The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 13, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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i RATE OF 48S 9D
Strath Steamer Chartered by
; Kerr, Gif ford & Co.; Russian
Ship Mariecheri Coming to
! Load Soon.
i Reaching nearly the BO shilling mark
yiat. ha been predicted in the upward
trend of attain tonnage rates, another
j Btrath' steamer hai' been chartered by
- Kerr, Olffprd & Co., to load wheat here
' of at Puget found for the United Klng
, dom. ' 6he was taken nt a rate1 of 48s
d. t
' Another vessel that iaa been reported
for grain loading hefev or on Puget
aound Is the Russian ship Martachen,
' 2250 tona net. Captain Tornquist, which
was last reported as arriving at Cardiff
n July 8. '
However, as further details -of the
charter have not been made public,
there Is some question In the minds of
local shippers as to whether she has
..beentaken for. wheat or not. By some
i It Is thought that the Marlechen lias
f ten taken for lumber to Australia, as
' aha has been reported as being fixed for
I that purpose by Comyn, Macall & Co. j
i i , m C i , V.
mere witve uccu a uuiuugi vi tjniu
steamers chartered this season for
transporting grain to the United King-"!
i ; dom. while one of that nr-et, the tilt-
-. -clarence, - la under charter to take a
i: flour and grain, cargo from here to the
J " orient All of them are under charter
. I ' to tha United States government to
I bring coal from the Atlantic seaboard
' to Baa Francisco.
The- British steamer Clifford, which
.I " will load lumber here for Australia, is
4 row at Noyo taking on some redwood.
'. She will be due to arrive In the Colum
bia river early Friday morning, accord
ing to advices received In Portland this
... morning.. .:, v Bhe will .load . at Westport,
8t, Helens and Prescott.
'paper' mills at Oregon City and Camas,
I Wash., , will experience considerable
loss on' account of tha necessity althet
of bringing shipments In by sailing ves
sel or tramp ateamer in large iota, or
by steamer to Seattle, thence bjr rail
to destination.
'Tha hop growers of our district will
also notice a difference In the cost of
this commodity. Many thousands of
tons are handled annually and the reo
orde of Portland customs house will
show a considerable difference both out
and In unices a permanent and direct
steamship service Is secured."
Independence Hop Man Says Stesip
era Are) Needed. ,
(Special to The Joarnil.1
Independence, Or., Aug. 11. Mr.
Hlrschberg, president' of the Inde
pendence & Monmouth railroad and ex
tensive "hop producer, declared today
that. In his opinion, there Is immediate
need for a steamship line to the orient
Delay'ln 'establishing the line will
not hurt hop growers, he, said, as most
of the hops produced In this country
ere marketed In New York and London,
but for theljieneflt of farmers, mill
men and lumbermen of the northwest.
he said the urgent need for transports
tlon relief for oriental export business
was apparent. ..
Former oy Scout Leader Pa
roied to Fred Merrill; May
Be Other Charges.
Millers Fear Hardships If Orient
, '' line Is Lost.
I- (Sped! to The Journal.)
. La Grande, Or., Aug. 1 J. Forty per
cent of the expected harvest of 1,000,
00 bushels of wheat in this section
nd tha subsequent products will be cut
; off from a market' if Portland does not
establish a direct line of steamships to
' tha orient, local wheat dealers and mill-
- men declare,- Though flour mills all
over tha northwest In territory trlbu-
tary. to the Columbia river will suffer,
the situation will be particularly hard
on .Unlon, rWallowa, Baker arid other
eastern Oregon counties that do not
. have railroad competition to Portland.
"We" will suffer great losses," said
E. JE. Kiddle, head of a chain offlve
flour mills In Union county, discussing
the situation today.
i 7" "The chief reason why my company
will be ao hard hit Is that we cannot
get Into Tacpma or Seattle at any
' profit. Even though T. B. Wilcox does
secure steamships for himself, it does
' not benefit us any. It costs us 16 cents
barrel to get our flour beyond Port-
. land into, JTacoma land Seattle where
we can reach th oriental lines, but if
Portland doesn't' have steamship trans
portation, and the orient gets 50 per
centCj$our business.
t r enaieion ana nasmngton points
'nave eoal rates to Tacoma and Portr
land, on account of competition, but 'we
do not The id cents I speak of is a
charge in addition, of course, to the
rates frorri here to Portland.
