w - THfl OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. ' PORTLAND. . SUNDAY MORNINO, .AUGUST 11. 1912. 7 . , V Town Topics: r " ' I 1 I " I 1 1 -,.,-..,., . a BUMMEE EtSOIT VB80aiYtIOHI. Don't forget when going iy oa jonr vaoatlnn or tor the aumiper, that The Journal an follow roa it 15 eenta, a weak, the regular tuucciiptloa rata, ana lb fol kiwliig agents will supply you at ear rag lr rates: .. .. . ,. :. Bay -OfwaBrf Or., Bay Ocean hotel, Heich Oantar, Wh.. W. 0. Oolllna. ' Cur ton Bprlnga, Waeh., kltaersl spring hotel Colllna, With., Fred A. Tonne. Ofarbart, Or., Mrs. 0. L. Elliott. Ilwaoo, Waab.,H. B. Woodruff, ' Long - Beach, waah. Lawrtmoa - Dlnnee. (Dallter? to all polnta on Norm Beach.) 1 Nawnnrt. fir-- ntan RawiH. Roikawar Btich. Or,. Wilkin aV Rliw. Bonalde. Or., F.etr . Proebetel. Dllfry to nu van nr aaiae.r -. Hravlaw. Waab.. r. K. Rtraoblt. , -Tillamook. h., J. B. Lamar. Wllbolt Bprlnga. Or., V. W. IfcLear. Cascadle, Or.. 0. If. Getaendoffer. - TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS IlElLlO Catharine Countl In "Th Girl With the Green Eye." 1 COUNCIL,- CREST High claH attraction. LYRIC Armstrong Folllea company In ' rat n Dream. ORPHKUM OrphBiim circuit vaudeville, ;ijat; KMr-KEtrs vauaevine. PTTNTAGES Vaudeville. . THE OAKS Amusement park. Weather Condition!. Areas of high pressure are central at ea orr tne north pacific coaet, orr tne norm Atlantic coaet and over Fipriaa, in prenHure la low over the interior or th country with eentere of "low" ever northeastern California. the central rilalna ata.tia. I,k Mlchlaan and Saa katohewan,'. . respectively. Within the last 12 hour shower have fallen along the Oregon and Washington coasts, In ng Heavy ralna have fallen In the upper fht to moder generally east of the Mississippi rl Alberta. Colorado and light atly nvynana In- LouUlanatand quite Ivor, lake region. Thunderstorm , occurred this afternoon at Edmonton, Denver, Chicago, Louisville and Sault Ste. Marie. The weather 1 somewhat warmer In niitViwMntorh Montana, northern Call fornla and In the central portion of the United States. It is correspanuingiy cooler In western Canada, northern Mon tena. New York. Pennsylvania and Maryland. The condition are favorable for gen erally fair weather Sunday In this 81 trlct. It will probably be warmer Bun- Gay in interior western portions oi ure gon and Washington; no marked tem perature changes are Indicated for the remaining portions or xne aisirin. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Sunday fair anri wnrmar- northwesterly Winds. Oregon Sunday fair, warmer Interior west portion; normwesieny wuiua. Washington Sunday generally fair, warmer interior west portion; winds mostly Westerly. Idaho Sunday fair. THfnnORE F. DRAKE, Acting District Forecaster. State of Oregon, County of Multno mah, ss. I, W. W. Williams, being first - 6 uly sworn, on my oath- -depoae-and say that I am a hand-writing expert; that my office is 7i7 Chamber of Commerce building, city of Portland. I further state that I was restrained by pontiff in the case or Agnes uutis against win K. Purdy and attended the trial of thin cause In the circuit court of Oregon for Multnomah county in December, 1911 I was consulted by attorneys for the plaintiff and was shown the deed which wns the basts of the controversy in said suit. I examined the deed and gave my opinion thereon to the attorneys for the plaintiff, which opinion was sub stantially to the effect that the signa ture of H. D. Winters thereto attached was genuine. I based this opinion upon the comparison of the signature of H. D. Winters attached to said deed, with numerous other signatures supplied to ' me by attorneys for the plaintiff, which wero admitted to be genuine. I was not placrd upon the stand by the plain tiff or defendant either, but I attended court throughout the trial and heard nothing In evidence which served to alter my opinion that the signature of H. D. Winters attached to said deed was genuine, and that fS'etlll my opinion. W. W. Williams. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of February, 1912. J. M. Haddock, notary public for Oregon, residing at Portland. I have always believed that right will event Sally prevail. My second edition, "Six teen Years in Oregon," will soon be out. Will E. Purdy, Newberg, Or. Special Meeting- of Council Consider ation of the proposed franchises of the Hill lines on the East Side will be had by the street committee of the city council at a special meeting to be held ""TiT Tuesday "'aneTnra-n.'"Tt''H"T:Ire"K8JI' of tho committee that the Hill and Har- rlman roads will have reached some sort of an agreement by that time whereby it win not be necessary to grant the Hill roads the use of East First street, one of the thoroughfares over whfoh the --Hills- sk t e perate trains, two large Initiation la th near future instead or one, as . waa originally .planned.' The first batch of applicants ; to be taken in will 'be Initiated in Bell- ing-Hlrsoh hall on Monday night, Aug I ust It. Among those who will come In ton this date are W. N, Oaten, J. M. ! Alexander, John P. Walsh,- N. Sohnel I berg, W. u Hsilett. Max Michel, J. J. t Parker, W. Clifford Downs, Max Holser, William H, Fltsgerald, F. D. King, John rarxer, U..1E. Blmms, H. O, Kemp, 8. J, Silverman, W. J. Shanks, Dick J.'BeN land, . J, Nlquette, William, Okkei Alfred Carter, F, Coddy, Arthur El wall, N. J. Qrennlnf, H. Walter Adrian, Harry Harris. J. J, Jennlnas. Matt Cunnla- ham, Jacob Robinson, Horace B. Fenton, Norman I Rogers, Joseph gtrelk. O. V. LongrJmes B. Mooney,.M. J. Murnana, a X. Deegan, Samuel Hammond Frelde, Frank Nichols, Charles H. Skewes, Jack Whitman and J. J. Brownson, The Ini tiation will be followed by an nter talnment and smoker. - In charge of the entertainment will b Willis Flaher, J F. Browning and T. A. Smith. o xplaia Sewer Waa City Engl, near Hurlburt's plan for a 11,000,000 sewer to drain the north Peninsula dis trict, Including as far east as VeVnon. will be explained at a mass meeting; to eugene an WORK ON BRANCH Contractors Prepare for Active Work Lpn. 24. Mile. Line to Monroe; Rich Country to Be Opened.-' " (speeial to Tha Journal. Eugene, Or., Aug.. 10. Machinery for the construction of the grade of the Portland,, Eugene A Eastern electric line between Eugene and Monro being unloaded here and will be for be held in Thlel's hall.cn Killing worth f t0 varlou camp along- th right Is or way a fast as 1t tan be trans ported. Representative of the uboon tractor selected bv o.ni fer have aobutad the roads a far a the Long Tom river and are locating me sues tos construction camps. The nrst camp wni oe thre to five miles avenue opposite the car barns tomorrow evening. All property owner affected and Interested have been asked to at tend. Th meeting will be held under the auspices of the North Portland Com mercial club. Th club' regular meet ing Will be held Tueartav iviitlm at Kenton, and then a oommittea annointMl I from Eugene, to recommend tlm and plfce of a ban- .ine iu'pnient consist of steam quet t. prornote the interstate bridge "hovels, traction engines, grader and over the Columbia will mak it report, tn U8Ual complement of plows and scraper sufficient In number to equip unaner Board to Meet Th official spaing outrit. Ther will be charter board will hold a meeting In tho 'nt or 10 MmP' -t work as the grad- mayor committee roora at th city I'mgr.