The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 11, 1912, Page 30, Image 30

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Young Girls Forego Dolls and Playhouses to Labor for Charity
Eureka lub Formed ton Purpose of Sewing for Motherless Babes
.Top, left to rlght-6fllccr otEufeki 8elag club;' left to rlgbCfct tbAitrid Fereson, treasurer: Ethel Cain, secretary, .lows Frieda
JW6ch ..tics . president ( Luclle Johnston, president; Lavelle Kinder; honorary member Lower picture Members of club, left to right,
t9i '-.t ow -Mollr Yeager Luclle Johnson;' ."Cecil 'Graham,. Grace DaEferfteld, ; Bottom row -Ethel Cain, Elizabeth Taylor, LaTell Kinder,
. -.'f .;.' v . ..... , r, : ' ., i . . u ; 'V,v--'"' ('T
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-&v:Xi ai7
ts" sW wi m x-!smimMmm-mmmm
iIPirMsm sgfeN. V IlliiliK. . iiliiliii l
At l:WWf:; : W i vr xlll I , V. ..4 ,. , ' ill
y ' ' ' " '
: (f At th when mot slrls re think- i ''''QMOOij ii5idBMi'()J
iff - r7n-r 77.1--rv "sgtjx
tfnw'Tjr??r ninw-n r mn lfy
can bi ready to help tak ears of th
600 op 109 who wilt want tf Join
soon ss th hw bulldlnf ! opn. ...
Th boya of China hv very fw
fanua such ; boyi In ths United
States play. Mot of tho,they bfro
aro fames Of thince and' very catty
they begin . to gamble on them. In
ome mliston iffhoola they are learning
baeeball, football and cricket, but team
play Ig practically unknown so far ai
we can find out. The aehoola all over
thctty are asking for help In teaching
the 'boys to play. China fcaa riever
played and men do not want to learn,
but they are ready for their aona to
learn and the song are iut ae anxloue
to learn aa are the boya In America. In
the new building we are making ample
provision for the play life. We will
handle boy from 11 to 20, , having
aeparate game room" and separate
locker rooms for the older and younger
boya. The plant make provjslon for
JOOO Toy rnemberi, 600 "can go to our
boya' day school and 100 can live In
jne building.
Present Situation.
The reconstruction of China Is on and
no one can foretell what will happen
the next day. tly nature the Chinese
people are peaceful, happy, Industrious
and home lovers. They are eompro
misers for the Sake of peace. Certainly
no great revolution ever suoceeded with
leas real fighting than China's and we
think here that China will hold to.
gather and work out her own nroblems
until she Is a real republic. There-are
many Chinese who think liberty means
license and freedom of speech an op.
portunlty to elftnder and blackma.lL
without .punishment. There are also
those who still hold the old Idea that
an office is an opportunity for personal
galft, but the hope of the 'republic Is In
the young men who have studied abroad
Vid are unselfishly giving themselves
to the task of establishing t new and
betterovernment, .
In an inland city of 100,000 people,
where several thousand soldiers are
Stationed, and where mission work has
been exceedingly hard, the old general
In charge whom no one ever suspected
of being in sympathy with Christianity,
has taken charge of a large theatre and
three times a day marches in enough
soldiers to fill -the theatre and asks tb
missionaries to preach the gospel to
them, They sit quietly with their guns
on their knees and listen. If the
preacher begins to .talk about education
or lecture on some popular subject-the
old general Jumps up and interrupts
him, saying, "I want you to preach
the gospel, hat Is what these men
need;" Thiai has been going on for
more Wan' two months. Many have
been-conver9jd and many more are in
quirers. Jhe missionaries have had to
call in from outsldn to help, for
they are worn out. Similar things arit
happening In many -plaees and China Is
asking to hear the gospel as never before.
Xerth Bend Man Marries.
(Spoclnl to Th Journal.)
Marshfield, Or., Aug. 10. Ths mar
riage of Carlton Freeman of North Bend
and Miss Nellie Wasson of South Inlet
occurred at the home of the bride's sis
ter, Mrs. Charles Codding, at Flagstaff,
near this olty. The ceremony was per
formed by Rev. H. I. Rutledge, pastor
of- th Marshfield Methodist church.