-"We sincerely hops that Portland
comes to the front at once with an
adequate service to the orient. Our
Shipments will soon be ready and-If we
have to go to Seattle with our flour,
the profit is nothing.
xtaiiraaa rates are sucn mat our
A. F. Merrill, chief clerk In the office
of the local United States Inspectors of
hulls and boilers, has gone to fillets,
where he will spend the next three
weeks in fishing.
In tow of the Ocklahama the Port of
Portland EuiE.vtiiJr wallula cams up from
the municipal' drydock at St. Johns to
the Vulcan iron Works last night. She
will have some minor repairs there.
The barkentlne Thomas P. Emlgh has
been shifted from Prescott to Westport,
where she will complete her lumber car
go for Valparaiso. P
After encountering rather- sever
weather both on her last voyage down
the coast and on the up trip, the gas
packet Anvil, Captain Snyder, arrived
at 7:80 this morning from Bandon and
way ports, 8he brought IS passengers
altd 30 tons of freight. Captain Snyder
said they, had southeast winds going
down last trip and northwest winds on
this trip up.
It Is reported that tha independent
Columbia river pilots may drop their
tonnage rate of 1 cent per net registered
ton and una only tha rate of t2 per draft
foot on foreign vessels if they do not
get sufficient business otherwise.
A New York corporation Is said to
have offered to enter Into a year's con
tract with Portland mills If the latter
agree to furnish 2,000,000 feet dally, or
even They also agree. It Is
said, to furnish tha vessels to transport
ine cargoes.
Pleading guilty to a charge cf con-1
trtbutlng to tha delinquency of a minor.
w II. unsay 'was yesterday paroled
b&Judga McGinn to Fred Merrill, who
Is . interested in the Twelve-mile road
house, where Lindsay waa formerly em
ployed. Lindsay Is now at the road
house, under order of tha court to re
port regularly to Chief Probation Of
ficer White, Judge MoOlnn sentenced
Lindsay to ona year, but after giving
him a stinging lecture paroled him to
While employed at tha road house.
Lindsay was ostensibly much Interested
In the welfare of young boys, and he I
was active as a leaner in tn Boy Boout
movement. At the time of General
Baden Powell's visit to Portland, Lind
say was much In evidence at tha ao
tlvltlcs of the Scouts planned In honor
of the gsneral'a visits.
Chief Probation Offlcar Whit said I
this morning that Lindsay bad applied
for an appointment aa a deputy pro
bation officer, but that the appointment
had been refused him. He persevered
with his application,, however, visited
the sheriffs offleaaCncl was finally
ma A a a rlamifv w4 t 1 f aI tt4irllAcw
"It would do no gOod to iend suchTa!
man as Lindsay to Jail," " said Judge
McGinn this morning., "Ths only proper
thing to do with suci persons as ha' is
would be to sentence him tov the oper
ating table, for the surgeons ara the
only ones who -could give htm proper
treatment Our laws, however, do not
admit of such procedure."
"There hss been much unfavorable
comment because of the parole to a
road house of such a fellow as Lind
say," said Chief Probation Offlcar
Whit. "There have been other com-
plalnte made to us by parents of boys
who were victims of Lindsay's pernic
ious practices, and further charges
against him may te Instituted."
Astoria, Aug. 13. Sailed at 6 a m
Steamer Temnle K. Dorr, for Oravs
Harbor,- Arrived at a and left up at
11:30 a. m. Steamer Daisy Freeman,
irom isan r rancisco. eauea at 3 a. m
Steamer Lyra, for Sallna Crus, via
Pan rranclsco. Arrived at 10 and left
up at 10U5 a. m. Steamer Rainier,
from San Francisco.
Kan Pedro. Aug. 12. Arrived Steam-
er Koanoke. from rortland.
Seattle, Aug. 12 Arrived British
steamer Hazel Dollar, from Portland,
for Manila.
San Francisco. Aug. 12. Arrived at
2 b. m. Steamer Beaver, from San
fedro: at 11 d. m. Steamer Ypllow
stone, from Columbia river. Arrived and
sailed at 8 p. m Steamer Willamette,
from Portland, via Grays Harbor, for
Ban reiiro. - f-
Astoria, Aug. 12. Sailed at 6:30 p,
m Steamer Hornt for San Francisco.
