4 t .M: v.,.'. t 0 Proa ranime Fl IGATION OF M 4. .!.,.. : OFEPISCOPALCHURCH ; i..; '.'' il;:'- - . ; . Commission Appointed to Ex f': amine Details and Creeds of . . Wiristian uigamzuwuiib. "'-. v " Tht lead - In the 'effort of Christie ' ehurehes for unification of fHith and y. orders la being taken by the rrotestan Knlacnnal church, according to the cur ,. rent lssuo of the Churchman, official . rgan of the Episcopal church. This -"Taction comes In an Invitation from tht 'Joint commission composed of seven blahopi. seven members of the clergy ! and seven lay members of the Episcopal .Thla commission was appointed In accordance with a resolution paused uj 'the general convention of the Protes- ' tant Episcopal otiurcn. wnicn was neiu , i in rinclnn.tl. Ohio. In October, 1910. ; ' Tha resolution was adopted as reeom , )ri- mended by a commlttoo appointed to . Investigate the matter. Other Churches Xnvitsd. The Joint commission has spent the ''.' past year and a half In examining In detail the various creeds with a view ,v to determining the extent of the dlf . ' fmnru In rruil end aovernment. The commission in Its report states that It . WM lven no power to arrange ror a ' J conference of such churches as "con 'feas our Lord Jesus Christ as God and 'Savior,", and that not even In the minds ' of the members has thought of the "V tlme necessary for discussion of the ,, questions Involved entered. The com j; mission merely extends the Invention to Christian churches, both Catholic and "2 Protestant, to Join In the effort to ar- 'anga the conference. ,.f " The Churchman further says: "In re- . rent years It has come more and more plainly t be seen that a disunited - Christendom cannot effectually fulfil "-' the Will of Christ and achieve the work which was assigned by him to hlB church. One of the most evident and 4j one of the saddest consequences of our disunion Is Us lessening of charity, 'the very bond of peace nd of all virtues, without which whosoever Uveth it counted dead' before the Lord. Bo long as we are disunited, controversy and rivalry will continue; and these things t cannot but make charity more difficult . anil bitterness more prevalent. More- -r - riiir-and complete faltn tn I Christ necessarily excludes the very Idea i . cf rival faiths. The positive truths which we severally cherish must be '"brought Into the one comprehensive faith if we are to enter Into the f ul ' ,. ness -of the mind of Jesua Christ our -4-liOtd.- Another moat serious conse- Church Men Confer Bishop Scaddlng of Oregon, Bishop wor of oivmoia. Btslion Wells of Spo. kane, and Rev. G. C. Hunting of New Tiwk. ceneral .secretary of the Eighth .Missionary department of the Episcopal church, have been in conrerence in Seattle irom Thursday with a view to making special efforts this autumn to Increase an interest In the home mission-field of the Pacific northwest. Bishop Scaddlng returned to Portland lMSmomtng"and win preaen at bt. Michael and All Angels church, Ross mere, on Sunday. i CHURCH SERVICES rirst White Temple. Rev. "WaTter .Beowell Hinaon. Bible school, 9:60; Services. 11 and 7:30; B. Y P. U-, 6:15. Topics: "The Old Man Who Cannot Doubt God." "The Greatest Subject for TEast MdeIerWcVs" IT and 1:30; Sun 1 ' dsy school. 10; Y. P.. 6:30. " Immanuel Rev H. 8. Black. Preaeh--''lng at 11; S. S.. 10. Olwy Rev. J. N. Monroe. 11 and fl. S., 10; B. Y. P. C, 6: JO. Arltta Kev, Duncan M. McPhail. Sunday school 10: B. Y. P. U.. t.U, - " services, 11 and t:J0. Highland Kev. C. B. Elliott B. Y. P itJ 7; Sunday school, 9:45; services 11 , ' ' and I. Morning sermon by Emma Prake. Evening services by B. Y. P. U. Bellwood Kev. K. W. Hayes. 11 and 1 f:J0; 8. 8.. 10: Y. P. V.. :S0. University Park Rev. A. C. Saiton, aatrtU and :iOr .-. Mr B. X. P. ,U- 7. Bunnyslde rGermarf) S. 8,9:45. Con 'fsd Wvss, superintendent. fft Johns (German j Rev. Karl Feld- ... meth: S. 8.. 3:46; il and 7:30; Y. P. M 7 ' St.' Johns Rev. II. T. Cheney; 11:30 and 7:50. Grace Montavitla. Rev. Albert E. Patch, 11 and 7:10: T. P.. 8:30; S. 8, 1:46. Chinese Mission 353 Burnslrto street 8 S., 7; J. G. Malone, uperntendent. nret German Rev. J. Kratt. 11 and 7;80; 8. 8.. :46. ' - Second German Morris and Rodney. Rev. Frederick Buerrman. 11 and 7:3'); a B.. 11:46; Y. P. V.. 6:45. . East Forty-firth STeet Corner East ' Main. Rev. A. B. Waltz. S H.. 9:45; preaching. 11 and 8 P. m. B. V: P. U., 7. " Topics' Mornlnir servb-es tv M. Muller. , Mr. Robinson will conch: I i:.r; t-vcn.nj,-services. Lents Rev. J. M. NHs'-i; S. S., 10. 11 and 7:S0; B. Y. P. P.. 6:30. Mrfunt Olivet Rev. W. A. Magett. pastor. 11 and 8 p. m. S S.. 12:30. Tabernacle--rtev. Itobert Orav. isistor. sermon, 11 and 7:45. - 8. S.. 10. V. P., 6:45. Tr,pi'; "The Llpht of the World." The Glare of thw City." Third. Knott street and Vancouver avenue Rev. V. J. Heaven. 11 and 8; B. Y. P. V., 7; S. S., 9:45 a. m. Swedish Hoyt aro rtftcrnih. Rev. Frederick Linden. 