TH2 OREGON DAILY? JOURNAt," PORTLAND,; FRIDAY EVENING, ' AUGUST 0, 1812. 18 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS FOR S ALE nOUSES 61 FOR SALE HOUSES ' 61 ' FOB SALE LOTS 18 ACREAGE e 67 FOR SALE FARMS 17 Phone Your Want If your name appears In either phone book . you Can telephone your add, to Main 7173 A 6051 and have It charged. Bills will be mailed to you the -following day for payment. NEW TODAY EXCURSION Scappoose Acres -a m Columbia River Yalley mi a lone felt want i Deep rich land close to Portland at moderate prices and on easy terms; within 25 miles of Portland on a rail road, plenty of creek and spring- water. Excursion Sunday. Free dinner. Call or write for particulars. Lueddemann Bothfur& Go -lMT-Ohamber-of-Commeree -Mdarr- Office open evenings till 8.30. Main 6967 Used Car Buyers Should Examine Our Stock Before Pur chasing. The Values We Offer Are Unequaled. 53JL Alder St. Tou can still buy a choice lot la PIEDMONT rot 11000, on easy term 9100 down. GAGET& DORISI 610 Jtambennsna Bldg 8 th and tark. FOR IFIRE INSURANCE BEE wash ft Touwora, Bolts 436 Teoa Blag. Kala 7525. A-4374. The Oregon Law on Advertising 1 Mrlodlral, or Id pnblle ad rertlafine nt, or h letter or elrenlar. knowingly make or niaw ut r eenipn concern. In fli qnaoHtj or quality, tall Tain, the , simrhandlM. or tba motive or purponi) of any T-, .. pnefc. roe . netnoa or produruf or maonfao- , vi ui uwrrninniM or proieaaional work, of tb aioDDrr or louroa of mirHiaaa .....i. ZL-i ?T ' "n or ratfnutxi to latM --Mir'0-OM'ineB-ITrttty-T- a- TBll4eir.eatir. and a comlctloa thereof (ball bo pnnfthoa br a - fin of BAf Imi than lll tuw maM i . - ... or hf !mnrl)ionront la tb ooantr Jail aot i. .,. cwdtns 20 ityt, or bf both auch fin tad Ibh prtaoament. (L. 1M0, e. 104. p. KH). J The attention of idrartlami. wbo nt "Tb Joornil." m that of (bo oiiMIr la ti. ",r ""i "in ,ri lining, - "The Joarnal" makm-the anira ritoa en die - way aJortl1n(f to all adrof tlwa. In propor tlon to tb aiMc nwl. and dom not mako "fl'h f, ono" adrrrtlaer and "(Imh of an ther." belleTlni onr claaa. or prnfnalon. la. ; dlrldaal. or eorporatkm haa "wpinl rlrhta" to , admtlae as Is other thlnra. and aboald do so ihr aaoa tarma and rondltlona. i "Tba Jonrnal" btllrtea that It la iw Mai , . 10 adrirtlao. : BoadVra of "Th Jonrnal." anawrrlns adror. , tlarmrnta appoirlnt In thla ppr. ara tr ewated to report In wrltlnir anr fallare on tba ' fart-nf the adwtlwr to do aa b adrrrtlam , and If thp fnTtifiliilnt fajwll fonndrd. that ad ;rtlff wMI bo denld rca to th onlnmn , A aa baa Wn don In Iho paaf. and If (ho ad'. - wrtlnr'a acta are In violation of tb law fa Will b subjort to prnarendon. Tboro ar no dr(lor ualnf din column J aralnat whom ramplalnta h hrri mad hf .: oar rradera. and rbn romplnlnln ar mid . aronipt attention will be rlrrn to (hm ' - C. . J ArKHOX. PiihlHhor. UNCALLED FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS to rliuHfled advertlaementu which appeared In The Journal await , those possessing certificate for the fol lowing numbers: r- aJZ uut' m' U' U2' 8"7, 637-'.-"E it. 14. IBS, 129, 166, 16, IZ, $0 . II 2, 73. 216. in, 14. 4. 1 F 445; 425, 374. 378. 496, 4B4. 401. ' 174. 262. 734. 359, 430. 34R, 177. 41 148 440 439, 442, S62. 325. 375, 471. . H SO 30ljfi2. , J 142, 5TO0I. 637, 33, 753. 6fi. 799. 104, 121. 247. 142. 273. 726. 160. 323. 223. '. ' k S73. 156, 447, 7S2. 104. 872. 374, 131. 308 78. 373, 3T4. 361. 119, 206 282 0778, 995. 987, 684. 740. 607.' 626. , . 61. 38. 422. B8, C 108 651 HI. 607 684. ti. 422. 869. 965, 833 648 OR 748. ' 8723, 965. 828. 726. 924, 846. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of title made Title 4 Trust Co Lwls bldg, 4th and Oak, Alamtda Land Co. to David Mar- t 1 ft Ll t at . . . - "v 'as, t iu mti r- . tiny.: lot 16. block 35. Alameda Park . C,B. Fields et al. to Mr. A. XL t lledges. lot 2. block 8, Summit addition f. .. . Ladd Estate Co. to W. B. White. lot 19. block 11, Westmoreland. J. XV. 8ingletary and wife to John . Talt lot 11, block 16. Hunnrslde Laurelhurst Co. t Martha F Smith, lot 10, block 28, Laurel hurst 3. Teuscher Jr. to E. J. Arrlngton, ; west hslf, northeast quarter, ' section 17, township 1 north. rang 6. east Silas M Leonard to Charles Z. Delaet t al lot 1. block 1, ... Grimes' addition to St John. . v 650 226 130 2.800 1.450 1.200 400 Hn (-airrte to. o t-ierr eianL t . b ..... 1 , J tt T' JBrong-Maunitir Co. to -8. A, 4e- ' ,- naw'ai'a ii'i ma a leitto III Empire In v. Co. to Prrt A. Read et aU lota 4. 7. block a. mv- brook . . .. . . , . .7. ..... US i nomas sptumsn to Jeannette Morrlah. lota IT and 18. block 26, Ventura Park; agreement;.,! 