The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 11, 1912, Page 18, Image 18

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barn, 80 atalW, ntar Broadway bridge.
l ! ) ... I
Plfone East 4478,
WANTD--Te,rent-''ft modern 5 or I
lln Prefer to kp som cnictcen;.no noya. Anflrtw Anderegg.
children highet f relerencea furnished;ipKE cowt " nd " onir
i? t,ler' : "" v. iresh In few days. Als 2 nice fam
Box $76. . - - n owa. 709 Harold ave. TakeBeH
WANTED To rent bungalow in Maw-
thorn district west of 60th; muit
'58 """
. oh year; responsible people who would
purchase in l year u sausiactory. .
S4, journal.
XOUJNU laoy witn year om cnua t
wants to rent ti. lv. room in private
family where some one would care for
Child during dav. BellwOod 681.
1GHT or 9 room modern house irood I
neighborhood, west side, ramily,
adults; references given. H-560, Jour
nal. WANT to rent an improved fruit ami
dairy ranch; must be close to a town
or good shipping point. Address W. A.
Wagn er , A ga t e Beach, Or,
WANTED to rent 6 or 6 room bungalow
witn acceesioie attic in ttose uity
Park section. Reply K-389, Journal.
LET us rent your house. 8. D. Vincent
A Co., $16 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR RENT All of the 3d story of
the brick rirarar-n -Hawthorne-avenue
and East 1st street, which is
75 feet by 76 feet, is suitable for a
paint or wood working shop and has
an electric elevator for automobiles,
etc. Burrell Investment Co., 260ft
Id st.
FOR RENT Two very desirable modern
corner rooms on Park and Washing
ton; second floor; suitable for doctors,
milliners, tailors, photographers, etc.
Good lease. P. D. Sutphen, 2d floor,
861fo Washington. Main 7466.
FOR RENT Desirable store room, 3RD
East Burnside, between Union and
"-Grand ave.T suitable foraho;-iwefrn
bakery and delicatessen. Inquire Mc
Carar. Bates & Lively. Yeon bldg
FOR RNT-Larre storeroom central
location, (rood for any kind of busi
nesst low rent, long., least.... M,.E., Lee,
11 Corbett bid-,
DESK room at 612 Northwest bldg., 6th
and Wash., good Hgnv use of phone,
etc. -'
OFFICE room with or without deBk.
O. W. P. Land Co., 138 1st st,
ONE) store room, 1 large living room,
111. 258 43d st. ..
ran SEE s
Horses, Mules, Wagons, Har
onday, Aug, 12, 10 o'clock
40 "head of all classes of horses, lust
shipped in from eastern Oregon. Also
the entire grading outfit of R. J. De
buhr, who has quit the contracting busi
ness and has Instructed us to sell to the
highest bidder, for carli, the following
.stack. anA..eaulpmenta; .lQ. head mules, .4
head horses, 7 sets harness, S dump
wagons, 12 wheel scrapers, 10 slip
scrnpers, 1 dump, carta and harness, 1
road grader. This is a first class out
fit and will positively sell for the high
The Murphy Horse & Mule Co,
Z40 Xu. stn st. rnons .
Col. J. V, lurphy, Auotloneer.
Just Received Carload
eastern Oregon horses, mares. 1100, 1400
lbs. Madison Stable, 16 Madison at.,
at bridge, west side. Everything guar-
FOR SAlE 4 head of work horses!
Will sell them cheap; harness and
wagon. Take Oregon City cats, get off
at Gladstone, come to the wagon bridge,
cross the bridge, turn to the left to 8.
P. track, in a white house. L. G lass.
FOR &AUC-jOne nice, black, well-bred
mare, 1260 pounds, tide or drive, sin
gle or double; delivery wagon and har
ness; also buggy and harness. '"21
cook ave
WANTED lOCO-pound or more horse j
and low body covered delivery wagon, J
must be reasonable for cash. A-437,
DRIVINO outfit, bay rhare, 6 years old,
city broke, as fine a mare bs any one
owns; rubber tired buggy and harness,
t! 86. 26 7 F,. 8th St.
flno Big 14ii0 lb. work team, llack and
bay. good workers, will sell separate
or exchange team for good driver. 871
E. 3d. Tel. B-1906, East 1020.
Just arrived, carload horses, meres,
young, hound, well broke; all guaran
teed. Columbia Stable, ?02 Front.
WANTED Saddle hornes and ponies,
must be gentle and trot well on the
saddle. Kramer's Hiding School, 10th
and Jefferson. i
FOR SALE Good Fran of mules and
wsirorrr- siso -lM-Trrln waswnr s lsr
7 head of sheep. Take Estaesda car to
Rarapo st n tlon. W. Donm. .
A BARGAIN Farm team, harness and
wagon 1 team, liarness and erpre.'s
wagon mi:st bs sold. 276 E. 60th at.
N. M-V car.
FOR SALE Younfc team of horses;
Dapple grsy and bay, 6 and vears
old, weight 1400 lbs. Neis Holm, Tiger,
- Or, "
TO TRADE acres deeded land m
- southern Ore&B for tantr . haruoaa
end wagon. Call after 6:30. 611 47th
ave. S. K. Mt Hcott oaf to Myrtle Park.
1200-POUND horse, new wagon, for sale
or trade; will do carpenter work In
exchange for team. Tabor 362S. H. A.
FOR kiALE Grocery wagon praetical
ly new. at half of original cost. Apply
354 8andy..Roa&JSLJ,S. -
span goad hoi Fes and wagon for
Rale; will sell nrparalc reasonable.
Csmian Mfg Co., snd T'pshur sts.
WANTED Tf sins to haul brick at
$1.60. Standard Brick & Tile Co.
Main 110t Main 9541.
$26 NUe sorrel pny. 00 lbs., good
alngle or douldo driver. 271 E. 3d. B-
1905. East 1020.
GOOD pair iiiaren. Just off the ranch.
sound, weight 2600. S38 E. 28th. W-W
FINE buggy and liarness, ,$43; good set
work harnosR, $12; spring wagon, $12.
44S Flandera St.
FOR SAtJR 5 small horses, one 8-lnr)
new wagon and liurnem.
1130 Macad-
am St.
FOR 8 ALE Horse. 130J lbs.; hsrness
snd farm wagon, $90. Travis Bros.'
10 HEAD of horses from 800 to 1C00 Ins..
from $35 to $125: sleo one cheap team
of mulPB. 14 Union sve.
FOR BALE A firat-qlass steel horn
saddle for $15. Chus. Rapp. 697 D
kum sve, Woodlawn. elty.
