The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 11, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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LiiiLLi ni uini l i
77 'i
Appropriations Made By Last
Legislature Sufficient
Cover Expenses Until An-
' other Session of That Body;
(Salem Bureau of Thi Journal.
6alem, Or., Aug. -10. For the first
time In years there, will-be no defi
ciency In any of the appropriations for
the date Institutions when: the legis
lator; mecla next year. , : ;
This la lndlcateU Jiy abatement show
" Ing the standing of the various funds
August 1, Issued by State Treasurer
Kay today. Only two Institutions, the
tate penitentiary and tho Oregon
school for deal mutes, will havoj to
run for the next five months o.n expen
ditures of an average per month less
than the average was for the first seven
months of the- year. But these institu
tions are prepared to do this as for
the last two months the penitentiary
has been maintained within the allot
ted average for the remainder of. "the
year, and rh average at the m,utsehool
for the first part of thflT year was
made large by improvements for which
like expenditures, will not have to be
made during .the remainder of the year.
Institutions Ahead of Game.
The appropriation for the insane
, asylum and the institution for tuber
culosis, aro so far In tho clear that Mr.
Kay did not Include them In his state
ment.. "fir our "determination to prevent de
ficiencies in any of the appropriations
for the Institutions we have refrained
from making some improvements that
,are needed for the proper upkeep of the
institutions," said Mr. Kay, "but now
that the biennial period la nearly over
,and we can tell 'exactly how much
i money we can depend on we will make
as many of these Improvements as th;
funds Will allow before the legislature
i meets. Not only aro we try ing to
'avoid deficiencies, but wo want to keep
the Instltutlwits In as good condition an
possible. There in almost a constant
demand for repairing, new furniture and
new equipment."
Stale Treasurer Kay's statement of
the various fluids for 11)12 is as follows:
State Penitentiary.
Balance for 1!U2 J69.156.63
Total dUhursemeJila for . . j..
months of 1913 42.OB2.if4
Average monthly disburse
ments 6,013.16
Balauca remaining for .
. months of 1912 27,064.51
Average monthly amount for
remaining period of 1912.... 5,412.!f0
Institution for reticle Minded.
""BaWnc'o for 1512 ". ; '". .7.7'.'.". .'.IS0.737.5G"
Total disbursements for 7
months of 1912 21.SS4.97
Avsthko monthly disburse
ments S.126.42
Balance rnmainlng for fi
months of 11H.' 17,862.63
Average montlily anumnt for
reninlnlDK period of 1912:'. .7 3,670.50
Institute for the- Blind.
Balance for 1912 i 10,922.99
TotaJ disbursements for 7
months of 1912 6,248.52
Averago monthly disburse
ments 891.93
Balance remaining for 5
months of 1912 4,679.47
-Avewtgo monthly amoimt iof-re-
malnlng period of 1912 935.S9
School for Deaf Mates.
Bala nre for 1912 .7..TT. $24,104.43
Total disbursements for 7
months of .1912 14.486.40
Average monthly disburse
ments 2.069.34
Balance remaining lor 5
months of 1912 9.619.03
Average monthly amount for
remaining perbK of 1913... 1,925.80
attate. Training School.
Balance fur 1912 J35.333.98
Total disbursements for 7
months of 1912 16,190.46
Avrts monthly disburse
ments 2,814.72
Balance remaining fur 5
months of 1912 - . 19,143.52
Average monthly amount for
remaining period of 1912. . . . 3,828.70
' , ,. 'V'-'
"'"7" 's?'
- r::::iy: 7- ':''7 7
1 'SaWaJjijti'iv
. -4 )m. v1' '.
"What n4-e the people of the United
States eolng to do about Central
America and the Caribbean? . Are we
ever going to realize that we have a
great danger lying at our doors? Are
we going to let the Intolerable condi
tions prevailing Jn the countries to the
south of us continue until we find our
selves, as we' certainly shall, In tr6uhle
J With . the long jiulitiit . powers o. the
These are among the questions nsktd
by Wllllajn Bayard Hale in an article
"Ouf "Danger iii Central "America,'"' 'Tn
World's Work for August. These cues
tlons are followed by graphic descrip
tion? of conditions prevailing In Cen
tral America and 1rt "tin- ' CaHbbonn
island republics, as he, found them on
his. recent tour as a rjiemiier if Secre
tary Knox's party.
The Black Republic of Ilaytl was
among the countries visited and In view
of the current unrest there which has
been signalized during the past week by
the explosion and fire thin destroyed
the national palncc .at Port Au Prince
and burned to death Clnclnnatus Le
Contre, the president of the republic, Mr.
Hale's observations are most timely.