10:45 and 7.46. S. 8 12; B. Y. P. V.. 6:30. Metbodlet Taylor Btreev Kev. Benjamin Young. I.JO,' morning clans meeting; services 10:30 and 7:45; S. S., K:16; E. L., : : 45. "Topics: "Tho GoHpfl and tie La:ger ' " Life," "The Rock of Aces Cleft for .Me " Grace Rev. J. H. Cudilpp l. 1)., 0:30 and 7:45; S. 8., 9:45; K L.. 6:30. Trlnltv Rev. Charles T McPhe.-son. ' 11 and 7:80; E. L., 6:45; B. S 10. Swedish Borthwlck and Beach. Rev. , 3. S. Burdell, pastor. 11 and 8; S. S., 10; , fi. W 7. EpwOrth Rev. Frank James. P-ry-. J toes, H a. m.; S. S., 9:45; K. L, C:4 5. First 'Norwegian-Ianih Rrv. H p. Nelsonvll and S; S. K. H-; Y. P. M.. 7. - Sunnyslde Rev. William H. Frv D ' D.; E. L., 6:45; S. H 9:50; preaching ,11 a. tn., and 8 p..m. Topics: "Th.. .Gtlbrattur'of Christian Experience." "Tim Genius of Gentleness." St. Johns Rev K. N. Sandefur; 11 nd 8; E. L.. 7: S. 8.. 10. -.'S. German Rodney avenue and Stanton '.-. Street, S. A. Schumann. 8. S., 9:45. jnni'i atevieeSi H4 - t pwortlt4egMe, bi centenary East Ninth and Pine streets, Rev, Delmer H. Trimble, D. D.. " fMtor. S. 6., ,9.45; E. L., 6:46; serv For Sunday quenee of our disunion "Ts" "t he weak ening and undermining of religious con viction which 'results from It. Whortt so many differing doctrinal positions are. maintained, people Jump to tho con clusion, wholly unjustified lie It Is, thnt no doctrinal position Is of serious con sequence. Men are rejecting the churoli hecuuKo they are confronted nnd con futed by 'the churches.' Mennwhlle the1 iokm r power flue to our unriappy divi sions vlves undue advantage to the forces of evil." Many Bishops Znolnded. The members of the Joint commission are an followsc-"- f C. V. Anderson, president, , bishop of ( hlcago. . Hoyd Vincent, bishop of southern Ohio. Thomas F. Onllor, bishop of Tennes see. A. A. Hall, bishop of Vermont, ('.ill. BrcvvHter, bishop of Connecticut tleginnld 11. Weller, hlFhop coadjutoi of Fond du I.nc. Charles H. Brent, bishop of the Philip pine lNlands. tavld II. Greer, bishop of New York Philip M. Rhlnclunder, bishop of Pennsylvania. William T. Manning, chairman com mittee on plan and scope, rector of Trinity church, NejiiTYorlC Alexander Mann, rector of Trinity church, Boston. Francis J. Hall, professor In the Western Theological seminary. J). Talbot Rogers,' warden of Grafton hall, Fond du Lac. William M. Clark, rector of St. James' church, Richmond, Va. Edward L. Parsons, rector of St Mark's church, Berkeley, Cel. Henry S. Nash, profeasor In the Epis copal Theological school. A. G. Mortimer, rector of St. Mark's church, Philadelphia. Hughell E. W. Fosbroke, secretary, professor in the Episcopal Theological school. Beth Low, New York. J. Plerpont Morgan, New York. George Wharton Pepper, Philadelphia. -nipamuel Mather, Cleveland. Francis L. Stetson, New York. Edward P. Bailey, Chicago. George Zabrlskle, treasurer, 49 Wall street, New York. Robert H. Gardlner( secretary, Gar diner, Maine. After six years aa pastor of the Holy Redeemer parish, Piedmont, Father Ed vard K. Cantwell will leave Monday morning to assume the pastorate of Bt Alphonsus parish. Grand Rapids, Mich, Father Cantwell was appointed to the Holy Redeemer parish when It was atarted six years ago aud has ac compiianea tne erection or a chapel, a school and a residence and has built the parish into a strong factor In Cath olic life In the city. For aome time Father Cantwell was In charge of the chapel car and In this capacity he gained a thorough knowl edge of conditions' throughout the north west and many friends. In addition to his pastorate he was superior of the Redemptlonlst Fathers. Rev. Joseph Chapoton, pastor of the Grand Rapids parish, lias been appointed his successor and will arrive during the coming week to take charge of hfs new parish. H Old New York Church Burns K- ftTnlted Press Leiird Wlre.l New York. Aug. 10 What was the oldest Tresbyterian church building In New York city, the West Farms Presby terian church. Is today a heap of ruins. Ths fire gained great headway, and aa It opened to the tall steeple could be seen for miles. ices, 11 end 7:45. Morning ser mon by Rev. C. E. Cline. Evening, lec ture by Emma Drake. Central Rev. C. L. namllton, 11 and 8; S. S.. 9:46; E. L. Laurel wood Rev. Asa Sleeth. 11 a. f4J-: Kpworth leane. 7 . m. Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kal, 11 and 7:30. Norwegian-Danish Vancouver ave. church. Rev. C. J. Larsen. il and 7:45. S. S., 9:45 a. m. -Japanese Mission Revr- Eileen Rl bara. 9:30 and 8:30: S. 8.. 3:30. Woodlawn Rev. Harold Oberg, pas tor. 11 and 7:30; S. P., 10: E. L.. 6:30. Montavilla Rev. W. H. Hampton. Sermon at 11 and 7:45; S. S., 10., E. L. 6:45. Sellwood Rev. James K. Hawkins, 11 and 7:30; J. E. L.. 2:30; E. L., :S0. University Park Rev. W. J. Douglass, 11 and 7:30. I African xion Kev. w. ftisttnews: il and 8; s. S., 1; E., 7. Both morning and evening sermons bv Rev. W. W. How ard, D. D., of San Jose. Cal. Pstton R. E. Meyers; 11 and 8; 8. 8.. 