The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 12, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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imiS: aiSOHT gTBBCarpTIOlT. ...
Dn't torget whea gotaf away as jejf
recatloa or for the sumsier. that The
Journal eu follew x at 1ft centa mtt
'the regular euberrlptlon rates, and tse fol
lowing agent will enpply ion at oar regu
lar rtee:
Bay Ocean. Or.,? Bay Oceaa hotel.
BeechjjCenter, Wab.. VI. 0. Collin.
. CaraoikHaclugB, Waaa., Mineral Springs
S Mii: ' ' ' : -
Collina. W.?.. Fred A. Tonnr.
Gearhart. OrMr. 0, h, Elliott.
vHn W..hVJI R Woodruff.
(Deli-ery to all potnte on Nortk Beach.)
newport. or., u leu uowara. - ,
Rockaway Beach, Or., Wllklns Blee.
. Beaeide. Or.. Leeti ProebitaL Dellretr
tS all part nr Beaaide.),
Bee-lew, Week.. F.-E: BtraafaaL
Tillamook. Or.. J. 8. Lattir.
j Wllhott 8rvrln(t. Or.. S. W, WeLeara. rrni
- Caecaoia, or. u. at. ueiaeuaorrer.
HEILIG--Cathertne Counties in. "The
- tions. 4
l-VRI&Armstrong Follies company In
-I'Fasolnatlng Flei- r M
ORPHEUM Orpheum circuit vaudeville,
THE EMPRESS Vaudeville.
PANTAGES Vaudeville.
THE OAKS Amusement park. ,
Weather Conditions.
Portland and vicinity: Falr-tonlght.
Tuesday fair and warmer. Northeast
erly winds. -
Oregon and Washington: Fair tonight
Tuesday fair and warmer, Northeast
erly winds. . .
and warmer. ' , . .
Man Mtna . Stop ' ipeadlne Ooixu An
order restraining J. Forsiof from spend
ing hl money was Issued thla rnornlng
from the circuit court Mrs. Forsiof
asked for this order, setting- forth that
her husband has deserted her, and la
spending his money. In riotous living.
The wife was deserted with a babe of
one month, and two other small chil
dren, liv signing the order, Judge Mc
Ginn said that If the money belonged
to the man, he had a right to do what
ever he chose with it, but the court
would grant a temporary order for the
protection of the- woman. . Forsiof wal
given a judgment of $2200 against the
treet railway company for an injury.
He spent a large part of this amount
on a trip to Sweden, while the wife was
practically penniless. She has started
suit for a divorce, and asks that the
money be conserve until the decree la
tel Clerks Hike, In order to talk
illlgently to guests concerning the
o Mount Hood from Portland, sev
eral clerks of the leading hotels of thla
city recently made the Journey to Mount
Hood, and acquainted themselves with
the route, and the principal points en
route. This ts the first of a series of
trips that will be made from this point
Leavln g Portland on the 0-V. R. & N.
line they reached Hood River, where an
automobile took them to Cloud Cap Inn.
The rest of thai Journey was made on
foot." The Mule party climbed to the
raummlt whero several hours were spent.
Among those who made the trip were
Robs Flnne'gan, of the Multnomah;' P. A.
Layiian, of tho 8eward; U M. nodby, of
-tho Imperial, and WUUara West, of the
romana. -
Oleeton on Vacation. County Judge
Cleeton is on vacation. He was gone
last week, and will bo away until next
Saturday. All county probate business
la handled by the circuit court.'The law
TOowsThls court to haqaleTp'ro'B'tti meil
ters in tho absence of the county judge.
Before leaving. Judge Cleeton made no
arrangements with the presiding judge
to handle this work. When a probata
matter .was brought before Judge Mc
Ginn thlH morning he said he had no ob
jection to taking care of it, but fie
thought the county Judge should have
left some word with the circuit court
to tills effect '
lowan Bobbed A. H. Llnnenburger, a
tourist from Keokuk, Iowa, has reported
to the polico that while he was asleep
last night in the Arlington hotel, some
one entered his room and stole his
money, $100 In all end a ticket back to
ylowa. The man has not been left pen
niless and has appealed to the police to
apslst him in getting" "back, at least his
XTew! Terk Btate Boolety Meeting.