400 juia a. Nelson to W. J. Ropers. . lota II to 19. block . Multno- mah Park, W. D., 1.600 auauiae numunen ana nusoand to F. T Rlcharfla r al nnrth -25 Xeet lot I and south IS faet - 101 z diock 10, Udd'l addition. 4,600 iJove-iismpn- company to- jarnes Keddy, lots 9 and 10, 150 Realty associates to Philip Dresi- ier ei au, 101 s, oiock 9. tfolgate Vta4 VVf U , aae,,a. James H.'SrV-Wllllsonv to Matll- 650 aa tutcnen, lots 12. 11, 14 and wivi.av iwmmi J ............ A.Jr Lee ed wife to Henry J. 475 vaanais, .01 . Diocx I, Meneree Walter W. fJhrVstensen "to W. 'it 2,750 i-erns. lots 11 and II, block 1, Mandy Lane (assigned to How- . J- Blpley ) Alfred O. Pearson and wife to E. V. Marl man, lot S, block 1, , Hannum's subdivision lots 1. 2, I and 4, block 1. lots 1, J, 1 and "". block Josephine .......... Charles M. Ross et al to E. C. and Emllle Hettman, lot 1. block Vr Part addition; . . N. W. Merrifleld and wife to Ethel M. Just, part lot I, Over- 900 600 600 ura rare 600 W. H. Prink and wife to Eugene PI Off I at ! W (A Klnnl. K Tremont Park . . . 1.500 George Snttla and wife Oeorge a. neeves, tot , i. block 4, Clare addition 800 Empire Investment company, In corporated, to A. H. Akereon, lot 6. block 11, Mr Patton's ad dition to Alblna 100 Eveline M. Bonaer and husband to E. Q. McGlauflln, Umber on -northeast quarter southweat quarter and south SO acres of southeast quarter - northwest - quarter section 25, township 3 north, range 2 west 1,200 0. P. Wolcott and wife to L. E. . Van Auken, timber on 44 acre .- begfrminrO chafes north southwest corner - northeast - quarter section 36. townshln 3 northrrange westTrrr ;77 .rr7 Psrker SUnnlck and wife to E. 600 . u. Mcuiaurun, timber on south west quarter northwest quarter west half southwest quarter southeast quarter southwest quarter section 25. township 3 north, range 1 west, also north- west quarter section 36, town ship 3 north, range -west. 14,800 Thomas J. Ryan and wlfq to" Loucla Jeannette lilmes. lot 7, block 97. Rote City Park f 4.000 E. C. Dunning and wife to Phllo mona Bolter, lot 6, block 19, Roosmere 1,000 iungs Heights Realty Syndicate I to Stephen D. Stoddard, lot 13, Ivovelelgh W. R. HAIZLIP CO.. Inc. Abstractor, 605 Oerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder ?. MEETING XOTICES 41 500 PARTY Oregon Rose Camp. R, N. A. In Allsky nail. Friday evening, August 9; elegant prizes, refreshments, come and enjoy the evening. Admission 15 cents. R. N. A, Or. Rose Camp, meets Frl. svBy Aiiaay nan, 30 ana Morrison MARRIAGE LICENSES Perry Reed. The Dalles. Or.. 3E anil BU Hamilton, 80. Gustaf . Nelson, Hlllboro, Or., 29, and Henrietta Johnson, 25. Thomas Edwards. White Fish, Mont. 27, and Alma Claggett, 21. J. H. Anderson, 1 10th st;r 23. and Bess Bauman, 20. L J. Garvin. 130 N. 16th it. 24. and Gertrude Edwards. 19. W, G. -Smith & CcVcalfd Washington bldg.. cor. 4th, on Wash'tnn bRftnt, suits (or rent, all sites. Unique Tnllorlnr CV. 100 Rtarlr mt CLARKE BHus.. florists, line flowers pa norm qewisnw. a Morrison BL BIRTHS BROWN To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown. 852 Main ivunm lulu at .. boy. ' ' NtWLlN To Mr. and Mrs. Dan New lin, 335 Marguerite avenue, August 7, a boy. JOHNSON To Mr. and Mrs. Hyalma Johnann. 77 ITnmhnljlt da a boy. ' ' ' HKAbHAW-To Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Henshaw, 329 East Forty-sixth street, August 7, a boy. COOP To Mr. and Mrs. 'William Coop, 611 Marlon avenue, August 8. a boy. WARN43R To Mr. and Mrs. James - WamerrJOtft Worttl Sixteenth street. August 6V a girl: DEATHS AND FUNERALS BLOOD William H. Blood, aged 48 years. months. Aug. 8, at 494 Lex- InrtflN aWmnl.A VAma4na . II .1.-. f u neral parlors 1667 . Eas t TWr Uenth. ALEXANDER Mrs. Mints Alexander. avorl it rt(a tn thla nllu A., 8. Funeral at Flnley's undertaking pr- ior. Aug. 10, at jo.30 a. m. Remains will be sent to Oakland, Cul., for Inter ment Friends Invited. BEATf "T Doia. Beatly; "413 ITiller ave nue, AUguai s, area, s; cancer. SMITH John Smith, Thirty-sixth snd Tlbbetts streets, August 6, aged 12; WE8T Minnie West 665 Hoyt street. Auguai a, sgea o; nemorrnage. WARD Josephine Ward, St. Vincent's nunpnai. Auguai 1, ageo 4-. MAX M. SMITH, florist, 141Vi 6th sL. In Selling bldg.. Main 7215. FUNERAL DIRECTORS J. h Finley & Son Third and Madison. Lady attendant. Main 9, A-1699. Dunning & McEntee 1! everv detail. 7th and Plna. Main 410 A-45B8. Lady assistant. Via EDWARD HOLMAN, the leading runerai director ana undertaker 22U 3d St.. cor, balmon; lady assistant. O.ZELLER CO, Bfc0,hu phonea. FRIPQnW Undertaking Co MaiH 183. A-2235. Ldy as't EAST SIDE funeral directors, success or to . ri. uunning. Inc. K. S3. B-2525. I FRPU Undertaker, Lady assistant LLnLin B-18S8, E-T'si. K. 6th-Alder. HFUSTOCK. IM7 If 1 5th (H7l Ti JT mi; ana univers. i-arit. COI. 34-3911. Poorcnn Pn Funeral directors. 