- These outfit are ex- haU tomorrow evening -at 4 o'clock, veotei to complete the 24 miles of grade This meeting: Is for the purpose of glv- ln tlm9 t0 have" the rails In place within lng final consideration to th nnmniatai 0 days... thus connecting Cnrvaiiu nH cOHunlaalonUa. cliarter-draft- that 1 EuSe.nT.nl ..making- ..lh..rka...Monroe u may o rued with the council at Its oeueiountain district tributary to morning next weanesaay morning. As I yet only one of the suggestions or crltl-1 Merohants Pleased. cisms asked of th people ha been I Bigene merchants are highly elated received by 8. Grutse. secratarv of tha I at th activity h.tn k .v.. charter board. Portland. Euaene & E.rn p.ii. VVUJVO.ljy fj.IlU ITDrMI tn wflrmaat tnrM. Approaoh Improve U rreatlv im memSation of PreidAnt proved the mud road aooroach to thai horn who thev daninr. h.. new railroad bridge yesterday. In the made good every promise he has made morning it was difficult for loaded ve- In March the street car lines of Eu- ti. I i j lrver,B ln aistatrce" between gene totalled 10.8 miles, with some of v .1 ""fer na "ouaaay ave- me tracxage ln exceedingly bad con nue, but by midday the rosd hait nrii dltion. fiinf th and hardened under use until little dlf- gene & Eastern engineer have 'modi flculty was experienced either by horse, venicies or automobiles. No vehicles of any kind wr tuck In th mud at I of tha Iresldant ernlxed the old system, and have con structed lines for the accommodation any time. Second examination Ordered Tho on East ElaianfVi street, and have double tracked a large portion of the old Wlch aystem. The Eu Brn itA vrrilla iv.. t .1 m clvir service commission yesterday or- gent & Eastern average $15,000 Per dered Secretary W. A. Tupper to. pre- month for construction and operation . , a4AUllh iOI I CJLICUBCa, me position or captain of police.' Tho old eligible list obtained a year ago to day was not utilised, Mayor Rushlight preiernng to retain Joseph Keller and Harry Riley as acting captains to se lecting any of th others for Drmnnf position. - XUbuldlng- Interurban Ida. In addition to the construction work being done within the city the company will Invest vast sums of money ln re building the interurban line to Sprlng ficld, Jn.jconatructlon of lha Santa. Clara line, and the branch to Monroe. Resi dents of "mall box corners," a spot where 27 depositories for us of rural mail, farriers are clustered, are prepar ing to ask that the Santa Clara Inter urban be extended to the "village" of letter boxes. The district Is devoted to iruu growing ana truck farming and treat Car Ordinance to Qrant Th ordinance submitted to the citv rnun. ell .recently asking that George Heus nr be granted a franchise to operate an electric railway from the end of Derby street ln Kenton across the new Rroariwav hrM.. n A . . a. . . . to Grant ha been referred by th. street be"r..mrkot fcllltle are desired. committee of the city council to City r"cuiar mtret attaches to the Attorney Grant. opening of the Monroe-Bel lefountaln ' v,uey. uniy 15 miles from Eugene it American riaa Sate Th. rw.r. haa been neglected for years, although hotel, under management of Charles H. i """"fi t0 b on ' the richest nowiey. formerly with. Mrs H W """"B vi greai Willamette val- Hogue and the,,past two years with the !y;v Tv1 way ,n amphitheatre Imperial, is quoting American plan n- .? , UU lta 8011 "Plendldly rich monthly rates. The Bowers Hotel cor- a?a . u now bHved that the advent ner Eleventh and Stark streets. Charle , , . wlllmean quick results H. Rowley, manager. In development, 'with correspondingly im;reea prosperity to Eugene. W sell hair mattnssas mtaii J wholesale prices for lo pound beds from 1 500 000 APRFQ flC $7.60 and up. We renovate mattresses '0UUUwU MOflCb Uf" fand Sa'Sr 'faVoT 'u&. 'ND,AN LAS FOR SALE proprietor. 221-22$ Front street Main ,rn!... " . . , til, A-HT1. WaaVi nirtrtn 1.,. ia o... tho inlu- i . . . . Bahat AMemblr to Met-The Bahal tTr t u "e"" u'r.paa assembly will m.nt tnnt-hf in " nu a nair Eilers building. Dr. Davidson Buchanan Tnd Vyo parat.sale."