Astoria, Aug. 13. Condition at the
mouth of the river at 8 a. m. Weather
clear wind north, 1 mile, sea smooth.
iiaes at Astoria Wednesday: High
water 1:22 a. m., 9.3 feet; 2.1 p. m..
o.i icei. low water :u a, m..
feet; 8:24 p. m.. 1.6 feet
Da to Arrive.
Str. Beaver, San Pedro Aug. 18
Ptr. Breakwater, Coos Bay Aug. 16
Str. Roanoke, San Pedro Aug. ,18
Gas str. Anvil, Bandon Aug. 20
Str. Bear, San Francisco ....Aug. 2
nir. finance, ;;ureKa
arnateii anil tn tart nnltr nrii 11- Geo. W. Elder. San Dlero An '5(t
the orient Now If we are to be shut out ?tr' Rose CiXy' 6an Pedro Au- 26
from there through excessive freight ! Dn DPrt.
rates In reaching a deep sea port thatlTRl' Am- Ban Fran Aug. 14
calWhandle our shipments, where will tr- -more, Jlllamook Aug. 14
we- get off?'
'Gas otr. Anvil. Bandon.
Aug. 14
g mills In the county and handles for' Ptr. Rose City San Pedro Aug 15 called tp
a company iSper cent or thereabouts ; Harvard. Am. ss.. San Fran. ... .Aug. 15 ttieV coir
. OX th entire wheat crop, he is not alone
In his view of the situation.
' W. 8. Allinson, head of one of the
7. Btibsldlary companies, tak;s an equal! '
.discouraged view of the "situation. He
cava he has great faith, however, that
Portland will put In an adpquate ori
ental service, or at least reestablish a
aervlce aa good as that which Is to be
Matbew Turner to Take Cargo
Auckland, New Zealand.
In tow of the steamer Monarch.
iarnw-Ttirneir".cama'Tio to
-tha Portland Lumber company's mills
this morning to load a cargo of lum
ber for Auckland, New Zealand. On the
Way, up tha river the Turner was taken
into the shipyards at St. Helens yes-
Str. Breakwater, Coos Bay Aug. 18
Ftr. Bear, San Pedro Aug. 20
nr. neaver, can reciro. t Aug 0
Itr. Roanoke. San Diego. ... . ..Aug.2l
Teasels In rort.
Amaranth, Am. bkin Astoria
Boston, u. . (Stream
La Perouse, Fr. sh Ralnl-
Nethernark, Br. sr. Port. Lumbr Co
Thos. P. Emlgh, Am, lktn ?tvstport
Rose City : Alnsworth
Grain Tonnare En Jsone.
Altalr, Br. bk. ..Tcallao
Boadlcea. Br. ship MontAvMon
to!,?uard-,Pelftllle- Ft bk Rotterdam
feUbek. Ger. bk , . .St. Rosalia
.v u,dor.a' BDr bk, .Honolulu
tho Galgate. Br. hk ...St. Rosalia
iren de We'rier. Fr. bk Newcastle
H. Hackfeld. Ger, bk ..Honolulu
Harlev. Br. Homr,
I Hera. Ger bk.... .'.Callao
, Hougomont, Br. bk .". . .Iquioue
Dek, uer. bk St. Rnsnlti
Wealthy Widow Hasn't Been
Seen Since She Left Min
neapolis Week Ago.
I : h ft J
O-'l , I
? v ' J J
Ta'ytnL I
;f 4 j- - I
' t"V V
ffl . Is
I A3 1-
'H L
T'ttiiHJ M' t..7t 3au.!7.e..k V- -t .V : ::-
Cost Between $2,500,000 and
$3,000,OOQ; ,Wou!d Drain
30,000 Lots.
" .. a, ft t
1M ' ', 4 HkV. ' l- . j -
The plan of City Engineer Hurlburt
to sewer the peninsula at ' a cost of
frorn$3,50&i000 to 13,000.000 was ap
prover oy (property owners in mass
moetlng at Thlel's hall on Killings
worth avenu last night
Drainage would thus be supplied for
a district covering some 6S00 ' acres
with, over 80,000 lota at an Improvement
cost or 180 to iioo a lot A Una drawn
from tha Intersection of Xllllngsworm
avenue and Willamette boulevard to the
intersection of Fremont and Forty-seo
ona street gives, approximately the
south boundary of tha district The
twest- boundary-Ja" Bf.Johh ahd'the
east boundary 1s Bast Forty-second
street Vernon, Woodlawn, Piedmont,
walnut park. North Alblna and the
peninsula generally are Included.