36- "J til jtusseii st. K. 1080. MONUMENTS OTTO SCHUMANN, granite and marble wtkb, r;t 3d and Pine. East 743 PORTLAND REALTY DEALERS BRONO-MANARY COMPANY, Oround floor Lewis Bid. M. snd A-1743 H R'i IHAKKk hlfxi'iirf'T 602 McKay Bldg. Main 649 CHAPIN & HERIX)W. 332 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1652. KNAPP st M ACKEYl 112-13 Board of Trade. M. and A-2010. OREGON REAL EBTATE CO,, THB; Grand av and Mult. E. 67. C-17I, " SHIELDS, J. 1L : 106 Oerllnser Bldg. Main 843 GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 WANTED Permission to nhotn arranh 200 Portland's prettiest residences, for eastern newspapers and magaxlnes; plo ture from 2 to 4 feet long, on exhibi tion In Portland atom .lnr1iv K.... 'orwarding east. No expense.' Tsljor Murray & Murray, Z9 71st. B. E. TO LEASE 413 43' ROOM rooming house for rnt, fur- nlshed. 329 Lumber Exchange. 2d and ' . ".AVENUE ' 81513' ' - Five roora -bunnalow and gaa on, lot 30x77: cries 11600. no mortgage; izuo rash and balance payable 32d per month, which includea Interest at 7 oer cent. Call 1405 Hawthorne ave., cor. 60th st. Nice 5 roonx butigalow -on 80x100 lot. street improvements paid for, no mort gage against property. This home Is completely furnished throughout; oil burning plant is installed for kitchen range ann heater Jn living room; good garage. Will sell this home to reliable parties on easy terms; will make liberal discount for substantial cash payment; am offering this home at 13700, on terme, which is a low figure for the property. Phone Tabor 626 or even ings Tabor 389, - Taurel hurst' oak floors, fireplace, furnace, t large bedrooms, lot 60x100, clos to car. Will take good auto or lot a part payment. J. R, Henderson & Co. Mar. 3952. . A-4 154. 07 Spalding bldg. W AT ACTUAL COST. Fine new 5 room bungalow on 60 foot lot near car and beautiful park. Modern and complete. Double eon- Strutted, Fireplace, oak floors, built in buffet, bookcases, seats, etc.. buffet kitchen. This Is a little beaut v. built for a home and will be sold at actual cost of construction $2760. Small cash pay ment and balance like rent. Jv is kMr-wir w neoxbKi g. BUNGALOW at Mount Tabor, one block from Mt. Tabor carline. convenient. Whr good" -vis wof-clty.-6eft neighbor hood; must be seen to be appreclated. Built by owner for home last November. Desires to sell on account of going to the country. WILL, HKL.L, AT COST, JZ600. Terms. 3S0O cash, balance 226 Per month. This will pay 10 per cent as an investment. . j-hou journal. $2100 Snap H acre all In high state of cultiva tion; large and small fruit; also garden products; t room cottage, nice yard, flowers and green lawn. Some terms. Close in. Call Mr. Brown. Marshall 1014. evenings. Col. 332. LARGE 9 room house on 100x100 lot. TrTrrtTre8 an aroCTttTitrCTgrTorareQ on excellent carline; also on main thor oughfare directly east from center of city; full cement basement; has nice barn. In excellent location. All for only 30 per month, including interest. Call Tabor 1982. - ONLY $1300, a new 3 room house on box 100 lot in irvlngton. Heights, close In on E. 17th st; has hot and cold water. sewer connections, sink and patent toilet, wired for electricity, telephone: also basement excavated for larger house. You gt- a, - beau ur uj -. view Xrom this house. A bargain for someone. Phone C-2019. This Is the Home You have so long been loking for. It's only $2760 cash or terms. It is modern In every detail splendid lot, fine loca tion, 1 block tb car. I have others to show you. - Owner, jSellwood 87 t On T8fh St $3250 ' 6 room new modsrn house near Wash ington, st,. East. All ready to -occupy. Street improvements all in. Can be had on easy terms. Marshall 1014. Co lumhla 332, evenings. BUY NOW. LAURELHURST. $50 CASH. 6 rooms, built-in buffet, bookcase, solid oak floors, fireplace, furnace. $50 monthly. Including Interest, price $4400, National Realty & Trust Co., 723 Cham ber of Commerce. Phone Main 6129. $50 DOWN. ROSE CITY PARK. ON CARLINE. E. 46TH 8T. 6 rooms, fireplace, basement, etc. cash $50, balance $35 per month, includ ing interest. National Realty & Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6129. $1350 CASH IISTAKEN AT ONCE. Extra well built 6 room house, lot 60x 100. Good chicken house, fine place to keep chickens. Hmise alone cost that amount to build. Must sell at once. For particulars call on owner. 