Tho New Yorlc State society of Oregon
will hold Us regular monthly meeting
)jeveniii ana itmnui uirepia. ah new
Yorkers-are cordinlly Invited. Tho so
'cirty will hold a moonlight excursion on
the steamer JCellogg Tuesday evening,
August 27. Llda M. O'Brjon Is presi
dent. Bulletins of interest Senator Jona
than Bourne Jr. has for distribution a
number of copies of bulletins Issued by
the bureau 6t mines and of particular
Interest to managers of, power plants,
coal mines, metal mines or quarries, and
he will be 'glad, upon application, to
send a copy to any person Interested
. A
Hotel Multnomah. Before engaging
rooms elsewhere or looking at apart
ments or flats, allow us to slow you
rooms and quote attractive prices for
the fall and winter months. Our rooms
are large and specially adapted for per
manent guests. IL U. Bowers, manager.
Dr., Drake to Talk; Dr. Emma F. A.
Drake, secretary of the World's Purity
Federation, will speak at the St. Johns
Baptist church, Bt. Johns, tonight at 8
o'clock. Subject, "Daughters of Bond-
age." Everybody over 12 years of age
should hear the address.
Beg-rets Writing letter A letter filed
by Chairman O. F. Johnson of the execu
tive commute of the Commercial club
this morning for submission lo the
mayor and city council expresses re-
I Have N6t Moved!
Am In the Marquam Bldg., and do not
expect to move. Yes, they are making
extensive alterations, particularly on
the around floor, but that Is not af
fecting the tenants. If you need
Glasses, come and see me. Any lens
replaced almost while you wait I do
my own grinding. No overcharge, no
misrepresentation. . '
Dr. Hayncs
J) I Jll I. ,1 ! I
J? "J"
f v jew
.. It - "W
i ln")iii itja it mrai iiinin
lttit"T'Waxranrig.;- ta rtoer.
arret that a tetter written by him July!
1 Of opposing the proposed franchise of
the Northwestern- Electrio . company
should have been, considered .In any j
sense as official: He say the letter
was a pure expression of his own per-
(anal vlewa and that the club,, so far
as he know,: has never evsp discussed
the franchise. . .. r . . .
Immigration Board to Xeos A bmL
lng of tho stat board of Immigration
baa been called to meet at I o'clock
Thursday afternoon of this week in
the office of the commission, room 20$
Commercial club building. . The text
and is to bo reviewed by the members
of the commission. There ar a num
ber of Important matters related to the
Immigration policy of tho state that de
mand the attention of the board. The
meeting Is called at the request of the
president, Thomas C Burke of Baker.
J0t- CaaoePatrolman Q. W. Rum,
iolr yesterday arrested Charles Ensign,
aged 1 years,, after he overheard thc
young man make boasts that he nad
stolen a canoe near Salem and had come
all the way' to Portland with it This
morning the young man admitted to the
stated he did not know to whom it
belonged.- In one end" was burned- the
Initials "L. M. B." and tho other end
was "O, ACT shdps."-ThepoiloUi"
searching for the owner.
V 1 ' 1
historical BooUty Vay Koto A reso
lution to b Introduced in the city coun
cil next Wednesday morning by Coun-
cllmen Schmeer and Montag asks the
Oregon Historical society to vacate the
rooms at present occupied by it on the
top floor of tho city hall Dy January
1, 1913. Tho resolution states, that the
rooms are needed badly by the engineer
ing depar&Brsrthrtr tbal the
Historical society can prooaDiy secure
Uuarters in tho new dountf courthouse.
'Appeal for Traaclilse-Flye thousand
signatures of property owners An the
East Mt Tabor district are contained
on a petition filed in tho city auditor's
office today, asking that the proposed
franchise of the Portland Railway,
Light & Power company for an exten
sion of the present Mt. Tabor carllne
around the hill towards Monta villa v be
grafted, .
Bean Vods Ten Inches long R. Cof-
feen, 436 Fast Thirtieth street has a
crop of edible beans, specimens of pods
of which are 10 Inches long, and an
inch and one-half In the middle. Mr.