10; E. L., 7- Clinton Kelly Memorial Rev, G. O, McCulloch, S. S 9:45: preaching 11 and R; cla?s meeting, 12. noon: Junior leapue, S; E. L., 7. Topics: "(Vrt;i intv In Personal Religion," "Building on tT.e Sand." Carson Heights Rev. H. T. Grec .?. 8.. 10. Sermon 11. Lents-Rev. W. Boyd Moore; 11 nr.., 8; S. 8.. 10; E. L.. 7. Woodstock Alhe. t E. Ayers. , pastor; II and 7:30: S. S., 10; E. L.. I.W. Lincoln Street M. E., Fifty-second nnd Lincoln streets L. G. Parker, pustor, It and B; S. 10:30. ' Mount Tabor Rev. C, C Rarick. 11; 7:30: 8., 8.. 9:45 a. m.; E. L.. 6:30. Bethel Rev. J. L. Cra. pastor, ferv Ices 11 and 7:45 R, S, 1:15. C. F.. 7. rommunion at 11a. m. Oak Grove Rev. James T. More, 11 and 8; S. S.. 10. Westmoreland Rev. II T. Greere. 8. P., 3. Sermon, 7::0. Weslejan Rev. o.'C. Wicker. 11 and 8; 8. S.. 10; Y. P. M.. 7. Firpr German. Fifteenth and Hoyt A. F. Cramer, pastor: 11 a. m., commun ion service; 10 a. m., S. S.; E. L., 8. Flrnr M. E., South J. Hardy Bennett, pastor: nreachlne. 11 n. m . 8 r. m. Topics: "The Covenant;" "Evangelism." Presbyterian. First Presbyterian cnurch Rev. John Boyd, minister. Mornlne worship. 10:30; Evening. 7:30, B. K., 12:10: C. E., 6:16. i 'iilvarvrleventli nnd ("lay streets. Rev. Th-oinas Holmes Walker, 10:30 and 7:45; Bible school, noon: C. 6:45. Kenilworth Rev. M. C. Martin, pas tor. Morning, 10:30; S. S.. 11:46. Anabel Robert N. McLean. Ser vices 1-1 '.rid 7:45: 8. 8.. 8:45; C. E. at C-45. Topic's: "Reverence," "The Book of Ruth." Mlzpah Division street and East Nineteenth. Rev. Harrv Leeds, pastor, a. m. 10:30: 8. S.. noon; c. C, 8 p. m. Fourth Rev. Dmale. Mackenzie, 10.30 and 7:30; S. S. 1; C E.. 6 30 Marshall Street Rev, William J Spire, pastor. 11 and' 7 30: S. S. 10 a. m.; Y. P. S." C. E.. 6:30 p. m. Forbes Rev. Henry H. Pratt; 11 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 10; C. K.. 6:80. Piedmont Rev. J. E. Snvder. 10:30 and H'; J. E . 7 p. m.: S. S.. noon. Topics: Third 10:30 and 7:46; 8. S., 12; C. E. C:;i0 p. -m. Mf, Tabor East 5fith and Belmont Rev. William O. Moore, pastor. 8. S., 10 a. m. Services. 11 and 8; C. E., 7 p. ui. No everilnir services during August.' Epokane Avenue Rtv. D. ' A. Thomp son. 11 and 1-30: S. 8 . 10: C. E.. 6:80 Hiwttmrnt Psrlr Dr. E. Nelson Al len at 10:30; 7:40; S. S.. 12; Y. P. S. C E., fi:45. - . . , Hope, Montavilla Rev, S. W Seeman, S. S., 10; 11 and ti. Tuples: "The Im- Pastor Will Go East THE OREGON t)AlLY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, . AUGUST,,.!).,, , " ' -f",.!,. .... ,,,,-m, ., llllir,l,l.w.l,.i..TOwtjlw ,, i , ... m. , , 1 1 " " .', 11 ; Sermons WILL TALK UPON "THE CALL OF AFRICA" tn - mm ' m Rev. Jules Ityff. Rev. Jules Ryff, missionary to South Africa for seven ycurs, who recently re turned to the 1'nlted States, will speak tomorrow morning nnd afternoon at the Central Free Methodist church. In the morning at-11 o'clock he will speak on The Call of Africa" nnd nt 3 o'clock WsLlQElc wllL be "The Triumph of the Cross In Portuguese Kast Africa." At 10 o'clock the Sunday school will give a demonstration of the work of the children's missionary society. At 8 o'clock In thr evening the Young Pep ple'a Missionary society will give an In teresting program for tho benefit of the missions. Tomorrow Is the. annual for eign missionary day of the church. Dr. Ryff Is secretary of the South African conference, of the Frco Metho dist church, and during his residence In that country has built up a large confer ence. Prior to his departure for the missionary field Ur. Hyff was ptofeHHOr of Germanic language nt Seattle semi nary, the denominational college of the northwest. R ---a Evangelistic Meetings 1 In accordance with plnns of the Sev enth Pay Adveritlst church throughout th. country to .hold evangelistic meet ings, Portland Adventlsts have opened a strenuous campaign In a large tent tabernacle on the old Iiekuin homestead at Thirteenth and Morrison streets and are holding meetings every evening at 7:45 o'clock. Similar meetings are being held In Seattle by Evangelist Luther Warren, who conducted tho meetings liere last summer, and In other parts of the United States. The Adventlsts each summer placo all available minis ters In charge, of rvungelistic meetings. The services in Portland are conducted by Elders Jay J. Nothory, a former missionary to Egypt, and Milton IT. St. John, pastor of the East, Portend church. The two speakers alternate in addressing the audiences, During the past week the attendance has been ex cellent. A large chorus choir with or chestra accompaniment furnishes the music. Stereoptlcon views are used to illustrate many of the topis discussed. The meetings will last about five weeks. The subject of the sermon this eve ning will be "The Passport to Heaven, Salvation; What Does It Mean?" For next week the topics will be: Sunday, stereoptlcon sermon, "Joseph. Prime Minister of Egypt;" Monday "The End mance of God," "Why Jesus Came." Westminster Rev. Henry Marcotte, 10:30 and 7 46: 8. 8.. 12: Y. P. . C. E.. 6:30. Dr. John Tallenadge Bergen of Albert Lee College wliJ preach all morn ing sermons during August. Millard Avenue itev. 7,evt Johnson. Services, 11 and 7:80; S. 8.. 