj 't2hts but the lack of it may lose you a $00 earning." Bat cleanliness is onhjr one of the good points of our worlc the perfection of a-Troy laundered shirt or collar the smoothness of the edges are pleasing indeed to the man who must spend 12 hours of torture in a collar with rough edges. Possibly yotl are Hot yet enlisted among our cus tomers you may have something to learn of real satisfaction if you haven't Let our wagon stop this WeeK for your buncTltf we know it will stop regularly thereafter. East 33 Both Phons-B-61 18 "You Can Depend on the Troy" TROY Laundry Company Phoe East 33 BUSINESS SUGGEST Tiii AND TACOMA IB y-.m. 1 FLIES fefhNww NIGHT-VW Electric-Lighted Steel Coaches Oil-Burning Engines Leave Portland Union Depot 1 1 :00 p. m. Carrying Special Car for Tacoma. Arrive Tacoma 4:45 a. m. Arrive Seattle 6:15 a. m. Remain in Car Until 7:45 a. ni CITY TICKET OFFICE Third. and Washington. Sts. Phont Marshall 4500. The San Francisco & Portland Steamship Co, LARGEST AND NEWEST STEAMERS ON THE COAST Balling 9 a. m., Angust IB, 10. 55, 10 and every five days. BAN FRANCISCO First Class $10 00. 113.00. 111500. Second Class $.0. -LOS ANGELES First Claas !1.R0, $23.P0. $2)Li Second Class 111.. 5. - PACIFlG-MAIL-STEAMSHIP COMPANY Steamer Manchuria, Mongolia, Korea and Slberli Also China, Mie and Perela. . f For Honolulu, Japan, China and Manila' MBXXCO, CZHTXAZ. AKBBICA, BOTTTBC AKBBXCA rASTAaU. CB TBB CAlf AI, IQW SXCTTBSIOB BATXS xicxBitqrTiCji iu tkxxo. mxxrrt r.. . . ygos.jujpai aeoa.. A-xos EVENINO, AUGUST " 3, . 1812 Fisher first, Mr. Woodruff second; mar ried men'a stocking foot raoe, 60 yarda and return, A. Mattley, first, O. T. Ro chat second; misses' race, 60 yards, won by , Margarette Farsohmaa ; men'a raoe, 60 yards and back, J. R, Bingham first, J. Strlemer second; chief rang era race, 75 yarda, won by P. E. Struck) men's Jumping race, won by Dole Har wood;. prize waits, won by Mia Cora Ames and T." A. Merrill. . GOVERNOR WEST MAY AID IN CLEAN UP FIGHT Salem, Or.. Aug. It Governor West is cooperating with Mayor Gilbert of Albany in cleantng out -the Immoral places and "blind pigs" at that plana Before the governor left on his horse back rids across the state he held a conference with Mayor Gilbert and of fered the mayor the use of the militia In cleaning up Albany If the soldiers were needed. Mayor Gilbert thought he could handle the situation, ao plana were made accordingly. , Today Governor West reoelved a let ter from Mayor Gilbert saying several "blind pigs" had been raided and other were moving out and that he thought within a ehort time he could report Al bany to be a "clean" town. ' Governor West also reoelved today an appeal from citizens of Oakland to a aist In handling saloon and gambling conditions at that place. v To help a person to writ a legible hand by holding a pen or penoll cor Phond B-6118 REASONS Owl" to Seattle AND SAVES A DAY mis rect la the purpose of a wire harness for the finger and wrist that a New Jersey man ha patented. a ...... . ... . , Coming of -the Onljr Ral Big Circus of - the Season! Portjand, 1o Days "Only! Frl.& Sat., Aug. 16-171 UJLUUHBB 80TB ABB BAUIXuB M tka QORCOUt IPfCTACULAR PRODUCTIO el ALL 1,250 I Hereee Aspear Usee (lie bnmeees tegee Sad la the Areaal V4jki X Beautiful Scenic EgypTan" MAY VIRTH AUSTRALIAN RIDINQ MARVEL aae rae WIRTH FAMILY OF RIDERS A Mt NAGERIE OF 100 CAGES 40 ELEPHANTS 30 CAMELS FAMILY OF GIRAFFES Qapjtaj Invested $3,500,000 400 PERFORMERS MIKADO'S FROM EUROPE ROYAL tl f MUSTS II IIDERI JAPANESE lit ACI0I1TS SO ClIWNS ATHLETES BASEBALL ELEPHANTS Qfiatoit Circus Himu Eyes tw Bihild 2 PERFORMANCES DULY, 2 ui I P.M. ONE 6 0 - C E "nt'tI C It ETA 0 ITs'tO ALL UI TOT SIW STBBX7 TABxbz, rmiDAT, Ava. lev 10 a. m. Downtown ticks office, Ihermaui, Clay tc Oo.'B rtaao Store. kMun prices as charged at tb ground. OLD RELIABLE Superitr Non-Slip Plates Best of All Tha tmprored non-ally plates either upper 01 lower are guaranteed to he the finest that tt l poslhl to make. We guarantee them. In every oae, to fit perfectly, not to ohafe, not to