Coffeen thinks this Is "some beans."
and would like to know If anyone can
beat it
Attention, Members Booni -Toting
Cams. HO. 8. V. B. TO V. Remember
the fall of Manila, August 13, 1898, and
attend the banquet at Harry Hayes'
cafeteria. Fourth and Alder streets, on
Tuesday evening, August II.
Steamer ffessa Xarklns for Camu,
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington strett
dock at S p. m.
Mount Hood Ante Btsge Xino, leaving
dally 1:80 s. m.i returns 4:30 p. m. Haw
thorne Oarage, 44B Hawthorne avenue,
phone East 162.
Byes Tested, Glasses Fitted, broken
lanapa dunllcated. Dr. Geo. Ilubensteln
expert optician. 189 2d st near Taylor.
Mount Hood Auto Stage Two stages
daJJy. Phono Main suit., oeii. ltto.
- wv A. ynut and associates, painless
dentists, Tnira ana vrasningion.
Dr. C. T Chamberlain has moved .to
The Journal bldg.
-Pr.- j; ir- Bteerf has moved o
The journal bldg.
Oo to Bhipherd's Bprlngs. R I Bhtp.
herd, manager.
Hew Zrats Bnffet, 3d and Alder sts.
4t Leon Allen, a 15-year-old boy 4
e who is taking care of his pa-
rents' home at 44S East Seventy- 4
sixth street, awakened by'n)
prowler who was flashing his
e light Into the home, at 2 o'clock 4
4 this morning, fired sevraltshots 4
4 at the intruder, and routed him,
but on account or tne aarxness ej
4 and lack of skill In the use of a 4
4 weapon was unable to hit the
4 man nor to secure a description
aV-,of htm-Patrolman . Huntlwho
e was sent to Investigate the
4 shooting that had aroused the
neighbors, learned frqm the boy 4
4 that the home nas been cusiuroea
a on several occasions and later 4
4 while making an Investigation. 4)
4 learned from a Japanese mat a e
4 man had encountered him 'on the 4
4 road and demanded to know 4
4 where he was from and then ran 4)
4 on. The affair has oreated con- e
4 slderable excitement In the 4
4 neighborhood, as prowlers have 4
e annoyed the residents to a con-
4 slderable extent recently. 4
4 4
. (United Prne Leeaed Wlre-
rM ra nwt l.The-netriftaT-eam-
son. of California, Progressive nominee
nr Vina nraaMant. Will btt made at By-
taouse, N. T., September 6, when he
will address looo delegates 10 tne rro
gressive state convention.
' i - n :
Fresno, Cal., Augi 11 Killed by a
shot through a window, the fcody of
Adolph Petrinl lies hero today, and U.
Pentorarl, laborer, is In jail accused
of the murder.
'Pentorarl claims Ms wife, from whom
he Is separated, was living with Petrinl.
- DevOy River Readings.
t v
tySa'lstOn ."aTTTaaTT
10 I.I t.4
15 1.4 eo.l
H 0.1 0
0 J-5 .....
10 0.1 6.2
17 I.I -o.i
15 I.I 0.1
Rlparla .a......i1
umaiuia ....
Harrlsburf ...'...
Balem -.J,.
Portland .........
River Tlstni.
River falling.
Hotel Gearhart By-the-Sea
Room for all Make reservations
with A C Mitchell, manager, Qearhart,
or at 100 H Fourth street '
Carpenters Waatea.
Carpenters and laborers wanted at
once to work on Round-up grounds.
. lop. wages paid, Apply .to C. A. Cols
By Bert M. Moses, President Association of
I you are ill. or think, ton are, and
consult a doten doctor av-1 Is quite
probable that each Will diagnose the
case differently, and that-each, will pre
serve a flirrerent remedy. - .
And If you are a discerning man, witrn
a oasa or mothers wit in you, you wm
Feallio that tho thing tooris-ti
the doctors altosethar. and srooeed to
cure yourself, by eating sparingly of
plain foods, breathing much fresh sir,
exercising moderately, and loving your
enemies Just as mich as your friends.
The analorv between medicine and
advertising is striking. , - ;
No two adverUslngmen aro enureiy
agreed as to what advertising is.
One man will say -It Is psychology;
another, science;' another, salesmanship-on-paper;
another, common sense; while
most experienced advertisers will nat
be able to deflne-lt at all.
ese different men tho best way
to goab6ut the promotloTnoT STsroduet;
and their replies will vary as much as
the prescriptions, of tbe-asmyslclans.
