The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 11, 1912, Page 41, Image 41

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0. S.1ACKS0H,...
PlUh4 rr evening TTit Bandtr)
Int. Ttftk YmhilJ ilwii, FoftUixI. Of.
for trtuutltatoa through tn mIU coi
cltM nutter.
IEMPHONF8 Moln 71711; Hon), .'
J All trimtltl teketet tr thwt f""-'
' Tll Ui nperatuf wtut deimrtmtDt you "
, t t25 Fifth to, New uik; 1218 i tuples
0l J3uUJIP, Cbtcifd. - ' -
otaertpttoo fernn by null of to tnjr dJr
la tke United Slitiit r Mexico.
Om yew. ...... .$S.0fl I )n month 00
Ol fttr 2.j0 I On month I B
Om fft $7.80 J One tuotith.. $ .03
I think the world of today
would go mad, Just frenzied with
train and pressure, but for the
blessed Institution of Sunday.
Brooke Herford.
iHY was Leslie M.
name withdrawn by Presi
dent Taft? "Why was Mr.
Scott's appointment as
United States marshal not confirmed
hy the senate?
The appointment 'was before the
" aenate Judiciary committee for
months. A favorable report was
' preparea"Dr"tuat ""eommittge "last
' j May. There was, however,, no sen
. ? ate- act!on"nd the end Is a with
drawal of Mr. Sqotfs name by the
White House.
On what basis is - the United
i States governed? 'What spectacle
" Is H when the purpose of an appoint
' ment to an office is cot- an issue of
good service to the public, but of
" what service an appointee has been
or can be to the political fortunes of
this or that party faction, or this or
that politician with a pull! '
;. For more than two years certain
" federal offices in Oregon have been
'on wheel. There has been neither
. permanency nor certainty about the
t official tenure of the appointee. The
game of peanut politics prevented
stability or consistent service. No
s appointee knew today whether or
' - not he would be in the position to-
jnorrow It., was a. -regime, of - folly.
- . and nonsense.
---There la nothing but discord for
.all onnected with the present and
'past order. The official patronage
; of the United States is not for use
in promoting the political Interests
i of feudists, high or low, but for a
proper conduct of the business of the
United States.
-""There has been no charge against
. .Mr. Scott. . There ia every evidence
, that he was an efficient officer, and
' - that his service was highly creditable
to himself, the appointing power
'and the government.
; V On what basis, and to serve whose
personal purpose, will the next ap
" ' polntment to the marshalBflip be
, ' What is the government of the
United States for, anyway?
)HE horrors and abominations
-attending the collection of rub
ber In the Putumayo district
In Peru were first disclosed by
rtwo American travelers, W. E. Har
denberg and W. B. Perkins. They
werej'Obbed and just escaped, mur
der at the hands of the agents of
the atrocious English-formed com-
peny. 7
Less than four years have since
passed. In 1910 Sir Roger Case-
ment, the British consul In Peru,
. made his first Journey to Putumayo,
commission, which the English com
"pany Wag reluctantly compelled to
aend out. His report of conditions
1 which exceeded in infamy any stories
: from the Congo when laid before
the British government was made
the ground of strong representations
to-the -Peruvian-government eharf
ing it with full responsibility. The
: facts alleged by the American travel
ers and by Sir Roger Casement were
either ..denied, or attributed to for
mer years prior to 1907. Investiga
tion was promised and also punish
' ment of offenders.
,As it became known that neither
result followed Sir Roger Casement
1 was sent out again In December, last.
The report of his second Journey
.Under date of February B
contained a mass of evidence, much
being of too horrible and disgusting
a nature to bear publication. As to
the acts of the. Peruvian govern
: ment it was found that 237 warrants
lhad been issued but only nine crim
inals arrested, and those only sub
ordinates to the head villains respon
sible. Sir Edward Grey wrote to Mr.
Bryce In Washington last January,
desiring him to supply Mr. Knox,
the American secretary, with full
Information, and urge !i Is active co
- operation in official steps that
Should compel the cessation of these
The native population of the dis
trict wa estimated at r0,000 in
t 1906. Last year, by murders, shoot
Ings, starving, deadly floggings of
men and women, old and young, and
Indescribable barbarities of the most
; brutal nature, the number was ea
, tlmated as only about 8000. '
And this was the price paid since
.1900 for nearly ,hIx and a half mil-
Hon dollars wortl of rubber, shipped
from Iquitos In English ships, and
thcT.fgtTig "j,3,!g,tflfrgtgfl among-'th.c
stockholders Tf an English company.
Not all were English. The Peruvian
criminals dr.ew down their share.
But ranch of this price of blood
passed inlontle pockets of British
investors. ; :
The confirmed narrative of Mr.