414 Mar- qnHrrr tlttg;,--or phOTiff "Main ?f 11." " ' n A Real Sacrifice Most artistic and substantial little 6 room house, In A-l residence district, cash or terms. I defy anyone to duplW. cate this bargain in Portland. Owner. Main 1622. Tabor $849. SWELL California bungalow, lot 60x 100. beautiful garden-hardwood -floorr flreplace, furnace, largo rooms, panel dining room. Dutch kitchen, etc!, base ment, large porches, improved nelgh- pornooq. rwxr, journal. IF you want a 'EVV TWO room house, a lovely little cottage, on lot 60x100. r TTTi Ttun" tth r, y TunrK w irm tmn x itt fliTtnai H iiU. 4 -1 a A. fn "1 VBHiur, in una UIBLtll-l, il'T UU. 19 canh. I1R montlv ret buay; it won't lat i" it . rv - . . jiiui nn i, Big Bargain I must sell new 6 room house, nost $2600. next four days; will tnke 12000: only $100 down, bale nee Ilka rent Owner. 608 MoKay bldv - BARGAIN $900 New modern bunga low, Just completed. 20 minutes from center of city, on good car -line; terms J16U caan. balance $20 per month. Call for full Information at 414 Spalding mng. j210u 6 ROOM house east front, good plumbing, electric lights, etc., lot 60 xlOO, street graded, cement walk, one block from car; terms. Jas. D. Ogden, bis Mississippi ave. woomawn zoz. STOP raying rnt; will sell a modern cottage on small lot In business dis trict Alblna, $2200; small payment down then $20 per month. Owner room 212. WALNUT PARK, modern residence, I rooms and den, full cement basement. 2 fireplaces, 2 toilets, is ft alleys. Terms. Owner. 1135 Rodney av. Phone Woodlawn 2271. 6 ROOM modern bungalow between Hawthorne and Richmond cars foe $2400; $260 down, $15 per month. Phone Marshall 4285 days, and Tabor 1324 evenings. Room 312. Oerllnrer bid. WE SELL REAL ESTATE BARGAINS VAUAM' UK IMl'KOVED REAL ESTATE LIQUIDATION CO. OlIP nrnnarllaa ara. 4iia aa mnnA ..I. the prices are less. 816 Selling bldg $50 CASH, $15 MONTH; $1100, 4 room plastered cottage, lot 61 Vix 100. Of course It beats paying rent. Fred W. Oerman. 435 Chamber of Com merce. Wain 6445. FINE rustic bungalow with large cobble stone fireplace, located Just beyond Laurelhurst, 60x100 lot. excellent car service. For only $1250. Terms $12.60 per montn. ( in i anor I9z FIVE room house, 60x100 lot on Sell wood csr line; modern': your price my price: 1392 E. 14th, Westmoreland, 3 blocks. - A BARGAIN If taken at once, 6 room modern bungalow, gas and electrfc, lot 60x100, $ls60. term, owner, 1181 E. 16 th st. N. Alberta car. FINE $ room bouse In Council Crest Park on Mt. Adams drive, beautlfullly finished, 2 fbts, fine view, 8 blocks from car line.. Phone A-4939. FIVE room modern 1 house, double con structlon; my equity $900, A. K. Scott, 7030 61st ave. 8. ri No commission. FINE BROADWAY Home, half price. Several lots. C-1866. Eart Z73. w.n. nerflrtiaTp- WHY pay rent when you can buy a good home for the prke -of kt. ,r nnM T . . mmmnm NICE 6 room cot (a go, lot 80x100, wall jjse : . .. mm', v Brand new 7 room bungalow, close to Hawthorne ave. and In good residence district Some of the most attractive features, an east front, wide cement waiK leading 10 porcn, large reception hall with coat closet, full bevel plate mirror in closet door, large living room with pressed brick fireplace on each side of which is built-in bookcases, veneered panel dining room, wide buffet,poiished narawooa iioors, two oea rooms rinisnea In white enamel on first floor, two bed. rooms on second floor, -we'll equipped bath, complete cabinet Kitchen with all bullr-in . conveniences, full basement with cement floor and laundry trays. wans win oe iiniea 10 sui purcnasr. Phone Tabor 451 or Gall orv wnert 300 E, 39th, One Block South Hawthorne Avenue, WE FURNISH THB HO MB YOU PAY THE RENT. We have houses in some of the best additions in the city for sale on straleht monthly payments orr-sr basis fflfTJl per iiuu montniy, or in otner words, a (3000 which Includes interest at 7 per cent; ll in nouses we nave duiu or under con- Btructlon don't -suit we will be-triad to puna ror you in any part or tne city yoif may aesire ana nner your own ideas; we have lots In Irvlngton, Council Crest, Irvlngwood, Hawthorne district and Al berta district at present time: why not have tv home of your own built accord ing to your own ldas and in the lo cation you prefer. Instead of living in arL.apartment.flaJLj3r.hou8eaniLj)ay- lng rent and at the end of the year have only a bundle of rent receipts, where by our plan you could have an equity in a home of your own? We will be glad to explain our "Home Plan" to you at any time you may care to call at office or phona NEIL DURFLINGER, PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 709vl0 Rothehlld bldg. Marshall 3825. 