Advertlslnras I sjBTlhe thing, - Is
merely the expreagWh of a man's busi
Labor Council Hears
1$, Dead Refuses
(Special to The jonrnatl 1
r. yrtmw,im . Ana 1 7 uflaniiral
- oaB-r.ijii"uvi .. ..
6e6Vge "WashlHgtoTr, -contemporiTirrrof
Klnr George or isngiana, cnerry irn
expert and at one time a" resident of
valley Forge, surreq up irouois
urdav's meeting of the San Franclsoo
labor council, ,
tv, a nnani via not there in cerson.
In fact the trouble was sUrted by the
announcement to the council Dy a com
mittee that the general had died. The
nana nart of a communication read
as having Seen received from the Wash-
lngtonMemorlal association, an organ-
l..t(i. i. nanillll who llAfilr tS rCt
a monument to' the man revered by
school children because 01 xne nouaay
that comes every February 22, and by
laboring men because on that day they
get "holiday overtime" for the sweat
of their brows.
The committee had pondered the mat
ter long and eloquently. They had the
money and liked the general, despite
the fact that they never had found out
nrVtathaa ha tf-arrlAri a union Card Or nOt
when he laid the corner stone of the
republic. But the committee could not
agree as to whether or not they could
not put their money to better use than
spending it on a man who, they had
been reliably Informed, was as dead as
dnd man could be and needed no
monuments to keep him in the ground.
Anyway, said tne cnatrman.oi mo com
(mittee, "the gentleman isn't burled in
San Francisco so far as I know of, and
so what good would ft monument be
to him here."
The matter was reported to the coun
cil without recommendation, left open
for debate. K. w. urouieii spune m
itm favor. Rroulett referred to the
t a lialnar a laboring
man while he lived and therefore en
titled to some recognition and contri
butions to his monument . Others dif
fered, however, with this view and tne
debate waxed wrathful.
There were thosa who referred to the
general as a slave driver. Another del
egate to the council saidi,that VAs he
had-Jfteen. dead., those, 400 .years why not
let nis memory rest hi jwao a. -Gallagher
said that "time and a half"
for labor on the old man's birthday de
served some recognition from all union
men,but Sellg Schulberg, another dele
gate, told Gallagher to--shut up him
mouth, and Gallagher ' did.
Finally the matter was referred to a
Corner of Montgomery and 13th. Of
fice hours " a. m. to It m. Fits boys
and girls for college. Graduates enter
on examination Harvard, Princeton,
Tale, Bryn Mawr, ' Massachusetts In
stitute of Technology: on certificate
Amherst, Cornell. Williams. Smith, Vas
sar. Wellesley, Goucher, Reed and other
colleges and universities of the Fsciflo
coast- '
Wall anulnnart laboratories In chem-
llstry and physics. Field practice -In
surveying. Departments in chafae-of
i college men and, women. Classical, scl-
clal courses. Gymnasium under skilled
director. Track and field athletics. The
school Includes a thorough primary and
grammar school. Easy of access from
all parts of the city. Catalogue on ap-
. jlialnn -
SaUraa ef Oakla-J, CaliermU.
Tae anlr Wemas'i Cellete ea
the ttaic Cain. Caartere4
111$. Ideal climate. Entrance
o4 ira4asdan requirement
eqahalent ta ikoie et Stinfoim'
Uaieeniqr ana Uninnlirnl Cal-i
Uomla. oeaibr. Laboratoriei lor
adence wlta moaeni equipment.
EieeUeatapaorDinltice lor bome
ecaooailct, librw tail, mualc.
art. Modem rfainaiiam. Special
care for bealib of irgdoitti out
door lire. CbriKlan lslueaceat
Preildent Luella Gar CareoB,
A. M., LL. D. For caalotuc
addreM Reflatraf, v
Mlila Coller T. Calif.
(15 mllee eoutli of Ban FraDdaeo.)
la trjlnf. and we ballere eacceaafullr trrlng,
to do tor, the moral, the intellectual and tba
pbalcal welfare of lta boya what tbouahtful
pareuta moat wlab to bare dona. For catalogue
and oAbef epeelflr information addreae tbe be a. J
muter W. T. laid (Hamrdl, Heed Maater.