10. Vernon--H. N. Mount, D. D., pastor. Services 10:30- and 8, S. S., 12 noon; Y. 1. S. C. E 7. ITnlty Seventy-third street and Sandy Road'r- Hv Gs- Ma rsliiil 1. minister, a H,, 10. Preaching, 1 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. Prayer meeting. Wednesday. 7:45. Rose Cltv Park Services 11 and 7:45; Rev. Boudinot Seely. Chinese 145 H First. 7:45; 8. S.. 6:45. Arbor Lodge Rev. John A. Townsend, 11 and 7:45; 8. 8.. 10. Trinity Rev. Win. J. Pplre, services 11 and 7:30; S. S.. 10: Y. P. S. C. ,, 6:30. Reformed Frank T. Frazer. Preach Inc 11 and 7:80: R. R, 10. First United Sixth and Montgomery streets; Frank Dewitt Findley, pastor. Services. 1:30 and 7:30; Bible Sfhnol. n.oon. .C.E.. 6:J0. Chrlrtlan. Central East Twentieth and Salmon Mrpeis, i.ir. J. F. Ohormiey, pastor. Services 1 .ft-.l S-t. m. Morning subject: "The Satanic Xfv oftlu- Atom-mi-nt ;" "The Social Unrest. " Rodney A venue Bernard W. Bass, pastor 9:45 a. m. Sundnv school, U nnd 7:30. Y. P. 8. 'C. E.. 6:30. Roth s. r nwns by Rev. iMwrml t'rielit, of Wood lawn Christian church. First W F. Re:iger, minister, 11 and 7:45; S. S.. 9:60 a. m.; C. E., 6:30. Topics: Woodlawn Rev. Edward Wright, 11 and 7.30: S. S, 10; C. E., 6 -.10. Gladstone Rev. A. H. Mulkey. Ser vices, II nnd 7:30. Bihle school. 10. fit Johns - J. K Johnson, nastor; S. 3., 10; preaching at 11 nnd 7:30; C E., 6:30. Montavilln -I ( O I". S. S., 10 Preaching 11 and 7 SO Rev. G. K. Berrv. Sellwood Nineteenth n::il Nehalem; .1. A. Melton. Service. 10, 11 a. m.; 7:3U p. m. Kern Park .1. M. Carrlck. B. S.. 10 a. m. C. E C:30 p. m. Preaching. 11 and i : J'J. Topics: Oougrefrstlimat. First Rev. Luther R. Dyott. V. D., 11 a. m. and 7. -'5 p. m.--Jloth srihons by Rev. J. Leo Mitchell. D. D., of Attlc boro, Mass. lnlversity Park. Haven street, near Lombard Rev. W. ''. Kantner, D. D., pastor. S. S in a. ni. V: P. 8. C. E., 7. Services 11 and 8. Sermons by. Rev. Bell of Spokane. Sunnvslde Rev. J. J. Stauh; 11 and 8: S. S., 10; C E., fi:4G. Rev. J. K. Greene of Constantinople will preach In the morning. Hnssalo Street J. M, Lowden, pastor. Services, II a. in. and 7:15 p. m.; S. S., 10; V. P. S. C. E , t; .30. Mt. .ion Rev. D. Ii G-ay, 8. 8.. 0; sermon, IT. Topics: "The Devils and the Swine;" "Giving and (letting." First German Rev. John II. Hupp; 10:30 and 7:30; S. S.. 9:15; C. E.. 6:30. Laurel wood tev. William H. Meyer. S. 8.. 10 and 8: t . E., 7:1k- Highland, East Sixth and Prescott stree tp Rev, E S. Bollinger. Services, 11 and 7:5. Morning sermon bv J. M. Lowden, D. D. Rev. O. (. Gordon .will preach, the evening srjnuon. Waverly Helgbia L. S. Wlney, pas tor: worship, if and 7,30: S. 8.. 10. St. Johns Rev. G. W. Nelson; 11 and 8; 8 8., 10. Pilgrim Rev. C. II. Wlrth, pastor. Preaching at 11 and 7:30; S. S 9,45; C. Roman Catholic, St. Mary's Pro-Callu-dral Most. Rev. A Christie, D. D. Low mass, u, J and I 1 -. I if - ,'M and Record of Church Events of the World;" Tuesday, "Christ's Re turn, When, How and Why;" Wednes day, 'The Battle of Armageddon;" Thursday, "Lucifer in Exl), How Long, When, Where, Why;" Friday, "Signs in the Heavens," Illustrated by stereopu. con; Saturday, "Nlgns In the Earth, Moaning of Earthquakes and Cyclones Churches Close for Vacation Owing to tho vacation soason which has drawn many , of the pastors and members of tho churches of tho city to vajatlon resorts a number of tho churches have closed their evening services for the month. Among thoae arc the Church of Our Father, Uni tarian; Third United Presbyterian 8t, Juincs' EtiKllHli Lutheran, Immanuel Baptist and- University Park l'resbv terlan. -a To Open Annual Retreat -ri The annual eight day retreat of the Christian Brothers order will be opened tomorvow afternoon by Father J. 1). O'Brien at the Christian Brothers' Busi ness College, Clackamas street and Grand avonue. Provincial Xeno'phon Cyril will be in charge of the retreat and Father Skelly, O. P., of San Francisco, will preach. In addition to the Portland Brothers, the Walla Walla Brothers and several from California wLll be present. Two former Portland men are to take the black robe of the order on AURt IB nt Martinez, Cul.. Timothy Ryanand Donald Htorm. Both have gone through their novitiate in California. Before the retreat closes several changes In tho appointments of teachers In the schools of the order In Walla Walla and Portland will be announced., BISHOP OF ALASKA TO REMAIN AT OLD PLACE Bishop Peter -T. Rowo. ". News hns been received from Cincin nati that Bishop Peter Trimble Rowo, the missionary bishop of the Protestant Episcopal church for Alaska, who was recently elected coadjutor bishop of southern Oregon, has declined the po altlon and will remain In his present place. He was elected at tne general conference of the church which ins held In Cincinnati about two months ago. "That Bishop Rowe would not accept the bishopric I had expected," said Bishop Scadding this morning, "though I did not know that he had given a defi nite answer. He is too much wrapped up in his work in Alaska to leave. He has been in Alaska for years and Is known as 'the hero bishof of Alaska.' " I. Hleh mass and sermon, 11. Vespers. Instruction and benediction, 7:46. St. Joseph's (.German) Rt. Rev. James Rauw, V. G Low mass. 8. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vepers, bene diction, S:S0. - St, Francis Rev. J. H. Black. Low mass, 6, 8:30 and 9:39. High mass and sermon;' 10:30. Vespers, Instruction and benediction, 7:30. St. Lawrence's Rev. 3. C Tfughes. Low mass, 6, 8 and, I. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers .and bene diction. 7:30. St. Michael's (Itallanl Jesuit Fa thers. Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 7:80. 8t. Patricks, Rev. E. P. Murphy Low mass. 8. Hiith mass and sermon, 10:80. Vespers and benediction. 8:30. St. Stephen's Rv. W. A. Waltt. Low mass. 8:30. High muss and sermon. 10:80. Holy Redeemer Rev. Ed. IC Gtnt well, C. 88. R. Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Benediction. 4. 8t. Ignatius Rev. F. Dillon, 8. J. Low mass. 8 and 3:30. Mass, sermon and benediction, 10:30. Immaculate Heart of Marv Rev. W. A. Daly. Low mass. 6. 8 and 9. Illah mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction. 7:30. Ascension, Montavilla Rev. J. P. Fit.patrlck. Mass at 8. Hlch mass with sermon. 10:30 Sunday school at t. Benediction at 3:30. Holy Rossrv Verv Rev. H. IT. Kelly. Low nnss, 6, 7. 8 nnd 9. High nnss and sermon, 11. Vespers and benediction, 7:30. Sacred Heart, Mllwankle Rev. Gre gory Roble. O. 8. B. Low mass. S. High mass 'and sermon, 10:30. Verpers and benediction. 7:30. IIolv Cross, University Park Rev. J. P. Thlllrhen, C. 8. C. Low mass, 8: JO. I7Irh ma." and sermon. 10:30. .Vespers and benediction. 4. 6t. Andrews Per. Thomae Klarnan. Low mass, 8. Hlh mass and sermon, 10. Vespers, Instruction and benedic tion, 7:30. St. Stanislaus (Polish) Rev. Charles Seroskl. Low mass. 8; hlch mass and sermon. 10. HplscoctX. Trlrltv Church ('orner Nineteenth and' Everett streets., Rev. Dr. A. A. Mor rison, rector. Services 8 and 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Pro-Cathedral oi St. S;ep,ien the Martyr Rev. H. M. Ramsay, 7: JO; prayer and sermon, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10. - Church of Or Savior Woodstock Rev E. H. Clark. Services 8 and 11. St. David's Rev. Eenrv Rufsell Tal bott. 7:30. celebration of the Holv Eu charist; 9:45, 8. 8.; morning prayer, 11; evening praver, !; fl, 7 nnd 11 a. m., celebration of the holy Eucharist. St. Andrews. Portsmouth, Archdeacon Chambers tn charge, 11; prayer and ser mon, 7:30; S. S.. 10 a. m All Saints' Rev. Rov Edsrar Reming ton, rector. Services. H and 8; 8. 8., 9:46. Communion first Sunday in each month. St. Mark's Rov. J. E. II. 8lmnson. Holy eucharlst. 7:30: S. S.. 1:46; nolv eucharlst and sermon, 11. No evening service during August. Bt. John s Church Rev. T. F. Bowen. 8. 8., 2. Evening prayer and sermon, J. Good Shepherd Rev. John Dawson. 11 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 10. Grace Memorial Kev. George B. Van Waters and Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. Holy Communion 8 a. m.. 8. 8.. 10 a. m.. morning service. 11 a. m., evening ser vice, 7:S0 p, va. St. Miehaejand All .. Ancrels,'--Rev, j Archdeacon CnambefH In Charge. II andl cay; b. 8.io. wo evening service. BJshop Morris Memorial Chapel, Good Sartlar.itan Hospital Rev. William R. Powell, chaplain. Holy communion. ml I V''',';' ft Two Ministers Affected if Churches Unite fas . ,v.?-:fe':Vf.' Rtv. John II. Cudllpp." Evangelistic Meetings ft In nccorilmicA with nlsns of the Sev enth Day Adventlst church throughout ilia .country to noiu evangouauc uieoi- ngs, Portland Adventlsts are carrying m a strenuous campaign, in a lari;e tent abernaclo on th old Dckum homestead, it Thirteenth and Morrison streets, ev- erv evening nt 7:45 o'clock. Similar meetings are being held In Seattle by isvangeilat Luther Vtarren, wno con- rtnrtAH tho mfi4lnri llctrM lnnt Slimmer. and In other parts of the United States. tie Adventlsts each summer piace uu vnlbibln ministers in chareo of evan gelistic meetings. Tho services in Portland are conducted by Elders Jay J. Ntthcry, a former mis sionary to Egypt, and Milton H. Bt. John, pastor of tho Eust Portland church. The two speakers alternate In addressing the auu.ences. During the past week tlie attendance has been ex cellent. A large chorus choir with or chestra accompaniment furnishes the music. Stereoptlcon views are used to Illustrate many of the topics discussed. The meetings will last about live, weens B ' ? Dr. Drake to Lecture 4 Dr. Emma F. A. Drake, secretary of the World's Purity Federation, noted lecturer and author on purity subjects, Is to speak ut the Highland Baptist church tomorrow morning and at Cen tenary M. E. church In the evening. Th evening service at th Highland church will be In chnrge of the Baptist Young People's union. Rev. C. E. Cllne will