9 room house, hardwood .floors. trays, 1 block from school. Price Ll $3800, Cottage, 6 large rooms 50x100 foot lot, beautiful view, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, everything modern. ' Price7 $2700. MISS POWELI OWNER, ... Tabor 1147 DISTRICT New; mortem, six-room bungalow, with fireplace, bookcase, hall seat, cloak room, beam ceiling, Dutch kitchen, hardwood-floors, floored attic, full ce ment basement, laundry trays; close to school and car, restricted district; price $3000. One In Richmond district at $3260; lot 40x100. Geo. A, Ross, Owner 301 Oerllnger Bldg Phone Main 2970. EAST SIDE HOMES. - $3500. 6 room bouse on lot 60x128 feet on Mt. Tabor, this has a good view and will make an Ideal home; good garden and nice fruit trees. $2750. New 5 room house. 1439 E. Lincoln B)L., VOIIIBIIL w ail KB, I CHUCKS TO XWO car lines, 'full cement basement, built In conveniences, good, neighborhood, owner living in house and will show you through. . Terms. $3200. 1460 Oatman St.. new 7 room house, modern, take St Johns csr, get off at Oatman st, go 1 block south, corner house. Terms. - See" Mr," Jonesrr-' GOW EN. IDE TRUST XXX.- 2 Lumbermens bldg. Oround floor. Hawthorne 12600 irlrlilockgzsontliiitHawtliorna: ave., west of 35th st, 2 story house, large rooms, full basement, street paved, all Improvements paid;. $500 cash, terms on bal ance, jy R, Henderson & Co, MaTr95i. A-4154:" 507 Spalding bldg KEW modern 6 room bungalow with fireplace, full cement basement built In Dutch kitchen, the best arranged home, located on one of the best carllnea in the cltjr 60x100 lot. Improvements all paid. For only $25 per month, In cludlng Interest. - Tabor 1982. FOR SALE LOTS 16 A SNAP. 60x100 lot on Greenwood ave.i 150 ft. from W-R car. east front, nil Improve ments In, $750. $160 down, $15 per month. Owner, Marshall 4285 days, Ta- por 13Z4 evenings. FOR SALE for cssh only, most attract ive corner lot in first quarter section of Laurelhurst near Sandy boulevard. Phone Tabor 1488. 1209 Hawthorne av. HOW long will you pay rent? Buy a lot, tiv mommy, n iron a graoea, uuu nun waicr, n n on. imngpa j-o.f. SEE Le Noir at Co. lor west side prop erty, exclusive dealers In west side realty. 837 Chamber of Comerce. IBM mm WW 1 Putting It Off UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE Causes many disappointmcnti to those wishing to plica want ad in The Big Sunday Journal Mttt It a point .to ret yonr want ads in early. If not . convenient to call at the office, use the phone-ctll Main 7173 or A-6051 ' Ada charted only to those' whose names ' are listed ia either of the telephone directories. '.,:,-- FINE, sightly 4 acre at Ryan station. on Oregon Electric Ry 20 minutes from - Portland, 6c fare: ror . leas than you can uy city lot Lovely location for family home,- garden, fruit, etc. Your own terms. Box $36, P.. O Port land. WE SELL REAL ESTATE BARGAINS VACANT OR IMPROVED -REAL ESTATE LIQUIDATION CO. - Our properties ar lust as good, only the prices are less.; 316 Selling bldg. ACREAGE -67 15 miles from Portland, good auto road, 1 mile from Tualatin river: close to town and R. R.; lies fine:-all good land, no rock; timber enough to pay for the land; this'-is flnenfor subdivision; running water on every 20 acres; will sell from 20 to 200 acres; terms. Peper & Baser. t eneriocK bldg.. cor. 3d ana uaic. 5 Acres Elegant Land Near a depot and town on the Oregon Electrlo Railway, only a few miles from Portland. 4 acre In strawberries, - 62 fruit trees, small house, etc We can offer you an attractive proposition as to terms, and the price 1 only $280 per acre. Jyn Trust-Co.- 1221 Yeon Bldg. 64. j.CRES$25 PER ACRE. , Lies good, all good shot soil, no rock nor gravel, on main county road, phone line, near school; old house, good new frame barn 36x40, other outbuildings, well and running water, some bearing fruit; 10 "acres cleared, part of balance very easily cleared, balance fine timber; location Washington 'county, 29 miles from city; quarter cash, balance 6 years. If you want a home or Investment see this. Z14 Lumbermens bldg, FOR SALE 6 acres rich, black soli 65 miles south of Portland. H mile west of Crowley station; 9-room house, barn and other outbuildings; bearing or charcL Jarge. -garden, plat-pasture with running water -over . half ear. . . Call at residence or address Mrs. J. W. Gray, RlckreallPolk Co.. Or. R. . $12.50 Per Acre " 400 ftdres IU miles from station, suit able for siook, plenty water and out range; good transportation and a bar- gain, woirr, 323 H enry bldg. A Choice Half Acre Tract On Estacada carline; f mile from, city limits; 6 e ar fare, Good soli, -city water easy terms; see owner, 912 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Phone Marshall 1685. Kesmcnce Beiiwood 476, 5 Acres for $250 $10 CASH. BALANCE $5 PER MONTH. una mue xrom Knappa and K. R. sta- IH1. l'Iush to Bi'ttunl HTrrrwripUT' vnnA anir I tlllll, clu Knappa Is a good market. 