0), M. Brink (Otmoni), Aaalatant Head Matter.
r Cirla. CendiKtrd bt tee 6I8TER8 OF TNE HOLY
CWW'eo OtmmC Mnalc. Aft, EloraUM and Ceaaer
dal Derta. KuUmi md Dt ftWmu. Retard Moral and
teatlkeraalTralalni.'W rile tTAaaarrwiai. Addreae
UtTi KntlOK a. Mtn't Jlum,. hnUmd
a7Bealmt aad Day Sokool for Olrla if-W
F-k. . a.-. a .Ul. St-.i,1.t If.Un..!
OaUeflate, Aekdrala aad llemeatary Bnjiifaaiala,
ataele. Art, lleeatlea, Oyauaaliaa.
Wm aatalos addreae TUE SISTER SUfEKIOR
Of floe 9. St, Batona ItaU
College, High School and Commercial
Courses. Grammar grade taught to
boys over 10 years. f
Columbia University, SorUaad, Or.
Rer. Joseph Qallagher. C. B. a
Write for catalogue.
Hill Military Acadamy
-t 1
ness Ideas, Just as a painting is the
painter's interpretation . of art as he
sees it " , .
Most people do not need the services
.of s, physician, but may safely rely up
on nature and common sense to keep
their health. "S- L.L . .
earperts is not rtflulred Aby men who
have well-defined deas of their own
and who are consumed by an Intense
yearning to go before;;, the public with
the story of their wares.
There is a certain fine frency that
posseses the naturally enterprising
man. anti thla frwncv ftrtJIm a-rrx-aaaaiin
lit ft warm enthusiasm that -no expert
can supply. ' So. to sum it all ur:
Vto physician can look out for your
tlMlth mfk Wall vnn .an VAIi.a.lf mmA
nio advertising expert can plan and' exe
cute your advertising so well as you.
This truth will be recognised and
totttedty-vsrTafiho "believes
in. himself, .and will be .disputed only
fty folks who believe that success Is
something to be supplied "by -experts
at so much per day.
That Washington
Cash for Memorial
committee, whlob, after due'dellberatlon,
decided they would and ther wouldn't
That Is, the tineii was" told " rto r five
theroonument to the general its moral
uyvvin Mia Liia muiiuKiint win nave
to rest on that for it will ret none
of the labor council's cash to hold It
GETS $5.50 A TON
(Continued From Page One.)
cannot ship It because all freight space
there has been taken.
, Ha Is thus jn the plight of having to
pay: the 85.60 rate, 1 above what his
Puget soupd. competitors have paid or
Mafc trie Most of Your Week-End Trips AVitKH
Treasure for all time the happiness of today. Gome
in and let-out expert explain the fascination of the
Kodak. Expert developing and printing done on the
Columbian Optical Company
FloycJ F. B rower, Manager 145 SDCTH STREET
A Furnace that heats when
it's installedf is the furnace that
installed by the people who know how
who employ the most competent men, and who mc
the best materials.
Vou pay for satisfaction and you get tt. every cent's worth, from
The W. G. McPherson Co.
Heating Engineers
19th and Wilson Sts.
Your o!a sweater can be made over. it sa upr-iexdate RUFF al
very tmaM eat't" Don,'t discard yopr old sweater live it repaired and
remodeled. We- make .rweaten to order- ai' cheaply 11 yoa can bay io-
ieilr rcaaj-tnauc dcs.
Charge Accounts Solicited
Eastern Outfitting Co.
f-retrif "Iit October business go alto
getaer. .
More than that, it has been only with
in tb last few days that shippers knew
there was to bo'any October-vessel out
of Portland at all, even a vessel with
the -string attached that it wlU come
"If It can get a full cargo" at $1 ft ton
above)- ths Pucet Soumt-ratei Puget
Sound shippers with tho regular serv
ice out of that port to bank on, nave
been able to arrange for their October
flour orders long before this, while Port
land shippers, -uncertain whether any
vessel would come here; have in many
cases had to refuse all orders.