Ttfei.brld Is the daughter of on of the
plotieers of Coos county, and has a flae
homestead on South Inlet, where the
couple will, taka up their residence.
gor the Beaches
Have f)ur buggagA checked at your
home. Ttio Baggage & Omnlbua Trans
fer Co. Main 6980, A-3322.
;? 4.?.'
Sunset BaySald tb Be Ideal
Location fo"TSummer ' '
$ raygrouna.
' (Hpnclsl to The Josmtl.)
North Bend, Or., Aug. 10.-VTO eatab
llsh near Coos Bay W of tha finsst
summer resorts in the west is! plan
likely to ba followed out by Mayor L. J.
Simpson of this city. Tha plaee selected
Is Sunset bay, which la several miles
below tha entrance of Coos Bay harbor.
Bunset bay Is beautifully located and
Is sometime used a a haroor of ref
uge by fishing boats. It is a favorite
.r,n. n ik. IMATlU a this
locality. The plan is to begin next
spring the conatruotlon o". flrsNolasa
summer hotel, to bs known a Bunset
Inn, which will be located so as lo hare
tho benefit of tha ocean and woodland
view. Camping places will be arranged
and bungalows built for families.
Mr. Simpson owns a large traot tt
land in tha locality and will improve
600 acres as a resort He has an archi
tect working on plans. Mr. Simpson's
private summer home, Shore Acres, la
situated several miles below 8 unset bay.
A first-class road leada from . ths bay
cities to Sunset bay, so tha placa will
be accessible by automobile,
Journal Want Ada bring result.
lttU coterie of east side misses has
,' banded together in a "sewing circle" to
' Work for the benefit of the little babies
Of the Waverly baby home.
This organization of young charity
. Workers Is known as the Eureka Sewing
i Club, and Luclle Johnston .is president.
The other offioer are Frieda Fetsch,
Vina 3 iraltlnf TTtVil P1n anrAtnrv!
( Aetrld Fersson, treasurer; Qrace Dan
i gerfleld. custodian of the flower fund
, This -flower fund Is a Uttl side lsue
with the girls, and Is a sum held In r-
serve from ths membership dues for the
' purchase of flowers In case any of the
I members become IH. Other member
of ths club are Cecil Graham, Molly
' Teager, Elisabeth Taylor and Gertrude
; Knotty Little Lavell Kinder, 16 months
' old, id the only honorary member of tha
club. She Is taken to each one of the
; weekly meetings and serves as an ln
' splratlon for the girls as they sew for
less fortunate babies.
Tha JEureka Sewing club has been op
, ganisea sine reoruary 1 visit; : .nj
' members are entertained vJwy Ve4jjS
day afternoon at the jthm -qfy'ona of
the members. The time Isdatted to
making baby olothes. The members pay
dues to buy goods, and accept donations
' of material as well. They do the plain
and fancy sewing.
. About three doien piece of clothing,
Including dresses, bibs and tuckers, un
dercldtfilng. stockings, night clothes.
Jackets' and other necessary articles, of
' . . . . I 11.11. L.kl.- .... .4 Ka.rA
wear mat an 111119 ukuiqs nave
been completed, and will be delivered to
the Waverly home n the near future.
The girls will continue their good
work Indefinitely, and will extend th
cope of their charities a their club
grows. The young charity workers ex
pect nothing for their efforts, but say
they find much . satisfaction Ih doing
something for others, and In the reallza
tlon that through their efforts the lives
of some little mortals are being mads
more comfortable and happy. ,
I1IU1IMU I uunniiu
J. C. Clark in Letter Report
Tells of Events at Nanking
, Where He Is Employed as
From far-away China comes an echo
of th effort for the uplift or the great,
nawly awakened nation. In the form of
a letter-report" from J. C. Clark, who
was boys' secretary "of th Portfand
T. M. C A. until, accompanied by Mrs.
Clark, he went to China to become sec
retary of the Nanking association.
Th letter show that In China th
yellow skinned association members ar
engaged in very much the sam kind of
activities that characterise those of this
oountry, They are campaigning for tn
creased membership, to purchase and
outfit an athletic field and establish th
boys' work.