COME to 24 Front St. and Inspect this
carload of horses, all stars, all prices.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
CARLOAD of horse end muiee, aoose
neck, farm end delivery wagons:, bar
res snd saddles. $81 Water, west slds,
RoSSES and buggies tor rent by"ja
week or month. 6th and Hawthorne.
East 72.
FOR SALE Teem. $200 lbs., 7 yrs. old.
Also wagon and
harness. Inquire
1188' Missouri ave.
$85 takes span maras, harness and
wsgon. 839 K- 10th. W. W. car.
FEW odd hofses for-sals;
horses sold1.
exchanged. Rttter,
89$ Water st.
WANTED Good camping outfit 4
horses and I wagons.' J-90Q Journal.
FOR SALE Bay 1 horse, ebund,"or
buggy or delivery wagon. Tabor 181
DARN. 0 eta lis, near Broadway bridge
Phone- Easj; 4476.
FOR SALE chesn if sold at once, good
pony 440 k Morrison
UD work horse to trada for drlv-Ue
horse. Tsbor 172.
FREBH u cow ealf 4 weeke old, very
.. . heavy milker. - 107 Mississippi ave.
" Fresh Cow Wanted -
Must be first class. Address ow. 122 (
Mer ry bid.
l"OR-SAI.K Unir rsnc-h nn mil smith
of alultnomah station on Oregon Elec-
U .111 I,-
Sell wood 1171
PtXK' Ae v.r ' M ;.iSt.V.A rC3Vn
Smith. Nashville station.
Mt. Scott car.
I REGISTERED 2-vear-old Jersev 'bull
- eheep, Nothing hotter m- the state.
c.n rSlnmh . iio . 4 m.
,.,,,.' "I . m,'1
FRESH Jersey cow for sUe. Dr. D. W .
?rowJV.v East 68th st. North.
Tabor 744.
5 FRESH dairy cows, with young calves,
Bruce commission, co., union etocK-
Virlii Dhnna Wnndlivn 4711ft
FOR SALE-25 pigs, I nvof.tbs old, sow
na pig, ana uenanim
mala Hr-
Grebe, Tlgardvllle, Or.
ONE or two first-class milch cows for
sale. Phone Marshall 1002.
WANTED 10 to 20 good milch cowa
Call A-S883 today.
FINE 6-gallon cow, fresh; very rich
milk. 221 B. Main St., Lents.
FORSALE Breeding pen of 6 White
feodum xicns ariu ruusicr,
healthv -jrowtni cbicks, Txycte "hatchery
4 small coops, Or. Elec. Multnomah. Ask
ior wrs, rercivai at uieneiyn.
20 mammoth White Pektn . ducks to
' trade for same number of laying, hens.
TabOr 618, 291 52d st.
WANT Manh green bone cutter. Must
be in good order and a bargain. Ta
bor 4012.
EGGS for hatching, White Wyandottes,
$1 for 16; $6 for 100, II. Frlsbie, 1336
East 10th st. N.
SOME nice Buff and White Orpington
hens for sale, cheap. Call Columbia
TH'6Roli'GMRFD W "L. 1
hens and P. R. roosters. 1433 Dela-
ware ave.,
Bt. Jonns car.
IRA KCMi hot incubator;
Leghorn chicks; curtains, for
363 18th st.
BELGIAN hares more profitable than
poultry; stock reasonable. 4 ar
rigut.. Woodlawn 301. .
FOR feALE Buff Orpington hens,
4026 64th. St. B. E,
FOR SALE Rhode Island Red pullets, 4
months old. 893 Cleveland ave.
MANN green bone grinder, first class
condition. Tabor 1W14,
THOROUGHBRED B. It. eggs and stock;
' pure Ringlet strain. Royce. Sell. 1335.
83d st. N.
for sale, 75o. 1329 E.
FOR SALE Rhode Island Red rooster.
Call Sellwood 186.
AT 8TUr Boston -errter aSterfleld
Blaze English and French bull do,
Fox Terriers, dogs boarded, called for
and delivered. 647 Fi-ont. Main 2134.
CANARY birds for sale, imported St.
Andresberg rollers or will trade for a
nice dog 262 Clay. Phone A-7372, room
TW6 Angora kittens cheap, one black,
one whitej pedigreed stock. Phone
Woodlawn 2276
IMPORTED Japanese spaniels, male and
female, for sale, beautiful, at 308 2d
at.; bull terrier cheitp.
ENGLISH, French and Boston bull
puppy for sale cheap.' Call Woodlawn
BELGIAN hares. Old and young. Cheap.
Fine stock. Mt. Hcott fouury .ares,
Clackamas, Or. , -
&ES(D for tree book ou th proper food
for seed eating cae birds. Oregon
Bird Co., dept. .1 . har 7 43. Portland, Or.
GET your do"g muazles at Dr. Cl E
Brown, 646 Wash lngton st.
FULL bloodBoston terrier and pit bull.
Dr. C. E. Brown, 91 East 12th.
CANARIE for sale. Good singers. 446,
N. 38d st.
BOSTON terrier puppies for saje, cheap.
364 R. 87th, st.
8COTCH collie
pups, 3. Phone Wood-
lawn 3773.
trish water spnnl-1 dogs
M BooKff Home Telephw
for sale.
one Co.
PARROT '.or sale voung bird, good
talker Call Monday. 80S K. M),
PLAYER piano positively new; can save
you $.00. I am not a piano, dealer.
K-464, Jou rnal.
t''6R BALE Edison phonograph, model
E. Plays 4 minute records. 20 threo
snd four minute. Almost now. Price $30.
A-438. Jour
STRICTLY A-l 1911 Harley Davidson
motorcycle, magneto, completely
equipped, only $200. $40 down, $10
monthly. 860 Alder st.
WANTED All kinds old auto tires, in
ner tubes metals, rubber shoes, high
est cash prices paid. Leve, 186 Co-
lumhlii st. Main 71198.
7-PABHENGRR 80 horsepower tourlni;
car for sale cheap for cash If taken
at once. Inquire at once. M J. Dona-
nue, 130 4tn St., city.
WaNTkD Good auto. No back
bar considered. Have a good horn to
trade. If you have what I want. 417
Lumhcr Exchange Bldg.
ATt T'pHSBenger Chalmers to4rtng
car; 60 borsepower; fully equipped;
straight line body; fore door; aell or
traoe. Ill Hoard or i raae oiqg.
4 TON truck, in A-l condition, for sale,
cheap. Motorcycle exchanged for a
diamond, or will trade for real estate.
Inri'ilre lr43 E. St:irk.