Hardenberg majtes, It 1b said by
those who have read it, the most
awful document ever received aj(I
pnblished among the records of $0X
forelen office in the world. -'
While foreign offices debate, whilo
red tape Is unwound, thousands
the remaining thousands of inno -
ceht lives are being offered on the
altar of a deity jnoro, bloody and
savage' than ever ptetnded' OtoV hjd
man sacrifices in the dead past.
No action by the two treat clvif
lied nations could'tw too drastic,
too immediate, to satisfy the con
sciences of those English and Ameri
cans who have read this history.
ENATOR WORKS of California
ia making but little progress in
his effort' to find out how
much the presidential primar
ies of this year cost.
There is no doubt that millions of
dollars were spent in the aggregate.
No doubt a truthful statement of the
facts would reveal a national scan-1
dal. Nor doubt a complete disclosure
of the details would expose crooked
money as a tremendous factor in
presidential campaigns.
What the country needs Is action
by congress providing for presiden
tial primaries under national law.
They should be held simultaneously
lnevery state, and should embody
provisions for full disclosure of the
amounts and sources of money spent.
They should provide heavy penalties
for the misuse of money and federal
patronpfjhnd make penitentiary
sentences a mandatory requirement
for violations." '
There should never be another
presidential primary with an after
math of scandal about the riotous
expenditure of money. We should
make the White House an issue of
something more sensible than dol
lar campaigns.
N May, 1911, a fresh agreement
was arrived at between tho Brit
ish government and the then
Chinese government, by which
the Chinese undertook to continue
the suppression of the cultivation of
ment promised to continue tneifpol -
icy of a reduction, by ten per cent
annual installments of the ship-
ments to China of Indian opium.
In the Chinese provinces of Shan-
si, Szechuan and Yunnan the poppy
sowing had practically ceased prior
to the outbreak of the revolution in
October, last. But in the general
overturn the hand of the government
over the Opium men was relaxed, and can loaders, will force the Republi
thls year the poppy fields even ln-lcarf party to accept La Follette pro
those provinces have reappeared, ffgresslvism, and make Robert M. La
When the government signed the
agreement of May; 1911, the price of
opium In China ranged betweea 1100
and 1700 taels. After the agree
ment came Into force prices rose, by
speculation, to 4000 taels a chest,
but dropped somewhat in the revolu
tionary crisis.
Now the opium merchantsare Urg
Ing the British government to con
sider their agreement broken and
restore the Inflow of Indian opium.
The government of Yuan Shi Kal ia
objecting strongly and alleges Its
honest intention to outlaw the traf.
fic and the cultivation.
A strange entanglement has arisen.
The big banks in China have lent the
pium merchants between fifteen
and twenty million dollars on secur
Jomej..i5ft.ftlL.cheata.ioririJjig.lhe. unsold stock in Shanghai and Hong
kong. To prevent Its sale means
seriou-s loss to the banks and ruin
to the merchants. So every kind of
pressure is brought to bear on Yuan
Icy and. let the stock of opium be
sold. So far Yuan is reported to bo
standing firm. But it is everything
to him to be on good terms with the
banks, which are supplying the gov
ernment with money.
So the f uture of t heopl u m traf
fic is plainly in the balance.
years it ls Impossible to fol-
low the movements of par -
tlcs, or to understand the causes pie, engages to pay one half of the
which have brought the Turkish em- j workers' contribution end in addi
plre to the verge of civil war. ition a death benefit of $24.3 3 for
In'spite of Abdul Hamld and -Ms i all who die while in their employ.
fmurderous secret police great nuni -
bers of the young Turks joined the
society of that name, escaped from
Turkey and spent years in various sidcring similar action. The heart
European countries, carrying on of these people is sound. If their
many studies and pursuits. As the policy ls selfish It is a very enlight
despotism of the sultan increased inened selfishness,
severity the links binding the young i A book entitled "Social Insurance
Turks together were drawn tighter In Germany," by W. Ilarbiitt ' John
and the society grew in numbers as son, haa- jtist appeared. , It cites a
well. ! mass of evidence from employers and
Four years ago the emissaries of ! labor leaders, while the Labor party
the Committee of "Union and Prog-
otherwise the Young Turks,
had completely undermined the loy-
alty of the troops towards AbduL
Hamld. When the hour struck for ,
insurrection one complete army
corps and parts of others revolted, for their men the low sick rate that
set Mahmoud Shefket Pasha at their f-omefc- from sanitation, Cleanliness,
head, and began the. march .from 8a- jjnproved ventilation and careful
lonika to Constantinople. The in-j protection from accident,
surrection was practically bloodless, j Tho German and t he English rates
and the wretched AiTuT Itmy.rv- 'of" 'cohtrlbutipn differ widely. ' 'In
signed the throne on promli'e "that Germany the employers' contrintt
hls head should be spared, and tho I'tions range, by regular gradations,
Young Turks were the masters of J from 13 cents weekly for a wage of
Turkey. Abdul's brother, Mahmoud, ' $7.20 to if cent's for a wage of $1.-4 4:'
was act on me inrone. noing little
else than a puppet In the handa of
IS e" Com m lite e ' ortfifier . anOro.g
Constitutional was
proclaimed and a parliament sum
moned, in which Christians as well
as'Mohammedana found , places.