While President l.c Conte's death was
a most terrible tragedy., the advent of
Ue newly elected -fxeetrtlr-e August,
according to dispatches, may be-accompanied
by an attempted Invasion from
the neighboring government of Santo
President in Wooden Palace.
Concerning Ilaytl, Mr. Hale writes In
part as follows:
"At tho other end of the Island
(Santo Domingo) lies the Black Repub-
llc. Hayti, After 1QQ years of existence
So great has been the demand for the
"old-fashioned" one-ring circus that has
-been presenwt--st- t he '-n-k-w--ritH,4ny-thm-season
thut Manager Cord ray has de
cided to extend the engagement of the
Boyd At Olt? attraction for another
week, though to do this has made it
necessary for the local, man to pay a
$600 forfeit to a Seattle amusement
park that hud a contract with the circus.
As a result the Inimitable circus will bo
presented twice dally throughout the
entire week, its clever performers hav
ing evolved a number of .new stunts to
Show their especial appreciation of the
cordial reception that he bean Record
ed them here. No charge la made for
admission to the cfrcus.
To fill oht the balance of the compli
mentary program that Is given at the
Oaks twice each day. Manager Cordray
has also secured Alfred L. riinpman, th
famus Custer guide, who was with the
valiant Indian fighter throughout much
of the Little Big Horn campaign and
who probably knows more about Custer
than any other pefson now in the north
west. Mr. Chapman will give intimate
lectures regarding the career of Custer,
and his talks will be both virile and in
spiring. Hawaiian musicians will furnish
pleasing interludes to the regular mu
sical program given at both afternoon
and evening programs; their quaint folk
songs and native lnstrumcntaL'!"'
tlons bringing to the park something
of tho luring atmosphere of the Pacific
isles. Aside from, rliese attractions the
Oaks band, under the leadership of
Philip Pelz, the noted Russian con
ductor, will givt! two concerts dally
upon the broad lawn overlooking the
river. '
Ban Francisco, Aug. 10 Admitting
that the temporary restraining order he
had issued to prevent Building and Loan
Commissioner George S. Walker from
taking possession of the Continental
Building and Loan association, declared
by tUe commissioner vhort $318.
000 In its accounts and closed for liqui
dation, had been inadvertently Issued,
Superior Judge Graham today ordered
Ma action of yesterday vacated on petl-
this decision, which was strenuously
combatted by Attorney Oavln McXab,'
director of the Continental, and Its at
torney, Judgs Graham declared that the
courts had no power to stay the hands
f an administrative state officer In the
performance of his duties 'as laid down
In be uStutea. . . .v, 7.
under emperors, kings and presidents
(not one in ten of whom died a natural
death), during which Its soil has been
drenched with blood, we found Ilaytl,
happy for the moment under the benign
presldendcy of Cincinnatus La Conte.
Ten yearB ago, when crossed Ilaytl,
Le Conte was 'minister of puhllc
works' under PresMent Sam (but I
found no public works). When thut
liindem g '"Tsm'PTen""'te'roTy "Tn'Tratrre
of Antcnor Kirrnin and the "arms of
Nord Alexis, Le Conte fled. Nord
Alexis was a ferocious old savage
worthy of the succession of Dessallnes,
Christoph and Soulouque. When that
old negro's hour came. General Simon,
among the throng that bounded him,
managed to seize the presidency, an'
held It a year or two, while he In turn
shot and poisoned and robbed. Again
fire. Bottom Former president Cincinnatus Le Conte, at left,
and a street scene in Port Au Prince.
dawn rnme Etimln (the Timet HeH
I g'T.t If n yt Ian of our time, and th most
111 -starred J and again the lieutenant
who led his nrmcw betraywd htm This
time he died they say of a broken
heart, no doubt rightly and Le Conte
took possession of the woo-ien palace'
In the Champ de Mars at Port-au-Prlnee
and has reigned, without for
midable opposition, for some months.
"Le Conte's Is styles a 'reform admin
istration." It really gave some signs
of being such; the capital was distinct
ly cleaner than It used to be, though
still the most wretched town of Its
size In the world. Hut we hud scarcely
steamed away down the lovely Gulf
of Gonalve, when tho benevolent Le
Conte's government shot Alexis' chief
executioner when that brute was too
busy to do justice with his own hand.
Alexis used to sit and shoot ht his
subjects on the street, by way of
amusement, hut Colcou waa better at
ordering-f usiliade - at groups of peo
ple. On March 15, 1908, ha went out
with a squad and shot to death In less
than an hour 27 persons, including
three of his own brothers, to whom
Alexis had taken a dislike. Coicou,
the strongest military commandant that
rort-au-Prlnce had had for years, was,
as long as ha lived, a standing menace
to Le Conte, but doubtless that con
sideration never occurred to the 're
Tof hT p're si 3e nT7n" "SttH cTWTrffig-hTS tardy
"There was an Incipient revolt at
Jacmei, the chief town on the southern
coast, the othpr day, and thew is some
trouble on hand with the French gove
emment over the status of Syrian mer
chants who rob the people of anything
the 'government' ha-overlooked, Ilaytl
has behaved pretty well toward the
-power -alje. th Jrm4v gunfa-t Pan
ther h!w the Haytlan warship, the
Crate-a-f'rete, out of the water a
few years ago for some Impertinence.