A . sewer system, it Is pointed out is
badly needed -In thla district which is
unlikfc-any other Of the city, in that It
bordera on no water Into , which th
eewer might be emotled. CltT Attomev
Pjant Jflven eh oplBloiVowever,'
umi w cuy nas tna right to condemn
property outside tha corporat limits
neeaea ror such a DUrDosa.
The city engineer proposed that the
Columbia slough be utilized for some
three outfalls of tha proposed new1 sewer
system, to -nt It for the purpose con
siderable dredging and widening would
need ba performed. Th point of inflow
from the Columbia river would be deep
ened. A navigable channel of rniuMnr.
able valu would ba an Incidental result
or mis worn. The city engineer declared
last night that he could submit com.
plet detail plans for th entire irtttm
within 60 to 80 dava.
A resolution was adopted asking the
legislature to Include the rninmhtn
slough as part of th Port of Portland
district. Another resolution rating linnn
menijs lor rail connections over the
Broadway bridge before the span shall
be completed so that trafflo will not
need be delayed or poured Into a muddy
street as was "the case with the east
approach of th new railroad bridge.
Last night's meeting was held under
the auspices of the North Portland
CommerclaWlub. The regular meeting
of ttufTRTV'wIU be held this evening In
Kenton. Further meetings to consider
the sewer project are to be called.
(rnlted Pwsi ttsd Win.)
Long Beach. Cah, Aug. J3. Th
whereabouts of Mrs. C, H. Akeley, the
widow of a millionaire lumberman of
Minneapolis, who died recently, Is caus
ing much worry today to her friends
and relatives here.
Mrs. Akoley was reported a week ago
ta have, left Minneapolis for Long
Beach. Her friends explain her silence
by saying that eh probably Is In San
Francisco, where she, will remain until
a settlement is Vi!Tof an alleged dis
pute regarding twfcdlvlslon of her hus-
Dand s estate.
A bok sent her ffom Minneapolis by
express and which Is bellerved to contain
valuable securities of the Akeley estate j
is being held by a bsnk pending the
woman a arrival. ,
"-Copyright by Paul Thompson.
Janet Scudder, Helen 1'ears and
Evelyn Longman, who are among
the many American women whd
have won fame In art These three
have been successful in a line that
seems at first glance to be the
work of a man. Miss Scudder haa
been, long prominent In Paris be
cause of her remarkable produc
tions; Helen Mears lives in New
York with her sister, a well
known writer ; her work Is of a
delicate nature; Mies Longman la
probably the best known woman
sculptor In the United States.
0,000 JAM RI
Califbrnians Hail Governor as
' Progressive ' Nominee for
" President In 1916; Prepares
for Stumping Campaign.
(nnlted Nn tn Vln.)
Ban Francisco, Aug. 13. Makina
preparations today, for his stumnln
campaign In th Interests of the progressive-national
ticket, Governor Hi
ram" Jonnson of California, progressive
nominee for th vice presidency, Is en
thusiastic over the welcome accorded
him at Dreamland rink last night
-Mora-than. JOJ)Moaraainm.tjrmuJ Ah
doors, crowding it to capacity. Four
thousand more, unable to fat ' insldy
waved bandanas and small Amerioen .
flags,-clamoring, for seats. Tha doors
or tn National tneaire, adjoining ui
rink, war finally thrown open to ao.
commodate th overflow. ' ' ' , - r
When Johnson stepped on the.plafc
form th great crowd rose s ona man.
and th building shook with their . cheers
and the bull, moose call, Womn wore
bandanas instead of bats; men waved
them and threw them In tha air. For
flv minutes the cheering1 continued, In
termingled with the "boo" of the bull
4 Hm-AAiM - 4 UI..M it
In his speech Johnson made no at
tempt to analyse th planks of the pro
gresslve platform. II said that th
platform, waa t best - described by th
word that it was built for humanity's
uplift and not for any party's contlnu
atlon in power. , ' .
nnlUd Pnia Lea Wlr.
