THE OREGON SUNDAY TOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 11, 1912. SUMMER WILL; TRe 'Car -dS ttaie: -Mourn? Unique 'Durability Test Being Made in the Northwest BE Combination Chemical, and llose Wagon to Jfate 8000 Mile Trip Through Pacific Coaat States j Big Machine " ' Is Now Traversing Idaho ( To Beach Los Angeles Latter Part of September. ' ALL AUTOMOBILES . r v.. Bg, Manufacturing Corpora iii5n to Have but One , Name :J0r All Their Cars; "Fland- "V 'v. ENGRAVED ON e--" KfT"ij,T eS4i$P1 iiStli t" i; 'iTo xhang by &ne. bold stroka time ;utjdei!- lth in iuinuaHf marketed teat- -,oC flatlpi' neWK t - lBli-lal'' his tory. Tef'lf has juat been pertormed by ' the Studebaker corporation of De trolt." whlcft'haa cnt .notice to Its deal ers all dver"ln - country, thai in the future, all. the motor, cars built at lt mammtth Detroit plants trill be known a "Studebaker". cars. ; - The change went Into' effect with the opening f the current -month. A big battery of f machine , tools Is now en gaged in turning out the Initial lot of 100,000 fgtudebalur' script radiator name .plates'' wlrfeb, will replace those at present la,iie. not only on the cars now being marketed but also on all cars et4d,by the Stwdebakers and their pre- waSXmerged Into vthe Studebaker cor poration some time, ago. As soon as It Is possible to Supply the monograms to Studebaker dealers, all cars now In Ve will be equipped with them. .;. Change,. XtfloaL ... TU change, though startling, Is tnorpughiy logical. knce tne beginning ct;tiie, automobile plants around whloh the present Studobaker system has been built; member o the Studebaker fam ily bva been heavy stockholders. To years 'ag :-they acquired a controlling interest. . -"The automobile plants are now owned outright by the Studebaker corporation. - Practically all the cars bum there have been' sold through the Studebaker-branches, . Studebaker.. poli cies, prominent among which are the broad guarantee and close relations with retail dealers, have dominated the firm tor the past two years. With this condition In evidence, it seemed to the executives of the corpor ation, as well as to Its dealers, that the change was. not only advisable but Virtually essential. Massing of "Tlaadera." TTom some points of view we regret jthe passing of the old E-M-F 'SO' and jinanciers zu raaiaior monograms, saia Mr. Brown, northwest representative I of the Studebaker corporation. "A de sire for uniformity Is, however, very 'strong amomg ..our dealers." They all I feel, tooy.'tnat tner is a marked ad vantage in the old trade mark that has i been borne by the goods made by our 'family for three generations. These '.conditions, and the fact that the old 'monograms had long ago lost their per sonal significance, are the real reasons ''for '"the "change acwrBfng to which every car we make and have made will bear the Studebaker name, henceforth." 7--:: y.uyfi$ -bhv-.- ,.; :,v, rSk ., 2 Li. v; o jV?ni Jww3 ' rKXc l 7r-' W,f v Fvl. V feiililiftliiiiiii i T-.-WW'WlSMIsiSfSULli mm - iliilli Fonnesbeck in seat of "6-60" White combination chemical engine and hose wagon, making' tour of Pa cific coast states. Left Portland for north July 16. Hopes to arrive at Los Angeles In time for annual convention of Pacific Coast Fire Chiefs' association latter part of September. Car traveled: 1200 miles before reaching Portland, vfrip as planned will cover between 4000- and C)00 '--loUeB. Special - speedo- - -..meter. -measures -movements,- Everjr sort of endurance tesJjis been given the different makes of automo biles and commercial trucks during the past few years that gasoline .vehicles have been in vogue, but K has-been left to. the White company to pioneer-the durability of fire apparatus In the north west. Above is shown the six-sixty combination chemical ad hose wagon built under the direction of J. Fonnes beck, a former fire chief or San Jose, Cal., by the Whlta company of Cleve land, Ohio, that Is now making a 5000 mile trip , through