Freedom of tho press was declared
and. newspapers were freely pub
lished. :,
The old Turkish party , was
cotched but not killed. , Constan-
tInoile has been a hotbed of intrigue
from that day to 'this. About half
, the army and half the nation are
dyed-ln-the-wool Moslems, looking
1 back longingly to tho old daya when
Christians were dogs of unbelievers.
The Moslems in the army consti
tuted the military league, which is
.headquartere for the opposition to
the Young Tnrks.
The Military League has Just re
cently upset the war minister, do
rfiarldcd and obtained the resigna
tion of tho ministry, refused any
negotiation to end tho war in .Tripo
li, and siH the Young Turks trem
bling lost they lose their hoads.
Meanwhile Albanians are in in
surrection, Montenegro Is on tho edge
of,fightlji&the Tripoli war bolla a
little, and no one can see one day
ahead. The Young Turks have
gathered at Salonika with nil tho
troops that remain faithful to them,
and" Bet Nlazl Bey In command, he
who heded tho former Insurrection.
The Military League are said to be
demanding tho resignation of the
sultan In favor of his reactionary
Bon. That demand may kit loose the
flood of civil war over the whole
empire. .
If reaction triumphs Christian
schools and colleges, with their
tftclHrs- will-be 4n da-ngeF. :
HERE are reports from numer
ous sources that large numbers
of Republicans will vote for
Woodrow Wilson,
The bull moose party is ying to
destroy the Republican party. How
can a Republican who has an affec
tion for Republic::i traditions and a
reyerence for, Republican achieve
ments vote for the bull moose nom
inees? There is rot a chance in the world
for the election of President Taft
A vote for him is half a vote for the
bull moose party and half a vote for
the assassination of the Republican
Woodrow Wilson Is the only La
Follette-Bryan progressive candidate
n the field
Mr. Taft is not a La
: ls not a La Follette progressive. The
I oniy candidate a Bryan Democrat
I can consistently vote for U Woodrow
Wilson; The onlv candidate a La
Follette ReDubllcan can consistently
f vote' for is Woodrow. Wilson.
A thundering Republican Indorse
ment of Woodrow Wilson In Novem
her will put an end to the bull moose
i movement, will discipline Republi-
("Follette or An equally good progres
ftvShe Repubttcan nominee in 1916.
The Republican who votes for Wil
son is voting for the defense and sur
vival of the i- historic Republican
party. ...
HE British Insurance act deals
with sickness, accident, mater
nity, .and tuberculosis. It has
so immediately apaiedtrj thejfor good
muiniuae ior wnose oenent u was
wrought out that Lloyd-George, its
author, could announce nearly a
month ago that already l.ine and a
half million people had Joined the
approved societies, that In three days
more there would be ten millions,
and that In three weeks or a month
his forecast ' of twelve millions of
insured would be more than real
ized. In the face of insidious and de
termined opposition the contributory
er, employe, and the' government, to
provide the cost.
It ls most Interesting to observe
that the attitude of many large em
ployers has already changed -from
hostility to the bill to its support.
The head of one of the largest wool
eh mills''WnEngTarfd,' speaking' for
the syndicate of, five such mills., that
he and his friends have formed, an
nounces that they have voluntarily
determined to pay their workers'
! share of the contribufeionwithout de--"
ductlon from the wage. Another
1 mill, employing over 1400 work peo-
,Thls firm has already a profit-shar-
, ing plan. Consular reports inform
us of other firms and Industries con -
in the reichstag and the mass of out
, side Socialists have hecortjo hearty
supporters of the policy. Through
the Insurance laws labor has become,
in Germany, already more efficient.
In England employers are seeking
l ine cnarges to tno employes rango
from 21 cents weekly for a wage
eSSaerf Tf 7l30ft . ...en.ui.".foip.-.-a.
wage earner of $1.44.
In England employers' contribu
tions range from 6 cents on a wage
of $7.20 to 12 cents for men and 10
cents for women on a wage of $1.44.
But employes' contribution! vary
from .8 centp for men na. fl for wo
men on a weekly wage of $7.20 to
no charge at all on the pittance of
f 2.16 and $1.44. Tl) English ben
efits are both more numerous and
wider than those attaching to in
surance in Germany. -
T is almost unbelievable that the
president of the city - council of
Detroit who is also a candidate
for mayor; with seventeen of his
colleagues, and the secretary of the.
council, should be under arrest for
bribery and conspiracy to defraud
their city.