KBIT runaboutTlSlO, A-l condition, we
consider this an siteeptionsV good W.i
st check for $S50 takes "t. Cah
Ltnsley, Main
WILL exclmnge one good Portland
Heights lot for good 4 or 6 pass. auto.
Phone Marshall, 21 7.
FOR SALE Jootorcyclo, 1911 Harley
Davidson, in first class condition. 259
HAVE a dsndy rebuilt auto. It is a
Wlnton. I will take $500 cash. Phone
Tabor 149.
7 PASS. Pierce Arrow. See this auto
mobile and make offer. 309 Railway
FOR SALE .") pass. White steamer, well
equipped: will guarantee A-l condition.
Call 370 4th st. Phone Mnln 9201.
MOTORCYCLE. Reading Standard, 4 h.
p., In good condition, tandem; $125
for quick sale. 1144 Enst Main.
EQUITY In house and lot. Sunnyslde, to
trade for high cIbbs runabout. Main
MAXWELL runabout for sale cheap; a
snap. Nob Hill Garaae, 21st and
5 PASS, automobile, good condition.
with extra express body. 209
way Exchange. - -
BMK repainted und overhauled.
condition. $650.
Call Ltnsley.
ELECTRIC piano and cotnplet mn'lng
picture outfit, tor runabout. No Juak.
404 Psrk '
MOTORCYCLE for sale Now tires, en",
gins In good running order. Must sell
at once for cash, $U0. A-471, Journal.
fOii'.SALE-EouT horsepower ilarley
Davldion, fully equipped. $150. It la
a oargain. tan at xi9 ivy st.
WANTED Motorcycle In trade for my
lot. H-667, Journal.
GOuD LOT and caah for auto tn good
conouHin. ji-it, journal
WILL trade manufacturing business
ror s 5 passenger auto. 342 Front.
5-PASSENGER Cadillac in A-l condi
tion. Call 985 Minnesota sve.
WILL take ' pass, auto in exchange for
my tot, amn sna iiiishwor.
WILL give good reel intutn for 6
or runabout ( -2941
.aesuimer car for all dy trips.
$25. Phone Sellwood 143D. Mar 299.
$25 B. Presto tank, new, only $16. 150
Alder st
1912, SO. 4 passenger touring car,
complete with top, shield, speedometer,
clock and extra tire, $704.
Ifli 80 roadster, complete equlpmetlt,
U435; car run 600 miles, now 1SS9.
Pacific Motors Co,
i82 Washington St
Main 7(j.
WE have several used car?,
, left with us to be sold by
purchasers of 1912 machines,
If you are In the market for,
a used car it would be to your
advantage. to see these before
19th and Aider, Main -5969
. , Oregon Auto Exchange
Here arc a few for your consideration
Bulck 2 or 4 nassenser. 1376.
Cadillac 5-pasnenger, nearly new, $176.
l acunae o-pasrenger, jiuo.
Pope 6-pa.sBenc;er, $C0O.
- Oldsmoblle, $475.
Bulck 6-passenger, $775.
Makwell 2-passenger, $325.
Cote Roadster, 2-passenger, $660.
unaimers itouaster, 2 or S-passenger,
Chalmers 6-passencar. J87R
Premier 7-paissenger, 6-cyllnder, $1500
Everitt 6-passengcr, -cyllnder. This
car Is new. Onlv $1650.
Royal tourist, 7-passenger, $476.
Peerle 6-penger, $925.
And many other bargains. It will
pay you to call and see our stock of
cars nerore you ouy: Every car guar
anteed as reprceented.
Oregon Auto Exchange
493-4115 Alder St.
Main 1161. A-4R37
IF you are in the market for a sood
used car it would be to your advant
age to see us before purchasing. The
cars listed below are e.11 In aood run
nlng order and are very well equipped.
The oiicea are remarkably low end we
would be pleased to have you call and
look them over.
1 1 1 0 MARMAN 32 h. p 5 pass,
touring car fully equipped. $850.
1.1911 CHALMERS. 0 h. p.. 5 pass,
touring ear, equipped with top. wind
shield, Warner speedometer, elec. side,
tall Hants practically nw tires, $900.
1 1910 RABCOCK elec. coupe, $800.
IP'0 WOOrR. elec. coupe. $800.
Covey Motor Car Co,
21st frrti Wnwhr nt. Main KH4
1910 Chalmers 30. 4 pass., toy tonneau,
like new, cost $2150, price $875.
1910 Maxwell, model 2, 4 pass., $386.
1910 Flanders 20, racv roadster, $385.
1910 Flanders 20, delivery. $400.
Custa House Auto Co
Cor. E. 1 !Nh and Hawthorne ave.
Whybuy a new cheap csr when yoi can
secure one of our high grade used cam
at the same price. We guarantee them;
different makes and models, all traded
In on new White cars We also offer
several 2d hand trucks. Write Whit
Car Agency. Sixth Rtreet. at Madison.
We have several slightly uaed auto-
m.9.y.'ps..b.qth. in two andflye. passen,.
Ker. For prices and deuionstratlous call
Michigan Auto & Buggy Co
89-371 Hawthorne Ave.
Phones, East 1421 B 1346
Auto Snap
8 rass. auto In elogsrit condition; full
equipment; new tires all around; If sold
at onro will take 7."0 cash. Call 426
Yeon bldg. Main 7525, A-4274.
WANTED Roadster worth $400 or $600
as payment on a lot valued liosri'"
balance $10 per month, near Minnesota
and Bryant streets. 2 blocks from car
State make and year of machine. K
4'M Journal.
TTrTftAl5E Moiritorton truck, used
only three months, guaranteed first
clans condition. Wnnt new passenger
'i pcna eecono-nana one. Will
- '" VflfleS a D"Uett i'umbr
- V?S , '
Laurelhurst Lot
io exchanKo for p.uton ohile 4 or 8-pas-scnger;
must bo In good shape. Answer
niJMartJcuJura P0.Box 590 city.
IF you want light run.'ibnViTTfiiHy equips
ped, for town or country trtpa or for
light delivery, at a reasonable figure,
call Portland Auto Garage, East 1st st
snd Hawthorne.
RUNABOUT, just rebuilt, having had
new gears, new cylinder, coll. etc., In
stalled all now tires. Excellent hill
climber. Portland Auto Oarage, East
1st nn.l 1 1 aw thorns,
AUTO want,;.!. I wnnt a fi pnss. auto
for spot rush, anything from a Ford
to a Franklin, but no Junk. Give kind,
yea, model and lowest cash price Iri
first letter. H-Rsl Journal.
ASH $560.
19in Cndlllac. fine condition, from 2
to 5 Sunday. Garage Mississippi ave .
near Killlngnwortli or phono owner
Woodlawn 244 for demonstration.
t IH.ii'iHiU1; V A .N I K I .