313 Kt. KavHAHUE, ZD FIXIOK. Bargain in 5 Acre Tracts PIna tl fiuUm lntaMV4rt 4aMk a.All v.v.'v w uutuui -"- - v UCi:p iv. II null, level, all cultivated, $150 per acre, $10 down, only for next four days. Owner, oi'B Metiay Diag. BARGAIN If taken at once, 10 acres near Roseburg,. southern Oregon, five acres ,ih apples 4 acres pears, f acre mammoth berries: first class lmDrove- ment bouse.- -etc; f -will -tra de f or - lty property or sen. , Address Real Estate, 106 6th St., 2d floor. - - 5 Acre Tract Close to car line, soon tn ha olamtrl. fled, finest of soil, rapid growing com munity, terms easy. Particulars. K-4S6. Journal. $35 Per Acre RllVM ft. ftna 4ft arra.1ranf .aaa fill.... ton, adJoTning"TR. k., 15 acrea nearly ready ror plow; lies well; No. l soli, beautiful farms adjoining, $260 down, balance terms. 232H Wash., room 16. 40 acres on Estacada car line, 1 mile "'"i""),."!! ime roa, 20 mues from Portland 9 aerai tn rnltlTroHnr, c. easily cleared, small box house, rujinl'ng wir, a oargaiR at (3000, 11300 cash. See me for a snap. 801 Wilcox bldg. ' $10 Down $5 monthly, 62x858, $475, at station, Oregon City car; SO minutes out; In, cleared, garden land. H. Atwater. 628 Henry bldg. Marshall 8117. FOR SALE OR RENT 3 acres, on 6r gon Electric. 10c Xare, 4 rm house, fine water, barn, family brchard, 6 Ktods small fruit, 2 acres Strawberries, only 2 blocks from station; some furni ture In house; term Room 10 Cam- pnngeping, sa ana Morrison. Garden Home Snan" 6 acres, beautiful shade trees, run ning creek, near station, $22.60, $1000 cash. STAVElVm COUCH BLDG. -$10-Oown $5 monthly. 80x212. $475. Oregon City car, 25 minutes out Cleared, fine soli. See Marsters, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. A-7340. 1 ACRE of ground close to station on Mount Hood line. Will sell at rcason able tertng33 it: tl 9 pe'tjjjioritiurJjicludliig interest soil is 20 ft. deep; no stones; all cleared and In high state of culti vation. k-369. Journal. 5 ACRE tract located on new Mt Hood line rlnsa tn carllnat mail IK A aAn soli. Will sell on easy term. Ex cellent secure a Ilna lit- t yn-n m mm teriri. rv-a, SOUmal. WILL sell you 5 to 60 acres of Improved land at station on Oregon Electric line, $200 to $225 per acre. $2 down an acre and 60c per week. Owner, K-102 journal. 1 5 "ACRES moo". ' ' " Fine place for homer less than U mil from- new electrlo-41ne; -one- aere- fn-ap. pies; spring,' running water, fine soil; easy terms. Owner. 604 Spalding bldg 7c fare, on Oregon Electric. acre cleared. I defy you to duplicate this price. Fred W. German, 436 Cham- Dcr Qt LuinnifiTB. jimn mti). HALF acre garden tracts $400 each; t,fffla' aft mlniitu' .(J. -n r..- adero line. Owner, 620 Lumbermen's bldg. WILL sell yu 10 acre tracts of land - in Union county, near Elgin, Or., $40 ?er acre, $10 down on 10 acre tract, and 6o per week. Owrier, K-103, Journal. 2Vi ACRES, half cleared, no gravel, good soil, close to carline. Price $675, Terms. K-870 Journal. " $0 ACRES In Drain, Or., for sale by own ers at 166 E. 35th st rsnmnravcrsn nnnntmll I ' ' $25 to $65 Per Acre - v Easy Terms.- - - On a railroad within 25 miles of Portland. Creek and spring water. Excursion Sunday, Aug. lith. - Call or write for further inform- ation and literature. Office open till 8:20 p. m. Main 6967. Lue'ddemahh-Bothfur & Co, 913-17 Chamber of Commerce Bldtf. H mile from store and P. t., 4 miles from Woodland, Wash., and R. R.: nice gravel road J 80 -acres -in cultivation, mostly In clover, about 10 or 11 tons of hay In barn and a growing crop; creek through place.-family-orchard: most all level land, no- rocks; all kinds of build ings Price $4609; $1500 cashf balance to suit Peper & Baker, 444 Sherlock bldg.. cor. 8d and Oak stg. 1 1-3 ACRES, abutting on Fourth, street line of Southern Pacific, 240 minutes ' westjfhjnaWash- lngton; poles and trolley wires now being put over this line to run electrlo cars: commuters' fare 14c. This all cleared, at $500 per acre, payable $50 cash and $5 In terest per month,' ir:. i ne'Shaw-rearCor Main 35. 102 Fourth St A-3500, 6 ACRES at $250 per acre, only 4 mile south of St. Mary's sta tion, on Fourth-st line; only 12o fare to commuters; 80 minutes' from 4th and Washington sts., on monthly pavments. - The Shaw-Fear Co. Main 35. 102 Fourth St A-3500. 5 and 10 Acres Cheap" 620 up to jM5Pr acre, on jorma shot soil, well watered: easllv cleared; Ideal for general farming, fruit vege tables, dairying and chicken raising; lo cated on county road, close to live town on R. R. and river near Portland. Own ers. 703 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. Main 8078. Evenings East 394. 6 ACRES down the Willamette, on west side and 2 miles back from river and 6o car fare, for $175 per acre, on monthly pay--aniiitr.