An orfenie to Civilization.
"Intlerhally. the country Is an of
fence In the nostrils of hunTanlty J
though -even mor la it a reproach to
tho civilized neighbor which has suf
fered It to Blnk Into utter degeneracy.
Nearly two millions of half naked ne
urofe, diillyeirtsttng' - in- their- fm"- ifr
the trackless tropical forests, whom no
story of the rest of the world, no dim
echo of ctrillxation, ever reaches, re
enact here the life of central Africa
and the Australian bush. There Is no
where a road upon which a wheel can
turn; money is unknown; the art of til
lage is long forgotten; the kindly fruits
of .the earth ar ungathered except for
the bare food of the day ; precious min
erals aro left undug, valuable wood
suffered to fall and rot.
"And this 1b the island where, one
hundred years aao,-inaKtilf icent-pJantu-tlons
checkered the soil, splendid pal
aces rose on the hillsides and great
aqueducts, noble, roads, and monumental
bridges stretched through" a rejoicing
and opulent land. The Jungle'has con
quered . It all.
"Nominally Roman Catholic, at least
in the cities, Youdouism Is the religion
of the people a horrible necromancy
grafted on a perverted caricature of
"Perhaps I can give no more vivid
sense of the blark blight that seems
to fall like a magician's curse on every
thing Hnytlan than by mentioning the
bewitched mental state In which, on
another visit to Ilaytl, I found the one
man In the Island whom 1 was told I
should fine pious and sane, lie was
a bishop, and seemed to be a worthy
hlshop until, In thff confidence of grQ W-.
Ing friendship, he began to Initiate me
Into esoteric, secrets. II began by tell
ing me that the apostles wcro not dead;
St. Jolm was a particular friend of his;
unbeknownst to the world In general,
the . original founders . of Christianity,
with the aid of other P.iblical characters,
regularly corresponded with each other
and occasionally met, under the presi
dency of the queen of Sheba; he then
'PoTI'mmy-rYeTrh?rT -tittrrsrrf - tor - mr
Pl.ilip the evangelist, who ascended to
the chariot of the eunuch of Ethiopia
and converted him. Philip the evangel
ist proposed to give me a Utter of In
troduction to the queen of Sheda.
"Another Illustration: When I came
over the pass from Jacinel, my guide
pointed out the spot where Pnaident
Hlppolyte fell dead from poison. The
next day, Hlppolyte's secretary, who
frnt-"heeni'wtth-t4-m ew----th",'fM'"M,-told
Tne he had opened the president's
coat and found ewod Inside It, over
his trenrt, a Host printed with the
Angus Del, surrounded with Voudou
charms a cock's head, bits of dried
human liver, a red rag and the like. H
need hardly be asked what must be
tho condition of a people whose chief
rulers are men like these."
mm ni
Prospect of Another Railroad
Enlivens Interest in City
and Farm Property Near
Pacific Shore.
(Special h The Journal.)
Astoria, Or., Aug 10 With the lm
mediate prospect of another railroad
extending from Astoria, south along the
ocean front to below Seaside., and south
east to the Tillamook country, Clatsop
county Is apparently On the eve of a
development that will far exceed tn
magnitude that which followed the an
nouncement or tlift doming of theT'As
toria and Columbia River Railroad in
the late '90's. - This county, naturally
one of the richest sections of Oregon, In
resources capable of easy development,
has long been one of the most back
ward counties In the state, and Its back
wardness and latk of progress has been
ascribed chiefly to the fact that It is
a one-railroad .community.
Corps of surveyors have been In the
field, south of this city, for the past
trttsrsTsnff-rtittrTr-w imtnnrthgt TBsy
nre surveying for a prospective line, it
has been impossible to ascertain, who,
or. what system - was responsible tot
their activity, although It was generally
believed U wae a Southern Paolflo move.
The line as aurveyed will parallel the
beach. Jine of the Hill system, but will
run closer to the ocean, passing through
Gonrhart and Seaside. As to the di
rection of the Una beyond Seaside no
thing definite is known, but it is be
lieved that It will strike southeast for
tho rich Nehalem valley.
The possibilities of the development
of this county as the result of the com
ing of another railroad are enormous.
The value of Clatsop Reach as a sum
mer playground for the entire Pacific
northwest Is Just beginning to be ap
preciated. There has been more de
velopment on this beach during the past
two or three years than during the
whole quarter of a century prior to threa
years ago.