Th direct business loss not oniy to
the exporters themselves, but beyond
them to th farmers '-who raise ' the
wheit, and to Portland, under conditions
like this. Is clearly apparent It. is
Just such conditions and what he termed
"Portland's deplorable steamship serv
ice." that J. I Harper, of the big Fres
ton Bheffer Milling company at Wales-
burg. Wash., pointed out In The Jour
nal Sunday, has led his house and others
In the Inland Empire to ship by Pugot
Sdund, though they prefer to ship by
Portland and would do so if the steam
sfllp servWand proper facilities were
We are not asking a steamship line
that will give us cheaper than the reg-uar-rates
-in oar export-trtfde," gala
a shipper this morning. "All we ask Is
that we have a regular and direct line,
whose sailings we can depend upon, and
whose rates snail be no higher than
they are on Puget sound. Likewise a
line In which all shippers will have an
equal chance in securing space.
"If we don't get such a line as soon
as possible, Portland will lose the busi
ness of such of us as can leave the
city. The rest of us will have to go
out of business."
. 8...MiJSiea'st. ohalrman of the special
sub-committee from the hamber""""'"of
Commerce which has In charge the rais
ing of the. 1225,00.0 guaranty fund to be
used as a basis of negotiations for a
steamship line, said this morning:
"The Interviews In Tho Journal from
northwest millers only show the more
clearly the absolute necessity of get
ting a direct line for Portland to the
orient as soon as It can be done. Our
committee will make all the haste pos
sible. If I can bring It about."
Ho Benefit to Other Killers.
Though tho Waterhoiiae- line has al
so announoed the vessel Fltsolarence
to come, to Portland In- the middle of
September, shippers In general will de
rive no benefit from tho vessel. It Is
the, steamship . under charter to the
Portland Flouring, Mills for T. B. Wil
cox. Mr. Waterhousa was the agent
-L L S
Knitiinn Co.
Thones j
BlaZ JIOkflnoX
in securing the charter, and probably J
iuff mymvm wa .He.Teaaei ww irw iv-
quired for the. shipments of tho Port
land Flouring . Mills, This leaves all
the snippers but Mr. Wilcox la as bad
a position as If there were so vessel
to load hero for the orient in Septem
ber.' It further gives a wrong- Impres
sion in soma quarters that the cry for
a steamship Una is unwarranted because
vessels are scheduled to load hero, when
In reality they are under private char
ter. -
v iaven ln the case of h Ookley, tho
October boat- shippers' do . not' know
how much space they will be permit
ted to take.
Charters are very high now." said
a-shipper, "and we realise the tremen
dous difficulties which, beset the com
mittee in securing advantageous rates
for a Una of steamers under the pres
ent high, charters. However, some
thing must be -done to relieve us or we
can not hold on any longer;
: tOntted Tresr Leased Wtra.t
Washtngtop, Aug. . "Ro-
cently I have acquired two
dafighterKSand th view bf tha -
4 steadily diminishing power of , 4
4 the dollar. I'd like to get some-
thing for it while a dollar is
4 still worth 30 cents."
This was the note accompany '
4 lhg a very much mutilated dot- 4
4 lar certificate at the treasury 4
4 for redemption from a woman In 4
4 r Seattle, Bha explained that the ;'
bill was torn six, years" ago
4 when "a dollar lpoked no bigger ,
4 than- a dime." and she-put It'-
..away. . .- ' 4
Search Marshes for Slayer.
(TJntted Press Leased Win.)
Vallejo, Cal.. Aug. It. Believing that
EU Branstetter of Vallejo, who was
murdered on the county road near Cor.
della, 10 miles east of here, was the
- Left with estates on
their ha'tids and no
business experience
will find our bank es
pecially helpful
Our officers are al
ways ready and willing
to advise as to the best
method of conserving
and protecting the es
Sixth and Washington
Open Saturday Even
ings, 6 to 8
the greatest men
ace to the financial
welfare of your fam
ily isTdoubtful title
to the home. Avoid
danger of future
complications by se
curing our guaran
teed Certificate of
Title. Investigate. -Call
& Trust Com
pany, 4th-and Oak.
Salt Lake
City has seen
the wisdom and
econoiTJj of bi
tulithic pave
ment, as is
shown by its
adoption as the
standard pave
ment for that
Call at Room
700 Beck Bids,
for "Bitulithic
Tlotlm of ft robbery, ft poast ts t ?J
emrcnmg tn marshes for .