---: : . The Shaw-Fear Co. Main 36. 102 Fourth St. A-3500. . 10 Acres for $300 $10 Cash, $5 Per Month Running stream, good soil, prosper ousfarmers all around and good jiiar ket. near railroad; perfect title and warranty deed. 312 HY. EXCHANGE, 2D FLOOR. , a, ........ a-a., afc. a." r CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land. Beat soil, good roads, spring water, fre wood, settled country, 10 acres. $400. $500, $600 per tract; 20 i u scree, tizuu; ri acres, 19H1VO' an tlmk.rf t O J fl (V r, 1 all kinds for sale. Easy terms. Frank racrarnna many io., SU I eon D lag Portland. Or. FOR SALE FARMS 17 mm Afford to Buy 40 acres, 12 In cultivation, 3 acres In potatoes, 12 tons of hay In barn and hay carrier, good rope slings; barn 30x52 feet; 6 room house, blacksmith shop with tools; good team of mares and har. nesSr-ear t- and single -harness r ha y raek 4 ana mowing mscnine," plow, cultivator, sprlftg-toolh and spike-tooth "harrowB one cow and heifer calf, two dozen chickens, one ail-steel double-power stump puller with 300 feet of cable, take-up and grub dIow. 16 rick of wnnri cut and. split; water piped to the house rrom nyoraunc ram and household goods, This. U goes Jor $365Q$2000 cash,- 2 year at 4 per cent. Ad--dress - OUT D.-BELL. VJ panitB, ur v. U., or Jderldan Trust Co., $12 Henry bldg., Portland. WE-iViLtOAN-YOlr:$200a This offer will give every fnan a chance to- start right Irr farrnlfig. To the man - who has his own stock and Implements and wishes to make a home for himself and family and 'wljl make a flrat payment of $264 we will sell 160 acres of Alberta land. . We are then in a position to loan him $2000 with which to make Improvements on this quarter section. You may have ten years time to pay for the land and the loan. Who ever heard of such liberality In a land deal? Absolute protection, with the greatest possibilities of success. We have an excursion leaving Satur day night, August 10, and invite you to go with us. W; O. IDE, AGENT. Canadian Pacific Railway Lands. 2 Lumbermens Bldg., - Ground Floor. .20 Acres, $600 . Buyryou a splendid piece of farm land 1H miles of town, $1 fare from Port land, Mi mile ef school, close neighbors, springs and running water, $100 cash, balanc easy terms. CLAUDE COLE 917 Board of Trade bldg. Desire to Sell at Once Have 300 acres choice valley land near Portland, all tillable and In crop. Llesadjolnlng a growing town of about $000. Also surrounded by fine fruit farm. Here from the east until the iwwmr in. j-ioi journal. $15,00090 Acres 4H miles from city limits, 40 acres In cultivation, good soil, fair set buildings, orchard, 2 county roads,' fine tor subdividing. Mr. Speculator, here Is your chance. Wolff. $22 Henry bldg. 820 ACRES of aood level saaebrush land L close to Vale. In artesian belt and oil belt; covered by Buiry creek project; for one third of what land Is selling for; worth investigating: owner must sell: will take $10 per acre. WAGNER at HUNT. Main t9W. 416 Chamber of Commerce. 6000 ACRES With, water for irrigation, good build lngs. ln-the fanMHiav Shield rtver-vallevr Montana; big crops eVery year assured, price $60,000. very rasj, terms or 'wlh trad for Portland property. A splen did bargain. See owner, 807 Hallway rcn-line J 6-ACRE farm. 10 acres under cultiva tion, running water, miles west of court nous, 20 minutes' walk from St WH4-Uka-coHieV-4V4f payment Price $4000.. Inquire for M 1 Bitter at Oregon Journsl betwen 10 o'clock In the evening. ana i Iflll Farm Bargain r Washington. County TIMTPeTAcie. Read ' then description of thla 1 farm -carefully. It Is one of the very best farm bargains near the city. There are 169 acres 36 acres-in high state of cul tivation, balance some timber and pas-, ture, with living water. - The entire tract Is the very richest of" land and iflies well. Seven room house, barn 40x80. other " outbuildings. v-'Qood family or -chard. Price $60 per acre; $1800 cash, balance 6 years, 0 per cent interest. There Is. no, such bargain to be found near the city. - It is located in one of the most fertile and best dairy sec tions of Washington county, 2 H miles from North Plains on United Railway. ; 34 mile to school and church. Don't miss this opportunity to double your money. ; -. - Hargrove & "Sons 122 North th St, Cor. 6th" and Gllsan. -r Main-43 8 1. A-7 2 6 9, , ? A BARGAIN. 70 acreg-of-very- good blgb -ehot- aoll, 7 miles- from -town and railway sta tlon, a good -location, fine water, all fenced, buildings, a good bearing orchard of--3-acravall kinds of. berries and-frul.t,. school V4 mile, church H mile. Price $6400- $200 cash, remainder terms and' low Interest, 6 per cent.. Write to F. H. Boltemiller, RIdgef leld. Wash. Route mo. z. box is. IRQBlPARM TRACTS FOR SUB- . t . 