Will g!v M0i mortgnge and up to
$600 cash for flm clsas machine, 1911
or 1912; If your machine 1s not a bar
gain, don't answer. A-7161. "
CADILLAC. I passenger. In grod con
dition, cheap for cash. Inquire Rei
more, McDongall Moores Co., 617 Al
der st. Msln 269.
rlfi Any"r' 1910, without top; ex
ceilent shape, not run over 3100 miles
Take part cash, balance trade J ,
Baxter, 149 23d st. N. Marshall 8830.
AUTO repairing ana storage work
guaranteed, all experienced help. The
Powell Garage, 87th and Hawthorne.
AUT"0 Business Good-paying, cash or
Repair Shop, Hire.
P. O. Box No. li
Aurors, or.
AM leaving for Los Angeles, will sac
rlfice mv modern four door touring
ear, nny terms. See at Wilcox Mdg. 25
Wilcox bid. Ask for Masters.
$700 equity In house and two lota, Wood
stock, to trade for" Ford car. $8u0
mnrtgXgf due. .Hit)) wood 795.
MO"ttTtt'.:C:" for- sale. Goj;PccTndr-
Uoi4 Jfc uiua. ilwiii4,A
win, tase automotuie as
i part pay
t fteaverton.
ment en 4 acres of land a
The balance uuat be sash. Sellwood 794,
Select Car-Bargains
We are offerlna the following high
grado used cars at bargain prlcsa. we
must move all these cars immedltely
and it will pay you to Investigate.
x nve passenger 'I nomas, nign graae,
1 five passenger. 4 door Cartercar.
1 five passenger-E. M. F.
1. four passenger,Ford.
1 four passenger, 4 door Flandirs.
1 three passenger Bulck runabout.
1 five passenger Rambler.
1 seven passenger Garford; a beauty.
1 three ton truck.
1 five passenger Garford; a beauty.
.631 ALDER.,,
IN the market? If so call and see' us
We will save you money.
1910 ChatmeTs. 4" pass.. 46" hrp.r rood
1912 Abbott Detroit Roadster. .Tnls is
a beautv. cheao.
fierce Arrow, 7 pass, win give iar-
gain eft -Mer.
iio huick roaostsr must sen. now.
1910, 7 pass. Wlnton-Slx, fully equip
ped, $1500.
KI103C, I pass.. 191U, JiUOO.
Also other bargains.
" Portland Motor Car Co.
28d and Washington.
HERE is ari'llpiiortunity to purchase a
1911 30 H. P. CHALMERS touring car
at a very low figure.
The owner has .lust purennsea a iu
MODEL, and will sacrifice a great
deal in order to make a aulok sale; th
Chalmers has tb-fllow4g-equipmHti
Top, windshield. Warner speedometer,
electric side and tall lights (with stor
age battervl. all tlras practically new. 1
extra casing, extra inner tubes, trunk
raca, wneel cnains ana presioiue iann.
Dont-' tM: to ee thia If you are in the
market for a used car at 'he right price
. Cov&y.-MotoL-Car .Co-.'-
21st and Wssb.- s'ts. Msift-6244.
SC.iiO, for building lot. A-540, Journal.
FOR SALE or trade for real estate, a 32
ft, oruising launch, with acetylene and
elfictric, llehts. berths. 28 horsepower. 4
cycle engine; this Is a bargain if you
want something -nice. Phone C-1860.
104 Prescott st. -
BaT?(TaTn for cash. 40-foot launcii.
good engine, strong hull; good condi
tion; equipped ror passengers. a-iu
LTtTNCH and boathouse. 22 ft. 2 oylln
der engine, speed 12 miles. Must sell.
A rent snap. Phone Main 269.
ill Git erade launches and canoes a
faotory cost, to close them out. 260
Hawthorne ave.
FOR BALE 16 ft. Morris canoe, good
.-.i,.nnw. .For partlculara .write, to. box
i. xvenaiem, ur.
O. P. fiR AH AM
Boat building and repairing. Marine
wavs. Foot Abernathy st
ROWBOA-T8, SalTboats, Power Boats.
Boat shop foot California street.
ST0lT. ae.Ll my gaspline launch and boat
house ror liift. bsi Mississippi a
FIRST clnss automobTla repair n
and machinist 260 Hawthorne.
Il-FQOT lnunch, latest model, 643 Hood.
LOT of 'lousehold goods. Iron beds,
dreKaers. dlnln tables, chairs, rock
ers, buffet8ajUtarycouch. steel range,
aras fanae. sewlife rhachlrio. carpets.
rugs; also 3 counters, 2 store tables. 112
Union ave.. next to P. O.
FOR SALE New and second-hand Car
om and pocket billiard tables, and
howllnv allevs and accessories: bar fix
tures of all kinds; essy payments. The
Jlrunswick-Halke-Collenoer uo., 49 - 48
6th st. Phones Main 769, A-1741.
FORv S A LE Trl first Class condition,
eafe 30x80 In. $40, Ice box 6Hx7 ft.
$60. steel range. 22x30 In, oven $75,
linoleum 100 vds. $30, 6 H. P. low pres
sure boiler $25. Apply 206 Morrison at.
Phone A-4329.
FOR SALE Good paying fully equip
ped water power sawmill, with S00
acres of pine timber. Price $12,000. Will
give terms. V. J. Kelly. 820 Clay st
The Pall et.
TWENTY II. P. upright boiler. A-l con
ditlon. one 6 II. P. motor 2x1 H power pump.
One 3000 gallon wooden tank. 188 Co
lumbia st. Main 8941.
SAFES Spfciai bargain second hand
fire and burglar proof' safes opened
nd repaired. Purrell Bafe Co. and
Portland Kafs Cf, 85 5th st Phon.
6 riCCTAL "'sale of aiightiy used Singers',
"W A W ," White and Standard sew
ing mnrhlqes; easv payments. Call 183
E MorrlsonunearGrand.
SlTgHTL'y" used -ash" registers, credit
registers, computing scales, eta,
bought and sold. The Paciflo Store
Service-Co , 22, Stark st. Msln 7711.
CHEAP 7 horsepower gasoline traction
wood saw in god working order. Take
Alberta car to 25th, call in woodyard.
or at 1111 E. 25th st
FOR SALE Gas restaurant rang, fam
lly range. Q. O. double desk buffet,
bicycle and water heater. Call 284
Russell at
S fTvF. R AL pieces of furniture, heating
stoves nnd blcvcle. cheap. Some
terms. Private party. Owner, 72 N.
i4ih st.
tult HALE Tent flv, extra large;
also 835 feet of etel fance, nearly
new, cheap. 2046 E. Salmon. Phone
E'lNt 3 5 SO.