preach the morning sermon at Cente nary. 3S Campmeeting to Open Nfxt Wednesday morning the camp meeting of the Free Methodist church will open at St. Johns Heights on the St. Johns carline. Many families have already made arrangements to attend and a large number are expected to pitch their tents on the grounds before the meeting opens. It will close on August 25. Rev. J. H. Flower, a special evangelist from St. Louis, Mo., will be the principal speaker and others will address the meetings. District Elder W. N. Coffee Is in charge of the campmeeting. Each day will open with morning prayer at o'clock In the morning and will close with preaching In the evening. Meet ings will bo held at various hours during the day for men, wamen, young people and children. 7 am. Ward services. J. Prayer and jermon, 7:16. Ascension Chapel Portland Heights. S 8 9 '30 'flt John's, Mllwankle Rev. T. F. Bowen. 8. S., I. Eviitlne prayer and sermon. J. St. Paul's, Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. S. 8., 8. Services. 4. 9 Zintberan. Ft. James' English, West Tark and -JelfM.on llei, ., iJ. Afc,,,.Lagi pastor, Service 11; S. S 10 a. m. No evening services. Swedish ImmantteT Ttev. J. Richard Olson. 11 and 8; 8. S.. 9:45. United Norwegian Detmar 11 and 1:30; S. S.. 9:45: 9:30. Zlon s German (Missouri, and Chnptnan Synod) H. H. mann, 10:15: 7:5; S. S.. 9:15. Larsen; Salmon Koppel- Trinity German (Missouri Synod) Williams and Sellwood; J. A Rlmbach, 9:16: 8. 8.. 10: 7:80. Swedish Mission Rev. B. J. Thoran; 11 and 8: S. 8., 10; Y. P.. 6:80. Ellm Chapel Rev. B. J. Thorsen, 111 S. 8., 10. -St.-Pa-HV German East Twelfth and Clinton streets. A. S. Mause, pastor. Services "'10:30' and - (German and Eng lish); S. 8.. 9:30. Immanuel German (Sellwood) H. C, Ebellng. 10:30; 8. 6.. 9:30. Grace English (Missouri Svnod) Kerby and Fargo. ,Rev. Carl Hassold, 10:30 and 7:30; S. ., 9:30. Swedish AngiiKtnna Rev. H. E. Sand stedt, 10:45 hd 7:45: S S 3:30-. ' St Johns German (Evangelical Syn od) Grays Crossing. E. G. Hess. S. A., 10; service, 11. German school Satur day, 1:30. Lutheran Free church Rev. B. A. Berrevlk: services at 11. 2:30 and 7:30 St Paul's Lutheran East Twelfth and Clinton; A. KraiiRe. pastor. S. S., 9:30: services, 10:30 arid 7:.'!0. Bible lesion and young people's meeting, Tuesday, 8 p. m. St. .1ohn'! Lutheran Pcrlnsula ave une and Kllpatrlck street; S. S., 10 a. m. Unitarian. Church of Our Father Rev. W. O. Eliot. Jr.; Rev. T. L. Eliot; D. D.. min ister merltus. Services at 11 a. m. Y. V. F.. :M. "Tim Community of Spir it nal Interests," by Arthur Evans of Rccd College. TTnlted presbTterlan. Third Rev. J. L. Acheson, S. S., 10. Services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Mornlnjr sermon by Rev. John I Ache Bon. No evening serviced Kenton J. S. Cole, S. S. 10:30; preach lng 11 and 7:30. f The Church af the Straneers Rev. S. Earl DuBols. 10:30 and 8. A union service in tho new Kenton church. First Frank De Witt Findley, 10-.3Q and 7:45; 8. S., 12: C. E.. 6:30' p. ni United Evangelical. First East Sixteenth (Ladd'a addi tion); Rev. C. C. Poling. Services 11 a. m., 8 p. m.; S. S., 10 a. m. Topics: "Verellea of Christ;" "Tokens of Perdi tion." Ockley Oreen Corner Gay street and Willamette boulevard; Rev. J. Bower so; 11 and 7:45; 8. S.. 10: K. L. C. E.. B:45 p. in. Topics: "Doing His Will;" "The Helper of the Troubled." 8t. Johns lvannoe and tVest John streets, William Stephen Plowman. Preaching 11 and 8; 8. S., 10; K. L. C. E.. 7. Svangsllcal Assoclatlona. First English tF. B. Culver 11 and t niT ft? S.riOrTrPT" A.; tWest Portland, 3 p. m. - Memorial Carvln S. Bergetresser, pastor, parsonage 589 East Eighteenth street. 1 0a. tu.. Sunday school; 11 a, 181. in anddrourid Portland .......I- . - , - - - ; - - "' ! V "lliru T-1-1 - " " . " ..- . .. . ,( J. CHURCHES, BUILDINGS Rev. Benjamin Young. -a Church Notes The Young Peoplo's Society of Chris tlan Endeavor of Rodney Avenue Chris tian church plana to hold its services on the church lawn at 7 o'clock tomor row evening If the weather permits Rev. Edward Wright, pastor of Wood- lawn Chrlstlnn church, will occupy the pulpit of the Rodney Avenue church both morning and evening. Arthur Evans Wood, D. D., Instructor of oclal science of JReed college; w!U preach tomorrow morning "a t tfie Chu'iifi of Our Father, Unitarian, on "The Com munity of Spiritual Interests." Pr. John Tallmadge Bergen of Al berta Lea college, Minnesota, who la supplying the pulpit or Westminster Presbyterian church during August, will preach In that church tomorrow morn-lbg- Rev. J. M. Lowden will preach the morning sermon at the Highland Con gregational church and Rev. I. G. Gor don the evening sermon. Rev. E. S. Bollinger, pastor of the church, Is away on his vacation. A stereoptlcon lecture on the "Book of Ruth" will taka the place of the regular sermon at the Anabel Presby terian church tomorrow. Dr. William H. Fry, pastor of the SunnyslJ Methodist church, has Just returned from the bench where he has been