slip, and to enable you to eat with absolute pleasure. We guarantee plates to equal nature)' own teeth tn their natural ap pearaao. We guarantee every plat In every particular. Plate are made In a number of style and of different material, and may be had as low as I&00- fully guaranteed. GOLD CROWNS Bon't put up with a tooth that 1 too badly decayed to be filled. Our crown operators will crown It with a splendid ga-BT gold or a beontifai natural-loot. Ing poroelaln crown. BXOX OBABB rX ATB8, CBOWBTB, rOBOZlVAZB ABB BBXOOB WOBX AT FOriTXtAB BBICXB -FtftetiiYestwGiraranteeiH1 With AU Wcrk What Our Guarantee Means The Un-hm Palnresr Bentlet 1 tnoori" porated underthe law of the state of Oregon, and the company la responsible for the guaraikee that goes with, all the work that leevee this office. 'This affords the putrjlo absolute protection against Inferior (workmanship and ma terial. I UNION PAINLESS DENTISTS (incorporated) aaiH BTorrlsoa Street, Comer Biret ainttr Corner rhan JiaU Bas Open S?enlnTS. HOTEL STEfflflBT SAM FRAI1GISG0 Geary StreeVabove Unioa Squar Eur opr an Plan S L60 f day up American Plan $3.00 a daj up New eteel amd Wok etreetore. Erery Hd eeavealete. Maderate raUe. Ceotar ef tbeatt aawl retail tfiatrlat, Om It-., l-ul-vl.. all ... aiM. Ilee. trie aaaleue saeets tralae aai aU Oregon Humane Society . 07TXOB 174KABIBOB ST. ' , yxo'n KAxa pwi v?88s Refer all cruelty call to thl afSca, ngzr a"-V: -vr-i Meat V-riwTr--. A t A V-WJKE. MWJ CloopalraWM -.,...-400WVi. VtSfi I 100 DanceraY "'JfMJ&l Ortf saaBannmr-g j. jauL---8rrrr- t fonrt-us rtxcrxs ;, ' - and Tarlor v none ijlain j; JUllU '." . , TONIGHT 8:16 U1 Thlf Week. , 'Bargain Matinee Weneedar ' Special Matinee Saturday Cathrine Countiss In Clyde Fitch' Comedy, , ' Tae Otfl -with the Oreea xy-ef penlngs, Ite. 6O0, 15a, Ho. Bar. gain Matinee Wednesday. Ho, Spe cial Matinee Saturday, 66a, ISe, eat SeUlner fot BnoaMI, Special Summer Prices Nights 10cand20c Matinees I Any Seat 10c waxnc ATJOTJST 13 TraTllle Brothers ana "The SefO," tmillTas and BartUng.i Oorry and Mley, The BomVreioe, Xooa Craexney, Twi-Ught Pic tares, Oseiheatra, PEOPLE'S THEATRE 4 BATS OHXT, gTAJlTnr . liB.000 PEODUCTIOW ' Nat C Goodwin !nT'j OLIVER TWIST 8 BEXXS, 6000 Playing to standing room only in all big. ' eastern theatres at opera house prices. nOYXJmi Qeneral admisatton. M.,..10o nU08 Sox seat....... tHM,lg MAIW 0. A-lOtO 1CATIXXB BTMXT DAT , ,lo-8-B0' aTIQSTS WEXX XHEATRB 15.25-50-75 Elsa Bnagjrer, William Baymora, Tlola Keen Co., 2 Witt, Burn and Tor-i renoe, Harry Sari Crodfrey and Veto. Xenderaon, Oeaare BesLthe young Ce- ; ruaos BUly mogers, the Tlyln? Wearers. OrchMtra, Blotuzs. Ifatlnee Bailv WBBX AUOXTBT 18 The ToUkM, Brothers, Xldon at Co- Billy Broad, Jm-. attraotlour The KoraU OraadOver : Oo, tn "ZBUrdl aras B'Bart.". Poim lar prtoe.. Boms and Tixtt Bow Bel- a. to. to 10 p. in. Cartels t:30, JtU and . rhonea, A-B336 Main 4636. Lyric Theatre Bourth and Btent treeta,- Ethel Davis and the Armstrong TolUes Company In r .- "TAtcraiArriro 1x0" EXTRA Peter Busukon, Chasndon Ughtwelgh WtMttu of the World at every performance will forfeit 2I to anyone .that he can't throw In 14 min utes, and as an extra Inducement wilt forfeit ISO If Strangler Smith sUys with him for the eame length of time, ffy ' Ike OAICS roiTuni OBBAT AJaTUBBMXBT BAVBX IIO 'BIU OB TXtt TV BAOVI OXI OnevBlng Clrou Furmtest v on ever aw. afternoons and evenlnga, Oat Bark Band Brery aftexooon .and evening. The) BawsHan Dellgtitful - musi cians and Blngera. Qrery after noon and evening. XVady Zdvlngstone, the skating bear. Ung rharaoh. th educated bora. Alfred Jt. Chapman, th Caster soout In the auditorium. BICBXATIOB 9AMX - -Corner Tanghn and Twentyonrta ft Los Angelea - , ' tit 7 - A Portland - . Gain begin week days S p. m, Sujm, day t:0 p. m. 7, - . ; &ASXXS BAT TBIAT. fBoy under It free to bleachers Wedne, oar. ,4' MOJ.fl I and honeat of, Barber witlutandg tn teat o( tlm md trafflo. Foster Cl ICU:: East'Bev"-': ' 1 : impress f MeTLMd TaaieriL , TiiJ.iiAJegyi Ml f I : 1 r- .'a iaat 'aWMMMa;l 1 Asphall