LAitOE loud Victor phonograph with
75 recoids, valued st $140; will tell
fnrrlialf. Boom 4, 24S 1st.
i"Dlt SALE Chase A Baker piano play.
s "bA,.. liM art , i - ....
ri , llU'loiiiiiK v j runs music, 9 I 0. Ittin
and R Clav.
B PO: NDlD drop head
White sewing
mii'-hlne only $21.50
Is down, $2 per
month. 8.50 Alder st,
25 H. P. vertical engine $175, worsJng
daily. will buy induction motor.
Call v.. son.
FOP. SA LE -Quai ler-sawed oak buffet
nnd din.iig tsble, good as new. Half
price IMione C-2086.
$t T set 20th Century encyclopedias just
uenvcreu. MaKe oner, u-667, Jour
500 cords. Sell ohenn or want hauled
to Hryanl. . Talior 8046.
f'OH 8AL10 flood HI new high-grade
'renin separator -iri bnrrci churn,
renin. Phone C-31t7.
lii-.ELKit A W 1 1 7s i ) N Tl ry p iiend s 7vT
Ing machine, almost new, $ls.B; go
ing east; today only, 10.8 !nrfleld.
RENT an Oliver Typewriter 8 months
for $4: convenient, ot home. Main
62T3 A-4jl41.
ii opera iliuitH. cheap, op will trade" for
Edlton or Poveis picture machine. A
6"3. Journn!
l and Ofal range and dining table,
usrd but short iline, reasorable, 951 S
Union nve. N.
AN L. O. fcmlth typewrlier, )at' model,
nearly new clialr and table. Price $60.
62v Hamilton bldg. Main $4.
ftUiToHCVCl.E.H $40 up:
btcyelea, $1
up 181 Miidison, near hrldi
i 1 S 1 Miidison. near hr d-
DK.HHY l. KSKS and office furniture.
Haley Desk Co.. 210 7th st
Main 687
DUCK lake for rent
Phone Woodlawn
OR HALE New $60 gas range and
water heater. K-486, Journal.
TYPEWRITERS, standard make,
... . -A a '
standard make, for
Hie cneap. n-ai'Q, journal.
SEW deal in printing; save you money
NEW $ special Wlnoheeter, ch
L. Munspn, 1068 E. Bslmon.
ot oog. nay;
make vie offer.
East KlTO.
party wants to buy $1000 worth of eo
nd hand furniture, stoves and rlige In
small or large quantities and pay all
the cash it is worth. Phone East 631.
NG woman with baby- wants a
room for self nd ear for babv:
works In dav-tint an -wl-ltiratlmtov4wHfa-vll.
i nignt. uaii 41 1-arraDee.
WANTED People of-Portland to know
mat i pay the highest cash price for
second-hand household goods. N. M.
Beater, 124-llt Grand sve. East 1661.
bion CO. Pays the best price for
your second hand furniture, carpets and
stoves. 204 1st. Mala 02t
WANTED Good second
hand double
. elded onk office desk.
2963. A-4913.
Phone Main
BE WISE: get more for your second-
nana rurnnure oy selling it to Foro
Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main 8951. A-Z44B.
WANTED Sowing machine; must be
cneap; stats price ana mane. u-4o().
WANTEDt-A fow doiten young chickens
tfSKeeks oia. state stocic and
trav ew!ni machine. J.
Landluan. 40s Vancouver v Phonn
Main 6039.
FURNITURF, EX. 8(19 E. MOR. E. 7B8.
VANTED Kodaks, cameras, etc. Cam
era Exchange. 218'A Morrison.
TO buy Bayards of Inlaid linoleum. H-
n.. nosen, H7 IN. tsa st.
owriter; must be A-l
and Cheap. G-487, Journal.
SET good painter's falls
honks, slings.
ror casn
Spear: .1286 E. Clay st.
WANTED Furniture for H or 12
rooms. 311-312 Lewis bldg.
LOST Gold locket watch charm, Inr
tlals K. F. W. on one slds and Ma
sonic emblem on other. Return to 229
Lumber Exchange bldg. and receive re
wards i
LOST Small black u"og, long straight
nair, tan race ana legs, name no, li
cense 1625. Reward for information
leading to recovery. 815 Irving st.
teiepnone Main 84Y.
LO&TTuesday. - si
small gold locket,
Kepnsakn. mt 11 :hO n.. m
a. m. Forest Grove
car of ori street about noon,
Prease re
turn tfis Taylor.
LOST Friday forenoon, a bag contain
ig one S2x3H-lnch auto tube.
a, 1 aoor ZO'J.
Black purse containing jewelry,
koepsako of deceased sister. Reward.
Phone A-6479.
LOST Lady's gold watch and chain.
Mrs. Harrison, 38SV4 E. Burnside. Re
FOUND Gent's gold watch, on WTev
erctt st. Phone Sellwood 1024 or ad
dress c. w. a.. Woodstock. Box
C5ST Brindle Bull dog with whlteTaci
ana oreast. Answers to name of Mars.
Finder phone Tabor 696; liberal reward.
ONE small case fish hooks. R6ward for
return. K-502, Journal. j
The underslghsd mortgagee will on
the 16th day of August, 1912. at the
hour -of-ie o'clock a." m. -t "the" Office
of Beath Simon & Nelson, attorneys,
iiu noara or Trade DUlldlng, Portland
Oregon, offer for sale that certain mer
chandise, consisting of carnots. furnt.
ture, furnishings, curtains, utensils and
Other like merchandise nartlcularlv de-
Scribed" In a certain chattel mortgage
executed by Mr. and M rs. H. H. - Vert
ner to I. Gevurts A Hons and datd
January 15, 1912, being the property
contained In the four-storv brick huiid-
ing on the corner of Twelfth and Stark
streets, Portland, Oregon, and known
ss the Hotel Alma, to vbleli mortgage
reference Is hereby made for a particu
lar description thereof, which mortgage
Is recorded at book 64 at page 410 of
the Becords of Chattel Mortgages of
Multnomah County. Oregon.
Terms of sale, cash.
Said sale will be at public auction and
the gald mortgage Is by means of said
sale being foreclosed In accordance with
the terms and provisions thereof.
I. GEVURTZ A SONS, Mortgage.
Attorneys for Mortgage!.
BALED bids will be "received at the
offlne Of R. H. Thornai
40? Tllford building, until 4:00 p. mi
August 12. 1912. for electric motor, to
be Installed In the Ladd. Shaver nn,1
Ockley Green schools, Specifications
may be had st the office of the superin
tendent of properties, 408 Tllfnrd build
ing. Bidder to submit certified check
for ten per cent of bid, payable to R.