Meanwhile, says Mr. Clark, th recon
struction of th nation goes forward,
with a new event and unusually unex
pectedfor every day. In part his let
ter reads:
"The past few months have gone so
quickly that It seems but yesterday we
wre telling of our first experiences In
China. Every day has ben crowded
full of language study and work in the
local association. They say th
orient Is' slow, and so it Is In many
Gives Quickest end Surest
Cure for All Sore Feet
Th following Is absolutely ths surest
and qutckest cur known to science for
all foot aliments: "Dissolve two table'
spoonful of Caloclde compound In a
bssln Of warm water. Soak the feet in
mis lor mil iu-
I m Inntn. trary f
ilH Jy rubbjflig the ore
pans. ine eiieui
Is really wonder
ful. AH Soreness
foes Instantly; the
eet feel so good
you could sing for
Jby. Corns and
callouses can bw
peeled rUrbt off. It
elves' Immediate relief for sore bunions,
sweaty, smelly and aching feet. A
twenty-five cent box of Caloclde Is said
to be Sufficient to cure the worst feet.
Jt works through the pores end removes
tau-f the -trouble, Daa't wU
tim on uncertain remedies. Any drug
gist pss',v8rociaernmpwn(rTTr-iitocir tr
pe can get It In a few hours from his
wholesale house It Is not a patent
medicine but. IS an ethical preparation.
ways, but w never have had time fly
by as it does here. April was spent
arpttlnff a Htfixt An thA Khknehaf ialpot
Kfhen came the secretaries', conference,
aiier wnicn we naa snotner two weens
of language Study before the beginning
of the campaign for $40,000 to com
plete tho purchass of the boys' build
ing site and the athletic field. The
campaign has occupied most- of my "tlm
during the month of June, still I have
tried to stydy two hours per day and
Mri. Clark does the same. "
Xat Sheds Vd.
The secretaries' conference was held
May 7-H, and was the first conference
of Y. M. C. A. secretaries In China and
Korea. It was attended by 24 Chinese,
one Korean and 37 foreigners. It" was
unique In several' respects. T
Ths session wers held in mat sheds,
constructed In the Shanghai associa
tion's athletic field, for that purpose.
We at tiffin In a large tent on the
fields This gave Us an opportunity to
us alt the time between sessions for
rcrealon and mixing with the men.
Thirty-one of the foreigners were
secretaries of the international commit
tee, four were missionaries of various
church boards loaned to the association
for full time without expense to the
association, on represented the British
and one the Swedish associations. The
24 Chines secretaries spoke 11 differ
ent dialects, and the one Korean could
not converse with any of them . except
in English, which was the language of
the conference because most generally
understood. Add rend Were made in
three languages and four dialects and
prayers offered In a dosen languages
and dialeSt.
I have attended many conference In
the last -ten years, but never saw men
work harder or accomplish more than
did this group -of men In spit of all
their language difficulties. They dis
cussed the principles underlying all
phases of association work, set ths stan
dards high and outlined a policy for th
next three years which if carried out
as I believe it can be, will be one of th
most ' remarkable advances ever made
by any religious organization In any
land. It will mean the organization of
14 large city associations, now there
are 12. the beginning of Industrial work,
boys' work, railroad work and a work
for soldiers, sailors, police, street car
men, and experimenting with non-equipment
work In small cities.
Campaign for S40.OOO,
Three years ago money was sub
scribed to buy an Ithletlo field and
boys', building Blt. One pledge for
120,000 could not be collected and there
was some $10,000 beside in small
amounts that did not come in, so they
added to that f 10,000 for - remodeling
the present building arid with eight
teams started out for $40,000. The
campaign to run from June, 10 to July
10. The first three week about $8000
was secured, but we still thing th entire
amount will be secured, for ,jthy spend
the most of the time allotted to ? cam
paign in preparation, having the real
fireworks for about three or four days
at the close. The men on the team
are really under things and feel that It
Is their undertaking and that they can
not let It-f aft- it Is a -most -dlffhnift
Urns w.ral.jnopeyJn. Sbanghai,..jE'rob
ably no campaign ever had more discour
agements to face for wa ar pot yt
through with th wr, th famine 1
Just over and all business men in
Shanghai have lost heavily In rubber
speculation within the last year.
Our plan have been changed and we
are to live In Shanghai and open up
th flrtl boys'- department In China.
Through th day school, of more than
350 boys, we have been able to see
something of the kind of fellows the
members of th boys' department will
be. I think on tho whole they are ae
choice a lot of boys as I have ever
seen, as full of life, fun and mischief
as a like number of American boys
woutd be. Many of them do excellent
apparatus work in the gym and there
are a few fine basket and volley ball
Plans for Next Tear.