..1? will speak on "Science and Religion held berlnnlnr .t t.. 4. !" be HELP -AGED CITIZEN ; ' CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY ills1 ; . B. Terrr. , Surrounded by member of hi fam ily and many of hi friends, S. Terry of Canby, Oregon, celebrated hi seventy first birthday anniversary on Sunday, August i. r Forty-four guest were pre, elit, and enjoyed the reecalOnrRf rH ments were served. Mr. -Terry arrange to hav a cele bration on each of hi birthday anni versaries, and the event la looked for ward to with pleasurable anticipation by himself, and those who are invited to partake of his hospitality at that time. NDIAN SANITARIUM PLANNED NEAR LEWISTQN Lewlston, Idaho, Aug. 10. According to advice received ln Lewlston work s to be commenced at once on th con structlon of th $260,000 Indian sanl tarium wtitchn to t built by th gov eminent at tort Lapwai to be used ex clusively ln the care of Indian children, For several years th government In dlan agency located near this place has been experimenting with the white plague among the Ne Perccs Indians and the results have been so satisfac tory that It has brought to the atten tlon of the department of Indian af fairs the advisability of establishing a government .hospital ln which all the trlD40Zv,T2U country, may.. ba treated. Picnic - tree aance afternoon and avanina-. nunii i-r louay. r uiton car. "JOKERS'j fclfrl ATE D "Information Print"" Plan - of (Senator Bourne Will Be Aid to Legislators. - Sorathlnr-naw-and-'eometWnaf "wel come In congressional work has "been Introduced in th United Bute setiaTe by Senator Jonathan Bourn It is called an "information print," and Its purpose 1 to 'lhtorirf-the senate a to each item In the big appropriation bills. It ha been applied by 'Bourn to the potoffiee appropriation bill, h being chairman of 'th committee on postof- nce ana post roadsf 1 Th "Information print" contains a oopy of th big bill, and after' each par agraph 4s an explanation a to the rea son upon which th committee acted. It tell, how th appropriations compare with nfrecedlnf appropriations for the am purpose, and If changes are made, wny tne figures were chanred. toaether with other Information bearing on th paragraph. Uually senator hav to depend" on th chairman or committee ln charge of th Jbill for, information, gtyen in a speech or report, and unon auostlona that may arise during consideration of ine dui. usually si sanator hav to rouow Djmaiy th assurance of on sen ator, and have no mean of going- into detail without asking Innumerable questions ana consuming valuable time, From uch a clan a that of th "tiv formation print" it la believe more in telligent legislation will result, prevent ing the enactment of "Joker" and econ omising tn tun of th members. Arrested for Beating Man. (Kneclal to The Joernal 1 Dallaaj, or., Aug, 10. Clifford Toung and H. S. Brlstow were arrested In wt Salem last night by Sheriff X U- Grant and - brought-to D4iM . nd longed in the county jail. Th charge against mem is assault and battery xne men wer Intoxicated when they attacked am unknown man and Deal mm into unconsciousness. Notice. , The Alblna Fuel company have n advanced the price of fuel... Best cori wood $6. E. 182. C-1117. w " Going and Coming Have your, baggage handled by The Enpgage & Omnibus Transfer Co. Carpenters Wanted. Carpenters and laborers wanted at once to work on Round-up grounds. Top wages paid. Apply to C. A. Cole or Soc'y Round-qp, Pendleton, Or. From the Bahal Standpoint." is cordially welcome. River Zxcarsions to Oreron Oitr Boat from Taylor street duck. Week days, 8 a. m 2 p. m.r Sundays, 9 a. m., t m., 3 p. m. Round trip., 40c. Tickets good on P. R., L & P. cars. Religion held bexlnninr t T. Everyone ber 19; Provo. Utah. OrtrTh.; TJ "i rum . r . . : " tiiniiSB, mom., October 21. The lands comprlae portions of the Shoshone and Crow reservations. Minimum rates of from 60 cent to $1.50 per acre have been specified. Democrat