H. Thomas, school clerk. Board of di
rectors reserves ths right to rslect any
and all bids.
R. H. THOMAS School ri.rlr
Dated August 10, 1912.
MOTHER wishes to locate her son, Fre3
D. Helmer, last heard from at Gard
ner, Or. Anybody knowing his where
abouts will kindly notify Mrs. 8. A.
Helmer. 63 N. 18th St.. Portland fir
M wife having left my be3 and board.
I will not be resDonslble for mv Hht
contracted by her. GEO. GUI MONT
MASSAGE $1, stesm baths $1. Open
Sunday 12 to 5 p. m., evenings 7
to 9 p. in. 406 Northwest bldg , 0th and
Write me. I have Important news for
you. Mollis Hafey, box S2, route 5,
Vsnenuver, W'aeh. '
ATTRACTIVE educated widow 46 would
like to meet-Christian man with tnm
means object matrimony; highest refer
ences. M-90. Journal.
YOXNG gentleman 22 would tike to
correspond with lady of me age.
Object, matrimony. Dark complexion
preierreu. a-c, journal
klCDLE aged man would like to meet
lady of moans; object, metrlmony. K
408. J ou rnal,
ANYONE desiring marriage" leTnvtted
to writs Mrs A. B. Hyde. 2677 Mission
st.,San Francisco, Cn1.
ST.V VIRGINIA nowii".' m .",IneiT
healer, medium, rcn(i!n;s, teseh n-r
dajlyv 231 5th st. Phon Mm
DR. G. V . K ETClT I M Wo men ' g" maTa"!
dls. acute diseases; moved to 6s2
Saratoga st. Phone Woodlawn 787.
MlSf! flErLUKDniairdesslngTTaee'a'nd
scalp treatment, iiianlcurlns:. 3S0U,
bMorrlson, office 30.
LeaYn our business; Sanitary Beauty
Parlors. 400-413 Dekum hldn
Wl ! )WFJffTm.Wrii age, oul,llUit7)
meet reflnvd lady with sone itiSSns.
Object matrimony. A-f.19, Journal
TidT V lsdv with nice hon:e will boarH
snd care for 1 or 2 Invalids or tlder-
lr ladles 1621Knowles ave
WOMEN Use femo.'ds lien otTieni"faTr
Hold snd guaranteed bv the Au,,hiM,i
L'Ji' ? 'ill? ' ii0 N' '''lh, ' M sin 8 1 0 ti .
MARRY hundreds, veHlt::vmemher5"
will marry at once, all ages dese-ip-tions.
free, reliable club, ilia' Wiuhd
Oakland Cal. '
M A Bit 1 AGE - paper, highest character"
Inworriorsteil ; Kith 'year: 8H0J m0m
bers; taper sesled; send lOo. L. L
lypvo. Box 1GQQ. 7'p.nver, CqIq
LOR EN?! Nerve Tonic Tablets restore
lost vitality; 26c box; S boxes i 25,
Stipe-Taylor Drug Co, 289 Morrison st.
SENT, dime, utamu and birthdnte for
horoscope, quratlons snsWermi.
Mason, 1 1 Waldi hlk., 2d ami Wash,
GENTLKMAN oil nieane like to meet
ladv -f means. Objeot matrimony. (J-
fOR, Journsl,
YOU'NG man of good appearance J?
sires the acquaintance of a yowog
lead v ; rib J eut rtis trl mon y A-546 . .1 n u r n a I.
SAVE $2" to $loKy buying yourtfunk
or suitcase aisaji wssn., cor. nth st.
BAl.M of Hgs, remedy for diseases y?
women. 606 Dsvls at. Main 9216.
XTHMAK DouGLAaircr-sjg
AO I niVIn 1'nion sve. N . Portland, Or.
MRS. MALLORY HAY, ordained medl
um. 1404j 6th st.
MLLE. fioMIlQE'I'hysical culture:
AI. ?ftU:ft..2$ia.-utfr
A. B C Wants you to write' general
HmT Ert TELLE, spiritual mediuiiX
Beading dally, J!$ HUx, near W ash.
WANTED An Fat Folks to. regain a
superbly charming figure. It lta
crime against health, happiness' and
common sense to permit pneself to be
a bundle of fat FAT FOE the enemy
or oDesuy rescues you irons. ine inraii
dom of fat It's ihe-feat fat reduce'rave been - examined and epprfced by
people are pralsinf. It geu at the root our loan department .
f4a-vll. FAT FOE surely makes l!,W-en -lose,.litrTrholesale, ftv.
fat go. It reacAes.. the causa It is I
based on Elimination, Abaorptlon, As- i
similatlon. Der- part Is an Obesity!
Herb Tea. which makes a brew that
is good for you. "Sip yoar-fat. away.
An "'easy to take" harmless, pleasant,
effective, home treatment. - A real joy
"to fat folks. PHce only $1.00 for largw,"
GOinplaite, combination triple treatment
Don't fail to buy It NOW. Bold In Port
land by Lane-Davis Drug Co.. Leland
Drug Co., Redd & Bates, Kivlght Drug
Cp., Rowe & Martin, Clarke Woodward
Co., and others, Out of town customers
can buy FAT FOE by mall at $1.10
from above dealers. Your own druggist
can get FAT FOE for you from his
wholesaler. The quicker you buy FAT
FOE the sooner you will become slender.
comfortable, happv
starts "you today. I
and healthy, il.oo
starts you today. Fat is dangerous,, so
don't delay.
RADICAL cure by the latest natural
healing methods, Including radium, all
electrleal Currents, lights, heat, vibra
tion, radiation, baths, massaee. adiust-
ment and manipulations;- moat expensive,
nnest equipped private ortlce in ure-
ron; no medicine or operations; over
00O.Msfia.ted patients .asd not a death
inder ou?Jeafef'we will be glad to
: -with -Wefirt r of charge. Dr.
W. E. MalTtirvT 312 Rothcblld bldg.
NOMaTTER what has failed when in
need of a regular monthly remedy, get
a bottle of Antiko Mixture No. 8, and he
convinced it la the best and most harm
less remedy ever put on the market forK
isinrui ana suppressed psrioas.,'. Aosqi,
utely guaranteed and for sale in PortJ
land by Jefferson Drua Co.. 3d "and
Jefferson. Main 7642, A-7916.
LADIES $1000 reward: 1 positively
guarantee my great suooessrui
"monthly" remedv: safslv relieves some
of the longest, most obstinate, abnor
mal cases In 3 to 5 days; no harm, pin,
or Interference with work; mall 11.60.