Next year we expect to pick and
train 25 to 50 boys for gym and scout
leaders and give a like number Dlbl
club work and an Idea of the actlvittos
of a regular boys' department, so they
for Rupture
Without Operation
No Hospital or Doctors' Bills; No Loss of Time from Work
Sent on 60 Days Trial
No longer any heed to drag through
life In the clutches of rupture.
No earthly excuse for letting yourself
keep on getting worse.
No big expense to stand In your way.
And you won't have to take a single
cent's worth of risk.
Thfcik of that! you who have spent
dollar after dollar without finding a
thtna; that has done any good.
Think of that! you who have been
afraid that some day you'd have to risk
the dangers of operation you who dread
th surgeon's knife because you know
it results In permanent weakness or
death about as often as In recovery.
In the last 24 years probably more
ruptured people Have been cured WITH
OUT operation than by all the opera
tions ever performed.
Cured without leaving home without
being in bed a single day without los
ing a single hour from work.
Cured by the wonder-working Cluthe
Truss (Clutho Automatic Massagef)
something so remarkably beneficial that
nearly all feel better and stronger
get -Immediate relief after trying this
For this Is far MORE than a truss
far mors than merely a device for hold
ing the rupture In place.
Test "it on 60 Says' Trial.
We have so much faith In the Cluthe
Truss tnat we sre willing to let you
prove at our risk, Just what It will do
for you.--
We'll make a Cluthe Truss esperlally
for your case and allow you 60 days trial
to prove that It will hold your rupture
securely In place, when working and at
all other times that It will put an end
to the trouble you've heretofore had and
do you a world of good. If the trial we
allow you doesn't prove It, then the truss
won't cost you a single. cent.
For your protection, we guarantee all
this In writing.
XsaUnf Takes Flao 'Willi Ton Work.
W guarantee that with the Cluthe
Truss on you, can do any kind of work,
exercise, take a bath or swim frthls truss
Is water-proof), etc.. with absolutely no
danger of th rupture coming out
You see this trues unlike all others
Is self-regulating, self-adjusting; can't
slip or shift away from the rupture
opening: automatically, and Instantly
counteracts every one of the strains
or sudden movements which, with or
dinary trusses, are almost certain to
throw th rupture out. .
And, In addition,, something no Bther
It Is made to overcome the WEAK
NESS which. Ig the ral CAUSE of rupture-
;". .
All day long, without any attention
whatever on-your part, tt AUTOMATIC
ALLY MASSACJKS the weak ruptured
And this massage STRENGTHENS
Just as EXERCISE strengthens a weak
ARM In many esses makes the rup
tured parts so strong and sound that the
rupture opening Is entirely closed and
no Sinn of ths affliction left.
That Is how the Cluthe Truss has
cured some of the worst cases of rup
ture on record
Among them men and women 60 to
70 yeors old. who had been ruptured
20 to 60 years cured many of them
after everything, else. Including opera
tion, had proved utterly useless.
CNt World's Greatest Kuptur Book.
So that you can Judgie for yourself
we want to send you ar free book we
have written a cloth-hound book of
advice. Even physicians who have read
It say It is the best book ever written
on rupture.
It sums up all we have learned In 40
years of day-after-dav experience In
the successful treatment of over 290,000
cases. It deals In Hlmple language and
photographic Illustrations with rupture
In all its forms and stages; explains
tho dangers of operations; puts you on
guard against throwing money away on
thin k that can't stand a fair test.
And It tells all about tho Cluthe Truss
how little It costs how It ends con
stant expensehow It froes you for
ever from the torturing harness which
makes other trusses so uncomfortable
(no springs, belt or elastic around your
waist, no leg-straps) how you can try
a Cluthe Truss 60 days at OUR risk,
thus Klvlng you plent" of time to make
sure of Its wonderful holding and heal
ing powers.
AlsoIn their own words it tells the
experiences of many former sufferers
gives their names and addresses pec
haps you know some of them.
Book sent In "lain, sealed envelop.
Wrlto for it today don't put It off.
After reading this hook, you'll know
more about your condition than If you
had gone to a doien doctors. You'll
know how to get Immediate relief with
out rjsklng a penny.
Just una the coupon, or simply say In
a letter or postal: "Send me the Book."