spending hie vacation. He will preach In the Sunnyslde church both morning and evening tomorrow. Martha E. Curry, of Boston, Mass., will preach at West Piedmont Friends' church, Borthwlck and Jessup streets, tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Miss Curry Is an evangelist of national re pute and Is passing through Portland. Services on Lawn j is - - ; 4 The evening service at the Vernon Presbyterian church tomorrow will be held on the lawn if the weather Is hot. Fred W. Davis and Roy Prudden, two missionaries to the logging camps In the northwest, will have charge of ihe services. These men are from New York and have been working In the logging camps during the summer. Mr. Prudden will conduct the musical port of the worship. In th morning Dr. H. N. Mount will preach on "The Whole Family of God the Church." m., morning worship; 7 p. m., T. P. A. devotional service; 8 p. in., evening worship. North Portland. (German)!. Block er; S. 8, at 10; sermon at 11 and J; Y. P. M., 7:15. .... First German Evangelical, corner 10th nd Cloy streets. United Brethren In Christ Radical T. J. Cocking. pastor. Preaching. 11 and 7; C. E 6:80; S. 8 10:30. ' " Fou rth Re vTrE. 'Con ii e rr l t" a n s t'; B. 8., 10. Alberta Rev Jonn W. Bpreoher 11 and 8. S. 8., 10; C. E., 7. "The Sting of Intemperance," "The Supreme Com mand." Third Rev. C. P. Blanchard. 11 and 8; 8. 8., 10; Y. P. 8. C. 12., 7 p. m. Pulpit filled by Rev. J. T Merrill morn ing and evening Uuy Woodworth Memorial Rev. R. Q. Summerlln. Bervlces. 11 and 8; S. 8.. 10: Y. P. 8. C. E.. 7. First Rev. Chas. L. Williams, pastor. 11 and 8: 8. S., 10; Y. P. S. C. E . 7. Topics; "Religious Inconstancy," "The Hlsh Cost of Living." . rrlends' chnrch; Ients South Main street, Myra B. Smith. I'reaching, 11 a. m., 8 p. m. ; Bible school," 9.45; C. E. prayer meet ing, 7 p. m. West Piedmont Friends Corner Rorth wick and Jessup Rev. T. J. Cobnrn. Preaching, 11 a. m. and li p. m.; niblo school, 10 a. m.; midweek braver meet ing. Thursday. 8 p. ni. Rev. Martha Curry of Boston will preach at mornini service. Reformed Presbyterian (Covenanter.) Frank D. Frater Bervlces 11 and 7:30; 8. 8., 10. Seventh say Adventlst. Note: Regular services of this de nomination are held on Saturday. Central Church Milton 11. St. Johns, pastor. Services: Sabbath school, lo a. m.; preaching, 11 a. m.; prayer meeting, weanoaoay nignt, 7:30; Y. P. meeting. Friday. 7;3o p. m.; Sunday night preaching at 7:30. Mount Tabor Church Jhapel Tort land sanitarium. C. J. CummitiKs, pustor. Services: Sabbath school, 3 p. m. ; preaching, 4 p. m.; prayer meeting, Wed nesday night, 7:16. Montavilla Church Services: Sab bath school, 10 a. rh.; preaching 11 a. in.; prayer meeting Wednesday night, 7:30. 'Scandinavian Church, Arleta Adolph Johnson; residence, Arleta. Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; preaching 11 a, ni.; Sunday, 7:30; prayer meeting, Wednes day night, 7:311. A St. Johns Sabbath school, 10; preaelP Ing 11; prayer meeting, Wednesday, Lents ehurch-C. J. Cummlngs, pastor. Services: Sabbath school. 10 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. m.: prayer (fleetlnir. Wednesday night, 7:30. Sunday night preaching, 7:30. Missionary meeting, Sunday, 6:30 p. m. Alblna Church German) J. H. Dlrk son, pastor; O. F. Rusch. local elder. Services: Sabbath school, lo a. in., preaching. H a. m : prayer meeting, Wednesday night, VML Hararene. Sellwood Church of the Nazarene East Flftenth and Tacornn Htrets. Rev. ' FIHmpre Tanner. 8. S.. 10; bervlces 11. Evening services at Tremont, on Mount Scottvt"tr line. Y. P. S., 7; prayer" meeting, Wednesday.. 8 p. m. First Church of the Nasi ret " rtev. C. Howard Dnvl?, pastor; S. S !:45; sefvK'iifi 'irSnTnjrfcerWTWgTTTT. r., 7:30; prayer meetijig Wednesday, ti P. m. Brontwooi Church of the Nszarene Sixty-fifth avenue and Sixty-seventh PflMQfllinATfllN (IF 9 J NEW CHURCH, PLANS Grace M, E, Church and Tay lor Street Congregation May Become One Organization, The consolidation of th congregations of Grace Methodist Episcopal church and Taylor Street Methodist Episcopal church arid the erection of a nevJ church structure on tho present site or Grace church, on the corner of TiTyior and Twelfth streets, are propositions that will be considered at the quarterly con ferences of the churches concerned, to be he'd within the next two weeks. Details of the proposed consolidation and building have already been threshed out by the Joint committee or represen tatives or Doth churches, and it but remains for the conferences to aocept the pluns to make the changes effective. Members of the Grace church committee are John L. tlurtman, J. P. Rasmussen, Hcott Bozarth and J. K. GUI. Those of tho Taylor .Street church are Amedee M. Smith, H. Leo Paget, G. F. Johnson and J. W. Hell. Mr. Hartman Is chairman of, the Joint committee, which has pre pared the report to be presented at the conference. x. Majority ravor tlaa, - Mr. Johnson, speaking this morning In the absence of Mr. Smith, chairman of the Taylor Street church committee, said that the proposed consolidation of congregations was apparently "the desire of a majority of the members of both churches interested. - "There seems to be no opinion but that the consolidation i should be effected," said Mr. Johnson. 