' SH Louis, Mo.; Aug. 13-Wben th
Populists' national convention met her
today it waa announced that the party
would not put a ticket of its ewn in th
field. It was believed either Colonel
Roosevelt the Progressive nominee, or
(InvirnAr VvUaAn th nmnfntln tifim. I
lnee, would b Indorsed, -v
The Stenographer's Equal Suffrage
league, organized by the State Equal
Suffrage association to represent sten
ographers, met last night In the rooms
of the State " Central Suffrage head
quarters In the Selling building. In the
absence of the president Mrs. A. L.
Gardiner, First Vice President Mrs. Au
rella Taylor presided.
The object of the organisation Is to
train women for a mora intelligent use
of the ballot, and to raise the stenogra
phers' profession to higher standards of
excellence, and aa a general help to the
members through mutual benefit em
ployment exchangee. The next meeting
or .the league, will be held at 8 o'clock
Monday, August 23, In room 61 Belling
Some young women suffragists got
hold of King Pharaoh, the educated
horse at the Oaks amusement park Sat
urday afternoon. They must have con-
There was ho quorum af the special hng the balance of the day hie horsey
or xne juoiciary committee, majesty Inclined strongly to suffrage,
consider the Daly publlo utll- . King waa decked out with badeea and
ommlsslon ordinance this morn- he spelled out suffraas araumenta un-
Jersbek, Ger. bk.
. .St. Rosalia
terday afternoon and had one of her ! Jolnvllle, Fr. bk... Antofogasta
masts taken out To svold loss of time 5i"arny' Br: bk ' Callao
I Metropolis. ..r. bk.
the Turner will load lumber here until
;her new mast Is made, when she will
go down to St. Helena and have it
Th Japanese steamer Hokuto Maru,
which has been loading for China the
past week at the Inman-Poulsen mills,
waa towed down through the bridges
to th St Johns mills last night by the
Port of Portland towboat Ocklahama.
Olson & Mahony Steamship Com-
pany Has Many Vessels Coming.
there will
port from
uuring the present wpek
be a nuinb'er of vessels In
Sen Francisco for the nnn je, rw..H kUIOn. A. ch.
fiteamshln rn, ? ittnew Turner,
' -K'J, B'VUIUIIlg
vices received by I. W. V. Brown, local
agent and the first of them win be
du to arrive up tonight. She is the
Steamer Daisy Freeman and she has a
full cargo of cement The steamers
AureHa . and Rainier will be due -. to
morrow with cement cargoes, and the
; L. ;Vand win be due
Saturday with cement and general merchandise:'
Great Territory Loses byi the Poor
.'Oriental Service?
Oregon City, Or , Aug. 12. B. T. Mc-
Balrpreident of the Commercial club
-r Oregon aty, an organization repre
entlBf th whole of Clackamas county
" Said today that not only Portland, Clack-.-,,
amas county and the entire' Willamette
valley are being damaged by the Inade
quate steamship service from Portland
'to oriental ports, but that the whole
vO Oregon and southern Washington will
feel tha effects.
" "' WpftSr-freopTe; fllrefflyrWt
im injured by tha loss of th Import
buslnesa," said ,'.Mf. McBaln, "the large
rnaatifacturlng concerns, particularly the
. . .Antwem
Ossa. Oer ship. Coqulmbo
Fi. ... Rickmers. Oer. bk Hlogo
navenniu. jar. ship..... Callao
Thiers, Fr ship. .... : ... .Newcastle. E.
alerle. Nor. bk Callao
Miscellaneous Foreign to Arrive.
Arabien. Dan. str Antwerp
-Balboa Am. sch. r Iouique
Bangor. Nor.. str London
Bay of Biscay Br. ship Callao
Cavour. Peru bk fallao
Clan Maclver Br. str San Diego
Drummulr. Br. shjp San Francisco
Lilc. Am. sch Honolulu
Lxpanslori. Ath snh Valparaiso
Wankmount. Br. str victoria
f,; E: Billings. Am. sch Sydney, ui.Bii YOKOhnm
AH! HCh .,J6t Dna.ll.
Nethernorl ' cj'aa n. .
y: " i, ' cl .-.pat' rrancisco
Oswostry. Br. str. .rrrSnn Francisco
Bn'.nsel Maru, Jap. str Otaru
i??&.F0T--r?tT- I' 6an Francisco
Strathnalrn. Br. str San Francisco
Jcnnachar, Br. str Honolulu
Wnv H. ISmlth. Am. sch ... Vrnnnlnl,,
AstorWAua. 6. Arrived at R anil laft
Daily RivfrTteadlngfl.
ing, but Chairman Joy, tha only mem.
ber present, ordered the measure sub
IrnltteS to the city attorney for an opln
ion, with instructions that the opinion..
be filed as soon as possible.