Who that knows Detroit, clean,
pulsing with life and energy, a typ
ical American city of the first class,
can assoclato its governors, elected
by the suffrages of its citizens, with
the meanest and most contemptible
of crimes that flourish in darkness?
When Governor Wilson was speak
ing in Portland he dealt with this
subject in this way. Graft and cor
ruption in municipal life are unfor
tunately, charged against us by many
critics at home and abroad. But it
Is not the disclosure that hurts, but
the existence of tne evil. Is It the
opening and cleansing of a long hid
den cesspool, and the necessary
stench, that poisons? Is it not the
concealed putrlfacllon, polluting the
good earth, that ls the source of
But disclosures, such as those an
nounced in this eastern city, are a
lasting discouragement to all true
lovers of their country. And this
because there comes here a fresh
revelation of inherent weakness in
a municipal body politic. How come
such men to entertain the thought,
to be open to temptation, to accept
the suggestion, to rob the home of
their children, the foster mother un
der whose shelter they themsolves
have lived and prospered, and whose
high fepute they have boasted of to
the wide world? Each man has
justified himself to himself with the
fatal saylni! "they all do it" then
why nqt II To such men's minds
and consciences, public honesty and
private honesty are far apart to be
Judged and. acted on by different
standards. Probably not one of
them would have put his hand Into
his neighbor's - pocket His home
life may well have been immaculate.
And yei, and yet, his own pocket
may have been filled with the plun
dering of his city. Plundering?
Yes-r for fine names may disguise
but cannot change the nature of an
Y. M. C. A. BOYS
NE of the most Important and
telling activities of the Y. M.
C. A. in Portland ls the work
among and for boys.
The record taken on July 1
showed 782 boys on the roll in the
various departments, of students, in
termediates, business boys, juniors,
preps and in the social entries. Of
these 439 boys are enrolled in the
20 Bible clubs. But the scope of the
clubs covers not only Bible study,
but socials, athletics, games, aquat
ic meets, baseball and basketball.
Onef the most telling Influences
is found in the several
camps and h.kes, where the boys are
taken, under suitable charge, far
into the woods and by tho lakes and
rivers. Between April 12 and June
24 there were nine of these trips.
There ls an-ther division of the
boys into councils A, B and C.
One hundred and-twentysix--of the
boys, members of the councils, have,
during the six months, taken a defi
nite stand for cljan Bpeech, sport,
and habits, with declared resolve to
live a manly, Christian life.
It goeir wtthoTit"Bayingr that'4) aid
these boys to such .results many
adult volunteers have been and are
at work, for the personal influence
on the individual boy is what counts.
There is a call for more recruits in
this service absolutely unsectarlan,
.very- simple... -and of--unqueatlonabl
efficacy. Who feels the call should
heed it the call is insistent and the
field wide, and White for the har
vest. .. . rftt money but men ls the great
need. . "
Four ten-thousand-ton steamers,
4 05 feet long have been ordered by
V. R. Grace & Co. of New York for
coast-to-coast trade between New
York and San Francisco. They will
he ready for use and maintain a
fortnightly service when the Panama
j ranal lB If Portland with
Elxty-slx outside mills depending on
her for export service cannot main
tain an oriental, line, what figure
will she cut in the Panama canal
The president- has vetoed the wool
bill. It is the same bill he vetoed
last year, and that veto was on the
ground that, the tariff commission
j had not reported. tTh
e present, bill
ls the La Follette substitute of last
year," and its efficacy is borne out
by the tariff commission's report.
j jt- was an effort by congress to re-
duce the coiit of clothing. Why try
to revs the tariff downward when
bilJs to that end are vetoed?
" Dollar Diplomacy.
From Detroit News.
The onalo committee on foreign re
lations proposes to Inquire Into the re
lation between tho forelpn loans of
American financiers and the relllons
in Mexico, Nicaragua, Honiluray and
Cuba; Kvnalor Yv')l!inj, , AH(W .Smith
lendif liliHH to a gool cauMha
ha av.omtii i.pu.Wpg .. our "dnlja-r . 41
plomacy" In the soull). Blnce this eon
gross seems to bajj'bent on investigating
things In geoerjif; It might as well in
vestlgate,, tljfttte-Cv , lh particular.
tVll street wfiincteis'aimost forced ui
into i war - with - Mexico through tht
fool maneuvers of last urrimer. -
We want to know If Mr. 'Morgan has
the trnt'Ot Philandering C Knoxy eo
retary of state, all of the tlms. or just
part of the time, for forcing loans at
high Interest rates upon foreign na
tlona and using the American armx and
navr for Scollecting purpose. ' It 'may
be that the nation will approve of "dol
lar diplomacy" when the facta are out
It may be that John Hays Hammond.
ynnd Philander C. Knox, aa the peta of
the ateel trust group tr financier!, are
In a highly advantageous and quit hu
mane bualnea. But w want to know
Just how they manage it, before In
dorsing the game.