'We believe now that It would be ad visable to retain the Taylor Street church and to have the combined serv ices of tho two churches held there until a new structure on the present site of Grace can be completed. The plan is to erect this new building either by lease or under our own ownership, and to make it a structure that will assure us a substantial revenue. "It would he the plan to expend this Income, not only for the support of our own church, but to expand the church work generally. It would give us a de sired opportunity to strengthen the weaker churches throughout the state." Many Pulpits Open. Relative to the intimation that Dr. John H. Cudllpp, pastor of Grace church. ntcndtKl to resign. It Is explained by hurch men that "resignations," as they are gencraly understood, do not occur n Methodist church work, the appoint ments being made yearly by the gen eral conference, which provides for such) changes aa are desired. It Is further explained that Dr. Cudllpp at the recent general conference in Minneapolis was offered the pulpit of the Western Ave nue Methodist Episcopal church Of Chl cngo, and that he has other offers aa well. If Dr. Cudllpp accepts either one of these, It will leave a vacancy which the consolidation of the two churches will eliminate. Dr. Benjamin Young of tho Taylor Street church would succeed to the uulplt of the consolidated church. Improvements and additions contem plated for the Taylor Street church have been delayed because of the pending negotiations for the consolidation, and will not be made, of course, if the pro posed merger Is made. The architectural style of the new church will ho considered after the de tails of consolidation have been satis factorily worked Out. Builders of a 200 foot ooncreto ohlm ney In Germany usd the reinforcing Bteel as a lightning rod. street, Rev. Aaron Wells. S. S., 10; serv ices, 11 and 8. Y. P. 8 , prayer meeting, Wednesday. 8 p. m. Young people's meeting, 7:30; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30. Sxanfllliavlun Church, 843 . Russell r.treet Rev. J. J. Peterson, pastor, fiervteen 11 and 7:80. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Universalis! Church Of the Good Tidings Iter. f. D , Corby. Services at 10:46 a, nvi sunshine hour Sunday eebool, 1 J, TOpiOt Proe Methodist' First Church Rev. W. J. Johnston pastor. Sunday services, 11 a. m and 7 SO p. m. Central church Rev. W. H. Boddy; S. P, 10; services 11 and 7:30. Prayvr mtetlnK at 7:30; Y. P. M 6:10. St. Johns 11 and 7:35. Advint. Advent Chester T. L. 0mfth: preach ing, 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school, 1J; P. S. L., 6:30. Jftef ornisd. First Grmart u. Ilarner. pastor: ser- i-ie.Ea-.tO.. 15 a, m. nd-740 p. m,; S. 8., 9:30 a. m. Services for the Deaf. United Presbyterian Rev. 8. Earl DuUols. 10:30 and 8; C. E., T. Christian Oclenoe. First Church, of Christ Services at 11 and 8; suoject of lesson sermon. "Spirit." Sunday school after morn ing SRtvtce. Wednesday evening meet ing at 8. S?;ond, ' Woodmen's Hall. Sunday service. 11 a. m. Topic: "Spirit. Sunday nohool at close of morning ser vice. Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Third. Ei!erc hall. 7th nnd Alder 11 "a. m. Topic: "Spirit." Sunday school at close of morning service Wednesday evening service at 8 o'clock Miscellaneous. Church of the Brethren (Dunkards) -Rev. George C. Carl. 11 and 7:30; S. S. 10; C. W.. 6:30. Swedish Corps Salvation Army 439 L'urnslde. 11. 4:30 and 8. Congregation Aharn' Sholem, Tark and Ciay. Services toniKht at 8 by Ttabbl Abrnhnmson. Sunday inorn-ni; serv'ca at 0:30. by Rabid Abrahamson.1' Volunteers of America Mission TTnll 267 Ankeny St., near 3d 8:30 and 815 Services ovuy night at 8:16 except Mon day. V New Church Society (SwedenhornJanl Eleventh and Alder, Knight's of Pyth- The Church of God, 361 Falling street Rev. J. T. Neal. pastor. . Sunday ser vices ut 10 (German.). 2:30. 7-45- s 8 1:30;. testimony end praise meeting at 7 Y. M. C. A. Sixth and Tnvlor streets It. R. Perkins, rtllslous director. Meet-Inc- for men. Lents Church Center street Mrr B. Smith. Preachlns. 11 and l it.- w S 10; C. E.. 6:45. Pbgah Mission, Lents Full gospel Sunday 11 a. ni. and 2:30 p. m. In fflt-nn f t nn n 1 T11a utnant. rnM-i loWs hnll. Hlble lesson, 1:30; prayer and testimony service. 2:45. "The Rea- nnnanieness or ralth, l.y Krnlay Mo Kcrther. Ctirttinn Yoff-n Atartlnrn n-ITl V. - ji. coPtiuued until Septenvh?! . muci or .tesus Christ (Mormon) 44 --East -Tenth Mrect. S. S. jfl; sr viccs, 11:45 a. m' and 7 n. w St. Johns Sfirvlx-cs in 'litTT. A. halU Lee ui n. by William A.f Baker latter Day Saints. Church of. Jesus Christ of Latter Day hitnts (Jformon) H. 8., 10; preacl lng, 11:45 aud 7.