But the-blgAvelopment that will
coma with the building of a railroad,
north and south, across the county, will
ho the opening up of the Immense tracts
of fertile coastal plain and valley lands
extending from Young's Hay south to
Tillamook. The projected road will run
through as rich an agricultural terri
tory as can be found In Oregon and will
develop one of the finest dairying sec
tions In the western part of the state.
Whether Clatsop county reapa the
full benefit of having another railroad,
deponda to a large extent upon the en
erprls trfthe city of Astoria.
(I'nltea Trwu Letwd Wire.)
Washington, Aug. 10. Characterizing
both President Taft and Colonel Roose
velt as foes to the "full dinner pail."
Representative W. D. Wilson, of Penn
sylvania, chairman of the house com
mittee on labor, discussed In the house
today, "Labor and Democrats."
After asserting that Woodrow Wil
son's, writing on the labor question had
beeir "garbled and misstated." Congress
mam Wilson charged that Roosevelt
"Bad never advanced labor principles,
aa'd fostered the open shop policy, and
declared against the appeal of labor
from unjust Injunctions."
Wilson charged that President Taft.
"since he first Issued an Injunction
against striking workmen, has ntver
had a sympathetic understanding of the
needs and rights of American working
In Prussia an average of 64 pupils la
allotted to a '.aarher in the cities and 61
In tho. rural districts. The state dis
trict of Potsdam has 82 schools report
ing 100 or more pupils to a teacher.
Xw;t ft.Viy t a. i. l&i--. i. a t'.cj 'ri L V 1, , , A 'iyiftiwa,s'.8iiVl i ill t.T '.,
1 Sunday it the day a chair always proves a good
rnena. we matte a Mission vnair mai
would just suit the occasion.
Missioir ruBTTcuB oxrm factory to yott xoiu
289 Alder Street, Opposite Olds, Wortman & King.
This Monogram on the ra
diator stands for all you
can ask in a motor car.
offer every known convenience in modern motor car construc
tion, from the standpoint of finish as well as up-to-date me
chanical construction. The equipment of the Chalmers is
complete and of the highest grade materials'. Convenience,
comfort and reliability are the keynotes of the best engineer
ing efforts.
-You want -comfort, conveniencvease- of -control,- safety,
reliability. You want a car which enjoys a good reputation
one that is backed by a strong, modern factory and sold by a
reliable, financially responsible, .permanently established
agency, insuring the maximum Service at a minimum ex
pense. You want a beautiful car, finely finished one that
is of pleasing lines and classy appearance. You get all these
things in the new Chalmers. You can't get any more in any
car, regardless of price or make, and we do not know of any
car that gives as much. Note the items below and compare
with any other car.
Electrically lighted throughout with Gray' & Davis light- -ing
system, used by some of the highest-priced cars. Chal
mers patented air starter; air furnished by four-cylinder Kti
logg air pump. This system has been adopted by some of the
highest-priced cars.
The inflating pump. No more hand pumping, which is .
so dirty and disagreeable. Full-jeweled speedometer. Hand
pressure pump on gasoline. It matters not how steep the
hill or how little gas in the tank; by the use of this hand pres
sure pump one is sure of getting up the, grade. .
Unusually soft, deep it -inch upholstering, like a
feather bed.
Adjustable steering post anyposition you want it mat
ters not how fat or how lean you may be.
Highest grade demountable rims, one extra.
Four-ply silk mohair top, with curtains that fit.
Rain vision wind shield, adjustable six different positions.
Beautiful bell-shaped back tonneau.
- Twenty-two-inch-doors, -all brass,-black enameled -and- -nickel
Elegantly finished body.
Tire irons capable of carrying demountable rims without
- Big 36x4-inch wheels, insuring easy Tiding and high road
Long-stroke, quiet-runnirig motor.
Four speeds forward and one reverse transmission. Dual
Ignition system. Full floating pressed steel rear axle con
struction. Timken bearings. -
Foot rest: Robe rail.
Two-pedal brake and clutch control. 118-in. wheel base.
Genuine Fedders honeycomb radiator.
Steering mechanism all back of the front axle.
in fact, if we could afford the space, we could tell you
many other superior qualities of the Chalmers. If you are in?
terested, we will be glad to go, into details covering every
item and try and show you the money value of the new
ill 1 ''' At- J A
47 ZaXl.UAA
4W tUsGMMttti fl
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in i.i ' ii'.-i "i it ;r ..' . cat.. . . -ti
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Immediate deliveries.
Demonstration at your convenience.
H. L. Keats Auto Co.
Olympic Motor CarXri BURNS1D&7TH &XOUCHSTSa.
Seattle, Wash. - Open Evenings