to Jteet-The Democratic state central committee will meet at the call of Chairman Bert E, Haney Xt the assembly room In the Medical build ing next Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. This will be the first meeting since the nomination of Wilson. Re- ?iorts will be received of conditions over he 'stale arid 'plans' llhed "out "for "the coming campaign. X. of X. to Hold Initiations As a result of the energetlo methods em ployed by the membership committee of the Knights bf the Rose it will be -necFBSHrrcT-tlomrXSStirr Nor T tfflioTfl ..PM.HU:j.!...npw..un4e,f...,niw.. man agement. Rates $3 per week and- up, with hot and cold water and free phone in every room. Yamhill .and Second ts. Dr. Vreeae, the ey specialist hen re sumed his practice at 808 Merchants Trust building,, after a month's outing Labor Day at Centralia. (Sperlnl to Th. Joarnai.l GeMMOtet Wfth-.r-Atrg: 10 At a meeting of the Centralla trades coun cil, plans were outlined for a big Labor Day celebration. An effort will be made to get a speaker of national prominence. Steamer I Smile - I cut prices at "th an f v. Washougal and way landlnas. o.n. -V! .r'.1 J?" my Vclt f men's suits. ran BnH.. - t..L to.-k." " " "7. 1 ecaui HEITKEIPER'S STANDARDIZED AND TRADE-MARKED Jewelry, Watches and Silver Particular attention is callt' this time to our . JuperJ3Sit!Qek -of Watches, in, great variety,- both style and ' price. Our ironclad guaran tee behind every watch. On account of being a lit tle overstocked at present in the watch line, it would cer- , "takily be to your interest to make your selection now. We are pleased to show goods. G. Heitkempe: Yeon Bldg., 130 Fifth Street Old in Portland. New in Location. deck at 2 p. m. Mount Sood Ante Stag Ma, leaving dally I ;80 a, m.; return 4:80 n. m. Haw. thorn Oarage. ...iit Hawthorn avenue,! rnoat jaat 1Z. T. B. Beach ft Co., the pioneer paint company. Window glass, glazing. Phon saain nil, A-7U4S. 188 First Hav Bdlfsen JTnel Oo. book your oraer ror coal ana wood now. East SOI ana it est zsoi. US my rent fa nnlv tm Get Wl ft. Jlmmv riimn 815 Oregonlan bldg. Take elevator month. BOTTOM NO. 8 SPECIAL loOO COLUMBIA HARDWARE CO. Fourth St. Near Washington . Crorg r. Xoehlr retnrned. Of- nce Electric building. Hours by ap- nioa xraarer Company, furniture moving ana storage. Main 241, A-2241, fount Hood Auto Star Two itin. u.uy. rnone jaain 1074. Sell. I486. W. A. Wlss and assoclstes. painless , inira ana waanmgton. Wooster Bells Svsrythlng lngton, near Fourteenth. IDon't CleanlV Clean! Pass It FRANZ Buy Made Sold Delivered Clean! Butter - Nut -44 Wash- Dr. 0. Chamberlain has moved to ino journal Diag. Dr. JT. S. Sternberg ha moved Th journal bldg. to Go to ghipherd's Springs. herd, manager. "t - E. I Ship. Hew aCrats Bufat, 3d and Alder at. Luther Jjengne Meeting Close, (Special to The Journal.l Centralla, Wash,, Aug. io.xh twelfth annual convention of th Co lumbia Central Luther league and ths convention of the Oregon-Washington Bl-8tate Luther league closed ln Che halls yesterday. Delegate were ln at tendance from all part of Oregon and Washington. BREAD It' Wholesome It' Delicious -It's Nutritious It's Pure It's Sweet Phone East 6044 It's the BEST! , B-2428 JJ THE MEN FOLKS WILL LIKE TROY LAUNDRY WORIW Q Many a day has been spoiled by the stiff, starchy -finish of a laundered shirt or the sawlike edge of a collar. CJThe shirts laundered- by the Troy Laundry have that smooth, flexible finish that make them comfortable to ' wear, cool and refreshing. q The Troy-laundered collars have a smooth, velvety ede, and they fit. tj And, above all, the clothes laun dered here wear a long time. The modern methods of the Troy Laun c dry thoroughly cleanse and launder in.eJrMh mjy,rm them. J Tfoy laundry work is exacting, care ful and punctual. Don't wait, but call our wagon tomorrow morning. EAST 