Letters From tLe People
(Communications aent to The Journal
for publication In this department
should be written on only one side "of
the paper, should not exceed 300 words
Irt length and must be accompanied by
the name and address of tae sender. If
the writer does not desire to have th
name published, he should so stat.)
The RepubUcan Crisis of 1912.
Ppj-tianal?Or;; Aug. 8, To the Editor of
The Journal--Ref erring to your edltoral
on this subject as The Journal claims
to b an Independent newspaper,, per-..
mlt me, nn Oregon Republican of 33
years, to Join with you In asking the
question: Can the Reoublican Darty
Survive the heavy strain of the Roose-
veil combination made this week to de
feat TaftT And abio: Who ls respon
sible (In Oregon, I mean) for this sun
fortunate break? Harvey W. Scott, In his
"History of Portland" of 1891, says of
me: "In 1868 he (Reld) was employed
by Mrs. Mary Lincoln, widow of the
prestdent, to asslrt In the preparation
of 'The Reminiscences of Abraham Lin
coln,' and whll employed on this work
ho (Reld) was appointee by President
Grant asTJnlted States vice consul at
Dundee and held that of flee until- his re
moval to Oregon In 1874." Those are
the great Oregonlan, H. . W. - Scott's,
words In 1891, and, I will add. had It
not been for Mrs. Lincoln's advice I
would not be in Oregon today. Co you
wonder, then, I feel depressed sine
Lincoln's first Republican party has
been divided into two? Engaged for 10
years In construction of much needed
railways in western. Oregon, with for
eign capital, I necessarily had to ab
stain from politics and have been a si
lent Republican voter. Nevertheless, It
la apparent to me that had the Orego
nlan thrown oil on the troubled . waters
so far as Oregon was concerned, and
tried to cement the two wings of the
Oregon Republicans TaHarvay w.
Scott would have done) our state would
not be divided today. Instead of which
the Oregonlan kept forcing Taft upon
our Oregon people day after day. The
result was that many Republicans were
so disgusted that truthfully I can say,
like myself, they refused to even reg
ister their names as voters for the last
This reminds me that 60 years ago,
when I was a law student at Glasgow
tScotl&nd) oial varsity our . .. processor
used to warn us that political editorials
were like the wiiard Professor Ander
son's saying: "Now you sea them (ed
itorials) and now you don't" and he
added: "Tommy, you will take the
money and I will play any tune you
Laying all this aside, however, I am
convinced that If neither Taft nor
Roosevelt carries our state In the com
ing; election, and Oregon goes to th
Democratic nominee w Republicans
have no other newspaper to blame than
the Oregonlan as conducted Jiade Its
present managements seeing ,,, Ms past
editorials have tried to force our peo
ple and not calmly to argue with Ore
gon Republicans the true situation ii
existing today politically In Oregon
among Its majority voters. Hence, the
progressive party has come In. "Con
sistency, thou art a jewel," seemed to
be the Oregonlan's motto, making It the
sterling paper It was (until after Har
vey Scott's death) for the Republican
"Eternal Vigilance the Price of
Portland, Aug. 10 To the Editor of
The Journal The measure attacking the
Initiative ls to be submitted to tie vot
ers this fall. It provides hat'No
measure submitted to the people at any
election under the. Initiative shall take
effect or become a law unless it shall bo
approved by a majority of all electors
voting at such election whether voting
on such measure or not." Its backers as
sert that this law ls to Insure major
ity rule. Pon't be fooled by their fair
words but look cartfully Into the work
ing of the law. .
' For ''instance, if at an electron the
highest number of vote cast for any
candidate Is 100,000, then an Initiative
measure In order to pass would need a
majority of the 100.000. That is, It
would take 50,001 votes to carry, Ir
respective of how much lower the total
vote -mlght-be for thebtH. As a rule,
these measures, especially when requir
ing considerable Intelligence to under'-'
stand, receive from 10 per cent to i0
per cent less votes than do candidates.
Dyed-ln-the-wool party men whose
brains would be unduly taxed by an Ini
tiative measure find it easy to place an
X before the name of every man fol
lowed bjr their rtydesJgnatl0.iklIDX
W"IKelivo"terI aretbo stupid to vote
The Mariner's Compass.