Oounie atrengtn; 2r Dr7C. T. HOuthTnjg-
ton Remedy Co., Kansas City, Mo.
"GET MARRIED." Send lOo and get
our bl Marriage paper with P, O.
addresses of hundreds that want an
early marriage und exchange post cards.
Correspondents all over the world. 3000
members. Many wealthv. United Cor
regpondence club, Box 121, Oakland,-Cal..
A STKADYT'soher snd Industrious young
man of excellent character and good
appearance,-- wlshea to meet an attrac
tive and affectionate young lady who
would appreciate a good homo and -a
true husband. Object matrimony, G
707, Journal.
WANTED Care of a nice child, girl
perferred. Must be of refined parent
age; fine suburban home; mountain air,
abundance play room outside and in.
Inquire Dr. Theo. Fessler, Medical bldg.
Hours ii to 12 a. m., z to s p.
GERMAN gentleman, strlcly sober and
in good steady position, wants to cor
respond with honorable German lady,
25 to 35 years of age, Catholic pre
ferred; no trlflers. Objeot matrimony.
K-458. Journal.
BACHELOR 88 well to do stockman,
good habits, wishes to meet neat re
fined American girl 25-36, tall brunette
preferred, object matrimony; good home
for right psrty; no fllrte please. Box
85.. Paisley. Or..
Diseases ef women and children, has
removed to Lafayette Dldg, 111 ft
Washington at
CARPENTER, German, in the early
- would like to make the acquaint
ance of a girl or widow of good char
acter. Oblect marrlaee. Discretion as
sured. Please answer In German, G-
4,7. Journal.
MATRIMONIAL paper with descriptions
of one of the wealthiest societies in
United States. Many marriages, reliable
service; strictly orlvate; paper sealed,
10c. Mrs. Hell, 1815 Magnolia ave., Los
Angeles, cal.
LIVER and stomach diseases of long
standing cured through thought pow
er. Mrs. D. Allison. 771 Alberta it.
Hours, l to 6, excepting Sundays. Phone
C-3128. Correspondence solicited.
A LITTLE money takes this best, all
cash grocery In Portland. Everything
new; stock $2600; fixtures $500. Give
you all the time you want on balance.
Owner. Q-504, Journal,
FE180N4AL Gillette' suto strop, Gem
Junior, Ever-Ready and all thin wafer
raxor blades sharpened, SOo per dosen.
postpaid. W. H. Sample A Sons, Albany,
PUN. 6 P. M. 821 C6BBETT. COR.
WHITAKER. MAIN 7227. F. Oft ft. CAK.
W'ORKINO man 40 yeare old, wishes
the acquaintance of working woman
who will appreciate a home; object mat
rimony, if suited. Thomas Lilyu, Gen.
Del., Portlsnd. Or.
MISS PERRY, eastern graduate mas
sense. New York school of C. A D.
treats rheumatism, paralysis and nerv
ous cases. 290 13th St., 13th St. or Jef
!Rxat..OpenJ.JidJtta Mala ..1651.1.
UOl'i'HK snd cancer specialist; goitres,
cancer, piles cured without operstion;
asthma, cataracts, chronic and private
dlseAsea s specialty. Dr. J2. Voose. 241
let, room 4.
MRS. STEVENS. 18 years Portland's
leading nalmlst and clairvoyant, baa
her ls'e l ook "Pslmistry Made Eeasy,"
on sale. 857 H Williams ave., corner
Knott..- Office noura 10 a. m. to 9 p. m.
BANDLRrtoN CO. Savin and Cotton
Root Pills sure remedy for delayed
periods, $t box or J boxes for $5. by
men. r. j. merce. us Morrison
CATHOLIC gentlemen from the Vast.
with means, wishes to correspond
with Catholic lady bet. 25 and 38 years;
object niRtrlmonv. 0-638, Journal.
A REFINED widow wishes to moet a
good, clean business man, 60 yesrs
old, one that wishes to mako home; trl-
f neM nt answer. - G-43 1 . Journal: t
SEXOll) Marvelous cure for weakness
In men. by mall $1 per box; money re
turned If It falls. Dr. Pierce Remedy
Co , .MS '4 Morrison.
ltv's trouble, clerk, lot me heln vou
F. Mnsnn. 17 Waldo blk . 245 Wash. Bt.
GENTLEMAN 45, has means, wishes to
meet rcupectnble Catholic American
maiden, JO to 38; matrimony if suited.
0-479, Journal.
l.ADI E8 When d e 1 y ed or lrreiulaTu se
I'rlumph Pills; , always dependable.
"Relief" free. Natl. Medical Institute,
Milwaukee, Wis.
FROM one tbTwo boxes oFs'N AMiroT
n !o c:ure will cure you. Price $1.00
per box L. E. 8cliueler. R. F. D. 1,
Li-tits, orrgon.
MA Kit Y. ThousanJs" weaTtriyT "anxious
lor cnrly marrlRfe. All ages, de.'crlp-
tlons free. Western Club. Dept. 9. 268
Jftr!i t , fail Frnnclsco. Cal.
REFINED ai',1 energetic man. 48, farm
er. would llkn to meet lady of euit-
sble ege; object matrimony, 'Address
i . p. Keyes nuniiee. or.
Disease of women arid surgery. Ex -
uotiruiiuiiB lire ovi mercnams I rusi
bldg , 6th snd Washington. Main 4047.
DR WALKER, specisllst: oulckly cures
diseases of men, l.lood and sliln dis
eases, sores, ulcers, swollen gUnds, kld
rey, -bladi'er and piles. 181 First St.
cash Paid for mortgages.
Or seller's equity In contract of eale
on real estate tn Wsshlngton or Oregon.
11 E. Noble, Lumhermens bid;. Loans.
BARGAIN To sell $3600. net 6 per
cam mieresi paid cacn qusrier, Ibi so
due in few days; good security. K-395,
LOANS on diamonds snd other securi -
ties. R. w. King, 45 Washington bldg,
Phone Main 41P0.
MORTUA-i:a-contracts, .nultles bm.t
PlionC-Maln 761. 804 Uwla bldg.
LOANS en collateral security! See
Kgsn, 09 McKay bldg Marshall Hon,
WANT $5060 on 6 acres Inside property
worth $14,000, 10 per rent Interest
No brokers, prlvste party only, K-l0,
Journal, y
ry "i n nurij-t-N,-uriniJiLiJii.irTr-ii.i1
1 4th and Btark Btreets.
' . Chsmbef of Commerce BulM'".