In writing Us, please rive'our box num
ber as below:
las East 83d St., Sew York City.
Send me your Free Book on The
uuro ui vuvvuivt
Town , ... t . .
A r"j. J-.L t J
The man who looks far enough ahead to purchase sup
plies for himself and family when price inducements are
matte will find at this store an opportunity to buy FALL
CLOTHES that are reduced 'before they are first offered
for sale. We have unpacked our Fall Clothes and the
prices tell the story. Everything the latest model, pattern
and color. .
35.00 S0.ITS $26.25
i -"in ,i i M . n m
$30.00 SUITS $22.50
$25.00 SUITS" $18.75
$20.00 SUITS $15.00
$15.00 SUITS $11.25
$14 Young Men's Suits now S9.45
$10 and $12 Young Men's Suits. . $7.85
$7.50 Cheviots for young mefl.'v jvvy. $5.45
$10 2-piece Outing Suits. .' .$4.65
$15 and $18 2-piece Outing Suits . .$4.65
$15 and $18 Spring and Summer Suits $8.65
$20 Fancy Spring and Summer Suits Sll.85
$25 Fancy Suits $14.65
$15 Blue Serges ...$9.45
$20 Blue Serges... S13.35
$25 Blue Serges... $16.65
$30 Blue Serges $19.65
$35 Blue Serges w $21.85
Our entire stock of extra trousers
has been tremendously reduced. Note
sale prices:
Regular $2.00 Pants
Regular $2.50 Pants
Regular $3.00 Pants
Regular $3.50 Pants
Regular $4.00 Pants
Regular $4.50 Pants
Regular $5.00 Pants
Regular $8 to $7 Pants . .
Khaki Pants reduced
White Duck Pants reduced. .........
Dusters and Office Coats.. 33
for men
1-3 off
We offer our entire line of single-breasted
Knickerbockers, ranging in price from $3.85
to $12, at such a reduction that you cannot
resist the temptation, to clothe the little fel
lows right now. Come in and take A J Q f
your pick" for.".. vT0)
Double-breasted Knickerbockers, regular vali
ues from $2.85 to $13.50. The entire line re
duced ONE-THIRD.
Wash Suits, 85c to $4.50 HALF PRICE
Khaki Overalls for boys. .45?
Boys' Blouses, Shirts, Shoes and everything
else that the boy wears has been sacrificed in
price to raise the necessary amount of money.
$5.00 patent colt, tan Russia calf velours, gun
metal, box calf and vici kid. Very latest lasts
for men $3.95
$4 tan Lotus calf, button, lace, blucher, $3.35
To $4.00 men's Oxfords in all latest leathers
and styles, at $2.65
Broken lots men's shoes up to $5 . .. $1,95-
Up to $2.50 boys' Oxfords $1.25
Same up to $3.50 .7.T.7.77TT$f.75"
Broken lots boys' Shoes up to $3.50. . .$1.35
Barefoot Sandals up to $1.50 at .95?
Same up to $1.00 at ....75
$6 and $7 Panamas now. .$3.65
$5.00 Panamas now. . . v .$2.45
$3.00 Soft and Split Straws... z...,$l;45
$1.50 Split Sailors. 85
$2.50 Derbies, new shapes $1.85
$2.50 Soft Felts ...$1.85
50c Khaki Hats 35
50c White Duck Hats.. 35
$2.50 and $2.00 Caps...,. '...$1.35
1 A-'. ' ' " "" ' "' -
Furnishings .
$1.50 Golf Shirts, plain and plaited 90
$1 same, plain and fancy, collar and cuffs, 75
$1.50, same as above. . .77.. v -I. $1.15
$2.00, same as
75c plain assorted Shirts ....... M 725t
$1.50 and $2 Negligee Shirts ..81.15
$1.75 Negligee Shirts. ....$1.35
50c Ribbed Underwear...... ..25
50c Balbriggan Underwear ....35
50c Porosknit Underwear 35
$1.00 Japanese Crepe Underwear.., .....65
$1.50 Cooper Underwear...... .,...75
75c Muslin Night Shirts..... 45
$1.25 Twill Night Shirts. 85
50c Suspenders 1 ... , .25
25c Sox,, ! ,,15c
15c Sox, 3 pair for .25c4
1 66. 1 VOThird-StreetrEortiand
M :