33-BOTH PHONES-B-6118 "You Can Depend on the Troy" LAUNDRY COMPANY The Cutler Desk Co. Established 1824 Big men keen, success- ul business men know hc difference between actual acts and mere alk; Have Made Solid Office Furniture 88 Years There is often the difference aitof facts versus ICCilrflnnt a tween a gentle man's word and an ordinary tradesman's. mm . ' i v Bargains Seal Rings 1! We have just received direct from the factory the best and largest selection of tfeal rings ever shown on the coast. " f We are going to give our xustomers-ihe-enefit-t what we consider the very best buy we ever'made. Therefore- . this week wc will offer some big bargains in Seal Rings, Baby Seals, $1.00 up, ' Ladies' Seal Rings, $2 up, G e. n 1 1 e m e n's Seal Rings; $2.50 up. ' Come early, as they will go . fast. JAEGER BROS. The XArg Jewelry . Store. ' 266 Morrison Bet. 3d and tn. BOY SCOUT UNIFORMS Best outfits made to close .ott at the SPECIAL PRICE $3, Boys look smart and dressy at tired in these clever uniforms. JUST ARRIVED Humane Muzzles For dogs ; also full line collars and leads at Portland's Sport ing Goods lleadquarterar: . " bWffOUlSI 11UDS SNR3TNQ GOODS OIW j A afll 11 1 BAH 110 THIRD STREET " . Opposite Spalding Building Men's Suit Sale. . It would cost me IHSv-tf I took a paie ln this newsDanor to tsii vnn t the wonderful baraalria I e.m irivincr h,.. I'lne-ty . c!aao-up..ai4. f.ro.n'a .auua. a.iuiis na rememoer, my. .xiiMiir to yWur s-ain. . jimmy Dunn. vvvuin uunuini, . iax ele vator. , m Journal Want Ad bring result. GERLINGERf-RICHARDS COMPANY, Inc. Successors to ' WTHERBEE, RICHARDS St CO. Insul-ahce.JLoans and Estate Agent. " 1000-1001 Yeon Bldg. i Phone, Mar.hall,1776 Agents . .. ' , ,. - 5yJ In"'nc Company, Ltd.,-of' LWerpool-- Royal Indemnity Company, of New York. FiremeR Insurance Camnanv n v,.. t . ... , Fire, Marine, Automobile, Accident, Health, Casuali Ittsurance, . Bond, Plajte Glasi' and Boilers. - ORE bitulitbie pavement is being laid in Pendleton, and it will be finished in time, for the Round-Up. SJ Call at Room 700 : Journal Building for JlBitulitkUl Why,". ORIGINAL GENUINE J The distinction between gentlemen's stuff and peasant stuff is often that of the genuine and an imitation. f Eventually you will lean toward the former--not for the purpose bf sale, but for personal use and ownership. J Cutler's are the only makers of SOLID OAK AND MAHOGANY OFFICE FURNITURE We Are Their Exclusive Agents Here "Everything for the Office" THE DEAF CAN HEAR $20 $35.00 ELEC1RO7H0NE 30 DAYS ONLY !' TKOUSADTDB BOXJ) st price of $85.00. Only a limited number to be old at the price of $20,00. If you have deferred purchasing -on account of price, WOW la yottr opportunity to buy for 20.00. Call or write., 8TOX.S XnUECXROFKOSTB 00afP43rf 830 lumbermen Bldg., Portland, Or, ( riTT 7 CORNER FIFTH AND OAK STREETS -t- How to Remove Wrinkles in 15 Minutes Instantaneou result, fine wrtnktr disappear, deep line ftoften, lag-King una up, race oecomes firm, sKln tlxht- " ene, complexion' brlaiuenH, Bi,ln r! gradually becomes nw. Harmlew; tia - eellng. Lrge porea and double fjilii IsaoDear. Prsrve and rebuild the.-. mueclfs and tieeuee of the faone'k and chin, rcetorlna the contour of youth. -J Not expenelv. uaranted under tin , pur food law. Sold on anDroval. Sand 8o atamp for booklet. Call at nfflc Xor free demonstration. , i ao pivASTioTni Aaiaror, . , Suit 9, Second rioor, 388U Waehlngton . St, Portland, Or. Dept. B. Phoa -, Jtola 3371. Agente Wanted. fa Iniaraata aa J aHMf,! know about lha veudariul 1 nABVELWMrlJnf Sort 1-1. - . . , - , ! W' JUatM'ji't !Bvaiiignt. i , 'revrdrvrsittl It If n ranrmt anm bo eitiar, eat aoti u.n g orHlt,trated bcofc-Hinalfi. It , , EtTaafnll artlonlranJtt.if-.l ' ' ana invaluable to iu?im . KiaTU0,l.aM334 , 'J' ' . For aala fey ftktclmr i-en;? .. , tv ,.. Clarke Ce it iua ia. i ; . t.-i. $