No one has ever been able to exactly
specify at what period th property of.
the magnet was first discovered. It
has beon ascertained, however, with
cvrtainty, that mankind was familiar
with it ?.t a very early period. Father
Kircher made a considerable effort to
prove that .the Hebrews were acquainted
with the magnet's singular (property of
attracting iron nnd we learn from tha
ancient writer, Plutarch, that the Egyp
tians were not ignorant of It.
Many of the ancient philosophers
knew and admired the worfderful prop
erty of the magnet. Thales and Anax
aKoras were so struck with It as to Im
agine that It had a soul. Plato affirmed
that the cause of Its attraction was di
vine. But in spite'" of their knowledge
of the magnet, Its direct property was
not known to the ancients. .
To the simple application of this prop
erty, which wa.s ettherdlscoVered or In
troduced Into . Europe , about six cen
turies ago, mankind Is. Indebted prin
cipally for the discovery of a new con
tinent, for an extensive commerce be
tween tlu; most distant nations, and for
an accurate 'knowledge of the shape
and size of the world we inhabit.
The use of the magnetic needle was
not known in Europe before the middle
of the thlrtaenth century, and the honor
of Its discovery has been much con
tested. But. by tha cqnscnt of most
writers, it seems to belong to 4'iavio
Gloja, of Anialpht, an ancient commer
cial city of Naples. Ha' lived in the
rc!gn of Charles of Anjou, who died in
1309; and It was In compliment of this
sovereign that Gloja distinguished the
North Pole toy a fleur-de-lis.
The Chinese ascribe tho Invention of
tho compass to their Emperor Haong
Tl, who they say was a grandson,, of
rroflTr. ome--orPnTnowmfT"refef 1
til invi'ntton oMt to a tater'data, 116
U. C. Du Hilde,, in his "History of
China," speaking of th Emperor Ha
ong Tl, when ha. gave battle ttf' Tcht
Yeou, says: . '" . .
"He perceived .'that thick fogs saved
on th Initiative measures but aceordlng
to this proposed law they wpuld ba
counted as voting "no. Is this JustT
One often hears conscientious people
say, "if I don't understand a measure I
refrain from voting and Ioaviit set
tlement to those who have convlotlons
on th matter." The proposed law .arould
count them a voting "no," Do you be
lieve In that? .. 7
Suppose at this election 100,000 votes
was th maximum cast. . If 10,000 were
oast on an Initially measure, 46,000 be
ing In favor of, and 16,000 against, th
measure , would b defeatedby those
who didn't vot'. It would take th
60,001 to pass it Th 20,000 unde
cl3d, indifferent or stupid would be
counted as voting against th bill. Do
you want uoh a lawf Howrmich:"pro
grsslv legislation, d you auppos
would pass iibls,)aw were in effect?
Those who advocat this law are real
ly opposed to direct legislation.-' Let
them be sincere and openly advocato the
repeal of the initiative and refernhim
lttW-': Hv v W-'M-
Can't nerBotfi. ''jgL
Portland, Aug. 9. To the. Editor ' of
Th Journal There exists a stp.n, wall,
many feet high, and many feet through
between th Progressive and the Taft
element, and it is ridiculous to see
Selling trying to straddle this formida
ble wall, aa he does try to straddle It
In his statement you published August
8, In which he says he Is a Progressive
and for Taft. Just as. If one could be
a Protestant and for th pope, or an
American and for some foreign poten
tate. Can one be an Inhabitant of Mars
and also of this planet? Can on be a
water rat and a ground hog too? Can
one be any two things essentially differ
ent No, nor can Mr. Selling be any
such political amphibian. He Is neither
a Progressive nor a reactionary. Ho ls
a convenience man, with no strong con
victions.,, He is a trimmer. This Issue
Is clear cut and decisive, and not sus
ceptible of straddling. The days of the
trrmmer-are gone, " anorMT.Senrhi's
statement ls a mere publlo announce
ment that he chooses to stay at home.
Shortcomings of the Police.
Portland. Aug. J. To the Editor of
Th Journal I have been disappointed
each day, aftr searching the papers,
not to find any .comment On the failure
of th officers to find, the murderers of
an Inoffensive man who was killed by
six ruffians. And about th same time
the arrest was made of a poor old for
eigner who had been driven Insane by
a gang of hoodlums stoning his house
and annoying him until he used fire
arms. A wise Judge ruled "he should move
out of the way pf his tormentors." What
a. reprimand to tho gang of hoodlums
and the officer on the beat, that should
have made them behave!
The comments In the papers do more
good than alj Portland's official house
One of the Heirs.
P?rland. Au g, . 9 To tha .Editor, of
The journal I noticed the communica
tion from "K" in your columns Inquiring"
for heirs to' the estate of Anneka Jans
In New York city. I am a direct de
scendant of Anneka Jans.