Hitchcock, alleged to have been the 1.-.;
man seen with the dead man,
payer Contribute
Yonr Share
to tho cost of every
" roilo of sewer built in
Portland. Isn't it good
business for you to
' know that sewer pipe la
being used that WILL
EST? Cement is now
used in making sewer .,
tipe right here in Port- "
and. and it is superior J
faf eatgffT pip JtUt 1 it
is t u p e f 1 0 r for-blg-buildings.
Boost for
--Portland O la s 4 Ca -ment
Sewer Pipe.
7Uj and Taylor
Phones 1 Main 1, A-liaa -
.. . All This Wees. r
Bargain Matinee Wedneadijr '
Special Matinee Saturday
Cathrine Countiss
upported by BlUHMt ATUfl
Tn Clyde Fltoh's Comedy, t
"Tho Otrl With tbi Oreen Xjrss
Bvenlngs, 7tc 60c, SSo, 2So, .Bar
gain Matinee WdneSdav, 26c Spe
cial Matinee Saturday, 6O0, 26c
eats BeUlaci for ngagamsnt
icacaoo Dvwy XTay.
(1 Ooairtdla)
Special Simimer Prices
Nights' Matinees)
10c and 20c Any Seat 10tl
Wtm AVaVWT la TravUle Brother
and "The Seal.' Volllvan and BarUlnsr,
Onrry and Biley, The Bomhraros, Laona
Q-uerney, Twl-light ltotareB, Orchestra.
Nat C Goodwin In :
S SJBSI4 8000 - ' ?
Playing to standing room. only tn aS Big-!
e as tarn theatres at opera house prioea.'
lMS-soe .
BiM BaatTtr, WUllam XaytaoM, 'Viola
Keen aj Oo Bo Witt, Sana aad Tor
ranaa. Xasrv Karl OoArser aad Tat
aUodarsaav Oaaaxe jreeL the yonaa Oa-
rasoi Billy Bjogexs, the nyls Wearssa.
01 ibisbIi 1, Vuxturea.
Xatlaee Balv
WBBX ATJOTJaW l-JIhe l-our Bard,
Brothers, Bldoa m Co Billy- Broad tm-l
narlal Daaolaff Four, Faatagaaaocrpa Bx-T
Ira attraotloa, Tho lforatl Oraa4 Oper
Oo la "Va&ardl Oraa D Taxis.". Jfcrpa
lat prices., boms aad Tint Bow Bal
cony reserved.. Box ofrloo epem from 10.
a. an. to 10 iv m.. . Onrtaln aaOa-T)l aadL
9. Faoaes, A-aaaey aainnaa i-
Lyric Theatre
Hearth aad Stark Streets. '
Ethel Davis and the Armstrong rallies;
: (jomrtB-.4B. ju f
"ta vcur attjt o rto" - -
HXTRA Tatar Basukoa, Chanrofoav
UfhtmWH Wrestler of tho World, at
every performance will forfeit 126 to
anyone that he can't throw In 16 min
Utaa. and as an extra Inducement will
forfeit ISO If Strangler Smith stays. wlth
him for the ssms length of time. 1.
flu OAKS
Oao-Blng Circus runnlaat on ever
aw. afternoons and evenlnga f-
Oaks rark Band Every afternoon
and evening.
Tho Hawllans Delightful misl-
olans and singers. Every sfter
noon and evening.
lVady Xil-lngnrtoae, the skating bear.
Xing rharaoh, ths educated horse.
Alfred U ahapmaa, the Custer
aooijt In the auditorium. .
Ooraat Taogha aad Twantyourlh Sta.'v
Los Angelas
Portland !
AVfirVST 13, 14, IS, ll.ri7, 1
Games begin week days t p. m. Sun .
days 3:30 p. m. 1
Boys under It free to blaacheraWedaee'-; -day.
... I
. Dveiloplnj
Prtptlnff nnd
." tinlarfflriflr
r seciaeaTaaa
ar 809 Round-nn. Pandlatoa. Or. e
Send for IUtutrated CAtalogusj
' streotsv Tuootlsy tha th a t p a.