the northwest and Pacific coast states. , . Mr. Fonnesbeck left Portland July 16 and -followed the Pacific Highway north through Tacoma, Seattle and on to Belllngham, Wash., from which point the car was taken by boat to Vancouver. B. C. After demon strating the par to lha- fire departments of, the northern, cities, the. car was driven back to Seattle and from this point a trip through the southeastern part of the stale made. . i Interesting Trip. A letter to E. W. Hill, Tortland man ager of the white branch, from Mr. Fonnesbeck tels -of a -very Interesting FARMERS will Southern Oregon Dwellers De pending on Cropsr-J. C. Braly Returns. Journey from Seattle through -Ellens-burg, North taklraa. Walla Walla, Pull man and then Into Spokane fromwhlch point the letter was written. Mr. Fon nesbeck stated that the road condition In Washington was not as favorable for heaVy vehicles as those he found In Oregon, but- that no trouble had been encountered to that point. The different fire departments en route were greatly IT1 Interested ln-the flrs flghttng apparatus and ' complimented the White company on sending such a. high priced vehicle over practically unknown roads In or der that the people of the' small towns might sea . and better understand the working, parts of.rwhat will eventually be standard frrVaqutpment instead of the horse drawn apparatus now being used throughout th country, KELLY-RACINE TYRES The Tyre Without the Trouble Smooth and Safety Treads Red and Gray Tubes Chanslor & Lyon Motor Supply Co. "Everything but the Automobile" 627 WASHINGTON STREET Seattle, Spokane, Ban Francisco, Fresno, os Angelas. 'l . ! h f. 5; t : k are a striking example of 'the "survival of the fittest. Just as motor trupks have proved to be the most satis factory method of commercial transportation in prac tically every line of service, so White Trucks are prov ing the most efficient, economical and rehable among -motor-trucks. : , ; IV White Trucks have set a high efficiency standard that makes them:prje-pminent in trie motor truck world, and have shown motor truck users what they should obtain in economy, durability and low cost of main tenance, that makes it impossible to satisfy them' with any other means of delivery or transportation. . , The reasons for White superiority are many, but the White owners. Ask . them they will be glad to tell you about the results they are obtaining with White Trucks. THE WHITE CAR AGENCY Main 692 SIXTH STREET AT MADISON - - . . V Sa , v .V n ft. ! JJ-y J. ,C. Brady, president Of the Bradlr- i CuBols Auto company, Portland agents ; for the. Franklin automobiles and Ohio i Electrics, returned to Portland the early , ' part of the week after a trip through j southern Oregon. Mr. -Braly left Port- ,lnnd July 22, with John F. McLaln, Pa- clfio coast manager of the Franklin i company, and picked up his brother, Ad dison Braly, at McMlnnvllle. The first ; night out the party stopped at Albany.1 1 The following day they went to Corval- I ills' and report road conditions between i : Corvallis and Junction City In rather a-i roupn conaiuon. Tney rouowea tnc Pa cific Highway from Euprene and with a i few exceptions found the road condl jtlons in good shape. Of course, a few iJhard hills and some rough Rolng in spots 4wi.ll be found. Taking It all In all though the trip is one that any motor fist will enjoy. Good hotel accommoda i tlons will be found In nearly all of the valley towns. Springfield, Cottage ; Grove, Oakland, Medford and several thtrriBsnJdsmclzrjrg lted on tho trip. Mr. Braly states that ithe outlook for the coming automobile season , is the brightest he has seen in i several years. Crops are larger this (year thrriugh the state than for many : years and the farmers will all be buy-1 !lng sutonioblles as soon as the present' j crops have been harvosted. Canyon . vllle Grade Just nfter crossing the North , tJmpqua river at Riddle Is the hardest ! grade to be found on the entire trip. Mr. ' Braly suggests