F. A. M., 492 Taylor St.
News Forecast of tke
Washington, D. C, Aug. 10. In the
Interval between the Progressive con
vention and th' Wilson ratification of
last weak and th notification of the
two leading vice presidential candi
dates fixed for a week hence, the na
tional campaign promises to experience
a mid-summer lull during the ensuing
seven days.
The most Important of the fixed
events on the political calendar of the
week will b the Populist national con
vention, which- has been called to meet
In St. Louis next Monday to name a
presidential ticket and adopt a platform.
Colonel Cecil A. Lyon, chairman of
the Republican state committee of
Texas and an active Roosevelt sup
porter, has Issued a call for a state
convention of the party to meet In Dal
las Monday to put a full ticket in the
A monument In honor of the memory
of Sir Isaac Brook, who commanded the
British forces In Canada In the early
part of the War of 1812 and who was
kllltd at tha battle of Queenstown
Heights, Is to be unveiled Thursday at
Brockville, Ont. Colonel Samuel Huxhes,
the Dominion minister of militia and de
fence, is to of f icla te, at-lba . unveiling
Another Interesting event of the week
in Canada will be the visit of tho Duke
of Connaught and his party in Halifax.
The chief feature of the visit will be
the dedication by His Royal Highness
of the memorial tower erected at Hali-fsx-to-commemoraTr-thTlfOTh-"
versary of th first meeting of the pro
vincial legislative assembly of Nova
Among the conventions of the Week
will fee the annual meetings of the In
ternational Typographical Union. In
Cleveland; the National Society of the
Army of the Philippines, In Lincoln,
Nfitu. And - .thft- Canadian. Medical ..aoi
ation, In Edmonton, Alta.
the army from pursuit, and the soldiers
rambled out of the way and lost the
course of the wind, whereupon they
ma,de a car which showed them the four
cardinal points. By this method he
overtook Tthl Yeou, made him prisoner
and' put him to death. Some say there
were engraven In this car, on a plate,
the characters of a rat and a horse,"and
underneath was placed a noodle to de
termine the four parts of the world.
This would demonstrate that tho use
of the compass, or something very near
It, wils of great antiquity and well at
tested." In another part of the book Du Halde
says: "After they had their audience of
ieave, In order to return to their coun
try.dTcheou Kong gave them an lnstru
menf.whlch on one side pointed towards
the north and to direct them better on
their way on the opposite side towards
the south, than they had been directed
In coming to China. Tho instrument
was called 'Tehl Nan,' which is the name
name by which the -Chtnesw now call the
2a compass. Thr hasgiy.ftn occasion
to think that TcheOu-Kdng was the In
ventor of th-ompass."
This circumstance happened hr -th
l weniy-st'cona cycie, aDoui.iuu years
before Christ. But notwithstanding the
assertions "of Du Halde, Renaudot ad
duces strong reasons against the mar
iner's, .compass haying been known
among tha ancient 'people of China and
of Arabia.
The French people have laid claim to
the discovery of the mariner's compass,
and at the Royal Library at Paris there
ls a poem, contained In a curious .qua no
manuscript of the thirteenth" century,
on vellum, in whlcl tha mariner's com
pass Is mentioned. But In spite of all
thla,it l evident. Jhatthsy,eacQlUaa,
Flsvio Gioja. if not tho original dis
coverer, was at least the first who used
tho mariner's compass, or constructed
it for uge on vessels in the Mediterra
nean. ' --;
Tomorrow The Telescope,
Lincoln and a Bofl!
The birth Of the "Progressive" party
at -Chifliiga recalli to the recollection,
of a Writer in th Boston Globe an in
(creating Incident In th arly days of
the Republican party, and, leads him to
certain obHonraUons on the third party's
position in tie present campaign. This
writer sayst'
"Cameron, hitd been the Democratic
boss- of "Pehtisylvantft- for years and
elected himself to the senate when the
rise of Buchanan had threatened his
power. He made a quick leap into th
Re-publican party and at onoe became
th -Republican boasj-whtch he remained -for
ft quarter of'a century.
Mhan th .nnvunttitrf nt 1 Rdfl met.
1iewas on the ground with the Pennsyl
vania delegation In his pocket. His help
was needed by Lincoln and he offered to
give it for a place in the cabinet, socured
by Lincoln's own written pledge,
' "The terms were hard, but Cameron
had the goods, and Jesse Dubois, father
of-ex-Senator Dubois, of Idaho, Speaker
Clark's manager In the recent campaign,
tele'Kiphed to Springfield for the re
quired assent.' But Lincoln flatly replied,-
'I authorise no bargains and will
be bonnd by none.' Th anxious candl.
date hastened to send a message to his
partner, Herndon, warning him to 'maka
no contracts that will blnd'me.'