President Dan Kellaher of th East
Slide Business Men's club and Council
man Daly spoke In behajf of the pro
posed ordinance, declaring It to be one
of the most Important bits of pfospeot
Ive legislation that has com before
the council In recent years.
"We want the council to act on the
ordinance without delay," said Presi
dent Kellaher, ''as If it Is not passed
we will carry the Issue before the peo
ple at the coming speclsl election tb be
held in November.
"The so-called Malarkey publlo serv
ice commission bill, which will be voted
on by the people this fall, Is a Joke,
and we want a measure that will reg
ulate corporations Instead of protecting
them end perpetuating them. The Ma
larkey bill supposedly waa copied from
the Wisconsin publlo utilities law, but
everything In the Wisconsin bill that
would have benefited the publlo of
Oregon was eliminated from th Ma
larkey measure."
It was the opinion expressed by Coun
cilman Daly, former Deputy City At
torney W. C. Benbow and President Kel
laher that the Daly ordinance can be
legally passed by the council and that
It will absolutory regulate corporations.
(United Pre Leased Wire.)
Tokio, Aug. 18. Prince Katsura, who
was recently In Russia for the purpose
of effecting a better understanding be
tween that country and Japan, was
officially appointed today keeper of the
privy seal and grand chamberlain.
Journal Want Ads bring results.
Medicinal Sllimtblaitts
You know the prescription, "A hot whiskey at the right
time," will avert a chill, or in case of faintness or falling off
of appetite a small, glass of wine will revive. These big
reductions will hold good all this week.
Reg. Spec
Gllka Klmmel $1.60 $1.88
Crem De Month. ....... 3.00 ' XX
Apricot Liquor 1JJ 1.79
Cream Ry 4s 1.00 .89
Hous of Lords Scotch.. 1.28 1.0$
Halg A Halg Scotch B-etar 1.16 1.88
Dewars Special Scotch... 1.88 1.10
Dewars. Special, Extra.. 1.85 1.19
King Wbr. V. O. P !.00 1.78
Bushmills 1.75 1.48
D Kuyper Gin 1.50 1.80
Plymouth din 1.85 1.11
Burke's Oln 1.26 1.08
La Grande Marque Bran
dy, Imported 1.00 1.4T
Hennessy Brandy, im
ported a 1J5 1.T6
Burkes' Rum 1.15 L18
Imperador Port imported 1
Spanish 8.00 1.88
Don Carlos Sherry, im
ported Spanish 1.60 1.17
N. & P. Vermouth 75 .68
Chazalett Vermouth 75 - .69
C. & P. Vermouth 76 .69
Old Keller 6s... 1.18 .98
Cloverdale Ry or Bour
bon 4s 1.26 .98
Shaw's Malr ., . . . j. . t ,. 1.00 ,83
Monogram No. 8 $.25 1.89
Hermitage Bourbon, 1889,
6s 2.80 2.18
Baltimore Hunter 6s....'. 1.00 .94
Canadian (Club ts. ....... 1.25 1.17
At her ton 6s. 1.00 .81
Mampe Klmmel ......... 1.50 1.28 !
tern a -
Dubonnet $1.16
KIrschWasser ' .. . .. 1.09
Crem de Menthe 1.26
Creme de Month .76
Golden Star Spk. Win.. 28
Imported Ban-
. 1 ....... 1. 6 9
Maraschino 2.25
Guckenhelmer Ry 4s.... 1.00
Bunny brook . 1.28
Watson's No. 10 Scotch.. 1.60
Black and White Scotch.. 1.25
Clan Mackenzie ', 2.00
Crawford 10-year 2.00
Crawford 20-year ........ 2.50
Burke's Irish ............ 1.26
Geneva Gin 1.60
A. V. H. Oln 1.75
English Old Tom Oln.... L25
Gordon Sloe Gin 1.1 1
LeRoy, Brandy, Imported. 1.50
Martell Brandy, Imported. 1.85
London Dock Port Span
ish 1.60
Cervera Shrry, imported
Spanish 1.50
M. & R, Vermouth 75
Cinsano Vermouth 75
Old Crow 6-yar........ 125
Her Malt 1.00
Hunter Ry, 8-year, old
4s t
1 1-0
' Ll
115 1.05
Hunter Rye,
6 .