that extreme care be taken in ascending the other aide of this jhltl. The road Is very good to the top, ! but .on the lown sltfe It Is very rough. : Coming back there Is another road that Is good' on the up. side and the same ... bad condition will be found descending ' on this side. From Ashland back to Portland the -trip was made In two days with several fishing' trips on the" side. The trip was made In a Frankl(n car. , TSie 1913 irvfi Will Aifive J. W. Leavift & Co. 529Washlngtoir-St." HUDSON 20 ALSO MAKE5 OTTER ROCKS JOURNEY i. (Speclut to In Jonrnil.) r? . Nowpnrt. Or., Aug. S. Dean G. Ray bf 'Portland,1 In his Hudson 20, made the'i trip to Otter Rocks this weel!, 12 miles, -jiorth of Koivport, and wtth the excep- S -tlon of th'e-'I landers pathfinder, was the : first car through this year. The roads Jiave nit beon repaired since last win-, ter and tTils car stuck in the very tracks f t.ha pathfinder at Yaqulna Heads, j Vhere the gas would not flow to the; fcarbureter. Having only a gravity tank, one or me doj-s naa 10 put nig lips to the tank and blow. This filled. the carbure tter and the i'teep pitch was passed. Near tKewport attempting to round Jump-off -Joe point a wave- swept In and came Unto .the car, but receded as quickly as It cama before the water had time taj . gei into me carnureier. u nia was tne lamjslpolnt at which a touring car was engulfed last year and the seven ocv upatgi nacrwlr escaped with ' their lives. . Mr'Ray was'accompanied by C. F. jJMoakes, also of Portland, and piloted by TV. IL'BUrton .of Newport. - ; -Aeoordlag 4ef flelel-f irwrea- 1..m jrnunui us uuiiyr are maae in jne tinltea states averjr, Jear. , . ; v , "" ' The Coming of the SIX Was foreseen four years ago by the Mitchell people who immediately began designing and building a six cylinder car. lie aby Six Is the result of these years of six cylinder experience. It's past the experimental stage and is the logical compromise between the big and the little. The car you can afford to buy and own. No Use Wailing Till 1913 The Mitchell Baby Si Repre sents future up-to-dateness now, ; The price is a mrprise when compared to other six cylinder cars. CALL " OR "PHONE FOR A DEMON STRATION. EAST 2177" t L 340-346 East Morrison Sired IK Portland, Oregon The Studebaker (Flanders) 20" ROADSTER $830 F. O. B. Detroit, Fully Equipped tup-pi m nTMrnAWTD a fTfso THE CITY SALESMAN THE PARCEL DELIVERY THE REAL ESTATE MAN' THE DOCTOR THE LAWYER TH&FARMER; ' u- $ Need One I "J"" " ."'r THE SERVICE DEPARTMENTS OF ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES The STUDEBAKER "20" Is a Time Saver Th6 STUDEBAKER "207.18 a Money Saver The STUDEBAKER "20" Is an Actual Busi ness and Professional Necessity The Studebaker "20" is a lijjht, trim, up-to-date automobile. It Is ideal for city use, being roomy, yet compact, easily controlled, very economical in operation and costing almost nothing for maintenance. There are various models of this popular automobile, adapted to' all sorts of business and professional uses. They are equally adapt able for pleasure purposes and anj often put to both uses combined. The Studebaker Corporation guarantees Studebaker "20" Road sters one year from date of purchase against defects. Studebaker's , Portland Branch has facilities for service to customers superior, to those of all other automobile houses in the city. . v Studebaker "20" models are on display in our saleroom.. "We invite your inspection. -Moreover, we have a special representative who is prepared in a professional capacity io demonstrate to you, not-' only the car's performance, but by showing the time and money sav-., ing in business uses-the necessity of its use in your work. Either call and see this car or call upon us to' present1 the matter as -a, business proposition. t - , . ; ! Studebaker Corporation of America 'A. R BROWN, Northwest Managrer . CHAPMAN AND -ALDER STREETS Pacific Phone Main 5969 : . , ; ' 'Home' Phone 'A-2433 . : .'4- ;V'Wv s if- t : t t i'