"Whereat Dubois said, 'Damn Lin
coln!' and the acdjent-little band went
back to Cameron to c6nfees that, while
they hesitated to press Lincoln to
pledge himself, they could pledge him ;
and guarantee his observance of It. 81-'
mon, with som misgiving, no doubt,
gave Lincoln his delegation and the .
nomination. His price was the secre
taryship of the treasury.
"When Lincoln learned what had been ;
done in his name he found Mmself in
one of the moat trying Involvements erf
his life. After his election, he Inclosed
two Jailors- .to Cameron. ln.-.on
formally offering him the stipulated
place and at the same time asking him
to decline It.
"But Simon held on to the offer and
Lincoln could not pry It out of his hand.
At last he Induced him to forego the
treasury and tak the war department,
which, when tho war came with a tor
rent...,of army contracts, proved to bo
something more than 'JOst as good' for,
Cameron. After a year of criticisms
and scandals, however, Lincoln thought
Simon had been sufficiently rewarded
and sent him off as minister to Russia.
"Necessity ls the mother of parties.
They are born to champion some cause
rejected by existing parties.
"There have been only four parties
In American history whtch have car
ried a national election. Each came into
being to deal with a need, an occasion
which there was no other agency to
meet the Federalist, to give form and
force to the central power; the Demo.'
cratlc, to bring the people Into the con
trol of that power; the Whig, to invoke
that power for tho material development ,
of the expanding nation; th Republican,'
to assert that power against the exten
sion of slavery and to vindicate it
ajratnsT states"rTgTiTS and' secession; 7
"Tho late Joseph B. McCullagh of
the St. Louis Globe Democrat Cheered
up Ms fellow partisans In 1880 with
the prophecy that thrre was one more
president In the bloody shirt. Mr.
Roosevolt has made up his mind that
there ls not another president In the1
mere name of th Republican party, and
that the time has come to capitalise and
organize the vast but vague Sentiment 1
foT a new pRrty. for that new alignment
of the people which has been so long
foretold and' postponed.
"He ls guessing that the Republican
trademark has lost It value, that th
generation which 'voted as It shot' has
passed on. We shall have to wait for
history to tell us whether he has made
a good guess."
Pointed Paragraphs
One touch of fashion makes a lqt of
women kin. "
A man may1 have a swelled head
without having a broad mind.
Even a fat woman may have a slim
chance In the matrimonial market
One whiff of ortlon will do more to
kill love than a pound of cloves.
There's nlentv of haoDlness In sight.
but getting It ls another proposition.
Ira nmrisinn- how many heroes ther
are in the world to hear them tell It.
comes under the htad of buying experi
ence. A woman has as little use for a se
cret she can't tell as she has for money
she can't spend.
Give a man advice and tell him to tak
it for what it is worth, and It will prob-
atftV go unheeded.
If at woman's husband always let her -
have her own way she'll give hlra credit
for having poor Judgment.
We don't blame a woman for wanting
ToHnarTr'y"C'Watn - man ; tt-tr'rar-twtg--ter
than marrying an uncertain one.
t The average woman can do more with
a hairpin in the way of manufacturing
history than a man can with a canal
boat and a pair of mules.
As I Sat on the .Seashore.
In spots, the seashores trod by many
There surrimT air's and Idling meh
And merry children romp, and lovers
There holds the. ldlesse queen her sum
mer court.
The feet of youth
matron, maid
and babe.
Make no impress,
pass on
and dls-
And lovelv forms and faces, too; they re
laid ., .
Away, and less remembered year by
year. ,
The sands remain, the fcurpe, the shore;
Thev're ever there, eternal, as It'
No change, no loss, no death; but ever--
, more
Tney greet new transient mites of
hopes and dreams.
t J. r. WAGER.
By Miles
0 I'm a happy, yelping scribe.- -
1 dallv with the muse,
1 slD tho nectar, then imbibe
The thoughts, tlfat trickle lose. -I
laugh and caoer like- a clown
And tickle morbid folks,
I'cltmb 10 heights and tumble down,
And crack a thousand jokes.
0 I'm a three-rina circus, and
A reK'lar jumping Jack, .
Besides a little. German band -
I'm sharp as any tack.
1 prance around the blooming town
' and sing my merry lays;
O I dispel the, grouchv frown
With my rnlrth-provoktng ways.
At home the wood Just splits In two
While laughing at my wit;
Collectors cbme, when bljls are du
H'" Cheer the, sad and kill th pain
Tliat old;1 folks strffer from;
Nobody cares' a Whit for rain
"Whene'er thof see me com;.
O I'm a Jolly. Joking glpk. .
I alwavs get tH' ftoo
At least thaiiawhat some people think;
Fact is. I'm always sore.
.. ( .... - ....i. ' -