77 "ivDTVTSION. - - """' See our farm department for 6ur 1000, 2aniL-6flQ0 and 18.000 -acre tracts. S. D. VINCENT SrCO.. rT-1 Farm Dept. 816 Chamber of Commerce. YOUR opportunity. Montana, best farm lands, $15 per acre and up; 10 years to pay- for it 6 per cent interest on de f erred payments. Round trip excursion rates, $33.60. See owner, 307 Railway Exchange bldg. . . 15 Acre Bargain 40 Rods From Station hudi ai jniicn Duuutwaai ui r ui via on the Portland-Rex gta to road and ust 40 rods from station. We have the best small farm" buy near Portland. .There are 15 acres, about 10 acres In high state of cultivation, balance some timber and pasture. All the very best of land and lies well. Nice living water, good 4-roorn house, good barn and outbuild- lnga..Iarge.- family orchard..lots ,0f grapes and berries. In fact, this is one of the most homelike Uttle farms we have seen for some tira. Personal property: 2 horses, .iiow, 3 hogs, 60 chickens, wagon,- buggy, mower, culti vator, harrow, plow and other personal property. Price only 13500. Hargrove & Sons 122 N, 6th st, Cor. 6th and Gllsan. Main 4381, A-7269. FOR RENT FARMS 14 60 ACRES. In cultivation, plenty of water for Irrigation, good soil,, near city limits; will lease to gardeners for a term of Veers. E. Coleman, Mllwau Kie. k. r: v. no. i. FOR RENT For a term of years, 6. mnn. tll n , . . one iiiiijiv,-U, wila bi, ,iaiB,Q, at rood team cheap. Inquire at Berkley Grocery. F. M. Maiden. - .HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT 145 ACRES. 26 miles from the city, cabin, good stove, some tools; 85 acres lies flnef- fine spring and creek on place; some ce-,A dar; close to neighbors. 214 Lumber- men s Diag. HOMESTEADS located, timber, water, - -lvei land; houa. and -furnlturac-jcan.. Seerln one dayr Covey,- 267 Oak, room 21.- HOMESTBAD relinquishment $18Blf taken this week. Call 708 Selling bldg. FRUIT LANDS 45 ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. 10 acres pears. 8 years old. 1 mil to town . and railroad . $ 400 per - aeret ln- ciuaes ait car ana cultivation s more years; cash, balance 4 years, no In terest. See owner, 814 Couch bldg. AF aSaaaaaaSrat-.i OR SAIZE TIMBER 28 TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD., li. R. NUCK, !14 COMMERCIAI7 BDG7 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 WANTED To exchange 40 aores good land in southern Oregon for small car. "Will pay aom difference K-4J6, Jour- nat. HAVEa new modern 6,.roona residence . in rest rioted district price $4600; ex change for acreage: Improved; no trad- ing prices; K-Z56, journal. - WILL trade In my 1911 Columbus electrlo automobile and pay some cash for modern horn up to $5500. See my agent. 270 Stark st. , WILL take lots as first payment on 7 room house, lot 80x100. fruit trees and berries. Call 1024 Chamber of Com merce. - WANT to trade 6 room house, lot 50x160. clos in on east aide: euultv $2700, for grocery store and meat mar ket or farm. Owner. 608 MoKay bide-. I HAVE $760 equity in 7 room home in St. Johns to trade ror lots in Kenton or S win ton. Address Stanley, 1764 Ha ven st. $600 EQUITY in modern ,6 room hard finished bungalow for team, wagon and . harness; lot faces two s'reets, 4 d iocks .. j. pox ivi, m, jo. WHAT have you to exchange for 7 acres adjoining Oregon City limits at $300 per acre. Shaw & Locke, 73 6th. Main 8990, A-4186, FINE house of 6 rooms: will trad equity of $1200 for good lot or dis count for cash. Price $3200. Security Development Co..4thandPine sts. HOOD RlVffi fruit land for hardware stock, general merchandise or good laundry in prosperous town; 403 Roth chlld bldg. . . - WfiL exchange 5 a'nd 10 acre tracts oa electrlo Una for city property. K-230, Journal. GOOD equity In Estacada acreage to ex- change for other property, what have you? P. O. box 901. DANDY corner grocery for sale or trade ' for lot; , invoice about $650. K.-374, journal. SEAL ESTATE exchanges and big farm rleala a anarlaltv IV A Mnila. .ain deals a specialty, til S. Mudira. am Oak. Main 1283. - A WELL Improved 260 acre farm with stock, crop and implements near Cor-, vallla: p per acre. K-220, Journal. IF YOU WANT TO HELL. BUY OR - TRADE, SEE 8HOEMAKER INV. CO, 624 HENRYRLDG. MAIN 4465,-$ . MYvJJALF ACRE Near Klrland, 6 rooms, prefer Fulton nome. jaoor tuts. A COAST house and Vlot for acreage. v'to" 1 journal. A STORY and Clarke piano;, will trade1 for a lot. I4h t a y- Le- fA ociraa .anytblDaV foard of Trad bldg. i i.-r r un ai.i te radj. price $70; cost $7C. .. K-3S3, Journal. improves at. iema, enrap py owner. Wm. Hell, Washington, bldg. - . ' ' . . i - K VaJ