We Offer the following sppltoa'te
foffirst mortrtfi loam, ell'- of whic i
V , Wry cement building witb, lot
80x100. Totai value of property,
$ 6,000 on a business and apartment
8 property, east ide, valued, at
$16,000. ,
6.000 on one of the most beautiful
Laureihurst res4denci coating
$12,600.' '
I 3.600 on a 60x100 lot and new house
7 Laurelhurst, value $7300. -$
3.100 on a new $6400 home at Laurel-
7 hurst on East Couch street
$ 3,000 on a new Laurelhurst borne,
7 Si house costing $4600, land osu
Ing $2200. Total- cost of aeour
lty, $6700. Occupied by owner.
$ 2,500 on 60x50 business property with
8', heavy frame building, costing
I.5S9J Total value of security,
$12,6(00. Property located at
South Portland.
$ 2,500 on a $7000 home in Alameda
lie Park. Located with a splendid
viaw. overlooking the city. -
$ 2.500 on a new $4000 house and, a lot
7 60x100, costing $1600. Total
... . . value of security $5650 Located---In
Laurelhurst, occupied by
owner. ...'
$ 2,000 on a new home on Tillamook :
7 street, costing $4750. A first
class loan.
2,000 This loan secured by a S-reom
t hotel, costing $8000 to build, lo- -rated
at Seaside. Property
leased for $1200 per annum."
Loan desired for one year.
$ 1,200 on - $&& .-property near the
s University on Harvard street. .
i. near Willamette boulevard.
t 1,000 or a 60x107 lot with good house
V' nearly completed at JCenton. '
Present value $2000. Value
completed I3Q00.
$ 1.000 on six of the best lots In Park- -8ci
rose, together with new house ,
costing $1400. Total value) of
necurll v 12K00.
$ 900 on lot 150x100, cloie to Sandy
SS ronn at FRtttrose. Nevr nonse"
costing upwards $1100. Occupied
by owner. Total security valued
at upwards $2000. Second nfort-
f age held by Parkrose Aesocia--'
Ion practically guaranteeing
first mortgage.
750 or lot 50x100. valued at $800, to
gether with six room house;
valued at $1400. Property-lo
cated on Junior street, close to
the end of the Woodlawn carr
line. ,
Mortgage Loan Department.
Chamber of Commerce B ldg.
$4500 wanted on Improved farm with-
in 25 miles of Portland. Amount want
ed is not to exceed one-third real val- ',
ue. Will pay 9 per cent. Three sets
of buildings. Borrower is very respon
sible. Hvrtman A Thompson, loan da-'
partment. Chamber of Commeroe bldg.
Wanted at Once v,
$2300 on good real estate security. .
White Salmon orchard land, from pri-l
vate party. See
226 Stark St. ,
WANTED To borrow $1600 on timber
and sawmill; cash value $19,000; full .
outfit contracted at good price; money
borrowed to be put in the mill' for extra '
mactiffiyry; '-grwgxiTshTrcoSi;
WANTED To borrow $10,000 ' for five
yesrs at S per cent, interest,' first
mortgage on property of $25,000 valua-
tlon. H-469, Journal, ..:nT .
flS 00 wanted East Yamhill. " cloae'ta.
$6000 wanted, E. Ash st, t pr cent.
11500, $17D0T. $1900 wanted .on -ilolgat
st Lamar, 417 Corbett bldg. Main 3931.
WANT building losn, $1300, t years, 1
per cent Property when completed..
will stand $4000. No commissions.
Phone A-2609. .
WANTETJ To borrow $1600 for t or I""
years st 7 per cent on $10,000 eecur-
lty. K-396, Journal'.
WANTED -A loan of $25o6 on No. 1 ;
city real estate arom private party,
Il-IUI, ,VU1 "HI,
WANTED To borrow $4000 on west
side property for 3 years awjf per
cent. Address H-647, Journal.
$1000 FIRST mortgage on a timber j
claim which- will cruise over 10.000,000.
J-887, Journal.
$3000 TO $6000 first mtg.r land
wortri -Mala
$30,000: close In; no brokerage.
LOAN of $1700 from prlvste party on
house and lot; value $3800. -A-5S9,
Journal. '"
WANTED Quick loan. $2000, . from,
owner. New residence, value $4500.
Fast 1556.
WANTED $1400. 8 per cent on $4000 '
lot and store bldg.; good district.
Main 1166 .
WANT $300 on SO acres land, near Eu-"
gene, Or. C-2941.
We Meet and Beat
The rates of other losn eompanleg
gardless of what they advertise.
Our New Rates
Borrow $10, pay back $11 10 In paym'ti
Borrow $26. payback $28.95 In paym'ts
Borrow $6 ey beck R 48 in psynfts
on LOANS UP TO $1007 If the HEAD
of the family dies before the account le
paid In full and the payments are made
ss agreed. WE GIVE THE WIDOW Ar
Rebate given it paid before due.
Portland Loarr-Cor
806-7 Maoleav hlds-
Both phoaea
Bet. 4th and 6th eta
nn WaeMnartnn
Open Monday snd Saturday till j p, m.
rJl? 0.I50. $70 $100.
308 FAILINO WT,na.
riace to obtain money on watches dia
monds. Jewelry, kodaks, guns, pianos,
furniture, warehouse receipts or toy
good security.
820 Lumber Ex.. bid.. 2nd snd Btarlr
for a loan on Dlanos. houahn!4 am4a
sutos, llvestoek, storage receipta, mon-
' gages, anything of value;
"'" !- If Will cost
you less Call snd get our prlc.a lot
Swetlsnd bldg 6th and Washington.
money In ant amoUntT""-
Contracts, nr.ortgsgea eoultlea. ehat-
tela, end real security.
1126 Yeon bldg. Tel. M. $71.
You can get $6 to $100 today at
cheapest rates, best end most prlvste
terms. D. D. Drake, $07 Spalding bldir.
money For ftALAHikn nF'i
ana otnere, upon trietr own pstnes;
Jhesp rates, easy peymente, eonfldeatlsU
D. H, Tol m n. -nnsmr V1i Lumber rxL'
Ia desirable place for ladles and Ventl
-Btn to borrow money on diamonds
indf Jewelry at eastern rstea llemir,4
T'M West., opp. Owl prug
J. R-N1CHOLS, ' '
" t i'W', P LI HI
dentlsL Ado"
no red laix. run l-
ua Lane. 414 Ablffi a
liONKY loaned i disrpnnde so.l"jei-
LOAN for th-
tel. The U
ritaniikl I 4 1 Vt I 1.
sMlng, ss'.sr r "r 1 1
a Co., 414 Luii I.