8-year, old
Hermitage Ry 6s....
Old Taylor 4s..... 1.15
Seagrams Rye 6s 1.25
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
LewJston ,,
Rlparia . .
Umatilla . .
Albany . . .
Ralem . . ..
Portland . .
3 OK F3'
2 H. g-g-
q a
24 ....,....
30 8.4 0.6 0
25 8.6 0.1 0
16 0.0--0.1 0
20 1.6 0 0
20 0.8 0 0
87 2.8 0.8 0
16 7.1 0.3 0
River rising: ( ) River falling.
Because economy of fuel cnnnnmntin
la teamaUipa-,ft FeqttreiMh w or
w.i.ju.ndtt.uf coal be mixed, an. Eng
lishman has invented a coalinfr-shartre
tllat mixes coaj as it delivers It Into a
unker. 'A - i
Miss Blanche Delury of 286 Fifth
street, was slightly Injured last night
at Fourth, end Morrison streets when
she was struck by an automobile driven
by George Wilson, a street contractor.
Th accident occurred at 11:40 o'clock
and Patroirhan Gouldstona, who was on
his way. to. police station, witnessed the
accident Gouldstone pursued the man
to Seventh and Morrison streets before
he could capture him, but as th woman
did not care to make complaint no ar
rest was made. .
til the crowd, almost-became converted
entirely. Lady Livingston, being a fe
male, was, of course, a suffragist and
skated in a jklrt composed of 'Vote-for-
women banners.
Suffrage caused everything to be con
densed in the afternoon. Then the suf
fragists stayed for the evening and
mad the night performance epic. It
was long after midnight before the last
launch tooted away and the last car
pulled out of the mew- depot-that has
been built at the park tb handle big
crowds faster. -
Alfred Chapman, the Custer "scout,"
and George Ash, the Mexican revolution
ist, were features of the new bill and
proved a "ttrrtque attraction; Punch and
Judy won their way to th hearts of
the children, while swimming and boat
ing helpedeveryona to cool off."
(United !ies Ltm! Wlre.1
Washington, Aug. 18. That American
lives and property are threatened by the
firing across ma International boundary
of Mexican rebels concentrated at
Juarez, was the meVage received her
today by the state department from Col
onel Steever, commanding the United
btates troops at El Paso.
Steever denied reports that a force of
rebels had crossed into Arizona.
7 Nothing wishy
intensely Good
... . . ., m
Winners In the Star theatre's baby
contest were announced last night fol
lowing the final count of votes. The
babiea winning were: ,
Ruby Vetsch, first- prise. $25, 14,625
Gennl Bell, second prise, $15, 12,250
votes. .
-Capltola Beatrix. Rotav, third prlte.
$10. 6525 votes.
The pi-jMW b. ewerdrd -fronrtrie
stage of the Btar theatre Friday night.
The mother of each of the' -prize win
ners will be presented with a roll of
motion picture film showing ber -child,
SPENT $27,000 fN
Washington, Aug. 13. Testifying be
fore Ve aenate campaign contribution
Investigating committee here today,
Congressman Lloyd of Missouri, former
chairman and treasurer of the Demo
cratic congressional committee, told of
the fund raised for the congressional
campaign In Missouri In 1908. He de
clared that a fund of $27,645 waa raised,
and that all thla money was spent ex
cept $1,13. '
1 ,11-
. Saskatoon, Sask., Aug. IS. While an
AmertcarTnrctiff'wffrTjaradlfig' Here this
morning a squad df Northwest mounted
police and a party of citizens compelled
the circus management to take down all
the. American flags they were 'flying.'
From the first "sip to the last
drop and a fie rwa r ds it
just takesvf right hold and
pleases satisfies cools.
Free Our new bcklet tcilingof ' - . ' '""'JJt .av ' ff
Coca-Cola vindication at r - ISfe if - T f I
ChattanooM, for the Mkinr. Ji . ' ' v-?y 1 I
f X ' v ..... . aSM.- . 'S .0-S. 1
Cola. X V ;
Demand-the Genuine as made by
you ie
Arrow thi
of Coc
.. A